unpluggedfinancial · 2 months
Are you ready to break free from the Matrix? 🌐🕶️
In this eye-opening video, we explore the parallels between the iconic Matrix movie and our current financial system. Just like Neo had to unplug to see the truth, we need to unplug from the conventional financial systems that keep us trapped.
🔍 What You'll Discover:
The hidden flaws in our current monetary system
How fiat currency controls and limits our financial freedom
Why Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies offer a revolutionary alternative
Practical steps to take control of your financial future
Join us as we dive deep into the history of money, the creation of the Matrix we live in, and how we can escape it by embracing financial revolution. It's time to take the red pill and see the world for what it truly is.
Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with our latest content. Let's unplug from the Matrix together and discover the power of financial freedom! 💡💰
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karl-says · 3 months
An economy based on debt, where no one owns anything, cannot stand.
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ladookhotnikov · 4 months
Decentralized exchanges as an alternative to the central bank
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Imagine you have a digital wallet that you connect to a decentralized exchange. Your cryptocurrency assets are not stored on servers, but they remain with you, under your complete control.
Neither the exchange nor any government agencies can freeze or restrict access to your funds, because they simply do not have this ability.
Naturally, DEX exchanges are receiving increased interest from large holders and retailers. After all, they do not store user assets in their systems, but act only as an intermediary between market participants. This means that neither developers nor government agencies can freeze funds in user accounts or impose other restrictions.
Read more about decentralized exchanges in my article.
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farademetre · 5 days
InvestTalk - 9-29-2022 — Could Falling Home Prices Collapse the Financial System?
The U.S. housing market is seeing one of the most fast and dramatic transitions in its history.
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manoasha · 8 months
Alexander Hamilton: Founding Father Extraordinaire 🇺🇸📜
Early Life and Background: Born on January 11, 1755 (or 1757) in the Caribbean, Alexander Hamilton’s childhood was marked by adversity. Orphaned early, he showed exceptional intelligence and determination. 🌍👶 Significant Achievements: Alexander Hamilton’s impact on American history is profound. As one of the Founding Fathers, he played a key role in shaping the U.S. Constitution and establishing…
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usnewsper-politics · 8 months
Trump Opposes Digital Money: What It Means for Banks and Your Wallet #accessibility #AlanGreenspan #Bitcoin #blockchaintechnology #CBDCS #centralbankdigitalcurrency #decentralizedcurrencies #economicpolicies #efficiency #financialinstitutions #financialsystem #futureofmoney #globalfinance #governmentcontrol #governments #individualfreedom #nationaldigitalcurrency #privacy #privatebanks #Security #stateissueddigitalcurrencies
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jjbizconsult · 11 months
Hui Ka Yan: A Crushing 98% Wealth Erosion for the Resilient Founder of Struggling China Evergrande
Hui Ka Yan: A Crushing 98% Wealth Erosion for the Resilient Founder of Struggling China Evergrande. The founder of embattled China Evergrande, is no longer a billionaire. His net worth has plunged to $979 million, down from a peak of $42 billion in 2017. This is due to a combination of factors, including a slump in Evergrande’s share price and the company’s ongoing debt crisis. Evergrande is one…
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tipco613 · 11 months
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New Post has been published on http://cryptonewsuniverse.com/the-rigged-financial-system-how-the-common-man-is-being-left-behind/
The Rigged Financial System: How the Common Man is Being Left Behind
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The Rigged Financial System: How the ‘Common Man’ is Being Left Behind
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The financial system, often seen as the bedrock of our global economies, paints a picture of fairness and impartiality. It's the engine that allocates resources and propels economic growth. Yet, the more we delve into the inner workings of this vast mechanism, the more it becomes apparent that it is not as equitable as it seems. The financial system is rigged as corporations, governments, and people in power have trillions of dollars of debt they can't possibly pay back, leading to inflation and regulation that negatively affects us all.
