#also i really hate the coefficient of friction
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what-if-i-was-a-book · 8 months ago
I have an entrance test in three days I don't know what I'm doing what is going on how on earth am I going to master organic chemistry and conic section in three days
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danielleitloudernow · 1 year ago
This came up on my FYP feed and I thought it would be super fun to do in honor of NaNoWriMo.
20 Questions
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 30: 2 series, 5 WIPs, and a whole bunch of one shots 😁
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
134,500. Not sure how I hit an even number, but that's fun!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Korrasami (The Legend of Korra) and JEmily (Criminal Minds), but I have written for WarriorBard (Xena Warrior Princess), Ramvers (Captain Marvel), and Pricefield (Life is Strange). I'm working on originals, too, but that's neither here nor there.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fuck Was I
The Consequences of Jello
Profiles and Princesses
Measure the Coefficient of Static Friction Between Us
The Violets in the Mountains Have Broken Rocks
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always. I always respond to comments. It's so fun interacting with readers, and often, other writers. I've made a few friends from it and it's been so great. I have been known to drop off the face of the earth so I don't answer for a long ass time, but j always answer. Plus, I think it's a great way to show appreciation for those taking the time to interact. I love those emails telling me a fic has a comment. I poured so much of myself and my time into something and someone took the time to say something about it! It's pure magic.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think my fics are all HEAs, honestly. But there's a healthy dosing of angst throughout a lot of them.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably any of them, but Fuck Was I if I had to choose.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did and I have. A fellow writer once called it "flaming troll shit" and since I changed my perspective to see it that way, I A) am considerably less bothered, and B) haven't really noticed it since.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do write smut. I write the type of smut I want to read and it's always evolving. I don't really do like, BDSM (love to read it, don't have much urge to write it, though), but I'll throw in some kink once in a while. Really, I guess I just like to write real sex. The emotions, the connection, the want.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Honestly, no. It's never really been something on my radar. It feels like a lot to keep track of or to meld and that's just a lot. Kudos to those who can and do, though.
11. Have you ever had a fiction stolen?
I really hope not. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but plagiarism is illegal, kids.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not. I have a beta reader (shout out to ireallyshouldnt_behere) who tells me if I'm an idiot or gives me suggestions, but we haven't moved into the realm of actual co-author (yet). We have joked about it before, and I would love to try a co-writing fic with someone.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Honest to God, JEmily. I had this theory when Criminal Minds first started back in the day that Emily and JJ got a little too drunk one night and clothes came off, that it turned into a thing. And then Will came along and Emily had to go and break her own damn heart because she didn't think she was good enough or JJ would be in danger being with her. Which is funny, given the Lauren arc, but I digress. But also, Xena and Gabrielle, always, because I grew up on XWP and those two were so obviously in love.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A novel I started writing 12 years ago 🤣 I love the concept and the characters and what I want to do with it, where I expect it to go. But holy fuck, it's been tedious. I have like...40k words of just bullshit that's not even really connected.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Emotions. Sometimes tension. Angst. Smut.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. And moving from point A to point B. Sometimes grammar (and that annoys me most of all).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it, but let's be honest, it's Google translated because I'm American and for some reason we think English is the only language...
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Legend of Korra. I had read something that just made my head hurt and I thought "I can write better than that!" Spoiler alert, that's a really shitty reason to write something and no, you can't always 'write something better.' Plus, everyone is different: voice, styles, confidence, all that. Anyway, I cranked out a random idea (Living on a Spare) I thought was funny, and here we are.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Oh, why do you make me choose? That's a really good question. I think Chaos Theory (at least at the moment). I just found a bunch of bad pick-up lines and turned them into something ridiculous.
Just for funsies, I'mma tag @thewillowtree3 @blackbird-brewster @cargopantsprentiss @ahhhsami and hope you guys do it but really it's up to you! Cheers, yo!
