#not sure when exactly at this point in time
rafeandonlyrafe · 1 day
the bosses daughter part one
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words: 1.9k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, male and female receiving oral, p in v sex, unprotected sex, semi public sex, golfer!rafe
part one / part two
“who is that?” rafe asks, leaning forward to get a better view of the ponytail that's swishing through a sea of polo shirts.
“bosses daughter.” his coworker quickly warns. “don't even acknowledge her of he'll fire your ass.”
rafe doesn't take the threat too seriously. he's mostly just working to please his dad and show ward that he can commit to something, even if it is just teaching golf lessons twice a week.
“she's hot though.” he argues back, eyes moving down your back to the short golf skirt covering your ass, accentuated by your thick thighs.
“which is why she'll never go for you anyways.” despite his coworkers jokes, he's got it all wrong.
“why hello.” you smile, walking up to rafe a while later, when he's out away from the central club and warming up with some swings. “i don't think we've met before. im y/n.”
“rafe.” he answers happily, finishing the last ball of the line off with a powerful swing that you both watch go sailing through the air. “pleasure to meet you.”
“you haven't been working here long.” you state. “im sure i would have remembered you.”
“oh yeah?” rafe smirks. “and why's that?”
your cheeks tinge with blush but it doesn't stop your tongue. “you're just my type. i already remember all the cute golf guys.”
“all of them?” rafe raises his eyebrows. “you're already making me jealous, princess.”
“well, if it makes you feel better you're the one i left the club to find.” you hum out, leaning your hip against his golf cart.
“and it would make me feel even better if you found me again after my lesson.” rafe looks at the 10 year old he's been teaching as he trods through the grass. “don't want your dad to get mad about me missing a lesson, though i would for you gorgeous.”
you smile, biting your tongue to stop yourself from continuing to flirt as the mother of the young golfer crests the hill. you watch the lesson for a few minutes before retreating back to the country club.
“any of the guys giving you shit, y/n?” your dad calls as you enter into the bar area, of course sat chatting with a customer and longtime family friend, which was the category most of the clientele
fell into.
“nope.” you answer, popping your p. “i was just watching a lesson for a bit. cute little kid and the instructor was real nice. i think he's new.”
“rafe?” your dad raises his eyebrows and you don't miss his friend chuckling. “you stay away from him y/n.” he says sternly.
“ugh, you tell me to stay away from everyone dad.” you roll your eyes dramatically.
“exactly.” your dad says, giving you a pointed look. 
you give him a pout right back and leave the room, finding a quiet spot to scroll on your phone as you wait for time to pass, ready to not take your father's advice.
you figure rafes lesson must be over by now and make your way back outside, deciding to ditch the golf cart and go on foot looking for him. you make it only a short distance down the main path until you spot him.
“still jealous?” you question, sliding into the passenger seat of his golf cart. rafe instantly takes off, driving you slowly away from the centralized area.
“depends on what you were doing while i was teaching.” rafe hums out, a hand reaching over to place itself on your thigh, a still respectable distance for now.
“oh, just getting a lecture from my dad to stay away from you.”
“and yet here you are…” rafes hand inches higher. “letting me drive you away from the club.”
“hopefully to the most isolated spot…” you take rafes hand and move it upwards, guiding his fingers underneath your skirt, making your intentions blatantly obvious.
“as concealed as possible, yeah?” rafe asks, hand slipping between your thighs, pressing against your core as he begins to stroke softly. “not a fan of being watched?”
“not when everyone would run back to tell my father.” you chuckle before gasping as rafes fingers change their angle to rub directly against your clit.
“then your better keep a straight face while we drive past these guys.” rafe warns. your eyes blink open, you hadn't even realized that you closed them. 
you let out a soft moan as rafe presses further into your clit, knowing that the front of the golf cart is blocking their view of his hand underneath your skirt.
“come on, at least try to hide how good im making you feel.” rafe smirks at you as you attempt to straighten out your face as you drive by, thankfully the golfers are more interested in their game than whoever is speeding by.
rafe moves to a hole that's been taken off the course in favor for new builds, waiting for it to be revamped, meaning no one is likely to be around.
“behind the trees.” you point ahead at a patch of pines that should conceal you perfectly.
rafe pulls his hand from your pants as you let out a huff of disapproval, only for him to quickly put the car into park. 
you both jump at each other at the same time, lips finding lips as you straddle rafe, hands on his neck as you kiss him passionately.
rafes hands are now free to explore without worrying about wandering eyes, rubbing down your back before dropping to grip your ass from underneath the flap of your skirt.
you can't help yourself, needing the stimulation back on your clit as you push your hips down, grinding against rafes cock as you feel him stiffening and growing underneath you.
“wanna suck you off.” you tell rafe, sliding off his lap and onto the floor of the golf cart.
“hell fucking yeah.” rafe growls out, watching with anticipation as you reach for the zipper on his golf shorts, tugging at the metal until he lifts his hips to help you pull the khaki material down to his ankles.
your eyes crinkle with a smile as you see rafes length clearly pushing against the fabric of his underwear.
despite needing him desperately, you can't help but tease him as you press kisses from his base to the head of his cock, a small wet spot already forming.
your tongue pokes out to taste him, wetting the material even more until you can't take the barrier any longer and shove rafes underwear down, allowing his cock to spring out.
you open your mouth to tell rafe how big his cock is, when his hips surge forward and his hand comes to the back of your neck at the same time, pushing your head down onto his cock.
you gag at the sudden and unexpected intrusion, but the sound only seems to turn rafe on more as his cock twitches in your mouth.
you begin to start a steady rhythm, rafes hips raising to meet yours as you get used to the feeling of his length down your throat.
“fuck!” rafe groans out. “what a mouth you got on you.”
you try to resist the urge to smile, but rafe can still feel the sides of your mouth quirking up.
rafe pulls you by your hair, raising your face up to meet his as he smashes his lips against his, not caring that he can taste himself slightly under the overpowering flavor of your strawberry chapstick.
“need you.” rafe says, tugging on your hair again.
you move quickly, standing up with slightly wobbly knees as you pull your skirt and panties down in one smooth go.
“shit.” rafe groans, pussy right at his eye level. “need to do this first though.”
rafes chin forces your thighs further apart as you fall backwards, bum landing on the steering wheel while his mouth finds your cunt, tongue teasing your clit in wide circles as you wait for him to finally pass over the bundle of nerves.
just when you think that rafe isn't going to, his tongue flicks against your clit before latching around it, sucking harshly as he looks up, watching the way you moan out, still trying not to be too loud.
“ride me.” rafe says, pulling away, knowing he could eat your pussy forever but that you both don't have the luxury of time. certainly your dad would be getting suspicious of your absence soon.
rafe leans back, allowing you to straddle him again, knees pressing into the leathery seat material.
you reach down to take his cock in your hand by the base, lining him up with your entrance before sinking down with a moan falling from both of your lips.
“god, you're so warm and wet.” rafe moans out, eyes glossed over as he looks at you, both soaking in the moment of your bodies joined together before you start to move, hips rising up before falling quickly, pussy clenching around his cock with every movement.
“you feel perfect.” you tell rafe honestly, loving the way he hits that hidden sweet spot inside of you every single time without fail.
you place your hands on rafes chest, providing you some more stability as you speed up until you're bouncing up and down on his dick.
rafes hands find your hips, helping you move up and down the second you show any sign of fatigue.
“im- i don't know how much longer im going to last.” rafe warns. he wishes he could keep going, but with already having your mouth around him, he knows he's about to reach his limit. 
“touch my clit.” you command rafe, knowing that's all you need to reach your own high.
rafe listens to your demands instantly, thumb finding your clit as he places the pad over it, rubbing in quick circles, even concentrating enough to spell out the letters of his name onto your clit.
“f-fuck!” you squeal. “keep going!”
rafe begins to push his hips up to join you, both of you pushing your tired muscles as hard as you can, waiting to see who the first one will be to break.
your high breeches suddenly, back arching as you cum with a gasp of rafes name. you push yourself as deep onto rafes cock as you can, moaning when you feel him release, cum flooding your insides as you reach your highs simultaneously.
you fall forward as rafe gives a few more thrusts to help ride out your highs.
“shit.” you whine with a giggle as your face presses into rafes chest. “that was so fucking good.”
“honestly, i could stay like this forever.” rafe says, hand squeezing your ass.
“but your dad.”
“ugh.” you sit up, pushing a couple strands of hair off your face that are sticking to your sweaty forehead. “i hate that you're right.”
“but my next lesson is thursday.” rafe says as you carefully slide off his cock, knowing you need to redress immediately. “if you'd like to find me after that shift.”
“hm…” you sit back down next to rafe once you've got your skirt on, watching as he covers himself back up and makes himself presentable again. “i think i can do that.”
“promise you baby, you won't have to look too hard.” rafe pulls you into one last strong kiss before taking off back towards the club.
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ellecdc · 2 days
ive been thinking about stone-faced unamused independent reader and how james and barty would absolutely love to baby her and treat her like a princess and she has none of it..until shes feeling sort of down and like she needs their love and support so she gives in and theyre both so shocked and excited theyre like little dogs wagging their tails spinning around her
hiii....I'm back to apologizing to everyone who sent me in requests 2.5+ months ago for me to hoard them until inspiration struck! hope I did it justice hahaha
poly!darksun x black cat!reader and Sirius who just doesn't Get It
CW: fem!reader, reader is maybe a little mean but obviously James and Barty are into that shit, Sirius' POV so a very unreliable narrator
Sirius Black believed himself to be a pretty open-minded person.
He believed that love was love, he staunchly disagreed with blood status and had a lot of respect for muggle-borns, and believed in the fair treatment of beasts and other magical creatures in the Wizarding World.
But no matter how open-minded Sirius believed himself to be, he could not for the life of him figure out how in the hells James Potter and Barty Crouch Junior found their way to you.
Sirius admittedly had a hard enough time finding out that his best friend was dating his semi-estranged little brother’s maniacal (read: bat-shit crazy) best friend, but this? 
This made no sense to him. 
At least when it came to the likes of Barty Crouch Junior, James had found someone who could rival him in energy and enthusiasm. James could run for seven hours straight at a gods-honest sprint and Barty was just about crazy enough to try as well. Barty never denied his more intrusive thoughts and James was morbidly curious enough to watch those thoughts play out.
And both of them seemed to love hard; even if Sirius didn’t approve of that love, even if he didn’t like that love, he could admit that it, at the very least, made sense for him.
But where James was all golden retriever energy and Barty was some kind deranged, rabid mutt straight from the depths of hell, you….
Well, Sirius wasn’t sure exactly what you were. 
Where James was sweet and Barty was enthusiastic, you were utterly unimpressed. 
Where James was excitable and Barty was chaotic, you were completely apathetic.
And where James and Barty could be…slightly codependent, you seemed wholly disinterested in having either of them (or anyone for that matter) near you. 
“Sod off; I can carry my own damned books.” You had spat at Barty as he tried to take them from you. 
And Sirius had to stand there and watch both Barty and James stare after you with a lovesick look adorning their faces as you stalked away from them. 
“Well isn’t she just a ray of sunshine?” Sirius muttered derisively, earning him a threatening glare from Barty and a frustrated stare from James.
“You’re one to talk, Pads; I watched Remus actually growl at a first year who tried to take the last pumpkin pastie at dinner last night.” He grumbled before redirecting Barty away from Sirius’ jugular. 
And that seemed to be your response to pretty much anything those two did; you elbowed James in the stomach when he held the door open for you like a ‘poncy chauffeur’, you stomped on Barty’s foot when he offered you his elbow on the moving staircase, and you never seemed particularly pleased should they wind up in your vicinity.
Yet you never made any effort to actually remove them from your vicinity, nor did you make any effort to leave theirs.
In fact, if Sirius wasn’t mistaken, he was sure he saw your shoulders relax ever so slightly when you realised the people pulling out the chair across from you in the library were James and Barty. 
They tensed right back up when Sirius and Peter accompanied them, but that's besides the point.
No, you didn’t converse with any  of them. Yes, you completely ignored any attempts at conversation from James or Barty - save taking the opportunity to correct them in their debate about their potions homework. And just once, Sirius was certain he’d heard you whisper a quiet thank you to Barty when he helped you find the page number for the answer to number 47 of your Herbology homework. 
It seemed to Sirius that no matter how staunchly you refused to allow either boy to fawn over you, you weren’t completely averse to their company. And though this amount of dedication didn’t exactly surprise Sirius coming from James, seeing as he spent four and half years of his school life pursuing a completely disinterested witch, he was confused that Barty hadn’t gotten bored yet.
It was all very peculiar, Sirius thought. 
Even more peculiar was when Barty and James had been snuggling in James’ bed as James quizzed Moony for the upcoming Alchemy test when there was a tentative knock on the dormitory door. 
Peter looked up from his Ancient Runes homework to look at Sirius, James and Barty lifted their heads to look at Sirius, and Remus turned in his desk chair to look at Sirius.
“What?” Sirius asked. “I didn’t knock.”
“You’re the only one not currently doing anything.” Remus countered.
Sirius paused in his throwing and catching of James’ pilfered snitch to look at him incredulously.
“I am too doing something.” He argued, holding the snitch between his thumb and forefinger and waving it at him. “Besides, Junior’s just laying there.”
“I’m a guest, Black. It’d be terribly improper for me to answer your dormitory door.”
“Answer the sodding door, Sirius.” Remus grumbled as he turned back towards James.
“A ray of sunshine.” James sing-songed for Sirius’ benefit, clearly still not over his passing comment of you from days ago. 
Sirius let out a dramatically petulant sigh as he stood to open the door.
Your face pinched when you saw who had answered, though Sirius had to hand it to you how quickly you corrected your expression.
Before you had a chance to tell Sirius why you were here, he looked back over his shoulder at James’ bed.
“See, I don’t think I should have to open the door for your bird!”
All that was heard was a painful sounding thump and James muttering “Barty, my glasses” before Barty materialised at the door. 
“Hi Treasure!” He greeted enthusiastically.
Sirius watched your eyes narrow as you seemingly debated whether or not to make a fuss over his nickname before ultimately deciding against it. 
“Angel!” James cheered as he, too, rounded the corner and shoved Sirius out of the way. “To what do we owe this pleasure?”
Sirius sat back down on his bed where he could see you consider your options carefully. 
Finally, after having the two sods stand there no doubt smothering you in smiles and soft eyes did you look shyly down at your shoes. “Can I…hang out with you guys for the afternoon?” You asked quietly.
Barty and James exchanged a - quite comical, in Sirius’ opinion - excited look before returning their gazes to you. “Of course!” They chorused; the volume startling you into lifting your head to look at them nervously. 
James cleared his throat and moved out of the door frame, ushering you in. “Of course you can.” He offered quieter this time, guiding you towards his bed as he looked over his shoulder and mouthed “oh my gods” at Barty who was eagerly following behind you. 
“What have you been up to today?” James asked then, clearly wondering what motivated this impromptu and voluntary visit but not wanting to chance whatever spell had been cast to get you here. 
You sat down on the edge of the bed, anxiously picking at your nail beds as each boy sat tentatively beside you. 
“I was studying in the library…” You offered, sounding horribly robotic and rehearsed in your response before you let out a shuddering sigh. Sirius watched as you visibly deflated and leaned slightly closer into Barty’s side. “I’ve had a bit of a headache all day.” You admit.
James and Barty both coo in unison as James cautiously rubs circles on your back; you let him.
“You have a headache?” Sirius deadpanned from across the room. “And you came here? To these two? Are they not the source?” 
“Get out.” Barty spat, braving himself as he tightened his arm around you; once again, you let him. 
“You can’t kick me out of my own dorm room, Junior!” Sirius argued. “Why don’t you go to your dorm room?”
“Oh, do you want to know what your baby brother and Rosier were up to before I left? Because I’ll happily scar you with that knowledge, Black.” Barty threatened. 
Sirius, who was not ashamed to admit he was perhaps more than slightly immature, simply covered his ears and started singing to drown out the sound of Barty’s voice.
“That’s it, everyone out.” James barked then; tone taking on an air of Gryffindor quidditch captain.
Remus scoffed indignantly at that as Peter - clearly the wisest of the bunch - simply began packing up his homework. “You promised to help me pass this test!”
“Oh for Salazar’s sake, Lupin; the answers are A, D, B, B, A, C, D, A, A, true, true, false, Nicholas Flammel.” Barty barked at him, causing Remus to blink owlishly at him. 
“Fine.” Remus finally said as he stood, shocking Sirius into silence at his quick acquiescence to such abhorrent demands. “Let’s go, Sirius.” 
Sirius, feeling awfully petulant, hurled the snitch towards James’ head who quickly and calmly caught it before offering it to you as Remus hauled him off the bed by his wrist and all but dragged him towards the door. 
“But it’s not fair, Moony!” Sirius pouted as he slammed on the breaks just outside the threshold of their dorm room.
“Sirius.” Remus started solemnly. “How many times did you try to convince me to snuggle with you at night before we started dating?”
“217.” Sirius answered readily, relishing in the soft smile Remus had clearly tried and failed at fighting off. 
“Right, 217 times you tried to convince me to snuggle with you; and how many of those times did I deny you?”
“Right.” Remus agreed. “And what had James done to ensure that I would relent that one time?”
Sirius let out a pained sigh as he looked to the heavens. “He charmed his, Pete’s, and your bed to the ceiling so there was only one option.” 
“Right.” Remus agreed again, softer this time as he rested his hand at the juncture of Sirius’ neck and shoulder and rubbed his thumb along the column of his throat. “So don’t you think the least we could do right now is just let them have the room?” 
Sirius looked back into the room in time to see you smiling softly at something James was saying as Barty placed what appeared to be a wet cloth to the back of your neck; your eyes closing and face relaxing in relief, leaning back into Barty as James massaged your calves and carried on in his story. 
“What did I do to deserve this?” Sirius whined then, leaning his head into his boyfriend’s chest as he watched you curl up, not unlike a cat who had finally decided to sit on its person’s lap.
“Can you maybe try to remind yourself that James deserves this?” Remus whispered into Sirius’ hair.
“For Godric’s sake, Moony.” Sirius grumbled as he stood and began storming off in the direction of the common room. “Why d’you have to be so bloody reasonable all of the time!?”
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miyamoratsumuu · 3 days
𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐲𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐧𝐡𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬
this is part of the bnha boys + tiktok trends with you series!! tiktok video references are linked to the trend names<3
ft. k. bakugou, s. todoroki, i. midoriya, e. kirishima, h. sero, d. kaminari, h. shinsou,
note: established relationship, gn reader, lowercase intended. pictures used are not mine, all of them are found on pinterest or tiktok!!:) credits to the owners of the videos linked on this post as well
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BAKUGOU KATSUKI as soon as you first proposed the idea to him, his response was "yeah, no." but knowing and insisting he didn't mean it, you still dragged him to the nearest store around that sold beads on your free day. not wanting to be there for too long, you found and bought your beads and other materials as quickly as possible. katsuki still made sure that the beads matched yours and his eye colors perfectly, though. saying how it'd be a waste in the end if the beads and your eye color didn't exactly match. while recording the tiktok, katsuki was glaring at your phone's camera the whole time. you gently nudged his leg with your foot, gesturing for him to at least smile a bit. he rolled his eyes, reluctantly doing it anyway. at first, it was the most awkward smile on earth, as you would describe it. he instantly frowned again, but as you smiled at him too, he couldn't help but let out a genuine smile, his eyes focused on yours. now, when making the actual bracelet, you had to help katsuki from time to time. his hands were sweatier than usual (he was nervous he might mess up somehow), so the string kept slipping from his fingers. when you both got the bracelets to the length you both wanted, you tied the string for both yours and katsuki's. since then, katsuki always wore it around his wrist. except for when he's training, he'd actually be pissed if the bracelet broke, especially if it's because of him using his quirk while wearing it. he also got a habit of touching the bracelet whenever he was nervous. there's a small chance he'd tell you, but he'd look at it from time to time, unconsciously painting a gentle smile on his lips. he thinks he's being slick with it too, but the hushed whispers and giggles from his closest friends when he does it tells you otherwise. kaminari was the only one brave enough to actually tease him about it, though.
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TODOROKI SHOTO showing him the video, he hummed and agreed to doing it. so as soon as both of you had a free day, you were off at the mall looking for your materials. it may not seem like it, but shoto was worried you guys wouldn't be able to find a bead color that matched his eyes. his eyes were two different colors, after all. he told you about his slight worry, and you assured him that you're confident you'll be able to find beads that matched his eyes. and of course, you did. leaving the mall, you convinced shoto to do the first part of the tiktok with you in the parking lot, reasoning that the natural light would show off his eye color even more. while recording shoto's part of the video, he initially didn't know what to do. for a good few seconds, he just blankly stared at the camera. you chuckled at how it almost looked like he had a grudge with whoever was watching the video. seeing you smile, shoto's eyes drifted towrds your face as he smiled as well. for the both of you, making the bracelet was smooth sailing, and as soon as you were finished, you recorded the last part of the tiktok. like katsuki, shoto preferred not to where the bracelet whenever he was training. whenever he wasn't wearing it, he places it in a small box in his room, tucked away at the bottom of his drawer. though when he was wearing it, he always wore it on his right wrist. not wanting to risk accidentally burning the string to the point that it snaps. every time someone asked him if he had a lover, he'd simply show them the bracelet, assuming they'd get the point. if they didn't, he'd simply (but dryly) tell them yes. the next time he visited rei, he told her about the bracelet. and soon, it drifted to telling her about you. the whole time, rei had a knowing smile, listening to her youngest son talk about you as if you were the sun itself.
