#NBC Grimm
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theinnermostsanctum · 11 months ago
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charliewrites99 · 10 months ago
Season 1 of Grimm:
Every Wesen @ Monroe: Oh my god, you can't be friends with a Grimm! They are our mortal enemies! They killed so many of our own! You should be ashamed-
Monroe: Ok, listen I know, but he is absolutely useless. This man doesn't know anything about anything. It's literally the saddest most pathetic thing I have ever seen. And he can't speak German.
Nick in the background getting his ass handed to him by a wesen he has never seen before, which didn't stop him from getting into a fistfight anyway.
Monroe: He is different I swear...I can change him... YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!
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mantaxrayz · 4 months ago
Grimm fan in 2024?! Haha funny- funnyy (im loosing my mind i need more grimm content-)
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fourteendaysinaweek · 5 months ago
Nick: 'oh no we're doomed by the narrative' maybe you are but I'm the narrative's favorite
Nick: update that's not a good thing
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wesen-grimmopedia · 1 year ago
The Grimm writers were so real for making a wesen whose name directly translates to “bloodbath” and then giving us the softest cardigan wearing, cello playing, vegetarian clockmaker.
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spiritxbone · 8 months ago
Just thinking about how Nick’s entire arc depended on Monroe’s kindness to him. Just think about it. Nick identified him as Wessen and immediately arrested him and accused him of kidnapping. Without Monroe, Nick’s only resource for the Wessen world would be the trailer, and he would quickly fall into his grandfather’s philosophy. And seeing so many Wessen in his homicide investigations, the biases would be enforced.
And Monroe, despite being raised on the same horror stories about Grimm, and never meeting one before, decides to guide Nick in his case. He decides to extend the first olive branch. He’s not the former villain turned morally gray sidekick. He’s just an undoubtedly good guy.
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shananiga · 2 months ago
The Grimm fandom better have a roaring comeback when the movie comes out (fingers crossed that it doesn't get shut down halfway through development). I want more gay rarepairs to hyperfixate on.
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loluy · 9 months ago
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I guess you don’t need to be a Hexenbiest to be a witch. - Nick
You don’t have to be a witch to work this kind of magic. - Adalind
Because under different circumstances, i think you and i could have really had some fun. (Adalind)
Гримм/Grimm (2011-2017)
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anonymousmoth43 · 10 months ago
Pinning your boyfriend to the forest ground and kinda rolling off and then your boyfriend straight up calling out the tension is such boyfriend behavior
Season 1 episode 19 of Grimm:
Grimm training, he tackles Monroe and the sit there talking with Nick pinning him and then after like a minute of sharing breath because they're so close Monroe goes "Alright now get up, this is getting awkward"
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crack-canon · 10 months ago
Ah man, there's gotta be more fics about Nick wearing Monroe's clothes to the precint during winter months cuz they're big and cozier
I wanna see his Wesen coworkers react in surprise when they see a peek of a claiming mark on his neck. Yeah they knew Nick was a grimm who was on their sde but never expected him to actually get with a Wesen
They know it's a blutbad that's for sure from both the scent and the style of mate claiming but they can't help but wonder who it is.
Perhaps when the other Wesen coworkers first caught a whiff of blutbad on him nearly everday, they began to betting pool to see how long it would take for this unknown Blutbad to claim the Grimm
Was it rather strange and very dangerous for everyone? Yeah. But it was it one hell of an uproar when Nick came to work one day subtly reeking of sex with a claiming bite high above his jacket collar for the world to see
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theinnermostsanctum · 11 months ago
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jellysmudge · 1 year ago
Top 10 Grimm Scenes: the episode in early season one when Monroe says, “Well, I sniffed her out,” and Nick responds with “Good boy ;)” and Monroe looks absolutely fucking appalled.
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alannacouture · 1 year ago
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The enduring female friendships of the women of Grimm will always make me happy (that, and their casual, all the time drinking 🍷)
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fourteendaysinaweek · 5 months ago
Monroe: so you're telling me you can't die?
Nick: no, I'm telling you I can't stay dead. There's a difference.
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wesen-grimmopedia · 1 year ago
I’m going to pretend that I’m not going feral for Grimm after starting to rewatch it, and that I’m definitely not slightly distressed by the lack of active fandom this show has.
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green5quirrel · 1 year ago
TL;DR: I think Monroe's striking and chiming clocks were underutilized for truly hilarious interruptions when the hour strikes and 5 or so clocks announce it in sync.
I think we've all looked over a very important detail in Nick having stayed over at Monroe's for a time. I feel like I REALLY want someone to explore this in a fanfiction of some sort.
Monroe has several "striking" clocks in his house. A striking clock (or just clock for those who differentiate clocks as striking and timepieces as non-striking) makes sounds every hour, half hour, or can chime every quarter hour depending on the number of mechanisms.
Monroe obviously has a grandfather clock (or grandmother clock as I'm not sure the height of it) thanks to him telling Hap not to touch it. So that is definitely a striking and chime clock. Or has the potential to be as such if it's not silenced. He also has potentially more than one cuckoo clock.
Can you imagine the absolute terror of a person who has never been in a house with more than one striking clock as it hits the hour or half hour for the first time.
Now, ideally Monroe will have silenced most of his clocks. I don't know. I don't have any working clocks. I don't know how most horologists do things at their private homes. If they find the striking nostalgic or welcomed. But let's err on the side that Monroe has been living alone for a long time and actually does find a few chimes and striking nostalgic after growing up with it as his dad seemed to also be into clocks.
Let's layer this with the fact that Nick has very sensitive hearing (though I'm not sure when that happens. I could have my timelines wrong). Despite that, you're just getting to sleep at around 11pm or midnight and for some reason have been oblivious to or accepting of the chimes during the day. Or this is your first night in your friend, Monroe's, house and suddenly the first floor below you erupts in various chimes and tunes.
Can you imagine?!
I'm actually kind of astounded that this was never properly explored in the. In not one scene does any of Monroe's clocks strike despite how long everyone is at his house. I mean, if I had clocks I'd at least appreciate one of them striking.
The point is, I really want to either write or read a fanfiction where either Rosalee or Nick or Hank experiences the sound of an hour in the most unexpected way and grumpily complains to a completely and adorably oblivious Monroe.
(It would also have been a great gag if in the middle of a dramatic conversation it struck the top of the hour and Monroe patiently waits for his clocks to sound off before continuing. And Nick/whoever he's talking to is just like "Seriously dude?" And he's like, "What? ...fine! I'll silence them. Jeez! I didn't ask you to be here anyway, man!")
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