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beautifulwhensarcastic · 3 years ago
ao3 tag game
Tagged by wonderful @doctorhelena :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 34
2. What is your total AO3 word count? 253753
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Mainly two: Marvel and H50, plus a single fic for King Arthur Legnd of the Sword.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
Merger (472)
Man in the night (310)
I knew nothing but shadows (199)
Autumn ghosts (186)
Where poppies grow (183)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I do, at least I try to respond to every comment. Even the short ones that say “I liked it.” I respond to express my gratitude and excitement that someone spent their time reading my story, and also because I like talking about universes I create, LOL
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Hmm, I’ve written some really angsty fics, but I can never end them like that. Well, at least not completely angsty, there’s always some hope/light at the end. I think Coefficient Of Friction is closest to a truly angsty ending.
7. Do you write crossovers? Not really. Or if, then only lightly - borrowing some background/universe bits, not mixing characters. 
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Fortunately not. Not on ao3. I got one or two anon messages on tumblr regarding my steggy fics in which Sousa is included (and doesn’t get the girl) - which I ignored. 🙄
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry, I just imagined some of my mutuals cackling at this question directed at me. Do I write smut... It seems that is the only thing I write, LOL It’s not a pwp, there’s always plot and feelings and usually some angst, but I have only a few fics without smut.
What kind? Um, descriptive kind? It’s usually more than a few paragraphs. I’m aware I tend to write it rather rough, perhaps a bit crude. 
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of. (but I have plenty of gifs stolen)
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No. I barely write a fic with myself, I’d be a terrible writing partner with other authors. 
12. What’s your all time favorite ship? I’m a multishipping disaster. I like many ships. If I’m to judge it by my writing then Steve/Peggy is the ship.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for? The very first things I wrote were for Roswell. They were written in my native language. 
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Ughh, these kind of questions are the worst. I don’t have one fave fic. I could name each of them a favorite one for different reasons. Currently, though, I think I’m mostly proud of I Knew Nothing But Shadows. But then there’s also Man In The Night... ohh, and Restless. And- See what I mean?!
I’m tagging: @sagesiren, @rachlovesligers, @founderofshield, @sevensneakyfoxes, @lavellenchanted, @littlereyofsunlight
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evendeadlmthehero · 6 years ago
The Five Year Promise: Visit From a Sorcerer (4/10)
Summary: Y/N Stark, 20 year old superhero, makes a promise with a 16 year old Peter Parker after being cheated on, that if she hasn’t found love in the next 5 years, they’d finally go on a date. Then the snap happens. Y/N is gone and Peter isn’t
Warnings: swearing, a little bit of angst
Twitter// BuckysLemons
A/N: this chapter is really long. I might add an extra part and make it an eleven part series if the next chapter is also too long.
The Five Year Promise Masterlist
Based on Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
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It was 12pm.
12pm and you were in a lab, working on your suit.
It was a complex equation that was your suit, and you were still trying to figure it out. Yes, after one year of almost dying, you were still trying to figure out the secret of your suit.
“Which is velocity squared...” you trailed off, talking to yourself as you scribbled down the numbers. You then stuck the pen in your mouth, thinking of what to add now.
“Maybe the coefficient of kinetic friction?” You spoke, finishing out the equation. You were about to see if the equation was viable before your dad came in, scaring the hell out of you.
“Happy Birthday to you!” He yelled obnoxiously, wearing a birthday hat and a shirt with your face on it. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear pumpkin! Happy birthday to you!”
You stared at your dad with a ‘what the hell’ look. Your dad looked at you with the same look, shaking his head.
“What? You want me to sing it in Spanish?” He had asked, rolling his eyes. “Anyway, before your ungrateful self looks at me like I’m an idiot, I have made reservation for us, Pepper, Peter and Samwell Oshdorn.”
You let out a little laugh, folding the piece of paper containing the equation and placing it in one of the desk draws. “Dad, ‘Samwell Oshdorn’ and I broke up last week.”
Your father straightened up at the news. He was happy. Of course he was. He hated the Osborn kid. His father always competed with him and his son was equally as annoying.
“You got want you wanted dad,” you spoke out quietly, playing with your fingers. “You got what everyone else wanted.”
Your dad face fell at your sad tone. Despite your Dad’s perception of him, he knew you were just blinded by love.
Taking off the birthday hat, he placed it on the table and walked over towards you.
