#femme pain
nataliewaitesnotesapp · 4 months
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spilledsapphic · 7 months
this is your sign to bend her over and spank her. see how cute her reactions are ♡
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femmedepravity · 2 months
When you sit down at work and it hurts, reminding you of what a good girl you were for her last night 🥵🥰🥵
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Purse Essentials For Day & Night (or Any Activity In Between)
Daytime Handbag Essentials:
Wallet/cardholder (ID[s], credit/debit cards, spare cash – enough for an emergency cab/train ticket, a bottle of water, and a cheap snack plus a little extra is my formula)
Phone/phone charger
Mini sunscreen
Hand lotion
Floss picks in a travel floss dispenser
Mini disposable toothbrushes
Breath mints
Portable stain remover wipes
Hand sanitizer
Lip balm/your everyday lip color
Brow pencil
Power foundation
Contour/blush stick
Oil blotting sheets
Roll-on perfume
Hair ties
Foldable mini hair brush
Feminine hygiene wipes
Panty liners/pads/tampons
Travel case bandaids
Condoms (not in a wallet, please)
A pen or two
Portable sticky notes
Travel pack of tissues
Spare glasses/contacts & contact solution
OTC pain relief medicine
Water bottle
Non-perishable snacks (I recommend Larabars, Lupini beans/roasted chickpeas/edamame, roasted nuts/trail mix snack packs, Lupii/Raw Rev vegan protein bars, and freeze-dried fruit)
Nighttime Handbag Essentials:
Wallet/cardholder (ID[s], credit/debit cards, spare cash – enough for an emergency cab/train ticket, a bottle of water, and a cheap snack plus a little extra is my formula)
Phone/portable phone charger
Mini sunscreen
Hand lotion
Floss picks in a travel floss dispenser
Mini disposable toothbrushes
Breath mints
Portable stain remover wipes
Hand sanitizer
Lip balm/your everyday lip color
Brow pencil
Mini power foundation
Roll-on perfume
Hair ties
Foldable mini hair brush
Feminine hygiene wipes
Panty liner (and maybe a pad/tampon, depending on the time of the month)
Portable makeup remover wipe (or two)
Portable cleansing towelette (or two)
Travel case bandaids
Condoms (at least two – not in a wallet, please)
Disposable foot socks
OTC pain relief medicine
Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D supplement (one of each – for after or the morning after drinking)
Necessary Edit: This list is meant to be a comprehensive guide, designed to be personalized. If you don't think you need some of these items, [pick and choose at your discretion].
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read-write-thrive · 1 month
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saw @tma-thoughts ‘s post talking about not enough butch charles rowland and wanting to see more butch4femme painland and naturally I spent the entire rest of my day brainstorming, researching, and then drawing this time period accurate (to the best of my abilities) butch!Edwin(a? Edie?) x femme!Charles (definitely Charlotte/Charlie)
I have whole spreads of photo references for both of them but in case anyone is interested, Charles is inspired by rudegirl/ska punk/skinhead/punk/goth feminine aesthetics from the 1980s UK (even more specifically by the band The Bodysnatchers) while Edwin is inspired mainly by sportswear for women in the 1910s as well as what photos I could find of teenage girls during that era! in terms of Edwin reading as butch, I wanted to combine the shortest hair I could get away with (for the era and while still reading as Edwin—too 20s reads as too fashion forward which is not the vibe), as well as balance the line between sportswear (which imo reads as butch) and Edwin’s usual fashions. I also kept her makeup-free, accessory-free, and overall more “practical” in her dress to try and read as more butch. something to note that you don’t see here— Edwin is 100% wearing bloomers/trousers either as part of or underneath this skirt. I couldn’t get it to read correctly in the design but I need you to know they’re there lmao
feedback welcome (and further discussion even more so, I’m a slut for fashion history x character design!!!)
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rotruff · 5 months
night so long you start thinking of your f/o taking care of you so you can just lay down . night so long you start thinking abt them taking off coats and unzipping dresses or unbuttoning shirts and being careful when they take off any makeup or glasses and giving gentle little reminders when they hand over any medications or even just a glass of water to make sure you've had some.
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greghatecrimes · 5 months
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god forbid women do anything
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briarberrythornedhart · 2 months
Sitting in his lap Part 2
Can be read alone I think. Fluff with a happy ending
CW: cursing/strong language, angst, yelling, lustful thoughts, backwash in soda (ew)
You cocked your eyebrow at him.
Eddie didn't…couldn’t … SURELY MUSN’T know what he was offering - what it would feel like to you? Maybe he just didn’t want to move his ass out of the throne for one minute? That would be a new level of lazy for Mr. ants in the pants.
“I’m serious.” He said, “ Sit down in my lap and see what it’s like- the view from here. Being in charge.” Eddie scooted backward to give you the most lap to sit on, spread his knees armrest to armrest wide and rolled his shoulders back. “Be their benevolent ruler... their peace-loving goddess.”
