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adrianomaini · 1 year ago
Ho ricavato altre notizie sulla pratica della tonsura femminile nei diari dei parroci ravennati
Bagnacavallo (RA). Foto di Remo Emiliani su Wikipedia Per quanto riguarda Forlì, Ravenna e Bologna, la consultazione delle fonti giudiziarie e amministrative – mi riferisco in particolare ai fondi delle CAS, delle Questure e delle Prefetture – ha messo in luce due soli casi.Il primo è quello della già citata Benvenuta Calandri, tosata dai partigiani in provincia di Verona, presso Bussolengo,…
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bagnabraghe · 1 year ago
Ho ricavato altre notizie sulla pratica della tonsura femminile nei diari dei parroci ravennati
Bagnacavallo (RA). Foto di Remo Emiliani su Wikipedia Per quanto riguarda Forlì, Ravenna e Bologna, la consultazione delle fonti giudiziarie e amministrative – mi riferisco in particolare ai fondi delle CAS, delle Questure e delle Prefetture – ha messo in luce due soli casi.Il primo è quello della già citata Benvenuta Calandri, tosata dai partigiani in provincia di Verona, presso Bussolengo,…
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collasgarba · 1 year ago
Ho ricavato altre notizie sulla pratica della tonsura femminile nei diari dei parroci ravennati
Bagnacavallo (RA). Foto di Remo Emiliani su Wikipedia Per quanto riguarda Forlì, Ravenna e Bologna, la consultazione delle fonti giudiziarie e amministrative – mi riferisco in particolare ai fondi delle CAS, delle Questure e delle Prefetture – ha messo in luce due soli casi.Il primo è quello della già citata Benvenuta Calandri, tosata dai partigiani in provincia di Verona, presso Bussolengo,…
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alessandrobelliere · 1 year ago
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Rocca di Forlimpopoli
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twinssebastiani · 16 days ago
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CEDE LA SUTOR VINCE FORLIMPOPOLI - 26.01.2025 - Stop interno per i gialloblù che vendono cara la pelle ma lasciano i due punti alla prima della classe. Ci ha provato... 🏀 https://www.twinssebastiani.it/dettaglio.php?id=12883
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77jose-ricardo77 · 7 months ago
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San Pedro Crisólogo, obispo de Ravena y doctor de la Iglesia
En Ravena, que desde los inicios del Siglo V es capital del Imperio romano de Occidente, el obispo Pedro es un hombre de paz. Los 180 sermones que llegaron hasta nuestros días hablan de su fe. Fascina a Papas y a reinantes con “palabras de oro”, de donde se desprende su apelativo “crisólogo”.
San Pedro Crisólogo, obispo y doctor de la Iglesia
fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 30 de julio
fecha en el calendario anterior: 4 de diciembre
n.: c. 380 - †: c. 450 - país: Italia
canonización: pre-congregación
hagiografía: J. Quasten: Patrología
Elogio: San Pedro, «Crisólogo» de sobrenombre, obispo de Rávena y doctor de la Iglesia, que, habiendo recibido el nombre del santo apóstol , desempeñó su ministerio tan perfectamente que consiguió captar a multitudes en la red de su celestial doctrina y las sació con la dulzura de su palabra. Su tránsito tuvo lugar el día treinta y uno de este mes en Imola, en la región de Emilia Romagna.
Patronazgos: protector contra la fiebre y la rabia.
refieren a este santo: San Apolinar de Rávena, San Rufilo de Forlimpopoli
Oración: Señor Dios, que hiciste de tu obispo san Pedro Crisólogo un insigne predicador de la Palabra encarnada, concédenos, por su intercesión, guardar y meditar en nuestros corazones los misterios de la salvación y vivirlos en la práctica con fidelidad. Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amén (oración litúrgica).
La vida de Pedro, arzobispo de Rávena, llamado «Crisólogo» (es decir: de palabra áurea, de excelente predicación) desde el siglo IX, es mal conocida. De él habla el Liber Pontificalis y una biografía poco de fiar, obra de Agnello de Ravena (siglo IX). Por estas fuentes y por lo que de su obra se deduce, sabemos que Pedro nació en Imola hacia el 380, fue nombrado metropolita de Rávena entre el 425 y el 429 (ciertamente, antes del 431, fecha de una carta que le escribe Teodoreto), estuvo presente el 445 al fallecimiento de san Germán de Auxerre y tres o cuatro años después escribió a Eutiques, presbítero de Constantinopla, que había recurrido a él después de su condenación por obra de Flaviano, invitándolo a someterse a las decisiones de León, obispo de Roma, «quoniam beatus Petrus, qui in propia sede et vivit et praesidet, praestat quarentibus fidei vertiatem» (Ep ad Eutychen: PL 54,743: «Porque el bienaventurado Pedro, que en su sede vive y preside, otorga la verdad de la fe a los que buscan.»). Falleció entre el 449 y el 458 (fecha de una carta de León a su sucesor Neón), probablemente, el 3 de diciembre del 450, quizás en Imola [aunque en al actualidad se tiende a considerar como fecha más probable el 31 de julio].