“Hey, pumpkin,” he spoke out, rubbing your shoulders. “You’ll get there one day. You’ll find love. And also, sometimes I am stupid, and you won’t hear me say that again about myself so don’t take this for granted, but your feelings matter more to me than what I think about someone.”
“Dad,” your voice cracked, shaking your head as a tear escaped you eye. “I just- I just want to know what I did wrong. I don’t know what- he just.”
You stopped shaking your head as tears cascaded down your cheeks. Your father embraced you, rubbing soothing circles on your back.
“Sweet pea you did nothing wrong, okay. I might be a little biased, but I think you are the most smartest and beautiful young lady in the world. He’s just an idiot who didn’t know what he had until it was gone.”
You sniffed, letting out a chuckle, giving your dad the tightest squeeze you can manage. You moved away from the hug, wiping the tears from your face. “Thanks dad. I love you so much. Like a lot. Like 2000.”
“2000?” Your dad faked being hurt, grabbing his chest. “I’m at least a 3000. I mean I have a shirt printed with your face on it, I deserve bonus points.”
You laughed at your dad, shaking your head. You then looked away from him, biting your lip. “Can I tell you something else dad?”
“I miss Nat and Wanda,” you spoke, your eyes welling up with tears again, but this time you didn’t let them fall. “I miss having them around. I miss- I miss venting to them. This is the secound time that I’m not celebrating my birthday with them and it’s harder than the first time.”
Your dad let out a sigh, crossing his arms as he looked away. “You know it’s hard hun. Cap and I-“
“I know Dad,” you spoke, looking at your fingernails. “But one way or another, we will need them to come back. You and I both know there’s something big coming.”
Your dad nodded, getting up for the chair before placing the birthday hat on your head. “Get dressed, we’re leaving soon.”
You nodded, annoyed at how he changed the subject while placing the birthday hat on the table. “Sure.”
Your dad walked towards the door before halting. He turned around, pulling a little box from his pocket. “This came in the mail for you today.”
He handed you the box, giving you a final look before leaving the room. You ripped the brown paper around it before opening the box.
Inside it was a charm bracelet and a little note that said:
Hey mini me,
They were selling these at a little shop near Wakanda and I thought it’d look good on you. Happy 21st Birthday and remember; when you drink in front of your dad, make sure it looks like your first time ;)
With Love,
Your big sister Nat
P.S Wanda says she loves you a lot
You smiled at the note, placing the charm bracelet around your wrist. It had a bead that you assumed was made out of vibranium and engraved on it was a baby panther with an adult version panther.
You placed the note back into the box before placing it in the draw.
“And then he told the terrorist his home address!” Pepper exclaimed, drinking a glass of water as she shook her head. “Terrorist! We almost died!”
Your father had rented out the whole reasturant so that you guys could get some privacy of the media. You were thankful, not wanting to get asked questions from the public about your relationship.
Pepper and Tony were sitting side by side, opposite you and Peter. Happy had tagged along, sitting where Harry would have been sitting. Peter had gotten an apple juice whereas you had gotten a cocktail.
This of course made Peter feel like a little kid, with him and Pepper being the only ones not drinking alcohol. But then he remembered the countdown on his watch.
‘I still have a chance,’ he thought in his head, playing with the straw of his apple juice. ‘Just need to make sure that neither of us find love.’
“I remember that,” you replied back, laughing as your dad put his head down in embarrassment. “He had shipped me off to the Avengers facility.”
“Excuse but I seem to recall it is Y/N’s Birthday,” your dad spoke out, titling his head to the side as he took a sip from his drink. “Meaning that we should talk about her most embarrassing moments, not mine.”
“I’m up for this!” Peter exclaimed, laughing as you gave him a look. “I’ll go first actually. It was when we had a mission to stop some drug lords in Colombia and Y/N-“
“Oh my god no,” you whispered, putting your hands over your face to cover your embarrassment.
“-And then she- she,” Peter couldn’t finish his words as he kept uncontrollably laugh. This of course had made Y/N laugh even more. “I l-“
“I sneezed!” You spoke laughing, as you smacked his arm, making his face turn red from the lack of air in his lungs. “I told you I sneezed!”
