#farzala tarabal
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haleynwriter · 28 days ago
this is partially a repost of a tiktok series i did like two years ago, partially inspired that the high republic fanzine is out and references this!, and partially me expanding on thoughts as a former barista.
anyways, THR phase I characters and their coffee orders. i'll probably forget someone and add them later. my expertise: i was a barista for three years.
no I'm not calling it caf this is all half a joke anyways
Avar Kriss: Typically she just gets a coffee with cream. She can drink coffee black, but it's not her preference. Her actual favorite drink is a vanilla white mocha, but she rarely orders this for herself because she's a busy gal ! (Stellan, Elzar, Maru, and the Ataraxia crew have all clocked this.)
Stellan: he's the tea guy of the firebrands. Loves an english breakfast tea with milk in the morning. Loves a basic green tea in the afternoon. He has a chamomile tea usually as part of his evening meditation. However, after he joins the Council, he begins drinking more and more black and green tea and discards his evening tea routine as he gets more and more overworked.
Elzar: disaster man gets a large iced americano (six shots at the shop I worked at), adds two shots, chugs it immediately. This stresses everyone out.
Reath and Cohmac: they ask so many questions. where did you source your matcha from? Who is their milk supplier? Are the syrups made in house? Do they dry their own petals? They're not trying to be jerks, they're genuinely and actually curious, but the baristas are underpaid and never know answers, Cohmac and Reath realize, they order two small hot matchas and tip 100%.
Orla: medium iced coffee with vanilla syrup, but she never has once paid for her drink because her vibes are so elite. The other regular customers lover her, the baristas love her, she's just a goddamn delight.
Sskeer: hot tea or iced tea, depends on the weather. honey with hot tea; simple syrup with iced tea, just enough to cut some of the herbal notes.
Keeve: double undercut icon Keeve Trennis is the token bisexual iced oat milk latte with lavender, argue with the wall.
Jora: classic hot mom drink, hot coffee with 2 cream and 2 sugars.
Affie: all of the Vessel crew is so used to, like, Star Wars-Folgers-Instant Coffee, so when they get to go to a coffee shop, they Splurge for their Little Treats. Affie loves a caramel frozen coffee with extra whipped cream and drizzle.
Leox: blended matcha ! Like Orla, he's never once paid for a drink. Vibes are too good. He thinks he's paid, but Geode pockets the cash.
Geode: gets the most obscene drink imaginable that the baristas detest making but is such a lovely customer that the staff can't hold it against him.
Maru: if he stoops so low as to buy a tea and not make it himself, he gets a large hot black tea, double bagged. steeps it obscenely long so it's basically a concentrate, everyone is mystified.
Lina Soh: hasn't made her own coffee in years, but her staff orders her almond milk cafe au laits with honey.
Sylvestri: iced caramel macchiato and she likes it layered, okay !!!
Jordanna: iced white mocha. ssssh. she's kinda guilty about it but isn't really sure why.
Buckets: hot chai latte with oat milk and pistachio syrup. (legit try it sometime, if your shop has this, it's so fucking good.)
Lula: iced coffee with oatmilk and she changes the flavor based on the season/mood she's in. this is absolutely an order she's copied from kantam.
Kantam: see above.
Zeen: hot vanilla latte with oatmilk, asks for it extra frothy.
Ram: mocha blended coffee with extra caramel and chocolate drizzle. literally of course.
Farzala: has never once ordered the same thing twice. who knows.
Qort: Just goes "whatever you want!" every time. His actual favorite is a hot chocolate but wants to be easy and simple!
Samira: The classic hot bitch drink: hot latte with skim milk and a raw sugar. Typically people who order this drink are awful, but she used to work in food service before coming up in the political staff scene, so she's perfectly polite and cheerful.
Avon: tries to impress upon people that she's an adult and important and gets a coffee with milk. Secretly hates it. Vern typically gets her an iced black tea with lemon and simple syrup like "oh they gave it to me!" Avon lets it slide because it's Vern.
Vern: her coffee shop habits were impressed upon her by Stellan and doesn't drink any coffee, mostly tea. Her favorite is Lady Grey, and if it's a time to indulge, adds cream and lavender syrup.
Imri: that's a hot choccy boy.
Crash: has never once ordered in a coffee shop. That's a Red Bull girlie.
Xylan: has a bullshit order. large iced coffee, fill the cup with ice fully, 2/3 full of coffee, add exactly 3.5 pumps of simple syrup, then equal splashes of oat milk and almond milk. Stir 7 times clockwise, then four times counter clockwise. somehow the staff don't revolt because he's a guilty pleasure fav customer and not a single barista can describe why they like him. one barista is convinced that xylan doesn't have a single fucking clue what he's talking about and just makes it standard. xylan can tell the difference but he can't point to where so he swallows it because he admires the bravery of the barista to flummox him.
