#future health
diseaseincontext · 1 year
Unveiling the Health Impacts of Climate Change: Insights from Medical Anthropology
Climate change poses significant challenges to human health, affecting communities worldwide. In this blog post, we explore the impact of climate change on health through the lens of medical anthropology, drawing insights from the book "Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology" edited by Brown and Closser (2016). This interdisciplinary field provides valuable perspectives on the complex interactions between climate change, culture, and health. Let's delve into some key points from the book, showcasing the interplay of climate change and health outcomes:
1. Climate Change and Environmental Vulnerabilities:
Medical anthropology highlights how climate change exacerbates existing environmental vulnerabilities, disproportionately affecting marginalized communities. The book emphasizes that vulnerable populations, such as indigenous peoples and those living in poverty, often face heightened health risks due to environmental degradation and climate-related disasters. For example, rising temperatures and extreme weather events can disrupt access to clean water, leading to waterborne diseases and malnutrition, particularly in impoverished regions.
2. Cultural Perceptions and Adaptation:
Understanding cultural perceptions and beliefs is crucial in addressing the health impacts of climate change. Medical anthropology emphasizes the importance of recognizing diverse cultural perspectives and knowledge systems when designing interventions and policies. For instance, indigenous communities possess valuable traditional ecological knowledge that can inform climate change adaptation strategies. By incorporating indigenous wisdom into decision-making processes, it becomes possible to foster resilient and culturally appropriate responses to climate-related health challenges.
3. Mental Health and Climate-Induced Displacement:
Climate change-induced displacement and migration have profound effects on mental health and well-being. The book highlights how environmental disruptions, such as loss of livelihoods or forced relocation, contribute to psychological distress and trauma. Displaced populations may experience anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder as they grapple with the loss of familiar environments, social support networks, and cultural identity. Examining these mental health impacts helps guide interventions that support psychological resilience and community healing.
4. Infectious Diseases and Ecological Transformations:
Climate change influences the distribution and transmission of infectious diseases, presenting complex challenges for public health. Medical anthropology recognizes the interconnections between ecological transformations and disease dynamics. For example, changing temperatures and precipitation patterns can alter vector habitats and increase the spread of vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Understanding these ecological complexities is vital for developing effective prevention and control strategies.
Medical anthropology offers valuable insights into the health impacts of climate change by examining the interplay between culture, environment, and health outcomes. From recognizing environmental vulnerabilities to understanding cultural perceptions and adapting interventions, this interdisciplinary field sheds light on the complexities of climate change and its implications for human well-being. By integrating diverse perspectives, including those of marginalized communities and indigenous knowledge systems, it becomes possible to design contextually relevant strategies for climate change adaptation and mitigation. Moreover, addressing the mental health consequences of climate-induced displacement and considering the ecological transformations that shape disease dynamics are crucial for comprehensive public health responses. Ultimately, by drawing on the principles and knowledge offered by medical anthropology, we can forge a path toward climate-resilient health systems, equitable interventions, and sustainable solutions that prioritize both human well-being and the health of our planet.
Brown, P.J., & Closser, S. (Eds.). (2016). Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology (3rd ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315416175. -> (Highly recommend this read, even if its just a few chapters!)
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miasonwing · 3 months
Trigger Warning: mental health issues, unreliable narrator, breakup
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mixedupmilly · 1 year
Junior Doctors Strike.
Today, the Junior Doctors are embarking on a four-day strike. It is hoped that the Government will take notice and intervene before the situation becomes a disaster. While the NHS and the Government have warned that this strike will put more lives at risk, it is important to note that the healthcare system is already suffering from a shortage of doctors, nurses, and other staff due to Brexit and…
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zoe-oneesama · 3 months
“Therapy is for broken people, and our Adrien is PERFECT!” Aside from the inherent nastiness and problems of BOTH of the independent clauses in that sentence, considering how much Emilie is concerned with her public image as well as her image among the people in her Inner Circle, I wonder how it’ll affect her as she continues to drop little nuggets like that when she starts being seen as (and ESPECIALLY treated as) if not a Boy Mom or an Ableist Mom, at the very least an Innocently Insensitive Mom minus the coddling attitude someone like her would hope “naturally” comes with that title.