“But-But you didn’t!” Peter kept on laughing, shaking his head at you whilst pointing a finger. “The man grabbed you- and you- you-“
He went on a fit of laughter once again as you were already gone. Your laughs were silent and your stomach was pounding. “I- I did not fart!”
This comment made Peter fall on the ground from his chair, holding his stomach as he continued to laugh. You got up from your seat, bending down to smack his shoulder.
“Shut up!” You told him, tears running down your face as you kept laughing. “In the name of Pablo Escobar I demand you to shut up!”
Pepper, Tony and Happy watched on, smiling at the both of you.
“They’d make a great couple,” Happy spoke, looking towards Tony who smiled down at both of you.
“Yeah,” Tony replied, shaking his head as you guys kept on laughing. “Just give it time.”
“Pepper,” you spoke, as you girls walked behind Tony, Happy and Peter who were in a deep conversation about nanotechnology and Peter’s Aunt.
“Yeah,” she hummed, holding her purse as you all took a stroll along a park. The birds chirped and it was a perfect day, not a single cloud on site yet a cool breeze was present.
The park was simple, surrounded by oak trees, benches and a backdrop of the city buildings. There were couples and singles jogging around, but not many on sight.
“I have a question,” you stated, pushing your hair behind your ear. Your cute little white French dress with frills was being blown back by the cool wind. “You didn’t have alcohol today. You had water.”
Pepper smirked at you, looking down at the pathway. Sometimes it amazed her how observant you were, sometimes the opposite of your father. “What are you implying little missy?”
You smiled at her, looping your arm around hers. “So it’s true isn’t it?”
“Yes it is,” Pepper nodded at you, instinctively grabbing her stomach even though there was no bump present yet. “I was planning to tell Tony later tonight.”
“Pepper, I’m happy you’re going to be my stepmom,” you revealed to her. She squeezed your hand in gratitude.
“And I’m glad to have you as my step daughter,” she replied back, giving you a warm smile. “Just a couple of more months, and you get to be a bridesmaid.”
You smiled, so happy your father had finally found love and was soon getting a secound child with his future wife. “What names were you thinking of?”
“I was thinking about Patience,” Pepper spoke, nodding to herself before looking at Tony who was a good 3 meters away from you guys. “Because being with Tony required lots of it.”
You giggled at her remark, making Peter look back at you. You smiled at him which he had returned before continuing his conversation with Tony and Happy.
“How about Morgan,” you told Pepper. “Like after that dude who does the voice over on Nat Geo. It’s a nice name.”
“That,” Pepper pondered, her face scrunched up in thought. “Is not the most horrible name that I’ve heard.”
The boys in front of you suddenly halted, looking back at you guys to make sure you caught up.
“Do you girlies want ice cream?” Tony had asked you both. You walked up next to Peter, nodding your head at your dad.
“I wouldn’t mind some ice cream.”
“Good, there’s a gelato shop a few blocks down that are still open we can-“ Tony stopped mid-sentence as a yellow-glowlike circle appeared in the middle of the path.
You pressed the button on your necklace, allowing nanoparticles to start spreading around your body and form your white suit. You were always prepared to fight the unknown.
Suddenly a 40 year old man came out of the portal that was formed, donning a red cape and a blue long formal shirt.
“Tony Stark and Y/N Stark,” the man announced, his facial expression remaining unchanged. “I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me. Oh, uh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way.”
All five of you were understandingly shocked, looking at him like he grew multiple heads. This guy had come out of nowhere and requested you and your father’s presence.
“I'm sorry, you giving out tickets or something?” Your father spoke in his usual sarcastic manner.
“We need your help,” Stephen Strange spoke, looking at your father, you and Peter. “Look, it's not overselling to say that the fate of the universe is at stake.”
Your heart stopped when you heard those last words. You still had PSTD from Sokovia and New York, similarly to your father. You didn’t want another fate-of-the-world battle, although your anxiety always told you there was much worse than what you’ve been through.
