#everyone is all YASS SLAY
marauderstars · 5 months
The marauders’ signs at a climate change rally:
Sirius: “You don’t have to change for anyone climate! Yass queen! Slay those fossil fuels!”
Regulus: “How will I throw shade if all the trees are dead?”
Peter: “I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy.”
James: “This is not the Hot Girl Summer I had in mind.”
Remus: “Leonardo DiCaprio’s girlfriends deserve a future.”
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cherry-purple · 2 years
Something I just noticed from Cleo’s music vid.
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So she’s singing about ruling the world and whatnot, right?
Everyone is just all
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“Yass bitch slay 💅”
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Their eyes literally sparkle.
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and is that a blush I see
Get you someone who looks at you the way Frankie looks at Cleo.
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Ok so as some people may be able to tell I recently got into sk8 the infinity sooo some sk8 the infinity headcannons it is (also please keep in mind some of these may be a bit ooc as these are my personal headcannons)
So we know joes shop is cherry favorite place like that's been confirmed by the creators so it's my headcannon that he was their on joes opening day to help him open the place (and test the food)
Reki absolutely loves to cuddle
Joe is so emotional because he's so afraid to become emotionally disconnected as adam
Miya has a long cat plush called mr mittens and you can’t convince me otherwise
Reki hops from hyperfixation to hyperfixation with his main one being skating (honestly same)
(⚠️warning⚠️ yes I know this is a mainly outplayed trope but I’m a sucker for angst (in moderation) and the found family trope sooo) Miyas parents will leave him at home for days sometimes weeks on end with enough food for that time frame and enough money to last (barely)
Shadow collects dvds and brings them to joes when they all just decide to dog pile their for the night after S
Langa constantly loses his phone charging cord and they will end up in the weirdest places (the fridge, freezer, the ceiling fan once???, etc.)
Miya. Loves. Legos (and so does reki) enough said
Shadow had mega blocks as a kid
Someone (Miya) taught cherry slang (slay, visco girl, yass) once and everyone was horrified as Cherry walked into the room and this played out
Kaoru/cherry: this movie is so- slay?
Kaoru/cherry: Miya did I use that correctly?
Miya: *instantly dying of laughter*
Everyone else: *horrified*
Kojiro/joe: please… for my sanity and everyone else’s… never again…
Kaoru/cherry: *begins to protest*
Reki: never again!
Miya can’t cook for anything so when his parents leave him alone (see headcannons above for explanation) he (reluctantly) calls joe who calls Cherry and they go pick him up bringing him to sia la Luce
Miyas hoodie once ripped and Joe and cherry fixed it with a little cat patch (it’s hidden under his hood so you don’t see it most the time but when his hood is up you can catch glances of it)
Miya started ironically calling Cherry and Joe mom and dad but now it’s become the Norm for all the kids however reki switches between mom and dad and their real/S names and langa just says their real or S names most the time
Langa and reki can be caught cuddled up in a booth at joes before S after school watching skating videos with Miya occasionally joining the corner (not cuddled up with them unless it’s a bad day or something but even then it’s platonic between them) relentlessly teasing the two about how they should kiss and date and then immediately calling them gross when they actually do date
One day everyone just kinda finds out kojiro/joe and cherry/kaoru are married, like they suspected it long ago but now their finding out oh yea they’ve been married 3 years and nobody knew this is how that exchange went
Kojiro/joe: *kisses cherry/kaoru*
Kojiro/joe: alright don’t forget tonight’s movie night with the kids so pick up popcorn on your way home
Kaoru/cherry: kind of hard to forget when they’ve been screaming about it all morning you big dopey gorilla
Everyone else: *in complete and utter shock*
Kaoru/cherry: *plainly* it’s rude to stare you know.
Reki: you two! You!
Miya: mom and dad kissed!
Kaoru/cherry: I am not your mom! Also of course we did, I mean one would assume 3 years of being married would be plenty long enough before kissing
All three of the kids: your what!?
Kojiro/joe: married? Yes almost 4 years now
All three of the kids: *jaws dropped*
Ages! Because I cant find any good official sources for how old they are!
Adam: 25
Kojiro/joe: 23
Kaoru/cherry: 23
Shadow: 22
Langa: 16
Reki: 15
Miya: 12
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cherrytree-irl · 3 months
gaying it up rn
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🦪 boiled-clams-official Follow
GUYS. I'm at a restaurant in Nimbasa City right now and LOOK WHO JUST SAT AT A NEARBY TABLE??
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🪵 imyelling-timburr Follow
don't take photos of strangers in public???
🐟 masculin-basculin Follow
🪵 imyelling-timburr Follow
and?? what i said is still true
👑 yass-nidoqueen Follow
Team Plasma members don't deserve rights sweaty ✨
🍮 prettypurin Follow
what the fuck is wrong with you. i was personally affected by the actions of team pl*sma and even i know that it's super problematic to imply that people who... Keep Reading
🐸 heart-palpitoads Follow
As a former member of Team Plasma: Leave N the fuck alone
🎍 gooey-mulch Follow
WHY would being a former Plasma member help your case. Of course you'd defend your precious king 🙄
🔮 gothoritagf Follow
As someone who had her Pokémon stolen by a Plasma member and N PERSONALLY RETURNED HIM TO ME a while after Plasma fell: Leave N the fuck alone
🌿 oddish-smoker Follow
sure that happened. and then everyone clapped, right?
🔮 gothoritagf Follow
go fuck yourself
🐠 finn-eon Follow
Can I just ask who that other guy is?? I mean, who would (presumably) go on a date with the former king of Team Plasma??
👃🏻 thenosepassknows Follow
🐉 legendchaser Follow
🪲 kongpangpenis Follow
🧶 fluffy-tail Follow
🌊 are-watertypes-wet Follow
🐠 finn-eon Follow
🐥 i-herd-u-liek-torchics Follow
who IS that purple guy though?! i just wanna talk.... 😒
🧁 sweetwhippeddream Follow
The man behind the slaughter
🪴 lotad-lad Follow
Are we all ignoring the dress?!
🪨 i-eat-duskstones Follow
he's slaying idk what else you want us to say
😀 the-normalest-guy Follow
I just downloaded Rotomblr and this is the first thing I see. WTF is going on?
🦪 boiled-clams-official Follow
I am so sorry.
#Also why is the original poster's username "Boiled clams official?" #Have you ever even seen a clam? #<- prev tags #it's a long story man don't worry about it
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hiigirlie · 11 months
Today I saw a video about how the Barbie era is truly over and I was like nah???
