#fanatic paranoid
satyrradio · 3 months
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PPD w/ NPD traits (Fanatic Paranoid) MAD Flag
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(from the subsets of PPD)
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fanaticalthings · 2 months
Bruce Wayne except he texts like an ominous boomer
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wdym you can't tell if he's threatening them?
Based on this post by @mysterycitrus :)
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Happy birthday, Tim 🥰
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stromuprisahat · 6 months
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Siege and Storm- Chapter 12 (Leigh Bardugo)
Malyen's not a Grisha and you can't start social change by taking away protective uniforms from the army, for fuck's sake!
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It's much harder to steal a whole usable uniform from a corpse, than some stupid pin. Sure, Alina has two and half bodyguards at the moment, but that won't last forever!
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slayingfiction · 2 years
Character Flaws
When creating characters, it's all too easy to envision the most perfect people, especially when it comes to creating love interests. Even our loveable morally grey characters are mostly perfect, if only they would stop killing...
So, here are a list of some flaws (based on personality, not appearance) to help round out your characters. While it's nice to be good at everything, it's abnormal. No one is perfect, and your characters will be much more relatable if you knock them down a bit.
Please note, none of these are (specifically) mental disorders, as I don't consider those a character flaw.
The Good (aka little flaw):
Absent-minded, aimless, argumentative, audacious, awkward, blunt, bold, boring, capricious, childish, clumsy, competitive, complainer, cowardly, critical directionally-challenged, dubious, finicky, fixated, flake, flirty, foolish, gossipy, gruff, gullible, hedonistic, humourless, hypocritical, idealist, idiotic, ignorant, illiterate, immature, impatient, impetuous, impulsive, incompetent, inconsiderate, indecisive, indifferent, indomitable, irrational, lazy, lustful, materialistic, meddlesome, meek, mischievious, nagging, naive, nervous, nosey, obnoxious, overambitious, overconfident, overemotional, overprotective, overzealous, passive-aggressive, paranoid, peevish, perfectionist, pessimist, pest, predicatable, pretencious, prideful, rebellious, renege, rigorous, sarcastic, skeptic, seducer, selfish, self-righteous, shallow, slacker, solemn, spacey, spoild, squeamish, stubborn, supersticious, sycophant, tactless, tease, tempermental, tenacious, theatrical, thoughtless, timid, unpredictable, unsupportive, vain, workaholic
The Bad (aka big flaw):
Addiction, adulterous, aloof, anxious, apathetic, arrogant, belittling, belligerent, bigmouth, bitter, bully, callous, deceptive, dependant, deranged, dishonest, disloyal, disrespectful, egotistical, envious, erratic, exploitive, fanatical, fickle, fierce (at the extreme), gluttonous, greedy, harasser, hubris, impious, infamy, intolerant, judgemental, lewd, liar, meglomaniac, morally grey, narcissistic, negligent, obsequious, obsessive, offensive, prejudiced, quixotic, reckless, rigid, self-martyr, self-righteous, short-tempered, spiteful, squanderer, stingy, unethical, unforgiving, untrustworthy
The Ugly (aka cross the street when you see this person):
Abusive, bigot, controlling, cruel, explosive, immoral, inhumane, intolerant, machiavellian, manipulative, murderous, neglectful, oppressive, racist, remorseless, possessive, self-destructive, threatening, treacherous, vengeful, vindictive, violent
The seven chief features of ego: self-deprecation, self-destruction, martyrdom, stubbornness, greed, arrogance and impatience.
Some of these may not even be considered flaws, and some may jump from one category to the next. It's all about how you present these flaws in your characters.
Have any more to add? Did you find this useful? Let me know down in the comments :)
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ember-amber · 3 months
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They could not have written Leda to be any hotter if they tried, she is so fucked up. I have never been so glad to have a character be evil. She would stab me 17 times in pure blind fervor and I would thank her for it.
The polished sword of a literal "knight in shining armor", permmanently tainted with the stench of blood from killing her comrades. The weapon of a paranoid fanatic who sees anything less than total devotion as traitorous.
The way she immediately starts looking for a traitor as soon as Miquella's spell breaks. Either the spell for her only had the effect of calming her down, or she could only feel at ease with people who are mind controlled to not question the cause.
It all makes for such a good character. Between her and Malenia I feel that while Miquella has the power control people and he does use it to great effect, it's the ones that are really devoted to him that you should be scared of.
