#also by being Ne doms they really like new ways of seeing things
bat-the-misfit · 1 year
I will always remember the day I was explaining my uncle why I typed him as an ENTP and when explaining his functions he said "oh no I think i'm way more this Ti thing than the Ne thing INTP makes more sense to me"
and he kept disagreeing with me for like half an hour AND HE KNEW NOTHING ABOUT MBTI WHILE I KNEW A LOT AND KNEW WHAT I WAS SAYING
and that whole discussion just showed me why i was exactly right in typing him as an ENTP
#the fact he knew nothing about it but needed to see how “right” i thought i was just show his Ti and Fe are auxiliar and tertiary#like his Ti-Fe were dancing with each other at that time#his Ti wanted to question me for it to make logical sense to him and distrust other person opinion (Ti>Fe)#while his Fe wanted to interact and question so he could see my way of viewing him#(also my reactions and if i could maintain my point of view)#like wow uncle the way you're trying to prove me how INTP makes more sense to you just shows me how much of an ENTP you are#INTPs use inf Fe they wouldn't be willing to listen to me bc that would kill their Ti#their own way of how things work (including how “they” work) is the most important thing to them#if he was an INTP he'd criticize me and show every evidence (Ti-Si) of how wrong I was#ENTPs will always prefer questioning first#INTPs wouldn't QUESTION you they right off the bat disagree with you bc Ti dom-Fe inf#other people's opinions being CORRECT will kill their Ti and they don't want that#ENTPs use tert Fe they LIKE the challenge of someone disagreeing with them#they don't oppress their Fe they LIKE knowing about other people#also by being Ne doms they really like new ways of seeing things#THEN they will use Ti to see if it fits their internal logical system#and they might even ignore it (Ne-Fe loop)#that's why ENTPs are seem as argumentative they really like questioning people and their views#having someone disagree with them will make them want to know why you think so#INTPs having someone disagree with them will make them really offended and defensive#oh also the fact my uncle didn't mention any concrete fact to prove his point of view just proved his inf Si#INTPs will ALWAYS use Si to prove their Ti's point of view#they always bring data and facts to the table while ENTPs will just play with ideas and possibilities of why they're right (Ne)#well that was my How To Differentiate the xNTPs 101#that conversation was so fun i laughed so much internally like “omg i was so right about him”#well aNYWAY#tio morcego tá tagarela#it's so funny how high Ti users might not know anything about a subject#but they still think they're more right about it than someone who knows a lot about it#i know not everyone is like that that's just my experience with high Ti users
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
In a recent ask you said "Being artistic and sensitive is not 4". Can you please similarly say what's something people constantly get mixed up about each dominant function? Like I constantly see Fi doms described as artistic and sensitive, but is it really an IxFP thing or just a general human trait? Also: I wish you the best on your new ventures and thank you for all the work you've done for the typology community, you'll be missed 💐
Fe-dom: [stereotype] "unselfish." While EFJs usually care about their larger impact and reputation, they are not nicer to people or less selfish than any other type -- they can be selfish and want their way. It varies between EFJs. You will meet a lovely one who is so sweet and words things so carefully to avoid hurting your feelings and lets you "be," and then meet an EFJ who pushes their values off on you, and thinks that they can say whatever they want and it's all "okay" even if it's hurtful to you.
Fi-dom: [stereotype] "selfish." Yes, Fi-dom is self-centered, as in, their sense of everything is centered in their inner lens, but this does not make all of them exhibit what society calls "selfish behavior." The stereotypes about IFPs not being considerate of others are erroneous and cause many IFPs to mistype; IFPs can spend a lot of time and effort being a "safe space" for other people, and trying not to hurt their feelings (because they wouldn't want their own feelings hurt). As with the above, you may meet an IFP who is highly considerate of you and your feelings, or you may meet one who says what they think, without concern for whether it will offend you or not.
Te-dom: [stereotype] "workaholic." Yes, ETJs love to get things done, they are highly organized and motivated individuals, but the workaholic trope comes from very specific Enneagram combinations rather than is standard for all ETJs. Many of them know when to go out with friends, go home, etc. Another stereotype is not caring about people -- they care a lot, it's just that their brand of helping their loved ones tends to center around how to find solutions, as opposed to just crying with someone. As with the above examples, you will find an ETJ who cares a lot about their employees and does not want to fire anyone, and finds workarounds to keep them on staff even though it is costing their bottom line, or you will find one who only cares about the bottom line.
Ti-dom: [stereotype] "obnoxious, argumentative, hair-splitting." Not every Ti-dom is "Sherlock." Many of them just want to do their own thing, and for things to make sense. And not all of them are inventors or mechanics, either. Some of them are artists, actors, or writers. They can and do understand how things 'work' and want to make sense of them in their own mind, but not all of them are gifted in innovation or technology or in building an airplane from scratch. Some of them will be obnoxious and hammer people for their bad logic, but others don't see the point in trying to change your mind.
Se-dom: [stereotype] "party animal, shopaholic, unfaithful." Yes, they are energetic and outgoing and can do a lot in a day, but not all of them enjoy excess socializing, care about their wardrobe, or can't keep a relationship going due to a roving eye. Se is about hands-on learning and opportunism, seeing a good thing and going after it, rather than a certain set of expected behaviors. Some ESPs will work at things (including relationships) and others will "skip out."
Si-dom: [stereotype] "remembers everything." No, they only recall what is of specific interest to them, such as their favorite author's books or hairstyles from the 1950s. They don't have better memories than anyone else for generic facts and daily remembrances. Another stereotype is having no interest in trying new things -- wrong, some of them hate new things and some of them want as many experiences as possible to build their collection of memories or internal experiences.
Ne-dom: [stereotype] "can theorize about anything on the spot." Yes, if it interests them, but if it doesn't, they won't generate any ideas related to it. They are not automatic idea-machines, they need something to bounce off of and inspire their creativity. If they deprive themselves of those things (books, movies, music, etc), then their creativity can get stifled. They also don't have a thousand ideas in their mind all the time; rather, once they start working on and thinking about something, ideas "occur to them" along the way. Some ENPs have way more of a busy mind than others (7s).
Ni-dom: [stereotype] "mastermind." Not all Ni-doms have a life plan or know what they want ten years down the road, but all of them have a future focus, tend to get strong impressions and/or instincts about where life (theirs or yours) is headed, and they trust their insights. But they are not all evil masterminds who plan things down to the smallest detail; their mind is more impressionistic than that. And yet, there will be occasional "genius" INJs who do just that.
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rainytypology · 1 year
ATEEZ Mingi MBTI Analysis
- ESFP -
An in-depth analysis of an idol's MBTI type. Based on my opinion and observations, may change later. Not an expert.
Also happy birthday to this lovely man :)
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ESFP (Se - Fi - Te - Ni)
Dom: Se (Extroverted Sensing)
A perceiving function that uses our 5 senses to process the external world.
Snippet from his September Singles interview:
I debuted to show people my dance and vocals. But it is true that I hadn’t thought too deeply about how celebrities are expected to be more responsible and lead flawless lifestyles. I’ve always wanted to live as free as a bird, so these expectations felt like a huge burden at one point. But now I think they’re good for me. Having to live up to so many expectations means I have so much room for improvement at all times.
As Se is a present minded function, it seems like Mingi usually makes decisions on a whim - he didn't fully think about the problems of celebrity life as he was only focused on being a performer. He just jumped into it. Se can be prone to being impulsive as it's often a "just do it" mindset.
When writing songs, Mingi takes inspiration from his current surroundings. He talks about it in their little interview with Jonathan, how he gets inspired from what he sees on the streets.
Mingi, who explains his process of cataloguing his many thoughts to later draw from. “I write down a lot of them as memos on my phone, so I always go back to them to see if they match what we’re going through (as a group); that’s how I write my lyrics,” he says. “Sometimes I’ll think of it as writing a script, to really get into that persona." - i-D vice interview
Aux: Fi (Introverted Feeling)
A judging function that uses one's own values and belief to compare and make choices
Similar to Fi dom San, Mingi has a focus on being genuine as well. He wants a certain image for himself and puts in effort to build that image (fashion, the way he writes music). He only cares about his own perception of himself and wishes for others to have the mindset as well.
Mingi's always been a free spirit, but his longing for authentic self expression clashed with having to conform to idol standards. This likely caused an internal self conflict within Mingi. During his hiatus, he mentioned taking the time to have deep reflection on himself and wanting to be himself more, wanting to be better. High Fi users often want to work on expressing themselves authentically, wanting to be their most honest and best selves.
Tert: Te (Extroverted Thinking)
A judging function that uses established facts and systems to make objective, working decisions.
Mingi has stated he likes to gain new experiences as they can serve as some sort of life lesson. A bit of a mix of Se - Te statement though; Se likes experiences and he is able to put these lessons to use (Te).
Inf: Ni (Introverted Intuition)
A perceiving function that uses one's own personal insights and ideas
He seems to have some decent use of Ni - he has been planning his career and goals since he was a teenager and has successfully reached those goals. Still it is inferior as most of his choices have mainly been spontaneous. However, he's still glad of the way things turned out for him in the end.
I would also like to think Ni helped Mingi with his self reflection during his hiatus. Se doms can use their inferior Ni to search inside themselves to see what they truly want in life.
Why he's not an ENTP (Ne - Ti - Fe - Si)
I do not see Ne dominance in Mingi or any Ne usage in him in general. Comparing him to actual Ne users Yeosang (INTP) and Yunho (I'm currently unsure if he's an ENTP or ESFJ. That Ne - Fe is strong in him tho), even to inferior Ne types like Hwa (ISFJ) and Jongho (ISTJ)... I do not see it strong enough in Mingi for him to be typed as an ENTP or any Ne type.
Other analysis:
Enneagram | Birth chart
Kpop typology list
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creepling · 3 years
my assumption of you based on which batman (2022) character you're attracted to
this came to my head and i thought it'd be fun to post :^)) NOTE: some of these are NSFW BUT NOT EXPLICIT.
bruce wayne
specifically this batman, you are definitely a weirdo (in the best way)
probs already a pattinson stan
you always end up in unrequited love situations
you like em strong and silent!! hell yh!!
you're the type of person to tweet "guys should paint their nails and wear eyeliner!!" bc you are so down bad for that
you like em angsty, like punching walls and screaming angsty
if someone was to make a playlist for you you'd marry them on the spot
you get so pent up when your crush takes 3-5 working days to message you back but you'll reply to them in 0.5 seconds.
doing gods work and pushing the female gaze agenda
you like dark, troubled people but have good boundaries when you see toxic traits.
100% more attractive to someone if they show no sign of loving you back
you wanna put the work in lmaoo
you like soft doms and you cherish after-care
possessiveness turns you on
probs a massive simp, like on your knees worshipping the ground they walk on kinda simp. so down bad.
selina kyle
YOUR STANDARDS ARE HIGH and rightfully so
you're very attractive and hot just like her
you have high standards when it comes to looks but personality wise you want someone that will challenge you and make you think.
if you're queer you gatekeep her from straight cis men and will run your mouth if a man says she's hot
you cherish people that are vulnerable with you
you're also a very good listener and don't mind people venting to you
just overall a very emotionally intelligent person
i also get the vibes that you're not a clingy person, like you like to have space.
like overall you just have a very good taste in people because selina is an absolute chem.
you're probably an adrenaline junkie, like when you're dating you like to try new things
if you're shy tho, you look for people like selina to bring you out your shell, while still feeling safe.
you're not one for labels, you're neither a dom, sub or switch
you just do what feels right in the moment
you like to be classy, like making sure you and your partner are dressed in the finest gear and feeling confident.
edward nashton
oh boy,,,,
(side note, i'm attracted to him out of all the characters so i'm self-projecting here)
but damn, your taste is awful.