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steepedfoxglovetea · 10 months ago
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Save me The High Republic Adventures. Save me.
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cohmacvitusstanartbackup · 4 months ago
THR stuff from early 2024
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eriktheshitmusician · 11 months ago
Farzala Tarabal my beloved...
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yih · 2 years ago
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Lula Talisola, Zeen Mrala, Farzala Tarabal, Qort, and Bibs for Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi by Cole Horton.
Editor: Harrison Tunggal, AD: Stuart Smith, additional art: Alberto Buscicchio
The sketch with the Padawans standing around Zeen was the first concept. I'm glad the creative team went for the final direction, as it is my favorite piece in the book. I like the happy atmosphere.
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 year ago
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Jedi among those confirmed dead or missing after the fall of Starlight. Background, left to right: Obratuk Glii, Nooranbakarakana, OrbaLin, Estala Maru, Stellan Gios, Torban Buck, Burryaga, and Regald Coll. Foreground, left to right: Sskeer, Orla Jareni, Monshi, Lula Talisola, Farzala Tarabal, and Nib Assek.
Art by Yihyoung Li. From Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi: An Illustrated Guide to the Galaxy's Golden Age.
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jewishcissiekj · 1 year ago
Woah it's the conclusion to the exciting saga of me reading Thr High Republic Phase I comics but this time it's the end of it so. uh. you know. Starlight and shit. (might be 2 parts bc I have many screenshots)
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suddenly I forgot words
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Keeve... babygirl... stop that... fuck...
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Sskeer and Keeve are so silly yet so angsty at the same time, kinda Quinlan & Aayla coded of them if you think about it
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already made that joke but who cares. white woman save me
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Marchion get you ugly hologram ass out of here let me see Lourna's face
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oh my lord it's tempest runner Lourna DEEEEEEEE
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white woman.... (I am so Elzar Man)
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ooooh the girls are fightingggggg dude I love the way Avar's hair is short at the front it's so pretty
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yeah so you see that should be me. Keeve get out of the way.
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Sorry for not talking about the actual content of these issues. This was sssssssoooooo
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back to lesbian
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a) gorgous gorgues THR Adventures #13 cover b) Ky and Asajj are literally from this lineage idk what to tell you
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Lula Talisola I haven't heard from you in 3 days but I need you back so bad already
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oops they shrunked
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Krix shaking in his boots but that's just a guy he should be terrified but that's still just a dude
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MRALISOLAAAAAA Canonically queer Star Wars character my beloved
OK so I have three Adventures pics left but I already have 29 pics here so gonna do the rest (not just Adventures I have mores shit left) in a separate post👍 this was fun
The High Republic (2021) #12-14 | The High Republic Adventures (2021) #13
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dapurinthos · 5 months ago
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lula talisola & farzala tarabal, c. 242BBY
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Zeen Mrala/Lula Talisola
Propaganda Submitted: they’re soulmates ok? i'm incoherent with how much i love them
Canonicity: they canonically have feelings for each other so that’s something
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Farzala Tarabal/Qort
Propaganda Submitted: close friends since childhood. Work well together. Parallel to mralisola.
Canonicity: nah
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enfysandember · 2 years ago
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movie night
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galacticrambler · 7 months ago
While the previous book wasn’t my favorite, it really feels like they got right back on track with Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Phase III # 8. And, honestly, I’m not even sure I could tell you what it was that I didn’t love about the last book, but this one just feels like “home”.
You can’t deny that the biggest hook of The High Republic Adventures is the budding and flourishing relationship between Lula Talisola and Zeen Mrala, and it’s always felt, to me, that when they’re doing good, this book is doing well.
I’m also really digging the growth and market of Farzala Tarabel and Qort. I would be totally down for a miniseries of the two on an adventure of their own together at some point.
Honestly, I’m very intrigued by the B-plot featuring Krix Kamerat which is not something that I ever thought I would be saying. Krix appears to now be all-in on stopping the Nihil. Can he bring down the Stormwall and/or assassinate Marchion Ro?
I can’t wait for the wedding between Lula and Zeen. Their story has been one of the best parts of the entire High Republic Era, and I would love a happy ending.
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qualitymoonsuit · 1 year ago
I don't exactly know who Farzala is, because I don't read the High Republic comics, but all of this very good!