There was a person peeling of the Barbie poster and it was SO sad, that i’d gotten all melancholic from it. But then I saw the sentence and i was like: no???
Like I want to be called Barbie every time that I step out of my house dressed in all-pink, and I want for girls to yell: Hi Barbie!! at me when I'm dresed in pink, and I want to be able to just compliment a girl's outfit, for me to be able to come up to a girl on the street, to be able to smile at a girl in the street, for me to be able to tell a girl that she has a pretty smile, to be able to get overly excited when a girl slays, to be able to yell yass and slay when I hear that she slayed. And I want for girls to be girl's girls.
I feel that femininity and women and girls are healing, we are making and doing more things for ourselves and for each other as women.
That's partialy thanks to the Barbie movie, I adore it and it makes me so happy!!
And all these things, they are so special and they are mine. As well as they're everyone else's.
I want to celebrate femininity so freely and greatly as I did now. The Barbie era is not over and it will not be as long as I am alive because I will make sure to genuinely support every single girl that is deserving of it. And that truly is, every single girl.
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rewritingcanon · 2 years
i would just like to SPECIFY and go into a bit of detail about what each thing actually means:
this may not seem so bad, but when i mean they will comment on anything, i mean anything. it doesnt have to be marauder-related. it doesn’t even need to be related to harry potter. i saw a tiktok on a gorilla eating a banana and someone deadass commented “thats cool and stan james potter 😝” and lord FORBID if you include anything with snape in it. want to make an edit of him? backlash. want to talk about how you like him because hes interestingly written? backlash. want to deconstruct his character due to how badly fanon twisted him and actually analyse him? “anyways stan james potter” may be the dominant response to that, just so you know.
“sirius would never say that about mary!” said the marauder fan, heartbroken. “canon sirius would hate himself in atyd!” i respond usually with “canon sirius is a white boy in the 70s, hes not the ‘slay feminist yass 😍’ king you think he is.” this elicits quite a plethora of negative reactions, and i understand why. misogyny is stinky, no one wants their favourite character to be acting like that. so this option doesn't mean "fans who like a characterisation of sirius black that isn't necessarily time period realistic," but rather "fans who deny canon evidence for a fanon conception and then hate on things that expand on the canon evidence provided to them." "they are wizards, which isn't realistic, but you choose the time period misogyny as a hill to die on?" the marauder fan replied to me (and im quite literally quoting on what a creator said to me, this isn't an exaggeration). meanwhile canon sirius black: *harrasses snape for dressing more femininely/more outside gender norms* yeah and you think that boy would be a feminist...
you may think to yourself: when did [insert ship] become a thing? why is this happening? who even is this person? most of the time, it's all in good fun, sometimes, however, ships are created that purely contradict the entire point of said character. snily was criticised for doing exactly this, and now look at where we are.
after reading these points, you may come to the conclusion: holy shit the problem is just marauders fans. in fact, you may take it one more and remember more shit that had occurred due to this sub fandom of the harry potter universe. ever been criticised for not characterising purely fanon (dorcas, marlene etc etc) characters properly? ever been attacked for calling out the hypocritical stanning of barty, evan, regulus and peter whilst piling all blame onto bellatrix or snape? yeah me too babes.
i know we've talked about tiktok a lot, but i raise one more thing: the inescapable hell that is dracotok. this usually consists of those young teenage girls thinking they are very hardcore for participating in death eater practices despite its mirroring of being violent oppressors on a discriminated group so they can impress none other than draco malfoy. this, or they're the badass 'girlboss' that can change him. completely and ironically misunderstanding the point of his character aside, every cringey POV/thirst trap you have EVER seen on tiktok is probably replicated and 10x worse on dracotok.
i swear i haven't heard the term "gryffindork" since 2016, but alas, there has been a comeback. i call hogwarts legacy fans 'baby' hp fans, because i seriously do believe that these people have not interacted with the fandom until now. that would be okay if they weren't regressing everyone to early 2000s discourse. are gryffindors not being invited to ravenclaw, hufflepuff and slytherin raves that deep? no. but those three houses wouldn't be having raves in the first place
we've all seen them, need i explain or go into detail? "b-but harry doesn't have any chemistry with ginny!!" so he does with DRACO of all people? "b-but lily and james are basic!" dont forget the roots from whence you came. its misogyny within the fandom disguised as allyship or whatever the hell this is. ship your ships, but leave the gals alone
this didn't get on my nerves until i suffered from years and years of randoms going into detail about why slytherin/hufflepuff was the best harry potter house and then getting genuine mad when idgaf. maybe you have experienced this tragedy too. there are grown people getting into genuine online beef with others because they made a joke about slytherin being evil or hufflepuff being useless. makes me think you are just evil and useless (just kidding, but please wake up and realise that slytherin & hufflepuff quite literally do not exist)
i sympathise for people who like snape, i do. i do not sympathise for those who attempt to justify or excuse his actions. this normally comes with a side dish of misogyny, because more often than not they will find a way to blame it on lily. other times, they will blame his trauma. i want to be clear: his trauma explains his actions, it doesn't excuse them. that is the whole point of him ruining his chances with lily (not even as a lover, but as a companion). you are doing your own injustice to his character by trying to make him innocent, please stop
it's understandable why the cursed child is so hated. it's meant to be seen, not read, in my opinion. there's a lot of things in it that i too wish didn't exist. but that doesn't make it "not canon" because it upsets you. and of ALL the things that these types of people would choose to complain about, these are the things they chose: albus potter's namesakes (we've been going on about this for years like can we stop now please), harry being a 'bad dad' (think about his own upbringing a tiny bit more and maybe your brain can make a little more sense of his actions), delphi being voldemort's child (probably the only thing that i agree with these people on), and albus' name again because they REALLY hate it (but then they will counter this by saying "james sirius" is a good name, when it's still mid asf). anyway, it doesn't matter how much you squeeze your eyes shut and writhe around about it, the cursed child is canon. soz lol
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bawnjourno · 1 year
Chicago Sparks Rambles!!!
It was so slay to meet Claire @rhythmthlef Eiffel @thedevotionaltour and Sarah @ron-do-i-get-to-sing-my-way and to ofc be with my bff Alissa @taintmansion . Everyone looked so yass and slay and our group pic got on the insta story!
Also shoutout to @churippu who was so sweet and gave us the grooviest stickers in the merch line! I can’t wait to find a place for my sparkly suit Russell.
