#fluid fictionkin
Can you do a flag for someone that it's like, fluid fictionkin, but, at the same time that someone is a character, they is not that character, they are separate people
Paradoxical Fluid Fickin
[PT: Paradoxical Fluid Fickin]
Paradoxical Fluid Fickin, someone who is fluid fictionkin but at the same time that someone is a character, they is not that character, they are separate people at the same time.
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[ID: in Alt text]
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[Tagging] @radiomogai, @liom-archive , @liomarchive , @imoga-pride , @kin-flags
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sodatabs-ontherun · 4 months
☆°hello I'm soda tabs!°☆
♤I go by they/he/ve/vem (may change I'm gender fluid)♤
This blog is for my silly alterhuman stuff
Tags I use
Quaddrobics: jumping silly
Alterhuman rants: the cat is screaming
Mask/gear: cat made art
○☆My kin types are:
Theriotypes: grey wolf, fox (x2), African wild dog, aussie herding dog, tiger, house cat, mink, elk, snowy owl, ox, vampire bat, loin, koi fish, cheeta, clown fish,jipsy vanner horse, otter,crow, dolfin, spider, dingo, snake, whale shark
Other kin types: angel
Fictionkins:sandwing, nightwing, seawing, sentinels (md) livi (md oc) lizzy (md), cyn (md), n(md) key bugs (md) j (md) nifty (hazbin hotel) drift loom
Plant kins:weeping willow, pumpkin, vernus fly trap,Marimo moss ball
Concept kin: liminal space, Halloween conspet kin,
Song link/kin: ghost rule, the vampire, anonymous m, bite me, this. P3t (my femtanyl)
Coping link: beanie baby
°•☆48 in all☆•°
Questioning:,lilly pad, toucan, song birds, duck, jelly fish, death angel, godkin, hatsune miku, tulip
☆•I do have past lives and things!•☆
If you have any questions ask via ask, or just statements in general,
And pedophiles, zoophiles, antis, Transphobes, homophobes, and all that fun will be blocked from my blog (Get away from me lol)
Please don't send me realistic pictures of insects or spiders and all that jazz (alive or dead) I'm ok with cartoons tho ♡
DNI IF YOU HAVE A NFSW BLOG OR ANYTHING WEIRD, especially on my quads vids I wanna keep myself safe from that kinda stuff
Dni if you discriminate against age
Example: "your 12 just shut up"
°•☆This is my other ask blog bc I'm a oc kin lol so check it out if you like lol☆•°
This is my indie show that I'm making and would love for yall to check it out!♡♡♡♡
♡☆○°have fun°○☆♡
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
People should talk about 💀🧪 more I’ll be honest.!
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When Johnny got forced into the gang he ended up asking everyone's pronouns and sexualitys and here were the answers he got:
Benrey: he/they Omni asexual
Michael: a/fucking/threat aroace (he was really angry at everyone in the gang for a while because he wanted to just lay down and fully die but the gang is why he didn't... He later said he/him because he felt bad for being rude this was also before he found out he was demi romantic)
Crowley: he/they/it pan asexual
Gordon: he/him (he added a little please at the end) gay asexual
Peter: he/him bi demisexual
Jack: he/him straight
Also the ones who joined after him:
Ghost: he/him gay asexual
(Johnny: he/him pan asexual)
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kyntypes · 2 months
Yeah, you can say that "I believe every therian is valid!" but do you really mean it?
Here's a *VERY UNOFFICIAL* list of what you could ask yourself before claiming you support every single therian. Sometimes, without even knowing it, we are biased and prejudiced against others. This is just the nature of all creatures, I believe. If you're curious, read below. It's a long post, so please be patient and thank you if you take the time out to read through all of this.
So, do you...
Support those who try out the therian label, even if they aren't sure if they're wrong about being a therian? This includes children, y'all.
Be normal about therians who reject their human body, or embrace their human body and still call themselves human to some degree?