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MIDORIYA IZUKU you swore you saw his eyes get glossy when you asked him to make the bracelets with you. the tips of his ears up until his cheeks were a light shade of red. not letting his eyes shed any tears, he immediately agreed to do the trend. if you already knew where you could get the beads, he'll be more than willing to get there as soon as both of you are free for a whole day. but if you didn't, he'd be deep into searching and looking for a store somewhere not too far. izuku insisted that you two got the beads that matched your exact eye color. every slight shade difference in your eyes has to be on the bead as well. good thing they had a variety then. and you didn't realize it, but the both of you spent more than an hour at that store. I guess looking for the perfect colors kept us entertained for a while, izuku murmured as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking at you with a guilty smile. izuku grinned at the camera as you began recording. his eyes were closed, so you had to remind him that his eye color had to be seen in the video. his cheeks turned red, quickly apologizing as he looked at the camera again, smiling with his eyes open. this man was set on finishing the bracelets as soon as possible, too. his eyes were only focused on the way he slipped each bead onto the string, making sure they didn't slip off when he did. except for when you talked to him, he'd lower his hands a bit, as he looked at you with a smile. showing full interest for what you were saying. he always had the bracelet around his wrist after that. the mixed beads colored with both his and your eye colors was something he wore proudly everywhere he went. while at school, at one of your dates, even while training. he'd have it tucked in his glove, as to avoid it getting caught on something as he moved. he basically wore it like a badge of honor. smiling brightly when someone asked him about it, and going off in a ramble while explaining what the bracelet is for.
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KIRISHIMA EIJIRO eijiro is a pretty sentimental lover. so imagine his joy when you showed him the video, wanting to do it with him. yelling out an "OF COURSE!" while giving you his signature grin. you were worried he was going to snap his head off at how aggressive he nodded, too. going to a store with him to buy your beads and materials was an experience, to put it nicely. he was practically radiating excitement itself just because he was able to spend time with you (he considered it a date, which of course it was). he made sure to help you pick out the beads that best matched his ruby colored eyes, but of course he made it a mission to find beads that exactly matched your eyes as well. though you guys didn't spend too much time on picking them out, he wanted to start making your bracelets as soon as possible. just like midoriya, eijiro was beaming at the camera as you pointed it at him to record his part of the video. he made it a point to enlarge his eyes so color match of both the beads and his eyes were prominent. he was grinning almost the whole day too, it genuinely concerned you how his cheeks or jaw wasn't hurting yet. back in the comfort of your room, the two of you got to work immediately. and eijiro wanted your bracelets to match exactly, so he asked about the order of the beads on the string, and at what point to tie both ends at. after finishing both bracelets, he insisted on slipping yours on your wrist, claiming it was 'the manly thing to do'. then every day after that, you almost could never see eijiro without the bracelet. whether around his wrist, or when he's training, it's in his pocket. he calls it is lucky charm, per se. he always has it on him, and he could never go without it. when he was stuck on a question during a test, his fingers would lightly graze its beads, if he had trouble going to sleep, his hand would wrap around the wrist that wore the bracelet. each time, a smile would be on his face.
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SERO HANTA after showing him the video and asking him to make the bracelets with you, he raised a brow with a smirk on his lips. he was about to poke at you for being 'a sap' with him, but before he got to do so, you placed a hand over his mouth, effectively shutting him up. "just do it with me" you quipped, focusing your attention on your phone again. after that, what you didn't see was the gentle smile that replaced his smirk, and the look he gave you with the most lovesick eyes. and he had the audacity to call you the sap? he chuckled and replied with a quiet "yeah, yeah, sure." getting the beads was a pretty quick step, since hanta's eyes were a pretty plain black. he made sure to get beads that matched his eye color first so that you two could spend more time looking for beads that matched your eye color. though you insisted on looking for the perfect shade of black that matched his eyes too. he teased you about it, saying how you only wanted a reason to stare at his face. while recording his part of the tiktok, hanta looks at your phone's camera with his usual sly grin and hooded eyes. it was nothing too special, until you commented about how he looked like a playboy. his eyes slightly widened as the tips of his ears turned a light shade of red. he looked back at the camera, wearing a genuine smile instead. hanta was already a fan of beaded bracelets, so he was a 'professional' (his words, not mine) when it came to making them. making both of your bracelets didn't take too long, with him insisting on tying the ends of both his and your bracelets. he already had two beaded bracelets that he wore almost every day, so he made sure to wear the matching one he had with you on his dominant hand, while the other two were on his other. so that every time he used his quirk, he'd get a glance at the one piece of jewelry that reminded him of you. and every time, he'd immediately have a grin on his face, no matter what situation he was in.
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KAMINARI DENKI he was the one that suggested doing the trend with you, actually. one day, he came up to you with his usual grin (the one he had when he was planning something) and his phone in hand. you had no reason to decline, so you both planned on going to the mall the next time you had a free day. denki was practically bouncing off the walls as you shopped for the materials you needed to make the bracelets. he played it off with drinking too much coffee earlier that day, though (he didn't drink coffee). every set of beads that even came close to your eye color, he made sure to hold them up beside your eye so that you could get "THE exact perfect shade" as he called it. and every time he did it, he didn't pass up the chance of flustering you, complimenting you on how nice you looked today, or how he never noticed until now how beautiful your eyes were. after spending almost an hour in that store, you were able to find beads that matched both your eye colors perfectly. denki made sure to get out of there while the sun was still up too, so you two could get the natural light outside as lighting for your video. he was grinning from ear to ear while looking at the camera, still making sure his eye color was clearly seen. while making the bracelets, he had the most serious look on his face. you were sure he was constipated or something. his tongue was poking at his inner cheek, his eyebrows were furrowed, and his eyes never left the string and beads in his hands once. you two had denki's playlist playing in the background, so it made up for the lack of conversation between the two of you. when denki finished his bracelet, he let out a "HUZZAH!" as he was already wearing the bracelet around his left wrist. every chance he got, he made sure to flaunt the bracelet to his friends, and on occasions someone neither of you were too familiar with was starting to get in your personal space, he made sure to wave the bracelet in front of their face, pointing at his and your eyes, praying that the guys got what he was trying to say.
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────────────────────────────────
a/n: I gotta start writing for these boys more before the manga ends </3
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ursuu-la · 3 days
Just in time. - S. Reid.
summary: Where Spencer was at the right place and time.
wc: 1.9k
tw: mentions of suicid3, suicid3 att3mpt, not feeling enough, driving at full speed(?).
a/n: this is not exactly romantic, but I felt the need to post something angsty and this was the first thing that came to my mind. I hope that you enjoy it, but that you don't identify with the feelings :( if so, my inbox is open♡
Also, requests are open!! I think I'll write about Hotch too, just so yk
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"See you guys tomorrow!" Spencer waved goodbye and walked out the door. You smiled before he left and turned your attention back to your stuff.
You were organazing all the things on your desk, at the same time you kept on your bag the ones you always took home: your phone, your keys, and some paperwork that you didn't want to finish in the office. It was almost 9p.m. and there were now only three members of the team left in the office: Morgan, JJ and you.
Once you finished clearing your desk and had everything you needed inside your bag, you walked past JJ and Derek, greeting them both goodbye. You spoke a little with both of them, making sure that the case hadn't affected them so much. You cared about your friends, and wanted to be there for them if they needed someone to vent to. Both of them told you that they felt as usual, which conformed you.
"And you? How are you doing, (y/n)?" JJ asked when you finished checking up on her.
"Fine, I guess." You spoke and smiled to her. Your friend just returned the gesture, wished you goodnight, and then dragged her attention back to the paperwork.
You walked out of the office and, for a second, you kept the smile on your face, but then it slowly started to fade as you walked towards your car.
Even though you had just told JJ that you were feeling fine, the truth was that the last couple of months had been rough on you. The explanation was hard to find, but during this time, you were feeling... just bad about yourself. No matter how many people you saved or how many cases you solved with the team, whenever you got back home, you couldn't help but feel that you hadn't done enough.
The feeling started growing bigger and bigger as the months passed by. You had tried to speak about it with the rest of the team: but something was stopping you. It was frustrating because you didn't usually have any trouble communicating your emotions, and the fact that no one noticed you were struggling made you feel even worse.
Now you were driving back home, no music playing, only your thoughts filling your head. You remembered every part of the case, and as you replayed it in your head over and over, you found new ways in which you could have been more helpful.
"Agh... I hate this..." Your voice sounded frustrated. What was the point of keep going to cases if every single time you felt the same afterward? What was the point of having people around you if you couldn't open up to them and vent your feelings? What was the point of it all?
Suddenly, you felt one tear falling down your cheek. You wiped it off. It brought you back to reality. You were driving, and since it was late, there was no one on the street. Your hands started to shake as the thought appeared in your head.
The whole street was empty, your car would be the only one damaged. You would be the only person hurt, the only mortal victim. Your hands were still shaking, anxiousness creeping inside you as you tried to think of a reason why that was stupid.
But nothing came to your mind.
Nothing was stopping you.
Not even red lights.
Now there was more than one tear falling down your cheek, and you were wiping none of those off your face: you were letting them fall. Your foot pressed the gas with all of its strength, you could hear the engine getting louder each second.
Your heart rate accelerated, your eyes were blurring because of the tears, and you could feel how every part of your body shook. You were about to turn aside your car, knowing that at that speed there was no way of getting out of there intact, but you heard a noise: it was another car.
You stopped the car as fast as you could because your vision had suddenly been cleared, and you noticed that a car was in front of you waiting on a red light. That same car had made the noise. Scared of not stopping at the right time, you turned sharply the steering wheel, causing you to end up in another lane.
When your car was still, you took your hands off the steering wheel and placed them in your head. Just in that moment, you noticed what you were about to do, which made you burst into tears.
"What the hell was I think- AAH!" You yelled out of fear when you heard a knock on the car window. You rolled it down, ready to yell at whoever was standing there. But when you saw the person, your words got stuck in your throat.
"(y/n)?" His voice was like a slap across your face. You felt like you couldn't move. "Hey, are you okay?" He placed one hand on your shoulder, taking you out of the state you had gotten into.
"Spencer..." Was the only thing you were able to say. "Did you...?"
"Yes. I mean- I saw a car coming at full speed behind me, and I tried not to get killed. But... Are you... Are you okay? What were you doing driving like that?" Spencer questioned, yet he didn't have an accusing tone. It was a worried and concerned one.
"I was..." You couldn't speak. How were you supposed to tell him that you almost committed suicide and that almost got him into a car crash? 'Hey Spence, guess what? I wanted to kill myself and almost took you with me, haha!' There was no easy way to say it nor a way to disguise it as something else.
You looked up at Spencer, his gaze met yours. His face was scanning every inch of yours, looking for an answer. When you saw him properly, you felt like you didn't need to speak: you felt like you needed a hug.
"Step back, I'll open the door." You spoke, Spencer took a few steps back and looked confused at your every action. When you walked out of the car and suddenly hugged him, his face turned surprised.
"I don't know what to..." His voice was low. He was hugging you back, perceiving that you needed it. "If you need to talk, I'm here."
You nodded with gratefulness, appreciating Spencer's words. The two of you remained silent for a while after you let go of the hug until you dared to speak about the situation. Both of your cars were parked on the side of the street, and you were sitting on the sidewalk.
"Spencer, I was... trying to end it all, I just wanted to..." He lifted up his gaze to meet your face, but you were looking down at the floor. Not sure if you wanted to make eye contact while confessing the situation.
"Where you about to...?" Reid couldn't finish the question, he averted what you were about to say, he just didn't want to believe that it was true. You were one of the happiest people Reid knew, and thinking that behind that bubbly personality he knew, hid an amount of pain that made you think of suicide as a solution, made his heart sank.
"Yes. I... I don't know what I was thinking... I just reached the edge, and everything feels like too much." Now you dared to look into his eyes, concern filled his face. Seeing Reid like that made you feel worse because you felt like you were only bothering him. "Oh, dear lord. Now I'm just taking away your time. Maybe I'll just need to sleep this off..." You started speaking as you tried to get on your feet, but Spencer stopped you.
"Wait. Don't try to escape the problem." He spoke as he gestured you to sit comfortably again. "I'll be here until the sun comes up if it's necessary. I care about you (y/n), and what just happened is not something to take lightly."
Spencer's words were simple, but they were the right ones; as soon as you heard him, you started crying. Reid tried to hide it, but seeing you like that made him want to hug you as tight as possible and never let you go. How could someone so good be suffering this much? He thought you didn't deserve to feel that way.
"I just don't know what's happening to me... I don't usually feel like this, but these last months have been from bad to worse."
"And we didn't notice?" His voice was loaded with guilt. He was a profiler, and he couldn't have been able to notice your mood or signals. "I'm so sorry, (y/n)."
"It's fine. I jus-"
"No, it's not. We should have noticed, I should have noticed you were struggling. Because what would have happened tonight if I wasn't there with my car?" Reid's voice cracked at the end of the sentence, you could swear that you saw a tear forming in the corner of his eye.
"But you were there. You saved me." You spoke as you rested a reassuring hand on his arm. Spencer chuckled and shook his head. "What is it?"
"I'm the one that's supposed to be reassuring you. Not the other way around." You couldn't help to smile, which had the same reaction on Reid. "You're always putting others first and yourself last... You're too good for this world."
"I'm not that good. I can always do better on cases, and I barely help to resolve anything." The words that had been repeating inside your head for the last couple of months were spoken for the first time. Spencer looked at you, his face getting sadder than it already was.
"Stop putting yourself down. You're literally the best human being I know." He spoke with a sad smile on his face. "I truly can't understand where you got those awful ideas about you."
You didn't speak. Every word that came out of Spencer's mouth made you feel worse for even trying to do what you tried to. For the third time that night, you were crying, but this time, a hand was caressing your face. You looked at Spencer, who had started to wipe the tears off your cheeks.
"I just... Don't understand myself... I feel like everything I do has a negative effect on people. I need to take a break... from everything..."
"I get it. Maybe it would be better if you just take some time off work. Take some time to care about yourself, treat yourself with some love, and maybe that will help you to heal whatever has triggered these emotions." Spencer took his hand away from your cheek. "Furthermore, I could help you to find any kind of professional help to overcome this. There are plenty of ways in which I can help you, just say the word."
"Thank you, Spence." You spoke with a soft voice, he only nodded lightly.
"I didn't do anything, really. I just happened to be there." He was trying to be modest, but you were way too grateful to let him be like that.
"Spencer, you saved my life. Take a little credit for that." You chuckled, and Reid's face lighted up: seeing you at least a fraction as happy as you were before made him feel better.
Reid wanted to tell you how happy he was for being there at the right moment. He wanted to tell you how important you were to him and how he would have been devastated with your loss. But now was not the time: he knew you needed to think about yourself, and once you felt better, maybe then he would dare to confess his feelings to you.
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cobaltperun · 1 day
Jerks With Hearts of Gold
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader (Request)
@alexkolax here you go, sorry I left his for last, I had a blast writing it! Not sure if this completely fits the frenemies to lovers you requested, but I think it turned out fine. Thanks for the wonderful request! 😁😁💙💙 Also this is merged with a similar request here.
Word count: 4.8k
“No, you hear me! Quit picking apart every single thing you watch!” there they go again…
Sam groaned, burying her head in the pillow as she got front seat experience to yet another argument between Tara and you.
“I’m not! I just can’t turn my brain off!” you exclaimed and reluctantly Sam opened her eyes. There you and Tara were, arguing while the twins and Anika laughed their asses off, because of course they would.
“It’s a horror comedy!” Tara argued back, and by this point someone just needed to nudge either of you and you’d just kiss. But no one was doing that, because, according to Mindy, the professional expert, the two of you would just act disgusted and avoid each other. Meaning it probably happened before.
Although, according to Anika, the two of you were already together. Because, well, Tara brought you into the group. She vouched for you, granted behind your back, but still, she, apparently, hated your guts, yet she was the one who dragged you, literally, into the friend group.
Sam still remembered your valiant efforts to get free from Tara’s grip, yelling ‘Unhand me, Carpenter!’ as loud as it was socially acceptable in a park, while Tara grumbled something along the lines. ‘Trust me, I would, but someone insisted on meeting you!’ to this day they had no idea who insisted on meeting you. Because none of them did! Yet Tara claimed Chad did when he was drunk and that… wasn’t impossible, but it was a bit of a stretch.
At this point Sam was very temped to do it, just shove Tara into your arms. You’d either get together or stop talking to each other for a few days and as far as Sam was concerned either option was a win.
Wait… If you got together, you’d be here more often. You’d argue with Tara even more.
No. No! You would absolutely not get together!
Sam would not allow it!
“It’s too ridiculous to be considered a comedy! The woman’s head gets pulled off her body!” you shouted, arguing about whatever happened in the movie.
“Y/N…” Tara’s eye twitched, but she didn’t need her inhaler, so Sam was at least at peace with that. It really was you and Tara being plain and simple childish.
“And that dance montage? Get that out of here!” you complained and for a moment Sam could have sworn your and Tara’s hands touched, just for a moment.
Tara threw her hands up, so Sam must have been seeing things. “The actors were underage, what did you want?!”
“Not even implications, thank you very much!” well, Sam could see some reason in that argument.
Mindy apparently had enough and snapped her fingers getting your and Tara’s attention, though it was clear both of you were reluctant to give it to her. “Come on, at least agree that the actress is pretty,” she said, and the actress really was beautiful, so hopefully you and Tara could find common ground there. Instead of bickering about that as well.
“Never. She looks like Tara,” you immediately shut the idea of agreeing on anything down.
“Excuse me, what?” Tara demanded. “And what is that supposed to mean?”
You turned back to Tara and slowly smirked. “Oh, you know exactly what it means,” a moment later Tara was storming into her room, her face red with anger, and you as satisfied as you were just sat back down and sipped on your drink.
At least it was clear you and Tara weren’t getting together anytime soon, so Sam could relax.
There was one time she saw this happen and she began threatening you, only for Tara to come out, yelling that she would deal with you and that Sam shouldn’t get involved. Sam sighed back then, accepting that somehow Tara just liked having her buttons pushed by you, and pushing your buttons in return. It was a strange frenemy situation you and Tara were in, but Sam begrudgingly learnt to accept it.
Jerk, that’s what you were. Of course she knew exactly what you meant, and you were a jerk for that, making her flustered. She was lying on her bed, looking at the ceiling, still blushing, though not as much as when she came into her room. You were still as annoying as you were the first time you met.
She met you in a literature class, and she was the only one taking it so she couldn’t sit next to Mindy, Chad, or Anika. And by pure, dumb, luck, she sat down next to you, and she regretted it immediately as she could smell the cigarette smoke on your clothes and she couldn’t move away since the seats were taken, and well, plenty of students smoked so she kinda learnt to deal with it. Especially while she was going to parties where cigarettes were the least of her problems. As far as her asthma went.
It still irritated her lungs.
“Hey, I’m Y/N L/N,” you introduced yourself and she was weary, of course she was, she was targeted by Ghostface twice. It was a miracle no one she loved was killed the last time, though both Anika and Gale just barely survived.
So, when you immediately introduced yourself she was suspicious, even though she was the one who sat down next to you. It was just her paranoia. “Tara Carpenter, it’s nice to meet you,” she still accepted your hand because she still, despite being paranoid, wished to live a relatively normal life.
And that’s how you met, you didn’t give off psycho vibes, granted neither did Ethan and Quinn, and she didn’t even want to think about Amber. But she felt strangely comfortable, despite the scent of cigarette smoke.
“You okay?” you noticed her discomfort, a lot faster than most people would.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry about it. Just my asthma,” she smiled lightly, she didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, but she didn’t feel like lying.
Your eyes widened and you cursed under your breath, understanding what she meant. And you pulled your chair further away from her. “Shit, I’m sorry. I would switch, but,” you sheepishly rubbed the back of your head. “The only people I know in this class smoke a lot more than I do,” you did get up to open the window a few feet away from you as Tara looked at you, honestly not sure if she should get suspicious or if she should find your actions endearing. “Does this help?”
Tara nodded, it did help a bit. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
She had no idea it wouldn’t even take half an hour for your first argument to happen… And it began so nicely.
You were grinning like a fool in the Carpenter sister’s apartment, doing your best to ignore Sam’s exasperated look and Anika’s suspicious glances. You’ve come a long way since you met the group nine months ago. They initially glared daggers at you, Sam especially, when you and Tara argued in front of them the first time. Well, argued wasn’t exactly the right word, more like a very heated disagreement on a minor detail in the movie you just watched. Now they just accepted it as normal between the two of you and learnt to ignore or find amusement in it.
You barely even remembered what the book you started arguing about was, but you remembered very clearly what the argument was. And you felt sorry for it right now, as you didn’t know how close to home you were hitting.
“It’s a debate, on whether or not people deserve a second chance,” Tara answered the question the teacher asked.
“Correct, thank you. And what would you say, Miss-“ the man paused, having yet to learn all your names.
“Carpenter, sir. I say it depends on what is done and if there is an excuse and effort to fix things,” she said, convinced of her belief.
She sat down as you watched her, you agreed with her, though in your experience people rarely put enough effort to fix things. Still, you wanted to see how strong her conviction was.
“Does anyone have a different opinion?” the teacher asked and you raised your hand. “Yes?”
“I disagree entirely. It doesn’t depend, there’s no going back after broken trust, there will always be cracks, fears, doubts,” you argued and saw Tara raising an eyebrow as you focused almost entirely on her. “And people rarely put enough effort to make it up to the one they hurt.”
Tara bit the corner of her lip, and you’d later find out it was a habit when she was getting a bit anxious. Since you found out you made sure to never bring her to that point. Well, nowadays your arguments were mostly silly. “It’s not just one person that needs to make an effort. Both need to do their part if they want to rebuild their relationship,” she countered, briefly apologizing to the teacher for speaking out of turn, but the man just gave the two of you a go ahead.
“People who hurt you, truly hurt you, leaving deep scars, emotional or of any other kind, either don’t love you, or have no control over themselves, and it takes a lot of effort to fix the second one,” rare few were strong and mature enough to fix that, to gain control, and not do it again, and even fewer did it while accepting that the one they hurt didn’t owe them a second chance.
“You can’t know what they went through, some people need help to do that,” Tara argued and you didn’t realize until later that day that she wasn’t just talking about some belief she had, that she actually went through that.