I mean, if OG, Canon Emilie went so far as to give herself Magic Wasting Disease by using a broken Miraculous to invent the Perfect™️ Obedient Prodigy Child that Literally Cannot Disobey and Has No "Flaws" instead of, you know...adoption...
I definitely see her as the kind of person who can't handle a "broken" child that might, idk, need some help?
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dushysworld · 2 months
Darakarka(spouse indicator planet) in Vedic Astrology:
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> Darakarka is basically the planet with the lowest degrees in your Vedic Astrological Chart (D1/birth chart).
> Darakarka = your life partner
> To find your Darakarka, all you need to do is check the planet which was at the lowest degrees at the time of your birth.
> Rahu and Ketu being shadow planets are not considered as Darakarka or any kind of other Jaimini karka.
Different planets as Darakarka:
1) Sun as Darakarka:
- Sun as your Darakarka planet means that your spouse is likely going to very reputed, authoritative, regal, leadership oriented, may have a big ego *in some cases*, confident and headstrong individual.
- Sun as Darakarka can also give you a spouse that is older than you. Mostly individuals which are hard to please or convince are seen as the partner of the person whose Sun is at the lowest degrees.
- Sun also gives a bit of extra/additional ego battles within the relationship so this thing is to be noticed and taken care of as it is the only big minus point for someone who has Sun as the Darakarka but apart from all this the spouse is going to be a creative, loyal and a great leader (in their field).
2) Moon as Darakarka:
- Moon as your Darakarka planet gives you a spouse who's going to be very emotional, intuitive, nurturing, caring, sensitive and childish spouse(not literally but will likely be the younger one in the relationship).
- Moon as Darakarka will give you a spouse who is younger than you. Someone with Moon as Darakarka gives you a spouse who is quite sensitive and emotional (might start crying when having an argument).
- Moon as DK will give you a spouse who is intuitively connected to you and you will be able to feel that emotional connection with your spouse mostly. Your spouse will make you content from all spheres emotionally.
3) Venus as Darakarka:
- Venus as your Darakarka planet will give you a spouse who is very fashionable, diplomatic, charismatic , foodie & a balanced spouse. The spouse would also have a lot of friends due to his/her outgoing nature.
- Venus as DK have higher chances of giving you a spouse which is younger than you(in most of the cases). Your spouse might at times hate arguments or fights with you since they like to maintain the peace & harmony within their relationship.
- Venus as DK will give you a spouse who will have a great sense of humor, will know and accept when it's their fault & will also treat you like their King/Queen. More focus here is on the materialistic and spiritual side as your spouse would love to be of service to you.
4) Mercury as Darakarka:
- Mercury as Darakarka planet will give you a spouse who is very talkative, intellectual, lover of gossips, analytical and sharp minded. You will also get a spouse who will love to have late night conversations with you.
- Mercury as DK will give you a younger spouse who will likely be very quick thinker and would talk quite fast *at times*. Your spouse would love to have debate with you at times which will mostly be intellectually stimulating conversations.
- Mercury as DK will also give you a spouse who is a very good communicator and knows how to switch between being an extrovert and an introvert according to the given situation. Also your spouse is likely to be quite hardworking as well and at times might take on too much work.
5) Mars as Darakarka:
- Mars as your Darakarka planet will give you a very physically active, fit, attractive, sensual, short tempered & devoted spouse. The only bad thing about this is that you're spouse can get argumentative or upset very easily due to their short temper.
- Mars as DK most of the times give a spouse that is very active physically. They don't like sitting still and do nothing, and are likely to indulge in different kinds of sports and activities due to their high energy/stamina. *Best Darakarka for someone who wants a spouse that is more sexually active than them*.
- Mars as DK will also give you a spouse who will be very honest, assertive, loyal, proactive & would also be quite touchy with you since their love language is mostly physical. They tend to speak less about love and show it through their actions most of the times.
6) Jupiter as Darakarka:
- Jupiter as your Darakarka planet will give you a spiritual, noble, wise, optimistic, funny, charitable and broad minded spouse. Your spouse would bring good fortune into your life as soon as you meet them or get married.
- Jupiter as DK also blesses you with a spouse who might be older or more mature than you but is likely going to be the "Life of the party" kind of person, who will bring many new changes into your life.