"they're hot in a pathetic way" is literally your type.
you look for non-threatening people to date but 9/10 the people you find attractive are bat-shit crazy.
you probs have a "i can fix them" mentality too.
in the streets you give off sub vibes, but in the sheets you are dom asf.
you are the ultimate switch.
you fall head over heels for intelligent people
while everyone is simping for one particular person you're always drawn to the person who never gets attention
so you can have them all to yourself :^))
you like shy, not particulary strong people; but the ones that are borderline narcissists.
you're either really extroverted or really introverted no in between.
everytime you develop a crush you never tell anyone bc you know they'll say they're ugly bc they're not conventionally attractive.
ngl you have no boundaries, you like red flags bc red is "your fave colour" lmaoo.
you don't care what your partner is like as long as they have good hygiene.
ozwald copperpot
you like to be spoiled rotten
definitely a 'daddy's girl' mentality
DEFINITELY have a thing for older men
you love being called pet names like "sweetie" or "sunshine".
if someone can make you laugh, you're automatically attracted to them
you don't per-say always need validation but you love it when you get it
you love to be admired as if you're the only person in the room
you like someone with a hard front with others but are just complete softies when only with you
like you love people who look menacing physically but deep down they just need comfort
ngl i don't imagine ozzie being rough in the sheets so you like someone who is gentle
you're probs more on the sub side but can be a soft dom if your partners into it
instead of roughness you like to be petted and cuddled and told how beautiful you are
you've definitely thought about having a sugar daddy, or you already have one.
james gordon
you like older men but the ones that are non-threatening
you've probs had/have a crush on one of your friends dads
if they're not loyal you do not trust them!!
you want someone that would die for you
you appreciate good morals and people that think for themselves
you're not a homewrecker but you end up falling for people that look like they've been married for 10+ years lmaooo
you can't date people that have different political views to you
when you crush on someone you're already planning your wedding before you even go on a date with them
you take no shit from anyone and hate liars
you probs have good boundaries and prioritise surrounding yourself with good people
when your love isn't appreciated, it breaks your heart
not good at handling violence, it makes you cringe.
you're quite vanilla when it comes to the deed. you like the 'making love' type of thing
like just very intimate and passionate
and you don't like to do it very often, so when you're in the mood you can make the moment extra special
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Hi. I'd really appreciate your help with typing me. I'm pretty sure I use Ne and Si but I can't decide on whether I'm a Fi or a Ti user.
Some info:
- I've always struggled with my emotions. They always had more power over me than I had over them. I'm specifically talking about sadness and anxiety. However, it takes a lot to make me express anger and to lash out at people (I can't recall when I last did that).
- If I could I'd sit all day and think. Real world and physical experiences don't mean much to me. I feel really uncomfortable using Se for example.
- I struggle to form strong opinions on anything and I'm pretty indecisive. I'm not afraid to honestly share my point of view though.
- I was and am very self aware. I used to think that other people must be very, very stupid and I'm definitely better because I present myself as smart (now I think that this was a really bad way of seeing things and I've definitely matured).
- I think a lot. I love systematizing and cathegorizing things like social circles, people and new information I learn. I also have a great desire to make sense of everything I stumble upon. I have a lot of theories about pretty much everything.
- I can be very harsh and negative sometimes. Often I forget that my words do affect other people and I feel bad for it.
- I think I understand other people pretty well but I do catch myself on a) listening to people only to feel better about myself and b) understanding them through my own experiences.
- It takes a lot for me to decide I dislike someone. I'm not very judgmental about people and I try to understand their point of view. I think that everyone is different and they shouldn't be judged for it.
- Self expression is hard for me (I rewrote this ask countless times) and I struggle to communicate clearly sometimes.
- I'm not too much of a leader. Managing people is hard and I don't feel comfortable enforcing anything on anyone.
After writing that I think that Fi is more obvious but I'm not sure.
Hi anon! I actually think you are an INTP and don't have Fi.
Based on your general preference to thinking over action and not feeling very tied to the physical world, coupled with indecision, high Ne seems very likely. From the description here, you sound fairly introverted as well.
A lot of this can either be attributed to general behaviors for anyone, might be specific to you but not MBTI-specific (eg: anxiety, being negative sometimes); or is a bit too subjective to type (unless someone actively demonstrates self-awareness I can corroborate, it's really hard to judge someone's own self-assessment), but the following, to me, indicate Ti over Fi:
Difficulty forming strong opinions. Fi doms can be indecisive over action but they often have fairly strong ideas of what they like and dislike. They also tend to develop judgments of other people fairly easily; while many Fi users are quite open-minded, they also tend to have strong boundaries and "live and let live" doesn't mean they don't have their deeply felt preferences.
Arrogance specifically tied to seeing one's self as smarter is something far more common in immature thinkers (note: not tied to whether they're ACTUALLY smarter; it's just that doing this is something I see more in high Ti and Te users, myself included).
Systemizing, categorizing, and theorizing to understand everything whether or not it's necessary is usually considered one of the hallmarks/most common themes among high Ti users.
Feelers are often much more comfortable with self-expression.
So: my guess is you're an INTP, but perhaps a 6 or 9 eneagram rather than a 5 and therefore may not have fit some of the more aggressively 5 enneatype descriptions.
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leefi · 3 years
Hi, I noticed you did the MBTI types of the ORV characters, and I was wondering what you think the MBTI types are for the Revue Starlight gals :D
Anon, I want you to know that this google doc is 14 pages single-spaced, and I'm still not done.
WITH THAT BEING SAID, I'm so glad you asked!! I'll be breaking this up into four parts so we don't have to scroll through one massive wall of text. The other schools will take a bit more time to publish as I'm still working on a couple from each (I think I have four girls left!).
But without further ado:
Starira MBTI Part 1 - Seisho
I had a lot of help with all of this reading @HalfACape’s wonderful character analyses of so many of the girls on twitter, as well as consulting the Personality Database page for the characters I was less sure about (though there were a few I disagreed with on there - none in Seisho, we'll be discussing the others later). But everyone feel free to discuss if you disagree with anything!
Karen Aijo: ENFP
ENFPs’ dominant function is Ne (extroverted intuition) (that running gag Karen has in the game where she mishears words, spouting off suggestions even if they make absolutely zero sense to the situation at hand - “telescope? telephone? telenovella?” - is such stereotypical Ne). Ne is always running towards any possibility, no matter how unlikely it seems, and I don’t need to spell out for you how much of that we saw from Karen in the anime. Ne-Fi feed each other to create a rebel/free-spirit type of personality (Ne seeks all possibilities, Fi holds strong inner values and selfish desires - what do I want, what do I need? How does this make me feel?). Her Te isn’t too developed yet, which is fine because it’s tertiary and she’s still so young. That tertiary, undeveloped Te shows up in her scatterbrained, lackadaisical, go-with-the-flow attitude (but when dominant Fi gets fired up by something - like an old childhood friend coming home - it kicks Te into high gear). Inferior introverted Sensing shows no respect towards rules or regulations - see her revue with Junna (Si-dominant) and the anger she draws out of Maya for (a child of the system and traditionally hard worker) in their Revue of Pride. Karen is the natural rebel, the forever optimist, the sunshine girl - textbook ENFP.
Mahiru Tsuyuzaki: INFP
If you want to see what leading with an introverted function looks like compared to an extroverted function, compare Mahiru to Karen! They share the exact same functions, just flipped on the I/E axis. So Mahiru is Fi, Ne, Si, Te. Karen is Ne, Fi, Te, Si. And Mahiru is a very clear example of an INFP - such a warm, brilliant, awe-inspiring person, but can also be her own worst enemy and others tend to underestimate her. And it’s hard, I don’t blame her! Leading with Fi and not having that physical/in the moment Se to support it (like ISFPs do, just compare her to Kaoruko--yes--they’re only one letter off from each other) means that it’s extremely hard for INFPs to naturally advocate for themselves...so instead, they retreat into their own imaginations where it’s safer (Ne). BUT THEY’RE SO INCREDIBLE!! THERE’S SO MUCH THERE TO RESPECT AND ADMIRE!! *shakes her like maracas* IF YOU WOULD JUST SHOW US!!!!!!! (and this is her whole arc in the anime i don’t need to tell her lol). It’s actually so interesting how she and Karen’s Fi and Ne escapism manifests in their respective introverted/extroverted personalities. These two really are more similar than most of us think!
I love INFPs so, so much because they’re like sleeping giants. Once they get a hold of and develop that inferior extroverted Thinking it’s over - nobody else can compare. They’re like the characters in video games that start off super weak, and then you blink and suddenly they’ve become the most powerful units near the end of the game.
Kagura Hikari: INTJ
ENFP’s stereotypical partner (I swear every other reserved person A/sunshine person B couple in fiction is this type pairing) and while it’s tropey it works because these two types play off each other so well. I actually originally had her pegged as an ISTJ, but I think that her bullheadedness earlier in the anime is more indicative of Ni being stubborn. Hikari is cagey, reserved (tert Fi/inferior Se), and an incredibly high-achieving individual (dominant Ni sets specific goals, auxiliary Te implements). Her tertiary Fi (which INTJs LOVE to keep locked up, right here, forever, until they die) is so obvious as you slowly learn just how much of a sap/romantic she is. It’s her weaker Fi that holds that sentimentality towards Starlight after all these years, her Fi that struggles to hold on to that childhood promise, her Fi that has her following Karen (and eventually Mahiru as well) around like a duckling (though we initially get the impression that the dynamic is the other way around). She grows to care deeply for all the other girls around her and that’s all her tertiary introverted Feeling getting stronger as the story progresses! Like so many people in the fandom have realized, she isn’t a mean person, she’s just socially awkward. Not too much to say on her inferior Se, that mostly manifests in how she’s a homelier person who would rather stay in than go out, and doesn’t actively try to seek new experiences (this was what had me thinking ISTJ at first).
Junna Hoshimi: ISTJ
Karen’s polar opposite - they actually share the exact same functions, just in reverse! So Junna leads with introverted Sensing where it’s Karen’s weakest, and Karen leads with extroverted Intuition where it’s Junna’s weakest. And we see this play out in their revue!
Junna is one of my favorite characters in the series for a reason and it’s because it’s SO rare to see the ISTJ in a rebellious role. Si is all about following and respecting order, and Junna breaks all of that to create her own! We see that dominant Si show up in literally every other facet of her life, though - from her by-the-book attitude to her stringency with deadlines and tardiness to her respect for the creatives of old - Shakespeare, Nietschze, etc. She’s an incredibly bright and successful student as well (any type can be of course but the “kind of student” she is is very much Te supporting Si - super studious and placing heavy weight on studying and getting straight A’s). And her Fi is SO GOOD. SO SO SO SO GOOD AND SO APPARENT - MUCH stronger than IxTJ’s sibling Hikari’s at the start of the anime. That’s where the rebellious part of her spirit comes from - her values, her strong sense of self and desire for autonomy (EXTREMELY Fi thing - Fi is all about the self, how I feel about something, what I want out of this, not feeling trapped by others’ expectations, etc.). Inferior Ne manifests in how she struggles with improvisation, ends up tunnel visioning (see her revue with Karen), and can sometimes struggle to accept new ideas or ways of doing things (Junna works so hard, but it’s evident in the anime and a lot of her starira bond stories that she can end up getting stuck in her old ways if someone else doesn’t come in to offer a new perspective -- see her Jekyll bond story dialogue with Maya!). Another example we see is when her extroverted xSTJ sibling Akira, who has Ne a step higher than her but understands where she’s coming from with their shared functions, guides her towards using it in the High Priestess bond story!
