#five ingredients or less
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10 tips for a 10x better life
0 complaining
Complaining focuses your mind on problems instead of finding solutions. By shifting your energy to action and gratitude, you become more positive, productive, and resilient.
1 (cold) shower/day
Cold showers boost circulation, improve recovery, and increase mental toughness. Even warm showers help refresh your body and mind, setting the tone for a productive day.
2 liters of water/day
Proper hydration improves energy levels, brain function, and digestion. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, and poor concentration—so keep your water intake in check. Tipp: Use a large cup or bottle with 500ml or 1l. It'll help with building the habit if you don't have to get up after every glass
3 hours max screen-time
Excessive screen time can drain your mental clarity, disrupt sleep, and make you less present in real life. Setting limits helps you focus on meaningful activities and personal growth. If setting limits doesn't work: Delete the App that's distracting you the most completely off your phone. For me it was character.ai -> damn this app had me in a chokehold for some while...
4 day resistance training/workout
Regular strength training boosts metabolism, enhances physical and mental health, and increases longevity. Even a few sessions a week can improve confidence and energy. Doesn't mean you have to get a gym-membership -> just go on youtube and find a home-workout that works for you <3
5 mins daily meditation
Meditation reduces stress, enhances focus, and strengthens emotional resilience. Just five minutes a day can help you feel more present, clear-headed, and in control of your thoughts.
6 home-cooked dinners/week
Cooking at home allows you to control ingredients, save money, and eat healthier. It also builds discipline and strengthens your connection to the food you consume.
7 strangers spoken to per week
Engaging with new people improves social skills, confidence, and networking opportunities. You never know what connection, insight, or opportunity a simple conversation might bring.
8 hrs sleep/night
Quality sleep is essential for brain function, recovery, and emotional well-being. Lack of sleep leads to irritability, poor focus, and decreased productivity—prioritize a good rest at night!
9 thousand steps
Walking keeps your body active, improves cardiovascular health, and boosts creativity. It’s an easy, low-impact way to stay fit and clear your mind daily. Put on some headphones, open your favorite playlist and spend some quality time outside.
10 pages reading/day
Reading expands your knowledge, improves focus, and fuels personal growth. Just 10 pages a day can introduce you to new ideas, perspectives, and skills that elevate your life.
xoxo, sally
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#girlblog#girlblogger#girlblogging#that girl#dream girl#it girl#self care#self love#glow up#becoming that girl#self help#self development#self improvement#wonyoungism#pink pilates princess aesthetic#pink pilates girl#pink pilates princess#green juice girl aesthetic#green juice girl#clean girl aesthetic#clean girl#health#health aesthetic#health blog#fitness#fitness blog#girly#girly stuff#girly aesthetic#girly things
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filling the void (8) II a.putellas

part of the filling the void series filling the void (8) II a.putellas
"aye dios mio mami por favor just sit down!" you groaned tiredly, dragging your hands down your face with a grunt of frustration at the ridiculously hard headed stubborn woman in front of you.
"i have been sitting down all day. i sit down every day, all day. i can help!" eli argued, still stood in the kitchen despite you taking away every single utensil and ingredient she'd gotten her hands on in the last five minutes.
"you have been home for three days! you were told it would be at least a week before you can even think about returning to your normal routine, and that is after the doctor clears you mami." you warned, apparently taking her recovery much more seriously than she was.
"bah! he knows nothing. i feel strong, i am strong, see?" eli scoffed, moving to lift the pot of water you had boiling as your eyes widened and you rushed in.
"no! sit down!" you ordered as you pushed yourself into her way, slotting your body between her and the very heavy pot she did not need to be lifting for the sake of her wounded pride.
"por favor mami, just go sit down." you spoke softer this time, remembering your manners as her eyebrows raised at your initial tone toward her.
"bien. i can sit down...and peel the potatoes." for a woman recovering from a heart scare she was fast, the bag of potatoes and peeler already grabbed from the counter as she started toward the dining room table.
you shook your fist and silently yelled up at the roof behind her back. and had anyone else been present you were sure they would have pointed out that this was exactly where the rest of the putellas women got your stubbornness from.
"no. you can go sit down and...read your book!" you suggested, gesturing toward the sofa and holding the potatoes and peeler out of her reach, the shortest of your sisters but still taller than your mami it wasn't a difficult task.
"i have read. and watched tv. and slept. called the family. done the newspaper puzzles. i am losing my mind hija! do you want your mami to lose her mind?" the woman questioned, hands on hips and staring up at you as a hint of a smile pulled at your lips.
"no. but i also do not want to see her laying unconscious on the floor, or in a hospital bed on a life support machine again." your voice softened as did eli's hardened features at your words, a long sigh leaving her as she nodded.
"vale mija, but you will let me know if you need help?" eli questioned as you nodded, kissing her cheek and turning around to head back to the kitchen as finally she made her own way back toward the living room.
"i know how to cook mami, no hay por qué preocuparse." you assured with a wave of your hand, quickly dumping the rice into the now boiling water and moving to the sink to wash the potatoes. "do you?" eli questioned light heartedly as you rolled your eyes.
"sí. i just pretend not to so everyone else cooks for me!" you grinned as the woman wagged a finger at you. "míralo!" she warned as you blew her a kiss and heard the front door go.
"no! sit down. they both have keys, they can work it out." you pointed toward the shorter woman who was already up and on her feet, eli huffing but sitting down none the less as the door went again, and again, and again.
"joder!" you cursed quietly, dropping the potato in your hand and stomping out of the kitchen, not quietly enough though as eli yelled after you to watch your language and you sent an apologetic smile over your shoulder before opening the door.
whatever rude remark about impatience was sitting on the tip of your tongue died at the sight in front of you, a snort of amusement leaving your mouth instead.
"qué es eso?" you asked with raised eyebrows at the large plastic white chair in your sisters grip, not getting an answer as you were pushed out of the way and alexia staggered on in, arms full.
"a shower chair for mami." the blonde finally answered with a grunt as she placed it down, purposefully out of sight of the eagle eyed woman in the other room who she knew would make a fuss over it.
"the doctor said she might need one, and that she will tell us if she does." you looked at it with an air of uncertainty as your sister sighed. "lo sé. but do you really think she would tell us if she did?" alexia asked as you both shared a look and shook your heads, pushing it a little more out of sight, an argument to be had later on.
"hola pequeña." you tensed up in surprise as you tried to move back to the kitchen but alexia grabbed you in a sudden hug, not phased that you weren't returning the greeting at first.
"i remember when you used to like my hugs hermana, sometimes you would even ask for them." your sister sighed dramatically, only holding on tighter as you tried to wiggle free before hugging her back.
"i saw you two days ago ale." you rolled your eyes again, squeezing her back for a moment and making a face as she kissed your cheek when you pulled away. "te extrañé." the girl messed up your hair next as you pushed her off with a huff.
"necesitada." you quipped, ducking her hands which tried to grab at you no doubt to pull you into a suffocating bear hug of some sort and escaping to the kitchen.
none the less things had been better in the last week.
last sunday you went to brunch with alba and watched alexia's game together right after, sandwiched between an injured jana and your older sister, neither of whom stopped chattering the entire match.
mapi was finally cleared to be on the bench at the very least, which you were grateful for purely just so she wasn't there to add to all of the yapping the entire game.
you'd warned her right away that alexia knew about the tattoo, and the defender had been waiting anxiously for the phone call or barrage of texts or verbal tongue lashing she'd be getting for giving it to you behind your sisters back, but it never came.
in fact much to the girls shock the moment alexia saw her in person she was pulled into a tight hug, her best friend mumbling her gratitude that mapi had been there for you when she hadn't, and that alexia was doing better, would do better, to never let it happen again.
"no seas estúpido. you do not need to thank me ale, fresa may be el diablillo, but she is como familia, and so are you." mapi promised, squeezing the captains bicep who pulled her into another hug which the defender was more than happy to have.
"las hermanas son complicadas amiga. just ask ingrid! she will tell you that mistakes happen but you learn from them. things are far from perfect with her and her hermana, but we are getting there. sometimes we show love in the wrong way, but the love is still always there, and fresa knows that chica." mapi spoke softly, alexia swallowing a lump in her throat and nodding.
"y me aseguraré de que nunca olvide." alexia swore, and she would, she would do anything, go to the ends of the earth to make sure never ever again would you forget how much she and alba loved you.
"ingrids hermana, she is fresa's age no?" alexia sat down on the bench to lace up her boots as mapi nodded. "teenagers." was all the zaragozan replied with a tired sigh, making the blonde smile with amusement and hum her agreement.
you were alike alexia in the sense you enjoyed watching football, though like alba you never craved the urge to play like your eldest sister did.
but that wasn’t helped by the trauma of when you were nine you’d been hit in the face with a football so hard it sent your teeth through your bottom lip and wound up with four stitches in your mouth.
needless to say alexia had a breakdown over that accident, and it took weeks before she was able to sleep guilt free or at least without poking her head into your room every few hours to check on you, and a further week to stop apologizing and grovelling every five minutes much to your insistence she shut up.
you hadn’t really touched a football since.
still some of your fondest memories growing up were being stuffed into a car with your whole family and descending upon one of alexias matches to cheer her on, faces painted and flags waving and always some of the loudest and proudest spectators in attendance.
you knew a lot about football for someone who never played, helped by the fact that all alexia forever went on and on and on about when you watched other matches on tv was strategy and skill and tactics.
you'd known from a young age that god forbid the day came where your sister hung her boots up, she'd just be donning a clipboard and a whistle as a manager, and she'd continue her football legacy just in another way.
but all alba and jana seemed to want to talk about the entire game was anything but football.
irene finally took pity on you in the last twenty minutes and offered to swap seats, just granted you didn't mind entertaining mateo's chatter instead, which you didn't mind one single bit.
then after barcelona trumped benefica 5-0, alexia getting in two assists, you went to your tio's house for dinner that night. eli joined in for a while over facetime but you'd be lying if you said that didn't make you miss the fact she wasn't actually there even more.
but squished between both of your sisters at the over packed dinner table, fighting with your cousins for whose turn it was to speak and arguing over who was passing which dish to whom next, you were overcome with a profound sense of normalcy you'd been deprived of for too long now.
after that, things continued upward.
both of your sisters struggled to find the balance of not smothering you while still constantly needing to let you know they were there if you needed them, taking to heart eli's advice that you were growing up and the tighter they held on the more it would make you pull away.
monday you went to work and finally they left you be to sleep at your own home for the night by yourself, even if they both hung around for hours basically baby proofing everything for your mami's homecoming.
the doctor happy with the stability of her condition eli returned home on tuesday as planned, practically banishing both of your sisters back to their own homes when they hovered and fussed all over her for merely an hour before she lost it.
you were trying your best not to do the same, however with how determined the woman seemed to be to ignore every instruction she was given, the last few days skating on thin ice had been rocky and you were very close to pulling your hair out in frustration at her stubbornness.
your sisters would be lying if they said they weren't a little surprised when you reached out for help, asking if they'd come over for dinner on friday to try and give eli something to do other than complain about her lack of things she was allowed to do.
both had agreed within four minutes of you sending the message, and by the time you returned from your shower they'd already made a plan and all you had to do was send a single thumbs up in confirmation.
they were trying, you were trying, and slowly, the void you once felt gaping between the three of you, was closing.
back to present day you frowned in concentration, finger tracing along the next steps of the recipe as alexia greeted your mami, the murmur of their chatter background noise as to absolutely no ones surprise alexia took over the tv flicking to the barcelona mens match which was due to start in about twenty minutes.
"oye! i thought we said no football? her stress levels alexia!" you called out with a hardened look, your sister frowning and opening her mouth to protest but eli beat her to it.
"the doctor said no going to football, tv is fine! look hija, i will even sit down as i watch like you keep telling me to. feliz?" the womans tone dripped with sarcasm as she slowly sat back down and alexia snickered.
"anciana testaruda!" you muttered under your breath with a huff, shaking your head and glaring at your older sister who admittedly paled a little at the anger in your face.
"mami, she is only doing what your doctor said." alexia warned, lowering the volume of the tv as eli puffed air from her nose and waved away the concern. "she worries too much. estoy bien!" your mami rolled her eyes as alexia frowned.
"mami." "que?" "sabes que."
"did you know she has not worked all week? or studied? no she stays home to fuss over me and yell at me all day. haciéndome sentir como una vieja estúpida!" eli huffed, crossing her arms and scowling.
alexia jumped at the sound of you slamming the peeler down on the counter. you were tired, grumpy, patience worn thin and sick of trying to pretend you couldn't hear everything that was being said like you weren't just a few feet away.
"you are a stupid old woman! a stupid stubborn old woman who had a heart attack and wants to pretend she did not!" you snapped, storming off to your room and both alexia and your mami winced at the slam of your door after you.
alba watched on cluelessly, having just arrived to witness the back end of whatever just happened, raising her eyebrows at the two women in the living room who stared after you with concern.
"what did i miss?"
you felt like you could finally breathe the moment your back hit the mattress, inhaling and exhaling deeply, grabbing your pillow and holding it over your face, letting out an exhausted scream that you'd been holding in all week.
you regretted the words the moment they left your mouth but you were still too emotional and grumpy to go and apologize for them just yet. all you were doing was trying to look after her, the same way she had looked after all three of you for years, and it was just being thrown back in your face at every turn.
you were pulled out of your thoughts by a knock at the door, grumbling a quiet come in into your pillow, though when it wasn't heard alexia still decided to take her chances, popping her head in and refraining from laughing at the sight of you.
"fresita." selfishly you were a little relieved that it wasn't your mami just yet, pulling the pillow off your face and sighing, the bed dipping as your sister perched herself on the end of it.
"lo sé. i should not speak to mami like that." you admitted, staring up at the roof as alexia's eyebrows knit together in a small frown. "no. maybe not the right words nena, but she needed to hear it." her hand squeezed your ankle softly as you glanced toward her.
"i just-she does not listen, about anything! i ask her to sit down, she stands up. i ask her to call the doctor, she calls one of her amigas from work. i ask to test her blood pressure, she suddenly needs to use the bathroom. i give her her medication at breakfast, she tries to hide it under her plate. tan testarudo!" you spat, anger returning in a wave that washed over you head to toe, drowning in the frustration of a situation you felt helpless in, barely keeping your head above water.
"lo sé. mami might be the most stubborn woman in the world hermana, but she is also the luckiest that she has you to look after, and me, and alba." alexia poked you with a smile as you sighed but nodded.
"ven aquí." your sister spoke softly, opening her arms as you paused for a moment, but a second later you were sitting up and shuffling to lean into her embrace, exhaling tiredly as your head rested on her shoulder.
no matter what had happened, no matter if you were grown up or growing up, sometimes you just needed a hug from your sister, and this moment was one where you hadn't realised yet, but that alexia needed it just as much as you did.
"you are going to be a very good nurse one day hermana, one of the best." the older girl spoke truthfully, kissing the side of your head and you were for once grateful for the height difference between the pair of you, able to hide the blush which coated your cheeks at the compliment.
"mami is not the easiest patient though, no? good practice maybe." your sister chuckled, looking down at you sympathetically as you snorted in amusement.
"still better than you were." you quipped with a look that had alexia's cheeks flushing with embarrassment, thinking back months and months ago to when she tore her acl.
"ale. are you hungry? i can cook?" you asked quietly, toe poking the soft carpet beneath your feet apprehensively, having felt the need to walk on egg shells all morning around the stone faced brunette laid a few feet away from you.
"you do not know how to cook." your sister muttered, eyes never leaving the tv screen in front of her where a movie was playing, but you knew well enough she was doing anything but actually watching it.
the moment she'd returned home after her surgery every sports channel had been blocked, a task unfortunately assigned to you given your poor mami had no idea how to do it, but it was one of the first things alexias therapist had suggested.
she had good days and bad days, as was to be expected with a recovery from such a prolific injury, and everyone knew that despite the main impact being on her body, the worst backlash would come from her mind.
and today, today was a bad day.
both your mami and alba had events on for friends they couldn't get out of and that you assured they go to anyway, olga was away on a business trip for the weekend and everyone else was running scared from the fierce barcelona captain, not that you blamed them considering the absolutely downright awful personality alexia adopted on her bad days.
so you'd offered to spend the day with her, despite her insistence she didn't need babysitting and you assuring you just wanted to hang out with her, which was only flung back at you when your sister grumbled she didn't want to hang out with you.
you knew she didn't mean it, as she didn't with half the things that spewed from her mouth these days when her head was filled with thunder clouds, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.
"i can cook. are you hungry?" you frowned, posing the question again as all alexia did was curtly shake her head, muttering under her breath that she didn't feel like getting food poisoning today.
biting back the urge to snap back at her you walked away toward the kitchen instead, knowing she was in fact hungry considering she ate like the athlete she was and her last meal was over three and a half hours ago.
you guessed your safest bet was a sandwich, and with your mami and olga both keeping the cupboards well stocked it didn't take long for you to find what you needed, making yourself one as well.
though most of alexias horrible mood swings were unpredictable, you knew the cause of todays being extra bitter. barcelona were playing, and she'd been banned from watching, any means she had of doing so taken away from her as much as she'd yelled and argued that she was an adult and she could do as she pleased.
but everyone knew, watching at the moment would only make things worse, even alexia herself did, not that she would be caught dead or alive admitting so.
you glanced up hearing an alarm, knowing exactly what that meant and not at all surprised when it was silenced and the grumpy brunette on the lounge didn't move a muscle, a quiet sigh leaving your lips knowing what that meant.
grabbing both plates you made your way back to the living room, careful not to trip over nala who had just awoken from a nap, darting beneath your feet before jumping up and settling herself in your sisters lap.
you didn't say a word as you offered her the sandwich, uneasy with what her reaction would even be but it was a silent one, alexia just taking the plate without a word as you joined her on the couch again.
"de nada." you mumbled sarcastically under your breath at her lack of a thank you, a venomous glare thrown your way as you apparently hadn't been as quiet as you thought, your sisters mouth at least too full of food to snap.
you had the decency to wait until she'd finished eating before addressing the alarm, interrupted at first by her doorbell going, greeting the delivery man at the door and leaving the package addressed to olga in their shared bedroom, alexia barely even looking up as you did so.
"hermana." you cleared your throat, stood awkwardly and once again digging your toe into the carpet as she ignored you. "alexia." you spoke again, this time moving in front of the tv and directly into her line of sight, not giving her much choice but to acknowledge you.
"the alarm." you hinted with a sympathetic smile, alexia only scoffing and rolling her eyes, grunting at you to move out of the way with a flick of her fingers.
"ale. you know they are important, you have to move." you sighed, ignored once again as your patience started to wean, grabbing the remote off the table and turning the tv off.
you expected her to start kicking off at that, but she only crossed her arms and scowled up at the roof like a child, nala growing restless at the lack of attention and scurrying off onto the balcony to flop down into the sun.
"alexia." you repeated firmer this time, crossing your own arms and meeting her glare head on, raising an eyebrow. "no." was all she replied shortly, closing her eyes as if to take a nap making yours roll again.
"get up. it is five minutes, and it is important. if you want to-" you started but you were interrupted before you could finish, your sister snapping that you of all people were the least qualified to tell her what to do.
"well look around alexia. i am the only one here, because you have pushed everyone else away. so get up!" the last layer of your patience for her attitude was worn too thin now, your tone wavering and your sister seething.
"i do not need a babysitter. especially not by you of all people fresa! así que vete y no vuelvas!" the brunette snarled, and you were certain if she had anything else beside her bar the cushion propping her leg up she'd have hauled it right at your head, nostrils flared and ears bright red with anger.
"no." you shook your head, and before she could blink you were snatching her crutches away from her in one hand, her phone in the other as she tried to grab it back but she simply swatted her hand uselessly through the air.
"devuélvelo." "no." "devuélvelo fresa, now!" "or what?" you challenged, taking a seat on the edge of her coffee table and raising an eyebrow, the smug smile on your face one your sister wished she could smack off any second now.
"if you want it hermana-" you stood again for a second, moving to place her phone down on the entertainment stand where her tv stood, returning to perch back on the coffee table. "-go get it." you finished in challenge.
"i can't." "you can." "no." "sí." "no."
"ya sabes i am so tired of everyone being too scared to tell you what to do ale. i do not care if you are el capitána de españa. i do not care if you are el capitána de barcelona. here you are mi hermana, and i care about you, everyone does!" you paused to take a breath before continuing.
"but you push and you snap and you push and you snap and everyone throws their hands up and lets you do what you want because you are stubborn with a mean face. what if it was me? sitting there? what would you do ale? huh?" you challenged with raised eyebrows.
"you are useless at football." was all she chimed in as you sighed. "sí, and you will be too if you do not get up and try to do recovery alexia. mi hermana did not teach me to be a quitter, because she is not a quitter, she does not sit on her culo all day feeling sorry for herself and moping like a child. so levántate!" you finally snapped, a tense silence falling between the two of you as you locked into a stare down neither of you was willing to break first.
"necesito ir al baño." "oh? well vamos, i am not stopping you." "fresa." "alexia." "fresa." "alexia."
"eres un grano en el culo!" your sister grunted but a small smile curled into your lips as finally she began to move, pulling herself with a wince into a seated position, smacking away your hands as you hurried to try and help.
eventually realizing she had no other choice she relented, allowing you to very very slowly get her up and to her feet, leaning her taller form into you as you huffed and pulled her body upward.
"i am going to let go. just go to the tv and then i will help you to the bathroom ale." you spoke much softer now as your sister nodded, steadying herself as you carefully removed the arm which was slung around her waist, still hovering right beside her as slowly she walked forward.
a few times you darted in to grab her as she would wobble and you worried she'd fall, her steps growing a little more sure the more of them she took and slowly but surely she grabbed onto the edge of the tv stand with a pained exhale.
"no. i can get there." your sister waved you off as you tried to help her again, watching in surprise as using the wall to brace herself she very slowly walked with tiny steps toward the bathroom, eventually needing to lean into you again as she ran out of wall.
"overachiever." you mumbled trying to lighten the mood a little, not missing the tiny smile which flickered onto her lips, gone as soon as it appeared as the older girl smacked the back of your head fondly.
you helped her sit down, always a painful task given the way her knee had to bend just a little for her to sit down, stood awkwardly by the door once she seemed settled.
"i am not going to fall in fresa! dios mío, váyase. idiota!"
"and i would yell at you again." you rolled your eyes as your sister chuckled, running a hand through your hair with a hum. "i am sure you would. only now i have two good knees to chase you with." she patted your own knee as you chuckled and sat back up.
"i am still faster." you grinned, alexia despising that she couldn't argue the fact, never having won an actual race against you from the moment you turned twelve and no longer needed her to let you win.
not that she ever had.
"mami." you spoke pulling her attention toward you as alexia gave you a moment, joining alba in the kitchen as the older womans face softened, opening her arms as you sank down into them.
"siento haberte gritado." you apologised quietly, an assure you had nothing to apologise for whispered into your hair as her hand rubbed your back and she apologised for being difficult, all of the earlier tension long gone.
"careful mami, you will send el bebé to sleep." you looked up through narrowed eyes at your older sister. "como un perrito." alba cooed patting your head as you smacked her hand away. "that is alexias fault!" you accused as your eldest sister looked up from her phone at the mention of her name.
"the spray bottle." alba snickered at the memory as you huffed and even eli chuckled. "and the treats." your mami chimed in as you looked up at her in betrayal.
"i was too young to know any better!" you defended yourself. "mami do you have any fruit loops? lets test her obidience!" alba teased as you grumbled something under your breath.
"i was not training her like a dog! you had the biting phase pequeña." alexia chimed in from the kitchen. "sí and mami would get called into preschool to take fres home because she bit someone." alba snickered as your face flushed red.
"vale vale. leave your hermana alone!" finally eli stood up for you, amused to see the three of you seemingly a little more back to how you'd been before growing apart.
subtly flipping alba off and getting up as she sat down, taking your place in eli's arms making you roll your eyes and her leg kick out at you lazily, eli only smiling at the interaction and running her hands through your sisters hair.
"you burned it." you groaned as alexia showed you the pan of blackened rice you'd forgotten all about, running your hands down your face with an annoyed sigh.
"can we just buy mami a rice cooker for christmas?"
"oye, i need to talk to you." you frowned as alexia nodded for you to step outside with her, your mami showering, without the chair she practically threw outside onto the driveway in a fit of anger, and alba asleep on the lounge apparently now staying the night as eli had tucked her in with a blanket.
"qué pasa?" you asked curiously, following your sister out to her car, her goodbyes already said as she needed to be at the stadium early tomorrow for the pre match press conference.
"you know ingrids hermana has been staying with her and mapi?" alexia started as you helped her load the rejected shower chair awkwardly back into her cupra, your mami threatening to set it on fire if she stepped out of the bathroom and it was still on the property.
"sí. por qué?" you weren't sure where this was going as finally you somehow managed to squeeze the chair in, alexia sighing in relief and closing the door, stretching out her back.
"well she is norweigan-" "well she isn't spanish."
"ow!" you whined as your sisters hand collected the back of your head with a warning glare. "no, but she needs to work on her spanish. ingrid is worried she will fail her final year since she is doing it here and not in norway, the language barrier is not helping her." alexia explained as you frowned again, still unsure where this is okay.
"vale..." "so. you did very well in school, you are smart,you got very good grades, you have finished the year she is still studying, you are patient, well sometimes patient-" "alexia i am tired, is there a point to this?"
"i want to ask you to help her study. help her work on her spanish, get more comfortable with her reading and writing. mapi says she has learned to speak it quite well, but she is failing her classes and there have been warning letters that if it does not improve she will need to repeat the year." you were stunned into silence for a moment, still processing as your sisters eyes tracked over your face awaiting a reaction.
"so you want me to teach a norwegian stranger, to read and write en español, in..." you paused to try and do the math of when you knew the current school year would be breaking off for their final exams. "eight weeks? no. no ale!" you shook your head firmly as your sister sighed.
"why do you not ask alba? she is the teacher!" "sí for los niños. solstråle is your age, only a few months older. if you had not graduated a year early she would be your classmate! and your english is much better than alba's." alexia pointed out as you groaned.
"i do not speak norweigan!" "you will not need to, she speaks english." "so we will both be speaking in a language not our own that we are not comfortable in. as i teach her a language also not her own? estás loco!" you spat with a huff and a shake of your head.
"alexia i have a full time job, and i study, i have no time." "sí and solstråle has school, you can meet her in the afternoon! one or two days a week nena, that is all i am asking. por favor if not for me, for mapi." alexia pleaded as you sighed and rubbed your eyes.
"are you asking? or telling?" "i already told mapi and ingrid you would." "alexia!" "i will buy you new shoes, a new bag, a laptop, an ipad, whatever you want." your sister bargained as you paused.
"two new pairs of shoes, and i get to take three things from your closet, and nothing is off limits." you countered, watching your sisters jaw harden as she ticked it over, knowing there was two jackets you'd been trying to steal from her for years.
"one pair of shoes, one of the nike jackets and a voucher for your the cafe you and alba like for brunch, ten coffees on me." "fifteen coffees." "fresa!" "que? i drink two a day alexia! that is a weeks worth." "bien. deal?" "deal."
you shook hands at that, grinning happily knowing exactly which jacket you were going to take making your sister groan, horribly possessive over her clothing despite the fact most of it she got for free and usually wore once.
"solstråle will be at the match on sunday, mapi will introduce you. you will sit with her and introduce yourself, organise when you will meet to study, starting next week." "dios mio, actually it just went up to twenty coffees."
"so diablillo, what did this cost tu hermana?" mapi grinned wolfishly, knowing all too well you'd not be doing this out of the kindness of your heart despite alexia's insistence to both her and ingrid you were very much on board.
"new shoes, shopping trip in her closet, twenty coffees." you smirked, mapi letting out a belt of laughter and drawing you into her side with a proud smile.
"and she thinks you are such an angel."
your amused grin faded the closer you got to the vaguely familiar brunette hunched over in the seat at the end of the row, head buried in her phone.
you had of course seen her for all of five seconds the time mapi had given you your tattoo, and once at the game your mami had dragged you to, not really having been in attendance to any of the others to have met her.
as mapi had gone on and on about apparently the two of you would have loads in common, and she was certain it would not take the pair of you long to become friends, though you still couldn't help feeling like a preschooler being set up on a play date with your parents friends kid.
"solstråle." you shifted with a polite smile as you arrived, mapi's arm slung over your shoulder as she poked the girl with her foot and she looked up, squinting slightly at the sun before holding her hand up to shade her face.
not that you had doubts she was ingrids sister, but upon getting a good look at her you could very clearly see her sisters features in her own.
the downward slope of her nose, the dimple in the left side of her cheek, bright green eyes, dark brunette hair pulled back and out of her face, freckles dotting her cheeks and rosy pink lips which curled into an awkward grimace you thought was supposed to be an attempt at a smile.
then, there was the height.
you were a little taken aback as the girl stood, towering over you and mapi but still a little slunched over, as if she didn't quite know what to do with her arms which hung limply by her side, her free hand shoved into the pocket of her shorts.
she had a barcelona jersey on, sporting the away kit while you had on the home one, and your smile softened as you noticed the number four and realised it was mapi's kit.
"fresa?" you hummed as tattooed fingers clicked in your face, pulling you back down to earth and your cheeks filled with colour as you realised mapi had been speaking to you and you'd zoned out entirely, starting to count the freckles dotting the scandi's sharp jawed face.
"hola." you greeted with a much warmer smile, a soft hello echoed back as a somewhat awkward silence fell and mapi whistled, rocking back and forth on her feet, catching ingrids eye who was watching on from the pitch.
"eh well, i have to go and warm up. sol your sister said she left your sunscreen in the bag, and to please wear it, we are running out of burn lotion." mapi spoke and you hid a smile at the way the norweigan's face went bright red and she hissed something in a tongue you didn't understand making mapi grin.
"perfecta." and just like that she was off and the taller girl was sitting back down as you glared at the spainards retreating figure before slowly lowering yourself into your own seat, placing your bag underneath you.
an uncomfortably thick silence hung over the pair of you as you chanced a glance to her every now and then, her own green eyes locked on the pitch watching the girls warm up as you sighed and shifted.
"how do you like spain?" you tried to start a conversation, repeating the question a little louder after a moment when she didn't reply, spectators flooding in now and the chatter around you both growing louder and louder in volume.
