#i cant be dependent on my parents any longer than i have to
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magic-coffee · 2 years ago
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helplessautomaton · 4 months ago
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Yandere Daisuke
WC 622
not posting this from my laptop so things might look a bit off, apologies. also this is my first fic back since june!!. also i wrote this in like 30 mintues,,,
also might be slightly ooc, if it is sorry but still try to enjoy my spin on the character!!
yandere daisuke drabbles since im still kinda getting in the fandom (couldnt buy the game but watched a video going in detail abt so if anything is amiss, that is why!)
a useless ray of sunshine, daisuke. wanting to look at the brighter side of the situation you all were in. attached to your hip, smiling brightly as ever. remembering when you two first met, along with everyone else. not exactly fit in but tried to make it work while being optimistic in the compacted environment of the Tuplar walls. since you were near the same age as Daisuke, you got the most time spent with him. goofy, a bit stumblely but overall trying his best, giving nervous smiles when ever Swansea scolded him for messing around.
as days went by you two got closer, beaming as he saw you, getting more excited which meant he was a bit more loud, earning glares from the othersides of the room. inside your heart was happy that you got this close with someone this fast and near your age, even if your grumpy old man coworker scolded you more than the hours you spent working. but it was the silent acknowledgement he didnt truly mind you two.
his body going tense whenever jimmy had shot a nasty comment in your way, belittling you with dismissive eyes. daisuke immediately pulling you away with slightly less than ginger hands, while giving somewhat of an empty look. then just as quickly beaming back up using any excuse he could to get you two out of there. opening his heart up to you like always, so even if you shift uncomfortably, you'll stay with him just a bit longer. gentle tears dropping down his face saying hes just so happy you stick with him, your coworker,  when youre going through hard-to-speak-about emotions. you couldnt tell if he was getting dependent on you, following you around more, always wearing a smile plastered on his face. looks you'll never see but everyone around you sees, brushing daisuke's eyes of odd character off, but instead "joking" at your confused expression when they tell you of daisuke's sudden stares.
when you're done with anya's psych evaluation, hes waiting for you, taking off with you despite your quiet protests. taking up all the time you have as everyone else gets slighly more frustrated.
after the crash hes more clingly, not willing to leave your side ever even if you get yelled at by swansea or even jimmy. daisuke is always checking your form for any injuries you might or did get. still trying to make you see his optimistic side in all of this, even though he's shaking a little with you in his arms. even if anya wanted to come near you, he'd usher her away saying that you need time, he just cares about his about his friend yknow! swansea is getting more tense and you try to tighten up to give him less of a headache during this stress. but daisuke insists of being there even when swansea is losing his cool and you're exasperated trying to tell him to get on a break.
jimmy cant get a few words in before your spun away or daisuke tries to get him to leave. you get drunk with daisuke and he spills his heart to you even more with how he even got to be here by his parents. saying how they wouldve loved you, anything he could think of, he said. the boy drunkly hugged you securely on the tiles of the Tuplar's rough ground. he wanted to be by yourside to the end and make everything worth it despite the current tragedy.
god forbid if you died before him..
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 2 years ago
WIBTA For Snitching On My Brother?
tl;dr at the end, the submissions a bit long. sorry if this sounds like stupid teen drama, but i needed outside opinions. (tw for mentions of attempted suicide)
so for a bit of context here, me (14nb) and my brother (14m) both have Parental RestrictionsTM on our phones. In my opinion they are way more severe than they need to be. i am not allowed to have any social media at all, my mother barely tolerates discord. I cannot text anyone who is not my direct sibling or parent from 9pm at night to noon the next day and i cant use any "nonessential" apps during that time frame too. my brother has the same restrictions on his phone, but he has safari removed because my mother said he was playing "random internet games". however, he has found ways around this and ways around the app restrictions. i know how he does it. i really dont have any intention of telling our mother, its none of my business and i honestly dont care that much.
I recently moved to a new school. My brother and i were homeschooled prior to this during covid. And it was fine. We went to a homeschool co-op twice a week. A year ago we were both enrolled in Local Community College as dual enrollment students. A semester into that i was Not Vibing Well and ended up having a breakdown and getting a therapist. I would talk to her directly about this but i havent been able to see her in weeks due to scheduling conflicts. The workload seemed too much to me, there was no longer a distinction between School and Home. i felt like i was constantly on the clock, and i barely saw my friends. In addition to other factors at my co-op, I got very lonely. At that time the limits on my phone were 9pm-3pm (it was later edited to 9am to noon) . I cant remember exactly what happened, but i asked my mother to at least change the communication limits so that i could talk to my friends during the day. She said no, stating that I Do Not Need to Communicate With Friends During The School Day. i do not have a real “school day” i am at home basically 5/7 days of the week. And normal kids see their friends every day at school. The argument got dropped then.
Fast forward half a year, i felt increasingly lonely, out of place, bothersome, etc, at my co-op and have decided to try going to Local Public Highschool. This meant leaving my best friend (14f)  whom i love dearly (for the purposes of this post i will call her Z). Z is one of my favorite people in the whole world, we got platonically married, I lovingly refer to her as “my wife”, and i would genuinely die for her. She got a phone over the summer which means we have a better way to communicate, replacing discord as the primary communication system. Also at that time one of my best online friends fucked up their discord account somehow and the whole online group moved to text. there's about four of them? J, Other J, B, and L (ages vary from 12-16). I believe only B is directly relevant to this story but the others are worth mentioning. Additional context (tw for mentions of suicide from now on), all of those four are varyingly suicidal. B has attempted before, at least twice I believe. out of the group i am probably the most mentally stable.
School starts! I am already feeling a bit lonely due to leaving Z but we stay positive. I wake up for school at like 530 and check my phone at like 6:45. Woohoo a message from B! It was sent at 4 am. This is concerning. There is a glitch that i can use in order to view texts for between half a second and four seconds, it depends, and i use it. B’s message reads “Bye”. theres no fucking reason that they would be texting me goodbye at 4am in the morning unless they were going to kill themselves. I cannot properly view or respond to that text until noon, so eight hours. I wait to know if my friend is ok for eight hours, and at noon i check my phone again. In that time i’ve received messages from the groupchat. J, Other J, and L all received “bye” texts from B at around the same time period. After a few messages, we know B is ok, i dmed them privately and they responded both in ims and the gc. So they are ok. But i had to wait for eight hours to know that. Later that day i asked my mom if she had considered my proposal (i asked her a day or two before if she would at least turn off communication limits because it is also rather embarrassing to be honest to have to tell other people that oh i cant respond to your message right now, sorry my mom has limits on my phone :D. In addition i get anxious when i send a message that im nervous abt and it doesnt get responded to for hours so i hate leaving messages for longer than two hours). Once again, she said no. it goes against her Views As A Parent for me to have “unrestricted access” to my phone. She offered to add only Z to the list of people i can contact during the limits. This is better than nothing but Z texts more in the groupchat than she does in private messages so it wouldn’t work that well. We argued, it didnt work out, i got pissed off and we both went to bed. i very strongly feel that for like my mental health i need to be able to communicate with my friends better than i can at the moment. And i dont want to wake up to a message from a friend, have it be the last one they ever send, and not be able to respond for hours. 
