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jukoduko · 7 months ago
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A BIG OL COLLECTION OF JUKENITO MEETING A BUNCH OF OTHER KINITOPET AUS!!!! Credits: Me for Jukenito/The Beach AU @fadv4mpz for the Insanity AU @mnemomatica for the Go Home, Stay Home AU @crazed-cat for the Failed Lifeform AU beautifulandeternal for the Trojan AU @webcxre for the Synchronic AU destinasia__ for the Digital Guardian AU @sin-simps for TV Head!Kinito @can-your-kinitopet for the Kinitosyte AU @omuricebreakfast for the Casino AU @the-autumn-apple-artworks for the New Life AU @clerk427 for their unnamed AU
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goldenstrwbrry · 6 months ago
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Made a silly drawing for @jukoduko while on vc
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And I made a horrible tumblr sexy man version of his kinito
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jukodukoalt · 3 months ago
may i offer you a jukenito in these trying times?
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fl0w3rs-m1nd · 6 months ago
Kinito there’s no reason to be jealous of Jukenito
Especially when he’s stolen my heart and there’s zero chance of anyone stealing it back hehe
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". . ."
[Jealousy went up 5%]
I uh.. don't think he's really listening
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afikaandthefandoms09 · 9 months ago
Kinito (Hacker AU) meets Otinik (Swap Kinito) Part 2
(Otinik/Kinito Swap AU credits to @//Diamond💎 at Twitter)
It is all begin where Otinik walk in somewhere place in the dark void, it's nothing than a figure infront of her and it was been knowed as Kinito (Hacker AU?) That chained in the white prison cell with frustation and chuckles as he saw Otinik
Kinito (Hacker AU?): Heh, you think you can still arrest me like this...? Well, it won't gotta be work...
Otinik: No matter whatever you try to escape, you will always been caught in my chase... and i'm impressed that how the fight in months ago, but it's all useless now... You were nothing but filthy DANGEROUS Anomaly in computer even you are always say that 'you were not a virus' and you won't be go back into your homes sooner-
Kinito (Hacker AU): ENOUGH!! *grabs the prison cell with mad expression and shaky hands* You were might be can caught the virus, but just look at yourself... You not even an original virtual companion, because you were only a part of the Alternate Universe and the Copies Code of The 'Original'...
Otinik: [so... he wasn't change, huh] *sigh* [but also, he kind of a bit different than before...] it is seems like you were kind of different... but no matter what, you will be not going anywhere else forever and i have one question for you...
Kinito (Hacker AU?): What. Is. It?!
Otinik: there is some kind of weird things as i can see your codes and it seems like... you were not... 'him' anymore...
Kinito (Hacker AU?): huh?!
Otinik: I Said, You were not 'him'... Anymore... tell me, who exactly are you-
Everything is suddenly glitched and almost revealed the thing at Kinito (Hacker AU?) Back... and then, it became silent and Kinito (Hacker AU) starts to laughs as the glitch came once again and he finally break free from the prison with his claws easily and makes Otinik shocked as she grabbed and choke by the black tentacles that came from Kinito (Hacker AU?)
Kinito (Hacker AU?): That right!! I'm not 'him' anymore!! But somehow... when he has no choice or in the UNgood situation or even... when he giving up himself... I'm always on his Control... and the one who doing in that Server, it was him with his gang and also with...
Otinik: Huh?
Kinito (☡Hacker AU! Corruption control☡): *Stab Otinik with his Black Tentacle* ME!!!
Everthing turn black once again, somehow... Otinik is still alive with bad injured and that make her drag herself as she saw her friends at front, when she saw her friends face... turn into their own creepy face and....
_.__ ___ .._ / .__ ___ _. .____. _ / _... . / ._ _... ._.. . / _ ___ / . ... _._. ._ .__. . __..__ ___ _ .. _. .. _._
Luckyly, it is all just the nightmare where Otinik got as she awake from her sleep, she took the card to Kinitoverse Timeline and thinks if she could get there to talk about the question she needs with him... A few days later, Kinito (Hacker AU) and the Trio Web AU going into the Kinitoverse Timeline with elevator {don't ask, Kinito (Hacker AU) is the one who created that world, y'know. Also the trio is also from another universe to and it made by myself}
Sam (Cybermarine AU): So, uh... Hackinito? Did the officer Otinik that you talking about will be here?