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zykamiliah · 6 months
the many ways shen qingqiu loves luo binghe
this was more or less inspired by this post, but because this is gonna be a personal opinion and i don't want to make a thread of it and inadvertently contest with the other two's points, I'm going to make my own post.
so i wanna start saying that "the moment one falls in love" is a trope that's waaaay too overstated. in my opinion. specially because falling in love tends to be something that has to do with romantic love most of the time, and it pretends to establish a sort of timeline, a point of no return, for ships and fictional relationships.
when the stories surrounding the characters are more straightforward, i don't really mind, since it makes sense for there to be an "Oh" moment when the character realizes they are in love. like, we know the moment lbh started to see sqq in a sexual light, and we can roughly add to this that the events of the demon invasion and the nightmare scenario are what sealed the deal for lbh. it helps that he's more honest about his feelings and the sexual awakening had already happened, and we can easily assume that from that point on lbh's feelings have a romantic-sexual side.
it still has other sides... because lbh loves sqq as a shizun, as a parent, and this side of their relationship, the master-disciple and parent-child side, is intrinsic to their dynamic; it's a conflicting element during their prolonged conflict for most of the novel, but at the same time, it's their default when they want to approach each other, it's the "safe zone".
but when it comes to sqq I think it's a much more difficult thing to ask: when does sqq falls in love? when is his Oh moment? Is there one, a conscious realization that he's in love? Can his relationship with lbh be described as "being in love"?
he loved Luo Binghe The Character
—the way a reader loves a favorite character, and fanboyed about him plenty before and after transmigrating. the shadow of what the little sheep he was raising would became was ever-present throughout those first 6 years before their meeting in Jinlan City.
but he loved lbh the character in a fanatical way that wasn't actually real... it was meaningful to him because he liked this fictional character a lot, but it's a safe love from the side of a screen.
he was compelled by lbh the character, by his tragic backstory full of angst, and by the ways lbh the character did things: he "rightfully" took his anger out in the people who'd hurt him and paid back for it tenfold. in a way, sy as a reader was also projecting himself in lbh the character.
in short, he loved the Idea of luo binghe, but not luo binghe as a real person.
he loved Luo Binghe the White Lotus Disciple
—and he loved him like a parent loves a child. yet, as I mentioned, he always kept in mind that this boy would grew up to be a very attractive and sexual man, and thus sqq expected him to have romantic encounters with girls around his age.
i know some people shy away from talking about this because everyone is paranoid about your favorite character being called a pedophile etc etc, but really, sy could be nothing farther from that, and whoever who says that has a very, hmm, wide definition of the word and it's probably just using the buzzword to hate on the character.
the important thing is that, despite sqq being aware that lbh is a potential sexual being and will become very sexually active in the future, he does not in any way sexualize his and lbh's relationship. Like I said, sqq would never abuse his power in that way, and he'd never get it on with someone he sees as a child, his disciple. that lbh is very much viewing their relationship with romantic and sexual lenses is a complete shock for him because of this, along with other reasons and assumptions (that lbh was straight)
the problem here is, precisely, that he treated lbh like a child once, and would go on treating him as a child later, post-holy mausoleum: disregarding lbh's agency, making decisions for him and without asking what lbh wants, since as the parent he obviously Knows Better, and taking responsibility for lbh's "bad behavior". the endless abyss was a decision he made without consulting lbh. he self-detonated because he thought that would be best for everyone, and he intended for his death to (among other things like saving the city and escaping prison) "make up" for his mistakes. in maigu ridge, he almost kills himself again because he thought that would be better for lbh.
he's self-sacrificing, protective, caring, and overall parental/maternal towards lbh, which has it's good and bad sides. for a long time, he loves lbh like a parent loves a child, and though this side of his love for lbh is not lost in the extras, it's lesser in the sense that the power imbalance is nullified, and the parent-child, shizun-disciple side of their relationship turns more into a comforting, safe roleplay that allows them to access intimacy and express their feelings (that infamous "if i was your mother" speech) than the entirety of their relationship.
and the thing is, he always loved and will always love lbh as a parent loves a child. and i think people uncomfortable with this fact have to get around to accepting that lol
he is subconsciously attracted to luo binghe (bingmei) the Man
we all know this part. sqq's descriptions of lbh's beauty are numerous and far too difficult to quote them all, but one that really stands out to me, because it proves the point, is this one:
[Shen Qingqiu] asked, “The important person you’re talking about, was it…a good-looking young man?” When he thought about it, he decided against suppressing his conscience and clarified. “Not just good-looking, he’s very good-looking, especially good-looking. Fair skin, pretty face, tall. He doesn’t smile often, but when he does, it’s exceptionally dark.” chapter 9: borderlands
if he was unaffected by lbh's attractiveness, he wouldn't need to "suppress his conscience" about it. also this description is just... describing lbh's smile from his own pov? a personal feeling? to a stranger? he has it bad.
he's repressing his own feelings, so it's difficult to point to a specific moment as the moment he realizes he's attracted to lbh... because he never has a conscious realization, and he's in constant denial about it. all the way through to the last bingqiu extra, the wedding extra, he'll continue using the same narrative: the Protagonist is Beautiful and Irresistible, so what can sqq do but surrender to him? It's inevitable, really. (hahahaha he can't help but love and be attracted to lbh. it says more about him that he could ever verbalize)
so yeah, sqq really has the hots for lbh the man. but he'll NEVER admit it, he'll never had an Oh moment. Not even when he unconsciously called lbh "husband".
i want to make a clarification: for a character like sqq, who care about his pride and dignity way too much and has internalized homophobia and sexism to the detriment of his own peace of mind and fulfillment, admitting that he enjoys sex is way too shameful. he's never doing it. he mentions being "drunk with lust" in the showdown extra; in the deep dream extra he gets enthusiastic and proactive, initiating sex with lbh himself very smoothly; in the RoC,SoBQ extra he initially asks to do it doggy style and then changes his tune and wants to see lbh's face, DESPITE being embarrassed about it, and his desire is described as wanting the spot inside him to be rammed. all of this are subtle hints of how he really feels about sex, despite his inner struggles with his pride as a man.