Okay. As if ignoring Eddie was possible, especially if he was close. As if you hadn’t dreamt of being on his lap.
“C’mon - Pretend I’m like your…grand vizier. Whispering evil advice in your ear but you can ignore me all you like because clever-you always finds the peaceful solutions which are probably smarter or whatever…” he trailed off, which was good because he was starting to sound a little sullen for some reason.
Only — in your dreams the guys weren’t nearby fighting over pizza like rabid raccoons and in your dreams Eddie was near-to-full naked and in your dreams he was removing your clothes… anyway… here you were with your friendly DM who didn’t intend this as a prelude to seducing you.
You ached with unshed tears inside. Hidden from anyone’s view. No one could know how Eddie made you feel, that would make it worse.
You settled yourself down on his thighs. Resigned to torture. You could cope with torture.
He felt too good.
He spoke low in your ear and it sent a shiver up your spine “Imagine.” His voice a purr. “All their eyes on you, hanging on your every word. Waiting for your planned session to unfold.” He moved a lock of your hair over your ear gently and your breath caught - hopefully he didn’t notice. “Heady stuff.”
“I know why you enjoy it, but I don’t think I would. Also, kinda doubt I could command the respect you get. I can’t do the voices and accents you do and all you have to do is clear your throat and we all snap to attention - which you LOVE.”
Eddie chuckled, “I do love that. I could coach you... give you tips, I’m just saying try it once, like... pineapple on pizza. Might develop a taste for it and It can’t hurt you.”
“Unless you’re allergic to pineapple.” You added. Making him snort. You turned towards him and looked (unwisely) at his lips. Gawd his lips. Then his eyes, back again to his lips. You could just lean in and taste them and ruin everything.
“Princess,” he was serious now. His voice pitched even lower. Eddie had called you ‘princess’ 3 times since you met and it was always very serious.
1 - ‘Princess, Chance Peterson was about to knock your ass right over, I had to scoop you out of the way.”
2 - ‘You know if you keep arguing with me at my locker, Princess, you’ll be late to Mrs. Guise’s class and she gives out detentions like she’s got a quota.’
3- ‘I don’t care if you saw a pretty wildflower out there, that part of the woods by Lover’s lake is rife with poison oak, gawd!! Princess, just... I’ll find you a pretty-ass flower, okay, just get out of the bushes, please?? You’re gonna ruin our Hellfire trip to the lake by making us all drive you home covered in a rash!’
Oh no. It was probably ‘I feel you squirming in my lap and caught you looking at my mouth but it’s not doing anything for me - we are just friends.’ or something dreadful along those lines. Cause you felt heat and pressure under your bottom, but it was probably not him getting an erection - like - wouldn’t his face show some sign... wouldn’t he grip your thighs and grind up against you and say your name in your ear...
You were saved by (your favorite, your self-adopted baby brother) Dustin returning to the gaming table. “Hey guys!” Making you both jump up - you personally feeling oddly guilty. “…there’s not going to be enough pizza for you if you don’t get over there. I know Eddie did the pizza math but I don’t think he reckoned on the bottomless pit of Gareth the Great’s stomach.”
“You had 4 pieces yourself, dingus!!” Gareth yelled.
“Only after I saw you go back for seconds!” Dustin threw his arms out pleading for justice to Eddie.
Eddie moved behind you, stage whispering “Talk to them, they need your divine guidance with resolving petty conflicts nonviolently.”
“Cease bickering.” You demanded. “There’s plenty of pizza left. Eddie’s pizza math is infallible.”
“Okaaaay ‘Mom’ don’t go and ground us...” Gareth started out with heavy sass. But he looked over your shoulder at Eddie and suddenly buttoned his beak.
You continued. “Dustin, go make a plate for Eddie. Three slices of pepperoni. And bring over that bottle of Dr. Pepper to refill his chalice before all that’s left is backwash.” You knew Eddie’s favorites. Of course.
“Ew. Backwash?? Gross.” Dustin shuddered but complied.
“Gareth, go get her Majesty three pieces of plain cheese. And the pepper flakes and the Parmesan flakes and one of the red cups with RC Cola and mostly ice.” Eddie ordered. Maybe he just guessed at your very favorite pizza night choices??
Your attention was fully back on Eddie. He nudged you in the arm with his shoulder. “So... before we were so rudely interrupted... I was trying to suggest thaaa....”
“We are out of cups.” Gareth interrupted with a grimace, bringing back a plate for you..
“Whaddaya mean we are ‘out’? I bought two sleeves of them at the beginning of the year... There were only 6 of you until the gals joined us. There should be plenty!” Eddie was more upset than you thought he should be.
“Yeah - I dunno - but Jeff just took the last one.” Gareth shrugged
You took the plate and made a ‘calm down’ gesture. “It’s fine - Don’t throw Jeff under the bus - I’ll be just fine. I’m more hungry than thirsty - it’s cool. ‘We’re all fine here... now’” You did your best Han Solo to try and diffuse the tension. But - It was mediocre at best. Not like Eddie’s.