The huge gap in the standard of living paints a concerning picture, further supporting the fact that this system is rigged to benefit a privileged few while leaving the majority to bear the brunt. In this article, we will embark on a journey through the dilemma of systemic flaws and inequities deeply ingrained in the financial system. The goal is to shine a light on the mechanisms that perpetuate this rigging and unveil its far-reaching consequences on society.
The rigged financial system is like a well-kept secret that everyone knows about. As we explore this complex issue, we aim to provide a clearer understanding of how these mechanisms work without drowning you in jargon. It's a story that affects us all, and it's time we uncover the layers of complexity and injustice that have remained in the shadows. Let's dig deeper into how this rigged financial system is leaving the common person way, way behind.
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Image source: Mohawk Nation News
The Rise of Inequality
Do you ever feel like you're having a hard time keeping up with the cost of living? Well, it's not just you; the financial system is rigged, but not in the way you might think. In short, corporations, governments, and the people in power have trillions, possibly quadrillions of dollars of debt that they can't possibly pay back. They can either default and lose everything or devalue this debt through inflation and keep it under control through regulation, and to our collective detriment, they've chosen the second option.
The financial system is rigged due to debt, inflation, and manipulation by corporations and governments. Still, individuals can navigate and improve their financial situation by understanding the system and making strategic investments. The disconnect between money and currency has led to inflation and devaluation, causing financial problems for the average person who is paid in a losing currency and trying to buy valuable things. At the same time, the government manipulates the cost of borrowing money.
Opportunity is supposed to be part and parcel of everyone’s dream, right? Well, unfortunately, reality says otherwise. Buckle up because we're about to take a roller-coaster ride through the awful numbers and depressing facts. You know those heartwarming stories you occasionally hear about a poor person who made it big? Yeah, those are like finding a unicorn in a sea of whales. They're that rare. The truth is that things are getting worse on the inequality front, and not just because of uncontrollable forces like technology and globalization.
No, the most disturbing part is that the ones making it worse are the ones who are supposed to be in charge. And the grand prize for rigging the system goes to the inherited plutocracy! The very people who have benefited from the rigged system are the same ones, making it even more rigged. For instance, in the United States, in the past 40 years, the income share of the top 0.1% has more than quadrupled, while the top 1% has enjoyed an almost doubled share. Meanwhile, the bottom 90% have seen their income share decline.
Wages at the bottom have remained stagnant for about 60 years (even with inflation taken into account). It's like time froze for the working class while the elite continued to live it up. And if you thought things couldn't get worse, think again. Those with a high school education or less have actually seen their incomes fall over the past few decades, especially the poor fellas. When inequality increases, hope decreases. People start losing faith in the system, and that's when things take a dark turn.
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Image source: Wikipedia
Desperation leads to increased deaths from suicide, drug overdoses, and alcohol-related causes. Now you can see why we must discuss this rigged financial system. It's true; markets don't exist in a vacuum. Rules and regulations shape them. Surprise, surprise, those rules can be designed to favor one group over another.
Market manipulation is just one of the delightful practices in which the financial sector indulges. They get away with imposing outrageous interest rates on borrowers and creating securities set up to fail. And let's not forget their love for illegal activities like insider trading. They really know how to keep things spicy, don't they? But wait, there's more, rent extraction! This fancy term refers to the withdrawal of income from the national pie that is way more than these supposed "contributors" deserve. It's like a never-ending buffet for the elite. They get to feast on public resources like oil at ridiculously low prices while the rest of us struggle to make ends meet.
The Regulatory Capture
Regulatory capture is a troubling reality in the world of finance, and we can illustrate its impact through real-life examples. Imagine a scenario where a regulatory agency, let's call it the Financial Oversight Commission (FOC), is responsible for overseeing the banking industry. The FOC is supposed to ensure that banks operate fairly and within the bounds of the law, protecting the interests of the public.