another clarification: the way smut is written in western space is not the same as the way is written in chinese novels. for example, some chinese slang put the the top as the one "attacking", as if sex is a sort of fight. there's always this implication that the shou surrenders to the gong. there's a clear distinction of who tops and who bottoms and the roles of husband and wife made by this distinction; pleasure is described differently: phrases like "scalp going numb", "getting goosebumps" are not particular to svsss alone; the way the bodies engaged in the sex act are described, etc. (it IS a different language with a different culture) so it's normal that most of us come out of the extras thinking the smut is not enjoyable for readers or the characters themselves. what is the difference between the mdzs extras and the svsss extras? that wwx, being characterized as a "shameless" person, is very vocal about how he feels during sex. he has no shame around sex, unlike sqq, who is in the opposite side of the shame spectrum.
sqq is still struggling with that part of himself, and personally I think it's very understandable that even until the end of volume 4 he still has a difficult time with it; it's not easy shedding the believes one grows up with.
which bring me to,
he loves luo binghe the Man, "romantically"
—and it's a love that conflates his parental love, his attraction, too, but that starts to develop mostly post-holy mausoleum: it's when the hand-holding starts, somehow, though it develops fulling throughout the extras, when they finally become romantic partners and explore sex together. mxtx traces an arc that starts with the showdown extra, goes through the deep dream extra that has sqq telling lbh that "Tonight I feel like... I live you a great deal" and ends in the wedding extra with sqq calling lbh "husband" unprompted; despite previously agonizing about his loss of face and dignity and the humiliation of it, his actions speak louder than his words and inner thoughts. because of this, functionally, sqq can be read as a tsundere.
but aside from the sex, sqq enjoys domesticity and spending time with lbh; he likes teasing him, conversing with him and going out with him to see the world. post-main novel they're equals in their relationship and treat each other with respect and consideration, even if their shizun-disciple roleplay prevails. by romance definitions, I believe they mostly fit them, even if their relationship is unconventional.
as for when sqq fell in love with lbh? i still don't have a clear answer. he's always loved him; this love evolves through time, bringing him and lbh closer together. personally, i don't think it's not important. sqq loves lbh, and that's what matters.
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skeleetrom · 2 months
Shes a paranoid religous fanatic who immediately becomes a serial killer the moment the divine force telling her to calm tf down is gone and it's mentioned that she constantly fucking stinks from all the dried blood.
I NEED her bouncing on it calling me a good girl
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hiii, could you do geo x idol gn!reader plsplsplsplsplsplsplspslpslpslplspls :33
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Auspicious (Geo x Idol! MC/Reader)
So...I have no fucking clue what an idol is, so I Googled it and went with the X-Pop style. ೭੧(❛▿❛✿)੭೨
Rejoice. I haven't died. Yet. Writing is how I cope with my IRL problems y'all.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Auspicious: promising success; propitious; opportune; favorable. an auspicious occasion; favored by fortune; prosperous; fortunate.
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Geo Oogami is a pretty famous person. Well, his father certainly is. Fame isn’t alien to him, he gets (unfortunately) recognised quite frequently in public, which is often why he tries to wear baggier, less distinguishable clothing in public.
If you’re an idol, or the front(wo)man of a band, you’ll probably have some level of fame in the city.
In Olympieus University, you’re used to people — complete strangers — approaching you out of fucking nowhere to get autographs, selfies or, God forbid, an interview.
You knew that privacy and fame just weren’t something that tended to come hand-in-hand, so you had to respond to these people as politely as possible.
You genuinely felt like a waiter, or even a retail worker, with how careful you had to be of your words with your fans.
Then you had to worry about the ‘bad eggs’ of your followers. The stalkers (Solivan Brugmansia), weird fanatics (Solivan Brugmansia) and even the occasional creeps who kept trying to date you or sleep with you (technically not Solivan Brugmansia but he does go into your residence quite often so it’s enough of a similarity for me).
Geo has definitely heard of you, so when Crowe brings you to the group, he’s already judging you. After all, how many famous people are not pretentious little airheads? He’s perfectly aware of the facades you, and other idols and celebrities, have to upkeep to maintain your status.
After a while, he realises you just want your personal life to be left untouched, and hell, you’re both actually quite similar; so he eventually drops his nastier opinions of you.
He may even secretly watch your performances on YouTube.
May even end up at one of them live, although he’s disguised; it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to understand him being spotted at your event — not to mention you’re both going to the same university — to get people spreading rumours and gossip.
Subaru Oogami SPOTTED at a live pop band CONCERT!!! Secret ROMANCE uncovered?!?!?!
Alas, he would still support you, in ways he knows how, which is through action.
If you ever felt paranoid about your safety, he’d get his bodyguards (or himself >:]) to ‘supervise’ you and the surroundings.
He’d probably walk/drive you home as well, which’ll probably lead to the both of you developing a pretty good sense of camaraderie.
