#forever slept on
9franklin3 · 3 months
Forever slept on…
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niinnyu · 12 days
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It's still him!!
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try-set-me-on-fire · 2 months
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My old friend
I'll see you again
I'd do anything
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hinamie · 2 months
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for @cherryys who (rightfully!) hcs lategame megumi as having a bunch of scars befitting his status as resident punching bag
#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#megumi fushiguro#fushiguro megumi#fanart#jjk fanart#megumi#guess who hasnt slept its meeeeee#finding refs fr this took forEVER#mostly bc all the pinterest boys are too gd beefy to use as megu ref#but even once i found good refs i am so used 2 drawing beef!!! so used 2 shirtless torsos tht look like yuuji's!!!!#had to keep Undefining my lines n slimming him down#n then he didnt look toned enough!!!!!!!!#constant too hot/too cold . endless suffering .#bangs head on desk all i know to draw is BEEF and this boy is 100% sinew........#but we got there . th render helped a LOT#but then right back 2 suffering bc i asked sam fr Scar Recs n they had th idea 2 give him a lightning scar from when he was taming nue#and i was like omg ya!!!! (voice of some1 who did Not know what lightning scars look like)#so to say i looked them up and uh . new least favourite thing 2 draw just dropped :)#th more accurate i tried to be the more it looked like a weird artsy tattoo#n that scar wasnt even part of what cherryys mentioned they envisioned !!! optional hurdle !!!!!!! i torture myself but fr naught!!!!#th scars tht they mentioned are the glass eye/eye scar from th sukuna/gojo fight + burns up the jaw + abdomen stab wound a la toji#everything else is just visual flavour#sighs at least i got some good shameless torso practice out of this#once i got 2 painting i took my sweet time with him and i am happy now . sleep deprived but happy <3#one of my megumi mutuals(tm) says jump i say how high
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ktkat99 · 1 year
Dick- I am the oldest
Tim, pouring espresso instead of water into the coffee maker- We know
Dick- I'm in charge
Jason, rewiring his helmet bomb- We know
Dick- I'm responsible for making sure you guys don't die
Damian, poking Jon with a stick to test his tolerance for being annoyed- We know
Dick- I'll say that again, I'm responsible for making sure you guys don't die
Tim, pouring the new espresso back into the machine again- Is this going somewhere
Dick, in tears- Please make this easier. Why are you like this?
Damian, hovering fifteen feet in the air by a very annoyed Kryptonian child, shrugging- I do not believe anything can kill me
Jason, adding a taser function to the helmet- I WAS killed. And I came back. I don't believe anything can KEEP me dead.
Tim, chugging the coffee that is now strong enough to break Bane's spine- Does it honestly look like I care at this point?
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skiaskai · 1 year
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tucks him back in
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Danny covered his nose with his hand. Where ever he landed smelled absolutely foul, like rotten fruit and burning tires mixed with chem lab.
"Remind me to bring a face mask the next time I explore the Infinite Realms." He muttered, before kicking a soda can down the alley he was in and being repulsed by the squelch sound it made when it came into contact with a very questionable looking puddle, "Better yet, a gas mask." He glanced at the puddle again, "Or I could go full Hazmat." Clockwork had told him this world was full of superheros and villians and to steer clear of it, but once he learned there were aliens in this world he couldn't help himself. Danny had always been weak to his curiosity, but he liked to believe he was cautious, and chose to stay in his Phantom for for added protection.
Turning on his heel he exited onto a deserted street lined on one side by a chain-link fence. The sky above him was filled with clouds so ominous and dark that Danny honestly couldn't tell you if it was night or day, all he knew was that it was going to rain soon and hopefully these awful smells would be drowned out by the downpour.
Danny got his wish only minutes later. Thankfully Phantom was unbothered by the cold and could just bask in the rain as it fell apon him. A lesser known fact about ghosts is that thier clothes are made from thier ectoplasm and are part of thier bodies, much like a second layer of skin, so one would be able to feel things on thier clothes as easily as they would with thier bare skin. The level of sensitivity varies with the type of clothing however. All this to say Danny loved the feeling of the rivulets of rainwater traveling down his ghostly hazmat suit.
