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shieldofiron · 11 months ago
When I first joined this fandom in late 2022, I had some traction with some stories. And some people reached out to see if I wanted to join a discord server that was owned by a person who at the time had over 1000 followers and posted quite frequently. She was popular, though she presented herself as much more popular than she was. Let’s call her Z.
I did not connect with everyone there, in fact I was uncomfortable for reasons I will go into in a moment, but there were some people I really did connect with, and I stayed to be close to them. And then one day, my closest friend there was kicked out of the space with little to no explanation. He begged the mods and Z, formerly his close friends, and was blocked. I combed the server, but I couldn’t find anything that he did that in my opinion was worth kicking him out. Then he began losing followers and receiving many hurtful and upsetting anons on his tumblr. Angry, because I suspected they had something to do with it, I stopped posting in there and later left. I was disgusted that this was going on and they were acting to my face like it wasn’t, and still sucking up to me about my stories. He said he was worried about me believing him, believing that whatever he did, he didn’t understand what it was. But having witnessed Z’s behavior in her server I had no problem believing it was her and her friends.
Z used to find fanfiction or art of ships that she didn’t like, and @ everyone in the server to come look at it, despite knowing it was extremely distressing for some members. If you protested that you had no issue with these ships in fiction but that maybe you didn’t want to see that on a Tuesday at work in the general chat, Z and her closest friends would harass you (me) to say that it was bad, and evil. She often called for people to unfollow these artists, or block users who she had found and showed to us without any participation on our part. Despite this she frequently became interested in dead dove subject matter, but it was always ok when she did it. Boundaries did not exist to her, except for the boundaries of her taste and how she thought the world should be. Z would routinely make jokes about sensitive subjects like trans rights, and let's just say it felt like it wasn’t her place. But don’t worry, Z would say, I have friends who are [joke she had made] [from country she had insulted] so it’s fine. There’s only so many times you can hear a joke like that and not wonder why it’s being made over and over. If you were offended, everything was a joke, or there was something you didn’t understand.
This server was a deeply uncomfortable space. Many times I felt harassed over my politics, over my opinions in fiction, and it was often easier to just swallow this. When I met my friends there, they showed courage standing up for themselves and I am so glad that I found them. With them, my experiences of this fandom lightened enormously. Z and her friends had made me so paralyzed, paranoid and unhappy. I had been afraid to even talk about my race however tangentially. I was afraid to make posts against anti behavior, because they had so twisted the way I thought the Billy fandom would perceive them. Thankfully I do not think that the majority of the fandom agrees with her views.
Z apparently has been presenting harassing my friend as a misunderstanding. Perhaps the misunderstanding is that she thinks any of this is harmless. Misunderstandings can be overcome, discussed, apologized for. If someone is confused, you can explain, you can be civil. There was no discussion.
Z made no effort, except to further talk about him and others behind their backs. She never reached out to clear anything up at any time. Her excuses when she made them were frankly shocking. And she never explained to me why my friend was so dangerous, but hid behind fake apologies and more popular friends, lying to my face like things were all good. My friend made a post when he felt safe with her username and the username of another person who harassed him. My friends that I kept from that server are the bravest people I know who understand that reputation means nothing if you can’t look at your own actions with conviction. And Z went away for a time.
Until I earlier this year, I was invited to a very large Billy server. Immediately I was confused by a user I had seemingly never seen before who had me blocked. It was Z, with a new name. She had me blocked until she saw me interacting positively with a very popular artist. Then I somehow became unblocked. Which was very interesting. I came to find that she was very close friends with them or tried to be. She appeared to be very close with the owner of the server too.
I was obviously wary but who knows. People can change. I really believe that. Unfortunately I do not believe that she has changed yet.
All of her old behavior was back as was my paranoia and fear. And it appeared that, emboldened by her friendship with the owner of the server and others, she felt safe going even further. Here was finally what she had craved, a large platform and popularity to continue her previous behavior. I later came to find out that the owner of the server had her own issues with bullying others, twisting the truth, and other, much more serious things. They showed the same character that Z always did, sweet to my face and sour behind everyone’s back. Yet again people said that they worried they wouldn’t be believed. They were afraid of the fandom famous people who were their friends.
Perhaps it’s just me, but if I had been called out in the past for bullying a trans person online I would distance myself from any appearance of transphobia or bullying or lying. Not Z. She in fact announced that she would bully the mods and “everyone” in the server when people joined. I am not paraphrasing, she said he was a bully so often that it was almost comical. She openly said she was an anti when someone confronted her over AGAIN trying to publicly shame authors and create mass unfollowing campaigns. There were no or minimal consequences for this. She would casually bring up the same old jokes and dogwhistles that she used to, uglier with time, and to me pathetically stripped of anything that could have excuse them.
