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I you think you know leadership well think again! A good leader knows they suck at it! #howdareyou Check out this episode as Thor and I gripe about the Biz!
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"The Foodbiz." From Esther 9: 5-10.
Before the Jewish people engage in the Empire Strikes Back, the book of Esther points out the enemy is always within first. The Talmud says if the Mashiach is to succeed, everything especially the interior of the Jewish people must be perfect. Including what to do about all the hate.
I do hate the Mormons, Scientologists Jehohah's Witlesses and every last member of the Republican Party for the evil they have done in the Eyes of the Lord and all the many laws they have broken, but hate is not a motivation nor is it a dividend of liberation.
The Torah says we are allowed to hate the things God hates in the way He hates them, which He explains "out of a thick blackness" the very same we are all so very eager to leave:
From Yisro: And God spoke all these words:
2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 3 “You shall have no other gods before[f] me. 4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. 7 “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name. 8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. 12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. 13 “You shall not murder. 14 “You shall not commit adultery. 15 “You shall not steal. 16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. 17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” 18 When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance 19 and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.” 20 Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.” 21 The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.
The violations of these are the enemies we confront within our enemies to avoid hating them and protecting the society we are all pledged to protect. This is the only way to wield the sword of vengeance properly according to the Torah:
5 The Jews struck down all their enemies with the sword, killing and destroying them, and they did what they pleased to those who hated them.
6 In the citadel of Susa, the Jews killed and destroyed five hundred men.
7 They also killed Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, 8 Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, 9 Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai and Vaizatha, 10 the ten sons of Haman son of Hammedatha, the enemy of the Jews. But they did not lay their hands on the plunder.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 5: They struck down their enemies. Every idenity in the Torah has an antigen, a negative polar opposite. Ruben is called the leader, he might aslo be called a loser, for example. During collision between the two, the leader must obviously observe unscathed as a Simeon, "a man about whom people are willing to speak with honor." If he is spoke about with dishonor, he shall not be a leader any longer. The entirety of the Torah must be viewed this way.
The Number is 10858, יחהח, "And she will live."
The beginning of sentient life is called Adam. He has an evil dirty gay twin named Adamah, around whom Eve will not succeed.
"The root דמם (ddm) is all about beginnings — or rather the simplicity from whence complexity arises — from being still before the noise starts to being monochromatic before color vision starts. Verb דמם (damam) means to be still, noun דממה (demama) denotes calmness and דמה (dumma) denotes a silenced person. Noun דומה (duma) describes the silence of death, noun דומיה or דמיה (dumiya) the silence of waiting and noun דומם (dumam) the silence of inertia or inactivity.
Verb דמה (dama I) describes making a (still) image. Nouns דמות (demut) and דמין (dimyon) mean likeness. Verb דמה (dama II) means to stop, halt or arrest. Noun דמי (domi) means a halting. Whatever the unused verb דמן (dmn) might have meant, noun דמן (domen) denotes refuse and מדמנה (madmena) a manure pit.
Unused verb אדם ('dm) may have meant to produce or begin to produce. Noun אדם (adam) is one of a few words for man but means literally probably "product" or likeness-made-from-soil; man as corporeal unit of humanity. This word is never used in plural, and its feminine equivalent, namely אדמה (adama), denotes arable soil or clay-red earth."
So from the moment Adam is realized, during puberty, when the brain is able to begin the process of self-definition, the mind that is prone to the Shule will begin assessing how every word in the Torah pertains to the upkeep and well being of Eve.
v. 6: The Torah says the process of destroying evil Adam requires the death of five hundred men. Recall Hebrew numbers and letters are not values they are positions. The position of a letter is also its number and this is why translations require proper analysis using Gematria.
The Number is 4436, דדגו , dedgo, "a very personal encounter with the nation regarding its guilt."
"Noun דוד (dud), meaning pot or jar (1 Samuel 2:14, Jeremiah 2:2). Scholars assume that this word reflects the original meaning of the root, namely that of some kind of gentle movement, reminiscent of the idea of boiling. But this word is used as often for a cook pot as for a mere receptacle or carrier.