Heres where the part where i could be an asshole comes in. (so sorry that that was really long i didnt know what parts would be needed as context and what were not so i just typed everything i think might be relevant). This isnt something that i am very strongly considering, as i truly dont want to fuck up my relationship with my brother and i love him a lot. I just want opinions on whether it would like be going too far i guess. I am considering offering a trade. I tell my mother how my brother has found ways around his limits, and she turns off the communication limits on my phone. WIBTA if i did that?
TL;DR: would i be the asshole if i snitched on how my brother got around some restrictions in exchange for me being able to communicate with my friends?
What are these acronyms?
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neurodivergent-willow · 2 months ago
have you ever experienced violent meltdowns where you hurt others and how do you deal with that? how did you change your meltdowns for the better? my hsn brother i love so much has violent meltdowns and hes bigger than me and my parents at 13 none of us can restrain him because we are too small and the only one taller is very disabled... im scared we wont be able to care for him anymore and we would have to give him up and that would be the worst trauma for him .. i know he cant control it but there has to be something right?
you dont have to answer if you arent comfortable though.
Hi! Unfortunately yes i have
But it was mainly when i was a small 12 year old girl so restraint was easy for people, it depended on the situation but either restraint or staying away from me but supervising from a distance until i calmed down.
Could you look into options of sedation? Your family could speak to his doctor or therapists about that!
And you could maybe look into types of restraint because it doesnt always have to be another person maybe something like these could do if they could help the situation?
Creating a safe preferably padded room in your home could be a good idea if it involves throwing things or pushing people into hard walls?
What we did is i would be in the living room which was soft because of sofas, and if you had a "safe room" in your house you could maybe add things like soft toys and photos on the walls of things he likes?
And add any soft things he enjoys to help him regulate? And you could not be in that room with him but be close by incase needed/if he is no longer being violent and you can go in to help regulate him?
Then with how we stopped it i was receiving intensive support from a team and they spent a long time talking to my parents about how to keep my home safe, which i guess for that time did help
but what really helped is recovery from that particular autistic burnout and leaving school as that was a huge part that was causing my burnout at that time which obviously is not going to be a solution for most people
So maybe you could do ABA? And theres orher therapies you could look into too such as emotional regulation training with an OT and ABA wont work for everyone though it depends on why
You could try locate triggers for his meltdowns and try make solutions for them to!
I hope this advice helps!!
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art-of-love-and-war · 2 years ago
hi! Can I request for an ikepri hc with babyyy? Where they bring their baby to work with them! like Sariel bring his baby to work with him like perhaps to a teaching or the princes meeting with him, and his baby was just babbling there (awe ><) . For Nokto where he bring his baby to his meeting with some higher up, and while he was working, he's also playing with the baby ( I imagine between he or licht will get a twin or triplets, depends on you which one of them). Licht/Leon bring their babies to combat practice. For Jin I can't think of anything yet, so if you got one, pleas do it hehe ( I really cant stop thinking that he will really get a twin born) . You can do a pt 2 for other princes too if you want :))
Characters: Leon Dompteur, Licht Klein, Nokto Klein and Sariel Noir and how they are as parents. Rating: General. Word count: 1,394 words  Author note: I’m sorry in advance for any ooc parts on Sariel’s, he is the shortest bit I bit since I haven’t read his route, I probably will re-write it on another hc’s for funsies as well as do the other princes. But so far I’m pretty satisfied. Also this is more of them as fathers more than just with baby kids.
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[୨୧] — Leon Dompteur
He is a fun dad, and he adores being a father. 
There’s just something about having innocence in the palm of his hand, to be able to protect it, raise it, shape it. A memory of all things he could never have and a silent prayer to the sky above. 
He applies the “be the adult you never had as a child”
He won’t ever mind tending to the baby’s needs, sure, people keep saying that wetnurses and nannies are there for a reason since he is the King, but it brings him joy to be able to help his child. 
I don’t think Leon would bring the baby to combat practice, maybe during lunch breaks, but he tries to keep the little prince/princess away until they are older so they start to understand the art of war and combat. 
But all of his men have sworn complete loyalty over the little one, most are eager for when the child grows up and has their division in the army to join their ranks. 
He is super caring of both you and the baby, he always makes sure to thank you profusely for giving him a child (a first of many or so he plans *Wink wink*) 
He takes pride in every achievement of the baby, “Yes, that’s my child!” big cheerleader dad. 
Did the baby learn how to sit, crawl, and roll? He’d be over the moon. He tells everyone. 
His brothers are so done with the conversation. They can’t help but love their little niece/nephew though. 
He is a bit weak and wants to spoil the child rotten, but at the same time, he holds himself back. Wants to build character for his child but doesn’t neglect them.
He would never neglect them. 
Instead, he wants to instruct the child that while they are part of the royalty, there’s an immense gap between social classes, but everyone is equal and their lives are as valuable as any other. They are in a privileged position and it's their job to make everyone’s quality of life better with the power they hold.
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 [୨୧] — Nokto Klein
While he looks like he doesn’t want to be a dad, he’d be the happiest man on earth to have a mini copy of him and you around. 
Warning, this baby/babies(?) are completely spoiled rotten, he won’t care. Your kid(s) deserve the entire world. 
You smack him in the back of the head from time to time because your baby takes longer to walk since Nokto is always carrying them around.
Just like Leon, he is also one to brag about anything and everything his child does, even as a baby. 
It also serves two very useful purposes: to get more information or to escape meetings he doesn’t want to attend (but ends up attending anyways). 
In the first place, he already likes bringing his child everywhere with him and bringing him to parties or social gatherings is a huge plus. 
Everyone fawns about him and the baby, about how a great father he is and how cute the baby is. 
“Oh, I know.” 
Having a baby in his arms gets him a chance to start gossiping with other nobles and get more information after a good talk about parenthood.
His face would get so dark if anyone ever dismissed the feelings of a child, he thinks it's so important that his child or children in the near future (hopefully, if you wish) would feel loved and have all of their needs met. 
As for the latter aspect, it seems that he has a telepathic bond with the baby. 
Does he have to walk into a meeting? Thankfully the nanny comes running to him because the baby won’t stop crying unless he holds them.
He excuses himself for a moment or tries to call the meeting off, but since he can’t squeeze himself out of his duties most of the time he ends up attending and brings the baby with him.
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 [୨୧] — Licht Klein
He is absolutely scared and anxious about every action and decision he takes as a parent.
Don’t get it wrong, he adores you and your baby(s) and would be even more scared if you happened to have twins, knowing his story with his brother and he doesn’t want the story to repeat itself before his eyes.
He believes any child should be free of the burdens from their parents and he lives off by that since having children with you. 
