#fe tertiary
windudemon · 4 months
ignoring function VS demonstrative function in socionics (5th function vs 6th function in mbti)
this is super useful for differing entps from intps, enfjs from infjs etc. for example, extps are TE demonstrative. they won't have any problems TE scolding you (critical parent in john beebe's system) or taking initiative and telling people what to do.
for ixtps on the other hand TE is ignoring function. an intp or istp will try to lead only when absolutely have to. why you ask, prove it you say? well, the reason why ELSE because extps are also fe tertiary while ixtps are fe inferior. ixtps do not want to deal with people.
more proof you say? well, fe tertiary for extps means fi blindspot. if your fe is trolly as an extp then your fi is gonna be worse as its shadow. extp do not give a dang about your feelings or AT LEAST, extps do not give a dang about your feelings when they clash with the logic. isn't this still good enough reason for you why extps can order people around with their te (or fe) while ixtps can't or at least won't?
socionics puts ixtps and their fi in the "role" slot. role function tries. ixtps tries to be nice. if you have some ixtps friends you will see this, you don't need a complicated 89 dichotomy based system whatsoever. whenever ixtps hurt people with their logic, they do it by mistake only.
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lunadrawingonthemoon · 8 months
At the end it's not for winning it's just to just put him in the game it's ridiculous at this point
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I felt like this is why I study animation and storyboard... to make weird gif about one of the prettiest men of the whole Fire Emblem franchise...
Pls vote for Elffin, I need him in this game.
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bat-the-misfit · 1 year
I will always remember the day I was explaining my uncle why I typed him as an ENTP and when explaining his functions he said "oh no I think i'm way more this Ti thing than the Ne thing INTP makes more sense to me"
and he kept disagreeing with me for like half an hour AND HE KNEW NOTHING ABOUT MBTI WHILE I KNEW A LOT AND KNEW WHAT I WAS SAYING
and that whole discussion just showed me why i was exactly right in typing him as an ENTP
#the fact he knew nothing about it but needed to see how “right” i thought i was just show his Ti and Fe are auxiliar and tertiary#like his Ti-Fe were dancing with each other at that time#his Ti wanted to question me for it to make logical sense to him and distrust other person opinion (Ti>Fe)#while his Fe wanted to interact and question so he could see my way of viewing him#(also my reactions and if i could maintain my point of view)#like wow uncle the way you're trying to prove me how INTP makes more sense to you just shows me how much of an ENTP you are#INTPs use inf Fe they wouldn't be willing to listen to me bc that would kill their Ti#their own way of how things work (including how “they” work) is the most important thing to them#if he was an INTP he'd criticize me and show every evidence (Ti-Si) of how wrong I was#ENTPs will always prefer questioning first#INTPs wouldn't QUESTION you they right off the bat disagree with you bc Ti dom-Fe inf#other people's opinions being CORRECT will kill their Ti and they don't want that#ENTPs use tert Fe they LIKE the challenge of someone disagreeing with them#they don't oppress their Fe they LIKE knowing about other people#also by being Ne doms they really like new ways of seeing things#THEN they will use Ti to see if it fits their internal logical system#and they might even ignore it (Ne-Fe loop)#that's why ENTPs are seem as argumentative they really like questioning people and their views#having someone disagree with them will make them want to know why you think so#INTPs having someone disagree with them will make them really offended and defensive#oh also the fact my uncle didn't mention any concrete fact to prove his point of view just proved his inf Si#INTPs will ALWAYS use Si to prove their Ti's point of view#they always bring data and facts to the table while ENTPs will just play with ideas and possibilities of why they're right (Ne)#well that was my How To Differentiate the xNTPs 101#that conversation was so fun i laughed so much internally like “omg i was so right about him”#well aNYWAY#tio morcego tá tagarela#it's so funny how high Ti users might not know anything about a subject#but they still think they're more right about it than someone who knows a lot about it#i know not everyone is like that that's just my experience with high Ti users
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psalmsofpsychosis · 7 months
anyway if i had a nickel for everytime i started following after a sx/sp e4 strong Ti user like a lost lamb latching to a herding dog i'd have enough money to buy both Jon Luckovich and Cameron Monaghan yellow lollipops and thank them for their immense service to humanity as death obsessed freaks
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catsdisco · 2 years
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The world was a strange place; one that Metis still hadn’t grown accustom to. They were on a…trip. A trip for ‘school’. Gekkoukan Highschool had been guests of Shujin academy for the next few days, and in order to blend in she had done what her sister had—she pretended to be a student. Her mechanical joints covered by her gekkoukan uniform; though the butterfly visor that was fastened to her head was unable to be removed; though flipped up to show her face. She got looks, sure, but she didn’t care.
She sensed something.
Breaking off from Aigis and their friends was probably a mistake, though Metis moved towards Leblanc, red eyes narrowing slightly before she pushed the door open. She could sense a Persona user…or a few. But the feeling was not familiar. It was different from what she felt around SEES. She didn’t expect there to be other Persona users—they only ones she knew of were the ones on Tatsumi Port island…was Nyx a problem everywhere? SEES locked her away…Erebus? No, he was defeated as well…Or maybe…there was something else? The force of her push caused the door to swing open a little too hard, looking around the cafe quickly before her gaze focused on Futaba, head tilting slightly and a childish huff leaving her.
“…You’re a persona user?”
@cultesdesghoules | Futaba Sakura.
