#currently outdated tiktok trends
floralovebot · 17 days
okayokay here are my Thoughts that no one asked for aljgdh
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i LOVE bloom's boots and her wings!! the hair will definitely grow on me. i don't like her outfit though. i do see what they're going for! it's very reminiscent of her og magic winx and one of the earlier promo designs we saw but to me, this doesn't feel very,,, bloom. it's so sharp, there are so many angles and layers (which feels like the Theme rn for most of them). IF they're going for more of a dragon warrior vibe for her then i can def see it, but the stiff fabric just isn't doing it for me. i do like the shoulder guard look though! idk there are aspects i like and i can see the vision, but i'm hoping the final design is a bit more refined and feels more like Bloom
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like i said before, aisha's design feels very one-note compared to the other girls and i think it's because she's basically wearing one color. i love that they put her in blue!! but i hope they introduce a secondary color like her og green or yellow/purple to help balance her out. as for the actual outfit, love the boots! it feels more believix to me but i concede that this transformation is meant to feel more modern so i'll deal. the actual outfit,,, not the Best. the cuts are interesting, there's a lot of symmetry which is weird to see on aisha since most of her transformations before were very asymmetrical. i'd love to see more flowy fabric with her! the little hip things just aren't doing it for me. i like her wings! but they do look a little too similar to bloom's for them to really stand out. i love the gold on them though!! AND HER HAIR >>>>> best part!!
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LOVE musa's hair!! it's so cute i'm crying :') i feel like the hair is definitely a strong point of these designs!! i think the wings will grow on me once i see them in action. right now they feel a little awkward but i see the vision. i think so far musa's whole design is looking really good. Very similar to her og winx with just enough of a new change to not feel exactly the same. and her boots!!! LOVE seeing that more edgy side of musa reflected in her clothing! idk i think this is one of the stronger designs good for her!!
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we didn't get to see the bottom half of stella's look so i'm not sure what that's going to be like! i love the sun ray collar but i will say it def feels more Fairy Warrior so,, i like it but i would want to see that reflected in the actual fighting and plot too. if it's not then it's not the Best design choice imo. her wings,,, like musa, i think they'll grow on me once i see them in action. it's lovely to see blue on her! not sure how i feel about the hair but since stella's ponytail is in her casual look instead, i understand why they didn't put it here too. i'm looking forward to seeing more of this design!
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we also didn't get to see the lower half of tec's design so,, idk but i think it'll end up being pants going by the look of her boots? i don't Love the boots, but again, i see the vision and i do think it'll look better animated. her wings,, i like them but i would've liked to see a more interesting overall shape! the design on the inside is great, but tecna's wings were always sooo interesting and didn't feel like generic fairy wing shape. idk,,, we will see.... LOVE the hair, love the glowiness. it's like a solid 6/10 for me. i think there are certain things they could still play around with to enhance the design but it's going in the right direction
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okay,, first, LOVE the braid!! she's finally beating the "never changes her hair" allegations good for her. and the little flowers in her hair are MWAH the wings are cute! they look good with the design. love the petals on the top! it def blends more and isn't as overwhelming as the previous design. the flower arm bands are also a classic. the skirt is really where it loses me. i like it In Theory - i understand the goal. it's very flowery, very much like petals, it reminds me a lot of a tulip. so i get it! However, the layers,,, idk man it just looks off to me
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it Def looks better in action! it's not as stiff, the edges are going up, there's an overall more graceful, flowy vibe to it. but the layers,,,, i Get it but i don't love the execution. but to fair, i don't really know what would make it look better so maybe this is the best they could come up with
OVERALL, i do think it's going in the right direction in regard to pleasing old fans and appealing to newer, younger audiences! i do think a lot of the fabric looks really stiff rn But seeing flora's animated transformation is giving me hope that it will look better in the actual show. the 3D rendering just looks off when it's a standalone piece. so far, i think the best designs are musa's and flora's. they feel a lot more balanced, capture the winx vibe, And still feel true to the characters. imo the other designs are missing one or two of those elements.
bloom's design needs to feel more like bloom. aisha's needs more dimension. stella's is nice in theory but doesn't quite match her more carefree, fun-loving attitude and feels more like a Royal Warrior thing so it really depends on how she's being characterized i guess. tecna's is good but i want to see the whole thing lol also i think her wings should be more unique
Now. as for the casuals.
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tecna looks great i think we can all agree on that!! very boss babe i love it!! aisha,,, i think her pants should be baggier. the tight fit and hip cuts just,,, i see the vision but i think they need to reel it in and make it more Aisha. stella's skin is way too light she looks sick. her outfit,,, Bad. her entire design just feels so pale and desaturated?? like just up the saturation on everything and it'll look ten times better even with the wacky outfit choice.
musa's is okay. i get the vibes - i understand the choices. but like aisha, i think her design could just use a little more thought. it's similar to her og outfit but kind of in the wrong way imo? like it has the same sort of look and cuts, but it's also tight and uncomfortable. musa's og look was very much about comfort over fashion so this feels a little,, hhhrrrrmmmm yknow? i do like the direction though! i think for me, it really is the top part. like why is she wearing a skin tight bodysuit. who told her that was comfortable for day to day wear. it's very much aesthetic over comfort which isn't Bad but it doesn't feel very s1 Musa yknow? she loved her baggy, comfy clothing for normal days
flora's is okay too. again, i like the direction. i don't love it as her Official One Casual Look for the season; i think i would've preferred it as a secondary look for one episode. but it's not the worst! it Is very flora so i concede lol
#long post#oh my#i think rn tecna and flora are tied for best overall looks for both#musa is a VERY close second/third. i just think her casual needs to be reassessed#the others just need to feel more like themselves for me to like it#clearly they are capable of that because Look at musa's and flora's transformations yknow?#i feel like theyre trying to keep stella being the fashionista but theyre also basing their knowledge on like#currently outdated tiktok trends#fashion trends are moving Really fast rn!! it's better to stick to a specific vibe for characters and not try to make it Too Modern#they will end up looking outdated lol#like the other girls kind of have those vibes but there's a lot more individual personality and hints of their og designs#that's Kind of there with stella like she has certainly worn dresses with that kind of fit before#but the entire thing as a whole just does Not feel stella#same with her transformation actually like i Get it but it's not Stella#at least not in s1 yknow? it feels a little too mature man we've been through a lot for a s1 transformation#same with bloom's! like it's Okay but it doesn't feel like a first transformation for a young fairy#and listen i dont hate the idea of their looks being more armor-like But that needs to be reflected in the fights and vibe of the show#AAGGGHHH idk maybe ill change my mind about bloom and stella's transformations once we see them animated#so many thoughts..#im gonna wait to speak on bloom's casual until we get a more clear shot of her!#But from what i could see it looks good lol very s1 bloom
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Hi! I’m interested in writing a realistic teen fiction novel set in high school, focusing on multiple students and their everyday lives both within and outside of school. I want the story to feel like you're reading someone's diary, similar to shows like Freaks and Geeks, Skam, and My Mad Fat Diary. Sooo, any prompts or ideas to help me get started? Or advice? Anything will do! Thank you so much!
The challenge or writing realistic teen fiction when you're not a teenager is quite high. You always run the risk of outdated references, incorrect slang, and overall awkward writing.
DO go for universal experiences. Teenagers throughout the ages deal with the challenges of dating, parental conflict, pressures to get the highest scores or hang out with the right crowd. Kids are going to go through the same experiences no matter how much the world changes. Tap into those emotions and think about what you went through as a teen. How do you project those experiences and emotions onto your character? Could you give them similar challenges? Put them through situations you managed to avoid? Lean on what you know.
DO treat your characters with respect. Yes, even the guy who smokes too much weed has a much richer inner life than you may put to paper. You don't have to give every character a ten-page backstory and a showcasing scene, but do be sure to give depth to both your main characters and antagonists. Don't brush off their concerns or values - even if you think fighting over a prom date is silly in hindsight - as unimportant.
DO focus on setting and specifics. Where your story is based and what's going on in the environment is going to vastly impact what issues your teen characters will face. Some teens may face issues with drugs and environmental violence. Others will have more experience with dealing with online bullying. A lot of teens are far more used to LGBTQ peers and more accepting environments, but that doesn't mean issues of racism, transphobia, and homophobia have gone away. Where you set your story and what's going on in the environment around it are going to be really important when it comes to coming off as genuine.
And a few don'ts...
