#forever the big sister
fragiledate · 6 months
i still cant believe another year just passed by and I didnt even see it
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jess-emurphy · 2 months
So real of The Deep and Black Noir II to be in love with Sage because ME TOO LOOK AT HER (they need to get in line)
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stickersdoodle · 2 years
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the apple sisters
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thenewgirl76 · 3 months
Jazz and Jason have been dating for two and a half weeks now. And in this timeframe Danny still hasn't warmed up to the former Crime Lord. Not even when Jason makes the decision to share his vigilante i.d. with Danny.
As a last ditch effort Jazz leaves Danny in her boyfriend's care while she completes her college semester. She's eager to get back to their shared apartment once finals are over, more so when Jason tells her on the phone both he and Danny have a surprise waiting for her.
To say that she was woefully unprepared for what this surprise that awaited her at home turned out to be would be quite the understatement. As never in her wildest dreams did she expect to be met with her little brother having gone through yet another just as drastic though much less extreme change.
*while halfway through the door*
Jazz: So, what's this about you two having a surprise for me?
*smirking slyly*
Jason: Danny! Jazz is home!
*apartment practically shakes from the heavy thud of footsteps, followed by the appearance of a behemoth of a seventeen year old*
Danny: Jazzy, you're finally back!
*after sweeping her into a bear hug*
Danny: Ok, I admit it. I was wrong about him. From here on out I'm completely on board! When you guys get married, can I be the best.... Uh, Jazz? You okay there?
*quivering with horror while struggling to face Jason, still trapped in Danny's arms*
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jalicecookie · 27 days
Spider web Pattern
As the newest Carmine Family member, you wake up from your Nap and meet Zestial for the first Time.
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It was quiet when you opened your red eyes and the only light source in the room gave a little bit of light through the half-drawn curtain on the window.
Why were you lying in your bed? Hadn't you just been playing with your big sisters Odette and Clara? The older girls had brought you a new stuffed animal from one of the shops in town and you excitedly showed the stuffed animal so many rooms in the big house and then... you woke up in your room. How very mysterious.
"Deedee? CeCe?" - you slide closer to the bars of your bed. Mommy said that when you're a little older, you can sleep in a bed for big kids and that the bars will protect you from falling out of bed while you sleep. Sometimes you try to climb over the edge of the bed, but you've never managed it.
It takes a lot of effort. So you hope that Odette or Clara hear your questioning calls. Of course, you don't call them by their real names, but rather come up with more childish nicknames.
And Deedee and CeCe knew that they were meant. Were their sisters nearby? A few moments passed in silence.
You kicked the blanket forward a little, supported yourself with your little hands on the fabric of the mattress and took a few wobbly steps closer to the bars to put your hands around them and cast a sleepy glance into your room. You could see that the door to the room was ajar and the light in the hallway was also on. Did you take a nap?
"Mommy?" - you now try your luck and call your mother's name. Sometimes you call her Mami or Mamá or Mommy.
But this call also went unheard and now that you were a little more awake and didn't want to stay in your bed any longer, you made another attempt to climb over the edge of the bed.
You stand on your tiptoes and try to grab the edge with your hands, slip a few times and land on your bottom. It's a good thing your diaper slowed your impact.
But how do you proceed with this problem? Your gaze goes to the pillows and the blanket in your crib. With effort you move, pull and push everything as close to the bars as possible, build a small tower out of it and climb to the top as best you can and hold on.
You stand on your tiptoes again as best you can, and can now swing one leg over the edge and then, with effort, the other. You land awkwardly on the floor again.
But you did it, and for the very first time! You absolutely had to tell your sisters!
"Raccoon too! Come too. We're looking for CeCe, DeeDee and Mommy!" - you went to the small table in your room, grabbed your raccoon stuffed animal and padded towards the open door.
You're not actually allowed to leave the room if no one from your family is around and near the many steps where there were no safety gates, it was also a thing.
Mommy had always told you that you were still too small to go up and down the stairs alone without adult supervision.
But you were curious and the pride of being able to climb out of your bed alone caused you to generously ignore this rule.
Full of energy, you ran out of your room with your raccoon stuffed animal and wanted to get closer to the stairs on the floor that were not baby-proof when you heard your mother's muffled voice from near her office.
Sometimes when you got a time out , because you tried to hit DeeDee , because she was being really mean or because you threw the food off the small plate of your high chair in a fit of rage, your mother carried you into her office and you had to sit on a stool for exactly 2 minutes and think about what you did wrong.
Often you cry when mommy leaves the office and after you apologize, there are lots of hugs and comforting kisses from your mother and everything is fine again. You knew exactly where Carmilla Carmine's office was.
You approach with clumsy, uncertain steps and are just about to push open the door, which is also only open a bit, when it is ripped open from the inside and a large spider-like demon steps out of the door.
