#feathering lotion
antimnemonic · 11 months
we all love the imagery of having feathery wings and using them to shield oneself from the rain but in practice it’d probably be like holding your arms over your head for a long time
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erwinsvow · 3 months
PLEASEEEE can u show the time where reader caught rafe punching the squishmallows that really sent me
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"don't laugh, okay?" you say it softly, right outside the door to your bedroom.
"why would i laugh?" rafe’s asking seriously, but you're already a tiny bit embarrassed of what lies on the other side of the door and you're unsure how rafe will react.
"it's, like, a third of the size of your room-"
"shut up and open the door."
you sigh, turning the handle and pushing to let yourself in first. rafe follows, staring around the tiny room observantly. his eyes flicker from corner to corner, taking it in. you stand to the side patiently, playing with your hands, in particular the ring rafe had just gotten you, fiddling and twisting it repeatedly.
he walks around for a second, stopping at your bookshelf to take a look at the titles on the shelves and then moving on, staring at the photos on the wall and then sniffing a stray candle on the nightstand. he finally stops at your dresser, glancing over the lotions and perfumes littered on top to stare at the framed picture of the two of you perched right in the center, odds and ends he's gotten you in the last month scattered around.
"so?" you question quietly, eyes big.
"which drawer's got your panties?"
"rafe! shut up."
"it's a cute room. why'd you get so worried?"
"i don't know. habit." you settle on the bed, bringing your biggest squishmallow onto your lap, holding it in your arms comfortingly. rafe's still looking around.
"always had one favorite color, huh?"
"yes," you admit, squeezing the stuffed animal harder. rafe finally comes to join you on the bed, gesturing to the squishmallow as soon as he does.
"what the hell is that?"
"this is ricky. he's a clownfish. he has a career, i just can't remember-"
"they all have jobs and hobbies, rafe. the squishmallows. i think he's an underwater singer or something."
"you sleep with that huge thing on the bed?"
"every night. when i'm here, at least. i should get one for tannyhill!"
"don't know about all that." he takes it into his hands, moving it around, observing it from all sides. "every single night?"
"yeah. why?"
the conversation changes to the books on your nightstand, and you forget all about the squishmallow resting on your bed until you step out to get a cup of lemonade for rafe.
walking back in, you wonder if you put enough sugar in, when you open the door to see rafe smacking your squishmallow with his right hook, right to his little face.
"what are you doing?!" it spills out before you can stop it, the lemonade almost falling out of your hand.
"look at the dent. how does it go back to how it was?" he questions, while you look over at him, horrified. "what's inside it? feathers, or some shit?" he looks over to get an answer, when he looks at your distraught face.
even when he sleeps over, he's never allowed to touch your squishmallow again.
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undeadmagick · 2 months
Broke Boy Guide to Altar Offerings
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Hey! Are you broke but still wanna offer something up to the gods? Don't worry! (So am i) So here's a guide of things that are either free, low cost or that you probably already own to slap onto those altars. Mind you: These are mainly modern offerings that I attribute to these different classification of gods. I'll likely update as time goes on with other classifications :)
General Offerings to Deities:
random flowers from outside
random sticks from outside
hand written letters/prayers
plushies of the animals they're connected to
raw/cooked meats as "sacrifices"
drawn symbols
Art/Creative Deities:
symbol painted bottle caps
old sketchbooks
comic books
Death Deities:
bones or meat from your meals
dirt from a dead plant
dying flowers
skull imagery
coins or other gifts for those passing
photo/belongings of your late loved ones
Familial/Household/Protector of Children Deities:
photobooth photos
jewelry gifted from family
baby teeth from your children
breast milk
old baby shoes
framed photo of family
homecooked meals
Fire Deities:
birthday candles
charcoal discs
burnt herbs
Healing Deities:
your current medications
vitamin gummies
spell jar in an empty pill bottle
Knowledge/Wisdom Deities:
old books & textbooks
mini chess pieces
written down philosophical quotes
good test scores/report cards/degrees
Love/Lust Deities:
origami 3D hearts
unused makeup
love letters to deities
love letters about S/O or crush
current perfume/cologne
current lotions
Nature Deities:
plants dedicated to them
herbal tea packets
spells using recycled materials (toilet paper rolls, etc.)
Sea Deities:
beach sand
sea water
tiny sea animal figurines
shared fish dinners
makeshift spell jar using a shell
Trickster Deities:
laffy taffy joke wrappers
cards against humanity packs
other comedy card games
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applejuicebegood · 2 months
Jason Showing his Love for You
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Sharing. Sharing his jackets, his cologne, his food - he loves sharing the intimate material aspects of his life. You'll mention being thirsty whilst you guys are walking through the park and he's already uncapping his water bottle for you. You complain to him that your workplace doesn't have proper heating for the winter month and he's already packing one of his hoodies and some hand-warmers in your bag.
Big 'Act's of service' kinda guy. Adores making you dinner and memorising your favourite recipes (you have bought him this red apron from the local farmers market with a robin feather on the front pocket and he immediately asked you if he could have your ring size). Has a small box under the stove of both of your favourite meals written on small cue cards.
Carries your bags if you're out shopping or if he's walking you home from work.
If you're feeling tense or overly exhausted, he always offers a massage. He finds it that much more intimate and loving. To dip and press his fingers into the knots tightening your soft flesh and to hear your groan and sigh in relief, it's a reminder to him that his body doesn't always have to be used for violence and the installation of fear. It can be used as a source of comfort and release - as evident when you pull him down against your chest, after he's put away the lotion, to lay on top of you like a big weighted blanket.
