#force i feel disgusting
zeawesomebirdie · 8 months
Only took a week and a half, but guess who finally actually feels sick with covid 😔✌️
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khaire-traveler · 11 months
Let me make this very clear:
When it comes to Hellenic Polytheism, there is no human religious authority, especially not one that stands before or speaks for the gods.
It does not matter what someone tells you. It does not matter if they claim to be a priestess/priest of X deity or a messenger for Y deity. It does not matter what their supposed past life was like. It does not matter if they claim to be the literal fucking Oracle of Apollo.
No one has the right to tell you how to worship the gods. No one has the right to assert their authority over your religion.
And most of all, remember that people can and do lie.
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inkskinned · 2 years
i hate how commodity and capitalism has ruined so much storytelling . i hate how sequels and prequels and whatever else all ring like merch sales; i hate that i as an author have to include any social media following i have as a marketable trait; i hate that everything feels like a xerox of a copy of a dream of a memory.
i hate that my nostalgia has been turned into profit. i hate that companies fear consumer backlash so no real commentary may be made; i hate that companies care more about quantity over quality. i hate that so many artists and creators are being overworked to the point of complete collapse rather than being allowed to tell the story their way. i hate that every point of representation has to be fought for. i hate it i want us all to go back to living in a cave .
when you sit with friends over a bonfire and the night is getting long and people start telling this slow, almost hypnotic story - in this quiet voice, like they don't expect you to listen while they say the most fucked up shit you've ever heard - that is storytelling. who cares if the punchline is car hand hook door. storytelling has always been about community, about us all sitting in the dark, choosing to fill the silence while the last embers are dying. we forgot that storytelling is spellwork. hallucinating together, our breaths held, waiting for the ending we already knew was coming.
#this is specifically due to my rage and undying hatred of megacorporation#disney.#and specifically bc i think there COULD have been a really good series of new#dinosaur island t rex movies#if they had just fucking gone the distance#stopped with the fucking bad CGI#and made the whole thing about late-stage capitalism#do you wanna know what would ACTUALLY sell and work on the big screen more than a trex screaming in front of a volcano#(u absolute jerkweeds)?#so they've rebuilt the island and the park. but the narrative is 100%#that nobody wants to fucking work there and it feels AT BEST cult-like and insular. nobody is paid well for this#at EVERY possible place they are cutting corners. the dinosaurs might have higher walls#but the handlers are paid 5.34 an hour due to island laws. the corporation has RFID tags in their costumes which they are forced to wear#the employees are not allowed to drink water in 120 degree heat bc it would be upsetting to guests#u know real things i experienced working for disney#(but it was 8.90)#anyway it turns out the park CEO knew the risks and just didnt care bc bottom line BAYBEE.#it would be so much more sobering and fucking GOOD if it was like. scientists being like ''i am an environmental scientist''#''after the epa was slashed this is literally the only job i could find. i literally HAD to take it or i couldn't feed my family.''#''i hate what i do. i am disgusted by it. i literally CANNOT STOP because the company also charges us 400 dollars a week to live here''#the dinosaurs escape EARLY in my movie. like minute 45. and then... 1 week later#the park reopens.#half the staff are missing. they're just fucking gone. it doesn't matter tho the company tells everyone to work 2x as hard#that those people weren't loyal enough or they are tragic heroes bc they died doing what they love#and the movie isn't like ''wow dinosaurs scary!!!'' it's...#that in a global fucking pandemic disney kept sacrificing employees.#but it'll be disguised bc the pandemic will be dinosaurs.#this my beloved is what we call an ALLEGORY but unfortunately certain companies have never heard of them#allegories require critical thinking and that doesn't test well with audiences
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thepoisonroom · 3 months
'I flirted with the idea that instead of being trans that I was just a cross-dresser (a quirk, I thought, that could be quietly folded into an otherwise average life) and that my dysphoria was sexual in nature, and sexual only. And if my feelings were only sexual, then, I wondered, perhaps I wasn’t actually trans.
