#financial arrangements
alphashley14 · 1 year
I attempted to ask my parents if I could go to therapy last night because I suspect that I may have undiagnosed ADHD.
My Dad scoffed, as if annoyed, and said “If anyone has difficulty doing anything nowadays it’s because of some mental something or other.”
- Says the man who I’ve suspected for years to be an undiagnosed autistic or other sort of neurodivergent. (Not that I’d ever say that aloud because God forbid.)
And I was so stunned and hurt that I all of my points/arguments left my brain.
Just- imagine being so close yet so far away from the POINT.
And my Mom was hardly any better. She shut me down by saying how “everyone struggles to focus on things they’re not interested in,” and “Well that’s part of your Asperger’s!”
… This is exactly why I’ve grown to HATE being a so-called “high functioning” autistic person. Any time I bring up wanting to go to therapy for unrelated issues it gets either brushed off or forgotten about because I’m “high functioning” and I don’t externalize my mental health symptoms like my sibling does (and therefore it isn’t an embarrassment or inconvenience) so it isn’t an issue and I must be fine.
Maybe I should just explode. Drink. Smoke something. Scream. Break some shit. Let my grades drop. THEN could I get some therapy? (Not that I would ever actually do any of that but sometimes I feel like that’s what it would take for my parents to take me seriously when I say I’m not ok.)
-Anyway. Just figured if anywhere would have people who understand this experience, it would be on Tumblr.
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No offense to op or anything but u guys sound like my mom trying to convince me that arranged marriage isn't so bad when I was in middle school lol
Actually it's even worse bc my parents were actually sympathetic to the girlboss argument. By which I mean the "I want autonomy over my life" argument
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sudden realization that i really need to leave the country to live my life hmmmm
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skeletons-in-ur-closet · 10 months
i gotta beat my brother with hammers ong
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hayscodings · 1 year
the revenue from the rub and tug being the only reason that kev was able to pay alan the $1,000 he owed him for the last two months…svetlana was really keeping the alibi afloat from the beginning
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clottedcreamtea · 2 years
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teehee i am writing too much in order to avoid doing my 5 missing physics assignments!!!!!
here is another chapter.
The morning felt as though it had come much too soon for Royal Milk Tea Cookie’s taste. He had barely closed his eyes before the sun was shining through his stained sugar glass windows, casting shapes in colors almost as pretty as him all across his room.
Months of training had been grueling, remembering proper etiquette for dinners, the proper titles for each elder, how to greet lower-city citizens without seeming condescending… It was too much for a Cookie to bear!
But time had come and gone, and today would finally mark the day Royal Milk Tea Cookie was properly initiated into the Convocation of Elders as a peacekeeper between allied nations.
Clotted Cream Cookie and Financier Cookie (among a larger group of talented heroes) had just finished their intense venture between leaders of the Vanilla, Hollyberry, and Dark Cacao kingdoms, before fighting Dark Enchantress Cookie only to find that their opponent was none other than an illusion.
It was an incredible precedent to set, but Royal Milk Tea Cookie was sure he could live up to it.
Dressing in his best attire, Royal Milk Tea Cookie adorned himself in a blue velvet dress, with a white lace petticoat and lace accents across the skirt, a long white cape with a seashell clasp, in honor of his heritage as a Cookie of the sea, and white gloves and boots, with gold accents. 
“Royal Milk Tea Cookie!” Oyster Cookie called from the bottom of the stairs. “We’re going to be late if you don’t finish getting ready in two seconds!” The silver and grey elder sounded exasperated, like due to all the preparations she had been dealing with as she readied the elders of the Convocation to accept her son into the oligarchy. 
(It truly was a difficult task. After the argument between the many elders so many years ago, things were tense in the nation and it took several months for trust to be rebuilt between the elders. Mille-feuille Cookie and Custard Cookie were highly disliked by all of the other members due to their lack of guilt after attempting a selfish grab at power, but for the sake of the nation, the others forgave them.
After the forgiveness, it was brought to light that Oyster Cookie, much like Custard Cookie, wished to indoctrinate her son into the Convocation once he was old enough to understand what they all stood for. Facing backlash from some and support from others, Oyster Cookie held her ground, claiming that she would provide proof that there was no trace of nepotism in allowing her son to join the oligarchy, documenting every session of training for her son every month until he was twenty-one, old enough for his opinions to be fully-formed.
And here the pair was now. Having rightfully earned their way to the top once more.)
“I’m coming!” The Oyster heir called back, rushing down the hallway and sliding down the railing of the spiral staircase before landing flat on his backside at the base of the stairwell. “Oomf!” He puffed in pain.
“Very professional,” Oyster Cookie remarked. “We’re three minutes late. Hurry out the door before the elders start questioning my judgment!” Oyster Cookie ushered her son back onto his feet before pushing him out the door and into the street, where the pair began a brisk walk toward the center of the town.