You have to tilt your head back to look up at him. And surprise is reflected in the look of the strange demon.
"You must be the little child that Carmilla just told me about? Did you leave your room or do you already have the gift of teleportation?"  - Zestial said in an old dialect, who was now eyeing you with interest and bend down   a bit,  so that he is  not so scary to you any more.
You hug your raccoon closer to you and look at this stranger with surprise and curiosity.
Why was he here? And did mommy know him? And.....oooooh what a pretty pattern on the lower part of his coat. There were spider web patterns in the colors yellow and red.
"Pretty dress!" -  you said delightedly and you crouched down on the floor and your free hand tried to reach for the spider web pattern on Zestial's coat, fascinated.
¡Bebé no! Ven aqui con mami y deja en paz a Zestial" - Carmilla spoke to you in Spanish.
You could understand a few words.....but from your mommy's strict tone and voice you knew you hadn't done something right.
"It's all right Carmilla, the little creature was interested in the spider web pattern on my coat. If you're careful, little girl, you can touch the fabric", Zestial raised a calming hand and you carefully grabbed the fabric, made a high squeaky noise and gave Zestial a big smile.
"Mommy there! Pretty dress! Wanna same one mommy?"  - you said happily and addressed the words to Carmilla, who had also come out of her office in the meantime and picked you up with a practiced, flowing movement.
"It's a coat Bebé and not a dress. And it would be appropriate,  if you thanked Zestial, normally an Overlord is not so friendly and lets his coat be touched", Carmilla said to you and you looked from your mommy to Zestial, who had now straightened up again and was watching the interaction between mother and child with interest.
"Thank you... raccoon and I like... coat-dress-pretty!" -  you said with a childish laugh.
Zestial nodded briefly and then addressed the following words to Carmilla.
"It was a pleasure, as always, to pay you a visit, old friend. And to meet the newest addition to the family"
"You are welcome anytime, Zestial"
You play with your stuffed animal in your mother's arms , while the adults exchange further short conversations and you think about the name.
It was a nice name. Z-E-S-T-I-A-L. And the demon was nice to her and to your raccoon stuffed animal.
"Bye-bye Zestiaa", you called out friendly , as the spider demon walked towards the stairs that led to the basement.
You look at your mother and remember the great news that she wanted to share.
You didn't hear Zestial's amused, quiet laugh.
But Carmilla promised you , that she would take a few precautions so that your climbing action ,wouldn't happen again.
"....and now you can help mommy prepare dinner, OK? Odette and Clara are still delivering a custom-made weapon... you fell asleep while playing and Odette put you in your bed,  while I spoke to Zestial"
And with these words, your mother made her way to the kitchen with you in her arms, where you were placed in the high chair, which was safe from escape plans for the time being, and so you and your stuffed animal were able to watch as your mother prepared dinner.
¡Bebé no! Ven aqui con mami y deja en paz a Zestial
= Not baby! Come here to mommy and leave Zestial alone
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realboutfatalfury · 1 year
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I wanna see you, but I can’t see you
Missing feelings keep piling up
Following the path to you
I have to move on
Before I hit the brake
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todayimfour · 1 year
Raggedy Ann and Andy's First Slumber Party
A Raggedy Ann and Andy age regression fanfic by me!
Let me know if I should add trigger warnings! I'm not used to posting my writing
Marcella is invited to a slumber party at her classmate's house to celebrate a set of twins' birthdays. She brings Ann and Andy to play/sleep with cuz it's her first sleepover. Ann is super excited but Andy hasn't been out of the house besides they're adventures in the deep dark woods so he's a bit nervous. He'd never admit it to anyone but Ann tho.
The first few hours of the sleepover went by quickly, Marcella set them both up at her sleeping bag by her pillow and went off to play with the other kids outside. This gave the two twin dollies a chance to meet the other kid's stuffed friends. They met a huge stuffed moose named Sammy, a plush cockatiel named Charlie who spoke in squeeks, a small cat full of plastic pellets named Fiona, and a stuffed dog named Frenchie. Ann was having such a great time meeting these new friends, Andy was doing his best to be friendly but he was having a hard time acclimating to the new environment. Something about this whole outing made his stuffing turn, he decided he would stick close to Ann. Purely so he could protect her if something happened, or at least, that's what he told himself.
After supper and cake all the kids rushed into the bedroom to grab their respective toys and bring them all to the birthday twin's shared playroom. It was a large bright room seemingly split through the middle between the two twins. One side felt similar to the nursery back home and the other was decorated with superheroes, zombies, even wrestlers. 'Great more toys to meet!' the ragdoll twins both thought with very different sentiments.