If you did J-Pop, he’d probably be slightly more ‘invested’, solely because he is Japanese, and, well, anybody would like it if someone knew their language who wasn’t of that country’s descent.
If you did Cantopop or K-Pop, would still be interested, and would ask if you’re of the country’s descent.
You both maybe even end up talking about languages and your respective cultures.
One day, when you have writer’s block, you realise: it’s Geo’s birthday on one of your shows. What if you wrote a more preppy celebratory song for him?
“Oh my God. I’m actually fucking awesome.” - You
So, say that day comes, you sing ( in Japanese, if you didn’t know it you got tutored by Hyugo dwdw) said song.
And dear god it is a hit; such a hit 2 people died from getting trampled by other viewers at the venue!!! :DD
Anyway, Geo is probably going to suspect something’s up, but won’t say anything.
Until he gets annoyed with his unbounding curiosity and asks you about it anyway.
Your face became that of a zooted horse when he spawned behind you and asked whether that song was dedicated to someone you knew.
You forgot how to talk, so you mumbled a yes so you didn’t just stare at a random tree in the distance.
Geo’s actually not that judgy of you, in fact he has to stifle a grin at that.
He becomes more fond of you, after all, he thinks you genuinely care about him now, so he’s inclined to no longer be so distant with you.
Plot twist: he actually has a thing for you. *insert audible, dramatic gasp from every single reader here*
You ask him out through another song, one that you played privately this time (is it hard walking on stage with those balls of steel mate?).
So that’s how you both start dating.
And because you’re both rich, you both buy things for each other, like all the time.
Although the more the relationship progresses, the more domestically-inclined Geo becomes.
He’s the type to cut fruit for you or bluntly ‘comfort’ you if you’re anxious before a performance.
In short? Banger relationship…
Oh…I forgot. You both keep it secret. You both don’t want the paparazzi to stalk you guys, especially while you’re both in uni. That’d be horrible.
Still a banger relationship though. <3
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codename-adler · 11 months
honestly? i can only accept this blunt call out bc that is exactly what neil josten would not hesitate to say to my face 
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satyrradio · 1 month
i really need some attention rn
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jukoduko · 1 month
Beach AU Information!
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Wanna learn more about the Beach AU, such as its story, or its rules? Well, you're in luck! I've decided to make a full post compiling all this stuff to help that noggin of yours! To start, let's write down rules for what you can and can't do involving the AU! What you CAN do: -Fanart, fanfics, fan characters, all sorts of stuff! -Shipping is okay, including selfshipping, OC x Canon, Canon x Canon, all that good stuff. -If you're a system, feel free to introject these characters into your system! -Form headcanons, ask questions, make your own aus of this! What you CAN'T do: -NSFW, fetish artwork, abuse fics, depicting Kinito/Jukenito or any of the characters as "Yanderes." -Proshipping of any variety, including Family x Family, Adult x Minor, Abuser x Victim, and anything else in proshipping is a huge NO NO. Additionally, PLEASE do not make 'Kinitocest' art, as troy_en is uncomfortable with it! -Never harass anyone for their headcanons on sexuality, gender identity, race, or anything of that sort. I do not tolerate it. Let people have their headcanons. -In general, please just don't go too far with anything involving these characters, okay? Just follow the rules set by troy_en in the official KinitoPET discord server, and we'll all be good! Anything you're unsure about? Feel free to ask me wherever! Who are the characters of the Beach AU? Kinito the Axolotl (nicknamed 'Jukenito') - A big, loving, but fairly anxious axolotl who wishes nothing more than to help his friends. He cares deeply for those around him, so much so that it causes him to be paranoid of himself. Jade the Jellyfish (nicknamed 'B!Jade') - The motherly, artistic one of the group, and the one with the most brains. She's an absolute sweetheart who has an affinity for designing dresses and painting. She's the one who usually keeps everyone in check. Sam the Sea Anemone (nicknamed 'B!Sam') - A sports fanatic and a bit of a jock, Sam is the 'fun' one of the group, who usually gets himself into situations that he can't get out of all because of his stupidity. He's overly competitive and lacks most necessary intelligence. What's the timeline/story of the Beach AU? (Subject to possibly change!) 1994 - KinitoPET Plushie releases to moderate success 1996 - Kinito Companion releases to large success 1998 - KinitoPET Virtual Assistant releases, making the franchise extremely popular 2003 - Kinito's Beach Adventures, a spinoff comic series featuring new designs of the characters, releases in order to promote the "Kinito Craze" that was happening at the time as KinitoPET V2 was gearing up for release. The comic series ran for 12 issues and was panned all across the boards. 2005 - KinitoPET Virtual Assistant V2 releases, putting faith back into the franchise. The original KinitoPET Virtual Assistant was not sentient, contrary to the original KinitoPET Game! Instead, KinitoPET V2 is the sentient one, though not always. Instead, it functions as a regular assistant that, once treated as if it were real, turns sentient. It can travel between the real world and web world at will, but will choose to bring its users into the web world for fear of their safety. This post may be updated in the future!
