#mother carmilla
jalicecookie · 27 days
Spider web Pattern
As the newest Carmine Family member, you wake up from your Nap and meet Zestial for the first Time.
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It was quiet when you opened your red eyes and the only light source in the room gave a little bit of light through the half-drawn curtain on the window.
Why were you lying in your bed? Hadn't you just been playing with your big sisters Odette and Clara? The older girls had brought you a new stuffed animal from one of the shops in town and you excitedly showed the stuffed animal so many rooms in the big house and then... you woke up in your room. How very mysterious.
"Deedee? CeCe?" - you slide closer to the bars of your bed. Mommy said that when you're a little older, you can sleep in a bed for big kids and that the bars will protect you from falling out of bed while you sleep. Sometimes you try to climb over the edge of the bed, but you've never managed it.
It takes a lot of effort. So you hope that Odette or Clara hear your questioning calls. Of course, you don't call them by their real names, but rather come up with more childish nicknames.
And Deedee and CeCe knew that they were meant. Were their sisters nearby? A few moments passed in silence.
You kicked the blanket forward a little, supported yourself with your little hands on the fabric of the mattress and took a few wobbly steps closer to the bars to put your hands around them and cast a sleepy glance into your room. You could see that the door to the room was ajar and the light in the hallway was also on. Did you take a nap?
"Mommy?" - you now try your luck and call your mother's name. Sometimes you call her Mami or Mamá or Mommy.
But this call also went unheard and now that you were a little more awake and didn't want to stay in your bed any longer, you made another attempt to climb over the edge of the bed.
You stand on your tiptoes and try to grab the edge with your hands, slip a few times and land on your bottom. It's a good thing your diaper slowed your impact.
But how do you proceed with this problem? Your gaze goes to the pillows and the blanket in your crib. With effort you move, pull and push everything as close to the bars as possible, build a small tower out of it and climb to the top as best you can and hold on.
You stand on your tiptoes again as best you can, and can now swing one leg over the edge and then, with effort, the other. You land awkwardly on the floor again.
But you did it, and for the very first time! You absolutely had to tell your sisters!
"Raccoon too! Come too. We're looking for CeCe, DeeDee and Mommy!" - you went to the small table in your room, grabbed your raccoon stuffed animal and padded towards the open door.
You're not actually allowed to leave the room if no one from your family is around and near the many steps where there were no safety gates, it was also a thing.
Mommy had always told you that you were still too small to go up and down the stairs alone without adult supervision.
But you were curious and the pride of being able to climb out of your bed alone caused you to generously ignore this rule.
Full of energy, you ran out of your room with your raccoon stuffed animal and wanted to get closer to the stairs on the floor that were not baby-proof when you heard your mother's muffled voice from near her office.
Sometimes when you got a time out , because you tried to hit DeeDee , because she was being really mean or because you threw the food off the small plate of your high chair in a fit of rage, your mother carried you into her office and you had to sit on a stool for exactly 2 minutes and think about what you did wrong.
Often you cry when mommy leaves the office and after you apologize, there are lots of hugs and comforting kisses from your mother and everything is fine again. You knew exactly where Carmilla Carmine's office was.
You approach with clumsy, uncertain steps and are just about to push open the door, which is also only open a bit, when it is ripped open from the inside and a large spider-like demon steps out of the door.
You have to tilt your head back to look up at him. And surprise is reflected in the look of the strange demon.
"You must be the little child that Carmilla just told me about? Did you leave your room or do you already have the gift of teleportation?"  - Zestial said in an old dialect, who was now eyeing you with interest and bend down   a bit,  so that he is  not so scary to you any more.
You hug your raccoon closer to you and look at this stranger with surprise and curiosity.
Why was he here? And did mommy know him? And.....oooooh what a pretty pattern on the lower part of his coat. There were spider web patterns in the colors yellow and red.
"Pretty dress!" -  you said delightedly and you crouched down on the floor and your free hand tried to reach for the spider web pattern on Zestial's coat, fascinated.
¡Bebé no! Ven aqui con mami y deja en paz a Zestial" - Carmilla spoke to you in Spanish.
You could understand a few words.....but from your mommy's strict tone and voice you knew you hadn't done something right.
"It's all right Carmilla, the little creature was interested in the spider web pattern on my coat. If you're careful, little girl, you can touch the fabric", Zestial raised a calming hand and you carefully grabbed the fabric, made a high squeaky noise and gave Zestial a big smile.