"fine." the girl answered quietly as you nodded, slumping down into your seat and fiddling with the hem of your jersey. "do you...play?" you asked, the brunette sending you a quick but confused look as you pointed to the field.
"oh, no." she shook her head once she realised what you were asking, again making no real effort to continue on the conversation and you made a mental note to punch the tattooed defender responsible for this incredibly awkward meeting the moment you got within swinging range.
"do you?" you almost didn't hear her, too focused creating a ten step plan on how to escape this. a stomach ache? family emergency? earthquake in the backyard?
"hm?" you hummed as she repeated herself. "play." she clarified nodding to the field. "oh, no. i have a...ball fear?" you tried to explain in english as sol gave you an odd look.
"alexia, my sister-" you pointed to the blonde girl stupidly, as if sol wouldn't know who she was "-she eh kicked me in the face with a ball when i was little. put my teeth through my lip." you tugged down your bottom lip where the four scars sat from the stitches.
"oh, sorry." sol winced and looked away as you cringed and cursed at yourself, why would you show her the inside of your mouth?? however so preoccupied telling yourself off you missed the ever so slight smile which pulled at sols lips as she snuck a look at you, clearly having a conversation with yourself and mumbling quietly in spanish.
"so um, studying. you need help?" you asked a little more bluntly than you realised, not missing the way the scandi beside you stiffened, only giving a curt nod and refusing to meet your eye.
"mondays and wednesdays. can you do those?" you posed, another curt nod all you got in response. "four in the afternoon, there is a library, lots of meeting rooms you can book. i will...text mapi?" you offered, sol nodding again and crossing her arms across her chest, incredibly toned arms you couldn't help but notice.
sols body shifting ever so slightly away from your own, you knew without her saying a word that was her silently ending the conversation, not that she'd bothered to contribute more than a few words anyway.
"increíble." you muttered, a plan now made that was all you'd agreed on with alexia, and with the girl beside you clearly not interested in speaking much more you didn't feel like forcing it.
this was going to be a lot more work than you first thought.
if there is spelling and grammar errors in this pls forgive me its midnight and this has been many months overdue and i wanted to get it done!! hoping its met expectations and we're ready for sol x fresa sooon @girlgenius1111
#woso x reader#alexia putellas imagine#alexia putellas x reader#alexia putellas#woso#woso community#woso fanfics#woso imagine#woso blurbs#🍓☀️
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We're Just Glad You're Ok
summary: poly!marauders x reader, you have a sleep potion mishap
cw: sleep potion malfunction, passing out, health scare?, hospital, swearing a few times, i guess you can call some of it angst?
word count: 2.2k
You only had twelve hours left until this stupid potion needed to be ready in order to show Slughorn.
This potion had taken you over a month to complete, and here you were, down to the wire, rushing to make sure everything was absolutely perfect. You wanted the highest grade possible, and if you were being honest, thought that was what you deserved.
You didn’t even want to take advanced potion making, but in order to keep your prefect title, you had to be enrolled in at least three advanced classes, so you endured the tortuous stirring, grinding, and burning.
And this potion was your crowning achievement of this semester. You had spent countless nights brewing and stewing, not to mention the three failed attempts already.
You were attempting to brew a sleeping draught that would take only one drop to put anyone to sleep in under five minutes. It was practically unheard of, most sleep potions were an entire vial that would start to take effect somewhere between thirty minutes to an hour to set in, but you wanted to prove it could be done quicker and with less potion.
There were a few tricky ingredients that needed to be tweaked between all of your attempts, but you were certain that you had gotten it right this time.
You just wanted to be done with this, to get this project completed and wrap yourself in bed along with your boyfriends who you had been slightly neglecting due to this potion. It was taking up all of your time and you felt like you hadn’t seen Remus, James, or Sirius in ages. Once this project was turned in, you were more than happy to spend a few days doing absolutely nothing with your boys.
In your tired and overworked state, you must have forgotten to turn the burner down or maybe you added a drop too much of the chamomile extract, but before you could react, your potion exploded.
The liquid got everywhere, drenching your notes, your clothes, your hair, thankfully it smelled heavenly, but you froze.
“Shit,” you muttered under your breath to yourself. Shit indeed. This wasn’t good. A singular drop of this was supposed to put any human to sleep, and you just drenched yourself in the concoction.
You knew that you needed to move fast. You had very little time before the potions fumes knocked you out, in fact, you could already feel the effects of the sleep draught taking hold. You shook your head and tried your best to power through. You knew that it was late, probably past midnight, which meant that no students would be roaming the halls, no one to see you if you passed out on the cold dungeon floors.
You frantically grabbed your sopping notebook and shoved it in your bag. You turned the burner off, not bothering to clean up or put any of the ingredients away. Slughorn could deal with it, you’d just explain to him what happened and why you rushed out without properly cleaning up after yourself.
You turned to make your way out of the room, but you felt the room spin with you. You caught yourself on a desk and made sure you had a strong footing. This was going to be incredibly difficult.
You fought your heavy eyelids and focused on getting out of the damn classroom. When you made it to the door, you about fell, the weight of your body becoming almost too much to handle.
You made a quick decision to turn right instead of left down the hall. Sure it was quicker to get to your dorm if you had gone left, but that also meant braving the moving staircases. You felt woozy even thinking about trying to make your way up those in this state, so you decided to go the long way, which at least would take you in front of the Slytherin common room. Maybe that way someone would find your incapacitated body.
You stumbled your way along the long narrow hallways, trying your best not to knock into any statues or painting. You were certain one of the paintings actually scolded you for waking it up, but you couldn’t quite focus your mind on anything other than putting one foot in front of the other. Right, left, right.
You didn't know how much longer you could hold yourself up. Oh well, one night on a cold, hard castle floor wouldn’t kill you, right?
Through your hazy vision, you could make out a figure headed your way.
“Y/N?,” the voice called out. You weren’t sure if it was because of your current state or because of the acoustic castle walls, but the noise bounced around over and over, echoing and making you even more dizzy than you already felt.
You groaned and leaned yourself against the wall, the figure appearing in front of you. You forced yourself to look up and see who it was.
You were met with a very confused and concerned looking Regulus. The sight of him left you with a breath of relief. You don’t know why he was roaming the halls this late, but you were sure glad to have him now.
“Reggie,” you gasped. Time was running out quickly now.
“Y/N, are you alright? What happened?” he asked, dropping his bag and closing the gap between the both of you.
You felt your legs finally give and saw the hallway start to tilt. Regulus caught you quickly and helped you to the ground, laying you down softly but still worried.
“Reggie,” you started once again. You needed to tell him to get you to your dorm where you had countless antidotes and nullifying potions, at least to Slughorn who would know what to do, but fatigue was winning this battle. “Potion… exploded.” you managed to get out.
Regulus shook his head, still not understanding what was happening. “W-what potion? Y/N!”
You knew you were a goner now, your eyes had finally sealed themselves shut and your limbs were incredibly heavy with lethargy. The last thing you remembered was the words coming slowly out of your mouth, “Get… Sirius.”
✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦
You felt sheets under you. Cold and scratchy. You don’t remember falling asleep last night. In fact, you don’t remember much of anything. You heard hushed murmuring around you, but the words were quiet enough for you to not pick up on.
You cracked your eyes open, light flooding in. You were still a bit groggy, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you noticed the high ceilings and the stained glass. This was certainly not your dorm, these sheets definitely did not belong on your bed. No. You were in the hospital wing.
You sat up straight, the movement making your head pound. You looked frantically around, noting the antidotes and potions on the side table, Madam Pomfrey must have been quite confused about your situation.
You looked down to see James at your bedside, hunched over the bed and resting his head on his crossed arms. He looks surprisingly peaceful given the way he was sleeping. You reached your hand lazily out to him, running your fingers through his hair.
This action roused him from his sleep, his eyes fluttered and brows furrowed as he woke. You smiled down at him.
“She’s awake!” he announced.
Not a moment later Sirius and Remus were rushing into the small curtained off room, taking you in and seeming to sigh a breath of relief.
“Y/N, love.” Sirius said, approaching the opposite side of the bed that James was taking up. He moved around fast and frantic, looking you over for any injuries.
Remus moved in closer as well, slotting himself in right next to James. He took your face in his hands, feeling for your temperature and checking to make sure you were alright.
You didn’t understand at first why they were fussing so much, but the memories started slowly filling your head. You came to the realization that you passed out in the dungeons after your potion mishap. How embarrassing.
“Love,” Remus said softly, bringing your attention out of your thoughts and onto him, “what happened?”
You groaned again as he helped you lie back down. “Well,” you began, “You know that potions assignment I’ve been working on for so long?”
The boys all nodded their heads, understanding. How could they not, it was practically all you talked about, what you spent all of your free time on, what you ate, slept, and breathed for the past month. Sirius even complained about it taking you away from them.
“I don't know what happened, I was doing everything right. I had all the ingredients measured properly and in the correct order. I just think that the cauldron was too hot or… i don’t know,” you rambled, “anyway, long story short… it exploded.”
The boys blinked at you for a moment. “Exploded?” James asked. You nodded your confirmation.
“But that doesn’t explain why my brother found you collapsing on the dungeon ground.” Sirius mentioned, still confused and worried.
You turned to him and took his hand into yours, squeezing gently.
“It was a sleeping draught, I guess the fumes of the entire thing just affected me.” you explained to him. You laughed to yourself, “at least I know it was a good potion now.”
Remus smiled but didn’t laugh. “We were really worried, love.” he said, shoulders relaxing knowing that you were alright.
The feeling of guilt rushed into you. It was probably really scary for them, especially since they had no idea what was wrong. Seeing a loved one in that kind of a state and in the hospital must have been stressful and worrying.
“I’m so sorry,” you started apologizing to them, “It was an accident but, I know that must have been really scary for all of you.”
James shook his head. “No love, you don’t need to apologize. We’re all just glad you’re alright.”
“Yes but, I know that can’t have been easy, especially not knowing what was happening. I hate that I caused you to worry like that.” you continued.
“Hey,” Sirius stopped you, “like you said, it was an accident, you don’t have to apologize for that. And besides, we are your boyfriends, we worry because it’s our job.”
You went to interject but Remus stopped you. “It’s true,” he said playfully, “James about had a panic attack last week when you went out to Hogsmeade without a jacket.”
You laughed and looked at James who nodded and mouthed ‘it’s true’.
“Luckily you made a smart decision and went towards the Slytherin common room so that Reggie was able to find you,” Sirius said. “I owe him big time.”
“Oh Regulus,” you sighed, “I should definitely apologize to him. It probably looked like I was dying and putting that on him…”
“He was actually pretty calm,” Sirius said, “I was impressed. It seemed like he knew exactly what to do. I’m proud of him, I would’ve been a total mess.”
You giggled. “Noted,” you said, “I’ll make sure not to need life saving in front of you then.”
“Glad to see you have your spirit back.” James laughed.
Madam Pomfrey pulled back the curtain closing off your bed area and walked in. “Oh good! You’re awake.” she chimed. “gave us all quite the fright, dear, luckily you were brought straight to me, I had just the antidote for you.”
“And what would have happened if she weren’t brought to you, exactly?” Remus said from beside you, asking out of curiosity.
“She probably would have been out for a couple days.”
“Days?” James asked, shocked.
“Well it’s a good thing I was there then wasn’t it?” Regulus said from the open curtain.
“Reggie!” you called out, glad to see your savior.
Sirius instantly made his way over and in the most exaggerated and over the top way, hugged his brother, making a big display out of it. “Oh my wonderful baby brother. Thank you for saving my love! How will I ever manage to repay your kindness?” he said dramatically, hanging off of Regulus.
“Ugh, get off!” Regulus said, shoving Sirius off of him. Sirius laughed and backed up. “I was just dropping by to see how you were doing.” He said to you.
“I’m doing better now, thanks to you.” you said. “Reggie, I am so sorry, that must have been sort of frightening and-”
“No need to apologize,” he interrupted, “I’m just glad I found you and you weren't spending the night on the cold dungeon floor.
“Well, thank you anyway.” you chuckled. “But if that’s the case, you could have just taken me to my dorm, I have all the antidotes there, you didn’t have to make such a dramatic show of your heroism, dummy.” you sarcastically joked to him.
“Oh is that so?” Regulus laughed, “Well in that case, I’ll just step over your body next time instead of saving your life.” You laughed along with him.
Madam Pomfrey cleared you to leave and the boys collected your things for you. You were excited, you knew that now the whole day would be spent with them pampering you to no end. That would mean unlimited cuddles and relaxation and much needed time to make up for with your boys. Exploded potion and Slughorn be damned, you were doing nothing with your boyfriends today.
just some cute poly!marauders content for Remus's birthday :)
#marauders#marauders era#marauders au#marauders fanfiction#marauders headcanon#the marauders#james potter#remus lupin#sirius black#regulus black#marauders x y/n#marauders x you#marauders x reader#poly!marauders imagine#poly!marauders x y/n#poly!marauders x reader#poly!marauders fic#james potter x y/n#james potter x reader#sirius black x reader#sirius black x y/n#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin x y/n#happy birthday remus#remus x reader#remus x you#sirius x reader#sirius x you#james x reader#james x y/n
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Lee Know x reader. (s,f)
Chapters: Wrong crowd / In the crowd / Crowded
Synopsis: Years of marriage haven’t fully prepared Minho for the arrival of a new family member or the changes that come with his growing family. As he navigates these new challenges, he realizes that love and family are constantly evolving in ways he never expected. (19,3k words)
Author's note: To the Crowd enthusiasts, thank you for patiently waiting & hope you enjoy this one too ♡
It’s Saturday, yet Minho wakes up early as usual, his internal clock refusing to let him sleep past 5:30 a.m.
The first thing he does is shift closer to your side of the bed, slipping his arm around you and gently pulling you into his embrace. His lips press a soft kiss to your cheek, careful not to wake you. You deserve more sleep. For a moment, he enjoys the warmth of your body against his, spooning you, before placing another kiss on your bare shoulder and quietly slipping out of bed.
Next, he pads across the hall to your daughter’s room, slowly pushing the door open. Peeking inside, he smiles when he sees Byeol still fast asleep, clutching her blanket tightly. The sight of her peaceful face always fills him with a deep sense of contentment—knowing she feels safe and loved. He brushes a gentle hand over her cheek, then quietly leaves, letting her sleep a little longer.
Minho heads downstairs to the kitchen. As the coffee brews, he washes up, brushes his teeth, and makes his way to the rooftop to water the potted plants. Returning to the kitchen, he pours himself a cup of coffee and settles at the dining table, handling bills and a few business emails.
By 7:00 a.m., he’s pulling ingredients from the fridge to prepare breakfast, not forgetting to pack a lunchbox for Byeol. Halfway through stirring pancake batter, he catches sight of you wandering into the kitchen, your hair a tousled mess and a sleepy smile on your lips.
"Morning," you mumble, slipping your arms around his waist from behind, pressing your face against his back. You cling to him for a while as he works over the stove, only moving to kiss his cheek before grabbing his mug and refilling it with more coffee for yourself.
Minho glances at the clock, then at you. "Enjoying your coffee?"
"Mmhmm," you murmur, savoring the warm drink.
"Can you go wake up our daughter?" he asks, focused on flipping a pancake.
"I thought we're cool parents," You groan playfully, holding your mug. "It’s Saturday. Let her sleep!"
"Today’s the school trip." He reminds you.
"Oh, shit!" you grumble, setting down your coffee. You tie your robe and shoot him a quick grin. "Wish me luck!"
Minho smiles as you head to Byeol’s room, knowing it won’t be hard to wake her. She’s been talking about the trip all week, and sure enough, it takes you less than five minutes to have her running to the kitchen for breakfast.
"Here’s your delinquent daughter, sir," you joke, pulling out a chair for her.
Minho places the last pancake on the growing stack. He brings the plate over to the table, feigning seriousness as he addresses Byeol. "Young lady, you’re sentenced to live with us until you're of age and eat all these pancakes without any maple syrup or strawberries."
Byeol doesn’t even blink at her father’s odd sense of humor. She knows exactly what it means: they’re out of her favorite toppings.
"How about bananas?" she asks innocently.
"We’re out of bananas!" you call from behind the counter, pouring yourself more coffee.
Minho pats his daughter’s shoulder. "Tough luck."
But you come to the rescue, placing a bowl of blueberries and whipped cream next to her plate. "We’ve got these, though."
Byeol beams, picking up her fork. "Thanks, Mommy."
It’s never a competition between you two when it comes to earning Byeol’s affection, but with work keeping you busy most of the time, Minho likes creating little moments where she can bond with you. It’s just another way he shows how much he loves his two girls.
Minho points his spatula at you, narrowing his eyes. "I’ll let you have this win."
You make a face at him, and he turns away to hide his laughter.
The morning quickly becomes hectic as you both scramble to get Byeol ready for her school trip. Minho helps her pack while you diligently apply sunscreen to her.
"We’re not going to the beach. Why do I need sunblock?" Byeol complains.
"Because I don’t want you coming home looking like a blob of slime," you reply without missing a beat, finishing her legs. "Do you want to be a blob of slime?"
"No," she mutters while giggling.
"Good!" You adjust her socks and tighten her shoelaces, then let her go.
Dropping Byeol off at school is usually stressful—other moms often stare at him—but with you by his side, he feels more relaxed.
The parking lot is packed as parents say goodbye to their kids. Minho carries Byeol’s backpack while you walk hand in hand with her. When it’s time for the trip, you kneel down to Byeol’s level, fussing over her ponytail and clothes, unable to help yourself.
"Be good, okay?" you say softly, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "Listen to Miss Sara, and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask."
"Okay, Mommy," Byeol nods.
You pull her into a hug, holding on like you’re sending her off to war rather than a school trip.
"Don’t forget to drink water, eat your lunch, and—"
"I’ll be okay, Mommy," Byeol assures you with a smile.
You sigh, reluctantly letting her go. "And have fun!"
Minho chuckles quietly at how grown-up your six-year-old is acting. He bends down, hugging her and planting a quick kiss on her cheek.
"We’ll pick you up later," he reminds her.
"Yes, Daddy."
After a quick wave, Byeol boards the bus. You both stand watching until the bus pulls away, your hand slipping into Minho’s as you turn to head back to the car.
"It’s a beautiful day," you sigh contentedly, gazing up at the sky. "And we have the whole afternoon to ourselves."
He grins, watching how relaxed you suddenly look. "What do you want to do?"
You swing his hand playfully, thinking. "How about we grab some take-out and have a picnic?"
"Sounds good," Minho says, unlocking the car.
"We can get your favorite pudding for dessert," you add, already planning the afternoon.
As you buckle your seatbelt, you turn to him, a mischievous glint in your eye. "Or…"
"Or what?"
You place your hand on his knee and grin. "Or we stay home and make babies?"
Minho raises an eyebrow at the sudden suggestion, amused but not surprised. He doesn’t mind the idea at all, but with how nice the weather is, staying inside seems like a waste.
You squeeze his knee gently. "So? What’s it going to be?"
Minho glances between you and the road ahead, the decision already made. He pulls the car onto the street, heading in the direction of home.
Everyone in the parlor has asked for the weekend off to enjoy the summer, so Minho granted it, leaving the parlor downstairs closed until Tuesday.
This also means you and Minho have the whole building to yourselves and you obviously going to make the most of this rare moment. You push him onto the sofa, straddling him without hesitation, your mouth crashing against his. Your body moves on its own, hands frantically unbuttoning his shirt while your hips grind against his crotch. Your lips continuously press against his, breath heavy and hungry.
He holds you close, one hand resting on the small of your back while the other tangles in your hair, fisting it as he tilts your head to the side, giving him access to your neck.
“Honey, not a hickey, please?” you mutter breathlessly as his teeth graze your skin.
He drags his lips up to your ear, playfully biting at it. “Why not? You look good with one,” he teases, his words punctuated by a wet kiss on your jaw.
“We still have to pick up your daughter later,” you remind him, not wanting to give the other parents something to gossip about.
“Afraid they’ll be jealous of you?” he murmurs.
“You think you’re that hot, huh?”
His hand slips beneath your dress, fingers teasing your clothed sex, tracing over your clit. The pressure makes you gasp as he rubs slow, deliberate circles. His smirk is devilish, eyes dark with lust.
“I know I am,” he says confidently.
You can’t deny the heat pooling inside you as his fingers work their magic. “Honey…” you whine, though you don’t truly mind.
Suddenly, he shifts, gently lifting you off his lap and laying you down on the sofa. His shirt falls to the floor, exposing his toned chest. With a heated gaze, he pushes the hem of your dress up, tugging at the waistband of your underwear. He pulls it down slowly, deliberately, his eyes never leaving yours. He parts your legs with his hands, lowering himself between your thighs without a word. His mouth trails wet kisses down the inside of your thigh before he dives in, pressing his mouth to your wetness.
A whimper escapes your lips as his tongue expertly teases you. You can’t help but close your eyes, overwhelmed by the sensation as he takes his time savoring every inch of you. Occasionally, you glance down to see his head buried between your legs, his tattooed arms wrapped around your thighs. The sight alone sends waves of arousal through you.
“Honey, oh…” you moan as he sucks on your clit, your body trembling with need.
Minho lifts his head, his mouth glistening with your essence. He flicks his tongue against your sensitive clit, his dark eyes watching your every reaction.
“Oh, God…” you moan loudly, unafraid, knowing you’re alone in the house.
His lips close around your clit once more, sucking gently as he slides two fingers inside you. The dual sensations have you gasping, eyes rolling back as your grip on the sofa tightens.
“Oh, honey… that feels so good,” you mutter breathlessly, barely able to think as pleasure overwhelms you.
Your noises only encourage him, his mouth and fingers working in perfect harmony, pushing you closer to your high. Your hands tug at his hair, legs trembling as he holds them open, keeping you steady as he pushes you toward the edge.
It doesn’t take long until you cum against his mouth, your body trembling as Minho eagerly drinks in your release. His tongue moves with precision, lapping up every drop of your essence as you ride out your climax, the sensation overwhelming in the best way. He doesn’t shy away, savoring you completely as you come undone beneath him.
Breathless, you feel the need to return the favor. Without a word, you push him back slightly and reach for his shirt. You peel it off, revealing his inked body, each line and curve of the tattoos forever captivating you. Your lips trail over his skin, kissing his chest, neck, and down to the waistband of his jeans, inhaling his natural, intoxicating scent along the way.
Dropping to your knees, you deftly undo the button and fly of his jeans, the sound of the zipper cutting through the quiet room. His growing arousal is clear as you take his hardening length from its confines. You wrap your hand around him, stroking slowly while locking eyes with him, savoring the way his breath hitches in anticipation.
Minho leans back into the sofa, head resting against the cushions as his body relaxes into your touch. He gives you all the room you need, a silent invitation to take control. You waste no time, your mouth closing around his length, warm and wet as you begin to pleasure him.
His hand gently moves to your hair, brushing it out of the way as he watches you intently. "Keep going, honey," he murmurs, his voice soft yet commanding, his thumb brushing your cheek affectionately as you take him deeper.
Your lips glide smoothly along his shaft, your hand stroking the base while your mouth works the rest. His quiet moans and gasps fuel your movements, encouraging you as you bring him closer to the edge. You feel him tense beneath you, his release fast approaching.
Moments later, his body shudders, and he spills into your mouth, his cum spilling onto your tongue. A few drops land on your lips and chin, painting your skin. Minho gazes down at you, his dark eyes full of desire as if admiring his handiwork.
"I know it’s a lot, but I want you to swallow it for me, honey," he whispers, his thumb tracing the curve of your jaw.
Obediently, you close your mouth and swallow, your throat working to take him in. You open your mouth again afterward, showing him that you’ve done as he asked, a mischievous glint in your eye.
A satisfied smirk plays at the corner of his lips, and he pulls you up to straddle him once more. His hands find your waist, holding you firmly as he leans in, pressing his lips to yours. He kisses you deeply, his tongue exploring your mouth as if he can taste himself on you.
For a while, the two of you simply sit there, your bodies pressed together, enjoying the rare and uninterrupted intimacy. There's no rush, no need for words—just the quiet, perfect moment shared between you.
This moment here is yours and yours only.
To cool down from the heat of the day, you grab two cans of cold beer from the fridge and hand one to Minho before plopping down beside him on the sofa. Without a word, you take his arm and drape it over your shoulder, snuggling in as close as possible. His presence is comforting, and today, you crave it more than usual.
“To making babies!” you chime, raising your can.
“To making babies!” Minho echoes, clinking his beer can against yours. You both take hearty gulps, the cold liquid instantly refreshing as it runs down your throats.
For months now, you and Minho have been trying to have another child, but despite your best efforts, the results haven't come. You both decided to stop stressing about it and just enjoy the process. And right now, enjoying the process is exactly what’s on your mind.
You softly trace the line of his jaw with your fingertips, feeling the light stubble there. “This mouth still knows how to make me feel good,” you mutter, your words laced with affection.
Minho smirks faintly at your compliment. “This mouth always takes me well,” he teases back, making you laugh softly.
You smile, leaning into him. “I think we’ve been working really well on this baby-making thing.”
“We make a great team,” he remarks, his hand snaking around your neck as he pulls you toward him, placing a kiss on your lips. His lips are warm, a reminder of the connection you both share.
“But honey…” he murmurs as he pulls back just enough to gaze at you, “We haven’t even started making babies yet.”
You narrow your eyes at him, catching onto the playful glint in his gaze. “Oh, yeah, you’re right.”
What happened earlier was just the warm-up, the teasing foreplay. The real fun, the true attempt, is still ahead. You take the can from his hand and place it on the coffee table, along with yours, before climbing onto his lap. Your arms loop around his neck as you straddle him, the closeness already setting your skin on fire.
Minho’s hands are quick to move, his fingers finding the zipper at the back of your dress. He tugs it down, the soft sound of it parting filling the quiet space. You help by pulling the dress over your head, tossing it onto the floor before pressing your body against his, skin to skin.
His lips capture yours in a slow, deep kiss, one that sends shivers down your spine. His hands roam your body, one sliding down your back until he reaches the curve of your rear, giving it a firm squeeze. You melt into his touch, sighing against his mouth.
“Let’s make cute babies, mmh?” you whisper, your lips brushing his before kissing him again.
“Yeah, let's make another little shit,” he jokes, a playful grin on his face as his hand lands a firm slap on your ass.
“Honey!” you shriek, though your sly smile gives away how much you’re enjoying it.
Maybe it’s the rare freedom of having the house to yourselves that makes Minho loosen up more than usual. He’s rougher, more intense, and you don’t hold back from showing how much you love every moment. Your moans fill the room as he thrusts into you, deep and purposeful, each movement sending waves of pleasure through you.
But then he slows down, deliberately pulling back just as you’re nearing your release, letting the tension slip away. He’s done it more than twice now, and it’s starting to drive you crazy.
“Minho, quit playing,” you grumble, gripping his shoulder, your frustration clear as your body aches for release.
“What?” he asks, playing dumb, a smirk plastered on his angular face.
“We have to pick up Byeol soon,” you remind him, your voice breathless. “We can’t be late.”
“Don’t worry, honey,” he reassures you, his words followed by a hasty kiss as he continues thrusting into you. “We’ll finish just in time.”
Minho always has his way, and you know it’s impossible to stop him when he wants something—especially this.
Later that night, you stand in the kitchen, watching the microwave hum as it cooks the popcorn. Your eyes drift toward the living room, where Minho and Byeol are sitting on the sofa, engrossed in a movie. Byeol, as animated as ever, is eagerly explaining something about the plot to her dad, her little hands moving in excitement.
It’s such a simple, everyday sight, yet it fills you with a deep sense of contentment. You can’t help but smile. Moments like this remind you of how lucky you are to have this life. But at the same time, a small voice inside asks: Do I really deserve all of this?
The microwave beeps, snapping you out of your thoughts. You grab the bowl you’ve prepared and carefully rip open the package, letting the freshly popped kernels spill into it. The warm, buttery scent fills the air as you carry the bowl to the living room.
You place the bowl of popcorn on Byeol’s lap, earning a sweet, “Thank you, mommy,” from her.
“You’re very welcome, honey,” you reply, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head before settling down next to Minho.
One arm wraps around his back as you nestle closer, resting your chin on his shoulder. You’ve always loved the way his tattoos curve along his neck, but what you love even more is kissing him there. So you do, placing a soft, lingering kiss on his skin, breathing in his familiar scent.
“How do you do it, honey?” you ask in a low voice.
Minho slightly turns his head, meeting your gaze as his hand moves to rest on top of yours, which lies comfortably on his chest. “What?”
“Act like you didn’t rearrange my guts hours ago on this very sofa?” you tease, a playful giggle escaping your lips.
He narrows his eyes at you, a mischievous smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. You can tell that the memory of your earlier activities is playing through his mind just like it is in yours. Instead of answering, he leans in and kisses you, his tongue sneaking past your lips in a move that’s definitely risky considering Byeol is just a few feet away. But Minho loves to push boundaries, and you love him for it.
Just as the kiss deepens, Byeol speaks up, her voice pulling you both back to reality. “Mommy, you have to watch this!” she pouts, her tone full of urgency. “This is the best part!”
You break the kiss with a soft laugh, one of those inevitable interruptions that come with being parents. You grab a handful of popcorn and turn your attention to the screen. “Okay, okay, Mommy’s watching,” you promise, your voice light as Minho keeps his hand laced with yours on his chest.
In moments like these, you realize something important: whether or not you ever have another child, you’re already blessed. Byeol is everything you could have ever asked for, and Minho—he’s been more than a great partner. He’s been a wonderful father and an unwavering source of love. Your marriage has been nothing short of bliss, and every day with them feels like a gift.
This is your family. Your little slice of forever. And you love them more than words can ever express.
It’s another day in Minho’s life, waking up early as usual. He stretches with a groan, then instinctively scoots closer to your side of the bed. His arm snakes around you, and he places a soft kiss on your neck, but something feels off.
Frowning, he props himself up on one elbow and gently moves the hair away from your face. The sheen of sweat on your forehead makes his concern grow. Minho presses the back of his hand to your neck, confirming what he fears—you’re burning up with a fever.
In an instant, he’s out of bed, hurrying to the medicine cabinet to grab the thermometer. When he returns, he presses the tip to your ear, waiting until the beep confirms it—you definitely have a fever.
“Honey,” he calls softly, his voice laced with worry as you shift under the covers. “You’re burning up.”
Your eyes flutter open, wincing as though it’s painful to wake. “I don’t feel well,” you croak.