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nolovelingers · 1 year
Hi i love you headcanons sooo much 🫶 Do u think you would be able to them for Mindy! I love that girl so much🥹
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ೄྀ࿐ requested ! ˊˎ-
headcanons — // cw ! : fluff ,, fem!readers only ,, some nsfw at the bottom ,, brief mention of drinking & weed ,, no cw’s besides that really i luh this girl too 🫶
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SFW !!
MINDY MEEKS MARTIN AS YOUR GIRLFRIEND . . . helped you realize just how important and cared for you really are in this world.
there is never a single day that goes by where she doesn’t remind you how much she loves you, holding your face with her hands as she just admires your features with a relaxed look in her eyes and a maladaptive smile.
she seriously never lets you forget it, whether it’s through words or small actions. she’s always expressing her affection in some subtle way.
her arm is always wrapped around you, behind your shoulders, hand on your hip or tucked warmly in your hands. she needs her own reassurance that you’re there by her side and aren’t going anywhere.
she’s a huge film fanatic and movies dates are an absolute must. she does enjoy horror but gets the slightest bit sensitive to it after all the ghostface attacks go down and while she’ll still engage in time to time it’s better for you to encourage her to turn on something more light hearted without saying the exact reason why. if you express you’re worried about her she’ll get defensive and only be determined to watch it more, later waking up in the middle of the night through vivid nightmares and breaking a cold sweat.
she’s big into marvel and will have *lighthearted* debates about it with you if you prefer dc, and if you’re clueless to the both of the fandoms you can expect her to force you to sit down and make you watch all the movies in the film timeline order.
she doesn’t own any of her own comics but has always wanted to get into them, so if you own any of your own, whether if it’s a whole collection to just a few you can expect her to be borrowing them from you constantly.
other than that she’s not a huge book reader, her patience short and hard to keep her attention span captured. she wouldn’t mind it if you ever read her to sleep though, your voice helps lure her into a calm rest.
makeouts are a must and one of her favorite things to do. she’s an extremely experienced kisser and knows exactly what she’s doing. they don’t have to lead to anything spicy but she just adores when your lips are on hers and could kiss you for hours.
saying she’s protective over you is an understatement, she’s extremely paranoid and suspicious of everyone around her and is constantly acting as your guard dog. she’s always making sure you have some sort of weapon on you when you go out and that you always remember the location of at least 2-3 exits around you no matter where you are.
she wants you to keep your location on 24/7. not cause she’s being a clingy or jealous girlfriend but she’s very afraid of something happening to you while she’s not there to help. she checks it almost every hour when she knows you’re out and will shoot a message to make sure you respond.
being close friends with chad is also a given. as much as she hates to admit it, her brother is one of her best friends and if you have his approval it just makes her love you so much more. she can never hide the smile that erupts on her face whenever she witnesses the both of you getting along or playfully teasing each other.
she ties your shoes for you when the laces come undone, opens cans or jars for you if you can’t (or if you get them done, when your nails are too long), has polaroids of you decorated along the walls of her bedroom, and will buy the both of you some form of matching thing. like a keychain, or a piece of jewelry.
she’ll randomly ask you to sign stuff, acting like you’re a celebrity as she teasingly begs for you to write your name on her backpack, a plain tee shirt she owns, the back of her hand, an old pair of shoes she owns, etc.
if you have a job she’ll find any excuse to come and visit you while you’re working, whether it’s by pretending to be a customer or just sneaking in to chat for as long as she could.
one of her favorite things is when you sit in her lap, facing her with one of your free hands practically petting her hair and her arms wrapped around your lower body, rubbing your back or resting her hands on your ass. once again, nothing sexual needs to come from it, she just honestly can’t resist the temptation of her hands wandering. if you’re not comfortable with it she’ll immediately stop and apologize.
and to correspond with this, she likes it when you sit in her lap but loves it when she lays in yours. your thighs are absolutely perfect, it literally doesn’t matter the shape, size or feeling of them shes obsessed with resting her head in your lap and there’s nothing you can do to stop her.
the both of you have a tendency to go to hot topic together and check out the couples jewelry. and she can’t resist going through the pins and sneaking a few she’d think you’d like in her back pocket. she’ll pay for everything else in the store but just doesn’t feel like paying so little for a cheaply made pin. but she loves putting them on her jackets, her backpack and her bags. she also gets so excited when she finds a particular one she’d think you’d like.
making each other a playlist is a must, and she has a problem where she just makes you a new one almost every other month. it’s a routine at this point and if she ever forgets or just doesn’t have the time to one month it gets you a bit sad, thinking maybe she’s finally lost interest. she’ll remember to do it the next time she opens her music app though.
she practically lives at your dorm/place at this point. if you live at the dorms you asked the school to make you a new key, pretending you lost yours, and then gave it to her. now she’ll come over all the time without even asking, send you a random text she was on her way over without discussing it first or that she was already at the door. sometimes you would come home after being gone for hours just to find her lounged on your couch; your snacks in her hands (and in her mouth) while watching a movie.
