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comicwaren · 16 days ago
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“Yeah, we’re the Jedi. And no one is going to die today!” – Keeve Trennis
Cover art for Star Wars: The High Republic – Fear of the Jedi #001, “Planet of Fear”
Art by Phil Noto
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bikananjarrus · 2 months ago
star wars comics are great bc you get grown up flubber wielding a lightsaber
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"gelatinous mind" and a very tired background ceret
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bonus sskeer yeeting orbalin
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(this is mostly for @chipthekeeper but everyone else can enjoy this mini orbalin compilation too <3)
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chipthekeeper · 3 months ago
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Hard to tell from the photo but yes, that IS my favorite flubber guy slash jedi master OrbaLin getting flung into his friend by his other friend
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 year ago
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Jedi among those confirmed dead or missing after the fall of Starlight. Background, left to right: Obratuk Glii, Nooranbakarakana, OrbaLin, Estala Maru, Stellan Gios, Torban Buck, Burryaga, and Regald Coll. Foreground, left to right: Sskeer, Orla Jareni, Monshi, Lula Talisola, Farzala Tarabal, and Nib Assek.
Art by Yihyoung Li. From Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi: An Illustrated Guide to the Galaxy's Golden Age.
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jewishcissiekj · 9 months ago
ok Dave Filoni is a walking Star Wars encyclopedia or whatever the crew that works with him always says but does he know about him
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galacticrambler · 9 months ago
Keeve Trennis, Sskeer, Lourna Dee, and company look to rescue a young Yacombe child from the treacherous grasp of Baron Boolan. Oh, the horrors that await.
Boolan, once a member of the Path of the Open Hand from Phase II of The High Republic, is a terrifying Ithorian who Marchion Ro has entrusted with making the Nameless more creepy and more deadly. He’s also experimenting on young Force sensitives to turn them into weapons for the marauders, hence the capture is the Yacombe girl.
Knowing that there are Nameless on board, our heroes decide that the boarding party will be Sskeer, Tey Sirrek, and Lourna Dee. Obviously, they run into trouble, and Dee going off script and planting explosives everywhere is, of course, part of the reason.
The book looks as great as all of these High Republic ones have. We’re truly living in a blessed time. The artwork continued to be outstanding. The visual of the Nameless in the tank that had been experimented on? Scary stuff.
We have known the fate of Keeve for some time now; however, we still have a few books remaining. I can’t wait to see how we get there.
I can’t believe there are only two books remaining in the main Marvel run of The High Republic. What a treasure.
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ct-hardcase · 2 months ago
Which, my tangent about Master Jenn gets into the fact that imo, though Ceret and Terec were not very social as kids and probably not a lot as teenagers either, both of them consciously realized this at some point in their adolescence, and actively worked at getting more sociable. This kicks off exponentially as they become more worldly Knights, and especially when they get to start a new life on Starlight Beacon.
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chucksnerdthoughts · 1 year ago
The High Republic #4
That was pretty solid. It's interesting how the twins have fallen apart from one another. I didn't see that coming and I'm enjoying it. Especially the almost dark side use. Orbalin out of his suit is ridiculous and I love it! Just a blob with a lightsaber. It's what I'm here for! Also, Sskeer maybe having gone crazy sounds really emotionally changed and I cannot wait to see this all play out. It should be great!
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brachiosaurus-on · 4 years ago
Elzar Mann, Zookeeper.
Stellan Gios, Incorrigible Teacher.
Lina Soh, Optimist.
OrbaLin, somehow More of an Incorrigible Teacher than Stellan Gios.
Elzar Mann, Promiscuous Zookeeper? Slutty Zookeeper? Who cares, we love him.
Bell Zettifar, having a rough week.
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starguysays · 4 years ago
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OrbaLin basically saved the day in The Rising Storm. Without him, they don't get the comm arrays set back up for reinforcements and the Nihil take a BIG W. Lecturing while blocking and basically destroying your opponent is such a class act by the way.