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mistype360 · 8 months
mbti tertiary functions (boredom functions)
INFJ/ISFJ: true crime, scrolling through wikipedia for hours, looking up riddles, scrolling through "onlyjayyus" tiktok, has a huge duolingo streak
ENFJ/ENTJ: uses se to support te/fe ambitions (sports, performing arts, community service, cleaning)
ESFJ/ESTJ: fantasizing, vision boards on pinterest, adding items to amazon wishlist, makes a bucket list for the year,
ESTP/ENTP: touches grass, hangs our with friends, class clown, watches reality tv, starts drama for no reason, debates on the internet (or fights irl if you're an estp 👀)
ESFP/ENFP: random urge to organize computer, random internet debates, creates new playlists, watches video essays about random topics, argues with friends about either stupid or smart things
INFP/INTP: reminisces about things. procrastinates. overthinking past conversations in the shower. collects cool rocks. photography. listens to the same song over and over again.
ISFP/ISTP: planning and...stuff. zodiac, psuedoscience, etc. strategic/world building video games, has a whole fictional world planned out in their head.
INTJ/ISTJ: "write in their feelings diary" 💀 IM SORRY, introspection, often known as super "self aware" as a result, watches nostalgic or comfort movies
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Starlo's personality (in-depth)
Okay, this one took a LOT of thinking to decide on. Mainly because we see Starlo 100% in his persona for the majority of the time we spend with him. But now, I think I've had my boy figured out.
For a while now, I thought that he's either an ENTP or an ESTP with well-developed Fe, but eventually realized I had been looking at the image he put on, not the real him.
But before dwelling deeper into what his way of thinking actually is, I'd like to discuss why I don't think he's either ENTP or ESTP.
For ESTP, it's more obvious. Starlo… doesn't use Se at all, let alone as his dominant function. He lives in fantasy. He can come up with goofy ideas, and doesn't pay much attention to the "real world" (tries to escape from the real world instead)
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fantasy, not reality (Ceroba is a true realist though)
Starlo only pretends to be this 'tough guy,' his recklessness (I always call it carelessness) is part of the persona. And while I do think some part of him enjoys the fake adventures, it's mostly for show, to lift himself and others around him up, particularly Ceroba, and to feel like someone else.
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Now... the conclusion I came to was that Star had both Ne and Fe somewhere. The only question I had to ask myself was the order of these functions. In other words, is he dominant Ne/tertiary Fe or dominant Fe/tertiary Ne
The most important question here is: "What is his main motivation?"
Starlo cares a whole bunch about everyone around him. I feel like I've spoken about this so many times already, but he really is the 'papa bear' of the whole group. He makes sure to remind Mooch how they're not bandits, he gave the Four their own nap time, he organizes events, and overall tries to make the Wild East a comfortable place for everyone. Starlo really, REALLY wants to see everyone get along well with each other, and when that doesn't happen... he's deeply bothered by it.
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he hates it when there's no harmony and good vibes
Put bluntly, Starlo wants to contribute to his community. He most definitely thought something like this: "If I'm just a farmer, then I can't do anything to help myself feel less worthless, and I can't help other monsters have more hope, either. So, the only thing left for me to do is change most of my personality and be more 'flashy' and 'cool."
Sure, he comes up with creative ideas, but it isn't his main motivation or how he normally acts when he's not 'North Star'. Being all 'extravagent' is the dominant trait of the character Starlo plays (and personally, I think it is a part of Starlo himself, the part he's too afraid to let out if he's his true nerdy self, without the costume and badge and all)
ESFJ: thinks in terms of group dynamics, motivates others to get things done, makes decisions that benefit the largest number of people, natural ability to process and deal with their feelings. On the negative side, they can place so much emphasis on social dynamics / emotions that they find it hard to step back and analyze their motives and feelings; thus they can lack self-understanding and/or pressure others into social norms. They use their Ne to brainstorm and for humor purposes; often to entertain others, to think up solutions, and to hypothesize, but their natural ability is not competently and accurately reading between the lines.
I'd like to break this down carefully because, holy hell, this is Starlo from A to Z
thinks in terms of group dynamics/makes decisions that benefit the largest number of people - clear as day, that's why he has his posse (although I think this trait of his was underdeveloped during the events of UTY as Star probably made most of the decisions himself without asking the others)
motivates others to get things done
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pressure others into social norms - technically his own social norms, also the dress conditions he never used to overlook (I also heard ESFJs have style and care about how they appear to others, ENTPs don't; but maybe this is generalization)
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find it hard to step back and analyze their motives and feelings - Star turns to the outside world instead, not inwards at all. That's what makes him an extrovert, NOT because he's friendly and social (although he is)
They use their Ne to brainstorm and for humor purposes; often to entertain others - when I read ENTERTAIN OTHERS it all became clear to me
their natural ability is not competently and accurately reading between the lines - he can't even do it and has to directly ask ⬇️
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Extra thoughts
What I've also heard about the ESFJ type is that they really REALLY care about their social status/standing when unhealthy, which Star 120% did
It might seem weird that he's a sensor while also being super creative and into ideas, but that's his high tertiary Ne speaking (no wonder it's so high when he's been using it for years)
ESFJs are super charming too, but in a less 'agressive' way like ESTPs (I thought about Dina and Mo, I think they both share this type), or 'witty' way like ENTPs (Sans comes to mind). In others words, Starlo is the 'sweet nerd' kind of charming
ESFJs are bad at dealing with criticism
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Can become workaholics (ESTPs and ENTPs are more procastinators; again, I don't mean to generalize)
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They're clumsy, too (because of the tertiary Ne; unlike ESTPs, who are grounded in reality and most often aren't clumsy thanks to the dominant Se)
Popular people in leadership positions
Excellent planners (I know Star seems like a percieving type, but as I mentioned above, he actually organizes EVERYTHING)
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this makes me think Star has a certain routine (judging over percieving)
He remembers little details about things that happened last month (in the past), making me think of his auxiliary Si (and he also remembers what Ed had said about Clover "being the problem")
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So, what makes Starlo inferior Ti? The guy refuses to go inwards to solve his problems. He doesn't think that the most logical solution to the 'whole gang splitting up' situation is a simple apology, and is extremely self critical. Ti has the potential to disrupt or shatter one’s ego-image. Therefore, unhealthy or immature Fe-doms do their utmost to reject Ti in order to protect their ego-image. What this means for Starlo is that he wants to protect his persona in favor of what makes sense for him to do.