It was all going fine as the children played. Marcella was playing with the twin dollies, having a pretty fun time until one of the boys took Andy from Marcella's hand. It took all his effort not to come to life and rush back to his kid and sister. He was brought to the boyish side of the play room. There was almost a conflict between the children but then a woman came in to say it was time for a movie. The boy holding him tossed him back to Marcella and dashed out the door in a rush to find the best spot for movie watching, much of the other children followed suit. Marcella gave Andy a big hug before setting him down next to Ann and leaving the room. Once every toy was sure that no one would be coming back to the playroom the toys came to life once more.
"Oh Andy! Are you okay?" Ann exclaimed as she hugged her brother and checked a few of his more fragile stitches. Andy was struggling internally, it felt like this slumber party was only going to get worse and all he really wanted was for Ann to cuddle him and tell him it'll be okay. That they would be home soon. But he couldn't admit that out loud, not with all these new toys around that could judge him for being 'too soft'. Before he could get a word out to his sister a teddy bear approached the twin dollies. Andy stood behind his sister and held onto the loose sleeve of her dress.
"Looks like you got snagged by Michal, are you alright? No stitches popped" the bear asked kindly, "My name is Freddy, welcome to the play room! I'm sorry some of our kids play a bit rough" The bear, Freddy, seemed friendly. Andy nodded.
"That's one way to put it, who just grabs a toy out of another kid's hands at this age?" Andy asked halfheartedly. "Anyways I'm fine, thanks." Andy looks away, he didn't want to make nice with Freddy- or any of these other toys- he wanted to go home. Ann could sense the tension building in her brother and tried her best to keep the peace.
"oh- Andrew" she jabs playfully "Don't mind him, he's just grumpy. My name is Ann, it's nice to meet you Freddy! Your playroom is so nice! Much bigger than Marcella's nursery back home!" She and Freddy shook hands and began talking about... something. Andy wasn't paying attention. He decided he didn't want to be a part of this conversation anymore and walked off. He found a spot next to some building blocks that looked nice and sat down to settle himself.
He didn't like any of this, that much was obvious. He could feel a fuzziness creeping up in the corners of him mind, his regression. He really didn't want to do that here, not around toys he didn't know. Just the thought of it upset him. But he also thought about what Ann said, was he really being that grumpy? Was that his only two options? Grumpy or regressing? No, he needed to make some friends. He could have a good time here, just look at how great Ann is at making new friends! He decided, the next toy he sees he will try to befriend.
Not two seconds later an action figure came out of nowhere, crashing through the small tower made of blocks he was sitting by. He was a bit shorter than Andy was and he had a wrestling outfit on. 'oh sweet! a boys toy I could be friends with!' Andy puffed up his chest as he waited for the wrestler to get up and out of the tower's remains.
"that was wicked!!!" The action figure pops up yelling, facing a whole group of other figures. The wrestler ran back to the group and Andy followed.
"Hey guys, I'm Andy!" He put on a smile and held out his hand for a handshake like he's seen his sister do thousands of times before. The figures seemed to not notice him so he cleared his throat of any loose stuffing and tried again. "Hey guys, that was super cool! What games do you like to play?" A few of the plastic toys gave Andy the side eye and the toy in the middle of the crowd, a slightly taller toy with a removable biker helmet and molded on leather jacket and ripped jeans, approached Andy like he was bothered by having to look at the ragdoll.
"What do you want, Plush-Boy? We're busy." The dude said. "The tea party is that way, Doll" he pointed to where Ann and a group of other toys were playing a bored game. Andy was confused but tried his best to put on a genuine smile and he held out his hand again for a handshake.
"My name's Andy, what are you busy with? Maybe I could lend a hand?" The biker looked at Andy's hand and shook it. His mates behind him seemed surprised at this.
"No. You can't. You're far too soft for our stunts. You'll pop a stitch. Now get out of here and go back to the girls toy side." He said as if he were talking about something as mundane as the weather. The other figure behind him snickered and chuckled as they watched Andrew stammering.
"Hey- wait a minute! I'm no girls toy! I can do anything you guys can and probably better too." Andy defended himself, he didn't like being considered weak. Especially not by these... these hoodlums!
"Sure mate, you'll notice though.. none of us are wearing lipstick and mascara." The biker pointed out the stitching on Andy's face that looked like make-up. His goonies behind him were agreeing and exchanging high-fives as they laughed at the ragdoll. Before they could say anything else to him, Andy ran away.
He ran to his sister who was playing a board game, snakes and ladders, one of his favorites. He didn't ask to play though, he sat silently next to Ann and resigned himself to watching her play. He could still hear them across the room, he's sure if he looked they'd be laughing and pointing at him. It took all of his strength not to cry. He dug around in his overalls pocket for his paper flower, something that always made him feel less alone, upon finding it he put it safely in his lap. He smoothed out some of the crinkles in the petals, smiling sadly and humming quietly to himself. He hummed the song he and Ann always sung when one or both of them were feeling down, Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers. He was thankful for the ambient noise of the room so no one else could hear him. Or at least that's what he thought.