- Jupiter as DK will also give you a spouse who likes travelling, adventures, philosophy and religion etc. They will be quite spiritual and would also be interested in pursuing higher studies (post grad etc).
7) Saturn as Darakarka:
- Saturn as Darakarka planet will give you a serious, humble, soft hearted but rough exterior, hard-working, disciplined, ambitious and a humane spouse. They will have a unique yet one of the best "Resting B**ch Face".
- Saturn as DK will give you a spouse who's quite older than you or on top of that he/she could even be way too mature than you due to having experienced difficulties in childhood.
- Saturn as DK will also give you a spouse who is very intense, passionate, stoic and hard on themselves kind of a person. They will also be quite successful & have a big heart which means they will have Humanitarian qualities to them.
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*Vedic Astrology should be used as a tool to understand more about your hidden self. It's not meant to know just about your future for fun without acknowledging the Present moment*
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permdaydreamer · 1 year
I refuse to believe the best years of my life are behind me. I refuse to believe the best years of my life are right now. I refuse to label my years as being the best of my entire life. Good times are always ahead. I have to believe there are always better times coming.
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geceninbaligi · 1 year
Everybody around me has some kind of dreams, goals for the future.
When I look at the future, it's just an empty darkness.
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lynxgriffin · 2 months
Hiatus Notice
Hi all, didn't want to make this post on my birthday, but I do need to do it now: I'm going to need to take a hiatus from drawing due to my wrist being hurt again.
Anyone who watches my streams knows that I still try and do my stretches while working all the time, so getting hurt again so badly that I can't work at all is nothing short of completely devastating to me. I have spent most of my time crying nonstop about it. All I can do now is the proper next steps...stop and rest, talk to my doctor about it, and hopefully get any physical or massage therapy I need so that I can recover and get back to work ASAP.
I don't know what my timetable for recovery would be right now, but I'm really hoping it's not as long as last time. I just know I won't be able to share any art until I'm better and can draw regularly again.
This just sucks because I already feel like I've been slow at things, and I had multiple things in the works...Eldritchrune comics, and also a project I was working on for the next anniversary. I apologize that it's going to be a wait before I can share any art again...even once I get back into drawing, my job still comes first.
I will update here more once I hopefully know what to do from my doctor, and I can still answer asks, but no art for awhile. I'm so sorry about the wait...trust me when I say this is my biggest nightmare, and I've been an emotional wreck about it.
And artists: please learn from my miseries and take care of yourselves, especially if you draw professionally. Take breaks, stretch frequently, drink lots of water, do NOT overwork, listen to your body, listen to your doctors and therapists. The world doesn't treat us as such, especially nowadays, but you are athletes. Take care of your body the same way an athlete would.
Thanks again for your patience.
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"In a highly-anticipated world-first, the Texas Heart Institute has successfully implanted an artificial titanium heart that uses the same technology as bullet trains to pump blood mechanically throughout the body.
Called the Total Artificial Heart (TAH), the feat is seen as a major step in keeping people alive for longer and longer periods while they wait for heart transplants.
Texas Heart partnered with the medical tech company BiVACOR to create the TAH. It’s a titanium-constructed biventricular rotary blood pump with a single moving part that utilizes a magnetically levitated rotor that pumps the blood and replaces both ventricles of a failing heart.
The benefit of using magnetic levitation is that none of the moving parts ever scrape or slide against each other, reducing friction, and dramatically increasing the longevity of the device. But what’s really cool is the TAH can pump blood at a rate of 12 liters per minute, enough to allow an adult male to engage in exercise.
The first-in-human clinical study, overseen closely by the FDA, aims to evaluate the safety and performance of the BiVACOR TAH as a bridge-to-transplant solution for patients with severe bi or univentricular heart failure. Following this first implantation completed at Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center in the Texas Medical Center, four additional patients are to be enrolled in the study.
“The Texas Heart Institute is enthused about the groundbreaking first implantation of BiVACOR’s TAH. With heart failure remaining a leading cause of mortality globally, the BiVACOR TAH offers a beacon of hope for countless patients awaiting a heart transplant,” said Dr. Joseph Rogers, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Texas Heart Institute and National Principal Investigator on the research.
