#fruits and vegetables in bulk
ninjacart · 6 months
In the long journey from farm to table are the lives of many, including farmers, traders, retailers, and more. We are lifting the veil off the unsung heroes who run an invisible relay race every day to make sure delicious food reaches our plates. We are here to partner with these agri heroes and help build #BetterLives. This film is a tribute to all the agri citizens who have trusted us in the past 8 years and have made us who we are today. Learn More- https://www.ninjacart.com/
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farmlinkr1 · 2 months
Produce Wholesale Company in Jamaica: Fresh Produce Exporters
From the rich, aromatic spices to the vibrant, juicy fruits, Jamaica's agricultural industry thrives, supporting both local consumption and export markets. One company standing out in this dynamic landscape is Farmlinkr.com, a produce wholesale company dedicated to connecting buyers with high-quality fresh produce at affordable prices.
With a focus on quality, sustainability, and affordability, the company bridges the gap between local farmers and international markets. Our approach combines traditional farming knowledge with cutting-edge technology to ensure that buyers receive the freshest produce available.
At Farmlinkr.com, quality is paramount. We work closely with a network of trusted farmers who adhere to stringent cultivation practices. From seed selection to harvesting and post-harvest handling, every step is meticulously monitored to ensure that only the best produce reaches the buyers. This commitment to quality meets and often exceeds international standards, making Jamaican produce highly sought after in global markets.
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Buying Fresh Produce conveniently
For buyers seeking fresh produce with convenience, Farmlinkr.com offers several strategies to make the most of their purchasing power without compromising on quality.
One of the most effective ways to buy fresh produce is to buy in bulk. Farmlinkr.com provides seamless deliveries for large orders, making it an ideal option for retailers, restaurants, and other businesses that require substantial quantities of fresh produce. By purchasing in bulk, buyers can get access to the best produce.
Seasonal produce is often more affordable due to the abundance of supply during peak harvest times. Farmlinkr.com offers a wide range of seasonal fruits and vegetables, allowing buyers to take advantage of enjoying the freshest flavors. Please check our Facebook page for further updates.
Understanding that each buyer has unique needs Farmlinkr.com offers customized solutions tailored to specific requirements. Whether it's a small retail outlet looking for a variety of fruits or a large food processing company needing specific vegetables, the company can provide personalized packages that meet the highest quality standards.
We maintain high standards of quality by partnering with trusted local farmers who follow rigorous cultivation and harvesting practices. This unwavering dedication ensures that our customers receive only the best, freshest produce, making healthy eating both effortless and enjoyable.
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For buyers seeking fresh produce, Farmlinkr.com offers maximum value without compromising on quality. Through bulk purchasing, we make it possible to enjoy the best of Jamaica's fresh produce with convenience. As the global demand for fresh, healthy, and sustainably sourced food continues to grow, Farmlinkr.com is poised to play a pivotal role in bringing the flavors of Jamaica to tables around the world.
At Farmlinkr.com, we pride ourselves on offering a wide array of wholesome and nourishing foods, many of which are exotic and classified as superfoods not readily available elsewhere. Convenience is a cornerstone of our service, allowing customers to stay at home and receive fresh deliveries right to their door. We ensure that our produce goes straight from the farm to your table, saving you time while guaranteeing maximum freshness and nutritional value.
For more details, kindly visit our website: https://farmlinkr.com/ Email or call us:  [email protected] / +1 876-298-5052
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azistacontent · 1 year
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farzanatrading · 1 year
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 Farzana offers online sweets Dubai, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and discover healthier alternatives to transform your favorite recipes. Take advantage of the journey to discover new flavors and make your sweets a delicious part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
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what-even-is-thiss · 2 months
Quick and cheap filling vegetarian food (I’m going ovo-lacto for this)
Dump some cans of stuff in a pot. Maybe some seasoning too. Pearl barley or rice may also be a good choice to bulk things out. With beans or legumes and some kind of grain you can make a whole protein. If that doesn’t appeal to you add some cheese or poached egg. Don’t add a lot of rice btw it will expand don’t turn your soup into a rice dish I swear to gosh
Basic idea for this is shredded cheese melted in between two tortillas warmed up on either side in a pan, in a microwave if you’re feeling extra depressed. But other stuff can be added. Salsa, pico, leftover tofu or beans, sliced peppers or onion. It’s a dish that’s as complicated or as simple as you want to make it.
Dump a can of cream of mushroom or cream of potato soup on it. It’ll work itself out probably.