Apart from discovering a plan from Dark Enchantress Cookie to return after making her way to Beast-Yeast, the venerable elders had discovered a plot amongst them, with Mille-feuille Cookie being the ringleader in a power-hungry cult, corrupting many orphan Cookies under the guise of being a religious group.
Very quickly Mille-feuille Cookie was exiled from the Convocation, imprisoned within a chamber that seemed immune to any destruction. Unfortunately, days later Mille-feuille Cookie had disappeared without a trace. The elders made no fuss about the disappearance but did warn allies to be on the lookout for any suspicious Cookies around the Republic.
A good thing to come of the discovery was the free spot within the Convocation that Royal Milk Tea Cookie would be filling within moments. The pair had arrived at the wonderfully large doors to the Republic’s center building, letting themselves in as a pair of Pearl Legion guards stepped aside.
“Oh, goodness we’re more than ten minutes late! Hurry, hurry!” Oyster Cookie began pushing her son forward as she checked her pocket watch before stuffing it back into her skirt. The pair very quickly approached the drawing room where several impatient guests were waiting, faces bored.
“Elder Oyster Cookie!” Sablé Cookie began, her voice as beautiful and condescending as ever. “We have been waiting for ages for you to arrive with your choice for the Convocation’s representative!” The youngest of the elders swept her long bangs to the side, which achieved no more sight than previously allowed. 
“Has Royal Milk Tea Cookie made his arrival as well?” Vanilla Sugar Cookie, the eldest, asked. She made her way toward Oyster Cookie, who stepped aside so the short, older woman could see her son.
“Why, yes! He is here with me. I would be glad to begin the initiation so long as everyone is here,” The silver elder stated with hidden malice in her voice. Time had passed, but none would forget the awful proposition that Custard Cookie suggested several years prior, and how it had nearly brought the Convocation to a brutal end with the conflict created.
“Everyone else has already made their arrival,” Custard Cookie stated, simply. The elder made his appearance, stepping forward and holding out a book, likely on which Royal Milk Tea Cookie was to swear as he was initiated into the Convocation. “We were simply waiting for you. I presume there is no further issue, Oyster Cookie?”
Face twisting with disgust, Oyster Cookie cleared her throat. “Yes, we may begin.”
(The pair had never gotten over their mutual distaste for each other. The insult toward Royal Milk Tea Cookie did not go unnoticed on the day of the argument, and Oyster Cookie would never halt her grudge until a formal apology was issued. But she knew that would never occur.)
Around the table in which everyone was gathered, each elder took their seat at their house’s respective chair, only leaving Custard Cookie, Oyster Cookie, and Royal Milk Tea Cookie standing as the initiation began.
Custard Cookie opened the large book to the center, motioning for Royal Milk Tea Cookie to place his hand among the pages. The young brown-haired Cookie placed a hand on the book Custard Cookie was holding and the other upright, parallel to his body. 
“Do you, Royal Milk Tea Cookie, swear to uphold all beliefs by the Convocation, no matter what you believe?” Custard Cookie began.
Hesitating, Royal Milk Tea Cookie looked around, icy blue eyes cutting through the polite facades of everyone in the room. He took a breath. “I do.”
“And do you swear to always follow orders, no matter the demand?”
“I do.”
The book slammed shut and Royal Milk Tea Cookie barely had time to pull his hand out so as to not lose it altogether. He dropped his other hand and crossed both across his skirt beneath his cloak.
“With your agreement to the terms of the Convocation, I, elder Custard Cookie, pronounce you the official representative of the Creme Republic.” No one commented on it, but there were traces of anger hidden beneath the formal indoctrination.
Oyster Cookie grinned happily and politely clapped her hands. “Oh, wonderful! Let us celebrate!” The elder had been preparing for this for too long and would not let the happy moment disappear. She wanted to cherish this memory for as long as the newly-reunited Convocation would allow.
Mulled Juice Cookie, his skin nearly as red as the berry juice he drank, stood up grinning. “I’ve saved some Hollyberrian berry juice just for the next happy occasion! Finding a replacement for Mille-feuille Cookie was no feat, Royal Milk Tea Cookie, and you should feel honored you earned a place with the elite!”
The elder clapped his hands twice, and in filed a long line of servants, all carrying trays of berry juice in different glasses, no tray the same color of juice. It was likely from the many different houses within the Hollyberry kingdom.
“Indeed,” Sablé Cookie approached Royal Milk Tea Cookie, voice low. “It was difficult finding a proper individual fitting of the Convocation’s name. I was impressed when Oyster Cookie proposed you fill the spot after her opposition to Custard Cookie’s similar decision with his own son.”
Royal Milk Tea Cookie knew what the stuck-up Cookie was implying, but it wasn’t true. Oyster Cookie was incredibly strict when it came to finding a proper replacement for the previous elder, and her son had to obey every guideline otherwise he would be left out of every political affair entirely, only making a place as a figurehead for House Oyster. The proof she had provided after so many sessions was somewhere within the Republic’s center. Sablé Cookie’s words meant nothing to him.