“We are proud to be at the forefront of this medical breakthrough, working alongside the dedicated teams at BiVACOR, Baylor College of Medicine, and Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center to transform the future of heart failure therapy for this vulnerable population.”
Heart failure is a global epidemic affecting at least 26 million people worldwide, 6.2 million adults in the US, and is increasing in prevalence. Heart transplantations are reserved for those with severe heart failure and are limited to fewer than 6,000 procedures per year globally. Consequently, the US National Institutes of Health estimated that up to 100,000 patients could immediately benefit from mechanical alternatives.
The successful implantation of BiVACOR’s TAH highlights the potential of innovative technologies to address critical challenges in cardiac care, such as long transplantation waitlists.
“This achievement would not have been possible without the courage of our first patient and their family, the dedication of our team, and our expert collaborators at The Texas Heart Institute,” said Daniel Timms, founder and CTO of BiVACOR."
-Article via Good News Network, August 1, 2024. Video via 7News Australia, July 26, 2024.
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punkpandapatrixk · 5 months
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❣️How Abnormal Are You in Love? ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
Don’t be too hard on yourself with this PAC. Everybody in this world’s pretty much abnormal anyway. We all want something that’s extremely rare in this world: Love. Sometimes, we go crazy after mistaking shit for Love. But we all heal. Eventually, we all learn to love more healthily and sanely. And really, that’s all that matters. The crazy is also part of the character development~♥︎
‘Hey, actually, when was it that I began to realise that there’s no such thing as forever? Even so, I’m prouder than anybody else about the fact that the days we spent together were at least not a lie.
Even though it’s true that the length of time we have lived is only slightly different, just the fact that we met, that we loved, though we may never love each other again… I won’t forget.
Hey, why do I still want you by my side, thinking that I won’t do without you, even though this is hurting me so much? Even so, I became a person who could be grateful for the smallest things in life. It’s because, even the most casual of words were so meaningful between us.
Because we met, because we loved, though we may never love each other again…I’ll be fine with turning all of it into proof that I’ll survive, whilst facing all of truth and reality.
I’m just glad that we met. I’m just glad that we loved. Though we may never see each other again… I won’t forget.’
Those are words from Ayumi Hamasaki’s legendary song, LOVE ~Destiny~. At some point in Life, Ayumi said in an interview, ‘I loved one man so much that I destroyed myself.’ I can’t help but think this song could be about…it? Maybe hahah Just a vibe, gals~♡
SONG: LOVE ~Destiny~ by Hamasaki Ayumi
MOVIE: Snakes and Earrings (2008)
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Pile 1 – What I Can’t Let Go Of, Really, Is My Pride…
VIBE: kiss by Chara
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what is, Love? – 4 of Swords
Well, it seems quite obvious your past was somewhat chaotic. I think throughout childhood you felt like you were crossing a battlefield or had to fight the stormy seas all by yourself. Because of this, you deeply crave a Love that can put an end to all of those noises. In fact, it’s only fitting. Deep down you’ve always known that Love is something that’s pure, sweet and gentle; that it’s supposed to put you at ease. You understand that the world is in chaos because nobody has Love in their hearts.
You, never wanted to be like those grownups who were fighting with their own spouses. Even if you’re young, you feel like an Old Soul—the only one who seems to truly understand what Love is and is not. And you see that 99% of people literally don’t know what Love is, let alone how to love right. And you’re afraid. What if you can’t find that one person who can love you right?
Deep in your subconscious, you have these standards and ideals you desperately want to maintain. But nobody you’ve ever met seems to understand where you’re coming from. What you want is something so pure. People are rarely pure of heart, so nobody gets it. And it feels incredibly lonely. And at some point, you might’ve begun to doubt if your standards are even fair…
why do you chase, Love? – King of Wands Rx
So you grew up a bit and began to wonder what might happen if you lower your standards…a bit? You want to experience passion, right? You’re seeing all these peers around you kissing and holding each other and you crave that, too. You know very well it’s not like they’re in love—they’re just silly, infatuated, hormonal fuckers; but you wonder how it would feel to be intimate with someone. To actually have someone want you like that. To be wanted. To be held. To be kissed. To be…loved. No matter how shallowly.