“I’m going to get you some aspirin, okay?” Minho says, already half-jogging back to the cabinet, grabbing both the medicine and a glass of water.
He helps you sit up, watching closely as you take the aspirin and wash it down with a big gulp of water. Gently, he tucks you back into bed, pulling the blanket up to your chest.
“You’re not going to work today, okay?” Minho says firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.
You nod weakly, your eyes already closing as you curl up, trying to get more rest.
Minho sighs, hating to see you like this. Looking so pale and fragile, it makes him feel helpless. But all he can do is be there for you.
“Just rest, mmh?” he murmurs softly, patting your head tenderly. He fixes the blanket again before pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. As he closes the door, he hopes you’ll get the peace and rest you need.
His morning routine is thrown off, but he shifts focus, knowing he needs to get Byeol ready for school. He moves through the kitchen, preparing breakfast and her lunchbox, making sure everything’s packed and ready.
“Where’s mommy?” Byeol asks, noticing the absence at the breakfast table.
“Mommy’s not feeling well,” Minho explains, making a mental note to call your assistant and inform them that you won’t be able to work today.
“Mommy is sick?” Byeol’s face is full of concern, even with her mouth full of food.
“Yes, honey.” Minho places the lid on her lunchbox and tucks it into her bag.
Before leaving, Byeol insists on checking on you. She tiptoes into the bedroom, softly resting her head on your arm and placing a kiss on your hand, even though you’re fast asleep.
“Bye, bye, mommy,” she whispers. “Get well soon!”
If only you could see it, you’d know how much your little girl cherishes and loves you.
Minho follows suit, bending down to kiss your head. “I’ll be back soon, honey,” he whispers.
The whole morning passes while you sleep, and by the time Minho returns from his work downstairs, he finds you sitting up in bed, talking on the phone, probably informing the office about your sick day. He checks your temperature once more, relieved to find that the fever is starting to subside. Sitting next to you, he feels your head rest on his shoulder the moment you hang up the call.
“Feeling better?” he asks softly.
“Still feel like shit,” you mutter bluntly.
“You haven’t eaten anything,” Minho gently scolds. “Want me to make you something?”
You nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck, taking a moment to think. “You know, I suddenly crave your fried rice.”
“Fried rice?” He raises an eyebrow, expecting you to want soup or something light.
“Mm-hmm,” you confirm, “and make it a little spicy.”
“Spicy fried rice?” Minho asks, slightly surprised, considering your low spice tolerance.
“Yes,” you insist, and he can’t help but smile.
“Okay, okay,” he chuckles, giving in easily. He lingers a little longer, enjoying your warmth as you snuggle into him.
As he cooks in the kitchen, Minho is surprised when he sees you walking out of the bedroom. Slowly, you make your way to the sofa in the living room.
“I was about to bring it to you in bed,” he says, pouring the freshly made fried rice onto a plate.
“It’s okay,” you wave him off, sitting down with a sigh. “I needed to go to the bathroom anyway.”
He brings the food over, along with another aspirin and a glass of water. Sitting beside you, he watches as you take your first bite.
“Oh, God! This is so good,” you gush, as though tasting his fried rice for the first time.
“It’s not too spicy?”
“Actually, it’s not spicy enough,” you tease, which makes him laugh since he knows how low your spice tolerance usually is.
Time passes quickly, and soon, it’s almost time to pick up Byeol from school.
“Don’t forget to take your medicine after,” Minho reminds, kissing your head before standing up.
“Honey,” you call sweetly.
“Can I ask for more fried rice before you leave?” You flash him a playful grin.
How could he say no to that? “Of course, honey.”
When Byeol arrives home, she runs straight to you, burying her face in your chest, clearly happy to see you looking a little better.
“Mommy, don’t be sick!” she mumbles with such concern, it tugs at your heart.
“It’s just a fever, honey. Mommy will be okay,” you assure her, rubbing her back softly.
Minho watches the scene, understanding just how much you mean to Byeol and how much it affects you to see her worry. He heads back to the kitchen, preparing some snacks for her before his next appointment at the parlor.
“Take care of mommy while Daddy’s working, okay?” he says, giving Byeol a little responsibility.
Two hours later, Minho returns to find the two of you still in the living room. Byeol is busy working on her homework while you’ve fallen asleep on the sofa.
“Shh... mommy’s sleeping,” Byeol whispers as soon as she notices him approaching, her finger pressed to her lips.
Minho steps back with his hands raised. “Okay, sorry,” he whispers with a chuckle.
Still speaking in a hushed tone, Minho asks, “What do you want for dinner?”
Byeol thinks hard, a hand under her chin just like you do when making decisions. “Hmm... soup dumplings?”
Minho smiles. “Okay, soup dumplings it is.”
“Can Mommy eat soup dumplings when she’s sick?” Byeol asks, her thoughtfulness touching his heart.
“I think so. Mommy would love them,” he assures her.
Byeol smiles, content with the answer, before returning to her homework.
As Minho watches the two of you, he feels that familiar sense of determination. There’s nothing he loves more than taking care of his girls, but seeing one of you get sick? That part he hates. And it only makes him more resolved to do everything he can to keep you both safe and happy.
The next morning, it’s as if the fever never happened. You wake up a little later than Minho, feeling refreshed after a shower and getting dressed for work. There's a bounce in your step as you head to the kitchen, the scent of coffee drawing you in.
"How do you feel?" Minho asks as you nonchalantly steal his mug and take a sip of his coffee.
"I feel good," you reply with a smile, leaning in to press a lingering kiss on his lips before heading off to Byeol’s room.
You help your daughter get ready, brushing her hair and helping her pick out clothes. Together, you return to the dining table, where Byeol beams up at Minho, already dressed and ready for school.
"This looks delicious, daddy!" she chirps, eyeing the breakfast spread.
"Then you'll have no problem finishing it, right?" Minho teases, earning a giggle from her.
He serves you a fresh plate and pours another cup of coffee before sitting down for a quiet breakfast together. You take your first bite of scrambled eggs, but something’s off. Almost immediately, you feel your stomach turn, and you slap a hand over your mouth, quickly excusing yourself to the bathroom.
"Is mommy sick again?" Byeol asks, her voice tinged with concern.
"Daddy will check on mommy," Minho reassures her, getting up to follow you.
He finds you bent over the sink, splashing water into your mouth, trying to calm the nausea. Worry flickers across his face as he steps inside.
"Honey, are you okay?" he asks gently, handing you a towel.
You nod, still rinsing your mouth, though the nausea lingers. "I’m fine," you manage, though the look in his eyes tells you he’s not convinced.
You snort, spitting water into the sink as a small smile breaks through. He rubs soothing circles on your back, but the concern doesn’t leave his face.
"You didn’t have any trouble swallowing the other day," he jokes, his voice low and teasing.
"Maybe you should take another day off work," he suggests.
"I’m okay," you say, more to convince yourself than him.
"You sure?"
"I’m sure," you nod, smiling faintly.
Still not entirely convinced, he squeezes your shoulder. "I’ll drive you to work today."
You stay in the bathroom for a moment longer, trying to shake off the odd feeling, while Minho returns to Byeol, who’s nearly finished her breakfast. He packs her lunch, sliding it into her school bag just as you call for him from the bedroom.
"Minho…" Your voice trembles slightly, and he’s at your side in seconds, worry clouding his eyes.
"What’s going on?" he asks, noticing the strange look on your face.
You raise your hand, holding something small and unmistakable—a pregnancy test. "I’m pregnant," you announce, the words filled with joy as a slow smile spreads across your face.
This is the moment you've both been waiting for, what you’ve been hoping would happen after months of trying. You should be celebrating together, but as the realization sinks in, you notice something shift in Minho’s expression. There’s happiness there, but it’s shadowed by something else—uncertainty, perhaps—and it’s enough to make your smile falter.
You look away, turning to Byeol instead. "Mommy is having another baby," you say, keeping your tone light and cheerful.
Byeol looks as confused as Minho, though hers is an innocent curiosity. "Is it a boy or a girl?"
"Mommy doesn’t know yet," you chuckle softly, kneeling beside her. "But you’re going to be a big sister."
"Who’s going to be a big sister?" Felix’s voice echoes from the doorway. You turn, spotting him leaning against the frame, his eyes bright with curiosity.
It’s a conversation you know will be public knowledge soon enough, so you smile and tell him, "Byeol is going to be a big sister."
Felix gasps, his eyes going wide. "Oh! You’re pregnant?" he asks, just to make sure he’s hearing correctly.
"Yes," you nod.
"Oh my gosh! Congratulations!" Felix exclaims, immediately pulling you into a hug. Heis genuinely thrilled, his excitement infectious, and for a moment, you let yourself enjoy it. But in the back of your mind, the comparison stings—this was the reaction you had hoped for from Minho.
A deafening silence fills the car on the ride to work, an unspoken tension hanging heavy between you and Minho. After dropping off Byeol at school, neither of you speaks, and the quiet lingers, almost suffocating. It's only when the car pulls up outside your office building that you finally break it.
You unbuckle your seatbelt and turn to face him. “Minho,” you say softly, your voice carrying a weight that makes him immediately focus. He lets go of the steering wheel, giving you his full attention.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to work without us talking about it,” you admit, addressing the elephant in the room. Your fingers find his, loosely lacing them together. “You can tell me what’s really going on.”
Minho shifts, clearly aware that his earlier reaction might have come across the wrong way. He takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. “It’s not that I’m not happy,” he starts, his voice quiet, “I’m just… worried.”
Your brows furrow, and he continues, his eyes softening as he speaks. “You remember when you gave birth to Byeol? You went through so much pain, and… you lost a lot of blood.”
The memory seems to weigh heavily on him, and you can almost see it playing out in his mind as he talks. “Seeing you sick is enough to make me worry, but I can’t bear the thought of you going through that again.”
For a split second, he lets down his guard, allowing you to glimpse the deeper, more fragile part of him. The part that cares for you more than anything else in the world.
“Oh, honey…” you sigh, the sadness in your voice mixing with a fond smile as you lean closer. “You just love me so much, don’t you?”
Minho shrugs in that nonchalant way he does, trying to play it off like it’s no big deal. But you can see through it.
You chuckle softly, squeezing his hand tighter. “Honestly, I’m scared too,” you confess. “But I’m not when I’m with you.” You rest your head on his shoulder, breathing in deeply, letting the warmth of the moment settle between you both. “With you, I feel like I can do anything.”
You shift slightly, meeting his gaze with a smile that’s full of reassurance and love. It’s a smile that tells him you’re ready for this, that you both are.
Minho looks at you for a moment, then, unable to help himself, he jokes, "When it comes down to you or the child, just know… I’ll choose to adopt Felix."
Your eyes widen in playful disbelief, pretending to stammer, "Uh... okay?" before you both break into laughter.
He cups your face gently, his thumb brushing your cheek as he pulls you in for a kiss. It’s not just any kiss—it lingers, slow and deep, conveying all the love he has for you, the excitement that’s starting to bubble beneath the surface now that his fears are laid bare.
When the kiss ends, you whisper, “Just close your eyes, Minho and I'll tell you when the scary part is over.”
And for the first time since the news, Minho lets go of the weight on his chest. He chooses to believe in the good things, in the joy that’s coming, and almost can’t believe it—his family is getting bigger.
Four months have passed, and your baby bump has grown. Minho can't help but admire how your pencil skirt hugs your figure, accentuating the curve of your belly. It’s a constant reminder to him that you’re carrying his child, and the thought stirs something primal in him. Moreover, you’ve been carrying the pregnancy well, glowing with that unmistakable maternal aura that only makes him fall for you more. But beyond admiration, it also ignites a deeper, more physical desire in him.
The rooftop of the tattoo parlor, where the Oddinary crew often gathers, is buzzing with laughter as they celebrate Yoon’s birthday. Pizza boxes and cans of beer are scattered around, though you and Byeol stick to bottles of juice.
"This is from us," Minho says casually, handing Yoon the gift as if it's no big deal.
Yoon lights up as she accepts it. "Thank you so much!"
"Happy birthday, Yoon!" you add with a smile, comfortably sitting on Minho’s lap.
"Can I open it?" Yoon asks, her excitement barely contained.
"Go ahead!" you encourage. "We hope you like it."
Yoon eagerly tears through the wrapping, revealing a brand-new iPad. Her old one had seen better days, and she’d often complained about needing a new one for her tattoo designs now that she was taking on more clients. Her eyes widen, and she clutches it close to her chest. "Oh, thank you! I really needed this."
Felix, with Byeol on his lap, glances over with a playful pout. "You guys didn’t get me that game console when I asked it as a birthday gift," he mutters.
"That’s because you already play too many video games," you scold, slipping effortlessly into a motherly tone.
Felix turns to Minho for support. "Hyung?"
Minho grins. "I’m afraid she’s right."
Felix lets out a dramatic groan, "Not fair!"
Meanwhile, Sujin hands Yoon a necklace, adding to her growing collection as she likes to stack multiple necklaces around her neck on daily basis.
"So, where are we going out tonight?" she asks, likely already texting her husband with plans.
Minho shakes his head, his decision firm. "I’m sitting this one out tonight."
"Why?" Yoon asks, her brows knitting together.
Minho retrieves his wallet from his back pocket and hands Yoon a credit card. "You all have fun. It’s on me."
Yoon pretends to consider. "Great! I’ll use this to pay my phone bills then," she jokes, holding the card with both hands.
Sujin steps in with a playful roll of her eyes, taking the card from Yoon. "Don’t worry, I’ll keep everyone in check."
After tucking Byeol into bed, Minho joins you in the bedroom. He finds you in the bathroom, already dressed for bed, applying lotion to your arms as part of your nightly skincare routine. Without a word, he slips behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist as his hands rest gently on your baby bump.
"You know, I don’t mind if you went out tonight," you say, catching his gaze in the mirror. "Or any night, really."
Minho nuzzles his face into your neck, inhaling the soothing scent of your skin. "It’s okay. I have something better to do anyway," he replies, his voice low.
A soft chuckle escapes your lips as you lean into his touch. "And what’s that?" you ask, already knowing the answer.
His lips brush against your neck as he murmurs, "You."
For the last few months, Minho has been cautious, knowing it wasn't safe to be intimate in the early stages of your pregnancy. But tonight, the careful distance he’s kept melts away. He needs you, craves you.
Later, you lie at the edge of the bed, propped on your elbows, your eyes locked on him with the same hunger that burns in his. Minho stands, positioned between your legs, moving with slow, deliberate care. His hands are planted on either side of your waist, and he leans down, pressing soft, heated kisses on your skin.
"Honey…" you moan, your voice a breathless whisper as his lips trail over your neck.
You tilt your head, seeking his mouth, and he gives in, kissing you with an intensity that feels like a lifeline. His movements are measured, filled with restraint and passion, but you can feel him starting to lose control, both of you teetering on the edge.
"I’m so close," you whimper, your hand gripping his arm tightly.
Minho threads his fingers through yours, his voice a soft promise. "I’ll give it to you, honey," he murmurs, his breath hot against your skin.
With one last push, the tension between you snaps, and Minho groans deeply as he releases, filling you completely. His lips find yours in a deep, breathless kiss, his body trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure.
As you both lie together afterward, the room quiet except for the sound of your breathing, Minho pulls you close, his hand resting tenderly on your belly. He peppers your skin with soft, fluttering kisses, his heart full, his love for you overwhelming.
"I love you," he whispers, the words carrying a weight that fills the room.
You smile, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. "I love you."
And that’s how Minho ends his day—wrapped up in you, content and at peace, his heart overflowing with love for the family you’re growing together.
In the middle of the night, Minho stirs from his sleep as he feels the bed shift. His eyes blink open just in time to see you slipping out of the bedroom. A wave of sleepiness pulls him to stay put, but curiosity wins over. He pushes himself out of bed and follows you.
Quietly stepping into the kitchen, Minho catches sight of you standing by the fridge, sniffing a jar of pickles. "What are you doing?" he asks, his eyes squinted in the dim light.
Startled, you nearly drop the jar, letting out a sigh of relief when you realize it’s just him. "Minho, can you not—" you begin, a little exasperated, but the words trail off.
Minho approaches, his footsteps soft, mindful not to wake Byeol, who’s fast asleep in her room. It’s not the first time he’s found you sneaking into the kitchen for a midnight snack, and he understands it. Pregnancy cravings don’t adhere to normal schedules.
"Are you hungry?" he asks gently, placing a hand on the small of your back.
"Yeah," you reply sheepishly, setting the pickles aside.
"What do you feel like eating?" Minho opens the fridge, glancing at the contents inside.
You scratch your chin, reminding him so much of Byeol when she’s deep in thought. Then, with a grin, you suggest, "Grilled cheese?"
As Minho works in the kitchen, keeping the noise to a minimum, you curl up on the sofa, munching on some of Byeol’s leftover snacks and catching up on your favorite show. It’s comforting, the familiar routine of it all, even at this hour.
Soon enough, Minho walks over with a plate in hand. You reach out eagerly, but the sandwich is still too hot to touch, causing you to hiss in surprise. "Honey, can you—" you begin to ask, but Minho, anticipating your next request, hands you a bottle of honey before you can finish the sentence.
"Thank you," you beam, wasting no time drizzling the honey over the grilled cheese.
Minho watches with a mixture of amusement and fondness. You didn’t have any unusual cravings during your first pregnancy, but this time around, honey seems to find its way onto everything—toast, fruit, milk, even pizza. It’s strange, but as long as you’re happy and eating, he’s not about to question it.
"Good?" he asks, eyes twinkling.
You nod, unable to answer with your mouth full of food. He can’t help but smile as he watches you enjoy every bite.
"Do you want me to make you another one?" he offers as you near the end of the sandwich.
"If I keep eating like this in the middle of the night, I’m going to get so big," you grumble, pausing to add more honey to the toast.
Minho tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "Why is that a bad thing?" he asks, his voice soft. "That just means there’ll be more of you for me to hold."
His words make you smile, and with a playful glint in your eyes, you shove the last piece into your mouth. "In that case, I’ll take another one."
While waiting for the second grilled cheese, you switch up your approach, tearing it into pieces and dipping them in honey. Your attention shifts between the food and the TV, but then you suddenly blurt out, "We don’t know the baby’s gender yet, but I think we should have a pet name."
Minho chuckles. "Got any ideas?"
You pause for a moment before laughing at your own suggestion, "Honeypot?"
Minho grins, playing along. "How about ‘little shit’?"
You surprise him by laughing and agreeing, "I like that. Because he’s being a greedy little shit right now," you say affectionately, your hand resting on your baby bump.
Minho watches you with a warm smile, finding it adorable how you scold your bump with such endearment. It hits him, too—this little one is his little shit as well.
"We’ll have to be careful not to say that around Byeol though," you add with a grin.
Third trimester is where things get a little rough.
Your baby bump has grown even larger, and your protruding belly button makes it nearly impossible to find a comfortable sleeping position. Swollen ankles and feet, constant trips to the bathroom every hour or two, and an aching back keep you tossing and turning through the night. Worse, your body radiates heat, and Minho, sharing the bed with you, often wakes up drenched in sweat. But no matter how uncomfortable it gets for him, he knows you’ve got it much worse.
It’s the weekend, and Minho’s first thought is to let you and Byeol rest. He starts cooking breakfast a little later than usual, hoping you’ll get some extra sleep. The smell of food wafts through the apartment, and soon, you shuffle into the kitchen, sleepily rubbing your eyes.
"Morning," you mumble, slowly making your way to him, one hand supporting your belly as you lean in for a soft morning kiss.
"Morning," he replies, still whisking the batter for French toast.
"What’s for breakfast?" you ask, wrapping your arms around him from behind and resting your chin on his shoulder.
"French toast," Minho answers, focused on the task at hand.
"Yum!" you hum, your voice filled with satisfaction as you gently let go of him to patiently wait for breakfast on the dining table.
Sitting down, you grab your phone and begin to check work emails, your mind briefly occupied. As you concentrate on typing, a sudden sneeze bursts out of you.
"Oh?!" You gasp, feeling something unexpected. Your eyes widen, and you glance toward Minho. "I think I just pissed my pants."
Minho freezes, whisk in hand, turning to you with wide eyes. "Are you serious?"
"I don’t know," you laugh, frustration mixing with amusement. "I can't see it."
Your belly is too big to check on your own, so Minho walks over, pulling your chair back to give himself a better view. He bends down and takes a look.
"Nice!" he says, chuckling as he spots the wet patch on your shorts.
You narrow your eyes at him, clearly unamused. "You're having a good laugh, huh?"
Minho’s grin widens, unable to hold back the laughter. "Want me to help you clean up then?"
"Just hurry up with breakfast! I'm hungry!" you huff, half laughing, half exasperated, giving him a light push back toward the kitchen.
He turns back to the stove, still smiling as he flips the French toast, and a few minutes later, he places the plate in front of you. You can’t help but eye the delicious breakfast with anticipation.
Minho leans down and presses a quick kiss on the top of your head. "Eat well, pisspants," he teases, smirking.
You groan but can’t help smiling as you take a bite of the French toast. Even with the little mishap, moments like these make everything easier to handle—his teasing, his care, and the love that fills your home.
Minho only has one appointment today, and once he's done, he heads up to the third floor. He finds you napping on the sofa, the TV still on in the background. The sight makes him pause, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He knows better than to wake you—you’ve been struggling to sleep at night, and the rest is much needed.
Settling down beside you, Minho glances at the TV. It’s one of those shows you love, the kind that he could never get into, but he watches it anyway because you do. After two episodes, though, he starts to get bored. He leans closer, unable to resist the urge to press soft kisses against your cheek, then your forehead, and finally the tip of your nose.
"Honey, wake up," he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper as he playfully tugs your nose between his lips.
You stir in your sleep, letting out a groggy groan as you weakly push at his head, trying to go back to sleep.
"Wake up," Minho tries again, this time burying his face into your neck and planting a series of ticklish kisses along your skin. "I’m bored."
"Go play with your daughter," you mumble, eyes still closed, your voice heavy with sleep.
"Your parents are taking her fishing, remember?" Minho reminds you, his tone soft but teasing. "You’re stuck with me."
The words sink in slowly, and you finally crack your eyes open, squinting up at him. "What do you want to do?" you ask, half curious, half resigned to whatever he’s planning.
Minho grins, shifting on the sofa to make himself more comfortable. "We can ride a roller coaster."
You chuckle, still drowsy. "I don’t think they let pregnant women ride roller coasters."
"Okay, fine. Haunted house?"
"Also, pregnant," you remind him, closing your eyes again.
He huffs, feigning frustration as he thinks. "How about a horror movie?"
You consider for a moment before mumbling, "Sure, put one on. I’ll watch it with you."
"No," he counters, shaking his head. "We’re not watching it here."
That gets your attention. You open one eye, giving him a suspicious look. "You want to go out and watch a horror movie?"
"Yup," Minho nods enthusiastically.
You sigh, staring at the ceiling as if contemplating how you ended up married to someone this persistent. "Fine, give me a minute to get ready."
The real reason Minho wanted to take you out wasn’t just boredom. He knew things would change soon, with a second child on the way, and he couldn’t remember the last time it was just the two of you. You deserved a break, and he wanted to give it to you, even if that meant taking you to see a horror movie you’d likely sleep through.
Later, after the movie, Minho waits outside the women’s restroom with your bag slung over his shoulder. When you emerge, you’re grumbling under your breath, your face scrunched up in discomfort.
"My feet," you mutter, pausing to adjust your swollen ankles in your shoes.
Minho glances down and sees how tight the shoes have become, your feet swollen from the pregnancy. Without missing a beat, he suggests, "Let’s get you a pair of sandals, yeah?"
You nod, grateful, as he leads you to a nearby shop. Inside, he doesn’t hesitate to kneel down, taking off your shoes and replacing them with a more comfortable pair of sandals. While he’s down there, he gently rubs your ankles, soothing the swelling.
"Better?" he asks, looking up at you with a smile.
"Much better, thank you," you sigh, relief washing over you as you take his hand, helping him to his feet.
On the way out of the store, you pause to admire a cardigan on display, your fingers brushing over the soft fabric. Minho notices, stepping beside you.
"You want that one too?" he asks, already reaching for his wallet.
You hesitate for a moment before slipping it off the hanger. "Does it look good on me?"
"I think it fits you well," he simply answers.
Minho buys it without a second thought, handing it over to you with a smile. He knows you can buy it for yourself, but he enjoys spoiling you in little ways when he can. It’s his way of showing his love, in gestures that remind him how lucky he is to have you.
As you both make your way to your favorite Italian restaurant, Minho buys a flower from an elderly lady selling them on the street. He hands it to you with a soft smile, the simple gesture making you raise an eyebrow.
"Okay, you can tell me now," you say, taking the flower but eyeing him suspiciously.
"What?" he laughs, feigning innocence.
"You know I wasn’t suspicious until you gave me flowers," you tease, poking at him with your free hand. "So what’s this all about?"
Minho grins, leaning back in his chair, his hand resting comfortably on your thigh. "I just felt bad for the elderly lady," he explains with a shrug.
You narrow your eyes, skeptical. "The last time you gave me flowers, you were apologizing for lying to me."
He chuckles, taking a sip of water as if stalling.
Leaning in, you lower your voice conspiratorially. "Did you sell the building to pay for your secret gambling debt?"
"No!" Minho laughs, shaking his head at your wild guess.
"Did you kill someone and need my help to bury the body?" you continue, your tone playful but serious.
His lips twitch into a smirk. "You’d help me bury the body?"
"Depends on who you killed," you joke, tearing a piece of bread and popping it into your mouth. "Whoever it was probably deserved it."
Minho’s laughter fades into a thoughtful smile. There was, in fact, something he needed to tell you, something he’s been holding back. After a moment, he clears his throat, turning more serious.
"You remember Hyunjin?" he asks.
You tilt your head. "The beautiful, tall guy with long dark hair and a rose tattoo on his finger?"
Minho narrows his eyes, pointing at your baby bump. "Be careful, you're already cheating on me with that little shit."
You laugh and put all of your attention on him, "Go on, what about Hyunjin?"
"He invited me to do a guest spot at his parlor," Minho says in a rush, blurting out the words.
You blink at him. "You want to do it?"
He nods slowly. "Yeah. I think it’d be... fun."
You smile softly, seeing how much he wants it. "Then you should do it."
Minho hesitates, his hand tightening slightly on your thigh. "But I can’t leave you. Not when you’re…"
"Yes, you can," you cut him off gently, placing your hand over his, "And you will."
"But I’ll be away for two weeks," he protests, his voice softening with worry.
"That’s fine. I’ll be on maternity leave anyway," you remind him, tearing another piece of bread. "It works out."
Minho stares at you for a moment, his heart swelling with gratitude and love. "You’re okay with it?" he asks, still unsure why he hesitated so much in the first place.
"Look, Minho," you begin, squeezing his hand, "You’ve done so much for me, for us. I want you to be able to do your thing too."
The simplicity of your words hits him harder than he expected. He looks at you, feeling overwhelmed with how lucky he is to have you as his partner, someone who understands him without him needing to explain. You give him the freedom to be his own person while still being a devoted father and husband.
"I don’t want you to hesitate to tell me the next time you have something you want to do, okay?" You add, your voice soft yet firm.
Minho nods, the smile that spreads across his face filled with love and gratitude. He leans in, pressing his lips to yours in a soft, lingering kiss.
The apartment feels quieter than usual with Byeol spending the weekend with your parents. Despite the peace, a slight ache of longing tugs at your chest, so you call her to hear her voice. After a sweet chat, you hand the phone to Minho so she can talk with her dad.
“We’ll pick you up tomorrow, okay?” he says softly to your daughter. He smiles at something she says, his voice tender as he adds, “Sleep well. Goodnight!” He hangs up, and you sigh, shifting for what feels like the hundredth time beside him.
“The little shit won’t stop moving,” you mutter, rubbing your belly in frustration.
Minho puts your phone away and leans against the headboard, patting the space between his legs. “Come here.”
You shuffle over, leaning your back against his chest. His arms wrap around you, and his hands instantly find your swollen belly, rubbing gentle, soothing circles over it. His touch has always been your comfort.
“I think little shit can’t sleep because of the horror movie we watched earlier,” you murmur, resting your head in the crook of his neck.
He chuckles softly, his fingers tracing patterns beneath your camisole, feeling every tiny kick and movement. “No, I think little shit is just excited.”
The sensation of his hands on you, tender yet firm, is grounding. Slowly, the tension eases from your body. You melt into his warmth, your eyelids growing heavier with each caress. Minho presses a series of soft kisses along your temple, quiet and full of affection. His hand reaches for yours and he slips his fingers in between.
Knowing that he's noticing your swollen fingers, you say, "I need to take the wedding ring off."
Without saying anything, Minho takes it off for you and slightly struggling doing it. Once he successfully takes it off, he safely places the ring on the bedside table.
“How can I leave if you’re like this, mmh?” he whispers, his lips brushing your skin.
“This isn’t my first rodeo, Minho," You smile sleepily, your eyes barely open. "I’ll be okay.”
"No, I mean, leaving you and you're not wearing the wedding ring..." he says with a playful smirk.
Your laugh vibrates through him, "I don’t think people would try to flirt with pregnant woman."
"I do," he shamelessly admits.
"That’s because you're deranged," you teasingly say and look over you shoulder at him, "my deranged husband."
His arms tighten around you, and though he knows you’re right, the thought of leaving still tugs at him. But as he feels you relax completely in his embrace, he remembers that if there's one thing he learned from years of being married to you is that you're stronger than you look.
It's 3 a.m., but Minho can’t bring himself to move. He lies there, watching you sleep peacefully beside him, your belly softly rising and falling with each breath. Part of him wishes he could stay, to spend the whole day with you. After a while, he reluctantly leans in, pressing a sweet, lingering kiss to your cheek before carefully pulling himself away.
He slips out of bed, moving quietly around the room, trying not to disturb you. The first flight out of the city awaits, and he needs to be at the airport in less than an hour. Minho takes his suitcase downstairs, leaving it by the door before heading back upstairs for a proper goodbye.
He steps into Byeol’s room, pausing at the edge of her bed, watching her little form snuggled under the blankets. She looks so peaceful, and it tugs at his heart.
“Daddy will be back,” he whispers, brushing a few stray hairs off her forehead. Leaning down, he places a soft kiss there. “Love you, my little star.”
He makes a quiet exit from her room but freezes when he sees you standing in the doorway of your bedroom, your hands resting gently on your growing bump, a sleepy but warm smile on your face.
