#for noctus fury
randowwriter · 4 months
With Royal Ceremony, We Welcome You
I finished my gift for @noctusfury (or @herbyuki)! It is a "long" oneshot by me, and it is HakiZana! I know you've been working hard to give us a HakiZana Week coming up, and I read your and Els' cowritten first chapter of a fic, and I was surprised to see that you made yourselves into Haki and Izana's children! So, I thought, you would enjoy a fic, with them as parents too! :) Also, you get a bonus side of ZenYuki, which I thought you would also enjoy!
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noctusfury · 4 months
Did Astrid Inherit Stoick's Axe? (HTTYD 3 Theory)
Hello, everyone! Today we'll dive into another HTTYD 3 topic that's been on my mind for a while now.
It's after I saw this ax.
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Like, this seriously surprised me when I first watched this. I was already used to her usual ax, so I thought it'd just be her ax — a gift from Hiccup after losing her other one at the end of RTTE — that she normally fights with, like here. 👇🏻
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In the beginning, when the Riders go for one of their many raids to free dragons, we see Astrid fighting with her normal ax.
But in much of the film, we see her using the ax that suspiciously looks like Stoick's ax.
At first, I had thought she was using Hunter axes, but she's been using that ax throughout her fights with the remnants of Drago's minions.
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Another example is the scene down below, during their final battle against their foes, we see Astrid with that ax again.
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This is seriously making me think that this is Stoick's ax that she inherited, having switched her old ax for his! 👀 Which would be so cool and so touchingly wholesome. 😭
Of course, another option is that she just has another ax on standby made in likeness of Stoick's ax thanks to Gobber. 🤷‍♂️
But I actually really like the idea of Astrid inheriting the ax of her father-in-law. I think it's super wholesome. 🥰😭
What do you guys think? Do you find the theory plausible?
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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The Skrill
So @noctusfury​ asked me a question recently, and it's actually been something I've been wondering for a while, but I was just too lazy to figure it out. I'm finally going for it now, so here we a-go. 
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The question had a few layers and was honestly great fun for me to find the answers too, because I love going the extra mile (for knowledge stuff, never in the physical sense.) The question was, can you ride a Skrill? (And then what would you have to wear in order to not ya know, die?)
The most obvious answer is plot armor. It solves everything. It's the writing equivalent to hitting things with a hammer in the Sims. But surprisingly enough, even though all the characters in How To Train Your Dragon and all the spin off shows have a ton of plot armor, no one ever rode a Skrill. The two closest times were when Dagur was using the Skrill to fire at Hiccup by pulling on ropes tied to where it's wings connected. (Le badly recorded fight right below, why? Just because making thing's longer sometimes makes it seem like you know more)
One important thing about this video is that it is one of the few times the plot armor fails and someone gets the consequences of playing around with Electricity. (The other two times I can think of is Spitelout being shot in the head by the Skrill and speaking gibberish for the rest of the episode and Astrid temporarily going blind.)
The only other instance where someone is almost riding a Skrill is with Hiccup and Toothless. This one makes absolutely no sense, and to this day still ticks me off. 
In the big ending fight of How To Train Your Dragon: the Hidden World, Toothless and Hiccup are flying, and all these Deathgrippers are attacking them, Hiccup says they need to get out of the situation, and Toothless does this... 
You have no idea how much this bothers me. First off, Hiccup has a metal leg, which is connected to a metal sort of stirrup, and not to mention all the other metal he wears. The lightning that Toothless makes is powerful enough to knock off all the Deathgrippers, but it does nothing to Hiccup, who wears FREAKING METAL! HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD! Or at least several years burnt and injured. But no, he’s got plot armor. (Yes, you can argue that Toothless' scales protected him, like they do with the fire, but wouldn't protect Hiccup to that extent.) 
Which finally, leads back to our question, what would one wear when Riding a dragon that is constantly gathering and shooting lightning? 
Most of the Electrical insulators that would keep a dragon rider safe while Riding on a Skrill would be stuff the dragon riders canonly don't have in the movies, while great Electrical conductors are being worn as hard and belts.
