#th more accurate i tried to be the more it looked like a weird artsy tattoo
hinamie · 2 months
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for @cherryys who (rightfully!) hcs lategame megumi as having a bunch of scars befitting his status as resident punching bag
#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#megumi fushiguro#fushiguro megumi#fanart#jjk fanart#megumi#guess who hasnt slept its meeeeee#finding refs fr this took forEVER#mostly bc all the pinterest boys are too gd beefy to use as megu ref#but even once i found good refs i am so used 2 drawing beef!!! so used 2 shirtless torsos tht look like yuuji's!!!!#had to keep Undefining my lines n slimming him down#n then he didnt look toned enough!!!!!!!!#constant too hot/too cold . endless suffering .#bangs head on desk all i know to draw is BEEF and this boy is 100% sinew........#but we got there . th render helped a LOT#but then right back 2 suffering bc i asked sam fr Scar Recs n they had th idea 2 give him a lightning scar from when he was taming nue#and i was like omg ya!!!! (voice of some1 who did Not know what lightning scars look like)#so to say i looked them up and uh . new least favourite thing 2 draw just dropped :)#th more accurate i tried to be the more it looked like a weird artsy tattoo#n that scar wasnt even part of what cherryys mentioned they envisioned !!! optional hurdle !!!!!!! i torture myself but fr naught!!!!#th scars tht they mentioned are the glass eye/eye scar from th sukuna/gojo fight + burns up the jaw + abdomen stab wound a la toji#everything else is just visual flavour#sighs at least i got some good shameless torso practice out of this#once i got 2 painting i took my sweet time with him and i am happy now . sleep deprived but happy <3#one of my megumi mutuals(tm) says jump i say how high
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ddaddsprompts · 7 years
How would the dads react to finding out you're a really good painter? (Sorry if this one's been done before.)
((This is...really god damn long, I’m sorry! That’s why it took so long! I love you guys I’ll try to write some quicker, shorter stuff! I hope you don’t mind the length though! -Mod Arin))
You turn around quickly when you hear his voice coming from behind you, remembering that you had invited him over and purposely left the door unlocked, but you meant to clean up before now, it was supposed to be a surprise! You must have lost track of the time…painting was a favorite hobby of yours and sometimes you just got lost in it. 
Robert - “Holy shit- is that..?” You stand up and try to cover the painting with your body but the damage is already done. Robert is walking over with wide eyes and curiosity plastered on his face as he tries to look around you. You step aside in defeat as he stares in awe at the painting. “You made this?” 
He slaps a firm hand to your shoulder in disbelief and some excess paint from the brush that you’re holding flies onto your face. You laugh softly and look at the painting with Robert. “Yeah- it’s I…” You stumble over your words, heat rising to your face as you try to explain yourself.
“It’s the picture you took of us on our first real date.” Robert is grinning, actual happiness radiating from him as he appreciates your art, really studying the details. “It’s amazing, y/n!” You don’t see Robert let emotions out often, but he seems legitimately touched. 
You feel a little embarrassed. “I haven’t even finished the shading, and I messed up your jacket right th-” Robert cuts you off with a kiss, wiping some paint off of your cheek with his thumb. 
“Shut your mouth, kid, it’s beautiful.” You giggle and set your paint brush down, pulling Robert back again and smiling against his lips when you think about what Amanda will think when she comes home to both of you with paint on your faces.  
Joseph - “Are you painting?” Joseph sounds interested the second that he walks into the room, but he stands back a little. He doesn’t want to disturb your concentration. “I didn’t know you painted?” You step in front of the painting but the look on Joseph’s face is so sweet, and he definitely wants to see your work. You step on of his line of sight. “Is that us?”
You look down at your feet, afraid that he’ll find it weird that you aren’t painting some beautiful flower field or- whatever artists are supposed to paint. It’s a stupid fear, but you aren’t always confident about the quality of your art. “I- yeah, it was supposed to be a surprise but- do you like it?” You set your paint brush down and look back up at him.
“It’s perfect!” Joseph has a smile on his face as he comes closer, running a comforting hand through your hair. You feel a lot calmer almost instantly. He always knows when you need support and exactly when you need it- he can always sense your discomfort. It’s a both blessing and a curse.