He was so preoccupied with enjoying the sensation that he didn't notice anything was wrong until he was jolted forward from the weight of someone landing on his back. The person was quick and precise, taking no time at all to have his wrists pinned behind his back and- weirdly enough- thier teeth digging into the material around his neck.
His parents designed the Hazmat suit Danny was wearing not only to deal with dangerous chemicals, but to fight supernatural foes. The area around the neck was reinforced with the intention of protecting against fatal gunshots and decapitations so naturally someone's jaw wasn't going to be enough to break through to his neck.
Danny let out a laugh as the person kept chewing on his neck like a confused puppy. Oh, Danny thought, they've gone feral. It was odd for someone to go feral but it could occur when a person has gone through something traumatic recently or through extreme stress. It made sense since the person ridding piggy back on him was dressed like a superhero. Danny wondered if that was why the person didn't have a scent. Danny learns facepalmed when he remembered that scentblockers existed and not everyone's scent dramatically changed whenever they went out as a hero. The scent change was probably one of the few things that have kept him alive up to this point to be honest.
"So, I guess you're not going to tell me why you're chewing on my neck like the worlds most pathetic vampire, are you?" No one deserves that title more than the fruitloop to be honest. He made a mental note to use that one against Vlad the next time he saw him.
Chewy whined at this, seeming to slump a bit from the apparent failure to bite him. What was that about? Was this actually a vampire? How would a vampire even react to Dannys ecto-blood combo meal anyway? Would it be like food poisoning? Or would it taste amazing from one undead to another. "I'm not exactly human, are you sure you wanna bite me? I might not taste so good." Danny warned, but the moment he mentioned letting the person bite him they were eager again.
Danny chuckled and unzipped the material only a bit before it was loose enough to move out of the way. The vampires bite came with a sharp pain like he expected but there was no suction. No drinking of blood. Just some weirdo biting Danny on the neck. Huh.
Danny hoped he didn't get rabies from this.
He must have accidentally said that out loud as there was a small laugh from the rooftops above them. There stood another person in a superhero outfit with some really tall dude dressed as a giant bat, and that was when Danny decided to bail. It was one thing to let a maybe vampire bite you in a random street in the middle of the night but more of them? And ones a big scary furry? Hard pass.
Phantom did as Phantoms do and went invisible and intangible, escaping from Biteys jaws and startling the heros. He ignored the distressed whine Munchy let out after loosing their spookyest chew toy and quickly rubbed the scent gland near dannys jaw on the top of thier head as an act of comfort before bolting.
Danny poked at the bite mark on his neck. Screw rabies, he better not get turned into a werewolf. He didn't need that on top of his ghostly crap. Sam seemed fascinated by the mark, after all, it wasn't every day that Danny got a scar, especially one so obvious. Most injuries heal quickly and leave no trace of him ever being injured in the first place which helped a lot in keeping his secret identity.
Luckily Danny hadn't needed to lie to mom and dad. He truthfully told them about some wierdo jumping off of a nearby rooftop and plunging thier teeth into his neck and that two other people had tried to corner him during this. He assured his mom that he had gotten away quickly but was a little shaken by it and his dad praised him for being brave and managing to escape.
That was nice. But he still had to figure out what was up with this bite...and why he felt so compelled to go back to that city.
Back to that hero.
Aka an A/B/O au where in Danny's universe all the Alphas are extinct and the betas followed soon after and the DC universe all the Omegas went extinct and betas followed after . Not like a "they finally went extinct in the 1700s after centuries of thier numbers dwindling" thing and became a myth/fairytale (tho I like that too) but a "this might be the missing link between cave men and modern humans" kinda thing.
Its up to you which bat bit Danny and exactly what that means. I love abo aus without smut cause there's so much potential for chaos and I am very much ace.