I NEVER go crazy at merch tables and have spent months not going to the movies, buying records, or eating out, so I got… 3 t-shirts, a tote bag, socks, and the pin set 💪 I love all my swag!
ofc last year in Chicago (same venue) was a bit more subdued all around energy wise bc it was still during COVID but the crowd was great this time. I wish we’d stood earlier (seated venues are like that sometimes) but the people in the front row were up dancing like crazy the whole time and other people were dancing in the aisles!
Those first few opening songs obviously went hard but I was LIVINGGGGGG during Beaver and Ron’s piano/Stevie’s drums in Nothing Is As Good As They Say It Is were fire. And Russell’s vocals in general jesus! How do u do that dude!!!
It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way has meant a lot to me personally for various reasons - mainly, I’ve felt weird and uncool my whole life and I find my passion in meaning in making art and using that art to connect with people who DO understand me - and so Russell was just introducing it and I started crying and cried the whole song 😭
Then cut to Balls when we NEEDED to get our fist pumps on!! ✊🟢
I love that they kept Shopping Mall Of Love bc people were screaming for Ronnie like it was Beatlemania. Love that bridge clapping also!
Toughest Girl In Town had one of the coolest arrangements eva god it was beautiful. And We Go Dancing went crazyyyyyyyy like I will never be that in shape in my LIFE
Eli ate that Bon Voyage solo tf up 🎸
By MTYCTD everyone was standing and dancing and the fire alarm started going off mid song but we all just ignored it 😭😭😭 tfw they are literally hotter than your mama will ever be. And the song ends and Russell just goes [slightly bitchy voice] “okayyyyyyyy. everything’s fine, carry on as you were” fjjfjfjfjfjjd
The 1 2 3 punch of Heaven My Way This Town is always godly. I made sure to scream my lungs out during the shuffle wahhhhh.
I can’t remember at what point but like 2/3 through the set maybe? In between songs Russell just starts singing 🎶My kind of town, Chicago🎶 it was really sweet
I wish they’d done the full Gee That Was Fun but the mini version served well as a final pre encore song 🥹
I had forgotten about the rainbow lights during Baby’s so thank god I was recording wahhhhhh that song goes so hard
All That was worse than IDHTBTW like I started sobbing and couldn’t stop until they left the stage 😭 They just mean so much to me!!! And Ron made a lil speech thanking us and said “I know it sounds hackneyed but at this point in the night I can’t avoid sounding hackneyed” and I mean ofc they’d say this but they said “best Chicago visit yet” which was nice
The standing ovation after All That and the pic was like 3-4 minutes long and Alissa commented on it and Claire just went “I could go all night baby!” which like so true
Russell made 🫶🫰 at the audience during this standing o and Alissa just screamed “KPOP KING !”
I stood on my chair and still didn’t get in the pic but Ron was technically on top of me so 💪😌
Random asides: got so many compliments on my Ron outfit! Sparks fans are the nicest! When our group met in the Dunkin a nice blonde woman walking outside flashed me a thumbs up from the window and then she was front row. We actually chatted after and she said she was considering going to Milwaukee last minute. Girl do it!!!! And when I got to merch and said “okay let’s start with the tote bag bc i’m gonna go a little crazy” the person in the left half of the line laughed and was encouraging lol.
Alissa and I waited outside for about half an hour and I guess the guys had been whisked away long beforehand 😅 but we said hi to Evan and Max and they were super nice!
One of the best shows I’ve ever been to. Once of the most meaningful and profound. So glad I have a favorite band. So glad I have great friends to do it all with. Gee That Was Fun (real)
Sparkle on ✨
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3cosmicfrogs · 8 months
For the ask game have u considered a wuxia SWBtS AU because i have considered it. I don't know enough about wuxia though so I Am Outsourcing.
jhgfadkjgak i am most definitely not the wuxia expert, all i know is Condor Heroes. but i will do my best! (this is short because im tired and its late)
The only confines of the genre, to my knowledge, are that it's historically set between the 7th and 19th century, and that super-human feats are accomplished through martial arts. so in that sense, not much would need to be changed from the original except that the fighting needs to be more flashy and improbable. sorry. infact the story would actually have even fewer supernatural elements than in canon...
ouyang and xu da would have the absolute most insane martial art skills. the way that ouyang's sword doesn't have a name becomes a whole Thing, because this is the genre where swords have Important Names!
let us assume that this is not just any generic wuxia, but a wuxia soap opera: Baoxiang is thriving. Absolutely slaying serving cunt the house down yass your honour. he was born for starring in a swishy robes drama. while everyone's wardrobe veers away from historical accuracy and incorporates hanfu elements as is typical of the genre, his outfits are always next level. you think his Salad Robe was obnoxious? honey you got a big storm comin.
canon is pretty much wuxia, sorry. but if you want to make this into a xianxia show (more supernatural elements, à la the untamed, word of honour, journey of flower, with a focus on good versus evil typically)... my vision for this is unclear, however this is the vanquishing-ghosts-and-zombies-and-other-good-deeds genre so zhu seeing ghosts is... less unusual than it is in canon.
being a monk should by all means and conventions of the genre grant her some super sweet special skills, however it would be much more interesting especially in a xianxia adaptation if it doesnt. i dont really know what to do with this knowledge, but i'll leave it here anyway.
this was a really hard ask! i'm sorry to dissappoint, i only recently started exploring wuxia/xianxia as genres (grew bored after reading western high fantasy for almost 2 decades lol), and also i really have no idea how to translate tre into either genre. i mean you could certainly make it look like a typical xianxia soap opera by upping the romantic conflicts, yassifying the outfits, and making everyone conventionally attractive by modern standards...?
anyway thanks for the ask anon! i think im done with headcanon askbox games now...
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candyredmusings · 2 years
Mike’s Mic Appropriately Unhinged Recap Of Pretty Little Liars Sentence Starters.
I love this video series and I have nothing else to say for myself. May update more in time as I rewatch these videos. Feel free to change pronouns/whatever you need!
I need a cross. Where’s my crosses?
The girls are truly dropping like flies in this town.
[NAME] was addicted to speed.
[NAME] .... is gay!
[NAME] slept with her teacher.
[FULL NAME]. Felon. Felon. Felon. Jail. Prison.
The more layers you scratch the more issues there are so we’re not gonna scratch!
[FULL NAME] is not seeing heaven and I’ll make sure of it.