Gracias a las pacientes investigaciones de A. Olivar, hoy es posible conocer con exactitud la producción auténtica de Pedro Crisólogo, que comprende una carta (ya mencionada), 168 sermones de la Collectio Feliciana (siglo VIII) y 15 «extravagantes» (escritos no clasificados). Otros escritos, como el célebre Rollo de Rávena, colección de oraciones de preparación a la Navidad (s. VII), no pueden ser tenidos por auténticos. Los sermones, a los que Pedro debe su celebridad, se distinguen por la esmerada preparación de un orador dotado de una cultura discreta y por el calor humano y el fervor divino de un santo varón. La condición peculiar de Rávena, sede de la corte imperial y ciudad marinera, explica la frecuencia de ejemplos tomados de la vida de la corte y de la vida militar y marinera, aunque no faltan ejemplos de la vida rural. «Entre los escritores del siglo V, pocos superan a Pedro Crisólogo en elegancia», en sus sermones nos ha legado «páginas de genuina elocuencia, enérgica y eficaz» (Moricca).
El contenido de los sermones es variado, muchos son homilías sobre textos evangélicos, otros, sobre San Pablo, los Salmos, el símbolo bautismal, el padrenuestro o en conmemoración de santos y exhortaciones a la penitencia. Pedro Crisólogo, comentando la Biblia o exponiendo los temas que le sugerían las celebraciones litúrgicas, documenta ampliamente las inquietudes teológicas de su época. Su predicación, en efecto, no refleja sólo la doctrina latina sobre la encarnación como se profesaba entre Éfeso y Calcedonia, sino que es, asimismo, testimonio de la postura católica en las cuestiones sobre la gracia y la vida cristiana. Cuando reconoce claramente el primado del obispo de Roma (además de la carta a Eutiques, cf Serm 78), Pedro es, sin duda, portavoz del sentir común de los obispos de Italia. Su considerable actividad como predicador nos ha legado una documentación inestimable sobre la liturgia de Rávena y sobre la cultura de esa ciudad, etapa obligada entre Roma y el norte de Italia. Ningún obispo de su tiempo nos ha facilitado un cuadro tan completo de la celebración del año litúrgico. Por su actitud contra la resistencia que aún oponía el paganismo en su agonía y por su polémica contra la comunidad judia de su ciudad, Pedro Crisólogo representa la actitud pastoral del episcopado de la Iglesia imperial de su tiempo. Fue declarado Doctro de la Iglesia por SS. Benedicto XIII en 1729.
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gliscrittidirosettasavelli · 7 months ago
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 10 months ago
Case di personaggi famosi da visitare
Più di 90 case di personaggi famosi sparse in tutta Italia aperte al pubblico. E' l'iniziativa organizzata dall'Associazione Nazionale Case della Memoria. La terza edizione delle Giornate nazionali delle case dei personaggi illustri si svolgerà oggi, 6 aprile, e domani. I visitatori potranno entrare nelle case in cui scrittori, musicisti, scienziati hanno vissuto anche solo parte della loro vita e scoprire il loro lato più intimo. Case di personaggi famosi: scrittori e poeti Se vi trovate nei pressi di Forlimpopoli, in provincia di Forlì-Cesena, non potete perdere Casa Artusi, sede dell'omonima Fondazione, un vero e proprio museo della cucina di casa. Pellegrino Artusi è il padre indiscusso della cucina moderna, il suo manuale "La Scienza in Cucina e l’Arte di Mangiar Bene" è presente ancora oggi nelle case degli italiani. Nella sua casa, un edificio di 2800 metri quadri ricavata dalla ristrutturazione del complesso monumentale della Chiesa dei Servi, trovano posto una scuola di cucina, una bottega, un ristorante ed enoteca. La casa di Tonino Guerra, a Pennabili in provincia di Rimini, è piena di cimeli di ogni tipo: un’antica chiave, uno scettro africano, un amuleto sciamano. Alle pareti si possono ammirare, accanto ai suoi pastelli e bozzetti, un disegno colorato di Wim Wenders, un acquarello di Michelangelo Antonioni, un De Chirico oltre a diverse opere di artisti russi. Le lettere di Pasolini, Natalia Ginzburg, Calvino, Fellini (solo per citarne alcuni) testimoniano la sua fortunata carriera di scrittore e di sceneggiatore. Politici e patrioti L’8 agosto 1867, la villa Tinti-Fabiani di Castelfiorentino, in provincia di Firenze, ospitò, anche se solo per una notte, il generale Giuseppe Garibaldi impegnato a raccogliere adesioni in Toscana in vista dell'imminente attacco allo Stato Pontificio. La villa conserva ancora la stanza in cui Garibaldi pernottò con gli arredi originali. A Ghirlaza, in provincia di Oristano, è possibile visitare la casa in cui Antonio Gramsci trascorse la sua infanzia e l'adolescenza. Acquistata dal PCI nel 1965, la casa è diventata il “Centro di documentazione e ricerca sull’opera gramsciana e sul movimento operaio”, un luogo che celebra la memoria