Nana Daiba: ESFJ
Textbook ESFJ!! Caring, motherly, affable; Fe doms are always looking to appeal to the group and make sure that everybody feels comfortable (and, likewise, are very keen on suppressing their own insecurities/emotions/discomforts). Nana is not ambitious for ambition’s sake, and in fact suppresses her own talents to appeal to the group. As for that Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :)
Unhealthy Si can manifest as an extreme fixation on past experiences and a fear of moving on (we’re going to see this later with Si-dom Fumi too). Her poor tertiary Ne had gotten absolutely quashed by her stronger auxiliary Si in the anime - it doesn’t want to change anything! Claudine and Maya can be the leads again. We don’t need to modify the script. The first one was already perfect, why are we risking failure by changing things?! Also, holding herself back for the sake of everyones’ happiness is so Fe dom it hurts. If you want to see the difference between ESFJ and ENFJ (the two Fe-doms of MBTI), compare her to Michiru, who also suppresses her talents -- yes to cultivate the other girls’ (specifically Akira’s) brilliance but also for the sake of her ulterior motives to one day create her own troupe (aux Ni at work vs. Nana’s aux Si). Nana’s is more deferrant, but still just as ferocious - she’ll defeat Maya 60 times over to get what she wants. And the craziest thing is that all of this comes out of love and fear - she’s scared, and all of that is coming from her unhealthy Si aux. Junna is a very good example for her to follow for healthier Si.
Claudine Saijo: ENTJ
“DON’T IGNORE MY LINES!!!” ENTJs LOVE being at the top - the leaders of the pride, the people in charge, the ones you have to answer to (AND she’s a Leo too. Jfc girl pick a struggle LMAOOOOO). You get the picture - except Claudine isn’t in that position. Maya is. Claudine doesn’t even get a revue or her own song, because she’s Maya’s eternal second. This is a really, really uncomfortable spot for an ENTJ to be in, and it’s evident in how hard she pushes herself - and how antsy she gets whenever Maya is around. But Claudine never blames an outside system or factors like Karen (inferior Si) does for her situation - she just gets angry and more driven to succeed, bulldozing her way to the finish line (dominant Te-tertiary Se interacting). The tragedy of her character is that she will never surpass Maya, so we see her Ni begin to reframe achieving the very top to becoming the only star in Maya’s eye (little does she know that she’s already succeeded). That ripping off of her cloak at the end of the revue duet - “the only loser here is me” - is her inferior Fi poking its head out. At the end of the day, Claudine is an interesting character because she’s a walking contradiction. She’s a star denied a spotlight, but she isn’t a failure either, so she’s forced to grapple with this ambiguous, there-but-not-quite-there middle ground. It’s one big identity crisis in the making, and it’s clear to see why so many people relate to her and love her as a character - a lot of us can empathize with never quite being satisfied, and looking up towards heights that can appear insurmountable.
Maya Tendo: INFJ
She seems so normal and established and then you look closer and realize there’s something seriously wrong with her and oh my god where did this massive god complex come from. Typical Ni dom
From her detached, more “mature” personality to her altruistic and often surprisingly keen insight towards people, she has so many key makings of an INFJ. That dominant Ni is strong in Maya - everything is poured into theatre. Everything. From her hobbies to her interests to her personality, everything Maya does in her life is deliberate and all of it is for the sake of theatre. Ni bitches LOVE to fixate on just one thing, and for Maya, that is the stage. “I have no need for those who lack willpower...Come climb up here if you have the resolve...A single step forward is a step closer to my dream” is just...yeah I’m being redundant. Dominant introverted intuition. Ni Ni Ni Ni. This girl embodies it - while Hikari is also a Ni-dom, Maya shows a TON more of it than her (can’t say I blame the writers - Ni is probably the most difficult function to write because it requires thinking so many steps ahead for your character). We can see a marked difference between INFJs and INTJs here in how Maya and Hikari practice solitude - Hikari purposely isolates herself from Karen to avoid hurting her, while Maya purposely isolates and crafts herself into an untouchable God to serve as an inspiration to others (auxiliary extroverted Feeling). Want to see how this looks with the INFJ’s extroverted sibling, the ENFJ? Look at how Michiru crafts Akira’s public image. That’s Ni and Fe at work, just in different priority slots (Maya is Ni dominant, Michiru is Fe dominant - they share the same functions, just flipped on the I/E axis). That tertiary Ti is very prevalent too - Maya mostly keeps her thoughts to herself, and loves to mull over things. She definitely isn’t the first one to shout out an answer, she prefers to think things over.
One interesting comment that really stood out to me on her personality database page was how she’s an INFJ with an INTP persona in the anime, and I think I agree (INFJs and INTPs tend to present similarly and can be easily confused with each other anyway)! But I want to add on to that - I think that INTP presentation is her auxiliary Fe at play crafting a persona that better coincides with Claudine’s, as ENTJ/INTP matchups are extremely compatible (not saying Maya was thinking about MBTI LOL but rather she brought out and exemplified aspects of her personality that would better complement Claudine’s - their partnership is not a one-way street at all! Maya does so much for her!!). Just compare anime Maya to stageplay Maya, where she gives no headway and is absolutely brutal to Claudine.
Futaba Isurigi: ISTP
Futaba is such a great example of what a healthy ISTP can look like! Dominant Ti shows up in how she communicates with others - she's honest, direct, and to the point, but it's never utilized in a way that’s mean-spirited (contrary to how her girlfriend often can be) - it’s just how she communicates. Claudine (a Te dom which works SO well with Ti) actually points out in Starira that this is why they get along so well. Aux Se shows up in her physicality - her love and strength is in stage fights, she's into mechanics with her motorcycle and does all the maintenance herself, etc. Funnily enough, I think that tert Ni, while a slot above Fe, is actually Futaba’s least developed trait (or, at least, the one she's most guarded about) - she went into Seisho to follow Kaoruko, and her aux Se dominates that tert slot and gives her a … little bit of a lackadaisical attitude? Obviously not as much as someone like Karen, but in many senses she doesn't outwardly display a strong fear or anxiety towards the future like the other girls (completely understandably) do - and it’s that tert Ni getting angry when she feels as if Kaoruko is stagnating in her plans. There’s some inklings of her own plan for the future, but Futaba’s own individual plans are mostly kept to herself, so we don’t know how much or little she’s done about them. (I have more to add but will not continue as I’m venturing into movie spoilers territory, but for those that have watched/read them, try to draw your own conclusions based on what I’ve said!). I think that having such a close relationship with Kaoruko is what pushed her to develop that inferior Fe so early to support her girlfriend's dominant Fi. I actually originally had her typed as ESTP for how strong her Fe was (ESTPs have it a slot higher than their introverted siblings), but she really doesn’t strike me as an extrovert, and ISTPs with developed Fe can be very warm, affable people too!
Kaoruko Hanayagi: ISFP
“Kaoruko Hanayagi’s dream is world domination.”
Kaoruko is such a great example of what an unhealthy ISFP can look like! LMAOOO but no, I’m dead serious - if you want to know what unhealthy introverted Feeling looks like, look to Kaoruko. Everything is me me me me me me me, to hell with what anyone else wants (if you want to compare unhealthy Fe to unhealthy Fi, compare Nana and Kaoruko). Tertiary Ni shows up to support Fi in how surprisingly sharp she is towards other people - what makes them tick, exactly where to hurt, their inner thoughts and feelings (see her bathtub conversation with Mahiru).
BUT THAT DOMINANT Fi IS ALSO SUCH A POWERFUL THING. That “me me me me me me” is going to turn into “my vision, and what I want to create, and what I’m going to do” (once that inferior Te finally develops - which Kaoruko is going to be forced to put work into eventually). This is why, like Mahiru, I think that Kaoruko is seriously going to blossom later on in life - ISFPs and INFPs, the Pisces of the MBTI, have this weird penchant for going under the rader and then becoming insanely fucking successful OUT OF NOWHERE??? Like, they aren’t super motivated and driven with a specific plan like Ni-strong xNxJs, or disciplined and hardworking like Te-strong xSTJs, but???? You blink and suddenly they’re millionaires with four creative projects going on simultaneously (but if they get bored with any of them they’ll drop them instantly - you could not pay me all the money in the world to be an IxFP’s manager it must be an absolute nightmare <3). Just...legends out of nowhere? Rihanna is an ISFP Pisces so I have real world evidence to back this up.
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Personality Hacker has nicknamed Si “Memory.” In all fairness, I do not believe that they claim that the idea of memory covers all the aspects of Si, or that other types somehow lack a memory. Instead, the nickname is meant to guide beginners in learning typology.
Furthermore, it is not entirely inaccurate. Si doms do typically have a strong memory, and Si inferiors are typically marked by their lack of strong memory. This though is a secondary affect of Si, and not a core aspect of the function itself.
The problem is that Memory failed to capture the essence of what Si is. Furthermore, it can create confusion with people as it plays too easily into bad stereotypes that trivialize it in ways I do not believe Personality Hacker intended.
So, what is Si? A more accurate nickname would be Eternity. Other good nicknames also exist, but I think Eternity is grand enough to force us to see Si for how it really operates: it’s focus is not on the past but on timeless.
Si is the sensation of stability. It focuses on subjective concepts frozen in time. Yes, the future should match the past, but the past should also match the future. Si provides an inherit bias against the popular idea of progressive time. Time is instead a frozen circle that endures instead of progresses. (I do not mean they all consciously believe this, but that their type is biased towards this worldview subconsciously).
Si Doms are often characterized as enemies of the future, and it’s true that they often manifest like this. However, it is often missed that Si doms can also be enemies of the past if their idea of stable concepts shifts. The reason is because Si sees the world through unchanging beliefs. I do not mean their beliefs don’t change, but that even though these new beliefs are considered as always true. Once you convince an Si dom of a new idea, they will be strong advocates of it, and will be very critical to their own past beliefs. This can be contrasted with Ne doms who may criticize their past beliefs, but also want to keep a door to the past open because one they might want to go back. Si doms want to close the door of potential change, even when that makes them the most radical person in the room (for example a Si dom who has adapted Marxist ideals).
On a more down to earth view, Si will still be focused on creating objects of endures either through ethics (Fe) or logic (Te). This can create an interesting confusion between Si and Ni since both can seem like they are focused on the future. In short, Ni is focused on progressive future (this is only a small aspect of Ni though). Similar to Ne, it is biased towards change. One thing will change to another. Si wants to freeze time, so that it endures unchanging. A Si dom is just as capable of being future focused as Ni doms. Ultimately the difference is that Ni doms are predicting or creating specific change, and Si doms are trying to create something that resist that change.
Augustus (ISTJ): "I found Rome brick and left it marble."
Marcus Aurelius (ISFJ): "We are all made for cooperation, like feet, like hands ... like the rows of the upper and lower teeth. To act against one another then is contrary to nature."