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comicwaren · 16 days ago
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From Star Wars: The High Republic – Fear of the Jedi #001, “Planet of Fear”
Art by Marika Cresta and Jim Campbell
Written by Cavan Scott
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bikananjarrus · 2 months ago
meet me at midnight
fandom: the high republic | relationship: avar/elzar/stellan
rating: gen | word count: 2k
happy first firebrands friday of 2025! please enjoy this silly little modern (university professors) au wherein our favorite trio celebrates new year's eve <3 also avar talks about fighting bears (the animal). bc she's a park ranger in this.
[read on ao3 or keep reading below!]
Elzar was having a staring contest with the front door.
Friends and colleagues milled about through Lina Soh’s house. He’d seen most of them just the other week at Coruscant University’s end of semester faculty Christmas party. But Lina had invited a number of them to her house for the New Year’s Eve party she threw every year. Though house was a bit of an understatement. The university president’s open concept living room-slash-kitchen alone were probably half the size of the apartment Elzar shared with Avar and Stellan.
Though, Lina’s house was a welcome relief from Yoda’s. The ancient university board member was known for being a bit odd, and it was certainly reflected in his maze-like old home. Elzar couldn’t say how many drunk party-goers had gotten lost on their way to the bathroom last year.
Anyway—Lina’s home was even more gorgeous decked out for the holidays. The tree standing tall in front of her living room’s bay windows twinkled with golden lights and bulbs, and it still smelled of pine when you walked by it. Similar golden strands of lights hung all around the room, intertwined with garland. A wreath hung above the fireplace; vases of poinsettias and red roses mixed with white lilies and baby’s breath sat on multiple tables. Music emanated from the sound system, mingled with laughter and chatter from the fifty or so guests.
It had been a lovely evening so far. But it was nearing midnight, but Avar still hadn’t arrived. Elzar had been passing the time chatting with Orla by the buffet table, which was laden with charcuterie boards, platters of fresh fruit and vegetables, and various desserts. Including a chocolate fondue fountain! But she’d abandoned him with an apologetic shrug half an hour ago when Cohmac and Jora had walked in. 
That was just as well. Elzar had never minded sitting with his thoughts. When he had the time and patience for it, anyway. Neither of which he possessed right now.
He knew—even without watching the door like a hawk—it wouldn’t be a surprise when Avar showed up. Though she wasn’t a faculty member at the university, all of Elzar’s friends and colleagues loved Avar.
She and Torbin instead worked together at the nearby state park—Avar a park ranger, and Torbin the on-site medic. Stellan had been the one to suggest to Porter—who was the fencing coach and ran the wilderness activities club at Cor U—to bring Avar and Torbin to the wilderness club as guest speakers two years ago.
And the rest was history. Avar and Torbin had immediately been absorbed into their university family.
Elzar and Stellan had mentioned Avar in passing plenty before she’d met everyone. But in becoming friends with all their friends, she’d somehow surpassed them and was now, apparently, the life of the party.
Again—everyone loved Avar. He could hardly blame them.
The cheers that would surely herald her arrival would alert Elzar immediately. When she arrived. He glanced at the clock on the wall again. If she arrived.
As if sensing his doubt, a familiar deep, soothing voice rumbled next to his ear, “She’ll be here.”
Elzar exhaled through his nose, leaning back into Stellan’s touch as the other man slid a hand across the small of his back.
“I know,” Elzar said, unconvinced.
Stellan pulled Elzar more snugly to his side and pressed a kiss to his temple, repeating, “She’ll be here.”
As if on cue, Elzar felt Stellan’s phone buzz in his pocket where their thighs were touching. “Is that her?”
Elzar’s phone had died hours ago; he was terrible at keeping it charged.
Stellan shimmied to pull his phone out with the hand not settled on Elzar’s waist. He watched Stellan’s face as he swiped up on the screen. A slight frown pulled into a half smile and a fond eyeroll.
“An email,” he mumbled. Still looking at the screen, he gave his head a little shake, “What on earth is Vernestra doing grading on New Year’s Eve for?”
So, not Avar. Elzar’s disappointment was tamped down easily enough with the opportunity to tease Stellan about his teaching assistant.
“You’re just jealous because you’re not grading right now,” Elzar grinned. “What’s that quote about all work and no play?”
Stellan pinched his side playfully, leaning down close again. He thought—if they hadn’t been in public, surrounded by people they worked with—Stellan might have nipped at his ear. Elzar’s already alcohol warmed blood flushed hotter.