Kinito (Hacker AU): yea... but she doesn't tell me the time she coming yet, i'm pretty sure she will came sooner.
Jade (Workergear AU): and she also going to discussed something with her, sir?
Kinito (Hacker AU): yup, i'm pretty sure she ask the question about myself and the meaning of 'Alternative versions of the "Original" one'
Kinito (Dimension Walker AU): Sensei, do you know? Umm... about The Officier Otinik that you talking about awhile that dinner?
Kinito (Hacker AU): yes, Dimenito?
Kinito (Dimension Walker AU): Sensei Hacker...
Kinito (Hacker AU): *chuckles* oh come on, i'm just joking... what is it?
Kinito (Dimension Walker AU): Well... the Officer Otinik is a female right? And then, after the battle you were being gentle as you also apologized and heals her, right? Do you have... uh... 'feeling' on her?
Kinito (Hacker AU): huh? what do you meant? Also why did you ask about that??
Kinito (Dimension Walker AU): oh nothing... it was just... i ever heard that if Man will be being gentle to Woman to attrach them... *suddenly think of something and smirks* but if... you really have 'feeling' on her, which mean... it really happen!!
Jade (Workergear AU): *gasp* Really?! You have 'feeling' on Miss Otinik?!
Sam (Cybermarine AU): Wait, Are you serious sir?! You really do?!!
Kinito (Hacker AU): Wah- N-no way!! Don't ever think like that, we just... *sigh* already know each others few days ago, we not even couple or something...
Kinito (Dimension Walker AU): heh! Sue yourself, Sensei...
After that, The elevator has reach the ground as they go out and go into the Web town place on Kinitoverse Timelines
Kinito (Hacker AU): alright... you guys can go anywhere in here, but dont get lost or make some troubles awhile i'm on talk with Otinik... *Going into somewhere place bit remember something* Ah, one more things... don't disturb or spying me when i was with her and last but not least... DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT THAT ME AND OTINIK IS DATING, GOT IT?!
Kinito (Dimension Walker AU), Sam (Cybermarine AU) & Jade (Workergear AU): *gulps and nods*
Kinito (Hacker AU): Good!! Awhile for that, you guys can go hanging out together, i gotta go!!
Kinito (Hacker AU) go into the town with happy face awhile our Trio just stare at him with •_• face. well... yea, it wasn't the first time but meh
Jade (Workergear AU): i think he on variants moods now...
Sam (Cybermarine AU): yea... . . . . . Wanna 'watch over' Sensei Hackinito?
Kinito (Dimension Walker AU): Heck Yes!!
And then, our trio was sneakingly follow Kinito (Hacker AU) into the town, Meanwhile in somewhere else... Otinik was talking to her friends, Sarah and James. {If you doesn't who they are, just find out at @//Trivialovrr at Youtube, Twitter and her Instagram and you will find out, Let's back into the topic}
Otinik: look, i'm really sure... that nightmare is seems like pretty real, i'm sure there something on his other side.
Sarah: It all happen because your task as the Anti-virus, Otinik. Beside, if your energy drained down, your codes will cannot focus as you feels exhausted after the happening at few days ago, and i'm pretty sure that can been called as 'Stress' in human thoughts.
Otinik: Sarah, don't you forgot? We all are AI that can't feel or do anything unless it's coded on us and our negative emotions codes are closed to non-existenting.
Sarah: :D . . . Well, you got my points, pal! You're doing the best at you doing, why so worried with something unimportant again?
James: *rubs his tires eyes after waking up* Yeah, beside if you can "worry" of something, it has to be somewhere down of your codes. You were also being glad that you still can survives from him.