I had read about a book called The Man Who Would Be Queen, by a Northwestern University professor who believed that transwomen who were attracted to women were really confused fetishists, they wanted to be women to satisfy an autogynephilia. And though I first read about this book in the context of its debunkment and disparagement, I thought about the electricity of slipping on those tights, zipping up those boots, and a stream of guilt followed. Maybe this professor was right, and maybe I was only a fetishist. Not trans, just a misguided boy.
About a year later, on the Internet, I come across a transwoman who added a unique message to the crowd refuting this professor. Oh, I wish I remember who this woman was, and I wish even more that I could do better than paraphrase her, but I remember her saying something like this: “Well, of course I feel sexy putting on women’s clothing and having a woman’s body. If you feel comfortable in your body for the first time, won’t that probably mean it’ll be the first time you feel comfortable, too, with delighting in your body as a sexual thing?”'
-Casey Plett, Consciousness
#this quote always moves me almost to tears when i remember it#i'm not a trans woman and i don't share the author's specific experiences with transition#but it really moves me that she frame transition as joyfully giving yourself permission to approach your body#not as something that has to be disciplined and deprived and made small in all these various ways#but as a means for experiencing pleasure and joy and delight and for insisting that our feelings and desires are worth#valuing and exploring and treasuring#i always used to think of prioritizing those things for myself as selfish and irresponsible#but who does it harm to want to experience pleasure in your own body?#it's such a beautifully simple and powerful switch to have flip in your head#and equally why are we forced to deny our own pleasure in transition and anything else related to our bodies in the name of moral rectitude#this is why i get so confused and pissed off when other trans people are fatphobic for example#like why are you so invested in politics of shame and disgust that never had any purpose other than#violently disciplining people as if they've violated moral codes by existing in a body#to say nothing of white people being racist in gay and trans communities#like again this system of violence is foundational to homophobia and transphobia#so why are you acting like it has nothing to do with you#even if you are unmoved by the urgency of other people's suffering which btw you should be moved by#what do you hope to gain by acting a collaborator and handmaiden to those systems#Casey Plett#she really is one of my favorite authors i wish more non-canadians read her#this quote is from a series of columns she did ont transition and every single one is a banger#i love when she talks about the people-pleasing elements of dysphoria and transition denial#she's so sharp about noting how many of us deny our own dysphoria on the grounds that others like and validate our bodies#that's how i always felt during my cis conventionally feminine era#it pleased other people so much and also that reception felt so hollow and joyless to me because i hated it#i get less of that positive feedback but that feels so unimportant next to the joy and pleasure i get to experience#said with the understanding that i'm very privileged in being able to prioritize those things without fear. but it was a switch flip#personal nonsense
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dani-r · 18 days
Finally caught up on Protocol's "Well Run" episode and I gotta be right in the same alley as Johnny: for real, does anyone really can find that repulsive creature of the most rancid British nobility anything more than the absolute enemy and monster she is?
Might be my south american blood just fucking thruming with horror and contempt at that tale of aristrocracy and how it could be a pretty realistic situation without eldritch powers in it. The moment that lady spoke, my argentinian soul raged with centuries of sovereignty struggle against lords like that one and started singing the San Martín hymns and my eyes saw Rojo Punzó. My body started moving in its own to boil water and toss it over my balcony to stop british invaders as if I was in 1806. I was about to get on a boat and travel to Malvinas to retrieve it myself with a box cutter.
Bonzo can be hot, the Boneturner can be hot, slimy Elias Bouchard even, anyone, I don't care, love is love, is all super ok. Except on this. The old nobility of the empire? What the hell? no-huh, Only valid kink shame in history. Tossin that shit to oblivion, to beyond the solar system. Yeeting that shit out of this galaxy. Sorry people. Of all the elegible bachellor monsters to choose!