“Exactly, because I didn’t do it to them. And I refuse to pay for the damage someone else did,” you countered and the argument continued, going back and forth, without either of you being necessarily wrong or right, it really depended on the point of view. You just had the tendency to be a lot more direct and confident in your arguments, making them sound stronger than they perhaps truly were. Tara was more willing to meet in the middle, to avoid direct confrontation, and it made her a much more pleasant discussion partner.
Tara scrolled through her photos, through a secret album that required a password, just in case anyone got really curious. The photos were completely innocent, but it was the person she was with that made them a secret. And she grinned, looking at the two of you laughing, your arm around her as you hugged her from behind and she took the picture.
You loved going on her nerves, but you had your moments, rare moments where you were just completely soft with her. She had literature class twice a week, and two weeks in she was a hundred percent sure you were a menace she would gladly kick out of the class, just so she never had to look at your face and smug smile and rare, soft smile, ever again.
She noticed it in the second week, but she wrote it off as an accident. But the scent of cigarette smoke was weaker than the first week. You probably didn’t get a chance to smoke before class. And then the second week she realized she couldn’t smell cigarette smoke on you at all. She was breathing perfectly fine, nothing in her vicinity irritated her lungs, but she didn’t say anything. Surely you didn’t quit cigarettes for her.
Any idea that you did that went crashing down through the closed window on the third floor their classroom was on and landed on the harsh concrete with multiple deep lacerations from the glass. Because five minutes later you were arguing about the book that was assigned to read. Even the teacher was getting a bit annoyed by the two of you at this point. But he encouraged healthy debates, and you and Tara were, technically, still having just a debate.
The week after that, when she once more didn’t smell the familiar irritating scent she just had to ask. “Did you quit smoking?” it was rare for the two of you to have a civil conversation that probably couldn’t start an argument, but maybe this would end like that.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. Figured it was healthier, and I really don’t want to trigger your asthma, so two birds with one stone, I guess,” you sounded confident, but you still looked away, proving to her that you could, after all, get a bit shy.
“Oh,” Tara, however, was blushing, the heat in her cheeks was damn near unbearable, because even Sam still smoked occasionally. “Thanks,” she pushed her chair a bit closer to you and pulled her things out of her bag.
“Don’t mention it,” you said softly. And then, as if your softer, gentles, kinder, side ran out of battery, you went right back to how things were the past couple of weeks. “Your essay is nonsense; I don’t agree with one thing you wrote.”
Curse the teacher for making you give each other your assignments to read and debate on! “Yours was complete bullshit, I swear you just typed words until you reached the necessary length,” she fired back, both of you already slightly grinning.
Tara was easily the best person you could have ended up sitting next to for your literature class, though you would never, absolutely never, say that to her face. The only issue was that you absolutely could not go one class without bickering.
You had a long night at work and were actually quite sleepy during the lesson one time, about a month into the semester, and you were catching every other word at best. Your notes weren’t making any sense, and you even had no energy to argue with Tara. So, maybe, just maybe, the day would end without arguing.
“Here,” Tara sighed, pushing her notebook closer to you near the end of the class and you raised an eyebrow. “Just copy my notes,” she told you.
You smiled, leaning closer to her and if anyone said your shoulders were touching they were being a huge liar. The biggest of them all, because there was absolutely no contact between you and Tara Carpenter.
None whatsoever.
“Tara,” you whispered and looked at her, completely serious. “Your handwriting is awful,” you told her, and you swore you saw a vein pop up on her forehead.
“That’s what I get for trying to help you,” she shook her head in disbelief, though she didn’t take her notebook back.
You and Tara rarely hung out outside of classes before she introduced you to her friends. But there was one time, when all her friends went back to their parents and Sam was working a night shift, so, Tara went to your apartment, dragged you out of your comfy bed, she actually did that. Well, she tried, she was strong given her size, but she wasn’t that strong.
You still remembered the terror you felt. You opened your doors to Tara, woken up about an hour after you fell asleep and let her in. You didn’t even argue, you just closed the doors behind her and went right to your bed and fell back onto it as she rambled about some party or whatever. Something about Sam not letting her go to a party alone, and you were her only option. How was she even going to explain to Sam that she wasn’t going alone? Sam had no idea you even existed!
Okay, maybe she did know you existed if Tara complained about you, but that definitely didn’t make you a fitting candidate to keep Tara company at a party. You were just about to fall back asleep, Tara being in your apartment didn’t bother you one bit, she’d get bored and leave. But then she began pulling your hand to get up.
“Don’t wanna,” you mumbled sleepily, and surprisingly she let go.
Which was very concerning.
You opened one eye and saw Tara taking several steps back with a very mischievous grin on her face and then charging forward. “Tara!” you cried out, fully awake and jumping to your feet as she landed on your bed, elbow right where your guts was, though you doubted that part was intentional.
Your bed miraculously survived the Tara bomb.
Tara laughed as she rolled to the side, lying her head on your pillow and an annoying part of your brain found the image in front of you rather appealing. “You should have seen the look on your face!” she exclaimed, holding her stomach while laughing.
You smirked, ready for verbal payback. “And you are really eager to ride me,” her laughter stopped, her face turned red and you, satisfied with your work, grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to change.
Luckily, you didn’t get too drunk that night and by the morning Sam had no idea Tara spent the night anywhere but in her bed. Though she, truthfully, crashed at your place for the night. You, of course, took the couch. And just thinking about sleeping on the couch made you frown. As that was what you’ve been doing for the past two weeks and your body was starting to get stiff, because that thing was not meant to be used for sleeping for extended periods of time.
You couldn’t say you regretted it though. You just couldn’t wait to get a new bed.
If there was one thing Tara learnt to appreciate about you, it was how predictable you were with her. Come hell or high water she could count on you to argue with her just because you found it fun to debate about things. And as months passed you went from annoying classmate always playing a devil’s advocate and arguing with her on everything, to an actually pleasant company. Most of the times. Sometimes.
She felt like she could trust you. She felt like she could fall for you and not regret it.0
What she didn’t expect was genuine compassion from you. And it happened so abruptly, so out of nowhere, she couldn’t even see it coming.
The two of you met at the front doors as you usually did for the few weeks prior to that day. And the floors were wet, just recently cleaned, but she was so out of it since she was accidentally reminded of Amber that she didn’t notice and she slipped, falling backwards. She wasn’t sure if she released any sounds, but the next moment you were behind her, holding her firmly, one of your hands on her side, the other around her shoulders, with the back of her head leaning on your chest. You were holding her, making sure you’d take the worst of the fall if you still went down, if you didn’t manage to stand firmly enough on the slippery floor.
“I got you,” you told her, clearly concerned, and Tara just leaned against you, barely supporting her weight.
“Can I trust you?” she asked, almost out of breath.
You nodded, your eyes filled with conviction. You weren’t messing around, you weren’t going to argue, you were there, one hundred percent. “I’m here for you, anytime,” you assured her and she grabbed onto your hand, still on her side, accidentally covering one of her stab wounds, and Tara, surprisingly felt completely safe, protected.
“Skip class with me?” she asked and you nodded, helping her regain her balance and the class was soon forgotten. She took you to your place, since Sam was still at home and your place was closer anyway.
You didn’t say one word, but you remained close to her, your hands brushing against one another as you walked and when you went into your apartment you sat down right next to her. Your presence was comforting, though at this point she wasn’t surprised by that.
Tara took a deep breath, preparing herself for what she wanted to do. She wanted to let you in, to fully trust you, to introduce you to her friends and Sam. “Do you know what happened in Woodsboro?” she began and your eyes widened, and that was all she needed to know as she began talking. She poured it all out, Sam, Amber, deaths of her dear friends, the betrayal, coming to New York, and what happened with Richie’s family, she told you everything. Every single feeling she had, things she found difficult to talk about with her therapist, or even with Sam, it just all burst out, like whatever contained those feelings suddenly burst and cracked, letting it all out.
And you remained silent, though you hugged her, tight and gentle at the same time. And it felt so good she climbed onto your lap, clutching at the back of your shirt, clinging to you as hard as she could. You didn’t complain, you just wrapped your arms around her, pulling her closer, your hands trembling slightly in barely concealed anger. Hearing you gritting your teeth, feeling your fingers twitching, and your body just barely relaxing when her warmth and weight, and voice right in your ear would remind you that she was, in fact, still here, it all felt good to her.
It felt like she was, at least a tiny bit, being released from the horrors she went through.
Though she still didn’t introduce you to others, it took nearly four months for that to happen, and by then, well, a lot of things happened.
You figured enough time passed that you could move away from your spot and leave the conversation you were having with Chad. “Sorry, I’ll be right back,” you purposely pointed toward the bathroom and hopped to your feet. You went into the hall, and making sure no one was behind you, just went the opposite way and snuck into Tara’s room.
She turned on her bed and smiled, reaching out for you as you knelt on her bed and kissed her soft lips. Damn, you wished you could do this freely, just kiss her whenever you wanted, but you understood her friends might not be ready to accept you as Tara’s girlfriend, and not just classmate she loved bickering with. You licked her lips, just lightly teasing her as she hugged you, her fingers already gently massaging the back of your head.
“I can’t believe the bickering is still working,” you muttered between the kisses. Sure, you and Tara still enjoyed an occasional debate here and there, but you stopped bickering almost a year ago! And the bickering still worked on her friends! And you’ve been sneaking behind their back, sneaking in kisses all over Tara’s apartment. In the kitchen, bathroom if you were really desperate, or the hall if you were feeling rather bold, but for the most part it was in her room, just like this. Tara would storm into her room, you’d wait, and go after her, sneaking a quick make-out session in before you’d come back from wherever you were.
Things were a bit different this time around, as Tara kissed you harder than before, pushing you until your positions were switched and she was straddling you. She grabbed onto your collar, pushing it to the side so she could kiss the spot where your neck and shoulder met, and, though a bit risky, she decided to leave a mark, biting the spot and sucking as you grabbed onto her hips to steady yourself.
“Tara,” you sat up, you both knew you didn’t have much time. “We shouldn’t risk it,” you told her, but you still pulled her in for another kiss, your tongues meeting as her hands gripped your shoulders.
“Just a bit more, I miss this,” she admitted, and you missed it too, and it was worth getting caught to you, but you weren’t completely sure it was worth it to Tara.
In the end, you just said screw it and kissed along her jaw, gradually going lower until your lips met her neck.
“Remember how flustered you got when I kissed you for the first time?” Tara asked out of blue, sighing and holding your head close to her neck. Well, maybe it wasn’t completely out of blue, next week would be a year since you got together.
“You were so damn smug about it,” you grumbled, though you still kissed the side of Tara’s neck, paying extra attention to the more sensitive spots, while, much to your annoyance, making sure you didn’t leave marks anywhere visible.
“Mhm, you deserve it for making me work for it,” she grinned, her hold on you growing stronger as she bit her lip to stop herself from moaning.
You pulled back and looked her in the eyes and then at her lips, inviting, beautiful. She was absolutely the most beautiful woman you ever saw, so no, Tara wasn’t pretty. She was much, much more than that. And you kissed her, pouring all of your passion and love for her into the kiss, deepening it as Tara moaned. The feeling of her body pressed against you made you wish you could just stop hiding from her friends and Sam.
And then four very loud gasps, followed by yelps and doors slamming against the wall and then bodies stumbling onto the floor on a pile of limbs and everything else, with poor Chad underneath the three women broke you and Tara apart.
“Y-You two are-“ Mindy stuttered, and you had to admit you enjoyed the professional expert being surprised.
“Together? Yes,” you shrugged, the cat was out of the bag, and you couldn’t exactly say you were arguing telepathically and needed to have your tongue deep inside Tara’s mouth to do so.
The four of them scrambled to their feet and just looked at you and Tara like nothing ever surprised them as much as this.
Eventually, Anika got over her surprise and offered an open palm to Mindy and Chad. “Pay up, I guessed it right,” Anika demanded from them.
The twins groaned and you and Tara watched incredulously as they each pulled out twenty bucks and gave them to Anika. But nothing, not twins and Anika betting on whether you and Tara were together, not their surprised faces, not your secret being revealed, nothing. Absolutely nothing compared to Sam’s expression. She looked like someone completely shattered her brain.
“Sam?” Tara tried calling her sister, just to snap her out of the stupor.
“You two… for how long?” Sam managed to utter.
“Uh, before you guys even met me,” you admitted sheepishly, and nudged Tara to get off your lap, but she was comfortable and very few things could get Tara off your lap, especially now that you two got caught.
Not that you minded, you loved when she was on your lap, but her sister might get a heart attack if this continues, and you didn’t want Sam to die.
Sam nodded, she nodded several times, humming to herself before she just walked out of Tara’s room. “She’ll get used to it,” Tara shrugged as Sam gave you two a thumbs up.
Sam took a deep, rather audible breath and came back, pointing right at you. “Don’t break Tara’s heart,” she warned with her best glare, which was actually intimidating.
“Yeah, don’t worry about that,” Tara reassured her before you could answer, and frankly, you loved how quickly she said that. “We kinda broke her bed back at her place, so… not saying that won’t happen ever again,” she chuckled sheepishly as your eyes widened and you all turned to Tara. Well, you did break the bed, but she did not need to tell them that.
Sam opened her mouth, but then closed it as Tara shrugged, acting like she was completely innocent in that case of property damage.
“I think we might have broken Sam,” Tara told you, clearly surprised that that was even a possibility, and she glanced at the rest of your friends and then gestured at the doors.
“Right! Got it!” they scampered outside as you and Tara chuckled, and just like that you were alone once more.
“I love you, you know,” you said as you kissed her cheek and she just grinned.
“I know,” she smirked, barely holding her laughter back as you rolled your eyes.
“Oh, come the fuck on!” you groaned, dropping down onto the bed and pulling Tara on top of you.
Tara laughed like she just heard the best joke ever. Well, she did love teasing you. “I love you too,” she said as her laughter subsided and she kissed you on the lips.
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seeingivy · 1 day
my kink is karma
satoru gojo x f!reader
**loosely based on my kink is karma by chappell roan
an: based on a request from gojo as taylor anon <3 this one is for u
“hi honey bee.” 
you peer over the top of your monitor screen to find satoru gojo, the executive account manager whose murder you’ve been planning for the past few weeks, looming over your desk. his inhumanely long limbs are fixed behind his back, bright ocean blue eyes filled with glee. and you’ve been through this enough times to know exactly what’s going on. 
he’s caught yet another mistake that you’ve made. and he’s here to sick it to you, his favorite worker bee that he likes to irritate. 
satoru gojo is a nicely packaged sewer demon that arrived two months ago, replacing the little old lady who used to occupy the glass office at the center of the workflow. she was kind, a little bit confused here and there, but she got her job done without making a fuss and that was all that mattered to you. she made you blondies for your birthday. 
you didn’t realize how nice you had it until she was replaced with him. because satoru gojo was irritating, prancing in the way he always did – insanely tall and taking up too much space in your peaceful office – with a boisterous laugh, a strange sense of humor, and a tendency to be irritatingly perfect. 
a stitched and tailored suit,  designer perfume, and a sparkling rolex watch on his wrist. a pretty girlfriend that he bragged about at mandatory lunches, a shiny black mercedes, and a penthouse apartment in the center of the city. 
you hate him. you hate how you can feel him scorning at the worn down ballet flats that you wear to work, the vintage watch you snagged from the thrift store, and the narrowed look that he gives to your public transportation card as you tuck it back into your wallet when you walk into the office. 
“are you doing a sales report?” he asks. 
“i’m at my job. where i work in sales marketing. what do you think i’m working on?” 
you watch his eye twitch. the small movements – eye twitches, nose wrinkles, and the turning of his lip – you had been watching them, memorizing what exactly it was that pushed his buttons since he was so keen on doing it first. though, he would never show it upfront, at least not as openly as you do anyways. 
that was one of the nice things about satoru gojo. that he was intelligent and perceptive – enough for him to know that you were maybe the only person in this office who didn’t like him. that you could understand his niceness was masked in arrogance. that you had no intention of kissing his ass like almost everyone else in this office did. 
you loathed his very existence, the stupid jokes he made, and would rather hear nails on a chalkboard than the stories that he recounts from his weekends at his parent’s suburban villa. 
“i love a great sense of humor!” he responds, scooting his long legs over to the side of your desk and hunching over to get a view of your computer. 
he says it with a bright and sparkling smile, but you get the message clear and straight – i’d watch the attitude if i were you. 
the smell of his fancy cologne tickles your nose as he leans over, his face nearly cheek to cheek with yours as he places a little manila folder in front of you. you heave a sigh, opening it up to your sales reports from the last week, each one laminated and with a dark red mark in the center. 
“been looking over your reports. you’re getting a little sloppy with your math.” 
you scoff. 
“is that right?” you ask. 
“uh huh. just make sure you count your decimal points and your zeroes when you turn in this one. i know it can be a little hard sometimes, big numbers and all.” 
you bite down on your cheek, feeling the metallic taste of blood in your mouth. did he always have to be so patronizing? 
“now why would i do that? i’d put you out of a job if i did.” 
satoru clicks his tongue in cheek – one of the clear cut signs that you’ve hit one of his exposed nerves. that he’s a glorified calculator sitting in a fancy glass office with an arbitrary executive title slapped next to his name. 
satoru gojo hates that you always seem to make that point every time he corrects you. and you’ll take any chance to remind him. that he doesn’t do anything worthwhile. that he’s a pretty face and just that – nothing substantial underneath. 
“luckily for me, you’ve proven that you’ll be incompetent until the end. as long as you’re here, it seems that i will be too. i’d get back to it if i were you, honey bee.” he responds, the tone in his voice scathing as he walks back to his office, a glimmering plastic smile pressed to his face. 
you have mandatory team building lunches on fridays at twelve thirty. it’s one of the things that you appreciate – that you don’t have to wake up early to put together a lunch from the leftovers in your fridge. 
you cycle through every person in the office, rotating on picking up lunch that accommodates the budget and everyone’s dietary requests, and break bread to get closer to one another. satoru, naturally, goes over budget every time it’s his turn, and insists that it’s no problem – though he always seems to slightly mess up your order, while everyone else’s comes out perfectly. 
and on the days where he isn’t choosing the lunch, he’s so irritating – complaining of a sensitive stomach – and instead brings a nicely packaged lunch that his private chef makes for him every morning.. three courses, always packed with a dessert. 
one time you asked him if the chef wrote him little supportive notes in his lunchbox. you would be lying if you said it didn’t fill you with pride, that the small comment you made was enough to fill him with irritation for the rest of the work day. 
“what are your christmas plans, satoru?” 
you look over at your fellow sales associate, yuuji, and share a smirk with him. the two of you lean back, nursing your little sandwiches from the deli two miles down in your hands as you start the mental counter in your head. 
every day before lunch, you and yuuji make a shot counter of things that you expect gojo to say during team building. common phrases that fall out of his mouth like back at the villa, my custom tailor shop, and louis vuitton – the normal trust fund baby vocabulary, naturally – somehow always make their way into the conversation. 
you drink shots accordingly at happy hour after work. whoever’s word has the higher count has to pay for the entire night. 
your poison for today was private jet. yuuji’s was timeshare. 
“anne marie and i are heading over to her family’s timeshare in bali. they have a property over there – full pool, private beach and all.” 
yuuji snorts. you roll your eyes. 
“a private beach?” nanami asks, eyes raised as he neatly picks the tomatoes out of his sandwich and hands them over to shoko at his side. 
“a private beach, indeed. it’s right on the coast, equipped with boats for excursions and stuff like that. the timeshare comes set with all of those.” he states. 
“excursions.” you repeat, giving yuuji a wide eyed look as he fights the urge to laugh. 
satoru looks over at you, a clear distaste in his eyes, as he leans back in his chair, legs spread wide. 
“what are you doing for your vacation, y/n?” satoru asks. 
“i’m going home with yuuji for a few days.” you state. 
“right. that sounds exciting!” he states. 
you can hear the message laced in that one too – a clear and pointed diss that he’s going to be spending his time at a resort with his skinny legged model girlfriend and you’re going to be going home with the one gay guy that works at your office and get drunk in the bar in your hometown. 
“which airline are you taking?” satoru asks. 
you grin. 
“never been. i use my private jet to get around.” 
you give him an exaggerated gasp. 
“a private jet? tell me all about it.” 
you’ve goaded him right into your trap – as satoru then says the word private jet a total of seventeen times, defeating the measly eight times he said timeshare – and delight in the fact that you’ll at least get to have a nice night out. 
on the first tuesday back from break, freshly minted into five days of the new year, your co-worker katie shakes your shoulder aggressively ten minutes into your shift. you note that four days into the week, satoru has yet to return to the office and you hope that it’s not just good luck – that maybe he fell off of his duffy boat in bali and lost all his memory, rendered incapable of ever returning to the office again. 
you pray that your new boss isn’t as much of an asshole as him. 
you look up to find katie’s eyes wide, an excited smile on her face, as she leans down into your space. katie is one of the few friends that you have in the office, the third person who finds satoru and his antics irritating. 
“did you hear about gojo?” she asks. 
“every thing i know about that man is against my will.” you deadpan. 
she giggles, leaning down to whisper. 
“oh my fucking god. come here. you’re going to love this.” 
she stands up, scanning the room, as she gestures for you to stand up, the two of you making your way over to the break room. you can’t talk so freely about him when his little lackey’s are still lingering around, who will most definitely tell him that the two of you were gossipipng. 
and god knows that would only make his head bigger – knowing that everyone talked about him even when he wasn’t there. katie strides into the room, taking residence over the coffee machine and shooting nanami a polite smile, as she starts absentmindedly brewing a cup of coffee. 
“he’s losing it.” 
“satoru. he’s going fucking crazy apparently.” 
you snort. as if. satoru’s definition of going crazy would be mixing and matching different designer brands – like wearing a gucci watch with a louis vuitton tie. 
“turns out that his glamorous vacation to bali with that raggedy anne doll never happened. she had a whole meltdown and broke up with him after his credit card got declined at a restaurant they went to a few days before the trip.” 
you nearly choke on your spit. 
“apparently it was just a fluke, his card got momentarily blocked since he bought some new car. but she literally freaked out on him and left him stranded.” 
you snort. 