One of the most well known insulators would be rubber. Unfortunately for the vikings, rubber wasn't invented until 1893, while Vkings would have been around from 793 AD to 1066. (Who knows, maybe they had rubber anyways? Or maybe you just don't care since HTTYD a fictional setting and you're fine with handwaving the fact that rubber wasn't invented until at least 827 years later.)
Most likely the second most know insulator is glass. Until rubber stole the show, it was the sole insulator. Though we don’t see much of it, we know that the vikings have glass (ex. Looking glasses.) However, wearing a glass suit would be highly uncomfortable (unless you’re like Cinderella or something) and would be just not be practical. 
After spending a lot of time looking through one list of good, strong insulators and countless physics websites (mind you, I haven't taken physics and I'm only basing it off my rememberence of the ways cells and atoms work from Biology class) I think I found one that vikings would have and that wouldn't break as easily as glass would. (but I haven’t given up on the glass thing) 
(And just one more time, I'm not a scientist, I'm just a girl with basic understanding of words who can Google stuff, don't take my word as fact. I'm sure that some scientist could find a better solution, but this is the best I could come up with in two hours.)
For armor, I have an idea, but that idea needs to be processed and stuff like that, because so far you couldn't move in it, but, for regular clothing items that you could wear that would at least protect you from it. 
(Okay, random fact time, skin is actually a good insulator... it's just some of the waters in our body aren't... they are conductors... so if you wanted to be super creepy, your rider could wear human skin.... but uhhhhhhhhhhh.... let's stick with the child friendly option for now...)
The outfit would have to use four items. Quartz fibers, Quartz (mostly for where anything metal would have been), Leather, and Cotton. (Yeah, leather and Cotton are good insulators too.) I would suggest Cotton undergarments (by which I mean undershirt and probably underpants), and then leather over it, with quartz fiber at least over your chest and around your head (quartz fibers can be more of a roll of metal looking thing, or a soft fabric, though for the outer details I'd suggest the metal looking thing). Top it off with some tiny quartz accents, and BAM! 
You’re a crystal Princess (or prince), who in theory wouldn’t die while riding your beloved Skrill. (That’s right, this is all in theory, I could be dead wrong.)
But for a hot second, let's assume I'm right, and you don't die from the millions and millions of Watts of electricity that your dragon produces, how exactly does one ride a Skrill? 
This one is actually really simple (and it was sort of inspired from Hello Future Me's video on how Skrill account shoot lighting, you should probably watch that if you wanted to know this much on Skrills.)
As he points out in the video, the crown, on the head of the dragon is the only place where the spikes don't attack the deadly lighting. 
Now back to that Dagur controlling the Skrill video (haha! I knew there was a good reason I put it in here!) (also, I tried to get a picture of what I was talking about, but it's nearly impossible to get the quality to where you can see it.) 
Dagur had the leather strap on the area right below the crown, where there is a few feet before the spines that draw the metal start up. You have two options here.
The Skrill obviously doesn't shock itself, so ride barebacked but be careful not to lean on it's spines or kick your feet (sitting there would put your feet where the wings connect to the body, which is the where Tim from Hello Future Me suggested they store up the energy, so kicking it would make the Skrill release it.) 
Or you could make a wooden type chair (with a back, this is important. Leaning on those spines is not good. So you’d be the weird one with a wooden saddle, but hey, you’d be safe. (Leather saddles work okay too, but almost always have metal, and you don't want that.)
So yeah, handwaving the part where you probably couldn't get on a Skrill in the first place, the clothes would be uncomfortable and hot, you would get shocked more than once no matter what you are wearing, that we've only ever seen one Skrill, and that you couldn't bring metal weapons with you, and that I'm probably overlooking something because I'm tired and can't think straight, there you go!
There is your super long answer Noctus Fury. That was actually a lot of fun. (so about the length... I started writing it when I had no clue what my answer would be, so the beginning part is mostly just my thought process.) But yeah, that's all, I hope it helped????  
I put Tim's video in, it's super short, you've probably already seen it, but it's great. 