Annoyed at the quick assumption of nepotism, Royal Milk Tea Cookie huffed and snatched a glass of pink berry juice, smelling faintly of pomegranate. He politely excused himself from the drawing room and made his way toward the balcony that overlooked the bay, where he could see sailors boarding the next ship out into the sea.
He wasn’t the product of nepotism, Royal Milk Tea Cookie assured himself. He had worked hard for his title, reading books and letters and following orders without question. He had made it, though, and was ready to take on any challenge that decided to come his way.
“I apologize for my tardiness, everyone,” A smooth, buttery voice crooned from the entrance to the drawing room. The doors had opened and Royal Milk Tea Cookie leaned back into the building to see an all-too-familiar face. 
“Clotted Cream Cookie?” The blue-adorned Cookie said, amazed. He was gorgeous. Platinum blond hair, golden brown crust, beautiful blue eyes, and a wonderfully tailored cream suit, with a single dark green sleeve. 
As he watched on from his spot on the balcony, Royal Milk Tea Cookie saw an arm that looked like his mother’s point out of the drawing room, followed by Clotted Cream Cookie turning and making eye contact with the new addition.
Face flushing, Royal Milk Tea Cookie attempted to find something to busy himself with; he drank his juice, leaned against the balcony wall, looked out to the sea…
(It was no secret that Clotted Cream Cookie had feelings for Royal Milk Tea Cookie as a child. Every touch of the hands or brush of the shoulders had brought the blond Cookie’s blood right up to his cheeks.
Royal Milk Tea Cookie didn’t flush nearly as frequently as his friend, but he noticed the responses from his actions, and he was very flattered that his feelings were reciprocated. He had dreamed of a day when he and Clotted Cream Cookie would one day be best friends, ruling the Republic with the help of all the elders as a united front, houses Oyster and Custard joined through a happy and voluntary marriage.
Royal Milk Tea Cookie did not want to enter an arranged marriage for the benefit of House Custard, of course not. He did, however, want to one day marry his best friend simply out of love.)
“Hi,” Clotted Cream Cookie spoke softly, nearly against Royal Milk Tea Cookie’s cheek.
“AH!” The sudden approach spooked the shorter of the pair, making him drop his glass out of fear, spilling the juice all over his cape and Clotted Cream Cookie’s pants. “Oh, Witches, I’m so sorry! Here, let me clean it up.” He hadn’t even heard Clotted Cream Cookie walk through the door! How did he frighten him so bad?
“No, please, Royal Milk Tea Cookie,” Clotted Cream Cookie stopped his old friend from stooping down, laughing loudly. “It’s alright. I know we both have plenty of help at home to get these stains out.”
Oh, he was beautiful, all right. His smile was like sunshine beaming down upon Royal Milk Tea Cookie. He couldn’t look away.
“I’ve missed you,” Was all he could manage, staring dumbly up at his friend. Royal Milk Tea Cookie finally cleared his head enough to realize that the two had clearly grown apart height-wise, with Clotted Cream Cookie standing over him by a notable few units.
“I’ve missed you, too,” Clotted Cream Cookie sighed, face softening. “Lots has changed in the last several years we’ve been apart.”
“Yeah,” Royal Milk Tea Cookie nodded, “Except for your father. He’s still so tense!”
The pair burst into laughter, filling the awkward silence that had nearly encompassed the conversation (or lack thereof). As they laughed, another familiar face approached from inside the building.
“What did I miss?” 
“Financier Cookie!” Royal Milk Tea Cookie carefully stepped over the shattered glass, reaching to give a big hug to his other childhood friend. “How are you? It’s been too long!”
After discovering Mille-feuille Cookie’s plot against the Republic, Financier was the worst affected. Mille-feuille wasn’t just her mentor, she was like a mother to Financier Cookie, and the heartbreak she endured would have been suffocating for any Cookie in her situation. Luckily, the paladin held up well. She was a tough Cookie.
“I’m doing well, Royal Milk Tea Cookie, thank you,” The brunette Cookie smiled softly. “The Consul likes making my job harder, though. His constant enjoyment of unsafe neighborhoods and dangerous adventures makes protecting him quite difficult.”
The trio began to laugh again, but the happy scene was cut short by Royal Milk Tea Cookie’s keen eye.
As she had approached, Financier Cookie had stood close by Clotted Cream Cookie, arms pressed flush. She was his bodyguard, Royal Milk Tea Cookie had dismissed. She was supposed to be close to him! But after the warm remarks about him making her job more difficult, the Oyster heir began to piece things together. Both of her childhood friends were wearing matching golden rings on their hands, signifying a bond much more intimate than a bodyguard and her charge.
“You two got married?” 
Clotted Cream’s face turned to concern, and he quickly attempted to calm his dear friend. “Oh, no, we aren’t married!”
“Not yet, Consul,” Financier Cookie took his hand in hers, ignoring the clear distress on Royal Milk Tea Cookie’s face. The paladin was smiling. Royal Milk Tea Cookie felt as though he would be sick any moment.