Those dark thoughts? Those past shadows and intrusive nightmares that present themselves before his eyes? He shakes them all off with the light that shines so pure from holding his kid(s). 
Despite being a bit reluctant, knowing the tensions between him and his brother, the child seems to like Nokto a lot, and Licht relies on his brother from time to time, it's not what he would do often but he appreciates another figure the baby can start to trust. 
A thing that brings him so much joy is being able to spend time together. With you leaning against his side and the child nestled between you in bed while he hums a beautiful lullaby he knows will soothe you both, or when you read out loud to them, while the child rests flat against his chest. It's such a calming scene, even when picturing it in his mind.
I also picture Licht as the type to not bring the baby to combat practice until they are much much older; and even if having a skill in combat is important as part of royalty, he relies on his brothers, maybe Yves or even Leon to start the child on their way of learning how to properly use a sword.
When the child grows he won’t even spar with them, he fears his style of combat is too beastly and ruthless, he doesn’t want to harm them by accident or to be violent toward them, even in practice.
He is such a loving father too, he wants to be present in every aspect of their life with you and he gladly takes on any tasks that require him. 
Are you too busy one day or just want to spend a day by yourself? No troubles, he and the baby will go with Uncle Yves and have tea and sweets. Well, the baby will have milk and maybe Licht will have the entire tray of sweets since the baby is still too young to eat those. 
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 [୨୧] — Sariel Noir
This man is a master at multitasking, so handling the baby any day won’t be of any trouble, after all, he almost raised the youngest of the princes so it's a piece of cake for him. 
But he’d rather that you handle the baby at most times since his line of work can encounter some awful people that might stay on his bad book. 
If he knows it will be a calm day with him staying at the office doing paperwork he’d certainly want the child to be with him. 
He can be a busy man and wants to at least keep an eye on his child. 
I can also picture him having a play-pen in his office, he can keep an eye out on the baby; if he happens to have moments where he needs to take a break, he’ll sit with the baby, watch them sleep, and play with them if they are awake.
His favorite times though, are at night, especially if hours passed without both of you seeing each other, he wants the domestic part of having a family of being a husband and a father. 
Oh, but the clouds of not-so-nice thoughts are always clouding the back of his mind, telling him how he should not get attached as all of what you had built together could disappear at any moment by the desire of anyone that considers him a danger. 
But seeing his face, you know how to scare those awful thoughts away, smiling, handing the baby to him, and watching his lips curl into a gentle smile. 
As the child grows I can picture him being a stern dad, he makes sure his child knows that they are loved and he shows it with actions and quality time you spend together as a family.
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so my phone screen has been kinda jacked up for a while and a few days ago i finally dropped it the final time, and i can no longer touch or see anything on the screen. it still turns on, but thats about it. and ive had to kinda work my life around this fact. for example, the only way im able to text people or contact my parents while at college right now is because i had preemptively connected google messages to my computer so i can still access it so long as my phone is on. i cant do any phone calls right now, and if something happens that logs me out of my bank on my pc i have no way to get back in since 2 factor auth is done on my phone. this is the case for a lot of my accounts actually, and a lot of the time you need to use a phone to just create an account and exist on the internet nowadays.
im kinda just now realizing how dependent one has to be on their phone to do really anything nowadays, theres a lot you just simply cant do without one. and these super important things are being made by companies for profit? intentionally designed to break down after x amount of time??
some phones lock your service provider to only one provider depending on where you get them. the fact that this is even an option kinda disgusts me, and also means i cant just plop my sim card into one of my older phones that i still have but stopped using. the reason i stopped using them was because they suddenly got really fucking slow and laggy after a random update and made it impossible to do anything on them
just like
can we have someone make a phone thats designed to last more than 5 years please??? one that if i drop it 2 feet the screen doesnt crack, one that doesnt mysteriously start draining battery super fast one day?
fun fact you cant uninstall youtube on android. its impossible without rooting your phone. what the fuck.
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mamadarama · 7 months ago
same anon here to elaborate on some of the cats (and other pets) in the story:
every member of knights has a descendant of little john/nyaitsu. (only one i have details on atm: izuleo have a big fat cat named king richard who's dumb as rocks[though they both insist otherwise] and spoiled rotten. they didn't know it was a girl until after she was named that. later on they got another cat who they named maid marian before finding out that was a boy. their names have not been changed regardless)
shu adopted a Fancy Pedigree Sphinx (he makes it little sweaters/outfits to keep it warm). mika has a skrunkly black cat he found in a dumpster (alternatively, also thought it could be cool to give him one of those patchwork cats, where the pigmentation on their face is like. split down the middle yanno). anywho these cats are Bonded for Life
tetohina have a Stupid Male Orange Tabby. tetora thinks the cat is a Fierce Warrior while hinata calls it a stinky dum dum (affectionately)
kohiiai actually have three pets. first was the bunny, then the tarantula hiiro brought home a day later, then a while after that, kohaku found a stray kitten in an alleyway and brought it home (by this point hiiro has adjusted to the idea of domesticated pets, and it helps that the kitten was also on the streets [just like him ;;]) kohaku and the cat are both found regularly napping in weird locations (open to suggestions on cat breeds!! i keep going back and forth on what it should be,, i liked the idea of bingus, but also like the idea of fluffy,, currently tentatively thinking oriental long hair maybe? idk. kitten with ear too big for he gotdam head)
subaru (+the rest of trickstar by extension) has a direct descendant of daikichi
similarly, koga has at least one or two corgis, if not a direct descendant of leon. also probably like a bajillion foster dogs. hes using the rockstar money to care for as many dogs as possible
souma still has kamegorou. turtles live a long time,, (also maybe one or two horses as well)
given your Cat Knowledge, i'd love to hear your thoughts on these, or any other characters who you think should have cats! :3
Aaahh thats so cute . i can totally imagine leo having a cat named king richard thats just like that, if someone told me him and izumi have that exact cat back in italy i wouldnt even question it id just take it as fact
you could give kohaku a purebred, but it wouldnt be that realistic to do that. finding a purebred stray/feral at all, much less finding one alive, is so unlikely that the only thing keeping me from saying its impossible is my personal adversity to making absolute claims like that on the possibility of some bizarre freak situation. all strays and ferals are moggies/randombreds, any purebreds you see in shelters are animals surrendered by their owners (its rare, ive been rehabbing cats for 6-7 years now and its only happened 3 times)
however that doesnt mean you cant give him a unique cat !! mutations and weird patterns happen all the time in stray and feral populations . the bobtail gene is pretty common in japanese colonies (at least more common than it is in america) so you could give him a bobtail cat? i think a little high white calico bobtail would suit him :^)
but of course realism doesnt really matter too much, hell i have purebreds in catstars au and theyre all ferals
also hiiro would have either a tarantula or a stick bug or both. idk i can imagine him absolutely adoring stick and leaf bugs for how they look like sticks and leaves , he thinks its charming
depending on how far in the future were talking souma might still have saigoudon. souma grew up with him so its safe to assume theyre around the same age, meaning saigoudon is around 20 years old. horses can live up to 30 and occasionally even longer so theyve still got plenty time left together. if he moves out of his parents house maybe hed get his own horse though
the twins definitely have their own cats and tetora definitely tells young children that meet their cat that its part tiger.