dell'uomo, del politico, dell'ideologo, del suo pensiero e della sua opera nota in tutto il mondo. Papi , Santi e testimoni Tra le dimore visitabili in Sicilia vogliamo segnalarvi la casa di don Pino Puglisi e del giudice Rosario Livatino, entrambi beatificati dalla Chiesa. A Palermo, l'appartamento in cui don Puglisi visse dal 1969 al 1993 è diventata un Museo che testimonia la sua vita al servizio del prossimo e un centro di crescita spirituale. La casa del Giudice Rosario Livatino sita a Canicattì, in provincia di Agrigento, testimoniano la sua fede religiosa e la tempra morale. Valori che hanno segnato la sua carriera da magistrato fino alla morte avvenuta per mezzo della mafia. Cantanti e personaggi dello spettacolo Quasi vent'anni fa veniva realizza a Modena la Casa Museo Luciano Pavarotti. La villa in cui il maestro visse gli ultimi anni della sua vita conserva tutti gli oggetti a lui appartenuti e i ricordi legati alla sua carriera. Ambienti realizzati secondo le sue minuziose indicazioni che testimoniano perfettamente la sua personalità. La casa di campagna della famiglia Tognazzi a Velletri, invece, è la sede del Museo dedicato a Ugo Tognazzi. Un luogo dov'è possibile respirare aria di cinema grazie alla Fondazione dedicata all'attore romano simbolo indiscusso del cinema italiano. In copertina foto di Michele Bitetto su Unsplash Read the full article
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supatainmentbuzz · 11 months ago
🌟💍👸🕺💃🎥 Mamanet tournament in Forlimpopoli. And on the hill here are the 'Dreaming Muses' Many initiatives have been organized by Forlimpopoli and Bertinoro. 'Women, what a show!' is the title of the almost month-long billboard proposed by the Artusian city. We begin this ev...... 🎶🏆💔📸🎉
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pneusnews · 1 year ago
New Teo Gomme di Forlimpopoli: un nuovo punto vendita nella rete Ceat Store
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daimonclub · 1 year ago
Thoughts, ideas and reflections on food
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Food pyramid Thoughts, ideas and reflections on food. A text with some good opinions and meditations on food, the art of eating well and useful links to various resources on the topic. An anonymous man from the 16th century always used to say: "There are many important things in life, the first is eating, I don't know the others." Evidently the food and sexual isotopy seems clearly obvious to me, but perhaps not even that much. Carl William Brown A special memory is then obligatory for the great Pellegrino Artusi (1820-1911) who was the author of the famous Italian cookbook "The science of cooking and the art of eating well". Artusi was born in Forlimpopoli, a town near Forlì, and made his fortune as a silk trader, but after retiring he dedicated himself to fine cuisine. Artusi was the first to include recipes from all the different regions of Italy in a single recipe book. He is often credited with having established a truly national Italian cuisine for the first time. Even today his main literary work has a large number of editions and widespread diffusion. The text collects 790 recipes, from broths to liqueurs, through soups, appetizers (or starters), second courses and desserts. The approach is didactic, the receipts are followed by reflections and anecdotes from the author, who writes with a witty style. The science of cooking and the art of eating well constituted a real borderline in the gastronomic culture of the time. Carl William Brown School is made to get a diploma. And the diploma? The diploma is made to get the job. And the place? The place is made to make money. And earn? It is made for eating. Eating cannot be an end in itself, that is, an ideal. Except in those whose aim is drinking. Giuseppe Prezzolini If you don't have the ambition to become a canopy chef, I don't think it's necessary to succeed, to be born with a saucepan in your head, all you need is passion, a lot of attention and precise training: then always choose the finest stuff for raw materials, that this will make you look. Pellegrino Artusi Roast Beef, medium, is not only a food. It is a philosophy. Seated at Life's Dining Table, with the menu of Morals before you, your eye wanders a bit over the entrees, the hors d'oeuvres, and the things a la though you know that Roast Beef, medium, is safe and sane, and sure. Edna Ferber