He took a deep breath and forced a smile. “Well, I do hope you’ll invite me to the wedding. I think I will depart now. It was wonderful catching up!” Royal Milk Tea Cookie walked briskly back to the drawing room, where the elders were finishing off their glasses.
“Oh, Royal Milk Tea Cookie!” Oyster Cookie called as she happily noticed her son enter the room. “Did you catch up with Clotted Cream Cookie?”
“I would like to leave,” Was all he responded with. Oyster Cookie quickly set down her glass to inspect the stress in her son’s voice.
“Leave? What happened?”
“They’re engaged, mother. Clotted Cream Cookie and Financier Cookie.”
Tears were nearly falling down Royal Milk Tea Cookie’s face as his mother stood up and began screaming at her colleague. 
“You lowlife soggy excuse for a Cookie!” 
The group of elders was shocked at the foul tongue of the most proper of them, all turning their heads to see whom it was she was so angry with.
“I beg your pardon?” Custard Cookie replied, spiteful.
“You were berated for attempting to marry our children, and yet here they are, Financier Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie, prepared to be wed!” Oyster Cookie pointed out the doorway, at the pair of Cookies who had finally made their way back to where Royal Milk Tea Cookie had run off to.
“Oh, please. I had no choice in the matter! Financier Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie expressed to me that they were in love, and no cruel words can change that!”
Royal Milk Tea Cookie couldn’t bear to hear it. He bid goodbye to his mother and turned to leave, pushing pash Clotted Cream Cookie with tears streaming down his crunchy face. The elders continued to argue, but he needed to go home.
“It was all a dream,” Royal Milk Tea Cookie tried to reassure himself. “It’s not real, and tomorrow morning you’ll join the Convocation and none of this will be real.” Storming out the large double doors, the young Cookie couldn’t help but think that his wishes would go ungranted.
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
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hauntedfalcon · 2 years
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@nonhoration right?! every time I think about how much a meatspace nonprofit could accomplish with the money AO3 is doing nothing with, steam comes out of my ears. flames! on the side of my face!
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agayconcept · 2 years
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cuntrytaylor · 2 years
karma is my boyfriend karma is a god karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend karma's a relaxing thought karma is my boyfriend karma is a god karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend karma's a relaxing thought karma is my boyfriend karma is a god karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend karma's a relaxing thought karma is my boyfriend karma is a god karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend karma's a relaxing thought karma is my boyfriend karma is a god karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend karma's a relaxing thought
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fuscoinsuranceagency · 4 months
Plan Ahead: The Benefits of Funeral Pre-Planning Services
Planning ahead for life’s inevitable events can provide peace of mind and financial security. One of the most thoughtful and impactful steps you can take is to pre-plan your funeral arrangements. At Fusco Insurance, Retirement & Wealth Planning Services, Inc., we understand the importance of preparing for the future. Here, we outline the numerous benefits of funeral pre-planning services and how…
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passengerpigeons · 5 months
I should get a low D whistle
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mellowwillowy · 2 months
𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝
Yan! Sugar Daddy who fell in love with you at first sight in the cafe he often visited for his daily to-go coffee. He had seen lots of beauties but you were the first to catch his breath.
Yan! Sugar Daddy who tried to woo you, he tried his best to not scare you and subtly flirt with you. It took him a huge courage to approach you and ask for your number.
Yan! Sugar Daddy who found out you were still just a college student who was most likely to be struggling with financial issues, or so he assumed from how most of the students there were.
Yan! Sugar Daddy who took his time bonding with you before subtly offering an arrangement with you, a mutual arrangement of a sugar relationship. Instead of sex, fancy dates, or a plus one to those higher-ups events, he wanted your company all the time if he could.
You were wary and hesitant but his silver-tongued nature convinced you that this would change your life for the better.
While you were inexperienced in most of it, Yulian made sure to make you feel comfortable about it and him. The weekly allowance and PPM were enough to make you never lift a single finger to work anymore.
The more you spent time with him, the less it felt like an arrangement. It felt like a man treating you with utmost respect while spoiling you with luxuries you would never imagine to have.
But with such great benefits came a great price. You noticed that you had been seeing your friends less because of the attention you had on him.
You noticed the higher-ups never stopped sneering at you for being a commoner or his pet whenever you attended the fancy events with him as his plus one.
You noticed how you had almost less to none freedom, always heavily guarded by what seemed to be his bodyguards. Who was he and why did you even need this sort of protection?
One day you decided to trick his bodyguards with your flat-out white lies so that they'd leave you alone. They did not expect someone like you to ever lie and put them at risk so they left you alone.
All you did was wander around in awe, checking the grand balcony to go to the washroom as normal people would.
Yan! Sugar Daddy who was seething in rage when the bodyguards came to him, tricked by your childish lie. But there was no way something bad would happen with this slight mistake right? You were not his spouse by any means.
But oh did everyone know you were someone he fancied for the first time in his whole life. Part of his brain just tried to look at this mistake in a bright light and it backfired.