It's probably just as logical to assume that the act of loving was seen as "containing" something, or keeping something within oneself. And since general anger was equated with heat, perhaps arousal was seen kindred to that.
But our verb (go) could also describe the removal of guilt by removing (i.e. killing) the perp, which was done by a so-called redeemer-of-blood (Numbers 35:12). The participle גאל (go'el) means Redeemer. Job makes use of this word in his harrowing exclamation: "I know that my Redeemer lives, and that He will take His stand on the earth, at the last" (Job 19:25), and so do Psalm 19:14, 78:35, Proverbs 23:11, Isaiah more than a dozen times from Isaiah 41:14 to 60:16, and Jeremiah 50:34. With this the prophets emphasize not only that God pays humanity's price, but that he does it as a kinsman. From this verb derive:
The masculine noun גאולי (ge'ulay), meaning redemption (Isaiah 63:4 only).
The feminine noun גאלה (ge'ulla), which either describes the act of redemption (Leviticus 25:24), the price of it (25:26) or the right to redeem (25:29), in which case it may be used as synonym for kin or kindred (Ezekiel 11:15).
v. 7: They also killed Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, 8 Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, 9 Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai and Vaizatha, 10 the ten sons of Haman son of Hammedatha, the enemy of the Jews. But they did not lay their hands on the plunder.
Parshandatha= the law expounder
The noun דת (dat) means (human) law or decree. It's a foreign loanword, which only occurs in the youngest parts of the Bible. An identical noun from other cognate language may mean well or fountain.
The roots פרס (paras) and פרש (paras) most basically speak of a sudden bursting forth in a wide spray of elements of something that was previously well concealed.
Verb פרס (paras) means to break and divide in equal shares (of bread, for instance). Noun פרס (peres) denotes a kind of unclean bird (perhaps a vulture, or perhaps a didactyl, i.e. a two-toed bird; an ostrich). Noun פרסה (parsa) means hoof (both cloven and solid ones) but may also refer to a whole animal as unit-of-the-herd (like our modern word "head"). Noun פרש (parash) means either horse or horseman as unit-of-the-army.
Verb פרש (paras) means to spread or spread out (of wings, hands, nets, and so on). Noun מפרש (mipras) refers to either a spreading out or a thing spread out.
Verb פרשׁ (parash) means to declare with precision, make wholly obvious or fully explain. Noun פרשה (parasha) refers to a precise statement. Noun פרש (peresh) means fecal matter or the exposed bowels of a sacrificial animal (and remember that to the ancients the emotional heart resided in the bowels).
Note that our modern word "science" shares a root with the word "schism," and literally describes the act of breaking and spreading out.
Dalphon=the weeper, the dripper
The verb דלף (dalap) means to drop or drip, and may refer to rain or even the weeping of eyes. Noun דלף (delep) means a dripping (and rain, tears, and so on).
Aspatha= the store room
The verb אסף ('asap), means to gather or collect, mostly in reference to harvests, and with a connotation of removal. The nouns אסף ('osep), אסיף ('asip), אסף ('asop), אספה ('asepa), אספה ('assupa) and אספסף ('asapsup) all express nuances of the act of gathering, things gathered, collections or storages. Also note the similarities in form with the ספף סוף ספה (spp swp sph) cluster of words, which all have to do with the extraction of one continuum from another.
Poratha= flourishes
Adalia= the door of Yah is a strong mind
Aridatha= "very free of homelessness."
Parmashta= pharmaceutics
Arisai=the iris of Eretz Israel
Aridai=a wild ass who is free enough
The verb ערד ('arad) doesn't exist in extant Biblical texts but in cognate languages it means to flee or be free. A derived noun, ערוד ('arod), refers to the wild ass, and does occur in the Bible.
The particle די (day) means sufficiently or enough and implies an abundance.