“there’s no way.” 
“she told him that it was unacceptable. that she had enough.” 
“well, i’ll say. she milked an entire designer wardrobe out of him.” you whisper, earning you a giggle from katie. 
“i know! anyways, sharon from hr told me that he’s taken the past four days off because he doesn’t have transportation – he fucking crashed the mercedes when he was driving home from the breakup.” 
“you’re fucking kidding. the g-wagon?” 
“i swear to god.” 
it feels a little mean, but you can’t help but delight in all of it. 
that despite it all, karma’s real. and it’s finally satoru fucking gojo’s turn. six months of patronizing comments and arrogance has finally caught up with him. his pretty girlfriend is just that – a pretty girl who wanted to do nothing with him. the car he brags about has been demolished and at the very least his larger than life ego has taken some type of hti. 
“oh, look, look.” 
katie shakes your arm, the two of you peering through the glass window to see satoru climb out of the bus – the same bus that you take to work everyday to save money – with what you can tell from here is an unironed suit and messy hair. his tie isn’t even done properly. 
and when he walks in, all you smell is the fancy cologne, with the faintest hints of tequila lingering behind. a smell that you only catch, because it’s one that you’ve drowned out on a bad day. 
you and yuuji pick horrendous words for lunch – yours being luxury brand and yuuji’s being private chef – and much to your dismay, he says neither. he actually doesn’t say anything. just sulks in the corner and disappears as soon as he finishes the tacos. 
you leave a mistake in your sales report. he doesn’t even catch it. 
“can you close out my tab, toji?” 
toji, the bartender who’s well aware of your antics – and perhaps even more upset than you are that your hoity toity boss didn’t play along well with your game today – gives him a nod, wiping his hands with the towel as he looks over at you. 
“you too, doll?” 
“no, i’ll have another before i head out.” you state. 
he gives you a nod, shuffling off to the side to get yuuji’s bill, as you slump down on the bar, yuuji mimicking your motions as you both lean your heads against one anothers. and he leaves just as fast, pressing a loving kiss to the top of your head as you swirl the little ice cubes in your drink as you watch the bubbles fizz out. 
“rough day, y/n?” 
you shrug. 
“same old – can’t really complain. you?” 
toji smiles. 
“you see that guy over there, at the end of the bar? this is the third day that he’s drank up my entire supply of tequila.” 
you follow the line of his vision to see satoru – the satoru gojo slumming it in this rather disgusting bar, at least for his standards – his tie messy and the buttons of his shirt loosely undone sitting at the bar. 
“uh huh. broke up with like the only girl he’s ever dated, apparently. whoever she is, thank her fucking ass. he tips well over.” toji murmurs, giving you a smile as he rearranges the glasses. 
you give toji a weary smile, pressing the cash down on the bar, as you make your way over – noting that tequila smell is not masked at all this time – as you slide into the seat next to him, tapping on your shoulder. and he looks over, the rims of his eyes red and eyes squinting as he leans forward.  
“honey bee?” he slurs. 
the smell is overwhelming. 
“the one and only.” you respond. 
you reach forward, sliding the little shot glass out of his hand and placing it behind the bar. you turn back to find that his hair is messy, whatever mousse that he’s used to style it has clearly run fraught, and his cheeks flushed pink. 
“that’s enough for one night, gojo. let’s get you home, yeah?” 
“home. the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or a household?” 
he glares. 
“i know what a home is.” he deadpans. 
“perfect! let’s get you to yours.” you respond. 
satoru turns over to you, blue eyes weary, before he shrugs and slumps down onto the bar. you roll your eyes, scooting your chair closer as you pull up your phone. 
“i’ll do you a liberty. i know you’re probably morally opposed to taxis, so i’ll call you an uber. what’s your address?” 
satoru reaches up, his fingertips brushing your wrist, as he snatches your phone and places it flat on the bar. 
“no thank you.” 
“toji will kick you out, you know. and he doesn’t even know you like that, he’ll probably be really mean since he has a wife to get back home to and all.” 
satoru snorts. 
“then i’ll just go to another bar. i’m not going home.” 
you groan, noting that of course he was going to be stubborn about this too, and that whatever it was in your chest – pity, you suppose – was making you so insistent on making sure he didn’t die from alcohol poisoning tonight. 
“what’s so bad about your pretty penthouse?” you ask. 
he huffs a sigh. 
“there’s pictures of anne marie everywhere. and i fucking hate that bitch.” 
you snort, hearing such choice words about the barbie doll that you never had the pleasure of meeting, as you hop off the stool. you figured he was going to be more of the emotional drunk – crying and whining – rather than cursing her very existence. 
“okay, c’mon. i know somewhere you can go.” 
you feel bad for him as the night goes on. because he’s so drunk that he’s sobbing the entire drive back to your apartment, a horrendous mix of drunk ramblings about how honda civics are actually nicer than he expected and how he didn’t even know that this part of the city existed. your previous thoughts about emotional drunks were completely revoked. 
he leans his entire weight on you as you drag him into the elevator, plopping him down on the couch, as you task yourself with making him a green smoothie before letting him pass out into the abyss. it’ll help with the raging hangover you’re positive that he’s going to have tomorrow – and you hope that it means he’ll spare you some kindness the following morning, for saving him from his imminent death and all. 
you change into your comfy pajamas as the smoothie blends – a loose old dartmouth t-shirt and shorts – and pour it into a glass. you take a deep breath, bracing yourself, as you make your way back to the couch where satoru’s peeled his sport jacket off and unbuttoned his shirt nearly halfway down. you make it a point to not ogle his perfectly chiseled body. 
“alright, satoru. this will help with your hangover tomorrow, just drink it really fast because it tastes horrible.” you state. 
satoru looks over at you, completely unfazed by the green drink you hand him, and decides that he’s very shamelessly going to check you out. you can see it in his eyes – the way they follow your bare legs and your mismatched socks, before he looks back up at you and frowns. 
“am i that fucking pathetic that you’re helping me?” he asks. 
you grin. 
“yes.” you respond. 
satoru appreciates the honesty, gulping down the thick and tart smoothie that you made him, and slams the glass down on the coffee table after the fact. he wipes the residue on the back of his hand and shrinks into the couch – and you can’t help but shiver at how normal he looks. 
it’s the first time that you’ve understood it, why everyone thinks he’s so attractive. he has soft and full cheeks, striking blue eyes that go perfectly with his snow white hair. a few freckles dot his nose. 
“well, let’s hear it. make all the fun you fucking want.” satoru murmurs. 
you roll your eyes. 
“do you think i’m a bitch? i don’t kick people when they’re down. something you’re wholly unfamiliar with, i’m well aware.” 
“you have no problem doing it in the office.” he states. 
you scoff. 
“you always start it. you can’t really get mad when i start dishing it back. and i’m a little bit better than you. i won’t make comments about you now that pretty malibu barbie’s broken your heart now because i have a shred of decency.” 
satoru scoffs. 
“you’ll just do it tomorrow, when i’m keen enough to fight back .” he states. 
you sigh, leaning back on the couch, as you look up at the wallpaper pressed to the ceiling. it’s slightly peeling and you make a mental note to replace it when you get the time – which knowing you, you probably never will. 
he was impossible. 
when you look over at him, his eyes fixed to the peeling wallpaper too, but with glimmering tears sprinkling out of his eyes, though they’re slower and quieter than the sobs that he was heaving in the car. you wonder how much he really had to drink. 
“you need to replace your wallpaper. it’s coming off.” satoru seethes. 
“okay.” you respond. 
you look back at the ceiling. you could give him some advice too. 
“you should stop dating gold diggers.” you state. 
he rolls his eyes. 
“how was i supposed to know she was a gold digger?” he asks. 
you laugh. 
“it’s not normal to buy your girlfriend’s entire wardrobe. and her car. and her..”
“okay, okay, okay. it was a gift!” he defends. 
“you know, normal people get a giftcard and call it a day. or a candle from target.” you respond. 
there’s a whisper of a smile on satoru’s face as he sighs, before pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“okay, well. i was trying to be sweet. her love language was giving gifts.” 
you snort. 
“shocker.” you deadpan. 
he reaches for the closest cushion, before smacking it straight across your chest. you’re quick to snatch it from his hands, holding it close to your chest, as the two of you stick back to the silence. 
“so what do i do?” he asks. 
“what do you mean?” 
“i dunno. never done a break up before. she was like my first girlfriend.” 
you would understand it. you would, you suppose, if that was something you could relate to. being so in love that you can’t be with anyone else. but then again, that lingering question would always come back to you – how could you know that this person was the one if you hadn’t tried anything else? 
in your very limited experience in your very short life, one thing always rang true – that the more time you took to learn, to experience, the better things seemed to get. you had a bunch of shit friends in high school and now you’re friends with yuuji. you had four different majors before you picked marketing because it let you be creative. you’ve dated four different guys but you’re still looking for the one. 
that’s why you didn’t understand it – how people could be so one and done, on something so serious. granted, that’s probably how they end up with gold diggers. 
“do you have anything of hers?” you ask. 
satoru gives you a strange look, before digging his hand in his pocket, and fishing out his wallet. he opens up the little zipper, yanking a little silver necklace out of the leather, and placing it into the palm of your hand. 
you feel your eyes widen a little bit, sparkling diamonds set in a little circular mother of pearl design, as you run your fingers over it. you shake yourself out of it, looking over at him resting his forearms against his knees, expectantly waiting for an answer. 
“real cute. go throw it out of my window.” you state, handing it back to him. 
“i beg your pardon?” 
“so a window is an opening in the wall or roof that…” you start. 
he lightly shoves you, before clutching the necklace in his fist. 
“i can’t throw it out. it’s fucking expensive.” 
you roll your eyes. 
“that means nothing to you. you’re not throwing it away because you still like raggedy anne.” 
“raggedy anne?” he asks. 
“yuuji, katie, and i call her that. red hair kind of set that one up for us but…” 
his eyes widen, as he leans forward. 
“do you guys not like her?” he asks. 
you shrug, as you stand up, wrapping your fingers around his wrist as you pull him closer to the window. the question catches you off guard – that he would care what the three of you would think. 
you peek your head out the window –  a few cars still milling on the street, the lights lazily changing, as he joins you and sticks his head out the window. 
“i can’t, honey bee.” he states. 
“yes, you can. it’s just a necklace.” 
“but what if she wants it back?” he asks. 
you fight the urge to slap him, as you stick your head back into the warmth of the apartment. he follows suit. 
“you would go back to her?” you ask. 
“i dunno. i –” 
“she would probably only want to get back together so she can get this fucking necklace back. because she’s a gold digger! screw her, surely you could do better than that!” 
satoru frowns, as he peaks out of the window again. and he makes the motion like he’s going to throw it before he looks back at you, nervously scratching at the back of his neck. 
“it’s limited edition. maybe i should sell it and –” 
“no. you’re going to throw it out of the window right now, on the count of three.” 
“i really don’t want to. we should do something easier first.” he whines.
“one.” you state. 
he panics. surely he couldn’t be serious. 
“this can’t be how normal people cope. i could hit someone and give them a black eye..” 
“two.” you scold. 
“maybe i don’t want to be a normal person. i think that this is all –” 
you snatch the necklace out of his open palm and throw it straight out of the window. it makes a little clinking sound when it finally hits the bottom, the two of you poking your heads out of the window to now see it tangled in the sewage gutter that’s been dirtied by the recent rain. 
“you threw her necklace.” satoru states, in exasperation. 
“when normal people can’t do it on their own, a trusted friend does it to keep them in line.” you state, pushing back into the apartment and wiping your hands. 
satoru follows behind you, his steps featherlike, as you reach for his phone and start scrolling through the contacts. he’s leaning his head over your shoulder, eyes wide as you pull up anne marie’s contact and hold it out to him. 
“you’re going to make me block her too?” he asks. 
“no. you should call her once and say some mean stuff and then block her.” 
satoru’s eyes widen. 
“mean stuff?” 
“call her. tell her she’s a gold digger. that you think her voice is annoying or something.” you add. 
satoru crosses his hands over his chest. 
“that’s not very mature.” 
“okay, but you’re back in dog years since you’ve been dating this girl forever. plus, i’d say it’s immature to be in a god knows how long relationship with someone just for their money. does she have any consideration for you?” 
satoru pauses, like he’s mulling the thought over. 
“if you don’t do it, you’re going to become even more weird and repressed than you are now.” you state 
“i’m not repressed!” he whines. 
“be immature! say a bunch of bullshit and then hang up! you’ll feel great – you…you’re supposed to do these types of things at least once. this is like a rite of passage.” 
satoru gives you a weary look as you lean forward, pressing the dial button. his eyes go wide as you start whispering, gesturing for him to do it. 
“hello? satoru?” anne marie says, voice confused.
there’s a considerable amount of sound behind the speaker, loud booming music making it very clear that raggedy anne is at the club while satoru’s moping it out in your apartment. 
“do it.” you whisper. 
“hi annie.” satoru murmurs. 
you roll your eyes at the nickname. 
“did you want something satoru?” she asks. 
“yeah. yeah, i just wanted to say…” satoru starts. 
“hold on one second.” she says. 
there’s a murmuring over the speaker, which she’s clearly covered, as you start whispering. tell her she’s annoying! she won’t even give you the time of day on a phone call!! 
“sorry, i’m back. i’m on a date right now so i was just trying to slip away.” 
satoru looks up at you. 
“you’re a bitch.” he murmurs. 
you fight the urge to laugh. 
“what did you say?” anne marie responds. 
“you’re a bitch.” he says louder. 
“good! say it again!” you whisper. 
satoru has the whisper of a smile on his face, the silent support goading him on, as he keeps talking. 
“you…you’re annoying. you have a really high pitched voice and every time you wake up in the morning, it gives me an ear splitting headache. and you…you look horrible in blue.”  
the choice of words is a little middle school, but you’ll give it to him. there was a first time for everything. 
“say something else.” you whisper. 
“is that a girl?” anne marie asks.
you both widen your eyes, before satoru quickly hangs up and start laughing. you note that for your standards that was horrendously tame, but the glint in his eyes seems to signify that it’s at least done something for him, because it’s the first time he properly smiles after entering your apartment. 
“how was that?” 
“fucking great! she sounded like an idiot!” he responds. 
“she sure did.” 
“now she’s probably wondering which girl i’m with and working herself over it.” he responds. 
you shake your head, pulling out the sheets to make the fold out bed for him properly, before you make your way back over to your own room. screaming middle school insults seems to sober him up enough, because he joins you in folding the sheets, a smile on his face. 
“have you done that before?” he asks. 
“done what?” you ask. 
“throw stuff out like that? call an ex-boyfriend?” 
you smile. 
“mhm. my first boyfriend irritated me so bad that i took everything he ever gave me – a dried up bouquet of flowers, a necklace, birthday cards and all that type of stuff – and threw it in a trash can outside of the bank i go to. and the calling, i did that once when my ex-boyfriend decided to go to san diego for a trip instead of meeting up with me. he made it pretty clear for a week that we were going to break up on that day and i had hyped myself up for it, just for him to not show up. so i got pissed and called him then and there.” you state. 
satoru’s floored.
“really? that’s such a dick move.” 
“i mean, s’pretty standard.” 
you’ve been on the carousel of assholes your entire life. but satoru shakes his head. 
“i can’t believe someone would even do that. that’s unusually cruel.” 
you forgot about that part. that with having experienced next to nothing, there’s a sense of naivety that comes with it too. 
or hope. whichever word speaks to you more – and at the current moment, it’s the latter, only because he seems so genuinely downtrodden by it – so genuinely believing that people are meant to be good and kind that he can’t fathom someone being mean and selfish just for the sake of it. 
you feel bad for him. 
“that it is. almost as cruel as dating someone just for their money.” you respond. 
satoru sighs. 
“that’s kind of the cool part now.” you respond. 
“what is?” 
you sit down flat on the bed, the sheets nicely tucked in and folded, as you pat the little spot next to you on the bed. he obliges, his legs stretching out a considerable distance past yours, as you cross your arms over your chest. 
“this is going to sound really weird, but some day you’re going to agree with me.” you state. 
“you’re going to feel a lot of things in the next few months. and then after the fact, when you’re really truly over it, you’re going to realize how real all of that was.” 
you shrug. 
“you’re going to mope and listen to sad songs for a while. and those songs are going to hit like they’ve never hit before, you’re going to realize people have been writing about this exact feeling that you’re experiencing for years. you’ve just gone through a shared experience that almost everyone has, no matter who they are, of getting your heart shattered.” 
satoru’s never thought of it that way. granted, he’s only been thinking about it for three days, but still. 
“then you’re going to be pissed. you’re going to do a bunch of stupid stuff and you might even regret it a little bit, but that’s part of learning more about yourself. maybe you really do like to have the last word. maybe you can’t fathom it at all, seeing that person ever again. either way, you’re going to figure out something about yourself and it’s going to make it all the more worth it. that’s part of this entire thing – experiencing something new, doing things three, four, five times and fucking up each time, just to…get something out of it. figure out whatever you’ve got going on in this thing.” you respond, flicking at his forehead. 
satoru rubs the spot, glaring at you, as you shoot him a smile. 
“there’s no point in doing anything once. you’re going to live a really long life, were you really only going to date and love one girl the entire time? i know you must have more to give than that.” you state. 
“do you not believe in marriage?” he asks. 
you frown. 
“who said i don’t believe in marriage?” 
“i mean, you seem like so…hippie dippie. i get what you’re saying and…and i’m even inclined to believe you’re right…but where does that stop? you can’t go on experiencing things and people and loving forever?” 
you smile. 
“why do you think so little of marriage? do you really think all of that stops once you enter a relationship with someone?” 
satoru freezes. 
“you keep doing that stuff, but with the person you know is meant for you. clearly your relationship with raggedy anne must have been really, very boring, because getting to do new things together is the fun part. i’d argue that it’s even the point of even being together – growing into something new.” 
satoru thinks you're wise. he thinks that he’s still leftover drunk and whatever it is you’re saying is coming out like poetry to him, that it’s singing to the tune that’s been going on in the background of his head for the past year, because really – his relationship was very boring. 
it had gotten monotonous. maybe he stayed because he didn’t know anything different. maybe that’s why he was so obsessed with stalking your every move – making sly comments, finding mistakes in your reports - just because you were always so keen to give him a different answer, one he couldn’t predict, the only constant thing about you being that you were always different. 
“your brain looks like it’s working overtime. you should go to bed.” you state. 
“okay, yeah.” 
satoru is still drunk. somewhat drunk. maybe a little. 
it’s why he leans forward, to press a warm kiss to the side of your cheek. he notes that your eyes go wide, as you immediately lift your hand to press your fingers to the skin, your cheeks flushing pink. 
“i was hoping you were going to give me like a thousand dollars or something as a gift for being nice to you.” 
satoru grins. because again, it wasn’t the answer he was expecting at all. 
“i could do that too.” he states. 
you roll your eyes, before reaching forward to pinch his cheek. 
“shut up.” 
“you’re pretty.” 
you’re taken aback by the comment, leaning back to cross your hands over your chest, as you eye him again. messy hair, swollen eyes, and pink lips from the drinks. 
“you’re not that bad either. you look way better like this.” 
“like this?” 
“you know…no fancy mousse. creepy perfectly tailored suit. having a proper meltdown and all. not to be rude, but your distress might be the best thing that’s ever happened to you.” 
satoru scoffs. 
“you’re just jealous that i look so great all the time.” 
you shake your head. 
“not at all. i’m not into that at all – the whole perfect, rich boy thing.” 
satoru leans forward, eyes wide. 
“what are you into?” he asks. 
you smile. 
“did you really crash your car?” you ask. 
he groans. 
“you know about that?” 
you laugh. 
“i’m into that. you being a real person. i think you’re very funny when you’re drunk and you have the insults of a middle schooler. your hair looks very good when it’s all messed up like this and your very genuine enthusiasm and curiosity is very refreshing.” 
“yeah?” satoru whispers, a glint in his eyes. 
“mhm. don’t lose sleep over it, okay?” you respond, pinching his cheek as you shuffle your way over to your room. 
satoru watches as you retreat, your mismatched socks riding up to your ankles, and he can’t help but wonder if you’re right. if he had missed out. 
he hadn’t done anything. anything at all. you were three feet away – with an entire life he knew nothing about. the little scars on your arms were all a story, maybe from pulling something out of the stove too fast or falling on the pavement, and he can’t help but wonder what it all was. 
if he could still gain it all, after years of falling behind. 
satoru was always an overachiever. he was going to do this, he was going to do this now. 
satoru stands up, legs carrying him to the door of your bedroom, as he firmly knocks on the wood. he hears something that sounds like a thud, before you swing the door open, your eyes adjusting to the brightness outside to find him standing there. 
“it’s been one minute.” you deadpan. 
“can i sleep with you?” 
“i beg your pardon?” 
satoru sighs. 
“i’ve never slept in the same bed as someone.” 
“huh? you and raggedy anne never…” 
he shakes his head. 
“i mean, like once, but it was by accident. my penthouse has two beds and i don’t know what it feels like to…sleep next to someone.” 
you pause. and let your curiosity get the better of you. 
“are you a virgin?” 
“i am not a virgin.” 
you laugh at the irritation in his voice, before holding the door open wider and gesturing for him to walk into the room. 
“my bed isn’t that big.” you state. 
“that’s okay. just…please? let me?” 
you assume that saying no would be equivalent to kicking a dog while it’s down. it’s what you reason to yourself as you let him in, watching as he giggles at your stuffed animals and your glasses in the nightstand before he wraps his arms around you, his embrace warm around you. 
you swear he kisses your hairline. 
“did you just kiss me again?” 
“hey. i’m experiencing new things. i’ve got tons of places i have to kiss you on my list.” 
you snort.
“you’re bold.” you state. 
“and you’re really very sweet. i really like you, you know that?” 
you roll your eyes, before leaning back into his touch. it’s so innocent, so unlike any other guy you’ve talked too – so excited about kissing you on the top of your head. 
maybe it’s a little bit less pity than you anticipated. 
