#first aid kit stim
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cutiepieautistic · 8 months ago
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James sunderland stimboard
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skellymom · 2 months ago
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Background: Hunter's knife stimming antics embarrasses him in front of his crush. Silly stuff. Crush is unnamed w/no specific gender. Decided to go with they/them pronouns instead of y/n. I had read that some people do NOT like y/n. So decided to try something different.
Word Count: 1K
Warning: Tame read. Some swearing, knife wound, small amount of blood.
End over edge, the knife flipped back and forth between Hunter’s fingers again and again. 
Usually, he did this to stim or pass the time... 
However, today he was showing off. 
THEY sat across the ship watching Hunter’s knife mastery. 
He knew THEY were watching.  Could sense it. 
Felt GOOD to be watched.  Adored from afar.  Especially THIS person.   
He wasn’t one to fall hard easily...or be driven to showy acts to impress. 
But this CRUSH was different... 
...AND the pining was MUTUAL... 
End over edge, index finger then middle, with his ring and pinky finger propelling the knife back over his first two fingers. 
Again and again... 
He slowly swung his seat round JUST enough to catch the peripheral view of his CRUSH out of the corner of his eye. 
Still watching his movements... 
It THRILLED him.  He could feel a small jolt of adrenaline. 
Hunter’s fingers sped up, flipping the knife FASTER. 
End over edge... 
He could hear THEIR breath pick up in excitement as THEY watched him do this. 
He QUICKLY reversed the knife’s movement expertly. 
Again and again... 
His ears caught THEIR heartbeat speed up. 
The smell of THEIR excitement, release of pheromones... 
End over edge... 
It mixed with the scent of THEIR skin, hair... 
Again and again... 
An intake of breath, THEY exhaled an impressed ALMOST inaudible sigh... 
OF COURSE Hunter’s ears caught it.  Made him SHIVER slightly in his core... 
The excitement caused his fingers to speed up again. 
End over... 
But his fingers betrayed him. 
The knife slipped from his grasp... 
And SHOT straight down... 
The sudden pain blanked out his senses for a few seconds as Hunter glanced HORRIFIED at the vibroknife STICKING OUT OF HIS BOOT. 
THEY were immediately at his side “Maker!!!  Hunter, are you alright???” 
Hunter’s head snapped up to look right into THEIR eyes, full of concern.  Behind THEM, he could see Tech and Echo glanced over their shoulders 
His brothers shot each other an...expression.  Somewhere between puzzled amusement and muted concern. 
Hunter kept his face calm, cool, and collected.  Inside his head he berated himself in-between the sharp throbbing pain of his foot. 
“No worries.”  Hunter QUICKLY pulled out the knife, sheathed it, hoping THEY wouldn’t see the blood coating the blades tip.  “Gonna change into another pair.” 
“Maybe I should grab the first aid kit?  Just in case???” 
“Oh...no need.”  Hunter grinned stiffly as he rose from his seat.  “Can’t meet this mission with a hole in my footwear!  Sit tight, be back shortly.” 
He walked as NORMALLY to the back of the ship as he could.  Hunter could FEEL blood pooling around his big toe. 
When he was out of view, Hunter limped the rest of the way.   
Crosshair glanced up from polishing his rifle.  He IMMEDIATELY spotted what was wrong.  
“You’re trailing blood, Hunter.” 
Wrecker pulled away from his weapon inventory duty. “What happened?”  He too saw blood and grabbed the first aid kit. 
“Heh, just a little accident.”  As Crosshair had Hunter sit on his bunk  “No big deal.” 
Wrecker pulled off Hunter’s boot, his black sock soaked in blood.  His brother carefully peeled it back to expose a puncture wound to his toe.  
"STABBED yourself pretty good.” Wrecker whistled while examining how deep the wound was.  “Just missed the bone.” 
“Accident, eh?”  Crosshair scolded.  “Fucking around with your knife trying to impress our GUEST is more like it.” 
“I did NO such thing...OW!  Wrecker!!!”  Hunter attempted to keep his voice down.  “STOP messing with it!!!” He hissed. 
“Well, I gotta clean it good.”  Wrecker sassed back.  “Vibroblades carry bunches of...uh...BACTERIA!” 
“Wrecker, you’re starting to sound like Tech.”  Crosshair reached for Hunter’s vibroblade.  “Keep doing that and YOU’LL hurt yourself.” 
Hunter blocked Crosshair’s access to the knife.  Cross VICIOUSLY slapped Hunter’s hand away. 
“OW!” Hunter scoffed at Crosshair, and finally lost ALL composure.  “OW!!!  WRECKER, DAMMIT, I SAID STOP!!!.” 
Crosshair took the opportunity and yanked Hunter’s vibroknife out of its sheath.  Clotted blood covered the tip. 
“You did NO such thing, eh?” Crosshair scorned Hunter. 
Hunter sighed “Ok, I’m...” 
“AN IDIOT!”  Cross wiped the blade clean, then shoved it back into the sheath. 
“Can I do anything to help?” 
All three of them froze with shocked expressions as Hunter’s CRUSH casually strolled through the doorway. 
“YEAH!  You can take over cleaning Hunter’s wound.”  Wrecker stood up and slapped the bacta wipe into THEIR hand.  “Warnin’ ya, he’s a HORRIBLE patient.” 
Then Wrecker stalked out and towards the ship’s bridge. 
Crosshair glanced at Hunter, then his CRUSH.  A wily grin crossed his face. 
“DON’T say it, Crosshair.”  Hunter growled.  “Just...leave.” 
Crosshair walked away while inserting a toothpick between his teeth.  He paused for effect at the threshold of the doorway.  “Just closing things up...so you’ll have a little...privacy.” 
Then Hunter and his CRUSH were alone. 
Hunter glanced up at them... 
Turning BEET red! 
“Sit back and relax.” THEY eased Hunter back on the bunk, knelt, and gently tended to his wound. 
THEIR hands cradled his foot, and all the pain was forgotten. 
So were Hunter’s words. 
“You know...I’m always happy to...” THEY smiled up at him.  “Administer to your needs.” 
That look...it took his breath away... 
“Uh huh...”  Hunter nodded, empty headed. 
“Just ask.”  The bleeding had stopped. 
“Uh...huh...uh...”  His brain froze. 
“Are your lips stuck?”  THEY asked with weighted words. 
Hunter nodded no.  Then he quickly figured out what THEY were REALLY asking. 
Then nodded yes. 
“Let me help you with that, kay?”  THEY waited for his consent. 
Hunter nodded with a lopsided grin. 
THEY got up, sat next to him on the bunk, and sweetly cradled his jaw in THEIR hand. 
“In the future, just ask me if you want this.  Don’t go hurting yourself, ok.” 
“Uh huh.”  Hunter was caught in THEIR gaze. 
THEY hovered closer, gently tracing THEIR nose with his... 
The ghostly brush of THEIR lips upon his.  Then a rush of adrenaline as THEY pressed passionately harder... 
Hunter rumbled warmly and leaned into it for all he was worth. 
That kiss fixed... 
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@sleepycreativewriter @leftealeaf @snowlotr
@thebadbatchfan @falling-among-the-stars
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thecouncil-aac · 3 months ago
Council put together bag to help disabilities
Has AAC device, going add AAC binder when done and AAC cards when have sturdy ring connector
Have emotional support stuffed animal, inhaler, first aid kit
Sensory/stim toys, ear plugs, and going add compression socks and wrist braces
Lots of small things that help with miscellaneous disorder/conditions
Going decorate bag instead of jacket for punk because jacket harder to do and need practice, so do bag first
Make handmade pins from bottle caps and soda tabs and paint and glue (upside down one is neurodivergent infinity symbol being glued)
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Going get/make patches and learn how sew too
Pins on floor - holothere/anchor delta/physical nonhuman symbol, plural rings symbol, psywiggle symbol
Have more bottle cap to make pins, not sure what do next... maybe anarchy A, if headmates okay with (knows Seth big agree...)
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mollycabot · 4 months ago
Abby Scuito X Autistic Reader Safe
A/N Abby Scuito comes home to find her girlfriend upset and offers her some comfort and lets her know she safe. mentions of (self harm) Request by @caseycabotsvu
After a long day at work Abby was looking forward to coming home and cuddling up with the girlfriend Y/N in front of the Tv. when she got home she place her bag and coat in the hallway and walked towards the living room however she was confused not see Y/N sitting there waiting for her like she normal dose.