“And who's "we"?” You had asked, crossing your arms. Your eyes suddenly widened as the man you always thought of as an uncle, emerges from the portal. A man you haven’t seen since Sokovia, which was three years ago.
“Hey Tony,” Bruce spoke, holding a blanket around himself as he emerged from behind the sorcessor.
“Bruce,” your father had gasped as he watched him walk over in disbelief. Bruce gave an awkward smile, as he pulled the blanket closer to his body.
“Pepper,” Bruce had greeted her too before looking at you. “Hey little rascal. Look at you all grown up.”
“Hi,” you and Pepper replied simultaneously, not believing your eyes. And why would you? This man was gone for three years. You guys thought you’d never see him again.
“You okay?” Tony asks, but Bruce gives Tony a desperate hug, not answering.
You knew something was up. Something was wrong with Bruce to have him shaken up like that, like he’d seen the devil himself.
Your hand instinctively reached Peter’s hand, scared to find out what had the fate of the universe in stake.
You then looked at Peter, your eyes still wide, pupils dilated in fear.
“You better suit up too.”
“At the dawn of the universe, there was nothing, then boom,” Wong had explained as you all listened intently, watching the visual representation. “The big bang sent six elemental crystals hurtling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence."
“Space, Reality, Power, Soul, Mind,” Dr Strange listed as each stone glowed. Your eyes watched in fascination has he opened his necklace to reveal a stone emitting an emerald light. “And Time.”
You looked at your father to figure out his game plan. He looked at the demonstration intensively before speaking. “Tell me his name again.”
“Thanos,” Bruce spoke out, getting up from his seat and staring your dad dead in the eye. “He's a plague, Tony. He invades planets. He takes what he wants. He wipes out half the population. He sent Loki. The attack on New York. That's him.”
“This is it,” your father whispered to himself, as he rubbed his chin.
“Um Mr Dr. Strange,” Peter’s voice wavered as he lifted his arm up. Stephen gave him a nod, indicating him to continue. “What exactly is our timeline? Like today? Tomorrow? B-because we have a birthday to celebrate.”
“No telling,” Bruce looked at Peter, shaking his head as he gripped his blanket. “He has the Power and Space Stones, that already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe. If he gets his hands on all six Stones, guys.”
“He can destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of,” Dr Strange finished him. You shivered at those words as goosebumps appeared on your skin.
This is it. This is what you and your father have been prophesying for 6 years.
Your father leans against a cauldron, stretching like he's about to go for a run. “Did you seriously just say "hitherto undreamt of"?”
Dr. Stephen Strange looked at your father in ridiculousness as he kept stretching. “Are you seriously leaning on the Cauldron of the Cosmos?”
“Is that what this is?” Your father had spoke before Dr Strange’s cloak suddenly moved and smaked your father’s arm making him jump back.
“I'm going to allow that,” your father glared at Stephen, straightning up his jacket.
“Look this seems really dangerous and it’s getting out of hand,” you spoke, gathering all the men’s attention. “Maybe we should call the police.”
Your father snorted at that comment but the sorceress looked at you like you were an idiot. “Wha-“
“Or maybe the Avengers, idk,” you cut him off. You were stressed, and like your father, you made jokes when you were stressed.
Peter knew this so he decided to join along so you weren’t alone. “Or stick his stone in the garbage disposal.”
“Do you think if we auctioned it on Ebay, thanos will bid for it?” You turned to look at Peter. “Can you imagine him betting like 100 gold pieces. Or like paying with slaves-“
“We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone,” Wong interrupted you both like you had offended him. Which you probably did. “With our lives.”
“And I swore off dairy, but then, Ben & Jerry's named a flavor after me, so,” your dad replied back, giving both the men a shrug.
“Quince Quasar is the best,” you shot back.
“Whatever,” Your father replied before looking back at the man in a cloak. “Point is, things change.”
“Our oath to protect the Time Stone cannot change,” the doctor had urged your father, looking at you too in seriousness. “This Stone may be the best chance we have against Thanos.”
“And still conversely, it may also be his best chance against us,” you spoke back, now standing up from your seat. “We are bringing what Thanos wants right under his nose. To me, that sounds fairly stupid.”