He was so deep in his own world he got startled when he felt Ann's arm wrap around his shoulders in a side-hug. After the initial scare he melted into his sister's embrace, leaning his head against her and closing his eyes. She leaned her head atop of his and they stayed like that until it was Ann's turn to play. She had to scoot forwards a bit and played one handed as she held Andy's hand. Andy paid more attention to the board and saw that the moose they met earlier had just won. They were all chatting and setting up for another round. As they were all ready to start Ann looked at him holding the two dice.
"Do you want to roll for me Andy? I could use some good luck," She asked with her perpetually kind smile. Andy nodded excitedly and rolled them, then Ann moved their piece. As the game went on it became more obvious to Ann that her brother had regressed, she wondered if he even realized it. Soon they were reaching the end of the game, it was what could be their last turn. Ann had to suppress a giggle when she saw just how seriously Andy was taking it. He shook the dice with both his hands before dropping them on the board, leaning in close to read what the numbers were. Three and five. Everyone else who saw had already put together the simple addition but waited for Andy. He counted the dots on the dice carefully. Eight.
"Annie!!! It's eight!! That's what we needed right?!" He spoke louder than he meant to in his excitement. Everyone at that board knew it was but we're playing like they didn't know so Andy could figure it out.
"Oh well, I just don't know Andy. Let's check!" So the two of them counted each pace with the player piece. The look on Andy's face when he realized they'd won was priceless. He was smiling ear to ear and got a few kind words from the other toys playing. He looked back at his big sister and she ruffled his hair through his hat. "See Andy? I knew you'd be good luck!" The boy beamed with pride, maybe this slumber party wasn't as bad as he thought!
I enjoyed writing this and I am inexperienced at writing so call me out if you find it necessary
If you know me IRL the stuffies that are named are mine, some of them are also my roommates
I really just wanted an excuse to write some hurt comfort, sue me.
If I find inspiration I might write more :)
I friggin love these guys :)))))
Tag list take two! (Thank you to everyone who liked or commented or reblogged my original post, it kept me motivated to write past what I originally thought I would!)
@grauntiemotersblog <= my roomie/bestie/spouse
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scattered-winter · 1 year
klance lighthouse au........keith is a lighthouse keeper and lance is a mer who is wounded by fishermen and swept into a storm and washes up on the shore where keith finds him.......if u even care.........
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timechange · 2 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 — dave’s night off.
DECEMBER 14, 1985, 7:46 PM
“Okay, McFly, focus. You got this.”
Marty’s staring at the pristine living room wall, hands drumming his thighs. The familiar motions help him to think, be calm.
“Nobody knows what happened to the boat that Grandpa Artie gave Mom and Dad,” he begins, like he’s studying for a history test in the garage, “but that doesn’t mean it’s gone, it’s just… in storage… somewhere. Uh… Grandma Sylvia’s crochet blanket is in your room. It smells like her perfume, not popcorn, and that’s okay, ‘cause you miss her anyway and you need to call her soon. Nobody knows what the hell happened to Grandpa Sam’s scratchy plaid couch with the busted up cushions and Grandma Stella’s quilt’s in Mom’s hope chest… she thinks.”
“The weird modern art thing Mom and Dad picked up on… their honeymoon?...” He smacks his forehead, running a hand through his hair. “Dammit, no, not their honeymoon, it was their anniversary, their tenth anniversary. Dad replaces the flowers in the vase with fresh ones every week for Mom. There’s a million throw pillows on the couch so I guess nobody sits there anymore?…”
He rubs the back of his neck.
“Uh… kitchen. Right. We got the good chips and the good cereal, not the store brand, but... only one box ‘cause I’m the only one that still eats that junk. Everybody else has… bran and muesli and shit.”
He sighs.
“Photos…” Marty picks up an immaculate frame. “This is from Dave’s tenth birthday trip to Disneyland but you were five so it’s okay you don’t remember anything.” He stares at the family in the photo; a happy mom, a charming dad, three beautiful kids, the littlest one with a grin that looks like it’s about to break his tiny face in half. He thumbs over the glass. “I’m sorry, kid. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I hope you’re okay… whenever you are.” He sets the photo back down.
“We’ve been to Knott’s Berry Farm, Florida, New York…” They keep asking him where he wants to go after graduation and he’s beginning to run out of ways to stall.
“At least Long Beach still happened,” Marty continues. “Jen remembers, so do the guys. And you got the album and the poster and the t-shirt to prove it, so—“
“What the hell?”
“Jesus Christ!” Marty jumps, whirling around to meet his older brother’s eyes. “Dave, you scared the shit out of me! What are you doin’ home? It’s Saturday! You’re supposed to be out with the guys from the office!”