However, powerful banking lobbyists and executives have increasingly influenced the FOC over time. These individuals have deep pockets, employ well-connected influencers, and even hire former FOC employees, creating a revolving door between the regulatory agency and the very industry it's meant to regulate.
This regulatory capture results in the FOC crafting policies and regulations that favor the banks rather than safeguarding the public's interests. Let's look at a real example to understand this better: The financial crisis of 2008.
During the lead-up to the crisis, some banks engaged in risky lending practices and bundled those risky loans into complex financial products. These practices were a ticking time bomb for the financial system. One would expect a diligent regulatory agency to spot these issues and intervene before disaster strikes. However, the FOC and other regulatory bodies failed to act decisively.
Why? Because they had been influenced and captured by the very financial institutions engaging in these risky behaviors. High-powered lobbyists and industry insiders shaped regulations in ways that allowed these practices to continue unchecked. The result was a devastating financial crisis that affected millions of people worldwide, leading to job losses, foreclosures, and a massive economic downturn.
In the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, there were calls for reform and increased transparency in financial regulation. However, breaking free from the clutches of regulatory capture remains an ongoing challenge. Both policymakers and the public must be aware of these issues and work toward restoring trust and accountability in the financial regulatory system. The influence of unofficial financial regulations like ESG is increasing, surpassing official regulations, and it's coming from unaccountable international organizations. These crazy regulations make things more difficult for the ordinary person than they already are. 
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Image Source: American Icons Temple
Rewriting the Economic Game
Rewriting the economic game, where the rules constantly change, the common man is left scratching his head, wondering when it will ever be his turn to win. Well, my friends, I hate to break it to you, but the game has been rigged for quite some time now. And in the land of the free and the home of the brave, it's the rich who are winning big time with the market power of corporations.
These powerhouses have always had a leg up on the little guy and girl. While other developed countries have some regulations to level the playing field, American corporations have been given free rein to run wild. Just think about it. These mega-corporations have more influence over lives than we even realize. They control the products we buy, the services we use, and the jobs we desperately cling to. And with their untamed market power, they can squeeze every last drop of profit out of us while we're left wondering how the hell we got here.
Remember the good old days when a hard day's work meant a decent paycheck and a secure future? Yeah, those days are long gone. The shift to a service-sector economy has left workers high and dry while the fat cats continue to line their pockets. You see, with the rigged rules of the game, workers have lost their bargaining power. Wages have stagnated, benefits have vanished, and job security is a thing of the past. And while we're busy trying to make ends meet, the rich keep getting richer, laughing all the way to the bank.
Here's the real kicker: This is happening because the political system is rigged. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the influence of money have turned democracy into a puppet show, with the rich pulling all the strings. No matter how hard we fight for change, the system is designed to keep us down. The roar of corporate dollars has drowned out the voices of the common man. And while we're left to pick up the pieces, the elite few continue to thrive, building golden towers with people’s blood, sweat, and tears.
The rewriting of the economic game has left us fighting an uphill battle with no end in sight. But fear not, for together with the rise of entrepreneurs, we can reclaim what is rightfully ours. We can demand a fair and just society where the ordinary person is no longer left behind. But until that day comes, we must continue to shine a light on the corruption and inequality that plague the world's nations. 
We must use our voices, votes, and collective power to dismantle the rigged system and build a future where everyone has a fair chance at success. The economic game may be rigged, but if history has taught us anything, it's that the common person can rise and change the rules. So, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work because a brighter future is within our reach. And together, we can make it a reality.
Considering all this, wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, leaving the rest struggling to make ends meet. Wages at the bottom are stagnant, job losses are rising, and despair is becoming all too common. But it's not just the forces of nature that have led us to this dire situation. No, it's the laws and regulations put in place by those who hold power. The system is rigged in favor of the wealthy, with market manipulation, financial sector exploitation, and rent extraction all contributing to the growing divide.