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spoppersonality · 4 years
SPOP Character Typing: Adora
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ESTJ, 9w1, 953, so/sp
I’ve seen Adora typed as ESFJ and ENFJ, and I get why people don’t think she seems “hard” enough to be an extroverted thinking dominant type. But I think this is exactly the kind of mistype that happens when people don’t know Enneagram. Adora is an interesting mix because she has a super soft Enneagram core type and a harder “take-charge” MBTI type.
So, let’s get into that.
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I think what people forget when they type Adora as an extroverted feeling dominant type, is how incredibly personal and tactful Fe-doms are. (On a good day, anyway.) Adora, however, tends to be more impersonal and straight-to-the-point. Te-doms can also come off as people-oriented, that is not exclusive to Fe-doms, but they go about it differently. There is an Fe-dom in the Best Friends Squad, but that is not Adora.
If you think about it, Adora is a very classic Te-Si type. She likes rules and has a natural inclination towards implementing those rules in a very practical, hands-on type of manner. She’s very action oriented. She sees what needs to be done, and does it. ESTJs are highly effective in the sense that they don’t often stop to ask as much questions as some other types. They go about things based on what gets them from point A to point B, and what has worked in the past, or how they are used to doing things. They can also get quite hooked in moving from one plateau to the next in a routinely manner. This can often be how ESTJs go through life, if they don’t stop to think about why they are doing what they are doing, and specifically what personal values drive their actions. No wonder ESTJs are generally the jockiest jocks to ever jock.
Being a Te-dom doesn’t mean you’re not empathetic. Adora definitely is. It just means that you primarily show it through action. If a friend cries, for an Fe-dom the most natural course of action may be to sit with them and listen, and for a Te-dom it might be eliminating the reason for the crying. This is overly simplified of course, and real people as well as good fictional characters are multifaceted, but you get the idea. This is how Adora most often works. It’s not: “Catra, I can see something is bothering you, do you want to talk about it?” It’s: “Let’s take a skiff for a ride to cheer you up.”
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Adora can also be quite funny in a random seeming way, which is due to her tertiary extroverted intuition. ESTJs and ESFJs (tert Ne-types) are often one of the most hilarious people alive, because they like to use their extroverted intuition in tandem with their dominant function. The level of control they have over it isn’t often that great, so it comes off as child-like randomness. Their first two functions lead them towards order and predictability, but when Ne comes into play and they venture out of their usual habits, they may surprise you. The results might be unpredictable: Turns out licking sand didn’t work for Adora but with the help of her friends she managed to play Double Trouble’s game nicely.
In general ESTJs are not in their comfort zone with Ne-type of creativity or innovation but they are not hopeless with it. Adora struggles with the more unpredictable qualities of her sword, like turning it into different objects. She doesn’t use that quality too often and doesn’t have too much variety when she does. While Adora’s first instinct is to simply charge ahead, someone with high Ne would’ve been likely to utilize the flexible qualities of the sword to the max. But Adora can still manage it, her Ne isn’t low enough to be considered her Achille’s heel. She takes a bit of time with it but eventually comes up with solutions that work, such as carrying her sword as a bracelet.
Introverted feeling is what Adora desperately needs in her life and has trouble figuring out. If you think about Fi-doms, they are people who spend a lot of time thinking about who they are, what they want, what they value, and their life builds around that. It’s their most natural state, thinking about whether or not everything they face is something they like/dislike, if it’s good/bad, right/wrong, desirable or not, them or not them.
This is what makes the planets align for an ESTJ. They neglect this function, and when they finally start developing it, the whole world is new for them. This is very literal in Adora’s case, it’s like Etheria’s magic is waking up with her introverted feeling. (Because when all your four functions finally align it IS magic.) That function, introverted feeling, is essentially where she keeps her love for Catra, or rather, it’s the function she needs to be able to make one person, whether it’s Catra or herself, a priority. Te is a rather utilitarian function, and since Adora leads with that and has internalized the belief that her desires don’t matter, there’s nothing in her dominant extroverted thinking process that would justify her “selfish” desires. Te cares about numbers, masses and large scale consequences. She needs Fi, the function that is all about individuality, and essentially yourself. We know how much it takes for that function to surface for her, but when it does, oh boy.
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Core type: 9
As a type 9, Adora comes off as unassuming, warm and friendly. 9’s are all about forgiveness, self-neglect and acceptance.
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9 is the most “traditionally selfless” type, because unlike Enneagram 2s for example, 9s don’t expect anything in return for what they give to others. Adora’s upbringing has magnified that quality in her (which was obviously very intentional from Shadow Weaver). 9s also have a natural tendency to ignore negative feelings, so they can keep feeling “okay” and unaffected by the external world. This quality makes 9s susceptible to staying in bad situations and bad relationships for a very long time, because they so persistently see the good in others. This is why it took Adora so long, and why she needed evidence that was impossible to ignore to realize that the Horde didn’t have a good cause. 9s are conflict-avoidant because they fear loss and separation above all. That’s why Adora too is such a people pleaser. She would rather live in “fake” harmony, than be the one to create conflict that causes emotional pain. Unfortunately, that’s exactly why 9s sometimes upset others. Like how Adora is unwilling to do anything that would get her on Shadow Weaver’s bad side, which hurts Catra. Or how she pretends to be the She-Ra Plumerians expect her to be so she wouldn’t disappoint them, which only leads her to disappoint them more later. It’s very classic 9 of her to let things develop to a point where everything comes crashing down before addressing the conflict she really needs to address. 9s tend to go with the flow, and sometimes too far.
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One of the big things with 9s is that they lack a solid sense of self. They are out of touch with their needs, desires, and identity. Another thing that Shadow Weaver magnified in Adora. Basically, if you break a 9’s sense of self-worth far enough, they’ll become a blank canvas for others to write on, because they already believe they are somehow inherently “less” than others. They always assume to be the least important person in the room. As a 9, what being She-Ra essentially meant to Adora was being everyone else’s servant. For other types it would have meant different things, like to a type 4 it would have been about having personal significance in the world, and to a 3 it would have essentially been about being a celebrity. As a 9 Adora was also one of the most likely people to just roll with it. Like, if you threw something like that at a type 6, they would have most likely just bolted, and half of the storyline would’ve been about “I can’t/don’t want to do this!”. (=a tip for anyone who wants to write certain role swap AUs. ;D)
As a 9, Adora integrates to 3, so at her best mental state, she becomes driven, ambitious, present, and sees her value as a person. She’s no longer someone things happen to, but she’s the driving force in changing her life and the things around her. She disintegrates to 6, so in times of prolonged stress she can get easily irritable, pessimistic, and feel helpless.
Wing: 1
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This is where Adora gets her grit, and the moralizing side to her character. Having a strong 1-wing definitely helped her survive in the Horde but it also frequently adds fuel to her self-sacrificing: it’s so easy to back up that 9 quality by telling herself it’s “the right thing to do”. The Right Thing is all 1 cares about. It also plays directly into her dominant Te tendency to follow rules, and makes her the typical “Lawful Good” type of person. Catra’s accusation that Adora “thinks she’s better than everyone” doesn’t miss the mark too far. Even though Adora isn’t a core 1, and as such her whole identity isn’t wrapped up in being morally superior, she does care about having integrity to a certain extend. So, maybe she doesn’t literally think she’s better than everyone, but she still strives to be above certain things, and hates the idea of being “bad”.
Head fix: 5
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This is largely where Adora’s nerdy side comes from. 5s want to be competent, and they hate not knowing what to do, so they want a lot of information. Not knowing and not understanding frightens them. The most blatant expression of this with Adora is probably the whole thing with the princess prom. This side of her comes to surface when she can’t just adapt (=9) or do the right thing (=1). 5 is also detached and uncomfortable with their feelings, so this only strengthens Adora’s 9-tendency to not address hers. 5s are also big on compartmentalizing, so this greatly helps Adora to entertain certain difficult realities inside herself as if it’s nothing, such as Catra is an enemy she routinely fights, but she would also die for her in a heartbeat.
Heart fix: 3
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If none of the three other strategies work, Adora will try to solve things and get people on her side by showing off. 3s want to be viewed as valuable and useful by others, and in Adora’s case it’s probably best seen in the way she acts when she meets Huntara. 3 is where she gets her cocky side. It’s a funny contrast with her humble 9-core, and in most cases she only has enough confidence to act like this when she’s with Catra, or when she’s She-Ra. Having a 3-fix also plays into her need to be useful, because while 9s often want to be useful to excuse their existence, 3s also want to hear that they are useful, so whatever little vanity Adora has will always directly reinforce the idea that good things come from her overexerting herself.
Instinctual Variant: so/sp
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Social instinct is Adora’s primary instinct. She has a natural inclination to play by the rules of the group and acknowledge hierarchy, because social variants get safety from belonging and having a place, a role, in something bigger than themselves. Even though she has her hero complex, she doesn’t tend to fly solo until the stakes are really high. She never questions the Princess Alliance, it’s simply natural for her to move from one group to another, and that She-Ra’s strength belongs for the rebellion. She doesn’t really seem to get why some other people don’t seek the strength in numbers. Losing She-Ra also primarily means losing her place in the group for her, and she very much struggles to accept this.
Self-preservation instinct is Adora’s secondary one. It may seem like it isn’t because she’s so ready to die for others, but self-preservation isn’t really about that. It’s more about being preoccupied with questions of resources. Like, after turning against the Horde, Adora isn’t just concerned about losing the support of the group, her mind also immediately goes to “I don’t have a roof over my head”. She’s not as particular about having her physical needs met as a primary self-pres would be, but it’s included in her priorities. She feels out of place in Bright Moon because she’s used to different kind of surroundings, and losing She-Ra’s power is a hard blow because of losing the physical strength she has as She-Ra: her means for providing physical safety for others. She also desires some amount of independence, and She-Ra gave her that as well.
Sexual instinct is what Adora needs more in her life. That’s so tied to the whole point of the show that I’m not even sure what would be worthwhile for me to say about it at this point. The whole conflict between her and Catra relates so closely to it. Adora will routinely make sacrifices in her personal relationships for the common good, because one-to-one relationships are not her first concern in life. People who neglect their sexual instinct are uncomfortable with their more “primal” and intense feelings, so even in her closest relationships Adora is more about being friendly and accommodating and showing warm feelings to the other. She doesn’t have the “let me stare you deep into the eyes for hours and drown myself in them” quality that is characteristic of the sexual instinct. However, this is exactly the part she needs to accept in herself to be fully satisfied and to take her relationships to another level.
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SPOP is so juicy because it’s so much about personal growth. We see Adora face pretty much every weakness and blind spot that relates to her personality, and we get to see her change for the better. At least that makes it very satisfying for me to analyse, because I’m such a fan of growth. Can’t wait to get to analyse the other main characters, and the supporting cast too.
Also, if you wish I would do a particular character, just tell me and I’ll take that into consideration!
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mbti-notes · 4 years
Are you familiar with Little Women? Is Beth INFP or ISFJ? I don't really see enough Ne or Fe. I'm wondering how to determine the aux when her life/dev was cut short. Is Amy ESFP or ENFJ? You've said that using the tert is more likely to lead to problems, but how to differentiate an impulsive kid or unhealthy Se? I don't know what Laurie is and I'd love to hear any thoughts of yours. Thanks
I haven’t read the book. I’ve watched the 1994 and 2019 film adaptations and read some literary commentary. I don’t know whether I’ve captured the true spirit of the characters in my mind yet. 
