#I got tagged
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weaponizedmoth · 1 day ago
I haven't been on this blog too much at all because I've been on the fence abt posting here anymore, but thank you @trans-meowsculine for tagging me (Pumpkin too <333)! Since you're like my only steady mutual I'd go with Rose for you. Absolutely.
(And I have no one to tag :)
guess who made one of those ask game things :] yknow cause why not
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you know the drill
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1nlonelynaomi · 2 years ago
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I was tagged by @raesteagarden to post some selfies.
I elect the gorgeous peeps to post if they feel comfortable. @zerosuitsammi3 @fujicakezzz420 @the--amala--network
Anyone else jump in.
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teencopandthesourwolf · 1 year ago
tagged by the lovely @outtoshatter to take part. but it's monday! i hear you cry... yeah, sue me. this is a stiles's-perpetually-open-bedroom-window sterek wip fic that is growing incredibly s l o w l y but growing none the less.
"I'm gonna buy you a bell to wear around that thick neck of yours, 'wolf," Stiles threatens, and thinks he might actually mean it.
"You'd have to buy me a collar, first."
Maybe Stiles isn't actually awake yet.
He thought he heard the sourwolf making a dog joke. Actually, forget the canine inclusion, that part doesn't even matter...
Derek Hale just made a joke.
Stiles must look incredulous as fuck because Derek's face softens a little. Hell, the big guy almost smiles, his smooth lips twitching adorably.
Stiles's frazzled brain needle scratches dramatically.
Then, it backtracks a little.
"Wait, how did you know I was having a nightmare?" he asks, momentarily puzzled. He wipes a clammy arm across his clammy face, waiting for his mind to whirr into action.
Derek must've—
"Dude, were you hanging around outside my window?"
Derek looks shifty.
Well, shiftier than usual.
tagging, play or nay: @shealynn88 @sharkfish @novemberhush @greyhavenisback @ohhalefire @jmeelee @wolfspurr @nerdherderette and any others i can't think of rn that i should be tagging plus anybody else at all who wants to do the thing; just feel free to say i tagged you xp
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disdaidal · 10 months ago
1 song for every letter of url and then tag that many ppl – tagged by the lovely @assortedfruitsnacks212 <333
Dance D'Amour - The 69 Eyes I Surrender (To the Spirit of the Night) - Samantha Fox Shut Up And Drive - Rihanna Dear Carniwhore - For My Pain… All or Nothing - Jeremiah Kane I Want You - Savage Garden Divide - The Birthday Massacre Artificial Love - she Love's a Loaded Gun - Alice Cooper
Tagging some people in my recent activity: @rascheln @sunwarmed-ash @spaceofentropy @grey-sides @wllbyers @suometar @magellan-88 @passivenovember @elowmojo. Others are welcome to take this ♥, and if you were tagged and don't want to do this, then no pressure.
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Top 5 characters
I was tagged by @underacalicosky to make a poll with my top 5 all-time favorite characters and tag 5 people to do the same.
Choosing only 5 favorites is really hard, I have so many.
Yeah sorry no SW characters here, how could I choose between them? They are all my favorites.
No pressure tag @barmadumet @prahacat @cocotter @piecesofeden11 @sky-kenobye
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morewyckedthanyou · 1 month ago
I was tagged by @lovelesscherub to post 10 of my favourite films without naming them! And here I am finally several days later doing this... I didn't forget, yay. Thank you so much! 💖(I have seriously missed doing tag games a lot, so this was really fun.)
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Honestly I had a little bit of a trouble finding good gifs for some movies so for that reason alone I ended up ditching a movie I first thought of and then chose another one... 🤷🏻‍♀️ Luckily I have a lot of favourite movies to choose from.
I'm tagging @disdaidal @catzy88 @icanhasnaow @leyley09 @invisible-brandy @purty-pumpkin @an-sceal @marley-manson and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it because I know for a fact I forgot to tag several people. 😅
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astaldis · 10 months ago
WIP Tuesday
Thanks a lot @disdaidal for tagging me! 😘
Here is the beginning of a little one-shot I'm writing for the @witchermonstermayhem. No longer works in progress at the moment.