Special favors and favorable regulations further exacerbate inequality and make it harder for the common man to get ahead. And let's not forget about the rewriting of the economic game. The market power of corporations has grown exponentially while the power of workers has dwindled. This is not an accident but a result of a rigged political system where gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the influence of money reign supreme. It's a vicious cycle where economic inequality leads to political inequality, and ‘we, the people,’ are left to suffer the consequences. It's time to fight for a fair and equitable society where everyone has a chance to thrive, not just the privileged few. Together, we can dismantle the rigged system and build a brighter future for all.
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  About: Prince Ibenne. (Nigeria) Prince is passionate about helping people understand the crypto-verse through his easily digestible articles. He is an enthusiastic supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.
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thxnews · 1 year
Britain's Bold Moves in Global Climate Change Solutions
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Statement by Minister Andrew Mitchell at the UN Financing for Development High-level Dialogue.
Excellencies, Our Prime Minister, at the G20, announced that Britain will provide 2 billion dollars for the Green Climate Fund - the biggest single commitment the UK has made to help the world tackle climate change. And Britain continues to want bigger, better Multilateral Development Banks. The UK supports, in due course, a conditional capital increase for the IBRD. We have provided more than 4.5 million pounds of guarantees to enable the Multilateral Development Banks to lend more money. We are also extremely focused on sweating these Banks’ balance sheets. We have already seen an additional 200 billion dollars produced, and we want to see much more. In addition, Britain is very focused on the issues of debt. At the Summit in Paris, Britain announced Climate Resilient Debt Clauses, which we are now using, which means that countries faced with a pandemic or natural disaster have their liquidity freed up to help their citizens, rather than having to pay off capital and interest. We also want to see the G20 Common Framework used much better to help countries that need debt rescheduling. We have seen what happened recently in Zambia and Ghana and we know that that is not good enough. Our Prime Minister has also made clear that we will stand by our commitment to provide 11.6 billion pounds of international climate finance before the end of 2025/26 and play our part in the 100 billion promise that has been made. And we have recently announced that we will spend 500 million pounds on forestry programs because we know the important role they play in tackling climate change. In November, we will have a summit in London on the issues of malnutrition, food insecurity, and starvation, which I think will also make a very significant contribution. The final point I want to make is about the critical importance of all these different state funding mechanisms being able to link umbilically with the private sector, and in particular with the 60 trillion dollars we know is there of pension fund money. Many of the people who manage pension funds would want to see, subject to the necessary safeguards, this money being used as part of the common fight across the planet on tackling climate change. So, we think harnessing the role of the private sector is absolutely crucial. We hope to help explain in a government white paper from Britain later this year the future of international development. Just as BII – the British government’s development finance institution – is playing such an important role already, investing to support the delivery of the SDGs. As we look ahead to the Annual Meetings and COP28, let’s seize this moment to increase ambition, galvanize action, and find new ways to deliver a bigger, better, fairer international financial system. One that helps countries thrive on their own terms and leaves no one behind. Thank you.   Sources: THX News, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & The Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP. Read the full article
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im-productreviews · 2 years
What Are Cryptocurrencies?
The world of money has been changing and evolving over the years. The way we do business has changed too. The internet has made it possible for us to have transactions done without having to go to a bank or other financial institution. This has made life easier and has given us more time to enjoy our lives. However, there are some risks involved with this new technology. In order to protect ourselves from these risks, we need to know what they are and how to avoid them.
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First, let's talk about the basics. A cryptocurrency is a digital currency that is created and distributed by the members of a network. It is used to make payments online. This currency can be bought and sold just like any other type of currency. However, there is no central bank that controls the amount of money in circulation. This means that the value of the currency fluctuates based on supply and demand.
There are many different types of cryptocurrencies. The most popular ones include Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and Ripple. Each of these currencies have their own advantages and disadvantages. Bitcoin is the first and largest cryptocurrency. It has become very popular due to its low transaction fees and ability to be transferred quickly. However, it is also one of the most expensive. The reason for this is that there is a limited supply. There is only a certain number of Bitcoins that will ever exist. The supply of Litecoin is the same as that of Bitcoin. Dogecoin is similar to Litecoin but is much smaller. Ripple is a new type of cryptocurrency that was created by a company called Ripple Labs. They developed the technology that allows people to transfer money across the globe very quickly.
