#fashion design knowledge
How Can I Become a Fashion Stylist After 12th Grade?
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Becoming a fashion stylist can be an exciting and rewarding career choice for individuals with a keen eye for style, trends, and the ability to transform a look. If you aspire to become a fashion stylist after 12th grade, there are several steps you can take to kickstart your journey in this creative field.
Develop Strong Fashion Sense:
Start by immersing yourself in fashion. Follow fashion magazines, blogs, and social media accounts of renowned stylists to stay updated on the latest trends and styles. Study fashion history and learn of different fashion eras, designers, and iconic looks. Cultivating a strong fashion sense will build your fashion stylist career.
Pursue a Relevant Degree or Diploma:
While a formal education is not mandatory to become a fashion stylist, pursuing a degree or diploma in fashion styling or fashion design can provide you with valuable knowledge and skills. Look for reputable institutes that offer courses focused on fashion styling, wardrobe management, fashion trends, and personal styling. These programs will equip you with the technical know-how and industry insights required to excel as a fashion stylist.
Build a Strong Portfolio:
As a fashion stylist, your portfolio will be your calling card. Start by assisting local photographers, fashion bloggers, or small-scale fashion shoots to gain hands-on experience and build your portfolio. Experiment with different styles, themes, and looks to showcase your stylist versatility. Include high-quality photographs of your work, showcasing your ability to curate outfits, style models, and create visually appealing ensembles.
Network and Collaborate:
Networking is essential in the fashion industry. Attend fashion events, workshops, and seminars to connect with industry professionals, photographers, models, and designers. Join fashion communities or online platforms where you can collaborate with photographers, makeup artists, and models for creative shoots. Building a strong network will open doors to potential opportunities and help you establish yourself as a fashion stylist.
Gain Practical Experience:
Seek internships or assistant roles with established fashion stylists or fashion houses. This will provide you with valuable practical experience and an understanding of stylist duties. Assist with photo shoots, fashion shows, and editorial projects to gain insights into the industry's workings and enhance your skills.
Stay Updated and Adapt:
Fashion is constantly evolving, and as a fashion stylist, it is crucial to stay updated on emerging trends, designers, and fashion influencers. Attend fashion weeks, follow fashion weeks in major cities, and watch fashion forecasts. Additionally, be adaptable and willing to work with diverse clients and styles. Understanding individual preferences and adapting your styling techniques accordingly will make you a sought-after fashion stylist.
Develop Personal Branding:
As you progress in your career, focus on developing your personal brand as a fashion stylist. Create a professional website or portfolio showcasing your work, maintain an active presence on social media platforms, and share fashion insights and styling tips. Building a strong personal brand will help you establish credibility and attract potential clients.
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Ready to embark on your fashion styling journey?
Take the first step by exploring fashion styling courses, connecting with industry professionals, and building your portfolio. With dedication, dedicated work, and a passion for style, you can transform your dream of becoming a fashion stylist into reality. join any of the best fashion college in India and Start shaping trends, creating stunning looks, and making your mark in the fashion world today.
Becoming a fashion stylist after 12th grade requires passion, knowledge, practical experience, and networking. By developing strong fashion sense, pursuing relevant education, building a compelling portfolio, networking, gaining practical experience, staying updated, and developing personal branding, you can pave the way for a successful career as a fashion stylist. Remember to embrace your creativity, remain persistent, and continue learning and evolving in this dynamic industry.
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caemidraws · 1 year
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[The Endless March]
Undead patron, Tome of Pacts zine by @/SleepyWyrm_Ed
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originalhaffigaza · 6 months
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panukkie · 1 year
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mumbo design inspired by his season 9 base !!
i tried to keep it as close to his base as possible: simple yet intricate designs, recognizable silhouette (kind of blocky and stiff), cool colour scheme, etc.
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enden-k · 9 months
Assuming you made the cutout lower then it actually is ingame (my brain is mushy and i cant remember)
Everyone loves big man tits but actually grabbable waists to show of is such a goal for me. Waaa you make me fall in love so much with Ratio 🤤💙
i didnt lower anything bc the cutout exposes his entire sides and its so... 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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i just added an additional strap around his waist for stability bc unless its a body suit, this tight ass top will curl and untuck for sure (unless theres more straps to keep it in place)
this is what i imagine (body suit or straps)
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mail-posting · 6 months
Images stolen from my friend from @vocatoneofficial 's twitter and uh. I am insane hello?????