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pof203 · 4 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Quotes Kingdom Hearts Edition (Roxas)
This is one of the ones I was looking forward to.
To other characters:
Warrior of Light: “Your armor is sure unique.”
Garland: “Time for a struggle!”
Firion: “You should let me try that bow sometime.”
The Emperor: “Are you the Superior of your group?”
Onion Knight: “This should be fun.”
Cloud of Darkness: “My Light will burn you!”
Cecil Harvey: “You remind me of my Keyblades.”
Kain Highwind: “Don’t fly off on this.”
Golbez: “Will you and your brother make up after this?”
Bartz Klauser: “Can you duplicate more than two blades?”
Exdeath: “I won’t use my keys for you.”
Gilgamesh: “Now this is a struggle.”
Terra Branford: “How did it come to this?”
Kefka Palazzo: “This is no laughing matter!”
Locke Cole: “You’re not standing in my way!”
Could Strife: “Are you fighting for someone, too?”
Tifa Lockhart: “Two on two! Here we go!”
Sephiroth: “Wait! I’m only Level 58!”
Squall Leonhart: “You know Seifer, too?”
Rinoa Heartilly: “Something tells me I shouldn’t underestimate you.”
Ultimecia: “You’re like a Final Boss.”
Laguna Loire: “Guns? Really?”
Zindane Tribal: “You act, I’ll sing.”
Kuja: “Let’s see whose song is better.”
Tidus: “I can move a light speed!”
Yuna: “Is using Aeons really fair?”
Jecht: “Is Blitz Ball harder than it looks?”
Shantotto: “Just don’t turn me into a frog.”
Prishe: “Nothing beats a good brawl.”
Vaan: “I’d like to fly the skies, too.”
Garbranth: “Are you the leader of a Disciplinary Committee?”
Vayne Carudas Sildor: “This looks like it’ll be an even fight.”
Lightning: “Do you think I’ll be legend too if I win?”
Snow Villiers: “I’ll remind you what being a hero is all about!”
Y’shtola Rhul: “I fought with a stick before.”
Zenos yae Galvus: “Are you suppose to be intimidating?”
Noctus Lucis Caelum: “Can you wield two weapons, too?”
Ardyn Izunia: “I won’t bow to you!”
Ramza Beoulve: “You should come to the Struggle Tournament.”
Ace: “Are you and Luxord related?”
Sora: “My summer vacation is far from over.”
Kairi: “If that’s what you want, I guess we can spar.”
Riku: “I won’t lose to you again this time!”
Roxas: “It’s almost a good likeness.”
Lea: “After this, let’s get some ice cream.”
Xion: “Please don’t disappear again.”
Terra: “Don’t go easy on me just because I look like your best friend.”
Aqua: “Let’s do a Magic Hour, together!”
Ventus: “I really don’t see any resemblance.”
Shinryu: “You remind me of Xemnas!”
To Roxas:
Warrior of Light: “I’m guess you are a Warrior of Light yourself.”
Garland: “You think having two blade will make a difference?”
Firion: “I don’t think having two is fair.”
The Emperor: “Someone like you should remember their place.”
Onion Knight: “Don’t be sad if you lose one of your Keyblades.”
Cloud of Darkness: “You may not be able to cut through this.”
Cecil Harvey: “I can sense the balance within you.”
Kain Highwind: “I wonder if I should use two spears.”
Golbez: “Are you sure you wish to fight me the way you are?”
Bartz Klauser: “Hey! One weapon at a time!”
Exdeath: “Two keys for the price of one!”
Gilgamesh: “You’re going to need two blades to fight me!”
Terra Branford: “You are going through some pain yourself.”
Kefka Palazzo: “Oh, boy! You might just make this interesting!”
Locke Cole: “You seem angsty.”
Cloud Strife: “Just don’t overdo it, alright?”
Tifa Lockhart: “I hear you have a tournament in Twilight Town.”
Sephiroth: “Do you truly have a heart?”
Squall Leonhart: “Seriously? Teenage angst?”
Rinoa Heartilly: “The dance hasn’t even begun and already you’re upset?”