"Mommy there! Pretty dress! Wanna same one mommy?"  - you said happily and addressed the words to Carmilla, who had also come out of her office in the meantime and picked you up with a practiced, flowing movement.
"It's a coat Bebé and not a dress. And it would be appropriate,  if you thanked Zestial, normally an Overlord is not so friendly and lets his coat be touched", Carmilla said to you and you looked from your mommy to Zestial, who had now straightened up again and was watching the interaction between mother and child with interest.
"Thank you... raccoon and I like... coat-dress-pretty!" -  you said with a childish laugh.
Zestial nodded briefly and then addressed the following words to Carmilla.
"It was a pleasure, as always, to pay you a visit, old friend. And to meet the newest addition to the family"
"You are welcome anytime, Zestial"
You play with your stuffed animal in your mother's arms , while the adults exchange further short conversations and you think about the name.
It was a nice name. Z-E-S-T-I-A-L. And the demon was nice to her and to your raccoon stuffed animal.
"Bye-bye Zestiaa", you called out friendly , as the spider demon walked towards the stairs that led to the basement.
You look at your mother and remember the great news that she wanted to share.
You didn't hear Zestial's amused, quiet laugh.
But Carmilla promised you , that she would take a few precautions so that your climbing action ,wouldn't happen again.
"....and now you can help mommy prepare dinner, OK? Odette and Clara are still delivering a custom-made weapon... you fell asleep while playing and Odette put you in your bed,  while I spoke to Zestial"
And with these words, your mother made her way to the kitchen with you in her arms, where you were placed in the high chair, which was safe from escape plans for the time being, and so you and your stuffed animal were able to watch as your mother prepared dinner.
¡Bebé no! Ven aqui con mami y deja en paz a Zestial
= Not baby! Come here to mommy and leave Zestial alone
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violetsmokes · 8 months
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vaggieslefteye · 3 months
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Appreciating Hazbin Hotel's Character Expressions ↳ ʟᴜᴄɪꜰᴇʀ ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢꜱᴛᴀʀ in 1x05 - "Dad Beat Dad"
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vruzzt · 7 months
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I tried to draw Carmilla xd
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uselessalexis165 · 1 month
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i just thought these felt similar to me
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the-irreverend · 4 months
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I know it ain't a lot, but for Mother's Day, I thought I'd make a little tribute to my favourite moms across fiction (and their greatest moments).
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Apple Seed 7: Demons
Charlie: (nestled into bed and surrounded by a maternity pillow to help prop up her heavy set baby belly) Are you sure you're alright with me going to bed early? I can stay up a little longer and help with the new residents' paperwork.
Vaggie: (cups Charlie's cheek and brushes her thumb over the bright red circle, slipping her finger into the well hidden dimple camouflaged underneath) I'm sure, hun. I can handle it just fine. I'll be in bed in about two- (checks the bedside clock) -two and a half hours.
Charlie: (pouts) But-
Vaggie: (presses a finger to Charlie's lips) No, no hables más, mi amor. You've been sleeping horribly for weeks. If you're tired, you should sleep. I can take over so you can rest. ¿Comprende?
Charlie: (huffs childishly but eyes slowly soften as she kisses Vaggie's finger) Yes, Ma'am. I understand. (snuggles under the covers and strokes her belly) I love you, Vaggie.
Vaggie: I love you too, querida. (kisses Charlie's forehead) Good night. (slowly exits the room and shuts the door with a soft click)
Vaggie: (sighs heavily and shuffles down the hall with an uneasy stride and hunch in her shoulders) Mierda... What am I going to do?
Vaggie: (enters the office and sits behind the desk, slowly opening a side drawer to reveal a hidden flask and pulling it out to take a pull of the liquor inside) Fuck.... Now, I'm drinking by myself because of this... Shit....
Vaggie: (bites her lip and pulls out her phone) I cannot believe I'm doing this. (dials the number and sets the phone to speaker)
-Brrrrrrrrd! ....Brrrrrrrd! ....Brrrrrrrrd!-
Carmilla: Carmine Industries. State your business.
Vaggie: (nervous) Uh, hello, Ms. Carmine. This is Vaggie Morningstar.
Carmilla: I'm well aware who you are, Vaggie. That's the point of caller ID. What do you want?
Vaggie: (under her breath) Gee, aren't you just as perky as ever. (clears her throat) I'm... in need of some... ugh...shit.... advice.
Carmilla: .............I'm listening.
Vaggie: You have two daughters.
Carmilla: How astute of you.