Not judge when a therian says they are a therian to something that would "technically count" as fictionkin, otherlink, otherhearted, etc.? (i.e. "I'm a Moana therian!", "I'm a chosen therian.", "I feel connected to this animal, therefore I am this animal. I identify as a therian.")
Not feel the urge to gatekeep therianthropy from those you deem "aren't therian enough", or are "too weird" for therianthropy.
Look down on therians who don't shift, and don't have animalistic urges.
Accept polytherians with a high number of types. I'm talking 100+ theriotypes.
Believe that spiritual, psychological, physical, biological, genetic, or mental, etc. therianthropy is above one another.
Support therians using obscure labels to describe their experiences?
Not get defensive when someone tells you that they can physically shift into their theriotype, and not accuse them of being an abusive and dangerous individual?
Actually want to listen to the experiences of individuals that tend to black out during shifts? Instead of pushing them away and telling them to simply "get help" once they explain that this has happened to them before?
Acknowledge that alterhumans are intensely varied, and your own personal definition of what certain terms are won't apply to everyone else you see and interact with?
Don't scoff, figuratively roll your eyes, or side eye whenever someone who is physically nonhuman speaks about their nonhuman body parts and experiences?
Understand that therianthropy can be a random occurrence, and doesn't have to have a specific origin at all? While also accepting the fact that some folks are just... innately nonhuman at birth? Including physically?
Not shut down folks speaking about more "ugly" nonhuman urges, by human standards?
Be able to maintain the basic definition of therianthropy without trying to exclude groups of other therians? An example being: "Therianthropy is an identity phenomenon where a human being identifies as an animal on a non-physical level." Gentle reminder that not every therian is a human, acknowledges that they are human, wants to acknowledge their humanity, or are straight up just not human at all. To add because it's also important, not every therian is nonhuman non-physically. A more inclusive definition would be "An identity phenomenon where an individual has an animalistic, or adjacent identity in which they believe in some part, they are an animalistic being, or something that does not align with humanity."
Not just see spiritual therianthropy as being about just past lives.
Acknowledge that therianthropy is insanely complex, and will hardly ever be rigid and non-fluid for most folks?
Stay patient with younger therians who are trying to figure out their identity?
Not see otherhearts as "therianthropy-lite"?
Understand that psychological therianthropy can also stem from psychotic conditions, personality disorders, and other less talked about and "ugly" conditions, and isn't just "My autism made me a dragon" or "My trauma made me a dog"? (Not saying something like autism and trauma isn't serious, just saying that these are often what beings tend to mean when they say "psychological therian".)
Embrace that some folks do have ugly experiences with their therianthropy, and struggle due to this? (Clinical zoanthropes that consider themselves therians talking about their transformations, endels talking about how they've been isolated from friends and family due to their delusions, therians with mood disorders whose therianthropy is affected by their mood, therians who experience conditions such as zoochosis, etc.)
Not roll your eyes when a therian expresses their therianthropy through gear and quadrobics?
There's a lot more I could go on about, but these are what I could think of for now. If someone disagrees with a point, or wants me to correct it, let me know and I'll be sure to tweak the post.
Also, please remember that if you happen to not do some of these, or do any of these things, it's okay. You still have room to improve and grow to help the therian community heal. And, if you don't want to "improve" with any of these things, that's also chill. I won't bite. I'm curious to see what discussions can be made out of posts like this.
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anomalymon · 7 months
[Essay] MissingNo Therian: An Exploration in Identity, Labels, and the Fictotherian Experience
We've seen a few posts of people wanting more personal essays in the community, so I thought I would write this and crosspost it to Tumblr. -Rex
I am a MissingNo. My exact form is one that's been fluid throughout my life, with Kabutops and Aerodactyl fossil forms having preference, but occasionally switching to the Lavender Town Ghost. I identify as a Pokemon therian or Poketherian for my species - or fictotherian for a broad term. This identification is one which can confuse people - after all, therianthropy is more traditionally associated with animals, and I identify as Pokemon that isn't real. My species only exists in four games that are well over two decades old and is a failsafe the game spits out. Why should I identify as a therian? Despite how strange it can seem, I still prefer therian over other labels such as otherkin and fictionkin. My therian identity is deeply intertwined with my hyperempathy, created by a bias of my animality, comes from viewing a MissingNo as a type of animal, and from experiencing common therian traits.