“do you ever think i could do that?” he asks. 
“do what?” 
“what you’re talking about? doing things four, five, six times…growing with someone and all that?” he asks. 
you sigh, before placing one of your hands over his. 
“yes, satoru. of course you can.” 
the following monday, you’re greeted by a little box on your desk. you open it up to a giftcard and four target candles, accompanied with a little note and his horrible chicken scratch handwriting. 
honey bee,  heard normal people give gift cards and candles as gifts. but i’m indecisive so there’s four candles. also, they’re custom made and really expensive so don’t throw them out to sass me or make a point or something :O  satoru 
and you see him an hour later, a cup of the cheap office coffee in his hand, as he walks around talking to everyone in the office. his tie is a little bit loose and his hair is unstyled – and you think that it’s interesting, that he had taken what you had said to heart. and your previous thought stands. 
that he really does look better this way. 
he makes his way over after twenty minutes, leaning down and basically pressing his cheek to yours as he looks at your monitor. 
“did you check your math?” he asks. 
“do you want me to shove a pencil down your throat?” you ask. 
satoru laughs and you can’t help but smile. 
“did you like my gift?” 
“yes. but i have a few notes.” 
satoru stands up properly, leaning against your desk with his hands crossed over his chest, as he gestures for you to talk. 
“do tell.” 
“when i say candle, i really do mean one candle. and you know, i meant like an eight dollar candle. like the shit ones that give you allergies.” 
“candles can give you allergies?” 
“i get watery eyes when they aren’t soy or natural.” you state.
“noted. what else?” 
“when i say gift card, i mean twenty bucks. not two thousand dollars.” 
satoru whines. 
“so many rules. you’re so high maintenance, honey bee.” he whines, cupping your chin in his hand and squeezing once, before shuffling back to his office. 
taglist: @porridgesblog @k0z3me @sugu-love @yihona-san06 @bsenpai @sweetnertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @luna0713hunter @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks @timmytimmytuckyy @dreamxiing @mamamamamarga @skunabby @meisque @hoseokslefteyebrow @yoontaedotin
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theemporium · 1 day
Green-eyed mojito for luke hughes (4)!
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
4. “You’re naive if you think he just wants to be your friend."
“You’re upset.”
“I’m not upset.”
You tilted your head in questioning, wondering if your boyfriend really thought you were stupid enough to believe his terrible attempts at lying. Considering the fact he was avoiding your gaze, you were taking it as an affirmative for your assumptions. 
“You’ve been moody since we left,” you pointed out, watching the way his fingers tightened around the steering wheel. “You were fine earlier.” 
“M’just tired,” Luke tried to wave you off, still avoiding looking anywhere but the road. 
And fine, you could play this game. You could let him have his moment of being moody and pouty and upset because you knew Luke. You knew how he got. You knew he just needed some time to brood in his own feelings before he opened up. He just needed some time to wrap his own head around everything before he said anything.
And you were right. 
He shuffled into your shared apartment behind you, the click of the lock sounding through the entrance. You leaned down to unstrap your heels, letting out a groan of relief before you padded towards the kitchen. Luke followed, shedding his tie as he did so. 
“So,” Luke spoke up, his voice tight and blunt.
You reached for one of the cupboards. “You want some water?” 
“I—uh, sure,” Luke frowned a little, watching you patter around the kitchen like you hadn’t been asking him what was wrong since the two of you got in the car an hour or so ago. “Are you okay?” 
You glanced at him over your shoulder. “Are you?” 
Luke’s shoulders slumped. “I didn’t mean to ruin your night, okay? It’s just—”
“Woah,” you frowned, the glasses of water abandoned by the sink as you took a step towards the boy. “Who said anything about ruining my night?”
“Because I was being moody or whatever,” he murmured, his eyes glued on the tiled floor between you two. “I know this was an important dinner with your co-workers but just…”
You reached for one of his hands when you noticed his knuckles whitening, as you soothed the indents of his nails against his palm with your thumb. “Babe, you didn’t ruin anything. I was just worried why you were upset.” 
“Because of Jack,” Luke blurted out.
You blinked. “What? Jack wasn’t even there—”
“No, not my brother Jack,” Luke sighed, something quite like discomfort in his voice like he didn’t want to say the words out loud, like he was embarrassed. “Jack, your colleague.” 
“Oh,” you shrugged. “Yeah, he works in the finance department or something. Why? What about him? Did he say something to you?” 
“He just seemed…you know,” Luke said, giving you an odd look.
“Babe, you gotta spell it out for me,” you murmured, giving his hand a soft squeeze. 
“He was flirting with you,” Luke deadpanned. “Right in front of me. Like I wasn’t even there.” 
Your brows furrowed together. “No, he was just being friendly—”
“Baby, you’re naive if you think he just wants to be your friend,” Luke retorted with a bitter laugh. “He kept giving you these looks and making these comments and it just—”
“Made you jealous?” You finished for him.
His cheeks burned. “Pfft, no.” 
“Luke, baby,” you sighed as you closed the small distance between you, winding your arms around his neck as you smiled up at him. “I don’t know how he feels about me but I don’t like him like that. He’s barely even a friend, more like a glorified acquaintance I see a few times a month.” 
“I trust you, but he is just—” Luke cut himself off with a frown. 
“Who’s with me right now?” You asked. 
Luke blinked. “Me.” 
“Exactly, you,” you said with a smile. “You’re the one I come home with, to our shared apartment, where we get to sleep in our bed. Let him make whatever comments he wants because you and our relationship is all that matters to me.” 
“You’re right,” Luke murmured, his hands squeezing your waist. “I’m the only one who goes home with you.” 
You smiled. “Exactly.”
He shot you a boyish grin. “And I’m the only one who gets to do this.” 
You laughed as you felt his hand playfully squeeze your ass. “Okay, Casanova, keep it in your pants tonight. I’m exhausted and sore and need to get out of this bra before it tears into my soul.”
Luke’s expression softened as he leaned down to peck your lips. “Go get changed, I’ll bring us water and some snacks.”
Your face brightened. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.”
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puckinghischier · 22 hours
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Nico Hischier x fem!reader
summary: reader gets hurt and nico is worried about her
notes: y’all i ain’t gonna lie, i went through a bit of a rollercoaster while writing this. i loved it at first, then halfway through started hating it, then somehow started loving it again towards the end. so if it seems a little all over place i’m sorry. also i know very little about how a dislocated shoulder works, so just pretended i didn’t if i got anything wrong. i hope y’all enjoy it!! happy reading!! 🫶🏼
request: from my 400 follower celly - “A hears that B got hurt and rushes over in a panic to see if they are okay” where reader maybe gets in an accident or gets hurt in their sport (nothing major). Bonus points if you add “I can braid your hair for you- I mean, only if you want.”
“Yeah, Mom, I’m fine. Nothing’s broken, just a nasty dislocation,” you attempt to calm your mother’s nerves, trying to unlock your apartment door with your good arm while balancing your phone between your cheek and shoulder. “They reset it for me and told me to follow up with my primary care on Monday. Gave me some pain meds and sent me on my way.”
“Well, what about until then? What if you need help? What about work? How will you drive?” she rapid fires questions at you.
“I’ll figure it out, don’t worry. Since it was a work-related injury, I’ll still get paid. And they’re paying all of the medical bills, so that’s all taken care of,” you make your way into your apartment, shutting the door with your foot behind you. “Everything else I’ll handle as it comes.”
She doesn’t seem satisfied with your answer, tsking into her phone, making you picture her trademark displeased headshake.
“What about Nico? Why don’t you stay with him until you’re back to 100%? I’m sure he’d be willing to help out,” she suggests, her tone switching from worried to suggestive.
You roll your eyes, knowing exactly where this conversation is headed.
“Mom, how many times do I have to tell you, Nico and I are just friends. We work together. Just because you think you saw him look at me a certain way when you were visiting doesn’t mean I have to call him every time something goes wrong,” you tell her, placing your bag on your kitchen table.
Ever since your mom came in a few months ago to visit, she’s been on your case about making a move on Nico, it all starting when she witnessed Nico helping you across the ice during a pre-game practice while trying to get some action shots.
You work as a photographer for the Devils, not realizing that being able to ice skate would have been a nice addition to your resume.
Your college advisor arranged the interview for you right before graduation. You had no previous knowledge of hockey, having come from a football family. You told your advisor this, but she insisted you didn’t have to know anything about a sport to be able to take good pictures of it.
During the interview, you made sure to inform your now boss that you didn’t know how to skate, hoping it wouldn’t be a problem. He assured you that you could take pictures from the stands or the players bench, the chance of you having to step onto the ice slim.
For the first few months of your job, it was smooth sailing. You were mostly taking pictures from the camera holes in the glass or being told to cover locker room and arrival pictures. You worked with one other photographer, a seasoned sports photography veteran named Phil. Phil was a New Jersey native, having grown up skating, so he took over the duties of any major action shots the director wanted from on the ice.
Unfortunately for you, Phil’s wife had convinced him to retire early, losing his help right before the league’s short Christmas break.
Seeing as they had just hired you, and it was the middle of the season, the hunt for a replacement for Phil was put on the backburner, more important team matters taking precedence.
You were forced to take over Phil’s duties, meaning you were now responsible for any on the ice shots. You had found a way to slowly scoot across the perimeter of the rink, staying out of the way while also getting the shots you needed.
Your system was working well until the morning of a gameday, getting permission from your boss to bring your mother along, wanting to show her all aspects of your job.
For this particular game, the players were especially focused on practicing their skills and running drills during morning skate. You were doing your typical shuffle while clutching the edge of the waist-high wall when someone came zooming past you, causing your feet to start sliding uncontrollably, not being able to find your footing on the slick ice.
You felt the moment you were about to fall, waiting for the impact of your butt on the cold ice, but it never came. You felt yourself fall into a body covered by plastic pads, gloved hands shooting out to grab your upper arms.
You looked up, seeing Nico smiling down at you in amusement.
“It’s a bit slippery out here, huh?” he jokes, making sure you’re standing steady on your feet before letting go of you.
“Well, we are standing on ice, so….” You trail off, grabbing onto the wooden ledge again, preventing another near fall.
Nico laughs, looking down and shuffling his skates back and forth.
“Well would you look at that? We are on ice ” He flashes a smile, looking back up at you.
You stick your tongue out at him, earning another chuckle from the team’s Captain.
“You know, most people use these great things called ice skates when they try to walk on ice,” he tells you, lifting one skate up for emphasis.
Rolling your eyes, you scoff out a “Oh wow, why didn’t I ever think of that?”
“Just some food for thought,” Nico shrugged as he placed his foot back down on the ice, skating in a little circle, as if to say “See, told you so.”
You let go of the ledge to cross your arms, forgetting that you needed the stability. When you try to shift your weight from one leg to the other, you lose your footing again, this time falling forward into Nico. You let the camera in your hands fall, grabbing onto his biceps to stay upright, thankful for the camera strap around your neck.
His hands shoot out to grab your forearms.
“You know the sad thing is, even with the skates, I’d still be as clumsy, considering I have absolutely no idea how to use them,” you tell him, the two of you still holding on to one another.
Nico shakes his head at you, placing one of your hands on his forearm, moving you from in front of him to beside of him.
He starts slowly skating towards the bench while you shuffle your feet along, putting all of your focus on keeping yourself upright until you reach your destination.
When you finally reach the bench, you step off of the ice and let out a breath of relief.
“Thanks, Cap. Would’ve hated to make a fool of myself out there while my mom’s watching,” you thank him, looking over to where your mom sits, a smile on her face.
Nico follows your gaze and waves to your mom, matching her smile.
“Well, we wouldn’t want that now, would we? What if she found out her daughter was a skating fraud?” he teases, leaning in to whisper the last two words.
“It’s her fault for never taking me to the rink my town would throw up once a year at Christmas. Who knows, maybe I would’ve been a skating prodigy if given the chance,” you shrug.
A mischievous smile makes its way onto his face. “I think we should put that theory to the test,” he tells you, causing your eyes to latch onto his.
“Come again?” You raise your eyebrows and tilt your chin down.
“I mean, I can’t have some photographer out on my ice during practices that can’t even stand up,” he keeps his tone light, making sure you know he’s just teasing, “So, I’m going to teach you how to skate, and see if you really would have been a skating prodigy.”
He skates off, winking before resuming his practice.
You don’t have a chance to speak to him again until after the game, when you get at text from an unknown number reading “Rink, tomorrow, 2pm. I’ll bring skates, just bring your prodigy skills.”
After that, you meet with Nico twice a week for skating lessons.
The two of you quickly form a friendship, Nico bringing you coffee on gamedays and you slipping him snacks on the bench during games. You even started inviting him over for dinner after your lessons, insisting the least you can do is feed him to repay him for preventing you from making a fool of yourself on the ice.
Today, however, you did make a fool of yourself on the ice.
You were standing behind the net, telling the players to skate towards you so you could get some shots for the team’s Instagram account by request of the social media manager.
Once you were pleased with the amount of shots you had gotten, you left your spot from behind the net, skating slowly towards the benches, still a little wobbly on your skates.
You were looking down at your camera, thinking of how you’ll have to get Nico out here after the game to get some shots, knowing he’s currently doing pre-game interviews in the locker room.
You weren’t paying the slightest bit of attention to the pucks littering the ice in front of you, skating right into one and losing your balance, holding your camera up with one arm while trying to catch yourself with the other.
You felt the way your shoulder shifted, crying out in pain as players turned and started rushing towards you on the ice.
The team doctor came out and told you he was pretty sure your shoulder was simply dislocated, but sent you to the hospital to make sure nothing’s broken.
The ER doctor confirmed your diagnosis, putting your shoulder back into place before pumping you full of pain meds and placing your arm into a sling.
Which leads you to where you are now, back at your apartment, explaining to your mother why Nico can’t be at your beck and call.
“Honey, when are you going to realize that boy is in love with you? I’m telling you, the way I saw him look at you that day I came to visit, the skating lessons and dinners,” she starts, giving you her typical speech when you tell her Nico is just a friend.
“Mom, it doesn’t matter what you think you saw, we’re seriously just friends. And he’s busy, his schedule is too hectic to spend his time babysitting me,” you interrupt her, not wanting to hear her Nico speech for the thousandth time, regretting ever telling her about the skating lessons.
She sighs into the phone.
“I’m just trying to help you, you know…” you hear your mother start, but you tune the rest of her words out, focusing on the three loud knocks on your front door.
Your head turns to your door, the unexpected noise causing you to jump, the sudden motion tipping your bag over, the contents spilling all of your kitchen floor.
“Honey, are you alright? What was that?” your mom halts her one-sided conversation, worry in her tone.
“Shit!” you exclaim, watching the container of memory cards fly open, the small squares sliding across the linoleum floor.
You forget about the sling on your arm, crouching down and trying to reach for the cards with your bad arm, a searing pain shooting through your shoulder at the movement.
Letting out a loud yelp, you bring your arm back to its resting positing in the sling.
“Y/N, what’s going on? Did you hurt yourself?” you barely hear your mother’s voice through the phone speaker, not being able to think about anything other than the throbbing pain in your shoulder.
You hear three more pounds on your front door, this time a voice following the knocks.
“Y/N! Open up!”
You groan, trying to stand up, too many people trying to get your attention at the moment.
“Honey, talk to me. Is someone in there with you? I heard another voice,” your mother asks you as you stand, making your way over towards your front door.
“Someone’s knocking on the door,” you grit through your teeth, trying to think about anything but the pain in your shoulder. “I dropped my bag and tried to pick something up with my bad arm. I’m fine. Just hurts,” you tell her, opening your door to see a frantic Nico standing there.
His wide eyes scan your body, stopping once they see the sling on your arm.
You notice his wet hair and lack of socks on his tennis shoe covered feet.
“Are you okay? They told me you had to be taken to the hospital before the game started, but no one knew what really happened,” he rushed out, looking up at your face.
“Hey, Mom, gotta go, Nico’s at my door,” you tell her, a little stunned that the object of your conversation just appeared, hanging up the phone before she could make any comments about it.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?” you ask him, pointing towards his feet, an amused smile on your face. The shock of seeing him at your door making you completely forget about the pain in your shoulder.
Nico looks down at his own feet, looking back up at you with red cheeks.
“Oh, uh, I couldn’t find my socks after the game and i couldn’t get you to answer your phone, so I rushed over to the hospital to see if you were still there, and they told me you left about an hour ago, so I hopped in my car and came over here to make sure you were okay,” he tells you, not meeting your eye.
You’re shocked at his confession, not expecting him to be so concerned about your impromptu trip to the hospital.
“Well, I’m here and still standing,” you awkwardly stand in your doorway, not knowing what else to say, thinking about how if you weren’t arguing with your mom over Nico on the phone, you might have gotten his calls.
“Yeah, I see that now,” he shoves his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
The two of you stand there, not really knowing what to say to one another.
“Do you want to come in?” you ask him, moving out of the doorway to let him step into your apartment.
Nico shakes his head yes and walks past you, looking towards the mess on the floor in your kitchen.
“What happened here? Is this the crash I heard?” he asks you.
“Yeah, the bag fell and spilled everything. When I went to pick it up, I forgot and used my bad shoulder,” you gesture to your slinged arm.
Nico shakes his head at you, crouching down to pick up the camera disks all over the floor.
“Oh, no, you don’t have to-“
“Well you’re sure as hell not trying to pick them up again,” Nico interrupts you, standing and placing the now full box of disks on your table.
You roll your eyes at him, walking over towards your fridge.
“So, what exactly happened? Jack told me you hurt your shoulder?” he follows you over to your fridge, watching you scan its contents, or lack thereof.
“Well, I was looking at my camera and skated right into a bunch of pucks on the floor, then was too focused on saving the equipment instead of remembering how to fall properly,” you told him, remembering his words during your first skate lesson, telling you not to catch yourself if you fall on the ice.
“See, I told you to just let yourself fall. Never try to catch yourself,” he echoes his words in your thoughts.
“Yeah, well, it’s a lot easier said than done,” you deadpan, shutting your fridge door and looking at Nico.
Your stomach growls at that exact moment, making you groan at your lack of food in your fridge, not having eaten since before your accident.
“When was the last time you ate anything?” Nico asks you, looking down at your growling stomach.
“Uhhh, breakfast?” you recall.
Nico’s eyes widen. “It’s almost midnight. Did they really not feed you at the hospital?” he asks you.
“Considering they were busy doing x-rays and scans to make sure nothing was broken or torn, no,” you walk over to your cabinets, finding them also bare.
“Alright, go sit down and I’ll order us something to eat,” Nico shoos you out of the kitchen, walking over and opening the drawer where you keep all of your takeout menus.
You wonder how he knows where your menus are, forgetting for a moment that he’s over at your apartment at least twice a week after your skating lessons. Sometimes more, the occasional movie night making its way into your weekly routine.
“What do you want? Sushi? Chinese? Burgers?” he questions, flipping through your menus.
For some reason, your brain chooses this moment to register how much you enjoy the sight of Nico in your kitchen, looking through your takeout menus and offering to order you dinner.
You think back to all the times he’s helped you make dinner, laughter filling every moment of your time together. You think about how he always wear his pjs when he comes over for a movie night, bringing a different chocolate candy to put in the popcorn each time. You think about how he somehow learned your coffee order without you ever telling him, bringing you a coffee every morning, even at away games.
You think about your mother’s words, and how you didn’t even have to ask Nico to come over tonight, or to give you skating lessons. You think about how you never have to ask Nico to do anything he does for you – which is a lot, you’re realizing – he just does it. He does it because he wants to, because he’s kind and caring and wants to spend time with you.
“Hello? Earth to Y/N, what do you want for dinner?” Nico snaps you out of your sudden revelation.
“Sorry, spaced out for a second. Must be the pain meds,” you tell him, knowing that your mind isn’t the least bit impaired right now.
“Okay, go sit down, we need to get some food in you then,” he fishes his phone out of his pocket, mumbling out “Can’t believe they pumped you full of meds on an empty stomach.”
You make your way to your couch, sitting down and taking your shoes off, making yourself as comfortable as you can.
You remove a stray piece of hair that fell onto your face, knowing how awful it must look.
When you fell on the ice, the claw clip that was holding your hair in its up-do broke, causing it to fan out over the cold, wet ice. Once you got to the hospital, you were put in and out of so many different machines, you can only imagine the tangled, matted mess it is.
You get up and go to your bathroom, finding your brush and trying to comb it out. The task proving to be difficult with only one hand. The tangles keep pulling your head back and hurting your tender scalp, but you keep trying, whimpering each time the brush gets stuck on a particularly bad tangle.
You don’t even hear Nico approach your bathroom, just a sigh and “I told you to sit down,” before the brush is taken from your hand and you see Nico’s reflection behind you in the mirror.
Without another word, he proceeds to brush your hair for you, ensuring every tangle is gone before setting the brush on your sink.
The two of you make eye contact in the mirror, neither one wanting to break the silence during the surprisingly intimate moment.
You clear your throat, looking down after the silence got too intense, causing Nico to avert his eyes as well.
“I really wish i could wash my hair, but i know that’s a no go tonight,” you chuckle, wishing your bathroom was a little bit bigger in this moment.
“I can braid your hair for you,” Nico starts, staring at you in the mirror, watching your eyes snap up to meet his. “I mean, only if you want,” he stutters out.
“Really?” you ask him, a little stunned.
“Yeah. I used to help Nina with hers all the time when I was younger,” Nico mentions his older sister, grabbing your hair lightly and starting to section it off. “Anytime she would have a sleep over I would always weasel my way into the party. So one day, she made me sit in a braiding chain and learn how to braid her hair.”
You let out a giggle, picturing a smaller version of Nico sitting at the end of a line of girls, braiding their long hair.
“Then, Nina claimed I got so good at it she always wanted me to braid her hair before her volleyball matches, then her friends all started wanting me to do theirs, too,” he continues talking, nearly lulling you to sleep with the soft movements of his hands as you listen to him speak.
“I think that’s adorable,” you quietly speak, closing your eyes.