The story is a period piece at this point, which means that context is very important for getting into the minds of the characters. That is, we should avoid projecting our current understanding about personality expression onto past eras. Theirs was a time when people, especially women, were not afforded the freedom that we have today to be oneself and pursue one’s own happiness. They were also quite limited in their exposure to the wider world, thus, new and diverse learning opportunities were rare and to be cherished. Despite being in financial hardship and difficult political times, I believe that the girls had a good moral upbringing. The fact that the girls eventually learned the right things to focus on in life is a credit to their mother’s strong and steady influence. Given this backdrop, I think there will be more examples of healthy than unhealthy function use. The girls are well-adjusted people.
Yes, it is more difficult to assess children, as they do not express the functions in typical adult fashion. Adults have the benefit of many years of feedback about their function use and they are more consistent in their function expression, whereas children are in their experimental phase and often misfire in their attempts to use a function. That is, there is a lot of “noisy” data to sort through when observing kids.
I’ve often seen words like “shy”, “pious”, and “industrious” used to characterize her. I don’t think introvert is in doubt. Her manner is reserved, she prefers to keep to herself, and she is self-motivated. I don’t think F is in doubt. She cares very deeply and her judgments/decisions are largely informed by her feelings. 
Other than the expected imaginative play of all children, I don’t see any evidence of Ne, and she should be showing some significant signs at her age. Being P means being a prospector of information. She lacks the curious, exploring, and adventurous mindset of NPs. Shy and reserved INFPs still find ways to explore the world safely such that they feel brave in their own way (a great example that pops to mind is the character Amélie from the film of the same name). But Beth is perfectly content to close herself off from practically every opportunity to venture out into the world, and there were some very good opportunities presented to her that NPs typically wouldn’t be able to resist. She prefers that life is tightly structured around familiar people, routines, and comfort zones, where she is able to feel in control of her own realm. Of all the sisters, she seems to enjoy her routines the most, as she is most likely to perform her chores and duties without complaint or requiring admonishment. Dutiful, obedient, routine, and “industrious” behavior does not come naturally to INFPs (i.e. not without coercion of some kind), in fact, they tend to really struggle with it unless they are motivated by deep passion. Therefore, there’s compelling evidence that Si is the higher function.
One of the main arguments I’ve seen for INFP revolves around Beth’s strong moral beliefs. If every person with strong moral beliefs is Fi dom, the world would be overrun with them. Why is it that, of all the types, SFJs are known for being the best caregivers? Let’s not do them a disservice by downplaying the strong moral beliefs that FJs are also capable of. It’s more important to look at the source of the beliefs and how exactly they are expressed. 
To me, the word “pious” invokes Si more than Fi. A pious person is a rule-abider at heart, someone who deeply respects tradition and ritualistic expressions of it. A pious person also faithfully corrects un-pious behavior, as a form of self-improvement. Challenging oneself to be “proper” (Si) is somewhat different than feeling “good” (Fi). I would argue that Beth’s morality comes from her sense of what is proper and “expected” of people, as picked up in very literal terms from her mother’s pithy advice. Beth is acutely aware of how her suffering might impact others and tries her best to put people at ease. She also never needs to be told twice and she doesn’t struggle with moral decisions in the way that her sisters do. 
INFPs often feel conflicted when decision-making because they tend to be full-to-the-brim with conflicted feelings after having prospected too many Ne possibilities. Beth does not seem to suffer this common problem because she’s not just about following her feelings and she’s not as full of conflicted feelings as one would expect of INFPs (i.e. F is not dominant). She is naturally good at managing feelings and keeping them in check because her main approach to information is to structure it with rules and regulations. And purposely keeping her world very contained to the known and simple is a way of making doubly sure that the rules are never difficult to follow. Luckily for her, she lived during a time when it was still relatively easy to choose a small and simple life, away from the stressors of the world at large. She didn’t get to experience the weeds of developing Fe because she purposely kept life simple socially, and then she died before she was forced out into the real world. 
Aside from the impulsiveness one would expect of children, I’m not sure I see other significant signs of Se dom. Fortunately, we do get to see her grow up, and the mature Amy doesn’t resemble ESFP. 
One of the main differences that I look for between ESFPs and ENFJs is the degree to which they “think” about how to socialize and fit in. ENFJs approach socializing in a much more complicated way than ESFPs, for better and for worse. ENFJs are more “calculating” socially (for lack of a better word) because Fe relies on knowledge of social norms to achieve social acceptance. ESFPs tend to fit in more naturally by virtue of being themselves and showing off whatever obvious talents or good qualities they have. The more ESFPs “think” about how to socialize, the more they fumble socially, because they get further and further away from themselves (i.e. betrayal of Fi + poor use of Ni). The more carefully ENFJs think about how to socialize, the more they succeed at climbing the social ladder, because they are better able to abstract the essential rules for socializing well (i.e. good use of Fe + Ni). 
As a result of this main difference in “complexity” of socializing, ENFJs tend to think/talk a lot more about fitting in (how to do it and how to behave the right way), whereas ESFPs tend to reject abstract talk about “how to” and prefer to “just do it”, since complexity only leads them astray. Notice how Amy gives Jo and Laurie unsolicited advice about how to be “better”, i.e., more acceptable. ESFPs aren’t likely to interfere with people like that because they don’t possess complicated “social worries” to project onto others.
Amy often gets obsessed about particular things that she believes are necessary for “moving up in the world”, such as: physical appearance, material possessions, matters of etiquette, impressing the right people, learning the right crafts, developing the right skills, and so on and so on. Moving up in the world seems to be her main character motivation AND she’s a natural at it. ESFPs, with the strength and conviction of healthy Fi, tend to dislike/resent the idea of social hierarchy, so it pains them a lot more to feel forced into participating in categorizing people along those lines, and, in the end, they will feel that social rewards are meaningless if obtained through betraying Fi. ENFJs are much more willing to play the long social game, even when they are aware that it’s all an act, because Fe benefits much more greatly than Se from the rewards of social status. In the end, Amy makes the correct decision to prioritize her well-being over the superficial trappings of social status (Fe+Ni well-balanced).
I’m not sure about him, either, because he’s a supporting character and we aren’t privy to all of his motivations. Being rich affords him a carefree life, so his personality development is rather slow due to not being challenged to grow. I think he’s introverted as he’s modest and unassuming, not one to actively seek out attention, esteem, or glory. I think he’s P as he doesn’t seem to require any structure and is content amusing himself with whatever he likes moment to moment. He seems to scrape by just fine no matter where he is or what he’s doing, and he doesn’t aspire to much more than drifting along. However, I think his lack of aspiration isn’t a natural part of his personality but more a result of him being bogged down by unresolved heartbreaks. He feels somewhat alone in the world (family issues). He dreams of being with Jo but she refuses him. He dreams of being a musician but feels torn about disrespecting his benefactor. He dreams of various careers but lacks the talent.
What’s his main motivation? I think he would love nothing more than to devote himself wholeheartedly to the people he loves. He’s basically willing to accept any sort of life as long as he gets to be with his loved ones. This deep romanticism indicates F, and if also P, then Fi dom. His long and deep devotion to the IDEAL of being with Jo might indicate Ne. Later, he longs for the past and his childhood relationships with Jo and the girls, which might be an indication of Fi-Si loop. He has mythologized Jo, their past together, and the future they could’ve had. It takes both Jo and Amy to make him face facts. A running theme in the book is how women are expected to be proper for men (so as to be a good influence and/or not lead them astray), and the sisters saving Laurie from himself is a good example of that.
Observe how he sizes up the girls and the ways in which he tries to care for and protect them. One thing that he seems to value a lot is “authenticity” and he tends to call them out for inauthentic behavior throughout the years. He had a hand in Amy re-evaluating her priorities. In return, Amy taught him that "authenticity” is a privilege (as women didn’t have the freedom to be authentic) and he came to admire her ambition and tenacity. He seems to think that he’s good at sizing people up, but she’s on a different level. I think that he was impressed by her blunt assessment of his lifestyle, probably because he had never encountered that sort of tough love (aka honesty) before. It seems that he needed someone to be tough with him, which is common for INFPs. Jo was always the star of the show, too self-involved to encourage his growth. Amy opened up his mind, which he seemed to sorely need for moving forward (perhaps Ne resolution).
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hello Charity, I've been an avid follower of your blog for a few yeaars, and as a fellow enfp, I wanted to ask you for advice you feel might help enfps during development and ways to overcome problems during going along with them, thank you, sorry if I sent this in the wrong place the first time
ENFPs tend to get impatient and want to get things done quickly, so they can loop into Te and stop caring about people’s feelings, or being in touch with their own, so that’s probably the biggest thing to look out for—a strengthening Te means possibly losing touch with Fi.
What does strongly developed Fi look like in an ENFP? Passion leads to pursuit of their direction. Self-knowledge and self-awareness of their patterns in life. They are not as easily influenced in every direction by new ideas (inconsistent in their beliefs, or scattered in their focus). Left to its own devises without Fi checking in with myself to determine “how I feel about this/what I believe,” Ne-dom will be a kite in the wind, bouncing between air currents, riding this one for a short time and abandoning it to find another one, instead of an eagle gracefully soaring in circles above the ground.
ENFPs need to spend time alone in introspection—observing their inner reactions, questioning what it means for themselves, and allowing it to build into a solid sense of Self – what I want, what I feel, what I think, and from there, broadening it into a worldview that holds back Ne from being so scattered. It should develop into a radar or what interests me and what doesn’t, and what direction isn’t beneficial for me, so that the ENFP doesn’t waste as much time or energy going in directions that will ultimately take them nowhere. Until they do this, they will over-use Te in trying to force themselves to get things done or earn a living or turn a profit, but they won’t really know what they want or care about what they are doing, leading to half-assed results. They need to slow down and figure out a worldview to stand behind, and then allow that to influence their belief system and filter down into their actions; otherwise, they will be erratic, scattered, inconsistent, and others will notice this about them and think they’re flakey.
Another risk will be the struggle with inferior sensing – either they will ignore details complexly and screw things up, or they will over-focus on them and not know which ones are important or not. They need to remember that and strive for balance. Or in a project that requires details, go for the broad strokes first, and then fill the relevant ones in later. (Like writing something – get the concept down, then figure out examples or the details of what KIND of a tree it is.)
Finally, ENFPs are idealists, which means the real world sucks unless it has potential for change, but if they purse change that isn’t possible, it can leave them feeling deflated and like there’s no difference to be made here. It’s important for them to find tangible (sensory) ways to see progress, so they don’t prematurely give up. By that, I mean that it’s fine to work toward global peace, or your best friend getting in touch with her soul, or whatever, but an ENFP also needs to see ways to inspire and improve in small areas of life, and make that a priority. They need to feel like they are always moving forward and becoming better and fulfilling their own potential, so learning to set reachable short-term goals is good for them; it will help them feel less restless and frustrated not to achieve ‘great things’ in far too little time (due to being unrealistic about how long things take or why you can’t just change overnight and have it stick).
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rainytypology · 1 year
ATEEZ Yeosang MBTI Analysis
- INTP -
An in-depth analysis of an idol's MBTI type. Based on my opinion and observations, may change later. Not an expert.