Each of these currencies has a unique way of being traded. For example, Bitcoin is traded on exchanges. You buy and sell Bitcoin using your credit card. However, you must use a Bitcoin wallet to keep track of your coins. The advantage of this is that you don't have to pay any transaction fees. The disadvantage is that if you lose your password or if your computer gets hacked, you could lose all of your coins. Another type of exchange is an online brokerage. You trade your coins with other people who are also trading. You don't actually own the coins. Instead, you trade your coins with the person who owns them.
The safest way to trade your coins is through an online brokerage. These companies allow you to trade without having to worry about losing your coins. You don't have to pay any fees either. You simply deposit your coins into your account and then you can trade them at any time. Once you decide to sell your coins, the company takes care of the rest. All you have to do is wait until your coins are sold.
Cryptocurrencies are here to stay. As long as there are people who want to buy and sell them, there will always be a market. Just remember that when you're buying and selling your coins, you must be careful. If you don't take the proper precautions, you could end up losing a lot of money.
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cryptoonus · 2 years
Central Bank Of Russia Incorporates Digital Assets Into Established Financial System
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A report on digital assets and how the new technology may be incorporated into its established financial system was recently released on Monday by the Central Bank of Russia (CBR). A 32-page public consultation report titled "Digital Assets in Russian Federation" was released by CBR compared the new technology to the established system and asked for suggestions on how the former could be incorporated into the latter. The article begins with a discussion on distributed ledger technology (DLT) and the creation of "new tools and services," such as smart contracts, "digital assets," CBDCs, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized finance applications (dapps). Each of them falls into a distinct category, and the majority are not included in this report. It largely focuses on "digital assets," using that term to refer to non-fungible tokens, collateralized stablecoins, and tokenized financial products. Moreover, it was claimed that cryptocurrencies and "unsecured stablecoins" are excluded from the concept of digital finance. Although the report claimed that these new tools had a wide range of advantages, The market for digital assets is still in its early stages of growth and, in terms of volume, is far less than the market for conventional financial instruments. According to the bank, the major objectives when it comes to digital assets are regulation, financial stability, consumer safeguards, and compliance with AML/CFT regulations. It went on to say that based on the results of its discussions with market players, the Bank of Russia identified and prioritized areas that needed to be improved in terms of digital rights. These include the taxation of digital rights, the circulation of digital rights within the traditional market infrastructure, the regulatory disparity between digital rights and conventional financial instruments, changes to AML/CFT regulations, the circulation of digital rights issued in accordance with foreign law, and smart contract usage regulations. In addition, the bank inquired who should decide the proper standard terms of a smart contract and provided the following options: market participants, the administrator of the information system in which digital assets are issued, the Bank of Russia, or someone else. Related Reading | Orthogonal Credit Severed All Ties With Alameda Research In The Early Year It questioned the participants if they believed that digital rights issuers needed to be subject to obligatory disclosure standards and which organisations should be included by such rules. As previously reported, Anatoly Aksakov, the chairman of the State Duma's committee on the financial markets, announced at the very end of October that a bill regulating cryptocurrency mining had been submitted to parliament. It would also permit Russians to use cryptocurrency "as a means of payment" outside of the country. The usage of cryptocurrency for domestic payments has previously been outlawed in Moscow. Read the full article
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jelvixteam · 4 months
A new video on our channel! 🔔 This time, a Jelvix developer with 10 years of experience compares the efficiency of Java and Python in developing a financial trading system. We’ll cover performance, robustness, concurrency, scalability, and security 🔥
Find out which language comes out on top and get the ultimate rating by watching till the end! Make sure to like, subscribe! 😎
Watch the full video now!