Abby checked the kitchen no luck she checked the bedrooms no luck she was starting to get worried that maybe something happened to Y/N however she was pulled out her thoughts when she heard crying coming from the bathroom.
"Y/N sweetie you in here" she asked as she pushed open the door and her heart broke at seeing her girlfriend curled up in ball crying.
"hey hey its ok your ok come here honey whats wrong" Abby sat down next to Y/N and pulled her into her lap and hugged her. "its ok my love its ok" Abby said as she pushed some stray hairs from Y/N face. as Abby was holding her girlfriend she notice that her hoodie sleeve was covered in blood and a razor next to her on the floor.
"Y/N i don't want to scary you or anything and its ok i'm not going to mad or disappointed but i have to ask did you hurt yourself?" Abby said gently and with a lot of love and care in her voice.
"I'm I'm sorry Abby i promise i didn't mean to it just got to much" Y/N said "its ok my love tell you what lets get you to the bedroom where you'll be more comfortable and we'll talk ok my love" Abby said picked up her girlfriend carefully and walked over to their shared bedroom.
"there you go my love" Abby said gently placing Y/N on the bed and got the first aid kit out the bathroom. once Y/N was calm Abby Gently rolled up her sleeve and started to clean her arm "its going to sting honey i'm sorry" Abby said as Y/N flinch away. once Abby was done she warped up Y/N's arm and then sat next to her and pulled her into a hug.
"you ready to tell me now my love remember no pressure honey" Abby said "no its ok i ready to share" Y/N said as Abby handed over her stuffed animal to Y/N.
Y/N was struggling for words and started to pick at her fingers a stim that Y/N has when she is stress and Abby gently held her hands in hers and allowed Y/N to fidget with her rings. "work was horrible" Y/N said quietly but Abby heard it "why what happened?" Abby said gently.
"work is to much it was a busy day noises everywhere and our cover boss said i didn't need my headphones and that i'm just being silly then when he told me i had to take over a meeting and i lost it and went home but forgot to pick up my fidget and headphones from my desk and the busy street noise was really horrible and i just couldn't take anymore when i got home i need an outlet i'm sorry " Y/N said and looked away.
Abby gently placed her finger under Y/N's chin and turned her head so Y/N was looking at her. "you my love have nothing to be sorry for and i'll short your work out but why don't me and you take a few days off and just relax and chill yeh?" as Abby knew it been a tough week for Y/N.
Y/N nodded and Abby kissed Y/N's forehead and Y/N smiled "I love you Abby" Y/N said and Abby kissed her "and i love you more honey" she said as picked up the tv remote and put on the tv and they both ended up falling asleep in each others arms.
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solacescastleglow · 1 month ago
Back to School
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It's back-to-school season in the southern hemisphere, which means school supplies! I've been out of school for like 7 years now, but I just had a dream about it last night, and I kinda miss having a routine with external barriers keeping me in check. I'm not gonna tell you to enjoy it while it lasts, since it is rough, but here are some things that might make it less so.
I would highly recommend having a lanyard. It can be expression where it otherwise might not be allowed: pins or badges, what it's made out of, and what you choose to put on it. Here are some ideas for that last one:
student ID card
class schedule (especially useful those first few weeks)
keys to anything you need keys for
lip balm
hand sanitiser
any sensory tools you might need (earplugs, stim toy, etc.)
a small comfort object
basically anything you need quick and easy access to that will fit on a lanyard
school computer, if your school lets you have one
workbooks/school notebooks
personally I find it useful to have a set notebook for doodling and non-school notes so I don't mess up my school notes
your pencil case is so up to personal preference that I feel weird telling you what to put inside it - basically what you need and what makes you feel good about studying
water bottle
an emergency kit - everyone's will look different but some things to include are: bobby pins (and other hair things if your hair is longer), tampons or pads, deodorant, non-prescription pain medication, a stain remover pen, something to freshen up your breath, band aids, pimple patches.
I know many schools don't have these, but if yours does, it's a great space to store things you might not need as often. My lockers were always super messy (to the point where I had to quickly slam it shut so things didn't fall out), but for the more organised of us, here are some things you can put in there.
things you need to get to and from school, but not during it (like umbrellas)
clean PE uniform - I always used to forget which days we had PE on, so keeping a set in my locker at all times helped
textbooks if your teacher doesn't keep them to hand out
chargers for your devices
an extra layer of clothing in case you get cold
a packed lunch (but don't forget it in there)
And that's all I can think of for now. I hope you all have good grades and lots of fun this year!
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msweebyness · 1 year ago
Just Some Akuma Class HC’s
Here’s some sweet HC’s for the akuma class, my babies! (Canon!Nette GTF outta here, this is FANON!Mari, the bae!) Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Whenever someone in the class has some sort of extracurricular event, be it a game or meet for Kim/Alix, a Kitty Section concert, one of Mylene’s plays, a gig for Nino, etc, everyone is there to cheer them on, as enthusiastic as they can possibly be.
They are ALL neurodivergent. Fight me. Marinette struggles with OCD, this is canon. Kim has ADHD. Max is on the autism spectrum, and I actually feel like Nath(hyperfixating) and Juleka (social struggles) and Ivan (emotional expression) too. Mylene and Sabrina have anxiety. Everyone is supportive. Stim toys are always on hand. That is all.
They have regular class outings, be it a picnic in the park, seeing a movie, shopping, or just walking around Paris. They always have fun together and make a ton of memories.
They have biweekly movie nights where one person gets to pick the category, and they gorge themselves on snack food and yell at the screen. (They also group watch TV shows. Their last watch was Bojack Horseman. They are all emotionally destroyed.)
Their group chat is absolutely unhinged and it may leave you with deep mental scars if you read it.
In this class, one person’s younger siblings are EVERYONE’s younger siblings! Anyone in the class would commit homicide for Sasha Bruel, and they’ve all become well-versed in dealing with the Cesaire twins.
They have a funny game they all play together where they take a random idea for a story and then take turns adding stuff that makes the plot progressively more insane and hilarious.
Ivan is the designated person to carry any of his friends when they’re tired, overworked, hurt, or even just if they feel crappy and want to be carried. He’s a good boi.
Kim is pretty much the personal trainer for each of his classmates and you best believe he knows damn well how to motivate and pump up whoever he’s working with.
Adrien is the class baby, and they will all protect him with their lives. They’re teaching him about life and social norms, and plotting Gabe’s death is a regular occurrence in class discussions.
They have a…weird ritual for birthdays. No one knows how it started but it’s terrifying. All I’ll tell you is that it involves a pitch dark room, candles, dark cloaks, and chanting. Are they summoning something? No one knows.
Nino is class dad, and Mylene is class mom. They will do anything to take care of their friends. They always have first aid kits in their bags. They keep snacks on hand for everyone. If you’re out sick, they’re checking in on you regularly. You better be resting properly or you’re in trouble!
The whole class has nicknames for each other, both shortened versions of longer names (Mari, ‘Lene, ‘Brina, Jules, Nath) and the little cute ones that have to do with traits, experiences or personalities. (“Sunshine” for Adrien, “Kimbo” for obvious, “Tomato” for Nath.)
I hope you enjoyed this little piece of fluff! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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palettepainter · 2 years ago
Lips or Floyd for the HC question!
Why not both?