“You think you can get rid of me that easily, huh?” you tease, your voice low and playful.
Minho grins, walking over to meet you, and together, you head downstairs just as the taxi pulls up outside. The driver steps out to help with the luggage as Minho turns back to you, double-checking everything.
“Got your wallet? Flight tickets?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Got them,” he confirms, patting his jacket pocket.
“Are you sure you’re not forgetting anything?” You ask again.
There’s a sly smile on your lips, and Minho hesitates, trying to remember. You squint, holding up his phone that you’d swiped without him noticing. He smiles, taking it from you and tapping on the screen, only to see that you’ve changed his lock screen to a photo of you and Byeol.
“So you remember you’ve got a wife and a daughter waiting for you at home,” you say with a playful smirk.
Minho laughs, but when he unlocks the phone, he finds another surprise—a rather provocative picture of you, posing in a way that makes him flashing you a mischievous grin.
“Just a friendly reminder of what you’ll be losing if you even think about flirting with anyone,” you warn him, your tone teasing but with an edge of seriousness.
Minho tucks his phone away, stepping close to you, though your belly stops him from getting as close as he’d like. He places a hand tenderly on your bump, rubbing it in slow circles. “Keep this little shit inside until I get back, okay?”
You chuckle, your hand covering his. “I’ll try.”
His other hand cups your face, pulling you into a deep, lingering kiss. There’s something tender, something a little desperate about the way he holds you, as if this moment is too precious to let go.
“I love you,” he whispers between kisses, his voice low and full of feeling.
“I love you,” you murmur back, your smile soft against his lips, your forehead resting against his.
With a final kiss, Minho lets go, though his hand remains intertwined with yours. He traces his thumb across your cheek, as if memorizing your features one last time.
“Take care, and be back safely,” you say, your smile bittersweet.
He nods, but his legs feel heavy. This is the first time he’s leaving his family, and it’s harder than he anticipated. His body doesn’t want to move, like it’s rooted to the spot, not ready to let go.
“And don’t forget to enjoy yourself too, mmh?” you add with a warm smile.
Minho swallows the knot in his throat, forcing a smile. “I will.”
Finally, he turns toward the taxi, walking slowly as if each step pulls him further from you. He doesn’t look back—not yet—because he knows he’ll run straight back into your arms. Only when the taxi starts driving away does he glance back, watching you wave until he disappears down the street.
The red traffic light seems to stretch endlessly, making every minute feel like an hour. You glance over at the passenger seat, where the carefully packed dinner is growing colder by the second. As soon as the light turns green, you press down on the gas, navigating through the streets at the maximum speed allowed. There’s no time to waste, but you remind yourself that it’s better to make it home in one piece.
With a deep breath, you haul everything out of the car and begin your slow ascent up the stairs. Each step is a challenge with your swollen baby bump, and by the time you reach the third floor, you’re panting.
"Felix, I’m so sorry," you blurt out the moment you open the door to the apartment, "The traffic was horrible..." You trail off as you hurriedly place the bags on the dining table, relieved to finally be home.
The balance between work, pregnancy, and taking care of Byeol has become a juggling act without Minho around, and everyone in the parlor has been taking turns in helping you doing one of them.
As you catch your breath and turn towards the living room, you can’t help but chuckle at the sight before you. Byeol is perched on the couch, happily tying Felix’s long bleached hair into tiny ponytails, adding hairpins and colorful stickers to his face.
"It’s okay, we’re having fun," Felix says, staying as still as possible so Byeol can work on his hair. "Right, rockstar?"
"Mm-mmh," Byeol hums in agreement, her focus entirely on securing a final hairpin in place.
You laugh softly, “You two look like you’re having a blast.”
Once she finishes with Felix’s hair, Byeol runs over to you and hugs your waist, her small arms barely reaching around your bump. "Mommy’s home!" she giggles.
You smile down at her, stroking her hair gently. "Let’s have dinner first, alright? You must be hungry."
Her eyes light up as she eagerly asks, "What’s for dinner?"
"It’s your favorite—soup dumplings," you announce, watching her face brighten. "Go wash your hands first!"
Byeol scampers off to the sink as you turn back to Felix, who’s gently pulling the last hairpins out of his hair.
"Are you staying for dinner?" you ask while unpacking the food.
Felix shakes his head, running a hand through his now free-flowing hair. "I’ve actually got dinner plans with a friend, so I’ll head out."
"Sorry for keeping you," you say apologetically, glancing at the mess of stickers still plastered across his face. You step closer, helping him peel the last of them off.
Felix chuckles, grabbing his jacket. "It’s no problem, really."
"Byeol, say goodbye to Uncle Felix," you call as she finishes washing her hands.
"Thank you for playing with me, Uncle Felix," she says sweetly, running over to give him a hug.
"You’re very welcome, rockstar," Felix replies, hugging her back before standing up to give you a hug as well.
After he leaves, you feel the weight of the past week without Minho settle in. It’s been tough managing everything, but tomorrow marks the start of your maternity leave, and the relief is almost palpable.
"Have you done your homework?" you ask, wiping some leftover sauce from Byeol’s mouth as she finishes her dinner.
"Mommy, I don’t have school tomorrow," she giggles.
"Oh, right! Mommy forgot," you chuckle, realizing it’s school break. "Do you want to do something fun tomorrow?"
Byeol’s eyes widen with excitement. "Mommy’s not working?"
"Nope, no work!" you confirm with a smile.
Her face lights up even more. "I want to go to the aquarium!"
You pause, recalling that she’s already been there recently, but you quickly realize she’s asking for something more—time with you. With another baby on the way, your one-on-one moments with Byeol have been scarce.
"You know what? Tomorrow, we’ll go to the aquarium, and we’ll do whatever else you want. How does that sound?"
"Really, mommy?" she asks, her voice full of wonder.
"Really," you reply, smiling as you brush a hand over her hair.
The next morning, Byeol wakes up buzzing with excitement. She puts on her best clothes and even helps you pack a few things for the day. When you arrive at the parlor downstairs, Byeol is bursting with anticipation.
"Where are you going, superstar?" Sujin asks, opening her arms for a hug.
"I’m going to the aquarium with Mommy!" she declares proudly.
Sujin playfully pouts, "Can Auntie Sujin come too?"
"No," Byeol shakes her head, giggling as Sujin pretends to be offended.
Felix joins in, "What about me? Can I come?"
"No," Byeol repeats, still giggling. "It’s just me and Mommy!"
With everything packed and Byeol bubbling with excitement, you wave goodbye to the parlor crew and head out for a day that’s all about your little girl.
At the aquarium, Byeol is in awe of everything, dragging you from tank to tank, her tiny hand gripping yours as she points excitedly at the sea creatures. "Mommy, look!" she exclaims every few minutes, her eyes wide with wonder.
After hours of exploring, you stop for a quick lunch, letting Byeol take charge of ordering for both of you. She confidently hands over your credit card at the window, beaming with pride.
"So, what do you want to do next?" you ask between bites of fries.
She thinks for a moment before asking, "What about you, Mommy? What do you want to do?"
Caught off guard by her question, you blink a few times, then chuckle. "How about we get our nails done? Or we can watch a movie, or go shopping. What do you think?"
"I want to paint my nails too!" Byeol says, her enthusiasm never faltering.
You smile at the thought. "Alright, why don’t you pick the color, and we’ll have matching nails?"
No one knows your daughter best than you, she likes playing soccer instead of with her dolls, she always prefers to look scary for Halloween instead of dressed as princesses and recently, she mentioned that she wants to take a taekwondo class, you always thought she leans toward such things but you realize that there's so many sides of her that you just haven't discovered yet. A person can be so many things, there's no limit to what they like or what they interest in, for all you know, Byeol can be anything she wants.
Byeol takes the task seriously, carefully scanning the color options before choosing a vibrant purple. The two of you sit side by side at the salon, giggling as your nails are painted, Byeol opting for colorful flower designs on hers.
By the time dinner rolls around, you’re both exhausted but happy. As you head back home, Byeol suddenly dashes toward the elevator.
"Please hold the door! My mommy is pregnant, and she can’t walk fast!" she calls out to the person inside.
The lady smiles kindly and holds the door open. "What a thoughtful little girl you have," she says, patting Byeol’s head as you finally catch up.
"I’m lucky," you reply, pulling Byeol close as the two of you step inside.
As you reflect on the day, you can’t help but feel immense pride in your daughter. She’s growing up so fast, learning and becoming her own person in ways you hadn’t even noticed. You smile to yourself, knowing that no matter what, Byeol is already shaping up to be someone wonderful—someone strong, caring, and unafraid to try new things.
As you enter Byeol’s room, the weight of the day settles in, the ache in your feet reminding you of just how much you walked. Still, your little one inside won’t let you rest, kicking incessantly since you got home.
"Ready for bed, starshine?" you ask, watching Byeol eagerly climb under her covers.
"Yes, mommy," she replies, pulling the blanket up to her chin.
You wince slightly as you sit down beside her, gently tucking her in, and she notices immediately.
"Are you okay, mommy?" she asks, her voice full of concern.
"Mommy’s okay," you assure her with a smile. "The baby just keeps kicking."
Byeol, curious and excited, places her small hand on your belly, waiting. Her eyes widen when she feels a kick, and she grins up at you.
"So, did you have fun today?" you ask, softly brushing her hair back.
"I had so much fun!" she says, cuddling into your chest, her voice brimming with joy.
"We can do it again tomorrow," you say, leaning down to kiss her head.
"Mommy’s not working tomorrow?" she asks, her wide eyes hopeful.
"No, mommy is on maternity leave," you explain.
"What’s that?" she questions, her confusion evident.
"It means mommy doesn’t have to work until this baby pops out," you explain simply.
She brightly smiles when she hears it. She throws her arms around you and hugs you tightly as she says, "I love you, mommy."
Your heart shakes from hearing the earnestness in her words, you feel tears forming on the corner of your eyes. You blink them away and put on a smile as you say back, "And mommy loves you too."
You pull the blanket to cover her body and softly pat her head, "You must be tired. Let's get to sleep, yeah?"
She nods as drowsiness starts taking over her, "Goodnight, mommy."
"Goodnight, my shining star," you murmur with a lingering kiss on her forehead.
In your bedroom, you take a moment to sit on the bed and just process everything until you get overwhelmed by the emotions of the day. Tears prick at your eyes, but they’re a mix of joy, exhaustion, and love. Just as you start to wipe them away, the phone rings, and Minho’s name flashes on the screen. You quickly take a deep breath, not wanting to let him hear your tears, and answer the call.
"Hi, honey," you greet him with forced cheer.
"Hey, pisspants," he teases, and you can practically hear the smirk in his voice.
"How are you?" you ask, smiling despite yourself.
"I’m surprisingly fine without you," he jokes, and you roll your eyes, "Byeol?"
"All tucked in, not a chance of escape," you say with a playful chuckle.
"And the little shit?" he asks, referring to the baby.
"Practicing kickboxing in here," you say, rubbing your belly as the baby kicks again as if on cue.
"How was your day?" you ask, settling deeper into the bed, "No, wait, unless you tattooed someone’s buttock, I don’t want to hear it," you add with a laugh.
"Sadly, no," Minho replies with a grin in his voice.
"Then ask about my day," you demand, feeling a little more playful.
"Okay, how was your day?" he caves, amused.
You launch into the story of your day, telling him every detail from the morning to the aquarium trip, to Byeol ordering food at the drive-thru, and you can hear his smile through the phone as he listens. He interjects every now and then, keeping up the light banter, and for a moment, it feels like he’s right there with you.
"That sounds fun. I’m jealous," he says when you finish.
"It was," you sigh happily.
It’s moments like these, his teasing, his calm presence, that you miss the most. Your chest tightens with the ache of missing him.
"I miss you," you admit quietly, the tears from earlier creeping back up your throat.
"I miss you too, honey," he says softly, and you can feel the sincerity in his voice.
Even though he’s miles away, in that moment, you feel connected to him, the distance fading as you share the quiet agony of longing for each other.
The moment Minho steps off the plane, the cool airport air hits him, a welcome contrast to the hours spent in the stale cabin. He rolls his stiff shoulders, grateful to be on solid ground. He pulls out his phone, ready to text you, expecting to wait for a ride.
But as he walks toward baggage claim, he stops in his tracks, his eyes widening. There, standing just past the barrier, are you and Byeol.
His heart stutters, caught between surprise and overwhelming joy. He wasn’t expecting you to come all this way, especially with your swollen belly and how much you’ve been juggling at home. But here you are, and you’ve brought Byeol, her small face lighting up the second she sees him.
"Daddy!" Byeol yells, her voice cutting through the hum of the crowd as she breaks into a run toward him.
Minho barely has time to drop his carry-on before she’s in his arms, her little body crashing into his with all the force her excitement can muster. He lifts her easily, despite the weariness from the long flight, her tiny arms wrapping tightly around his neck.
"Hi, honey," he murmurs, pressing his lips to her head, his heart swelling in his chest.
Then, his eyes lift to meet yours. You're standing there, smiling softly at him, looking beautiful and tired all at once, your hand resting on your rounded belly. The sight of you—the woman he loves, the mother of his child, the one carrying their second—hits him harder than he thought it would. Something about seeing his family, all here, waiting for him, fills his heart to the brim. His throat tightens, and before he can stop it, he feels the burn of tears behind his eyes.
"You came to pick me up?" His voice cracks, and he immediately feels a bit ridiculous, blinking away the moisture threatening to spill over.
You nod, your smile warm and knowing as you step closer. "We couldn’t wait to see you," you say softly, reaching up to place a hand on his cheek.
He closes his eyes at your touch, leaning into it, savoring the warmth of your skin against his. Byeol wriggles in his arms, pulling back to look at him with a beaming smile.
"We missed you, Daddy," she says, her bright eyes reflecting her joy.
"I missed you too, shining star," Minho says, his voice thick with emotion.
You step into his other side, wrapping your arms around both of them, and he feels it—the peace, the love, the sense of home that he’s been missing. His arms tighten around you both, holding onto the moment, grounding himself in the comfort of your presence.
It’s not just relief from the long trip or the exhaustion of work; it’s the realization of how much his heart aches when he’s away from you two. Being here, now, with his family, everything else fades.
"I’m home," he whispers, his voice barely audible above the hum of the airport.
"And we’re so glad you are," you reply, your lips brushing against his cheek as you pull him into a deeper embrace.
For a moment, he lets himself feel it all—the happiness, the gratitude, the love. His family, his home, right here in his arms.
Minho is finally home.
Everything feels familiar, but there’s an undeniable shift in the air. His eyes sweep across the apartment, noticing the small yet significant changes—there’s a crib in the corner of the bedroom now, baby clothes draped over the armchair, bottles, and toys beginning to clutter spaces that once held nothing but the quiet simplicity of your shared life. A reminder that soon, his family will grow by one more.
He makes his way into the bathroom where you're standing at the sink, gently rubbing cream on your face. He watches you through the mirror for a moment, taking in how radiant you look, despite the exhaustion he knows you've been feeling. You catch his gaze and smile softly.
"Getting bigger," Minho comments, his eyes tracing your reflection as he walks up behind you.
At first, you assume he's talking about your growing belly, especially with how close you are to your due date. But when his hands slide around your front, you burst into laughter as they make their way up to cup your breasts.
"Just how you like them, huh?" you tease, glancing at him in the mirror with a grin.
He smirks, placing a sweet kiss on your neck. "Always," he murmurs against your skin. But then, with a softer smile, his hands move down to your belly, cradling it from underneath, lifting it gently as though taking some of the weight off you.
You let out a small, relieved moan, closing your eyes as you lean back into him. "Why can't you do this for me every day?" you joke, though the gratitude in your voice is clear.
It’s been months of carrying this weight, of swollen feet and sleepless nights. And yet, somehow, in these small moments with him, it all feels worth it.
Minho presses his lips to your shoulder, lingering in the warmth of your skin. "I missed you," he whispers, but it’s not just missing you physically. There’s a depth to his words, like he’s been holding his breath, and now that he’s back, he can finally exhale.
His lips trail down to the crook of your neck, and before long, you find yourself in the bedroom, lying on your back, your head resting on the pillow as he hovers above you. His movements are gentle, careful, as he enters you. Not too deep, just enough to feel you, to remind himself of what it’s like to be with you this way.
You laugh softly, a contented sound that fills the room. "I can’t see it, but it feels so good," you say, your hands tracing the lines of his tattoos, the warmth of his skin beneath your fingers.
Minho smiles, his heart swelling at your touch, your voice. He moves slowly, cautiously, not wanting to push too far, not wanting to hurt you or the baby. His hands brace beside you, propped against the mattress, keeping himself steady.
Your hands find his face, pulling him down to kiss you, and he’s lost in the sensation of your lips against his, the sound of your quiet moans urging him on. He missed this — missed the intimacy, the connection, the feeling of being one with you.
"Honey," he breathes, his voice thick with longing. He presses his lips to your neck, your chest, savoring every inch of you.
You moan his name softly, your eyes half-lidded as you look up at him, and that’s all it takes for Minho to reach his release, his body tensing as he comes, his seed spilling inside you. He pulls out just a second too late, but he doesn’t care. In this moment, all that matters is you, the life you’ve built together, and the one growing between you.
His hand comes up to cup your jaw, his thumb brushing over your cheek as he leans down to kiss you deeply. When he finally pulls back, you’re both breathless, your eyes locked on his. There’s a vulnerability in his gaze that surprises you, and it hits you just how much this moment means to him.
The weight of his emotions threatens to overwhelm him, but Minho lets it all out, lets himself feel it all as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you close.
"I love you," he whispers, his voice low and raw.
"I love you too," you reply, your voice filled with all the love you’ve carried for him through the years, through the ups and downs, the changes and the constants.
Tears slip down your cheeks as you kiss him again, both of you lost in the tenderness of the moment, the unspoken promise that no matter what, you’ll always have each other.
Minho doesn't have much to do around the house as you’ve already tackled most of the chores. He knows you like to keep yourself busy, but watching you move around, especially with the baby almost here, makes him a little anxious. Seeing you now, carrying a full laundry basket down the stairs, only increases his concern.
“Slow down, or you’re going to piss your pants again,” Minho teases, leaning against the doorframe.
You chuckle, setting the basket down on the carpet. “I’m doing alright, honey,” you assure him, lowering yourself onto the sofa with a small sigh.
Before you can start folding the laundry, Minho steps in and grabs the basket from you. “Nope. Not today,” he says, replacing the basket with a plate of sliced fruits. “Take a break. You can do the laundry later.”
You sigh in defeat but take the plate from him, nibbling on a piece of apple dipped in peanut butter. While you sit back and relax, Minho quickly handles the laundry, but when he returns, he catches you making another attempt to escape.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks, eyebrows raised.
“I don’t want to piss my pants again,” you shout with a laugh, already halfway to the bathroom.
Minho shakes his head with a grin and waits in the living room until you come back. But when you return, your expression isn’t playful anymore—it’s tense, and there’s a weird look on your face.
"You didn’t make it to the bathroom right on time?" Minho jokes, trying to keep things light.
You sit slowly on the sofa and lean back, looking slightly uncomfortable. “I’m not sure… but I think… I just lost the mucus plug,” you say, biting your lip.
Minho feels the tension in his chest as your words sink in. Though he stays calm, he knows what this means. It’s one of the first signs that labor is near, and while he doesn’t want to alarm you, he’s on high alert now.
He moves closer, his hand gently resting on your belly. "Are you okay? Do you feel any pain?"
"My back is always in pain,” you answer with a sigh, “but I’m good for now."
"Should we get ready to go to the hospital?" Minho asks, his hand moving to rub your lower back in soothing circles.
“It could be a false alarm,” you say with a faint smile, “but just in case, yes.”
Minho nods, appreciating how calm you’re trying to stay. Luckily, thanks to your meticulous planning, the hospital bags were packed weeks ago. All he has to do is grab them from the closet and put them in the car.
"Do you want to go now?" he asks as he notices that you've been getting contractions.
You nod but don’t say anything, your expression showing you’re trying to breathe through the pain.
The drive to the hospital feels like an eternity, even though Minho is breaking every speed limit. He glances over at you, your hand resting protectively over your belly, your breathing uneven as you try to power through the contractions. He reaches out and takes your hand, squeezing it gently.
“We’re almost there,” he reassures you, his voice is calm but tight with worry.
Minutes later, you’re arrived at the hospital. Nurses are already waiting with a wheelchair, and Minho quickly helps you into it. His worry is more apparent on his face now.
"It’s going to be okay," you tell him as you squeeze his hand.
"I know," he says, flashing you a faint yet genuine smile.
Your journey through labor has begun, and Minho is right by your side, ready for whatever comes next.
After labor, you drift in and out of consciousness for what feels like hours. It isn’t until the nurse enters your room to check on you that you start to come around, your senses slowly gathering themselves.
“I’m sorry for waking you up,” the nurse apologizes softly, noticing your eyes flutter open.
“Oh, no, it’s fine,” you say with a weak but warm smile. Your body feels heavy, but there’s a lightness in your heart knowing what’s coming next.
Shortly after, they bring you a meal to help you regain some strength. Hospital food is always hit or miss—sometimes it’s surprisingly good, other times it’s bland. But today, the pudding is exactly what you need, a small but satisfying comfort.
Minho had to leave to handle a few things at home and will return soon with Byeol. For now, you’re alone, savoring the quiet until the nurse returns, this time pushing the bassinet small into the room. Your heart skips, and a soft smile pulls at your lips, knowing you’re about to meet your baby again.
When you first met your little one in the operating room, it had all been a blur—tears, sweat, and a whirlwind of pain. You hadn’t been able to focus through the intensity of it all. But now, as the nurse gently settles the bassinet beside your bed, the moment feels much more real.
“You might want to start with breastfeeding initiation,” the nurse suggests kindly, helping you get comfortable before carefully placing the baby in your arms.
“Thank you,” you mutter, your voice soft, eyes fixed on the tiny bundle in your arms. His little face is peaceful, his cheeks flushed and warm. As soon as the nurse leaves, it truly hits you: he’s yours. This little boy was inside of you just hours ago, and now, he’s here, cradled against your chest.
“So it’s you, huh?” you murmur in awe, brushing your finger along his tiny hand. “The one who’s been kickboxing inside mommy’s tummy?”
His tiny forehead crinkles, and your heart swells as a tear slips down your cheek. He’s so beautiful. Fragile, yet so full of life. You can’t stop smiling through the tears, utterly captivated by him. Then, he lets out a soft cry, his little face scrunching up. You remember what the nurse said about breastfeeding and shift him into position, unsure if you’re even producing milk yet.
It takes a moment, but he begins to nurse, and the world seems to still around you. You forgot how intimate this moment feels—how sacred it is to have your baby so close, sharing this connection. As he feeds, the overwhelming emotions settle deeper into your chest, filling you with love, gratitude, and an inexplicable sense of completeness.
Not long after, the quiet of the room is broken by a familiar voice.
“Mommy! Mommy!” Byeol calls, her excitement spilling into the room as she bursts through the door.
You glance up and see her little feet moving quickly toward you. “Oh, honey, you’re finally here!” you exclaim, a broad smile breaking across your face. “Mommy missed you.”
“I missed you too, Mommy!” Byeol beams up at you before holding up something in her hands—a small, stuffed bunny.
“What’s that?” you ask curiously, your heart swelling as Minho steps into the room behind her, his eyes locking onto yours. He’s holding your hand before you know it, the unspoken emotions passing between you as you both look down at the baby in your arms.
“This is for the baby!” Byeol announces proudly, her eyes twinkling with excitement.
“That’s so nice of you, honey,” you say, feeling tears prick your eyes again, this time from the tenderness of the moment. “Come sit next to Mommy.”
You shift over on the bed to make room for Byeol, and Minho helps her climb up. Once she’s seated beside you, her gaze locks onto her baby brother, her little hands twitching, eager but hesitant to touch him.
“He’s so tiny, Mommy,” she giggles, eyes wide with wonder.
“Do you want to hold him?” you ask softly.
Byeol glances at Minho as if seeking permission, then nods at you, her smile growing. Together, you and Minho help her hold the baby carefully, cradling his weight between her small arms and your supportive hands.
“Meet your little brother, Haneul,” you whisper, introducing the two of them for the very first time.
Byeol’s eyes light up as she gazes down at him, the gentle awe never leaving her face. After a moment, she bravely reaches out and pokes his chubby cheek. “He’s so squishy!” she declares, making you laugh softly.
“You can kiss him if you want,” you encourage.
Without hesitation, Byeol leans forward and plants a sweet kiss on Haneul’s cheek, giggling as she pulls back. “He’s so cute, Mommy,” she whispers, resting her head close to him, her protective little arms still cradling him carefully.
Your heart feels like it might burst at the sight of them together—your children. You squeeze Minho’s hand, overcome by the love you feel for your family. As you turn to look at him, tears glisten in your eyes, but they’re happy tears—grateful, joyful tears.
Minho smiles softly, a quiet understanding in his eyes. He leans down and presses a kiss to the top of your head, his thumb brushing over your knuckles.
In this moment, everything feels perfect. Your family has grown, and with this new little life, your world feels more whole than ever before.
For the rest of the day, both your families come to visit you at the hospital, offering congratulations and warmth to the new addition to your family. As the evening settles in, the Oddinary arrive, right after the tattoo parlor has closed for the day. Their familiar presence fills the room, bringing laughter, chatter, and of course, food. They even bring pizzas to celebrate the occasion.
As Sujin gently holds little Haneul in her arms, she studies him with an appraising look while Felix peers over her shoulder in awe.
“Babies are ugly, but this one…” Sujin starts, narrowing her eyes playfully as she shifts Haneul in her arms, “…this one is beautiful. Props to you, girl!” She flashes you a proud, almost approving smile.
“Thank you,” you manage to respond, cheeks flushed as you take another bite of pizza, appreciating the warmth of her compliment.
Minho, feeling somewhat left out, leans back in his chair and shoots Sujin a mock offended look. “No props to me?”
Sujin doesn’t miss a beat, throwing him a teasing glare. “She’s the one who carried him for nine months.”
You chuckle, shaking your head. “Which is kind of unfair,” you add. “I carried him for nine months, and he came out looking just like his dad.”
Minho had never been overly concerned with whether the baby was a boy or girl—he’d love them no matter what. But when he saw Haneul for the first time, he was struck by just how much the baby resembled him. It had been a delightful surprise, one he hadn’t expected but welcomed wholeheartedly.
Felix, ever curious, rubs a tattooed finger gently over Haneul’s cheek, marveling at how soft the baby’s skin is. But Haneul’s reaction is immediate—his tiny face scrunches up, and he starts to cry.
Felix’s eyes go wide in surprise, his hands freezing in place. “Why did you touch the baby with your greasy hands?” Sujin hisses at him, swatting at his arm.
“I— I didn’t mean to!” Felix stammers, holding up his hands in surrender, his face a mix of guilt and panic.
“It’s okay,” you laugh, waving off the commotion. “It’s about time I feed him anyway.” You finish your slice of pizza quickly and hold out your arms, signaling for Sujin to hand Haneul back to you.
Sujin carefully places the still-crying baby in your arms, and as you begin to unbutton the front of your shirt, everyone else takes it as their cue to leave the room.
“We’ll give you some privacy,” Sujin announces with a smirk before gathering the rest of the Oddinary. Felix, still looking slightly guilty, waves awkwardly as he trails behind the others.
Once Minho sent everyone off on their way, he takes a minute to call his parents to check on Byeol. She’ll be staying with them until you’re discharged from the hospital. When he returns, he’s greeted by the sight of you cradling Haneul in your arms, a soft, loving expression on your face. In this moment, with the room bathed in the gentle glow of the hospital lights, you look absolutely radiant to him. He’s struck by how serene and beautiful you seem, completely immersed in your maternal role.
Without a word, Minho moves to tidy up the room, throwing away the empty pizza boxes and soda cans before washing his hands. Then, he comes to sit beside you on the bed, leaning in to get a closer look at your son.
“He’s so beautiful,” you whisper, your eyes glancing up at Minho with a smile.
“He has your eyes, your lips…” you murmur as you gently caress Haneul’s cheek with your knuckle. You pause, then give his tiny nose a playful boop. “Even your nose.”
A wide smile spreads across your face as you bring Haneul a little closer, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head. “I think I’ve fallen in love…” you admit, your voice filled with quiet wonder.
Minho watches you closely, recognizing that you’ve been wearing that same smile ever since you first laid eyes on Haneul. He knows he feels the same, though he’s always been better at concealing his emotions. Still, he can’t hide the warmth that spreads through his chest as he watches you with your son.
Just then, Haneul begins to coo softly, his tiny hand rubbing at his face, his features scrunching up again as if he’s about to cry.
“You want Daddy, mmh?” you guess softly, glancing up at Minho before carefully handing Haneul over to him.
Minho quickly sits beside you, taking Haneul into his tattooed arms. It’s only the second time he’s held his son today, the first being the moment of skin-to-skin contact just after Haneul was born. As Minho holds him now, he’s struck again by how small and delicate the baby feels in his arms.
You wrap your arm around Minho’s waist, resting your chin gently on his shoulder. Together, you both gaze down at Haneul, your hearts overflowing with love and gratitude for this little life you’ve brought into the world.
You press a soft kiss to Minho’s neck and murmur, “We made that.”
Minho turns his head to look at you, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. “We made it,” he echoes softly.
As Minho holds Haneul close, a sense of responsibility settles over him. The weight of being a father to two now, of being a husband and the head of a growing family—it all becomes real in this quiet moment. He knows that he must strive to be the best father, the best husband, the best version of himself for you, for Byeol, and now for Haneul. And as he looks back at you, the love he feels for you both is unmistakable, filling him with an unshakable sense of purpose.
It's another day in Minho’s life, except that his routine has shifted just a bit, revolving around the new addition to the family. For Minho to keep up with the tattoo parlor during the day, you insisted on taking care of baby Haneul during the night, allowing him the rest he needs. Yet, Minho can’t help but sacrifice some of his sleep to wake up earlier than usual, cherishing these moments with his newborn son.
As always, he begins his morning by cuddling up to you. He presses a soft, lingering kiss to your cheek before slowly slipping out of bed. His first stop is Haneul’s crib, where the baby sleeps soundly, his tiny mouth making faint sucking motions as if he’s dreaming of breastfeeding. Minho smiles at the sight—how peaceful, how precious.