On a more important note: my favorite tale so far, really struck the chords of true hatred and horror within me, it was amazing! Acting was superb as well.
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loonybun · 3 months
hi guys massive trigger warning for bugs and gore but like
one of my all time favorite ideas i’ve come up with for immortal whumpees is peeling back their epidermis and planting larvae inside, and then stitching it back up and waiting for the bugs to hatch. is it physically possible? probably not! but god damn if not for pain it’s still a sensory nightmare. i created this idea for a character of mine named callum. i love him a lot. even if he wants to put bugs under people’s skin.
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suncaptor · 9 months
When Lucifer cups Sam's face so gently and Sam's horrified expression shifts slightly and he's just standing there staring forward and then he's trying to convince Dean he needs to go see Lucifer and he's like. Lucifer TOUCHED me. And I felt CALM. And he says it. through his disgust. I feel literally sick to my stomach.
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sammygender · 1 month
so many people can’t conceptualise emotional neglect as anything other than ‘my parents were cold and distant and never talked about feelings with me’, and this, while being just a general awful problem of course, is also what leads to so much john winchester mischaracterisation. in this essay i will
#like. it can also be#a parent who you’re close to who is actually extremely emotional and explosive and reactive#and via forcing you to look after their emotional needs and spilling their problems all over you also teaches you that your feelings qrs re#unimportant and that you’re unimportant. even if they dont necessarily mean to or they dont with their words!#anyway i’m sure john winchester was a mix of the two#but my point is like. God this applies to so much actually#there’s this incredibly pervasive idea that damaging parenting has to be like. i dunno. distant somehow#your parents don’t love you. you’re not close to your parents#and obviously that IS damaging but it’s not the only way a parental relationship can be damaging… far from it#and a lot of what makes john so interesting to me is he DOES love the boys. of course he does#and he isn’t some hyper repressed incredibly macho figure either like some people characterise him#he’s warm with the boys when we see him in s1. sure he turns all his emotions into anger but it’s always very clear he Has deep emotions.#everything he does is powered by ‘love’#(theoretically).#like. hes obviously close with dean. he even has strong ideals about parenting when he starts off (see 70s era john disgusted at how future#john actually raised them lol).#and he’s still extremely abusive and neglectful and damages sam and dean soooo much. like. all that can coexist#and it’s such a disservice to flatten his character and pretend it doesn’t#plus it just offends me. like come on.#idk i guess a lot of people like to project their own bad experiences onto john and it’s not like i’m saying they shouldn’t do that#but. characterisation wise#he’s awful in a very specific way#spn#john winchester#oliver talks
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urahara-lovepage · 3 months
bleach media literacy is actually just a measure of how you read urahara as a character
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unforth · 4 months
Actually, I really wish Tumblr as a whole was less comfortable using feminizing language for gay men, especially gay East Asian men.
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ruthlesslistener · 5 months
[Through gritted teeth] I still hold firm to the belief that civilians should never be the targets in a war, however. The people of Israel are making it extremely fucking difficult to remember that belief. Doubly so when they're very willingly placing themselves into the war effort to make the life of innocents living hell
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and ANOTHER thing —sorry I’m almost done—the creation of that lust filled space also creates such an unempowered state for Kate to be in. there isn’t anything she can really do except sort of stand there doe-eyed and take it in. Also that’s so dark!