Yan! Sugar Daddy who had to be endlessly teased by his great-for-nothing cartel friend. He had to endure the stress of losing you and the risk of not being able to take you back.
It's not like the Drug Lord couldn't help him, it was simply humiliating for him to endanger you by not keeping a close eye on you.
Yan! Sugar Daddy who could track you down in less than a week and ordered a mass slaughter on the faction that imprisoned you. You were not wounded terribly but a wound was still a wound.
Yan! Sugar Daddy was just a confidant to the Drug Lord and an infamous lawyer. You only knew he was a lawyer but never the lurking threat of his other occupation. No wonder he was always wary of his surroundings.
How could someone from such a cold underground world have the heart to fall in love with you? That was what you thought when you woke up to his concerned face.
Weeks passed and it didn't take him so long to propose to you, for you to become his spouse.
"I truly love you, dear. I have never even once seen our arrangement as something strictly business instead." He showed you a velvety box with a diamond ring in it. "I admit, it was not the best approach but I thought I could work my way into your heart while profiting you with all the benefits and luxuries you could have from me."
He swallowed the lump in his throat, "I wanted you to see how capable I am."
Something told you that nothing good would come out of your refusal. And instead, logic swarm into your brain. You had been in an arrangement with him for almost a year already and had never even once felt any hardships.
He was nice to you, downright kind and loving even. He cared for you deeply and wouldn't hurt you in any way. It was your fault that you broke free from the barrier of protection he granted you.
With great fame and luxuries, came all sorts of threats. He wasn't disloyal like those higher-ups. He didn't belittle you like others would. He loved you.
Even if you didn't love him, you knew how great it felt to be loved by him. There was not a single loss from this arrangement which was a marriage, right?
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clottedcreamtea · 2 years
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after like a month??? of posting nothing, i present to you... 
i love royal mik tea and i am currently going through a difficult time in my relationship!!! ai absolutely ADORE my boyfriend but am having an awful time expressing it. my solution: write and pretend i am a happy cookie with a freinds to lovers plot instead of boyfriends to friends plot irl. things are rough rn. fr. 
i may go into the air force. hopefully this will be done by then.
Prince of the Republic, that was what the servants called him. 
His pompous outfits and arrogant attitude left every Cookie on the island either jealous or angry at the young Cookie’s privilege and place of power. While description alone is enough for all other Cookies to understand who he is, some require to be told of him by name: Royal Milk Tea Cookie.
Seemingly arriving out of nowhere, the blue and white-adorned heir to the throne of House Oyster had gained a name for himself very quickly after Oyster Cookie introduced her only son. He was happy and easygoing, proud to please his mother with every task she assigned him. All the Cookies hated it. Oyster Cookie had not shown any signs of expecting a young heir, and yet here he was! Taking the throne and becoming a favorite child of the Convocation.
“Royal Milk Tea Cookie,” Oyster Cookie would call across the manor. “Would you bring mother her morning tea?” 
“Yes, mother!” Royal Milk Tea Cookie would respond, quickly making his way to the kitchen with a tray of mugs on it, presenting them all to his mother whom he admired dearly.
The servants and Cookies would always spread rumors as far as they could before the Convocation of Elders would put a stop to it. Witches forbid that the name of House Oyster was plastered with the idea of nepotism and favoritism. House Custard owned those labels all for themself, already.
Houses Oyster, Custard, and Mille-feuille were the top-reigning Elders in the Crème Republic. They provided some of the most valuable assets, along with the most promising trio of young Cookies that would soon represent the Republic once they had grown to replace their parents and mentors. They could not allow rumors of poor representation to dirty their reputations. Apart from House Custard, of course.
Clotted Cream Cookie, the son of House Custard’s Elder, Custard Cookie, was being groomed to become the Consul of the Convocation of Elders. He was a beautiful Cookie, with a golden crust and cream-colored frosting hair. His father promised that nepotism was never going to be a factor in his training, though many Cookies suspected otherwise. Clotted Cream Cookie becoming the Consul was going to be based on skill alone, and if he wasn’t able to show that he had the talent, Custard Cookie promised he would find a new heir to his plot.
Mille-feuille Cookie’s pride and joy was Financier Cookie. She was similar to Clotted Cream Cookie in appearance, but couldn’t be more different in her training and discipline. She respected Mille-feuille Cookie intensely, as well as the fellow paladin-rearing House Madeleine and the paladins it had trained so many years before her. Mille-feuille Cookie believed that Financier Cookie had been created in the exact image of the Witches themselves, though the Convocation would never suspect she meant anything other than a strange compliment.
The three children of the Republic were topics of constant controversy, though they were entirely oblivious to the fact. Instead of investing their lives in the stress of their predecessors, they decided to fraternize with lower-ranking crowds along with each other, especially when their parents would organize their monthly political meetings, bringing their charges with them.
