#regald coll
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 year ago
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Jedi among those confirmed dead or missing after the fall of Starlight. Background, left to right: Obratuk Glii, Nooranbakarakana, OrbaLin, Estala Maru, Stellan Gios, Torban Buck, Burryaga, and Regald Coll. Foreground, left to right: Sskeer, Orla Jareni, Monshi, Lula Talisola, Farzala Tarabal, and Nib Assek.
Art by Yihyoung Li. From Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi: An Illustrated Guide to the Galaxy's Golden Age.
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tremendouskoalachild · 1 year ago
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not even going to mention Regald Coll??
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kanerallels · 3 years ago
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Shoutout to Regald Coll, the most relatable Star Wars character since Ezra Bridger
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darth-memes · 3 years ago
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geekygirlexperience · 2 years ago
When the Jedi Temple on Coruscant is under attack, Kantam Sy springs into action to stop the assailant
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darthsassacre · 3 years ago
Three Padawans plan their greatest prank of all time.
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independence1776 · 3 years ago
One paragragh from early in The Fallen Star that made me laugh. It’s by Regald Coll, a former crèche master, and is about as spoiler-free as a quote can get. Basically, if you know the premise of the High Republic, it’s fine.
“Well, he still thought nothing was more exhausting than teaching younglings. The Nihil were bad, sure, but try managing a roomful of toddlers who’ve missed their nap and just figured out they can basically do magic. It was not a task for the weak.” 
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knightotoc · 2 years ago
"Regald Coll had thought nothing could be more exhausting than teaching younglings, no matter how dangerous a mission on the frontier might prove. After a few hours of working with stranded pilots and damaged ships, providing aid and assistance, with new arrivals showing up without warning... Well, he still thought nothing was more exhausting than teaching younglings. The Nihil were bad, sure. But try managing a room full of toddlers who've missed their nap and just figured out they can basically do magic. It was not a task for the weak."
That's the cutest thing ever, oh my gosh😭😭😭 I love babysitter Jedi
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 year ago
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Cibaba, Douglas Sunvale, Poreht La, Giktoo Nelmo, Lynela Kabe-Oyu, Sav Malagán, Monshi, Jorinda Boffrey, Arkoff, Tia Mirabel, and Regald Coll.
Art by Yihyoung Li. From Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi: An Illustrated Guide to the Galaxy's Golden Age.
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darthsassacre · 3 years ago
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adding this little bit from Regald Coll in The Fallen Star because it’s. pretty much everything.
imagine how crazy it is to raise jedi kids. normal toddlers are a menace and they will always find a way to get into trouble . if a kid had levitation powers on top of that, just imagine the carnage. like these kids throwing a temper tantrum might cause windowsill to shatter and people to be thrown across the room.
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geekygirlexperience · 3 years ago
Summary: As the masters enjoy a rare day off, Regald Coll informs Kantam Sy of a massive problem in their créche. Meanwhile, after a special chance encounter for the padawan, Bell finally confronts Elzar Mann about his fears from the Lothal Temple
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geekygirlexperience · 2 years ago
Wake up, Regald fam. Let’s talk about him
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geekygirlexperience · 3 years ago
Summary: With attacks from a cyber hacktivist threatening Starlight Beacon's construction, Chancellor Lina Soh comes to the Jedi temple. Kantam Sy is summoned upon, but memories of their past make them question a mission
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knightotoc · 2 years ago
The Fallen Star is a strong argument that the Republic/the Jedi/Elzar Mann specifically cause more harm than good, but absolutely no characters say so. So I do feel a bit like I'm going insane. Tia Toon was the sole voice of reason in the last book and he's nowhere to be seen here (and neither are the rich gay boys☹️ Claudia why!!!). Would someone from the Core please ask the Outer Rim leaders what they actually need before we just send them The Titanic?
Anyway some updates on my notes from last book: RIP to my belief that they would explain the ex-Jedi femme fatale backstory. Looks like they threw her back to the comics. Marchion Ro's daddy issues are also tragically forgotten, though at least now he's in a silly love triangle. The boycrazy energy from the last book is now being used for evil.
I liked the sentient rock and the people getting turned into dust. Of course Star Trek already did those things (Morn from DS9 and TOS "By Any Other Name") but they were fun here too.
I loved the Jedi babysitter, though again I was just wishing so badly that SOMEbody would call the Jedi out on their childcare methods. I've been learning more lately about how badly we treat adoptees in the USA, and how our culture values parents' needs more than children's, and this guy Regald Coll is the living embodiment of that. So I was quite invested in his baby fever arc, and then he just gets killed off for the sake of the uh, psychedelic monster attack plotline. Hm
I think Stellan is supposed to be the Obi-Wan character because he's all rule-oriented and third-wheel-y, but I'm putting all my Obi-Wan-y feelings into Bell instead because every time Bell starts to love someone they get murdered before his eyes! Give me a break!!
Tune in next time to see whether or not we negotiate with terrorists and if my man Elzar is going to jail! (my guesses: no and no)
Light of the Jedi morals:
1. DO NOT do drugs🚬🙅‍♂️
2. DO NOT listen to rock and roll🤘🙅‍♂️
3. DO NOT tell the person you love that you love them or else you and/or they will DIE💀 (unless you're already married)
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