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MBTI: INTP (Ti - Ne - Si - Fe)
Dom: Ti - Introverted Thinking
A judging function that uses subjective thinking and logic to make the most rational decisions
 Yeosang is known for his bluntness, which is honestly the most Ti dom thing ever. He admits this himself, even saying the members are scared of his honesty. He isn't purposely mean though - Ti doms are just straightforward. They often don't see the point in sugarcoating if they see something wrong/irrational. Ti wants the truth always.
Aux: Ne - Extroverted Intuition  
A perceiving function that creates new ideas through connections and patterns in the environment
His Ti - Ne shined in ep 5 of the Salary Lupin series. The way he thought of the theory of MPD being an obsessive lover of San and of Seonghwa being genderfluid was quite astounding. He connected the details so well that it was highly convincing. Although he was wrong, it was still impressive that he managed to come up with that (even if it was given to him by some sort of script - I doubt it would've been that descriptive). He even has a witty sense of humor that I've noticed in high Ne users (e.g when members were wondering about Woo's apple watch model and Yeosang proceeded to put a literal apple on his own wrist, calling it an old model). 
Tert: Si - Introverted Sensing  
A perceiving function that is focused on the internal sensations of the body. Prefers familiarity and internal structure
Yeosang seems comfortable keeping some sort of routine (e.g working out). He's quick at picking up choreo and can dance correctly not too long after, making him a perfect lead dancer. He likely has a good eye for detail.
Inf: Fe - Extroverted Feeling
Extroverted Feeling places importance on the values of others and group harmony. However, Yeosang is known to be quite blunt. He isn't rude on purpose, he's just honest (which seems to be a lot of IxTP's problem). A higher Fe position would likely sugarcoat or phrase their words carefully so that they still receive a positive reaction in the end.
For Yeosang, it seems he struggles with that. Like the time he was having some issues with Wooyoung, he didn't know how to talk about it. He didn't even want to bring up the issue for fear of disrupting peace. However, it ended up slipping out anyways accidentally on live. A lot of Fe inferior don't really know how to face issues they have with others properly. How to bring it up, the apropriate timing and setting, etc so they may end up having an emotional outburst.
He also tends to keep things to himself, only going to Hongjoong when he was struggling.
Why he's not an ISFP (Fi - Se - Ni - Te) or ISFJ (Si - Fe - Ti - Ne):
I don't think he's an ISFP since I don't see him use ISFP's functions at all. San is an ISFP and comparing the two, they're completely different. Of course not all ISFPs are the same, but Yeosang does not have a dominant/auxiliary feeling function at all.
Or an ISFJ...although same functions as INTP, just different order, I don't think he's a Si dom or Fe aux. He definitely does not seem Ne inferior.
ISFPs: San, SF9 Youngbin and Yoo Taeyang, BTS Jungkook
ISFJs: Seonghwa, SNSD Taeyeon and Yoona, TXT Soobin
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MBTI: Finn (Star Wars) - ENFP, 2w3
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MBTI: Finn (Star Wars) - ENFP, 2w3
Written by Ryan (archive post from December 30, 2017)
Ooga Booga! Now have I got your attention? Welcome to the first ever post. I’ll be discussing MBTI today. More specifically Star Wars. More specifically, Finn. More specifically, y’all just can’t seem to get it right on what type this guy is. No fear though, for we’re going to take a crack on this.
First off, several people on the internet have differing opinions on which type Finn may be, and it’s understandable because these are new movies coming out, with different writers and the potential for personalities to change to service the plot. It’s happened before, and it will happen again, especially in a corporatized movie franchise. But I believe Finn’s type to remain one and the same in both movies that have been released so far, so here we go: ENFP.
“Nah, he’s ISFJ.”
Nah, I believe you’re wrong. Here’s why: *SPOILERS* This was a bit of a tough one to decided between: ESFP or ENFP. But ultimately it made more sense that he led with Ne instead of Se, for these traits of his: - Making interjectory side comments (there was one moment in The Last Jedi, can’t remember the exact words) - Being adept at creatively putting a spin on his situation by telling lies on the fly (i.e. lying to Rey about being resistance when he wasn’t, smoothly keeping up the facade through interactions with BB8. Also, lying to Rose about “inspecting the escape pods when he was trying to escape)
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“Guess no one ever told me I had circuits, since I’m the new comic relief and all…”
If he led with Se, he would seem more like an adrenaline junkie, like Poe Dameron (clearly a Se user, but that’s another topic). But he’s distracted by the possibilities of future danger. Such as, most importantly, the whereabouts and condition of his unrequited lady-crush slash friend, Rey (who knows what the dynamic is and what it will become). And the constant defeatism that comes as a common trait of most idealists; he’s seen it all , and he’s had it. With this “defeatism” in particular moments, his inferior function of Si combined with Te flares up in these unhealthy moments, more specifically in The Force Awakens, when his experiences as a Stormtrooper convinced him that there’s not really a lot of hope when it comes to dealing with an organization that powerful.
Moving forward, Fi is the name of the Auxiliary game. I’m pretty sure most of the internet is in agreement when it comes to this. Deserting the First Order because “it’s the right thing to do?” Does this guy not have an internal compass?
More specifically, a nail-in-the-coffin moment comes when he’s fighting Phasma: The “rebel scum” one-liner. An Idealist would say this more than an Artisan. Because, him saying it seemed like he said it due to the thrill of being a part of a larger cause, which is DEAD-ON perceiving Idealist. An Artisan gets a rush from the action, while an Idealist gets a rush from the cause. It’s this primary difference that separates the usage of the Fi (or Ti, if you are a thinking type Artisan) in this situation. I could go on and mention other examples of clear-cut Fi (such as almost sacrificing himself at the end of the second film), but I figure that this function doesn’t really need much explaining behind its assignment. ENFPs (and non-hardened ENTPs) are infamously easy to type because of a purported childlike aura they possess. They just exude it. They could walk up to any stranger and initiate conversation if it feels like a sunny day in their mind’s eye. Provided Finn hadn’t lived his whole life as a tool for an evil organization, the metaphorical clouds in his dome (that isn’t chrome) would be lifted on most occasions and we would see enthusiasm. We get a hint of it in The Force Awakens moreso than The Last Jedi, after he meets Rey. As well as larger causes, ENFPs are stimulated by people they find interesting, and boy, does Finn find Rey interesting *hormones sizzle*. Ne-doms and secondary users are also often caught awestruck by unfamiliarity and things that seem alien. One final piece of evidence (that I can remember) is that Finn is completely enthralled by the casino on Canto Bight when he and Rose walk in there. Just as the audience is (”The Last Jedi Sucks! That scene wasn’t the Star Wars I know!”). Next time you see the film, just take a look at the way his face lights up like a match in that scene. A Se user would more likely be enthralled by the gambling and the experience, but a Ne user would be enthralled by the environment and the aesthetics. And Finn doesn’t seem like a gambler. I’d say that the movies now have a pretty bonafide representation of an ENFP now (aside from Quin-Gon Jinn, which is a more complex portrayal IMO).
I attached my predicted Enneagram typing for Finn above, which would be a 2w3. If you want to know more about the meaning, check out this post https://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2016/01/mbti-and-the-enneagram-2/17/
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much-brighter-ink · 3 years
matthew, robert, and isobel for MBTI types!!
Matthew is such a good non-stereotypical example of an INFP. His Fi is (mostly) healthy and strong though sometimes inconvenient (like resolving not to accept the money he inherited from Mr. Swire, because it would just be “wrong”, despite needing it to save the estate - I’m not sure about his enneagram type, but this also definitely seems connected to a 1 fix, I’m guessing he’s either a 1w2, 6, or 7w6 core, with either a 2 or 4 heart fix but I have no clue which - or initially deciding he didn’t want a valet because he felt like acting like a part of the nobility would be fake and frivolous, without thinking through potentially putting Molesley out of his job), pointing also to his inferior Te. He’s idealistic and sees a huge array of possibilities around him (new ways to run Downton, Mary’s potential to soften up and love him; aux Ne) and finds comfort in routine but has trouble leaving it and also occasionally overlooks small details, like forgetting to write a will despite being a lawyer (both are tert Si... I should know).
Robert is an ISFJ 2w1 (I think 126 tritype?). He is meticulous in making sure everything is running smoothly and usually looks to how things have run in the past to determine what he does going forward, which explains why he doesn’t like letting go of old ways/moving on (and freaks out with everything going on when Sybil brings home the chauffeur with completely different politics to his) -> Si/Ne axis. He’s persuasive, compassionate (I just watched the end of season 5 and his conversations with Cora and Edith about Marigold are such a good example! He knows exactly what to say and how to reassure Edith and it also just. Makes me happy so I’m gonna talk about it), and expresses his feelings pretty openly (Fe), and uses internal, subjective logic (he seeks to understand things rather than disprove them; Ti, as opposed to his daughters, who all use Te). As a 2, he wants to feel loved and needs affirmation, usually from Cora (which is why... he seeks it from Jane when Cora is “neglecting” him, or gets so upset at the prospect of someone else potentially loving her more). He’s a worrier, especially when he doesn’t have guidance (6) and values justice and tradition/order in his community (1).
Isobel I ran into a Thomas-y situation - she’s definitely an EFJ, but I’ve seen people make cases for both ENFJ and ESFJ (I guess her circulation of ideas surrounding her could be a case for tertiary Ne?) and don’t really know which, but I think I’m going to say ENFJ, since she usually looks to the future rather than the past (Ni vs. Si). She’s defo an Fe-dom (always focused on helping people, wanting to be listened to and valuable and bringing about good), which is doubled in her enneagram (2w1/125). She has strong Se, seeking out new opportunities to make herself useful and sometimes doing things on a whim (like announcing she’s going to pick up and go to France during the war because she feels unneeded!), which can make her feel a but overwhelming and spontaneous coupled with her lower Ti (certain things make sense to her, but they don’t align with others’ logic).
Also this is again unedited so I may swoop in and add a few more cents later but anywho thanks for the ask!
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Hi! I appreciate your time if you decide to take on this typing-ask. I’m mostly weighing between 2/4 for enneagram and am generally unsure of my MBTI type. This’ll mostly be random fact-spewing that is very loosely structured: en2: Even if I’m in a bad mood, if I notice that someone I care about is having a hard time my mood will instantly change to being concerned for them instead. I’m really touchy and get jealous easily; 1/7
with people I care about I generally want to be their closest and most trusted friend. I’ll be genuinely confused and a little put off when other people are given more attention than me when I don’t expect them to. When I meet someone new I generally know how to make them feel good. en4: I’ve related to the brokenness/out of place aspect of 4s in that I feel like everyone else has gotten a memo that I haven’t about how to act socially; 2/7
this could just be my social anxiety, but I feel like it’s worth mentioning anyways. This along with the fact that I daydream quite a bit, have hardly ever felt like I fit in, and can feel like everyone else has it together when I don’t has made me sometimes lean more towards being a type 4. Other: I don’t consider myself the best at brainstorming because usually I’ll think of one idea, think it’s the best, and stick with it while trying to convince everyone else why it’s the best; 3/7
I don’t feel like I have the scattered energy that I’ve seen in a lot of high Ne users. I’ve also been told I give off strong Ti-vibes in that I’m good at arguing and deconstructing arguments, and when I’m upset sometimes I’ll stay in an arguing-mode for too long and criticize and pick apart every single thing someone does/says, especially focusing on the motivations behind their actions (“If your goal really was X then you wouldn’t have said/done Y”). 4/7
With friends, I generally don’t have a good time unless there’s some sort of meaningful interaction, relationship building, or actual competition in games. Sometimes I will just leave if I get bored, and sometimes in the past I’ve left parties because I felt like I couldn’t connect with anyone at all. I generally prefer hanging out with a single person over hanging out with a group because I want to connect with people and get to know them deeper and generally get bored otherwise. 5/7
Another point is that I tend to make snap judgments of people that I stick to. I could give plenty of examples for this but most of them tend to be me noticing that a guy is sketchy immediately when everyone else likes them or thinks they’re fine and then they turn out to be sketchy. 6/7
I generally know how to diffuse situations and make people feel better; I’ve had situations where people were being rude to each other and then I joined the conversation, changed the vibe, and left, and then they were all joking around and being nice to each other. I apologize for the sheer length of this ask and for any repetitive or useless information. Thanks again for your time. I’ve been looking at the systems for a while now and still definitely do not understand them very well. 7/7
This is one where I think your age would be very relevant; a lot of these strike me as very teenage behaviors and mindsets, so if you are in your teens I would revisit this typing as you get older (which to be fair is usually a good idea, but this description especially feels that way).