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Starlo putting himself down™
Fe will use Ti to construct “rational” explanations to confirm poor judgments about people or relationships. In other words, Fe will develop a maladaptive tendency to misinterpret people’s intentions, see ulterior motives that do not exist, or project their own personal issues onto others. Starlo "logically" thinks that everything was Clover's fault, he's projecting his own insecurities into this situation (playing the victim) and twisting Ed's words (who meant to say that Starlo's favorism OF Clover is the problem, not Clover themself)
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Not objective, but Starlo and Clover LOOK to me like the types I gave them (based on the offical trailers AND how Martlet describes them, that kid has this kind of a cute/warm/naive expression, I don't even know how to explain this but I'm throwing it in anyway 😅)
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Then there's Starlo
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I know the 'North Star' part of him probably wouldn't wanna hear this, but without the persona, Starlo looks and is... pretty normal. No flashiness, no overwhelming charm (it's still there, just more 'humble' & as Ed said, he can make his own fun in the little things). As much as Star might think otherwise thanks to those insecurities, this doesn't mean he ain't special, we all know he is
P.S. I can totally picture him treating everyone with Feisty Sliders & root beer after a long day, just like this guy (who somehow gives me the same cozy, kind vibe as Starlo???)
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but in all seriousness though, these traits fit Star 💯
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oiblackestsheep · 1 month
Hi! I really love your memes. Have you already done MBTI types as video games?
Thank you so much!! Honestly, I probably have at some point in the many years, but if I have, it's been a long time, so let's give it a go. I tried to get a mix of old, new, classic, and modern games in, and tried not to give every one a SUPER OBVIOUS game. Hope you like it! 😸
MBTI Types as Video Games
INTP: Slime Rancher
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It took everything in my power to not do Portal 2 for INTP, because it seems like the obvious choice and I wanted something other than that. Maybe not as puzzle-oriented, but Slime Rancher captures a different side of INTPs like their affinity for unique experiences through Ne, comfort Si that allows them to organize all their slimes effectively, and their inferior Fe that lets them take care of cute little creatures with minimal risk.
INFP: Minecraft
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An instant classic that lets your imagination run wild and live your life the way you think it should be lived, without the limitations of oppressive reality. Build the comfiest home with as many floors, rooms, walls, etc. as you want. Your house wouldn't be structurally sound and is impossible to create in real life? DOESN'T MATTER, it's what the INFP wants, and it what they can have in their own little world.
ENTP: Among Us
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A creative and random environment where you have to either find the killer or be the killer terrorizing the space ship crew, interrupted by segments of ARGUING ~*~discussion~*~ about who the imposter might be, followed by voting to eject them into space via mob-mentality? Is there any game more chaotic and perfect for the ENTP to thrive in that I'm missing, here?
ENFP: Skyrim
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You are the nonspecific protagonist with unique dragon powers that let you literally scream somebody to death, and, once again, live your life the way you want to live it, as chaotic or lawful as you might want. Become a criminal werewolf who leads a dark, murderous cult by night, and is the dean of a magical college by day? YOU CAN DO THAT.
INTJ: Satisfactory
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Slowly and steadily building the most effecient space colony to mine resources and build interesting and novel alien technology? What could the INTJ want more. It won't happen overnight, but the efforts of the INTJ compound with each and every day, and one day, they'll make use of every square inch of the planet's surface for their factory.
INFJ: Coffee Talk
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A lesser known game to some, but just as impactful, nonetheless. You're simply a barista in a coffee shop, but you have the pleasure of meeting and hearing the stories of a diverse cast of characters that let you into their unique inner worlds. You'll get to explore their experiences and choose your own dialogue to interact with their lives and offer your input that is tailored to the individual character.
ENTJ: Left 4 Dead
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The goal is simple and well-defined: survive the zombie apocolypse. But the only way to do it in this game is to have all 4 players work together in perfect syncronicity as a well-oiled machine to cover all your bases as you traverse each level. It requires delegation of tasks, foresight of what's to come, and just a little bit of quick, thinking-on-your-feet, a perfect combination to engage their Te, Ni, and Se, respectively.
ENFJ: Mario Kart
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Everyone knows Mario Kart, and everyone loves Mario Kart. Much like an ENFJ, themselves. Mario Kart has a very low barrier-to-entry so that the majority of people can learn to play quickly, and enjoy time with their friends! It's fun, it's casual, and it requires a bit of that tertiary Se to make some quick turns to finish in first. The game resembles the ENFJ personality itself, and it is a favorite of an ENFJ I know for those same reasons (as she doesn't play many video games).
ISTP: Assassin's Creed
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(Couldn't find any good covers with Altair that fit tumblr's format, so I did Ezio, the fan favorite (and also probably an ENFJ assassins which is p cool?))
The franchise has undergone a lot of change over the years, so I do NOT mean the RPG elements, but rather the original elements of the games that made them so great! ISTPs would rather have a more focused way to engage the game, instead of the endless possibilities of an open-world, anyway. Quick reactions to stay hidden, a good grasp of the terrain around you and how to use it against your enemies, and a solid amount of Ti to calculate the most logical time to strike makes for a great way to engage the ISTP's top functions.