Nobody told me these things. I saw it with my own eyes. But still, somehow, she was the hero, the popular beloved person in every story. I was afraid because she had very powerful friends. Or at least she pretended she did. Because she was friends with a server owner who hurt people I cared about. I am still afraid now. But I’d rather do it afraid for my friends than watch this happen.
I would give up every stupid note on every stupid meme if it meant trans people, and all vulnerable people, felt safe in fandom spaces. I am tired of dishonest communication and trying to play some stupid game I never fucking cared about. If some popular person wants to crush me like a grape for believing my friends, they can go ahead and do it already.
Everybody wants to be liked, everybody wants to be believed. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be liked. But I’m done waiting for people to believe me or like me. I’m done waiting for people to wake up and take a look in the mirror. To explain and to deign themselves to listen. I believe in my friends. I believe my eyes, and I believe in my own convictions. That’s enough for me.
I believe people can change. I hope they do. But I hope they do away from vulnerable people who they can hurt carelessly.
I’m not blocking you. Clean up your own mess.
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groupiegallagher · 11 months ago
in the wake of the recent drama situations going on and my head being on many places about it. i think i finally have something proper to add and say.
i haven't been on billy hargrove tumblr for many personal reasons that made me feel discouraged. no drama in particular, beef with everyone or me experiencing abuse. my own neurodivergent non english speaking brain process everything differently to the point i remain a loner. is a complex matter but that's another story.
last year i made my original personal blog archieved and left it as many types of crap went on my life and i stopped engaging on billy tumblr/tumblr in general the same way i used to.
with that said, i tried finding a place on discord for the gaps this site left on me, main ones were billy brainrot and roleplay lol.
during this period, i was actively talking to one of the two people who have been called out ror many messy horrible things like transphobia and manipulation.
the name of that person is masha, as far as i'm understanding she's been criticized for her patterns of hostility and TERF vibes. we, along with two more friends, whom i still talk to, related on the things that made us feel discouraged on billy tumblr and it was one of the things that joined us together. it frankly saddens me to see how all of our original purposes have been overshadowed thanks to masha's toxic traits.
she was the one who introduced me to apple's server, that had a great start but sooner i'd start to feel the clique-like manipulative vibes that many people are bringing on apple's toxic traits.
while neither of them did some serious direct harm in the way they did to others, at least two of them being my friends too whom i reached privately and i apologized for not seeing the red flags sooner. i stand with them and everyone who is bringing both of them to rightful questioning and to call them out of their disgusting behaviour.
i won't associate with people that are manipulative, transphobic, narcissistic and clout chasers. i deeply regret giving them the benefit of doubt and investing my time to offer them my friendship, that i took their word above what it was truly going on behind closed doors. this is why i decided to cut ties with masha from my all my mutual lists. here's to hope they get help and heal to grow doing better in a future.
my thoughts go with all the people on this community that are talking about this.
i don't know if i'll come back to post stuff about billy, harringrove or ST related in the way i used to back in 2022, as i find out i'm safer playing in my own little sandbox while talking to whoever that genuinely is interested in me or what i have to offer.
however, my support and solidarity is with all of you 🩶
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thatgirlwithasquid · 2 years ago
despite my love for thinking about billy with soft, fun little hobbies, so far i had not considered photography. this is a huge failing on my part.
now thinking about an au where jonathan teaches billy how to take photos and they just go out on photography dates together. billy hasnt quite got the knack for it yet but its hard to feel like hes not doing good when jonathan showers all his photos with compliments.
‘this ones a keeper, billy,’ he tells him after they get them processed. ‘if you dont want it, ill put it up on my wall’
said wall is about 90% photos billy has taken at this point and it always makes him blush to see them when he visits.
joyce loves having him around, too, and that hes given someone for jonathan to share his passion with. she grows to really care for billy and between her and jonathan they pull together enough money to buy billy his own camera.
billy cries when they give it him and jonathan snaps a picture to immortalise the moment. joyce puts this one proud on the fridge.
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onstrangerthighs · 2 years ago
Well, your mama kept you- Billy's mother stays with him in the sense that he idolizes her, so she's keeping him in the past because she made him happy. He keeps her with him like a photograph. Even though holding onto her also hurts him, since it reminds him of what he once had, it's what keeps him going nowadays.
but your daddy left you- Since Neil doesn't act like a real father, he left Billy, too. He betrays Billy over and over again every time he abuses him.
And I should've done the same- In reference to the "keep" line, Billy's partner wishes they could've kept him with them. Kept him safe. Kept him from leaving this world.
But I came to love you- To really love Billy is to understand that you cannot keep him in one place for very long, no matter how much you wish he'd stay. He's not used to safety. Loving him is only hard when you realize there's a chance you could lose him forever.
