alis-dolls-blog · 9 days
Killian at different ages. Crop tops suit him so well.
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alis-dolls-blog · 11 days
I sketched a couple of costumes for sad Alice.
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alis-dolls-blog · 12 days
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Finally made a sheng reference! Now I won't make tiny continuity mistakes!
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alis-dolls-blog · 12 days
Summer Killian!!! Summer may be over, but I was in such a mood thanks to the music. I'm really torn between my ideas about what aesthetics suits Killian more, a snowy moonlit night or a fierce foaming sea?
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alis-dolls-blog · 14 days
I hope it turned out similar.
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alis-dolls-blog · 18 days
Killian is such a cutie. Here I drew him as a teenager.
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alis-dolls-blog · 28 days
Another sketch with Killian. Honestly, drawing men is a bit difficult for me, especially the pelvis, I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, but at least it looks nice xD But his eyes drive me crazy, I'm usually a fan of yellow eyes, but adding a scarlet pupil to the gray eyes that Killian inherited from Archer was a great idea. It adds a bit of hidden wickedness to his carefree, casual appearance. In my opinion, it creates some kind of rough, roguish charm.
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alis-dolls-blog · 29 days
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Some more sketches with Killian.
Drawing his hair is sometimes such a hassle, but it's worth it.
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alis-dolls-blog · 1 month
It's an awkward feeling when your child grows up.
Killian may have been tiny as a child, but by the time he was twenty he had outgrown both his fathers, becoming a six-foot-tall punk.
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alis-dolls-blog · 1 month
The Lady of Lake Nimue, or rather her Lily version, in the Caster class.
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alis-dolls-blog · 1 month
Meet Killian Emiya. He is the child of Archer and Lancer. He is a short-tempered little pup who loves music, fighting, but hates training and studying, and is generally a carefree little brat with a sharp tongue)
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alis-dolls-blog · 3 months
Dwelling suddenly again on how perfectly Cu and Emiya work as parallels/foils to one another.
How both began as boys with dreams, but one who had that dream imparted to him and the other who developed that dream for himself. One who wanted to be a hero for others and one who wanted to be a hero for himself.
How that shaped them so differently, because when you’re a hero for yourself, you go until you’re satisfied (or in Cu’s case, you die), while a hero for others can never stop, because there will never be an end to the people who need you. Others will never be satisfied.
How when one became a hero for himself, he could take ownership of everything he did, no matter how painful, and be proud of the life he chose, while the other stumbled into the deep end and couldn’t swim back out, because by the time he understood what it meant to be a hero, there was no turning back. How one found satisfaction in himself and the other found disdain for the hopeful ideals that entrapped him.
How they both started off so similar, but that fundamental difference in why they became heroes shaped them into such completely different people that they seem almost fundamentally incompatible. Until one understands that the other always meant well until he crumbled under the weight of the world, and inversely one always understood the burden of being a hero, but shouldered that weight and plunged forwards anyways.
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alis-dolls-blog · 9 months
You know one of my fav caster Gilgamesh fanart are usually the tired old man vibe type and after looking at them a scenario pop in my head and now I have a mighty need to share
Now imagine for some reason a fate zero timeline singularity pops up and u know Gil being Gil being all haughty and shit is talking down to the master of Chaldea
And we all can agree that after dealing with every servant and saving humanity bs the master becomes a smartelc shit talker points at him and yells
“Big talk for someone who died from being overworked”
And all servants and master there being shocked and Gil asking how did they know that
“Cause I was there at the funeral”
That would be the funniest shit
Also funfact did u know that Gilgamesh was buried under a river they literally changed the course of a river just to bury him there
Man was over the top even in death
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alis-dolls-blog · 1 year
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alis-dolls-blog · 1 year
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#art #oc #OC
Я люблю этот арт
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alis-dolls-blog · 2 years
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Constantine XI (5☆ Rider)'s Ascension Artwork
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/us8khi/fgo_constantine_xi_5_riders_ascension_artwork/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb
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alis-dolls-blog · 3 years
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damn what if fgo had actual vday alts ...... instead of santa alts, what about cupid alts.... *taps my brain*
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