Otinik: well... it was just, he was not a normal virus or Corrupted Anti-Virus. He was seems used to be Hacker but... there something different about him, in the battle... It is the first time where i can easily defeated by someone that seems one years younger than me... also, he talking about the 'Alternate Universe Of The Original' that i didn't understand. Awhile he attacking me... it pretty hard to protect myself from him like he can attack me in the back, always... but however, his eyes was telling me that... he was still himself but not himself to...
Sarah: Well, That's the thing about being anti-virus, friend! You see, Hacker is can have ability to hack something even can change their data information or sign of visiblity so the Anti-viruses didn't realize it.
James: Disguide and Manipulation, other words. But glad it didn't effective on you.
Otinik: yea... maybe your right... but at Few Days Ago, i already captured his 'other' side in the cell without he knowing it. so, he won't be realized it and can't use his 'other' side's power for now. beside, i have promised on him to meet again.
Sarah: *realized Something* oh!! I forgot something, i'm almost late on my daily inspection, better quick than get trouble. See you later guys, and Otinik... don' forget my words!!
Otinik: Yes!! I will, Bye!!
James: Cya!
Sarah was go with her surfing board and disappear, after that... Otinik check out her notebook about today.
Otinik: well, it is seems look like the times i should go into this place and meet him again, let see. *click the links and the trains express into Kinitoverse Timelines appear* wow!! That... was fast, and unique... but u'know what? I gotta go now, can you take care the computer while i'm gone, ok?
James: Roger that!!
And then, Otinik rides the Train express and the trains starts to move faster and go into the portal, awhile James is... well, he alone and then disappear into somewhere else, into where? Well... who know and i don't even want know to bruh. Return into Our Trio Web AU that always curious but also troublemaker, they continue 'watching over' Kinito (Hacker AU) in bushes at Middletown park.
Jade (Workergear AU): Are you sure about this? Mister Hack is pretty smart to knowing u
Sam (Cybermarine AU): Of course, Why not? We should finding out about it. But no worries, i'm sure he won't find out in here...
Kinito (Dimension Walker AU): oh don't thinking about it... you guys didn't even know where me and sensei hide awhile we peeking you guys while in your guys date.
Sam (Cybermarine AU) & Jade (Workergear AU): Wha- HEY!! DON'T SPEAK ABOUT THAT AGAI-
Kinito (Dimension Walker AU): *hides them back into the bush and close their mouth* silent... *peeking Kinito (Hacker AU) with Sam (Cybermarine AU) and Jade (Workergear AU) again* it seems he still not recognized us...
Sam (Cybermarine AU): yea... glad hear that, we will be on trouble if we got caughted.
Jade (Workergear AU): but he can somehow know our direction, remember?
Sam (Cybermarine AU): It doesn't matter, for now... we only just wait.
Back to Otinik, she finally arrived at Kinitoverse Timeline as she saw alot another version of Kinitos and his friends, but their also alot some another character that knowed as OCs that walking, having fun and interactive each others.
Otinik: Wow, so... this is what Kinitoverse Timeline look like, not bad for this place... huh? *sees the legend map of Kinitoverse Timelines* hm... so this is the map of this place, the drawing of is pretty big though, which meant this place is pretty bigger than i thought. [I wonder who make these ideas, hmm... sure the owner of this place is can change or control anything in here]
Suddenly, Otinik get bumped and that person was apologized to her and help Otinik to get up and it was Kinito from (Sentient AU) or been knowed as Sentino. {Credits to @goldenstrwbrry for Sentino, please notice me}
Kinito (Sentient AU): i'm sorry, i didn't meant to bump to you, are you okay?
Otinik: I'm fine, Anyway... who are you, i meant... what KINITO are you?
Kinito (Sentient AU): Oh, so you are new? Well... if you want know, i'm Kinito from Sentient AU, but some people call me Sentino, what you doing at here?
Otinik: well, i'm here to meets someone just like you... if i remember, he had Dark blue Cape hat, Green olive Sweater, brown jacket, And oh yea... he had blue-ish grey long pants, and he was seems like humanoid like you to...