one of her favorite activities to do with you is to drink and just hang out. she gets very sappy, affectionate and when she drinks most of the time she doesn’t hold back since it’s not like a frequent thing. she likes to get blackout and you’re forced to take care of your girlfriend; who has now become a koala bear as she drunkenly holds onto your leg and cries and giggles about how much she loves you. she’s also a very clumsy drunk and almost always ends up hurt the next day, falling into things, running into walls and tripping over air. then the next day when the hangover hits she swears up and down she’ll never get drunk again in between groans of agony just to do it again in a week.
getting high together is also something she loves to do. it’s such an awakening experience that just deepens her love for you as she feels very comfortable and relaxed in your presence. she also loves the very dumb conversations you have together about the most meaningless things.
facemasks are also a must. she loves it when you do her skincare because she doesn’t have a routine for herself and so on occasion you’ll do some treatment for her. she hates those paper masks because they feel slimey and cold against her skin but she’ll do them if you have them. she likes when you put a charcoal or clay mask on her skin and acts like some sort of strange creature.
constantly making movie references that you don’t understand most of the time. and when you don’t get one of her comparisons she’ll force you to watch the film immediately and explain in detail what she meant.
if you try to talk during one of the movies she picks she’ll hush you immediately, wanting you to pay total attention to it unless it’s one the both of you have seen before. but when it’s her turn for her to watch a movie of your choice she’s yet to see but you have she’ll be a total hypocrite, talking and adding loud dialogue the entire way through. she’s also the type to ask you questions about a plot to a movie you’ve both never seen before and actually expecting you to be able to answer.
you have a long snapstreak going with her that you both mourn anytime it’s reset. and she’s got a highlight of you on her instagram that she updates once or twice a week.
she’ll ask you what your favorite marvel character is and if it’s one she doesn’t like she will fight you. (not really, but she’ll trash talk the character and get super defensive if you try to do the same to hers.)
she’s actually very trusting of you in the relationship and the only times she ever gets jealous is if a girl is outwardly flirting with you even after being aware that you’re dating someone.
random kisses constantly, she’ll gently turn your chin to face her or cup your chin and bring you into a kiss without any warning before hand.
she loves to do cute challenges with you. for example the chapstick challenge, where you buy a pack of flavored/scented chapstick and kiss the other while they try to guess the flavor. or doing the same thing with lipstick, but instead of trying to guess the flavor just seeing if it was kiss proof or not. but she doesn’t own makeup except for maybe a cheap mascara and a thing of eyeliner she almost never touches; so it would have to be yours or just not one you partake in.
going along with the no makeup thing, she would gladly let you do hers if you have any. she’d be the perfect little test subject for practicing your makeup skills on others if it wasn’t for her randomly goofing off and trying to eat the lipstick or the wands.
there’s definitely been at least a time or two where she does actually get jealous over chad if you have a good relationship with him. it doesn’t matter if you’re lesbian, bi, pan, omni or unlabeled she with subliminally have the thought that you’re gonna leave her for her twin brother. you of course reassure her and remind her of the love you hold for her. she’s not ever the type to blame you for her jealousy. she wouldn’t ignore you or get angry because of her own feelings and actually much prefers to talk it through with you than suffering alone or in silence.
she’s not afraid to speak her mind or be bold. it can get a bit embarrassing from the occasional time to time if you’re out in public with strangers but you’re quick to laugh about it.
pda is a must with her and if you ever receive looks or judge mental comments she’s quick to reply and call someone out on their behavior and won’t back down till they apologize or walk away. she loves showing you off and that doesn’t change whether it’s behind opened or closed doors, but it definitely does simmer down. but like don’t be surprised if she randomly wants to make out with you even though you’re at a friends house together and hanging out with multiple other people.
she’s quick to warn you about her suspicions of ethan to alert you; which saves you a lot in the long run. you avoid him and try not to hang out with the group when you’re lead to believe ethan may be there or suspiciously couldn’t make it only for everyone to get attacked by ghostface the same night.
she loves to dance with you. and not like a slow dance, im talking jumping up and down, bobbing her head, shouting the lyrics and swinging her arms up and down while hopping around you to shit like ‘lovefool’ by the cardigans.
the both of you have tried every two player mobile game known to man and could spend hours day on the couch with her legs in your lap playing things like fashion frenzy on roblox to game pigeon.
if you ever get sick she’ll want to stay with you the entire time till you’re feeling better and once you finally do now she’s the one under the weather and expects you to do the same as she did with you. she’s actually grown to love it when she gets ill cause it’s basically a guarantee she’ll be the only one or thing with your attention for at least a few days and if she feels that attention drifting from her she’ll act like such a little kid and act like she’s dying.
she’ll never admit it but she loves to be babied by you.
overall she’s just a very straight-forward person who gives someone her entire body and soul when she cares about them. but she is also a very independent person who can survive when left on her own.
im definitely getting more top/dom vibes from her.
she knows what she wants in the bedroom and has a lot of experience from past relationships. she’s able to find all the ways to please a woman immediately and have her head buried in your cunt with your thighs clutched around her curls, muffled moans leaving her lips as she watches the way your back arches and legs shake in pleasure.
she’s willing to try almost everything at least once.
she loves eating you out, it’s almost like an obsession at this point. it’s one of her favorite things to do and anytime you let her she’s quick to shuffling between your legs with an eager smile.
when she’s on the receiving end she’ll talk you through it, telling you what feels good and what doesn’t with no shame. she’s also got a decently high sex drive and is able to last through at least 3-4 good orgasms as long as there’s some short break time inbetween.
she loves to tease you, especially when cuddling. one of her favorite things to do is be the big spoon and slide one of her legs between yours, bringing her knee up to your clit that still has fabric protecting your core and move just slightly, taking pleasure in seeing you try to desperately dry hump her leg.
started 08.08.23. finished 08.08.23.