He’d had it all planned: Dave was supposed to be out, Linda was working late and then had a date, and his parents were off at the Baxters’ Christmas party. He thought it was safe.
“Oh, I scared the shit out of you?” Dave retaliates. “And yeah, it’s Saturday, but it’s the week before Christmas, genius! Maybe I’m supposed to, I don’t know, hang out with my kid brother!”
“I-I’m sorry, Dave,” Marty sighs, deflating, hanging his head and sticking his hands in his pockets. “I just…”
“You gonna tell me what that was all about?” Dave asks, putting his hands on his shoulders. Even without looking up, Marty can feel his brother’s eyes on him, searching.
There’s a long moment of silence.
“‘At least Long Beach still happened?’” Dave prompts. “Of course it happened! That stupid concert was all you talked about for months!”
Marty manages a smile, before it falls.
“You ever feel like you’re goin’ crazy, Dave?” he ventures. “Or maybe… like the world is? I-I know it doesn’t make sense, but…”
“Of course it makes sense,” Dave cuts him off with a sigh. “I was seventeen too, y’know.”
“Yeah, I remember,” Marty laughs, “you were kinda the worst.”
“Sure I was, I was a pain in the ass,” Dave agrees. He tilts Marty’s head up with his finger like their mom used to and gives him a smile. “You’re not crazy, Marty. I’ll tell you what’s happening. Senior year is makin’ you screwy and I know you haven’t been sleeping.”
“I-I haven’t,” Marty admits.
“So, here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna order pizza, you’re gonna kick my ass at Nintendo while we wait, and then we’re gonna watch a movie. Okay?”
“…Pepperoni with extra cheese?”
“Duh. What am I, a monster?”
“Okay.” Marty smiles as Dave ducks into the kitchen to order. “Hey, Dave…?”
“Yeah?” He sticks his head out, receiver already up to his ear.
Dave winks.
“Anytime, Marty. Anytime.”
DECEMBER 14, 1985, 11:29 PM
Dave turns the volume on the TV down, opting to watch the rest of the VHS on as close to mute as possible. He sets the remote down, turning his attention to his sleeping brother, curled into his side like a little kid. He ruffles his hair, sighing.
Normally, he’d tease Marty when he’d wake up about how he took photos or something stupid like that, or he’d just carry him up to bed, but things hadn’t been normal for months now. Something happened, he didn’t know what, and at least if he was right here he could watch him and make sure he was okay.
The front door opens and he recognizes his sister’s footsteps, the way she slips off her heels and the jingle of her keys and handbag as she sets them on the counter. She walks into the living room, about to say something, but Dave raises his free hand to his lips in a shushing motion.
Linda takes in the scene, then sits down on Dave’s other side. She grabs the remote, starts rewinding White Christmas, then leans her head on Dave’s shoulder as the movie starts to play.
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whaledocboi · 8 months
Lilith: Camila, I did this to you.
Camila: You want me to return the favor?
would she really say this? debatable, but she's saying here!
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imagine getting bullied by her, she's literally 3 sauces tall
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The third time Allura clears her throat, Shiro nudges her with his elbow and raises an eyebrow.
“You good?”
Sighing, Allura shakes her head. The thing is that she is parched. All she can think about is a nice, cool water pouch. She hasn’t read a page in her book in who knows how long. She wants a drink.
But she is also comfortable. So, so comfortable. Shiro makes a very good pillow, and he has been very tolerant of her sprawling all over him and leeching his warmth. No part of her wants to move.
“I’m a little thirsty, is all.”
Shiro hums. “Honestly, I could go for a water pouch myself.”
Her warmth slab!
“Actually, on second thought, I’m fine —”
“Hey, hey, hold on,” Shiro says, chuckling. He shoots her a sly smile. “I don’t really want to get up, either.”
“Oh, thank goodness.” She settles back under Shiro’s arm, pulling the sleeves of her hoodie over her hands. She’s thirsty, yeah, but is it really worth waking down the cold metal hallways?
Well, at least not yet. She’s well on the road to dying of thirst, but maybe curled up and comfy isn’t the worst way to go. She’ll see how she feels.
“Hey, hold on,” Shiro says. His smile only turns into more of a smirk. “I didn’t say I was giving up on the water quest. I could go for a snack, as well.”
Allura squints at him. “Are humans capable of telekinesis, or…?”
“Just play along.” He clears his throat quietly, then speaks just a little bit louder than he was before. “No, humans can’t do telekinesis. There’s not much we can do, really.”
There’s a brief pause — how is Allura meant to play along? What game is Shiro playing? — and then, every so slowly, she sees Pidge and Lance set down their controllers, and their video game pauses.
All of a sudden, it dawns on her.