“You’re one to talk. I practically had to drag you out of your office. Which you need to clean, by the way. Maybe that should be your new year’s resolution. Might be nice to actually see the surface of your desk again.”
Elzar waved a hand, twining his other with Stellan’s where it rested on his waist. “My office is just fine, thank you very much. I know where everything is, and that’s all that matters.”
“Right,” Stellan responded, though he sounded half distracted. He’d shifted a bit as they’d talked, and now he was almost completely behind him, chin hooked over Elzar’s shoulder and both arms around his waist as they swayed gently to the change in music.
“You’re being awfully bold tonight,” Elzar murmured. Usually he was the one taking it a step too far. Not because he wanted to embarrass Stellan or Avar—mostly because he sometimes forgot they weren’t the only three people in the world. That the audience around them had eyes and liked to gossip as much as anyone.
He felt rather than saw Stellan shrug. “It’s not like people don’t know we’re together. Besides, pretty much everyone here is good friends with us, and anyone who isn’t, Lina will tell off.”
“Plus,” Stellan gave him another kiss, this time to the underside of his jaw, the hairs of his beard tickling the sensitive skin, “I’m trying to distract you from all your worrying. We’re supposed to be having fun, remember?”
“I am having fun,” he argued.
Stellan wasn’t wrong—he was worried about Avar. It was habitual, at this point, to worry about both of them when they weren’t around.
Right now, though, he couldn’t help but push back at Stellan a bit, because it was too much fun to see what he would do. Especially when Stell was emboldened like this. Stellan was the most professional of the three of them—buttoned up, some might say if they were being respectful; average to the point of being boring or bland if they weren’t.  
But Elzar and Avar knew better than anyone else just how much of a troublemaker Stellan could be when you got him going. How much Stellan thrived off laughter. He and Avar were a lot alike, in that way.
“Oh, yeah?” Stellan smiled. He untangled himself from Elzar, leaving them connected by only a hand, which he tugged, pulling Elzar further into the crowd and out of line of sight to the door. “Prove it.”
As they stepped further into the warm glow of the living room, Elzar took in sight of their friends around them. Emerick and Sian were off in the corner, heads close together, deep in discussion. Cohmac was laughing quietly at something Orla had said. Jora had moved to stand next to Sskeer, Cor U’s new younger adjunct, Keeve, telling them a story involving a lot of hand gestures. Orbalin was—was he doing jello shots? He must’ve brought those himself, because no way Lina would’ve made those! The hostess herself was curled up on one of the couches talking with Loden and Nib, her two massive Maine Coons sprawled with her.
As they merged with the crowd in the living room, the countdown started.
Ten! Nine! Eight!
Elzar smoothed his hands down the front of Stellan’s sweater, worries fading from mind as he met his partner’s warm gaze.
Seven! Six!
One of Stellan’s hands cupped his jaw, thumb brushing his chin. Elzar’s fingers went to Stellan’s belt loops.
Five! Four!
“Three,” Stellan said, eyes bright.
Elzar tugged him forward, crushing his mouth to Stellan’s as cheers erupted around them.
Happy New Year!
Stellan tasted like the pinkapple wine he loved, hands warm where they cradled Elzar’s face.
Celebration, laughter, hugs—and probably some other midnight kisses—erupted all around them. Fireworks could be heard in the distance. But it all felt very far away as Elzar kissed the man he loved.
Only when a new cheer erupted through the gathered guests did he pull away.
“Ayy, it’s Avar!”
“And Buckets of Blood!”
Elzar turned with Stellan to the subject of the commotion, grinning broadly as the three park rangers finally entered the house with a brief gust of cold and fresh bottle of champagne in hand.
Torbin, despite towering over many of the others there, was practically being tackled with hugs already. Maru beelined for Lina, kissing her on both cheeks and thanking her for inviting them, before a glass of champagne was being shoved into his open hand.
And Avar—her eyes had found them in the crowd at the same time they’d found her. She floated over to them. As if gravity itself would accept nothing less than immediately putting the three of them back in their intended orbit around each other.
Elzar and Stellan opened their arms and Avar walked right into their embrace.