Ultimecia: “I will show you a true Magic Hour.”
Zidane Tribal: “I think your song’s way better than Kuja’s.”
Kuja: “Will you be find without your friends?”
Tidus: “I should have brought the blade I had the first time.”
Yuna: “I could ease your pain if you wish.”
Jecht: “You remind me of a friend of mine.”
Shantotto: “Halt your parade. Draw your Dual Blade.”
Prishe: “I don’t think you’re some copy.”
Vaan: “You actually flew without an airship?”
Gabranth: “Let us see who is better with Dual Blade.”
Vayne Carudas Solidor: “Can you handle being a copy?”
Lightning: “I think you and Hope should talk.”
Snow Villiers: “Why is looking at you bringing up memories?”
Y’shtola Rhul: “You have Moogles, too?”
Zenos yae Galvus: “You’ll find I’m not so easy to control.”
Noctis Lucis Caelum: “It’s official, I don’t get teenagers anymore.”
Ardyn Izunia: “Can you really succeed Sora?”
Ramza Beoulve: “You must show me how you wield two blades so well.”
Ace: “We should get together with our friends.”
Sora: “Time to show me… who you really are!”
Kairi: “I should try two Keyblades, too.”
Lea: “I hope I can ring any bells.”
Xion: “Roxas, don’t hold back!”
Terra: “I still can’t get used to your appearance.”
Aqua: “You won’t fall asleep, too, won’t you?”
Ventus: “Hey! I was here first!”
Young Xehanort: “What home do you truly call?”
About Summons:
Ifrit: “What would Ax- Lea think about this?”
Shiva: “I’m underdressed for this.”
Ramuh: “I’ve been through stormier situations with Larxene.”
Odin: “You may have a big blade. But I have two!”
Leviathan: “That’s a lot of water.”
Alexander: “My Light’s brighter than yours!”
Bahamut: “Time to slay the dragon!”
Ifrit: “Face my fairy fury!”
Shiva: “Face the blizzard’s blight!”
Ramuh: “There’s no escaping this!”
Odin: “Lend me a third blade!”
Leviathan: “Surf’s up!”
Alexander: “Increase my Light tenfold!”
Bahamut: “Beat them in your wake!”
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
You know what really would’ve made Luke in TLJ subversive? Luke exiled himself on that island because he gave in to the dark side. He has stayed on the island for everyone’s well being because what he will unleash, he will be unstoppable. Luke gave in to the dark side to save his friends and defeat Vader and the emperor. But Luke was able to go back and finish his Jedi training to become a Jedi Master. But what changed is when Ben Solo betrayed and murdered the Jedi and left him for dead. Luke in his anger and grief would turn to the dark side but, he would go to Ach-To so he could never hurt anyone.
And what is it Kylo Ren said “I will finish, what you started” 
What did Vader start but did not finish? Turning Luke to the dark side. 
Kylo killed the Jedi and has his men attack Leia.
What was the very thing that made Luke give in to his anger? Leia threatened.
So Luke would leave Ach-To and confront Snoke and Kylo Ren. 
Snoke would praise his apprentice for completing Vader’s work, however Luke would kill Snoke instantly. It was at this moment that Kylo Ren knew he fucked up.
“Oh Ben....you are no Vader”
Luke would than insert his Crusader Crystal into his Green Lightsaber to reveal a Crimson Lightsaber and Luke’s Yellow Eyes.