After washing up, Minho moves to prepare a bath for Haneul. His hands, trained from years of precise work as a tattoo artist, move skillfully as he fills the tub. His calm and steady touch proves invaluable during moments like this. Even when Haneul wakes up, startled and crying from the disturbance, Minho remains calm.
"It’ll be done soon," Minho murmurs softly, his voice soothing as he bathes his son.
Once Haneul is clean and dressed, Minho already has a bottle of breastmilk prepared to settle him back down. He cradles him gently in his arms, swaying and lulling him back to sleep as he feeds, planting a gentle kiss on his son’s cheek. Soon enough, Haneul’s little eyes flutter closed again, and Minho carefully places him back into the crib, brushing a hand over his soft hair before moving on with his morning routine.
Minho heads to the kitchen, starting with a cup of coffee to fuel the rest of his tasks. He waters the plants, then begins cooking breakfast. His steady rhythm in the kitchen feels like second nature now—cooking for the family has become one of his favorite parts of the day. He doesn’t forget to prepare Byeol’s lunch either, tucking in a little note with a doodle like he always does.
Just as he’s finishing up, you emerge from the bedroom, looking sleepy but determined to join him for breakfast.
"You stopped asking what's for breakfast," Minho remarks with a smile as he plates the food, setting it on the table for you.
"At this point, I’ll just eat whatever you give me," you reply, a sleepy smile tugging at your lips.
Minho chuckles, leaning down to place a kiss on your temple. It’s these little moments, the small exchanges that feel so intimate and warm, that fill him with a sense of contentment.
Soon, Byeol comes bounding into the dining room, full of energy and eager to tell you both about her excitement for school. As she slides into her chair, she chatters on about her favorite subject and what she can’t wait to learn today. Minho listens, glancing over at you with a small smile, feeling like these moments of normalcy are truly where life happens.
When it’s time to leave for school, Byeol rushes over to give you a big hug and kiss before heading to Haneul’s crib to say her goodbyes to her little brother. Minho watches the scene with pride swelling in his chest. He’s always been amazed by how naturally Byeol has taken to being a big sister.
Minho doesn’t leave without his own goodbye. He pulls you close, pressing a quick but loving kiss to your lips.
“See you soon,” he murmurs softly, his forehead brushing against yours for a moment before he stands, guiding Byeol towards the door.
"Bye, bye, Mommy!" Byeol chirps, waving as Minho holds the door open for her.
"Have a great day at school, my shining star!" you call back, waving with a smile that’s tired but full of love.
As Minho buckles Byeol into the car and starts the drive to school, he finds himself reflecting on how different his life is now. It’s not the grand gestures or the monumental events that have shaped him, but rather the small, quiet moments like this—breakfast with his family, goodbyes before school, the peaceful early morning routine with his son.
These little slices of heaven, day after day, are what fill his heart with gratitude. And in these moments, he knows there’s nowhere else he’d rather be.
Motherhood is exhausting.
It’s not just the lack of sleep or the endless list of physical discomforts. There’s the emotional rollercoaster no one warns you about—the way joy and sadness seem to come in waves, sometimes crashing over you when you least expect it. After Haneul was born, you were overwhelmed by the strangeness of no longer carrying him in your belly, missing the sensation of him kicking even as you held him in your arms. It’s a bittersweet adjustment.
But Minho makes it easier. He’s always there, making sure you never feel alone. He doesn't hover, but his presence is steady, and the little gestures of love—his way of checking in on you, or simply wrapping you up in his arms—give you a sense of comfort. Today is no different.
As you change your clothes, Minho catches you in the act, watching from the edge of the bed. You’re in the middle of swapping out a blouse, frustrated as your breast milk has leaked through again.
"You look good today," Minho says casually, a sly grin forming on his lips as he admires you.
You chuckle, shaking your head. “I smell like a mix of sweat, barf, and diaper disasters.”
His smirk is playful. “Exactly my type.”
You finish buttoning your blouse and turn to face him. Despite everything your body’s been through—stretch marks, swollen feet, exhaustion—he looks at you like he always has, with a mixture of admiration and affection that never wavers. It’s comforting.
"Come here," he beckons, arms outstretched in invitation.
You don’t need to be told twice. You move into his lap, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he pulls you close. His lips find yours, a slow, affectionate kiss that lingers, melting away the day’s fatigue.
"I guess you also smell like desperation," Minho teases as he places a kiss on your neck, his voice a low murmur against your skin.
You gently slap his chest in protest, half-heartedly. "You’re so annoying."
He only smirks and kisses you again, this time more softly. It’s moments like these that remind you why he’s your partner through all of this—his humor, his warmth, his ability to make you feel like yourself even when motherhood makes you feel anything but.
"How about I make lunch?" he asks, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "What do you feel like?"
"Hmm... I’m starving," you sigh dramatically, leaning your head against his chest. "A big sandwich would be perfect."
"Big sandwich, got it," he replies with ease.
"And make sure you add lots of love." You laugh softly, trying to lighten the mood.
"Then it’s going to taste sour," he jokes, his hands sliding down to your waist.
You laugh, enjoying the easy banter. "I don’t mind that at all."
Minho kisses your cheek and makes a move to get up, but you tighten your arms around him, not ready to let him go just yet.
"No, stay," you whine, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. "Let’s stay like this for a bit longer."
He chuckles softly and gives in, holding you closer. His tattooed arms wrap securely around you, the warmth of his body grounding you as the two of you sit quietly in the calm of the moment.
It’s surprising how often your baby boy needs to be fed throughout the day. As Haneul stirs in the other room, his soft cries reach your ears, and you let out a tired sigh.
“Alright, alright, give mommy a second,” you murmur, hurriedly unbuttoning your shirt. “You’re just as impatient as your daddy, huh?”
Minho enters the room again, Byeol trailing close behind him. She immediately clambers onto the bed, settling next to you and watching her baby brother feed.
"Honey, do you mind if I go out for a bit?" Minho asks, grabbing his wallet from the bedside table.
"Where to?" you ask, opening your arm for Byeol to snuggle into.
"Need to grab something from the convenience store," he answers, pulling on his jacket.
"Okay," you say, a bit distracted by Haneul feeding.
"I won't be long," he assures you, walking over to plant a kiss on the top of your head and giving Byeol a quick tickle, which sends her into giggles.
Once Minho leaves, Byeol settles beside you, gently playing with Haneul’s tiny fingers.
“Mommy, the baby’s here now,” she says thoughtfully, her small fingers brushing over Haneul’s tiny hands. “Does that mean you’ll go back to work soon?”
“Well, yes,” you answer carefully, “but not too soon.”
She looks up at you with wide, curious eyes. “Can mommy stay home every day?”
Her innocent question tugs at your heart. You hadn’t realized how much she missed these moments with just the two of you. You blink away the sudden sting of tears and stroke her hair gently.
“There’s nothing I’d love more than staying home with you and your brother, but there are people out there who need mommy’s help,” you explain softly. “And if I can help them, I should, right?”
Byeol contemplates this for a moment, her young mind trying to understand the bigger picture. Finally, she nods. “Right.”
You lean in and press a soft kiss to her forehead as you say, “But no matter what, mommy will always be here—driving you to school, watching your soccer practices, getting burgers at the drive-thru, painting our nails together.”
She beams at that, her smile making your heart swell and you continue with the most important thing you want her to know, “And mommy will always love you. So much.”
“I love you too, mommy,” she whispers, resting her head against your chest.
You hold her close, savoring the tender moment. “You’ll always be mommy’s brightest star.”
When Byeol finally drifts to sleep beside you and Haneul’s feeding comes to an end, you find yourself unable to move without disturbing them. Minho comes back into the room, his smile softening when he sees you snuggled with both children.
“I’ll carry her to bed,” he whispers, gently lifting Byeol in his arms and carrying her off to her room.
Relieved, you carefully place Haneul in his crib, your body aching from the long day. As Minho returns, he notices you massaging the back of your neck and quickly steps behind you to help, his strong hands working out the tension in your shoulders.
“Honey, I know you’re tired, but...” he begins, his voice low and soft, “Can we talk for a few minutes?”
You tense at his words, immediately wondering if something’s wrong. “Depends on what you want to talk about,” you joke, trying to mask your unease. “Is it about a secret gambling debt or a dead body you keep in the trunk of your car?”
Minho laughs, burying his face in your neck. “Close, but not quite.”
Curious, you follow him to the kitchen, your tired mind racing with possibilities. It’s not until you see the cake sitting on the table that you realize—it’s his birthday. And you forgot.
"Oh no, it’s your birthday," you whisper, feeling a wave of guilt crash over you.
"It’s not yet," Minho reassures, pulling you into his arms. His smile is soft, teasing, but without any hint of disappointment.
You bury your face in his chest, tears of exhaustion and guilt welling up in your eyes. "I’m so sorry," you sob, embarrassed that you, of all people, forgot his birthday.
Minho holds you tight, his hands gently stroking your back. "There’s nothing to be sorry about, honey," he murmurs against your hair. "I just wanted to celebrate with you."
He tilts your chin up, wiping away your tears with his thumb. "Are you really going to cry on my birthday?" he asks with a playful smirk.
You sniffle, managing a small smile. "No."
Together, you light the candles, your heart swelling with gratitude for the way he handles moments like this—with patience, understanding, and love. When the clock strikes midnight, you cheerily announce, "It's officially your birthday!"
Minho closes his eyes and makes a wish, his hand still holding yours. After he blows out the candles, you wrap your arms around him in a tight hug.
"Happy birthday, honey," you say, planting a long, chaste kiss on his lips and when you pull back, you softly apologize, "I’m sorry I don’t have a gift for you, yet."
"You’ve given me more than I could ever ask for," Minho whispers, pulling you even closer.
His hands cup your face, and you can see the depth of his emotions in his eyes. "You gave me a family, two beautiful children... I can’t thank you enough for giving me this life."
His words are simple but filled with so much emotion that tears well up in your eyes again. You kiss him softly, feeling the weight of the moment settle over you—the love, the gratitude, the life you’ve built together.
"Oh, honey," you reply, your voice trembling as you cradle his face.
Minho kisses you again, slower this time, savoring every moment. "I promise I’ll always make you happy," he whispers, his forehead resting against yours.
"You already do, Minho," you whisper back. "Every single day."
His lips press against yours once more as he mutters, "I love you."
"I love you," you reply, your heart aching with happiness.
He kisses you again, the moment full of tenderness and gratitude but when he pulls back, he gives you a cheeky grin. “So... can I blow you next?”
You laugh, rolling your eyes at his predictable humor. “Be careful, or you’ll be a father of three on your next birthday.”
Minho smirks, pulling you closer. “I'm okay with that.”
As you hold him, encased in the warmth of his love, you realize once again that no matter how hard motherhood or life gets, you could only do this with him by your side. With Minho, you can weather any storm, face any challenge, and still feel like you’re the luckiest person in the world.
With him, you can do anything.
The parlor has just closed when the Oddinary guys barge in, loud and excited, with a birthday cake in hand. Minho knows he can’t stop them—even if he wanted to. Once they set their minds to something, there's no talking them out of it. After all, they’re his family, long before he made and built his own.
He sighs, watching as they gather in the living room, the cake’s candles glowing warmly. Felix takes charge, lighting them with a wide grin. Minho leans back on the sofa, not exactly thrilled to be the center of attention on a day he prefers to keep low-key. The only reason he even humored celebrating last night was because he didn’t want you to feel bad for almost forgetting.
You plop down next to him, startling him out of his thoughts. Without a word, you hand him a fresh bottle of beer, and he gladly accepts it, his arm naturally wrapping around you, pulling you close to his side.
The noise in the room fades into the background as you nestle against him, the warmth of your presence grounding him. Your eyes flick to Sujin, who’s sitting across from you, gently cradling baby Haneul in her arms. You smile softly, a thought forming in your mind.
“I don’t want to impose, but Sujin...” you begin, your tone casual yet filled with meaning. “I think you’re ready.”
Sujin’s brow furrows in confusion as she shifts Haneul slightly, the tattoo on her neck straining as she leans forward. “Ready for what?”
Minho chuckles lightly, his voice laced with amusement. “You know what she meant,” he quips, shooting a playful smirk at Sujin.
Her husband, seated beside her, grins. “As for me, I’m just waiting for her.”
Sujin’s head snaps toward him, her eyes widening slightly in surprise. A slow smile begins to bloom on her face, softening her features as she glances back down at Haneul.
Minho shifts his focus to his daughter, Byeol, who’s sitting on the carpeted floor, caught between Felix and Yoon as they try to win her over. These two are in an animated debate, vying for her favor.
“Do you like Auntie Yoon more or Uncle Felix more?” Yoon asks, her voice filled with childlike curiosity, blissfully unaware of the intensity behind the question.
Minho knows this is one of those questions none of them is ever truly prepared to hear the answer to.
Byeol giggles, taking her time as if she’s carefully considering her options. After a long minute, she finally answers, “Uncle Felix!”
“I knew it!” Felix cheers in triumph, throwing his arms around Byeol and pulling her onto his lap.
Yoon, feigning disbelief, shakes her head. “No, I think Byeol isn’t taking enough time to think. I demand a retake!”
Felix, quick to defend his newfound title, presses his hands over Byeol’s ears. “No, you’re just jealous. Boooo!” he teases, sticking his tongue out and making silly faces at Yoon.
Minho fights the urge to smile, watching them act childish as usual. This kind of chaos—this kind of love—is something he cherishes, even if he’d never admit it out loud. Then, he turns his head, his gaze falling on you.
You haven’t changed. Not really. But at the same time, you have. It’s something subtle, something only he can see. A kind of growth and quiet strength that has always been there but now shines even brighter.
Some things will never change, though. Like the way you’re his anchor, the force that holds him down and keeps him steady. You’re the source of his strength and his love, the one person he trusts with every part of himself—and he knows you feel the same about him. And best of all, you’ll always be his.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” you ask, sensing the intensity in his gaze.
The noise around them swirls, but for Minho, in this moment, it’s just the two of you. He shakes his head slightly, a small, amused smile tugging at his lips.
“Nothing,” he murmurs, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips, letting the kiss convey what words can’t.
With the new addition to his family, the house feels crowded—maybe even too crowded. He glances around the room, taking in the sight of his daughter laughing with Felix and Yoon, his son sleeping peacefully in Sujin’s arms, and the people who have been by his side since the beginning. His home is growing. It’s crowded, noisy, chaotic—but it’s home.
For now, this is enough. This is everything. This is home.
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꒰ warnings!!꒱ there is a nsfw part near the end ! aged-up yuuta (he's 21 here) ! yandere yuuta ! reader is implied to be into his obsessions + at least slighly aware ! delusional yuuta ! mentions of marriage ! manipulation (lovebombing) ! ⤷﹒✦┆mentions of bdsm + switch yuuta + overstimulation (implied) + dacryphilia (implied).
ꖛ about. * reader is gender-neutral. no anatomy specified + they/them pronouns and genderless nicknames.
ꖛ author's note * aaaaaghhh wanted this to be longer. got embarrassed writing nsfw, ngl. hope you enjoy [ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE. NOT PROOFREAD!]
yuuta being yuuta, you probably were the one to ask him out. the life of a sorcerer was one where relationships didn't have much space on the personal agenda (unless he made a few extra efforts). initially, the big obstacle is yuuta's own shyness and the traumas he carries with his bruised soul.
when he starts to get interested in you, his first reaction is to panic. pure and fickle, sprouting in his heart like a parasite. it starts innocently enough: liking older photos on your social media. late-night messages. drinks at the weekend, until he notices his hand on your lower back as he guides a drunken you to the car.
you’re snoring on the passenger’s seat and yuuta is wide-eyed, his thoughts a mile per minute. this can't be happening.
yuuta can't dodge maki's taunts, toge's questions (which are too judgemental for someone who only talks in onigiri ingredients) and panda's cupid advice. nobody really understands how he's feeling.
even though he has learnt a lot from losing rika and eventually letting her go, he still fears and longs for true, pure love. it's almost a necessity. he underwent grief counselling and still got over his old crush in a surprisingly healthy way, for someone who was literally haunted by the ghost of said crush for years of his life.
then you arrive. with a gentle smile, sweet words and an unforgettable body. how could he resist? god, he wants to marry you in the spot. but yuuta knows it's a selfish desire.
he's very, very respectful, and tries not to let his interest show in a way that makes you uncomfortable. it's all about knowing how to read the smallest, subtlest signs, and he'll be well understood. yuuta is the kind of guy who will walk you to your car when you leave somewhere, the guy who remembers to take an extra jacket or offers you his when it's too cold, the guy who always remembers your preferences, allergies, and other small details.
an observer, he's always the silent one who rarely engages in conversation. initially, it's very much a ‘you talk, he answers’ kind of thing, but eventually he gains enough confidence to open up and constantly initiates and continues conversations with you.
his lingering glances at your body don't go unnoticed by you. maybe there's a bit of teasing coming from you, depending on your personality, but it doesn't matter. he's too shy to make the first move. so you do.
after the first date, that's when things blossom.
the honeymoon phase is one of the best experiences you can have dating yuuta. things are new, slightly superficial, but overall very nice and gentle. he is unfortunately a bit prone to lovebombing, even if he doesn't realize it. he can be extremely smothering and hyper-protective at times, but an honest conversation of five to ten minutes can easily help him correct this behaviour.
he's a great listener, and fights are almost non-existent. gestures of love are constant and always innovative: flowers every week, homemade chocolates if you're a fan, reservations at places that interest you and even simple dates at home. marathons of series or films that end in soft kisses and warm hugs.
he does ask for you two to live together a bit too quickly.
even when the honeymoon phase is over, yuuta is never less romantic. he makes a point of doing little gestures like cooking, cleaning and organising the house for when you arrive. It starts as a surprise in a few days — surprise, love! Now you don't have to clean anything — but if you don't want to let him do all the work, he'll agree to a routine where the two of you can alternate housework. the only thing he asks for in return for all the hard work is a few kisses and a cute name as his contact in your phone (like ‘love’, ‘mine’, ‘promised’, ‘husband’).
he's clingy. yuuta is completely starved for touch. he always likes to end an evening by wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face in the soft curve of your neck and shoulder. if he can leave a few kisses there before he falls asleep, even better. he doesn't move much during the night, but he's the type with cold hands and a warm body.
yuuta is the kind of man who, if you get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, when you come back to the bedroom, you'll see him sitting on the bed, devastated — why did you leave me. dramatic, but in a way that can end up being cute.
in general, if you can ignore “petty” habits like stalking, overprotection and are willing to hug him and wipe the blood off his face when he comes back from missions, it's a great relationship. if you like men who are obsessed with you, he's simply the best possible option. always trying to touch you or be close to you, making sure you're comfortable — a sweet voice asking is everything okay, love? we can leave if you want.
he wants to take you away from the world and have you all to himself, sometimes, but he makes the sacrifice of sharing because it's what makes you happiest. yuuta is super supportive with your career or if you want to be the type to look after the house. whichever is best for you, he's happy! he's willing to listen to you complain about work while he massages your shoulders, takes your shoes off for you and carries you around the house to the bathroom.
“i'll love you forever.” he murmurs as he kisses your forehead.
SEX LIFE !! ꒱୨९
although it doesn't seem like it, yuuta has a relatively high libido. if this is a problem for you, he can get used to solving it on his own. however, all his fantasies involve you in some way. often, while spending days away on a mission, he begs for a photo or audio of your voice, because he can't enjoy it without you. “please, love, i need you.”
distance is a cruel poison, but he makes a point of not bothering you about it if he can sort it out himself.
his stamina is good. yuuta can last three rounds before having to give up. if you push his limits, he can last six, and fall asleep minutes later.
he's a switch. he's naturally a bit submissive, and the type who lives to give you pleasure. service sub and soft dom, it's basically him.
when he is the submissive one, he sounds more like: “please, please, please, more— don’t stop, don’t stop, i’ll do anything—”
and when he is the one domming you, he's more: “is this good, my love?” he presses a gentle kiss to your shoulder, smiling. “you’re so perfect.”
he'll do anything you want — hit him, push him to the limit, pull his hair. slap him, make him cry just to lick the tears off his cheeks (he loves that crap). he’s yours.
he likes it when you bite and leave marks on him. yuuta will often wear the hickeys and bites as a trophy. as living proof on his body that your love belongs to him, and vice versa.
he moans really, really loud. probably more than you do. it's the kind of whine and long moan that makes the neighbours complain. even when he's on top, he can't hold back the noise he makes when you're together. if you want him to be quiet, you'll have to gag him, or he'll need to bite your shoulder or have his face buried in the pillow.
always after sex, yuuta tries to make you stay in bed, clinging to you and hugging you like a teddy bear. he demands his cuddles. and of course, how could you deny anything to him?
he loves you as much as you love him, after all.
© made by yuutawe on tumblr. do not copy, repost, modify or translate my works in this or any other site — inspirations allowed with credits.
#☆ styx flows!#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jjk x reader#yuta okkotsu#jjk x y/n#jjk x you#jujutsu kaisen x you#jujutsu kaisen x gender neutral reader#okkotsu yuuta x reader#yuta x reader#yuta okkotsu smut#yuta okkotsu x reader#yuta okkotsu x you#yuuta okkotsu smut#yuuta okkotsu x reader#okkotsu yuta x you#jujustsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen fluff
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Just the Tip • Drabble

☣︎ Summary: There’s no harm in just the tip, right? They promise it won’t go all the way, so you don’t need to worry your pretty little head. Maybe.
Includes: Gojo, Geto, Toji, Choso, and Sukuna
Tags: fem! reader, friends to lovers, thigh fucking, unprotected, dubcon, teasing, bulging, dry humping, choking, breeding, praise, degradation, semi-public sex, cockwarming, oral (fem! receiving), ass eating (fem! receiving), raw sex, sweaty sex, overstim, noncon if you squint, double penetration, cumflation
WC: 5.6k
A/N: I’m so sorry to Sukuna lovers, I just think this is how the first time would go LOL!

༒︎ Gojo Satoru ༒︎
You have no idea how you got into this situation with your best friend of all people, but with the way every hair you have stands on edge at Satoru’s heavy breathing behind you, you couldn’t care less. You’re currently leaning forward on his kitchen counter, his oversized shirt and an apron adorning your body. The counter and apron are smeared with brownie batter from the baking you were attempting before Gojo lost it and started spewing unbelievable things into your ear from behind.
“Fuck, sugar, why d’you always do this to me?” He’d asked, standing at the archway that marked the entrance to his kitchen, leaning on it and crossing his arms as he eyed you. You looked at him, clearly confused, but enamored at how he’d lower his voice.
“Do what, idiot?” You asked, chuckling while you started to mix all of the ingredients for the brownie batter together. You had no idea what was going on in his unpredictable head, but you definitely didn’t think it would be this.
He answered by coming up to you, standing behind you and softly trailing his fingertips up your thighs, making you shiver. It was then that you’d felt him, or rather a part of him nestling rock hard between your plush ass cheeks. “This.” He clarifies, letting you know he considers you to be responsible for his painfully hard cock. His hands move up to your hips, holding you firm as he rocks his own forward, the delicious friction pulling such a needy whine from his wet lips.
It was music to your ears. Which is why you didn’t stop him when he continued to seek the pleasure he craved by fucking his cock against your clothed ass. You didn’t say a word when he whined for more and lifted the apron and shirt you wore, revealing your thongs that just so happened to match the cerulean blue of his eyes. You didn’t even say anything when he whipped out his red-tipped cock that looked just angry. Like it was pissed for being made to wait so long to come out.
Now here you were, head bowed and hands gripping the cold marble countertop while he begs, and begs, and begs, in your ear, his voice shaky and tip spreading precum on your thighs as he rocks it forward and then back again to tease your aching hole, leaving it fluttering around nothing. “C-Can’tcha-hah- just let me put it in, sweetness?” He asks, licking a stripe up your neck to get you to straighten your head, his hand gripping your chin to turn it toward him.
You shake your head, unable to form words with the way your mind is just reeling trying to grasp how baking brownies turned into pushing boundaries with Satoru of all people.
“Why? Y’know I can feel how wet you are f’me, right? D’know if I believe you don’t want it. You sure?” He emphasizes the last word by pressing flush against your ass, his tip nudging your clit on the way forward, making your breath hitch in your throat.
You tug your lower lip between your teeth, brows furrowing as you subconsciously chase your own pleasure by grinding back and forth when he stops. His breath fans over the back of your ear as he chuckles. You feel his lips behind your ear and you sigh, resting your head back on his shoulder. “D’wanna r-ruin our friendship, Toru…” You whine and another chuckle comes from deep in his chest, just mocking you.
“Mmm, I think friendship went out the window when y’started letting me touch you five minutes ago, baby. Think we’ll be okay.” He purrs in your ear and you let out a shaky breath. “But… if you’re not sure… we can test the waters, can’t we? Just the tip, hmm? ‘N if you don’t want it, I”ll stop. Promise.” He assures you. Deep down in your filthy little mind, you know it won’t just be the tip. You know you’ll want him more. If you didn’t know that, you wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.
Your head bobs up and down in a nod and he grunts out in approval, kissing behind your ear once more before looking down to grab his swollen length, leaning back slightly so he can align himself with your weeping hole. His breath hitches in his chest as he coats himself with your slick before pushing the tip in oh so carefully. Just that alone makes you keen and you whimper, your hips subconsciously pushing back, just aching for more of that delicious stretch that you know he can deliver., but he holds you steady, resting his forehead forward on your shoulder and breathing in shakily. “‘M holding true to my word, sweetheart. Just the tip. But-ngh,” he grunts when your hole twitches around his bulbous tip, beckoning him. “Y’know I’ve never been able to tell you no. J’sask me. Please ask me.” He begs, his hands shaking on your hips as he focuses so hard on not pushing further into your twitching hole.
You waste no time, nodding and whimpering out a “please…”
Before you can even register it, he drives his hips harshly into yours, scraping his way down your slick canal in, in, in until he can’t anymore, biting down onto your shoulder hard. He stills himself, reveling in how you squeeze him, creating a creamy white ring around the base of his pulsing cock. You cry out as his body jolts forward in response to your hole twitching and he releases your shoulder from his painful bite. “Jeez, sugar, if I had-hah, if I had known you felt this good, I woulda done this forever ago.” He groans into your ear.
You can’t help yourself when your usual wit shines through the haze of lust and you respond. “You really think I would’ve let you? Th-This isn’t that great.” You lie, but sell it with a smirk.
That has him just aching to prove you wrong. “Y’gonna regret that, sweetheart.”
And the next hours are spent getting railed into a mindless cocksleeve, plaps and squelches sounding out through the kitchen while he smirks and grunts, ah! ah! ah! just spilling from your lips again and again and again.
༒︎ Geto Suguru ༒︎
You’re sat on the couch with your loving boyfriend with his body cocooning around you, keeping you warm and safe from any ghosts that you’re sure are going to pop out of the screen that lights up with scenes from a horror movie. You can’t focus entirely on the flick, however, because your body is so in tune with his. With every movement he makes. He’s not even doing much: light brushing of his fingers along your forearm here, nuzzling his cheek against your hair there. But it’s enough. Enough to make your heart race.
His beats steady against your back, the thump, thump, thump filling you with shame at how yours is pitter pattering away at the proximity, matching your second heartbeat. Your body feels like it’s been thrown into a lava pit, just scorching. What you’re most aware of, though, is the thick meat that rests against your ass. It isn’t even hard, it’s just nestled against you so comfortably. How calm Suguru is right now makes you wonder if you’re just some cock-crazed slut, your cheeks burning hotter at realization that he’s probably so oblivious to what you’re thinking because of how respectful he always is toward you.
Until you squirm ever so slightly, shuddering at the feel of his other hand moving to stroke his fingers against the skin on your tummy. That’s when you realize he knows exactly what’s on your mind– because it’s on his, too. “Oh? Finally slipped up, hmm?” He breathes against your ear, your eyes rolling back into your head at the sound of his sultry voice just tickling against your skin.
“Wha–what d’you mean?” You breathe out, eyes squeezing closed as you try not to make any movements again. You hate that he’s been working you up knowingly this whole time, just reveling in your struggle. You hate that you definitely wore your raciest undergarments to his house in the hopes that this would finally happen. But you can’t give in immediately, no, you’re not ready for him to know just how badly you need this.
He chuckles, his breath tickling your skin before he kisses your neck, strands of his hair fanning along your face. “Can feel your heart beating so fast against my chest, angel.” He tells you and his hand moves from your stomach to grip your hip, keeping you still as he grinds forward, his now painfully hard cock just raking against your ass, the clothes between you doing nothing to even dampen the pleasure you get from the action.
“‘S’cause of the m-movie, baby… got scared.” Your voice doesn’t come out as certain and strong as you’d like, earning another harsh grind from him.
He tut, tut, tuts, and nips your ear. “Tell me what just happened, then. Or anything that’s happened in the last ten minutes. Or maybe I should just feel how wet you are, surely your other hole won’t lie as much as this one, hmm?” He says before he grabs your cheeks, squishing them in his big hand as he turns your face to meet his in a hungry kiss, hips rocking against yours. The friction is deliciously maddening and you moan into his mouth, eyebrows scrunched together in pleasure.
He groans when you start to push back against him, your bodies mashing together, both of you hopelessly trying to get closer as your breathing picks up, but the clothes are stopping you. You want to ask for more, but you won’t give your sneaky boyfriend the satisfaction. You feel his other hand snake up from under you and move to your neck, choking you ever so slightly for just a moment before tightening when he pulls away from the kiss. “Y’want me to take care of you, pretty girl? Ask nicely f’me and I will.” He hums in your ear, grinding forward against your ass impossibly harder, his grip on your hip just bruising.
“I–fuck– ‘m okay wi-with this, Sugu…” You moan out, earning a dark chuckle from him. You feel his grip on your throat tightens and you mewl, hips bucking as saliva pools in your mouth and you fight the urge to go dumb and drool while your breath escapes you.
“Yeah? So you won’t mind if I stop, right?” He asks, his movements halting, leaving you grinding against air as he backs his lower body away from you, his grips on your neck and hips getting even tighter. The smile on his face is knowing. Sadistic. Fucking sexy. It chips away at your resolve.
Blushing and looking away from him, you speak up. “M-Maybe just the tuh-tip?” You stumble over your words when you choke them out, silently cursing yourself out. He releases his grip on your neck just enough to allow you to breathe better and removes his hand from your hip to hastily pull down your silly halloween pajama shorts and your lace thong. So much for being gawked at in them. You can feel him lifting himself to pull his sweatpants down as he places hot wet kisses along the shell of your ear.