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There is. So much here
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gdn7-dollopole · 1 month
I just thought about Arthur, Gwen, Morgana and Merlin going to fight, but dressing good for it (each one of them with their assigned weapon)
This could be set in whatever AU/Canon AU you’d like, where everything is good and these four fight together to unite the lands of Albion (basically my happy version of BBC Merlin).
See my vision.
They all wear long cloaks, with hoods that cover their faces and hair, including the clothes they wear under. The sleeves of their tunics are long, sort of under shirts made of linen, comfortable and flexible, no armour, to be worn under the cloaks, cut open at different points based on the weapons they use. Magic half protects them from the cold and the blows they take, blanketing them and securing them from their enemies. Their boots stretch until the knee and are striped, the trousers large and comfortable.
Each one of them has a colour assigned:
Morgana: white. It accentuates her dark hair, her appearance, that could seem innocent, but is actually fatal; three golden straight stripes descend over the front length of her cloak; the sleeves are round and half cut at the wrists; her boots are black; she wears a belt under the cloak where she can hide her weapon and pick it up easily; her gloves are black like her boots, wrist length, made of leather, simple; she still wears jewellery and a chain of metal around her forehead, with a white pearl in the middle of it, her black hair wavy and falling around and behind her shoulders, when she has council meetings, and tied up and in a braid when she needs to fight; she wears rings and bracelets. They decorate her fingers and wrists, two golden bracelet over her biceps, a long pendant made of a chain around her neck, that ends with a tiny, transparent vial where she keeps her favourite dried flower, round, five petals and of the same white colour of her cloak, the gift made to her by Gwen (I believe the flower is called, Oxalis incarnata).
Gwen: dark violet/light violet/pastel pink. I believe they’re her colours. Gwen is kind, and honest. Everything that she has ever made for herself and wore accentuated her character and personality as well, and the colour took a big part in it. It’s soft, and it resembles everything Gwen has ever been. Fierce, but vulnerable. A good leader. She has always ever been these two colours, and she wore purple the day she was crowned queen. Her cloak has drawings that she herself sewed into the fabric, of flowers and flying birds, intersecting one with the other, of a a white colour and with golden stripes painted on their wings and branches, resembling the one on Morgana’s cloak; her cloak and tunics are of a similar cut to the others, except that the sleeves are shorter and the leather gloves are longer, reaching her elbows, comfortable for her weapon, and of a deep brown colour, the same of her boots; her weapon is wrapped around her chest and draped behind her shoulders; she wears no jewellery; she keeps her hair short and curly, tied in a small bun behind the nape of her neck, two small strands cascading over her forehead.
Merlin: dark blue/light blue. These colours are his. A symbol, the same as his eyes, since he has always wore them as a shirt, that matches the colours of the tunic and the cloak over his body, cut at the shoulders, his shirt unlaced at the chest and ending on both arms with a bishop sleeve; his gloves are gauntlets and made of leather, the same colour of his boots, blue, but a lighter/darker tone than the one of his own cloak; his raven hair is longer, wavy, and ends at the juncture of his neck, untied; he wears a beard long enough to cover chin and cheeks; he needs space and air to use his weapon, long and sometimes difficult to manoeuvre, so his cloak is cut from the start of his thighs to his ankles; the fabric also has a golden circle sewed on the chest and the middle area, a line travelling and curving around its circumference.
Arthur: red, or what us fans usually describe as Camelot red. It suits him and it accentuates his hair. He has the golden Camelot dragon sewed at the centre of his cloak, a size big enough to be able to fit inside Merlin’s circle; he’s covered completely, has two holes just for his forearms, and a brown belt for his weapon over the cloak; his gloves are also gauntlets and of a golden colour; his boots are brown just like Gwen’s, meaning two things: Arthur belongs both to the Once and Future Queen of Camelot, and to his Court Sorcerer.