Scrambled eggs:
The most braindead way to cook eggs. You can even scramble them in the pan. Put stuff in it. I like putting fried tomatoes in it. Add enough mushrooms and cheese and you can feel your system clogging up in real time. Eat some toast with it to convince yourself that adding carbs makes it fine actually
Wildly oversimplified term for basically most Indian food. It’s simpler to make than you think. The spices are the important part. The base of a lot of types of Indian food is onion, ginger, garlic, and tomato and then add spices and stuff to that. What stuff? Whatever. Spinach, potatoes, coconut milk, regular milk, even more tomatoes, lentils, beans, yogurt. Put it over rice probably. Use powdered onion and ginger-garlic paste and canned tomatoes when you’re tired. Probably look up some actual Indian YouTubers and bloggers to get more specific recipes than my stupid ass can provide.
Peanut noodles:
Cook some noodles. Probably ramen noodles. Melt some peanut butter on it and add soy sauce. Merry Christmas.
Get a panini press so you never have to think again. Cheese, something else, bread, hot, eat. Add a sauce and some nicely grilled vegetables if you want to but tbh a midnight grilled cheese with tomato isn’t gonna be a gourmet meal. Just make it so you can finish crying.
Frozen fruit and/or veggies and some kind of liquid. I usually use strawberry, mango, and soymilk. Maybe yogurt too idk. The worst part of this is cleaning the blender later but the actual process of making it is fast.
There’s more to life than just spaghetti and red sauce. Or so I’ve been told. You can use canned soups as a sauce sometimes if you reduce them a bit. I like butternut squash soup. Adding some cream cheese to sauces tastes better than it sounds and can fix your protein problem that you sometimes get with pasta dishes. Keeping a jar of pesto and some mushrooms in the fridge can make for a fast dinner when you need it.
Get two different types of beans and some tomatoes and chili powder and whatever in a pot and let those bitches get to know each other and simmer while you stare off into space for a while. Maybe like 10-20 minutes idk it tastes good with sour cream
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mushroomates · 1 month
the fellowship grocery shopping (modern au!):
frodo: has a list which he always loses halfway through shopping. tries to bring his own bags but they’re never enough, or he forgets them in the car and realizes mid checkout. does not like a lot of the name brand foods, goes for the knock offs- partly because he thinks they taste better and partly because he’s rooting for the underdog. (also they’re cheaper which means more money go towards buying treats for the neighborhood cats.) makes an exception for name brand strawberry poptarts, a pippin favorite. keeps his fridge stocked with snacks for his friends.
sam: grows a lot of his own produce and makes an effort to shop local. has his own chickens and a thriving herb garden. he often trades with neighbors-tomatoes for honey, basil for goats milk, etc. once a month he teams up with boromir and goes to costco for insane amounts of flour (he bakes his own bread) and a foot long hotdog. sam refuses to get his own membership.
merry: has a list of things to get that he has worked very hard to compile. this list stays on fridge, and whenever he runs out of something he adds it. this is always sabotaged by pippin who, in a port attempt to mimic merry’s handwriting, adds a copious amount of sweets and things only pippin likes. ends up buying them anyways only to not share with him- will gloat by snacking in front of pippin and not offering any to his cousin.
pippin: does not actually grocery shop. yes, he has food in his house but this is more because he just tags along whenever someone else is going. selectively copies whatever they get into his own basket. has eight jars of peanut butter because he loves peanut butter but does not consume it at the rate he believes he does. also for backup, incase he runs out mid sandwich and needs eight jars of the stuff. loves to ride in the shopping carts when no one’s watching. definitely scooters along isles. loves to hijack boromir’s shopping trips as boromir is the only one who will push him in the cart and give him a lil treat at the end.
gandalf: kind of just. wanders around the store. gets lost in the bakery. buys the most random things, causing the clerks to conspire about what he’s doing with two packs of rubber gloves, a rosterseie chicken, and a tub of mayonnaise. is he a murderer? a professor? a single mother? what is he doing with this stuff?
aragorn: does a lot of trading with neighbors, like sam. likes to accompany arwen on errands and do the little things. she points at an item and he puts it in the basket. he bags at checkout. drives her home. unloads the car and put it away. real quality time and acts of service. yes, arwen is capable of doing these things herself, but he likes to do it for her: hunts so be always has a surplus of jerky, does need to buy more salt then the typical person.