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emmaharrison · 1 day
Unlock Financial Success with Margrave Financial Consulting: Your Partner in Growth
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Running a business whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or leading a large corporation comes with a unique set of financial challenges.
From managing cash flow to keeping precise records, ensuring profitability can feel like a never-ending juggling act. What if you had a partner to help you manage all these aspects with expert precision? That’s where Margrave Financial Consulting comes in. With over 35 years of experience, we specialize in personalized financial troubleshooting and implementing robust systems designed to meet your business’s specific needs.
Now, with our new Margrave Financial Consulting Facebook group, you can connect directly with financial experts and a community of like-minded professionals who are here to help you overcome the most common financial challenges businesses face.
Common Financial Challenges Facing Businesses Today
Inaccurate Financial Records & Discrepancies
Even minor errors in bookkeeping or payroll can spiral into major problems, from compliance issues to missed opportunities for savings. Tracking every transaction with pinpoint accuracy is essential to your business’s success, yet it's often overwhelming to manage without expert help.
Lack of a Long-Term Financial Plan
Many businesses struggle with planning for the future, reacting to financial issues as they arise rather than proactively building a strategy that leads to sustainable growth. Without a well-crafted financial plan, your business is vulnerable to market volatility and unexpected downturns.
Inefficient Cash Flow Management
Poor cash flow management is one of the most common reasons businesses struggle to stay afloat. Having a clear picture of your liquidity ensures your ability to pay bills on time, reinvest in your business, and avoid costly debt.
Outdated Credit Control Systems
Keeping on top of outstanding payments and managing customer credit terms can be daunting, especially when invoices go unpaid for extended periods. Failing to optimize your credit control systems can hinder your cash flow and negatively impact your business’s financial health.
Time-Consuming Payroll Processes
Ensuring that your employees are paid on time and accurately is critical. However, payroll management often becomes a time-consuming task, leading to costly errors and dissatisfied employees. It’s essential to streamline this process to avoid complications.
Financial Struggles of Startups
Starting a business is both exciting and challenging. Financial forecasting, establishing profitable operations, and maintaining compliance from the very beginning can overwhelm even the most determined entrepreneurs. Many startups fail because they lack the financial systems and strategies to succeed long-term.
The Solution: Join the Margrave Financial Consulting Community
At Margrave Financial Consulting, we’ve made it our mission to help businesses overcome these challenges and thrive financially. Our expertise ranges from forensic accounting and cash flow management to credit control and payroll services. We understand the complexities of financial management and offer flexible, personalized support to meet your unique needs.
And now, with the launch of our new Margrave Financial Consulting Facebook group, you can easily access the knowledge and support you need. Here’s how Margrave Financial Consulting can help you solve your financial challenges:
Expert Forensic Accounting for Accuracy
Discrepancies in your financial records? No problem. Our forensic accounting services are designed to identify and rectify errors, ensuring your financial statements are accurate and compliant. Join the Margrave Financial Consulting group to learn best practices from experts and maintain financial integrity in your business.
Strategic Financial Planning for a Prosperous Future
At Margrave Financial Consulting, we believe that every business needs a solid financial plan. We’ll help you craft a strategy tailored to your goals, from forecasting profits to managing potential risks. Our Facebook group is a place where you can discover tips and strategies to make long-term financial success a reality.
Effective Cash Flow Forecasting
Managing your liquidity is critical to business survival. Inside the Margrave Financial Consulting group, you’ll gain access to advice on cash flow management, helping you forecast more accurately and keep your business financially stable in any economic climate.
Optimized Credit Control for Better Financial Health
Don’t let unpaid invoices disrupt your financial flow. Margrave Financial Consulting offers solutions to streamline credit control and reduce the risk of bad debt. Inside our Facebook community, you’ll find practical tips on managing customer relationships, ensuring you get paid faster and more consistently.