DON'T chase the latest trends. There are a lot of things that will date your work within the year, if not months. Twitter is nearly as dead as MySpace, no one says 'on fleek' anymore, and the latest iPhone is not going to sound impressive if someone reads your story two years from now. That isn't to say you should social media or cell phones entirely - that would be silly - or that you should try to disguise them by using some made-up name. Neither would really work. If TikTok is going to be in your characters' lives, talking about it even with a casual line is a better option than pretending it doesn't exist. But if you hinge your plot entirely on TikTok drama, and by the time your book or story comes out no one uses TikTok anymore, you'll be shooting yourself in the foot. Play it safe and lean into generics if your story heavily involves online behavior ('some stranger is sending me DMs' versus 'I'm being bullied via my Discord server's soundboard').
DON'T appropriate experiences that aren't yours. It's really tempting to project what you feel about current events into teen characters, and it's not wrong to write really passionately about something that affects both you and your teenage characters, but think it through. Does your white character single-handedly resolve racism in their school? That's just not going to happen. Is your character's heroic moment tackling the school shooter before he kills someone? Take a long step back and think about what these moments mean for the teens that go through them. You run the real risk of making their lives seem trite and meaningless by presenting an easy solution to a complex problem. A teenage hero with a sword may save a kingdom in a fantasy novel, but in the modern world, dealing with bigotry and violence are complicated issues that require solidarity, collective action, and allyship, not savorism.
DON'T cut corners by making your characters 'really into 80s music' or similar anachronistic interests. Listen, I know this is painful, but as popular as Stranger Things is, your teens characters are probably not listening the Best of the 80s on a regular basis when not in the car with their parents (or, uh, grandparents). They're likely not really into TLC, I doubt they can name all the Spice Girls. You may think you're giving them a funny quirk by having them be really into something you know a lot about, but you risk alienating your audience. I've put down more than one YA book because the author couldn't explain why her teen character loved U2, but couldn't name Taylor Swift if she tried. This... doesn't work. You may not listen to Doja Cat or Charli XCX, but you're doing yourself and your characters a disfavor in not considering who the artist or actor they care about is, and why. Figuring out what your characters are into can be really worth the insight it brings. You can, of course, skip pop culture for the most part if your plot doesn't touch it - but don't believe for a second your characters don't know who Ariana Grande is, c'mon.
Angie Thomas's THE HATE THAT U GIVE is a classic for a lot of reasons, but a big part of it is that she's able to juggle all of the above without coming off as insincere or contrite. Her main character knows that dealing with police violence is complicated. Tupac Shakur's music plays an important part of the book because it's relevant to the character and her experiences, not just because it's something the author knew well. And Starr Carter didn't save the world from the problems plaguing her, but she did take a stand against them. Angie Thomas's work is a masterclass in understanding how teenagers think even if you aren't one, and I'd recommend reading them to get a feel for how to handle a teenage voice.
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cafephan · 10 months
I have been a fan of D&P for a long time... I'm so happy the gaming channel is back. I felt it was the most "real" version of themselves of all their channels...
That being said though, I love their banter but can't help but feel like they force some stuff...like I grew up, I wish they did a bit too if that makes sense. Some of the jokes seem like they are trying too hard to be edgy and young. But still watching all the vids!
i agree with you in part! but let me tell you my thoughts which i know you didn’t ask for :)
they’re smart guys who have been in this game for a long long time, they always keep an ear to the ground in terms of what is trendy in both content and humour (see all of the old days of collabs, tags, diss track, draw my life, and modern day taking on trending and upcoming games on dapg and having somewhat of a presence on tiktok) so they are well aware that some of their jokes tailor to a more modern audience - such as the quick editing style, some jokes about pop culture, referencing popular tiktok sounds etc, and generally referencing more modern day and current topics, so that new viewers that might stumble across the channel won’t see two thirty something gay guys making constant outdated jokes and will want to watch more of the content alongside the long time phannies that dnp won’t let out of the basement - but i personally think they intertwine that so well with references to both their past (see the roblox video was a love letter to the older fans but also let new fans know where they came from) and older topics that we will remember from the time they occurred (example being the reference to the piss incident - many new fans would just know the name and be like omg fnaf movie these guys know what’s up, and older phannies cackle in remembering how awkward the video was)
anyway this answer was a lot longer than what you were probably expecting, but my conclusion is to continue expecting more ‘young and edgy’ jokes - they need to keep things fresh in terms of keeping new viewer engagement, for example if a new fan tuned in to any modern day dapg video and it was just filled with more mature references and references to their past, the shorter content phenomenon means that sadly new viewers probably won’t stick around if there’s not something to keep their attention
BUT i do strongly believe the comfort content will keep coming - they are so grateful that so many of us are both still here and returning after the hiatus, they wouldn’t purposefully upset us by trying to soft reboot themselves to appeal just to the modern, new audiences!
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lol-jackles · 1 year
What do you think of Rachel Zegler and her badmouthing Snow White every chance she gets? It seems like she doesn't even like the character but it doesn't seem smart to bash such an iconic and beloved character, who's a Disney princess no less! She's been going viral on tiktok for this reason. The beginning of this clip has made it's way into so many tiktoks all saying they hate this girl and that she doesn't deserve Snow White (I kinda agree tbh). Conversely, it did make the actress from The Little Mermaid trend positive because if nothing else, she at least loved playing Ariel.
Hold on while I work through the mental equation where Gal Gadot would be jealous of Rachel Zegler's ~superior beauty. *The Evil Queen is beautiful in her own right. It is the opinion of the mirror that causes all the drama.* There it is.
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Okay, first, having seen West Side Story and Shazam, fury of the gods, Rachel does a good job convincingly playing sweet and kind characters on screen, which makes her ideal for Snow White. Now with that said, Disney either dropped the ball on providing Rachel media training, or she's saying exactly what Disney want her to say, thinking it will appeal to feminists Zoomers.
Whether or not these are Disney's talking points, let's review (link):
"She's not going to be saved by the prince"
Um, well, okay, let's give them that in the original Grimm she was not saved by the prince.
"She's dreaming about becoming a leader"
As the commentator said, she can have both true love and a career since male superheroes do it all the time. But I would argue that in the original film, Snow White was already a leader: she survived childhood abuse and assassination attempt, ran into the forest to save herself, then ran her own household as a teenager, and never gave up believing that she deserved love and care regardless of how people treated her in the past. Above all, Snow White was a tale about resilience and never giving up on the life you desire regardless of your current circumstances.
Then the commentator point out that it makes sense for Snow White to dream about true love because she doesn't remember what it was like to be loved after her biological parents died and she was mistreated by her stepmom and forced to work as a scullery maid for years. The prince was the first person to show her affection and kindness.
I've seen Rachel disparage the OG Snow White as outdated since it's from 1937. I wished I could explain to Rachel (or her Disney handler) that in 1937, many Americans had been through WWI and the Great Depression and Americans needed a message of hope and a reminder to stay positive and carry on despite hardships. Snow White embodied this resilience, her strength is underappreciated. I mean, come on, despite the shocker of a day Snow White had with the assassination attempt and all, when she found the house, she was deeply moved by the thought that seven little children with no mother lived there, so she cleans their house to surprise them. She’s always thinking of others. And despite the horrible situation she’s in she remains kind and optimistic, and quietly holds tight to her dream.
Disney did such a great job with the first live action remake of Cinderella in 2015 that I don't understand why it was down hill from there. They kept the same character traits as the 1950s version, being kind, never giving up hope, and then improving on that. It's message about "having courage and be kind" is a very good one because it's easy to become hardened and bitter when people treat you badly, but it takes a very strong person to be kind even after all that.
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stardust-swan · 25 days
How did you discover your personal style?
It took me a while to answer this, because I had to think about it a lot. Finding my personal style was a whole journey that I'm still on.
Like many people, I'm over trends. The trend cycle these days is very constant and changes frequently. There's always something new and trends that started not that long ago are seen as dated and relegated to certain parts of Tiktok pretty fast. The purpose of this is so that we'll always feel dissatisfied with what we already have and have anxiety about not being trendy, so therefore we'll keep buying whatever is currently being promoted as trendy in the hopes of not looking outdated. It's a real moneymaker for companies, and we're also told to basically strip away our individuality and unique tastes in order to fit neatly into styles that don't fully fulfill us.
As well as being bored of the trend cycle, I was also reaching my mid twenties when I first started on my personal style journey. I was bored of the clothes I owned and wanted a more mature, elegant style for this new phase of my life. I wanted to create a style that was completely me - catered perfectly to my appearance and personality. (Putting the rest under a cut because I can and did spend ages talking about my personal style story).