He'll take pictures of flowers and sunsets over water and send them to you randomly throughout the week with the fallow up text being something like 'reminded me of you' 'it looked like your eye-colour'.
Besides that, his camera roll is mostly just you. Pictures of you asleep on his chest or in the middle of the biggest fit of laughter. He's got a few polaroids stashed in his wallet of you that he pulls out on week-long missions with his brothers. To remind himself that he's got something to get back to.
He'll always tie your shoes if the laces come undone or helps you stand up in heels. He's always worried about you if the two of you are at one of his Dad's galla's (for many reasons not included) and your in heels - because he knows how painful it can get. Once you guys get back to your house, he would sweep you into his arms after you've kicked off your heels just so you wouldn't have to stand and stumble for a second longer.
Helps take off your jewelry and makeup as you help him out of his suite.
Listens to your playlists and favourite albums so that you guys can sing along together during late night baking attempts.
You guys have a shared record collection that you started when for your anniversary you got him a record player. He likes to be supper corny some nights and dance with you as one of your favourite albums plays.
He'll be very casual about how extraordinary he treats you. He considers it expected instead of the exception. Because you were able to love him back to life, so why shouldn't you deserve only the best from him?
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heartlilith · 5 months
🩷Oddly specific things I think about when I hear ______ venus
Aries Venus: Summer, rubies, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, rollercoasters, fast cars, the color red, vampire fangs, Saturday nights, liquor stores and gas stations, fireworks, sour candy, cool bic lighters, “you’re mine”, Mario Kart, boys who wear nail polish, fuck it energy, oversized sweatshirts, middle finger emoji, cherries
Taurus Venus: Satin pillowcases, white candles, pearls, mirrors, hand holding, walking someone home at night, vinyls, red lipstick, full lips, fancy dinner dates, the wine and dine, old romantic movies, wallets and purses, hotels, French manicures, old money, “I won’t get on my knees for no man”
Gemini Venus: Driving around at night listening to music, reading to someone, comedy shows, mimosas, Samantha from Sex and the City, libraries, nerd kink, hot teachers/student kink, emerald green, laughter, swing sets, looking out of the window and just watching, untied shoelaces, dogs and puppies, dad jokes
Cancer Venus: Soft feather pillows, a bowl of warm soup, a bubble bath, tears and running mascara, babies and how babies laugh, poetry, “I’ll be whatever you want me to be”, hot tubs, hot coffee, teddy bears, heartbeats, soft hands & skin, lotion, bagels and cream cheese, doodling in your journal
Leo Venus: Lip gloss, mojitos, getting drunk at brunch, diamond tennis bracelets, drunk texts you regret sending later, the block button, lonely nights, shooting stars, blowing bubbles, piggy back rides, art museums, glittery eyeshadow, jumparoos, birthday parties
Virgo Venus: Taking a shower, Dove soap, smooth skin, symmetry, butterflies, the smell of books, getting a facial or going to the spa, chicken caesar salads, the good tasting water, chunky headphones, acoustic guitar, running errands, getting your eyebrows done, neat handwriting, neutral colors, sushi
Libra Venus: Blush, dimples, Y2K fashion, Hello Kitty, makeup skills, those little hand mirrors, princes and princesses, cupcakes, pedicures, Margaritas, taking pictures, art, castles, Disney movies, daisies, spin the bottle, cartwheels, soft hair, bubblegum, skincare, watermelon and pineapple
Scorpio Venus: Psychology, neck tattoos, “until death do us part”, Kings & Queens, snakes, sacred sex, chess, secrets, hickeys, the feeling after you stay up all night, the feeling of being at a concert, roses, knives, tequila shots, legs intertwined, dirty martinis, sparklers, Avril Lavigne, fantasy books, true crime and dark history
Sagittarius Venus: Clouds, rock climbing, rappers, Hip Hop and R&B, going on vacation, açaí bowls and fresh fruit, sun kissed/radiant skin, the color yellow, retreats, history, yoga and Pilates, spicy food, “it is what it is”, curly hair, the smell of weed, casinos, the last day of school, Las Vegas
Capricorn Venus: Leather, red wine, the cow pattern, cowgirl boots, the color brown, espresso, dark chocolate, briefcase of money like in the movies, the movie Scarface, whiskey on the rocks, bosses, owls, turtle necks, caramel, wearing suits, lingerie, business, New York City
Aquarius Venus: Lightbulbs, telescopes and microscopes, LED lights, hamsters, college parties, glitter, peace signs, 70s concerts, food trucks, skipping school, “fuck it”, diving in the pool, the beach at night, disco balls, getting detentions in school
Pisces Venus: Mermaids, kittens, cartoons and Disney princesses, champagne, Webkinz, little kid stories like Goldilocks, 3 Little Pigs, Hansel and Gretel, clear glittery lip gloss, holographic, snowmen and icicles, swimming in the pool, flower gardens, glow sticks , picnics, bumblebees, sand castles, elementary art class, 3D movies
Book a Reading 🩷
Masterlist 🩷
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valeanno · 3 months
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When you know that your lee's armpit are so soft and sensitive that a little feather is enough to break her ...but you have a new lotion to try ...and you're in a naughty mood 😈
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hazbn-oneshots · 4 months
Bathtime Headcanons
Just a few headcanons for sharing a bubble bath with the main characters. Enjoy!
oddly enough Charlie doesn’t partake in full baths as much as she favors showers.