ISTJ: Super Smash Bros
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Again, the goal is simple, fight your friends and be the last one standing. The rules are simple, in fact, they are completely customizable so you can save your settings to define exactly what kind of experience you want to have, and you know what to expect. You can play it simple with a set number of lives and no items, or you can crank the spawn rate of all items up to the max, if you're in a particularly low-Ne, (low-risk) feeling, kind of mood. Still, the goal is always the same. Hone your strategy, defeat your friends (or foes lmao)
ISFP: The Sims
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Introverted by nature, they appreciate being able to spend some time alone without having to give up the things they like about the sensory world, including house and clothing fashion-design. These aesthetics were made to be seen, but sometimes they can only be made in a video game, and sometimes you need a break from real people. It's a realistic enough game that they can connect with it in a more relatable way than more abstract types of games, but they still please the Fi desire to live their personal life the way they wish without the limitations of reality.
ISFJ: Animal Crossing
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Again, it's a familiar environment, with just a little flaire to excite that inferior Ne. You've got what seems like endless tasks (in a good way lmao) to keep you busy taking care of your island, and also forming positive relationships with your fellow residents! You get to meet new people, help solve the residents' problems, become a pillar of your community, and at the end of the day, retire to your cozy home.
ESTP: Palworld
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It's new, it's weird but somehow familiar, it's Pokemon with guns. It might not be the most "original" game, but it was an inspiration nonetheless for the simple fact that it took all of the known successful elements of gameplay that people enjoy from other games, and put them all into one game that, for lack of better words, "just gives the people what they want". What you see is what you get, and it packs a punch.
ESTJ: Dark Souls
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Although it is the more introverted game compared to ISTJ, it requires an incredible amount of strategy in order to champion this game. The medieval themes are familiar, but that's the only comfort the game provides due to its overwhelmingly punishing gameplay style that only the thickest of skin can overcome. What says thick skin like inferior Fi?
ESFP: Rocket League
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It's extreme soccor (or football for my friends from across the pond), but instead of playing as people, you play as cars with rockets to propel them. Why, they ask? Because you want to, obviously. Realisitic enough that the concept is still based in a familiar reality, but the mayhem and competetion has been dialed up to 11 simply because it makes it more interesting that way. Again, what you see is what you get, AND IT PACKS A PUNCH.
ESFJ: Tabletop Simulator
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It might seem like an odd choice, but hear me out. It's social, it's familiar, it's easy to jump into, and you're not limited to the physical copies of games that your friends have at their houses - you've got, like, any tabletop game you could possibly want to play! It alleviates the limitations we feel in real life when we want to play games with friends, but maintains the integrity of connection and fun you have with them. PLUS, you can flip the table after losing a game for comedic effect without making a mess in someone's IRL home.
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personality-corner · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel MBTI
Charlie Morningstar - ENFJ
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Charlie has an idealistic desire to solve everyone else’s problems but her own. She had a tender heart, which has been both her biggest strengths and her biggest weaknesses. Her focus on everyone else’s emotions (Fe), hasn’t allowed her to be assertive when she needs to, always sugarcoating her words to avoid offending everyone else. However, it has allowed her to open other people’s eyes to the concept of redemption. She has a very narrowed focus on her singular goal to make the Hazbin Hotel work and she has very specifically focuses on the concept of redemption.
Vaggie - ISTJ
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Vaggie is the grounded, down-to-earth half of Charlie. She uses her experience rooted in Si both in Hell and with other people, to challenge Charlie’s perspective at times. She is also able to take control of certain situations, in ways that Charlie might not be able to at times. Her Te consistently causes her to doubt certain aspects of these ideas, like the idea Angel can change. She doesn’t believe it until Angel objectively shows signs of changing.
Angel Dust - ESFP
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Angel Dust can be impulsive, throwing himself into drinking and sex, to cope with his surroundings, showing his unhealthy Se. He puts up a wall, and is portrayed as being fake, however his decision to push his own emotions aside has much more to do with self-preservation than it does with conforming to his friend group, like an Fe would do. His Fi is shown in the way he always tries to protect himself and hide his emotions, to avoid getting hurt. He is constantly trying to get out of work, trying to get out of having to answer to Valentino. He wants nothing more than to separate himself from his toxic environment.
Alastor - ENTJ
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Not much is known about Alastor’s true intentions, but from what we do know, he likes to be in complete control of situations. His decisions are based on information that works, rather than his own personal frameworks and theories, and doesn’t necessarily believe in things, such as redemption, until there is probable data in front of him. He also has a narrowed focus, Ni, where he uses his tertiary Se to pull from his environment to make decisions.
Sir Pentious - INFP
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While he may disguise himself as a Te user, Sir Pentious is guided by his own feelings and desires, first and foremost. He attacks the hotel because he thinks it will earn him respect, and his inability to come up with any sort of feasible plan, indicates he has low Te. This being said, he has many strong ideas for the future, and he tends to be the most easy to convince to be on board.
Husk - ISTP
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Husk comes off as cold and detached towards people he doesn’t know- and towards people he does know. He is aware of how people in his environment acts, and can see through people and their behaviors, but lacks empathy when addressing it, indicating strong inferior Fe. Like Angel Dust, he can also be impulsive, and enjoys sensory activities, such as gambling. Because of this, Husk is able to relate to Angel’s issues in ways that other main characters can’t, and uses this as a way to comfort him.
Lucifer Morningstar - ENFP
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Lucifer’s many ideas about free will, and his desires to help humanity is what initially separates him from the other angels. However, as his hope is lost and his depression grows, he gets himself into an Si grip. He wants things to change, but he has also seen from experience how difficult it is to change a sinner. His Fi is shown when we see his personal values. He is so obsessed with his own emotions and his own past, that he doesn’t really comply to group morals at all.