A few spoilers to Muppets Mayhem, the shows been out for a while now and come June/June 10th I’m probably gonna stop putting spoiler warnings in my post buuuut just incase for anyone who hasn’t seen it
-So Lips is shown to have a lot of connections in the latest series, so I think it’d be funny to imagine Lips also having dated a bunch of big shot names before he joined the band. Of course all broke up on friendly terms and Lips continues to have very happy catch up chats with his many famous ex’s when they bump into each other (the band are shocked every time) 
-I feel like he’s got a proper dad bod, he’s got a healthy amount of chub and is so body positivity 
-Since he knows so many people in Muppets Mayhem I think it’d be neat if he knew how to speak a few other languages. Once again it shocks the band everytime, but it’s still helpful to have a guy who can speak Mexican when you end up chasing after your drummer whose after a squirrel. Possibly also know about sign language and things like stimming since he might have had to work with kids who where mute and or on the spectrum 
-The best hair routine and care his hair is like touching cloud nine 
-Such a dramatic worry wort always jumping to the worst case scenario, he probably developed this from babysitting kids so much as a manny (kids get themselves into the craziest shenanigans). If someone cuts their finger while chopping veg Lips has got the first aid kit and band aids ready before anyone can so much as stand up from their seats this man is prepared for everything 
-Speaking of which he’s also extremely hard to catch off guard. Working with kids for so many years this man will walk into a living room, see the tv broken, sofa on fire, a wild raccoon scratching the curtains and Animal stuck on the ceiling fan and he’ll just ask if anyone wants a coffee
-Occasionally smokes from time to time, likes to blow the smoke through his nose to show off 
-Him and Piggy are constantly at each other’s throats, no two ways about it. But there’s also a mutual respect that the two can just be themselves around each other. There’s no need to keep up appearances or pretend cuz the two know each other that well to know when the other is putting up a facade. Neither will admit this to the other of course or to anyone else, it’s a silent agreement between them. Enemies dynamic with substance
-Hates hates HATES Piggy’s dog Foofoo sm you have no idea 
(Floyd, glaring, scratched, bitten and looking like he got put through the ringer, holding Foofoo at arms length: God I hope you hurry up and go to doggy hell already 
Foofoo, alive from pure spite: Grrrr…) 
-Basically confirmed in Muppets Mayhem but total dad. He’s a lot better with kids then people believe and is a lot more responsible with them too. Whenever Robin is in the studio and he walks into the same room as him Floyd will always, always, flick away his cigarette or stub it out. He will actively shoot Pepe and Rizzo an unimpressed look if they start talking about something inappropriate and will - and probably has - cover Robin’s ears when Big Mean Carl starts screaming something little ears shouldn’t hear. He actually gets a little offended when people assume he’s not good with kids cuz…come on that’s a child he’s not that irresponsible 
-He rarely gets angry, getting him angry is a chore. Quickest way to get him mad is to insult Animal (that’s his son don’t you bring him into this-). The gloves will come off and he will throw hands, Janice will hold him back until then, in which case she’ll basically go “I’m not for violence, but-“. Not even Piggy uses it as an insult 
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skele-bunny · 8 months ago
Obligatory Cowbell Posting
I personally HC Cowbell as deaf and a "Null" ghoul with traits of Earth. Earth Ghouls are very known for feeling vibrations of the ground which makes them so good at being drummers! Cowbell isn't spared from that. He feels vibrations best out of everyone, especially with his increased senses from the loss of hearing. He can read music just fine, understand tempo and rhythm, but it's the sounds he gets overwhelmed with. There's been times he'll just sit in the practice room after hours with the Kit and just start hitting randomly before he gets into his own rhythm.
It's loud, it doesn't make sense, but it makes him happy. Bell just gets so lost in what he's doing he'll go until his wrists can't lift anymore. When he was still learning with Phil (who's proficient in the instruments as well), there'd be times where they'd just do random strums together. Bell can play "Genesis" pretty decently!
Bell doesn't like wearing his hearing aids unless he has to or doesn't feel like reading other people's hands.
I also hc Special & Bell to be Nihil's first summons, and in return older brothers of the Papa's. Bell was definitely a daddy's boy, clinging to Nihil so tightly. He and Secondo were actually super close! Bell was this giant, excited puppy and Secondo was the black cat. They'd sit together for hours in the worship hall, Secondo practicing his sermons while Bell just enjoyed the booming echos of his voice.
He's scared of needles and anything sharp, having visits to the doctor when he was little was TERRIBLE. That ghoul would be kicking and even as a kit those heavy hooves HURT. Always enjoyed the icy pops he'd get after, just clinging to Nihil and whining. Always wanted the green apple flavor and nothing else
Sometimes when he's understimmed and desperately needs something, he'll go to Era 2's hall. Now, Era 2 are hardasses. Don't like anyone. Don't like humans, ghouls, especially the nulls or anyone invading their territory. Buttt... Cowbell is the only one with a pass (occasionally.) They can see how his tail droops with his ears, slowly clinking down their hall before Enki (quint) will lead him to their den. He just flops on their beanbag in the middle of the common room and get to play with Wrath (fire) & Arlo (earth)'s stim toys. They have the biggest collection with Bell being in third.
If they're in a mood and not wanting Bell around, they'll take the loss and leave their territory to walk him back to the Doves (era 1) so he can be cared for better.
Cowbell is very much an adult, but like with Phantom, his mannerisms get him confused for as a kit. He's constantly gnawing on his tail or pawing for attention, letting out non-verbal cues with body language. The only thing that saves him from the nursery ghouls (/j) is his height. Boy is TALL.
Era 1 is the tallest in the clergy, then there's Bell. Even Special isn't his height - and he's the eldest! Glamoured, he's a whopping 6'3. Unglamoured, which is often, 6'11. Somehow, Sarra (quint) is still able to pick him up and rest on his arm.
His original name was Bluebell, like the ice cream (credit to Nihil), but Secondo started the name Cowbell. He'll still respond to either names! Doesn't have a preference.
He's very extroverted and loves meeting new people, and at first can unsettle people bc of his height and his hooves, but he's just a big cuddle bug and loves making friends. He and Phil are the only ghouls Siblings see unglamoured, as they can't control it better like others can. They both look human despite certain aspects (Spec's wings, Bell's horns and hooves, both of their fangs and claws.) They're genuinely harmless, though!
Exceptttt a few rare times. Bell has only ever killed 3 people before, humans. Phil has a higher count regarding ghouls. Bell was attacked by 2 humans and literally stomped them to death, and still has nightmares about it. The third was when Primo was still an infant and a cardinal had plans to kill him. Bell just lost his shit, putting him in a feral headspace. When the commotion got Sister & Nihil's attention, Bell was covered in gore - and a corpse that looked like it was already in a decomposing process from how ruined it was; but more importantly, Bell just held the biggest smile while holding baby Primo, comforting the infant.
Bluebell is terrified of altercation, but his mates/family comes first before that fear. He's full of love and "cinna-buns"
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ask-richie · 1 year ago
you mentioned having a snack box, what else do you have? And why?
Oh boy, I have so much you aren’t even ready for this.
Okay, so the snack box is this tub I have that slide under my bed, and I keep it stacked with drinks and small things I know my friends and such like. That includes things for Pete’s low blood sugar.
I have a mini first aid kit in my backpack normally, because we’re all pretty prone to tripping.
I also have painkillers, hot water bottles and last minutes things in a different tub.
I have a collection of hair dye and nail polish purely because I can.
Spare clothes for the others if they spontaneously stay over.
I also have iron and vitamin gummies, sunscreen, water, stim toys, things to chew and such.
These are my necessities I make sure to have, just ask @ask-ruth or @peter-hotchocolate-spankoffski!
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natelawtism · 4 months ago
i love that autistic man so much PLEASE i will accept any and every nate headcanon you can give me
ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE!!! here are some general Nate hcs
he sleeps like a CORPSE. Hands over his middle and everything. Flat on his back. Honestly I wouldn't put it past him to cross his arms in his sleep LMFAO
speaking of sleep, I think he actually has some rough sleep patterns. Not sleep SCHEDULE per se, since he 100% has a bedtime. But because of the fact he's always so alert and prepared, he wakes up often in the middle of the night. Most of the time it's just once, but if he's REALLY stressed it can be like 4 times in one night. Him and Everett are trying stuff to help him sleep better, since Eve's concerned about his best friend
He fidgets a lot! He prefers to have something for his hands to mess with when he works. This started as picking at his skin, and as a kid he'd have bandages on his hands because of it, but now he messes with small gadgets Eve/Rowan gifted him :3 (the first one he actually got from Mrs. Gray! Eve talked about his habit, and in her next gift she sent something for Nate to fidget with. He pretended like it was stupid but it actually helps)
We already know he doesn't like music much, so this also means that Rowan and Everett have 100% control of his aux cord (they both have very 2010s pop music taste, but Ro is more ke$ha pop/electro)
We all know he has an extensive necklace collection, but personally I think he also likes bracelets!!! He wears 2-3 at a time
He secretly cherishes things that are gifted to him from people he cares about. No matter what it is. Even when it's a stupid gag gift, he never throws a gift away
He actually ignores his parents texts. Even though it takes him YEARS to even begin to realize his parents neglected him, speaking to them still gave him an awkward and ugly pit in his stomach. So, whenever he gets a text, he ignores it with the excuse of being way too busy, then responds up to days later. It makes him feel too complicated to talk to them.
