mccnhcseck · 5 years
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that pretty face full of cuteness ♥
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
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long haired jungkook in b&w hits different
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
Why the fuck would you go big when u can go home
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
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hoseok moon
↳ aesthetics [1/?]
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
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the struggle
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
MAXXIE: I'm talking about Jae's parents
MAXXIE: And then about his father specifically
MAXXIE: Is this normal
HOSEOK: uh... idk?
HOSEOK: not an expert on homophobic dads
HOSEOK: are you really surprised though? jae was literally in the hospital and he couldn't bother stopping by.
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
MAXXIE: It's been over two weeks.
MAXXIE: That cannot be fucking normal.
MAXXIE: Please talk me out of going to the hospital and strangling him.
HOSEOK: wait, who? what? where?
HOSEOK: who are you strangling?
HOSEOK: what happened?
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
❛❛ TEXTS//𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒸 & 𝒽𝑜𝓈𝑒𝑜𝓀
Eric: I think I may have misplaced my favorite pen.
Eric: I remember using it the last time we saw each other.
Eric: Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?
Hoseok: did i put it in my pocket?
Hoseok: so sorry
Hoseok: it's a habit to just put everything in there
Hoseok: i mean, usually just my phone or my keys
Hoseok: uh... i'll get it back as soon as possible
Hoseok: as soon as i find it
Hoseok: i really hope i didn't put that hoodie in the wash...
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
“You’re not holding me up at all,” Ender reassured with a soft smile. “If anything, I should be the one apologizing to you for holding you up. Or at the very least, thanking you for your kindness. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that most of the people passing by us right now would have just let me go down.” This world was unfortunately quite the cruel one  or maybe it was just the people in it, but that was a question for the philosophers when they had time. His gaze flicked around before he spotted a nearby restaurant and turned his attention back to Hoseok.
He was worried that it was too early to call an anxiety attack even though he’d experienced his fair share in his younger years. “Hey, you alright?” he gently questioned. While it was a stupid one in hindsight, that didn’t matter much to Ender right now. What did, however, was making sure that the other would be alright once they parted ways. “I think I see a cozy little cafe just up ahead,” he started. “Do you want to head up there together? We can get away from this hustle and bustle, catch our breath?”
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Though Hoseok wanted to disagree, he knew very well that the other was right. People probably hardly cared if someone tripped and fell -- though he was constantly paranoid about people looking at him, the truth was that everyone minded their own business. His therapist tried to reassure him of that every time; no one is going to remember you five minutes from now. Still, crowds made him nervous. Maybe it was some sick kind of god complex that made him believe that he was important enough to have everyone look at him, no matter how hard he tried to fade into the shadows. Was he egotistic to worry so much about people giving a shit about him? To assume they knew about his fucked up past, just by looking at him?
While he struggled to answer the question, he opted for a weak nod at the suggestion to go up to the cafe. Not that he expected it to be less horrible to be out in the open out there, it sounded like a good idea to at least be able to sit down. He felt really dizzy. “S-S-S-So-Sorry...” How many times had he apologized in the past few minutes? He felt like he’d lost count. Hoseok pulled his sleeve down further over his head so he could wipe it across his forehead, feeling the sweat clinging to his skin. “I-- Um... ‘m not good with... with... crowds.” 
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
❛❛ 𝒿𝓊𝓃𝑒 & mccnhcseck·:
June took a couple of steps backwards hiding their hands behind their back along with their instrument. The immediate and flooding thought was that they were busted for singing to the plants again. They were proven wrong by the bumbling young man in front of them. June waited for the speech to sort out itself. There was no way they were going to interrupt that process.