The first thing I thought about was my colouring. I have rich, deep colouring - neutral-warm undertone, yellow olive overtone, russet brown eyes, old rose lips, and warm black hair that looks brown in sunlight and has a lot of dark brown mixed into it (my hair is actually dark brown at the roots, but the rest of it grows in black). My skin is bright rather than muted, and the contrast between my hair and skin is medium-high. So I need my clothes to reflect this - warm colours that are rich, deep or bright. I tested a lot of different colours and asked for advice on what looks best from different people. Some of the advice I got confirmed my own suspicions, and some of it made me realise new things about my complexion.
I read up on different systems of colour analysis, but had some difficulties with them all. I have olive skin, which isn't accounted for in Western systems, and while East Asian systems include olives, they have a preference for paleness and in their system you might be typed as something that makes you look paler, which to Western eyes would make you seem washed out.
After about a year (!) of reading theory and testing colours, after being confused as to why I have the brightness and contrast of a winter but the warmth of an Autumn, I've concluded that I'm a Bright Spring who pulls off Deep Autumn very well (I thought that was my season for a while) and the more obscure Toasted Soft Winter palette - it's Soft Winter but with some tan and warmth mixed in. I'm working on building my own custom palette of colours that are my absolute best to have handy when I'm planning to buy clothes.
Next thing I thought about was my face. I have an oval face, large, round eyes, a slightly rounded nose, wide cheekbones, apple cheeks, full lips, and gently arched eyebrows. So I had to consider what kind of jewellery and hair suits my face. I've realised big hoop earrings are out, as they add width to my already wide cheeks, and shoulder length bobs are in, as they give my face definition that long hair doesn't without being too severe.
As well as the geometry of my face, I also considered the vibe my features give off. If you're familiar with Kitchener essences, I have a lot of romantic, with some gamine playfulness and a touch of natural.
As for my body, I'm still on a journey to discover the perfect pieces and fits - I've just started reading David Kibbe's book, as there's a lot of conflicting information about Kibbe types online, but so far I think I'm either a soft gamine or some kind of romantic in his system although that might change the more I read his book.
In non-Kibbe terms, I'm a bottom hourglass. I have a defined waist quite a bit smaller than my hips, shoulders about balanced with my hips, and fleshy thighs, but with a small-medium bust (small C cup) rather than the large or medium busts true hourglasses have. I have teardrop shaped breasts and Roman feet, and I'm short, so as well as my body shape and face shape, I wanted to account for those traits as well (I'll write more about my findings later).
Onto the next part: Personality! As well as physical appearance, personality is an important part of discovering your personal style. Like everyone, I'm a multifaceted person. I narrowed down the main sides of my personality so I could take those parts of me into account while curating a style.
One part of me is princess-like and dreamy, tends to daydream a lot and wear charm bracelets and still likes kid things like Animal Crossing and old Disney movies and reading fairytales. And another part of me is more refined and mature - she plays the violin, does yogalates, goes to art galleries, drinks coffee while reading classics, is very devoted to her skincare routine, and wears pearl studs and YSL lipstick. Then there's the part of me that rather than princessy is Empressy and a bit ancient. Self care rituals where I anoint my hair and body with oils, adorning my body with lots of gold, spritzing perfume morning and night, sleeping on silk pillowcases, burning incense nightly, and reading about female deities and women who lived long ago. And finally there's the part of me that's free-spirited and bohemian - walking barefoot in the garden when it's sunny, belly dancing in my room, listening to world music, wandering off the beaten track and seeing where I end up, drinking lots of herbal tea blends, visiting cemeteries, and comfortable, flowy garments.
So how am I marrying those different parts of my personality to eachother and to my physical appearance? Well, I'll write my conclusions about styles that reflect all of those below:
Warm colours, especially clear jewel tones and deep, rich earthy tones that give me both the warmth and contrast I need look best. Individual colours I've discovered look amazing on me are cream, burnt orange, mustard yellow, burgundy, turquoise, old rose, and bright tomato red.
Any colours that are too cool are out - I don't have black in my wardrobe anymore apart from pieces with patterns in warmer colours or things that go on my bottom half, as most black clothes are cool and grey-based, which makes me look washed out and sallow. I need warm, brown-based blacks like the one that my hair naturally is, but it's hard to find that shade in clothes so my neutrals are mainly cream, beige and brown.
Fabrics and textures that suit me are: Satin, velvet, cashmere, satin-faced wool, cotton batiste, suede, chiffon, crêpe, floral prints, embroidery, French lace, faux fur, corduroy, leopard print, tweed and ruching, wrapping and draping. I like alligator texture for bags.
As my cheekbones are wide, to balance them out instead of adding extra width I need earrings with angular shapes, straight lines, and balanced or bottom heavy proportions (if wearing dangling earrings). No earrings that sit near the cheekbones or have top heavy proportions as that will broaden them (so no big hoops for me). My neck is slightly on the short side so chokers are also out unless they're thin. Stones that look good on me are: turquoise, jadeite, amber, emerald, carnelian, pink topaz and coral. Metals that look good on me are muted or brassy gold (not bright yellow gold as it makes my yellow olive skin look Simpson-esque), pewter, copper and bronze. Intricate, burnished and vintage pieces are optimal. I don't like mixing metals and favour delicate pieces, but I do like big cuffs. I also love coin jewellery. For day to day wear I'll wear between 1 and 3 pieces, but I love going all out sometimes - rings, bracelets or bangles, anklets, earrings, all at once.
I'm still on my journey to discover what cuts look best on me, but so far I've realised that knee-length or slightly above knee-length dresses are good as they elongate my legs, as do high-waisted cropped pants and high-waisted jeans. My breasts are small while my hips are wide, so to bring balance to my top half V-necks, square necks, scoop necks, halter tops, and tops fitted under the bust are ideal for me. Details on my tops and necklaces also help in this regard. To take advantage of my defined waist and wide hips, wrap dresses, fit and flared dresses, bootcut jeans, cropped jackets and fitted coats are ideal. Clothes I should avoid are baggy clothes, bulky layers, boxy or sturdy pieces and turtlenecks.
My bra size is 32C and my breasts are teardrop shaped, so to make them look rounder and bigger, the ideal bras for me are: balconette, demi-cup, plunge, and push-up bras. These shapes both push them up into a rounder shape as well as making them seem larger, which balances my top half with my bottom half.
I enjoy corsets and shapewear, and I wear tights if I'm wearing anything that shows my legs. I like sheer pantyhose (either nude or black, sometimes with cute patterns) for summer and thicker tights in jewel colours for winter.
I have Roman feet, so the first couple of toes are the same size, which makes them look wider than they are. To make my feet seem narrower, I need low-vamp shoes, and to make sure my toes feel comfortable, I need shoes with roomy forefronts. Round and almond shaped shoes are ideal, whereas pointy toe shoes are a no-no.
Vintage barettes, hairpins, clips and headbands, and silk or chiffon scarves tied into my hair suit me well. I like tying scarves into my handbags too, and wearing brooches on my coats. I like scarves with intricate or delicate patterns - I recently thrifted a vintage scarf that's warm pink, in a floaty material, with peacocks embroidered on in dark gold (thrifts shops are actually great places to buy cute scarves - I have a velvet faced burgundy ruched scarf, another vintage velvet faced scarf in blocks of pink and mauve with embroidery, and multiple foulards with pretty patterns that I got in thrift shops).
My hair looks best at shoulder length or a few inches above, in gentle, flowing waves with a subtle side part. This brings definition to my face long hair doesn't without looking too harsh. I do actually want to grow it out though, as my natural hair texture is 3b/3c curls and I want to stop using heat, and I feel my natural curly hair would look better a bit past shoulder length - like Rachel Weisz in The Mummy.
I prefer light makeup, as I have freckles and don't want to cover them up, plus my skin is oily so heavy makeup often ends up looking greasy (and using a lot of powder to set it is pretty bad for you). I have naturally long lashes, so most of the time I leave them alone, but if I'm going out somewhere I use clear mascara - it elongates them without making them look clumpy. I use brown pencil on my brows despite having black brows, as using a colour slightly lighter than my dark brows compliments my gentle, rounded features rather than making my face look harsh and heavy. Despite my undertone being warm, due to my overtone I need neutral foundation, as warm foundation makes me look yellow (I usually wear BB cream rather than foundation). Dusty rose blush, gold highlighter, subtle baby eyeliner wings, terracotta, coral and orangey-red lipstick, and eyeshadows in rich browns, blue, aubergine, teal, taupe and gold look good on me.