“Oh, is that so?” she says, barely holding back her laughter. “I would think your species would at least have some skill, to have survived at all in your death planet. Have you not even strength to protect yourself? Hunk seems to fare well.”
Shiro’s shoulders shake ever so slightly, even though his expression remains impassive. “Hunk is an exception to the rule. The kid’s jacked. But even still, he can’t really hold a candle to you.”
Allura inclines her head. “That’s true.”
Pidge and Lance are no longer making any effort to hide their eavesdropping. It takes every ounce of Allura’s strength to keep her face as innocently inquisitive as she can make it.
“What skills do humans have, then, other than stubborn resilience?”
That is very true of humans, she’s noticed. If nothing else, they are more persistent and hopeful than any other being she has known. Even Keith, who is teased for being ‘emo and pessimistic’ (guess by whom) will easily get up and continue on after enough failures that any other species would cut their losses.
“We have a lot of that,” Shiro agrees, laughing softly. “That’s pretty much it, though.” Imperceptibly, almost faster than she can track, he glances at Lance and Pidge before looking back at her. The tiniest of smirks returns to his lips. “A few humans are decently fast — there’s one woman on Earth I’m thinking of specifically who could probably sprint to the kitchens and grab us a water pouch and be back in twenty ticks — but no one here is nearly that quick.”
It’s Lance who finally cracks first, indignant hands on his hips, but he and Pidge both look at them crossly. Allura and Shiro both pretend to startle. “I’m plenty fast! I could do that, easy!”
“I didn’t mean to offend you,” Shiro says gently. “I’m sure you are, kiddo. But it’s just not possible.”
Allura is impressed. He’s managed to blend his tone into what must be the perfect mix of care and condensation — she can only imagine he’s done this dozens of times.
She quickly covers a laugh with a cough, not wanting to spoil their game.
Oh, poor Keith.
“It is so,” Pidge insists. She turns to Lance for confirmation. “We can get to the kitchen and back in twenty ticks, easy.”
Lance nods frantically. “Yeah!”
“I don’t know,” Allura says, forcing herself to frown. “I wouldn’t want for the two of you to over-exert yourselves on something so strenuous.”
Both Pidge and Lance look comically offended at the mere implication that a quick sprint to the kitchen would over-exert them.
Shiro is a genius. Truly.
“I could sprint to the kitchen and get you water and a snack in less than twenty ticks,” Lance boasts.
Shiro raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”
“I can, too!” Pidge says.
Allura and Shiro exchange a look. His black eyes look just as mischievous as hers — it’s a wonder Lance and Pidge haven’t noticed.
“Well, I guess it can’t hurt to try,” Shiro says hesitantly. Allura nods.
Lance and Pidge both cheer, throwing down their controllers and scrambling to get in position by the common room door; crouched low with one leg extended and hands braced on the floor.
“Time us!” Pidge demands.
“Okay,” Shiro calls. “Three, two, one…go!”
Pidge and Lance shoot off immediately, rocketing down the hall at top speeds. As soon as they’ve turned the corner, Allura and Shiro look at each other and burst out laughing.
“That worked perfectly!” Shiro crows. “It never fails!”
Allura clutches her stomach, aching from her giggles. “They were so eager!”
Soon, though, they hear panting and pounding footsteps, and quickly try to rearrange themselves into some semblance of casualty. Allura has to wipe tears from her eyes and pray that her face is not as laughter-red as it feels.
“Ha!” Lance yells, then second he crosses the threshold. “How many ticks was that?”
Shiro pretends to check his watch, mouth dropping in a mask of shock as he does. “19 ticks! Wow!”
Pidge and Lance both cheer, tossing them their drinks and snacks and settling back down in front of their game.
“Told you,” Pidge says smugly.
“Mhm,” Shiro says, taking a massive bite of one of Hunk’s tarts. “You sure did.”
He winks at Allura. She winks right back.
Oh, how she loves having younger siblings.
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kiwiana-writes · 1 year
For the ask game:
Their mom always said there is a big difference between boys who have sisters and those who do not.
Their mom always said there is a big difference between boys who have sisters and those who do not. Alex didn’t understand what she meant when he was younger; as he grew up, though, he saw the way his sisterless peers cringed away from the hint of a tampon as though it was a nuclear bomb, or made it very clear they had no idea how to interact with a girl they didn’t want to fuck.
He didn’t have any patience for it at fifteen, and he doesn’t have any patience for it now.
This thing with Henry, whatever it is — frenemies or acquaintances or whatever — it puts him on the back foot at first. He’s rewiring his whole understanding of who Henry actually is; he doesn’t know how to square this Henry, who sends snarky texts and engages with Alex’s rambling, with the Henry he thought he knew.
But the first time he listens to Henry talk at length about Bea, he thinks he might finally get it.