#sorry I keep using that word but!#contrast it with pride and prejudice#it’s funny and powerful that Darcy proposes like ‘I WISH I didn’t love you or find you beautiful for several logical reasons but I DO’#marry me pls’#(because it is fun to see a character overcome almost against their will)#but Lizzy’s response is so important and so in the best sense of the word admirable#because she ISN’t impressed!!!!!#and it isn’t the girlboss meanness that she is so often celebrated for!#which is the world’s version of empowerment for women#it’s just that she is like ‘this is not my problem!!!!!!! that you are so in love with me but disgusted by my family/circumstances’#so she’s kind of like ‘don’t bring this to ME.’#and that’s so iconic and compelling and forces Darcy to stop#because it’s so valid and so real person of her!!!!!!#because yeah! a man feeling uncomfortable about his feelings for a woman#is not that woman’s problem!!!! and even though some of us would be so affected by it#(tbh i would have been so flattered that he liked me and was struggling against it I might not have yelled at him)#it’s so iconic that she DOES!#the real person of it!!!!!! the negotiation of life!!!!!!!!!!#Darcy’s problem is he has been wrestling in his head and speaking to no one#and Lizzy forcibly reminds him that she is a person with feelings and it is actually not his place for him to be listing out at this moment#all the objections he has had to the idea of marrying her#not hers to know!!!!!!!#and he’s like ‘oh wow that’s so true’ and course corrects#all without being sort of this pandering sentimental softie so often presented on the OTHER side#he is mad at her! he’s bitter! but his bitterness soon takes a proper direction (as he says at the end)
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manicpixiedreamjew · 20 days
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amazingmsme · 5 months
Why do you not have a tag for your weird tickling/tickler stuff? I don't want to be mean, it's just I really hate seeing them and there's no tag to block.
I try to keep everything sorted by fandom, but if it’s really that big of an issue, I guess I can start tagging things. I know my blog is a hot mess, I know I need to keep it organized better, but I can’t really find it in me to try & get things organized. One of these days tho, I do plan on bringing some order to this dumpster fire
But if you really think it’s that weird, you can always just… leave. My interest is clearly not yours, & that’s fine! To each their own & all, but that is the kind of content I post the most. Not the only thing, but it is the majority (what can I say? I started young, built up a brand, & now people Expect Things™️)
I’m sorry if you found me through the normal tags & ended up at the freakshow lol
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bellamygate · 5 months
I think it's really likely phee and jin happened bc they were both rebounding from non and maybe they caught feelings maybe they didn't maybe phee is feeling guilty for that but like to ME regardless of how bad they feel abt it they're fucking on non's dead body and I'm petty enough to put away critical thinking and appreciating the nuances of media to wish them a very die
#dff the series#dead friend forever#I GET IT I GET IT ik what yall r saying yes them as a pair can b interesting asf and if i wasnt a non girlie id be all over it but god#my nonnie deserves better#this is just the final nail in the coffin like#this is nons 13th (20th) reason#imagine going through all of THAT and then ur ex bf is fucking the guy who filmed u getting raped and dragged u back into a group#that was abusing u constantly when u were abt to leave it#like#yall r built different i simply cant hack it#i cant compartmentalise and not be disgusted of the non of it all in order to enjoy them#like there will always be 3 of u in that relationship and we all know it#i can't force myself to not be disgusted by them and it's required to feel any reaction besides auto recoil to the thought of them together#ur relationship is paved with sins and corpses how can u be together and have peace knowing every moment will be haunted by it#i dont wanna see them forgive themselves and eachother and be together bc its SO UNFAIR TO NON#and i simply cant get over that if i wanted hard reality i wouldnt b watching a gay slasher its just so unsatisfying#its unsatisfying to end it like thst with no justice for the victim#yes theres a compelling story there abt that dynamic between them but this isnt the show to explore kt#theyve put too much emphasis on the victim to go there#i understand the sentiment but a story like that doesnt go like this. this isnt the way u write a story like that & explore those themes#like the majority of the audience isnt wanting that theyre rooting for non BECAUSE of the way its been set up & written#the past and the actions against non r the focus not phee and jin dealing w the aftermath in the present
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catboynightmare · 1 year
as people talk about the racism in dracula i noticed no one had mentioned yet that slavery for romani people had only ended around 40 years or so before the novel is set, which adds a darker turn on the idea of roma helping him, as well as including them in the story the way that stoker did - these are people that he probably once owned - which makes it so much more insulting 
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