He loves being just in the presence of those close to him. A lot of the time he's at peace doing completely different things, just knowing they're there! (Parallel play for the win)
On the topic of him being autistic- he angry stims by flapping his hands! But in a motion similar to drying wet hands off, not flapping up and down. It's as if he's shaking off his bad feelings.
His happy stims are with his hands closed into fists. Either shaking them or doing small hops up and down on his heels. His happy stims are VERY minor movement because he doesn't want people to notice....
Hes the guy who ALWAYS has something on him. He believes you should always be prepared, so he has a whole mini first aid kit with him in his backpack
When he's older he needs reading glasses. He starts wearing them at like 26
His eyes are a tell-all to how he's feeling. Eyes are windows into his soul HARDCORE because he cannot mask his feelings for shit with them
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stephiethewephie · 1 year ago
Time to learn a little more information about Piper.
Character Profile if you don't know who I'm talking about
First, we'll start with some positive/neutral facts.
First off, autistic! Just to put that out there (Undiagnosed before she arrived at NRC, gets diagnosed in Twisted Wonderland)
Positive adjectives to describe her: Caring, considerate, compassionate, supportive, kind-hearted, patient, adventurous, imaginative, curious, VERY FORGIVING TO THE POINT THAT IT MAY BE CONCERNING, and creative.
She has a big imagination and a great amount of creativity. She’s normally doing little DIY arts and crafts projects when she’s not in school or playing in the woods.
It can cause her to daydream, and have her head in the clouds at times. Making her lose focus or track of time. It's gotten better as she's gotten older... mostly.
Loves adventuring out in the woods with her friends (which, for the most part, are her stuffed animals). She especially finds interest in the nature that lies within the woods. Some of her adventures and findings transfer into her projects. Even incorporating objects she finds in the woods into her work.
Some of her favorite creatures in the woods are the different moths and butterflies. She can tell you a lot of interesting facts about them! Even of ones that are not from England! She plans on traveling to find the moths and butterflies she has yet to see in person!
She does not like bees that much despite her mom’s occupation and her love of honey.
She, of course, has the same stuffed animals that Christopher Robin has. Including her favorite, her pooh bear! But, she always loves receiving more!
She loves soft things because they are calming and help her when she gets overstimulated or anxious. They're also some of her favorite things to stim with!
She had to leave her house and the woods at the age of 10 to go to boarding school. There, she was only allowed to bring one stuffed animal, which she picked to be her pooh bear, to school with her.
She can be naive and gullible at times. But, she is indeed smart. Academically speaking, she’s a top student. Just like her parents want her to be.
She loves helping people in any way she can. Whether it be helping with a task, doing favors, or just being an ear to listen to and/or giving advice. She loves making sure everyone feels loved, supported, and appreciated for being themselves. Making their lives easier and more enjoyable and just making their days a little brighter is what makes her feel useful and important brings her joy!
Being around and helping a lot of people, she knows a lot of things about pretty much everyone she helps. By using this information and reading the mood of the person, she is able to assist them without them even asking for it. With around a 70% chance of accuracy.
VERY MUCH THE MOM FRIEND! Do you need a snack? She has cheese crackers! Do you need bandages? She’s got a whole first aid kit! Did your socks get wet in the rain? A fresh pair coming up! Do you need a hug? COME HERE SWEETIE!!! She’s pretty much prepared for anything anyone needs!
Speaking of moms, her mom is a beekeeper who sells her honey at the market near her house. She also bakes delicious treats with the honey she harvests, such as Piper's favorite, Honey Cake! She always tells Piper she's as sweet as honey! That doesn't mean, like a bee, she doesn't sting (not physically) sometimes when Piper gets herself into trouble. But, it's all out of love for her daughter, and Piper knows that...
Her father is an English elementary (or primary school) school teacher and a well-known children's book author. Piper gets her imagination and creativity from him. He is the main encourager for her adventures and lets her imagination run wild. He, however, dialed it down a little when she got older and he wanted her to focus on getting a good education...
She also has a black cat named Edward which she brings to boarding school as an emotional support cat. But, he doesn't really like her for some reason, so they have not really gotten along.
"Oh Bother..." Now we get into some of the things that are not too pleasant. (TW for low self-esteem and self-care and anxiety attacks)
For someone who encourages others to love themselves and see the worth and importance they have, she doesn't demonstrate that behavior in herself.
She has very low self-esteem because of her struggle to make friends in the past. To the point where she thinks that people only want to be around her because she’s helpful and pretty much does everything that she’s told. She thinks if she starts to hang out with others, they will just find her a bother.
She doesn’t mind her situation that much because she likes helping others and making them feel better. She thinks she has to. She has to make sure everyone is doing good.
"It's all that I'm good for," She'd say. "... It's all that I've got."
But, she won’t lie and say she doesn’t want something more.
Who is there to give her what she has given everyone else?
She is also a pushover and likely to put blind trust in others, which can lead to some danger.
Some people have used her helpful nature to their advantage, but others actually see her for who she is and want to be her friend. She’s just too blinded by her thoughts to see that and unintentionally pushes anyone away that tries to befriend her.
This also leads to her putting everyone's needs above her own. Which leads her to burn out and feel alone many times.
It certainly didn’t help when the magic mirror basically told her she’s a nobody in the world of Twisted Wonderland. So, might as well do what she does best. What she's good for.
This also brings up the issue of maintaining platonic relationships. She hasn't a lot of experience being a friend, so she's not good at actually being a friend with someone and not their 'therapist.' Even, unintentionally, seeing her classmates as no more than those in need of her assistance instead of potential friends.
Sometimes, while trying to help others, it can lead to a misunderstanding where it ends up making the situation worse. This can often lead to her having an anxiety attack over failing to help, or hurting those she intended to help.
You can usually tell when she's about to have an anxiety attack/meltdown with her, "Oh d-d-d-dear!"
During those times, she usually walks somewhere no one can see her, sits down somewhere peaceful, puts on her pink, fluffy, headphones, and holds onto one of her plushies. Calming herself down, but not directly facing the problem at hand. She doesn't have time for that.
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Side Point: She also wears those headphones when she is in a crowded or loud area in order to avoid overstimulation such as the cafeteria or hallways.
And while she does like physical touch, if you touch her without permission or a heads up, she will shutdown/meltdown.
And I think that's all I'm gonna say for now! Hopefully you have a good gist of her character! Next I'm going to write about her relationship with the other characters and how that changed as the story progressed! So, stay Tuned for that!
I also started writing my first fic with her where you will learn about what happened before she got sent to Twisted Wonderland! It will be available on AO3 and I will send the link when I post it!
Till then,
https://href.li/?https://www.dolldivine.com/mega-anime-avatar-creator こんぺいとう**2��ーカー
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elizabethplaid · 6 months ago
Counseling session success! Lots of reassurances that I'm on the right path, as has been the case. She commented on how that's been our pattern lately, and I said, "Well, I'm a teacher's pet, so I love hearing your praise." We laughed, but the reassurances really mean a lot to me, after being doubted by others in my childhood and doubting myself.
The opened chakra thing was another laugh. I compared it to a pestering cat, asking for attention. My body has calmed down, back down to petting fabrics and hugging pillows to stim. That brief surge in intensity scared me, really.
Think I might lay down again, indulge in this relaxed morning atmosphere. Even though my sleeps are still short naps, the quality feels very good.
Remind me to look up that thing about first-aid kits and the Geneva Convention. I mentioned it in counseling, but I need to double-check the facts.
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quadrant-query · 1 year ago
What are traditional quadrant gifts? Tryin to put more effort in with my quadrants
That's always a good thing to do. Here's some of the cliches off the top of my head.
FLUSH: Roses, chocolates, fruits (especially strawberries), dinner dates, wine, heart-shaped-objects, lingerie, makeup, your clothing, expensive things.
PITCH: Dead or burnt flowers (especially black roses), ransom notes or formal declarations of challenge, insulting gifts (e.g. a "how to read" book), board games, video games, new weapons, clothing they hate.