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rebouks · 2 months
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[clattering – distant voices] [Oscar groaned, clutching his pounding head; he didn’t want to face reality just yet, but there was no way he’d get back to sleep now] Oscar: Morning, gremlins. [Oscar was met with the usual cheery good mornings from Byrd and Ava, followed by a yawn from Wren and a pensive, yet curious look from Robin that made his already uncomfortable gut twist with guilt and shame] Courtney: C’mon, school time. Robin: But-… Courtney: No buts. Byrd: Why’s the car in the hedge..?
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
early days of charlie wrangling a freshly found vaggie when both are being Stubborn
Charlie: “Okay, I SAID I wouldn’t pry and I stand by that, so as a completely neutral statement- totally casual- feel free to ignore- I’m just gonna point out…
Charlie: “…this, doesn’t really look like a normal eye-cutty-outty situation.”
Vaggie: “Really.”
Charlie: “It looks burned.”
Vaggie: “Wow.”
Charlie: “And the burn looks worse than it did last night.”
Vaggie: “Fascinating.”
Charlie: “That’s not normal.”
Vaggie: “There’s a normal for that?”
Charlie: “Yes actually there really is. Welcome to hell!”
Vaggie: “Ow.”
Charlie: “Oh gosh- sorry!!! Did I pull the bandage-”
Vaggie: “No, not ow hurt. I meant. Ow. Welcome to hell, that’s a. Sick burn.”
Charlie: “Ohhh! Heh. A burn.”
Vaggie: “Right. Because..”
Charlie: “Hell?”
Vaggie: “… after the cutting out thing, my eye socket got burned.”
Charlie: “Okay huh that's not good, very bad, but- it shouldn’t be getting WORSE. It, it won’t heal, if it really was heavenly steel that-”
Vaggie: “It was.”
Charlie: “But sinners are really tough otherwise! If something doesn’t kill you right off, then you should start pulling yourself together again! Literally, sometimes! This should be HEALING.”
Vaggie: “If it won’t kill me then who cares?”
Charlie: “It’s hurting you. Just your HAIR brushing against it is making you wince-”
Vaggie: “A wince won’t kill me either.”
Charlie: "I don’t like it! There has to be SOME a way of stopping it!”
Charlie: “… maybe, if I called my dad-”
Vaggie: “Don’t. I think it’ll stop on it’s own. It’s just- like a scab. That’s what it feels like.”
Charlie: “Itchy?”
Vaggie: “Sure.”
Charlie: “Or like it’s BURNING.”
Vaggie: “Like it’s doing something and will get better on it's own, without help.”
Charlie: “And meanwhile, you can’t even sleep.”
Vaggie: “I slept last night!”
Charlie: “….”
Vaggie: “I was, lying down.”
Charlie: “Vaggie- you’re VERY pretty, but you also look exhausted and half awake and there’s pillow marks on your cheek where you tried sleeping on your wrong side again plus a bruise from rolling off and smacking into something. And also, your hair-”
Charlie: “-OH! Your HAIR!!!”
Vaggie: “Pretty..?”
Charlie: “We can pin in back! So it won’t poke at you! That’ll help, won’t it??”
Vaggie: “Uh, y-yeah. I guess it-”
Charlie: “And and AND! I can stay with you tonight!"
Vaggie: "What."
Charlie: "On the floor next to you! I can set my alarm and check on you and make SURE you don’t roll over the wrong way or stay there long enough for your eye to start hurting so much it wakes you up! And if you roll over and fall off, I can catch you! OHH!!! IT'LL BE LIKE A SLEEPOVER!!!!”
Vaggie: “Hold on, you’re not sleeping on the floor in your own house because of me.”
Charlie: “Then we can use my bed! The couch isn’t big enough- no WAY I’m fitting on there-”
Vaggie: “I’m not- I’m not using your bed either!”
Charlie: “Well you can’t start sleeping on the floor again. You’re HURT.”
Vaggie: “Still not taking your bed.”
Charlie: “Then I’ll-”
Vaggie: “And YOU’RE not sleeping on the floor!”
Charlie: “Fine! Then how’m I supposed to sleep at ALL knowing you’re not sleeping!?”
Vaggie: “Have you tried counting sheep.”