And yet another safe
Cahir & Gallatin friendship
The monster gives a deafening roar, mouth wide agape, its rotting teeth flashing in the light of his torch. It looks ugly like hell and stinks of death and decay. But he has fought the likes of it before. They seem to be spawning out of the soil like pests these days. Well, they are well fed in these times of contempt, and he himself has provided them with ample dinner. If their mission was not as secret as it is, he would, of course, burn all the corpses of the soldiers and waggoners that accompany the caravans they raid and that end up dead and rotting in the woods. But fires like the ones necessary to cremate a dozen or so dead humans at the same time are too conspicuous and they cannot bury every body deep enough for those corpse eaters not to get to them. At least they try to with their own casualties. Which is more than enough hard work with all the rocks and stones and roots in the forest soil. A pity, these brainless beasts do not appreciate the service they and the Scoia'tael are providing them and keep to a dead-meat-only diet instead of attacking their benefactors.
He swings his sword at the ghoul. The beast roars again and charges at him, the elf lying spreadeagled on the forest ground forgotten. Cahir ducks and spins, then stabs the ghoul in its massive thigh. The monster does not even seem to notice. It lunges at the human. But it is too slow and stupid to do any damage. Cahir evades the monster by jumping to the side in the last moment, then he spins around and sinks his blade into the ogroid's back. This time, the monster does notice. It turns around, its ugly face a grimace of deadly fury. Then it pounces at the human again ...
If you'd like to play the tagging game too, I'm looking forward to seeing snippets of your current WIPs @littlestsnicket @my-jokes-are-my-armour @bookscorpion @i-bermudiana @morriganwarrior @bylightofdawn @bittersweetbark @kuwdora
and anybody else who'd like to take part! But no pressure, only if you feel like it and have some spare time at hand. Have a lovely Tuesday!
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eddiestightywhities · 7 months ago
share the last line you wrote
tag some pals
have some fun!
i was tagged by the ever-lovely @kitteneddiediaz—thanks, baz! this is the last couple of lines i wrote from my jealous!eddie buddie getting together fic...
This time, Eddie can't keep his deep breathing a covert thing and he sucks in two big lungs full of air before exhaling sharply and grabbing at his beer, which is sadly still not laced with arsenic. He puts the rim of the bottle to irritating quivering lips and braces himself for two long swigs to distract himself from his wayward thoughts, the IPA nowhere near as bitter as the foul taste starting to fester away on his tongue.
tagging, play or nay: @inell @sortasirius @angela-feelstoomuch @woodchoc-magnum @eddiegettingshot @veronae-buddie @daffi-990 @rosieposiepuddingnpie and anybody else who wants to do the thing xp
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all-or-nothing-baby · 2 years ago
i was tagged by @racheld93—thanks mate, this was fun!
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1. create your look
2. discover your role
...then post your results!
tagging, play or nay, the same folks i just tagged in another game bc i have no spoons left lol: @shealynn88 @sharkfish @novemberhush @greyhavenisback @poebin @jmeelee @raisesomehale @rajalagang @ohhalefire @halinski @kikiroo @lovebillyhargrove @harrgrove @slytherkins @witchsickness @ltleflrt @wellwaterhysteria @deklo @ash-mcj @chasingcastiel @gabedemon absolutely anybody else who wants to do the thing!
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0shewrites0 · 7 months ago
Thanks for the tag @andiatas this sounds so fun 🫶🏼
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I’m tagging @rebelrayne @mercedesdecorazon @operationnope @jeanniecrush 🩷
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andauril · 6 months ago
OC Smash or Pass: Silaestra
I did this once before but I only got three votes that time IN TOTAL we can do better than that, right? I mean look at her. She's hot. She deserves more than 3 total votes! This time, the lovely @mercymaker tagged me!
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(Artwork by @/ineed-to-sleep, @/dafna-winchester, @/morebird, @/nikoadmeliora & @/cerudinaeart, Screenshots taken by moi)
Height: 5'7" (or ~170 cm)
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bi/pan
Age: ca. 138 during the events of the game
Class: Sorcerer
Race: High Elf (Moon Elf), Bhaalspawn
Alignment: chaotic neutral early game, more chaotic good in the late game
very patient, good at keeping a level head
very big into consent, she will never pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do
little bit of a tease
polite, but she will swear during sex
fiercely loyal
dry sense of humour
amazing hair and will help you with yours
her ears are very sensitive, do with that info what you want
very good at kissing
if you just want sex with no strings attached, she is down for that too
willing to try things out in the bedroom
will dirty talk you in Primordial
artistically talented, may make a sketch of you or your pet or sth
will literally kill for you, especially if someone wronged you
20 charisma by the end of the game, nuff said
hand kink
praise kink
switch in the bedroom
has a very fine ass
daddy issues doesn't even BEGIN to cover it
miserable drunk, you may have to babysit her
emotionally constipated
scared of getting attached but attaches far too quickly
prone to keeping secrets
maybe a little vain so will hog the bathroom to do her hair for 2 hours
may or may not blackout and murder someone or do some other kind of evil shit
copes with the aforementioned blackout murders by engaging in self-destructive behaviour (Loviatar's priest whipping her, drinking ghastly ghost liqour with an undead ...)