Therian over otherkin, fictionkin, or fictive
Some may be saying "why don't you call yourself fictionkin?" or even "Isn't otherkin for mythical species, while therian is for earthen species?" To address the later point, there have been better written essays dispelling this. I would highly recommend Therian: Dispelling the Earthen Animal Myth by The River System for a well written and researched essay.
To address the former point, it is personal preference. I did use "otherkin" for years and still do identify as both otherkin and fictionkin, but the term "therian" is more in alignment to how I experience identity. I am an animal, I experience shifts, and I experience instincts.
I don't perceive MissingNo as sapient on the level of elves or some dragons. For me, being a MissingNo is also a "real" thing, as tangible as a dog, bird, or dragon. I don't consider myself glitchkin despite being a glitch, nor conceptkin. I am like the theriomythics who label themselves for being an animalstic gryphon or phoenix.
When it comes Fictionkin and fictive, to me they can be too focused on identifying yourself in the framework of being a character, which I'm not. I'm not a creepypasta character anymore than one of the Hypno species would be. I still do identify as fictional - I can comfortably identify as "fictherian" or my preference "fictotherian" (Which comes from "fictotype". I believe I started this term usage - since when I started using it, I could find no results to it, but I did use it in forum posts, Discord servers, and other methods).
Fictive falls under a similar problem - but with slightly more alienation. While the term is open to me, my identity history makes me feel out of place in a community of walk-ins and introjects when it was one that developed later in life.
How I became a MissingNo and the grip of hyperempathy
My identity as a MissingNo came later in life. I began existing in my system as a canine pup - which I know from behaviors and mannerisms that I later connected to me in the present, and genuinely expressing feeling like a dog as a child. Years later, I identified this species as a manned wolf.
Then at around the age of ten, my identity shifted to a glitch Pokemon. What at least contributed to it was developing a special interest in Glitch Pokemon around this time. This combined with our natural hyper-empathy and perhaps being conceptum to subconsciously alter my identity over time.
These interpretations can cause me to be out of place. While I still love glitch Pokemon and I am fascinated by them, I rarely find anyone who also has an intense interest and fascination while having this level of hyperempathy - even if I encounter others who have some alterhuman or even gender or sexuality connection to glitch Pokemon. Almost uncontrollably do I see glitch Pokemon as genuine Pokemon. I might grow attached to certain Pokemon in the way I would a pet.
The overall psychological influence means that this identity comes down to personal interpretations and personification. I'm not a natural animal and you cannot read about me in a textbook or find any bits of lore within the games, but rather, I am an animal that came from the mind of a mentally ill person.
MissingNo the animal
What defines "animal" varies. Humans are biologically animals and primates, but not all humans identify with those terms, with some taking offense to it. To someone with hyperempathy, a stuffed animal may be as much of an animal as a living one, or even a car might be a type of animal to certain minds. This connection is what makes me feel a MissingNo can be a type of animal.
Additionally, Pokemon are their world's equivalent of animals, and this is how most of my system views Pokemon due to one of our deepest parallel life connections being a humanlike Mewtwo. This sentiment is also one I've seen many Poketherians have. In the world of our origin, we are animals. For another essay on a similar experience, I'd highly recommend "The Fire Burns Bright" by Jasper, an Alolan Marrowak therian.
Within the contexts of the games and many interpretations - including my own - MissingNo is also a bird. It is one of few Pokemon which use this glitch beta typing. Being a bird can be equally as much a part of it and I'd consider birds as a paralleltype and one where I may confidently call myself a bird. Albeit a very odd bird.