Their weapons:
Morgana: magic and knives. She has always loved them, always used them, and they’re easy to fight with, quick, the magic assuring her the perfect balance the moment she loses it, aiming a blow in the rare case she misses. She likes them, and they remind her of the gift Arthur had made to her during her birthday. The knives are decorated with pearls too, and they shine altogether whenever Gwen picks them up (Gwen creates the knives Morgana fights with without telling her).
Gwen: bow. She is agile, short, and quick. She has always run left and right to assist everyone in need, bringing and handling stuff in her hands, so she can manage a bow perfectly, shooting and fighting from afar. Arthur thought her how to use it, or maybe she learnt it by herself (or with Morgana). She makes her own arrows, that change based on what she needs to do or on her target. The bow has deep carvings in it on both the upper and lower limb, and the initials of her name. She made them herself, similar to the one on her clothes. The string of the bow can be heard only by Morgana every time Gwen shoots (Morgana secretly carved her initials too on the face of the bow, thinking Gwen hasn’t noticed).
Merlin: magic and a staff. His powers makes it float and appear on command, it channels his magic better, which could be destructive if managed alone. It glows and vibrates whenever Arthur passes by (Merlin blushes every time it happens).
Arthur: Excalibur. It represents the Kingdom, it’s the sword of the Once and Future King. It has the desired balance, has just the right hint of magic in it and the writing on the blade pulses a golden colour every time the weapon is in near proximity with Merlin. The sword reminds Arthur of him, and it’s never out of his sight (Arthur denies it each time his sword brightens up, cursing Merlin as he does so).
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 4 months
i’m not even a clothes or fashion girlie but the costume department for dead boy detectives needs to win the lottery cuz omg.
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floralovebot · 25 days
okayokay here are my Thoughts that no one asked for aljgdh
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i LOVE bloom's boots and her wings!! the hair will definitely grow on me. i don't like her outfit though. i do see what they're going for! it's very reminiscent of her og magic winx and one of the earlier promo designs we saw but to me, this doesn't feel very,,, bloom. it's so sharp, there are so many angles and layers (which feels like the Theme rn for most of them). IF they're going for more of a dragon warrior vibe for her then i can def see it, but the stiff fabric just isn't doing it for me. i do like the shoulder guard look though! idk there are aspects i like and i can see the vision, but i'm hoping the final design is a bit more refined and feels more like Bloom
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like i said before, aisha's design feels very one-note compared to the other girls and i think it's because she's basically wearing one color. i love that they put her in blue!! but i hope they introduce a secondary color like her og green or yellow/purple to help balance her out. as for the actual outfit, love the boots! it feels more believix to me but i concede that this transformation is meant to feel more modern so i'll deal. the actual outfit,,, not the Best. the cuts are interesting, there's a lot of symmetry which is weird to see on aisha since most of her transformations before were very asymmetrical. i'd love to see more flowy fabric with her! the little hip things just aren't doing it for me. i like her wings! but they do look a little too similar to bloom's for them to really stand out. i love the gold on them though!! AND HER HAIR >>>>> best part!!
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LOVE musa's hair!! it's so cute i'm crying :') i feel like the hair is definitely a strong point of these designs!! i think the wings will grow on me once i see them in action. right now they feel a little awkward but i see the vision. i think so far musa's whole design is looking really good. Very similar to her og winx with just enough of a new change to not feel exactly the same. and her boots!!! LOVE seeing that more edgy side of musa reflected in her clothing! idk i think this is one of the stronger designs good for her!!
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we didn't get to see the bottom half of stella's look so i'm not sure what that's going to be like! i love the sun ray collar but i will say it def feels more Fairy Warrior so,, i like it but i would want to see that reflected in the actual fighting and plot too. if it's not then it's not the Best design choice imo. her wings,,, like musa, i think they'll grow on me once i see them in action. it's lovely to see blue on her! not sure how i feel about the hair but since stella's ponytail is in her casual look instead, i understand why they didn't put it here too. i'm looking forward to seeing more of this design!