I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting, and I'm sure in the future I'll add more as I discover more about myself and my personal style. This post is about a year's worth of exploring and experimenting and what I found out about my style in that time. Maybe in another year it will be even longer.
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constantcreates · 1 year
7 Innovative Ways to Repurpose Your Old Social Media and Blog Content
Repurposing old content is more than just recycling—it’s about reimagining its potential. As the digital world evolves, so should our approach to content. Just because it's old doesn't mean it's outdated. With a few creative tweaks, you can make your previous content shine like new, reaching a wider audience and reinforcing your brand’s message.
Rejuvenate Old Blogs with Video Content
The power of video in today's digital age is undeniable. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and even LinkedIn are prioritizing visual content, making videos a must-have component for brands.
Bite-Sized Video Summaries: Try converting blog posts into short and snappy videos that capture the essence of your message. It's a great way to keep your audience hooked and interested.
Behind-the-Scenes Footage: Showcase the making of your blog post, product, or service, offering your audience a personal connection with your brand.
Animated Explainers: Utilize animations to break down complex ideas, making them digestible and entertaining for viewers.
Deepen your understanding of visual branding and how it influences your audience with our article on Color Psychology in Social Media Design: How to Choose the Right Palette for Your Posts.
Enhance with Engaging Visual Graphics
They say a picture speaks a thousand words, and in the world of social media, visual graphics can be the differentiator.
Infographics: Represent data or lists visually, making complex information easier to understand.
Quotes & Highlights: Create graphics from noteworthy quotes or highlights, making them easily shareable.
Interactive Graphics: Engage your audience with clickable graphics, leading them to more in-depth content or resources.
Discover the ins and outs of captivating graphic design in our guide on Everything You Need to Know About Creating Cohesive Social Media Graphics.
Refresh and Update Information in Old Posts
The digital realm is constantly evolving. Ensure your content remains relevant by updating it periodically.
Integrate Latest Statistics: Keep your audience informed with the most recent data and research.
Incorporate Recent Trends: Weave in current industry news or changes to make your content timely.
Add New Examples or Case Studies: Real-world examples can provide added context and depth.
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Introduce a Lead Magnet or Freebie
Elevate your content by offering something tangible and valuable to your audience.
Printables: Design handy templates or worksheets that complement your post’s topic.
E-guides: Consolidate a series of related blog posts into a comprehensive, downloadable guide.
Exclusive Webinars or Live Sessions: Offer deep dives into the topic for those who want to learn more.
Elevate your branding game with our Free Branding Identity Checklist.
Convert Blog Posts Into Podcast Episodes or Webinars
Diversify your content formats to cater to a broader range of audience preferences.
Discussion Formats: Engage in in-depth conversations around your content, adding layers of depth and perspective.
Guest Collaborations: Feature industry experts to provide a fresh take on your old topics.
Interactive Q&A Sessions: Allow your audience to ask questions, making the content more interactive and engaging.
For insights on the importance of maintaining brand consistency across various content formats, check out our post on Transform Your Brand: The Ultimate Guide to a Consistent Identity.
Create a Series or Challenge Around a Popular Post
In order to really connect with your audience, it's important to focus on engagement. If you notice that a specific piece of content is getting a lot of interest, don't be afraid to create more content around it.
Content Sequels: Develop follow-up pieces that build on the original post.
Themed Monthly Challenges: Engage your audience with tasks or actions based on your content.
Community Discussions: Use platforms like Clubhouse or Twitter Spaces to discuss the topic with your audience.
Find more ways to boost engagement with Leveling Up Your Social Media Game With Post Templates.
Collaborate with Influencers or Brands for a Fresh Perspective
Expand your reach and introduce new voices to your content.
Joint Live Sessions: Collaborate on discussions that merge both brands' perspectives.
Guest Contributions: Allow external voices to provide updates or fresh takes on your content.
Content Swaps: Exchange blogs or social posts with like-minded brands to introduce each other to a new audience.
Navigate the complexities of brand identity with our guide, Steer Clear of These 7 Brand Identity Mistakes for Business Success.
Repurposing your content is all about creative reinvention. Every piece you create can be reshaped, reimagined, and reintroduced, reflecting the evolving needs of your audience. At Constant Creates, we champion the idea of constant evolution in branding and design. If you're eager to elevate your brand and make the most of your content, we're here to guide the way. Ready to start on your design journey? Fill out our contact form below. Let's reimagine the potential of your content together.
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projectcubicle1 · 2 months
Boosting Business Sales through Online Marketing Strategies in 2024
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Introduction In the ever-evolving digital age, online marketing has become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to boost their sales and expand their reach. As we step into 2024, the landscape of online marketing continues to transform, driven by rapid technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors. Businesses that adapt and leverage these changes are poised to thrive, while those that cling to outdated methods risk being left behind. One of the most impactful shifts in recent years has been the rise of Social Media Marketing (SMM) panel services. These platforms offer a streamlined and efficient way to manage and enhance social media marketing efforts, providing businesses with the tools they need to stay competitive in a crowded market. SMM panel services can significantly amplify a business's online presence, driving engagement and sales. This blog post will delve into the current state of online marketing, highlighting key strategies that can help businesses boost their sales in 2024. From leveraging SMM panel services to integrating AI and automation, we will explore the tactics that can set your business apart in a digital-first world. Join us as we uncover the essential online marketing strategies that will propel your business to new heights this year. Understanding the Current Online Marketing Landscape
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The online marketing landscape in 2024 is dynamic and fast-paced, reflecting the ongoing digital transformation that has reshaped how businesses connect with their audiences. To stay competitive and drive sales, it’s crucial to understand and adapt to these trends. Overview of Key Online Marketing Trends in 2024 - Increased Use of AI and Machine Learning: - AI and machine learning are no longer just buzzwords; they have become integral to online marketing strategies. These technologies help businesses analyze consumer behavior, predict trends, and personalize marketing efforts to enhance customer experiences. - The Rise of Video Content: - Video continues to dominate the digital space, with platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram Reels leading the charge. Short, engaging videos capture attention and convey messages more effectively than traditional content forms. - Social Commerce: - Social media platforms have evolved into powerful shopping channels. Features like Instagram Shopping and Facebook Marketplace enable consumers to make purchases directly from social media, bridging the gap between browsing and buying. - Voice Search Optimization: - As smart speakers and voice assistants become household staples, optimizing content for voice search is essential. This involves focusing on natural language and long-tail keywords to match the way people speak their queries. Leveraging Social Media Marketing (SMM) Panels
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In today's digital world, social media is a cornerstone of any successful marketing strategy. With billions of users across various platforms, businesses have unprecedented opportunities to connect with their audience and drive sales. One powerful tool that has emerged to help businesses maximize their social media efforts is the Social Media Marketing (SMM) panel. Definition and Benefits of SMM Panel Services What are SMM Panels? SMM panels are online platforms that provide various social media marketing services at a single location. These services include boosting followers, likes, comments, and views on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Benefits of Using SMM Panels: - Cost-Effective Marketing: - SMM panels offer affordable solutions for increasing social media engagement. This is particularly beneficial for small businesses and startups with limited marketing budgets. - Time Efficiency: - Managing multiple social media accounts can be time-consuming. SMM panels automate and streamline these processes, allowing businesses to focus on core activities. - Improved Social Proof: - High numbers of followers, likes, and comments can enhance a brand's credibility and attractiveness. This social proof can lead to increased organic engagement and conversion rates. - Targeted Services: - SMM panels often provide targeted services, allowing businesses to reach specific demographics or geographic locations, ensuring more effective marketing campaigns. Effective Online Marketing Strategies To thrive in the competitive digital landscape of 2024, businesses need a multifaceted approach to online marketing. Implementing a variety of strategies ensures that you reach your audience through multiple channels, maximizing your potential for engagement and sales. Here, we explore some of the most effective online marketing strategies that can complement the use of SMM panel services. Content Marketing Importance of High-Quality Content - High-quality content is the backbone of any successful marketing strategy. It attracts and retains customers by providing value, building trust, and establishing your brand as an authority in your industry. Tips for Creating Engaging Content - Know Your Audience: - Understand the needs, preferences, and pain points of your target audience. Create content that addresses these aspects directly. - Diversify Content Formats: - Use a mix of blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, and social media updates to cater to different audience preferences and increase engagement. - Focus on Storytelling: - Use storytelling to make your content more relatable and memorable. Share customer success stories, behind-the-scenes looks, and brand narratives. Using SEO to Boost Content Visibility - Keyword Research: - Identify relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush to find high-impact