The wolf and animal bias in my core
In addition to the bird of the MissingNo, the manned wolf at my heart is still important to my identity. It's in between otherhearted and therian on a sliding scale, and I identify it more as manned wolf-hearted for convenience, but it's closer to "kinth". I don't know why I am or was a manned wolf, but it doesn't quite matter to me either way. What matters is that there is the manned wolf.
To me it feels as if despite my core being or "soul", my mind became a MissingNo while the core remained the same. To my soul, a MissingNo is a type of dog. Then, to my mind, a manned wolf is a type of Pokemon. Both of these identities came about and exist in harmony rather than opposition.
Another comparison that the heart and soul makes is being "feral". Glitch entities in video games to me are almost like an animal which can't be domesticated. They may act fine, but every so often you'll encounter something that reminds you that at their core, they're wild. MissingNo still scrambles sprites and Hall of Fame data - and you can't have a "normal" experience with it. MissingNo is to Pokemon as a wolf is to a dog.
The instincts that made me tear apart playsets when playing house pretending to be a dog are still present in the instincts that make me want to tear apart meat when I eat it.
The Experience of a MissingNo Animal
I fit into many traditional therianthropy experiences and unto a hybrid canine/avian experience - just perhaps with more twists towards the bizarre.
I am a contherian when it comes to mental shifting and almost always feeling like an animal. However, I do experience phantom shifts. I get the sensations of skeletal fangs, claws, and a body that's far heavier and taller than my tiny, human form. Though the bizarre comes when during these shifts, I don't feel like I have skin and much of my body feels transparent, I feel like I should be able to stick my hand through my lower jaw.
I feel the sense of freedom and flight when I ride a bike downhill. For a few minutes when I bike, I can imagine myself flying. I sit in rivers and ponds among the wading birds feeling like I belong. I treat the chicks and chickens we raise like a part of my flock.
I still want to hunt. Sometimes I need to fight my instincts to recognize chicks as flockmates and not food. I like to eat wildly and I like to taste blood and fat in my food. When I eat, I feel like like the blood should dribble through my skinless jaw bone. Skeletal claws should be typing this essay instead of fleshy human fingers.
I am an animal, and despite doubts, I am a therian.
This label fits my experiences better than the alternatives. I don't feel as much alienation or out of place compared to other communities even though my species isn't an "animal" in the traditional sense. Hyperempathy has created this experience for me in that I feel more comfortable saying I am an animal than I am from fiction.
My center being is animal and always has been, it's just how its presented through my life has shifted. The animal instincts have only developed as my species has.
It is my hope that more unusual therians might come forth and be encouraged to examine their experiences - and for both earthen therians and potential theriomythics or fictotherians to explore what exactly "animal" means to them. I want others to also examine where their mind's biases may lead them, how that can impact their identity, and use it to feel more at peace in what the heart wants.
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shapeofshifter · 12 days
[ Introduction ]
Hello!! My names are Martin/Elias. I wanted to start a blog to rant about otherkin and therian stuff but i am not very good at being active online.. I'll just post whenever i feel like it me thinks :3 feel free to dm me or interact in any way !! I am a big enjoyer of questions..