PALE: Chamomile & daisies, candies, cookies, groceries or home-cooked meals, picnics, bedding, tools they really needed, plush toys, self care or first aid kits, gifts they wanted to get for themselves related to their interests.
ASHEN: Clovers, planners & calendars, stress toys, stim toys, fans, matching bracelets, a large snuggleplane.
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br4inr0tx · 1 year ago
Hello how are you doing this fine evening/or morning? hopefully well I expect, thank you for doing a matchup exchange with me and let’s start!
Fandom: May I have a romantic male matchup for hazbin hotel, helluva boss and the John Doe game please? I just don’t want mammon, or any hellhounds(like vortex, loona) at all (I love them but I don’t wanna be matched up with one) and no Angel dust either, just wanna change in character :,)
My name is Jaxrel but I also go by Himawari, Rin, Eden or Luke too! I’m Transgender (ftm), Aromatic, Polyamory, Unlabled, & Bisexual, I’ve been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, BPD & OCD, im wasian (eastern european & west-southeast asian), polish, arab/middle eastern, flipino, scottish & russian.
personality traits (and notes): extroverted, at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses “big” words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(I’m nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes I don’t mean to), dad/tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some “repressed anger issues”, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when I’m left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked, im on the more severe of of the Autism Spectrum so I would like someone to acknowledge that and I also stim when I’m to overwhelmed when there’s a crowded place, to much lighting, etc.
things I love about myself: when someone is going through anything or needs help with anything they will call me before anyone else, i have an ugly laugh so guaranteed if i laugh someone else will as well, how much i love animals if i see a stray around my house i will adopt it immediately, if i see a stranger crying in public my eyes will not leave them alone until i get the courage to walk up to them and ask whats wrong, i am very confrontational i will always stand up for whats right no matter how scary the situation may be, how greedy i am for money but when i love someone i will spend the world on them, how excited i get for little things like when someone buys me redbull, monster, cherry pepsi or chocolate pretzels/strawberries my day cant be ruined, how in touch i am with being grateful if someone helps me in anyway or does something in general to benefit me i will never forget it, dont take people for granted, ive been told anytime someone hangs out with me that being with me feels safe and peaceful, I pay attention to the little things, how even though i dont care about plushies i have been given some and i make sure to kiss them all goodnight in case they are actually real and see what happens, if i know someone is having a hard mental health day i will clean for them/ get them icecream and be patient till they are ready to talk about it, without fail a quiet person will always be loud with me, i am the type of person who just wants people i love to be happy even if its not with me, i will always choose them i dont say i love you until i mean it i will celebrate the people i love, i am very observant if i see that someone wants something i will get it for them no matter what, i will make it my mission to compliment a stranger that looks like they are having a hard time so their day is a little better, how i say i hate kids but i will protect them with my life and im so gentle with them, I am not ashamed of what i love like anime for example even though when I was teased for it when I was little i never once hid that i loved it, even if i dont like a song that someone shows me i will be hyper while listening to it so they dont feel small and embarrassed around me, how soft i become when someone holds my hand, even though hugging makes me uncomfortable i will push past that boundary and hug someone with all my heart if they needed it, i love how hardworking i am, whether its how much i love actually working or just getting out of bed knowing how hard my mind is fighting i love how i have gotten up everyday for the past 12 years despite how challenging it is to, i am an emotional person but i will always cry for a sad scene in a movie, if i love you, you'll be seen.
hobbies: anime/manga, gaming, anthropology, pathology, zoology, music (I’m a vocaloid/regular producer, i can rap, i make odecore/breakcore/scenecore music and I make music to similar artists I like, dancing, filmmaking, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning different instruments/languages, cosplaying, skateboarding, tabletop RPG’s, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, science/history, soccer(football)/volleyball/basketball and swim, cooking/baking, art is definitely my main hobby I dedicate a lot of time to it
likes: vocaloid/utau, k-pop/j-pop, vkei, watching documentaries/youtube, decorating my room, iced coffee, boba tea, bread, sharks, cats, cold weather, christmas, musicals, cleaning, rhythm games, being with my friends, shopping, partys, mint candles, sweet and spicy food, any asian food (japanese, korean, chinese, taiwanese, etc), the mandela catalog, your boyfriend (game), roblox(game), otome games and more!
these are some of my top kins!!:  hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), geto suguru (jujustu kaisen), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), blade (honkai star rail), hua cheng (TGCF), ame-chan (needy streamer overdose), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more....!
I'm a ENTP, 4w3 and a Aquarius
misc: I live in a mixed language house hold where I speak mostly polish and Arabic, and some Korean and Japanese, it world be nice if the person who I get can react to that lol, i know 6 languages (Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Polish & French), clumsy; accidentally misuses slang or phrases bc i can never remember how they go (e.g. "bust this popsicle stand" instead of “blow this popsicle stand"); prone to be a bit directionless in life, tries to find comfort and humor in hard times, tries not to take life to seriously, i love dancing a lot, I do a lot of dancing like tiktok (idk I’m so sorry😭) dancing, belly dancing, dabke dancing, I play the electric / bass guitar, piano, cello, koto, and more.
appearance /aesthetic: 5'6 / 167.64 cm, midsize, rectangular body shape, i have a masculine and feminine face (somehow), dimple on chin, hazel eyes, wears glasses, dyed black boy hair, lots of piercings, no tattoos(I need some), for style, i wear a lot such as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), scenemo/emo, & vkei ouji and lolita, i wear streetwear clothes mostly at home/school/work, i basically wear casual clothes too but can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, i wear fishnets and combat boats/converse, but I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as kimono style, jirai kei, decora, mori kei, cult party kei, i like wearing traditional asian dresses and more but the ones highlighted are the ones I wear mostly. (I wear a LOT of gyaru, lolita, ouji & vkei recently LOL)
どうもありがとうございます!Have a good day/or night!
Ofc! I’m glad I got to do one with you. You’re extremely cool btw, I hope we can be mutuals! <3
tw - blood, knives, guns, murder of others, occultism, description of mutilation on another person, implied stalking, toxic relationships (they’re murderous people, what do you expect?)
Your Hazbin Hotel matchup is… ALASTOR !!
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• I think the next best ship for you would be Alastor! I’m not super confident with this one, but I hope you do enjoy this match nonetheless.
• Alastor would immediately break down those awkward walls you built up, making conversation with your pretty quickly, almost instantly after you meet. He kind of is a little pushy too, if he needs something from you, whatever that might be. He’s used to awkwardness though, so please don’t feel ashamed.
• I like to think it’s impossible for Alastor to be absolutely quiet. There’s always radio noises being played, and his voice can get only get to a pitch where it’s literally just him using an inside voice. I don’t think he can whisper lmao.
• That being said, you guys are relatively loud. The both of you can embrace it together! Anyone who speaks on it will surely have a talk with Alastor.
• The both of you have a great sense of humor, and laugh at each others jokes a lot! Granted he may use a lot of dad-jokes, but the times he’s genuinely funny you adore.
• He loves it when you break the rules of what’s "normal". Or even the times you cause trouble! Alastor definitely encourages it and will sometimes be right by your side while you’re at it.
• He doesn’t take offense to things easily. If you ever catch onto his tricks and point them out, he’ll just love of observant and clever you are..which is something he’s attracted to in my mind.
• Your laugh is extremely cute to him, especially if you’re laughing at his silly dad-jokes. He tries to get you to laugh when he can!
• I’d imagine you’d want to pet his deer ears. If you’re daring enough you probably died and spawned in Hell again. Mind you he doesn’t like animals for their cuteness, as he used to hunt them. Perhaps you can warm him up to them just a little? Most likely he’ll just let you indulge.
• You’re a very independent person, and while he sometimes fantasizes seeing you at your lowest, it might makes him feel tingly seeing not everyone on this Earth is pathetic.
• He’s more of a tea person (Or at least I think so, as he’s shown drinking tea in his prequel comic.). He at spoils you with little outings to the coffee shop together too.
• Honestly, he spoils you rotten with gifts too. Especially plushies and the remains of those people you oh so hate.
• He doesn’t understand your soda craze..so instead of buying you soda he’s more traditional, getting you chocolates and sweets instead.