[Send me an ask with the first sentence of a fic and I’ll write you the next five.]
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novelconcepts · 4 months
I know you don’t ship them per se but I kinda sorta do, haha. Please let me know your thoughts on Tai and Nat’s dynamic!
I do need you to know I threw in a reference just for you in the current WIP regarding this. Anyway: Tai and Nat! I do NOT ship them--but I do kinda like the idea of them interacting in middle school and Tai having a baby crush. As of the show, I'm kind of obsessed with how they interact as adults vs. when they're teenagers. I get the sense Taissa views Natalie as sort of a waste of potential at the start of things...and then they're in the woods, and oh, there it is. There's who Nat always could be, but covered up with drugs and alcohol. She's got a steady hand. She pulls her weight. She speaks sense. I think if Tai has a list of who has their shit together and who's going nuts, Nat's on the former, and I think Nat probably sees something similar in Tai. Hunter and woodcutter. Neither interested in drinking the tea. Weirdly stable.
And then...as adults...the fact that Taissa's the one to pay for rehab stints. The fact that Nat knows to call her. The fact that Tai sometimes rolls her eyes or doesn't step up to the plate, but ultimately feels responsible for who Natalie has become in adulthood. There goes all that potential again. She saw it all in the woods, who Nat could be, how much Nat could be for all of them. And now they're out, and Natalie is drowning. Taissa keeping her safe the only way she knows how, trying to get her help, really breaks my heart. And now...now, Tai's present for Natalie's death. What is that going to do to her down the line?
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Imagine being Nemor’s little sister and secretly seeing Peter.
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Age: 18. You are Namor’s younger sister, he is very protective of you, one day you two got into a bad fight and you ran away to New York.
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This is what you’re wearing I made it on Gacha life 2
* Your older brother, Namor has always been very protective of you ever since your mother died years ago.
* You were the physical age of 8 when she passed away and it was a devastating blow for you.
* You are the princess of Talokan, you love your home but you always wondered what it’s like on the surface but everytime you asked your brother he would change the subject.
* One day you had enough and decided to get a real answer from him but it turned into a fight and before you knew it you swam away from Talokan until you ended up in Manhattan.
* You couldn’t believe how much the world has changed since last you visited the surface for you saw buildings touching the sky, metal birds, people wearing strange clothes while looking at little boxes and strange metal fish on land.
* You saw that there were even moving pictures but one caught your curiosity on a man in red and black saving people trapped in an elevator.
* As your intrigued by the moving picture you didn’t notice the giant metal fish (truck kun) coming until you heard loud blaring and the next thing you know, you’re swooped off the road by the man on the moving pictures.
* Peter was shocked to see a young girl wear strange attire that looked like something out of Aquaman with tiny wings on her feet and a strange mask over her nose and mouth with water in it.
* He put her down and she thanked him in Spanish to which he replied back, she introduced herself as Y/N McKenzie and he introduced himself as Spider-Man and told her to be careful.
* Later as your at the docks Peter now in his Citizen attire came up to you and asked where you are from, you two introduced yourselves then started talking and hitting it off.
* You couldn’t help but be found of the young human man as you two talked about stuff and he introduced you to social media, memes and YouTube until you realized how late it was “I have to get back home.” You said taking off your masked and diving into the ocean to swim back to Talokan but you promised Peter to meet you back at the docks by tomorrow.
* For the past few months you have been sneaking out to New York to see Peter while running into Spider-Man on a few occasions.
* One day, Namor started wondering where you’ve been going for the past few days after your fighting lessons so he decided to follow you.
* He had a tsunami when he saw you and Peter talking and went to confront you “This is where you’ve been going? You know that the surface is forbidden.” He said angrily.
* You were tired of Namor being very overprotective.
* Ever since your mother died he’s never let you leave the palace to the point you didn’t want to be a princess anymore.
* So you told him straight on that times have changed and that humans aren’t like how they use to be anymore and that you’ve developed feelings for Peter.
* Namor is speechless but when he saw Peter he saw that the boy was really well mannered and nice to you so with a heavy sigh he said “Fine I’ll give him a chance, but it won’t save him from my wrath if he hurts you.” He said placing a kiss on your head.
* And so you and Peter have been seeing each other without fear and Peter was happy that he meet new people after everyone he knew and cared about had to forget about him after the whole secret identity reveal back in 2018.
I hope you all like it. Again I haven’t watched Wakanda forever yet.
I don’t own the MCU but I do own the gacha picture.
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olivieblake · 5 months
Hey Olivie. Hope you're doing well!!
I need advice and I figured maybe possibly you could help.
So basically I'm studying the devil's degree (computer science & IT) and I am not loving it at all. But it's like everyone around me (including mentors) are encouraging me to stay here because it's like a lucrative degree.