“We can share.” Eddie made this a challenge, handing you his hellfire goblet- it must be said - very theatrically. His right hand was wrapped around the bowl of the chalice instead of the stem - rather like you wished he’d wrap those fingers around your.... Well.... suffice it to say you both had watched a lot of fantasy movies of one type or another. “Don’t look at me like that, it’s not tainted by my lips touching it or something. Or are you worried about backwash or whatever.”
“I’m not .... worried... just give it here.” You took the jeweled cup and tried not to react to the feel of his hand and yours touching. Even the littlest things involving Eddie got you worked up. You took a long sip while he watched you with his dark eyes - and then you handed it back. “Thank you.”
“You are most welcome.” There was a touch of something.... Sarcasm? In his voice. “See we can share and nothing bad happens. You don’t sink down to my level or anything.”
That was out of left field... or some other sports metaphor you didn’t fully grok, “What?? are you even talking about??”
“I know I know, I’m beneath you and everything, but it wouldn’t diminish you to, like, spend time with me outside of Hellfire club. I wouldn’t endanger your reputation, we could keep it secret. Like, you know, your other ‘normie’ girl friends probably think I’m trash, but I’m just a guy, j-just a normal guy...we could plan a one-shot, or... hang out like watch a movie or something.”
“First off - if any of my gal-friends - who are not ‘normal’ by the way - said you were trash I’d tell them what for. Secondly - I’ve asked you to hang out multiple times and you’ve oh so politely declined.”
“You asked me if I wanted to hang out with you and Dustin and Lucas... to go thrift shopping and do errands. I told you you could borrow my van if you needed it.”
“I didn’t want to borrow your van. I wanted to hang out with you. And I thought with them along, you wouldn’t say no - like - it’d be casual and safe.”
“Because you didn’t want me to get ideas.” he spat.
“No - just because you might be afraid I’d try and jump your bones, if it was just us two.”
“Jump my....Why would I think you’d ... jump my bones, you can barely stand me! You always run outta here after Hellfire!”
“I go right home so I don’t have to hear about you and your perfect pretty runway model Chrissy!!”
“I’m NOT with Chrissy!! She just buys from me, goddamnit! You are the one who keeps going out with the bland guy of the week!!”
“I have no control over the only guys asking me out being BORING as SHIT! And I haven’t been on a date in TWO MONTHS actually!! I’d rather not date than be bored!!”
“Then ::fuck:: WHy are WE Yelling!??!”
“Because I ADORE you, You DUMBASS!!” You blurted out. “You can’t just pull me into your lap and make me fuckin melt and play with me like a puppet and wonder why I’m upset??! yOU CAN’T BE that oBLIVIOUS!!”
Shit. See this - this right here - is why you avoid conflict like the plague. You know you are one second away from truth bombs that will blow up your life and You DIDN’T need Eddie feeling Sorry for you!! Or all the boys feeling sorry for you - all their eyes were on you for a bad reason and - only Erica wasn’t giving you a look like you were a pitiable creature. She was absolutely about to laugh at your ass, though.
“I failed.” Eddie bit his lips together, he reached out to take your hand and wove his fingers with yours. “I totally failed to pick up on that. Wow. Just crit fail on that perception check that you might ever like me back... But... um... I’m crazy about you... so... forgive me??” He closed the distance between you. He pulled your hand up to his mouth to kiss the back of it.
You were quiet - processing - did he just say he was crazy about... you?? Detect trap?? Retreat to safety?? Join a convent and abjure forever the company of men??
He raised his eyebrows and cocked his head slightly, waiting.
“I’m not mad at you.” You whispered.
“Let’s do errands sometime, but just us two. And - uh - I prefer to be called ‘smartass’ than ‘dumbass’, you know, in general.” He grinned the grin you recognized from when he made a particularly good roll of the dice.
“Fuckin finally.” You heard Jeff mutter. “Mom and Dad can stop fighting.”
“Yeah - just get it over with and real quickly kiss and make up, ya idjits!” Erica demanded. “We want to get back to kicking ass in the GAME.”
Eddie leaned in to say deep and sweet in your ear. “The first time we kiss-- it isn’t gonna be over with quickly.”
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houstonxbreed · 4 months
Desiring relationships because you’re a hopeless romantic 🤝🏾 avoiding relationships out of fear that your disability will be a burden on your partner.
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
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girl's night :)
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femmedepravity · 6 months
Hold a knife to my neck while you fuck me and push deeper into my skin every time I make a sound
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lavender-femme · 2 years
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something something lesbian pride flag hair
🪸men | minors | terfs | do not fucking interact 🪸
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femmething · 3 months
can any lesbian/wlw/nblw blog that isn't weird about non binary lesbians like or reblog this? im trying to find blogs who at least acknowledge us
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zozospinknails · 7 months
my father, the root of my insanity.
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