#frictional coefficient
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The science research manuscripts of S. Sunkavally. Page 115.
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arcticdementor · 10 months ago
A physics joke
Q. What does a frictionless spherical cow say?
A. Nothing, because it has zero mu.
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zapsoda · 4 months ago
i wish the online homework for all of my classes wasnt such stupid fucking bullshit
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good--merits-accumulated · 10 months ago
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dark academia this dark academia that. the real dark academia is that I'm about to enact some kind of grievous bodily harm on whoever designed this question
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engineeringmath · 11 months ago
College Physics by Openstax Chapter 6 Problem 30
If a car takes a banked curve at less than the ideal speed, friction is needed to keep it from sliding toward the inside of the curve (a real problem on icy mountain roads). (a) Calculate the ideal speed to take a 100 m radius curve banked at 15.0º.
The Ideal Speed and the Minimum Coefficient of Friction in Icy Mountain Roads Problem: If a car takes a banked curve at less than the ideal speed, friction is needed to keep it from sliding toward the inside of the curve (a real problem on icy mountain roads). (a) Calculate the ideal speed to take a 100 m radius curve banked at 15.0º. (b) What is the minimum coefficient of friction needed for…
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hiwindealerindia · 2 months ago
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what-if-i-was-a-book · 8 months ago
I have an entrance test in three days I don't know what I'm doing what is going on how on earth am I going to master organic chemistry and conic section in three days
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liminworld · 9 months ago
Tribology of Skin: Review and Analysis of Experimental Results for the Friction Coefficient of Human Skin
Abstract In this review, we discuss the current knowledge on the tribology of human skin and present an analysis of the available experimental results for skin friction coefficients. Starting with an overview on the factors influencing the friction behaviour of skin, we discuss the up-to-date existing experimental data and compare the results for different anatomical skin areas and friction…
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indigo-lamppost · 1 year ago
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Homework diagrams that make no sense out of context
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analabtron · 1 year ago
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Measurement range=0-01-to-10-n; Slider weight=200-g; Slider size=63-times-63-mm; Testing accuracy=plusmn-2; Dimension of working plate=170-times-225-mm. Shop Online at Labtron.us
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prestotesting · 1 year ago
Get the Best Presto Coefficient of Friction tester price by presto stantest
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The Presto Coefficient of Friction tester is an invaluable testing instrument for businesses in the packaging industry. It is specifically designed to measure the static and kinetic coefficients of friction between two surfaces, allowing businesses to optimize their packaging and ensure that products remain secure during transportation. This quality co efficient of friction tester is widely used in the plastic industry and ensures that quality materials will be delivered to the customers. This microprocessor-based lab testing instrument will display highly accurate lab testing results of dynamic as well as kinetic friction of the materials. It comes with the memory to hold up to 9 test readings and provide highly accurate lab testing results under sliding friction. By using Presto's cof tester, companies can gain a greater understanding of how loose packaging films will affect the quality of materials. Below we have listed the features of this quality testing equipment.
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graysonworld · 2 years ago
Unlocking precision and efficiency in friction testing
Do you know what a coefficient of friction tester is? It is a device used to measure the frictional forces between two surfaces. This measurement helps in determining the efficiency and safety of various materials and products.
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octagonsolution · 2 years ago
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Micron Coefficient of Friction Tester is primarily used to determine the coefficient of starting and sliding friction of fabrics, plastic films, sheets, paper, etc. It measures the static and kinetic friction of the test sample when it slides over itself or other substances in a specified test condition.
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unsoundedcomic · 5 months ago
Whumptober 2024 - 03 - "Set Up for Failure"
"Don't touch it!" Duane snarled, and Mikaila's mittened hand flinched away from the bolt in his shoulder. It was envenomed, surely, and every jolt of his heart spread the toxin through his veins. His jaw burned as well, stiff and blazing where the first bolt had torn it open.
Where were they, an alley near Marat's? Goddamnit, there should be guards on patrol, they were not so very far from the ghers! Was there fighting elsewhere? Had some force broken into Durlyne and engaged the whole of the Lions, delaying them from their rounds? He needed to get Mikaila home, needed to return to the Temple.
His legs felt like clay. Miki cried as he lurched up from his crouch and stood, only to crumple against the alley wall and huff, nauseated, into his scarf. His fingers curled on the bricks. Galley bricks, shale, 4 by 3 by 8. This was the backside of that ghers 18 garage on Rue An; street plow inside, a carriage, hound harnesses. He couldn't push Mikaila through without knowing where it all was situated. Maybe he would simply tell her to run through the attached yard, but might there be more of these sons of bitches waiting there?
When she'd been a bit younger he'd wished he could tuck her into a pocket and keep her with him all the day...
Mikaila gestured behind him, a jerky motion, as though barely restraining herself from a spell of her own. Duane turned to see the tall fiend in the black mask scaling the alley fence, all asplatter with his comrades' blood. Rector Adelier raised a hand to take his head off but there were four men where there had been one, and they all swayed and gyred like embers from the kitchen fire. Oh, God, he was going to be sick-
The moment's hesitation was enough for the assassin to leap clear of the inelegant attack, closing the distance between himself and his mark so he could slice the flurry of spells directly from the priest's lashing palms. Duane reached for the Coefficient of Friction of the black ice, for the Solidity of the Galley bricks, for the stabbing Contour of the icicles along the eaves of the garage. The assassin sliced them all from the lines. Aspects tumbled free and hissed back into place, and the khert listened on, indifferent. Duane felt like a ball-jointed doll with its strings all gone slack.