She’s busy dealing with the hotel and along with ruling as the Princess of Hell so she much prefers a quick warm spray.
On the occasion, however, she finds herself tired enough that you might just be able to convince her to indulge with you. 
You make a point of dredging up any kind of bubble bath, bath bomb, lotion, anything you can find to ensure that you can provide the best bubble bath possible.
Music plays softly over a small speaker, but it’s drowned out the hushed whispers of words of love as you meticulously wash and condition her hair.
Conditioning is your favorite step. Charlie didn’t need it often as her hair somehow stayed so silky, so every now and then when you got to run a soft brush through her hair, twisting it gently to pin atop her head.
She tries to wash you in return but you always push her hand away, insisting on pampering her after a hard day.
Usually ends with you drying her off and carrying her to bed when she inevitably passes out.
Vaggie loves baths but she’s hard pressed to admit it. Nothing feels better on sore muscles than a nice soak, ideally with lavender. She loves lavender.
The two of you had been dating for about 6 months before she even entertained the idea of going to you with such a request. 
She was too embarrassed to ask.
-in the end, how she broaches the subject is by surprising you one night when you return home. A few candles lined the edge of the bathtub that was filled nearly to the brim with bubbles.
”I just thought it would be nice, you’ve been gone all day” And you know better to react calmly should you risk spooking the flustered angel with the scarlet red face.
She’s the one that drags it out in the end. She’d wrap her arms just a little tighter around your waist and mutter about how the water would stay warm for just a little longer.
Vaggie gives sweet towel hugs.
Listen, Alastor takes pride in his hygiene. He takes the utmost care to keep himself and his dress in immaculate condition. 
He’ll invest in facial creams, hair creams, body creams, oils, lotions, you name it and he’s used it. 
But baths? No. Absolutely not.
You’ve only attempted to convince Alastor to take a bath with you and neither occasion ended particularly well. The radio demon wouldn’t speak to you for a week after the first failed attempt and had all but removed himself from your life with the second so you couldn’t say you were in any hurry for a third.
However, the two of you have come to a happy compromise. Whenever you found yourself in the mood to draw a bath you would sometimes find Alastor pulling a chair up next to the tub with a book tucked under his arm. So would begin a lovely tradition between the both of you.
More than once you’ve found yourself dozing to the soft static of the Alastor’s voice, and in response the demon would lightly tap his cane against the edge of the tub to rouse you.
Don’t fall asleep though, three strikes and he’ll leave you in the tub. No he doesn’t.
Not. A. Fan. Considering his entire being consists of fur and feathers, Husk can and will do everything within his power to avoid bathing if he can. Look, it’s just not his idea of a fun night to sit down with a hairdryer and attempt to wring himself out as best he can.
Inevitably he’d miss a spot and end up with stale wet cat smell and no one likes that, especially not our resident grump.
He won’t make a fuss if you want to bathe with him though. What he will do is laugh while patting your shoulder. “I’ll wait for ya in the room”
The more comfortable he gets, however, you’ll start to see that eventually Husk begins to find reasons just to ‘wander’ into the bathroom with you. He misses you, you know it, but it’s still sweet to see him making the excuse of looking for his lucky pair of boxers.
”The water’s always warm darlin”
You better get the blow dryer ready, the only way you can convince him is if you’ll deal with it. You don’t mind though, the purrs are worth it
Angel Dust:
You and Angel take turns picking which bath bombs and bubble baths that you’ll throw into whichever potion you’ll be brewing up tonight.
Bathtime with Angel was always a favorite for you, you couldn’t think of anything better than getting to curl up with your cuddle bug in your arms. Although things never really stay that way for long.
It’s hard not to tease while washing each other. A slip of the hand here, just a little rough touch of loofah there, just a sweet little taste of what could be but the restraint comes easy in the relaxed atmosphere. Just in times like these Angel will be patient enough to wait until you can actually make it to the bed. 
Angel won’t let you wash his hair. You don’t know why he’s so particular about it but if you interrupt his routine of products then his entire night is ruined so you choose the peaceful route and leave the man be. That doesn’t mean he won’t wash your hair for you if you ask though, those four hands of his do wonders at massaging the scalp.
Angel will 10/10 let you towel dry him every single time and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t use it as an opportunity to make a show at bending this way and that, making sure to get every inch of him.
He looks like a fluffy mess afterwards but hey, he’s your fluffy mess.
Requests open!!
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celestial-grls · 3 months
Midnight Snack - Kate Martin x reader
-Summary: Fluffiest blurb ever about Kate waking you up because she's hungry and wants company...like how could you resist her?
Tonight, you and Kate seemed to have exchanged roles. Usually, you’re the one who’s up way past your bedtime, reading or giving your rapt attention to a video essay you found. Kate usually is the one gently asking you to come to bed, and she never needs more than five minutes before she’s dozing off and completely snoring. Tonight, you got some shut-eye, nestled into the warmth of her neck with your legs tangled together under the covers. There’s a few days before she has to leave for a tournament, so you’re taking as much time as you can to be with her knowing that once everything starts up again, there’ll be a stretch of time before you two can really be together like this. It’s dark, yours and Kate’s dog is asleep at the foot of the bed peacefully snoring. 
“Y/N,” Kate turns over to lightly touch your face, whispering and trying to wake you up as nicely as she can. The small inkling of guilt settles as her eyes adjust to your sleepy face, how the top of your head fits right into her neck. 
“Y/N…baby,” Kate whispers again. This time you stir a bit. 
Through a slight frown you mumble, “Hm?”