[ Info ]
[ I am 6teen ] [ My blog is not safe for littles or age regressors!! despite being one myself. i do not consider my content suitable :( ] [ I am trans masc. aroace. gay. polyamorous and genderless :3 ] [ I am a pronouns + xenogender + name hoarder ]
[ Pronouns ]
[ He/They/It ] [ Sh3/Hxr/H☆rs/H♡rselfs ] [ H3/Hxm/H☆s/H♡mself ] [ Th3y/Thxm/Th☆irs/Th♡mself ] [ Xe/Xemself ] [ Mew/Meowself ] [ Bite/Biteself ] [ Vix/Vixen ] [ Fau/Faunself ] [ Star/Starself ] [ Pon/Ponyself ] [ Arf/Barkself ] [ Fog/Fogself ] [ Eye/Eyeself ]
[ Interests ]
[ Podcasts: The Magnus Archives. The Magnus Protocol. Malevolent. Welcome To Night Vale ] [ Shows: Good Omens. Hannibal. Madoka Magica. Gravity Falls. Dhmis. Sanders Sides. Our Flag Means Death. Sonic Prime ] [ Object shows: Hfjone. Its Time For The. Love Of The Sun ] [ Games: Cookie Clicker. Metal Gear Solid. Plants VS Zombies. The Stanley Parable. Gmod. Fnaf. Roblox. DBH. Minecraft. Portal. Cookie Run Kingdom. The Beginners Guide. Animal Jam (Specifically the trading system..) ] [ Misc: Despicable Me Franchise. Sonic The Hedgehog Movies. LPS. Jerma. Roleplay. Speculative Biology. Horror. Pony Town. ARGs. Psychology. Writing. Art. Online Trading Systems. All Tomorrows. Furry Fandom. Indistinct Chatter. The Oldest View ]
[ Kin Types ]
side note. things with "kin" at the end means that i am nothing specific to that species/concept ect. i am just them
[ Therian Kin Types: Wolfkin. Common Octopus. Fallow Deer. Sheep [unsure of species]. Horsekin. Ponykin. Nudibranchkin ] [ Otherkin Types: Shapeshifter. Nagakin. Angel (Throne and Principalities). Winged Humankin. Celestial. Vampire. Galactic Whale. Object Headkin. Moth Humanoid. Demonkin. Faunkin. Deity ] [ Fictionkin Types: Eye/Stranger/lonely Avatar (TMA). Stranger!Martin Blackwood. Martin Blackwood. Jonathan Sims ] [ Conceptkin types: Empathy. Deceit. Theatrics. Balance. Justice. Sight. Onism. Omnipresence ] [ Objectkin Types: Computerkin. Red Rotary Phones. Red Phone Booths. Black Phone Booths. 1970s Cassette Tape Recorder. ]
There may be some kin types i am forgetting...But if i wrote everything down i would be here all day because my identity is incredibly fluid !! Apologies if the formatting is a bit bad or boring or if i made any grammatical errors. i am tired </3 https://meatboyandfriends.carrd.co/ commission info <3
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yourlocalbirdie · 1 month
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
°★. Intro '☆•.
𓆝 Your local Birdie 𓆟
Hi I'm Hera!!
Im quite new to tumblr and I don't know if I'll ever post anything but im gonna do a quick introduction anyway ^^
(art by me)
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ Im an alterhuman from Poland, who really likes art and music
Im pretty into IDV, Wings of fire, D4DJ, Rhythm Doctor, And maaaany more !!
i use She/They and my age range is 16-18 ੈ✩‧₊˚
𓇼𓏲 my identity...
I identify as alterhuman, fictionkin, therian and otherkin.
My identity is pretty fluid, so It's hard to write up all my kins here atp ^^'
I'm always free to talk to!!
~~~~~~~{ ♡ }~~~~~~~
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aspenonpawzzz · 4 months
This is my introduction
my mewtual(s) in crime:
@imhereandqueersuckas (aka @goingtohellwithyou, that stupid fucker/silly/aff lost his password)
#c.ai shenanigans for c.ai posts lol
system side blog: @canis-constellation
fictive/fictionkin blog: @phantom-w0lfbane
Writers blog: @yourlocalangstdealer
term hoard/ label coining blog: @aspens-hoard
A-spec mafia: @aspec-warriors
(update: https://www.tumblr.com/aspenonpawzzz/757548899213918208/update?source=share)
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Theme song: Throne, or Turn off the lights (panic! At the disco)
(Edit: forgot to mention, I have Tricotillamania!)