What were their names again? Glizzy. Slime Girl. Blob. And Eminem. 
Let me wear one other item of clothing, [NAME]!
[NAME] is very nice and gets along with everyone, so it’s not looking good for her ‘staying alive’ wise.
His irrelevance astounds me.
The way [NAME] was in the trenches with these crusty wigs.
[NAME] is getting increasingly shitty.
He’s largely a cringe flop.
This man is crusty I’m going to tear him a new one.
Look if you take away all the horrible, rude shit she says ... She’s an icon
Look, if I’m being honest ... That’s my bestie and she did nothing wrong. She was justified in everything that she did.
That’s my bestie and she did nothing wrong. She was justified in everything that she did.
She was justified in everything that she did.
It’s so ridiculous but it’s also just so fun if you ignore how dumb it is.
Let me move my bangs so I can read this properly.
Remember the boner phone?
Call off your techno-boytoy.
Call off your techno-boytoy or I’ll call the cops.
Someone needs to go to jail for this wig.
[NAME] minimized her slay.
Be your own techno-boytoy.
I know you wanna kisth me.
The person who has the stick gets to talk, and since I have the stick that means no more talking from you.
Why would I do this? Reason one is BECAUSE I WANT TOO!
As I was doing this and spending ridiculous amounts of hours on this and I was not getting bored I was like ‘I think something’s wrong.’
What happened here? We’ve had a casualty!
We’ve had a casualty!
If I say things like, ‘[NAME] you’re not seeing heaven’ ... It’s a joke!
[NAME] invented homophobia.
I’m doing you a public service. Slay!
Babe, just google it.
[NAME] felon of the century!
[NAME]! That’s my bestie right there!
[NAME] ... Truly a menace of the millennia.
Who plays lacrosse? 
[NAME], the crust lord of the millennium. 
[NAME]’s key traits are ‘fashionable, popular, and blonde.’
These girls love to sh-teal.
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous girls love SOUP.
*Coughs* liar. *Coughs* felon.
Call the ‘yass’ police!
Whoa, babe, we literally just met, and you’re already kissing me on the cheek?
This girlboss right here is the messiest. 
Put the blazers down!
*Sighs* This man ...
[NAME] is dating a crusty named [NAME].
[FIRST AND LAST NAME], key words is ‘rich’ ‘asshole’ ... But also a little bit slay.
She hates [NAME] because she’s underage and poor.
[NAME] can’t fight all three of these girlbosses.
You’re going to be SOO gooped and gagged, this isn’t even the start of it!
You’re going to be SOO gooped and gagged!
This crusty ass wig.
The hair looks like shit!
Crusty wigs is a key part of [NAME]’s personality.
[NAME] has came back from Weed Rehab camp.
Our girlboss [NAME] has done some digging.
She sleeps in eyeliner. She practically has eyeliner tattooed onto her eyelids.
I do not condone this buffoonery. 
We’re not gonna find out anytime soon-- FORGEDABOUTIT.
Girl ... You hit her with a car!
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taemcains · 3 months
Kira's character is defined by her immaturity and temperamental tendencies imo. Paired with her high self-grandiose, she's a perfect recipe for a slappable b-word. She could've been a perfect antagonist had her personality not been too focused on Dmitry. She almost has no redeeming qualities on her *sigh* (although she doesn't have to)
i know im in the minority for this opinion but kira does not get me heated. not even a little 😭 i'd find kira perfectly tolerable if her dislike for lane isn't mainly rooted in jealousy but that's not really her fault
all the other hsr lis and lane herself are stoic cunt serving baddies yass slay but normal people in an apocalypse (especially in a squad like That) would be stressed and prone to outbursts. her not liking lane is completely justified. matter of fact, i like that lane has no plot shield and has haters. it's no fun when everyone worships the ground the mc walks on + we get to see a different aspect of lane's personality
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navree · 4 months
the fact that we all watched a black man (vaemond) be extrajudicially murdered by a white man (daemon) in full view of the entire court, and not a damn thing was said by so-called fans and critics regarding the optics of that scene left me totally appalled. like, how can they all just sit down and have dinner after that bullshit? baela, who has no doubt been around her great-uncle for like 6-10 years during the timeskip has no thoughts or feelings of discomfort about witnessing him just cease to exist before her very eyes? why aren't she and rhaena with rhaenys watching his body be prepared to go back home or even discussing what the repercussion of this are going to be???
Some of it is just bad writing (it should not be possible for the king's brother to lop someone's head off in open court without trial for no reason without there being some repercussions), like Rhaenys being on board with the betrothals of her granddaughters to the Strongs, or even Baela being on board with it, seeing as again she doesn't know Jace at all and has been around Rhaenys (and yeah, presumably Vaemond) consistently for a decade at this point*. And Baela (and to a lesser extent Rhaena) should not be fully on board with just sitting down and eating with Daemon after that, and should at least have some pause with Daemon in general given that he's just shown himself to be an unhinged psychotic killer. That's bad writing, which would exist regardless of the characters involved.
But when it comes to things outside the writing, like fan and critic reception, then yeah it's a bit skeevy. Again, I'm likely not the best person to speak on this, I'm not Black, but considering that this fandom has a real problem with blood supremacy talk (some of the more virulent Team Black people really need to check themselves with the way they talk about blood purity and pure genetics, it's getting a bit German), people just going "yass king!" about Daemon murdering Vaemond doesn't entirely sit right. Vaemond is in the objective right in 1x08, Lucerys has no legitimate claim to Driftmark and everyone knows it, it should pass to Baela or even Rhaena and it is fair of him to bring this up with the closest legal authority he has, the Crown. He's an absolute asshole about it, calling Rhaenyra misogynistic slurs that aren't even accurate (she had a committed long term relationship with a man she wanted that was entirely consensual, and even with the approval of her husband though Vaemond doesn't know that, calling her a "whore" is uncalled for and vile), but him understanding Punnett squares isn't a sin. The show has made it plain the Strongs are Strongs, Vaemond is right, so him being murdered for it isn't a slay (especially given the historical trend of Black men being extrajudicially murdered by white men based on false allegations and untruths by other white people).