• He hates TV. He won’t watch Anime with you typically, but if you want to rant or talk about it you may humor him, along with sometimes hearing his opinion on it.
• Most of the time he tries to get a genuine understanding on whatever you love. As I mentioned he wouldn’t watch anything, but definitely picks up on common details that’ll probably make you feel heard when he mentions them.
• Alastor isn’t a touchy person either. If by any chance you want to be touched, it’ll have to be in complete privacy.
• You’re very cute when you cry. He’ll do a light head pat to make you feel better, though honestly he doesn’t do much else. He loves to have his control over your emotions.
• Alastor thinks you’re very talented! He loves seeing you draw, and he can often pick out specific small details in your art, which you like.
• Honestly, all of your collections are impressive! Though Alastor might poke fun and ask if it’s really necessary to collect so much.
• The languages you speak are gorgeous. He loves hearing you speak them. Especially in a intimate or feisty manner.
• You’re style is gorgeous as well. He’s especially in love with your gothic and Vkei style, since it compliments the both of you together. Whenever you wear dresses or suits he's over the moon!
• He definitely dances with you a lot! He’s more prone to traditional and jazz dancing, but all dancing is very fun! Though I don’t think you could ever catch Alastor doing hip hop or any jazz dancing.
• You’re more of a prized pet to Alastor. I wouldn’t be sad by that either, since it’s be way worse to be on his shit list instead. I don’t think he’s truly capable of pure love, but at the same time your relationship isn’t one sided. He loves you most, since you’re the most entertaining to his daily afterlife.
Your Helluva Boss matchup is… BLITZØ !!
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• The one hell of a boss from I.M.P.! I think he’d be a good match for you, Stolas and Millie being a close seconds.
• Blitzø is very extroverted, though at sometimes he can be awkward, and not really in the mood to talk. It’s easy to tell when he wants to be alone, since he makes an active effort to isolate himself, so be aware of that and take not hard feelings.
• Just like you, he’s very talkative and loud. Don’t worry about talk to much, as he does the same thing.
• He’s especially loud when he’s off doing regular Blitzø shinanigans. Though it seems if it’s something serious he knows to calm down and focus, and will try to get you to do the same.
• I like to think he’s the friend at the lunch table that accidentally seems to always laugh way to loud and then get everyone to turn to your table and cringe at you guys. (That might be specific lmao-)
• He’s very much a silly goober, and will do certain things with no rhyme or reason to some extent. Please don’t worry if you get too silly, as remember you now have a boyfriend that will commit arson in every ring just to see which one gets the most pissed off.
• Blitzø constantly hurts himself considering what he does for a job. It melts his heart when you heal him from a mission..he feels extremely cared for in those moments.
• While Blitzø might not say he doesn’t need it, he really appreciates you taking care of him on his down days.
• Considering you both need to get some anger out, I can see a date night being the both of you going to a wreck room or something. He usually doesn’t have all the time in the world for dates due to his job, but when they do happen they usually have a lot of thought out into them.
• Another cute idea would be to go to his favorite horse ranch, since Blitzø loves horses, and you simply love all animals. He’ll even buy to riding lessons!
• Blitzø probably thought stimming was weird at first, but after he started replicating (probably mockingly knowing him smh) it with, he realized how fun and regulating it can be.
• Blitzø has no personal space unless he’s the one that wants it, he’s around you a lot, though knows your boundaries. He’s more usually in a five meter radius of you then touching, as he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. Honestly, others are scared to be around you two for too long, but that just keeps the two of you closer.
• As for your anger issues, he recommends you take it out on others by killing! (Take the advice of you want, up to you.)
• Blitzø can’t be left alone for too long, or he’ll just end up doing something stupid anyway. That being said, being in company to calms down both of your racing minds.
• Blitzø isn’t really into money as much as he’s into actual items. That being said, he’s very money blind, and simply spends a lot. I’d like to think he buys his random horse figurines with I.M.P.’s money. If you ever call him out on that, he might just realize your own habits. This way the two of you can call each other out and maybe set a certain budget for the both of you, and if anything goes over that price you’d need to discuss it together to see if it’s worth it.
• He LOVES junk food, and he most definitely has stashes of snacks all over his office. He’d love to share it with you!
• There was this one time before you went to bed, Blitzø snuck into your bed and pretended to be one of your plushies just so he could get a goodnight kiss lmao. You ended up with him as your stuffie to cuddle tightly that night. <3
• He does love to watch it with you when he has the time, and hopefully you’d like to watch his own shows sometimes too.
• He loves playing video games with you! Though on certain games he can get particularly competitive, and would probably not care less to let you win unless you did of fair and square. He can be a bit of an asshole in that regard, but at least you’d get some fun commentary on the way!
• Your music is on his playlist for sure, and he’ll always ask to be the first one to listen to a new song, demo or not.
• He also really adores your art! He’d commission you all the time to draw horses for him lmao
• He spoils you rotten with presents in the form of figurines and plushies! If he’s in more of a mood though, sometimes the presents will be bootlegs. He means well by it of course.
• Blitzø loves coffee! (Supposedly, as on his Instagram he’s seen with it a lot.) He’d loves getting coffee with you all the time so the two of you can both fill that caffeine rush you have.
• You guys would also bully kids on roblox. I thin Blitzø would really enjoy playing mimic and piggy, but he honestly hops into whatever game you’re in.
• You’re definitely taller then him, since he’s an Imp. Please billy him about it lmao.
• Still on appearances, Blitzø really cares about the outfits he wears. He always has an aesthetic he sticks to for a day, much like you. That being said, he can easily help you pick an outfit for the day if you just ask.
• Blitzø isn’t the best at cheering you up with words often times. He tries to go by the mentality that misery love company, and for that, he simply lends a helping hand and hope it works.
• Blitzø might seem like asshole of a guy sometimes, but he genuinely cares about people weather he tries to show that or not. He loves you, and he’s glad to have someone that will, once again, be a genuine friend.
Your John Doe matchup is… JOHN DOE !!
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• you little cheater he’s the only fucker in the game. Unless you’re also counting House Hunted and Fox’s other games- but with that still in place Doe is the best match for you.
• Doe is very forward, and never beats around the bush. Doe is more extroverted then you, and therefore will be willing to speak for you if you ever needed that.
• Doe doesn’t really have a rhyme or reason for some of the things she does, so I believe your guidance would be needed. On the other hand though, Doe would help you find ways to let loose!
• He buys you a lot of stuff, since he knows you love it! He will literally spoil you rotten. He also likes the reaction you make to his presents, disc
• Doe will literally become a house wife if that’s what you want, even. They’re extremely flexible to whatever you desire, especially since it’s coming from you.
• She would do anything for a goodnight kiss..Like Blitzø, she’d most likely pretend to be one of your plushies just so she could steal I kiss, even though they’re very well capable of just asking lol.
• Doe doesn’t typically have bad mental health days, but he’s very poignant to yours. He may get not do well with the speaking parts in that regard, but like I said before, misery loves company. He’ll most likely just sit next to you like a curious puppy, knowing your dad but not understanding anything beyond that realization.
• Doe is really loud, from what I gather. Especially when they’re excited about something, they start to speak up, even speeding up their words a little. It’s hard to keep up with sometimes, but seriously, don’t be worried about your volume. Doe is basically blind to that stuff.
• She watches all of your favorite shows with no judgement whatsoever. Doe loves all TV! She also listens to all kinds of music, though her personal favorite is static noise.
• Doe is very touchy, so unfortunately it will take some times to resist touching you since he’s been waiting a long, looong time to do anything with you.
• Doe can’t really help with sleep. They’d just stare at you, maybe stroke their warm fingers through your hair to lull you to sleep if you as them to.
• Doe plays a lot of games with you though! She might cheat with her reality warping powers just to tease you. Your reaction is always so cute!!
• Doe worships you like a god, honestly. Especially if the relationship works out. Doe loves you for every talent you have, weather that be dancing or drawing. They praise you so much for it, it’s really sweet.
• I’d also like to think he likes candy and coffee, with some er..specific ingredients at the very least. Still, they love following you around most of the time. If you go to a certain place, expect Doe to certainly be there either next to you or hiding somewhere to stalk you closely. Sometimes it’s best to just walk gnome it and go on with your daily lives.