“Sorry I’m late,” she said, crushed between them. “We got called in last minute because some idiot college kids decided it was a good idea to break into the campgrounds after hours. Two of them drunkenly wandered off so we had to help find them. And then I had to shower and change and, well, you know.”
“It’s okay,” Elzar said as she pulled back. He gave her a once over, admiring her fitted black jeans and shimmery softly golden sweater. She wore the diadem he and Stellan had gifted her after their college graduation years ago—because she said she’d always liked the idea of a crown!—the three central gems shining. “You’re here now.”
Stellan nudged him with an elbow. “He’s been worried sick.”
Avar just smiled and tilted her head at Elzar. “Would it make you feel better if I said there weren’t even any bears involved this time?”
He rolled his eyes as Stellan and Avar broke into laughter. “You and the damn bear stories.”
“Hey! My bear stories are true!”
“Some of them,” Stellan pointed out.
“Most of them!”
Stellan just raised a brow at her.
Avar leaned towards him. “You know, I noticed how you said Elzar was worried about me tonight, but not you—”
An impressive eyeroll from Stellan. “You literally texted me that you were busy getting ready like an hour ago—”
“Just remember the next time you don’t believe my bear stories—"
“—so, I was pretty sure you weren’t in any mortal danger from curling your hair.”
“—that I could’ve been eaten by one tonight.”
“You are not going to get eaten by a bear.”
Elzar watched their back and forth, waiting for the inevitable moment when one of them broke.
It was Avar’s favorite party trick—and one of her favorite ways to annoy Stellan—telling ever more ridiculous ranger stories involving bears and other wild beasts. But mostly bears.  
Stellan was apparently still feeling confident enough not to concede to Avar tonight. He stared her down, both of them on the verge of breaking into smiles.
Finally, Avar giggled brightly. “Happy New Year, Stell.” She yanked on his sweater and kissed him soundly.
Pulling away from Stellan, she turned to Elzar.
God—she was breathtaking. His hands damn near shook as he reached for her waist to pull her close. Avar cupped his face the way Stellan had minutes before.
“Glad to hear someone—“ a pointed, teasing look over her shoulder at Stellan “was worried about me. Happy New Year, El.”
“Happy New Year, Avar.”
She kissed him then, and the beat of Elzar’s heart seemed to match the boom of the far off fireworks.
They kissed until Elzar felt drunk off it. Then, she grabbed both their hands and tugged them back into their crowd of friends. Someone had turned the music up; fresh glasses of champagne were poured. And the three of them danced together until dawn.
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chipthekeeper · 11 months ago
me for two whole years:
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me now:
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Seriously I am so kriffing happy rn
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jewishcissiekj · 1 year ago
asgcgsakfjhgfa ok. Star Wars The High Republic phase I comics reading the fall of Starlight edition. picking up directly from where I dropped last time (2 minutes ago) with the end of THR Adventures #13
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Lula makes me so happy but girly you might die in a sec pls get yourself knighted
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Beautiful panel. Beautiful Daniel José Older (the comic writer) in the bottom right corner. great ending. certainly a choice not to show the fall of Starlight here
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I understand Emerick on a spiritual level that's all I'm gonna say (Loooove the vibe of this outfit, such an early-development ANH fit with the lightsaber and all)
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scratch that I am not sure I want to
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Beautiful cover you've got there does it panifull parallel the first issue's cover oh it does ok fuck you man
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I support women's wrongs
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I'm so not emotionally prepared for phase III so gonna take a months long break with Phase II that would go so well for me
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THR variant covers Deekriss my beloved
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For Light and Life... For Light and life man
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from THR Adventures #13 and the FCBD issue I'm gonna be sick I love them so much
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Trail of Shadows covers are so pretty I love Emerick and Sian
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Emerick killing one of The Nameless is like probably the most badass thing anyone has ever done in phase I tbh
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Lourna don't freak out but there's a bug next to you. It's short and blue and it's gonna kill Asgar plssss kill it. please.