“What can I say? When a pretty girl needs her hair braided, who am I to keep my skills to myself?” he jokes, making you wonder if he meant you or his sister’s friends.
“I’m sure it’s any little boy’s dream to have an entire volleyball team at his mercy, all those pretty volleyball players begging him to play with their hair,” you tease him, handing him the hair tie that you always keep on your wrist.
“I don’t know, I think playing with a pretty photographer’s hair is better, if you ask me,” he ties the hair tie around the bottom of the braid, reaching up to pull the braid loose, making sure it’s not too tight.
You keep your eyes closed, knowing he can likely see the redness on your cheeks at his words.
“Alright, eyes open. Need to make sure you like my work,” he places his hand on your biceps, making sure to keep his touch feather light on your bad arm.
He turns you around so you’re facing him, holding a handheld mirror that was laying on your sink in front of your face, allowing you to see the reflection of the braid.
You’re shocked to see the flawless Dutch braid that cascades down your back.
“Nico, you’re like…really good at this,” you reach your good hand to the back of your head, running it down the braid.
“Told you, I had a lot of practice,” he shrugs, setting the mirror down.
You yawn, the relaxing nature of having your hair braided allowing you to realize how tired you are from the day’s events.
“Nuh-uh, gotta keep you awake until we get some food in you,” he tuts, taking his hands and patting your cheeks.
You groan, leaning into his palms that stay resting on your face.
“C’mon, let’s get you changed and on the couch,” he motions for you to leave the bathroom.
You walk to your room, Nico helping you carefully remove your sling before leaving and giving you some privacy.
You change into your pajamas, somehow managing to get your arm into an oversized Devils shirt you found at the bottom of your drawer.
Nico is standing outside of your door when you open it, helping you back into your sling.
He stands in front of you, staring at you with a look that you can’t decipher.
“Is…everything okay?” you question him, noticing his stare after adjusting your sling.
His eyes snap up to you, seemingly unaware that he was even staring at you in the first place.
“Uh, yeah, sorry. I just- is that my shirt?” he asks you, pointing to your pj shirt.
You look down at the oversized shirt, trying to think of where you got it.
It had just showed up in your laundry basket one day, assuming it was one they gave you when you got your job, but Nico’s question makes you think harder.
You realize, suddenly, you do remember where you got it.
During one of your post lesson dinners, Nico had spilled his drink all over his shirt. You offered to wash it for him after he changed to a shirt in his duffel.
You meant to take it back to him after you washed it, but forgot about it entirely, packing it away in your pajama drawer.
“Oh, crap, it is. Do you want it back, I can go change?” you ask him, worried he’s upset that you forgot to give it back.
“No…no it’s fine. Keep it. I have plenty,” he shakes his head, glancing down at it once more.
The two of you make your way to your couch, finding something to watch on tv when there’s a knock on the door, signaling the arrival of your food.
You start to stand to go get it, but Nico sternly tells you to stay put.
Rolling your eyes you sit back down, grabbing the remote and continuing to channel surf.
Nico’s gone for longer than you expect, causing you to sit up and turn back towards your kitchen, wondering what’s taking him so long.
You see him walking over to you, a tray full of food in his hands.
He had ordered from your favorite sushi place, figuring it would be the easiest for you to eat one handed.
As he sat down the tray on the coffee table in front of you, you realized what took him so long.
Nico had put a toothpick in each piece of your sushi, knowing using chopsticks with your non dominant hand would have been hard for you. He poured soy sauce into a small container, allowing you to simply pick up each toothpick and dip it in the sauce before popping it in your mouth.
He had also ordered you a bottle of cherry coke, which he knew was your favorite, and placed it on the tray with the lid unscrewed and a straw peeking out of the bottle next to a glass of ice, just incase you wanted it that way instead.
You looked up at him, feeling that funny feeling in your chest like you did earlier in your kitchen, blown away at how he always seems to think of everything he can to help you out, even when you’re not injured.
You must’ve been looking for longer than you realized, because he cocks his head at you, confusion present on his face.
“What?” he asks, not understanding what’s wrong. “Did you not want sushi? I thought you said it was always the one thing that could cheer you up?”
You shake your head at him. “No, sushi is perfect,” you tell him, a small smile on your face as you look up at him.
He smiles back for a few moments, then started scooting the coffee table towards you so don’t have to reach to grab your food. He moves around the table to sit beside of you, the size of the small table causing him to sit so close to you that you can feel the warmness of his large thigh against yours.
You once again think about all of the things he’s done for you without you even having to ask. Now including coming over after a game—no doubt exhausted and sore—and taking care of you without even thinking twice. Braiding your hair and calling you pretty. Staring at you unintentionally wearing his t-shirt. Modifying your food so it’s easier for you to eat with one hand.
You sit there, staring at the man you fear you’re falling in love with, already planning out the apology text you’re going to have to send your mom.
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aquarelliwrites · 2 days
What Kind Of Woman Do You Take Me For?
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SHIP: Charles Leclerc x Reader
SUMMARY: After a dinner date at your apartment, Charles is forced to sleep over as to not get caught up in a snowstorm.
CONTENT: Mention of alcohol, domestic fluff, you/yours pronouns with fem!reader, no use of Y/N.
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"Well, this was lovely."
Charles used his napkin to wipe the corner of his mouth. You leaned back in your chair, your elbow coming to rest on the backrest of the one next to you. A vague silence washed over the dining room of your apartment, both of you observing the snowfall outside.
The view out of the dining and living rooms of your apartment was spectacular, and half the reason you were paying such a ridiculous price for it - the sprawling cityscape and background of rolling Swiss Alps breathtaking on evenings like this.
Was it really even evening anymore? You had sat down for dinner four hours ago - really, the date had actually started in the early afternoon. He had come in bearing gifts, with the first snowflakes adorning his coat, hair, and eyelashes. Then, he spent the better part of a few hours helping with dinner.
If you could count his sitting pretty on the barstool, drinking wine, and distracting you with gossip the entire time helping. You had a good reason to keep him away from the stove, however - the man was many things, but a culinary expert he was not.
"Is there anything we forgot to talk about?" You joked, tearing your gaze away from the panoramic view to the, arguably, far better one across the table.
He, to his credit, did take a moment to consider. You liked the way he looked when he was deep in thought. "I... don't believe so. How long has it- oh, wow. Midnight already?" The shock on his face, like all of his other emotions, was visible as soon as he caught sight of the clock hanging in the living room behind you.
"Nearing it." The snow outside was bad now - Switzerland was used to snow, sure, but was Charles? At night? In that sports car you saw him drive here? "You should stay over."
"Yeah?" His smile was teasing while he picked at a few crumbs on the tablecloth. "Are you propositioning me? Is that what this is?"
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Don't be ridiculous-"
"I came all this way-"
"-all for an elaborate booty call? Really? Thought you were better than that, amour." Combined, the twinkle in his eyes and the smirk tugging upwards at the corners of his lips made you want to jump across the table and do unholy things to him. Not that you’d readily admit it.
You gestured to your matching empty glasses and plates. "Well, technically, I’ve been wining and dining you. Not a booty call. Come on, what kind of woman do you take me for, Leclerc?"
He shrugged, now picking at the tablecloth itself.
Clearing your throat was more uncomfortable than you’d thought. "The guest room situation isn't- um. I've got my office in there."
"Right, yes."
"...And I have a queen bed." That you didn't know if you wanted to share with him. This was- what was this? The third date? He had said he wanted to take it slow, get to know you. This wasn't exactly planned.
Another silence fell over the room. You felt like you were drowning in it.
"You can take the bed. I just changed the sheets this morning," you offered.
"No, no, I couldn't take that from you."
"I insist."
"You're a houseguest. Fae rules."
"What? Fae rules?" He sputtered in surprise.
"Yes." You were smiling smugly, and he pointed it out.
"It's not a problem, chat." The tips of his ears went a little red at you calling him 'cat', but you continued. "The sofa’s comfy. I made sure when I was buying it just in case my, how did you put it, ‘booty call’ could be comfortable."
An extended quiet passed by before he nodded. "Alright."
You cleaned up together - he washed dishes, you dried them; he offered a piece of gossip about the people in his life, you returned one about an office affair you nearly got caught up in; he gasped in disbelief, you nodded solemnly; he caged you against the counter when you were done, you reciprocated his kiss sweetly, slowly.
He tasted of alcohol and dessert, mostly, then of mint after you brushed your teeth together and stole a final kiss. And your pillow.
"Bonne nuit." You whispered against his lips.
"Bonne nuit, amour."
To your credit, you managed to get incredibly cozy on the couch - spare duvet, blankets, pillows galore. You allowed yourself the luxury of imagining him lying in your bed, daydreaming about the way you’d look there with him. You then spent a good quarter of an hour debating with yourself whether joining him there would be uncomfortable for both of you or not.
Oh, god. Had he seen your stuffed animals? The thought nagged at you as you drifted off.
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A click of a door roused you from sleep. You couldn’t really tell what time it was in the dark, but the room being so dark and the snow still falling heavily suggested it hasn't been more than… what? Two hours?
"Amour?" He whispered from the doorway. You hummed, acknowledging his presence, but not exactly comprehending it yet.
"Wha's up?" The only word your half-asleep mind could really think of to describe him then is cute - hair a little messy, shirt a little askew, sweatpant cuffs riding up a little on his legs.
He didn't answer, instead stealing one of the top-most blankets covering you. Before you could protest, he moved - sort of clumsily, which prompted a snickering laugh from you - to lay down on top of you. After he got comfy, you were pressed into the couch - his legs tangling with yours, his arms enclosing around your waist under your shirt, his head resting on your chest.
A more conscious you would probably hesitate a little, and a more conscious he probably wouldn't  have done what he did. Alas, tired people do stupid things, and you embraced him back quickly. You helped him cover himself in the stolen blanket, and your hands carded through his hair a little while neither of you were asleep yet.
"Thank you." You heard him whisper, and you made a little noise of agreement. 
"Didn't know if you'd want to sleep together."
"Hah, I thought you didn't want it, amour?"
"With you? Don't be ridiculous. If I had more confidence, I'd be throwing myself all over the opportunity." Your finger twirled a longer strand of hair, and you got to enjoy the way his fingers were mind-numbingly warm drawing patterns on your waist.
This was miles better than any sleep you could have gotten on your own.
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NOTE: these fics keep getting shorter and shorter but i'm not lying when I say everything that could have possibly gone wrong while writing this went wrong. I'm truly shocked and appalled.
Rivals to lovers Max fic is hopefully still on the way - alas i got too ambitious with it and now it's looking like it's going to be the longest thing i've ever written. not yet sure if i should be excited or worried?
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zynz0 · 2 days
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Heartache ๋ ࣭ ⭑ jaehyun x gender neutral reader
angst, fluff at the end, this is a sad one ๋ ࣭ ⭑ you and jaehyun argue and you storm off, jaehyun is a mess when you come back
feeling very fragile rn this hurt to write
✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠ ——— ✠
"AND HOW DO U THINK THAT MAKES ME FEEL" jaehyun shot to his feet, throwing the dining table chair he was sitting on to the ground behind him. his anger bubbling over, chest heaving, he didn't mean to use that much force, wished he hadn't.
the chair hitting the floor jolted your body, making you flinch, your frustration also bubbling over and forming a lump in your throat but your pride wouldn't let him see you cry. trying to keep up your cool level-headed exterior you wasted no time, swiveling on your heels and stomping out of the kitchen making a beeline for the front door, grabbing your car keys and sweater off the hook.
jaehyun called out in desparation "y/n please wait i- i didn't mean to-" you slammed the front door as hard as your anger would allow you, storming down the driveway and into your car, fumbling the key in the ignition as fast as you could and taking off before jaehyun could chase after you.
you didn't really know where you were going, driving around aimlessly for a while to let off steam, allowing a few tears to fall before stopping at your best friend's place to take your mind off things. you thought it was probably better to let the both of you cool off rather than drag the argument on any longer, afraid you might say something hurtful in the heat of the moment. facing things head on was never your first choice anyway.
you and jaehyun rarely ever fought, and he would never be aggressive or mean with you, let alone throw things around. you knew it was an accident, you should've turned round as soon as you left but you were hurt and a little in shock to be honest and the pettines in you wanted to make sure he knew.
a few hours at your best friend's chatting in depth about everything and nothing always helped you no matter the situation, they were a saint and exactly what you needed to ground yourself.
with 24 missed calls and 15 messages, you thought it best to go back home, plus you were getting hungry and you had to face jaehyun at some point.
you sat in your car outside your shared apartment for a few minutes, trying to rid your head completely of any sort of ill-will that might have still been lurking in the back of your mind. taking a deep breath you got out and walked up the path to the front door, once again fumbling your keys in with slight shaky hands, you hated confrontation. opening the door and closing it behind you, you toe off your shoes and look up. he's standing there at the end of the hallway.
you freeze, your heart breaks at the sight. he's wearing your oversized hoodie, his hands hidden by the sleeves and his eyes are red and puffy. it looks like he's been crying for a while.
you immediately well up seeing him like this, both of you staring, not knowing what to say. he takes a deep breath and chuckles to himself slightly feeling a sudden embarrassment, "i thought you weren't going to come back" he says barely audible before a tear falls down his cheek and he quickly lowers his head. your heart shatters. you have never heard him sound so small and broken, he looked like a lost child and it made your stomach churn. you immediately rushed to him, throwing your arms around him as your own tears fell. his body almost goes limp in your hold like he had been running a marathon prior, his hands fisted in your sweatshirt. "i'm so sorry' he chokes out through sobs as you stroke the back of his head. you squeeze your eyes shut your nose in his hair, listening to his cries. god you hated fighting.
"hey, hey" you whisper, moving his shoulders back and cupping his face, bringing it level to your own. jaehyun's tear stained face felt like a kick to the chest. "i'm so sorry i didn't mean to slam things and the chair i-" he stuttered, his voice timid and shaky as his teary eyes bore into yours. "i'm sorry i called so many times i just wanted to apologise i- i just needed to hear you" he sniffled "i didn't know if you were staying out or not i didn't know what to do it was so stupid of me i really didn't mean it i- just please don't leave-" his thoughts were spilling out "hey hey hey" you cut him off, every word breaking your heart more "sh sh it's okay i'm here" you soothed "i'm so sorry too i shouldn't have run off like that and i should've answered to sort things out." still holding his face your thumbs wiped his cheeks "i won't run off again" you smiled through your own tears and he gave a weak smile in return before burying his face in your neck letting the rest of his cries out.
you wished you could scoop him up and make sure he was never sad again, wished you could rewind the whole day. you'd never seen him like this, sure he cried at every movie the two of you watched but you'd never seen him so distressed and small and that hurt way worse than any argument could.
you both stood for a few more minutes, calming down and basking in the comfort of the other's arms. he brought his forehead to yours closing his eyes and wrapped his arms round your waist. "i really am sorry i hope i didn't scare you" he broke the silence, his voice a little more stable but another tear was threatening to fall. "jaehyun" you frowned and shook your head frantically, looking deeply into his eyes, there were so many things you wanted to say but none of them were enough to express what you were feeling. brows knitted in defeat you closed the gap between the two of you, pulling him into a feverish kiss. both of your hands firmly gripped his shoulders as you tried to pour all forgiveness, apology, every ounce of your love for him into the kiss. he reciprocated, pulling you as close to him as he could like he was afraid you might somehow slip right through his fingers. you were all he'd ever wanted, all he needed, you completed him. he would never do or say anything to intentionally hurt you and he would make sure nothing like this happened again.
both of your lips moulded together perfectly, moving in sync, your hands traveled up to tangle in his hair and he tilted his head more, deepening the kiss. his tongue grazed your bottom lip and you opened your mouth allowing him entry, your knees would've buckled if it wasn't for him holding you so tight. all the stress and hostility from earlier melted away in the heat of your bodies, leaving only breathless passion and adoration. you both reluctantly pulled away needing air, hearts racing. jaehyun brought his hand to the back of your head and placed a kiss to your forehead before gently resting his chin on ur head. "i love you y/n" he whispered. you breathed in his warm comforting scent, head against his chest "i love you too."
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
waaaah T-T (sorry guys)
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A Test of Sincerity
Pairing: Lucifer x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff (I don't really know what genre this is exactly)
Summary: After his failed attempt to test you, Lucifer now finds himself bothered with the silent treatment you're giving him, so he decides to apologize and end it once and for all. They say the way to a man's heart is their stomach; surely the same can be said to you, right?
A/N: I promised to make this so here is my retelling of Lucifer's Devilgram story "Trust and Poison"! (Can you tell how much I adore this story? 😆)
This is basically his side of the story, but with a few add-ons (or cut-offs) since I dont remember the story well despite loving it so much =w=;
I hope you enjoy!
Warning: Spoilers for the Devilgram "Trust and Poison"
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You weren't someone to be trusted.
That was the sentence Lucifer's mind kept repeating whenever he thought of you.
His brothers might find you endearing, but not him. Not when you were already so familiar of his and his brothers' unique quirks despite just meeting them. Not when you were closely acquainted with the sorcerer Solomon, who is known not only for his incredible power but also for his infamous reputation of making demons submit to his will. Not when you have your way of making him lower his guard, as if he had known you for years.
Surely, you must be hiding something. Something that can affect, or worse, harm his brothers.
He will uncover it, no matter what it takes. And he has a perfect plan for it.
He relishes the way your expression slowly morph into panic as he placed the shiny red apple in front of you.
It was no ordinary apple. It was the Apple of Truth. While it may look like a mouth-watering, juicy apple at first glance, it has the power to kill even a demon if they tell a lie before eating it.
Yes, this was his perfect plan.
If you really were telling the truth, you'd take a bite from the apple and be able to tell the tale. But if not... well, let's just say he'll be glad with the result either way.
A sinister smile formed on Lucifer's lips.
"Well? Answer me. Are you really a demon?"
"Lucifer? You're still here?"
Of all the time to– Lucifer clicked his tongue in annoyance.
"What is it, Beel?"
"I'm just here to grab something I forgot... Is that an apple? It looks delicious."
"Beel, no!"
Before the two of you were able to stop him, the sixth-born had already swallowed the apple. And with it, the plan Lucifer had oh-so carefully crafted disappears. It was hard to convince Barbatos to give the apple to him, too.
But what caught the Avatar of Pride off-guard was the panicked look on your face— which was not directed to yourself but to his younger brother.
"Beel, are you okay?! Do you feel weird?! Does your stomach hurt–?!"
"I'm okay... I think. Why? What is it?" Beel tilted his head in confusion.
You let out a sigh of relief before glaring daggers at Lucifer, as if he had done the most horrible thing on the three realms.
"Well, it seems that my job is done for the day, so I'll be taking my leave. I'll be back for tomorrow."
A loud thud echoed as you closed the door of the assembly hall.
"What?" The eldest said in irritation when he felt the eyes of his brother on him.
He only did what he had to do, Lucifer says in his mind, trying to justify his actions.
Yet why did he still feel so guilty whenever he sees you?
A few days had passed since his failed attempt to uncover your secret, and you have taken it up to yourself to give him the silent treatment.
He doesn't want to admit it, but it has been bothering him ever since. It has gotten to the point that his brothers also go silent when the two of you were in the same room, making the situation more awkward.
Today, however, he decided that enough was enough.
"Is there something you want? I'm planning to buy some snacks in the convenient store."
"I'm actually craving Barbatos's cake today, but I'm fine with anything that's not too spicy. Thanks, Levi."
Another plan forms on Lucifer's mind.
"Are you done for today?"
His question was met with silence.
"Cancel all your plans this afternoon. You're going to accompany me to the Demon Lord's Castle."
This time, you replied with a glare.
"I won't be taking no as an answer. Now come along."
Lucifer opens the door and beckoned you to go outside first. After a few moments, you complied.
A small smile appeared on Lucifer's face.
You were greeted by the prince and his butler once the two of you arrived on the castle.
"I'm glad you will be joining us for tea today. Come, let us go to the garden!" Diavolo says before leading you and Lucifer deeper into the castle grounds.
Lucifer sighed as Diavolo's laugh filled the garden.
"So your plan failed due to Beelzebub's interference, and now they're mad at you. Ahahaha!"
The Avatar of Pride frowned at the crown prince who was clearly amused by the situation.
"It's an awful thing to do! What if something bad happened to Beel?" You ranted.
Diavolo gave you a sympathetic smile in return. "They're right. You shouldn't be testing them, Lucifer."
Lucifer let out another sigh.
"Well, it is perfectly normal to be upset when someone questions your sincerity," Barbatos added. The butler placed a plate of his signature cake in front of you. "Here, have a slice of cake."
"That's why I brought them here as an apology," Lucifer says as he took his teacup from its saucer.
Diavolo looked at him, puzzled. "How is visiting us an apology?"
"They mentioned that they've been wanting to eat Barbatos's cake earlier," Lucifer replied.
This caused you to scoff in offense. "Don't use Barbatos to apologize for your mistake! And stop eavesdropping on other people's conversations!"
"Why, you insolent...!" Lucifer's brow twitched in annoyance as he managed to catch his tongue in the last minute.
He brought you here to resolve the situation, not to make it worse.
"Haha! They might be the only one who could stand up to you like this, Lucifer," Diavolo hummed, definitely enjoying the scene unfolding in front of him.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Lucifer took the fork and stabbed the cake with it.
"The fact of the matter is, I brought you here to make up for my mistake, and you want to eat this cake," he says as he takes a piece of cake with the fork and raised it in front of you. "Here. Open wide."
Now, will you take a bite, and accept his apology? Or will you refuse it and force him to look for another way to apologize?
Well, the rest is up to you to decide.
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holyschnitzel · 23 hours
I have a few questions if thats okay!
1 - If you know do the colour/abilities get passed down from parents or does everyone get a random colour and abilities when they are born?
2 - I hope this is okay to ask but will any other characters such as Rasmus, Shadowman or anyone else from the Br<3ken c0l0rs world be possible love Interest.
3 - Not a question but I love the game so so much and i hope you're staying healthy, also I can't get Rasmus, Ace and shadowman out of my head. They are definitely my favouritess!!!