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we also didn't get to see the lower half of tec's design so,, idk but i think it'll end up being pants going by the look of her boots? i don't Love the boots, but again, i see the vision and i do think it'll look better animated. her wings,, i like them but i would've liked to see a more interesting overall shape! the design on the inside is great, but tecna's wings were always sooo interesting and didn't feel like generic fairy wing shape. idk,,, we will see.... LOVE the hair, love the glowiness. it's like a solid 6/10 for me. i think there are certain things they could still play around with to enhance the design but it's going in the right direction
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okay,, first, LOVE the braid!! she's finally beating the "never changes her hair" allegations good for her. and the little flowers in her hair are MWAH the wings are cute! they look good with the design. love the petals on the top! it def blends more and isn't as overwhelming as the previous design. the flower arm bands are also a classic. the skirt is really where it loses me. i like it In Theory - i understand the goal. it's very flowery, very much like petals, it reminds me a lot of a tulip. so i get it! However, the layers,,, idk man it just looks off to me
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it Def looks better in action! it's not as stiff, the edges are going up, there's an overall more graceful, flowy vibe to it. but the layers,,,, i Get it but i don't love the execution. but to fair, i don't really know what would make it look better so maybe this is the best they could come up with
OVERALL, i do think it's going in the right direction in regard to pleasing old fans and appealing to newer, younger audiences! i do think a lot of the fabric looks really stiff rn But seeing flora's animated transformation is giving me hope that it will look better in the actual show. the 3D rendering just looks off when it's a standalone piece. so far, i think the best designs are musa's and flora's. they feel a lot more balanced, capture the winx vibe, And still feel true to the characters. imo the other designs are missing one or two of those elements.
bloom's design needs to feel more like bloom. aisha's needs more dimension. stella's is nice in theory but doesn't quite match her more carefree, fun-loving attitude and feels more like a Royal Warrior thing so it really depends on how she's being characterized i guess. tecna's is good but i want to see the whole thing lol also i think her wings should be more unique
Now. as for the casuals.
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tecna looks great i think we can all agree on that!! very boss babe i love it!! aisha,,, i think her pants should be baggier. the tight fit and hip cuts just,,, i see the vision but i think they need to reel it in and make it more Aisha. stella's skin is way too light she looks sick. her outfit,,, Bad. her entire design just feels so pale and desaturated?? like just up the saturation on everything and it'll look ten times better even with the wacky outfit choice.
musa's is okay. i get the vibes - i understand the choices. but like aisha, i think her design could just use a little more thought. it's similar to her og outfit but kind of in the wrong way imo? like it has the same sort of look and cuts, but it's also tight and uncomfortable. musa's og look was very much about comfort over fashion so this feels a little,, hhhrrrrmmmm yknow? i do like the direction though! i think for me, it really is the top part. like why is she wearing a skin tight bodysuit. who told her that was comfortable for day to day wear. it's very much aesthetic over comfort which isn't Bad but it doesn't feel very s1 Musa yknow? she loved her baggy, comfy clothing for normal days
flora's is okay too. again, i like the direction. i don't love it as her Official One Casual Look for the season; i think i would've preferred it as a secondary look for one episode. but it's not the worst! it Is very flora so i concede lol
#long post#oh my#i think rn tecna and flora are tied for best overall looks for both#musa is a VERY close second/third. i just think her casual needs to be reassessed#the others just need to feel more like themselves for me to like it#clearly they are capable of that because Look at musa's and flora's transformations yknow?#i feel like theyre trying to keep stella being the fashionista but theyre also basing their knowledge on like#currently outdated tiktok trends#fashion trends are moving Really fast rn!! it's better to stick to a specific vibe for characters and not try to make it Too Modern#they will end up looking outdated lol#like the other girls kind of have those vibes but there's a lot more individual personality and hints of their og designs#that's Kind of there with stella like she has certainly worn dresses with that kind of fit before#but the entire thing as a whole just does Not feel stella#same with her transformation actually like i Get it but it's not Stella#at least not in s1 yknow? it feels a little too mature man we've been through a lot for a s1 transformation#same with bloom's! like it's Okay but it doesn't feel like a first transformation for a young fairy#and listen i dont hate the idea of their looks being more armor-like But that needs to be reflected in the fights and vibe of the show#AAGGGHHH idk maybe ill change my mind about bloom and stella's transformations once we see them animated#so many thoughts..#im gonna wait to speak on bloom's casual until we get a more clear shot of her!#But from what i could see it looks good lol very s1 bloom