“Come on, Financier Cookie! We’re gonna be late to the party!” Clotted Cream Cookie called to his appointed guard. Financier Cookie’s training had begun about one week prior to this gathering, and Mille-feuille Cookie and Custard Cookie had agreed her first appointment should be guarding the soon-to-be Consul.
“It’s not a party, young sir. It’s a meeting for all of our parents to discuss their, um, politics.” Financier Cookie still wasn’t exactly sure what her guardian did, but she felt she had to sound smart as a house-appointed paladin.
“Well, it sounds like a party! Plus Royal Milk Tea Cookie is waiting for us to get there. You know he gets lonely without any other kids in Oyster Manor!” Clotted Cream Cookie darted to the door of the aforementioned manor, where all the Elders were being ushered inside, having their coats, hats, and other accessories taken from them at the door.
“Clotted Cream Cookie!” Custard Cookie called from just inside the large home. “Where have you been?”
Clotted Cream Cookie rolled his eyes at his father’s overprotective scolding. “I was admiring the gardens with Financier Cookie! Royal Milk Tea Cookie talks about them so often, I had to see them for myself!” The golden Cookie responded simply.
“I was with him at all times, sir Custard Cookie,” Financier Cookie assured with a polite nod.
Custard Cookie scoffed and adjusted his coat. “Alright. Don’t wander too far, tonight. Your future is a topic of conversation tonight, and I want to be sure you are here when I propose my plans.”
Clotted Cream Cookie nodded, and then took off toward the southern wing, where the entrance to the gardens in the back of the manor lay. Royal Milk Tea Cookie was almost always found behind his home, wandering around with all the imported tropical flowers that his mother would order her sea-faring Cookies to bring home for her only child. It was the least she could do, as she was almost always busy with her business affairs and collecting blackmail for every Cookie she interacted with.
“Royal Milk Tea Cookie!” Clotted Cream Cookie called out. “Where are you?”
“He may be hiding in the greenhouse, young sir,” Financier Cookie suggested. “Don’t you remember last month, when he– AH!”
Royal Milk Tea Cookie burst out from behind the pair, erupting from a berry bush and grabbing hold of Financier Cookie.
“I got you! I got you!” Royal Milk Tea Cookie boasted. “You’re so difficult to catch off guard, but I got you! Oh, you should have seen your faces!” The young Cookie began laughing so hard he had to sit on the ground, otherwise he’d lose his balance. Collecting himself after wiping a tear from his pale blue eyes, the young prince stood up to greet his friends properly.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve been waiting here for almost an hour! I bet mother is upset with us not being at the party, isn’t she?”
“Custard Cookie told us not to call it a party, young Sir,” Financier Cookie noted to Royal Milk Tea Cookie.
“Poo! I don’t care about Custard Cookie and what he thinks! It’s my mom’s party and I want to call it a party,” The dark-haired Cookie scoffed, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
“Royal Milk Tea Cookie!” A mature and proper voice called from the manor. “Your mother requests your presence!” Oyster Cookie’s head disappeared back into the manor, presumably returning to greet her guests and make small talk while gathering private information for each house she socialized with.
Royal Milk Tea Cookie grabbed Clotted Cream Cookie and Financier Cookie’s hands and began guiding the pair back toward the manor, where dinner was nearly finished cooking.
“Your mom is so much more polite to you than my father is,” Clotted Cream Cookie observed, studying the hand pressed against his with a flush of red in his cheeks. 
“Yeah,” The blue-eyed Cookie said simply. “She wants me to be a good Cookie when I’m older, so she tries to set a proper example.”
As the trio finally entered the manor from the doorway that Financier Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie had exited just a few minutes prior, their ears were flooded with political conversation instantly. Mille-feuille Cookie was discussing plans for investment opportunities across the sea, Captain Caviar Cookie was assuring Mulled Juice Cookie that his trip to the Duskgloom Sea would yield impressive results, and Oyster Cookie was chatting aimlessly with Custard Cookie, making idle prattle to her most despised colleague.
“I’m here, mother!” Royal Milk Tea Cookie adjusted his royal blue skirt and pearl jewelry as he presented himself to his mother and the elders.
“Oh, my wonderful child!” The silver elder smiled widely as she tapped against the champagne flute in her hands, ending the discussion and bringing the attention toward herself. “My fellow Convocation members, we have had quite the year, with Custard Cookie, Mille-feuille Cookie, and myself all yielding impressive heirs to our houses. Captain Caviar Cookie is set to depart on his Duskgloom Sea venture once the month ends, and I will happily fund the trip as a proud Cookie of the sea.”
As she spoke, Oyster Cookie’s servants brought out a feast one plate at a time, jelly steaks, candy fish, and iced cakes all covering the long table at which the elders would soon dine.
“For tonight, I would like to simply invite you all to celebrate with a feast brought about by Captain Caviar Cookie’s expert hunting skills, and my wonderful investment. Enjoy!” The wondrous host took her seat and began to set food atop her plate as well as Royal Milk Tea Cookie’s.
“Do you want to sit next to me, Royal Milk Tea Cookie?” Clotted Cream Cookie turned to his friend, face still pink and hands still clasped together.