I wish both you and blastic all the best!
sure :) I just hope I remember everything correctly, it's been a long time since I dealt with this topic.
to 1:
Let me explain what is possible with the help of emojis ^^
mother 💛 + father 💛 = child 🟡 ⬅️ Same color!
mother 💛 + father ❤️ = child 🟠 ⬅️ The colors can mix!
mother 💛 + father ❤️ = child 🔴 ⬅️ The luck of the draw!
mother 💛 + father ❤️ = child 🟡🔴 ⬅️ Very rare! 😮
You cannot inherit your color from any other family member. If one parent happens to be two-colored, you will inherit those same two colors. The same goes for your abilities, except that you can't have both of your parents' abilities.
Where exactly do these powers come from?
Every Hueväri inherits a special gene from either their mother or father, which might mutate during puberty. If it doesn't, you won't develop any special powers. (This can be a valid reason for some to avoid getting married and starting a family with Hueväri like MC, as there's a 50% chance their children won't inherit any powers.)
to 2:
Nope. DG and Damon are the main focus. The game would become unnecessarily long, and some fans would start demanding more characters to the point where BC would no longer be what it's meant to be. I'm already throwing you a bone by including Ras and 'Shadowman' as flings that you can have 😳 ^^
to 3:
Awww~ thank you so much for your kind words, we're very happy to hear that 🥰
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arioko · 2 days
aizawa experienced a quirk awakening, specifically during shirakumo’s death.
analysis? insane ramblings?? me looking too deep into things??? these all can be true. let’s just get into the meat and potatoes of this first and foremost.
quirk awakenings in my hero academia are usually defined by a quirk either gaining new abilities or going beyond the original scope of the quirk. an example of this is when toga found out she could use the quirks of people she transformed into, or dabi finding out he also had an ice aspect to his quirk similar to shoto. these awakenings are extremely rare, are only seem to happen during traumatic, life threatening circumstances.
one of the most recognizable things about aizawa is how his hair and capture weapon will float whenever he uses his quirk, and something i don’t think i’ve seen anyone else point out is the fact that in vigilantes, during the school days arc, teen aizawa’s erasure doesn’t do this at all.
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these are two of the instances where we see teen aizawa use his quirk, and his hair and capture weapon don’t levitate like they usually do. “maybe they forgot,” and here’s the thing, i don’t think that’s the case? like i said earlier, aizawa’s floating hair and scarf are one of the most recognizable aspects of his design, to the point that in universe deku even points it out. betten court, the artist of vigilantes, had been drawing aizawa for 50+ chapters at this point, so i sincerely doubt he genuinely forgot to add this.
even here, for a second you think that his hair is floating here, but then you see that he’s actively moving and that’s why he’s hair is flowing backwards. almost like they’re tricking you into thinking that it’s floating before showing you what’s actually happening.
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so, basically, back when aizawa was a teenager, his quirk didn’t do any sort of levitation effect. which, eventually, leads to this.
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the first time we ever see aizawa’s quirk do the levitation effect, it’s during one of the most traumatic moments of his life, the garvey fight. this was specifically after he had witnessed shirakumo’s death.
and when do quirk awakenings usually happen? after extremely traumatic experiences. which was what aizawa had experienced just seconds before. keep in mind that aizawa was so on edge during the fight that he (supposedly) hallucinated shirakumo’s voice cheering him on. there was most likely multiple other physical things going on as a result of the stress and adrenaline rush, so a quirk awakening isn’t exactly too extreme here.
how does this aid his quirk? i dunno, but it falls into the quirk awakening category by virtue of the fact that it wasn’t something his quirk was thought to be capable of doing prior to the event. we aren’t sure if erasure worked differently when aizawa was younger.
so, tl:dr, teen aizawa’s erasure didn’t cause a levitation effect, however, after witnessing shirakumo’s death, it caused a quirk awakening which created the levitation effect we see in the present.
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todomitoukei · 8 hours
Japanese vs. English Todoroki Family Finale - A 426 Comparison
Just a few days after Horikoshi announced that there were only 5 chapters left, the so-called final chapter for the Todoroki family came out, as always sparking lots of discussion and bringing forth countless questionable takes, followed by the release of the official English translation.
So let’s take a closer look at the Japanese lines, starting with the Todoroki family’s short conversation before going to see Touya:
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「来なくて ; konakute」-> not coming 「大丈夫 ; daijoubu」-> okay; alright 「って ; tte」-> quoting particle (casual of と) 「言った ; itta」-> said 「のに ; noni」-> even though
= “Even though we said it’s okay not to come.”
「それ ; sore」-> that 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「言う ; iu」-> to say 「なら ; nara」-> that being the case; on the topic of 「貴方たち ; anatatachi」-> you (plural) 「も ; mo」-> also; too 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「冬美 ; fuyumi」-> Fuyumi 「夏雄 ; natsuo」-> Natsuo
= “On the topic of saying that, you too, Fuyumi, Natsuo.”
What stood out to me here was Rei calling him Natsuo, when usually, everyone else (except Endeavor) calls him Natsu-kun or Natsu. Calling him by the full version of his first name rather than a shortened version might be done to indicate that things have changed, although not necessarily in a negative way. It's more that there has been a shift.
By the way, I am working on a masterpost talking about how the family addresses + refers to each other. Yes, I am going through the entire manga for that (this is a cry for help). Once the manga is finished I will post it (at some point), so look out for that if you’re interested in finding out exactly how many times who gets called what (yes, I am counting and making graphs)!
「お母さん ; okaasan」-> mom 「でも ; demo」-> but
= “But mom…”
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「それ ; sore」-> that 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「言う ; iu」-> to say 「なら ; nara」-> that being the case; on the topic of 「おまえ ; omae」-> you 「も ; mo」-> also; too 「だ ; da」-> be 「冷 ; rei」-> Rei
= “On the topic of saying that, you too, Rei.”
I love that he almost fully copies Rei’s phrase here. This is the first of many unoriginal lines that he has in this chapter. It only goes downhill from here.
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「義務感 ; gimukan」-> sense of duty (obligation) 「で ; de」-> with; by 「来た ; kita」-> came 「ん ; n」-> explanatory particle 「じゃねえ ; janee」-> isn’t 「から ; kara」-> because; so  (used to change the other person’s thoughts etc.) 「皆 ; mina」-> everyone 「そう ; sou」-> so; that way 「だろ ; daro」-> right?
= “I didn’t come out of a sense of duty! Everyone is that way, right?”
Usually, a second phrase would follow up the kara, but can also be left out when the meaning of that second phrase is implied enough. Since Fuyumi said Shouto didn’t have to come (if he didn’t want to, didn’t feel comfortable etc.) there is an implication that perhaps he only showed up because he felt like that was expected of him. Ending his clarification of “I didn’t come because I felt obligated” with kara “so” the implied follow up would be along the lines of “don’t worry”, which then gets wrapped up suggesting that all of them are showing up not because they feel pressured to do so, but because they want to visit Touya - since they basically just went around in a circle letting each other know they didn’t have to come if they don’t want to.
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「会話 ; kaiwa」-> conversation 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「可能 ; kanou」-> possible 「です ; desu」-> to be 「が ; ga」-> but 「一日 ; ichi nichi」-> one day 「に ; ni」-> at; in 「数分 ; suufun」-> a few minutes 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「限界 ; genkai」-> limit 「です ; desu」-> to be
= “Conversations are possible, but a few minutes a day is the limit.”
I’m not sure how long Touya has been in here, but this line indicates that the staff members have been talking to him and I’d be curious to know what those conversations were like. What did they talk about? What kind of attitude did he give them? What was his reaction when he first regained consciousness? These are the questions we want answered, but alas, the Todoroki family plot simply isn’t about him. All the way to the bitter end it shall remain focusing on the most underrepresented group of them all: rich middle-aged men.
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「緩やかに ; yuruyakani」-> slowly 「死 ; shi」-> death 「へと ; e to」-> towards 「向かっている ; mukatteiru」-> to face; to head toward 「れ ; sore」-> that 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「今 ; ima」-> now; current 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「轟燈矢 ; todoroki touya」-> Touya Todoroki 「です ; desu」-> to be
= “Slowly heading towards death… that is the current Touya Todoroki.”
The particle e is a directional particle that can be translated as “toward”. Adding the particle to after it adds an emotional emphasis to the part that follows the to particle as opposed to just stating a fact, there is sympathy in this claim.
As for the claim itself - I know that a lot of people are convinced he is going to die because look! Random nameless character #47AAB7 said so, it must be true! But to be honest, I’m not even going to entertain that thought because despite all the criticism I have for this story, Horikoshi isn’t that bad of a writer. If he had wanted Touya dead, he could’ve easily killed him at the end of the last war. It makes zero sense for him to be saved and then pass away quietly and peacefully in a hospital (or whatever that place is).
Even if we were to say that Shouto managed to save him emotionally, so that counts as a win! It’s kind of a shit win if the only difference is that you now get to die “at peace”, which also could’ve been accomplished on the battlefield. At this point, it’s just inefficient and therefore, him dying at this point is not going to happen.
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「ぞろぞろ ; zorozoro」-> in droves; swarming 「と ; to」-> adds emphasis
= “....In droves”
Zorozoro is used to describe several beings (can be humans or animals) that appear or move together like a swarm. This certainly is the first time the entire family is together, so it’s not surprising the rare sight is being pointed out in a joking manner, although he undoubtedly means this in a positive way as it contradicts his prior belief of no one in his family caring about him or missing him.
The fact that, upon first waking up after his coma as a teenager his immediate thought was to return and apologize, and now after ten years he finally gets the chance to talk to them and what is the first thing coming out of his mouth? Calling them a swarm. Forever and always the most relatable character.
「ハハ ; haha」-> haha 「観光名所 ; kankoumeisho」-> tourist attraction; sightseeing spot 「じゃねぇ ; janee」-> isn’t 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle
= “Haha… It’s not a tourist attraction, right?”
If he was a tourist attraction, Hori better drop the location right now. Please. For research purposes or whatever.
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「燈矢 ; touya」-> Touya
= “Touya.”
「今後 ; kongo」-> from now on 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「話 ; hanashi」-> talk, conversation 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「しに来た ; shi ni kita」-> came to do sth 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle 「燈矢 ; touya」-> Touya
= “I came to talk about the future, Touya.”
Kongo literally means “after now” or in other words, the future.
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「俺 ; ore」-> I  「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「ヒーロー ; hiirou」-> hero 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「引退する ; intai suru」-> to retire 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle
= “I am retiring from being a Hero.”
He says as though he has a choice. This is also one of those “This could’ve been an email” kinds of lines.
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「元より戦いが終わったらそうするつもりだったが 最早自力で立つことすらままならん」
「元より ; moto yori」-> all along; from the first 「戦い ; tatakai」-> war 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「終わったら ; owattara」-> when it ended 「そう ; sou」-> so; that way 「する ; suru」-> to do 「つもり ; tsumori」-> to plan 「だった ; datta」-> was 「が ; ga」-> but 「最早 ; mohaya」-> already; no longer 「自力 ; jiriki」-> one’s own strength 「で ; de」-> with 「立つ ; tatsu」-> to stand 「こと ; koto 」-> nominalizes prior word/phrase 「すら ; sura」-> even 「ままならん ; mama naran」-> beyond one’s control; unable to do as one wishes
= “Since after the first war ended, I decided to do so, but I not I am not even able to stand on my own anymore.”
Mamanaru combines the words mama “as it is; as one likes” and naranai “to be unable to” to create a word that describes that something is beyond one’s control, one is unable to do as they wish or something is not going the way one wants it to. In other words, a great word to sum up Endeavor’s entire life story.
The way he continuously takes over conversations that are supposed to be about the entire family - aka his victims - and makes it about himself while pitying himself - in front of his victims - never fails to impress me. At least he is consistent I guess, but it would have been great to see him actually change in the end. Surely he is done, oh no, nevermind, he keeps talking- 
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「ヒーロー ; hiirou」-> hero 「エンデヴァー ; endevaa」-> Endeavo 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「焼かれて ; yakarete」-> burned 「死んだ ; shinda」-> died 「おまえ ; omae」-> you 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「炎 ; honoo」-> flame 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「誰 ; dare」-> anyone 「よりも ; yorimo」-> more than 「強かった ; tsuyokatta」-> was strong
= “The hero Endeavor was burned and died. Your flames were stronger than anyone else’s.”
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「そっか ご愁傷様 事が済んでから諂うなよ…卑怯者…」
「そっか ; sokka」-> I see 「ご愁傷様 ; goshuushousama」-> my condolences 「事 ; koto」-> things; matter 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「済んでから」-> after it ended (済む + てから) 「諂う ; hetsurau」-> to flatter; to suck up to; to carry favour 「な ; na」-> na (negative command form) 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「卑怯者 ; hikyoumono」-> coward
= “I see. My condolences. Don’t suck up to me after it’s over… coward…”
Here is my beef with the official translation: they keep making Touya say the most random words and phrases, but then don’t make him say “don’t curry favour”?? “Don’t be toady”?? “Don’t be toady, Todoroki” would go so hard… wait… you know what… Here’s a little extra from me to you:
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Back to business:
「そうだな 燈矢は誰のことをよくわかってる ずっと見てたんだもんな」
「そう ; sou」-> so; that way 「だ ; da」-> be 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「燈矢 ; touya」-> Touya 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「誰 ; dare」-> anyone 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「こと ; koto 」-> nominalizes prior word/phrase 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「よく ; yoku」-> well 「わかってる ; wakatteru」-> to understand 「ずっと ; zutto」-> continuously 「見てた ; miteta」-> was watching 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle 「もん ; mon」-> because; indicates reason 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation
= “That’s right, isn’t it. You know everyone so well. Because you have been watching continuously.”
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「俺 ; ore」-> I  「に ; ni」-> at 「見てほしかった ; mitehoshikatta」-> wanted me to look 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle 「もん ; mon」-> because; indicates reason 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「なのに ; nanoni」-> and yet; despite that 「見なかった ; minakatta」-> didn’t look
= “You wanted me to look, right? Despite that I didn’t look…”
If I didn’t know any better I would say this was a conversation with a toddler. I usually like to point out that Horikoshi really nails the sibling experience, but he is also, unfortunately, really good at accurately writing how privileged middle-aged men talk. A mangaka of many talents, but at what cost?
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「俺 ; ore」-> I  「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「お父さん ; otousan」-> dad 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「子ども ; kodomo」-> child 「なんだ ; nanda」-> explanatory particle 「から ; kara」-> because; so
= “Because I am dad’s child.”
「おまえ ; omae」-> you 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「エンデヴァー ; endevaa」-> Endeavor 「じゃない ; janai」-> isn’t
= ”You aren’t Endeavor!!”
Yes. That’s why we love him.
「誰が何と言おうと........ おまえの炎(ねつ)は俺のヘルフレイムだ
「誰 ; dare」-> someone 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「何と ; nanto」-> what 「言うと ; iou to」-> to try to say 「おまえ ; omae」-> you 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「炎 ; honoo」-> flames 「ねつ ; netsu」-> heat; rage; mania 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「俺 ; ore」-> I  「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「ヘルフレイム ; herufureimu」-> Hell Flame 「だ ; da」-> be 「あの ; ano」-> that 「告発 ; kokuhatsu」-> complaint; prosecution 「映像 ; eizou」-> footage 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「毎日 ; mainichi」-> every day 「見続けている ; mitsuzuketeiru」-> continue to watch
= “Whatever people try to say… Your flames (rage) are my Hellflame. I’ve continuously watched your prosecution video every day.”
This wouldn’t be a translation breakdown if we didn’t have a case of the furigana don’t match the kanji! Essentially what this means is that the furigana - written in brackets - show what the character says out loud, while the kanji shows what the character means. This time, when we get the kanji for flames in the second sentence, the furigana read netsu, which can meat “heat”, but also refer to “rage” or “mania” and since flames are hot, “heat” wouldn’t make it necessary to opt for a different reading, hence Endeavor is saying that the rage of Dabi was, in fact, Endeavor’s Hellflame.
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「おどお゙さん ; odoosan」-> dad 「見で ; mide」-> look
= “Dad, look”
You might notice that the words are spelled differently from the normal otousan and mite. Softening the t sounds to a d sound highlights the difficulties he has speaking while being on fire. In addition to the softened t to d, the u also gets changed into an o with dakuten (the two lines on top), which only exist for the sounds that can become softer (t->d, h->b, k->g, s->j), which can’t be done to a vowel like o. In this case, the dakuten suggests that the o is said with emotion and somehow stands out from how it would be said normally.
「これから ; korekara」-> from now on
= “From now on-”
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「毎日来る 話をしよう」
「毎日 ; mainichi」-> every day 「来る ; kuru 」-> to come 「話 ; hanashi」-> talk; conversation; chat 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「しよう ; shiyou」-> let’s do/have
= “I will come every day. Let’s talk.”
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「あまりに; amari ni」-> too much; overly 「遅すぎた ; ososugita」-> was too late 「けれど ; keredo」-> however 「話そう ; hanasou」-> let’s talk
= “I was much too late, but let’s talk.”
Both amari ni and adding -sugiru to the stem of a verb can be translated as “too much” and in combination place an additional emphasis on the verb, in this case, being late, which could be referencing anything from the specific instances he showed up to too late (i.e. when Touya set himself on fire on Sekoto Peak) or in a more general sense him trying to show up as a father too late (the only example would be showing up in the hospital here and the fact he has retired and plans on protecting the family from facing any consequences for all of this, although even that is still more the bare minimum of making up for his mistakes rather than being a father but I doubt he understands the difference).
「心拍数 ; shinpakusuu」-> heart rate 「上昇 ; joushou」-> rising; ascending 「これ以上 ; kore ijou」 - > any more; any further; any longer 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「負担 ; futan」-> burden, load 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle
= “His heart rate is rising. Any more will (be) a burden.”
The ga would normally be followed by a verb (in this case most likely kakaru = to put), but is being omitted here as the meaning can be understood regardless.
「冷 夏雄 冬美 焦凍が… 残してくれた時間で話そう」
「冷 ; rei」-> Rei 「夏雄 ; natsuo」-> Natsuo 「冬美 ; fuyumi」-> Fuyumi 「焦凍 ; shouto」-> Shouto 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「残してくれた」-> reserved for us (残す+くれる) 「時間 ; jikan」-> time 「で ; de」-> with 「話そう ; hanasou」-> let’s talk
= “Rei, Natsuo, Fuyum. Let’s talk with the time Shouto reserved for us.
Adding -tekureta after nokosu implies that someone did a favor for the speaker. Here, it means that Shouto reserved the time to talk to Touya for them.
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「憎いなら…憎いと なんでもいい ぶつけてくれ…!」
「憎い ; nikui」-> hateful 「なら ; nara」-> if 「憎い ; nikui」-> hateful 「と ; to」-> speech particle 「なんでもいい ; nandemo ii」-> anything is fine; it doesn’t matter what 「ぶつけてくれ ; butsuketekure」-> throw it at me
= “If you hate me… hate me. Anything is fine, throw it at me…!!”
「燈矢兄 ; touya nii」-> Touya-Nii 「私 ; watashi」-> I 「も ; mo」-> also; too
= “Touya-nii, me too…!”
「話したい ; hanashitai」-> want to talk 「事 ; koto」-> things 「たくさん ; takusan」-> a lot 「ある ; aru」-> to be 「の ; no」-> explanatory particle
= “There are a lot of things I want to talk about.”
This is about him getting piercings and dying his hair isn’t it. Maybe even taking off his shirt on live TV in front of the entire country. If only we could see that conversation…
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「今日 ; kyou」-> today 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「止めにしましょう , yame ni shimashou」-> let’s stop 「また ; mata」-> again 「明日 ; asu」-> tomorrow 「に ; ni」-> at 「でも ; demo」-> or something
= “Let’s stop for today!! (You can come back) tomorrow or something…”
「最後に一ついいですか 聞きたかったことあるんだ」
「最後 ; saigo」-> final 「に ; ni」-> at 「一つ ; hitotsu」-> one 「いい ; ii」-> good 「です ; desu」-> to be 「か ; ka」-> question marker particle 「聞きたかった」-> wanted to ask 「こと ; koto」-> thing 「ある ; aru」-> to be 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle
= “Can I (ask) one last thing? Because there is one thing I wanted to ask.”
The first panel or first sentence ends in the polite form using desu ka as he is asking the employee for permission to ask one more question. The second panel or sentence, on the other hand, is casual as it ends in da, so without even waiting to receive an answer from the employee, he instantly goes to directly address Touya-nii for this extremely important question.
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「燈矢兄 好きな食べ物何?」
「燈矢兄 ; touya nii」-> Touya-Nii 「好きな ; suki」-> to like 「食べ物 ; tabemono」-> food 「何 ; nani」-> what
= “Touya-nii. What’s your favorite food?”
Everybody liked that. It was really great when the spoilers came out and as soon as Shouto said he wanted to ask Touya something everyone instantly knew what the question was going to be. Also a lot of pressure for Touya. Wrong answer and his little brother can pull the plug. 
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「体力 ; tairyoku」-> stamina; endurance 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「限界 ; genkai」-> limit 「です ; desu」-> to be 「ね ; ne」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「今日 ; kyou」-> today 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「眠らせて ; nemurasete」-> to let someone sleep 「また ; mata」-> again
= “This is the limit, isn’t it. Let’s let him sleep again for today.”
「蕎麦 ; soba」-> soba
= “Soba.”
These lines are always my favorite to break down. It’s not easy translating such complex phrases so please recognize the years of studying it took to be able to perfectly translate this kind of high-level sentence. Thank you.
I can only imagine him going back to his classmates, looking at Bakugo and saying: “You were wrong. It’s soba.”
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「おんなじ ; onnaji」-> same 「だ ; da」-> be
= “It’s the same.”