“Just the tip? Gotcha, angel, I’ll give you just that, hah.” He promises with a smirk, smacking his burning hot length against your ass twice before releasing your throat to wrap his entire arm around your neck, steeling himself as his tip just kisses at your sodden hole, but not entering. You feel his lips on your temple and you shudder, turning your head and biting down onto his bicep as he pushes his fat tip past your puffy folds, stopping once it’s in. “H-hah… fuckin’ drenched, baby, you’re so fuckin’ nasty. Y’wanted this so bad, didn’t you?” He asks, grunting his way through the sentence as though this was killing him.
“Su-Suguuuu~” is all you can get out, voice muffled by his muscles pressed up against your mouth. It’s almost like your hole does the talking for you, twitching away around him like it’s saying his name in morse code. You whine at how it feels like he’s burning so hot, melting you from the inside. You need more.
“Shhh, sh, sh, angel, I know. I know this isn’t enough for you, my dirty fuckin’ girl. So, here… take it.” He lets out a breathy chuckle before he continues to push forward past that first ring of resistance, just in, in, in until his shaft is stretching your walls to their limits. You’re soaking him every inch of the way, pushing back against him as you let out a moan of relief.
But he doesn’t pull back. He stays there. The hand that’d been holding your hips steady moves to juuust above your pelvis, where a prominent bulge catches your eye, making you drool. The second he pushes down on it, you see stars and bite down into his flesh again, core twitching and spasming so hard, nearly pushing him out with how tight you are. “Pl-please, Sugu! So fuh-full, just move!” You beg and he scoffs, shaking his head.
“Ask. Nicely. Gonna have to get used to using that pretty voice of yours to ask for what you really want, pretty girl.” He teases, keeping both you and himself as still as statues. If you weren’t reeling from the way his cock stretches you out, you’d fight him back, be a brat, the whole show. But all you want is to feel more of him.
“Please fuck me, baby… feels s’good, pretty please? Need you so bad…” You whine out, the sound is music to his ears and in response, he pulls back to deliver a mean thrust back into your warm, wet, welcoming heat.
“Good girl. Good. Fuckin’. Girl.” He emphasizes the last three words with three thrusts on time with them, each one stronger than the last. His arm around your neck tightens and his lips brush your ear as he speaks again. “Tuh-ngh-take it. Know you’ve wanted this shit so bad, ‘m’gonna make all this waiting up to you.” He grits out, his other hand moving from your pelvis down to your clit, his fingers rubbing slow, unforgiving circles on it as he starts up a rhythm, his length massaging your walls in a way that makes your head spin.
It’s like he can tell what’s going on in your head and he bites your ear lobe. “Mmm mm mm, don’t check out now, pretty girl, we’ve got a long night ahead of us.” He says, slapping your clit to clear the haze from your already fucked out brain.
Before you know it, you’re being pumped full of cock and cum all over the living room until night turns to morning and your legs can’t hold you up anymore. Thankfully your loving boyfriend had the common decency to bathe you both and tuck you into bed… with his cock tucked neatly inside of you.
༒︎ Toji Fushiguro ༒︎
“Heh, look at you. So fuckin’ greedy.” Toji’s voice sounds out from below, his voice vibrating against your puffed out folds as he pumps a finger in and out of your sloppy, spit-soaked hole. His other hand snakes around your thigh, holding you in place so you stop squirming and he can eat your pulsing pussy properly, a frustrated whine leaving your lips at the loss of his tongue working your clit.
It wasn’t always like this. You used to just admire the daunting man between your legs from afar every time you came into the gym and saw him here. It was routine at this point– come into the gym, run beside him on the treadmill, head to do bicep curls and watch as he walked closer to you to do pull ups, start doing romanian deadlifts with your ass toward him, and then he’d leave and you’d be left to finish your workout.
It’d been like that for months. Until today. Today, something snapped. You thought he was gone when you went to use the sauna post-workout and he was there in nothing but a towel around his waist. You had every intention of leaving, but you couldn’t move. Couldn’t stop staring at the way sweat beaded on his chest and fell down his torso, dipping between his abs before disappearing into the towel. It was like your brain had shut down.
“Y’kay, doll?” He asked, making your eyes snap up to his face, the saliva in your mouth drying up instantly. “You can come in, y’know. Max capacity is two people. ‘M not gonna bite.” He smirked and fuck did you wanna lick that scar that marred his lips so badly. You turned to close the door so the steam didn’t come out, locking it behind you as the instructions say to do when at max occupancy. When you turned, your feet dragged you forward and you sat across from him, making him chortle.
“Wha-what’s funny?” You willed yourself to ask, thighs clenching impossibly tight as you tried to keep your eyes on his, not daring to look lower again.
“Yer just a funny one, doll.” He shook his head as he responded, that fucking smirk not wavering once. When he noticed the questioning look on your face, he chuckled again. “‘S’just… you spend an hour drooling and staring at me like a kitten in heat three times a week ‘n now that you’re close, you act like you’re gonna croak. C’mere. I said I don’t bite.” He mocked you, patting his lap.
You couldn’t find it in yourself to feel shame. You knew you should’ve with how confident he was, his look told you he was one hundred percent certain you’d be coming to him. If you hadn’t been so turned on, you would’ve been incredibly pissed at how presumptuous he was. Had you truly been that obvious when looking at him? You never even saw him look at you once, how could he have noticed?
With those questions in your head, you stood to walk to him, sitting yourself on his lap. His hand wasted no time in resting on the exposed flesh of your thigh, your towel having ridden up to expose more of it to him when you took your seat. “S-So, what? Gonna make fun of me? Not very nice of you.” You said, a soft pout on your lips.
“‘S a good thing I’ve never claimed to be a nice guy. Now, I don’t do quickies and I don’t have time to fuck you the way I want to, so yer gonna have to settle for letting me taste that pussy and sweet sweet ass y’been taunting me with when you bend over in front of me.” He said, patting your thigh as his other hand grabbed your chin, making sure you saw the look on his face that told you he was dead serious.
And that’s how you ended up here. His large hand wrapped around your thigh while he pumps an unreasonably large finger into you. You’re drenched in sweat from the heat of the sauna, back arched up off the bench and him? God, he looks so fucking good with his hair slick, sticking to his forehead and face while he stares up at you, his tongue laying flat against your throbbing clit before he sucks on it, letting it go with a pop that makes your body jolt.
He moves down lower, removing his finger from your hole and wrapping around the opposite thigh as he lifts you just slightly. Enough so that he can get to what he’s really been aching for. He presses one sweet kiss to your weeping hole before going lower, tongue tracing around the ring that rests between your plump ass cheeks. He spits on it sloppily before lapping at it, his face moving side to side between your cheeks as he hungrily tongues the tiny puckering hole that flutters for him. That does it for you, making your hips roll with his movements.
He returns to sucking on your clit, flicking it while it’s in his mouth, eyes closed like it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted. “God, pl-please… please, I need more. Juh-Just the tip, I–” You whine, squirming under his tongue as you reach a hand down to snake your fingers in his hair, gently tugging to emphasize how much you need him. He looks up and the look on your face makes his eyes roll back into his head, a long groan leaving his lips before he releases your clit again, this time moving up your body, removing his towel at the same time.
“Toji.” He grunts, hand rubbing his massive cock head between your folds, gathering your slick on it before he strokes himself to spread it.
“Huh?” You ask, confused.
“The name yer gonna be screaming. Toji. And you will be screaming, ‘cause no way am I just givin’ you the tip, doll.” He smirks, dipping his head into your neck as he abruptly rolls his hips forward into yours, bullying his painfully large cock directly into your grateful hole. The sound that comes from between you is just sinful and he’s right, you do scream.
“Toh-Toji! Fuck!” You wrap your arms around his frame, having no time to steady yourself before his hips are barreling into yours and he’s fucking you like a man crazed. Your wet bodies collide harshly, pap, pap, papping away in the sauna, the sounds echoing within while your cacophony of moans and cries no doubt reach the outside. Like clockwork, he lifts himself up just slightly, propping himself up on one arm and raising his hand to your mouth, covering it entirely.
“Shh, shut the fuck up. Goddamn– ah– greedy whore. Not gonna get caught before I can fill this fuckin’ pussy up with my cum. Can’t fuckin’ have that, no… not after the fuckin’ torture–” he delivers a harsher thrust into you, “you’ve been putting me through.” He grunts out.
Your brows furrow together in pleasure and confusion, but he continues talking before you can think of what he means. “Every other fuckin’ day makin’ me need to leave early j-heh-just so I can get myself off in my car. Fuuuck’ve been thinkin’ of this ass for months, makin’ myself cum to the memories of you bending over in front of me acting soooo fuh-fuckin’ innocent like you didn’t know what you were doing. Time for you to take. responsibility.” He finishes the sentence with two hard thrusts, making you dig your nails into his back, angry red crescents sure to be left there by the end of this all.
Even his palm covering your mouth isn’t enough to muffle your cries of pleasure from the way he’s pitting your pussy with his cock, just digging into it again and again and again, mercilessly railing you while his arms other hand moves to take one of your legs, folding it up toward your chest. His sweat drips from his forehead down onto your hair and the image that appears in his head is too hard to resist. “Open.” He grunts out, removing his palm from your mouth and folding your other leg up.
You know exactly what he means, opening up your mouth and sticking your tongue out, moaning loudly as he spits a nasty fucking glob of saliva dead center on your tongue. You swallow it gratefully, opening your mouth for more. His eyes widen and he chuckles, resting his body weight on you to keep you folded while he uses a hand to wrap around your cheek and chin. “Nasty fuckin’ bitch, yer so fuckin’ sexy.” He says, smacking your face hard three times before spitting on your tongue again.
Loud banging sounds out from the door of the sauna and you can just barely hear the manager’s voice telling you both to vacate the premises or he’ll call the cops, the sound of Toji’s body colliding with yours far too loud to make out the exact words. You whine, a pout forming on your lips at the situation, but he doesn’t stop, no, he doesn’t even slow down. “Get the fuck outta here ‘less you wanna lose your head, chump!” He shouts out and the banging stops. “Guess ‘m gonna have to be quicker than I’d like to be. Hold on, doll.” He grunts, somehow fucking into you faster.
And hold on you did. Thing was, he wasn’t quick. He fucked your aching hole for thirty more minutes before dumping his load inside of you, making you wonder what WASN’T quick to him. In the end, you both were served with bans from the gym, but it’s okay because you knew he’d be working you out better than anything from then on.
༒︎ Choso Kamo ༒︎
You’re sat atop your pretty boyfriend, straddling him while you mold his hair into two cute ponytails. His hands are on your hips, fingers twitching as he pants, making you frown in concern. “What’s wrong, pretty boy?” You ask, resting back on his lap entirely so you’re at eye level with him. His face is red and his eyes squeezed shut. You chuckle softly and place a hand on his cheek, making him open his eyes and lean into your touch. “What is it?” Your voice sounds out again, gentle… soothing.
He blushes deeper and hides his face in your palm, groaning. “You were s-so close. Your… y’know… were right in front of my face.” He whines and you quirk a brow, confused. A few seconds pass and you get it, trying not to smile too much.
“My what?” You ask, amused by his shyness. He groans again, looking back at you and pouting. You want to kiss his pretty pink lips so badly to make that pout go away, but you can’t help but tease him a little first.
“Baby… don’t do that. You know what I mean.” A deeper pout forms on his face when he realizes you’re not going to let up. “Your tits… and you’re s-so warm on my lap, I just… I didn’t wanna… I-I had to focus on not changing down there. But, I-I couldn’t stop it.” He says, looking down shamefully between you both.
You follow his eyes to see a scary bulge in his grey sweatpants that nearly makes you choke. You’re not blind, of course you’ve seen a slight imprint from time to time, but this? This was fucking worlds different. He’s massive. You suck your teeth, fake pouting and looking back up at him, stroking his cheek with your thumb. “Awww, baby… it must have been so uncomfortable trying to hold back and ending up this hard.” You mock him, palming him oh so slowly over his pants. His entire body quivers and his eyelids squeeze shut again, a pained moan coming from those pretty lips of his. “You want me to help?” You ask.
“Mhm…” is all he offers, eyes still shut.
“Cho… y’gotta tell me what you want, pretty boy. How else am I supposed to know how to help?” You ask and his length twitches beneath your hand. His eyes snap open and his hands grip your hips painfully, him being entirely oblivious to how hard he’s gripped you.
“C-Can I… just put the tip in? Please?” He asks and this time it’s your eyes that go wide, your heart thumping harder in your chest. You two have never even fooled around before, you never thought he’d ask to do something like this right away. As shocked as you are, the moisture that begins to pool between your legs only serves to compel you to indulge him.
You nod, gulping. As though he’s afraid you’ll change your mind if he doesn’t act fast enough, he lifts his hips and pulls his sweatpants and boxers down, freeing his leaky cock from the confines of the cotton clothes. You try not to show him how scared you are that he might just split you in two on his cock even with just the tip, your hands moving to rid yourself of your own shorts and underwear, tossing them off his bed.
His hands pull you closer and he strokes his cock a few times, grunting. You realize his eyes haven’t left yours once since he pulled his pants down. He’s so stuck on you, your sweet Choso. “Cho… u-use me to get yourself wet.” You say, reaching down to grab his length and swiping it back and forth between your folds. He whines and shudders before gripping one of your ass cheeks in his hand and nodding at you.
“I c-can do it.” He says, taking his cock out of your hand and positioning it at your hole. You slide down just slightly, his thick tip just tearing into you and nestling within that ring of resistance he’s growing to love so much. “O-oh… B-baby…” he stutters out, the hand that was holding his cock sliding up to your shoulder.
“Ch-Cho… s’fucking bi-ngh-big! S’good!” You whimper out. You almost hear his resolve snap and before you know it, his nails are digging into your hip and shoulder and he’s digging into you, using his strength to force you up and down his angry cock like nothing more than a fleshlight.
“H-oh fuck! Feels s’good, baby! S’good, s’good, s’fuckin’ good!” He whines out again and again, yanking your body down into his so roughly that you think you might break, but you don’t stop him, you love it. He’s knocked the wind out of you with how rough he’s being with you– a stark contrast to his normally soft behavior. Your clit meets his trimmed pelvis with every time your bodies meet, providing even more mind numbing stimulation and you finally catch your breath just enough to let out a long cry, his name falling off your tongue. “Ohmyfuckkinggod, don’t stop saying my name, baby, please.” He begs and you oblige.
He beats, and beats, and beats at your cervix like a fucking whack-a-mole game, no rhythm to his staggered thrusts, just pure lust while he whimpers and whines. “S’good, s’good, s’good.” He repeats again and again and again, just in an absolute trance as he revels in the feeling of your tight walls gripping him like your life depends on it, a creamy white ring forming around the base of his cock while you drip down them.
And again, you manage to open your eyes enough to realize his eyes are still on your face. They likely never moved. He’s watching every reaction you have, every time your lips fall open in a moan, every time your eyes close while you try to steel yourself. He’s drinking it in, committing it to memory. Worshiping you with those dark brown orbs of his.
“F-fuh-fuck! Don’t stop, pr-ngh-pretty boy… my pretty boy.” You moan out.
And he doesn’t. Not until he cums in you for the nth time and you pass out from exhaustion.
༒︎ Ryomen Sukuna ༒︎
“Pleeeeeease, Kuna?” You ask, pouting as you glide the shaft of one of Sukuna’s cocks between your soaked folds. You guys have been fucking around for the last hour and you’ve been trying to convince him to let you take both cocks at the same time.
“Are you insane, girl? You’ve yet to take one of my cocks and yet you want both? In the same hole, no less. You must have a death wish.” He denies you, folding all four of his arms and leaning back against the headboard of your bed.
In an act of defiance, you huff. “Just the tips? Please!” You beg him, trying your best to give him the pout he always folded for. Just like that… his frown breaks and instead, he rolls his eyes.
“You are absolutely insufferable. Disobedient. A pain.” He tells you, making you giggle and clap your hands. Two of his arms unfold, opening up to you. You waste no time moving forward, having to nearly stand to hover over his cocks. Thankfully he keeps you steady by holding your thighs in his large hands.
“I-I can do it. D’need your help.” You pout, and he chuckles, not making a move to try to push you down or ease himself in. You take a deep breath, rubbing both tips between your dripping lips and you’re sure you hear him choke on his breath, but you choose to chalk it up to your imagination. With that, you sink down slowly onto both of his cocks, just until you get past the ring of his mushroom tips, your eyelids squeezed shut as the pain tears through you for just a moment.
That pain is interrupted, however, when your attention is drawn to Sukuna grunting loudly, his cocks throbbing for a few moments before shocking you by spurting cum so far up inside you that you would have thought you sat on a fire hydrant and not his cocks. You whine out, brows furrowing as he spurts string after string of hot sticky cum fill your cavern, some naturally seeping out of the ring and dripping down his lengths.
Your eyes snap open wide and you look dead into his. You can’t even help the laugh that slips past your lips as you speak. “D-Did you just–”
“Shut the fuck up. Shut. The fuck. UP!” He hisses out, one of his top hands grabbing your throat and choking the air out of it while the other aids his other two hands in shoving you down all the way on his cocks. “Yer gonna fuckin’ regret laughing at me, you insignificant human.” He grunts out.
And he spends the next few rounds cumming quicker than you before he FINALLY gets used to the warm, wet, bliss that is your pussy– following through with his promise to make you regret laughing soon thereafter.
#jjk x reader#choso kamo x reader#choso x reader#geto suguru x reader#jujutsu kaisen#toji fushiguro x reader#toji x reader#geto x reader#gojo satoru x reader#gojo x reader#sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna x reader#sukuna#geto suguru#gojo satoru#choso kamo#toji fushiguro#toji smut#choso smut#gojo smut#geto smut
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𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃’ 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝓅𝒾𝒹
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
- DAY 2 💌 , friend!shadow, confession, fluff, wc-1537
Shadow loved being in control; in control over his emotions, his actions, his thoughts. but when it came to you that control crumbled completely
and that was unacceptable.
you were his friend. nothing more. nothing less. someone who had somehow wedged into his life
yet here he was, standing outside your apartment door hands buried in the pockets of his jacket, shoulders tense. the cold night air cooling against him, but he barely felt it. his pulse could be heard in his ears
he had been standing here for at least five minutes. maybe longer.
it was ridiculous. the idea of knocking on your door left him paralyzed
it was just you. his friend.
but that was the problem wasn’t it? you were just his friend. and he was just a coward who couldn’t say the words that would make you see him as anything else.
his fingers twitched toward the door then curled back into a fist. you had invited him over, for what reason? he wasn’t sure of.
it was just going to be you. him. and that terrified him.
he exhaled sharply forcing himself to knock. once. twice. a second later he heard footsteps. then the door cracked open and there you were hair slightly tousled, wearing a loose sweater that looked too soft for your own good eyes blinking up at him in confusion before softening.
“perfect, you're here to help me make cupcakes!” you said, this what you invited him over for…
he stared at you, trying to piece together how that was relevant to whatever this was.. this weird, nervous feeling coiling in his chest the reason he had been standing outside your apartment debating whether to knock in the first place
with a quiet exhale, shadow followed
your kitchen was small but cozy, the counters cluttered with bags of flour, sugar, and other baking essentials. a recipe on top of the counter though you didn’t seem too concerned about following it exactly. you handed him a whisk.
“Alright you’re on mixing.”
Shadow eyed the whisk like it was a foreign object.
“I don’t bake.”
“you do tonight!” you said, dumping ingredients into the bowl. “It’s just stirring. you can handle that right?”
he scoffed but took the whisk, moving it through the batter.
the room was quiet except for the soft scrape of the whisk against the bowl. it should have been comfortable but Shadow felt restless. his mind was screaming at him to say something anything
god he couldn’t stop staring. even if we wanted to he couldn’t.
you were humming to yourself as you spooned cupcake batter into the tray, completely unaware of what was going in in his mind. the way a few loose strands of hair framed your face perfectly, the way your sweater hung a little too loosely over your frame, the slight flour that had gotten on ur temple. it was all so you. and it was driving him insane.
because all he could think about was what would happen if he just said it.
if he turned to you right now and admitted what had been clawing at his chest for months. if he just told you how you made him feel, how sometimes he just wanted to kiss you badly, how sometimes he found himself wanting to hear your voice when he was alone.
how would you react?
would you laugh? brush it off as a joke? or worse would you look at him with that soft, apologetic expression that told him you didn’t feel the same?
the thought made his stomach twist.
“You’re quiet again” you noted, glancing at him as you slid the tray into the oven. “What’s on your mind?”
you. always you.
but instead, he just shrugged leaning against the counter fingers drumming lightly against the surface. “Nothing.”
you sighed, unconvinced. “one day, you’re actually gonna tell me what’s on your mind, you know.”
he huffed, looking away. “Doubtful.”
either way, he was infuriating.
because no matter how obvious it was, no matter how many times you caught him staring when he thought you wouldn’t notice, no matter how he always found excuses to be near you he still wouldn’t say it.
and you were getting tired of waiting.
you stole a glance at him now, leaning against the counter arms crossed lost in thought. his eyes had that faraway look again, like he was lost in thought, you wanted to shake him to tell him to stop overthinking and just say it already.
but instead, you sighed and grabbed the two frosting containers. “Chocolate or vanilla?”
Shadow blinked, pulled from whatever internal debate he was having. he eyed the options then shrugged. “Chocolate.”
“you sure are slow when it comes to making decisions.” you remarked, popping open the container.
something changed in his expression just for a second. then it was gone. “I don’t make decisions without thinking them through.”
you leaned against the counter beside him, crossing your arms. “And how long does it take before you finally do something?”
Shadow tensed just slightly. maybe it was your imagination, but you swore his fingers twitched like he wanted to reach for something. for you.
you held his gaze, waiting.
his jaw clenched. then, just like always he looked away.
of course he did.
you exhaled sharply, shaking your head as you grabbed a spoon and started stirring the frosting with more force than necessary. “you are so frustrating, you know that?”
Shadow didn’t respond. but out of the corner of your eye, you saw his fingers curl into a fist.
you were both too stubborn to say first.
after all friends didn’t ruin things. friends didn’t make things complicated. right?
you didn’t know what possessed you to do it. maybe it was the tension that had been growing between you two for months. maybe it was frustration. maybe it was just him the way he was always so composed, so impossible to read.
for whatever the reason, before you could second-guess yourself, you swiped a dollop of chocolate frosting onto your finger and smudged it right onto Shadow’s cheek.
for a moment, he didn’t move.
he just stared at you, his red eyes wide with something unreadable.
then, slowly, he reached up, swiped a finger across his cheek and examined the frosting like he couldn’t quite believe you had actually done that.
as he turned toward the sink, you scooped up another bit of frosting and without hesitation again smeared it across the back of his neck.
you let out a startled laugh, shadow had lunged forward. before you could make it two steps, his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you back toward him. the sudden shift in weight threw you off balance, and you tumbled backward taking him down with you.
you landed on the kitchen floor, Shadow landing directly on top of you
for a moment, neither of you moved. the only sound in the room was the distant ticking of the oven timer, and the shallow rise and fall of your breaths
you blinked up at him.
Shadow hovered just inches above you, his hands on either side of your head, his chest pressed lightly against yours. his breath was warm against your cheek and you could feel the warmth radiating from him his entire body locked in place as if one wrong move would send him over the edge.
your own breath hitched. your heart pounded so loudly you were sure he could hear it
this was closer than you’d ever been. too close. and yet… not close enough.
Shadow’s gaze flickered to your lips.
just for a second.
you saw it. you felt it..
say it.
you didn’t know if you were pleading with him or yourself but the words were on the tip of your tongue, threatening to spill out and break whatever existed between you.
Shadow swallowed hard. his jaw clenched.
his voice was low, strained like the words had been clawing at his throat for too long.
“I like you.”
your breath caught.
“I’ve liked you for a long time” he admitted, eyes never leaving yours. “but you’re my friend. and if I said anything if I ruined what we already had I…” He trailed off, shaking his head. “I wasn’t willing to risk it.”
Shadow searched your face like his entire world depended on your next move. like he was waiting for rejection, for you to laugh it off or tell him this was all some mistake.
but you didn’t.
Instead, you smiled the kind of smile that made his chest tighten in ways he still didn’t fully understand.
then without hesitation, you leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek
Shadow froze.
he let out a slow breath, his mind still struggling to catch up. your lips had been warm against his skin, soft, real. you were real. And you weren’t pushing him away.
you actually… wanted this.
his crimson eyes stayed locked onto yours, searching for any hint of doubt. any hesitation. but there was none. only you.
day 3 out this friday!💌
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 ⏦゚ᢉ𐭩 - 𓊆ྀི𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𓊇ྀི
#౨ৎ#shadow the hedgehog#shadow x reader#imagine#oneshot#fanfic#need him#who said that#sonic movie 3#shadow oneshot#shadow the hedgehog x reader#shadow imagine#shadow fanfic#sonadow#sonic fanfiction#sonic movie#sonic#sonic fanart#sonic fandom#sonic the hedgehog#sonic 3#fluff#confession#mutual pining
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O8.5 stuck with you — idols inferno !
scaramouche x gender neutral reader
YAE MIKO: Welcome cuties to "Idols Inferno," or I², where idols ignite sparks in a tropical paradise! Here’s a comprehensive guide on how our upcoming and hot dating show will unfold!
1. Island Oasis: Our contestants, members from two different idol groups, DELUSION AND WINDBLUME, will embark on a journey to a stunning island getaway. They'll leave behind the glamor of the stage to immerse themselves in the raw beauty of nature.
idols inferno island! doesn’t seem like much…

2. Living Arrangements: While they compete for hearts, our idols reside in a cozy dormitory area. Each contestant will be able to enjoy their own private rooms, but will be sharing a dorm building with all the other contestants. Don’t get too excited, these dorms are designed to be as uncomfortable as morally possible in order to motivate our idols to work harder for the rewards!
an adjustment from the life our idols are used to!

3. Survival and Romance: Here’s the twist! Our idols aren’t just here for love—they’re also here to survive. From beachside cookouts to forging alliances, they'll fend for themselves while navigating the highs and lows of island life. The kitchen will be replenished with ingredients every two days, but contestants will be expected to put together meals on their own everyday. A water well will be located a mile away from the kitchens, contestants will have to trek to fill up their containers everyday.
4. Games and Challenges: Throughout the journey, our contestants engage in thrilling challenges designed to test their teamwork and chemistry. Picture competitive strength challenges like partner piggyback rides or hilarious two-legged races on the beach! Make sure to tune in because the weather is hot, which means less fabric to wear! ;)
5. Confession Box and Matchmaking: After every activity, participants visit the confession box to anonymously choose another contestant they are interested in. Matched pairs have the chance to enjoy better food, upgraded accommodations, and even a night in a nearby five-star hotel instead of the usual shitty dorms!
note: example image does not depict show events
6. Contestant Dynamics: With a total of 13 contestants, including 3 mystery guests to be revealed at a later date, tensions and emotions run high as new arrivals shake up existing connections.
oh whoever could these be?

7. Interviews and Real-Time Updates: The end of every episode features intimate interviews with one of the contestants, offering viewers insights into their thoughts and emotions. Episodes are recorded and edited the following day, ensuring they're posted by midnight for viewers to keep up with the drama and romance in real-time.
Amidst palm trees and pristine beaches, bonds deepen and sparks fly as our idols explore their connections. Will they find lasting love or simply a lifelong friendship?
In the end, hearts will be won and memories made as our idols return home, forever changed by their time on "Idols Inferno." Tune in to not miss a second!
stuck with you!
masterlist — prev | next
guys i drew/edited that map myself cus i wanted this to make sense pls tell me you like it i know it’s extra but 🤗
short mini chapter to explain the show i’ll explain anything else if i need to in later chapters xx
also pretty obvious if ur chronically online but can you guess who the mystery guests are? 😍
synopsis after the disaster that was the live award show, where you and scaramouche got into an argument on stage after both of your groups got a tie for top artists, your guys' PR teams have been in shambles trying to scrape up your mess. that's when the idea to send you both off with some other idols to a remote location for a survival dating show to mend your public image comes up. before you know it your bags are packed and you’re on a plane to a remote island. the only obligation is you need to end up with scaramouche at the end of the show, whether you end up liking him or not doesn’t matter to your managers as long as the show’s ratings stay high. whatever you do in between to get there is up to you!
notes — after this ad break we will get back into the story xx
taglist closed — @na1lea @cindywasneverhere @lunavixia @aestherin @mlaakai @camvrin @retiredmommylover @iheartpieck @jangyung @cartierfiles @loveariel @silly-ez @mochipls @pomeiu @chuuismylife @flowerypesky @creammpuff @justanothertiredreader @boxdisappeared @kissmiere @kissingkzuha @webbywill @kazusboyfriend @s3xpistolss @pjsucks @bunns-wonderland @lordbugs @localgirlywithnolife @kosumos @danfelions @featuredtofu @pinxeajin @herebyaccident0 @haeunoo @scaradooche @pglt19 @chemiru @childesbabygirl @simonisferal @shutingstar @vxcmx @domimiki @ttalgi @esuz @tokkishouse @kitsuvil @scarasmood @ihearttori @nomurahayami @starringyau @androxphobic @kazuhasbabe
#scaramouche x reader smau#scaramouche x yn#scaramouche x reader#scaramouche x you#scaramouche x gender neutral reader#scaramouche x y/n#scaramouche x male reader#scaramouche smau#stuck with you smau
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cookies — luke castellan

pairing: luke castellan x hephaestus fem!reader
summary: in which luke finds y/n, in order to tell her something he's been meaning to for the past two years
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, i think thats it ??? making out/kissing
a/n: I FINISHED TLT TODAY- idc if luke is evil (if evil why pookie)
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
y/n l/n thought her life at camp half-blood would've felt like a fairy tale. two years later, she was deeply misguided.
the camp experience itself wasn't bad. she loved meeting the new campers, and bonding with her cabin mates, and seeing luke from time to time.
but even when she got claimed by her father, hephaestus, y/n still felt like a square trying to fit in a triangle hole. hephaestus was the god of forge. fire. craft. creation.
when y/n first arrived to camp, she met luke. he didn't know why, but out of all the campers in hermes cabin, he felt as though he needed to protect y/n the most.
two and a half weeks after meeting luke, y/n had been claimed by her father. the boy was sad to see her leave, but glad as well, due to her being claimed to a new cabin.
as soon as y/n and chiron entered the doors of hephaestus cabin, the duo was met with seven boys. five of them were around the same age as the girl, and the other two looked no older than ten.
this made y/n feel even more out of place. yes, they all made her feel at home, and they still do. y/n just can't help but feel isolated.
less than a week after y/n was claimed, she unfortunately found out forging wasn't the exact type of creation she was skilled at. she tried pottery, metalwork, jewelry making, and even knitting. the girl was crushed when none of the activies suited her.
until one afternoon, she was in the kitchen after helping bring in dirty dishes from lunch. a few ingredients caught her eye, and she instantly started bringing them together and made something delicious. chiron soon came inside, and was both surprised and pleased y/n had found her activity. cooking.
this leads y/n to where she is right now. the camp kitchen. ever since the fateful day she discovered her gift, she rarely ever left the kitchen. y/n was considered the new cook of camp, and she enjoyed everything about it.
recently, the girl has taken baking into her small circle of talents. which explains why all day y/n has been baking cookies for tomorrow. it was percy's birthday, and annabeth asked her to make blue chocolate chip cookies for him, one of percy's favorite foods. she had to make enough for the whole camp. almost one hundred cookies were already baked and cooled, and she had one hundred more to go.
annabeth kept checking on y/n every so often, to see her progress (and to make sure she took breaks and to not overwork herself). two times the younger girl came in the kitchen, her and y/n talked for a bit. y/n kept teasing annabeth at all the staring she'd been doing towards percy lately. to be fair, it was annabeth's idea to have the cookies for percy's birthday, so y/n knew something had to be going on between the two tweens.
y/n doesn't notice the person who had entered the kitchen. she heard footsteps, so she guessed it was annabeth.
luke stood in the doorway of the kitchen. he took a moment to admire the girl in front of him. y/n stood behind the kitchen island, with a metal bowl, a baking sheet, and other multiple baking utensils layed out over the countertop. luke could smell a batch of cookies in the oven at the right of the kitchen, along with the fresh ones all placed on the counters behind y/n.
luke finally knocks on the door, making y/n look up from rolling balls of cookie dough. a smile was quick to fill her features, "hi luke."
luke walked over towards her, leaning on the island, standing across from her.