He was being bested by some Sevencrow wright-sticker; some bloody Tannery spell slicer. Some...
His vision dimmed. His brilliant green pymary rolled over to swampy, ailing twilight. All the world danced away from him; retreated from him; surrendered him. Far away, Mikaila screamed for her papa, but nearer, his arm cracked and shattered from a blow of the black mask's club - why were these demons wielding clubs?! Another swing crashed into his temple, and his clay legs broke apart.
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celaenaeiln · 2 years ago
Dick: *searching for his teammate post-battle* Romeo, Romeo! Where art thou Romeo?
Jason: Shut up. Shut up! Don’t you dare desecrate Shakespearen literature you Neanderthal.
Dick: *offended* what?
Jason: heh, you didn’t get that? Dumb.
Dick: Well, Little Wing, right now you’re walking an average speed of 3.1 mph and you’re going to fire your grapple gun to shoot across to another building but in order to do so you need to increase your running speed because the tension on the string is opposing the Normal force at an angle and if you count the weight of gravity, you have to calculate F=ma with cos of 46 degrees or else the grapple won’t latch on but since there’s a high frictional force between your boot and the ground, the coefficient of static friction is much higher than normal so as such, you need to lower the coefficient of kinetic friction so you have the momentum to reach peak velocity needed to boost you into the air and not suspend your rope so that’d be your final velocity squared equal to your initial velocity squared minus 2 times gravity times your final height minus your initial height. So in conclusion, your initial speed of run must be 5.3 mph if you don’t want to bash your head open on a brick wall.
Jason: what.
Dick: oh you didn’t get that? Dumb.
Jason: ….Bitch.
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laughhardrunfastbekindsblog · 6 months ago
The Jar
Summer of Bad Batch | Week 5 | Prompts: "You're a bad liar" and "Need a hand?"
Summary: After being rescued from Skako Minor and joining Clone Force 99, Echo is still getting used to his modifications.
POV: Echo
Rating: PG
(Word Count: 784)
Read on Ao3
Echo stared at the vacuum-sealed jar of rations with narrowed eyes.
I WILL figure out a way to open you myself, he silently vowed to the small metal container sitting innocuously before him.
Usually the squad had boxes of rations - those were easy to open with one hand - but they had learned the hard way on this assignment that some of the wildlife here on Yrzac were also capable of breaking into the ration boxes, and therefore the sealed jars of food were necessary.
Echo hadn't wanted to admit he didn't know how he'd be able to manage opening the container, just like he'd refused to admit he was still having difficulty negotiating the rocky terrain and climbing with his prosthetic legs, just like he hadn't said a word about the fact the cybernetic implants that had been bored through his skull into his brain were still giving him excruciating headaches despite the med droids' assurances that the pain would dissipate eventually. He'd only been with Clone Force 99 for two weeks. He was NOT going to be a burden, be dead weight, ask for help with simple tasks like getting his own food. He would admit to nothing.
So he had taken the rations jar Wrecker had handed him in the morning, then had claimed he wasn't hungry and he'd eat later. And when Tech had taken watch as the others settled to sleep in the stone ruins where they'd set up camp for the night, Echo had snuck around the corner of one of the crumbling walls and stared at the sealed container, considering his dilemma.
He had tried bracing the jar between his knees to break the seal and unscrew the lid, but the metal jar against metal prosthetics proved too slippery. Same with wedging the jar under his right arm. Using his teeth would do nothing. For a wild moment, he considered throwing the jar against the ground - to release his frustration as much as to see if denting the jar would help - but no, that would be too loud...
"Need a hand?" a soft low voice sounded over his head.
Echo didn't jump, but he had to confess he was slightly startled as he turned to look up at Hunter.
"What?" he stammered. "What, no, I'm fine, I..."
Hunter crossed his arms and blinked at him, the light of the moons falling full on his face and clearly showing he was unimpressed by Echo's protests. "No, you're NOT fine; but if you say it again, I might actually leave you here to struggle with that kriffing impossible jar."
Echo sighed in defeat. "I want to be able to do it myself."
"And you will, just not tonight," Hunter said, holding his hand out for the container. Echo handed it over and Hunter, gripping it tightly in both hands and straining to open it, added, "You've had to adjust to a lot in the past few days, Echo. And you're doing great - better, I think, than anyone else would be able to do. It might take some time to figure out how to do things like open a jar with one hand, but you'll get there. You're an ARC trooper, after all." The lid unsealed with a quiet schhh-lok and Hunter finished unscrewing it before handing the open jar back to Echo. "In the meantime, maybe let your brothers help you every once in a while?"
"Thanks," Echo murmured as he took the jar, hesitating slightly before adding, "And, you know, not just for this," indicating the rations.
Hunter nodded, turning away and taking a few steps back to the campsite before stopping and looking back over his shoulder.
"Oh, and maybe let Tech take a look at your prosthetics? You looked like a newborn shaak trying to find its feet when we were running up that rocky hill today. Tech wouldn't stop going on and on with me about calibration and leverage and friction coefficients or... something, and I'm pretty sure he was referring to your legs."
Smiling ruefully, Echo nodded - of course the squad had noticed his difficulty, he had been foolish to try to hide it from them; but he appreciated that they hadn't mentioned anything to him at the time, for that would have been mortifying. "Yes, sir," he replied; and with this promise, Hunter left him to eat in peace.
He hadn't realized just how hungry he was until he took his first bite of biscuit... He had never been a big eater, but now he finished his day's rations in record time and leaned back against the wall with a contented sigh.
And with his hunger satiated, he suddenly noticed his headache wasn't quite so bad.
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