The Oyster heir smiled and nodded. “Of course! Financier Cookie can sit with us, too!” Royal Milk Tea Cookie gestured with a gloved hand for the long-haired Cookie to sit on the opposite side of Clotted Cream Cookie.
The adults didn’t speak any differently now that food was coming, but Mulled Juice Cookie certainly seemed to become much more chatty now that the sparking juice had been set out. “You said this was from the era of the Vanillians, Custard Cookie?”
“The very same we of House Custard descended from, yes,” The blond elder said proudly. Clotted Cream Cookie puffed out his chest with his father’s brag.
The father and son shared several glances as the night went on, and Royal Milk Tea Cookie couldn’t help but wonder what the two were cooking up. It was well known that the trio of children were all from the main houses in the Convocation, but what could that mean? Custard Cookie did love to grab at power… Royal Milk Tea Cookie shook his head and returned to enjoying his jelly steak, constantly smiling at Clotted Cream Cookie. (He would never admit it, but he had a little crush on his close friend.)
The young heir’s curiosity was soon answered, as Custard Cookie ended the conversation he had been having with Sable Cookie, and stood up to gather everyone’s attention.
“My fellow Cookies,” The bearded elder began, clearing his throat. “It is no question that one of the more powerful houses is mine, as a true descendant of the Vanilians,” Murmurs began, and Vanilla Sugar Cookie grumbled unhappily. She had been on the trip to the Creme Republic just as Custard Cookie had. “I have thought it over, and, to ensure that power can be withheld throughout generations of the Creme Republic, I propose an arrangement between heirs,” Custard Cookie finished with a tilt of his voice.
“An arrangement?” Oyster Cookie asked, scoffing lightly. “Power does not need to be upheld throughout generations. We are an oligarchy! The only name that references power is Royal Milk Tea Cookie’s nickname throughout the Oyster Manor, and even we know that’s a joke!” 
“Oyster Cookie, your Prince of the Republic could very easily become a true king if you would accept the arrangement I am suggesting!”
“Not now, Clotted Cream Cookie. You agreed to this.”
Royal Milk Tea Cookie tightened his grip on the blond Cookie’s hand in support. Financier Cookie looked as though she was going to be sick, which was impressive, as Royal Milk Tea Cookie had only ever seen her be near-emotionless.
Mille-feuille Cookie spoke up, “You are suggesting an arranged marriage between Clotted Cream Cookie and one of our children?” She asked, intrigued. “Well if your handsome son will have her, I’m sure Financier Cookie would be flattered to become the next Queen of the Republic!”
“No, stop!” Oyster Cookie stood up angrily. “This is an abuse of power! You can’t force your child into a false marriage just so you can remain powerful!” The other elders were growing restless. Custard Cookie was out of line and he knew it, but he didn’t seem to care.
“You would overtake the Republic’s Convocation system out of greed?” Captain Caviar Cookie clarified.
“We built this nation together!” Vanilla Sugar Cookie cried, outraged.
“Oh, please. Oyster Cookie, you are welcome to accept the proposition over Mille-feuille Cookie. We’re the top houses in the council! Your girly excuse for a son–”
Oyster Cookie slammed her hands on the table so intensely that several cups fell off the table, shattering as they hit the floor. The room was silenced.
“Everyone out.” The elder spoke simply and angrily, voice low and eyes narrowed. No one moved.
“Oyster Cookie, my dear,” Custard Cookie approached the elder, grinning like a fox. “Please, consider the power we could–”
“I said out!” Oyster Cookie’s hand was outstretched from slapping the Cookie across the face, and he stumbled with the force. Stuttering, Custard Cookie clumsily reached for his son’s arm and began to drag him out of the manor without another word. Clotted Cream Cookie was so shocked at the change of events that he had no time to say goodbye to Royal Milk Tea Cookie, only able to look back in sadness.
Mille-feuille Cookie stood up politely, ushering Financier Cookie out silently. The rest of the elders filed out as well, none of them wanting to further anger Oyster Cookie. The only elder that dared spare a glance of pity was Captain Caviar Cookie, who just gave a nod to the grey-haired Cookie and a ruffle of Royal Milk Tea Cookie’s hair.
Servants cleared out the dining room, picking up the shattered glass and clearing the uneaten food off the plates, leaving nothing left on the table apart from the tablecloth.
Royal Milk Tea Cookie approached his mother, holding her hand and looking up in sympathy. “Mother?” He heard Oyster Cookie sniffle. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, darling.” Oyster Cookie assured her son. “Mommy just gets protective of you. My mother wasn’t the best, and I want to be better than her, even if that means I have to be a little mean sometimes. How about we get you to your room for the rest of the evening, okay?” She brushed aside a lock of brown and white hair from Royal Milk Tea Cookie’s face.
“Okay, mother.”