keywords. - On-Page SEO: - Optimize your content with appropriate headers, meta descriptions, and alt tags for images. Ensure that your content is structured for readability and SEO. - Quality Backlinks: - Build backlinks from reputable sites to increase your content’s authority and search engine ranking. Email Marketing Building and Maintaining a Strong Email List Collect email addresses through sign-up forms, lead magnets, and opt-in offers. Regularly clean your list to remove inactive subscribers and ensure high engagement rates. Crafting Effective Email Campaigns - Personalization: - Personalize your emails with the recipient’s name and tailored content. Segment your email list based on demographics, behavior, and preferences for more targeted messaging. - Compelling Subject Lines: - Write attention-grabbing subject lines that encourage recipients to open your emails. Use curiosity, urgency, and value propositions to increase open rates. - Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs): - Include clear and compelling CTAs in your emails, guiding recipients to take the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a webinar, or downloading a resource. Personalization and Automation in Email Marketing Use email marketing automation tools to send personalized emails based on user behavior, such as welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, and post-purchase follow-ups. Automation ensures timely and relevant communication with your audience. Subsection C: Influencer Marketing Identifying the Right Influencers for Your Brand - Relevance: - Choose influencers whose audience aligns with your target market. Look for influencers who share your brand’s values and niche. - Engagement: - Assess an influencer’s engagement rate rather than just their follower count. High engagement indicates an active and interested audience. Enhancing Customer Engagement through Social Media Customer engagement is critical for building a loyal customer base and driving business growth. Social media platforms offer unique opportunities to connect with your audience in real time, creating meaningful interactions that foster loyalty and trust. Here's how to enhance customer engagement through social media, leveraging the power of SMM panel services. The Role of Social Media in Customer Engagement and Brand Loyalty Building Relationships: - Social media allows businesses to interact directly with customers, building personal connections that go beyond traditional marketing channels. Responding to comments, messages, and mentions promptly shows that you value your customers. Creating Community: - Use social media to create a community around your brand. Encourage user-generated content, start conversations, and create groups or forums where customers can share their experiences and connect with each other. Showcasing Brand Personality: - Social media is an excellent platform to showcase your brand’s personality. Share behind-the-scenes content, team member spotlights, and brand stories to humanize your business and build a stronger emotional connection with your audience. Best Practices for Interacting with Customers on Social Media Platforms - Be Responsive: - Quickly respond to comments, messages, and mentions. This not only shows that you care about your customers but also increases the visibility of your posts through social media algorithms. - Engage Authentically: - Engage with your audience in a genuine and authentic manner. Avoid generic responses and take the time to address individual concerns and questions. - Create Engaging Content: - Share content that encourages interaction. Ask questions, run polls, and create interactive posts that prompt your audience to engage with your brand. - Monitor Social Mentions: - Keep track of what people are saying about your brand on social media. Use social listening tools to monitor mentions and respond to feedback, both positive and negative, in a constructive manner. Utilizing SMM Panel Services to Manage and Optimize Social Media Interactions - Automated Responses: - Use SMM panel services to automate responses to common queries and messages. This ensures that customers receive timely replies even when you’re not available to respond manually. - Scheduled Posts: - Plan and schedule your social media posts in advance using SMM panels. Consistent posting keeps your audience engaged and helps maintain a steady online presence. - Analytics and Insights: - Leverage the analytics and insights provided by SMM panels to track engagement metrics. Understand which types of content resonate most with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly. - Targeted Campaigns: - SMM panels allow you to create targeted campaigns aimed at specific demographics. This ensures that your engagement efforts reach the right audience, increasing the likelihood of meaningful interactions. - Engagement Boosts: - Use SMM panel services to boost your engagement metrics. Purchasing likes, comments, and shares can enhance your social proof, making your content more appealing to new users and increasing organic engagement. Utilizing Paid Advertising Paid advertising remains a cornerstone of effective online marketing, offering businesses the ability to reach wider audiences quickly and efficiently. By strategically investing in paid advertising, businesses can significantly boost their visibility, engagement, and sales. Here’s how to make the most out of paid advertising in 2024. Overview of Different Paid Advertising Options - Google Ads: - Search Ads: Appear at the top of search engine results for specific keywords. Effective for capturing high-intent traffic. - Display Ads: Banner ads displayed across the Google Display Network. Great for brand awareness and retargeting. - Video Ads: Ads shown on YouTube and other video partner sites. Useful for visual storytelling and engagement. - Social Media Ads: - Facebook and Instagram Ads: Highly customizable and can target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. - LinkedIn Ads: Ideal for B2B marketing, targeting professionals based on job title, industry, and more. - Twitter Ads: Promote tweets, accounts, or trends to increase visibility and engagement. - Native Advertising: Ads that match the form and function of the platform on which they appear, providing a less intrusive user experience. Common on news websites and social platforms. - Programmatic Advertising: Automated buying and selling of online advertising using AI to target specific audiences in real-time. Offers efficiency and precise targeting. Conclusion In 2024, the landscape of online marketing continues to evolve, presenting businesses with both challenges and unprecedented opportunities. By adopting a comprehensive approach that incorporates the latest trends and tools, businesses can effectively boost sales and foster growth.  As you navigate the digital marketing landscape in 2024, remember that flexibility and adaptability are key. The ability to respond to changing trends, emerging technologies, and evolving customer behaviors will set your business apart. By integrating these strategies and leveraging the power of tools like SMM panel services, you can position your business for sustained success. Stay proactive, keep learning, and don’t hesitate to experiment with new approaches. The digital marketing realm is dynamic, and those who embrace innovation will lead the way in boosting business sales and achieving remarkable growth. Here’s to a successful 2024 filled with strategic marketing victories! Read the full article
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labhanya · 11 months
Adapting Your Digital Marketing Strategy to Emerging Trends
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. To ensure your business thrives and remains competitive, it's essential to adapt your digital marketing strategy to emerging trends. In this blog, we'll explore the significance of keeping up with these trends and discuss practical steps to incorporate them into your marketing efforts.
Why Adapting to Emerging Trends is Imperative
The digital marketing world is constantly evolving. What worked yesterday may not be effective tomorrow. Here's why adapting to emerging trends is imperative for your business's growth and success:
. Staying Relevant
Remaining relevant in your industry is crucial for attracting and retaining customers. Embracing the latest trends helps your brand appear fresh and innovative, making it more appealing to your target audience.
. Competitive Edge
In a highly competitive market, staying updated on emerging trends gives your business a competitive edge. Being among the first to adopt new strategies can set you apart from competitors.
. Meeting Consumer Expectations
Consumer expectations change over time. Adapting to emerging trends allows you to meet these evolving expectations and deliver an exceptional customer experience.
. Maximizing ROI
Outdated marketing strategies can be costly and ineffective. Adapting to trends can help you allocate your resources more efficiently, ultimately maximizing your return on investment (ROI).
Practical Steps to Adapt Your Strategy
Now that we understand the importance of staying current, let's explore practical steps to adapt your digital marketing strategy to emerging trends:
. Continuous Learning
Digital marketing is a dynamic field, and the first step in adaptation is to commit to continuous learning. Invest in training, attend webinars, and subscribe to industry newsletters to stay updated.
. Data-Driven Decision Making
Leverage data analytics to identify emerging trends. Analyze your website and social media metrics to spot shifts in user behavior and engagement patterns. These insights can guide your strategy adjustments.
. Experimentation
Don't be afraid to experiment with new approaches. Test different content types, platforms, and advertising techniques to see what resonates with your audience. A/B testing is a powerful tool for optimization.
. Embrace New Technologies
Keep an eye on emerging technologies that can transform your marketing efforts. For instance, the rise of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) offers exciting possibilities for immersive marketing campaigns.
. Social Media Trends
Monitor social media trends and adapt your strategy accordingly. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram regularly introduce new features that can be leveraged to reach a wider audience.
. Voice Search Optimization
As voice-activated devices become more prevalent, optimizing your content for voice search is a must. Ensure your website and content are structured to answer voice queries effectively.
. Video Content
Video content continues to dominate the digital landscape. Invest in high-quality video production and explore live streaming to engage with your audience in real-time.
Labhanya's Commitment to Adapting Your Digital Marketing Strategy to Emerging Trends
In a digital world that's ever-changing, your success hinges on your ability to adapt and innovate. As you embark on the journey of adapting your digital marketing strategy to emerging trends, remember that change is the only constant in the digital marketing arena.
At Labhanya, we understand the significance of staying at the forefront of digital marketing. Our commitment to adapting to emerging trends is unwavering, and we're here to help your business thrive in this dynamic landscape. By embracing these trends, you can ensure your digital marketing strategy remains effective and drives the success you desire.