Now you’re willing to look for someone passionate. You could try with a puzzling character. You like that kinda shit. Any kind of an intriguing fucker with some semblance of a mystery; making you curious to dive deep into their side of crazy. How do I figure out your particular brand of bullshit? Anybody you can’t immediately figure out would excite you to a point of insanity. And you thought this was happiness. You thought, this level of excitement surely must be happiness. Perhaps…even Love? Otherwise…
How do you explain this feeling that suddenly strikes, rattling your heartstrings, making you realise that there’s somebody in this world you’d want to care for other than yourself? Just the idea that you even fantasise about growing older with this mysterious fucker… How is this not, Love? And if this isn’t Love…what is? How else are people supposed to know happiness if this excitement alone isn’t enough?
what happens when Love, dies? – 8 of Cups Rx
To begin with, you’re not one to trust easily. It takes a lot for you to allow someone to see your vulnerable side. And when you go in, you go all in. It may not feel like it immediately because you’re cautious, but once you’re in…because you feel sure of someone…you’re in deep. Too deep it feels like you’re drowning in this whole situation, if anything. And you’re proud of how much you’re able to give.
And…you’re generally proud of your boundaries and the standards and ideals you’ve imposed upon yourself and others. So, the fact that you’ve given so much, revealed so much to someone who wouldn’t be there for life, is beyond frustrating. It’s world-shattering, at least. What have I been in this situationship/relationship for if it ain’t gonna last?!?! I can’t just let it die like that! Maybe I’m doing something wrong?! I must’ve! Lest none of this would’ve happened…
When Love dies, it feels so shameful. It’s a shame you trusted the wrong fucker. It’s a shame someone was able to see you that vulnerable. It’s disgusting that you thought this was The One. What was I thinking? Now everything becomes clear. It’s not the loss of that person’s Love you’re crying about. If you’re being honest now, you couldn’t care less that such a loser’s gone from your world. If anything, it’s such a relief. It was just the shock from knowing you made a mistake that made you cry… It’s OK now.
sacrifices I’d made – Green Magus (John Magus)
I’m glad I was able to love – Priestess of Ambition
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Pile 2 – I Can’t Tell If I’m Passionate or Just Immature
VIBE: Boys & Girls by Hamasaki Ayumi
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what is, Love? – Ace of Pentacles Rx
To begin with, you’re not exactly a rational person. Not saying you’re dumb! You just have a lot of passion for something that’s unexpected or foreign. You like mysteries and you aren’t afraid to dip your toe in uncharted waters. This desire could’ve developed from having a childhood that felt constricted tho. I think you grew up surrounded by so many rules and laws and forbidden things and that’s how you developed a taste for, DANGER~
It’s exciting, from time to time, to think about throwing all your caution to the wind and breaking all rules. You want to disappoint. If you’re being honest, you’re damn tired of following everybody’s whims and concerning yourself with their expectations. What about what I want?? You want to live. You want to feel alive. There are so many exciting things outside of your everyday Life, why can’t you have any of that? At some point, you could’ve dreamt of being rescued from your Tower by a handsome daredevil of any kind of a fucker.
If that fucker happens to be handsome and rich, even better. But that doesn’t really matter. You just want someone brave enough to approach you and actually uproot you from your boring Life. Surely, Love can do that to a person…? I don’t need stability, let alone predictability; what I want is a romantic hero who’ll take me on a grand adventure of Love! And if that daredevil happens to be dumb…
why do you chase, Love? – 9 of Swords
In many ways, you’re totally not an innocent person. You want to hurt. If whoever daredevil tries to fulfil your fantasies of being rescued from your miserable Tower happens to be dumb, you’re gonna be having a field trip! XD You want to terrorise and traumatise a person, really. It’s vengeance for all the years that you were serving others. Now, it’s your time to be served. It doesn’t even matter if they don’t worship you. You’re ready to find another dumbfuck to toy with. You’re hardly ever sincere anyway~
Why bother with sincerity? Ever since you were a kid, you’ve observed that none of the adults you knew was ever sincere. What even is Love? I think you know of it conceptually. But what exactly is its purpose? What exactly is so good about it? And how? How exactly must one be in order to attain it? You don’t believe in it some days. You deeply crave it some days. You could die for it some days. You want others to die for your Love most days.