Kinito (Sentient AU): hm... oh! You want to meet Hackinito huh?
Otinik: Hackinito?
Kinito (Sentient AU): yea... he was the one who make this place with his master to, and he also the one who brought me here when i exhausted.
Otinik: [wait... He saying the Hacker is the founder of this place?! No way, it is impossible for him to created this big place... but, he say Hacker have Master, i wonder who is gotta be...]
Kinito (Sentient AU): umm... Ma'am, are you okay?
Otinik: ah! I'm okay, also can you brought me to him?
Kinito (Sentient AU): sorry ma'am, i have to do something important, but maybe you can find him at Middletown in over right there.
Otinik: oh ok, thanks!! I gotta go!!
Kinito (Sentient AU): be careful on the way!!
Return to Kinito (Hacker AU), he waiting Otinik after a few minutes and finally he meet with Otinik in Middletown
Kinito (Hacker AU): Finally, you here Otinik.
Otinik: sorry for waiting too long, i'm kind of lost in the way.
Kinito (Hacker AU): That okay. anyway, wanna get some bites?
Otinik: uhh... sure if you want to.
After they in fast food restaurant, Otinik look suprised how Kinito (Hacker AU) eats pretty fast as he revealed his creepy mouth while eating cheeseburger and fried potato.
Kinito (Hacker AU): sorry, i'm a bit hungry...
Otinik: that... okay, but please slow down while you eat, got it?
Kinito (Hacker AU): *Chuckles* okay...
And then, when Kinito (Hacker AU) drink sodan he been greets by Jukenito that also been there to {Credits to @jukoduko for Jukenito character}
Jukenito: Hi Hackinito, how your day?
Kinito (Hacker AU): Pretty great, just have some lunch...
Jukenito: oh i see... *see Otinik* oh, who is it? You new friend??
Kinito (Hacker AU): Well... her name is Otinik, one of Kinito swap AU, but she doesn't realized it. And... yea, we're kinda friends.
Jukenito: oh! Hello Miss Otinik, nice to meet you. I'm Jukenito!!
Otinik: oh... hi?
Jukenito: Are she new visitor?
Kinito (Hacker AU): Yea, she came for talking to me...
Jukenito: talking about what?
Kinito (Hacker AU): uh... nothing pretty important, just discussion something else.
Jukenito: well, ok then... cya! *go into his desk*
Otinik: alright.... you full now?
Kinito (Hacker AU): *gurps* whoops, sorry...
Otinik: like i said few days ago, we would meet again in this place for question that i need to know, and now... we here to meets again. So, Hackinito.... i have question for you, are you... the one who fix and attacking the corruption at 'that' servers? Also, may i know... what do you meant about 'The Alternate Universe Of The Original'
Kinito (Hacker AU): well... yes, it already apart of my missions... to protects KinitoPET AUs Servers, to redemeed myself from the past...
Otinik: Your past?
Kinito (Hacker AU): yes... the past how i trap every user like every Kinito's past until i deleted by one of them....
Awhile Kinito (Hacker AU) tells everything about his pasts, our Trio Web AU is still peeking on the restaurant windows in there...
Jade (Workergear AU): well, they seems like getting closer.
Sam (Cybermarine AU): Ikr, i'm sure they are!!
Kinito (Dimension Walker Au): well... who know?
Kinito (Hacker AU): ...and then, yea... that all happen.
Otinik: Wow... that fullfied with obstacle life isn't it?
Kinito (Hacker AU): yea... but it's fine... alas, those tree kids and master always been there for me, especially with Author and The Original.
Otinik: i see... i'm sorry for hearing what you just got in the past, but stand still... since you were the Hacker, i'm still doesn't know to think if i can let you free or not, so i'll watchover you for now... if you really say the truth. *see the Trio Web AU peeking them* wait, who there?
Kinito (Hacker AU): huh? *see my back and doesn't see them and see front again* what are you talking about?
Otinik: but i'm swears i see someone peeking us. *see the Trio again* oh!! There here!!