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lem-argentum · 19 days
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"mi.koto has bad fashion sense" INCORRECT I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS TAKE
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astranauticus · 1 year
the rwd season 4 qna inspired me to start thinking about college au headcanons except a lot of these are gonna be really specific to my school and y'all are just gonna have to deal with that <3
Kyana feeds some of the school cats. she would feed all of them if she could
Dani smuggled Plug (the scrawniest black cat you've ever seen) into her dorm room illegally and somehow management hasn't caught her yet (based on a true story) (Kyana visits to see Plug all the time)
Finbar keeps an updated tier list of every canteen in the school with breakdowns of the best stalls/dishes for each
A senior from the school of engineering once said to me 'all the engineering people dress like rats cuz our classrooms don't have aircon' (context: tropics) anyway that's Dani
Kyana would probably be involved in a lot of freshman orientation events from second year onwards. she just likes talking to the new kids and giving them advice like she would be the kind of orientation group leader who'd get messages from her freshies asking about all kinds of random nonsense because she's made sure they know they can always contact her with questions
VR-LA is The Guy you go to for textbook pirating resources
(this is more of a 'wouldn't that be funny' but VR-LA is just Veerle's discord handle)
Docent is the name of VR-LA's old laptop that broke down so he gave it to Cassimere (computer engineering major he met once at a networking event) to fix except Cassimere got everything off the hard drive and then somehow managed to fuck it up Even More so he had to get a new laptop (and named it Emi)
Roy has gotten food poisoning from his dorm meal plan at least once (based on at least one true story)
The heap trio + Mandy would be those friends constantly playing majong in the dorm lounge and if all the majong tables are taken they just play in one of their dorm rooms on a towel to dampen the tile shuffling noises (it was Mandy's idea)
Every morning Dani goes to the drinks stall at her faculty and orders one iced coffee to the point where the stall owner starts preparing an iced coffee whenever they see her approach (based on my true story)
Roy would be one of those people who goes clubbing every other week and every time he tries to drag the rest of the heap trio and Egan almost always goes and Dani would go if she didn't have a good excuse but always begrudgingly. anyway Roy would always be the only one having a good time until Egan gets drunk enough to start having fun
Finbar actually uses the dorm kitchens instead of just buying canteen food and it always makes the hallways smell really good
Vhas also uses the dorm kitchen sometimes but like. one time i walked into the pantry on my floor and someone had left cut sweet potatoes and 2 eggs in an inch of water in a pan on the stove. that's Vhas
Kyana's constantly applying for overseas exchanges and international summer/winter school programmes. the world is large and she wants to see it!
Maxim's the definition of a hall phantom. you know he lives on your dorm floor because you pass him by in the hallways sometimes and literally nowhere else. sometimes you're not convinced that he actually exists
VR-LA and Maxim's friendship stems from them being from wildly different faculties (VR-LA's in STEM, Maxim's doing anthropology so arts/social sciences) but also having lots of weird interests they cant really bug anyone in their home faculties about
Elyse is in student government and every once in a while Finbar receives a series of angry texts about the newest idiocy she's had to put up with
MR-SN and AS-TR start a stargazing club together. other notable members include AS-TR's girlfriend E-DN, MR-SN's friend C-RA (the one who always volunteers to carry the heavy ass telescopes) and MR-SN's friend K-LB who he pestered into coming to fix one of the wonky scopes even though K-LB's actually in electrical engineering but he's the only engineering person MR-SN (an arts student) knows
oh and of course VR-LA joins because he genuinely just likes space (developing a crush on his club chairperson was not on his bingo card)
Kyana and E-DN were MMA sparring buddies at one point which is how she found out about the stargazing and joined immediately
honestly i can probably think of more but this post is fuckin long LMAO