Adapting your digital marketing strategy to emerging trends is not a one-time task; it's an ongoing commitment to staying informed, experimenting, and evolving. With dedication and a forward-thinking approach, your business can remain competitive, relevant, and successful in the ever-changing world of digital marketing.
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whatwrenreads · 1 year
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1.5 - 2 stars
Before I get in the weeds as to why this book is rated so low, I have to say Ali Hazelwood definitely improved her male lead in this book, it's just unfortunate it takes a painful 75% of this book to get to that point. The best part was the end, if you can even get that far.
I am begging authors who swap to writing YA to stop throwing in random "gen-z" references every sentence, it's extremely jarring and the flow of the writing is completely disjointed because of it. Plus, the references are outdated and random.
Earlier in my reading update I described the writing of this book as like someone who refuses to download tiktok and gets their trends from tiktok reels like a year or 2 later. I stand by this description even after finishing it.
I'm disappointed, because beyond my distaste for the writing, the plot is interesting. Chess drama is extremely topical with the surge of popularity right now, but I imagine anyone reading this who does have a background/knowledge of chess would cringe at the constant use of the same joke (it's like she only learned about 'castling'?? nearly every chess reference or joke was about castling)
You know a read is going to be rough when your computer is filled with screenshots of 'what the fuck' moments, and I had about 14 from the first couple chapters. (A starbucks drink that they haven't sold in years, discussions of tentacle porn, "like tony stark briefing the avengers", 4 uses of the insult 'dickbreath' within a few paragraphs, her thinking gluten sensitivity isnt real, bill nye erotic fanfiction, an experienced chess player not know what professional chess means) I could go on.
The book tries to make a statement on misogyny in chess, but its extremely surface level. There is significant work being done currently to address this issue, and the book hardly digs past the base level knowledge of the history of gender inequality in the sport. The misogynistic characters are stale and stereotypical, and there's no real discussion of it beyond "sexism exists!"
I leave you with a reference the book makes at one point that made me open a drink. A character describes someone as young by saying they could shove their nipple in their mouth and "you wouldn't be able to latch on"
thank god this only took me 3-4 hours to read.
p.s as others have said, this definitely is not YA, but more NA. There's so much in this that made me question how it was categorized as young adult.
Thanks to Penguin Canada & Netgalley for access to the arc
originally posted on Goodreads
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hashtagmark-com · 1 year
How do I find trending hashtags on TikTok 2023?
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Here are a few general tips to help you find trending hashtags on TikTok in 2023:
1. Explore the Discover Page: TikTok's Discover page often showcases trending hashtags, challenges, and popular content. Browse through the trending section to see which hashtags are currently popular.
2. Pay attention to the For You Page: The For You Page (FYP) on TikTok displays personalized content based on your interests and engagement. Keep an eye on the hashtags used in videos that appear on your FYP, as they may indicate current trends.
3. Follow Influencers and Creators: Follow popular influencers and creators within your niche or areas of interest. They often use trending hashtags in their content, giving you insights into what's currently popular.
4. Check out TikTok Trends on other platforms: Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube often discuss TikTok trends and hashtags. You can search for articles, videos, or posts that highlight the latest TikTok trends and hashtags.
5. Use TikTok's Search Function: TikTok's search function allows you to explore different hashtags. You can search for general terms related to your interests or specific keywords to find relevant hashtags.
6. Also you can use Hashtagmark TikTok hashtag generator tool for finding trending tiktok hashtags. try it .
Remember that trends can change quickly on TikTok, so it's important to stay updated and adapt your content accordingly.
How do I see current trending TikTok hashtags?
To see current trending TikTok hashtags, you can follow these steps:
Open the TikTok app on your device.
Tap on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen to access the Discover page.
On the Discover page, you will find a list of trending hashtags under the "Discover" section. These hashtags indicate what is currently popular on TikTok.
Tap on any hashtag to explore the related content and see what videos are using that hashtag.
You can also use the search bar at the top of the screen to search for specific hashtags or keywords. TikTok will suggest popular hashtags as you type, which can give you an idea of what is currently trending.
By exploring the Discover page and using the search function, you can stay updated on the latest trending hashtags on TikTok.
why can't i see trending hashtags on tiktok?
There could be a few reasons why you might not be able to see trending hashtags on TikTok:
1. Location: TikTok's trending hashtags may vary based on your location. If you are in a region where TikTok is less popular or has fewer users, the trending hashtags may not be as prominent or relevant.
2. Account settings: Make sure your account settings allow you to view trending hashtags. Go to your profile, tap on the three dots in the top right corner, and select "Privacy and Safety." From there, ensure that the "Discoverability" settings are turned on, allowing you to see trending content.
3. App version: Ensure that you have the latest version of the TikTok app installed on your device. Outdated versions may not display the latest features and updates, including trending hashtags.
4. Network issues: Sometimes, connectivity or network issues can affect the visibility of trending hashtags. Try switching to a different network or restarting your device to see if that resolves the issue.
If none of these solutions work, it's possible that TikTok's algorithm is not currently showing trending hashtags for your specific account. In that case, you can try reaching out to TikTok support for further assistance.
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jeremy-queere · 3 years
i was supposed to write more today but i spent most of that time trying to research mall rat culture (80s-early 2000s) that bmc worships
i posit to you, the reader, that “be more chill” is not intended to portray the tiktok generation. it does not take place in the 90s or early 2000s. it takes place in a quasi-timeline. 
every set piece in be more chill is a loud and proud liminal space--bathrooms, malls, high school, places defined by their in-betweenness. it claims to have a sense of time, a knowledge of pop culture. 
A sixteen year old is intimately familiar with the works of Joe Pesche (an actor active 1981-1999) and considers Robert De Niro (now age 77) a sex symbol. He idolizes Keanu Reeves (most popular 1989-1999 until his mid-2019 comeback after the musical was written). 
The same teen considers tape cassettes (common until the early 90′s) to be “vintage” and roller skates (whose popularity peaked around 2000) to be “retro.” 
The Japanese technology boom (whose decade-long hold over the market seems to have waned around 2002) is still a source of wonder and fascination to an average high schooler.
At the same time, smartphone use and emojis (which grew popular in 2013/2014 until the present) run rampant. Teenagers embrace Twitter (popularized by 2008) but no other social media, communicating solely by text and tweet and telephone call. The only porn available to one teenager is on cable TV while another teen finds porn online, but must wait for their slow (possibly dial-up) connection to load. Teenagers’ music choices consist of Whitney Houston (1987) for the cool kids and Bob Marley (passed away 1981) for the retro kids, although cool teens may also listen to Eminem (who seems slightly outdated, but recent enough for a 16-year-old to remember being popular) but reference his “anti-women” controversy beginning in 2000 and his “super old” age (he is 48 years old now). 
The “classic literature AND ZOMBIES” trend from 2009 until its flop in 2016 is current and a viable marketing strategy.
Sodas discontinued in the 90s are sought-after collector’s items, sold at Spencer’s Gifts (a name that was discontinued for the store in 2003). 
The most current video game system is the first generation XBox (2001-2005).
A teenager dresses as “Prince” (active by that name 1975-1991 and from 2000-2016) in their outfit from 1984.
And quantum supercomputers are predicted to be viable technology by 2030 if we’re lucky. 
Some of these dates are arguable, but in general, with this information, the musical takes place around 1999, 1978 or so, 2020, 2000, 2015, 2008, 2005, 1988, 1981, 2001, 2010, 2003, 2004, 1985, and 2035.
All at the same time.
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toasty-bat · 3 years
Ok this was going on too long to be put in replies so here we are. Tramp Stamp, the "pop rock" "band".
Okay so. The members. Marissa Maino, has released a few EPs in the past, as has the guitarist Caroline Baker. The drummer, Paige Blue, is a songwriter with a couple of published songs.
However, for each member their former music and style was COMPLETELY different to how they make music now. Sure, styles can change, but this much this quickly? They each apparently spontaneously dyed their hair similarly neon colours at around the same time, before even forming the band.
Their music is also weird. It's like Blink-182 of it was modernized and then diluted down to buzzwords only. It's also clearly supposed to be the sort of "riot girl feminist" stuff seen in pop punk in the early 2000s - except again, it's diluted and "off". Their lyrics all sound like something specifically crafted to appeal to Tumblr users and young people on TikTok, and it seems to bank on the idea that because the target is young, they won't really remember late-90s to early-2000s pop rock and so won't know why they sound "off".