Kate starts shuffling to trace some lines into your palm, another strategy for waking you up nicely. 
Her tracing the lines inside your palm feel so familiar, her automatic little habit to feel closer to you. She presses feather-light kisses to them too, waiting patiently for you to open your eyes. She’s so relieved when you finally do. 
“Kate,” you rub at your eyes, still half-asleep and gooey at how sweet Kate is trying to be while waking you. “What time is it, baby?” 
“It’s late. Like 12:30 I think?” Kate and you are fully facing each other, slowly blinking.. 
“Do you have to be up early tomorrow? Or can we sleep in a little?” You ask her through a yawn, you start to blink at her when she yawns back at you.
Kate couldn’t adore you more than she does right now, as you reach for your glasses from the bedside table so you can see her better and check the time. The strap of your tank top slid off one shoulder when you sat up in bed and she instinctively went to kiss your shoulder. 
“No, I don’t have to be up too early,” She doesn’t stop slowly blinking at you or tracing the side of your arm with her finger, constantly touching you to remind herself you’re real. 
You push your glasses up the bridge of your nose and lean down to peck a kiss to the corner of her mouth, “Good. You couldn’t sleep?” You worry about her, and you’re almost certain she knows that. 
Kate closes her eyes when your hair falls over her face, receiving your little kisses and breathing in the lotion you put on before bed. She’s going to miss it when she’s away in a few days. “Not really. Will you come have a snack with me?” 
She gives you this pleading look, her eyes big pools of warmth. You tell her, “I’ll do you one better…I’ll make us a snack,”
She automatically protests, “No, baby, you don’t have to. I feel bad enough waking you up.” 
“I’d feel worse if you had one without me,” then you get out from your side of the bed and wait for her to join you, “C’mon, no objections please.” 
Kate’s already tried to offer to help, but you refused. “You don’t think I can cut an apple or something, big shot?” 
“‘Course not. I know you can. Are you sure you don’t want me to do anything?” She’s lingering next to you as you chop the apple into slices and slide them onto a plate. You look up at her with her sleep mussed hair tucked behind her ears and her blue baggy boxer shorts rolled around her hip and her socked feet and can’t imagine wanting her to do anything but sit down and look as pretty as she does right now. 
“I’m sure. Now sit,” you’re doing your best to be stern. The truth is, you’re not the least bit bothered to be slicing an apple and warming up some peanut butter for you both to munch on right now. Any moment you get to share like this feels like suspending time, pausing to try and make it stretch. 
Kate does as you say and sits across from you on the island. It’s almost too much, the warmth of the kitchen light, you pushing your glasses up, the sound of your slippers padding across the floor as you look for chocolate chips. She’s watching you with her chin the the palm of her hand, feeling dazed from the sleepiness and quietly delighted by the way you assemble the slices and spread peanut butter on each one. 
You make a big show of sprinkling chocolate chips on a few because you know she loves them. “Ta-da. Midnight snack for Martin.” 
“Thank you, baby. My talented little chef,” Kate stretches a little bit before she starts chewing. Making an equal show of closing her eyes and nodding in approval at the snack. 
You lean closer into her from across the kitchen island and take a slice from the plate. There’s only the low hum of the refrigerator and Kate quietly giggling between bites before she says, “Think I made the right call, waking you up,” 
There’s about an inch of space between you two now, you close it to kiss her sweetly before telling her, “One time only offer. Don’t do it again, baby.”
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OH FLUFFY STORY, UHM uhm, Cupid! Reader accepts and slowly tries to patch up his wings and he turns into a househusband HAHAHA I think it be Hella cute to come home to a cutie wearing an apron 'kiss the chef!' and then you hug him and tousle his hair and he just has this stupid bright happy grin on his face.
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💌sweetheart mentally scarred the both of you with the whole 'cutting wings off' stunt. You still shivered whenever you'd find a pink feather hidden somewhere. Since the bones really hurt and we're uncomfortable when he'd try to sleep, you carefully cut them off with some specialized tools you found on amazon for half price
💌 leaving them as little nubs and gently rubbing soothing lotion on the areas around. All while he let out happy little groans, leaning into your touch. All the pain was so worth it, because now you're both married! Roomies
💌at first he was banned from the kitchen since he almost burned it down trying to heat up milk. But with enough cooking lessons and precautions he got the hang of it. Packing you cute little lunches and doing all the housework. He has this little fantasy where you come home from work everyday and lay him down and stroke his cock and-
💌 he's a pervert. Going through your underwear to save for personal use. Where does he hide it? Who knows. He practically salivates when ever you walk around the house naked, no matter how many times he sees you in the nude, he always gets a boner and a nosebleed
💌he somehow convinces you to actually get married with him? Where the hell did he get those rings and marriage papers from- expect him to be whining about wanting kids next. Sweetheart learns how to bark like ishowspeed...
💌 turning him into an honorable member of society was the biggest challenge ever, he's so strange and odd. Sometimes you lose him in crowds only to find him up a tree moments later. You had to buy multiple matching couple shirts just so people could return him
💌 sweetheart started growing out his hair, you brushed it off as him trying a new style. but In reality he got the delusional idea that if he grew his hair out long enough he could tie you up with it and fuck you stupid like a good husband should
💌don't let him eat sugar, he'll get a sugar rush and zoom around the house like crazy. Biting you and demanding to let him suck your nipples. What is with this man and sucking nipples. You need to put a gag on him or something before he wants to start sucking your genitals
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can I request a gn mc asking the brothers (and maybe dateables too if you want) to play with their wings/tail? I’ve always had the urge to just mess with Mammons wings and Levi’s tail especially
it’s okay if you don’t want to do it tho! Thank you :) 💙
touching the brothers' tails/horns/etc.