And I want to flee- Having someone in his life who loves him and treats him the way he deserves to be treated baffles him. It feels too good to be true. He wants to run because he's afraid that if he'll stay then it'll hurt all the more when it comes to an end. Nothing good lasts forever.
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surfsnap · 2 years ago
Billy & Jonathan are both introverts. They are also dating.
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whenyouandmedance · 3 days ago
things i’m also thinking about today: barry the fuckin chemist having to create an improvised explosive for plot reasons and mick developing a Big Crush because of it. bonus points for lem and mick seeing nerdy competent barry in his natural habitat, using magnifying specs to painstakingly create a device with enough explosive force to level a city block with his hands completely steady.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 29 days ago
Summary: “Sorry, kid,” Len says, sounding – and likely even being, knowing Len – sincere. “We gotta run, and it looks like you’re coming with us for a bit.” “Oh crap,” the kid (Barry Allen, he said his name was) says. ---- Response to tumblr prompt: Coldflashwave au, where Mick and Len end up kidnapping Barry for some reason after meeting the Flash, but before Len finds out his identity?
Author: @robininthelabyrinth
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xlovebitz · 1 year ago
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~. Day 17's prompt: soft .~
a little showcase of Lightning Dusts and Marble Pie's bby Flashwave when she was around 3months old and 3 years old they nicknamed her Dustbunny..cuz i mean.. look at her <3
Pegasi are known to be super fluffy in general. Their thick coats help fend off the harsh weather they help control/create and the lower temperatures at higher altitudes. And while adult pegasi are a bit less obvious about the amount of floof they're carrying around, pegasus fillies are… not. While there are exceptions of course, most pegasus fillies are essentially balls of fur with 2 huge bug eyes glued on.
Speaking of, all fillies are very awkwardly proportioned. With heads that are way too big for their tiny necks to hold up, eyes as big as plates to a point they're bordering on alien and little stumpy legs that are often crisscrossed to help with balancing the weight of their heads. Different species of magical pastel horse tend to also have special types of wonk to them. Pegasus fillies are fluffy af as i already mentioned but their wings are also super tiny and extremely frail. Having hollow bones means that the smallest wrong fall and they might risk major injury or even (in worst case scenarios) flightlessness. Earth pony fillies' hooves are bigger than you'd expect, making them stumble over their own legs and often walk like those videos of dogs wearing shoes. Unicorns have tiny nubby horns that may cause "magic bursts", resulting in random spells being cast. And "pureblooded unicorns" or "ancient unicorns" have looonnnggg tails that drag around getting all types of dirty and snag on everything even slightly sharp. They usually get taught to hold their tails up higher, it's simply more comfortable for them.
^ This is also why a lot of unicorn elites, most often in Canterlot and the Crystal Empire, hold their tails up higher. Way back when ancient unicorns we're more common, naturally a lot high ranking magicians and royalty (Starswirl the Bearded, Princess Platinum, Queen Amore, so on) were also ancient unicorns. Once ancient unicorn traits started slowly fading and modern unicorns became more of a norm, some unicorns - desperate to keep their fame and power - pointed to these old greats that once were, claiming that being "pureblooded" is what made them so powerful - deciding to follow behaviors of these "pureblooded" ancestors. Like holding their tails up higher, getting cosmetic procedures to make their hooves cloven, growing beards, magical treatments to stimulate fetlock growth etc. And while modern scientists all agree that there is no correlation between ancient unicorn traits and being more magically gifted or intelligent, a lot of unicorns still follow these norms set by their ancestors. Most because they simply like having long fetlocks or don't care to shave their beards or maybe even wanna make a fashion statement but some elites still follow them to keep any smidge of power they can. "Holding up ones tail shows class and elegance, dearie" - Prince Blueblood, probably
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andraedevane · 1 year ago
Multifandom Ships
Repeat after me:
❄️Shipping Charry, Hansy, Harmony, Huna, Hedric, Drarry, Fredarry, Garry, Nevarry or/and Rarry (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Hinny.
❄️Shipping Perachel, Pipercy, Percico, Jercy, Perleo and/or Willercy (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Percabeth.
❄️Shipping Stalia, Stallison, Stira, Stora, Sterek, Sciles, Stackson or/and Steo (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Stydia.
❄️ Shipping Balinda, Barricity, Snowbarry, Spallen, SuperFlash, Allenbert, Bartley, ColdFlash, Elongated Flash, Flashvibe, Flashwave, Olivarry or/and Thallen (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Westallen.
❄️ Shipping Marigami/Kagaminette, Chloenette, Lilanette, Zoenette, Alyanette, Lukanette or/and Felinette (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Adrinette/Ladynoir/Marichat/Ladrien.
❄️ Shipping Ajim, Jimary, Jimci, Jimxie, Hammerhunter, Krelake, Jeves or/and Jimeli (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Jlaire.