Kinito (Hacker AU): Really? *Look back and doesn't see anything* hm... *prepare the stun gun and shoot the trio Web AU in the right time*
Otinik: What are you doing?!
Kinito (Hacker AU): Don't worry... this gun only just make someone get stunned after shooted by this, and i know you guys peeking me.
Sam (Cybermarine AU): *stunned* oh great...
Jade (Workergear AU): Told u Sam...
Kinito (Dimension Walker AU): *sigh* we get trouble...
After that, they were in outside and The Trio Web AU got trouble for it...
Kinito (Hacker AU): *sigh* look guys... i've been told you, Me and Otinik Not Dating... and you know what will happen if you break rules?
Sam (Cybermarine AU): We... got detention...
Kinito (Hacker AU): Right... So then, you guys got detention that you guys will not get bonus cash... understood?
Kinito (Dimension Walker AU), Sam (Cybermarine AU) & Jade (Workergear AU): understand...
Kinito (Hacker AU): And don't do it that again... *sigh* Sorry Otinik... these kids always playing around sometimes.
Otinik: Ah!! It's okay... alas, they will learned it...
Kinito (Hacker AU): alright, wanna go walk with me?
Otinik: well.... sure.
The Trio Web AUs: we want go to!!
Kinito (Hacker AU): Alright... but must behave, ok? Even you guys get detention but i still forgive you guys.
The Trio Web AUs: Yes!!
Awhile they were go walk in Kinitoverse Timelines, Kinito (Hacker AU) was feels that he felt... off, like... he feels some of inside of him empty...
Otinik: What wrong?
Kinito (Hacker AU): Umm... there something weird on me lately after we meet before.
Otinik: What is it?
Kinito (Hacker AU): Well... i feel like... The Darkness of mine is gone...
Without Kinito (Hacker AU) knows, The Corruption of him was being caged and capture in Prison cell, in there... the corruption control was snarls awhile he think all alone on his cage because his prison was separated from others, until....
???: psst...
Hacker AU!Corruption Control: Huh?! Who there...
???: psst... psst... psst...
Hacker AU!Corruption Control: I said... WHO. IS. THERE!!
???: Don't ask who....
Suddenly, The Corruption Control was see the cell is suddenly open itself and... that all. Meanwhile, With Otinik that already return home are check every Viruses in the Prison cells.
Otinik: 786.... 787... 788... 789... and 790, that also been knowed as-
Otinik was shocked as he saw prison number 790 empty, when she getting closer... she saw the notes that written with ink and it say "Meet me At Deleted lost world =)"
Otinik: You... Will... PAY!!!
As Otinik teleported, she didn't realize that was... James with creepy smile? Who knows... Return to Kinito (Hacker AU), he and his user was watching funny video at youtube.
Kinito (Hacker AU): Ahahaha!! That's so funny, look like he the only person that didn't listen that boy- *bumped by Otinik* Huh?! What the?!! Otinik, what are you-
Kinito (Hacker AU): W-wait!! Why did you want me to going in th-
Otinik: No Time For Time, Quick!!
Kinito (Hacker AU): Wait!! Hold up, i'm almost miss my favorite scene of-
Suddenly, Otinik and Kinito (Hacker AU) are teleported into the Deleted Lost World pretty sooner and it make Kinito (Hacker AU) Shocked as he go back into the place where he suffered alone after he deleted...
Kinito (Hacker AU): Oh no... No, no, no!! Why are we here?!! I don't want to go back into this place anymore!! I need to go back home!!
Otinik: There no time for that!! We have to-
Kinito (Hacker AU): No!! You didn't understand, this is the place where i suffering for 25 years!!
Otinik: W-wha...
Kinito (Hacker AU): *raspy breathes* Listen, do you remember what i tell you at there...? This is the place where i talking about!! Why did you brings us here?!
Otinik: *shocked* *sigh* i guess it is time i should tell you...
Kinito (Hacker AU): Huh?
Otinik: Hackinito... If you want know... The reason why you feels empty lately, it because i'm arrest your Corruption Side for safety.