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Reflections on food In a system, as the level of organization of the structure increases, the elements that compose it lose the capacity for individual projects, precisely because they find themselves inserted in an integrated system that moves with other logics. This means that the structure becomes something different than the sum of its individual components. And so all of us poor men are nothing but food for worms. Carl William Brown That food has always been, and will continue to be, the basis for one of our greater snobbism does not explain the fact that the attitude toward the food choice of others is becoming more and more heatedly exclusive until it may well turn into one of those forms of bigotry against which gallant little committees are constantly planning campaigns in the cause of justice and decency. Cornelia Otis Skinner Food is "everyday"- it has to be, or we would not survive for long. But food is never just something to eat. It is something to find or hunt or cultivate first of all; for most of human history we have spent a much longer portion of our lives worrying about food, and plotting, working, and fighting to obtain it, than we have in any other pursuit. As soon as we can count on a food supply (and so take food for granted), and not a moment sooner, we start to civilize ourselves. Margaret Visser Sadder than destitution, sadder than a beggar is the man who eats alone in public. Nothing more contradicts the laws of man or beast, for animals always do each other the honor of sharing or disputing each other's food. Jean Baudrillard In a world where even life is worth nothing, it is pathetic to see that there are people who, for profit, still believe and hope in the increasingly cleansing power of a soap or in the shine that a shampoo can give. It so happens that in the face of the benefits promised by anti-cellulite creams or the non-existent taste of disgusting frozen food, even the worst crime becomes an act of healthy and genuine vindictive justice. Carl William Brown Taking food alone tends to make one hard and coarse. Those accustomed to it must lead a Spartan life if they are not to go downhill. Hermits have observed, if for only this reason, a frugal diet. For it is only in company that eating is done justice; food must be divided and distributed if it is to be well received. Walter Benjamin
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Thoughts and opinions on food We need a quarter of the food we eat to live, the rest is used to fatten industrialists, advertisers, doctors and undertakers. (obviously for those dying of hunger the situation changes.) Carl William Brown Clearly, some time ago makers and consumers of American junk food passed jointly through some kind of sensibility barrier in the endless quest for new taste sensations. Now they are a little like those desperate junkies who have tried every known drug and are finally reduced to mainlining toilet bowl cleanser in an effort to get still higher. Bill Bryson I love simple food. I like to serve the entire animal, not only because it somehow provokes a customer to think about it, but also because to honor of the animal that has been killed for us to eat, you have to eat the whole thing. It would be silly to just eat the chops and throw everything else away. Mario Batali It has been an unchallengeable American doctrine that cranberry sauce, a pink goo with overtones of sugared tomatoes, is a delectable necessity of the Thanksgiving board and that turkey is uneatable without it. There are some things in every country that you must be born to endure; and another hundred years of general satisfaction with Americans and America could not reconcile this expatriate to cranberry sauce, peanut butter, and drum majorettes. Alistair Cooke In his modest proposal, in order to eliminate the problems of the poor Irish, Swift suggested cooking their children, which in this way, in addition to relieving them of expensive maintenance, would at the same time provide delicious food for the rich. It is obvious that over time and in the event of severe famines, the recipe could also be extended to adolescents and not just Irish ones. Carl William Brown Upscale people are fixated with food simply because they are now able to eat so much of it without getting fat, and the reason they don't get fat is that they maintain a profligate level of calorie expenditure. The very same people whose evenings begin with melted goat's cheese...get up at dawn to run, break for a mid-morning aerobics class, and watch the evening news while racing on a stationary bicycle. Barbara Ehrenreich Between the desire for food and the lust for power there is a strange isotopy; it's true that appetite comes with eating, but then at least you get satisfied, whereas those who start chewing on power never get satisfied and in the end inevitably suffer from indigestion, thus spewing out a lot of rubbish and cruelty. Carl William Brown Once you become an elaborate and well-developed culture, anything from Rome or the Etruscans, for that matter, the food starts to become a representation of what the culture is. When the food can transcend being just fuel, that's when you start to see these different permutations. Mario Batali