Adam - ESTP
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Adam is impulsive and tends to act without thinking about the long term effects, and he tends to use his own logic, developed by social standards, to justify his actions. He suggests the extermination, not as much as a solution to the problem at hand, but for the sake of entertainment. His impulsive nature is also what ends up exposing the exterminations to everyone.
To Be Typed: For now, this is all I’m doing, as I don’t feel like I know enough about the other characters to type them.
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rainytypology · 1 year
INTP Ti - Si Loop
Explanation on an MBTI loop. Not an expert. May change later.
Loops in MBTI occurs when a type begins to cycle between their dominant and tertiary function, completely ignoring the auxiliary and inferior. This is mainly caused from stress and can be continous until finally broken.
INTP Function stack: Ti - Ne - Si - Fe
When in a Ti - Si loop, INTP is stuck trying to find answers from previous experiences. They can get trapped in constant rumination about the past as they try to find the answer(s) to their issue(s). However, this does more harm than good as they will start to fixate on their past mistakes. Overanalyzing the things they could and should have done will paralyze them into fear and self doubt. Can be very indecisive. Their overthinking will stump their Aux Ne from functioning properly, which can cause INTP to get trapped with certain routines and structures (even if it is not benefitting them). Without the help of Ne, a looping INTP struggles to form new ideas and perspectives. It makes it difficult for INTP to be innovative.
To escape the loop, an INTP needs to learn to utilize their Ne properly again. They can try to put themselves in new opportunities that will get their Ne to function; new opportunities will hopefully get INTP to explore new ideas and concepts. Brainstorm possible solutions to get their gears going. Learn to be more accepting of their own mistakes and failures, be more self compassionate.
MBTI Notes
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fwckriley · 9 months
Hi!!! So, I was just scrolling through Tumblr late at night and I saw some headcanons, where the creator mentioned Ghost's MBTI. It reminded me that I had a word file saved, discussing about the characters and their MBTI. But, I haven't finished it, so I'll just ramble some of my thoughts here instead.
I want to begin with Ghost. Seriously, I genuinely want to understand why people type him as an INTJ, the guy is not a Ni dom at all. And also, let’s just exclude here any chance of him being an INTP. But, I do see Ti and Ni in his functions. In my opinion, he is an ISTP 5w6. For those unfamiliar, ISTPs have Ti (dominant), Se (auxiliary), Ni (tertiary), and Fe (inferior) in their functions.
I'll be honest, this inferior Fe makes me doubt a bit because Ghost seems much more like a Fi user. However, considering that Fe is inferior and theoretically his weakest function, it makes sense. And, to me, what makes ISTP the most obvious choice is that this man really isn't a Ni dom or a Ne aux type. But like I said, I do see some Ni in him, but very weak, which excludes the possibility of him being a Ni dom, and adds the possibility of him being a Ti dom. But, he has zero Ne, so he can’t be an INTP. Just to clear things up, I don't think analysts can't be impulsive or that sensors are dumb, not at all. But they do have some tendencies, and you can see differences in how they deal/view the world.
So, let me give an example of a character who's an analyst: Laswell. She's the embodiment of an INTJ. Price and Ghost deviate so much from her. Both of them should have both Ni auxiliary and Ni dominant, respectively. The way both of them deals with Shepherd and Graves betrayal makes it very clear how they aren't intuitive types for me. They’re incapable of seeing the other side of the situation. And I know it might sound like a crappy argument, but speaking as a Ne aux, I always open myself to possibilities even if I DISAGREE, especially if I can benefit from it. You know who else does that? Laswell. A Ni dom. It's very clear her Ni/Te, and that's why compared to Ghost, I don't understand why people type him as an INTJ. Personally, I think Ti and Ni can be easily mistaken. And for me, Ghost's Ti is pretty obvious, the way he is practical, and how he analyzes things, and his Se aux helps him to be very aware of his surroundings (of course, there are more than that in Se aux). But to me? there's nothing more Ti/Se than that. I'll just drop here two brief descriptions of Ti/Ni dom that make me pretty sure Ghost isn’t a Ni dom.
"Introverted Intuition seeks underlying patterns that can predict how events will unfold in the long term. The primary goal is to understand cause and effect accurately, enabling confidence in problem-solving and avoiding causing issues. Individuals with this dominant function tend to be 'perceptive,' often capable of 'seeing through' situations by finding the 'real importance' or 'essence' or 'root' or 'meaning' of things and understanding the fundamental factors that will influence how situations unfold, connecting past, present, and future considerations in non-linear ways. They unconsciously seek vaguely familiar patterns of contextual variables and tend to gather multiple perspectives to synthesize and visualize 'the true truth' or a better version of life. In this way, they tend to be quite certain about how they want their lives to unfold, usually aspirational in pursuing meaningful goals with focus and determination as they seek to realize their personal potential."
"Introverted Thinking seeks to discover rules or direct formulas based on facts to guide thinking and behavior towards greater consistency and coherence. People with this dominant function tend to be highly analytical, preferring to adopt positions/judgments that are as free from biases or undue influences as possible. They often enjoy building skills and accumulating technical knowledge by systematically analyzing and deconstructing ideas/situations, preventing and solving problems, and manipulating systems to fix or enhance them. In this way, they can be dispassionate and self-sufficient in approaching situations with their refined knowledge, often admired for their calm and competent approach to solve problems. However, they may also become emotionally detached from situations due to the excision of the human perspective, incorrectly assuming it is irrelevant to their analyses. When people don't know how to use Ti properly, they tend to be overly reductionist, seeing only a simple cause for a complex situation and unable to recognize the gaps/flaws in their own reasoning process, especially when trying to understand issues in relationships and social contexts."
“The reason the two get confused so often is because, one: they are both introverted functions which makes them hard to see and distinguish, and two: they are both abstract. Ni collects and stores abstract information, while Ti makes abstract connections and conclusions.”
