afsosville · 2 days
LiuShen // character design from the rus edition
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and NYY😠 reminds me a lot of SJ😾 in the new illustrations
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associative series SJ 🐱 NYY 🐯 MF🦁
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afsosville · 2 days
Shen Jiu, if he was actually a competent shizun
My HC for how Shen Jiu is like with kids without trauma/healed trauma and shit: Honestly with a person like Shen Jiu, I can only see his interactions with kids going one of two ways, him being so very fond of them, and ofc, how he's like in canon. Ok look, in the third book under Shen Jiu's character description, it said that Shen Jiu definitely had more reasons to relate to Luo Binghe than to hate him yet he still chose violence for some fucked up reason. So yes, I for one headcanon that when he's in a better place mentally, he would choose to be doting and fiercely protective. We've seen that he's capable of being like that with Ning Yingying (and Qiu Haitang), and it's not outwardly obvious, but we can see it with the way she behaves around Shen Yuan when she thinks that's still Shen Jiu. She definitely acts like a spoiled younger sister/daughter who looks up to her guardian and shows a great amount of trust in him. So just imagine if that was extended to all of his disciples.
No coz if he was spared enough kindness for him to actually want to do better, he would choose the first option and emphasize with LBH instead BECAUSE smn gave HIM a chance and emphasized with HIM. LBH and SJ are parallels, and so whatever happens to SJ, it would be reflected onto LBH.
I am dead. I am so dead. I'm bleeding out so fast and goddammit it HURTS- SJ and LBH's whole story hurts sm.
I kinda like to imagine that when Shen Jiu's heart settles on the fact that maybe, just maybe, bleeding on ppl who didn't cut him and taking his hurt out on LBH is a no good very bad idea, he's going to end up over compensating for his whole fucking childhood and the way he projects on him is completely flipped.
"I'm going to treat you the way I wanted to be treated and ur going to feel loved and safe do you hear me?!?"
"Yes shizun (*^v^*)"
Here's the thing, he may be fond of his disciples, but he is still shit at taking care of them. He was robbed of his own childhood, so he doesn't know what normal kids act like in the first place. And he has no idea what the typical stages of development are and he would totally underestimate how dumb kids who didn't grow up like him would be. So yeah, shit at babysitting but loves them anyhow, for the same reason he would hate them in canon. (They remind him too much of himself). Idk, him being bad with kids regardless of trauma is so funny to me.
That moment when it clicks for him that he may not hate them after all: "oh gods these brats actually like…me? Me? Fuck what the hell do I do?! This is why no one should trust me with kids Aghhhhh!! Still think they're brats tho :( but they're my brats >:) "
He'd be like Shifu from Kung Fu Panda as a shizun. He's strict, harsh as hell and shows no mercy when training, coz becoming a cultivator/martial artist is fucking hard and requires alot of discipline anyway. So he really is doing his best to make sure his disciples come out on top. Shen Jiu is a prideful person by nature, it's just that his disciples are his pride. He's always there for them when they need him, and he will make sure that none of his disciples will ever have to go through anything he has. He wants to be the reliable adult that his disciples seek out. (He will never let it be known that he seeks his disciples' approval and validation as much as they seek his.)
Really fucking specific but idgaf. My social teacher brought chocolate bars to class and gave them out one time. After a few moments she asked if everyone was enjoying themselves. After she heard us agree she went on a lesson about slave labour and the production of goods in underdeveloped countries. Shen Jiu. Would do this. Because he’s a madman.
And Binghe. He would still end up a little unhinged. Like sure being under a master that abuses you will fuck you up one way but if you had a guardian who will start genocides and watch cities burn for you… It does things.
Shen Jiu is morally ambiguous as fuck and that rubs off onto his disciples. He is still a terrible role model, but his kids wouldn't trade him for the world:)
Would be the type that gives 5 yr olds knives for birthdays, bc he had a shit ton of them hidden away on his person when he was that age and knew how to use them when he was on the streets.
“What? It's an appropriate gift! The kid needs to have smt to protect herself! Yeah I know she didn’t grow up on the streets so what? No need to rub it in. Ok fine! I’ll teach her then just shut up. Let’s go Yan-er, some people just don’t appreciate the value of giving practical gifts WAIT PUT THAT DOWN-”
Is this lowkey self indulgent? Yes. Do I particularly care? No. I just want my favourite blorbos to be happy, is that too much to ask for? My Roman Empire is that SJ probably could've been a crazy good shizun if he had a chance to heal. If you've read The Hidden Flower, then you know exactly what I mean.
I already made a post with all of the soft BingJiu fics ik. I could literally make another one rn where they're just chilling platonically, or even as an adoptive family bc I have no chill like that and read all the SJ fics there is to read.
It's already summer and all I have going for me is my job rn and I am sooooo close to going through all nearly 400 pages under the SJ tag coz I simply can.
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afsosville · 3 days
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Scum Villain's Ace Attorney
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afsosville · 4 days
Imagine Shen yuan building a nest: This here, that there, THIS IN THE MIDDLE -he is holding in his beak, a very disgruntled Shen jiu.- now, perfect.