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includes: the brothers x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated t | m.list | pt 2
a/n: wow i almost want to explore lucifer's a lot further </3 anyway i hope you enjoy and ty for requesting! my inbox is open to chat, leave feedback, or req so come stop by!!
reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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➳ lucifer stiffens as he feels your hands gently running through the feathers of his wings. you slow, but when he reminds silent, pick up the action again, every movement intentional and soft. it feels so good. lucifer cannot remember the last time someone other than himself had touched his wings. after he became a devil, they were something he was ashamed of for a long time and his brothers quickly learned they were no longer to touch them, and by the time he’d be okay with it, it was too late. but your touch feels like heaven, and lucifer’s afraid to look at your face out of fear of revulsion, he can’t find himself to pull away either.
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➳ mammon yelps when he feels a touch on his wings, turning quickly. you yank your hand back, apologetic. “you’re good to touch them,” he says, “i was just surprised.” taking his invitation, you stroke the bones, following them from the bottom up, moving to the skin on his back. he shivers as you trace your way across his veins, feeling oddly exposed. but it also feels kind of nice, like you’re scratching an itch he hadn’t realized he had.
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➳ levi flushes when his tail lashes, bumping against your leg. “sorry, it has a mind of its own,” he says, and you laugh. without asking, you run a hand down the scales, scratching your fingernails carefully over the smooth surface. “that feels good,” levi whispers, and you smile, continuing to run your hand up and down and up and down. honestly, the touch is more soothing that he’d have thought, and before he knows it, he’s half asleep, leaning against your side.
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➳ satan wakes up with his head in your lap. he must have fallen asleep reading. as he gets his thoughts in order, he realizes he’s in his demon form, and you’re gently scratching his head, running your hands across his horns in a slow, repetitive motion. nobody’s ever touched his horns like that before. with his brothers, they were merely a place to grab onto when they scuffled, and he himself had never paid much attention to them, simply accepting them as part of his appearance, but your touch is making him reevaluate everything. content to stay where and as he is, he lets his eyes slip shut once more but doesn't sleep, simply reveling in your touch.
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➳ asmo giggles as he feels you stroke his wing. “that tickles!” you chuckle, smearing lotion across the course skin, making sure to get every wrinkle and fold. asmo’d never been able to reach all of his wings himself, and only was able to convince one of his brothers to help once in a blue moon, so hanging out around to help him groom and moisturize was truly amazing. especially since you were so gentle and careful, your attention to detail showing in every movement. your hands felt nothing like his brothers’, and for that, asmo was immensely grateful.
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➳ beel shivers as your fingers follow the striped birthmarks that go down his neck and collarbone. your fingers are slightly cold, especially considering he runs warm, and the touch feels almost ghostly with how light your touch is. it’s amazing, really, as you make every part of him feel special, including the parts he'd never cared about before, like his markings. your hands dips lower for a brief moment, to his chest, and he inhales slightly, but it doesn’t linger, moving back up before he knows it. his heart pounds behind his ribs and he’s sure that if your fingers were to explore the area over it, you’d be able to tell.
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➳ belphie flinches as you touch his tail. “i know it looks soft but there are thorns in there,” he says, striving for casualness. “so don’t complain if you get pricked.” your hands slow down slightly, but you don’t pull away, combing out the hair at the end of it. it’s frightfully tangled but you’re patient and belphie knows that when you finish it will be fully untangled and neat. your administrations feel kind of nice, actually, but he wouldn’t dare admit it. (something in him tells him you know that already anyway, so what’s the point?)
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
Hi, could you write headcanons about 141 + könig with a femreader who has a lichtenberg scar? 🫶🏻
That’s metal af I love it! For those who are unfamiliar this is what they look like (from what I could read online, they go away after 24-48 hours but tend to leave some tenderness behind so for the sake of the prompt, we’ll ignore that!❤️)
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
Goddess? Goddess. He’s got some crazy scars but they pale in comparison to the pattern on your back
Sweet lord the first time he saw it, he was in shock, mind racing a million miles a minute, his first thought being that someone did this to you and he was ready to turn the world into ashes just to find them
As soon as you explain to him that it was in fact lightning that created the scars, for the first time in his life his jaw goes slack and he is at a loss for words
His fingers run over the patterns with a feather light gentleness that no one (but you) could ever attribute to him, his cold fingers soothe the warm skin and you can’t help but close your eyes and enjoy the sensation
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
He already thinks you’re otherworldly, but after seeing your scars, you’re downright ethereal
At first he thought the fern-like patterns on your arm were a tattoo, it wasn’t until he ran his fingers over it that he realized it was a scar
Like Ghost, his knee jerk reaction is to jump to the conclusion that someone hurt you and he feels awful for thinking it was a tattoo, but when you explain that it was from a lightning strike, he doesn’t believe you
“Bonnie, do you know how astronomically unlucky you have to be to get struck by lightning?” (Just show him the pictures you first took after it happened and the discharges from the ER and he’ll shut up)
His favorite thing to do is run his fingers over the patterns, especially when you’re lounging together, whether it’s on the couch or in bed, he is mesmerized
John Price:
He’s heard of them but he’s never seen them in person, at least until he met you and he saw the pattern peeking out from under your shirt
Since he’s heard of them, he’s not as surprised that it’s from lightning, he’s more shocked that it happened to you of all people
He understands that it can get sore so he’ll offer to help rub a soothing cream into the raised skin on your chest
He warms his hands before applying the lotion and he gently glides his fingers up and down the weaving patterns, his palm soothing the aching skin, his eyes unable to leave the intricate patterns on your chest, he’s in awe of you
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick:
Holy shit, love, he thinks you’re positively glowing, a literal goddess among men, you are an anomaly, a one in a million chance personified
Body worship? Body worship.