boromir: also hunts. has a thing about using every part of the animal, will eat bone marrow straight out of the femur with a spoon for breakfast. eats a lot of protein. is real big about no food waste and will use everything he can. has his own compost bin and a humble herb garden. likes hosting barbecues for everyone, and makes the burgers and hotdogs from scratch. every other tuesday is grocery day. he goes to costco and buys his things in bulk. he’s the only one in the fellowship with a costco card and everyone loves to take advantage of it.
legolas: mainly just happens upon farmers markets and grabs what appeals to him in the moment. does not have any seasonings or cooking oil as it’s not something that’s ever really occurred to him to buy. will forget he has food in his fridge for weeks and when he finally does it’s gone bad. this, however, does not stop him from eating it. makes a lot of smoothies.
gimli: has a lot of preserved foods and a cupboard dedicated to emergencies. owns a lot of canned beans, fruits and vegetables- anything that will keep well. has a freezer filled with food in his garage with backup stock. is a very good with coupons- pippin likes going with him just to see the total (and the clerks jaw) drop. eats a lot of trail mix and jerky. enjoys fresh fruit when he can but doesn’t like to buy it because it doesn’t last.
gollum: sneaky little man. he hides in the bottom part of the carts meant for heavy items and parties his way across the store with his hands, scooting along tile and grabbing anything with reach, tossing it back up to the cart and continuing on his journey. then he just rolls right out the door. no one can stop him.
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frownyalfred · 3 months
Just added two scoops of preworkout and creatine to my protein smoothie where I also blended up the vitamins I missed yesterday, which is very Bruce Wayne core.
But it does make me think — I’ve seen debate on here about how someone with Bruce’s physique could survive on just smoothies/juices, so I’m here to tell you.
-fruits/vegetables for micronutrients and fiber are blended up
-anywhere from 60-100g of protein in each serving (there’s some debate as to how much the body can actually absorb in one sitting)
-two scoops creatine / other supplements (these are a fine powder and disappear into whatever you mix them in)
-multiple scoops of whey based protein powder (optimal type for muscle recovery)
-full fat Greek yogurt for protein and live cultures, and for calories
-liquid or powdered multivitamins
-liquid or powdered greens, other medications, more caffeine powder if needed
Between the massive protein load, caffeine from the preworkout, and nutrients from the other items, you’re looking at a 1) high calorie 2) nutritionally optimized 3) shake/smoothie that can be consumed in one sitting. It might even taste good, too.
I imagine you could make this anywhere from 600-1000 calories, depending on which ingredients you use. So yes, theoretically someone of Bruce’s bulk and activity level could survive on a few of these a day.
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buckysgrace · 5 months
Billy Hargrove Headcanons <3
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Requested <3 I hope you enjoy my ramblings!!
Was such a cute baby with lil blonde curls, rosy cheeks and a soft nose that strangers always thought he was a little girl lol
Used to love when his mama would play with his hair. He hated naps as a child, but always passed out once she'd trace her fingertips across his soft cheeks and squishy nose
His mom loved holidays. Especially Halloween and Christmas. He spent many Halloweens dressed as a lion lol
She also took him to get ice cream on his birthdays <3 His favorite was chocolate.
Was really close to his grandma up until she passed away. Used to spend long afternoons and even stay for weekends when he was little, and Neil was working.
Loooooves sports. Has played a vast majority of them (baseball is his favorite). He played a different one each season while in school to get him away from the house
Worked all throughout high school. Had a ton of odd jobs
Also loved summer camp.
Enjoys deep sea fishing. Neil did a lot of trips with him as a sort of “apology” (he caught a bluefin tuna when he was 13 hehe)
He’s very very dry, has a sarcastic sense of humor <3
When he’s high he gets very relaxed and chill, very laid back. Will occasionally get giggly
Very good with his hands. He likes to tinker with things. Worked on his car a lot, likes to build things too (had a very impressive bird house that he built in woodshop)
He loves vegetables. Specifically tomatoes and bell peppers. Bites right into them, a nice lil snack
He's up at 3 in the morning?? He is devouring a jar of pepperoncini. maybe some shredded cheese
Not crazy about sweets, but if he has to pick something it would be some sort of fruit pie?? will also pound away at a pineapple upside down cake
makes a meaaaaan spicy Italian sandwich
Also crazy about protein. He's gotta bulk up ya know. Hates eggs though. They smell terrible and the texture is awful
Really good at math, loves working with numbers. He will chew on his pencil/pen while he's working out a problem (and if he accidentally eats the eraser?? that's his own business smh)
Got a lot of college offers because of his grades and talents in sports but didn't take any of them up. College just never seemed like his thing
Will hike his swimming trunks up to get a nice even tan on his upper thighs. The cutest little tan lines imaginable.