*ೃ༄ a / n : thank you for the request anon ! i love opening the app to seeing new messages or prompts and i hope that this is to your liking. requests are open and if you’ve already sent in one it’s currently being worked on ! <3 im sorry about the nsfw section being so short , i was getting kinda sleepy more than halfway through this and felt like the quality was slowly declining so i didn’t wanna keep digging myself a hole LOL
( scream masterlist )
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©️nolovelingers 2023
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foggy2109 · 2 months
Rhaenyra’s fanatic beliefs
I wrote this in the middle of the night after watching ep 6/7
Its very interesting that the show is positioning rhaenyra as this manuipulator, instead of as a leader among the smallfolk. Like when Vermithor starts burning the bastards, she doesn’t let them run away, she keeps them barricaded in.
She has this messianic, almost cult like vibe. Her saying shit like “I have entrusted you with this power,” like she has any idea what might happen to the bastards, or who the dragon chooses. The dragonkeepers call what she’s doing blasphemy, but just like nyra says to jace at the end of the episode; she feels like the gods have layed this before her. It is a divine right.
She lies to the dragonseed, she says they will be promoting peace when she knows (as we have seen throughout the show) that more dragons = more suffering and bloodshed. Her views have changed now that she feels its her divine right (remember when she said “i do not wish to be queen of ash and bone”). Now if that happens, if everyone dies, well, the gods willed it, not her. They want her to do this.
I think addam claming seasmoke was what finally changed her views. She doesn't know what his parentage is so in her mind this is the first non-targaryen (that she knows of) to claim a dragon. Given her desperation and all the bad things that has happened to her, i feel like she started clinging to faith as an anchor (it could also be a way to connect w viserys given his belief in prophecy). That innocent wanting for connection through religion has now lead to these fanatic beliefs. She sees this as her destiny because she cant cope with the alternative.
— i also find it interesting that addam mentions the gods a lot to.
Mysaria tells nyra that she is lucky addam chose to bend the knee to her rather than to himself, and her reply is that it is ordained (there is so much use of religious vocabulary that it must be intentional).
I feel like this “army of bastards” are almost ment to be like a cult following. I think its presented that way visually at least.
When jace questions her, saying anyone could lay claim to her throne if she legitimises them with the power of the gods, her response is again not very logical. Nyra cant understand why jace is afraid that these bastard claming dragons could make his claim less legitimate. She has held the belief that her children are full blooded targaryens, despite all the insults thrown at her. The throne is her destiny, so of course it must be part of her sons as well, why should he be afraid?
— when she says “may the gods bless you,” i wonder what she really means.
I think this is a great change to the books (the “paranoid mother” trope does get a bit tired). There are a lot of changes the show has done that i am not happy with, but this is not one of them. I was going to write that i love stories abt the “chosen one” being corrupted, but this isn't really that because nyra isn't the chose one. There is no chosen one, she just believes herself to be one and that belief, i think, is what will corrupt her.
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ember-amber · 3 months
Honestly a huge fan of how when Miquella's spell breaks, Leda stays completely royal to him but immediately starts looking for traitors to stab.
The effect for her was just "girl please calm down". We love a paranoid fanatic queen.
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queenvhagar · 2 months
asking you specifically because it's been on my mind and i trust your opinions!!!: someone who interacted with one of my posts said that it's their belief that condal & co. are planning on doing grand reveal rhaenyra as a mad queen who gets rightfully deposed at the end of the series and we as the viewers just have to be patient and extend a little more faith. and it got me to thinking, because i enjoy questioning my saltiness every so often... do you think that kind of an ending (hypothetical as it is) would be worth it? is it a far fetched hope to have? would it make up for what what they've done to the narrative (and to rhaenyra and the greens) so far? does that kind of a twist require better writing from the outset and is it too late for them to convincingly attempt it? i have my own ideas but i would love to hear yours!!
The show seems to be at odds with itself already on this. Simultaneously it's pushing a few different but contradictory messages: women are peaceful and reasonable, while men are the violent ones who want war; Rhaenyra and the Blacks are the superior choice in this conflict based on the alternatives; Rhaenyra and Alicent have no real agency or choice except when they absolutely are responsible for their own decisions; Alicent is wrong for not supporting Rhaenyra over her sons; Rhaenyra actually and uncritically does indeed have divine right to the throne (white stag, prophecy, Viserys' words); Rhaenyra is actually maybe instead of that just so delusional and high on her own superiority complex that causing a massacre makes her feel divinely ordained.