The band has barely started existing, but despite having no sold songs or EPs or albums under their belt, they already have stan accounts, a well-established website, and well-designed merchandise at high prices. Not something a brand new normal band does.
They're VERY defensive whenever they're criticized for anything. Recently they were called out for stealing their name from another band, @/thetrampstamps-blog (these guys are real), to which they responded "we don't like white cis men!!". It was quickly pointed out that every member of their ""band"" is cis, and white.
Everything about them seems manufactured. Their brand-new instagram is full of clearly professionally taken shots in studio lighting with full professional makeup and hair (not necessarily weird for a band....unless that band was created less than a month ago and hasn't even released a debut EP yet). They regularly use outdated slang and act like when old people write teenage characters - for example, one of their TikTok songs contains lines like "Tumblr girl, sk8ter boy", "I'd rather die than hook up with a straight white guy" (????) and "it's some major fuckin tea".
Their lyrics and captions may sound plausible when they're separate, but when it's all put together it reads like an AI-generated Buzzfeed article about current youth trends.
Their website claims their music is "the kind of stuff women talk about with their friends, but no one has ever put it into this kind of music before" (this is apparently a quote from one of the band members.) I'm sorry, nobody has ever done this before? Doesn't your band claim to take direct influence from early-2000s feminist punk scenes?? Have you ever listened to a feminist punk band before, ms "definitely in a feminist punk band"???
As for the "we hate straight white men" stuff, one of the members is openly married to a straight white guy. Not saying you can't be married and also be a feminist pop punk icon, but..their entire thing is that they're "a brilliant voice on white-boy privilege and fragile masculinity". (That's supposedly another quote from one of the band members. Definitely a real human person thing to say).
The band claims to be emo as well, but couldn't recognize MCR music when asked to name MCRs most popular songs. Not that it's impossible, but how likely is it that an emo/pop-punk band taking influence from the 2000s and early 2010s doesn't know what MCR is???
(TW: Sexual assault, alcohol for this bit)
One of their songs describes raping a man by getting him drunk and pressuring him into sex. Whether this is industry-plant related or not, this clearly isn't some "voice for the youth" shit that anyone Gen Z is interested in.
The irony is that they're also connected to Dr. Luke, a cishet white male who owns their publishing house... and who has multiple SA accusations against women (notably Kesha)
(TW over)
Also, they claim to be Queer Punk, but 2 of them are openly cishet. Now, I don't believe you should pressure public figures into coming out, but I can say as someone who enjoys the queer punk scene, I've never seen a Queer Pop Punk band made up of 2/3 cishet people.
On one of Marissa (the singer's) tumblr accounts before it was deactivated, the DNI said "-Phobic against any sexuality, including straight!"
(...what about the whole "we hate straight men and we're queer punk"... thing...)
Tldr: Everything from their social media presence to the way they dress to their song lyrics/style sounds like something old people in suits would imagine appeals to the young generation. They specifically targeted punk and queer spaces and appear to exploit them, and in response to criticism they either explode at whoever is criticizing them, or they delete accounts and immediately recreate new ones.
At first it seems plausible that they're just weird, but the further down the rabbit hole you go, the less and less real it all is. It reaches a point where you see them post and it feels like you're watching an AI that was fed information on Gen Z and is randomly generating content based on that information.
(don't judge me I fell down the rabbit hole HARD ok lmao)
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churb · 4 years
honestly when it comes to language red flags w a partner, i’m not really set off by words like “heckin” or even excessive swearing. outdated slang like “heckin” and “bean” generally points to someone who was a young teenager when that kind of talk was popular and they haven’t let go of it. per my experience these ppl are usually 19-early to mid 20s and haven’t caught on to newer slang. (casual use of unironic outdated slang in general is actually usually a green flag) excessive swearing can be a habit so it can go either way- i’m very much an adult but sometimes swear a lot bc i grew up around people who did and it’s habitual. it’s the mfers who use super new slang (generally misuse of AAVE/“””tiktok language”””) that you need to watch out for. i’m telling y’all, keep up w new slang trends. that’s helped me sniff out minors more than almost anything else. not every person who does it is a minor, but minors are usually the ones who do it most
Yea, I mean. There’s no fool proof way of sussing out if someone’s a minor, sadly. I know I end up picking up a lot of whatever’s current just due to having a kid who uses said stuff >.>
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socialeefan-blog · 4 years
10 social media marketing trends that can be expected in 2020 & beyond
10 social media marketing trends that can be expected in 2020 & beyond
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2020 is round the corner and staying abreast to the trends is the need of the hour. From the rise of social commerce to new type of content, this blog will tell you what social trends to expect and prepare for.
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 Building social media communities:
There are brands with millions of followers but post engagement is negligible. The reason is audience does not find the content relevant and engaging. Therefore, brands will need to create content that gets the audience talking, encourage conversations and cultivate that feeling of community.
Tips to develop communities:
Encourage team members to create their social presence so that they can promote brand’s content and increase overall brand trust. This tactic leads to an authentic voice for your brand.
Twitter chats help create a strong sense of community through content and bringing thought leaders from all areas together in a real-time conversation. It gives your brand the perfect opportunity to engage directly with current and potential customers.
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Location specific social media pages:
Local content will be given more priority. Since users would like to engage with local pages instead of brand pages, the brands will focus on creating local content on local pages to engage local market. More branch specific approach will be given priority.
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Content shall be based on user activity:
Personalized content based on user’s activity shall be created to encourage more conversions. Target audience’s social media behavior shall be given top most importance to create content.
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Ephemeral content would take center stage:
Ephemeral content, which means the content that, disappears after certain time like Instagram/ Facebook/ Snapchat/WhatsApp stories would be center of content marketing model. Most of the engagement shall come from ephemeral content. Brand guidelines shall not be strictly followed and brands will have to take bold steps in creating content. Immediate reaction and engagement shall lead to strict SLAs for customer response.
Reasons of popularity:
FB/WhatsApp/Instagram Stories looks more authentic than regular Instagram posts that allow for heavy editing and altering.
The content is only available for 24hrs; therefore, it looks current and does not become outdated.
Consumers want live updates and real-time content and stories are normally the most up-to-date content a business can offer a consumer.
Through Instagram Stories, you can share other people’s Instagram posts. This function allows people to connect easily with other accounts and businesses.
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Social Media Search will lead to easy product/service discovery:
Brands will optimize the product and service details on social media that would allow users to discover the brand or know about the brand easily. Facebook has already rolled Search Ads and potential of other social media network, to roll similar functionality is evident.
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Gap between product discovery and purchase will be shortened:
Social media platforms will focus on integrating with e-commerce, so that brands can easily sync product details on social media platforms. Even purchases on social media platforms would be seamless, to decrease redirection on website.
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Video will continue to grow and be the most engaging content:
LinkedIn and Twitter will focus more on video content. Faster internet will increase watch time of users, encouraging brands to create more compelling videos. Live videos will get more attractive and will be done with less hiccups.
Live Streaming and Video Statistics:
Live streaming is expected to make up 82% of the total internet traffic before the end of 2020. (GoGlobe)
80% of shoppers prefer watching live videos than reading blogs from a brand. (Livestream)
Instagram videos can yield roughly 21.2% more customer interactions compared to images. (Quintly)
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Audio will become the new experimental tool:
Users with lower internet speed and commuters will be attracted towards podcast and audio posts. Long form content will be given importance, as audio will increase the attention span.
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Increased VR and AR adoption:
Social media platforms will create more user-friendly tools and interface for AR and VR content. Facebook 360, canvas and AR effects will be used by new age marketers.
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Rise of Pinterest, TikTok and other alternative social media platform:
While Facebook and Twitter’s active users are dropping, users are looking for other better options.
TikTok with a younger target audience (41% of TikTok users are aged between 16 and 24) could become a great platform to encourage     engagement with users who are stepping away from more traditional social media platforms.
Pinterest is becoming more and more popular in    e-commerce space and has an audience that is engaged with the idea of buying products that they see on the platform. In fact, 75% of Pinterest users say they are “very interested” in new products compared to just 55% of people on other social media platforms.
Social Media is a very dynamic and ever-changing place. So, trends don’t stay for a year, they can change at a faster pace. Still, there are some of the trends that will dominate the social media landscape in 2020 and beyond. Leveraging these trends to brand’s advantage will keep you on the top of the game.