Vaggie: Smartass comments aside! (gets quiet and nervous) How... do you do it?
Carmilla: ..........I must say. Normally, I'd pride myself on being able to understand most nonsensical babbling, but I'm not quite following yours. Elaborate.
Vaggie: (sighs and sinks into the chair) How do you do it? Hold your kids when you have blood on your hands? (stares at her palms and flinches as flashes of deep crimson blood stain her fingers before returning to normal)
Carmilla: I see. This is about your prior Exorcist work and the baby on the way, isn't it?
Vaggie: (nods sullenly before remembering that she's on a voice call) Fuck! Yes! This is about that! How can I hold a perfect little being after everything I've done?! After all the people I've killed here in Hell? (flood gates open as her emotions run wild and tears sting her eyes) I know Charlie has forgiven me, but what if I hurt them? What if... I'm not good enough?
Carmilla: .............
Vaggie: (slowly calms down and wipes the tears from her eyes)
Carmilla: (softly) Because when that child is born, the hands that you once used to kill will be used to protect something even more precious than you could ever imagine.
Vaggie: (blinks) Carmine?
Carmilla: That innocent, perfect little baby will rely on you for everything the moment they're born. Your wife will rely on you to help her shoulder the burden. Do you honestly think that child will care about the people you killed when they only know the love you've given it? The care you've provided to it and it's mother?
Vaggie: But.... what if I-
Carmilla: Taint it? (huffs a laugh) With what? Slightly sullied hands that may or may not be covered in spit up? A child isn't tainted by the past sins of a parent, stupid girl.
Vaggie: (glances at her hands and watches as the blood washes away to a gross, white milky substance and cringes at the thought of spit up) Not sure how much I want that either....
Carmilla: Just remember to burp the child thoroughly between changing breasts if the princess is breastfeeding, and especially after. It should help with any projectile vomiting.
Vaggie: (smiles softly and relaxes) Do... you have anymore words of maternal wisdom for me? I... uh... feel pretty useless right now.
Carmilla: Hmmph. (sits down at her desk and leans back in amusement) Grab a notebook, and I'll give you a few tricks of the trade.
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violetfeatherwind · 4 months
Mommy Carmine 🖤🤍
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niiwa-angel · 5 months
Carmilla really looked at Vaggie and went "is anybody going to adopt this depressed, feral exorcist?" And then stabbed anybody else who tried to anwser.
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sirlancevrot · 7 months
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spring has come and that's why i decided to give my mommy a light mood
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crispyanonart · 8 months
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CARMILLA IS SO COOL?? FAV NEW CHARACTER DROPPED - she's such a badass and I loved her song
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Clara and Odette scheming to get Carmilla and Zestial together once and for all.
Just imagine it 👀
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asmodeus-682 · 8 months
More headcanons about hazbin hotel characters
1. Zestial isn't used to others protecting him, he's usually the one doing the protecting
2. Alastor made jambalaya for the other overlords one time, most of them didn't like it though
3. Angel Dust likes knitting little sweaters for Fat Nuggets
4. Vox has a bunk bed specifically so Vark can sleep on a bed
5. Carmilla's daughters see Zestial as an uncle
6. Charlie and Lucifer used to feed ducks when Charlie was little. And when Charlie started dating Vaggie; they would feed ducks together on their anniversary
7. Zestial does know how to cook, unfortunately he thinks his cooking isn't good after he accidentally made a very spicy soup that made Carmilla feel sick
8. Nifty eats bugs
9. Husk can cough up hairballs on demand and does it to fuck with Nifty
10. When he was alive Alastor would try cooking breakfast for his mum and cried whenever he burned the food
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katy-l1988 · 2 months
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It's been a while since the last time I posted something so...here u have.
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aimasup · 2 months
Ranking Hazbin Songs + Characters with my brother
Hazbin Hotel songs:
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Hazbin Hotel characters:
sacrifices had to be made with this one 😔 we don't outright dislike any of the characters, they're all neat
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This was tons of fun! btw the pics are arranged in descending order
(Song rank template by strwbrry, character rank template by GayguySorin, done on tiermaker.com)
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I’m baffled at how pretty much all adaptations of the vampire Carmilla (and many female vampires written with her as the direct inspiration) depict her as a mature seductive lady. Are they only using her name and actually writing a vampire based on the alleged (very alleged) stories of Bathory? Because the actual Carmilla in the novel was a young, lonely, clingy, highly emotional and endearingly strange lesbian woman with major mood swings and fits of anger.
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