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Phase 1 favorites before phase 2 starts
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tremendouskoalachild · 1 year ago
Status of High Republic kids post-Phase I
(including main and side characters that are children, teens, or equivalent in thr books and comics. spoilers for everything published, including Tales of Light and Life and Starlight Coda, with additional spoilers for upcoming media under the cut)
(SB - Starlight Beacon, SBF - Starlight Beacon's Fall)
I. main Jedi kiddos (plus Zeen, a member of the Padawan squad)
Bell Zettifar – present on SB. survived. spent months on Eiram afterwards helping the relief efforts and searching for Burryaga. learned to fish.
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Burryaga Agaburry – present during SBF, presumed dead in its aftermath. actually survived and was stranded in inaccessible part of Eiram’s ocean. eventually found and recovered by Bell. malnourished and with patchy fur.
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Farzala Tarabal – helped evacuate younglings off SB. last seen unconscious after confrontation with Nameless, still on SB. presumed dead in the immediate aftermath of SBF. status unknown.
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Lula Talisola – helped evacuate younglings off SB, then went after escaped prisoner Krix. last seen still on SB as it is on fire in Eiram’s atmosphere, thinking of Zeen. presumed dead in the immediate aftermath of SBF. status unknown.
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Qort – present on SB. successfully evacuated with group of rescued younglings. sole confirmed survivor of the original Starhopper Padawan squad.
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Ram Jomaram – on Corellia during SBF. survived battle with Nihil. all in all one of the least traumatized teens in the series despite his home being destroyed by Nihil.
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Reath Silas – on Corellia during SBF. survived battle, got knighted and lost his replacement master right after. otherwise fine though.
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Vernestra Rwoh – on Eiram during SBF. lost Stellan and, as far as we know, Imri and Avon. traumatized beyond belief. months post-SBF following the Force as a Wayseeker without official approval. now headed to Ibbe to recover.
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Zeen Mrala – on Corellia during SBF. survived battle with Nihil. last seen thinking of Lula, determined to find her in the aftermath.
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II. non-Jedi heroes
Affie Hollow - present during SBF, evacuated. helped with disaster relief on Eiram for a month afterwards. started work on rebuilding the Guild. has been seventeen for several years now.
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Avon Starros - apparently presumed dead by Vernestra months after SBF. had very correct suspicions about her mom's Nihil connections the last time we saw her. status unknown.
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Crash and Svi’no – maybe I’d know if Lucasfilm weren’t releasing stories exclusively in print in one region only. survived battle on Corellia and got together so yay?
Honesty Weft - ehh he's probably fine? no real reason to believe otherwise. including him for completeness tbh
Jordanna Sparkburn and Sylvestri Yarrow – probably fine since we have no reason to think they were anywhere near SB or Corellia. might have to deal with Sylvestri's mother’s horrible death by Elzar during SBF. also got together so yay. also also if we can't have art of them together why don't the backgrounds of their concept art at least match up cleanly
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III. minor Jedi characters
Amadeo Azzazzo – somehow matrix dodged all the death flags. don’t know if we’ll see him again but I’m proud of him and wish there was art of him.
Bibs and Rardal – present on SB. last seen squaring off against the Nameless. strongly implied to be dead.
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Gabino and Kaimo – they better be okay!! a group of younglings were successfully evacuated off SB, though we didn’t see these 2 specifically.
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Imri Cantaros – apparently was present on SB. presumed dead by Vernestra months later. status unknown.
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Nima and Viv’nia – present on SB for a bit but got sent away a while before SBF. presumably fine on Coruscant.
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Ruu – the summary I found says he’s okay on Corellia. he also seems extremely cool and I hope I get to meet him. wish there was art.
Zint – present on SB. successfully evacuated with Qort.
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IV. Nihil kids
Krix Kamerat – last seen still on SB as it is on fire in Eiram’s atmosphere, fighting Lula. status unknown.
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Nan – present on SB. tried and failed to prevent its fall. evacuated in Koley Linn’s ship, returning to the Nihil.
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Sabata Krill – last seen on the bridge of a crashing ship over Corellia. status unknown.
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what we know from announcements of upcoming media:
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Avon – confirmed for Defy the Storm so alive (which we knew anyway due to her connection to Sana’s storyline during the OT).
Imri, Jordanna – confirmed for Defy the Storm so alive. I would guess the same goes for Sylvestri but I haven’t seen any info about that.
Lula – still MIA, presumed dead one whole year after SBF. the same probably goes for Farzala but he isn’t mentioned by name.
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graphicpolicy · 3 months ago
Preview: Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #13
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #13 preview. Padawan Ram Jomaram and Jedi Knight Farzala Tarabal have begun gathering brave fighters to repel the Nihil invasion of Valo #comics #comicbooks #starwars
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soranatus · 2 years ago
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Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures: Galactic Bake-Off, with illustrations by Jo Cheol-Hong (Mi-Gyeung)
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cohmacvitusstanartbackup · 2 years ago
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