Plural Fluid!! (Coined term by me)
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deadkidcourt · 16 days
deadkidcourt : our tale of system discovery
I've always been scared of being publicly out about my system, more posts i see from other systems has given me some courage. i like being able to see those posts and see our system or aspects of us in them. I've never publicly spoke of my diagnosis being scared that when people find out that I'm not medically recognized that the fakeclaiming will become really bad. i already deal with so much denial of my own that I've been so scared of rejection from other systems.
we have done extensive research, we have always been very self aware and would never self diagnose without a fuck-ton of research to back it up. we'd always felt like multiple people but not in the way we feel like it now. we'd always been kind of name fluid, loving trying on different names and pronouns. i thought for a long time that, that's how multi-gendered and people who used xenogenders felt.
as time went on, we would have phases feeling girly, wanting a hyperfem gender presentation, and then we would flip 100% and get highly upset even being thought of a girl. even as a child i would act completely different to how i was, and my parents would get highly upset because they felt they didn't know me. saying things like you're acting like a completely different person, but in those times i would get really sad because i was just acting how i felt.
i would often be told i was lying, because one day I'd really like something and the next i hate it with everything in me. people thought i was faking my personality to fit in, but i was just that different. as a teenager i learned about osddid but thought, oh that can't be me! I remember all my trauma! I'm just me! until i met a friend who was a system and learned that alot of how we felt and the things we did were not that of a singlet. that was in 2019, we questioned for a year and thought we were just making things up for attention and to seem interesting (it's not for attention if you're doing it when you're alone.)
i have known about maladaptive daydreaming since i was a child, it was what saved me from most of my trauma. being able to escape to a fake world, but the ‘characters’ didn't change, at least not three of them. we would have random fictional characters show up to, that we would then have a high identity kin with and could never understand why other people didn't connect with characters like that.
one was a girl that always got mad when i was hurting, i thought she was an imaginary friend. someone my brain created to help me feel better about my situation, and then when i was about nine. she would start taking over my body, fighting with our parents when they would act wrong, but after that i would be in control again scared of the repercussions of her actions. this continued for years, i thought everyone made up people in their head to help them and protect them. that's not the case.
in 2021 (roughly) we became highly obsessed with fnaf, circus baby in particular. so much so, we couldn't befriend people online with her as a profile picture. this got bad enough that when a close friend set her discord avatar as glam rock baby (fan design), we had a full breakdown.
all we could think and feel is, that is me, i am that person you cant use that picture thats me and youre not me stop stop stop. our husband has to talk us down, and we kindly asked the friend to not use that character because of the distress we felt about it. we thought that was fictionkin, but it was so distressing and upsetting we had a weeklong disassociative episode and i thought that was just normal. we know now about pur circus baby fictive and have done work to source seperate so as to not have breakdowns and episodes like that again.
now, here's where things get tricky because the memory isn't really there. but from them until this year we fought with ourselves about our self diagnosis, always discrediting our trauma, and symptoms. it wasn't until we told our husband about all of our trauma that he helped us understand how drastic that was especially to a child's mind.
then we started researching, we researched off an on for three years. sometimes noting some people in our brain that we met, but it didn't work because we weren't ready to come to terms with it. the denial was ao bad.
in january of 2024, we had what i know now as a frontstuck host that finally got unstuck and everything started to fall into place for us. we were able to integrate and lose some of our amnesia barriers and i was able to meet some of our alters. it was helpful that our husband was around, because he was able to notice symptoms and changes in our prescence that we couldn't see.
he was able to differentiate between the main four frequent fronters we had at the time and was very patient with us and did research of his own to help us. we tried keeping a notebook, able to see differences in our handwriting and vocabulary choices. the way we dress would change, one loves all dark big clothing while another alter loves showing skin with pastel colors, and another one that just wants to be comfortable. small things like that made it easy to start to see the patterns in our switching. and with learning more, i realized my amnesia is not as cut and dry as i thought it would be. i can remember the bad things but not last week, or last month or yesterday.