Reads while he sits on the toilet. Also smokes (and will purposely linger in the bathroom if Max knocks on the door smh)
Horror and mystery are his favorite genres. His all time favorite book is The Haunted Dancers.
Surprisingly good with kids. They just love him, sweet Mr. Billy hehe. Babies love at him. They will stare at him and enjoy snuggling into his arms :) And chewing on his arms lmao (or tugging on his hair smh)
Haaates the winter months. He does not like the cold at all and hates bundling up in thick layers even more (he's a man damn it he doesn't need any gloves smh)
Icy roads absolutely terrified him in Hawkins. He was not used to driving on them at all. An incredible snow ball former tho (he will hit you in the face with them rip)
The first time he heard the tornado siren go off he was alone with Max and had no idea what to do (she was outside trying to see it smh)
A little rain is okay but he prefers the sunny sunshine and heat to anything else <3
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pocket-deer-boy · 23 days
Sorry if this is a weird question but do you have any advice on gaining weight? For me it's not a kink I just think I would look cool if I was fat but its probably a good idea to ask someone who enjoys it even more
cheap carb-heavy bulk foods like rice, bread and potatoes go a long way if you're on a budget
extra carbs and fats are good of course but make sure not to skimp out on vegetables and fruits (i personally like this cheap 1 euro grocery store smoothie every day, it's yummy) (there's some science bullshit i don't have memorized but having all the right vitamins in your body makes your body able to take in more fat to begin with. This seems like an obvious tip but trust me there are people who skip this, because they're idiots.)
you're just straight up going to have to eat more. there's no way around this. Some people like to eat lots of snacks inbetween meals, some people try to fit in an extra meal. Whatever works for you.
Results may vary for a variety of reasons. Some people just don't have the genes that make them receptive to weight gain, don't beat yourself up over it too much if it takes a long time.
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kelseytheballerina · 10 months
I think one of the biggest things to remember is the difference between a diet that helps you lose weight (which can be full of crappy foods but if it’s low enough in calories then yes you will lose weight bc calories in calories out), a diet to make you eat more healthy (which does not guarantee weight loss even if you’re eating whole grains and fruits and vegetables every day), and a diet to get more fit (which is usually different for everyone’s fitness goals such as getting as much protein in as possible, eating a ton of calories to bulk or less calories to cut, etc). Someone will make a list of foods for healthy eating and then someone will be like “ummmm actually if I ate all of those foods then I wouldn’t lose any weight bc that oatmeal bowl is like 600 calories and that’s too much” when that wasn’t even the point in the first place. Weight loss, healthy eating, and fitness focused diets can have a lot of overlap, but it’s not always interchangeable. Like when people gain weight as a vegan. Like yeah you gained weight, you ate a double decker impossible burger with soy bacon and extra cashew cheese with a side of Oreos every day. Where did you think those calories were gonna go, to space? You ate foods you considered to be more healthy but you ate it in abundance. And at the same time you can eat 1200 calories of pizza and McDonald’s every day and lose weight bc you’re in such a caloric deficit. Is it a balanced and healthy diet of whole foods? No but health wasn’t the goal for you, just weight loss by any means possible. Just pay attention to the terminology being used when people discuss food with you bc that can change the output significantly.
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ninjacart · 10 months
Fruits Wholesale Market in Bangalore - Explore Freshness with Ninjacart
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Discover the freshest and finest fruits at Bangalore's leading wholesale market! Our extensive range is now available through Ninjacart, India's largest tech-driven supply chain platform. Connecting farmers directly to kiranas and businesses, Ninjacart ensures quality and freshness every time.