“Okay, guys, could we table this discussion right now?” Bruce had interrupted you guys. “The fact is that we have this Stone. We know where it is. Vision is out there somewhere with the Mind Stone, and we have to find him now.”
“Yeah, that's the thing,” your father groaned out awkwardly. “He’s offline. We don’t know where he is right now.”
“Who could find Vision, then?” Stephen had asked.
“Shit,” your father whispered to himself, pushing his hair back. “Probably Steve Rogers.”
The doctor sighed in discontent, shaking his head frustration. “Oh, great.”
“Call him,” Bruce spoke out innocently making you sigh before you took your seat with Peter.
You smiled at him before leaning on his shoulder and tuning out the rest of the conversation.
“I hope this is a false alarm,” you told Peter. “Because frankly I’m scared of dying and also, we don’t have the rest of the Avengers so we’re screwed.”
You then looked at his watch.
1818 days and 3 hours
“I still have a lot to live for,” you then replied, closing your eyes. “I want to graduate MIT. Buy my first house that isn’t in the Avengers compound. Have 6 kids and name them after the infinity stones.”
You snorted at the last part, wanting to slap yourself for being so annoying.
“Hey,” Peter spoke, watching as your father spoke to the Bruce and the two sorceress. “You will. Except the last part. That last part is where you sort of went downhill.”
“Shut up web man.”
“Say, Doc,” your father had spoke, making you look at him. “You wouldn't happen to be moving your hair, would you?”
Dr. Strange looked up at his forelock fluttering in confusion. “Not at the moment, no.”
You looked up at the Hulk-made opening through the ceiling and see debris flying by outside. You then get up and walk near the door, seeing people running and screaming.
You open the door, your father and Peter following you close behind. A women runs into you as you stop her from falling. “You okay?”
The woman ignores you and runs away. The wind his blowing your hair everywhere and you are struggling to see through the debris that you almost miss the car hurdling towards you.
Peter, with his instincts, quickly webs the car into the wall before it hits you. You look at him, giving him a grateful smile that he returns.
Your father the puts on his sunglasses as you and Peter stood by his side, awaiting his intructions. “F.R.I.D.A.Y., what am I looking at?”
“Not sure, I'm working on it.”
Your father then faces Dr Strange. “Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc!”
Dr. Strange moves his hands and now bands of spells were readied around his forearms. “Might wanna use it.”
A mechanical hum grows louder as you, Bruce, your dad and Strange approach the intersection with Wong following behind. As you turn around the corner, you see a huge circular ship floating over Bleecker Street.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., evac anyone south of 43rd Street, notify first responders,” you spoke as you readied up, your suit emitting a golden glow. “Make sure they set a perimeter 6 blocks from this area.”
“Will do.”
Doctor Strange throws some kind of spell that forms a strong wind over Bleeker Street before winking at your father who was begrudgingly amused for a split second.
The dust cleared and suddenly two aliens, one large and one small wearing a robe, exited the ship by what seemed to be a transmat.
The two aliens seemed emotionless and threatening as they spoke.
“Hear me, and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to-“
“I'm sorry, Earth is closed today,” your father cut him off, echoing his usual sarcastic self. “You better pack it up and get outta here.”
“Stone keeper,” the alien spoke, looking at Doctor Strange. He then gestures to your father. “Does this chattering animal speak for you?”
“Certainly not. I speak for myself,” Dr Strange spoke, as he hit his wrists together and formed a magicial shield before stepping forward. “But you’re trespassing in this city and on this planet.”
Wong copied his actions and formed shields around his fists. Peter got in an attack stance, placing a mask on his face whilst your suit begun emitting quantum energy more profoundly that your hair was floating up.
“It means get lost, Squidward!” Tony yelled at him. You saw your father’s fists clench and his whole body tense up.
Your father did not want a fight, you know that. He, just like you, wanted to continue your day without a worry in the world.
The alien looked displeased and stood his ground arrogantly. “You all exhaust me.”
He then turned to his bigger friend, lifting an arm up. “Bring me the Stone.”