Streamlined Payroll Services
Struggling to manage payroll effectively? We’ve got you covered. From accurate employee payments to handling complex tax requirements, Margrave Financial Consulting simplifies the payroll process so you can focus on growing your business. Our group is the perfect space to get answers to your payroll challenges and learn how to make your systems more efficient.
Startup Support for New Businesses
Starting a business requires more than just a good idea—it requires a solid financial foundation. At Margrave Financial Consulting, we provide comprehensive support for startups, helping you set up day-to-day financial operations, maximize profitability, and create financial forecasts that guide you toward success. Connect with our Facebook community to access these startup resources and more.
Why Choose Margrave Financial Consulting?
We pride ourselves on delivering financial solutions that are accurate, efficient, and tailored to your unique needs. Here’s why you should choose Margrave Financial Consulting:
Efficiency and Accuracy: Our team uses cutting-edge technology to maintain precise and organized financial records, ensuring your business runs smoothly.
Personalized Approach: We understand that no two businesses are the same. That’s why we develop strategies based on your specific goals and challenges.
Affordability: We offer competitive rates and flexible payment options, so you can access high-quality financial services that fit within your budget.
Join Margrave Financial Consulting’s Facebook Group Today!
Ready to take your business’s financial management to the next level? Join the Margrave Financial Consulting Facebook group and become part of a growing community dedicated to helping businesses succeed. Whether you need advice on cash flow management, payroll services, or long-term planning, our team is here to guide you every step of the way.
Don’t wait—click here to learn more, and join our Facebook group to access the financial expertise and resources you need to thrive!
For personalized financial guidance, contact Margrave Financial Consulting today. Call us at +44 (0) 203 488 3297 or email us at [email protected]. Let us help you achieve your financial goals with expert advice and support tailored to your business’s unique needs.
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ladookhotnikov · 1 year
Future for Crypto? Elon Musk doesn't think so
Many argue that cryptocurrency threatens the financial system, undermines its trust, and the risks of ownership are too high. But despite this, the 10 largest corporations hold a total of more than 220 thousand coins. Why is this happening?
Elon Musk's Tesla owns over 10,000 BTC.
The fact that large corporations store significant amounts in crypto may be due to several factors. This is primarily due to portfolio diversification. Successful entrepreneurs know that "you can't keep your eggs in one basket."
Lado Okhotnikov knows better than anyone else that cryptocurrency today is an innovation that should not be run away from.
“It is natural that corporations are interested in researching and developing new solutions based on the blockchain. This is beneficial for them, since a decentralized system, coupled with high security, makes it possible to build projects that will be reliably protected from hacker attacks,” continued the thought of the founder of the Meta Force metaverse.
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Technological progress cannot be ignored, because blockchain is a big technology that serves as a signal to investors that the company is following the latest trends and is ready to adapt new financial instruments.
“Every day we see more and more companies investing in crypto. Securitize acquires crypto startup Onramp. Aegis, specializing in Web3 security, has completed a multi-million dollar seed funding round. Polygon Labs and the leading Korean mobile operator SK Telecom have teamed up to develop a Web3 ecosystem,” Vladimir Okhotnikov sees only positive aspects in promoting blockchain in the global economy.
Along with it, starting from September 1, every company that is engaged in crypto investment in the UK will have to verify, store and exchange information about transactions.
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farademetre · 2 months
InvestTalk - 2-27-2023 – China’s Economy Is Looking at a New Wave of 'Japanification'
China has allowed its actual economy and financial system to disconnect, much as Japan did in the late 1980s.
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atmnetwork · 3 months
Why Can't All Singapore Banks Use the Same ATM Network? Unveiling the Mystery!
Curious why not all local banks in Singapore share the same ATM network? 🏦🇸🇬 Md Jahir Uddin provides a fascinating insight on Quora that delves into the reasons behind this exclusive network setup. It’s a deep dive into the complexities of banking infrastructure and market dynamics in Singapore!
Get the full story here: Explore Singapore's ATM Network 🌏🔍
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