SHU HAVING A HAIRLESS BREED IS SO REAL he would love having a pet he can make clothes for its too perfect . the split face marking youre talking about is most common in tortoiseshell cats , that would be perfect for mika :D
with daikichi and leon im almost certain theyre both fixed because koga and subaru are responsible dog owners but subaru would definitely stick with shibas . i can picture koga either with another corgi or adopting a shepard mix of some kind ..... when he retires hed probably start fostering dogs but until then hed probably be busy with life and stick with only one dog so he can devote all his attention to that one . fostering more than one or two dogs at a time is kind of a full time thing (believe me my step grandmother fosters dogs and owns 11) he definitely volunteers at some sort of animal place, either domestic or exotics or whatever he just loves animals in general (thinking abt the guinea pig card..... )
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mobydingus · 1 year ago
Hii um, really sorry about bugging you but I was scrolling through tags and I saw that you drew lovely Nathan and Leslie work a while back; I'm wirting a huge personal AU and one of the subplots is her breaking Nathan out of camp so they can do a world domination thing lol
I've never seen any headcanons of them ever so it's super hard to wirte (even if it is just for myself, but I love over analyzing both of them) so I was wondering if you had any cools ones that you're comfortable with sharing?? I'm really really sorry if this is random, from a random user but I'm just so content starved and your art on here is so comforting and I love the scene one so so much!!!!
So um, if you can please tell headcanons >⁠.⁠<
wow i really appreciate that! i have a few, nothing too exciting. im not sure if you meant for them interacting or independent headcanons but ill say what i remember. it might be a longer response than you asked for LOL
for more technical ones:
i headcanon that nathan knows at least a little about how leslie works as a robot so if she gets hurt he can help fix her (but hes no robotics engineer so he cant do much about major damage). i also think that she can continue to mimic voices (like when she pretended to be president). she can use this to help herself or nathan (usually blackmail) but she also uses it to taunt nathan (for example, mimicking jimmy to piss nathan off). i also think leslie can change her body temperature from colder than a human to scalding hot (sometimes not on purpose, if she isnt working properly she might overheat which could damage her). i always imagined that there was some sort of underground facility (i wanna draw this but lazy) where she went to recharge, but thats one of my more fantastical headcanons. i personally think she didnt have parents or a house to live in (only a facility) but thats just me. i imagined that after leslie died, nathan recuperated and went to the crime scene or wherever her body was held and either: a. she showed signs of being functional, so he broke her out. or b. assumed she was completely dead/a lost cause and left her there (and she was still alive but wasnt capable of showing signs). both are fun ideas . i imagine that nathan diverted a great deal of his savings from drug-dealing to help repair leslie if he had saved her.
as for their relationship, in my headcanon:
neither of them will admit that they care about one another, even though they do. leslie doesnt admit it because she thinks that being emotional could compromise her rational thinking. nathan does not admit it because i dont think hes ever admitted any true feelings of appreciation or friendship for anyone lol. he would not do anything that might make him emotionally vulnerable (not that hes really conscious of this).
they both taunt eachother and can be meaner than they intended to. they both have a habit of lying to others in canon, so i imagine they still do that.
from a rational standpoint, leslie considers nathan an important asset and his ability to keep quiet about important (and unethical) things makes him valuable for secret operations. from a not-so-rational standpoint, she appreciated his different approach to life and the fact that he is not phased by leslies bizarre nature (the way she acts when she drops her act of being some innocent kid). she has grown fond of him in a way that i believe resembles an unspoken friendship.
nathan first considered leslie as another person to harass, but after being "employed" by leslie, he began to actually appreciate her, and its probably the first time a girl did not instantly hate or pity him. he probably has some sort of crush, but maybe not because leslie is crazy. he also thinks leslie is scary (but so do most people who have dealt with her "mask-off"). i think nathan likes leslie more than leslie likes nathan, but nathan is the first person she goes to if she has a problem, so they are dependent on each other at least a little.
thank you for your ask. hope it wasnt too much of an answer
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luderailing · 2 years ago
Alright friend
🔥give us a hetalia hot take!
💌 what are your "essential" ships? (in your version of the hetalia universe, these characters have to be a romantic pair - and them not being one feels weird/wrong)
🗺️ who's your favourite allies member? axis member? nordic? and favourite character who's not in one of these groups?
I love u for writing the whole question in the ask fr anyway
🔥 - They’re not nations, just immortal. (This probably counts as going against canon but. Eh) they all have biological parents. At what time any of them are born doesn’t really depend on the independence of the country, they’re just an offset of humans with an immortal lifespan. Also countries having more than one native “nation” is pretty common ex: the Italy triplets. The concept of a “nation rep” is a social construct that society built around them over the years. By the time America became independent everyone was scrambling to figure out which of the many children born in that time would live a little longer than the others, and not even Alfred knew at the time, so for a while he probably felt different or outcast from the other children around him. England could be his biological dad, who knows.
They’re just famous people categorized by the country they come from, and the nation rep thing is a title and position given to them for funsies. Other than that pretty normal civilians. They could have served in their countries’ military, they could’ve ruled over a kingdom 50000 years ago, or they could have a boring office job where they print papers and sit in the break room thinking about that sheep they owned in the 1600’s.
If any of that makes sense, to me this also explains some countries not having a nation rep.
💌 - off the top of my head RoBul! I can just imagine them meeting a few times here and there, without really knowing each other, and then boom a hundred years later, wow, this guy is still here?! And they both kiss and live happily ever after. Also I will always love Tolys and Natalya together no one can tell me that Tolys is not absolutely down bad for her.
🗺️ - Allies…I’d have to say Matt. He’s pretty cute I think. For axis I honestly can’t really pick XD. They’re all pretty equal in different ways in my mind. NORDIC I CANT PICK EITHER,,,,,I lov Norway though. And Iceland. I love their brotherly/friendship relationship they have too
Also I do fr love India,,, I don’t really think about his hetalia character nearly as much as I should,, India is such an interesting country to me and I think its beautiful. The history was really cool to learn about
ALSO i love all of your guy’s interpretations of Yugoslavia <<<33333 giving me hope. And I’ve said it before but @piceaobovata ‘s Kazakhstan is real real
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lupusexspiravite · 1 month ago
Tired of everyhing
I have been alive for well over 30 plus years and in that time, This is the first time i have truly felt unsafe in my own country, I can no longer get the medical assistance i require to live as a normal human being, causing me to be stuck at home in excruciating pain, discomfort, barely able to walk, barely able to move in any general sense and its getting worse but screw me because I have no way of making an income anymore. I am truly and utterly exhausted every single day just from getting up off my bed and hobbling to my computer chair, I have 27+ different health diagnoses, the majority of which is treatable/fixable if I would even get the smallest of medical help but I am not even getting that anymore. I had to start getting a support person and a go between between me and the insurance because they refused to do anything and kept pushing over and over and over that they had actually helped, when in reality, 2 appointments every 3 years, when my health conditions require 4 appointments every month just to keep in check.