"how are percy's birthday cookies coming along?" he asks, seeing the girl still at work.
y/n nods, "they're going," she laughs, "that's for sure."
"i was looking for you earlier," luke admits, as he continues to watch y/n at work.
looking up from her blue stained hands, y/n sees a small blush covering luke's cheeks. "oh yeah?"
it's luke's turn to nod, "yeah, but the hephaestus boys said you'd be in here."
y/n chuckles, before the two sit in a comfortable silence for no less than a minute.
"did you need me for something?" y/n asks, as she takes two baking sheets to the oven. luke only laughs while watching y/n open the oven with her foot, as her hands were full.
"i just wanted to come check on you," luke moves to side of the kitchen island y/n was previously on. "you have made quite the mess in here."
both luke and y/n look at the batches of cookies, the reminants of cookie dough on the counters, empty bowls in both of the sinks, and flour on the kitchen island and floor.
"what's the real reason you wanted to see me luke?" y/n asks the boy, knowing that he had a tell when he was nervous. he always licked his lips before speaking.
"what? i can't just want to see a dear friend of mine?" he jokes.
"oh you can," y/n responds, "except, whenever you visited me you always wanted seconds, or an extra dessert."
luke doesn't repsond right away, knowing y/n had a point.
the boy licks his lips, nervous from what he's about to tell y/n.
"do you ever wonder why i might've been more protective of you over the other campers? when you first joined hermes cabin?" luke asks, catching y/n off guard.
y/n shakes her head, "no, i never really thought about it before."
luke takes a deep breath, "you seemed more special to me."
y/n's eyebrows furrowed, only making luke continue.
"you just seemed so different from the other campers i've met. special. i just had to protect you. i still feel like i have to."
"luke, i don't get what you're trying to say," y/n admits. luke's confession is only making her confused.
"then i don't have to say it," luke's voice is soft.
y/n's confusion returns, but only for mere seconds before she feels luke's lips on hers. she pulls away from the him, out of shock at what he had just done.
his eyes instantly met hers. his filled with worry as if he messed everything up the two had between them.
before luke could start to overthink everything, y/n leaned up to kiss him. his eyes closed, and his hand went to both sides of her face.
y/n's lips tasted like sugar, with a hint of salt. luke guessed it was from tasting her cookies to get them as perfect as she can for percy's birthday.
luke's lips tasted like a campfire. y/n could only assume it was from the smores hermes cabin had after winning capture the flag that day.
y/n's hands were still blue, and in order to not stain luke or his clothing, she opted to wrap her arms around his shoulders. she felt luke's hands on her waist, only pulling her closer to him.
soon enough luke's tongue pushed through y/n's lips, which caused her to giggle. luke loved her reaction.
before anything could get more heated, a timer goes off in the small kitchen. the loud shrill made luke and y/n stop their movements. y/n only looked at luke sheepishly. the girl leaned in once more and pecked the boy's lips, before retrieving the cookies out of the oven.
"do you want any help?" luke asks, watching y/n again as she started rolling out more balls of cookie dough.
she nods, "if you don't mind your hands getting blue."
luke laughs, "i'm willing to take that chance."
#shelbi writes#luke castellan#luke castellan pjo#luke castellan pjo show#luke castellan x reader#luke castellan x fem!reader#luke castellan x you#luke castellan x y/n#pjo#percy jackson#percy jackson series#percy jackson show#pjo show#pjo tv show#pjo tv series
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Summary: When Asia's in need of a few lessons regarding matters of the bedroom, her colleague and friend, Kelvin, offers his expertise.
Pairing: Kelvin Harrison Jr. x Black!OC
Warnings: Mature Content (18+)
Word Count: 6k
Reading a congratulatory email with kind words and instructions to sign a lucrative offer was easy. Simply slip out of your third boring morning meeting, disappear into the surprisingly vacant courtyard, and spend no less than 30 minutes oscillating between excitement and sheer panic while clicking through pages of contracts to add your digital signature to an encrypted document. Kelvin followed the plan to the letter and then some.
The hard part was stifling the urge to scream at the birds and trees during peak business hours.
Voice low and eyes shifting in search of potential eavesdroppers, he sat in pensive silence to contemplate the gravity of his decision. In a little over a month, he'd be a Chicago resident. He'd wake up in his Chicago apartment, walk the Chicago streets, pass by Chicagoans on the way to his Chicago office, and then grab dinner ingredients at a Chicago grocery store. His license would change. Mail would need a new forwarding address. Updated voter registration, new doctors, a change in insurance, learning a transit system; change after change both excited and unnerved Kelvin all at once.
Part of him wanted to barge into his Head of Creative's office and slam his resignation on the table before clicking his heels together on the way out the door. Fuck this job. New and greener pastures were on the horizon! The other part, the terrified part of him that'd been worried sick since Saturday morning, couldn't even say the words out loud for fear that the wooden benches would absorb and tell his secret before he'd had time to craft poetic, well-thought-out lines.
In his mind, Kelvin thought he'd managed to maintain an impenetrable poker face. To a stranger or work acquaintance unschooled in Kelvin-ology, he could come across as convincing enough to overlook. For Asia, watching him from the communal kitchen, worry causing his knee to bounce in triple time told a different story.
"You know you can just go out there and talk to him, right?" Savannah's sarcastic introduction to an otherwise quiet moment cut through Asia's brain fog enough to garner attention as she shifted her weight from one side to the other. "I'm joking," Savannah laughed, trying to ease the tension between them. Asia's quick glance at the back of Kelvin's head provided the final number of a winning lottery sequence. "Wow, you really like him. Like, you two are a couple! I knew it."
Asia tried to remain casual as she crossed her arms and shrugged. "What are you talking about? Kel is my work friend."
"Must be a hell of a work friend for you to spend the night from his place. I noticed the cabinets, but I couldn't confirm until later that day when Kelvin took a meeting from the same place."
Savannah's cheeky grin sparked fear in Asia's heart. Widening her eyes, she craned her neck to see who may have heard her business in the area.
She leaned closer, keeping her voice low as she spoke. "You can't say that out loud," she cautioned. "We're being discreet!"
"Love you so much, Asia, but literally everyone knows."
"Everyone like who?"
"Asia," Savannah reiterated. "Every. One. The main crew has a group chat and everything. You just won me $20 bee-tee-dubbs. I'll share, promise."
Panic should've set in for Asia. Maybe dread and a tinge of fear. They'd broken another rule and crossed another carefully considered boundary in the pursuit of each other. Asia should've been nervous about how their not-so-secret pining had run through the office rumor mill and what it might mean for perceptions of her professionalism as one of the few Black women in the building. But relief was the only emotion worth exploring in the immediate aftermath of Savannah's revelation.
No more hiding. No more planning entrances five minutes apart or driving separate vehicles in busy morning traffic when one would suffice. They could share dinner leftovers during lunch and stop sneaking quiet giggles at jokes shared via text. No more hiding.
Relief helped Asia slowly release the extra air tightening her lungs and expanding her chest. She nodded at nothing in particular. "I expect my cut in all ones. It's for our strip club fund."
"Oooh, spicy," Savannah sang, stepping closer to speak in a hushed whisper. "So… how's it going with you two? How different is personal time Kelvin from work Kelvin?"
"Uh, I mean, you know. He's…you know."
Any sense of calm that offered a reprieve from an onslaught of complicated feelings was quickly replaced by the need to run out of the room and vomit. Knowing was one thing. Asking questions and wanting the scoop on something Asia deemed sacred and untouchable in conversation beyond what she chose to share was different.
Words sputtered from her lips as she tried to offer an explanation vague enough to get Savannah off her ass. The quiet roar of glass panes sliding on a metal track clipped Asia's start-and-stop sentence, turning all attention to Kelvin as he stepped in, looking like he'd just had his heart ripped in two and was trying but failing to keep his emotions intact. Savannah didn't seem to notice when she flagged him over. Asia couldn't take her eyes off his frown and sullen expression. Kelvin knew his face had betrayed him as soon as he was close enough for a thorough look at the questions knitting Asia's brows together.
Trying to play it cool, he swiftly pulled his hand out of his pocket and offered a wave to both ladies. "What's up?" A greeting he'd used a million times suddenly sounded bizarre. First mistake.
"Hiii!" Savannah's severe lack of subtly pulled a reluctant laugh from Kelvin before he shifted his gaze to focus on Asia.
"Asia. You good?"
She smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. What about you? You good?"
"I'm good now, yeah."
Anxieties feasting on his mind momentarily paused in reverence for Asia's presence. A true breath of fresh air. One he'd fight tooth and nail to keep in his life, distance be damned.
Savannah stood between the pair and their smitten grins, looking back and forth to see who'd make the first move. "This is just the cutest shit ever. I can't take it." Googly eyes slowly turned into blank stares aimed in her direction. Hint taken. "No, you're so right. I should get out of here. Asia, remember to put the thing on the slide at some point. In the one deck."
"Bye, Savannah!" Kelvin and Asia watched Savannah awkwardly scurry off to do only God knows what until they were safely alone.
Without a buffer to fill in the gaps, all the nausea-inducing worry from the morning's events came flooding back for Kelvin in another crushing wave. Had he been thinking straight, he would've opted to save such delicate news for the privacy of his living room when all the thoughts sitting jumbled like Soul Train board letters were sorted into the proper place. Unfortunately, life-changing information sure to shake the still-wet foundation on which they'd built their relationship ran off with his rationale long ago.
Kelvin opened his mouth to speak, then closed it when words didn't come out. He tried again. Then, one more time before finally forcing, "I have…something to tell you," into the atmosphere.
Asia tilted her head in curiosity. "So do I. Is yours good news or bad news?"
"Doesn't matter," he answered, trying to smile through the rapid thudding in his ears. "You go first."
Don't press, Asia. Resist! An inner monologue determined to usher Asia away from the sins of her past forced back 101 questions to make way for her surprise. "You know how the Moët client is looking for new artists for that summer series activation?" Kelvin nodded, vaguely remembering project details he'd contributed to in a past life. Asia reached into her back pocket to showcase two laminated passes on lanyards. "I convinced Chris and Sid to give me their passes so we could pull up. Now, we don't have to go all the way to Australia to see RINI. Fun, right?"
Kelvin recognized the big reveal as something he should be excited about. And, had present circumstances not reared its ugly head, he'd have no trouble sharing Asia's toothy grin and silly dance. He tried to fight the heavy haze clouding his day by raising his hand for a high five and flashing a vacant smile. "That's great, baby. I'm excited. Really."
So much for honesty.
Asia couldn't hide her skepticism, pushing her eyebrows high, and Kelvin couldn't hide his discomfort, which made him fidget with the contents of his front pockets.
"Yeah," Asia answered, disappointment in his half-assed reaction instantly stealing the light in her eyes and turning her bright smile into a shell of itself. "Um, what was your news? Anything good?"
Tact was never Kelvin's strong point. Breakups over text and ghosting were more his speed, no matter how much he hated that fact about himself. What everyone else saw as sleazeball behavior reserved for fuckboys deserving of eternal banishment to hell, he saw as protecting feelings.
Promises were promises, and Asia was worth more than slipping back into bad habits. Kelvin had to rip the band-aid and deal with the residual blood later. "Remember the Chicago job?" he asked, wringing his hands.
Oh no. Intuition and a random tarot reader told Asia to be on the lookout for roadblocks, but, dammit, she thought that meant traffic on the interstate or an annoying client ask, not the nagging tug of the Midwest.
"Yeah," she answered cautiously.
Kelvin adjusted the hydrant-red beanie on his head and sighed. Rip. The. Band-Aid. "They…called me back with all my negotiation demands met. And…”
"You took the job."
Patience was never Asia's virtue. Why beat around the bush when they could lay all the bad shit on the table and try to salvage a few pieces good enough to keep for fond memories later?
"Yeah." The finished sentence turned an abstract concept into reality, weighing so heavily on him that he found looking Asia in the eye and lifting his head too difficult. He repeated after her in a low, measured voice, "I took the job."
Suddenly, Asia couldn't help but hyper-fixate on her surroundings. The low hum of two French door refrigerators holding employee lunches was annoying. It always had been, but today, it sounded like an army of flies buzzing around the mess Kelvin's news had created. Distant laughter made her nostrils flare. How dare someone find joy in a time like this? The kitchen was too big and too open to contain the grief rising within her. Then, the stupid ping of notifications on Kelvin's phone threatened to blow her gasket. The stimuli converged simultaneously, bringing fresh tears to prickle at her waterline.
Asia forced them all back while Kelvin waited for her to say something to prove she didn't hate him. She extended a closed fist in his direction to match a closed-mouth smile. "Congratulations, Kel. I'm so proud of you. If we were somewhere else, I'd hug you."
"Hug me to sneak in for a choke or a real hug?"
"A real one," Asia chuckled, the sound of it returning to her stilted and lacking the mirth she intended. "I know you're bored here. You gotta do what you gotta do, right?"
Past all the hurt feelings and rage bubbling in her chest, Asia couldn't allow herself to stomp out Kelvin's fire with negativity. She'd save that for a tearful phone call with Sabrina or a good cry in the shower. Kelvin needed reassurance that he'd made the right decision, not the moaning and wailing she had planned for a moment alone.
"Yeah…" Kelvin paused to scan Asia's face for any sign of an impending adverse reaction but found none before he answered. Nothing. Not a shred of any identifiable emotion presented itself to Kelvin. Anxiety gripped him again. "Asia, don't shut me out. I know you have questions and fuckin' feelings. C'mon. Don't leave me out here by myself."
"Not here." An almost undetectable waver in her voice was enough to shatter Kelvin's heart into a million pieces. He watched her blink back tears to speak again. "Can we just be happy, please? For a little longer?"
He sighed, accepting defeat. "Okay." A mental reminder to add 'needs a moment before tough conversations' to his running list of things to know about Asia ran through his brain like neon letters on a marquee.
His index and middle fingers brushed across his puckered lips, collecting affection he quickly passed on to Asia. She kissed the spot his lips once occupied as a silent promise to revisit the subject when heightened emotions had time to return to baseline.
"You hungry? My treat."
An olive branch. Collective ease passed between them once Kelvin flashed a toothy grin at Asia and gestured ahead of him toward the courtyard doors. "After you."
What Kelvin couldn't have in her raw, unfiltered thoughts, he was more than happy to gain in a spare moment of mindless chatter over sushi a block away.
Something was better than nothing.
If left up to Asia, Chicago and all its complications would disappear because of her commitment to ignoring them.
City sounds and radio chatter on Saturday evening had spent more time filling silent gaps of conversation than Kelvin and Asia had for two straight days. The elephant in the room quickly became the elephant at the dinner table late Thursday night when Asia side-stepped the topic to discuss Married at First Sight instead, the elephant in the bedroom when the thought of Chicago kept her mind wandering too much to enjoy Kelvin feasting between her legs, and the elephant in the backseat while she pretended not to notice her boyfriend stealing glances at the red light.
Given the chance, Asia could avoid broaching the topic for weeks. Kelvin, on the other hand, couldn't ignore issues festering into resentment day by day. Before long, he'd carefully label boxes and precious belongings to ship to their new home. Being on the brink of drastic change without a resolution wasn't an option.
Standstill traffic and a small car accident separating them from their destination provided the perfect opportunity to catch Asia in close quarters and force the issue. Kelvin took a deep breath and slowly turned the volume down on one of Tyler the Creators' piano-heavy tracks, earning a confused side-eye for his behavior.
"Everything okay," Asia asked, shifting her body towards Kelvin so he could feel the full weight of her annoyance.
He shrugged. "You tell me, Asia. I'm not the one tiptoeing around some really important shit right now. Is everything okay?"
"Kelvin, not right now. We can talk about it when we get back tonight."
Arms crossed at her chest, and a deep frown sent Asia retreating into herself, frustrating Kelvin to the point of no return. When he imagined the first roadblock in their relationship, hogging the covers or choosing the thermostat's temperature came to mind. He expected little hurdles to make room for the big stuff. The relationship-altering, make-or-break whammies either strengthened a couple or sent them careening toward total implosion. This behemoth was a tsunami of complications he didn't expect but wouldn't allow to throw him off course.
"You said that last night and the night before. I'm tired of 'tonights!' It's happening, Asia! We can't get around the shit. So, talk to me right now!" Kelvin's body vibrated in time with his hands gripping and releasing the steering wheel until he practiced in and out deep, soothing breaths brought him back off the ledge. Asia watched his shoulders slowly slump away from his ears before he reached over to rest a warm palm on her inner thigh to stroke his thumb against smooth denim, his eyes apologetic as he looked over at her. "I didn't ask you to be with me for no reason. Can we talk about what all this means for us?"
Asia rested her hand atop his to twist the ring on his finger while she tried to gather words and explanations she'd practiced for days on end. "I don't know."
In all her soul-searching and reckoning with the inevitable, she realized that she had no idea what the next steps were.
She always had the answers, the plan, and the foresight to know how to proceed in any situation. This one, though – this flurry of warm feelings filled with complicated explanations and head-spinning romance – she couldn't figure out. Not even when she turned to practical skills and timeline plotting to make it all make sense.
I don't know. Kelvin wasn't sure what he expected when he decided to corner Asia for an answer, but that wasn't it. Not knowing was worse than not caring. He could deal with the finality of no longer giving a fuck. However, the uncertainty in what he thought was a reasonably black-or-white scenario was unnerving. Kelvin let the gut punch settle until Asia spoke again to soothe the pain she'd inflicted.
"How…how would it work," She questioned in a small voice, her eyes low to avoid cracking the nerve she'd built. "Tell me you have a plan. Because, if you don't, I –"
Kelvin rushed to reassure her. "I have a plan. Trust me." For once in his life, Kelvin was moving intentionally. No stone left unturned; no possibility left up to chance. "I leave in six weeks. Give me two to get my shit together, and you're on the first flight into O'Hare."
"And after that?"
"We'll talk every morning and every night. Then I'm on my way to you every other week, baby. And every other month, I'll make sure you get to me. Nonstop flight. The price doesn't matter. All you need is a packed suitcase. Or not. You can be naked the whole time. That's fine by me."
Two nonstop flights a month, airport pickups and drop-offs every other week, Fridays in, Monday mornings out, constant connection over the phone when the physical was out of the question—simple enough. There was no fluff, only a concerted effort to make a less-than-ideal situation work. The happiness didn't have to die if they didn't let it.
Still, Asia wrestled with separating idyllic assumptions from reality. What happened when schedules presented challenges? Or when the weather interrupted? Did distance make the heart grow fonder or help intertwined lives push away the realities of life together hundreds of miles apart.
Kelvin could see the wheel turning for Asia while she mulled over his proposal from every angle. "Give me a little more time, okay?" Deflating. The air in Kelvin's sails came through his nose in a disappointed huff just as traffic began to pick up enough for steady motion. She held his hand in place, hoping he could feel the intention behind her hesitancy. "I'm not closing the door on us. I need to make sure we're prepared. That's all."
The absence of an enthusiastic yes wasn't a no – another tidbit to add to Kelvin's growing Asia file. He'd have to find comfort in the details to keep her in his life. And damn, did he want to keep her in his life. His plan had more legs, including a permanent address change for Asia.
"That's okay. Take your time," he answered as he laced their fingers together and brought the back of her hand to his lips. "Just don't leave me hanging like that again."
"I won't. I'm sorry."
Relationships came with a learning curve Asia had to experience to understand. No one in her life had prepared her for conflict resolution. Being an only child taught her how to play by herself and keep her secrets close to her chest. There was nothing in the manual about coexisting with another human she cared for more and more each day. She didn't know how to share items or feelings. But Kelvin made her want to try. That had to count for something.
Once tense quiet returned to the comfortable, wordless quality time Kelvin and Asia had come to enjoy, it followed them for miles to the venue until the need to mix and mingle took center stage.
In a room full of strangers intermixed with a few familiar faces, they moved around like a couple for the first time. Introductions as a tandem flowed naturally. Seeing them move from group to group hand in hand amused but didn't surprise team members who'd long had their suspicions confirmed by Savannah. 'Alvin' as one member of the group named them. Not their preferred choice, but good enough for the moment.
As alcohol flowed and inhibitions were disarmed, smooth crooning and soul-stirring baselines from the artist of the hour pushed tomorrow's problems further down the road.
Kelvin kept a hand on Asia's hip while she allowed her body to sway along with RINI's soulful cover of Leon Bridges' "That's What I Love." Hearing his voice beyond the warbling of his JBL speaker from Asia blasting music far too loudly reminded Kelvin of the first time she shared her new favorite artist with him. She made him listen to Ultraviolet twice all the way through, forcing him to commit more lyrics to memory than he ever did for any other artist. Truthfully, the music didn't hit the same when she wasn't in the room. He tried listening on his own, but it was missing something or someone to add the depth he needed to make the album spin worth his time.
Applause filled the room just after the final strum of RINI's guitar reverberated. Asia beamed from a spot toward the back. Asia claimed she was fine where she was, but Kelvin knew she was too scared to get close and act like a crazed fan. His lips found her temple for a quick kiss as RINI prepared to end his showcase.
"I gotta find a way to get out to the States more. This is great," he laughed, causing the audience to join him. "My time is ending, but I can't go without singing the song that put me on your radar. Big thanks to Moët for letting me spend some time with you tonight. I'm excited to get to work this summer. Until then, this is Meet Me in Amsterdam. I hope you enjoy."
Asia couldn't contain her squeal, earning a low laugh from Kelvin once the open notes of her favorite song began.
I would sail across the world
Row this boat from dusk till dawn
Kelvin and Asia had heard the song plenty of times together, so much so that Kelvin was tired of its slow drone and accompanying music video. Both RINI and Meet Me in Amsterdam were on his list of things he could live without and still die a happy man.
Until the lyrics started to circle too close to home. A plea for the songwriter's love to make the leap and meet him in a foreign land felt like a page ripped directly from Kelvin's journal. Had he possessed the talent, he would've sung into Asia's ear while she leaned against him, caught in the rapture of beautiful lyrics.
She didn't need Kelvin's additional vocal performance to know her partner had fallen victim to the magic. She was right there with him, letting the music speak where neither her heart nor mind could reach.
Won't you come closer; let it take over
I don't need anything; I just want you
"I just want you." The words came out before Asia could stop them. She was never one to fall into the melodrama of romance, but maybe she'd never had an adequate opportunity. Maybe all she needed was a few glasses of white wine and a man looking back at her like universes formed in her eyes to give in to what she'd always considered unrealistic and a little corny.
Kelvin wrapped an arm around her waist before dipping his head to meet her parted lips as she craned her neck to get a better look at his face. "You got me."
Turning in his arms, she faced him head-on. "I want to try. For you. Let's make it work."
"Every other week. I swear."
"I know. I believe you."
Rolling waves filled with blinding passion set their bodies aflame, connecting them for a kiss too searing to start and end in a room full of people. Some things were best experienced behind doors clumsily kicked closed after Kelvin and Asia burst through the door of his apartment connected at the mouth.
Small items clattered on the ground as they bumped into the wall, sending anything not bolted to Kelvin's entryway table scattering in the darkness. The moonlight streaming through his balcony door was the only light to illuminate their path. They couldn't care less. Kissing and fondling were their only priorities on the way to shedding extraneous clothing.
The bedroom was too far, and the couch didn't provide enough leverage for what Kelvin wanted to do for Asia. The counter was too high off the ground, unfortunately. The table, though, was perfect.
Kelvin thanked God for weightlifting as he hoisted Asia up into his arms, tongues still dancing as he walked them across the room. Asia used her forearm to swipe decorative mats and rattan charger plates to the floor so her backside could fill the empty space.
Soft panting and the light smack of lips coming together and separating rhythmically filled charged cold air. Asia flinched when Kelvin slipped his hand beneath her t-shirt to reach her bra's front clasp.
"Take this off. Hurry up," Kelvin demanded as he stepped back to pull his crewneck over his head. He didn't have time for frilly language and sweet kisses. Maybe later, when they'd calmed down from their high. This first fuck was for all the sessions they'd missed between quiet nights in and words left unsaid. A little something to take the edge off.
Zippers sliding down, garments rustling, and leather sliding out of thin loops made Kelvin's apartment sound like a department store dressing room until they were reconnected in mind and body.
Half-dressed with goosebumps pebbling an expanse of rich brown skin, lovers let their hands roam freely while they grinded against each other.
Asia moaned at the feel of teeth gently tugging her bottom lip before pulling away to breathe. "C'mon, Kel. Right now," she rushed on in one breath. "I need it."
"What about the condom? It'll only take a second." Kelvin asked, half-hoping but not expecting Asia to abandon her primary stipulation.
"Fuck a condom. C'mon."
The go-ahead to proceed with caution thrown to the wind put them on a path to the sort of carnal and fleshly satisfaction Kelvin's father warned him about before he left home at 18.
Sorry, dad. This shit feels way too good to miss out on, Kelvin thought to himself as he slid into Asia's warmth inch by inch. He was weightless for a moment, floating in otherworldly bliss while he fit himself inside her body. "Fuck," he whispered.
"Oh…yes. Yesyesyes." Asia's toes curled, gripping at nothing in a desperate attempt to remain tethered to the atmosphere. "Wait a second. Don't move." Crossing her ankles at the small of his back, Asia pulled Kelvin in a little deeper, smiling at the small groan he muffled against her skin. She just needed to feel him. In six weeks, they'd have to plan moments of intimacy and simulate sex through a screen, waiting for the day they could be together in the flesh. Tonight, with his body filling every dip and ridge like the final piece to a puzzle, they could kick the can down the road for a few more days. "Okay. I'm ready."
Agonizingly slow thrusts helped them get acquainted with one another in a new way. Kelvin lifted his head from the crook of Asia's neck, yearning to look her in the eyes for an added layer of closeness. He pecked her nose, lips, chin, cheeks, and lips again, trying to keep those three words at bay.
"Faster, baby." A firm request teetering on begging broke through Kelvin's haze while Asia tried to pull him into her body by his shoulders.
He smirked. "Oh, you can talk now?" His taunting made Asia squirm against him for extra friction before he stopped and held her in place. "You up for another lesson?"
"Mhmm," she forced out, hoping her compliance would get her closer to the real fun.
"You been quiet all week. Imma need to hear you tonight if you wanna cum."
A horny, exasperated sigh preceded a short whimper. "What? I don't know how t –"
"Yeah, you do," Kelvin encouraged. Tell me what you want, and then I'll give you what you need."
Near painful throbbing has Asia ready to agree to anything if it meant she could finally come off some of the pressure from a stressful week. Quick agreeance earned her a return to Kelvin's slow back and forth, a shiver hitting both their spines as he took a shallow dive inside.
Asia took a deep breath and tested her voice. "You - you feel so good?" She closed her eyes, hoping Kelvin would take pity on her feeble attempt only to be rewarded with nothing. She tried again. "Right there, baby."
"We'll be here all night. Relax. Be confident."
Relax. Be confident. The gentle reminder and suckling at her neck helped Asia partially release the valve on her nervousness. Kelvin rocked into her expert precision and care, waiting to hear more.
A choppy moan caught in her throat before she could speak again. "You fuck me so good. You really thought I was gonna let you get that far away from me?"
Kelvin groaned and sped up enough for Asia to notice. She smiled, palming the back of his head to keep him close.
"There it is," he whispered. "Keep goin', beautiful. Tell me some more."
Bingo. Electricity sparking between them opened up a whole new world of vocal possibility. "I want all you got tonight, baby. Can you do that for me? Fuck me until I can't take anymore?"
"Uh-huh. I got you."
Asia rubbed circles at the nape of his neck, feeling a jolt in her body from another change in pace. "Mmm. Deeper, baby. You can do better than that, right? For me?" Her provocation ignited a burning desire for Kelvin to perform. He needed the glory. Asia dropped her talking display long enough to moan through her man putting his entire being into testing the limits of his little circular wooden table.
If sweet talk couldn't get him to knock the rings out of her, goading him with a challenge undoubtedly did the trick. Scratching against his back, demanding more depth, more speed, and more kissing spurred Kelvin into fast, furious fucking.