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Is this a dance party. what are you doing. (Contrary to everything I said I do not hate Marchion Ro I just think it's funny to dunk on him)
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First of all fuck you second
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Just remembered I didn't source my last THR reading post brb gonna do it to cope
The High Republic Adventures (2021) #13 | The High Republic - Trail of Shadows #4 | The High Republic (2021) #15 | Free Comic Book Day 2023: Star Wars - The High Republic Adventures & Avatar: The Last Airbender | The High Republic - Eye of the Storm #1-2
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galacticrambler · 8 months ago
I’ve been really digging the Star Wars comics set during the High Republic Era. Cavan Scott and the company’s latest from Marvel, Star Wars: The High Republic # 9 continues this excellent trend.
The story of Marvel’s main story in the The High Republic Era chugs along. We’re almost done. I can’t believe it.
The attack on Baron Boolan’s hideout is partially successful. Our heroes rescue the young Yacombe girl that had been kidnapped; however, in the process they lose at least one of their own. One thing about the High Republic that I’ve loved is that they’ve never pulled their punches. If a character needs to die to progress the story, they do.
Honestly, I wasn’t expecting the death of Terec. I thought, “Surely, the twins have been through enough”, but nothing is ever enough for Cavan. This was sad. I figured Orbalin was the goner. Or Tey Sirrek would sacrifice himself.
An excellent job of creeping me out with the Nameless creator that was still fully moving around without its severed head. That was terrifying.
The twist at the end, making you think Sskeer went willingly with the Nihil, was excellent. I was legit mad for a little bit while reading.
What a great book. I can’t wait to see how it ends in the next and final book in the series.
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ct-hardcase · 3 months ago
I think it's significant that when Keeve's fleet is being assembled (presumably including Sskeer, Kelnacca, his Padawan; and Lourna, Quin, Tey, Skoot, etc. potentially volunteering based on the comic covers), when Keeve asks whether Terec and Ceret will be joining them, Sskeer says that their presence is still to be decided.
To segue into what's happening plot-wise, Keeve just got a lot of responsibility heaped on her shoulders, similar to what broke Avar and Stellan in Phase I, and she was already hanging on by a thread before this. We also know about her inevitably becoming a member of the Lost 20, and I feel like Tempest Breaker continues to set up how she goes down that path.
We've also learned throughout Phase III that people who are surrounded by friends have a healthier relationship to the conflict with the Nihil and Blight—Bell and Burryaga's friendship kept their spirits above water, Elzar's variety of relationships has turned him more responsible than he was, Reath's support system pulled him back from total collapse when working with Azlin, etc.
Keeve has a network of people, but most of that network has, to a certain degree, asked far more emotional support of her than she's gotten from them within the last year (Avar, Sskeer, Lourna, Ceret, etc.), and there's a dynamic with many where Keeve looked up to them, aside from Terec, Ceret, and Lourna. Of these, though Terec and Ceret have leaned on her for support, they've also demonstrated a reciprocal loyalty and commitment for the year they fought on the border of the OZ—they're her friends.
(notably, OrbaLin stands as an exception from the dynamic Keeve shares with a lot of the Jedi Masters, as he's also provided a gelatinous shoulder to lean on when appropriate. we stan OrbaLin.)
Though Keeve will be with Sskeer, and he's promised to be with her during her time as Fleet Marshal (and I do believe he's sincere in his promise), he's leaned more heavily on Keeve over the last two and a half years than she's leaned on him, with her taking on a caretaker's role during THR 2023 and Tempest Breaker. I'm not certain that he's completely cured of his Magrak Syndrome and won't need support from Keeve again.
These factors make the uncertainty of whether Ceret and Terec will join Keeve's fleet, based on Sskeer's words and their lack of presence on the comic covers (the first of which notably includes almost the ensemble cast), and the fact that if Keeve loses two people she could lean on, a concern for Keeve’s mental well-being, as her friends not being close by may put more strain on her emotions.
Given the effort that Cavan's put into Ceret and Terec's stories, with the disconnecting of the bond notably danced around in Tempest Breaker, and Ceret going back to using "we" pronouns though iirc Terec stuck with "I"; as well as what I've been going on about with Keeve and Terec's close relationship, I think we'll eventually see them in Fear of the Jedi, but I wonder how long they'll be separated from Keeve, since I think it's fairly certain they'll be apart for a time.
Credit on many of these thoughts where it's due to collaboration with @deusexvalerate, who I thank for also being unhinged about this dynamic.
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