I have been told by doctors for years now, that my entire health issues is my weight, and water Intake,
1. Weight: until i was 22 I did not gain weight, I was stuck at 98lbs, Then at 22 I had a Health scare that caused me to require staying in the hospital for a few weeks, When i got back to my home after being stuck in the hospital, Literally over the course of the next 5 days I went from 98lbs to over 250 which is INSANE, went to my doctor at the time and the doc said this is normal for my age, BULL. I have not been able to go below 240 since that day unless I am going through surgeries or just not eating at all for days. Completely not normal. Still to this day every single doctor I talk to including my own says that all of my health issues are because of my weight, when in fact 90 percent of these health issues started before I was even overweight.
2. Water intake, I have not really changed my water intake since i was a kid much except to make a point, around 16 cups of water a day is my usual intake and that's more if i drink anything remotely sugary or carbonated aka soda or lemonade. Last year I got fed up and pushed my intake to 25 cups of water a day, results, My doctor told me to cut back to what i was doing back to my original because the upped intake was causing my kidneys to struggle. It toke me putting my body into a potentially severe health issue for the doctor to understand that Yes I am in fact doing everything I am supposed to.
All i want to do is to be able to get up, go to work, come on and relax, But I am stuck in a perpetually hell that does not even seem to have an end of suffering in sight. all I want to be able to afford my own stuff and not have to live with other people, Cant live on my own due to my health issues and cant afford anything because no one wants to hire some disabled person, I live in a country that see's me a disabled person as nothing more than just trash just milk me for imaginary money, (all physical currency is literally made up by us humans therefore it is imaginary, Non arguable.) that I cant even get up to make. I did not ask to be born, I did not ask to be disabled, I did not ask for any of this, I am literally forced to suffer because my parents decided that even though they were informed that I would be born with many health issues and that taking me and my sis to term would kill her but she still had us.
I am also tired of hearing no one wants to work, when me and over 300 people I know have been trying to find jobs for over 10+ years only to find out that the places that were supposed to make it easier to get hired and go through the processes have been purposely posted fake jobs to keep engagement and extra income going as well as jobs are using both non ai and ai algorithms to go through the so called millions of applications and denying 99 percent of them potentially even 100 percent of them depending on the company then saying they cannot find anyone to hire. Bull there is millions of people wanting jobs but guess what we have literally screwed ourselves over.
Every single company should be forced to have a job site for there company that must be personally monitored by company employee's and should be forced to accept in person a persons resume/have a way to apply in person. Every company should also have a company employee if small and/or a group of company employees who there entire job it to call and explain why you did not get the job. By ghosting people you are willingly showing that you are not a good company in any sense to be applying to in the first place.
(to those who will probably say this is overkill and how do we expect companies to do this, pay your employees and more what they are worth and treat people like actual people and you will see how much you can grow(previous CEO of my own company before health issues dropped me).)
Speak of, IF you cannot afford to pay your employees a Livable wage You should not be a company. It is not that hard since there is over 60 different ways to do this and STILL keep a good/ excellent revenue stream. When i was healthy enough to work, I had to create my own company because no one wanted to hire a Disabled person(regardless if they are capable or not of working) So i created my company, For nearly 4 years I ran this business, with loses within only the first year which were unavoidable. went from just me to 4 other employees. Including a Chef and a body guard for the building. all because I paid my employees a livable wage and treated them like actual humans and they did not want to leave, hell even when I was being forced to sell my business the employees kept trying to find ways for me to keep going but it was not viable.
Sold my business and within 3 months the new owners got it forcibly closed because they 1 cut all employees wages, upped business times and toke out every single loan the business could get. This is what happens when you let greed and bad business practices into your company.
Now im stuck on the sidelines watching everything going on, with zero way to fix even my own issues, and im expected to be happy and just accept this situation, screw that. If you were forced to feel pain, discomfort, disorientation and more all day long every single day, Would you be happy?
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lynxiepancakes · 1 month ago
on this site i usually prefer to reblog things or comment on things related to fandoms etc, but today i wish to do something different. or more like, i need to do so.
first of all im blessed rn because in english i cant fully process what im about to say soo im probably gonna avoid a mbd this way i think (and hope)
but tell me, why
do i have to have a job. its so fucked up.
i cannot get an audhd diagnosis (adhd i still could but for autism i fear it could be used against me here in italy) and so unless i disclose it, nobody knows im disabled. when i'l go on my first job interview ill just have to smile, make eye contact, stay in a rigid and uncomfy posture until im out, and answer and talk in a pace, rhythm, tone completely unknown to me. i will not be able to put my headphones on if there are loud sounds, i probably wont even have the way of bringing them with me! haha! or flinch and turn away if there are overstimulating lights (and im pretty sure there will be). i will not have the opportunity to fidget and do any type of stimming, and WORST OF ALL because all this isn't even relevant enough. i will be misgendered and deadnamed constantly and i will have to just put up with it and answer to a name i no longer recognize ever since my third year of highschool. i will have to fight through dysphoria, put on some makeup to look slightly more professional, and have to play a part. which is fine! it's absolutely fine, i swear! if it wasn't that i'm a terrible LIAR and i'm applying for a job which i don't like and will never like because i have to convince people to buy houses in a fucked up economy, have to talk and be gentle all day because none of the works i tried applying for that require less contact with the client - cooking related jobs, jobs related to packaging things, even just being a barista so i will need to talk less than needed compared to a fucking real estate agent - want at least 1 to 5 years of experience. the only job that requires no experience is that of a fucking real estate agent. okay. its all fine. i will be payed up to 800 IF they choose me, which means i wont even be able to cover my school and apartment in florence because even as the cheapest i've been able to find the price still amount to 828 (so as you see i will still be in debt to my parents and dependant on them, since i technically still need to eat and clean and have at least a tiny bit of life enough to pay my fucking 0,70 cappuccino at the machines right?) so the entire point of me working this job, that is, being financially independent from my parents, is not even reached. for a job i despise with all my heart. i will still be linked to my abusive household as i try to pretend i do not hate spending hours and hours doing a job i DON'T like and that will drain me and i will still need to fo my homework, cook and eat and clean after myself, and supposedly take care of my mental and physical health too.
and you know the funny part?
i want to make art.
i changed what i wanted to do in highschool from highly wanted languages in the job marker here in italy - spanish, and chinese - even though i had good grades and liked studying them because i loved art more. i'm spending 350 a month to study to become an illustrator. and when i ask all my teachers how they got their first job they all reply out of luck, or after they had already published and done things for years while spending their money on self financed projects. my love, i cant even sustain myself with the money i'll get, how should i be able to support my projects?