❄️ Shipping Shallow Sapphire, Gray Ghost, Phantom Satellite, Phantom Rocker, Savant Par or/and Swagger Bishie (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Amethyst Ocean.
❄️ Shipping Adorista, Glimadora, Huntadora, Perfumadora, Scorpiadora, Entrapdora or/and Adorabow (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Catradora.
❄️ Shipping Harutara, Zutara, Jetara, Azutara, Katoph, Maitara, Sukara, Ty Lara or/and Yutara (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Kataraang.
❄️ Shipping Lunter, Lus, BoschLuz or/and Willuz (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Lumity.
❄️ Shipping Plance, Romance, Hance, Klance or/and Lancelot (and more ships) is as valid as shipping Allurance.
Every one of these ships is valid, so please, stop fighting for them. Life is so short to live it fighting over a ship. There are things more important than shipping a couple in a fictional story. So if you don't like a ship, don't criticize it. Just ignore it. Let people ship it if they want and don't fight for it. It's not worth it.
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joanthangroff · 5 months ago
my fic ideas 🩷
I’ve had all of these in a list on my discord but I deleted the app so now I need to put it somewhere so here it goes <3 they’re all developed to different degrees, like… some are just random thoughts others live in my brain rent-free
(tagging people who've shown interest in a certain idea so I can keep them updated. If you (don't) wanna be on here, shoot me a message!)
westhallen au (m/m/f) - @vexic929
joe/henry co-parenting (m/m, gen) - @vexic929
crisis rewrite where Snart lives (gen or m/m)
snart on e38 post-oculus (gen) - @simpledontmeanpeachy
coldflash prison au (s4) (m/m)
post-oculus Ava/mick team-up (gen, m/m)
Olivarry criminal au (m/m)
flashwave Invasion meeting (gen)
sin legends sequel (nb/f)
5 times Snart witnessed Barry being bad (gen, m/m)
Coldflash Kissing as distraction (m/m)
coldwave fae au (gen)
Hartley/Iris team-up + snart trauma (gen, m/m) - @vexic929
5 times the flash team visited Julian (gen)
gcau Ralph chapter (gen, nb/f)
Gcau post-future fic (m/m) - @simpledontmeanpeachy
glee/flash speedforce crossover (gen)
snart’s Parka (gen) - @simpledontmeanpeachy
speed skater Barry (m/m)
parkspivot wrong number au (f/f)
barry's sleeping problems (gen)
Lisa/Linda (f/f)
chicles tschick au (m/m)
Riverdale/flash crossover (gen)
yj core four in Smallville (gen)
thiam PJO au (m/m, f/f, f/m)
thiam dirty dancing au (m/m)
sciles Fake Dating au (m/m)
saphael firefighter au (m/m) - @jakeluppin
st smythe tonys (m/m)
Achtsam morden Kidnapping (m/m) ✔️
achtsam morden fake dating au (m/m) - @moonisdead ✔️
3+1 Divanov Kindergarten shenanigans (m/m)
Björn diemel sensory issues haver (m/m)
Linksradikaler Adam (m/m, gen)
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shieldofiron · 1 year ago
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You didn't think I'd forget Byergrove this Halloween, did you? My denim boys? Never.
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coldflash-corner · 11 months ago
My absolute love of Coldflash bc I adore their dynamic their history with each other and their shared understanding of traumas
My love of Flashwave (...Heatflash...? W h a t is their ship name-) because I love Barry and I love Mick and I think Mick also deserves some Barry Allen Golden Retriever pining. Yes I'm aware that by the time I stopped watching the show they have like. Barely talked and only know each other via Snart
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thatgirlwithasquid · 2 years ago
professional photographer jonathan, and then artist billy who discovered his passion for art and being creative while healing away from neil because he was finally free to express his emotions. which leaves jonathan capturing these stunning pictures of so many different things, and billy who then creates art of them capturing how they make him feel. their pieces get displayed side by side, jon’s showing how breathtaking the world is when you take a moment to look and billy’s visualising the passion of experiencing it.
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onstrangerthighs · 1 year ago
*Angst x fluff because I'm not strong enough to write straight angst*
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surfsnap · 2 years ago
Emoji boyfriends
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 29 days ago
Summary: Joe West never adopted Barry Allen. In the wake of his mother's murder and his father's incarceration, Barry is bounced between orphanages and foster homes, the child of an imperfect system. Fast-forward fifteen years, to a future where Barry was never struck by lightning, never became the Flash. He works as a forensic analyst for the police and volunteers his spare time to the Wishing Well Foundation, granting wishes to children with life-threatening conditions. It's a pretty straight forward life, really. ... or it was, until a little girl named Anna is asked to make a wish. Her response? "I want to meet Captain Cold."
Author: @townwithoutheart
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