And writing wise, yeah, there's something that stinks in the lack of care that's given to the interiority of the Black characters. I've said this before, that Baela and Rhaena were basically not given any characterization at all in season 1 and that Corlys's character writing was really schizophrenic, and it does feel a bit iffy considering that, again, these are our only main characters of color. It speaks to a broader issue in the writing of the Velaryons in general that was really emblematic in season 1 Baela and Rhaena, that there was an extreme lack of care in crafting anything for characters you knew, and given that the decision to make the Velaryons Black was done pretty early on, hmmm suspicious. Maybe it wouldn't be much of an issue if they hadn't, but they did; they made the Velaryons Black and then chose not to put any effort into writing them cohesively, coherently, or even at all. And that doesn't sit right.
*I'm assuming they're retconning the second time skip into a full ten years because again, based on the timeline the show gave originally, the second time skip should have been only six years, but then everyone made fun of them for saying Ewan Mitchell was a sixteen year old and also the compression of the timeline in general so they padded it out.
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antiheroismm · 2 years
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hey everyone, i'm baxter / pax / mallory, and this is my mogai/xenogender coining blog, with some fun activities too.
i have yet to make a rentry, so i'll compile everything here for now.
once again, i'm baxter, but you may also know me as pax, mallory, or other names in my upcoming pronouny.
i go by he/him, they/them, she/her and it/its pronouns, alongside other neopronouns in my upcoming pronouny.
regarding my sexuality, i am biflux, combo'd with achillean, diamoric, and sapphic. i am also aroflux and aegosexual, and also ambiamorous.
regarding my gender, i am multigender and fluidflux, and i am also a gendercollector. regarding my main genders, i am a trans male, but i also cycle between nonbinary and other non min and fingenders, cis female, xenine, and my hoard's genders of course.
i am a latino/latine/latina/latin-american. i am from chile, most specifically.
i am a minor. i am 15 yrs old most specifically. my birthday is july 28th.
my vocabulary is a mix of old internet lingo and new internet lingo. i use a lot of terms from both eras, but i do rarely use a few terms. like tone indicators, because i tend to clarify my tone in parentheses rather than using them. but, if you want me to use tone indicators at all times when talking to you, i'll do it, just ask! you can also say which tonetags you are uncomfortable with if you do have them. i also do not use certain lingo because it's not my type, examples include words like "yass" or "slay", or using a hyphen at the end of sentences (like this-).
i also speak random nonsense for fun sometimes. it doesn't really have much of a meaning, but i can provide a translation if you want.
i have a love for shitposting, and i love bastardcore (just look at my blogs' appearance), but i will coin terms of every aesthetic, theme, ect.
i am autistic and also have adhd, so i won't tolerate ableism here.
for all the systems reading this, please keep in mind that i am a singlet.
i love video games. a lot.
i am supportive of xenogenders and neopronouns, obviously. i am also a radinclus, which means i support all identities coined in good faith. and before you complain, no. i am not one of those bad radinclus who support paraphilias and want them to become a part of the lgbtqia+ community. i am also very supportive of m-spec gays, lesbians, and nblnb individuals, alongside non-he/him lesbians and non-she/her gays.
i am also supportive of otherkin/alterhumans and non-human individuals. (i am also questioing if i am one)
i am a newbie at making flags, so if they don't match your standards, that's fine, i'll get better time by time.
i do not allow discourse of any kind in this blog.
because i think that discussion of this is stupid, and because i want everyone regardless of ideology to use the terms i coin without being considered a bigot, i am completely, and i mean completely neutral about non-traumagenic systems and self-diagnosis. if you think they're valid, that's fine. if you think they're not, that's fine too. i just want every being to use my terms regardless of what they think of to help them with their gender identity. i also promote all kinds of mogai blogs regardless of their viewpoints in this too.
regarding systems' alters requesting content and help, you can either request me to use your name and/or the system's collective name to refer to you. i'll be glad to help you!
regarding typing quirks, always provide a translation to them. although i am able to read all of them, some fellas who follow this blog can't do it, so to help them understand, please do that.
if you use titles to refer to yourself, you can ask if you want me to refer to you with them, or not use them at all, considering my blog has a "casual place where formalities don't matter here, chill all you want" vibe.
if you repost my terms, make sure to credit me. i am fine with both it being done in detail, which is crediting my name, the place where you found the term i coined (planning to promote my terms on other social media soon), and a link to the coining post, and just crediting my name. i appreciate all promotion!
coin lgbtq+ and mogai terms
coin xenoidentities and xeniden terms (the reclaimed ones, not the original, mogaiphobic ones)
coin miscellaneous terms (like aldernic, vesil, whatever stuff like voidpunk is classified as, otherkin/alterhuman, among other terms)
make flags for already existing, or newly coined terms
fulfill requests for flags, xenoidentities, xeniden terms and misc terms.
share headcanons from others and me (my hcs can be shared only if requested with 💝 in my askbox, and it's gonna be at random)
make pride flag profile pictures, both classic and with funny text and images
basic dni criteria (lgbtqphobic, racist, ableist, antireligious, misogynistic, bigoted, etc.)
terfs and swerfs
lgbtq+ exclus (gravity knife gay, longsword lesbian, m-spec exclusionist/battleaxe bisexual, nunchuck nonbinary, trident trans and truscum/transmedicalist)
anti-xenogenders and anti-neopronouns in general
pro-original xenoidentities (basically using and/or the mogaiphobic version of them instead of the pro-mogai, reclaimed version)
proshippers of every kind
nsfw and fetish accounts
paraphilic people who view their fetishes as pride/a part of the lgbtq+ community instead of a problem they need to address (maps/pedophiles, zoophiles, incestous, etc.), and their supporters
transids (transabled, transdisorder, transpecies, transracial, etc.)
yeah that's about it for now
reply to me with ⭕ and i'll give you a random meme/shitpost
reply to me with 🌈 and i'll give you a random gender
reply to me with 💌 and i'll give you a random favorite/loved/liked character of mine
reply to me with 🍱 and i'll give you a random food/snack/dish/drink/ect
reply to me with 🎮 and i'll give you a random cool video game
reply to me with 🎵 and i'll give you a random song
reply to me with 🐾 and i'll give you a random goofy animal
reply to me with 📷 and i'll give you a random image from my camera roll
reply to me with 📺 and i'll give you a random video
reply to me with 💝 and i'll give you a random headcanon of mine
coined terms: #💖 : baxter coined (full real)
term flag request: #🔰 : a flag for you!
headcanon request: #💗 : show em' your fun hcs!
memes/shitposts: #⭕ : ain't no way :skull:
random genders: #🌈 : baxter's gender pick (real)
random favorite/loved/liked character: #💌 : baxter's beloveds
random food/snack/dish/drink/ect: #🍱 : hey bro what do you want to eat
random cool video game: #🎮 : remember the witcherino 3? yeah me too here's a cool game
random song: #🎵 : [music genre] fans be like: yo this is fire!
random goofy animal: #🐾 : i have hired this critter to be with you
random image from my camera roll: #📷 : baxter why do you have this
random video: #📺 : i command you to watch this
random headcanon: #💝 : hey babe *tells you a cool hc*
(need help with putting them)
i hope you enjoy my stay in the mogai coining community!