• They don’t understand speaking other languages, but when you call him something in a specific name or anything similar he lights up like a lightbulb too. You’re just too cute! Too adorable..
• After looking through John Doe cosplays, I saw this one cosplayer on my feed that would often go around making skits at parks and stuff with their friends. Therefore, that gave me the headcanon the Doe ADORES making tiktoks of any kind.
• You both dress in similar styles! Doe would love to wear one of those couple onesies with you, or just genuinely match your outfit for a day. Either way, you’re not brushing their hair still. It will stay extremely stiff and still for many few more years,.
• feel free to dress him in else - Of course, feel free to dress himself in anything you want. Goth might be his go-to look, but I bet he wouldn’t mind the change up once in awhile.
• John Doe loves you so much, he’d practically do anything for you. Just be appreciative, and don’t hurt Doe’s feelings too much, and you’ll have the definition of a golden retriever boyfriend!
your Boyfriend to Death matchup is.. LAWRENCE OLEANDER !!
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• I feel Lawrence would be the best match for you! It’s not even because you like him either, I think genuinely next place to Ren, Lawrence would be there!
• He relates to you awkward moments quite a bit. He has them all the time, so he finds comfort in the times you fumble your words. It makes him feel a little less alone.
• Though when you get to excited, he asks you to quiet down a little. He’ll probably be the first quiet person you absolutely cannot make be loud. Well, I guess unless he’s gutting you or sm.
• He appreciates your straight forwardness as well. When people beat around the bush, or joke around to often, it can often get him nervous.
• He gets in his head a lot, much like you do. The both of you often vent to each other instead. Though I can’t promise Lawrence will fully listen, as he often can’t take too much of others feelings. Especially if it pertains to him.
• He vents to you guine often actually, most of the time without permission or warning. He has a lot on his mind, and you tend to quell his shattering sanity with your calming presence.
• He definitely feels more chill around you, which is great you give off that affect! He doesn’t feel that way with anyone else, aside maybe from Ren. His chest tightens when he’s around you..and his heart skips a beat. You must be special.
• That being said though, he’ll become very needy for your comfort, so be prepared for that.
• I headcanon Lawrence as autistic, so he most likely stims with you! His favorites are toe taps and hand flapping, and his apartment is probably cluttered with fidget toys in random areas. You’re free to use them if you want!
• He buys your favorite drinks if you listen to his long vents. Just a simple gift for listening to him for so long.
• He’s not big on touch either, so you guys don’t really have that issues of physical affection. If one of you by any chance wants to be touched, you talk, and that’s that.
• He enjoys how creative you can get! His mind can go a little dull, as the river consumes most of his thoughts. Thinking about things you do is a nice change of pace, and immediately gets him attached to you.
• He just loves everything you do. Watching you dance is so cute..especially when you don’t know he’s watching.
• I think he’d mostly enjoy listening to documentaries with you, especially if the narrator has a calming voice lol.
• Lawrence really likes tea! He also enjoys going on outings with you, even if that doesn’t immediately read on his face. Most likely he likes seeing you happy, but it’s also another way to get his mind off things.
• He doesn’t notice when you fumble your words. He’s not really aware of most modern slang anyway. Even if he does notice somethings, he usually gets what really mean anyway to point it out.
• I believe Lawrence likes people with an specific aesthetic different from the norm, especially if they show it through their clothing. Seeing you in different styles and confident to wear them out makes his heart skip a beat! Especially if you’re wearing something particularly revealing. He eats that up. <3
• He loves the way you looked despite what you might say. He tends to obsess over your physical appearance, as he’s not much of a people person to point out your personality, unfortunately. I’m sure he’s aware of some things though.
• He loves you a lot. Please, don’t break his heart. You wouldn’t want him punish you otherwise, do you?
your Price of Flesh matchup is.. KOMODO & DRAGON !!
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• I think these two would be perfect for you! I don’t think you’d really be able to get away with dating one of them without the other either, so I hope you like having both!
• Outside the desert games, I think Mike and Jace keep to themselves. They can be very reserved like you sometimes, and most often don’t bother with taking in anyone. They’re both tough nuts to crack, I’m that sense.
• Eventually, the two will open up to you, seeing as you have the same interests as them. If you aren’t a victim or already convinced, they’d try convincing you to join their yearly game of manhunt. They even recommend kidnapping someone you hate so you can sacrifice them to Strade! Surely ripping their guts out will be satisfying, and a stress relief. You wouldn’t need to deal with that asshole anymore!
• They love teasing you on your awkward behavior weather you’re a victim or not. It gives them a total power rush that they simply can’t let you get away with.
• Even if they tease a lot, they secretly love your cute little quirks. Your laugh, greedy and neediness; as well as the times you fumble your words and your taste in food. Much like everyone else on this matchup list, they like to buy you things. Especially when you guys plan on hanging out all together.
• When officially a part of their relationship, your emotions will be taken care anytime you need to attention. They’ll do whatever they can to make you feel better and comfortable.
• Although Jace, or Dragon, is more blunt, most of the time he’s just teasing. If he says something brutally honest as to where it’s not a joke, he’ll apologize for being too harsh.
• Mike, or Komodo, is the more laxed partner. He can get a little emotional too, and sometimes cry if something particularly pulls at his heartstrings. He’s definitely a cryer, although he doesn’t want to admit that. So I’d see the two of you bonding over your shared sensitive emotions.
• They’re extremely glad you reciprocate the same love and care as well. Sometimes it gets dark for them too, and to have you on there side as much as they have yours is well valued amongst the two of them.
• You’re extremely cute to them. The feeling of you being smaller then them, and absolutely having you as their cute plaything they have to share drives them nuts. Rest assured, they have plenty of plans for you.
• They bully you for having plushies, in a playful way. Mike and Jace think they’re cute, although may or may not get jealous sometimes if you’re cuddling one. They should be the one you’re cuddling.
• They watch anime with you a lot! I think they watch anime quite often anyway, so watching it with you is nice. Most of the time you guys agree of one anime to binge, and you guys watch as much as you can together. As you’d expect, they’re drawn to anime with a more dark setting or plot.
• They can go with you without touching you to be honest. Maybe one of them will have a hand over you on the couch, but not necessarily touching you. They don’t bring it up or care that much if you don’t want to be touched. Either way, you’re still theirs.
• I have no clue what they listen to, but I can assume it’s probably metal music? They both look like generic metal heads anyway, especially Mike. I doubt they listen to Vocaloid, K-pop, or J-pop, but they wouldn’t be annoyed by it. Some songs got them jamming too! Not to mention they like listening to the song your produce, you’re so talented!
• You’re art is amazing as well! Though I see them being those assholes that beg you to draw them lmao. Weather you indulge them or not is up to you.
• Overall, they mostly enjoy chilling out with you all together, playing video games or watching YouTube, anime, or any show/movie you guys feel like watching. It’s the best past time amongst the three of you!
• They adore seeing you dance, by the way. It may or may not be a turn on for them, but I totally didn’t say that.
• Like Lawrence, they get giddy if you wear anything revealing. On the flip side, they enjoy how much effort you put into your outfits, and how you always come out looking as cute as you are. They like to show you off sometimes too! You’re so amazing, how could they not once in awhile?
• By the by, they think you’re perfect. You’re super sweet to them, and treat them like babies, so they treat you like a prince in return, much like you deserve. They’d turn the world upside down just for you.
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sugutoad · 1 year ago
Hello there! I think I sent in a matchup a few days it weeks ago, idk if you got it but if you didn’t would you like to do a trade matchup then? ^0^ anyways, I just wanted to request something for the “moonboard” so here I go jskekem
I’d like to request a Romantic Jujustu Kaisen Moonboard with Toji Fushiguro if that’s okay (: and if you need the “power” thing then it would be Dismantle
I’d like my prompt to be something mixed with Alt and Y2K Core? (either one is fine)
I don’t think I need to explain a lot of information but I think my personality traits would be good enough here. If you need anymore then just DM me (:
personality traits (and notes): extroverted, at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses “big” words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(I’m nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes I don’t mean to), dad/tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some “repressed anger issues”, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when I’m left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked, im on the more severe of of the Autism Spectrum so I would like someone to acknowledge that and I also stim when I’m to overwhelmed when there’s a crowded place, to much lighting, etc.