Charlie: (GLOWERS)
- that night –
Vaggie: “You’re the pettiest demon I’ve ever met.”
Charlie: “You’re welcome.”
Vaggie: “When did I say thanks for that? I don’t remember saying thanks. I do remember trying to sleep on the couch only to have some glaring demon lady drag it half way across her house- with me still on it- and then scoot it up next to her bed without even saying anything about it.”
Charlie: “I said you’re welcome. Now I can check on you during the night. And you won’t roll off and hit your face on the floor, either.”
Vaggie: “Petty.”
Charlie: “Hmph.”
Vaggie: “……”
Vaggie: “You could’ve just told me about your bright idea.”
Charlie: “I just want to sleep.” (sigh) “I’m tired of being told my ideas are stupid...”
Vaggie: “…who in hell would call y- would tell the princess of hell her ideas were stupid?”
Charlie: “That’s kinda the whole thing about hell. Nobody here gives a damn.”
Vaggie: “Huh.”
Charlie: “It’s nice, sometimes. It’s just also mostly horrible, and nobody else thinks it can change.”
Vaggie: “Now THAT’S dumb. Everything can change.”
Charlie: “You think so?”
Vaggie: “I’m living, bandaged proof of it.”
Charlie: (rolling over to face vaggie and propping herself up) “You are? What changed for you?”
Vaggie: "Um."
Charlie: "If you don't mind me asking!"
Vaggie: “Well I, I used to…” (cringes) “…I did. Stuff.”
Charlie: “Stuff you don’t have to do anymore.”
Vaggie: “Yeah. And. Now I’m starting to think- maybe ending up in hell wasn’t such a bad thing after all.”
Charlie: “Really?”
Vaggie: “Yeah.”
Charlie: “You like it better here..?”
Vaggie: “…….I like who I am here, better.”
Charlie: “Good.” (snuggles back down) “THAT’S what I wish hell could be like for everyone.”
Vaggie: (chuckling) “If you’ve got your mind set on it, then I’m sure it will be one day.”
Charlie: “Hmm~” (dozing off) “That’s probably the nicest thing…. anyone’s ever said… to….”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “Charlie?”
Charlie: (snores)
Vaggie: “Right….” (reaches over to gingerly tuck charlie in) “…sleep well, princess.”
Vaggie: (falls asleep soon after too)
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napping-sapphic · 2 months
Breaking news!! Tomorrow’s forecast indicates that it would be a GREAT day for us to hold hands 👉👈
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jerys · 23 days
thinking abt merlin through the ages contending with the fact that arthur is still so present in the land. in mythology in legend in fairytales told to children in books and films and countless other forms of memory. throughout the world he is remembered still, and yes it isn't really him they're remembering, it's the legend of him, the myth, the heroic fool's gold shimmer of his legacy. but he's still here.
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orcboxer · 7 months
I think sometimes the trick to fantasy races is to not think about em too literally. It's not "what if race science was real," it's more like "what if our myths, dreams, and imaginations were reflected in the material world?" or "What if we gave our ideas and social structures physical shape?"
What is a dragon? A symbol of nature, to be tamed or destroyed? A symbol of imperialism, of greed and destruction? A symbol of divinity, of a mysterious higher power? Or just a beast like any other? It depends on the story, and on the way you choose to interpret it. Like all fiction, it's an exercise in subjectivity.
Maybe one writer's orcs are a racist caricature, but another writer's orcs might be an expression of their own self-image, and yet another's might be a reflection of their experiences as an Othered person. Orcs and other fantasy races don't inherently mean anything in particular, each story ascribes its own meaning to them, and it's up to you to try to determine what the story is trying to say.
I just think broad strokes condemnations of things like fantasy races or dragon taxonomy as if there are objective facts about them is kind of missing the point of like, fiction in general.
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one-bunny-a-day · 1 year
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schnuffel-danny · 2 years
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zeravmeta · 9 months
koyanskaya on 12/28/2023: thank you, master of chaldea... I'll await my new world. you better not wake me up
guda on 12/31/2023:
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mintypsii · 10 months
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they got cold . and eepy (click for quality 😭)
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