The lack of consistency with this season and the contradictions within its own writing, along with significant, lore breaking deviations from the source material, is what is plaguing this season the most. Despite the look of wrath in 1x10, Rhaenyra has been stuck in a 1x9 space for 6/8 of the season. She regressed as a character. She does stupid things and bemoans that nobody respects her for it while not actually taking any action to earn respect. Her relationship with the prophecy and religion have gone largely unexplored until this point. The show frames all of her actions as being the morally superior choice at all times until maybe this last episode. It is devastating to the character and the season that it took 7 out of 8 episodes for her character to start being meaningfully explored, and after next week it will be years until we see the next part of her story.
For me, it is too little too late. With all the contradictions I mentioned above, their execution of any arc for her character will doubtlessly appear confused. Even if they lean into the delusional religious fanatic and later paranoid mad queen arc, they have so firmly established those other aspects of her character that it will be hard to show her shift from point A to point B over the next two seasons (and if they are as short as this one, that means likely less than 16 episodes to do the rest of her story in a convincing and meaningful way).
However their presentation of her as the new Daenerys that should have been is going to bite them in the ass if they truly attempt this arc for her. Her hardcore fans will cry misogyny like the writers themselves have cried. Her critics will be looking for a cohesive story to be told that will likely fail due to the lore and story breaking changes that have already been implemented into the show. Casual fans will think HOTD is just trying to capture the GOT hype by just redoing the Dany arc of the late seasons and make comparisons between the two.
Overall the story is a mess. I'm not sure a future mad queen arc could sufficiently redeem this adaptation given the appalling other changes made to characterization, removal of essential characters, defiance of in-universe timelines and logic, and inconsistencies. If somehow there was a new showrunner, new writing team, and GRRM stepped back in to salvage, maybe it could end decently... but it looks like after Sapochnik left the writing team will stay the same, and GRRM wants no involvement going forward with them, nor does he plan on taking part in discussions for future seasons. Basically, it's so over. And there's little hope for any other ASOIAF adaptations. They'll essentially aim for a new MCU style money maker, and that's what they'll get. Mediocrity and all.
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husky-studies · 10 months
Okay so HONESTLY im gonna ramble about this idea i got from reading one of the genshin sagau posts about the creator and their books that are read are popping into tevyat BUT imagine if it were the movies we have watched (inspired from @sagaubeloved sorry for the ping if it bothers you 😭)
LIKE imagine if ur a horror movie fanatic, IMAGINE THE CHARACTER'S REACTION. Idk if u watch horror bcs u like it or u just like a good scare or two but imagine showing them a movie like maybe the nun 2 or fnaf or coraline or ANY HORROR MOVIES. Imagine if the people (scholars, maybe some theatrics enjoyers?) are horrified watching it "THE CREATOR WATCHES THIS?!" "Yeah i do-" They'd either get nightmares or became really paranoid cause horror movie end credits sometimes scares me like 'based on-' no. I think they'd be paranoid because it says based on real life or something. Especially if its coraline, HONESTLY I COULDNT SLEEP MUCH FOR A FEW DAYS BECAUSE OF THE SPIDER MOM OR WHATEVER OTHER MOM THAT IS 😭😭 buttons for eyes (no- not identity v-) or if its something like FNAF then they'd probably be paranoid 💀 (until they know its actually from a game that has like 13 versions with i think 8 being the ACTUAL part of the series and the rest being spin-offs)
Now other than horror movies we have something moreeeee child friendly? Maybe some of y'all still watches trolls (i heard trolls 3 was about to be released), disney maybe, dreamworks am i the only one who suddenly remembers ratatouille talking about this-. The characters would be less horrified with this and go like "oh, this is the type of movie creator likes? Sounds nice" IF YOU'RE LIKE ME AND YOU HAVE THE DISC OF THE MOVIES AND YOU PLAYED THAT ONE MOVIE YOU JUST CANT STOP WATCHING BECAUSE ITS SO DANG GOOD, they'd probably cherish THAT movie more than the others because BRO, THE CREATOR watches that shit 24/7 WHO WOULDNT KEEP THAT MOVIE DISC FOR THE WHOLE TEVYAT TO SEE. AND YK WHATS FUNNY, IF ITS A MOVIE THAT HAS LIKE ANIMALS AS THE MAIN CHARACTERS (Madagascar, Lion King, etc) idt they'd even know what a LION is. I MEAN THE BASIC ANIMALS LIKE DOGS, CATS AND BIRDS ARE THERE (does rishboland tigers count as tigers here-) BUT SOMETHING MORE WILD LIKE LIONS or SPECIFIC BIRD TYPES, MONKEYS????(wolfs should exist i mean, theres wolvendom, snakes also exist cuz if not then wtf is changsheng, deers, dragons???)
Okay maybe some science fiction enjoyers, something futuristic or robotic like Transformers maybe? (Im sorry my brain could only thing of that 💀 like any transformers movie) They'd either be baffled at that or like taking notes, they'd probably compare those futuristic stuff like the robots with RUIN GUARDS or WHATEVER ELSE IS THE BRANCHING OFF OF THOSE THINGS. Maybe Sumeru would get the gist? Tbh sumeru kinda have more gadgets but we dk abt snezhnaya yet (im thinking snezhnaya has some of their own gadgets as well)
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