i don't even think this will reach anyone or that anyone will end up reading this its just. i hate working. and the entire point of changing what i wanted to do to arts was to absolutely avoid working a job i hate. just to end up working a job i hate to do arts in my freetime. what is the point of all of this then?
tw: mention of struggles with mental health and attempted suicide
i attempted suicide when i was 17. its not exactly a taboo, it's just been a while ever since i last spoke about it. i never planned to get to 20 - 21 this year. really trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel right now, remind me at least here i'm happy and i'm safe from my parents - but it looks like i went from a struggle to another. is this what life is about? going from one pain and stress and difficulty to the other? holding tightly onto the fleeting moments of happiness?
and im not even touching the "social life" subject. another stinky can of worms i would end up opening. its all going to shit. and im supposed to be thankful cos i have privileges (which i am, but its just so frustrating to focus on the good things.)
so yeah. sorry for the rant. hope nobody reads it
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alicedoessurveys · 6 months ago
1. Who was the last person you forgave? How long did it take you to forgive them? 
i dont know
2. Is going mushroom hunting in the woods something that would interest you? 
3. What is your favorite junk food? How about your favorite health food? chinese or pizza. i dont really have any favourite health foods.
4. Are you listening to anything right now? Do you normally listen to music while you take surveys? 
the noise that my foster siblings are making
5. What were you doing the last time you hung out with a friend? we played dnd
6. Is there anything about you that might cause others to dislike you? 
im an introvert and can be quite antisocial and quiet which some people dont like
7. Is there anything you’re really particular or specific about, anything that has to be done a certain way every time? im autistic, theres a lot of things im particular about hahaha
8. Are there any chores you need to get done today? laundry, but its raining so thats not happening
9. Where was the last place you went shopping and what did you buy?
i went to currys today and bought a new laptop because mine is broken
10. What was the last big change you made to your physical appearance? 
had my hair cut last week
11. Are you more likely to shut people out of your life or try to fix things no matter what? depends who it is and what needs fixing
12. Where was the last place you went out to eat? Is going out something you enjoy or would you rather cook at home? i dont remember. i dont really like eating in public
13. If you have any pets, do they seem to notice when you’re sick or sad? 
i have a house rabbit. he's not the most social but he does seem to know when im upset and will sit near me and let me stroke him
15. Is anything you’ve done lately going to matter in a year?   i hope so.
16. What was the subject of your last phone call? my dad phoned me to see what food i wanted
17. Are your hobbies something you’d rather do alone or with others? 
my main hobbies are dance and theatre and both are things that require being with other people.
18. Is there anything about yourself that you’re trying to improve? 
a lot of stuff. im working on being more confident, and
19. What are you doing today? i had work this morning, then i went to buy my laptop and now im at my parents house for dinner before i have rehearsal this evening
20. What did you dream about last night? i cant remember. lately i keep dreaming about my dead best friend so might have been that.
21. When was the last time you visited relatives? Do you see extended family often? i saw my grandparents a few weeks ago for their 50th wedding anniversary
22. What was the last relaxing thing you did? ive started meditating recently
23. Will this weekend be better than last weekend? probably about the same
24. When was the last time you were there for a friend? a few weeks ago on the anniversary of our friends death me and my other friend went to his grave and he broke down, i had to just hug him and let him cry it out
25. Do you have any jewellery you almost never take off? i have a couple of necklaces that are really sentimental but i do take them off, i dont like to shower or sleep in them
26. What are some of your favourite words? bollocks. really satisfying to say.
27. Do you have any journals from when you were younger? If so, do you ever go back and read them? YES! i have a journal that ive been writing in occasionally since i was 7 years old and it is hilarious to read back through
28. Are there any holidays you used to celebrate, but no longer do? i mean, i never really celebrated new year but me and my best friend had our little tradition we would do every year and since he died i dont even like to acknowledge what day it is
29. What was the last occasion for which you dressed up? like, dressed up fancy or dressed up costume..? cause fancy i genuinely cant remember and costume would have been acting in the panto last year
30. Is there anything you wish you could say to anyone? i wish i could tell my best friend that i love him and i miss him every day
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wilsons-striped-ties · 7 months ago
april tc challenge (days 1-30 one shot)
original post here!
Day 1) What is the most adorable thing your TC has done?
i still think him smiling all shy and waving the paper bag of his birthday cupcakes at me before crossing the entire canteen to talk to me was probably one of the most adorable things hes done
Day 2) On a scale of 1-10, how intense are your feelings towards your TC. Why?
maybe an eight. he's just so thoughtful and sweet i can't help myself sometimes :' doesn't help that his attention towards me is really addictive and he makes me feel seen yknow
Day 3) Does your TC have any cute quirks/habits? If yes, which one is your favourite?
he draws smiley faces and uses the smiley face emoji a lot, its cute. he also cant stand still, and he says certain phrases in the exact same way. he never buttons his shirts to the max, theres always the top two buttons undone, and he would run his hand through his hair absentmindedly when his hair was longer. i think i just like them all hehe
Day 4) If you could change one thing about your TC, what would it be and why?
i like him just the way he is, but maybe when we take photos he can pose too HAHAHA
Day 5) If you had to confess your feelings to your TC, what would be the perfect way of doing so?
maybe a note along with something baked so we can ignore the note and just roll with the baked thing, worst case scenario
Day 6) When having a TC, what is the most important thing to remember?
it's all fun and laughter but please wake up to reality, if you're underage or still their student, stay away from a relationship and stay safe
Day 7) If you had the chance to re-live/change one moment with your TC, which one would it be? And if you wished to change it, how would you?
prom, definitely. i would go back and talk to him and grab a photo with him, i don't know how i didn't do anything with him then and it's one of my biggest regrets :'
Day 8) Why do you think people fall for their teachers?
for me, it was because my parents never gave me any attention or validation but my teachers did, they know me better than my parents and they are just more present in my life
Day 9) If a close friend/relative frowned upon the fact you have a TC, what would you say to change their opinion?
too bad i guess HAHAHA
Day 10) If you went out on a date with your TC, what do you think they would wear?
i think it would depend on what we are going to do, but he'd probably just wear one of his dress shirts and jeans
Day 11) List 1-5 of your TC’s best qualities.
he's thoughtful, sweet, teasing at times, a good listener and he remembers things very well, especially little things
Day 12) How would you feel if you found out your TC had feelings for another student?
hes married...