The alien lets out three untranslated syllables. He drops his huge alien hammer and drags it along as he obeys his brethren.
“Banner, you want a piece?” Your father had asked Bruce.
“Cool!” Peter spoke excitedly, getting up from his fighting position. “We get to see the hulk?”
“When do I ever get what I want?” Bruce muttered to himself as he took a step forward. Bruce attempts to release the Hulk. Instead of Hulk coming out easily, the most that turns green is Bruce's neck. It almost looks painful to watch.
“Been a while,” your father had replied patiently, watching as the alien neared. “Good to have you back buddy.”
“I just-“ Banner stopped, trying to get himself to hulk out. “I need to concentrate here for one second. Come on, come on, man.”
“Are you okay Bruce?” You had asked him, walking over to him to rub his shoulder. “Because at this rate your more likely to shit yourself then hulk out and we don’t need that right now.”
“Me and Hulk are having a thing.”
“There’s no time for a thing!”
“Don’t you think I know!”
“Uh guys,” Peter spoke, pointing at the alien who was now running towards you guys. “I don’t think we have time for the Hulk to show up fashionably late.”
Bruce gives out a loud grunt, but fails to release the Hulk once again. Doctor Strange stares at your dad and Bruce in disbelief, making your dad face Bruce. “Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards.”
As the giant alien approaches the team, your father dons his nanotech Iron Man suit in the space of three steps. He grows a shield on one arm to protect himself, then grows a set of blasters that easily throw the giant back to his master who gestures and deflects his massive companion into some cars.
“Where'd that come from?” Bruce had asked excitedly. Your father smirked at him, showing off his suit.
“It's nano-tech. You like it? A little someth-“
Before your father finished his sentence, the alien creates a spike of earth that throws your father far up.
You feel anger bubbling within you as you clench your fist. “You’re gonna regret that.”
You fly over to him, your whole body emmitting a yellow bright light as you pulled your fist up, ready to punch him before Maw, the alien, lifts up his hand, throwing a car at you.
Before it hits you, your father returns and joins the fight, pushing a car thrown by Maw back at him. Maw cuts it in half and lets the pieces fly past him, untouched.
While he’s cutting the car in half, you let out a quantum blast, knocking him to the end of the street.
Your father looked at Stephen, his face now serious. “Gotta get that stone outta here, now.”
“It stays with me.”
“Exactly. Bye. Y/N, come with me,” your dad speaks before flying off.
“No. You, Strange and Wong fight off the beast and take Bruce with you,” you replied back in the comms. “Peter and I have got Voldemort.”
“Okay little miss bossy.”
You nod at Peter as Strange and Wong open a portal where both of them and Bruce disappear into.
“Just like we practiced,” you told Peter, as you saw Maw get up, dusting his attire. Peter nodded up at you, getting in position.
He shot an electric web at you, powering up your suit, before you shot a surge of quantum energy at Maw, blinding him.
You had five secound to attack Maw before the temporary blindness from the light would fade away. This had to be quick or else you’d both be at a disadvantage.
Peter grabbed you by the waist and webbed the surface of a building. He then swung over to Maw who was currently rubbing his eyes, letting out an incoherent sentence.
Peter made one final big swing before letting go of your waist. You swung your fist back, flying down with full speed as quantum energy surged throughout your body.
You punched Maw with full power, forcing him 3 meters down the earth’s surface. Peter then webbed you back up before throwing a timed-web bomb down the hole.
You breathed in heavily as Peter swung back to your side. “Don’t get too excited, he’s an alien. They usually need more than just a big hit to stay down.”
And just as you predicted, Maw surged out of the floor, using a piece of the road to levitate. “Let’s try this again shall we.”
Maw lifted up a finger, causing a massive rock to hurdle towards you. Peter quickly picked you up once again, and webbed you up into a balcony before the car would hit you.
“You sure do hate cars.”
Maw looked at you both angrily, getting sick of you guys. You gave him a little smirk before flying off the balcony and towards his direction.
You shot quantum blasts at him. While he was distracted trying to not get hit, you took a sneaky shot near the building next to him.