He is watching you as you explain it with stars in his eyes, his fingers are tracing the patterns on your leg, he is hypnotized
He’s kissing every inch, and massaging the areas his lips can’t reach, and when your scars to ache he’s right there, ready to soothe the skin with some lotion and light touches
He’s heard of them but he’s never seen them in person, honestly he wrote them off as being something that happens in movies, if that
Even when he sees the pattern on your arm, he thinks it’s a tattoo and very confidently compliments it
However, when you gently tell him it’s actually a scar you got from a lightning strike, he’s back peddling like his life depends on it
Please stop him before he talks himself to death, he will not take a single breath in between his apologies what was supposed to be an innocent compliment has definitely become a core memory poor guy
His heart is pounding when you take his massive hand in your smaller one and have him run his finger over the raised skin, he’s holding his breath, he’s in complete awe of you, liebling
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yanaromanov · 2 months
thinking about mommy wanda helping you take a bath after a long day…🌷🌻🪻
she notices how tense your muscles are immediately as you walk through the door, shoulders held up to your ears as a long sigh leaves your lips. it’s like she can read your mind because when she suggests a nice hot bath, there’s nothing in the world you can think of you’d like more.
wanda lets you relax on the couch while she goes to get everything ready, calling you through to the bathroom minutes later once she’s set everything up for you. there’s gentle candles alight by the side, shrouding the room in a warm, gentle glow. you can spy the full tub waiting for you, just the right amount of bubbles sat on top emanating your favourite scent.
when you slide out of your clothes and slip into the water, it’s also the perfect temperature to immediately soothe your tender muscles. you expect wanda to leave once you’ve sunk comfortably under the layer of bubbles, heading back to whatever she was doing before, but instead she simply kneels down beside the tub with a smile as warm as the water.
you don’t argue as she reaches for your favourite body wash, squeezing some out on to a wash cloth and starting a lather. her touch is tender as she begins to drag the soap across your body, so delicately cleansing your skin of all the troubles the day has brought. she hums a small tune as she cleans, nonsensical to your mind as you slip further into the gentleness of her touch.
when she begins to wash you hair with your favourite shampoo, you can feel your eyes begin to slip closed in utter content. her fingernails scratch delicately at your scalp, sending beautiful shivers down the length of your spine. all the while, wanda is placing gentle kisses to the top of your skin; your forehead, your shoulders, all the little curves of your body. it’s an almost wordless affair but the simple intimacy hung in the air is enough to appease the both of you.
wanda rinses your hair using a cup, making sure to avoid letting any soap spuds fall into your eyes. her fingers then run conditioner through the lengths of your hair, once again humming her little tune. she lets it sit for a few minutes while she traces senseless patterns on your back, nails feather light against your skin.
once you’re finally free of all residual soaps, wanda lends you a hand out of the tub, helping you to stand on the plush bath mat. she reaches for a fluffy towel she’s had resting on the radiator, enveloping you in yet another heavenly embrace of warmth. you let her arms wrap around you for a moment as you stand there basking in the softness of her body.
then, you let her help you get dried off. when you’re completely dry, wanda reaches for the bottle of lotion from the bathroom cupboard and begins rubbing it in all over your freshly clean skin. she mumbles sweet praises to you as she moves between each body part, kissing all of her favourite areas of you with delicate lips. “you’re so beautiful, baby,” she’d murmur as her graceful fingers dance over every inch of your skin. “so so beautiful, just for me”
once she’s done with the lotion she helps you pull on the soft pair of pjs she has laid out for you, making sure your wet hair doesn’t let loose any droplets onto the clean fabric. once you’re dressed, she detangles the lengths of your hair and helps run through any products you use before styling it just the way you like.
when she’s completey done, she presses gentles kisses to the back of your head and down to your neck, letting her arms come to rest around your waist from behind. she’d look at you through the reflection in the mirror, smiling at her beautiful girl as she holds you close. she can feel just how much more relaxed you are, body entirely giving in to her touch.
“now,” she’d say softly, lips brushing the soft hairs at the back of your neck. “how about we think about getting my baby some dinner, hm?”
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milkmanxreader · 3 months
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"Isn't the new milk man just a dreamboat?"
. ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
You hummed quietly to yourself as the feather duster swept over everything it could reach. Robert was out for his work, and you couldn't have been more happy. You liked when he was gone, after all. In the background, a phonograph played a slightly older, yet sweet tune. "Heartaches", by Al Bowlly. Robert didn't much care for the tune, but you found it simply darling.
A lot of the songs you had were a bit older, mostly from the '30s and '20s. But you could've cared less about the age of them.
Suddenly— a gentle, yet firm knock on the door shot you out of your thoughts. For a moment you fretted it was your husband, but he wouldn't have knocked. Upon realizing that it must've been the milk man, you sighed, making your way to the door.
The milk man was such a.. interesting man, broad shouldered, short. You opened the door— now who was this?