Key Features:
Wide variety of fresh fruits
Direct sourcing from farmers
Quality assurance through Ninjacart
Visit https://www.ninjacart.com/ & Call 8069155666 and secure your slot for an exclusive tour. Witness the seamless integration of technology and agriculture at Bangalore's premier fruits wholesale market.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to revitalize your business with the best quality fruits straight from the source! Book your appointment today and experience the Ninjacart advantage.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Products & Services Worth The Save (or Saving On)
Socks (I love the HUE ones that come out to around $3 per pair)
Tights (another vote for HUE – around $10-13 dollars a pair and should last at least a season or two with proper care)
Layering tanks & tees
Underwear (buy them on a bulk deal – I love Skims' 3/$36 [on the pricier end here] – or getting luxury items on sale, especially pair from Natori or Hanky Panky [usually come up to around $10-$15 a pair]; Parade also has $6 underwear that's great quality for the price)
Trendy items
Costume jewelry (Mejuri, Aurate, and Justine Clenquet are great for the price; Catbird is the best in the game for a moderate-priced alternative to luxury jewelry in my opinion)
Facial Toner
Makeup Wipes
Acne Spot Treatment
Brow Gel
Setting Powder/Spray
Shampoo & Conditioner
Body Wash
Body Scrubs
Hand/Body Lotion
Hand Soap
Vaseline (use it as a lip treatment, cuticles, dry skin patches, or as a hydrating eye cream)
Lip Balm (Palmers SPF 15 is my HG)
Makeup Sponges/Spoolies
Hair Ties
Home Decor
Artwork (I have mostly Black & White photography from iCanvas and get so many compliments on them!)
Coffee Maker (a Black & Decker coffee maker or a French Press is all most people need)
Everyday Dishes & Glassware (I love Sweese, Smilatte, and Luigi Bormioli on Amazon)
Dishwasher-Safe Reusable Food Storage Bags/Snack Bags
Produce Saving Containers
Health & Wellness:
Deva Vitamins/Supplements
Fitness Youtube Workouts
Bulk-buying Oats, Beans, and Other Staple Foods
Frozen Fruits & Vegetables (when not in season, especially)
Listening to Podcasts via Youtube
TED Talks
Owning your full name social handles across platforms
Simple Investment Planning (Roth IRA, HSA, 401K - anything involving index funds)
Get a great headshot (many colleges and universities offer their students/alumni headshots for free)
Cash-back & Travel-miles $0 Fee Credit Cards
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farmlinkr1 · 2 months
How to Sell Fresh Produce Online with FarmLinkr
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Try to learn about the old foods
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I have most recently started to meal prep, with making a lot of foods and putting them in the freezer. This ended up allowing me to buy the foods in bulk from the local market. And, well... This allowed me to eat some of the foods that the supermarket does not have.
We do have a bit of a problem. And that problem mostly is that we got our food kinda messed up. Because people have lost the connection to the food they eat. But also because of colonialism.
The big thing that happened is, that we lost contact with most local foods. No matter where I go in the "first world nations"... The foods offered to me in the supermarkets are the same - and they also look the same.
This means that a lot of people have no real idea, what foods came from where in the world - but also do not know half of the foods that originated with where they are from, because they are not easily available.
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Tomatoes are an example. Not only did historical tomatoes look and taste very differently from the tomatoes we eat today, but obviously... they came from the Americas. So they are not a food that originated with Europe and was not widely available in Europe until the 1600s. While, yes, the first tomates came here more than a hundred years earlier... it took a while for them to catch on.
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This is parsnip. Another root vegetable that was commonly eaten in Europe for most of history. It has a more intensive taste than the usual carrot - but is also not that different from it, when it comes to consistency and how it is going to cook.
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This is fennel. You might know fennel seeds as a spice or something you might drink as a tea. But the rest of the plant is edible, too, and a surprisingly strong flavored vegetable. It also is very crunchy and makes a really great addition to salads. But it is often not really sold in many places.
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This is the Jerusalem Artichoke, another vegetable that originates within the Americas. To be exact, this is the root of a kind of sunflower. It got its name for being very similar in taste and tecture to the Artichoke. I honestly do not know, though, why it is called "Jerusalem Artichoke", because it does not have anything to do with Jerusalem.
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The Potimarron is a kind of squash that - like basically all other forms of squash - originates in the Americas as well. It has a very nutty flavor. In Europe it was very popular in France for a long while, hence the french name. It has tons of meat and really makes for great stews!
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This is a rutabaga, which originates from somewhere in northern Europe. We do not really know from where. All we know is, that it was a Swedish botanist who cultivates the form we still eat to this day in the 1620s. Which is why it is also called the "Swedish turnip". It does taste like a more bitter carrot, but makes really good addition to stews or can be served stamped.
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This is the Chinese Artichoke and another root vegetable, that as the name suggest originates from China. It was cultivates in China in the late medieval period and has later made its way to Europe, especially France. It has a really sweet and nutty taste and can be eaten raw or in salads. Though there are dishes mashing the vegetable, too.