Day 13) What do you find most attractive about your TC?
physically, his dimples or his eyes and personality, his thoughtfulness most probably
Day 14) What is your TC’s reputation around school?
hes one of the best teachers and all his students agree that his topic predictions for the national exams are always almost correct and that hes super funny but people who arent his students think he looks scary
Day 15) If you had to serenade your TC, which song would you choose and why?
yellow by coldplay maybe? its a subtle declaration of my love for him but it can be overlooked too
Day 16) What hobbies does your TC have out of school?
i don't know, but he likes soccer
Day 17) If you could travel anywhere in the world with your TC, where would it be and why?
anywhere he wants, just as long as its a slightly quieter area and we can walk around a lot and talk hehe
Day 18) Imagine if you and your TC were in a relationship and lived together. Describe the perfect daily routine. (As a bonus, how would you split the chores?)
waking up next to each other and cuddling for a bit before starting the day side by side and then heading to work, and afterwards we head back home for dinner and maybe a late night walk. i can wash the dishes, he can cook if hes a good cook if not we will make do, he can do the laundry i can do the cleaning. we can grab groceries together too hehe
Day 19) If you found your TC visibly upset and/or crying, would you comfort them? If yes, how would you go about it?
i definitely would, i would just stand or sit beside him and offer silent support, if he wants to talk i can listen and just be there for him
Day 20) How would you feel if your TC suddenly cut off all contact with you? What do you think their reason would be?
i would be sad, i dont know, i havent given him any reason to cut ties with me but maybe he just feels annoyed by me or uncomfortable? :(
Day 21) What do you think your TC’s opinion of you is?
he always calls me an awesome, model student, his star history student, someone who's obedient and self driven and my baked stuff are great
Day 22) Has your TC influenced your opinions in any way? Likewise, how has having a TC changed you?
he made me feel way more confident about myself and my academics and reminded me in a way that i have something that im good at (history) and hes always encouraging and believing in me so i guess because of his faith in me, i started to have faith in myself too
Day 23) Are you ashamed of your feelings towards your TC? If yes, why?
nope hehe
Day 24) What is more attractive? Your TC’s appearance or personality?
i think his personality drew me in cause hes super super funny and its just a big bonus that he looks super cool
Day 25) What makes your TC special to you?
hes the only teacher i gave a birthday gift to, hes one of the only teachers that outwardly believed in me and encouraged me and history has always been my childhood interest so the fact that he was able to give me a safe space to pursue and excel in that is really special to me and really really just a big part of my life in high school
Day 26) Describe your TC’s appearance.
salt and pepper hair, slicked back usually, dimples on both sides, the brownest, softest eyes ever, a small smile that manages to be teasing at times, he's not very tall, just half a head taller than me or slightly lesser, sometimes he's clean shaven sometimes his beard outlines his jawline :'
Day 27) When you first met your TC, did you think you’d feel the way you do now? If not, what made you fall for them?
i think my heart always knew but my brain took a very long time to catch up, i had a feeling when i first met him that he would become one of my favourite teachers but i didnt know it would get this obsessed HHAHAH i think his personality and interesting teachings really drew me in
Day 28) If you could get your TC a gift for any occasion, what would it be?
i would love to give him my heart but he already has it hehe IM KIDDING i would like to just give him anything, im not good with gifts at all so i just rely on my baking but i would like to give him maybe a book and we can be book buddies i think because he does look like he reads but i dont knoww
Day 29) How have your feelings affected your everyday life? Has it affected the way you do work for their class? (If you have them as a teacher.)
my feelings made me work even harder to top his class and impress him even more when i was still in high school and now im improving almost everything about myself in hopes to impress him or do something even though i dont really see him that much anymore but its a good improvement so far, but i am more delusional too HAHAH
Day 30) What is the best and worst thing that happened with your TC during the past month? In addition, how do you predict these moments will affect your relationship in the future?
okay since it's the first of september i'll say july and august, best thing was me giving him passion fruit cupcakes in july for his birthday, and teachers day in august. worst thing was probably my note to him in teachers day, i think i poured my soul out too much :' like we do talk about the cupcakes like our little secret hehe but im scared the note may change things, hopefully not :'
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seth-shitposts · 10 months ago
Mmmmm cw// vent post.
Mostly just being angry at a parent.
Lexie: *googles "how to be less angry"*
Seth: 😬 is it that I don't wanna know or that I cant know?
Lexie: Yes.
Seth: mother did something?
Lexie: Stop asking. I'm trying very hard to be able to get to the point where I am willing to work with her. I won't get there if I hold onto this anger.
Seth: well, you, Lithium [Lilith], and myself tend to be the ones to actually feel the anger the younger pilots weren't allowed to have, so uh. Maybe trying to pack it away in a neat little box isn't the answer?
Lexie: ...
Lexie: *long, frustrated sigh* I'm not sure if I'm ever going to be able to forgive her. But my thoughts isn't the only one that matters here.
Seth: she must have really done something back then.
Lexie: I'm not sharing the memory with you. I shouldn't have even dug at it. I knew I wasn't ready to unpack those journals they wrote.
Seth: you read the high school journals? Why? You said you would wait until you were ready
Lexie: because I've already been feeling angry at her lately over the same reason; she gets to try and move forward while we're still trying to patch ourselves together and I'm no where near ready to have any productive conversation with her over the ways she had hurt us.
Seth: and if you tell me what happened, you know that I would switch my vote to cutting ties once we're no longer dependent rather than salvaging it.
Lexie: Yeah, and I don't want that. I want you to have the chance. I want everyone who would possibly want it to have the chance of having our mother. Having a mother.
Seth: but she isn't yours.
Lexie: not since the day I formed, even before I fused with Haimo. I won't forgive her for it. It took the longest time to forgive myself for what I did.
Seth: you were brewed up to that point to be the Trauma Carrier and she played a big part in some of the trauma.
Lexie: Yes, and as a result, the moment I was able to have influence over the front, I reacted from all that pent up rage. And it was a disaster immediately afterwards. And worst part is that I wasn't even the one to have to face those consequences.
Seth: life of a system?
Lexie: we didn't know at that point. They didn't know, so to them it was literally out of nowhere. But I've made the changes in myself for it. I've learned better. I'm still learning. But forgive her? I don't think I can. But I'm trying to be willing just enough so that I can have a productive conversation with her over it.
Seth: bruh, aside from Devon, you are the most reasonable pilot we got. Him and probably Harley. She handles things well.
Lexie: but niether of them have access to any of the memories. And even if I'm one of the most reasonable, I'm no where near ready to have any conversation like that with her. Because the past few days it's taken everything out of me not to spit my anger at her over it all.