*he sits down on Shen jiu like a mamabird, tucking Shen jiu back under each time he struggles to get away from this incessant broody bird of his.*
Shen Jiu: I'm going down to the brothel- Shen Yuan: Oh no you aren't mister. Just where do you think you're going? It's bedtime for you. I'm going to tuck you under my wing and under this blanket and that blanket and you WILL stay there.
Shen Jiu: Wakes up from a nightmare Shen Yuan: Shoves warmed milk down Shen Jiu's throat Shen Yuan: starts warbling a lullaby Shen Jiu: I'm not an actual baby hmph Shen Jiu: Why am I getting sleepy...
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afsosville · 4 days
Awwwee that is so cutee animal therapy works wonders
A twist on the Shen Yuan transmigrates into PIDW as an animal
Shen Yuan transmigrates into PIDW as a spiritual crane or dragon and ends up becoming Shen Qingqiu's mount. Instead of Shen Jiu taking a carriage everywhere (or even flying on his sword), he's riding Shen Yuan everywhere.
And if you dare insult Shen Jiu when Shen Yuan is around (which is always), Shen Yuan puffs up like an angry mama and you better start running away like hell.
You know those pics of chickens adopting all sorts of baby animals? But make the baby be Shen Jiu. And Shen Yuan sees Shen Jiu as such as baby to be protected that Shen Jiu should be carried around instead of walking around on his own two feet much less flying around.
Shen Yuan: This is the scum villain?! Shen Yuan: But this is also my baby. Must Protect Baby.
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afsosville · 6 days
If the peak lords are supposed to be a "family," then it's a toxic one with SJ as the scapegoat.
I also believe with every fiber of my being that the previous generation was just as toxic (because how the hell do you decide to peace out to the heavens when it's clear as day that your students aren't ready to handle such responsibilities? They're really out here acting like spoiled children who can't even be bothered to check out a few rumors to see if their true, and basically scapegoating the most vulnerable one in their 'family'. SJ has no family, no backing, a ruined cultivation, a lifetime of trauma from his time as a slave to an abusive master, and a past filled with crimes he was forced to commit for his own survival. His trial is a very clear indication of how easily exploited his past is. I sometimes wonder if classism plays a role in SJ's treatment. That the others realize subconsciously that his 'other' rather than 'one of them'.). Like, were they more interested in ascending as fast as possible rather than actually paying attention to what the fuck was going on in their own sect? The animosity was present and very noticeable, so their response is to just let it fester instead of doing anything about it?
Also, shen Jiu is a chameleon. He mimicks the mannerisms of others as a survival mechanism in whichever environment he finds himself in, so if his an abusive teacher in a scholarly setting then he must have learned it from someone (side eyes SJ's shizun).
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afsosville · 7 days
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b9 but they have a happy and somewhat healthy relationship (byuan)
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afsosville · 8 days
b9 kiss
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bingjiu u are always on my mind!!
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afsosville · 8 days
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Who’s laughing now huh >:)
Also lesbians
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Swimsuit catalogue - 1
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afsosville · 10 days
kitty hybrid shen twins found a warm place to sleep 💕
for the freeform jiuyuan prompt
my seventh prompt for @SVSSSAction's Gotcha for Gaza, thank you all for donating!
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afsosville · 10 days
What do you mean by Shen Jiu being female-coded? /genq
Hello! To preface, in a lot of fandom spheres calling any cis gendered character "[gender]-coded" tends to be negative, usually to highlight poor writing or usage of harmful stereotypes, i.e., male-coded women being arrogant and demeaning to other women or female-coded men being sensitive and the butt of jokes among other men. However, there are instances where it is done and, rather than promote negative gender stereotypes it rather... Emphasises a masculine and feminine natures that resonate with people.
I am not always good with words, but there is [gender]-coded that is basically thinly veiled sexism and there is [gender]-coded that is simply nature. Think along the terms of pre Christian colonialism, where many cultures and religions have masculine energy and feminine energy defined outside of biological gender.
I see SJ as female coded because of how the fandom reacts/reacted to him. We don't got a lot of info on him, canon wise, at least not without heavy (and unreliable) bias. But there is a stark difference to how fandom treats him compared to the other men in the story.
And I don't mean in the sense of "he deserved what he got/he deserved so much better" discourse that surrounds him, but how fandom understands him.
Depending on where you fall, the degree of SJ's childhood trauma could range from demeaning slavery with a historically usual amount of abuse and demands to underage sexual abuse and torture. Regardless, the common thread is that men have control over his autonomy. Men (and nobility) dictate what he does, how he dresses, what he will receive, and how others percieve him. This is something SJ does not escape, even when he becomes a Peak Lord, although the degree has lessened by this time. He fails not just because of his actions, but due to the words and judgement of people who only see him on surface level and, thus, scrutinise his every action as "evidence" to their preconceived judgement.
And boy does fandom run with this!
And it makes sense because, a huge portion of danmei demographics are women... Women who understand all too well the dangers a negative statement can have on their livlihood.