Instead of seeing the broad shouldered, short, blonde haired man who typically wore some grin standing in front of you, your eyes met with tired dark, dark brown eyes. He was a bit taller than you, with a long nose, a thin chin, and brown hair which was, mostly, covered by the hat you'd grown used to seeing. Only now on a different face.
Despite yourself, you had to admit the man was eye-candy. Face going a light shade of pink, you tilted your head to the side a bit, looking confused.
"Uh.. hello?" you said, though it came out sounding more like a question than you perhaps intended. The man jut out his arms, frightening you a bit. In his hands was the milk crate. "..Right!" 
Although the silent man was.. seeming to be a bit odd, he was quite cute.
You took the crate, "So, stranger," you said, smoothing out the apron you wore with your free hand, "what's your name?"
The cute milk man stared at you expectantly, before speaking in a tired, drawn out voice.
"Francis. Francis Mosses."
He took off his hat and bowed a little, a gesture which caused your cheeks to flare a rosy red, and a giggle to escape from you. "I like your name," you complimented honestly. Francis nodded, murmuring a 'thank you'.
"I'm {Y/N} {L/N}." You introduced yourself with a growing smile. He put his hat back on, shot you a nod and without another word, walked back to his truck.
What a dreamboat.
Once the door was shut, you couldn't contain the big grin from forming on your face. Such a handsome, mysterious man— and you got to see him every day? Wow.
Yet again, supper was quiet. But you were in a better mood, a soft smile on your face as you stared down at the leftover meatloaf you'd reheated from last night. "How was your day, hon?" you broke the silence, albeit reluctantly.
Robert hummed, "Fine."
While part of you wanted to press on, have a nice conversation for once, you managed to hold your tongue. After all, you wanted to go to bed early instead of having a long argument, afterall— you had Francis to look forward to tomorrow.
Distantly you felt a sense of self-disgust. You were a married woman, yet felt excited by the idea of being around Francis. Perhaps not in some lewd way, but something similar, in a way.
You weren't sure if you had ever cleaned dishes so fast before now. Only twenty minutes you spent scrubbing before you pratically ripped off the yellow dish gloves and was racing to the downstairs bathroom— the only place Robert allowed you to have your "womanly" stuff. Face wash, lotions, ectera.
Surpressing a laugh of excitment, you quickly began your nightly routine, quite excited for tomorrow morning.
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elaci · 3 months
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Honey Honey
Your lover Valeria insists sweet pet names don't suit her, you disagree.
This is a birthday gift for my sister-from-another-ister @lotties-ashwagandha go and wish her hbd for seven years of good luck, and also check out her valeria fics xxxx
Valeria Garza x reader | req rules ⁞ request here
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“No Honey?” You parrot, fingers carding lazily through your Valerias hair. “Why no Honey?”
A scoff, and a gentle jab to the ribs through your pyjama top. The warmth of Valerias body is a privilege not once lost on you, to be so close to someone so feared, it’s narcotic. Still, she inhales as if your presence is the gift of life, and speaks through pursed lips.
“Honey is sweet, domestic. I am not.”
“You’re sweet to me,” you try, laying a hand on her arm and resting your cheek against it. There's a warm silence between you, an understanding that really, Valeria isn't sweet. You know there's a knife under her pillow and a gun in the bedside drawer, and you know she’s felt the warmth of blood on her hands before. You wonder how it compares to the warmth of your skin.
Valeria scoffs again, and rolls over to face you more intimately. A nail drags slowly up the skin of your arm to your neck, and is soon replaced by the gentle pillow of her lips. She hums against your pulse, an attempt at distracting you.
“Leave the nicknames to me, hm amor?” A kiss made short by a smile.
You close your eyes, bathing in the light of a love so soft for just a moment longer than you should. You want to argue your case, explain until your vocal cords snap just how sweet of a name your Valeria deserves to be called. You’d sing praises of her gentle side until the sun collapsed, if she’d allow it.
“I wish you’d let me dote on you,” you hum, voice ghosting away as her hands lower from your neck to your chest, and soon after to your waist.
Valeria, her touch burning, whispers into the air that feels a little heavier than before.
“I wish you’d shut up and let me have you.”
And of course, because she can be so sweet, you oblige her every wish.
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Something catches, and you find yourself pending every waking hour trying to prove that the sweet honeyed love of Valeria Garza is worth vocalising. It starts the morning after, when you open your eyes to find Valeria already gazing over you. Sex-toussled hair and tired eyes, a domestic beauty clings to her, you take a moment to appreciate the sight before opening your mouth to speak.
“Morning,” you offer, “Honey.”
Silence, and then a startled look from your lover. She flashes a knowing smile at you, and then forces her lips into a scowl. A feather pillow hits you with a thud.
“Don’t start this,” you hear Valeria groan as she hauls herself out of bed. “I’ll leave you.”
An empty threat, one that brings a smile to your lips as you watch her sulk off to the shower. Despite the want to join her, you manage through her outrageously large home and find the kitchen.
You could still get lost in this place. Your bare feet against the tiles soothe the heat from your ministries last night, but the scent of your love doesn’t ever subside. As you boil some water and watch the world go by through the kitchen window, you’re dealt her scent that lingers on  your clothes. Rough cedar cologne she wears in place of perfume, but a hint of vanilla that peaks through from the lotion she uses. Again, narcotic.
You’re so lost in thought that you don’t notice Valeria creeping into the kitchen behind you. You jump when she wraps her arms around your waist and sits her chin on your shoulder, her wet hair sticking to your bruised neck.
“Watch your back even here,” she growls. “I have idiots working for me.”