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lizzieblabbers · 1 year ago
wake me up when september ends . . .
this late is post this post is late (so sabaw) because someone forgot to wake me up,,,
hallo, people of the tumblrland ;)
remember when i said in the previous post that i was in the province again? yes, ya girl came back <3
i always say to my friends (or whoever may be there to listen to my nonstop blabbering) that i feel like im a plant--na it is hard for me to adjust once i've developed my roots somewhere. i can't really explain it right now but you get the point (hopefully). and this one's particularly a huge thing because it's my first time travelling without any adult (as if im not an adult myself) supervision :D
the ride there was fun and exciting, i was relaxed the whole time and the travel time was shorter than i've expected, so i was estastic when we arrived hehe
i stayed there for twenty-one days, and i really cant put into words how relaxed i was there. well, there were some instances when the world has required too much of me. but i would very much like not to focus on those because it would just obscure how happy i was with this vacation.
looking back now, i think that in a way, it has changed something within me. i don't know, but know i feel less dependent towards other people (especially my parents; everyone knows im a big babie) and i think it's an achievement because hello??? i think i was still stuck to the seventeen year old me who's supposed to be enjoying her last year free of real-world responsibilities. the pandemic robbed me three years of my life that was intended for me to explore and slowly make my way towards adulthood.
so, yeah. that's a little realization from me.
im not really by myself there, my aunt (whom i call mommy because she's literally one of the mother-like figures i have in my life) is there and her family, i also have the father's side of relatives. i have a lot of people there taking care of me. but there's this certain feeling of independence--that i need to look after myself because no one will do it for me.
i don't know if any of these would make sense because while i am writing this, my lids are slowly becoming droopy, like it was begging for a 15-minute nap.
anyway, i won't really dwell much on my province journey because i promise (PROMISE) will write a separate post, maybe within the week? but i will
the ride back was the most heart-wrenching for me. i was crying for the first thirty minutes (or more, idk anymore) of the ride because i was so sad that i had to leave the little life i had there for twenty-one days. some may say im overreacting, but its twenty-one days!!! i have learned in high school from my mapeh teacher (hi mam cess) that it takes a person twenty-one days to be accustomed to a habit to the point that beyond that, they would already do it unconsciously.
imagine my horror when i was only given a day of rest after a fourteen-hour bus ride before i was forced to be an adult and do errands for the rest of the week?????? like???
anyway though, i pushed through, and now its the fifth day of october and school has started :( vacation is over, but the longing is still here
i guess this is longer than i have expected,,, maybe because i have missed writing in freestyle form :D and also because i think i have a lot to say at the moment as i am avoiding a certain academic task that requires me to think
all in all, september was a happy one. its a huge thing for me to call it happy because ive never felt that happy the whole month. i feel like the universe really gave me my well-deserved break from the world and let me realize things on my own.
i think that's all? i'll blabber more on my vacation post which, hopefully, would be really up this week hehe
babye, world! i'm going back to hiding :D
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honey-and-silk-xiv · 2 years ago
An Interview with the Thavnair Jewel
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► Name ➔ "I have had a few, only the one that was given to me at birth I no longer use."
► Are you single ➔ With an amused smirk the Viera canted her head. "Yes, and I would not wish it any other way."
► Are you happy ➔ "I have everything I wished for and more." The confirmation was paired with a nod, maintaining that same amused smirk.
► Are you angry? ➔ "Angry? Rarely. It is a considerable waste of my energy that could be used elsewhere."
► Are your parents still married ➔ "That would imply they were in the first place, no?" This she spoke with a breath that warped into a faint chuckle.
► Birth Place ➔"Like most of my kind, I was born in the Golmore jungle."
► Hair Colour ➔ "As you can see, I am currently a sun kissed blonde." She reached to touch the strands of silken hair with a smirk.
► Eye Color ➔ A momentary pursing of her lips revealed a pensive pause but she chuckled softly. "If you wished to look deep into my eyes you could have asked. A striking colour is it not? A family trait." Vibrant green hues fixed themselves confidently forward, lined with a generous application of kohl to make them stand out more.
► Birthday ➔ "It is custom to never ask a lady her age, no?" A sultry grin lurked upon her painted lips.
► Mood ➔ "Curious." The tanned viera responded without hesitation. "Curious to know where these questions lead, it would be preferable that the result would be...exciting."
► Gender ➔ "Firmly female."
► Summer or winter ➔ "There is nothing quite like basking in the hot sun." Those verdant eyes gleamed, matching the subtle smirk gracing her lips. "Preferably with as little clothing as possible."
► Morning or afternoon ➔ "That depends on the night prior and what for." all the while the gleam in her gaze lingered bold and confident.
► Are you in love ➔ Mirth flared upon her features, her tone carrying the trace of her laugh. "It would take someone utterly extraordinary to invite such an emotion from me. No, I am not."
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ "A romantic notion, to be sure. But not a realistic one from my own observations. Lust at first sight, that is a more accurate explanation and one I do believe in."
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ "Hmmm, oh it has been such a long time ago." The viera mused with a lingering grin.
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ "A few more than one, some like to play with fire and end up burned in the process." a dismissive hand waved off her reply without losing the languid smirk still dancing on her lips.
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔The laughter sounded nearly like a croon when the viera angled her head a fraction. "I am rather willing to offer you an embrace if you find that you have not had enough physical contact yourself."
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ "Quite regularly so, I have received many an anonymous gift over the years. Exciting ever time, though I rarely fail to figure out who it is from."
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ She snorted in laughter and shook her head. "No."
► Love or lust ➔ Passion flared in her eyes, unblinking in her conviction. "Lust." She spoke with a deliberate sultry draw in invitation and promise both.
► Cats or Dogs ➔ "Neither. I have no interest in pets. Well...not of the animal kind of course."
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ "Both." The bold smirk she offered daring the interviewer to try and make her choose.
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ "Wild night out, leading to a wild night in." a wink sealed the statement.
► Day or night ➔ "A lot of these leave much open to interpretation. Hmmm, night."
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ "I never needed to sneak out- Unless of course..." The ever present smirk on her lips curled further still. "Are you asking if I would be able to leave unseen if I came with you after this?"
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ "Not to my memory, and I am not one to forget."
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ "I have wanted things badly, to the point of hurting?" Amusement rung warm in her words. "I get what I set my eyes on."
► Wanted to disappear ➔ "And live in solitude? Sisters, no."
► Smile or eyes ➔ "Eyes. So much can be said with a glance. A single look."
► Shorter or Taller ➔ "I have no preference to either."
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ "Depends what I am in the mood for, it is terribly difficult to have a stimulating conversation with someone who lacks any wit."
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ "You continue to dance around the real question you wish to ask." Subtly she leaned forward, darting a flick of her tongue across her bottom lip seductively.
► Do you and your family get along ➔ "Ah, I guess you are still gathering courage, very well." Leaning back again, the viera nodded. "We are very close."
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ "Not in the slightest."
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ A ponderous pause followed. "I have left home, but I do not classify that as having ran away."
► Have you ever been kicked out ➔ "From where? You are not implying you would?"
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ "It would be rather strange to call someone you hate your friend. I do not waste my time on hatred, it serves nothing."
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ "Nobody has the time to form such a deep connection with that many people and maintain it. I am a capable woman but even I have my limits." The laughter rolled from her lips with ease.
► Who is your best friend ➔ "Lord Kaien is my closest and most dear friend. I consider him as close as my own blood."
► Who knows everything about you ➔ "You will have to learn about me yourself, instead of interrogating others. Now... that is quite enough questions. A glass of wine to start a far more enjoyable rest of our time together?" The woman rose from her seat, leaning over to reach for the bottle with a salacious grin.
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