Usually, the word same is written as 同じ and read as onaji. In itself, these two spellings have the same meaning, however, the more standard onaji would be used in the sense of something or a situation being exactly the same, for example attending the same school as someone or facing the same problem. Onnaji, on the other hand, indicates something has very similar properties and is used more in the sense of the same color, taste etc, which is why this spelling has a bit more emotion associated with it.
So Shouto is saying that it’s the same, but he says so with emotion. Rather than stating a fact, them having the same food holds meaning to him. 
「これ以上は平行線だ 交わるよ 無理にでも」
「これ以上 ; kore ijou」-> from here on; any further 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「平行線 ; heikousen」-> remaining far apart; not reaching an agreement 「だ ; da」-> be 「交わる ; majiwaru」-> to cross; to mingle with 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「無理に ; muri ni」-> forcible; forced 「でも ; demo」-> even
= “From here on it’s parallel lines. I will cross, even if by force.”
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「焦凍… ごめんな…」
「焦凍 ; shouto」-> Shouto 「ごめん ; gomen」-> I‘m sorry 「な ; na」-> used to say something emotionally
= “Shouto… I’m sorry…”
If only… Shouto had heard this… and they could’ve talked about this… that would be crazy, right? No, why don’t we focus on the main character again, instead of getting a conversation the entire story has been building up to.
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「俺はここまでだわ 悪いけど気持ち変わんない 俺はもう付き合わない」
「俺 ; ore」-> I  「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「ここ ; koko」-> here 「まで ; made」-> until 「だ ; da」-> be 「わ ; wa」-> 「悪い ; warui」-> sorry 「けど ; kedo」-> but 「気持ち ; kimochi」-> feelings 「変わんない ; kawannai」-> unchanged 「俺 ; ore」-> I  「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「もう ; mou」-> already 「付き合わない ; tsukiawanai」-> don’t associate with
= “For me it’s (ending) here. I’m sorry, but my feelings haven’t changed. I won’t associate with you anymore.”
The particle wa is used when reflecting one’s view toward a situation after coming to a conclusion. There is a nuance of confidently affirming the phrase or regretting the situation, depending on the tone, which we don’t have here, but this reads more as a confident statement than one of regret, although it might just be a little bit of both.
「ああ ; aa」-> Ah
= “Ah.”
「彼女と籍入れたい 式は挙げない紹介もしない」
「彼女 ; kanojo」-> girlfriend 「と ; to」-> with 「籍入れたい ; seki iretai」-> to get married; to want to have a name entered in the family register 「式 ; shiki」-> (wedding) ceremony 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「挙げない ; agenai」-> to conduct 「紹介 ; shoukai」-> introduction 「も ; mo」-> also 「しない ; shinai」-> won’t do
= “I want to enter the family register with my girlfriend. We won’t conduct a ceremony and I also won’t introduce you.”
Normally, to talk about marriage or getting married you would use the word kekkon (suru). Here, Natsuo specifically uses the term “to enter in the family registry.” While these two words can be used to mean the same thing (= getting married), entering the family registry differs in that one person enters an already existing family registry rather than creating a new one upon marriage, which is why this can also be used for when a child gets adopted by a step-parent or if a child takes on their other parent’s last name after a divorce.
Again, this can just be treated as a synonym for getting married, but it might also be to emphasize this as an act of removing himself from his father rather than an act of love. It surely feels like an odd time to be thinking of marriage, with the current situation not having him in the right mental or emotional state for such a big step to be smart (he already did the whole “cutting my hair during a crisis” so he should follow that with dying his hair or something else that is going to affect his life less than marriage).
Let’s face it: had he said this while they were with Touya, his big bro’s heart monitor would have gone crazy before he would have broken out of that machine to talk some sense into his little brother.
Also, not to insult Natsuo because he is very sweet, but I just have to mention the irony of him getting married as a means to solve his issues when that was also his dad’s first step. It’s obviously different, but still worth pointing out.
「ああ ; aa」-> Ah 「分かった ; wakatta」-> understood 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation
= “Ah, I get it.”
「姉ちゃん ; neechan」-> big sister 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「仕事 ; shigoto」-> job 「やめた ; yameta」-> to quit 「ん ; n」-> explanatory particle 「だろ ; daro」-> right
= “What about you, big sis? You left your job, right?”
I do like the symbolism of him standing in the middle of the street, ready to use the crosswalk, while the rest of the family remain on the side of the road, but I am also worried he is going to get hit by a car.
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「うんでも 生徒のお母さんが新しい職場紹介してくれてねサポートしてくれるって」
「うん ; un」-> yeah 「でも ; demo」-> but 「生徒 ; seito」-> student 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「お母さん ; okaasan」-> mom 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「新しい ; atarashii」-> new 「職場 ; shokuba」-> workplace 「紹介してくれて ; shoukai shitekurete」-> introduced me (as a favor) 「ね ; ne」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「サポートしてくれる ; sapooto shitekureru」-> support (as a favor) 「って ; tte」-> quoting particle (casual of という)
= “Yeah, but the mom of a student introduced me to a new workplace. So she’s being supportive.”
Similar to before, the -tekurete suggests that this introduction as well as the support is seen as a favor.
「........正直責任は果たしたと思う 罰も受けたと思う…もういいんじゃねーの?」
「正直 ; shoujiki」-> honestly; frankly 「責任 ; sekinin」-> duty 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「果たした ; hatashita」-> accomplished; carried out 「と思う ; to omou」-> to think 「罰 ; batsu」-> punishment 「も ; mo」-> too 「受けた ; uketa」-> received 「と思う ; to omou」-> to think 「もういい ; mou ii」-> that’s enough 「ん ; n」-> explanatory particle 「じゃねー ; janee」-> isn’t 「のか ; noka-> question marker particle seeking an explanation
= “Frankly, I think we’ve fulfilled our responsibilities. I think we already received our punishment. That’s enough, isn’t it?”
This line has gotten some negative attention as fan translations have this line directed toward Endeavor, whereas the official English translation has this line be directed toward the entire family. As you can see in the breakdown above, there is no explicit human subject in this sentence to clarify who is being addressed here, in addition to the fact that he has his back turned to us readers with no indication as to who he is looking at.
However, the last person he directly addressed was Fuyumi, who was also the one speaking right before this line. Furthermore, the next line is Endeavor saying that he will ensure to take the blame and whatnot from here on out so that they do not need to face any more consequences for this.
With that being said, to me this reads as him talking to the family, specifically as a response to Fuyumi suggesting that her former student’s mother introducing her to a new workplace and supporting her is somewhat of a favor. While we don’t know exactly why she left her job, there is still a suggestion that this situation has impacted her negatively and that people showing support is somehow worth noting. And yes, Japan has a culture of blaming the entire family when a family member commits a crime, however, Natsuo’s line then seems somewhat frustrated at this, feeling as though they all already faced consequences (like Fuyumi leaving her job), and that they shouldn’t have to face consequences for the rest of their lives, let alone feel overly grateful for any person that still treats them as individuals rather than an accomplice for something they had nothing to do with.
Overall, this line reads more like he wants them to be able to move past this, rather than have this now haunt them after they have already been struggling their whole lives by growing up in the Todoroki household.
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見ていなくていい子どもたち(おまえたち)に降りかかる火の粉をできる限り俺が受け止める 生き延びた意味があるとすればそれだけなんだ」
「犯した ; okashita」-> committed 「罪 ; tsumi」-> crime; sin 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「賠償 ; baishou」-> compensation; reparations 「と ; to」-> with 「謝罪 ; shazai」-> apology 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「一生 ; issho」-> whole life 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「かけて ; kakete」-> make; put out 「続けていく ; tsuzuketeiku 」->to continue from now on (続ける+いく) 「見ていなくて ; mitenakute」-> not looking 「いい ; ii」-> good; okay 「子どもたち ; kodomotachi」-> children 「おまえたち ; omaetachi」-> you (plural) 「に ; ni」-> to 「降りかかる ; furikakaru」-> to happen; to befall 「火の粉 ; hi no ko」-> sparks 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「できる ; dekiru」-> to be able to 「限り ; kagiri」-> limit; degree 「俺 ; ore」-> I  「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「受け止める ; uketomeru」-> to catch; to stop the blow 「生き延びた ; ikinobita」-> survived; lived long 「意味 ; imi」-> meaning 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「ある ; aru」-> to exist 「とすれば ; to sureba」-> then; if so; if 「それだけ ; soredake」-> that much; to that extent; only that 「なんだ ; nanda」-> explanatory particle
= “From here on out I will continue to make reparations and apologize for my committed crimes for my whole life. I will catch as much of the sparks that fall on you kids who don’t have to watch. If there is any meaning in my survival, it is just that.”
Again, he says “you” but means “children”. The miteinakute ii is used to say that “it’s okay not to watch”, in other words he does not expect them to keep in touch with him or anything along those lines.
The -teiku after tsuzukeru is used to imply that something will continue from this moment forward. While he didn't make up for his mistakes, from now on he will.
「地獄 ; jigoku」-> hell 「だ ; da」-> be 「ぞ ; zo」-> emphasizes the speaker’s will or opinion; can be inviting to the listener
= “........It’s hell.”
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「ああ ; aa」-> Ah 「ダンス ; dansu」-> dance 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「誘い ; sasoi」-> invitation 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「受けた ; uketa」-> to accept 「んでな ; ndena」-> explanatory particle
= “Ah, I did accept the dance invitation.”
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「…初めてだよ お父さんの事 かっこいいって思えたの」
「初めて ; hajimete」-> first time  「だ ; da」-> be 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「お父さん ; otousan」-> dad 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「事 ; koto」-> nominalizes prior word/phrase 「かっこいい ; kakkoii」-> cool 「って思えた ; tte omoeta」-> to seem; to appear 「の ; no」-> explanatory particle
= “It was the first time that you seemed cool.”
 Natsuo has called Endeavor by many (disrespectful) names. This is the first time he calls him by the standard/polite term for father. This is not to say that he likes him now. With the whole marriage talk in mind, this feels more like him letting go of his feelings for a second to make a somewhat neutral statement. Neutral in the sense of being able to recognize and view something his dad has done in a positive light rather than letting his feelings completely take over his judgment.
「焦凍 ; shouto」-> Shouto 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「学校 ; gakkou」-> school 「戻る ; modoru」-> to return to 「ん ; n」-> explanatory particle 「だろ ; daro」-> I think; right?
= “What about you, Shouto? You’re returning to school, right?”
「うん ; un」-> yeah
= “Yeah.” 
「乗ってけ ; notteke」-> I’ll give you a ride 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「姉ちゃん ; neechan」-> big sis  「も ; mo」-> also; too
= “I’ll give you a ride. Nee-chan, too.”
「ありがとう ; arigatou」-> thanks
= “Thanks.”
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「親父 お母さん 俺にはA組(みんな)いるから大丈夫だよ! 俺は自分でなりてえようになれるから!」
「親父 ; oyaji」-> dad 「お母さん ; okaasan」-> mom 「俺 ; ore」-> I  「には ; niwa」-> as for 「A組 ; e gumi」-> class A  「みんな ; minna」-> everyone�� 「いる ; iru」-> to be  「から ; kara」-> therefore  「大丈夫 ; daijoubu」-> alright  「だ ; da」-> be 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「俺 ; ore」-> I  「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「自分 ; jibun」-> myself  「で ; de」-> with 「なりてえ ; naritee」-> want to become (casual of naritai)  「ようになれる ; you ni nareru」-> to reach the point where; to come to; to begin to 「から ; kara」-> because; so
= “Dad, mom. I’ll be okay because of Class A (everyone). I can reach the point of being what I want to be!”
Just like before we get furigana that differ from the kanji. Shouto says that he will be alright because everyone is there, but he specifically means Class A when he says that.
「地獄 ; jigoku」-> hell  「でも ; demo」-> even though
= “Even though it’s hell.”
「おーう ; ou」-> Ooh 「早かった ; hayakatta」-> early 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「大丈夫 ; daijoubu」-> alright 「だった ; datta」-> was 「かあ ; kaa」-> question marker particle
= “Oh, you’re early! Was it alright!?”
「おなかすいた ; onaka suita」-> I’m starving
= “I’m starving.”
「見てる ; miteru」-> looking 「人 ; hito」-> person 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「いる ; iru」-> to be
= “There is someone who is watching.”
Me. I’m the one watching. But at what cost? The family’s two most used words have got to be “hell” and “to look” . Someone please teach them some more words.
That concludes the Todoroki family interaction in this chapter and supposedly for the story (everyone disliked that). Personally, this does not read as a conclusion so I am going to just treat this as the beginning of the conclusion, instead. And perhaps the final in the sense of the whole family not getting together anymore because Natsuo isn’t going to be around Endeavor anymore.
Personally, my biggest issue with this chapter is the fact that while it’s called final and set up as though the family and we finally get closure by everyone reuniting with Touya, it’s just another episode of self-pitying with a grown-ass man that has still not changed or understood anything despite everything. Yes, he finally managed to talk to Touya, to apologize and acknowledge both Touya’s pain as well as his own accountability in the entire affair. However, the rest of the family could have been left out of this chapter entirely since they said nothing other than “we have lots to talk about” which is obviously a beginning, but I’m sure we all have been waiting patiently to get an actual conversation not just hear them say that they want to talk at a later point, which we then won't ever get to see.
The soba part is amazing, of course, but it could and should have played a bigger role in this chapter.
People have been expressing various opinions in regards to the family’s current situation and their future, though - again - it would be great to see more of that because this chapter only briefly touched on various interesting points and then didn’t explore these points more because if there is one thing this world needs more is privileged people whining about how hard their life is and the many sacrifices they have had to make (= barely facing consequences).
That being said, we’ll see what the final 4 chapters will offer and whether we will see the Todoroki family make another appearance.
And no, Touya won’t die.
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drsbutmakeitspicy · 2 days
Got some more sad news today, so y'all know what it means
Have some brain vomit - I didn't proof read this so I'm sorry for any mistakes
What about a Carcar fic:
Future au
Single dad!Carlos
Carlos retires in 202x cause he didn't find a seat, everyone had hopes he would come back but he didn't
After a couple of years he is back but as something in McLaren, since Ferrari didn't want anything to do with him anymore and Zak always had the doors open for Carlos.
He doesn't go to a lot of races, mostly stays working in the MTC as a consultant or intern job or any office work
Carlos appears in some marketing videos, as Carlando brings views and watching him and Oscar get extra competitive is always funny
He has a daughter only McLaren crew knows about, Lando is always begging him "This picture of us is so cute! C'mon Carlos let me post it ! No one will know who she is! They will think it's a little fan or maybe one of my nieces!"
The answer is always "No. I want to keep her safe." Still he ask for the pictures so he can save them.
Most times when Lando 'steals her' while Carlos is busy (with his approval) she endup in the care of Oscar, Lando doesn't know what to do when she cries and just pass her over since Oscar calms her down, Oscar who grew up with 3 sisters and knows exactly how to take care of a baby, Oscar who plays and talks with her sweetly but can also tell her no when needed, same Oscar who sometimes can be found inside Carlos office napping with Lando and the little girl on his chest in the kid mat on the corner. (Carlos wakes Lando up first to tell him they will both hear a lot from Andrea for sleeping during work. "Why you never wake Oscar first?" "He sleeps like the dead"
Carlos feels lucky to have both of them, he is a single parent but doesn't think it's fair to leave his baby girl with a nanny all the time. He doesnt bring her everyday, his sister is living near by and suggested to look after her 2 times or more a week "She needs to interact with other kids close to her age." Blanca is right.
His nephew and nieces love his baby girl and it sure helps her learn new stuff
Oscar always point out new things she does and how she is probably copying her cousins "She will be the smartest girl of pre school" the Aussie says while spinning around with her in his arms to a baby tune playing on Oscar's phone while she giggles
And Carlos tries his best to school his expression, tries not to let his gaze focus so much os the Aussies face, he is completely fucked, he has a crush Oscar.
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~1.3k
Summary: Wanda requires an intervention
A/N: Stumbled upon May's medical prompt and decided WTH 😈 (Yes I realize May is over)
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, the works (mention of illness and hospitals)
“Wanda? Can you hear me?” 
Wanda forces herself to focus on that familiar voice again despite how her head is throbbing in an excruciating rhythm. She doesn’t open her eyes because she can’t bear the thought of seeing anything but the back of her eyelids at the moment. Her vision is filled with black, but she cringes anyway as she tries again to identify whoever is talking to her. 
It takes almost another minute for Wanda to register the sound of faint beeping that vaguely matches the rhythm of her pulse. She realizes she’s in medical by the time she feels someone’s hand slip into hers. 
“Wanda, if you can hear me squeeze my hand.” 
Wanda doesn’t respond immediately because she’s afraid it will trigger the nausea she’d just pushed down. It takes too much brain power to realize this isn’t likely, but when she finally recognizes your voice, she decides it doesn’t matter. She can tell you sound worried and she can’t remember exactly what happened, but she doesn’t like this at all. 
You breathe a sigh of relief and you hastily wipe tears away when Wanda tightens her hand around yours. You can’t help but smile widely at the first sign of consciousness that your wife’s shown since you saw her this afternoon. 
Today had been hell, and it all started when you got back home from work. You’d been sent home because work had been so slow. There was no point of having three doctors at work when none of them had more than one appointment all afternoon. For this reason, you’d volunteered to hang out, but your boss decided to stay for the remainder of the day. You didn’t have to be told twice, and you’d hurried home to see if your wife was free. 
You’d thought about texting her, but you wanted to surprise her if she happened to be free. You hadn’t been expecting the surprise that awaited you when you walked into your rooms at the compound. You’d dropped your things by the door and run to where Wanda had passed out in the kitchen. You’d called Pietro who’d called Steve, and only a few minutes later all four of you were down in medical.
You still weren’t sure what had happened, but you’d been able to take comfort in the fact that Wanda was at least stable. Even if she hadn’t woken up, Christine had told you that other than being dehydrated and having severely high blood pressure, none of Wanda’s tests indicated anything seriously wrong.
Still this was only mildly comforting when hours passed and your wife didn’t wake up. 
Now you’re sitting in a chair beside her bed that you hadn’t left for the past 2 hours. You went back and forth between watching her monitors and IV line that administered some pain medication. At least you think so, you can’t remember what Christine said. Finally, you’d reached out for her hand and held it until Pietro and Steve came back to check on you and Wanda around dinner time. Your appetite had been non-existent, but you couldn’t help but want to taste whatever it was that the duo had brought. It smelled delicious. You also talked yourself into it because you were convinced that Wanda would be upset if she woke up to find out that you hadn’t eaten dinner. 
The situation had to be dire for you to skip a meal voluntarily. 
When Wanda squeezed your hand, your gasp alerted Pietro that something had changed. He was already on his feet and ready to call for help, but then he saw you smiling and fighting back tears. 
It only took a few more seconds for him to see that his sister was stirring with a grimace. 
“Wh-what happened?” 
You wanted to know this too, but you figured that Wanda may remember if you filled her in on the details that you knew. 
So you told Wanda how you came home and found her and you watch as she cringes at the news. There’s something else that passes over her features that makes you pause briefly and cuts through your concern. You don’t have time to voice your next thought before Pietro is speaking up. 
“Do you remember what happened, sestra? Have you been feeling sick?” 
Wanda’s silence is enough for you to realize that your suspicions were correct. You force yourself not to pull away as you look to your wife with an expectant look. 
“Have you?” 
Wanda shifts nervously before she responds barely loud enough for you to hear her. 
“A little.” 
You don’t respond immediately and instead look to her monitors more closely. Her heart rate is normal but you notice that her last blood pressure reading was high. You frown before reaching out for the monitor and turning a knob before pressing it a couple of times. 
“What are you doing?” 
Pietro frowns as he watches you mess with the monitors, but you turn to your wife to respond instead of the older Maximoff. 
“I wanted to see what your next blood pressure reading is. Try to relax if you can.” 
Wanda nearly laughs at the idea of being calm enough to manage this, but she’ll try because you asked her to. 
Almost a minute passes by before Wanda and Pietro hear you mutter a ‘hmm’ under your breath. Wanda knows what’s coming before you even turn to her with a slight frown, and she sinks back into her pillow as much as possible. 
“It’s still high. I think you’re just stressed and sleep deprived, love. Well not ‘just’ but you know what I mean. These can be fixed.” 
You offer Wanda a small smile before you sit back down beside her with a sigh. You glance to Pietro who seems to understand what you’re saying and he makes an executive decision that you love, but Wanda is definitely less thrilled with. 
“Ah okay, sestra. Until Christine says otherwise, you’ll be taking time off for at least the rest of the week.” 
You watch as Wanda’s eyes widen and she tries to sit up, but you’d already reached out for her by the time Pietro mentioned their mutual friend. You keep her from shooting upright and aggravating her headache and she turns to you immediately to see if you agree with what her brother’s saying. Not that she’s surprised at all to see you shooting Pietro a satisfied look. She nearly groans when she realizes that you’re not going to side with her on this.
“But…I have meetings and I need to finish figuring out—”
Pietro shakes his head and waves her off before switching places with you with a sigh. He has always known how hard his sister works and how she puts work above her own health too often. He knows that you try to keep her from doing this, but his sister is independent and sometimes a little reckless. Short of banishing her to the couch or giving her the cold shoulder, there’s not much that can deter Wanda from overworking herself. Pietro wonders how long he’ll be able to keep his sister from working. All he knows is he’s going to need a lot of assistance from you.
“I’ll make sure it’s handled, Wanda. You need to rest, and I’m sure I can arrange to have you chained to this bed if you don’t cooperate.” 
Wanda’s eyes somehow widen further and you laugh loudly at the look on her face. You hope it won’t come to this, but you’re in complete agreement with Pietro. For once. Luckily something you both can agree on is to have Wanda’s wellbeing in mind. Even if she doesn’t. 
“You heard him, Wands. Now you better behave.”
Wanda realizes that arguing is useless and she just flops back against her pillow with a sour look. Luckily it’s already Wednesday so the rest of the week is only a few days. Unless of course you count the weekend. 
“Okay you two. You win.” 
Wanda can’t help but scowl as she watches you and Pietro smile widely. She crosses her arms and begins to plot her early escape.
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