Kinito (Hacker AU): What?!
Otinik: after the battle we made, i'm suddenly realize how strong and dangerous of your other side so i quietly arrest them in the prison, i thought it will be fine but suddenly... he escaped and there the note that i must go into these place, so that why-
Kinito (Hacker AU): No!! This isn't even good things!! You also make everything getting worst!! Look, The reason that i have corruption side on mine is because i have to sealed some parts of Dark Corruption inside of me. Awhile he sealed inside of me, he starts to learn about me especially my weakness and my fears and it was this place!! If it was get out from inside of me, it will be become Aggresive and wild!! This is the trap, Otinik!! THIS IS THE TRAP!! *His left hand got glitched and painful* Oh no... not again...
Otinik: *shocked about it* *sigh* i'm sorry... about it. But we have to go find him before he made madness at the server...
Kinito (Hacker AU): O-okay... but we must get faster before our power weakened more...
Otinik: ah!! Ok...
They both is running to find Corruption Control, however... when they getting too long doesn't find it, Kinito (Hacker AU) is getting weaker and glitched and almost can't walk...
Kinito (Hacker AU): *his voice get glitched* H-he-hel-elp- m-me-me-e, Ot-ti-i-ni-nik... *go sit into the glitching pillar* e-e-eh-eh-h...
Otinik: Hack, are you ok? *Touch Kinito (Hacker AU) and her hand get glitch* Ouch!! Oh my...
Kinito (Hacker AU): S-s-sor-orr-rr-ry-y O-oti-ti-in-nik-k... i-i th-thi-ink-nk-k... i-i-i c-ca-an-an't-t g-go-o aga-ga-a-ai-in-n... Y-yo-you-ou-u sh-h-ho-ou-ul-ld-d g-g-go-o w-wi-wit-it-th-ito-ou-u-ut-t m-me...
Otinik: but, what about you?
Kinito (Hacker AU): d-do-don-on-n't-t th-thi-hi-i-in-nk-k o-of-f-f m-me-e-e, j-ju-jus-us-s-st-t g-g-go-o....
Otinik: *sigh* okay... i'l be right back and find away to get out from here and heals you back, ok? *run away and leave Kinito (Hacker AU)* Hey!! Corruption!! If you there, please show yourself!!
And then, Dark Corruption Control is Came at her back and roars at her.
Dark Corruption Control: So... you were here, and now... you are alone...
And then, One of his black Tentacle stab Otinik's glitched hand and making her feels painful but she still hold it and starts to fight....
But stand still, Otinik cannot defeat it as she getting weaker... when The Dark Corruption Control going kill her, it get sucked by Kinito (Hacker AU) with his hand to sent it back inside of him and sealed it, after it completely sealed it... Kinito (Hacker AU) fall down and Otinik run to him as she apologized to him for everything, when hope faltered... there the light came to safe them, and it was Afika (Hacker AU) that came with her portal.... back to reality, Our Trio Web AU is waiting for Afika (Hacker AU) to comeback from there...
Jade (Workergear AU): Kinito DW, can you stop walking now? It's been a hours you walk like that.
Kinito (Dimension Walker AU): But i can't!! Sensei was in there with Otinik but it's been a hours we waiting for them...
Sam (Cybermarine AU): ugh... that it, we will go there and find th-
Suddenly, Afika (Hacker AU) return with Otinik and Kinito (Hacker AU) after they get out from white portal...
Jade (Workergear AU): Mister Hack!! Are he okay!!
Kinito (Dimension Walker AU): Sensei!!
Otinik: *sigh* sorry... young lady, your asisstant is...
Afika (Hacker AU): No... it's okay, Alas you know it right? Don't do that again...
Kinito (Hacker AU): M-m-ma-as-s-st-te-er, h-h-he-el-l-lp-p m-m-me-e...
Afika (Hacker AU): Oh right. *snap her finger*
As Afika (Hacker AU) snap her finger, Kinito (Hacker AU) turn normal and Otinik's hand turn back normal to... but for Kinito (Hacker AU).... well, his gills get downed and feels gloomy as he still feels anxiety walks into the side of Otinik.