The two climbed the double spiral staircases at the manor entrance, walking down one of the long halls until they reached a room at the end of the manor, where the bay window lie, as well as one of the best views to the manor’s front and back gardens. Royal Milk Tea Cookie began to search his drawers for pajamas, and his mother began to exit the room.
“Mother,” Royal Milk Tea Cookie started before his mother had a chance to leave him alone. “Will I get to see Clotted Cream Cookie again? Custard Cookie looked mad.”
Tears pricked the corners of Oyster Cookie’s eyes, and she shook her head. “I’m not sure, darling. We can talk it over in the morning.” Oyster Cookie shut the door quietly, and Royal Milk Tea Cookie was left alone.
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commercialrecoverydebt · 11 months
AI Chatbots – Transforming the Debt Collection Industry
The services of debt collectors are a kind of art that these professionals perform based on tailor-made strategies while complying with national and international laws. The goal of these professionals is to ensure healthy cash flow as well as the relationship with the debtors. A well-defined debt collection policy in association with timely communication and strong relationships generate positive results in the form of timely debt collection. Modern-day debt collectors are seeking assistance from AI and chatbots assuming that they will help in debt collection. The problem is that these AI based chatbots are still facing a ‘poor reputation’ situation.
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But post covid-19 pandemic, things have changed a lot and now people love them due to several reasons. Researchers have also confirmed this and the following data is enough to reveal the love of debtors and debt collectors for AI based chatbots.
62% of consumers would prefer to use a bot rather than wait for a human agent to answer (TIDIO)
74% of Internet users prefer using chatbots when looking for answers to simple questions (PSFK)
65% of customers are comfortable handling an issue without interacting with a human (ADWEEK)
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Let's Keep It Simple – Consumers Prefer Interrupting With Virtual Assistant Rather Than The Debt Collector In Sydney Himself
Anyone would feel embarrassed discussing the poor financial situation that he is currently passing through. Even more embarrassing situation is telling the debt collector in Perth that he is unable to clear outstanding dues and this is where virtual assistance can be helpful. They interact with these chatbots more frankly compared to speaking to a debt collector in Sydney directly. The simple reason is that these chatbots are impersonal and non-judgemental. They simply ask questions and provide answers to the debtors in the form of solutions regarding the debt and negotiations related to the same.
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Highly Convenient
It has also been discovered that talking to a chatbot is convenient for debtors as they can contact the debt collector in Sydney 24/7. This is not possible for humans as they close the office in the evening till the next morning.
A More Recognisable Platform
The biggest reason behind the popularity of AI based chatbots is that they are now recognisable to most people. Virtual chatbots provide instant gratification by fulfilling every desire and in terms of debtors, this desire is of contracting via a message rather than calling.
Saves Time and Money
AI based chatbots and debt collectors software mostly work in front and backend office activities. They can complete several sophisticated tasks very easily and help consumers in making payments arrangements, dispute filing and even, providing negotiation terms and conditions. In short, anything that creates a high-level of stress in humans can be completed easily with these AI based chatbots and robots. This means anyone including the debt collector and the debtor will experience a non-confrontational and low stress environment that helps them work better and improve productivity.
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mahasenelkhatib · 3 months
Help Mahasen, a Digital Artist from Gaza and Her Family!
Hello, I am Mahasen,a Digital Artist from North Gaza, where creativity thrives despite challenges. Verified by @90-ghost here
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In this tough situation, I am a digital artist finding solace and resilience through my art .. pixels and colors.
For over a decade, I've navigated the freelance world, weaving intricate digital tapestries that reflect the beauty and strength of my surroundings.
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My father died, and I am the main provider for my family.
Before the war, I worked with international companies in motion graphics,
specializing in character design and storyboarding.
The conflict forced us into repeated evacuations, and our home suffered damage, including the theft and destruction of my essential art equipment and tablet. Each stolen piece held not just monetary value but years of dedication and creativity and hard work. We are left HOMELESS, UNSAFE, SICK with VERY LITTLE FINANCIAL SECURITY!
Our family consists of:
• My mother, 62 years old.
• My sister Mai, 35 years old, who is also visually impaired.
• Myself,Mahasen, 31 years old.
• My brother Mohammed, 28 years old, who is visually impaired.
• My brother's wife Iman, 28 years old.
• My youngest brother Amin, 21 years old.
Your support is crucial as I rebuild what was lost. Your contribution will help replace my tools and restore hope and creativity. And mainly for my family's safety, ability to survive the current situation and community.
Together, we can affirm that art is more than expression,
it is a lifeline that connects us and enlighten even the darkest moments.
Expenses Needed:
• Travel arrangements to Egypt ( $5000 per person ) for 6 family members.
• Living expenses to survive the current situation in Gaza.
• Buying art equipment and tablet to recover what I've lost and be able to work again.
• Living and transportation expenses during the initial period of travel.
• Food and medical expenses.
Every donation counts! Your support makes a real difference for my family and me.
Please consider contributing and sharing to help us.
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Please Help Share AND Donate
My Socials: @MahasenAlkhatib Instagram here X here Facebook here
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