Life is confusing. Love is confusing. Sex is easy. Money is easy. Food and jewelleries are easy. Let’s live easily. Life is exhausting if you think too much about everything that could go wrong. I’m done feeling terrible about my own existence, so I want someone to spin me around and make me forget. That’s ideal. Is generally your motto when chasing… Love♡
what happens when Love, dies? – 8 of Wands Rx
You don’t care about it. You don’t particularly care about losing people. It’s expected. If anything, because you’re never serious with quite anybody anyway, ghosting is the best way to go about it. You’re the type to ghost, block, and you don’t even mind if you’re the one ghosted or blocked. Basically, you just don’t want any contact with someone you’ve lost interest in anyway. So that only makes it easier for you.
In many ways, I think you sometimes regret being this kind of a callous person. There are days you wonder if you’ll become someone more sincere. You’ve wondered what it would take to actually love someone. To actually be loved back. Surely that must be so nice. You want to be happy, honestly. But it feels like a distant daydream. You don’t particularly understand how two people can be happy living together. After all, you find people exhausting most of the time.
All you know is that you’ve lived with yourself for the longest time. And if you have to compromise or sacrifice anything…you’re not willing. You’ve sacrificed shit before, a looong time ago, and you got nothing back in return. You gave someone a rose and they gave you back thorns and strangled you with it. Surely that can’t be happiness. Two people who don’t know how to love can’t be happy together. Life is better lived alone.
sacrifices I’d made – Red Alchemist (John Dee)
I’m glad I was able to love – Priestess of Innocence
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Pile 3 – Damn, Why’s Everybody Crying for Love?
VIBE: Sunglasses by Utada Hikaru
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what is, Love? – 2 of Cups Rx
Uhm…you’re a comical Pile for sure. Your psychology is so complex, although it’s also super straightforward (to you), but some people are not gonna have an easy time figuring out if you’re sincere or not. Most of us have got a lot of exposure to tragical romance, right? A lot of people get deep and insane in Love. And here you are wondering why everybody’s crying for Love. Why is everybody suffering in the name of Love? That’s not Love. People are silly for falling continuously for the wrong people. It’s all a Game for them. Me? I don’t play games.
But you do! Everybody does when it comes to falling in Love, to various extents. That’s what’s really fun about falling in Love. If you could face yourself, you’d realise you have a bit of a God-complex within this context. In the sense that…because Love and romance actually aren’t such a big deal to you, and somehow, you have an almost all-too-natural inclination to attract the right people, you can’t really empathise with those who cry in the name of Love.
For some though, if the above doesn’t really resonate, you’re the type that has an innate understanding that you must protect yourself from falling into those tragical romantic setups. You have a highly developed sense of boundary and you keep high standards for what kind of a romantic relationship you want. You’re kinda similar to Pile 1 in this case, but you most likely haven’t experienced sacrificing your standards for, EXPERIENCE~
why do you chase, Love? – 10 of Wands
In comparison to certain types of people in the world, you’re not exactly a dreamy type. When it comes to relationships you think straight towards building a matrimony with someone. You’re a traditionalist in a sense. You’re the based kid who knows that a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship is a training ground for a marriage. You think long-term. You’re realistic like that. But the problem is…you’re totally missing out on the passion of Love itself.
You don’t really see your partner(s) for the person—the Human—that they are. You care only for the practical, pragmatic facts surrounding their reputation or status or whether or not their physical appearance is decent enough. Stuff like that. And the dreamy ones who look at you, look at you with a pang of sadness in their chest, for although you seem responsible and blessed…you appear to them as someone who looks at another with an eye of business.