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magicmindless · 2 years
A HC list but it’s just Vincent
Underrated mailman time yaaaaay
- Doesn’t complain that much about being short because he has found all of the advantages to it
- He’s like 5,3” and Clair is 5,7”
- He knows some modern slang but is also kinda in the realm of “how do you do fellow kids?”
- “What do the kids say these days? It’s giving “yass slay queen””?
- “Good lord dad please stop-“
- Has a complete arsenal of dad jokes which somehow Clair always finds funny
- He’s scared of dogs, especially big dogs because of the times he’s been chased off of someone’s porch delivering mail
- If he gets a Halloween costume it HAS to be one of those ridiculous inflatable ones like the inflatable t-rex or the one where it looks like an alien is abducting you
- His favorite type of music is jazz and he can sing very well to a lot of his favorite songs
- Made the first move on Clair when they were just friends by writing her a letter asking her out on a date
- Not only can he remember the names of everyone he meets but he can also remember the faces of everyone he meets, which is a bit scary honestly
- He’s considered “the life of the party” by most people since he’s very social and is able to grab the interest of anyone. He’s even dated people before Clair
- Used to be the dumb-ass kid in middle school who would take on any dare you gave him. Like, any of them
- He likes doing embroidery and has even embroidered little patterns into Sasha’s clothing whenever she asked. He’s also able to sew and patch clothes up if they get ripped
- He can also cook very well too
- Has a wide collection of ballpoint pens which he’s collected over the years. Most of them aren’t like novelties or anything they’re just regular pens which he happens to have
- Overall he’s the type of dad who you’d be embarrassed of as a kid or teen, but as you grow older you’ll realize he’s just trying his best and is cool despite being a bit weird
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patrocles · 2 years
ok asoiaf/hotd thoughts…idk if there is even that much to say about this? but like. now that hotd is out and has been watched by a bunch of people and lots of interesting discussions have been had around it (and terrible ones but let’s ignore those for now)…i care even less about dany than i did before. and the idea of her restoring targaryen rule to westeros is The Worst. so now i’m just kind of like…what’s her point in the story??? i guess the dragons could help with the winter apocalypse stuff and fight the others and all that but dany herself? i just can’t picture her having a place in westeros at all, at least not in a way that i would find narratively satisfying. and this also ties into the idea of jon embracing his targaryen heritage (gross) and getting the iron throne which would also be stupid bc we’ve seen the targs destroy each other and themselves and the country so sticking one of them back in charge is just ridiculous. and the two of them are probably the strongest candidates for “the prince that was promised” so what does this mean for that whole prophecy?? idk what my question is i’m just rambling at this point lmao…i guess i’m saying that twow and ados should partly be about the real End of the targ dynasty and if they’re not than idk what we’re doing here. sorry if this is nonsensical lol
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okay so both of these are kinda asking the same questions so i'll talk about it here!!
the idea of targ restoration is one of those theories that has a couple different interpretations and the one you described is like, kinda the worst of them lol.
like the idea of dany winning and surviving the end is not an unfounded, nor irrational theory and no one is wrong for wanting that to happen-- why shouldn't she win versus anyone else if she maneuvers in the right ways and effectively wins the game!
i think what i personally take issue with is the version of this that posits dany's conquest as a Moral Good and something that NEEDS to happen because of nebulous down-the-road threat that she doesn't even know about yet. and that other characters arcs (jon's, tyrion's, varys even?? are all veering towards targaryen restoration). i've even seen them claim that the entire point ASOIAF as a whole is about targ restoration. nothing else matters its all about getting them dragons back in power, which i think is the most WILDLY insane thing i've ever heard in my life.
i think this theory of 'targ restoration' is one that wants to have it both ways- for dany to fight and win a war of conquest, but also not be seen as a villain because of it (because of the fans own need to be on the Moral Right of things) (there's a larger discussion here about fandom and morality politics especially in asoiaf)
and frankly... that just isn't how it works.
and this is mainly bred from dany stans who never wanted dany to be anything other than a 100% Good Person who cannot be challenged on a moral level and she is always on the right side of every conflict regardless of nuance. and so when HOTD makes up this whackadoodle prophecy of aegon NEEDING to do a conquest and he was totally justified in all the fucked up shit they did, it was because of some vague threat of the Others and the Long Night to justify their dynastic claims to Westeros. (i'll be honest, i think ole king joe made that one up)
not to mention i think they've completely lost sight of the narrative function of the targaryen dynasty as a relic of a bygone era and dany IS the last of it.
and if we're being completely honest, from what i've seen of the most hardcore targ nation stans, most of them don't really care about the prophecy or the threat of the Others, but that her capacity to help should be used as political leverage (as in the show) to enforce the subjugation of everyone else. and that in fact, they should be grateful because she's the ultimate yass queen girl boss slay etc
but if that's the takeaway you get from the Feudalism Is Bad And The Chair Is A Metaphor For It books, then idk what to tell you. there's a lot of ways that you can interpret what grrm writes, but i can promise you that Conquest Is Good Sometimes is not one of them. characters want to be their own heroes and will always justify themselves however they need, but that's not the intention the reader is meant to take away from it - or at best should feel challenged by.
and dany is absolutely one of those characters. even tho she's not my personal favorite, she's a character that you're meant to both sympathize with because you've been on this whole journey with her, but also be challenged by the hard decisions ahead. its not about cut and dry good/evil, but understanding her motivations and why she makes those choices.
i think it's no question that dany will play a major part in the conflicts to come in the north and the war against the white walkers. to what capacity, i have no idea. as azor ahai, as nissa nissa? as somehow both? no idea. but what i think ultimately what dany will have to war with internally, will be choosing her war of conquest (the thing that's defined her personal growth and all of her strength) and the war for humanity.
