#eye system
berryblu-arts · 1 year
Okay! Don't say I didn't warn you asdggkdjdg
Sorry for no character centric shenanigans, you´re getting a basic rundown of the main (modern) world lore and eye color system >:3 (thx for getting me to make this btw, gonna be incredibly useful to have a reference sheet).
So my main OC world in the modern era can probably be categorized as urban fantasy, mythological creatures, aliens, deities, alternate dimensions, void creatures, etc etc exist, but aren't known by the general population.
This used to be widespread knowledge, but 200-ish years in the past, stuff got out of hand, and measures were taken to prevent planetary destruction, now only leaving a relatively small and secluded portion of the (earth´s) population to know the truth.
On earth, as well as on other planets, can be found "guardians" (which are basically benders ngl, this stuff isnt original ashdsfsghd) people blessed by the personification of an element or abstract concept, the planet earth ones being water, earth, fire and air, as well as time, space, sun and moon (though these last 4 aren't *exclusive* to earth).
Once a person is blessed by one of the elements, they will be able to manipulate and sometimes summon it. there is a high chance of their descendants also inheriting that blessing, along with general immunities to it. Additionally, several bloodlines can be blessed by the same element at once, so people with the same element aren't necessarily related. (Though their appearance will gradually lean to some common features, since blessings gradually affect hair and eye color)
The main colors for planet earth are
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Water: blue
Air: mint (greenish, blue-grey?? idk)
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Space:silver (also purple sometimes, bc working with just silver is rlly hard haha)
Sun: yellow
(these last 2 reflect other colors as well if surrounded by them)
Theres also brown: no dominant energy, unlikely to weird an element, though not impossible…
Time and space tend to get confused with sun and moon often, but a way to differentiate them is by looking for a single line of highlight. However if someone has it, it doesn't mean the character is necessarily gonna have time or space powers, it just means there was someone in their ancestors who did. they'll more often than not have one of the basic 4, since those tend to be dominant (and safer, the rarer the power, the more dangerous it is to have and all that).
It's also worth mentioning that a character's initial eye color has no assurance of being a completely reliable way of identifying their dominant element. Time and space colors tend to hide behind other ones until the powers are in use (hence the use of the highlights to identify them).
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Now that that's out of the way, I can talk about pupils :D!
These come in different colors, generally corresponding to the elements, just like hair and eye colors, however! Colored pupils used to be very uncommon before the event 200 ish years ago, where the general population´s connection to the elements was dampened as much as possible. Pupils are an attempt to re establish connection to the original element after it has been dampened.
Once a person is blessed by an element, their energy will be altered irreversibly. Even if they're separated from the source of their powers (personifications function as sources), these will still try to manifest, even if in a weaker and more volatile form. Colored pupils will generally appear in high stress situations, and fade gradually after the danger has passed, however if the user is regularly exposed to enough energy, these will become permanent.
There are multiple reasons why being a real guardian is better than having colored pupils, as stated, the powers gained from pupils are both weaker and more volatile, and can also lead to nasty combinations where the weilder's body doesn't have the right immunity for their manifested element. Pupils also don't generally manifest 'pure' attributes of an element, instead mixing and matching all of the different types of energy within the same person, resulting in stuff like "ink", "smoke", "plasma", etc etc…
Once someone manifests pupils, they can no longer be a regular guardian, even if the pupils fade. And lastly, by giving off more irregular energy than normal guardians, the people who's pupils never faded will likely have to deal with constant void creature attacks. Which can often get them killed if they don't learn to deal with them or find a safe town. So yeah, not fun haha
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The element a character manifests takes into account their environment, upbringing, personality, and energy concentrations. In extremely rare cases, opposite elements of equal power will manifest at once, resulting in heterochromia, ( characters with this trait will more often than not be constantly having the worst time of their lives lmao)
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*disclaimer!! These rules and logic only apply to natives of the main dimension, alternate ones like Twilight Compass have similar rules, but with some key differences. (bottom eyes are form twilight compass, though they do fit into the heterochromia description)
okay, rant over!!! I do not have the time to go into more detail but i will do it one day, that is a threat >:) ... There is… so much o(-(  don´t ever try to develop a magic system without magic at it´s base then add magic anyways, youll end up with a monstrosity like this orz
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>Join a union
>Hear people constantly complaining that the current union leadership is super corrupt, it's all just the same ten guys making all the decisions in secret and nobody else in the union ever gets to know what's going on
>Go to the monthly union meetings that are completely open to all 1200 union members
>The only attendees are the same ten guys every month, giving detailed reports about everything that's going on
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800db-cloud · 29 days
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i’m literally shaking buy them brown contacts pls
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duckysprouts · 2 months
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jbsss episode 5 part 2
the smell of first blood
i’ve decided that werewolf blood is actually tasty in like a vegemite way so weirdos like edward are probably actually drawn to it
also just to clear things up, jacob was not hit by the van, the system is just punishing him because he was not supposed to save bella and also for going ooc (skipping school and climbing a tree to spy on her and ed)
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livingdeadhorse · 4 months
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art block's on my ass so have my faves
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tumbler-polls · 11 months
When you picture yourself in your mind, do you imagine yourself precisely how you look in real life, or do you see something else (an alter ego, a person who looks differently, another being, etc.)? When you're visualizing from the first person's pov, whose hands are you seeing? If you have aphantasia, consider "seeing" as a metaphor for the way you think of the concept of yourself.