You’re the type that thinks love is an investment. An investment of attention, affection, time and money, and all that shit. That’s not Love; that’s something to be exchanged at the market. The dating market, OMG~
‘Freedom and love go together. Love is not a reaction. If I love you because you love me, that is mere trade, a thing to be bought in the market; it is not love. To love is not to ask anything in return, not even to feel that you are giving something—and it is only such love that can know freedom.’ – Jiddu Krishnamurti
what happens when Love, dies? – 6 of Pentacles
When Love dies, you celebrate. You’re wise enough to know that Life doesn’t end just because you broke up with somebody, even in terms of friendship. You’re spiritually mature enough to know you’ve learnt from the experience, and now, you’re just going to prepare for the next big thing to experience. Life goes on without a hitch like that for you, for the most part. I can’t tell if you’re really that spiritually mature or you just don’t give a fuck about emotions LMAO
Not saying you’re a bad person, btw. It just seems like you haven’t got a lot of crazy in your birth chart or that you haven’t experienced a lot of sorrows and soul-shattering heartbreaks, so…it’s kinda just a matter of not having, PERSPECTIVE? Coupled with the fact that you take Life very unseriously seriously…? Like, you’re serious about not being an asshole and wanting to do the socially right thing, but in doing so, you become an annoying insincere jackass in the lives of those who have (or will) dated you XDD
Basically, you’re not the type to get super crazy heartbroken when a relationship ends. You’ve got all of these other blessings anyway. Why would you focus on just the negative, right? In a sense, I believe that’s an incredible spiritual maturity which others are still struggling to figure out XD But yeah…rather than this being something abnormal about you, I think it’s just that your Higher Self designed for you not to experience the dramatic highs and lows of immature romance HAHAH
sacrifices I’d made – Gold Alchemist (Roger Bacon)
I’m glad I was able to love – Priestess of Luck
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 months
ADHD Guid:
Difficulty Winding Down and Relaxing
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Future ADHD
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haleyincarnate · 9 months
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But for the time it is here, in my chest, it is endless.
Today is one of those dark days. My chest a cavern, loneliness the echo radiating throughout it. Outside my window is a beautiful day full of unobscured blue sky and sunlight, a crisp chill in the wind, and I am sitting solid behind the glass. Watching. The root of dark wedged deep into the soil of my mind. I am aching to feel warmth, wholeness.
I might not find it here in me today but I know it exists. Even the most awe-striking of places battle bad weather.
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zichiwatchesyou · 2 months
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I feel like a horrible person for saying this but watching characters that I absolutely adore being in pain and stress gives me intense satisfaction
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histhoughtslately · 2 months
Whatever will be, will be…
#que sera sera
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dushysworld · 3 months
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Marriage(your significant other) pt 1- 7th house & 7th lord:
- Marriage in any chart can be seen from the D1 chart and if someone is denied marriage in the D1, they can still check D9 out because it confirms everything that D1 denies at times.
- Planets like Sun, Saturn, Ketu and Rahu are considered to be bad when placed in the 7th house or with the seventh lord.
- Sun will cause ego battles and the spouse could even be very authoritative within the relationship, Saturn will delay the process of marriage if alone *spouse could be older or more mature*, Mars will give an aggressive spouse(could even be energetic) or there will be constant arguments , Ketu will cause detachment from spouse or give you a detached (spiritual) spouse, Rahu will cause illusions within the partnership that at times explicit affair is also seen with Rahu in 7th or with 7th lord.
- On the other hand if Jupiter, Mercury, Moon, Venus are placed in the 7th house or with the 7th lord then benefic results can be expected.
Jupiter(in the 7th or with 7th lord) gives a very wise, mature and responsible spouse, Mercury tends to make a person date a lot & sometimes it can even give you a very understanding and talkative yet smart partner, Moon gives a very nurturing & caring spouse with childlike emotions and even expressions while Venus gives a fashionable & rich spouse. Venus also brings satisfaction and happiness to your relationship.
- Now if your want to know more about your spouse then go check your D9 as well and see the nakshatras in which planets are in the 7th house or with the 7th lord. Also its important to check which nakshatra 7th lord is in as this will impact their characteristics and your marriage life the most.
- For example: if your 7th lord is in Ashlesha nakshatra, you're very likely to get a very possessive, intellectual, sensual, witty and charismatic spouse who will always be by your side & will be one of the most loyal partner someone could ask for (ashlesha influenced do be like that).
- It is also very important to check if 7th lord or Darakarka planet is sitting in the Dushthana houses like 6,8,12 as this sometimes brings on challenges within the relationship but nonetheless makes the marriage even stronger and better due to those hardships.
- Whenever the 7th lord or even Darakarka planet gets placed in the Kendra houses or Trikona then it is truly a blessing and a good position for it as this shows that your life partner is going to be a good luck to you and not something karmic to deal with.
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can we stop the trend of putting traumatized and mentally unstable characters into romantic relationships as their “happy endings”?
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