doesn't lose her temper quickly but when she does it's not pretty
I shall tag @dungeonsdragonsandlawyers and @naevethewizard :3
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philcoulsonismyhero · 2 months ago
I got tagged in a thing by @squireofgeekdom and it reminded me I was also tagged in the same thing by @tenderhooked a while ago, so I'm finally doing the thing! (Thanks folks!)
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have WIPs. People send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I've got far too many WIPs to list all of them, but here's six of the things I've either already posted some of recently-ish or am making a concerted effort to work on this month:
Don't Carry It All, Don't Carry It All (Rivers of London) (very soon to no longer be a WIP, I'm at the editing stage on the final two chapters)
Self-indulgent gay crime thriller (original)
I am the same, I'm the same, I'm trying to change (Rivers of London/Kingsman crossover)
Tell Me Who's the Enemy (With All Eyes On The King) (RWBY)
A Ghost In The Garden, Scaring The Crows (Rivers of London)
No Place For A Doctor (original)
Going to throw some no-obligation tags in the direction of @scribefindegil, @johnbly, @astriiformes, @humandisastersquad and anyone else who'd like to give this a go!
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torrentialmonsoon · 2 years ago
Comfort films tag thingy majingy by @infamouslyroggylives. Thanks, dude. Mine are so random.
Nanny McPhee
Time for comfort animated films!
The Lion King
Beauty and the Beast
But I'm also now adding comfort movie series because that's a must!
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
The Hunger Games
Okay, obviously now it's time for comfort TV shows because why not?!
Attack on Titan (waiting for the final final final final final? part)
Brooklyn-Nine Nine
Stranger Things
EXTRA special addition because I can't possibly leave out FMA Brotherhood!
So I made this way longer than it was supposed to be but isn't this so much more fun?! I tag @cruxymox @the-hollow-quiet @infamouslyroggylives again because now do the whole thing, @takingstockofwhatmattersmost @fakesurprise @dg-fragments @vagabondking @desayunogratis @nakedlastforever-blog @mikefrawley @goneahead @anjo-by-the-sea @madworlddiary @mylovaboxa and of course @twohousesoftheholy. If you aren't tagged and you want to participate, please doooooo
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disdaidal · 1 year ago
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I was tagged by @gayles55 and @silvermoon-scrolls to post my 9 favorite characters. It was impossible for me to pick just nine, so I picked a little more. :'D I'm all about breaking rules, heh.
Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things)
Ellen Ripley (Alien trilogy)
Cahir (The Witcher)
Haldir (Lord of the Rings)
Tess (The Last of Us)
Nil (Horizon Zero Dawn)
Jose Chavez y Chavez (Young Guns)
Sarah Connor (Terminator 2)
Iolaus (Hercules: the Legendary Journeys)
Cara Mason (Legend of the Seeker)
Nick Clark (Fear the Walking Dead)
Octavia Blake (The 100)
I'm tagging @catzy88 @morewyckedthanyou @dandysnob @suometar @hotdadlicense @godidontevenknowwhat. If you don't want to do this, no pressure. If you want to do this, but weren't tagged, consider yourselves tagged by me. <3
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tuliharja · 7 months ago
Five comfort characters, five tags
Thank you so much for tagging me @unohanadaydreams!
The timing of this tag game wouldn't have come in more ironic timing than it did, since just recently my one friend asked me about my own comfort characters. To be honest, I think when I move to a new fandom, my comfort character changes along the way. Though, at times I notice myself going back to certain fandoms and reading about certain characters or ships, so maybe those in a way comfort me. But then I read about other people's answers, which made me realize the definition of comfort character differs from person to person. Yes, there are some similarities, and even in some cases, the definition can vary between characters. It's all about how one views and handles them. So, I've tried to make my own list with explanations of why these characters are my comfort characters (which was very hard. Not just because of the explanations, but also just listing only five of them!)