the reason why i hate 'targ restoration' is because it reduces so many characters into this wildly simplistic box based on dynastic lineage. i super hate the inclusion of tyrion in this theory because he is Not a targaryen and that isn't the point of his story at all. and even tho jon's father is rhaegar, a large part of his arc revolving around identity is him carving out one for his own. all for him to start going by 'jon targaryen' in the end??? i litchrelly hate it. i do think jon and dany's arc are going to intertwine in some way and i hope its way more compelling than it was in the show, at least for my own sanity.
and lastly to the point of what dany's place in the world will be, i think that's something she struggles with now and will also struggle with in the future. there's the surface level wants and broad-stroke politics, but what i think is interesting will be to see a character like her rise to the heights that she will no doubt achieve in terms of Plot, but all she wants is the house with the red door.
there's an innate tragedy to just wanting to be as safe and home as she was when she was five, even if it was temporary, and what it will mean for her to ever have that again. this is really the difference between her and her brother viserys. he DOES remember, that WAS his life and his insanity is fueled by that being stripped away like so many other children in war. but it was never dany's. idk what the end of the series means for dany, but i really cant see the end of her story being with her sitting on that throne and restoring that dynasty from hell.
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gayforjuza · 2 years
Respectfully, what the fuck is a yass grenade this has been tearing me apart ever since you posted your tierlists
LMAOAO im so sorry it was a meme last year and i thought it was like a general gay community meme but ive realized i was actually in a way smaller corner of the internet than i thought i was and nobody knows what this means but i will attempt to explain:
i looked it up and apparently it originated on twitter or something but i never saw that so all i had was context clues of people saying "detonate the yas grenade" or like "he took a yas pill" and to me it seemed to be used as an alternate way of just saying "slay" like if someone is slaying ur like omg detonate the yas grenade ??? idk i also like to picture it as like a pink grenade that explodes gayness everywhere so its like rainbow glitter explosion but thats just in my head
in the context of my tier list its basically like how Stereotypically Gay is this character and how vocal are they about it, so the people in the top tier are gay as hell and love talking about gay people things and the people on the bottom are still gay ofc cus they are all gay but they want everyone to shut the fuck up about it , or at least thats the closest i can get to explaining what went on in my brain when i made that tier list
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kflixnet · 9 months
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• abi, [ giyyuzz ] ↳ she/her | en- “abi ba dabi.”
• aj, [ whatsa-bi-as ] ↳ any pronouns | en-, nct dream, p1h, skz, txt “but if you love one member then you have to love them all.”
• alexa, [ solarswonderland + ateez-jieun ] ↳ she/her | atz, enha, txt, zb1 “i swear i am half unicorn half porcupine.”
• angel, [ sungiesafety ] ↳ she/her | txt, svt, nct dream, skz, atz “reasons to stay alive: my kpop boys, their music, and my emotional attachment to them in general.”
• ari, [ addicsvt ] “so much ideas yet so less motivation” ↳ she/her | svt, txt
• autumn, [ marklilies ] ↳ she/her | nct “aw dude, he’s flirting.”
• byeol, [ byeolhyesisi ] ↳ she/her | nct, rv “byu loves yuu.”
• chae, [ etherealinowrites + ethereallino ] ↳ she/her | bts, skz “i am waiting for the day my parents tell me i am a secret princess of a tiny eurasian country.”
• cherry, [ shuadotcom ] ↳ she/they | bts, svt “empty your mind of everything  that doesn’t have to do with joshua hong. joshua hong and breathing.″
• cheryl, [ bonvoyagenoona ] ↳ she/her | bts “i’m completely and totally ficdrunk.”
• cici, [ iyeonjuni ] ↳ she/her | en-, txt “weeee woooo.”
• dreamy, [ jisungsdaydreamer ] ↳ she/her | skz, bts “just a rock okay?”
• duckie, [ sungbeam ] ↳ she/her | nct, svt, skz, en-, txt, atz p1h, tbz “cake and mark lee!!”
• ellie, [ kookthief ] ↳ she/her | svt, bts, skz “boba me.”
• eris, [ tranquilpetrichor ] ↳ she/her | atz, p1h, golcha, wei, verivery, zb1 “sorry, i was just visiting a parallel universe.”
• esther, [ urszn ] ↳ she/her | en- “chewing gum by nct dream best debut 🤭.”
• eunhae, [ deluwoo ] ↳ she/her; atz, bts, txt, nct, en-, skz “i don't meow for men, i meow for poetry; we are not the same.”
• faye, [ filmofhybe ] “is alright if i list my grocery list here, right?” ↳ she/her | en-, txt
• freya, [ angelwoozi + sugarwithtea ] ↳ she/her | svt, bts “whoever is writing my life is on a indefinite hiatus.”
• haru, [ harufluff ] ↳ she/her | txt, en-, ph1, skz, &team, svt “don’t stop dreaming, and show the world what you’ve got - huening kai.”
• ipah, [ i520cm ] ↳ she/they | en-, tbz, zb1 “slay mama yass gaga 😫😫.”
• irene, [ hwangsify ] ↳ she/her | skz, en- “would 100% d*e for lee minho.”
• izzy, [ decembermoonskz ] ↳ she/her | skz, en-, txt, atz “the moon is watches over all of us~.”
• j, [ justalildumpling ] ↳ she/her | nct dream + tbz “status: getting bias wrecked by a different korean man every few seconds...”
• jada, [ kyeomyun ] ↳ she/her | atz, skz, svt “i will post tomorrow! (translation: posting next month!).”
• jae, [ palajae ] ↳ she/her | en- “uh ya think ya big boy throwin three stacks.”
• jan, [ chanswhxre ] ↳ she/her | skz “i simp for lee know 24/7.”
• jangmi, [ myeoning-call + tokki-geek ] ↳ she/her | exo, shinee, wayv, sujo “getting wrecked is the only thing i’m good at.”
• jas, [ crispy-chan ] ↳ she/her | bts, skz “walk like frankenstein…we’re maniacs 😌.”
• jaydi, [ acaiasahi ] ↳ they/them | trsr, atbo, p1h, en-, xdh, cravity, &team “born filipino, raised swagapino.”
• jj, [ doublesung ] ↳ he/him | nct, skz, svt, stayc “hi flop!”
• joo, [ malarign ] ↳ she/her | en- “voices in my head were telling me it was good idea so i listened.″
• jolynn, [ gwynsapphire ] ↳ she/her | skz “life is sad so why watch sad stuff?”
• kana, [ luvhyun3 ] ↳ she/they | en-, skz, txt, svt “boom boom pow let’s get it.”