“Ni is a 'perceiving' funtion, which is different from Ti because it does not do the 'judging' which is Ti's role. Ni in simple words is seeing and thinking about things very deeply to find connections and therefore form certain hunches or predictions. Many Ni dominants may have a conclusion which they got to, but they don't know how to explain the way they got to it. Ni uses more subconscious thinking than Ti does. Ti on the other hand analyses even more than Ni does, and sorts certain ideas, sort of like Pros and Cons, it is usually what can be the deciding factor.”
*Quick reminder: Ghost never anticipated Graves' betrayal, and didn't give any reasons that he suspected of Graves before that. He seems unfazed when the betrayal occurs, but that's because it's not something new to him.
So, while I can argue that his lack of Fe may simply be because it is an inferior function, hence less dominant and developed function (though I think he showed a lot of Fe during the whole Mexico situation) it’s hard to argue his lack of Ni because it's a DOMINANT function. And when we talk about dominant function, when is undeveloped, it doesn't indicate a lack of, but rather an unhealthy mode of acting/thinking/coping.
So, about Price... I think he's an ESTP. Stereotypically, he's not the typical ESTP. Unlike Ghost, who has a weak/undeveloped inferior Fe, I think Price has his inferior Ni very well developed, and that's why I think the fact that he is an ESTP is not so noticeable. Just as I compared Ghost to a character who shared the same MBTI type that was attributed to him, I will now compare Price to Makarov. In my opinion, Makarov in this game is a good example of an ENTJ. If you compare the characters and the way they behave, you’ll see that Price has a liiittle more difficulty seeing beyond the obvious, and for me, if he had Ni aux as many point out, he would have anticipated many of Makarov's actions. And I go further, I also believe he would never have let Makarov live back in 2019, recognizing the threat that Makarov was, if he were and ENTJ. Because ENTJs tend to thinking ahead, if they have a problem they’ll think in a way to solve pragmatically, effectively and definitively for once and all. Also, Price is highly reluctant to work with Shepherd, showing a lack of Te/Ni, working with his enemies to achieve his goals is not his first thought (but it’s Laswell “first” thought, a Ni dom). It's not about trust, but personal/team/world gain. Again, he’s incapable of seeing the big picture. And, of course, he has a significant amount of Fe, the way he is a great leader, communicates effectively with people around him, and bond with his team proves that.
I think all the quotes I put up above really show how neither Price nor Ghost use Ni in their first two stacks. But both of them use Ti. There's this stereotype that sensors aren't that smart, so when you've got two characters who should be the best of the soldiers, really smart and skilled, people tend link them with the “best MBTI types” and type them as Ni users (completely bullshit, they just do this because they don’t know how functions work). And again, when you compared them with two Ni users (Laswell and Makarov) you can see how different they are.
I'm gonna do a part two and post it later because I wanna talk about Gaz and Soap too (and some other characters, but the two of them are my main goal now), but I think this one ended up slightly longer than I planned.
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typologyastro · 2 years
MBTI & Astrology Observations
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🥀 1. Moon/Pluto aspects give off Ni, introverted intuition vibe. Dominant/auxiliary/tertiary Ni users may have Moon/Pluto aspects. They may indicate problems or a strong bond with their mother. Their emotions are intense. I've seen easy Moon/Pluto aspects (Trine, Sextile, Conjunction) are often INFJ, INTJ, ENFJ and ISFP.
Hard Moon/Pluto aspects have to learn to make peace with their intense feelings. One ENTJ I know personally has Moon Opposition Pluto. She has a complicated relationship with her mother and jealous tendency. ENTJs have inferior Fi so it's likely difficult for them to manage their intense feelings. They likely ignore their feelings or explode.
Another INFJ I know in real life has Moon Trine Pluto. His mother is feisty and strong. He loves and admires his mother. Women have big influence on him. He has a healing gift he may not realize in himself.
For example: Fujii Kaze (INFJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Twice's Mina (INFJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Madison Beer (ENFJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Jodie Foster (INTJ, Moon Conjunction Pluto), BTS's Yoongi (INTJ, Moon Sextile Pluto), Avril Lavigne (ISFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto) The Weeknd (ISFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto), Blackpink's Jennie (ISFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto), Billie Eilish (ISFP, Moon Sextile Pluto) , Brad Pitt (ISFP, Moon Trine Pluto), Leonardo DiCaprio (ESFP, Moon Conjunction Pluto), Vanessa Hudgens (ESFP, Moon Trine Pluto)
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🥀 2. The next similar indicator is Scorpio Moon for Ni/Se users. I've often seen Ni + Te/Fi users (INTJ, ENTJ, ISFP and ESFP) have this placement. Another ENTJ I know personally has Scorpio Moon. He gives off a dangerous, mysterious and suspicious aura.
My explanation for Moon/Pluto aspects and Scorpio Moon give off strong Ni - introverted intuition is because I associate Ni with Pluto, Fe & Fi with Moon & Neptune.
For example: Epik High's Tablo (INTJ, Scorpio Moon), Lady Gaga (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Hayden Christensen (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Avril Lavigne (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Taylor Monsen (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Dove Cameron (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), The Weeknd (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Katy Perry (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Blackpink's Jennie (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Blackpink's Lisa (ESFP, Scorpio Moon), Lily-Rose Depp (ISFP, Scorpio Moon), Miley Cyrus (ESFP, Scorpio Moon), Kylie Jenner (ESFP, Scorpio Moon)
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🥀 3. Blackpink's Lisa has Venus Trine Pluto. Kendall Jenner has Venus Conjunction Pluto. Blackpink's Jennie has Venus Square Pluto. They are known for their captivating and sexy beauty caused by Venus/Pluto aspects but how the audience feels about each of them can be totally different.