Vaizatha= son of the atmosphere
Haman= the illustrious loud crowd
Hammedatha=the dimension
"The law expounder who maintains a store room of the Words of Moses, who has opened the door of Yah and provisions a strong mind is very free of homelessness. His freedoms, founded by the atmosphere of the House of Israel secure the world, and subdue the lower dimensions of the populists."
The Number is 8427, ףדבז, "the foodbiz."
The Torah tells us to consume time, money, energy, and our natural resources in a way that is comfortable, at not too high an expense or level of effort. Our planet has traditionally been either under or overemployed but never just enough.
Our Jewish sages have long and long been arguing this is the proper way for us to live. This is the cornerstone of the observances of Shabbos and Shabbat. But first we must understand why we are incapable of doing it and this requires Sinai and the Seder.
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Best Wholesale food distributors in Melbourne | Foodbiz
Having a party or function? Look no further than our vast range of Finger Food. Foodbiz Wholesale Distributors has everything you need!!!! Most products can be heated in the oven including chicken, meat, vegetarian, seafood, pastries, and tray cakes, be sure to check out the Finger Food and Party Packs tab.
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Yum. A little sushi to go. This place is the bomb! #sushi #greenvillesc #luvgvl #foodie #foodiegreenvillesc #greenville360 #foodbiz (at Ginza Cafe - Greenville) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cap7emDOvCY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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"I think about food literally all day everyday. It's a thing." . . . Get photoshoot for your food business. Call now. . To know more about our service WhatsApp us +91-7785911649 email us: [email protected] To see our previous work visit our website [Link in Bio]. . . #foodindustry #foodvendor #foodpackaging #foodiesofinstagram #expowest #foodnetwork #foodbiz #abujafoodie #foodinnovation (at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRxw5VAsVZb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#change to #adapt http://bit.ly/kwok031521 How #businesses respond to #postpandemic #travel - Is your #business #ready? . . #hotel #restaurant #airline #traveler #bleisure #leisure #biz #foodbiz #foodbusiness #marketing #sales #marketingstrategy #economy #recovery #designtrends #techtrends #trending #techonology #tech #viewpoint #wfh #workfromhome #旅行 (at Collins College of Hospitality Management) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMdQxkDBdjV/?igshid=y97asaebddv7
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Meatball + fries + black pepper sauce Rm5.00 #achiksburger #chickenchop #burger #kebab #crunch #benjo #wedges #cheezywedges #burgergoreng #sosejbakar #meatball #fries #frenchfries #kgsaujana #saujanasetiu #codmakanansetiu #food #foodie #friedchicken #foodbiz #chickenfillet #foodstagram #bisnes #bisnesanakmelayu #halal #halalfood https://www.instagram.com/p/B5uxIu9goGW/?igshid=1bh9e9vnx8223
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#supportlocal #freshfromflorida #localbusiness #stumbled across butt rub and enjoyed checking out Florida made seasonings appropriate for grilling #publix did a great job#portstlucie #trademarkseverywhere #biztrademarks #foodbiz #trademarkthis #postirma @freshfromflorida @publix (at Publix at St. Andrews)
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My familia! We always tryna feed you 🙏🏼💕🍰🍨 Go visit my brothers spot in Costa Rica @scoopscostarica for the BEST Ice Cream in South America! And @cakemuse.gallery will be there baking some tings in house for limited time cheesecakes ~ so stay tuned! #internationalsweets #love #sweets #letusfeedyou #icecream #CostaRica #family #gourmet #foodie #foodbiz # Repost @paizaaoo ・・・ If you find yourself in Costa Rica please visit my new Ice Cream Sweets and Treats shop. Its the Biz!!!🔥🔥🔥 (at Scoops Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtZVlPgBd0v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ha2cwusz91o2
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We're back! Welcome to The DisJointed Foodbiz with Thor and Dave. We have over 50 years of restraunt expeirence from Front of House to Back of House, from hourly to salary and everything inbetween. This show is for all the food service workers who love talking shit about the food service industry, we hope you like it. If you have topics you'd us to talk about, email me at [email protected] Also a comic in Denver is raising money for St. Jude's Children's Cancer fund with a break day of comic , basketball, and talking trash. get all the info and tickets at tis link https://booking.cojilio.com/thebasketballsocialhouse?fbclid=IwAR3cCwPgMAC0yQOQ9hMU2ffn2lcX9iHXUVlhd1-em8mbwa3prEpkD2cdzp4
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Made in Asheville: How the Plant Meat Masters Started their Start-up

Ok. Admit it. Haven’t we all thought about it at one point or another? Taking that little idea and turning it into a business? That’s exactly what Asheville, North Carolina’s masters of Plant Meat, Sadrah Schadel and Mike Woliansky were bold enough to do when they started No Evil Foods. Their vision for a greater, healthier, No Evil world has grown into a regional success story that’s now breaking even more boundaries. Would they do it all over again knowing what they know now? Heck yeah! They accepted the challenge, took the risks, busted their entrepreneurial butts and started a revolution to encourage eating for the good of all, with No Evil added.