Kylo with all his fury would strike Luke, but Luke just toys with him. And with a final effort, Kylo makes his dramatic slut lunge at Luke, but Luke cuts his hand off. And Luke unleashes a storm of force lightning upon his nephew, but doesn’t kill him. Luke will give him a chance to prove himself, but The First Order must die. Hux takes command of The First Order and launches an assault on Crait. They are closing in and preparing to end The Resistance once and for all. But Luke brings their fleet to ruin. Hux is the only one left and Luke lets Kylo kill Hux and kill The First Order. But this is not a happy moment and Leia knows this. Her brother has turned to the dark side and her son has embraced the dark side has his apprentice. Luke has proclaimed himself as heir of Darth Vader and takes the name Darth Zhoun and Ben has discarded the title Kylo Ren and became Darth Ira. “Zoon” means “Son” in Dutch, just as “Vader” means “Father” in Dutch, with “Darth Vader” translating to “Dark Father,” thus “Darth Zoon” would mean “Dark Son,” a fitting title for a Dark Luke. As for Darth Ira. Ira is latin for rage. Or since Kylo lives in the shadow of Vader he could be  Darth Noctus. Another name for rage that would suit Kylo would be Darth Vicion.      Fitting for Kylo Ren’s Darth name. Together they will bring order to the galaxy. The Imperial Remnant will rally behind them. Everyone aboard the Falcon is filled with despair. Luke Skywalker, the legend, the Jedi had become the Sith. 
Leia and Rey are The Last Jedi. The third episode would be about Luke’s redemption. Leia brings her brother home and Rey will confront Darth Ira.
Honestly this would be better. Mark thought Luke’s direction was the dark side,  and it would literally be better than the complete and utter garbage that was given to us in TLJ. If you can’t give me Luke mentoring Rey, give us Luke becoming The Sith Lord and putting Kylo Ren in his place and let Leia be the one who brings her family back to the light.
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noctusfury · 4 months
The Mystery Behind Astrid's Wolf-Pelt Cloak (HTTYD 3)
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Hello, my fellow Furians! Welcome to another HTTYD article! This is one of my older ideas, but again, I just plumb forgot and it was just left sitting there collecting dust. 😅
Today, I want to talk to you about a realization and possible revelation that just has me in fits of excitement! When I watched the end of HTTYD 3 with Hiccstrid's wedding and their cloaks, I never thought much about it. However, when I watched the RTTE Season 2's 4th episode "Bad Moon Rising," I suddenly connected the two dots.
Take a look!
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I paused and thought about it for a bit, and then I realized that... wait, wolf. Wolf pelt. A pelt that comes from a wolf. Wait... did the wolf pelt come from THIS wolf?! 😲🤯
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I mean, it could be possible, right?
I could totally see Snotlout killing the wolf and gaining a nice pelt from it for his troubles, and then 3 or so years later, when Hiccstrid have their wedding, he gifts it to Astrid as a wedding gift. Or maybe he gifts it to her as a reconciliation gift after having stepped on her wrath one too many times. 😅 Such a time could've been after Season 5's episode "Snotlout's Angels."
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Of course, this could just all be an uncanny coincidence, and this is a completely different pelt that had absolutely nothing to do with Snotlout's wolf, and that he either still has it, or Tuffnut has it as an apology gift for the... prank and making him think that he was turning into a Lycanwing.
But hey, I personally support this headcanon. What about you guys?
Let me know what you guys think! I'm always open to other interpretations. It's why theories and headcanons exist.
Thank you for reading this article! See you next time!
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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noctusfury · 5 months
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Nightmare King by Noctus Fury
Season 1 Episode 13 "Total Nightmare"
I really enjoyed this episode as it gave Snotlout and Hookfang an extra layer of character development and growth. And it was really lovely to see a further inside look into the Monstrous Nightmares. That was a lovely treat! 🥰
I also loved seeing Snotlout bonding with both of his Nightmares. I could totally see him just hanging out with them or babysitting the babies so that Hookfang and Mrs. Hookfang could "go on a date hunt" or whatever. So precious! 🥰
Anyone else think that Snotlout should just establish a Nightmare Sanctuary. 👀
Though I have to say that I was rather disappointed that we didn't get to see the female Nightmare get named. "Female Hookfang" is rather... I'll just say it, it's LAZY!! Just call her "Dragonfruit" or "Ember" or something. 😩
It's also sad that we don't get to see her or the babies again. I kinda wanted passing scenes or mentions of them and see Snotlout occasionally see them with Hookfang. But I guess I'll have to satisfy that urge with a fanfic or three. 😤
It was also disappointing to not see the baby Nightmares. I'm sure they were adorable! 🥺
As a bonus, here's some Snotlout & Baby Nightmare shots from Gift of the Night Fury!