With that aside, you sound like a high Fe user. The part about focusing on others’ moods before your own is a big giveaway, and the part about sticking for arguments too long is undeniably on the Fe-Ti axis. I can’t tell introvert vs. extrovert here, and the part about Ti is a description from other people and not an example so I don’t know how strong it truly is but it seems fairly weak to me (I generally do not respond well to people assuming they understand all of my goals and behaviors; and the application of singular one-to-one logic to human behaviors seems very low Ti); my guess is Fe dom just with how much this felt like Fe.
I think arguments can be made for both Ni-Se or Si-Ne but if I had to guess, I’d say ENFJ (so Ni-Se). The difficulty with brainstorming is one part, and the second is the judging all social interactions on whether they are meaningful; most high Si users would see a party as just a party.
For enneagram: the part about wanting everyone to be your friend and specifically your closest friend as well as the high Fe, indicates to me you are not an enneagram 4. This seems pretty clearly enneagram 2, wanting to be loved by others, and later on some of the examples here indicate you very much see yourself as creating harmony and how you guide social interactions; there’s nothing really about being unique.
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leefi · 3 years
Starira MBTI III - Frontier
1. Seisho
2. Siegfeld
3. Frontier
4. Rinmeikan
Aruru Otsuki: ENFP
Just go and reread Karen’s entry.
FJDKSLDKL in all seriousness leaps and bounds of Ne from both of them. There’s a reason they often catch themselves saying the same things and why Karen sees so much of herself in Aruru. Not only are they both Ne doms, they’re the exact same type! Ne and Fi together hold that naturally sunny and joyful disposition they both have, and that extreme, passionate love for the people they’re close to. And her Ne may be even higher off the charts than Karen’s. From the entirety of Captain Twins, to improvising lines on stage with Misora as kids, to being the embodiment of Frontier’s free-spirit, pioneering nature - all of this is extroverted intuition, chasing at every possibility under the sun, no matter how absurd it may seem. Her STRONG tertiary Te -- which is much stronger than Karen's, by the way -- supports her dominant Ne, and this is where her gung-ho attitude comes from. “We have to write our own play?? No problem, wheel out the whiteboard! Nobody has an idea yet?? That’s fine, I’ll throw one out and get the ball rolling! Misora and I need three more people for our play? What are we waiting for, let’s go find them!!” All of this is tertiary extroverted Thinking, implementing your ideas out in the world.
Misora Kano: ISTP
She is so compelling!!! I wish we got to see more out of her!! She's already cultivated so many of her talents (and her function stack is pretty strong for such a young age too) - she'd really shine if you just gave her the spotlight! The second ISTP in this series who had her inferior Fe develop super early due to having 1) a ton of siblings and working with so many people from such a young age and 2) a gf with Fi in her dom/aux slot. I’m gonna start with her Fe again because, like Futaba’s, it’s so strong for how young she is - she is quicker to pay attention to social convention than Fi-aux Aruru, scolding her whenever she refers to older Karen by her first name, for example (don't let her see Aruru call Akira -chan). We see aux Se in how energetic and in the moment she is - she grew up acting and doing backstage work and helping her family with their troupe, and we never really see her stuck in her head or wondering about things that aren’t in the here-and-now. Her partnership with ENFJ Michiru to create a new Troupe is going to be SO SO GOOD in the future. They really are going to draw the best out of each other. As polar opposites, they have the exact same functions, just in reverse (like Karen and Junna, or Hikari and Ichie)! So Misora has Ti-Se-Ni-Fe, and Michiru has Fe-Ni-Se-Ti. It’s the perfect setup for them to complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Honestly, I really wish we saw more out of Misora - she deserves more than just being Aruru’s sidekick, and that Feeling function in her inferior slot (extroverted, no less) means that it’s difficult for her to communicate what exactly it is that she wants, both for herself and from others. Like with Mahiru, it’s intuitively hard for her to speak up and say “Hey, I feel like I’m being left behind”. Somebody needs to tap Aruru on the shoulder and communicate that to her - Fe-dom Tsukasa, maybe, or ideally, Misora herself. I think that she’s been kind of shouldered into the straight-man role not just by Aruru but everyone at Frontier because they all have such big personalities (like...she’s got Aruru and Lalafin taking up space, which is already more than enough), and she’s likely been in this position before. She’s been helping her parents run a troupe since she was a child, and now she’s (unfortunately) playing second fiddle to Aruru for the most part at Frontier. She’s been mostly stuck using her Ti and Se, and I really really hope that AA has us seeing her use more of that tertiary Ni and advocating for the goals she has for herself. She deserves to shine so much!!
One final note - I find it so interesting that both ISTPs in this series have such strong senses of faith - Misora is cast as the Faith arcana (and, unlike some of the other girls who are cast as the “opposites” of their personalities, Misora’s seems true to hers), and Futaba obviously has that reverent faith in Kaoruko (and is canonically religious???). It’s a bit antithetical to the ISTP personality type, which values its individuality above all else and tends to be a bit of a rebel. I don’t have much to add here - it’s just an interesting observation.
Shizuha Kocho: INFJ
Lalafin: The Count was such a great actor! I’m sure he would’ve been great on stage too…
Shizuha: Heh heh, maybe!
Shizuha: But still, he never went back to his original persona even after his revenge. He had to stay as the count for the rest of his life.
Shizuha: And he was able to do that because he was good at becoming other people.
Shizuha: ...Although I cannot say if that meant he was happy.
Lalafin: Even after his revenge, he still wasn’t happy...That’s one point of view to make his sadness stand out even more!
Shizuha: Right?...Yes. I think I’ll stick to how I’m doing things now.
THE!! LOVE!! OF!! MY!! LIFE!!!!!!! I CANNOT OVERSTATE ENOUGH HOW MUCH I LOVE SHIZUHA KOCHO!!!! She was my first favorite character in the game (and still is!! But frontier gets no content :’)). As I said with Maya, INFJs are old souls - wise and idealistic, but typically reserved. Auxiliary extroverted Feeling shows up in how she suppresses herself so as not to intimidate or make others feel inferior - we see the exact same thing play out with INFJ sibling Koharu. She’s mysterious but amiable, kind and awe-inspiring - just like INFJ sibling Maya. And we see that token INFJ loneliness playing out with all three, as well. What I love most about Shizuha is that she’s a person of extremes. She is so cerebral and intelligent and dignified in a way that reminds you of Maya but she’s also so!!!! Fucked in the head!!!!! Ni doms baby!!!!!!! (I am fucking crazy. But i am free).
Unhealthy INFJs can develop this obsession with making themselves martyrs, and I don’t think I need to rehash out her AA conversation with Aruru (and her entire philosophy towards acting - see above quote) to get that across. I want to dive into this more. Truly I do. Shizuha deserves 10 pages of writing. But she is one of the last I'm writing and I've clicked through 3 different AA stories and accidentally found Rui and Yukko's first so I diverted and finished writing Yukko's entry and I've already spent so much time on this oh god the doc is already 18 pages single spaced uhhhh Shizuha my loveliest love I will write your character deep-dive later I prommy <333
(Also, seeing her synergy with Aruru is soo so cute. INFJ/ENFP supremacy!! Same dynamic as MayaKaren!)
Lalafin Nonomiya: ESFP
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(Se dom).
She’s so athletic and energetic and in-the-moment and improvisational and quick on her feet (Se, Se, Se)! Fi over Ti aux because she has a much more subjective view of what’s “fun” - “what do I want to do? Where do I want to go? What kind of character do I want to play???". She’s got that trademark genki energy that so many ExFPs share, particularly that childlike zeal that she and ESFP sister Ichie both have. In her own way, Lalafin embodies Frontier’s pioneering, fun-loving spirit just as much as Aruru.
Tsukasa: Lupin is usually portrayed as mysterious and polished, no? But the way you perform him is more fresh and open -- almost like the main character from a children’s book.
Lalafin: Oh! Come to think of it, the book on Lupin I read when I was younger was written for kids!
Lalafin: It was about this big and had a realistic image of Lupin right on the cover!!
I don’t really have too much to add. She’s just a perfect embodiment of that excitable, fun-loving Se and Fi dom/aux duo. Childlike and simplistic-appearing at a first glance, but there's such a fire in there - just compare her to her ESFP twin Ichie!
Tsukasa Ebisu: ENFJ
I can see that use of Se - love of fashion, sweets, dancing, going out and enjoying life - yes, she had overprotective parents and could just be making up for lost time, but I think that nice material things are something she just genuinely enjoys for herself as well. So at first I thought ESFP, but we can’t ignore that enormously caring attitude she has for others and the way she gravitates towards caretaker roles, which indicates more Fe than Fi. So ENFJ it is! She has that Fe and Se, and we see that inferior Ti in how she struggled to realize something was wrong when she was trapped in the play. I love, love, loved her leading role in the Arise All You Sons event and how she and Yachiyo interacted to bring out the best in each other - we saw Yachi using a lot of that aux Ti to support Tsukasa’s inferior Ti and dominant Fe!
Her dominant Fe is SOOOO clear and contrasts to every other girl in Arise All You Sons. She’s the first to go “hey, wait, hold on - I’m not sure what (inferior Ti) but something about this feels artificial, and I don’t think it’s actually going to help the kids”. Inferior Ti/Dominant Fe speaks before thinking too - “Why did I say that?! Why did I do x?!” - it isn’t until aux Ti Yachiyo shows up to help her that she’s able to work through her thoughts. While she can get stuck in the rut of her own mind sometimes, Tsukasa is one of the most caring, empathetic, and mature characters in the series - and she does all this without sacrificing her own autonomy and individuality, which can be difficult for an Fe-dom to do.
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maiface23 · 5 years
The Masturbation vs. Sex Debate
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Note: If anyone listens to the VIEWS podcast, then you would know David said before he prefers masterbation over sex. That's where I drew inspiration for this fanfic for Sub!David. Also drew inspiration from @dd-imagines . I really enjoy Dom!David, so this was a new way of writing for me, This also might turn out long, so I hope you're ready, and I Hope you enjoy!
Warning: Smut, Fluff, Choking, Aggression
You've been with David for a while now. Time has flow, by your not really sure for how long. Maybe 6 months? Maybe more? Either way, the connection and chemistry you have with him is undeniable. You've done everything in bed with David that is possible.... So you thought... knowing everything about each other's bodies. Your relationship is just bliss.