Thank you! 良い一日を!
Thank you for doing Matchups at Sugutoad
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mysteriawrites · 1 year ago
🌸[matchup trade arrived!]
Fandom: I’d like a romantic matchup Nijisanji EN please!
My name is Jaxrel but I also go by Himawari, Rin, Eden or Luke too! I’m Transgender (FTM), Aromatic, Polyamory, Unlabled, & Bisexual, I’ve been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, BPD & OCD, im wasian (eastern european & west-southeast asian), polish, arab/middle eastern, flipino, scottish & russian.
personality traits (and notes): extroverted, at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses “big” words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(I’m nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes I don’t mean to), dad/tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some “repressed anger issues”, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when I’m left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked, im on the more severe of of the Autism Spectrum so I would like someone to acknowledge that and I also stim when I’m to overwhelmed when there’s a crowded place, to much lighting, etc.
things I love about myself: when someone is going through anything or needs help with anything they will call me before anyone else, i have an ugly laugh so guaranteed if i laugh someone else will as well, how much i love animals if i see a stray around my house i will adopt it immediately, if i see a stranger crying in public my eyes will not leave them alone until i get the courage to walk up to them and ask whats wrong, i am very confrontational i will always stand up for whats right no matter how scary the situation may be, how greedy i am for money but when i love someone i will spend the world on them, how excited i get for little things like when someone buys me redbull, monster, cherry pepsi or chocolate pretzels/strawberries my day cant be ruined, how in touch i am with being grateful if someone helps me in anyway or does something in general to benefit me i will never forget it, dont take people for granted, ive been told anytime someone hangs out with me that being with me feels safe and peaceful, I pay attention to the little things, how even though i dont care about plushies i have been given some and i make sure to kiss them all goodnight in case they are actually real and see what happens, if i know someone is having a hard mental health day i will clean for them/ get them icecream and be patient till they are ready to talk about it, without fail a quiet person will always be loud with me, i am the type of person who just wants people i love to be happy even if its not with me, i will always choose them i dont say i love you until i mean it i will celebrate the people i love, i am very observant if i see that someone wants something i will get it for them no matter what, i will make it my mission to compliment a stranger that looks like they are having a hard time so their day is a little better, how i say i hate kids but i will protect them with my life and im so gentle with them, I am not ashamed of what i love like anime for example even though when I was teased for it when I was little i never once hid that i loved it, even if i dont like a song that someone shows me i will be hyper while listening to it so they dont feel small and embarrassed around me, how soft i become when someone holds my hand, even though hugging makes me uncomfortable i will push past that boundary and hug someone with all my heart if they needed it, i love how hardworking i am, whether its how much i love actually working or just getting out of bed knowing how hard my mind is fighting i love how i have gotten up everyday for the past 12 years despite how challenging it is to, i am an emotional person but i will always cry for a sad scene in a movie, if i love you, you'll be seen.
hobbies: anime/manga, gaming, anthropology, pathology, zoology, music (I’m a vocaloid producer, i rap like MILLI, i make odecore/breakcore/scenecore music and I make similar music like ATARASHII GAKKO, BABYMETAL, YOASOBI & Ado too), dancing, filmmaking, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning different instruments/languages, cosplaying, skateboarding, tabletop RPG’s, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, science/history, soccer(football)/volleyball/basketball and swim, cooking/baking, art is definitely my main hobby I dedicate a lot of time to it
likes: vocaloid/utau, k-pop/j-pop, V系, watching documentaries/youtube, decorating my room, iced coffee, boba tea, bread, sharks, cats, cold weather, christmas, musicals, cleaning, rhythm games, being with my friends, shopping, partys, mint candles, sweet and spicy food, any asian food (japanese, korean, chinese, taiwanese, etc), social media, the mandela catalog, your boyfriend (game), roblox(game), otome games and more!
dislikes: spiders, bitter foods, strong scents, pessimism, hot weather, feeling restricted, over-possessiveness, conformity, having to be responsible for others, when people don't stand up for themselves (i tend to look down on/clash with people who are overly insecure), overly anxious people, people-pleasers, when people act condescending towards me
these are some of my top kins!!:  hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), geto suguru (jujustu kaisen), kento nanami (jujustu kaisen), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), blade (honkai star rail), hua cheng (TGCF), ame-chan (needy streamer overdose), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more....!
I'm a ENTP, 4w3 and a Aquarius ♒️
misc: I live in a mixed language house hold where I speak mostly polish and Arabic, and some Korean and Japanese, it world be nice if the person who I get can react to that lol, i know 6 languages (Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Polish & French), clumsy; accidentally misuses slang or phrases bc i can never remember how they go (e.g. "bust this popsicle stand" instead of “blow this popsicle stand"); prone to be a bit directionless in life, tries to find comfort and humor in hard times, tries not to take life to seriously, i love dancing a lot, I do a lot of dancing like tiktok (idk I’m so sorry😭) dancing, belly dancing, dabke dancing and more.
appearance /aesthetic: 5'6 / 167.64 cm, midsize, rectangular body shape, i have a masculine and feminine face (somehow), dimple on chin, hazel eyes, wears glasses, dyed black boy hair, lots of piercings, no tattoos(I need some), for style, i wear a lot such as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), scenemo/emo, & vkei ouji and lolita, i wear streetwear clothes mostly at home/school/work, i basically wear casual clothes too but can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, i wear fishnets and combat boats/converse, but I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as kimono style, jirai kei, decora, mori kei, cult party kei, i enjoy wearing traditional asian dresses as well! but the highlighted ones are the ones I wear mostly.
Thank you so much! Have a good day (:
Hihi again thx for doin another trade with me. Today your match will be…DRUMROLL!!!
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I think you and Fulgur match so well. You’re both the dads of the group because of your caring natures even if you go about it in different ways. He’s patient with you and all your flaws and you make him feel relaxed enough to let out his more nerdy side. You also keep him from bottling up his pain and emotions to himself.
You and Fulgur met when you were taking a trip to his bookstore. You wanted to take a look at the newest (insert ttrpg) books for your upcoming campaign. You we’re having a hard time finding any so you decided to go up and ask the store clerc. The man behind the counter had tied back gray hair, bluish gray eyes, and glasses. His name tag read: Fulgur Ovid.
You asked him about the book you wanted to buy, and you saw his eyes light up with excitement before clearing his throat to regain his composure. He asked you to follow him and led you to what you were looking for. As he assisted you, you guys talked about the game which led to you talking about lots of other likes and hobbies.
You ended up walking away with his number and texting nerdy shit. You guys talked for months before Fulgur asked you out during a oneshot campaign you guys were playing where he was the GM.
You guy’s relationship is very domestic. You guys are both group dads so you’re the respective parents whenever you’re hanging out with friends. You both take every opportunity to tease one another and others since you riff off each other so well with you mischievous ways which leads to fits of very loud laughter and his iconic kettle laugh.
You were the one who made Fulgur into a cat person. You brought home twin stray cats one day, and even though be scolded you and said he didn’t like them he couldn’t resist two (three) pleading faces.
You’re the only one who can fluster him with words and you love watching him go red every time you compliment him. He blushes especially red when you compliment him in Japanese or your native tongue (he only understands English and Japanese but he finds it incredibly sexy when you talk to him in any other language). He also blushes when you spoil him with gifts like books or games.
I feel like Fulgur is an acts of service and quality time type of guy. Even though he’s the more introverted one of the two of you he loves spending time with you.
One of his favorite dates is movie nights especially when y’all watch horror movies. You have a contest on who will get scared first. And sometimes you guys just like to have deep conversations on the couch while cuddling
Fulgur is incredibly perceptive and emotionally intelligent so he’ll be sure to be there for you whenever you’re feeling anxious and will remind you to take your medication (if you take any) and will never yell or get mad at you because he knows you can’t help it and loves every part of you.
He also makes sure to compliment every outfit you wear so you know how amazing you are inside and out.
Overall you and Fulgur support each other very well. You’re both huge nerds and not afraid to be yourselves and just want everyone around you to be happy.
P.S. if you’re dating Fulgur you’re essentially dating the rest of a noctyx to so you get 4 men for the price of one-
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Runner Up: Ike Eveland
An: Sorry this is kinda short I had a lot of cute ideas when i started writing this and then forgot some of them lol
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