#fuck grimm
cometblaster2070 · 3 months
ill say this giles grimm is a better man than I could ever be; because the first thing I would've done the second that babbling curse was broken would be to send my idiot brother to fucking jail or something for yk LOCKING ME IN THE BASEMENT FOR YEARS.
or at the least kick him really really fucking hard in the shins yk.
in an earlier post i mentioned how i'd like to see a full eah episode one day that solely consists of raven beating the shit out of milton grimm for 5 straight minutes but now I'm thinking that we get giles in on this too; I think it would serve as a form of therapy for the two of them, maybe even a strange, cathartic bonding experience.
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under-lok-n-ki · 4 months
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saying a mean thing DOES hurt more gilly has a point
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keymintt · 20 days
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dog handler, beekeeper
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lonleyhumanbeing · 4 months
I’m rereading Carry On for the 4th time in less than 18 months and here are some things that stuck out to me. I was reading around a friend and they were so suprised about how into the story I was. But it’s Simon and Baz and Penelope and Agatha. How could you read it and not be fully engrossed? Anyways:
Simon and Agatha didn’t believe for a second Simon would live past this year. That’s why she broke up with him, because she thought she was dating a future funeral.
Penelope is in denial about Simon’s fragility. She believes that Simon would manage to live through the Humdrum if she also fights hard enough.
Simon- Baz’s-eyes-are-the-shade-of-gray-that-happens-when-you-mix-dark-blue-and-dark-green-together Snow.
Simon is obsessed with Baz because Baz represents what the Mage is fighting against. Dark creatures, the Old Families, power. He notices all that as a rebellion.
Also, head over heels in love. But we’ll get to that.
The Mage did everything to fix Simon. Instead of, I don’t know, being a good dad, he became headmaster, did away with the oral exams, reformed the entry so anyone (Simon) could enter, made Simon his heir, gave Simon his sword and wand, started raiding homes for artifacts to fix a child HE broke and made numpties kidnap Baz, and tried to get Simon away from Watford so Simon wouldn’t hear any visitings. Just keep the kid around, man.
Fuck the Mage.
Rainbow putting 3 straight chapters of Baz’s POV is such a good move. She was obsessed with him, Simon was too, and the world deserved as much Baz as we could get.
I will forever love how the millisecond we get Baz reflecting on himself, we get the line “And I’m hopelessly in love with him”.
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moux-xe · 5 months
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baz art style study that i struggled with SO FUCKING HARD 😭😭
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sandwichhsk · 7 months
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biggest flex i share the same birthday as him
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jellysmudge · 1 year
Top 10 Grimm Scenes: the episode in early season one when Monroe says, “Well, I sniffed her out,” and Nick responds with “Good boy ;)” and Monroe looks absolutely fucking appalled.
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cometblaster2070 · 2 months
if milton grimm has 0 haters you can just assume I'm dead and buried and 6 feet under because there is nothing here on god's green earth that can ever convince to like or even tolerate that man or forgive him for the numerous human rights laws he's violated bye.
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keymintt · 2 months
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let's give it up for fucked-up mouth friday !!!!
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green5quirrel · 6 months
TL;DR: I think Monroe's striking and chiming clocks were underutilized for truly hilarious interruptions when the hour strikes and 5 or so clocks announce it in sync.
I think we've all looked over a very important detail in Nick having stayed over at Monroe's for a time. I feel like I REALLY want someone to explore this in a fanfiction of some sort.
Monroe has several "striking" clocks in his house. A striking clock (or just clock for those who differentiate clocks as striking and timepieces as non-striking) makes sounds every hour, half hour, or can chime every quarter hour depending on the number of mechanisms.
Monroe obviously has a grandfather clock (or grandmother clock as I'm not sure the height of it) thanks to him telling Hap not to touch it. So that is definitely a striking and chime clock. Or has the potential to be as such if it's not silenced. He also has potentially more than one cuckoo clock.
Can you imagine the absolute terror of a person who has never been in a house with more than one striking clock as it hits the hour or half hour for the first time.
Now, ideally Monroe will have silenced most of his clocks. I don't know. I don't have any working clocks. I don't know how most horologists do things at their private homes. If they find the striking nostalgic or welcomed. But let's err on the side that Monroe has been living alone for a long time and actually does find a few chimes and striking nostalgic after growing up with it as his dad seemed to also be into clocks.
Let's layer this with the fact that Nick has very sensitive hearing (though I'm not sure when that happens. I could have my timelines wrong). Despite that, you're just getting to sleep at around 11pm or midnight and for some reason have been oblivious to or accepting of the chimes during the day. Or this is your first night in your friend, Monroe's, house and suddenly the first floor below you erupts in various chimes and tunes.
Can you imagine?!
I'm actually kind of astounded that this was never properly explored in the. In not one scene does any of Monroe's clocks strike despite how long everyone is at his house. I mean, if I had clocks I'd at least appreciate one of them striking.
The point is, I really want to either write or read a fanfiction where either Rosalee or Nick or Hank experiences the sound of an hour in the most unexpected way and grumpily complains to a completely and adorably oblivious Monroe.
(It would also have been a great gag if in the middle of a dramatic conversation it struck the top of the hour and Monroe patiently waits for his clocks to sound off before continuing. And Nick/whoever he's talking to is just like "Seriously dude?" And he's like, "What? ...fine! I'll silence them. Jeez! I didn't ask you to be here anyway, man!")
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dat-is-i · 1 year
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hey, did you know that grimm is my favourite hollow knight character i bet you didn't know that
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stardustasincocaine · 10 months
Day 1 - creature
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It’s time for COC(k)!!
…..sorry, Rainbow.
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cometblaster2070 · 4 months
i think another reason why i REALLY love the eah shannon hale books (aside from how generally amazing they are) is how shannon hale expands more on the royal and rebel problem.
like in the show, we don't really explore the sides of the royals and rebels beyond the usual stance of whether they go against following their stories and support raven, or whether they want to follow their stories and condemn raven for not signing and starting the entire rebel movement.
but in the books i love how shannon hale expands upon the sheer amount of utter classism present in the eah world, and especially present in this school; perfectly encapsulating how those in power are very, very concerned about keeping this brand of classism ongoing, about keeping that divide between the 'Royals' and the 'Commoners' apparent.
just the little details of the royals and the commoners having different seats in the auditorium, with the royals having comfortable padded seats as opposed to the commoners having more uncomfortable and hard chairs, how they both have different common rooms; just the little details in general which highlight how the entire concept of destinies and signing the book and legacies is a system that is established in order to keep this classism going.
the legacy system honestly just breeds more of this classism; it tells the royals they are above the commoners and it tells them about how they deserve the happy endings and the prince charmings and the glittering gold palaces, and it tells the commoners of their place beneath the royals and firmly shows them the differences between themselves and the royals and how the commoners should be happy and complacent with the endings that they get.
overall, it tells both of these groups to simply accept what is being presented to them; presents the narrative that change is unfamiliar and dangerous and bad, and as such, they should never question their system and should instead just be happy with what they get, because, surely, this system is fair, so it just ends up being what they deserve.
hell, even the fact that before raven basically formed the royal/rebel movement, people were simply separated on the basis of being royals and commoners; it could literally not be made more obvious.
anyways, i just love the way shannon hale's books expand on this and i love how you can very clearly see the ignorance present in the eah world and how everyone's worldview is turned on its head because of raven and her actions 10/10.
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keymintt · 5 months
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the "b" in bf stands for "bee"
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critter-wizard · 11 months
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