• kel, [ sultrybaby ] ↳ she/her | en-, trsr “i was actually put on this earth to stan treasure.”
• kelly, [ here4kpopfics ] ↳ she/her | bts, svt “i have no idea how i got here.”
• ki, [ pr0dbeomgyu ] ↳ she/her | txt “oh shxt.”
• leona, [ pockyandme ] ↳ she/her | tbz “only kisses i give out are hershey’s.”
• lexine, [ rinvu + xinvue ] ↳ she/her | en- “it's okay if you don't like me, not everyone has good taste.”
• lia, [ jungwoniics ] ↳ she/her | en- “is it too obvious that i love yang jungwon?”
• lissie, [ writingmochi ] ↳ she/her | atz, txt, en- “probably the geekiest kpop fanfic writer in hellsite.”
• liz, [ junityy ] ↳ she/her | txt, en- “sounds like a you problem.”
• lizzie, [ bunreis + yuerki ] ↳ they/them | en-, zb1, boynextdoor “hmu if u wanna listen to tswift or w2e tgt ☝🏻❕❕.”
• lolo, [ zh-lele ] ↳ she/her | nct “2 baddies 1 porsche.”
• luka, [ astrozuya ] ↳ he/him | txt, p1h “emotional maturity for dummies.”
• luna, [ chocojae ] ↳ she/her | nct “just learnt that planning out a scenario in your head and actually writing it are two different things <3.”
• lunari, [ eden-court ] ↳ they/them | aespa, bp, dreamcatcher, itzy, purple kiss, rv, skz, weki meki “eat fish sticks.”
• mai, [ 1-800-lixie ] ↳ she/they | skz, en-, txt, itzy, kep1er “hello im mai <3 my goal is to provide works to make you smile!”
• mani, [ iwonzz ] ↳ she/her | en-, atz, zb1 “something simple and easygoing, something i strive for.”
• maple, [ maplecornia ] ↳ she/her | bts, en-, skz, tbz “maple is thicker than blood so pancakes are more important than family.”
• maria, [ nanaflwers ] ↳ she/her | nct “the best part is imagining the plot. the worst part is actually writing it.”
• marie, [ ksmins ] ↳ she/her | skz “i wrote this while running on nothing but a redbull and three m&ms please don't expect much.”
• matty, [ stealanity ] ↳ she/her | en-, skz, tbz, txt “are u a sofa? cuz you're sofaking annoying.”
• mauli, [ isearchedtheyooniverse ] ↳ she/her | bts, nct, exo “jack of all trades, master of none. also my pronouns are yee/haw.”
• medz, [ jaetaimjadore ] ↳ she/her | nct, svt “you gotta seize the opportunity.”
• meg, [ hsgwrld ] ↳ she/her | en- “i don’t know what to say, but lets goo.”
• mei, [ cupidhaos ] ↳ she/they | svt “live laugh joshua hong.”
• mika, [ punong-araw + mihyu-ckie ] ↳ they/them | nct “if 🤌 you're 🤔 gonna 🗣️ hit 🖐️ it 🧍 then 😂 hit 🖐️ it 💀 till 🐔 it 🦴 breaks 👺.”
• milani, [ hanniehaee ] ↳ she/her | svt “man's a 10, but calls himself the8.”
• mimi, [ nwjws ] ↳ she/her | en-, zb1 “jungwon was being fr when he said 'criminal love' because he stole my heart like a true thief.”
• min [ faeriwon ] ↳ she/they | en- “jay told me he only loves me”
• mina, [ alsktudy ] “i love hoshi’s dimples.” ↳ she/her | svt
• minnu, [ txtmetonight ] ↳ she/her | txt, en- “don't ask me what i'm thinking about, i'm obviously thinking about hyuka.”
• miyu, [ reivrze ] ↳ she/her | en- “if you’re ever getting cyberbullied…just turn your phone off - wise words from someone, idk who.”
• moon, [ hoshologies ] ↳ she/her | skz, txt, svt, tbz, astro “#1 horanghae truther.”
• nat, [ yutafrita ] ↳ she/they | nct, svt “neo got my back, does he have yours?″
• nari, [ yyunari ] ↳ any pronouns | en-, txt  “park jongseong is my minion bf.″
• nhu, [ nhularin ] ↳ she/her | en- “in a (parasocial) relationship with liz 🥰.”
• nia, [ rubywonu ] ↳ she/her | svt “writing is fun, then there's editing.”
• nova, [ duhnova ] ↳ she/they | txt, en-, skz, nct, svt “only got two things on my mind: ur mom and lee heeseung.”
• rain, [ petrichor-han ] ↳ she/her | skz, txt, enhypen, mx, svt “omg secret secret is so amazing, i love that song!”
• ren, [ nuoyi-writes ] ↳ she/her | exo, nct, skz “it’s quietest where the sea sleeps.”
• ria, [ latteseungs ] ↳ she/her | skz “skz everywhere all around the world.”
• rin, [ hyunverse ] ↳ she/her | skz “what do you mean reading angst is not a good coping mechanism?″
• saph, [ choistick ] ↳ she/her | txt “i overslept again.”
• sara, [ jaesqueso ] ↳ she/her | nct, exo “regular, huh?”
• soleil / sol, [ jjongslutz ] “is this thing on?” ↳ she/her | en-
• sunny, [ moontyuns + lisori ] “no, it’s not a comedy, it’s my life.” ↳ she/her | txt, svt
• taojun, [ disclove ] “i put the hot in pyschotic.” ↳ she/her | en-, nct
• tee, [ haesunflower ] “writing about love like i've experienced it before lol.″ ↳ she/her | zb1, xdh, nct, svt
• vi, [ byhees ] “me, myself and jungwon <3.” ↳ she/her | en-
• wons, [ wvnrqs ] “certified hype girl” ↳ she/her | en-, txt
• yeri, [ hseungi ] “i want to ask nayeon if the ice cubes were tasty.” ↳ she/her | en-
• zara, [ sunootonin ] “do u wanna ever feel 😌like 💢cinderella 🥿naega🤪 byeonhae😋😔🤚.” ↳ she/her | en-
• zey, [ luvx01 + satorinnie ] “i miss my blankets 24/7.” ↳ she/her | en-, bts
• zoe, [ zoe8stay ] “i can be so dumb sometimes, you’ll be surprised.” ↳ she/her | skz
• zuri, [ yunszn ] “go piss girl! (i love gossip girl)” ↳ she/her | en-
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