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Thank you for reading and for your support. Any kudos and reposts are welcome! See you in another post!
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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noctusfury · 4 months
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RTTE, Season 6, Episode 11 "Guardians of Vanaheim"
Say what you guys want, but I'm of the opinion that Snotlout beats even the main protagonists when it comes to plot armor. He's got the strongest plot armor in the franchise, I think. After all, the guy gets hit with lightning many, many times, and gets burned many more times. And yet he's still fine, still has all his limbs, hasn't lost his mental capabilities (though that's up for debate on whether he had any to begin with), and hasn't DIED.
The plot armor is truly impenetrable. 💪🏻 Let us appreciate that if it were us, we'd be dead 100 times over. 💀
Hope you guys liked this. May you all have a wonderful day — hopefully without suffering any lightning strikes to the head or getting your butts on fire. 🔥😂
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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noctusfury · 4 months
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Riders of Berk, Episode 13 "When Lightning Strikes"
I really like the fact that the Gang helped out to build the statue of Thor in this episode. I could totally see them being a group of blacksmiths smithing stuff. Love how it shows their teamwork.
I honestly wish there were more moments with them making something together. I think it's pretty cool.
Maybe I should do a fanfic one of these days of them just smithing away at something.
Also, I think Snotlout found his true calling. lol 😎
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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noctusfury · 4 months
Sharing is Caring (Defenders of Berk/HTTYD)
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So I was rewatching the Defenders of Berk episode "Tale of Two Dragons" and I really liked this concept! It was really novel to see Snotlout and Astrid sharing dragons for the day and bonding more as a result of it. Actually, I loved it so much that I kinda wanted to see them permanently switching dragons forever. Astrid gets along with Nightmares pretty well, and despite Snotlout's griping about "riding girl dragons not being good for his manliness," he actually gets along with Stormfly impressively well.
In fact, I like this so much I might do a one-shot about them permanently switching dragons. 🤔👀
Personally, I kinda wished there were more episodes of the Gang switching and sharing dragons. Of course, there's "How to Pick Your Dragon" and others, but... not as blatant as in "Tale of Two Dragons". I wish that there was more of that concept as that's pretty great to see and is a good bonding moment with the others.
I really wish they did something about those saddles. They really don't look safe to ride. What are you going to do if your dragon is unable to save you? You'd be a giant blood splatter at that point. 💀
What did you guys think of the episode? Would you have loved to see the Gang switching and sharing dragons as well?
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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noctusfury · 5 months
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Snotlout 2.0 by Noctus Fury
I have to say, I'm really proud of how much Snotlout has grown throughout RTTE and HTTYD 2. 😏😌👑
(We are forgetting and ignoring the heresy that is HTTYD3 which completely reverted his entire character back to HTTYD 1, if not worse.)
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noctusfury · 6 months
What Would Have Happened if Stoick Slew Dagur? (Riders of Berk)
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Hello, fellow Furians! Welcome to another HTTYD article! Today, we'll dive into the what-if scenario that could've happened in the Riders of Berk episode "Twinsanity".
In this scene, Stoick was clearly about to end the Berserker Dynasty right then and there, until DreamWorks Hiccup and the Gang came along and interrupted it with their fake "Dragon Raid" forcing the Berserkers to retreat.
Thus, the question is this: What would've happened if he had succeeded or failed in doing so had he NOT been interrupted?
Obviously, of course, there would've been war between Berk and Berserk. Reason for this is that there would be witnesses who'd see Stoick strike Dagur down from behind. There are four Berserk Guards who are with Dagur (as seen below).
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There's a risk of the one who's not encumbered with a task — and is closest in proximity to Dagur — intercepting Stoick's strike. However, when Stoick closes the distance with Dagur, the other guards, along with Dagur himself, are far too preoccupied with Barf and Belch to notice Stoick's actions. So it's possible that Stoick could easily succeed in assassinating Dagur.