Lisa's passionate dance performances and doll-like appearance stand out in the crowd.
Kendal is the eptimote of how I envision a Venus/Pluto beauty looks like: sharp, tall, dark and mysterious.
Jennie has the most RBF, intimidating and edgy look out of the three. Her reputation is also the most polarizing.
Jennie seems to get hated the most. People mesmerize by Lisa and Kendal's beauty more while Jennie's face both attracts admirers and invokes hatred and jealousy the most. Venus/Pluto beauty generally creates strong impact on people. It's hard to forget their beauty.
It's fascinating to observe how easy and difficult aspects play out in real life. Easy Venus/Pluto aspects are more Venusian and hard Venus/Pluto aspects are more Plutonian.
Kendal is an ISTJ, Jennie is an ISFP and Lisa is an ESFP. They all have a Te/Fi axis.
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🥀 4. Dove Cameron was born one day before Blackpink's Jennie and they are both ISFPs and Scorpio Moon. Their chart are almost identical (without knowing their birth time).
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bat-the-misfit · 2 years
idc about harry styles but the dude is clearly an ESFP his Se is dominant his Fi is just obvious ya'll go study the functions better pls i beg you 😭
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findmeinthefallair · 7 days
What are MBTI cognitive functions, if you do feel like talking about it?
(If not, disregard!)
Omg thank you for giving me the chance to infodump, even though lol the MBTI fandom on here has been as good as dead for years :3 <3
They're basically mental processes related to your MBTI personality type, and there are eight in total: introverted sensing (short form is Si), extroverted sensing (Se), introverted intuition (Ni), extroverted intuition (Ne), introverted thinking (Ti), extroverted thinking (Te), introverted feeling (Fi) and extroverted feeling (Fe).
Each person has a dominant function, auxiliary function, tertiary function and inferior function. These four will form what's called a "function stack".
A popular analogy for this is the car model: where the dominant function is the car driver, the auxiliary is like a co-pilot, tertiary is a 10-year-old child in the back seat, and the inferior is a toddler in the back seat.
The history behind these functions is Carl Jung, back in 1921, came up with the theory of each person having four functions: one for sensing (related to sensory info), one for intuition, one for thinking, and the last for feeling. Decades later, Isabel Briggs-Myers expanded on said theory so that each of the four just stated above would be split into introverted and extroverted modes: making the number of functions a total of 8.
Now each of the 16 MBTI types has its own unique function stack:
INTJ: Dominant Ni, auxiliary Te, tertiary Fi, inferior Se. ENTJ: Dominant Te, auxiliary Ni, tertiary Se, inferior Fi. ISFP: Dominant Fi, auxiliary Se, tertiary Ni, inferior Te. ESFP: Dominant Se, auxiliary Fi, tertiary Te, inferior Ni.
ISTJ: Dominant Si, auxiliary Te, tertiary Fi, inferior Ne. ESTJ: Dominant Ni, auxiliary Te, tertiary Ne, inferior Fi. INFP: Dominant Fi, auxiliary Ne, tertiary Si, inferior Te. ENFP: Dominant Ne, auxiliary Fi, tertiary Te, inferior Si.
INTP: Dominant Ti, auxiliary Ne, tertiary Si, inferior Fe. ENTP: Dominant Ne, auxiliary Ne, tertiary Fe, inferior Si. ISFJ: Dominant Si, auxiliary Fe, tertiary Ti, inferior Ne. ESFJ: Dominant Fe, auxiliary Si, tertiary Ne, inferior Ti.
ISTP: Dominant Ti, auxiliary Se, tertiary Ni, inferior Fe. ESTP: Dominant Se, auxiliary Ti, tertiary Fe, inferior Ni. INFJ: Dominant Ni, auxiliary Fe, tertiary Ti, inferior Se. ENFJ: Dominant Fe, auxiliary Ni, tertiary Se, inferior Ti.
While it isn't at all a fixed formula, there appear to be tendencies for each of the eight functions to correspond to specific strengths and weaknesses.
E.g. because Se is the most objective function, people with dominant or auxiliary Se seem more likely to see things as they are and better respond in the moment, making them excellent e.g. athletes, paramedics or first responders, or kitchen staff.
Si is often associated with having an excellent memory and easily being able to tell when something has deviated from the norm.
Te is associated with effectiveness and efficiency, streamlining processes of getting tasks done in a system, and empirical measures.
Ti is about refining frameworks of thinking as one goes (people with a strong Ti-Ne combo are apparently excellent at chess).
If you have high Ne, it makes you great at brainstorming and similar processes.
Ni is to do with vision and finding meanings and patterns in things.
Having high Fe means you are likely good at persuasion and ensuring harmony in a group.
Fi is related to very strong personal beliefs and conviction, and being authentic.
Where it gets very interesting for me personally is what happens to these when a person's mental health is affected. Over the years, MBTI forums on the net have come up with "function loops" and "function grips".
A loop is if you lose touch with your auxiliary function, and your first (dominant) and third (tertiary) functions are caught up in a tangle with one another without the auxiliary co-pilot to break them up and get them to exist in harmony. (Here's an ancient Tumblr post listing each loop that each of the 16 types can get caught up in)
For this reason, many people underestimate just how important their auxiliary function is; in fact, some people recommend that you develop it to be just about as mature as your dominant function.
For me, an INTJ, a loop means I enter a Ni-Fi loop and it usually shows up as depression or suicidal ideation.
A grip is if your inferior function flares up because of extreme stress. It usually shows up as a particularly out-of-character mental breakdown, more so than a loop.
I've seen examples of the above, both IRL and in fiction too.