The house is empty for the next few days as Valeria deals with a big upcoming import, but she chides nonetheless. Self defence has been drilled into you since your first date, she had once claimed her love language to be keeping you alive and in one piece. 
“Thanks for the heart attack,” you roll your eyes, and smile as the water finishes boiling. “Tea or coffee, hon?”
“Mm, coffee,” Valeria kisses your shoulder, and then catches on to your wording. In one fluid motion, she spins you around and has your back pressed against the sharp edge of the counter.
Something dark in her eyes. “No Honey.”
Valeria takes her coffee black and bitter. She bites, and bares teeth at anyone who tries to sweeten her up. A life of excessive hardship and dark sour days leaves little room for sweetness– you know that. You also know your lover, like the back of your hand. You could rebuild her with your eyes closed. She is sweeter than most.
You reach to the side as best you can with Valeria’s arms caging you in, and grab the honey jar you keep for tea. Valeria watches with a frown as you pop off the lid, and dip your finger into the nectar, bringing it to your lips.
If it weren’t to prove a point, the sight would seem sensual. Maybe in another life you’d use the example to initiate a long night with Valeria, but as you clean your finger of the honey, your focus is on her heart rather than body.
“Not half as sweet–” you press a chaste kiss to her unexpecting lips, “–as this.”
“You’re crazy,” Valeria tsks. 
“And you, underneath that shell of rain and woes, are a sweetheart.”
She rolls her eyes, but ultimately concedes to your tooth-rotting doting. Her forehead presses against yours, and another kiss is shared between you.
“So you know,” Valeria’s voice is quiet. “I will kill anyone who hears you call me that.”
Another lie. There's a soft part of her that loves showing off your affections. Still, you play along, and speak gently in the quiet morning light of your love–
“Yes, Honey.”
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m-ayo-o · 10 months
your gardener
18+ // 21+ Yuji // praise // edging wc 630 selfshiptember; 14 [2/2] version one [sfw] | version two nothingg to do with gardening haha
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You have such a lovely gardener who visits your parents’ home. You can’t help but think of him as you lounge by the pool, soaking up the rays as you admire his work.
But you didn’t realise that Yuji was coming today.
And he really is coming, stuttering and stammering while you’ve got your hand wrapped around his cock.
You’ve been teasing him for a while now, sitting out in your bikini during his visits, asking if you can help him out while squeezing his strong arms, tempting him to rub sun lotion over your shoulders and back with those big, rough hands. He was pretty close to giving in at that time, having the words “please let me kiss you” on the tip of his tongue and written all over his hot, flustered face.
However much you’ve enjoyed seducing him, watching him melt under your every touch, his composure dripping away, you had to hear him moan today.
“Pl– please yess— just like that– shit!”
And you’re so glad, he sounds as blissful as you hoped he would now you’ve got him squirting hot ropes over your tits. With the way he’s moaning, it would only take a few feather light, fleeting touches of your clit, and you’d be creaming on the spot.
But today it’s all about him. You’ve teased and worked him up enough. He deserves this.
As soon as he’s finished, you pull him in for a kiss, swirling your tongues together, your hand still tugging on him gently, not letting him rest for a second.
“You’re still hard, baby, that means you can cum again, right?” you ask, captivating him with those sweet, innocent eyes.
“Uh huh, yeah”
Of course he can. “You’re so good, you know that?” you muse, a cheeky smile on your gorgeous lips.
And soon, with your gentle praise, the soft, hot, pleasure of your hand around him, your mouth and tongue occasionally finding his tip, he’s ready to cum again.
“Mmnhh– oh sweetie, fuck, fuck yes–” he can't stop moaning as he spills over you once more.
“Again?” you’re surprised that he’s reaching his orgasm quicker each time.
“Hnngg– baby, fu-u-ucckk!” his loud cries are broken by his hard thrusts into your hand.
“Can you give me one more?”
He nods, his mouth open with drool trickling over his lips as he lies back on the sun lounger.
You work him up again, knowing exactly when he’s about to release.
You slow down, giving the base of his erection a long, hard squeeze, which draws out a new sound from your gorgeous gardener. He gasps and whimpers, especially when you touch that sensitive tip.
But you don’t give in to his moaning, the way he’s trying to fuck himself with your hand, losing control of his hips.
You stop and start, edging him so many times he’s losing his damn mind. But you just love how he’s falling apart for you.
“So pretty,” you mutter, watching him teeter on the edge of his orgasm.
“Pleasepleasepleaseee can I? Pleee-eease can I cum now?”
He’s sobbing, his breathing hard and laboured, eyebrows all screwed up.
“ugh– mmhh–” his eyes roll back.
“haahh–” he cums hard, “thankyouu mmh– thankyouthankyou–”
You can’t help but smile, admiring his body, watching him drain himself completely.
He’s really trying to fight back the last of his whimpers, biting his lip closed while he finishes and relaxes, his moans getting softer until that warm grin returns to his beautiful, fucked out face.
“Thank you,” he takes some deep breaths, “that was… so good” he gives you a sincere look, like you just gave him the best gift he ever received.
“You liked being edged, hm?”
He nods, smiling bashfully as you take him into a soft kiss.
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yuji | m.list
selfshiptember 14!
likes, comments + reblogs appreciated! <3
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ticklingduck · 5 months
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Feather touch massage using Tickling Nail Ring The wire attached to the tip of the Nail Ring provides pinpoint stimulation, allowing you to tickle with a more delicate feather touch massage than with your bare hands. It's fun to change the type of tickling by changing the friction using oil, lotion, or powder.
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