The thing is I want to change my degree and I have 2 things I could choose from (so I have 3 options which are all very different from each other) but its like what if it sucks more there than it does here.
Like what if the grass isn't greener and I make the wrong choice. Why is being 18 this hard =((((
Anyway thanks for reading all of that.
Stay safe and take care. =)
omg baby girl just take some classes that seem interesting and follow the thing that makes your brain feel most alive!!!!!!!! unless your university is much different than mine you should have elective and general education credits that are unrelated to your major. go check out the other grass. also, I got a "lucrative" degree (maybe not lucrative, certainly very practical) and I have never used it. I spent all my spare credits on art history and look what I do now. you gotta do the thing that makes your brain go !!! because it's the thing you'll have the most endurance for. and until you decide what it is, your only job is to be young and curious and to discover the opportunities that are open to you. your only responsibility is to learn as much as you can. okay? okay, good talk
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ssreeder · 6 months
I didnt see that there was an update until now and i dont feel like discording and i just read the new chapter so here i am with my few main points bc i dont feel like doing a full live reaction👍👍🫶
Seeing Jeeto come into play in any capacity at all makes me feel like a proud parent watching their children grow. Its always wonderful like those are my emotional support middle aged fictional men. I watched them go from conspiracy to getting crumbs to now their "dates" and gossiping together. Youve gotta love it. Those are my children. Im so proud of them. But im also scared because you killed shen so obviously my feeligns mean nothing to you 🙄😒😒. (Im never going to get over that, im going to be 80 years old in some pst apocolypic enviroment with horrors all around me, but im going to be having nightmares about shen. Ill send you my therapy bill) (im going to get a tattoo in his memory istg)
Also its always really subtle but its funny to see your specific linguistical patterns in liab esp because i can never really explain it. Like ill read a random sentence and be like 'yeah that seems like sreeder wrote it' i just think its neat.
I also really loved zukka this chapter. But i always lovr zukka so its not a surprise. But espesially this chapter because its mostly soft zukka.
"Do you think we will stay together" NO Zukko divorce 🔫🔫. 🙅🏻🔥🔥🔥🙅🏾
The 'moving forward' ness of zukka in liab is so nicely written. Like ive been reading liab since (almost) the beginning and it has been a ride and its starting to feel more conclusive and that is SCARY but its also nice because you write it very well and i adore the way you write trauma and the healing of it and the ups and downs and the two steps forward two steps backness. Its very lovely.
I knew ara was going to have a suicide attempt (esque situation (idk if that counts)) i called it i win.
Idc what others say ara will always be amazing. I love her character SO MUCH
i feel like you can always tell the strengths of a writer in the way they write complicated characters and the way you write ara is very telling of that. Like the fragility and also harshness used for her is very realistic and i always enjoy her parts so much.
Like her deciding to move on independant of how zuko or sokka feel about it is and regardless of whether people thinks she 'deserves it' is immaculate.
And thats a good example on your specific strengths as the author of liab (being able to handle delicate situations well, and realistically and make them very thought out and not rushed, stuff like that).
But her 'i need to start getting along with other girls' is great because like,, RHATS SO TRUE. she is genuienlly one of my favorite characters of all time, i could write essays on why i love her. Exquisite.
Thats my emotional support woobified early 20 something year old man. I adore him. If 30 people love reho i am one of them, if one person loves reho i am them if 0 people love reho i am dead (rip rehoes 😔) i will defend his (and aras) good names until i die.
Amazing chapter as always 10/10 *chefs kiss* im so excited for the series to finish and see what you do with everyone and the rest of the storylines and such.
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Every time I think of Shen’s death I think of your utter devastation & how I wasn’t expecting you to be so distraught over it. I will say I had another commenter lately who was talking about how much they liked Shen & wanted an Iroh/Shen/Zuko dynamic and I kept thinking…. Damn it buddy, you’re going to be soooo mad at me in a few chapter haha…. oops.
ugh my linguistic patterns haunt me and I specifically ask my betas to check for them because I feel sooooo repetitive sometimes especially when there’s a lot of introspection lol. So it’s funny you mentioned that lol.
Omg I remember when I was still on RIA & someone in the server was like “dude I’m rooting for some jeeto.” & I was like oh no how do they know??? I created this fun divide between hakoda and bato just to push Bato into Jees arm!! Don’t spoil it haha, but whatever at least Dentys dead
Awwww thanks for the compliments it means a lot coming from you <3 but also yeah Ara is my delicate dumpster fire who says she going to make her existence everyone’s problem (most importantly sokka because damn girl could just LEAVE but she refuses lol) I love it. She’s fun, and any scene with her expect utter chaos haha.
every time I write Reho in a scene my mind says and the crowd goes wild,,, he’s annoying but I’m glad you like him.
thanks for this amazing ask you’re awesome
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