You got out of the way as the building started following towards him. But it was too slow. Maw had caught it his telekinetic powers, his arms up as he let out a groan.
Peter took this as an opportunity to swing down and kick him in the stomach but before he did, Maw quickly released the building and bended metal scraps around his wrists and ankles to the wall.
“I can’t move!” Peter spoke, trying to break free from the grips of the metal but failing to do so. What kind of power did this alien possess to have him stuck like this with metal scraps, he had thought.
“Can’t spiders shoot webs from their ass?” You yelled over to him while fighting maw at the same time. You moved your head to the side, narrowingly missing the pipe he threw towards your head.
“No I can’t!” Peter yelled back, not believing what you just said to him. “I’m not an actual spider!”
“So you’re a fraud,” you told him as you shot at Maw which he kept deflecting with various metallic items. “You’re Fraudelent man.”
“No I’m not!”
Maw moved both his hands up, now two flying cars surging towards you from either side. Before you could react, Dr Strange appeared, creating a portal behind you so that the cars wouldn’t go through you.
He then went over to Maw fighting him whilst you ran up to Peter. You drew your wrist back. “Close your eyes.”
Peter obliged and closed his eyes as you sent a blast at his wrists and ankle, setting him free. “There you go.”
“Well that was fun,” Peter had muttered to himself. “I thought today was just going to be lunch before we go back to the avengers compound to sing happy birthday, but apparently no.”
You see your father fly past you and over to Dr Strange who was being taken by the alien. It seemed like Dr Strange was unconscious and that Maw was taking him and the stone with him.
“Shit,” you whispered before looking at Peter. “We have to stop that alien from getting the stone.”
Peter nodded, rubbing his wrists before following you and your dad to where Strange was being teloported.
Peter webbed your foot as you flew up to the spaceship. You struggled to fly due to the turbulence that Peter caused from being webbed up to your foot.
“Pete, you’re making it really hard to fly!”
“I’m sorry if I want to save the world with you guys but don’t have wings!”
You put a little more effort to flying up, nearing closer and closer to the space ship. You felt the edge of the spaceship in your fingertips before quickly picking yourself up and holding on to the spaceship.
“I-I can’t breathe!” Peter gasped as his eyes was closing and opening his eyes. He ripped off the web from your foot and held onto the spaceship tightly instead.
“Unlock 17-A,” you heard your father speak to F.R.I.D.A.Y. You knew what 17A was. It was the suit your dad spent all night working on.
“Pete you gotta let go!” You spoke to him as you held onto the space ship yourself, feeling the wind pushing your hair around.
Peter didn’t want to let go. He was scared of heights. But he was forced to let go after losing consciousness.
Peter started free-falling, but not for long before the pod reaches him. It attaches itself to him, becoming the Iron Spider suit.
Now being able to breathe, Peter lands on a bottom part of the ship, standing up heroically. You smile at him, watching as he looked at the suit in surprise.
“Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!” He yelled over to your father.
“Happy trails, kid.” Your father had replied before speaking to his suit. “F.R.I.D.A.Y, send him home.”
A large parachute extends from the new suit, snatching Peter free of the ship's hull and him spiraling back to Earth. “Oh come on!”
“You should go home too,” your father told you as he latches onto the hull and cuts a hole to board the ship, looking for wherever Strange and Ebony Maw went.
“Well I’m not,” you spoke back in defiance as you too looked for where the surgeon had been taken to. “We’re in this together!”
“If you don’t turn around right now I swear to Thor that I will-“
“Boss, incoming call from Miss Potts,” F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke, making your dad sigh before answering. You walked a little further, trying to give him some privacy and also find Strange.
You ran your fingertips along the walls that were made out of steel, with multiple pipes running along. The lack of insulation in the ship was making you cold.
It also didn’t help that you were in outer space, where temperatures were even colder. You put your arms around yourself, determined to heat your body back up.
The ship however, was quiet. Eerily quiet. And this ship had looked like it was going in a coordinated location due to the lack of motion.
You were walking around, trying not to make a sound.
And that’s when you felt it.
A sickening feeling in your stomach that told you one thing.
This was a one-way trip and some of you weren’t coming back.
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