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Tomoyo-hime (from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle). Probably my oldest blorbo. Writing her is extremely easy for me. Not to mention she reminds me of all the good and pure things in the whole world with that glint of mischievousness. Just thinking about her calmness and beautiful smile soothes me. Not to mention she is the other part of my ultimate OTP, so when I talk/write about her, I can talk about my OTP. (And oh boy. I have a lot to say/write about them! And things concerning them and around them.) She is just extremely comfortable to me.
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Yoruichi Shihoin (from BLEACH). When you don't know what to draw, either draw Tomoyo or Yoruichi, my brain whispers to me when I'm stuck on which anime/manga woman to draw. Yoruichi is extremely easy for me to draw. Not to mention there is just something in her character that draws my attention in art-wise. I really like to both draw Yoruichi and look at the art of her. It brings me a sense of serenity and makes me want to draw something cool or amazing. She is a very great character. I also like the fact the manga didn't reveal everything about her, so there is room to write about her if I so want. Not to mention she is a very layered character underneath her cattish attitude. But to me, she is mostly my art blorbo.
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Shinji Hirako (from BLEACH). This feels very random, even to me. But after I mulled over this matter a good while, I realized Shinji is my comfort character. Each time when I've been away from Bleach fandom and I want to read a Bleach fic, I unconsciously start to look for fics where is Shinji. There is just something about the piano teeth man who brings me a sense of security, despite the fact he is a goofy mess. Not to mention he is an extremely layered character, which makes him just a delicious character to read about. (Sadly, I still can't read fics where he and Hiyori appear as main characters as usual in such fics their slang/dialect is so strong, I get lost in translation...)
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Furina (From Genshin Impact). One of my newer blorbos. I can't help but just feel most about her. Even before the big revelation about her, everything about her made me root for her and feel this kinship that is very hard for me to explain. More so, after the big revelation about her. There is something about Furina that brightens my day and makes me feel reassured. Especially when I think how she can mess up badly or be a bundle of anxiety, yet still keeps going on despite her many failures and faults. Not to mention she is a very complex and pretty character. I definitely want to make art about her at some point~.
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Lucifer Morningstar (from Lucifer). My newest, shiny blorbo. I must admit I'm not sure why he is my blorbo. The fact he is such a layered character? The fact he looks drop-dead gorgeous? He has more issues than one can count with two hands, yet still chooses to ignore that all? The huge angst potential? The fact despite the fact he can (and will) act like an absolute a-hole yet is the sweetest thing ever? Or he knows how to live, but can still be very insightful and all that more? Haha, I don't know, but I sure do know underneath that wild party animal, he is the most lovable guy ever and that's magnetic. Plus, he is what he is and is (mostly) unapologetic about it.
Honorable mentions: Juushiro Ukitake (Bleach), Tobirama Senju (Naruto), Madara Uchiha (Naruto), Thrawn (Star Wars, Penelope Eckhart (Villains Are Destined to Die), and Riruka Dokugamine (Bleach).
Tagging (with no pressure): @officerjennie, @callmeasyouwantidk, @jkrobertson, @the-con-she-called-conscience and @lemongrass-and-cedarwood.
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astaldis · 8 months ago
10 TV Shows
I was tagged by @do-androids-dream-ao3acc for the "10 tv shows game", rules: add 10 gifs from your favourite shows, tag 10 people. Thanks for tagging me, I'll try my best, but I don't watch much TV, no idea if I can come up with ten (unless I go 40 years back or so 😅):
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The Witcher, of course.
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Before that I was a big Supernatural fan.
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Also The Walking Dead
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Damnation (such a shame there was only one season)
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The ABC Murders
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Almost Human (also only one season 😭)
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All Creatures Great and Small (the old one, I didn't even know there is a new series until I looked for gifs here 😅 Unfortunately there are hardly any for the old series)
Some rather old ones, but I got 10 😊. What are your fav 10 TV shows? Tagging @disdaidal @bylightofdawn @my-jokes-are-my-armour @scuddish @morriganwarrior @littlestsnicket @endiness @kuwdora @supercupcakecollector-love @bittersweetbark @nikki-farr @joker1315 @ahh-fxck
(but only if you'd like to and have the time, no pressure at all) and everybody else who would like to do it.
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