there's only ever been one part of our system that we can't seem to wrap our head around. our splitting patterns, and fusing patterns. we have decently good communication, very low amnesia barriers between switching, and i have low access to innerworld. that was all great, but then we started splitting alot, or discovering alot of alters. there would be like 5 alters and 15 fragments and as time went on, i noticed how easily we split fictive fragments and those fragments (usually 2-4 of them) would fuse to make a whole alter. but that alter would have several sources, that always made us feel like we were wrong or perhaps that our system has lied to us. either of which could be true, we don't really care. we just try to take care of ourselves and we try to welcome any newbies to our headspace as gently as we can. we had incorrectly thought that introjects had to have one source, and that set us back on our healing alot. that and we tend to fuse semi-easily and thought we we're lying about our system because of that.
now we just take everything one step at a time, try to meet new alters and talk to them while not forcing it a whole lot. i hope our journey can help you. I'm not the most educated person (i try tho!) so please if I'm wrong about something or something let me know, KINDLY.
- ronnie 💣 and remi 🦨
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umbrecrunch · 2 months
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pt: abrofic. end pt.
abro + fictionkin.
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꒰୨୧◞ 。definition⠀.ᐟ a sexuality that is fluid due to being a fictionkin; changing depending on your kinshift.
pt: definition; a sexuality that is fluid due to being a fictionkin; changing depending on your kinshift. end pt.
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werethropy · 5 months
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Louie, Lewis/Lew, Werewolf/Were, Jackson/Jackie/Jack, Dog, or anything else, really.
It's pretty complicated, but I call myself Genderfluid for simplicity's sake.
They're fluid, but since I'm definitely not going to remember to update this, then literally anything but She/Her.
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I'm a POC (Cherokee and African American), but often regard myself as just black since that's what I "pass" as + the culture I involve myself with.
I'm a werewolf, a bull, and many other things!
I don't regard myself as a Therian or Alterhuman; I much prefer 'Nonhuman'/'Transspecies,' or 'Fictionkin' outside of animalistic identities, but I will interact with those communities since we go hand-in-hand.
Leftist (not sure how I align myself exactly), feminist, pro-choice (naturally).
I have been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, OCD, and other mental health conditions.
I am very much into history, old western stuff, 2000s-2014 web, photography, reading, LPS, Pokemon, the Queer community, Chihuahuas, writing, art, fursuitting, MLP, animals, various music genres (e.g. Country, Folkpunk, Indie), and many other things!
I'm a firm believer in 'do what you want forever and ever' as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.
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Racists, extremely obviously.
Pro/Neu-Contact AND/OR Anti-Recovery "3 Big Bad" Paraphiles
Anti-He/Him lesbians
And everyone else who can't be a tolerable, educated person.
Even if you aren't on this list, if you believe in something innately harmful, I will not hesitate to block.
(* - Excluding cisgender men who ID as ""lesbian""—I mostly mean lesboy in the 'prefer being called a boy' nonbinary way, multigender lesbians, as well as a mirage of other definitions of lesboy)
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cotton-stuffed-clown · 4 months
How exactly did you know you were a polymorph, if you don't mind me asking? ^_^
The rate at which my questioning kintypes fluctuated.
Some days I longed for big, rabbit like ears. Some days I wanted wings; some days those wings were feathered, other days they were more dragon or bat like. I've always had dysphoria for my lack of a tail, but some days the tail was thick and fluffy and others it was thin and long. Sometimes I'd wanna be more than one creature at once, sometimes what I wanted to be was a complete mystery. Because of this, I couldn't figure out what exactly I was. I used to think I was a handful of fictionkin because I'd want to have the traits specific characters had, I'd wanna look like them to the point it actively weighed on my mind. Now I understand their design was simply appealing to me and I longed for the ability to shift and morph my features to be like theirs.
For a very long time I thought I was a siren kin, because at the time those traits were what I wanted, and the idea of water dripping down my arms and soaking my hair sounded right, like it was what I missed. It wasn't being in water I wanted, it was ME I wanted to be fluid. That's also why I know I'm a polymorph and not just a shapeshifter. Every now and then I want a more solid body, but usually I wish to be very fluid and moldable.