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shopkairos-blog · 3 years
Cheugy Definition: Everything You Need To Know About Cheugy Style | #Fashion
Cheugy Definition: Everything You Need To Know About Cheugy Style | #Fashion
Cheugy style is one that’s outdated, trying a bit too hard or behind current trends — but be warned: calling something cheugy might already be cheugy. By Natalie Michie Date May 6, 2021 Basic, out of date, simply uncool. A new word that has been gaining popularity on TikTok recently encompasses all these things: “cheugy.” The term, pronounced “chew-gee” with a hard “G,” refers to anything or…
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orbemnews · 3 years
Miami Wants to Be the Hub for Bitcoin Selling South Florida Mayor Francis Suarez of Miami is selling his city as the world’s cryptocurrency capital. “We want to be on the next wave of innovation,” he told DealBook. To make that happen, Mr. Suarez said he was “refashioning” the city’s “fun in the sun” image. Thanks in part to the mayor’s marketing efforts, tech and finance titans have flocked to Miami during the pandemic. Visions of Bitcoin City. Last month, the Republican mayor suggested Miami pay municipal workers and accept tax payments in Bitcoin, as well as invest city funds in the cryptocurrency. Local officials have agreed to study the proposals. The notion made him popular in the crypto community, advancing his rebranding campaign. His efforts have also won him campaign donations from tech investors, attracted money to cultivate Miami’s burgeoning tech sector and may soon pay a big county bill. The cryptocurrency exchange FTX is seeking naming rights for the city’s N.B.A. arena, currently known as AmericanAirlines Arena. Miami-Dade County took over branding deals in 2018 and is supposed to pay the team $2 million per year, sponsor or no (American’s contract ended in 2019). The FTX agreement is nearly final, pending a Friday vote by county commissioners. “It’s awesome that we’ve attracted a huge cryptocurrency exchange,” Mr. Suarez said, noting that FTX’s bid “complements the brand” that Miami is establishing. It would be the N.B.A.’s first crypto sponsorship of an arena, The Miami Herald notes, but it would also tie a county revenue stream to a relatively young exchange and C.E.O. FTX was founded in 2019 and is run by Samuel Bankman-Fried, a 28-year-old billionaire who was one of the biggest donors to President Biden’s campaign. The tech center exodus and crypto boom converge in Miami. The pandemic prompted people to relocate to Florida from Silicon Valley and New York as Bitcoin gained legitimacy and value. The mayor sees the trends as interrelated, and he is seizing the moment. “People come here and start realizing that there’s way more tech talent than they thought,” he said. All that’s missing is a regulatory scheme, Mr. Suarez said: Lawmakers are modeling Florida’s approach on Wyoming’s crypto policies. Ultimately, the success of the mayor’s effort won’t be apparent until it’s clear that people are making their moves permanent and maintaining their enthusiasm for crypto if — or when? — there is another market downturn. HERE’S WHAT’S HAPPENING Not so fast, AstraZeneca. American officials said early today that the company may have included “outdated information” from a U.S. clinical trial of its Covid-19 vaccine, providing “an incomplete view” of data that could cast doubt on promising news. President Biden’s next big spending plan begins to take shape. Economic advisers are assembling a $3 trillion package, beginning with a huge infrastructure proposal. It will go beyond roads and bridges to also address climate change and racial and gender equity. Microsoft will ease workers back to the office starting next week. The 57,000 employees who left the tech giant’s Redmond, Wash., headquarters because of the pandemic can choose to work from the office, home or both. BlackRock investigates allegations of employee misconduct. The money-management giant hired a law firm after employees said that they had faced harassment and discrimination over their sex, race and religion. A senior executive, Mark Wiedman, apologized for making inappropriate comments at work events. Goldman Sachs’s C.E.O. promises to ease the burden on junior bankers. David Solomon told employees that the firm would better enforce a ban on working Saturdays and hire more analysts, after a presentation by first-year bankers that described 100-hour work weeks drew media attention. Personnel is policy. Or is it? Though she lost the Democratic presidential primary, Senator Elizabeth Warren is exerting considerable sway over President Biden’s financial policies, judging by the number of people from her orbit who have been picked to join the administration. But her influence is increasingly being tested, The Times’s Alan Rappeport writes. Ms. Warren has seeded the administration with former staffers, in line with her oft-professed belief that “personnel is policy.” They include Adewale Adeyemo, who’s up for deputy Treasury secretary, and Rohit Chopra, the nominee to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Bharat Ramamurti is already serving as deputy director of the National Economic Council. She is continuing to roll out ambitious progressive economic proposals, including an “ultra-millionaire tax” and a “real corporate profits tax” that would raise rates on the wealthy and on big businesses. “People like progressive ideas and want to see them enacted,” she told Alan. “Washington is beginning to catch up.” But she hasn’t won every time. Mr. Biden has rejected an expansive cancellation of student debt, an idea she championed, and appears unconvinced about her wealth tax idea. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has also expressed skepticism about the wealth tax, and recently hired Natasha Sarin — whose work with Larry Summers has raised eyebrows within Team Warren — as an economic policy adviser. Ms. Warren is hopeful she’ll ultimately prevail on some issues, like the wealth tax. “It’s easy to implement,” she said. “We just need to sit down and talk about it.” “It’s more a speculative asset that’s essentially a substitute for gold, rather than for the dollar.” — Federal Reserve chair Jay Powell on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Korean battery makers do battle in Georgia The state of Georgia is caught in the middle of an intellectual property dispute between two South Korean manufacturers of batteries for electric vehicles. The International Trade Commission recently ruled in favor of LG Chem in a trade secrets case against SK Innovation, issuing a default judgment based on a problematic absence of documentation. SK says its partially built factory in Georgia is threatened by the decision. The case could “seriously undermine critical progress on the climate crisis,” Sally Yates, former U.S. deputy attorney general, told DealBook. She argues that it’s in the public interest to reverse the I.T.C.’s decision. The commission’s only penalty is exclusion — an order barring infringing products from the U.S. market, although SK can fulfill existing obligations to Ford and VW. (Another recent dispute between Korean firms resulted in a ban on imports of a Botox competitor.) But a federal court could order SK to submit to monitoring and impose damages, if warranted, “without killing jobs and setting back the Georgia economy,” Ms. Yates said. Automakers will need lots of batteries for electrical vehicles, and the decision could make American manufacturers less competitive, said Carol Browne, the former Obama administration “climate czar.” President Biden signed an executive order last month aimed at strengthening the domestic supply chain, including for EV batteries, and “one way to guarantee that is domestic production,” Ms. Browne said. “The Georgia plant will not sit idle,” countered LG’s lawyer, David Callahan of Latham & Watkins. LG’s attorneys say SK exaggerates the order’s impact on American manufacturing and minimizes its I.P. violations. SK can “redesign” or settle, they suggested, but in any case “the demand for these batteries ensures that another manufacturer will step in” if it abandons the plant. (The Botox dispute was ultimately settled.) The Biden administration can veto the I.T.C. by early April. Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia has urged the president to do so, citing a 2013 reversal of a ruling in a dispute between Apple and Samsung. (The administration did not respond to a request for comment). Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio — where LG is constructing a battery plant with General Motors — has asked the president to uphold the ruling, saying that “stolen intellectual property” shouldn’t be used to compete with his state’s workers. Mr. Biden is visiting Ohio today. THE SPEED READ Deals The social media platform Discord has held talks to sell itself to Microsoft in a deal that could top $10 billion. (NYT) WeWork said it lost $3.2 billion last year — less than in 2019 — in an investor presentation supporting its potential merger with a SPAC. (FT) Box, the online storage provider, is reportedly considering a sale as it faces pressure from the activist investor Starboard Value. (Reuters) Politics and policy President Biden formally nominated Lina Khan, a critic of Big Tech, to the Federal Trade Commission. (NYT) Sweden will link aircraft landing fees to greenhouse gas emissions, encouraging the use of newer, more efficient planes. (Reuters) Shalanda Young is the front-runner for the nomination to lead the Office of Management and Budget, but Asian-American groups are pushing for Nani Coloretti, a former Obama administration official. (WaPo) Tech Cybersecurity researchers at the University of Toronto say TikTok isn’t a national security threat. (WSJ) Companies including Mastercard and SoftBank pressed Group of 7 governments to coordinate tech issues like A.I. and cybersecurity. (FT) The C.E.O. of a blockchain tech company won an auction of Jack Dorsey’s first tweet — sold as a nonfungible token — for $2.9 million. (CNBC) Best of the rest Ellen DeGeneres has faced a steep ratings decline, losing more than a million viewers after reports of a toxic workplace at her show. (NYT) Should workers be paid while they sleep? (FT) Americans over 65 are fully vaccinated, and ready to party. (NYT) We’d like your feedback! Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Source link Orbem News #Bitcoin #Hub #Miami
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