“Perfect?” You crack a smile and look at your own painting, laughing when Joseph plants a kiss on your cheek and rests his hand on the small of your back. It is pretty good, but perfect is a stretch. You can see a few mess ups that he isn’t focusing on. But he’s always so positive, and you can’t help but let the energy rub off onto you.
“I love it very much.” Joseph toys eith his phone and snaps a quick picture, most likely to show off later. Sometimes you get embarrased, but you’re always happy when he shows off your accomplishments proudly. “I’ll have to show the kids your painting skills I’m sure they’d love to watch!” 
It catches you off guard but you break into a full grin, thinking about how adorable it would be to teach the kids how to paint and get to hang their masterpieces on the fridge. “I- yeah, that would be really nice.”
Hugo - “You paint?” Hugo recognizes that he’s being abrupt and probably startled you when he came in, but he seems eager to get an eye on what you’re doing. He’s slowly inching forward like a kid trying to sneak his hand in the cookie jar. “Can I- if you don’t mind?”
You hesitate and think about saying no and shoving the painting back into the closet to dry, but it’s near-finished anyway, and you can tell that Hugo is on the edge of his seat waiting to see it. “I- just promise not to judge it too harshly- I’ve seen you critique art.” He does know what he’s talking about, you remember going to the art history museum with him and listening intently while he told you about each painting. 
He laughs softly and gives you a smile, using a large amount of self control to stop himself from peeking around you. “I’m not an art teacher, y/n, I just appreciate historically accurate art- and good symbolism.” Hugo sees you roll your eyes and motions for you to step to the side. “I’m sure I’ll love it.”
“Okay- it’s…a- well, I-” Hugo crosses his arms when he notices that you’re trying to stall, one of his eyebrows raising in that very authoritative way. He isn’t your teacher, but you feel compelled to listen as you step to the side. “It’s from the aquarium.”
You watch as he stares, his mouth hanging open just a little as he studies every detail. “You painted this?” He gets even closer, but he’s careful not to touch the still drying paint. He looks…amazed. “All of the blues- and the lighting on us, you didn’t even tell me you could do realism!” Hugo stands back up and puts a hand on your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “I love it.”
You smile, responding with a brief peck on the lips. “You want to watch me paint, don’t you?” Hugo nods and ruffles your hair just a little.
Mat - “Woah, are you painting?” Mat slowly approaches, holding a muffin in each hand. He’s obviously come from the coffee spoon bearing gifts, but he seems more interesting in whatever you’re trying to cover up. “If painting is like your secret talent or whatever, you’ve gotta show me.” Mat lets out a charming laugh 
The way he smiles has you moving to the side without a second thought, making an awkward sort of ‘ta-da’ motion towards your art. He nearly drops the muffins, but instead he shoves half of one in his mouth to hold it and sets the other one down next to you. He then realizes what he’s done and marvels at the painting until he can chew and swallow enough muffin to talk. He’s still a little muffled. “Phfyou paintifph thaf?”
You grin and can’t help but chuckle at the way he laughs at himself before swallowing the rest. “Yes, I painted that.” Mat sets the other half of his muffin down and kneels, looking at the painting and resisting the urge to touch it as he stares. You can see the happiness in his face.
“It’s amazing!” Mat stands back up and crushes you in a hug before giving you a kiss, a smile on his face. “You have to submit this to the town art show- maybe even a contest, you know, they give out really cool prizes for winning those and it’s looks so real! No wonder Amanda is artsy and into photography with you for a dad!” Mat trails on a little further but he’s so enthusiastic that you don’t dare stop him.
“I don’t think so, babe.” Mat scratches the back of his neck nervously, and his face starts getting warm. Pet names always fluster him. “I was going to give it to you- it’s been a year since we started talking and-“ It’s your face that starts to heat up now, and you realize that the two of you are a pair of embarrassed idiots at all times.
Mat smiles and picks up the muffin he brought for you, placing it in your hand. “I love it- and I hope this muffin is satisfactory payment.” You playfully push his face away and call him an idiot before biting into the muffin.
Craig- “Are you working on something, bro?” Craig is a little distracted, and he’s holding what looks to be a pretty heavy duffle bag. He’s shining with fresh sweat too, and you know that he’s just come from a work out. You get distracted by his apparent shirtlessness before the sound of his bag hitting the floor brings you back.