One day you realized you havent been catching up in David and Jason's podcast. There was some shows you havent listened to before, shows that they made before you two became involved with each other.
You were bored, laying in your bed, wishing you went with David to New York. But you couldn't, So all you could do was wait for the time to go past untill everyone came back home.
You scroll though the shows, waiting for a title to catch your eye, when you finally find one, titled "$400,000 to quit drinking".
You start to listen, missing David's voice, comforting you as you lay alone, wishing he was there with you, holding you. Then something David states that catches you off gaurd.
David on VIEWS podcast- "I think masturbation is better"
Your eyes wide, feeling confused.
David on VIEWS podcast- "I just think- that- one- you know what you want the most... it's so convenient, you can do it whenever you want... You can do it where ever you want.... one part of your body helps out the other. It's almost like- kinda magical."
You gasped. You feel so offended, but you start to realize that this was before you guys got together. Maybe single David just thinks differently, and he changed his mind. Even having these thoughts, you are still upset. Am I not good enough? You think to your self. You honestly didn't even want to finish the show, you feel like you might just get more and more offended if you do.
You decide to distract your mind with other things, cleaning your apartment, listening to music, painting, anything to make you forget about that podcast, Waiting for David to be home.
Two days later:
You're waiting for David at his house, you let yourself in with the key he gave you. You were so excited to hug him, to kiss him. And also egar to ask him about that part in VIEWS. You're sitting on the couch, when you hear the door open and bags shuffling.
David- "Y/N...?" He called out, wondering if you made it to the house before him.
You jump up out of your seat and make your way to him quickly, David smiling wide as he sees you rushing to him. He drops all of his things to wrap his arms around your body, embracing you. He smells like your David, his warmth comforting your body. You pull away slightly so you can give him a kiss. You wrap your hands around his neck and pull him in, His lips taste like your David as well. You stop kissing and look up at each other.
David- "Hi." He says as he smiles
Y/N- "I missed you so much."
David- "I missed you too, I wish you would have been able to come with, but I'm glad you're here now."
You lean in and give him another passionate kiss. His lips so wet and soft, you really did miss him so much, but you're still thinking about what he said in his show. You start thinking about when would be the right time to bring it up.
Hours go by, you are all watching random stuff on TV while you lay on the cloud couch. You and David cuddling, Nat, on the other side eating mac and cheese, Jason making some joke about how much of a dork the guy on TV looks like. You really want to ask about the podcast, so you say fuck it.
Y/N- "So I was listening to the old podcasts..."
David backs up a little bit to get a better look at you.
David- " Yeah?" Waiting for you to elaborate
Y/N- "You think masturbation is better than sex?"
Jason cackles in laughter. Natalie stops eating and looks up and giggles.
Natalie- "Oooh David... you're screwed now." she says as she laughs
David smiles as his face gets red.
David- "Well... I said all that before we were together. I dont know... yeah, I- I think like- it can be better. Sometimes- I dont know."
David stumbles over his words, you know hes trying to make a point without hurting your feelings. You blush at the thought of David trying to be nice to you, but still hold his opinion as his own. Suddenly you're not as upset as you once were, but you get a good idea instead.
Y/N- "I think I'm gonna have to change your mind then." You smile
Jason- "Awww shit, Dave... looks like you're gonna be a lucky man tonight."
Everyone laughs
You shuffle yourself out of David's grip, standing up to move over near Natalie.
Y/N- "Well.... actually... No." You start to grin
David- "Come on Y/N, dont be upset."
Y/N- "Oh, I'm not upset. But I promise you, you're about to be."
The room goes silent, waiting for you to speak again, David's face looking very confused, not sure how to respond.
David- "Why'd you move away from me then?"
Y/N- "Cause I'm going to change your mind. For the next week, You are not allowed to touch me, unless I say so."
David's eyes widen
You lean in close, wrapping your grip around David's neck.
Y/N- "And if you touch me without permission, you will go longer and longer without my body, do you understand"
Jason and Natalie start dieing laughing, David almost loses his breath, instantly being turned on. David has always been the dominant one, this is something you both have not played with before. The sudden shift in control changes everything in that one moment. The power you feel over David, with holding your pussy from him. Suddenly, hes small beneath you, yours. In your hands, your toy, his Dom. For once, David being the Submissive.
5 days later:
Things have gotten pretty intense around the house. David tried talking you out of it a bunch of times, apologizing, but he was always a good boy. Not taking his chances on missing out on you. Always gets within arms reach, but never reaches. It's almost like he doesnt want the game to end. You can tell he likes feeling weak and helpless, not in control.
You've done little things here and there to make him whimper in desires, making him wanting you. Walking around the house in a thong and tight tshirt with no bra, skimpy dresses when u go out, making sure you bend down right in front of his face when you need to pick something off the coffee table, eating ice cream and popsicles seductively.
You're both sitting on the couch away from each other, you keep noticing David glancing over at you, missing you, missing your touch. You know you miss his as well, But you're having too much fun torturing him, making him your slave, following your rules. It was so exciting, even for David. You start to have another idea, hoping with what you have planned, it will push him over the edge.
Y/N- "I'm going to go take a bath."
David innocently looks up from his phone
David- "Okay, have fun."
You go straight to his bathroom, getting the tub ready, making sure it was filled with soap so it would be filled with bubbles. You tie your hair up so it doesnt become wet, taking off your shirt and your shorts, then your bra and underwear. You step in and instantly become relaxed. You lay back and enjoy yourself for a while. Playing with the bubbles once in a while, washing your face, pampering yourself.
Soon, you decide it was time.
Y/N- "Daaavid!" You shout, wanting him to come into the bathroom.
He walks in and smiles
David- "What's up?"
Y/N- "Can you help me out, I dont want to slip."
David becomes surprised, since this was the first time in days you asked him to touch you.
David- "Y-yeah... O-okayy"
He reaches out a hand, waiting for you to do the same. You wait a moment, until he locks eyes with you, you slowly stand up, letting the bubbles fall slowly down your wet naked body, falling down your tits perfectly, some soap staying stuck to your stomach, and legs, a goddess. You reach out an arm.
Y/N- "You can only touch my hand, NOTHING else, Do you understand?"
David drops to his knees, his face becomes pained.
David- "Oh my God, baby. I need you so badly, please. I'm so sorry, FUCK."
Y/N- "Touch me anywhere else and you will fucking regret it. Do you understand." You say with a smile
David's head drops.
David- "Y/N I said I'm so sorry, I promise I will ne-"
You cut him off.
Y/N- "Quite!" You yell
David instantly becomes silent. He really has mastered the art of being a slave.
Y/N- "No more whining, or I will give you something to whine about. And my name is not Y/N to you, its Mistress. Do you understand?"
David- "Y-yes.... I'm sorry"
Y/N- "Sorry what!?"
David smiles.
David- "I'm sorry.... Mistress."
He stands back up and extends his hand. You grab it and slowly step out, letting water drip on the floor, your eyes locked in together again, You decide to play with him a little more
Y/N- "Dont look at me until I tell you to."
David's face drops in seconds, and admires your body, aching for it. At this point he knows not to take any chances by prolonging his suffering, so he listens to every command like a good boy.
You take your towel, and try to dry off, David standing there looking at your body and at the floor. He doesnt even know what to do with himself anymore, hes like a child, waiting for direction.
Y/N- "Go sit on the bed."
By command, he turns on his heels and does exactly that. You hear him in the other room, shifting himself into his side of the bed. You put on your bra and underwear, leaving your clothes on the floor. You said you were going to make him suffer for a week, but at this moment, it feels right to reward him.
You walk into the bedroom, David looks up for a moment, but quickly looks back down to the floor. You walk towards him, your body inches from him
Y/N- "I think you've been a good boy, I think you deserve an award, dont you?"
David looks up at you and in your eyes, smiling, he reaches out and grabs your waist. You slap him across his cheek, wrapping your hand around his throat and pushing his back down on the bed.
Y/N- "Did I fucking say you could touch me, or look at me?"
David loses his breath once more
David- "N-no, No I'm sorry."
David- "I'm sorry Mistress." He says as he closes his eyes and puts his hands over his head. You grin
Y/N- "look at me."
David does as hes told.
Y/N- "I'm not about to give you what you want, I'm going to give you what you need, do you understand?"
David- "Yes, Mistress"
You're straddling his lap with your hand around his throat. Your words echo straight to his dick, you can feel his hard cock trying to break free. You get up off him, he doesnt move a muscle, frozen, afraid of making the wrong move, he looks up at the ceiling, powerless. You start to un button his pants, and pull down his boxers, seeing his throbbing dick break free from the torture that is his clothing.
Y/N- "This is mine. This is for my enjoyment, do you understand?"
David- "Yes, Mistress, my cock is yours"
Pleased with his progress, you reward him by taking his size into your hand and into your mouth. David let's out a moan.
Y/N- "Do you like that, slave?" You say with a smile
David- "Y-yes, Mistress."
You start pumping him, faster and faster, you feel his cock twitching.
Y/N- "You better not fucking cum."
David- "Yes, Mistress"
You've never seen him like this, pained with pleasure, scared to react. The thought of any moment, you could get up and leave him there terrified his desires. He was aching for affection from you, he would do anything for you to please him, or for him to please you.
Y/N- "You're a good boy, arent you?"
David- "Yes Mistress, I'm a good boy, Mistress."
You continue to pump his dick, and torture it with your mouth. You started to be come aroused as well. You stop, and stand up.
Y/N- "Get up on the bed, all the way."
David follows his commands, sliding his way up, rest his head on his pillows near the head board, still looking up at the ceiling. You take off your underwear, and climb up onto the bed. You take off his tshirt, then straddle yourself onto David's lap, hovering over his wet, warm, throbbing dick.
Y/N- "Look at me."
David looks down at you with his beautiful brown eyes.
Y/N- "Do you want my pussy on your cock, slave" you say smiling
David smiles back
David- "Yes, Mistress"
Without hesitation, you drop down, letting his dick fill you up, you didnt even need to prepare for it, all this excitement has you dripping wet already. You put your hands on his chest and start to slowly bounce.
Y/N- "You have permission to touch me."
David swiftly grabs your waist, hard. The way it felt was like a weight was lifted from him, finally being able to get what he wanted.
You start to bounce faster, his hands keeping you steady, you take one of your hands off his chest and wrap it around his throat once more, your finger tips gripping tighter, enough so he could still breath. His eyes roll in the back of his head in pressure.
Y/N- "Are you feeling pleased, slave?"
David moans- "Yes... Mistress..."
You keep bouncing, faster and faster till you can feel yourself orgasming. You tilt your head back and ride out your high. Moments later, you feel his dick twitch inside you.
Y/N- "Tell me when you're about to come."
David- "Yes Mistress, I'm about to come Mistress."
You hop off of him, wrapping your hands and mouth around his cock so his load could fall down your throat. David moans as he finally gets the release hes been working so hard to get.
You lay down next to him. Both of you breathing heavily. Laying there in silence until you catch your breaths. David turns on his side to get a better look at you.
David- "I think I'm inlove with what just happened. I didnt know being so powerless felt so powerful. I think I'm gonna have to piss you off more often." he laughs
Y/N- "If that's how you feel, I'm really going to make you pay."
David- "Please make me pay, baby." he laughs
You reach over and wrap your fist around David's neck again.
Y/N- "Please make me pay, WHO?"
David smiles- "Make me pay..... Mistress."
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