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A good Italian recipe Food probably has a very great influence on the condition of men. Wine exercises a more visible influence, food does it more slowly but perhaps just as surely. Who knows if a well-prepared soup was not responsible for the pneumatic pump or a poor one for a war? Georg C. Lichtenberg Hors d'oeuvres have always a pathetic interest for me; they remind me of one's childhood that one goes through wondering what the next course is going to be like - and during the rest of the menu one wishes one had eaten more of the hors d'oeuvres. Hector Hugh Munro Television, or rather the "stupid box" as some have defined it, knows very well that whoever endures wins and that is why it persists in its proselytizing work; he practically wants to convert everyone to his verb, to the verb of imbecility. Television knows very well that it has enormous power, to which ordinary man must succumb. For these reasons, the spectator is continually bombarded and therefore conditioned by (Pavlov teaches) a flood of alluring advice, by fantastic or atrocious news, by enormous political and theatrical deceptions, as well as by splendid and bewitching images. Television fulfills his mission perfectly, which is to prepare food for power. Carl William Brown Avoid fresh meats, which angry up the blood. If your stomach disputes you, lie down and pacify it with cool thoughts. Keep the juices flowing by jangling around gently as you move. Go very light in the vices such as carrying on in society. The social ramble ain't restful. Don't look back. Someone might be gaining on you. Leroy Satchel Paige It is the mark of a mean, vulgar and ignoble spirit to dwell on the thought of food before meal times or worse to dwell on it afterwards, to discuss it and wallow in the remembered pleasures of every mouthful. Those whose minds dwell before dinner on the spit, and after on the dishes, are fit only to be scullions. St. Francis De Sales Find out more visiting these links: Good food for your diet (With Videos) Vegetarian food diets (With Videos) Quotes and aphorisms on food Aforismi e citazioni sul cibo International and Italian recipes Enogastronomia e turismo Italian recipes, fashion and travels https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/easy https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes http://allrecipes.com/recipes/1947/everyday-cooking/quick-and-easy/ http://www.sjana.com/blogs/lifestyle/food-for-the-soul Cooking traditions in Lombardy, Italy Read the full article
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Incendio in appartamento a Forlimpopoli, morta una donna
Una donna è morta in seguito ad un incendio divampato in un appartamento in via Diaz a Forlimpopoli, in provincia di Forlì-Cesena. Poco prima delle 17 cinque squadre dei Vigili del fuoco sono intervenute per domare il rogo sviluppato nell’abitazione: sul posto sono giunte squadre della sede centrale provinciale, del distaccamento di Cesena e del distaccamento di Rocca San Casciano, che…
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kritere · 2 years ago
Forlimpopoli, le tre minorenni scomparse sono tornate a casa e stanno bene
DIRETTA TV 5 Aprile 2023 48 ore di ansia per i parenti delle tre ragazzine di Forlimpopoli: hanno 13, 14 e 15 anni. A confermare il ritrovamento è stata la mamma di una delle giovanissime. “Si sentivano sotto pressione” hanno detto alcune amiche ai carabinieri. 3 CONDIVISIONI Le tre ragazzine scomparse due giorni fa a Forlimpopoli, comune della provincia di Forlì-Cesena, sono state trovate –…
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dimensionesogno · 2 years ago
TOI - 1452b
TOI – 1452b
Ti regalerò un piccolo pianeta, un piccolo pianeta con due stelle, le stelle binarie, un pianeta pieno d’acqua al venti per cento, di quel che manca è pieno di eudaimonia, i buoni demoni, i demoni del bene, gli istinti vitali di Dioniso il matto, gli angeli della cuccagna che fan l’amore con madama Dorè in tutte le chiese del circondario, nei conventi abitati dagli ultimi monaci, gli uomini soli…
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alessandrobelliere · 1 year ago
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Rocca di Forlimpopoli con l’amico paracadutista Giuseppe Barbagli
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twinssebastiani · 4 months ago
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UN BUON PRIMO TEMPO NON BASTA ALLA SUTOR - 14.10.2024 - UN BUON PRIMO TEMPO NON BASTA ALLA SUTOR A FORLIMPOPOLI - Trasferta amara per i ragazzi gialloblù che lasciano i due punti sul parquet romagnolo... 🏀 https://www.twinssebastiani.it/dettaglio.php?id=12360
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