This is why Shen Jiu is female coded, to me. Qui Jianluo, Wu Yanzi, Yue Qingyuan, Luo Binghe, even Shen Yuan, etc etc all, in some way, have taken his autonomy. QJL and WYZ did it with their abuse and power over him, YQY did it by undermining him and placating him (while allowing the bad rumours and his bad behaviours to persist), LBH through his revenge (literally crippled him), Shen Yuan quite literally takes over his body and has no regard for its treatment for most of the story.
In fandom, I think its telling that Qi Qingqi, Mu Qingfan, and Liu Qingge also feature as a prominent antaongist that contribute to Shen Jiu's abysmal reputation. Unfortunately, the three kinds of people women should feel protected by and safe with- other women, doctors, and those who uphold justice- are some of the main contributors to the problems they face. They aren't taken seriously, they're ostracised or put down, they're ignored or labeled as over emotional.
Its also telling that, for most fanfics/discussions/art/etc where Shen Jiu is "redeemed" or given a second chance, the main reason why he suceeds is because others listen to him. They let him have a voice and respect it. He is able to advocate for himself and not be torn down or turned away. And if he is, usually there's a man that stands by his side and acts as the "ally" or "bridge" that gets people taking him seriously.
Or, him being attached to a well-respected man is enough for people to change their opinions. Fandom can't help but reflect real life in their works.
So, with all that being said... I understand that there's going to be people who think this is a "bad take" because I rely so heavily on how the fandom portrays Shen Jiu, and that's fine. There will always be Bible-thumpers in every piece of media we consume, and they're here for good reason. But I consume stories for the feelings they evoke and the influence they have on others. People make connections, that's just what we do, and this is the connection I made.
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afsosville · 13 days
Thinking abt how well Shen Jiu would do as a Lan. He'd fit right in, actually.
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This is solely based on the fact that I've just read the first book of mdzs but I'll get thru the rest eventually lmao. From what I've read so far the Lan Clan is literally Qing Jing 2.0, and that the elders would appreciate smn with a demeanor like SJ's. LWJ and SJ friendship works out so well in my head shhhhhh.
His hairpin is shaped like plum blossoms idk I just like giving SJ plum blossom motifs.
Oh and here's a few fics with Lan Clan SJ!
Creating bed opportunities by Shenjiu
Adoption by I_dont_know_anything_im_sorry
On the cloud (recesses) by Peerless_Immortal
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afsosville · 14 days
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Fic: Spite My Way To Happiness
Shen Qingqiu is determined to have his revenge against Qiu Jianluo and Wu Yanzi. The best way to do that? Make sure nothing of those monsters’ legacies remains. Not even Shen Jiu’s own jealousy.
Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Relationship: Original Luo Binghe/Shen Jiu | Original Shen Qingqiu
Additional Tags: Character Study, Fix-It, Canon Divergence
Status: Complete
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56740990
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afsosville · 15 days
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SJ wants understand!
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afsosville · 16 days
Luo Binghe: Find yourself someone who loves you the way my husband pushes me off a cliff. Without hesitation. With full confidence in your abilities, with the rock-steady belief that your relationship can handle it, and with complete faith that when you come crawling out of the Endless Abyss, assuming you survive, you will totally forgive them for the push. Almost certainly forgive them. Probably.
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afsosville · 18 days
Listen, ik BingJiu is basically a breeding ground for dead doves but ISTFG that this fandom is just not seeing things the way I do. And so here I am spreading the soft BingJiu agenda coz they both need to be honestly and wholeheartedly loved so fuck canon just let them love each other PLEASE.
Anyways, does anyone have cute BingJiu recs? I can't seem to find anymore so I'm here now lol. Here's all the ones ik:
Lost my heart to you (there in the dark, under the stars) by Saccharinings
You are not alone, not anymore by Elis98
Goodbye, my past reality by Elis98
Unconventional baby trapping by Munyusz
The father-in-law in unknowingly the bride? I must train hard to become best husband! by Munyusz
Bamboo, fire, and ink by Draconili
Ghost SJ by Unknown103User
Once upon a winter morning by NazakiSama166
Do I really need to give you away...? by Ivy_Aishi
Have a nice day! by Ehann
An easy lie by Nythtak
Rustling leaves by Jeejaschocolate
Two lillies blackened, two lilies grey by Texturralize
Honestly, it's like you've never seen a man and his demon before by Anon
My little baozi by Airei
Shen Jiu's options by Airei
Puppy love need not be temporary by Myakachan
Finding home in you by Shorimochi
Responsibility by Anon
I have no time for confession | for I'm too busy committing sins by Space_Samurai
Being a girl is great by Anon
When does a ripple become a tidal wave? by The_Binding
Unfinished business by Kitsunealyc
The faces you forgot by Probablyaceok
Spite my way to happiness by Misto713
Melodies of the heart by CrazyNekoChan
How to keep my favourite beast alive by Tomyam
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afsosville · 20 days
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binggekitten says waiting together is less lonely 🐱❤️ and wishes you a nice day
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