He walks closer and you stand to cover your painting quickly. “Yeah- but you can’t, it’s a secret!” You try to sound defensive, but it comes out a little too playful and you end up sounding like one of the twins when they’re trying to hide a mess that they’ve made and don’t want to clean up. Craig fittingly gives a fatherly glare in your direction. You feel like you might be in trouble.
Craig smiles and throws on a shirt from his bag, making his way over to you. “What kind of secret- because in college we told each other all of our secrets.” Craig tries to peek over you and you laugh, standing on your toes. He is right, about the secret thing, but this isn’t that kind of secret. You want to to give it to him as a present and if he sees it now it won’t be a surprise. Or…it still would, just not at the right time.
You slump over a little, defeated. Maybe he should see it, you’re really excited for him to see! Man, you’ve always been bad at hiding gifts until the right time. You slide over and gesture to the painting. “Its not finished but it’s close-” Craig’s mouth drops open and he looks at the art with wide eyes. He seems amazed, and he probably is. You didn’t show off your art a lot in college, so he hasn’t really seen the level of skill you have.
“It’s awesome, bro!” You grin and look with him, admiring your work. He turns to you and lifts you up without a warning, squeezing you in a tight hug in the air before letting you to the ground again. Your life flashes before your eyes but you’re thankful for the appreciation. “I can’t believe you never showed me your art before, I love it!”
“Thank you.” You can’t stop your cheeks from turning red at the praise. “I can show you more?”
Damien- "Y/n, are you painting?“ Damien keeps a respectable distance, trying to make sure that your art remains undisturbed. In fact, he looks a little guilty for startling you with his entry. “May I see?” He stays by the door until you catch your breath, obvious curiosusity on his face.
You turn around briefly and pick up a few brushed that fell when you bumped the easel. “I-I would love to show you, but it uh…it was supposed to be a gift.” You turn back towards Damien with a weak smile, hoping that he appreciates your art. You know that he loves most of the art he looks at, but it’s hard not to judge your own art more harshly than you should. “But, I can show you now.”
Damien smiles and starts to walk closer, but he still looks cautious, like he wants to make sure you’re okay with it. “I can wait if you would like, I understand that art takes time.” He stops before coming close enough to look, but you motion him forward, stepping aside and letting him see. He looks silently for a second, opening his mouth and closing it a few times. “Oh my- this is wonderful!” You haven’t seen Damien so excited in a while.
“Well, thank you.” You can’t wipe the smile off of your face while Damien carefully looks at your art. He reaches over to grab your hand without a word, his grin growing wider. You’re very glad that he seems to appreciate the painting so much, but you’re worried that the meaning is lost without giving it when you were going to. “I was going to give it to you in about week…because that’s-”
“The one year anniversary of our first date.” Damien looks touched, and he has a hand on his chest. “I was thinking about doing something for you, but I wasn’t sure if you were the type of person who remembered dates or if you would find it strange.” He laid his head on your shoulder, sighing and still looking at the painting. “I love it.”
Brian- “Whatcha working on?“ Brian sounds casual, like he’s trying not to sound excited, but you can sense a bit of curiosity in his voice. You’ve learned to decipher his hidden emotions more often than not. "Painting?” You grin and shrug, a little to excited to show of your talent. You were waiting to give it as a gift, but spontaneous is more of Brian’s style anyway, and you’re hoping he likes it.
You wipe a little paint off of your hand and onto the pants you’re wearing, remembering that you purposely wore a pair you only used for painting. You decide to cover the paiting for a moment, letting him sit in suspense. “I am painting, I don’t think you’ve seen any of my art before have you?”
Brian arches an eyebrow and moves in closer, sensing a challenge. You respond by crossing you arms with a smile. All of the rivalry is lightheaded and something you love with him. “No, I haven’t, y/n.” He stepped in even closer, close enough to press a kiss to your cheek, which he does while you laugh. “Can I see?”
You lean back in and retaliate with a kiss on the lips, stepping to the side before he can up the stakes. “What do you think?”
“I think I could do better.”
You give him a soft punch to the shoulder, a laugh bubbling into the air. “Youre lying.”
“I am.” Brian looks a little closer, his grin growing as he studies the painting of him and you. “It’s- it’s amazing, I can’t lie about that!”
“I’m glad you like it.” Brian smiles, and then he goes on about where he should hang it in his house so that the most people possible can see it and he can brag about his boyfriend’s painting skill.
-Mod Arin
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