However, it's what happens afterward that's important. The guards would've seen Stoick slay their chieftain and will want to exact vengeance. Of course, as we know, the moment Stoick slays Dagur, Hiccup and the Gang come in with their fake dragon raid on the Berserkers. There might be a 5-10% chance that Stoick, depending on the timing and the Berserker's POV, might get away with it if the Berserkers immediately focus from Barf and Belch to the other dragons without noticing Dagur's fall. But I doubt that Dagur would go down without a fight or without making any sound, hence why the percentage is so low.
So we will continue with the assumption that the Berserkers saw Stoick slay their chieftain. Stoick and the others would have to deal with them, or else they'll report this to the armada waiting near Berk's docks.
Of course, if Berk fails to cover their assassination up, they'll immediately have to deal with an entire armada of angry Berserkers. Even if the Berkians are battle-hardened and every person who can hold a weapon is recruited and the dragons join in the fight, and even if the majority of the Berserkers haven't seen many battles or wars, it can't be denied that the Berserkers have been well-trained and are, of course, Berserkers. It'll still be a very difficult fight. There will be severe casualties on both sides. In the end, though, Berk will probably pull through this with a victory in the end. But at what cost? It'd be a conflict that could've been easily avoided, and Berk suffered losses that it can ill afford to take when they're still fighting with the Outcasts — with little gains to show for it. And there's no guarantee that the conflict will even end there.
So, in summary, if Stoick wasn't interrupted and succeeded in ending Dagur, he'll need to get rid of the guards as well. This will be pretty easy since they have the dragons, and they can easily make it look like a dragon raid killed them and hopefully Berk can relax and keep an alliance with Berk, while Berserk is reeling from their chief's death and busy running around killing as many dragons as they can. And — even better — Berk could masquerade this as something that Alvin, an Outcast, did and can better solidify Berserk's involvement in Berk's war against the Outcasts.
So yeah, so long as the Berserkers don't look too closely at the bodies, the Berkians would have a pretty good chance at getting away with it.
What do you guys think? What would've happened had Stoick went with his plan? Do you think that Berk would've been able to get away with it? Or would it end up sinking in defeat, with Alvin taking advantage of the chaos? Tell me your thoughts!
Thank you for reading! I hope you found this article intriguing and I'll see you in the next article.
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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noctusfury · 4 months
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Fishlegs IS an Ingerman, Though? by Noctus Fury
When I saw this scene in Season 6's "Loyal Order of Ingerman," I was like, "Bruh, seriously? They even have the same body and helmet! How could he NOT be an Ingerman?!" lol 🤦‍♂️😂
Anyway, hope you guys like this edit. Please give kudos and reblogs to support my blog. 😘
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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noctusfury · 6 months
Color Phobias
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So I got curious about the different color phobias since I was writing an OC who'd be afraid of the color red, and it just went down the rabbit hole and I ended up searching for the other colors as well. Not sure if this is all of the colors, but this is what I ended up with.
So I hope this helps you guys if you yourself ever got curious or if you also wanted to give a color phobia to a character of yours or to a canon character from whichever fandom you're writing for.
Here are the different color phobias:
Erythrophobia, fear of the color red.
Chrysophobia, fear of the color orange or gold.
Cyanophobia, fear of the color blue.
Kastanophobia, fear of the color brown.
Leukophobia, fear of the color white.
Prasinophobia, fear of the color green.
Rhodophobia, fear of the color pink.
Porphyrophobia, fear of the color purple.
Melanophobia, fear of the color black.
Xanthophobia, fear of the color yellow.
Thank you for reading.
— Noctus Fury
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noctusfury · 10 months
Zipplebacks: One Dragon with Two Heads, or Two Dragons with One Body?? (HTTYD)
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Hello, everyone. Today, I come to ask you a rather interesting question: Are dragons such as the Zippleback one dragon with two heads, or two dragons with one body?
I just realised this morning that I always had this question but I never thought much about it. But what do you guys think? Let me know in the comments/reblogs. 👀
— Noctus Fury
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noctusfury · 3 months
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A Father's Legacy by Noctus Fury
Happy Father's Day, everyone! Here's a nice snippet of Stoick and Wittle Hiccup from HTTYD 3.
I hope all of you have a great Father's Day!
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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