The main options (we put them here due to the character limit):
🪞: I only imagine myself the way I look like irl.
🪆: I imagine someone/something that represents me.
✨️: I imagine myself in multiple ways: the way I am, as another being, as an abstract concept, you name it.
Please reblog for a bigger sample size and feel free to expand on your answer in the comments / tags!
Credit to @anon (we added a few options).
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nibbelraz · 4 months
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Svsssaction prompt for @harpieisthecarpie!
Thank you so much for donating! I hope you enjoy!!!
Shang Qinghua adopting every dangerous beast he meets, all while Mobei Jun refusing to acknowledge them before succumbing and loving all his babies 💖
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vinosities · 1 month
"We often have to explain to young people why study is useful. It's pointless telling them that it's for the sake of knowledge, if they don't care about knowledge. Nor is there any point in telling them that an educated person gets through life better than an ignoramus, because they can always point to some genius who, from their standpoint, leads a wretched life. And so the only answer is that the exercise of knowledge creates relationships, continuity, and emotional attachments. It introduces us to live longer, because we don't just remember our own life but also those of others. It creates an unbroken thread that runs from our adolescence (and sometimes from infancy) to present day. And all this is very beautiful."
— Umberto Eco
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vaimetanyx · 1 month
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@themolluscasometimes said she wanted a Skinhe plush and now this skin creature lives in her home because I asked 'how much do you want one?' and everything spiraled from there. The most interesting part of all this has been explaining who and what he is to people not in the know - stay insane svsss fandom
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torchstelechos · 8 months
There's gotta be some fucked up moments post canon Binghe experienced that made him pause and go "how did he know that" about SQQ. Like,,, not to keep bringing it up but do yall ever think about how fucked up it would be for someone to know your trauma so intrinsically that they could avoid triggering you without you saying a word about it? How your lover knows without you saying that you can't eat certain foods because that's what ever you could scrounge up in the Abyss tasted like? That you can't talk about certain creatures because you know how they act when they're trying to kill you?? How you fear certain things that are so normal to do that even a small child can do it, yet he never does it once in your presence?? Do you think about it?? He knows you from the most basic interaction to the deepest dark thought, and yet you don't even know his real name?? I think about this CONSTANTLY. Binghe is living the most eldritch horror romcom plot there ever is post canon, good luck man
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banemaus · 17 days
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ignore… that i only draw him ever… please. had to figure out how his burn scars work
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justl-12 · 2 months
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This is really self indulgent but I rewatched black clover again and kept thinking of a bc au 
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marikodraws · 8 months
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P3 protag studies based on his various character models 💙
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chronicallycouchbound · 7 months
Being born with red hair is just as common as having green eyes and just as common as having Dissociative Identity Disorder and just as common as being intersex.
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spacewonder19 · 2 months
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Eyes Galaxies in Virgo © Chandra
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amerricanartwork · 2 months
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Oh my, is that really what I think it is...?
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It is!! Another little creature has arrived! And it's so fluffy too! Though that isn't gonna do much in this hot weather!
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Here, have some food, little guy. And come inside! I'm sure the others would love to have you!
That's right guys, Rain Wool is back in business!! Now that I'm getting back into the swing of needle-felting and FINALLY have lots more core wool to make all sorts of projects with, it's only right that I keep on going with this project, especially since, after Saint, I'm only one away from being done with the slugcats! I apologize for waiting so long to continue on with this project, but going forward I hope to start felting more of these guys more frequently.
In the meantime, however, I'm happy to finally share this fluffy little green bean!
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It probably isn't very visible in these images, but on the cheeks, arms, and tail I intentionally left the wool less felted in for a softer, fluffier appearance. Since I have barely any of the straight wool roving felters normally use for long hair, this is my general go-to method for fluffy creatures.
I still think he looks adorable though, and I'm so excited to be close to finishing the slugcats!
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Well, I hope you enjoy this new Rain Wool content! Hopefully there will be more to come soon!
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