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These are tigernuts, a vegetable that has been around forever. It originates in southern Europe, southern Asia and northern Africa. It is a dried fruit, with a sweet and earthy taste and it is known a lot in Spanish cuisine, but also in the cuisine of southern Asia.
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Yacon is a root vegetable that originates with Peru, where it is still eaten, while the rest of the world mostly forgot about it. Well, except Japan, where it is currently getting more and more popular. It is a vegetable, but it has a very fruity taste.
I could now go on and name more vegetables from all around the world that were once grown and fed people, but got forgotten more and more in favor of the very limited diet made up of potatoes, corn, potatoes, peppers, cucumber, onion and tomatoes, that is basically what you will get to eat in most places.
And... Well, the thing about it is that... It is not really a good thing that we grow the same stuff everywhere. It is not good for us and it is not good for the environment. It is not good for those foods, either.
I really wish people would try and eat more of the stuff that originates with their region. And that they would eat the not-so-perfect looking foods as well. Because it is gonna be more sustainable in the end.
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farzanatrading · 1 year
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Herbs, spices, teas, dried fruits, and dried botanicals are all 100% certified organic items offered by Farzana.ae herbs online Dubai for the benefit of their customers.
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mynnthia · 5 months
Jack-O'-Lantern Potage and Sautéed Dryad Buds with Cheese (Kabocha Pumpkin Potage, and Sautéed Chinese Cabbage with Mushroom and Cheese)
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ID: a photo with some dishes of food – from bottom to top: 1) a plate of sautéed chinese cabbage with mushroom and cheese sauce 2) a bowl of kabocha pumpkin soup 3) a pot of kabocha pumpkin soup. there is a sticky note on the pot with a face drawn to resemble the "Jack-O'-Lantern" bowl, pictured in the screenshot below
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ID: a screenshot of the Dungeon Meshi anime, depicting "Jack-O'-Lantern Potage and Sautéed Dryad Buds with Cheese" the "Jack-O'-Lantern Potage" resembles pumpkin soup, served in 3 bowls and a pumpkin-like fruit with a face. the "Sautéed Dryad Buds with Cheese" is a ringed green vegetable covered in cheese sauce
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ID: a photo of the same dishes as the first image in the post, but taken from a different angle
my first recreated dungeon meshi meal!
i had been planning on making kabocha pumpkin soup/potage for a while. after watching the newest dungeon meshi episode where they made "Jack-O'-Lantern Potage and Sautéed Dryad Buds with Cheese", i decided to recreate the full meal with the ingredients i had!
it turned out really good, definite recommend
if anyone is interested, i wrote up additional info about my process under the cut:
"kabocha" is the english term for the main kind of pumpkin common in east/southeast asia. it has a richer flavor and texture than orange pumpkins in the west, which makes it great for soups and stir-fries.
for my soup, i combined the kabocha with carrot and potato. the additional vegetables add nutritional value, and help "bulk up" the portion size.
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ID: a photo of 2 kabocha pumpkins. one is sliced open hotdog-style, the other is intact [link to image source]
despite the smaller portion size, adapting the "Sautéed Dryad Buds with Cheese" was the bigger challenge for me – i was already familiar with making kabocha soup, so that was simple
i decided to use some leftover chinese cabbage for the dryad buds because of the similar appearance. i assume it was meant to be analogous to onion, but i'm allergic
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ID: screenshot of some Dungeon Meshi manga panels, featuring Senshi preparing and cooking the dryad buds. when Senshi cuts open the dryad bud, he notes "mmm, this has a nice aroma"
when i tried searching for "cheese cabbage recipe" all the results were for oven-baked dishes. i debated baking the cabbages, but when i tried to cut them into rings, the cabbage didn't really hold shape, so i decided to just sauté them to save time
i thought about just throwing some shredded cheese into the pan when sautéing, but decided to make a cheese sauce for more accuracy
i made bechamel sauce (a french sauce base, made from melted butter, flour, and milk), and added cheese to make a cheese sauce. then i stir-fried the cabbage and mushrooms in butter and olive oil, seasoned with salt, pepper, paprika, and a bit of light soy sauce. i added the cheese sauce afterwards. it turned out surprisingly well!
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ID: a screenshot of the Dungeon Meshi anime, depicting "Sautéed Dryad Buds with Cheese" being made a ringed green vegetable is being cooked with mushrooms on top, and a cheese sauce being poured onto it
if youve made it to here, thank you for reading! idk if ill recreate more dungeon meshi dishes in the future (i just happened to have all the ingredients for this one already, so it was convenient) but we'll see
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