#rolling with difficulty#'do not let the internet turn you into an american' i say as i make posts that can be understood by me and me only#i mean im not sorry about it this is my house#like my experiences are just gonna be extra incomprehensible because my countrys fuckin tiny so the target audience really is me and me onl#too bad! you think its hard to read my posts? i gotta live like this!#if i sound extra confrontational i got 5 hours of sleep for the whole week unfortunately so just know its all /lh more or less#really tempted to make some kind of business major joke for roy even though obviously the heap trio would all be in engineering#bc its just common knowledge in my school that business majors are the ones with the most free time to go clubbing all the damn time#and *also* theyre the faculty that dresses the best which also tracks??#didnt really nail down specific majors for everyone (besides the obvious ones like food science for finbar and mech eng for dani)#but i kinda like the idea of cs for VR-LA because of that 'programmers are real world wizards' joke and also.. projecting#cs with focus area in AI would even make sense bc of docent and emi. if i want to make the projecting Even Worse!#also if i ever do human designs for the old crew (doubtful cuz i find drawing robots more fun than drawing humans)#look up sally hansen hypnautical nail polish bc i wanna give human AS-TR that as a nod to her original design#didnt really get into the fashion of it all bc again i live in the tropics so nobody really dresses well here#the goal is to dress to not sweat more often than it is dress to look good#hands down my favourite line in the cqna was noir's i thermoregulate through my forearms#so in the middle of summer i still wear all black and just roll up my sleeves#like thats ME. except its summer ALL YEAR ROUND#walao#asto speaks
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junebugjo · 1 year
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Was tasked with creating a character based on an object for class and I chose this lacquer tray with mother-of-pearl inlay from the Ming Dynasty
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quibbs126 · 3 months
I’ve been trying to draw fankids, as well as this one new OC, but it just isn’t going well
I can’t figure out anything to do for the outfits, or even the hair, which I can usually get down
I also just don’t really know what I want to do for their designs, and I feel like I’m just making them generic
Sorry, I guess I just want to complain. It’s really frustrating because I want to try and design them, but I’m coming up with nothing, or at least nothing good
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originalhaffigaza · 7 months
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bismuthburnsblue · 2 months
hi, its another part of design a dress! time for a bonus poll, andddd some very preliminary patterning notes !!
to recap, we are making: a sleeveless, circle skirt shirtdress, with a wing collar & dotted mesh overlay.
so, first off! i bought little pink flower buttons that i think compliment the fabric quite nicely!
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and i was thinking, maybe there should be piping around the collar? i feel like the wing collar is the main feature of this dress, but it might blend a little too much into the rest, but putting hot pink flat piping around it will really highlight it! if i did do it, id be doing it pretty much as narrow as i could make it, just a hint of a line.
There are 2 dilemmas with this though- the first, obvious one, is i worry itll maybe look too pyjama-y. Thats the most common context you'd see piping like that, and not the image im trying to evoke. The secondary issue is with there i stop. The collar is gonna run directly into the buttons and right down to the hem of the skirt, leaving no clear stopping point. i could taper it off at the roll of the collar, or go down the shirt section of the buttonstand and disappear at the waist, or i could go all the way down- though i think maybe thats too far? i would be interested to hear what you think!
And now some fun notes about the very start of the pattern! i still dont want to commit to a timeline on this, but it is sparking my interest right now, so i may dip into some mock ups soon :)
Im thinking that im gonna use my Flora pattern as a jumping off point- princess seams seem like the sensible choice to me- doing darts with two layers of fabric is always... fiddly, so i think im going to sacrifice some of the impact of the print to have those be two separate pieces (technically i Could pattern match. but i wont.)(its gonna be hard to do with the shape of the pieces & inefficient on fabric usage, which is already a problem because its directional) theres gonna need to be some adjustments made- mostly to the centre front panel, between the grown on button stand & collar, but i think the bones are good!
Ive been studying grown on collars a bit too- its hard to find specific information for wing collars, but i think the concepts the same. im going to have to do a complete facing for the collar because of the layers (this is also why piping should be a straight forward add in, theres already a seam there anyway), and i was thinking of dragging it across to make a bastardised neck & armhole facing. it should give a nice clean finish to everything that way! technically, i could just do a complete lining, but i think id at least like to try it this way & see how it goes! Ive poked around very roughly with the way the fabric needs to fold and i really think it might come out looking good!
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serenagaia · 10 months
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