In no time, they were close. Deliciously, dangerously close. No protection meant no staying for the final hoorah. He had to time his exit perfectly for the right mix of precision and mutual satisfaction. Though Kelvin seemed to care, Asia was just hitting her stride.
"I think about you all day, waiting for you to fuck me just like this. I want you so bad sometimes." Asia confessed while Kelvin fucked her on his toes. "Even at work, when we’re not supposed to. That’s when I need you the most.” Grabbing the sides of his face with both hands, Asia forced him to look her in the eye. "Be good for me, baby. Make me cum."
Instructions? A command? A simple slip of the tongue? Kelvin couldn't bring himself to waste brain power distinguishing. He needed to focus. Focus on Asia's nipples rubbing against his chest and how her breaths and his started to become one. Then, the light sheen of sweat helping their bodies slide against one another. He focused on the sticky coating of arousal inviting him to rub his thumbpad against her clit.
Asia squealed, then licked Kelvin's open mouth. He rasped out a command of his own. "Come on! Come on!" Resolve began to wane. Any longer, and they'd be in the nearest drug store taking the walk of shame toward the Plan B pills.
If the walls ever decided to talk, they'd blush when recounting the vision of Asia forcing Kelvin's mouth against one of her breasts, trying to balance the sting from his hand colliding with her thigh with his warm tongue tracing braille on her areola.
Her body seized, making it almost impossible for him to pull out. Every other week on a stuffy flying bus sounded like hell, but if he had this to look forward to after the wheels touched the tarmac, he could drum up some enthusiasm in no time.
At the last moment, Kelvin forced himself out of his favorite place on earth just in time for the fruits of a mind-bending orgasm to spill from his head onto Asia's inner thigh. Together, they watched fresh semen coat supple skin, their chests heaving and ears ringing. Kelvin couldn't speak. He could only watch as Asia gathered a small amount on her fingertip and swiped it against her tongue.
Kelvin moaned when Asia moaned to relish the sensory experience of his taste. "Did I pass?" Her question fell on deaf ears, with Kelvin more focused on gathering more semen on his fingers to pop into her mouth. She treated him to a show, sucking the digits clean. She spoke again. "Answer me, baby. Did I pass?"
"With flying colors," Kelvin finally answered. Asia smiled into a searing kiss, reveling in her accomplishment. A new skill had been unlocked, and one more accolade had been added to her mental trophy case.
Another lesson to take her mind off of the inevitable. At least until the morning rolled around to wash the fresh coat of paint she'd forced over a very real, immovable problem.
RINI blasting from phone speakers dampened behind the bathroom door reminded Asia of the night before and how she'd allowed the heat of the moment to lock her into a contract she'd neglected to read the fine print on.
Facing the bedroom window, Asia snuggled deeper into warm sheets and scanned the pros and cons list on her phone. Pro #1: She could eat deep-dish pizza every other month. Con #1: Her man wouldn't be nearby multiple days a week. Which was more important. She couldn't decide. Food or the comforts of stable, local partnership?
She had started typing a new con when Kelvin emerged from the bathroom naked and moisturized from head to toe. "You awake now?"
Fuck. Asia thought she had more time to plaster on her happy face. She used a pretend yawn as her buffer. "Yeah," she answered, faking the funk. "Good morning, baby."
"Morning." Unbrushed teeth could never stop Kelvin from getting his first kiss of the day. He nuzzled his nose against hers before speaking. "Sleep okay?"
"Mhm. You?"
He nodded and slipped into bed beside her. "For the most part. I gotta show you something, though." Kelvin reached back to retrieve his phone from the nightstand's charging station. A few taps against the screen presented a short list of apartment options for Asia's inspection. "I started looking at some spots in the middle of the night. This one has a crazy second room for an office. Look at that view."
A wall of windows overlooking the downtown cityscape made Asia's stomach churn. Reality smacked her in the face. He was leaving and waiting on her approval on an apartment she couldn't stand in a city she wished didn't exist.
"That's so nice, baby. You can get a nice couch in there as a gaming room, too."
Kelvin considered her suggestion and nodded. "Damn, that's a good idea. I need to take you with me when I look next week. You down?"
"Uh…yeah. Yeah, I'll come." Asia shook off her rapidly increasing heartbeat and scooched closer to rest her head on Kelvin's shoulder. "Can you show me another one?"
Enthusiasm fading into meaningless sounds turned Kelvin into Charlie Brown's teacher as he gushed over layouts and natural light. She nodded along to nothing in particular. Smile. Rub his arm. Act supportive. Be the perfect girl. Just be happy for a little longer.
Reply if you'd liked to be tagged. DM if you’d like to be removed.
TAGS: @planetblaque @wvsspoppin @thatone-girly @avoidthings @slutsareteacherstoo @eilujion @amyhennessyhouse @yaachtynoboat711 @jenlovey @pinkpantheris @blowmymbackout @onherereading @becauseimswagman1 @thiccc-c @hrlzy @urfavblackbimbo @blackburnbook @ashanti-notthesinger @xo-goldengirl @ariiijestertheklown @blyffe @tvchi @wabi-sabi1090 @flydotty @aldrigmer444 @ash-ketchumzzz @nayaesworld @ms-mosley-ifunastyyy @writingsbytee @teddybeerz @trippyscotch @theogbadbitch @thevelvetwhispers @wowitsafemale @kindofaintrovert @sexysativa605 @jvzmine19 @turn-thy-paige @lapateeserie @simplyzeeka @supremechae @palmstreesallday @blackmoonchilee @ovohanna24 @prettypynklemonade @gwenda-fav @itsash-okay @sparklytemi @blackchickinthedesert @miyuhpapayuh
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Do you have any proven IBS friendly recipes you'd care to share on The Mind Palate? It's so hard to think of new things to cook when you tolerate like 5 vegetables 🥲.
Btw did you know there's another website called "mind palate", just without the "the"?
As regards IBS: I wouldn't dare share recipes purporting to be useful for other folks with this issue, as every kind of IBS is different. And even for any single IBS-haver, a recipe that's safe for you one week might not be safe for you two weeks later... because the ingredients have varied, or the relative amounts of them have varied, or something you're having with them might differ in ways that throw off their interaction with your gut. :/ This is a pain in the butt, but (shrug) here we are.
To manage my IBS—as there is at present no known cure, no matter what some people claim—I use the well-known Monash University FODMAP-based approach. When I started using it a few years ago—on realizing that some food-related symptoms I was experiencing mapped very closely onto descriptions of IBS symptoms—the abdominal troubles I was experiencing decreased by sort of 95% almost immediately.
The message was too straightforward to ignore. I immediately started adjusting my diet along FODMAP-conscious lines in an Every-Woman-Her-Own-Test-Tube sort of way, and quickly started discovering what gave me the most trouble. (To my intense annoyance, the chief answer to this question, among various others, was "onions and garlic." Two of my absolutely favorite things, and I find it hard to express how INCREDIBLY PISSED OFF this makes me.)
I'm also lactose-intolerant, but for that all I have to do is take a pill. As regards other IBS-triggering foods, there's no known way to stop the bad effects once they start. Some medications will let you offset some of the worst effects in their very early stages... if you take the meds soon enough. But you can't usually tell for sure until six to eight hours or so after a given meal whether "you chose poorly...", and whether you're going to spend the next two to three days bedridden, in more or less constant abdominal pain, and useless for any kind of work.
(sigh) Anyway. I'm fortunately not troubled too much by vegetables as a class.* Though I find (to my intense annoyance) that when I'm lucky enough to be in the right parts of Europe around Spargelzeit, asparagus is pretty much now off my menu. Like many other IBS-managing folk, I do have to be very careful around beans, pulses in general, and some kinds of fruit; and I have to limit my serving sizes/consumption.
(shrug) It's all an ongoing challenge. I had sixty-plus years of eating any damn thing I pleased, in whatever amounts I pleased, whenever I pleased. Now I have to very closely read ingredients labels to make sure there's nothing in a given innocuous-looking bag of snacks that's going to land me on my back for days. :) If it gets no worse than this for me, I'm sure I can cope. I'm just glad I'm in the EU, where detailed ingredients labeling is mandated even for street food stalls, and is also clearer than it is in a lot of other parts of the world.
Meanwhile: I'm sorry not to be of more help to you in this regard. I wish you good fortune in your journey to find safer veggies.
As regards other people's "mind palate" branding and websites: There are five or six different versions of the domain name out there. They don't bother us. I've been a Sherlockian for more than sixty years, and I'll make my puns (from newer variants on the great Theme) where I please. Those other users of the site name or similar domains? (shrug)
*...BTW, it's been brought to my attention recently that a rumor was making the rounds that I'm a vegetarian. (Once again, and not for the first time, wondering how the hell these things get started...?!) 😄 I'm an omnivore, and have never from the beginnings of my time in public life/fandom claimed to be otherwise. (And plainly, no one who's bought into this has ever seen me getting to grips with a steak. Vide this recent steak, last October I think, at Davy Byrnes—"the Moral Pub" as James Joyce once called it—in Dublin. It was yummy. And in the middle of it I had the concept for a really unusual novel occur to me. Meanwhile, that Hollandaise was lovely.)

(...but shrugging in a helpless way about the rumor) Maybe somebody saw me pass on all the meat-ish possibilities at some convention banquet in favor of the vegetarian one? That would simply have been because it looked better than anything else on offer. But right now, because of the IBS, meat and fish are (maybe paradoxically) safest for me. Go figure.
...Meanwhile—all that aside—as a fan of the place's cuisine for many years, I direct everyone's attention to the noble and excellent restaurant Hiltl (known to its fans as Hiltl Vegi), the world's oldest continuously operating vegetarian restaurant, in Zürich: a place old enough for Sherlock Holmes to have eaten there (and where I hope to send him yet). Come for the (predominantly Indian) lunch buffet. Stay for the wine list (one of the best in the city). :)
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No exceptions (1)
Summary: He likes your guts and your cake.
Pairing: Mobster!Frank Castle x Baker!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, mafia business, threats
No exceptions masterlist
More. More. More. They are always coming back for more.
No matter what you do. No matter how hard you try. There is no end to it.
Everyone wants their pound of flesh. Or rather, your money. There’s barely anything left for you to survive.
“Miss, the boss hates waiting,” the thug or racketeer, as the other shop owners call the guy standing in your little bakery, grunts. He holds out his hand, waiting for you to pay them for, well, nothing. If they’d offer protection, you’d happily pay for their service. “No exceptions.”
You’re already struggling and don’t know if your bakery will still exist next month.
“I can’t pay you more. People buy less and less these days,” you plead, looking at the ruthless and cold-hearted man who tries to press more money out of you for his boss. “I already paid you two days ago. Now you want more?”
“Boss said protecting costs,” the man replies, with a shrug. “No exceptions. Everyone must pay more fees today.”
You harrumph. Enough is enough.
“You don’t get it, huh?” You don’t know how you found the guts to put your hands on your hips and glare at the bastard demanding more money. “I can’t give you what I don’t have.”
“You’ll find the money if you only try hard enough.” He steps closer to the counter, glancing at the cupcakes, muffins, and cakes. “You have enough money to buy ingredients and sell your sweet treats.”
You huff and shake your head. “The costs for rent and my ingredients are over the top. You want money from me. The bank wants money from me. I must pay taxes. It feels like everyone tries to suck me dry.”
He chuckles at your choice of words before he says, “You’ve got a way with words, sweet cheeks. Still, you gotta pay.” He puts his gloved hands on the counter, impatiently tapping his fingers.
“My fridge has been empty for months, just like my stomach. I haven’t made ends meet since you started to force me to pay you for nothing. I can’t sleep because of debts, and the worry that you will kill me because I can’t pay you is eating me up!”
You throw your hands up before grabbing a cupcake to hand it to the thug. “Here you go. This is the last cupcake I ever baked. You made it. Whatever your plans are with my bakery, good luck. I’ll close it right here and now.”
He furrows his brows.
“I mean it.” You purse your lips. “I’m just done waiting for a nameless man to show up and threaten to hurt me if I don’t pay him!”
“Name’s Frank,” he casually says before stuffing the cupcake in his mouth. Frank chews loudly as you just stare at him.
“Fine, I got a name now. This doesn’t change a thing. I still can’t pay you,” you sniff and point toward the cash register. “I sold one cupcake today, that’s all. Do you want the five bucks I made?”
You open the cash register to throw the five bucks at Frank. He laughs and easily catches the money.
“Hmm…that’s not much,” he says, a smirk on his lips. “How about I help you get more customers, and you pay me for my service?”
“What? I… What?” You furrow your brows. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’ll be back soon, sweet cheeks,” he says and places the five bucks on the counter. “Next time, I want something even sweeter.”
Frank winks at you before turning to leave your bakery.
“Tomorrow, your bakery will be full of customers…” He says, and you swallow thickly.
Does he mean what he says? How can he be sure that there will be more customers tomorrow?
Part 2
Tags in reblog.
#No exceptions#frank castle#frank castle x reader#frank castle x you#mobster!frank castle x fem!reader#mafia au#baker!reader#frank castle x y/n#x reader
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Title: Sweet Cookie Competition

Joshua and yn spend their day off baking cookies in a playful competition. They take their creations to SEVENTEEN’s dorm, where the members declare the winner. Pairing: Joshua X reader Genre: Fluff
The sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm golden glow over the cozy living room where yn and Joshua were sprawled out on the couch. It was their rare day off, a sacred break from schedules and chaos, and they’d decided to spend it together doing something fun. Joshua’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he propped himself up on his elbow, grinning down at yn.
“Okay, hear me out, babe,” he said, voice bubbling with excitement. “We bake cookies today. But not just any cookies—we have a competition. You versus me. Winner gets bragging rights and… unlimited cuddles for the rest of the day!”
Yn laughed, sitting up and poking his chest playfully. “Unlimited cuddles? Bold of you to assume I’d want that from the loser. Fine, you’re on, Hong Joshua. Prepare to taste defeat—and my superior cookies.”
Joshua gasped dramatically, clutching his heart. “Oh, it’s war now, huh? My cookies are about to make you fall in love with me all over again, just watch.”
The kitchen soon turned into a battlefield of flour and giggles. Joshua insisted on wearing a frilly apron he found in the drawer, tying it around his waist with an exaggerated twirl. “Look at me, I’m basically a pro baker now,” he declared, striking a pose. Yn rolled their eyes but couldn’t stop the grin spreading across their face as they tied their own apron.
They decided on chocolate chip cookies—classic, simple, but with room for creativity. Yn meticulously measured out ingredients, sneaking little glances at Joshua, who was… less precise. He dumped sugar into his bowl with wild abandon, humming SEVENTEEN’s 'Hot' under his breath and doing a little dance with the wooden spoon.
“Are you baking or performing?” Yn teased, flicking a bit of flour at him.
Joshua froze, then smirked. “Both. It’s called multitasking, babe.” He retaliated by dabbing a tiny dot of cookie dough on Yn’s nose, laughing as they scrunched their face in mock outrage.
The kitchen smelled like heaven by the time the cookies were in the oven. While they waited, Joshua pulled yn into a spontaneous slow dance, spinning them around the tiny space to an imaginary melody, his laughter filling the air. “This is the best day off ever,” he murmured, resting his chin on top of yn’s head.
Once the cookies were done, they plated their masterpieces—Joshua’s were chunky and golden, slightly misshapen but oozing charm, while yn’s were perfectly round and crisp, with melty chocolate chips peeking out. “Time for the real test,” Joshua said, clapping his hands. “Let’s take these to the dorm and let the members decide who’s the cookie champion!”
At the SEVENTEEN dorm, chaos erupted the second they walked in. Seungkwan immediately snatched a cookie from Joshua's tray, munching loudly. “Oh, hyung, these are good!” he said, but then he grabbed one of yn and his eyes widened. “Wait—wait, no, THESE are insane. yn, teach me your ways!”
Hoshi dove in next, grabbing one from each tray. “Shua hyung's are like… a warm hug. But yn’s? This is like a gourmet hug from a five-star chef.” He dramatically collapsed onto the couch, clutching his heart.
Mingyu, the resident food expert, took his judging duties seriously, tasting both with a critical eye. “Hyung, yours are solid, man. But yn’s texture? Perfect crisp-to-chewy ratio. Sorry, hyung.”
One by one, the members cast their votes—Woozi, Vernon, Jun, even leader Seungcheol—and the tally was unanimous: yn won. Cheers erupted, and yn did a little victory dance while Joshua stood there, mouth agape, staring at his bandmates.
“You TRAITORS!” Joshua wailed, pointing an accusing finger at them. “I’ve been feeding you my love for YEARS, and this is how you repay me? Betrayed by my own family!” He flopped onto the floor, sprawling out like a starfish in mock despair.
Y/N giggled and crouched beside him, poking his cheek. “Aw, don’t be so dramatic, babe. You still have me—and my winning cookies.”
Joshua peeked up at them with a pout, then broke into a grin. “Fine. But I demand a rematch. And you’re sharing those cuddles anyway, winner or not.” He tugged yn down beside him, wrapping them in a bear hug as the members cooed and teased in the background.
The rest of the day was spent lounging at the dorm, munching on cookies (mostly yn’s), and laughing until their sides hurt. Joshua might’ve lost the competition, but with yn snuggled against him, he felt like the real winner anyway.
#seventeen fluff#seventeen x reader#seventeen angst#hong joshua#seventeen joshua#seventeen comfort#seventeen x you#seventeen x oc#seventeen x y/n#svt x you#svt x y/n#svt x oc#seventeen scenarios#seventeen imagines#seventeen
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Hello Dr Tingle! I wanted to ask you about that re: your post about how all your books are serious literature (hell yeah Love is real). How do you personally deal with the whole traditional publishing institution? It attracts a whole different level of coverage and it seems that they're very quick to try and box you and like turn you into a brand. Is it stiffling? Is it freeing? Does the attention help more people understand your trot? I don't know I've never been published but since you have experience in both traditional and self publishing I'm interested in knowing how that's feeling for you
well this is a pretty complex question with lots of different trots but i will try my best to answer. lets start with WHO I AM as buckaroo name of chuck
what i create has a very strong voice and my way is pretty recognizable. while buckaroos do not know what most authors look like, i REALLY stand out in a dang crowd with a big pink bag on my head. if you see 50 random author photos and mine is mixed in and then you ask 'which photo do you remember the most?' it is probably gonna be chuck. i also have a VERY UNIQUE STORY with what i create and my artistic sensibilities, not a lot of buds are out there making trans mothman erotica along with their big five traditional publishing bestsellers (SIDENOTE preorder BURY YOUR GAYS)
now if you were going to take 'CHUCK TINGLE' to a marketing department they would FALL OVER BACKWARDS IN THEIR DANG CHAIR with excitement. it is hard to think of an author with a stronger BRAND than i already have in the sense of 'instantly recognizable trot and specific unique style'. even in answering this you can tell that i dont even TALK like other dang authors.
what i am getting at is this: i am VERY VERY LUCKY because my existence just so happens to equate to what a company would see as GOOD BRANDING. it is not intentional on my part, it is just the hand of fate i guess. im out here expressing myself in a FULL ON WAY that is PRETTY DANG STRANGE TO SOME and it just so happens to work as mainstream branding too
on paper you might think 'what the heck no way chuck tingle will fly as a mainstream trot' but honestly the main thread of this timeline can be surprising sometimes. ive been saying the key ingredient for years and i will say it again: LOVE AND SINCERITY RESONATE. when you make art with this fuel, the timeline will feel it. when you stand up tall and shout with your whole chest THIS IS MY WAY AND I LOVE MYSELF. I AM THE WORLDS GREATEST AUTHOR TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT, the timeline will listen
so all that said, i do not mind the idea of myself as 'brand' because i am not CHANGING myself to create this effect. what some might see as 'brand' i just see as another part of my art. i have always believed that art is THE WHOLE EXPERIENCE not just the painting but what is outside of the frame. WHO I AM is just as important as the books i write, and interacting with my way is a whole MULTIMEDIA experience that INCLUDES YOU TOO. it is the feeling when your friend shows you your first tingler cover, or the feeling when you realize that i am not playing a character. this is ALL a part of the tingleverse and it is all a part of my honest raw expression as a queer and neurodivergent buckaroo.
it is my nature of have a PUNK ROCK trot. always has been. but to me that does not mean just angrily going against everything for the sake of going against everything. for me, this punk rock trot means fighting to EXPRESS MYSELF IN THE MOST HONEST AND PURE FORM POSSIBLE and to create the art that i want to make without any boundaries
somehow i have threaded the needle in this really interesting once-in-a-dang-lifetime kind of way. my pure punk rock self as an OUTERSIDER ARTIST just so happens to resonate with this larger system of brand and traditional publishing and popular culture. i COULD reject this, but rejecting it would be LESS HONEST.
this is just who i am. i LIKE pop culture. i LIKE joy. i LIKE dressing in all pink and wearing my custom suits. I LIKE PROVING LOVE IS REAL WHAT THE HECK ELSE EVEN IS THERE? i love being a queer outsider artist and using my small voice to shout at the big bad devils and i like that every time i shout a few more of you buckaroos join the chorus and together we are just getting louder and louder and louder and WHO KNOWS what comes next for us all trotting together.
when i post something like 'WHAT A GREAT DAY TO PROVE LOVE' it is not me sitting here in a bad mood thinkin 'well i gotta make todays post to keep up with my brand'. i am ACTUALLY FEELING THAT FEELING and i actually believe it with every fiber of my being. honestly, half the time i post about the beauty of this timeline i am probably over here literally crying tears of joy (chuck is an emotional bud i get riled over the joy of existence A LOT)
and heres the best part of this trot: because i really have this punk rock way it makes me very powerful. others can pretend not to care about success and brand and all that but I REALLY DO NO CARE. i would write tinglers whether buds were reading them or not, this is just my natural state, and that makes me incredibly strong. if some big corporation says 'YOU MUST DO THIS' and i dont want to do it i just say 'no thanks'. it is not some big debate about my career or anything like that because I REALLY DO NOT CARE IN THE SLIGHTEST. i care about the art
because of this, my relationship with my GIANT TRADITIONAL PUBLISHING MACHINE is great. we trot like equals and we get along really well. i tell them exactly what i want to do and they let me do it. i really do not have to answer to anyone and they deserve a huge amount of credit for respecting me in this way.
and heres the thing, THEY ALSO HAVE SOME GREAT IDEAS
SPECIFICALLY my imprint of NIGHTFIRE is very dang cool. yes, they are the head of a giant hydra of a BIG FIVE PUBLISHER, but nightfire is SO DANG ART-FOCUSED
there is no right or wrong way to be an artist, and my path is not the only one, but i can tell you what WORKS FOR ME. this is the advice i would give myself, and buckaroos can take it or leave it
here it is: never beg the big book publisher, or record label, or movie studio to pay attention to you
do not let it become a lotto ticket in your brain. do not think that you are some weak little creature and maybe if you trot just right they will scoop you up and take care of you. do not go to their door begging to be let in
create something so incredible and beautiful and honest and powerful and unique and important that they would be foolish to miss out. create a community or a system or a timeline or a world of imagination that thrives on its own and THEY SHOULD BE SO LUCKY TO BE A PART OF IT
then when you sit down at that board meeting it is not 'please brand me, ill do whatever you want'. instead, it is 'lets make a deal and see how much love we can prove together.'
now lets trot buckaroos
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Welp, might as well make my own faction since everyone else is doing it-
Operation Ichor belongs to @slumbrr-r
Welcome to Hidden Sanctuary or Sanctuary as it’s officially called. Literally the only known place with not only a surviving ecosystem but a thriving one. If you want fresh ingredients or natural remedies and resources, they’re the faction for you! Though they’re nestled in a hidden valley in a giant glass dome so good luck finding them.
Yapping down below. Beware it’s very long.
There are five total roles you could take outside of being a regular civilian:
The Farmers: Self explanatory, they are in charge of growing food and raising the animals for the people of the Sanctuary. Sometimes they’ll send some of their products to the traders.
The Architects: Essentially builders, they are the ones who build homes or important structures inside the Sanctuary a well as reinforcing the dome once a year. They also would build weapons for the defenders to use.
The Caretakers: Basically the healers. They tend to the wounded or sick and make sure they get the care they needed. Some would also be in charge of childcare for the daycare system.
The Defenders: The protectors of Hidden Sanctuary. They make sure no intruders get through the dome especially twisteds. They control who gets in and out the dome and will double check outsiders just to make sure none are twisted or hiding ulterior motives that could prove detrimental to the Sanctuary.
The Traders: The only role who travels beyond the dome. They would trade items such as fresh food or resources only the Sanctuary would be able to produce in exchange for items like metal or even weaponry that the Sanctuary can’t get access to or create otherwise. Basically the more valuable item you have, the more likely the traders would give you better quality crops or even a horse or cattle if you’re lucky.
Onto the founders!
They are the ones who contributed to creating the dome and its current operations. They are also the leaders of each role that’s available.
Florean is the leader of the Farmers. He basically makes sure the crops and animals are up to quality and doesn’t tolerate any less. He’s generally friendly and quite the hard worker, often being seen toiling away in the fields. Florean has a neutral stance on outsiders as to him, as long as they don’t bring harm to the toons already living there or to the other Founders, what’s the harm of letting them hang around? Though he does keep an eye on them, just in case.
Indigo is the leader of the Architects. He oversees the building operations and makes sure everything is going smoothly. Indigo is quiet and reserved who often can be found napping at odd times throughout the day when off-duty. This tends to get him a lecture from the other Founders, mostly by Blossom and Blade but he is competent at what he does. Indigo is weary of outsiders and tends not to interact with them much. Though he isn’t outright against their presence in the Sanctuary, he still worries of ulterior motives.
Blossom is the leader of the Caretakers. He’s the main healer of the dome and is the one who procures the medication and natural remedies needed to tend to the injured or ill. Blossom is very maternal and kind-hearted, often making the effort to check in on the people around him to make sure they’re doing well both physically and mentally. He’s very welcoming of outsiders and would make an effort to make their visit comfortable. Blossom sympathizes with the twisteds and would sometimes sneak in food their way, even if they can’t really eat.
Blade is the leader of the Defenders. She basically acts as the head general and assigns other Defenders to different posts around the dome of the Sanctuary. Blade is fiercely protective of the Sanctuary and its inhabitants and has a deep seated loyalty towards the other Founders. Blade has a lot of suspicions when it comes to outsiders and tends to be openly hostile towards them if she suspects foul play which Blossom often reins her back from. Overall the least likely to actually warm up to an outsider out of the five Founders.
Loop is the leader of the Traders. She’s the one who oversees the trade market and is the main inspector of all the goods that are brought back to the Sanctuary to ensure their quality before giving them out for the other Founders to make use of. Loop is laidback and acts unbothered by the world around her most times. Though Loop acts aloof most times, she does show empathy and kindness to the less fortunate and is very fond of the other Founders in her own unique way. Loop is relatively friendly towards outsiders given she’s interacted with them the most out of all the Founders. Though she still keeps them at arms length.
The Founders essentially act like a dysfunctional but loving family. While they all have differing approaches to dealing with outsiders, they will provide those in need shelter and the resources before sending them on their way once they can survive on their own.
Relations to the other factions (the cannon ones anyway):
Gardenview- Neutral, both factions barely come across each other especially with the Sanctuary’s secretive nature.
Ruin Corp- Friendly, the Traders would sometimes seek out their services for when they need help transporting goods around the city.
Zodiac- Hostile, all Zodiac members are one of the few banned toons and if they attempt to come near the dome it’s on sight for the Defenders.
The Merchant Order- Friendly, the Traders have a blast getting new things from that faction each time they trade.
Note that these relations are up to change if the creator wishes to put their own input on the relations of these factions with my own.
That’s all, have a good day/night!
#dandys world#my art#dandys world oc#dandys world astro#dw oc cotton#boba rambles#dandys world sprout#dandys world shrimpo#dandys world gigi#operation ichor#operationichor
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pasta a la erik karlsson

THE INGREDIENTS: pasta. alfredo. meat sauce. raw (red) onion. hot sauce (cholula, judging by the video). ketchup (heinz, i think?). a little salt and pepper.
THE RECIPE: boil pasta, chop the onion, serve with all sauces. eat and not die.
hi my name is emily and welcome to jackass
instead of liveblogging this process, i'm just going to add my thoughts to one big post to make it cleaner <3
6:48 pm: the pasta is boiling. i keep looking over at the Pile of Sauces and giggling. i have whispered "what the fuck" to myself a few times now. i'm cooking the whole box, because we're all having spaghetti tonight, but i'm the only one brave enough to try... This
6:54 pm: erik did not mention this as part of the meal but i poured myself a glass of rose. the onion has been chopped. i tried to get them chunky to match the video but that's like too much man, at least have your onions DICED why are they in CHUNKS ERIK
7:05 pm: writing these time stamps i'm realizing i'm a slow cooker because i keep getting distracted by my playlist (rn it's rebel rebel by david bowie). i am starting the alfredo sauce and it's sinking in that i'm about to actually. eat this. like a few bites, there's no way i'm eating this whole plate (this is NOT foreshadowing)
7:07 pm: i almost panicked because i didn't think i had enough milk for the alfredo but surprise, i had EXACTLY enough. this is a good omen.
7:15 pm: everything is done, i am just waiting for the meat sauce to warm up. i'm still whispering "what the fuck to myself".
7:21 pm: it's time. to assemble.

i grabbed a small plate, but i'm realizing. maybe i should have grabbed less. this is revolting. and i'm not even done adding things

added and mixed. i'm laughing. erik eats this. before every game? it overwhelmingly smells like cholula which is fine but oh my god. oh my god? no. no. this poor man's stomach. oh my god
7:30 pm: i've put it off. it's time to take a bite
IT'S JUST. IT'S JUST A LOT OKAY. THIS IS A LOT OF FLAVOR AND NONE OF IT REALLY GOES TOGETHER? it's like way too acidic. biting into a red onion is a terrible surprise. it's too saucy and it doesn't feel Good in my stomach, like i have taken two bites and it's settled so heavily already. okay no three bites. it's... it's just upsetting. this is an upsetting experience. what the fuck is wrong with you erik karlsson. you eat this and then you go and play professional hockey?
FOUR BITES IN AND IT DOES NOT GET BETTER. why does he do this to himself like can we send someone to check on him fr i am genuinely concerned about this man like i made this meal for the bit but he willingly does this to himself?????? 82 games a season???????
IN CONCLUSION: i managed five (5) bites. they were all bad. don't make this. someone arrest erik karlsson immediately i am so serious.
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