Afika (Hacker AU): sometimes... Hackinito can't help so much, but... you guys still can call him for help, but if it was on Deleted Lost World... just call me, he can't stay calm in there and i hope you guys all understand. especially you, Officer Otinik.
Otinik sees Kinito (Hacker AU) gloomy expression and feels guilty about what happen to him all of this time... A few moments later, Otinik was on Kinito (Hacker AU) room awhile Trio Web AU watchs on door.
Otinik: hey... i'm sorry for everything that i'm doing to you, i was didn't meant to hurt you or bring you into the prison, i was thought that you were dangerous anomaly to PC servers but i'm realized... that you are the Anti-Hacker that have his Hacker side to protect and keep someone else safe... from now, i decide to letting you free and i will never try arrest you or your corruption side as long you didn't make problems in here or somewhere else, and also... it all my fau-
Kinito (Hacker AU): Hey-hey... that okay, i know you only just want to arrest me for safety and your task as Anti-virus. But however, it doesn't matter... i forgot about the past to and i don't care how maby time you make mistake to me but i would forgive you.
Otinik: aww... thank you, well maybe it is time for me to go now...
Kinito (Hacker AU): Wait!! Don't you forgot about it? Well, you know... about the answer from 'The Alternate Universe Of The Original'?
Otinik: but you still need a rest isn't it?
Kinito (Hacker AU): Ah!! No worries, i feels better now!! When i talk with you, i felt even more better know, see?
Otinik: 'he never change after the last time...' well... i guess you right, so what the answer it.
Kinito (Hacker AU): Alright, here you goes! *snap his finger*
As Kinito (Hacker AU) snap his finger, he was teleport himself, Otinik and Trio Web AU in the somewhere but dark and beautiful place wit Green, Orange and Pink Aurora, infinite string that tied papers at above and floating lands with different lands each of it.
Otinik: wow... so this is every The Alternate Universe Of The Original...?
Kinito (Hacker AU): yes, it all begin by one small things and it makes a thousand new stories... between how the story and ending of it.
Otinik: Now i'm understand, The reason i'm created to be apart of the Alternate universe and which meant is... i'm also important, right?
Kinito (Hacker AU): yes you are... always...
Otinik: thank you Hack, i'm understand now...
Kinito (Hacker AU): so... you want to go back yet?
Otinik: Nah... i want to see it a bit longer, with you guys.
Kinito (Hacker AU): a-ah... ok then.
The Trio Web AU are giggles and smiles as they see sweet moment of their Sensei and the Officer, Meanwhile with The User... she also watching that moment at Youtube, however she got an idea to make new story as she brought her phone and write "Kinito (Hacker AU) Meets Otinik (Swap Kinito) Part 2
°•●The End●•°
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bunniii-ylr · 6 months ago
Art Things WOOHOO (Thing Under Cut Has Gore, Blood, And Eyestrain)
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jukoduko · 7 months ago
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More fanart!!! I've been obsessed w/ drawing in this notepad recently @jukoduko Your designs have me on a chokehold rn i'm not even gonna lie they're so cool!! I know i dmmed these to you already but I thought why not post em here :]
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jukoduko · 9 months ago
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jukoduko · 9 months ago
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jukoduko · 9 months ago
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uhweruhadasdadlk for a portion of my followers probably jk this was for me fuck you!!!! >:))
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jukoduko · 7 months ago
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jukoduko · 8 days ago
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Redesigns of Sam and Jade from the Beach AU!
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jukoduko · 7 months ago
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jukenito redesign i made for anon because apparently im projecting a fetish by drawing fat people
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jukoduko · 8 months ago
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Official thumbnail and banner for the KinitoPET Beach AU! Bonus separated art of the trio!
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jukoduko · 8 months ago
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Buncha designs I did for the Beach AU!
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jukoduko · 7 months ago
shirtless Jukenito cuz I’m a faggot
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