Basically I'm oobleck.
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starscatteredsky · 1 year
Welcome to the Star Scattered Sky, hopefully you find your home among the cosmos :)
pt: Welcome to the Star Scattered Sky, hopefully you find your home among the cosmos :)
read this for info on our current temporary changes to the posting schedule!
personal blog: @starrykinstellation! If we followed you that’s the blog to check out!
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i’m mod Mono, i’ll likely be the most familiar face on the blog :)
a little thing for 100 followers!! right here!!
this is a safe place for therians, otherhearted, fictionkin, otherkin, introjects, irls, neogender havers, neopronoun users, systems, neurodiversities and physical disabilities of all kinds, and pretty much anyone else who wants to be here :)
[pt: this is a safe place for therians, otherhearted, fictionkin, otherkin, introjects, irls, neogender havers, neopronoun users, systems, neurodiversities and physical disabilities of all kinds, and pretty much anyone else who wants to be here :)]
we are here to help!! feel free to request different things like playlists, moodboards, fashion ideas, stimboards, den/home ideas, care kits, foods or recipes for your kin/theriotype/source/etc, names and pronouns, xeno/neogenders and flags (we can coin, or go searching for pre-existing ones, whatever is preferred) and more!! just ask!! (please keep requests to one or two kintypes per ask! sending in multiple asks will help us keep organized!)
we are ok with inbox checks!! our queue posts twice daily, so if we get a large influx of asks it can take a while for them to post! so it’s always ok to ask what’s coming up :D
we’re also happy to answer good faith questions about ourselves :)
we have a lot of darkkin (daemons/demons, incubi, cryptids, etc) and celestialkin alters moderating this blog, so always happy to see more of you interact!!!
this blog is run by a DID system. we want to keep discourse off this blog, as arguing is tiring. We are anti-endo, but we can’t and won’t stop you from using any terms you see here!
if you think your ask got eaten, please ask us before resending it!! we often get a backed up queue, and are happy to let you know if we received it or not :)
mods! (there will be more of us soon! we just need to talk with the system!)
[pt: mods! (there will be more of us soon! we just need to talk with the system!)]
mod mono: he/they/🔦/static/xyr/moth
mod 🩸: she/they/he
mod 👾: they/them
mod 🧪: he/him
mod 🪶: genderfluid/pronoun fluid, default is they/hymn
mod 🎉💊: they/them
mod⚔️: he/him
Mod Sebastian: He/Him. (Tag is mod🦈)
Requests open!!!
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a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end ID]
[Profile picture description
Mono from little nightmares running forwards in a navy background
end description]
[profile banner description
A picture of the pale city, showing haunting blue atmospheric lighting with the two sides of the city split by some kind of crevasse. the buildings lean in towards the center, and a thin wooden plank spans the crevasse. Two small silhouettes are walking across the plank. the buildings are inhumanly large, and the city stretches off far into the background, vanishing into the blue lighting. the silhouettes are so small, it makes the entire image give off a sense of awe and mystery, and almost unnerving.
end description]
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flagsinthemaking · 3 months
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SpiderGwen Aceflux
- Any Acefluxs can use!
- Requests Open!
- SpiderGwen Aceflux : for Acefluxs that like / relate to SpiderGwen , Acefluxs that are Fictives or DAs or Fictionkins (etc) of SpiderGwen , or just Acefluxs that like this flag!
- Aceflux : Aceflux is a fluid sexuality on the Asexual Spectrum. It is defined as someone whose sexual orientation fluctuates but generally stays on the Asexual Spectrum.
- FLAG ID : 5 striped flag.
- COLORS : Dark Dusty Pink , Dusty Pink, Light Dusty Pink, Light Dusty Blue, Baby Blue.
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levithealterhuman · 2 months
Hi yall my name is levi i go by he/xem/xeirs
Wierd ik anygays
Im gender fluid
A polytherian, alterhuman,fictionkin
I love yall all also im a minorrrrrrrrrrrr
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