No Evil Foods started creating damn delicious Plant Meats in 2014. Mike and Sadrah were dissatisfied with most of the options out there for people looking for a mouth-watering plant-based meat--this was really the catalyst for their now thriving business. Oh, and it had to do more: be seriously delicious, taste like meat and be genuinely better for the planet. Sadrah had been cooking up what would later become No Evil Foods in her kitchen for family and friends. A few years and many taste tests later she and Mike finally decided to take their popular home-made Plant Meats to the masses. They started renting time at a local commercial kitchen and began selling at local farmer’s markets in Asheville, NC, and Greenville, SC.
Like all the best food stories, theirs took on a life of its own. Busy lives and a baby on the way didn’t stop this hard-working couple--they were determined to make their Plant Meat delicacies available to everyone! Mike worked long nights at a restaurant and woke up before the sun to get to early morning farmer’s markets, only to return to work again the next night. Sadrah, pregnant with their now toddler, tackled the Greenville Farmer’s Market, getting up at 4 a.m. to load up the car with coolers packed full of No Evil Foods necessities.

Their hard work paid off and the food revolution took off! Sold out at farmers markets, crowded booths at food festivals and long nights in the kitchen meant a change was coming for No Evil Foods. As more and more thoughtful eaters got their hands (and mouths!) on No Evil Foods, Mike and Sadrah had to expand to “meat” demand. They were selling more No Evil than they ever imagined, growing their little duo of founders to ten awesome team members today. No Evil began satisfying the growing number of people looking for better plant-based meats by securing distribution in stores throughout the Southeast. Quickly, No Evil Foods began covering the map, shipping directly to stores in other major cities like Baltimore, D.C., and NYC. No Evil Foods is now available at grocery stores throughout the Southeast, Midwest, and MidAtlantic as well as restaurants which have integrated No Evil Foods into their own creative recipes. But Sadrah and Mike’s entrepreneurial journey is just getting started!
The continued growth of the No Evil Foods fan base has made production in their current kitchen a little tight. So, what’s next?! Follow along with No Evil Foods to see what Mike and Sadrah and the NEF team are up to!

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Start an online meal and recipe delivery marketplace with YoMeals, where chefs and home cooks can sell the cooked food. YoMeals can also be customized to operate as a meal-kit marketplace for ordering and delivery meal-kits at doorstep.
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#driedfruit #foodbiz #fooddistributor (at Affiliateoffernetwork.com)
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Besides #challenges, will #covid19 bring #highereducation & #educators #opportunities too? http://bit.ly/kwok080320 or http://bit.ly/kwok080120 for the PFD file @i_chrie . . #highered #hospitality #hotel #restaurant #foodbusiness #foodbiz #educator #professor #professorlife #coronavirus #pandemic #pandemic2020 #hospitalitystrong #viewpoint #together #university #college #education #教育 #高校 #大學 #教授 #酒店 #餐飲 #新冠肺炎 (at Collins College of Hospitality Management) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDcVUbqgrTK/?igshid=10wyqxk0telrk
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