One fictional example is Emily Thorne in "Revenge", who people seem to agree on as being an ISTJ,
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experiencing a betrayal trauma so great that it led her to tap into her tertiary and inferior functions, making her unusually ENFP-like as she used creativity and deception to try getting justice for her father being framed for a major crime.
There's an ongoing debate about whether people actually do use all 8 functions, not just 4. This has been tied to other writings by Carl Jung about our "shadow" and how he even created archetypes for parts of said shadow, e.g. "Trickster", "Demon".
So people have discussed stuff like how our inferior function might be the gateway to our repressed shadow side, and how our shadow side could help with personal growth if we understand it better.
5th function, also called the Vulnerable Function or Opposing Role Function
6th, also called the Mobility Function (I think?) or Critical Parent function
7th, also called the Point of Least Resistance/blindspot, or Trickster function
8th, also called the Role/Mask or Demon function
If you take my function stack as an example, my inferior Se is what might lead to my shadow which consists of Ne as the 5th function, Ti as the 6th, Fe as the 7th, and Si at the bottom as the 8th.
From my own personal experiences I think there could be some truth in this. Where it gets handy based on stuff I've read and discussed with enthusiast groups and folks on Reddit is if we follow this theory, my 5th function works best when I am working with someone who uses it more naturally, and my 6th works best and flares up as a burst of willpower under stress (especially when no one else in the room uses that naturally). My 7th is my weakest, and it really reveals what I prioritize because its friction with my 3rd function can in fact strengthen the 3rd function, and my 8th shows up as a mask and was most likely the one that people pressured me the develop the most in my childhood leading up to my 20s.
When I've run the above by some people IRL, asking them whether the same info also applied to their own lives and circumstances, we sort of picked up on a pattern which was really cool honestly. But MBTI is probably always gonna be too "pop psychology" to be taken seriously in the world of journal articles and empirical research.
Hahaha, here's a TOH segment!
I'm gonna talk about Luz and Hunter a little:
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I think Luz is an ENFP, while in Hunter's case it's hella difficult to guess under all those layers of complex trauma but...if I do the math by process of elimination, he gives off Ne-blindspot vibes and might be the introverted counterpart of Eda (who gives off massive ESTP vibes), so I'd guess ISTP.
The most interesting thing which may explain how different they are as characters is how their blindspots are the opposite of one another. Which makes their interactions pretty engaging and organic.
Luz's dominant function would be Ne, and her blindspot is Ti. Hunter uses dominant Ti, with an Ne blindspot.
Luz may have slipped into an ENFP Ne-Te loop of anger when Eda is taken away from her towards the end of Season 1, and she may have slipped into an Si grip when she gradually slipped into depression after Hollow Mind.
Hunter being so distressed that he dug his own grave in Eclipse Lake may have been an ISTP Ti-Ni loop, and his Fe grip tendencies seem to show when he's very sensitive that his friends might find out he's a grimwalker, terrified about what they might think and say.
See why I love MBTI? :') When I used to practise as a therapist, I definitely chose it as my main career counselling theory to use with clients, since every student who's training to be a licensed counsellor or psychotherapist here is required to have at least two theories on hand to draw from in their work.
Knowing these functions helps me to read people and the room better, especially as an autistic person.
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mistype360 · 1 month
Which MBTI types do you reckon would be the best liars?
-I'm new XD feel free to name me as you please ;)
you can be "pirate anon" bc i've never heard someone say "reckon" before haha
🥇 enfjs are the best liars. period point blank.
🥈infps and enfps come close. in general having fi means they have a little bit more control over their emotions and feelings. i don't think they could hold a lie for a long period without ultimately breaking, but they're very good at making small ones to save themselves in the moment. having ne-fi makes them pretty good at coming up w them on the spot.
🥉 estps have tertiary fe which comes as a tool to them, and combined with their se basically makes them a powerhouse for telling lies and reading/understanding others.
🎖️honorable mention: intp, istp, isfp, and istj are the best lie detectors, or basically the best "bs" detectors. they're the type of people that see someone lie a certain way in a movie and then see it irl. they also have sm awareness of things going on that they realise when someone's story doesn't fit in place
best fictional characters award: i know that you are all waiting for me to say infj 😔...yes, i admit, they are the best liars...but only at their most EXTREME points !! 😭😭 i DO NOT see a joe goldberg or johan liebert walking around on the streets...i don't think the average infj is walking around with the capability of will graham. but overall infjs have the coolest characters when it comes to lying 🤷
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Dalv's personality
Ok, when it comes to Dalv's mbti, it took me the least thought to figure out that he's an INFJ, but I'd like to talk about it anyway. I'll just be mentioning functions for this one
Ni (Dominant) - Dalv trusts his own intuition throughout the majority of the section (even his diary shows it). Instead of allowing Clover to explain themself, he listens to his gut feeling. He doesn't think about "proving" anything and trusts his own judgement too much.
Dominant Ni users are adept at predicting potential outcomes based on their understanding of underlying patterns and trends. They may anticipate how current events could unfold - In short, he "predicts" that Clover has come to harm him and the residents
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Fe (Auxiliary) - This one was present, but poorly developed before we spared him, yet one thing that remained consistent was how much he valued harmonious relationships, despite keeping others at a distance. He didn't want to fight anybody, but the strong Ni dominant function made him act on his impulses & fight Clover
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He also mentioned needing to become "the mentor he always should have been" if we're on a neutral route and, like Star, Dalv wants to do something nice for a certain group of people (kids in this case)
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Ti (Tertiary) - I feel like this has to do with his internal logic about who Clover "really is" He doesn't care about discovering the objective truth, since he trusts his own internal one.
Se (Inferior) - Basically, the thing Dalv had to overcome was him refusing to look at the outside world to see the truth, and trusting too much at the things he can't physically see (aka the stuff in his head)
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