“  Just because? That’s sweet of you.  Who are they for?  ”  June turned on their heels, motioning the other to follow them down the aisle of aloe and into the proper direction for flowers for just because reasons. “  We can start by defining who for, then we can narrow it down by color, or smell if you prefer. You don’t have allergies do you? We’ll need some time to find the perfect scent.   ”  The two of them finally stopped in the appropriate section, a fond gaze overlooked the selection of .  “  Unless, of course, you know the person’s favorite flowers? Then that would help a lot. We could even organize an arrangement depending on your budget.  ” Setting their ukulele on a spare shelf they began their spiel. “  We could also pick out something extra unique and out of season if it’s a special just because.  ”
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Hoseok felt his cheeks flushing hotter and was glad for the slight distraction of having to follow the other down the aisle. “Um, fo-for my girlfriend...” He awkwardly admitted, feeling himself growing shier by the second. This had been a bad idea -- he didn’t do just walking into shops and asking for help, but he really had no choice but to go through with it, right? It would look even weirder if he just dismissed the entire thing now and ran out, just to avoid having to talk more. “I, ah... don’t think I’m allergic?” He didn’t know; had never really had a chance to find that out. But since one of his foster moms had an entire greenhouse that had never caused him any issues, he guessed he should be fine. “I don’t.. think I know her fa-fa-fave-favorite flower.” He stammered. “Um... wait...” He fumbled to grab his phone and messed with it a little until he’d found the message he was looking for. “Uh... Roses and tulips and marigold and sunflowers and dandelions and lilies and cherry blossoms.” He read out. “Ah... Sorry that’s-- that’s a lot.”
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
One of the last things Hoseok generally expected, was for people to recognize him in public. Not because he felt like he was good at hiding himself, but because he simply didn’t know enough people to be that kind of person. Which was good, because it sounded stressful to constantly have people wave at him. Like this stranger was currently doing, somehow knowing his name. Squinting slightly, he briefly took in the other’s appearance, his brain desperately trying to think of who could be knowing his name. His face looked vaguely familiar...
“Bambi,” The name was mumbled to himself, definitely not audible to anyone else. Automatically, his posture stiffened a little. He wasn’t a big fan of Aki’s friend, who had made many questionable comments and often seemed very... immature. Was he brave enough to voice that opinion to the guy’s face, though? No, not really.
“Um...” He started off, trying hard to decide what the best reaction would be. Then again, Bambi had texted him when Aki had disappeared, which sort of made them acquaintances? Actually, no, it didn’t really. He still disliked the other.
“I don’t, uh... have money on me...”
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Bambi tapped his nails against the almost permanently attached taco bell drink that he held. He was debating on if the overgrown emo with the hoodie was who he thought it was. He’d stood there for some time, features pinched as he stared the other down for a bit, his brows pressed together and freehand on his hip.  “Hoseok,” He tried, waving just a touch. He didn’t want to make a huge deal out of it, Aki had pointed out that Hoseok was particularly nervous in public, and hell any emo with a hoodie on tended to look like Hoseok from a certain distance, or at least that’s what he was gathering right then.  “hey, if that’s Hoseok come have Taco bell with me– I went for a drink earlier but now i’m really kind of wanting a snack.” 
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
*hides under blanket for entire day* oh wow where did all the time go
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
Was it weird to get your girlfriend flowers? Just because? Was that old fashioned or stupid? Was that just something old people did? No, plenty of people gave each other flowers, right? Even if it wasn’t someone’s birthday or anniversary?
Was he overthinking it? Yeah, probably.
His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his coat as he quietly wandered around the shop, having absolutely no clue where to start. Had Aki ever told him about her favorite flowers? Did he just forget? Or was he blanking because he was so nervous? Come on, Hoseok.
Maybe just ask someone?
“He-Hello, I--” The person scared him as much as he seemed to have scared them, leaving him with a wildly beating heart and burning cheeks. “U-Um... I won’t. Tell, I mean...” He quietly tried to assure. “I just, um... I’m looking for flowers?” No shit. “I mean, um... Just because? Like, that’s the occasion. Uh... Just because.”
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❛❛ 𝒿𝓊𝓃𝑒 & open to all––
The duties of the flower shop were simple. The hours were shorter than a typical work day. The air was crisp and clean, and unfortunately unless it was a 1. A holiday of a very important weekend, 2. A wedding located in the city or 3. A funeral of a well known civilian, there was only so much business to tend to. After cleaning the leaves of the umbrella plants, it was finally that time in the day to pull out the trusty ukulele to serenade the plants. 
With a couple of fingers plucking at a new song, June walked aimlessly around the shop. A soft set of melodies hummed at the lips… that was until the person in front of them scared the hair nearly off their skin. “  wh–AH!?  ” The sound was far from melodic. “  I’m sorry!  Please don’t tell Mr. Lewis I screamed at you!  ” A set of white knuckles clutched the instrument in slight fear of the other before June finally pulled it together.  A deep breath settled the air, “  How can I help you?  ”
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
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12/10 nose , deserves all the smooches
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mccnhcseck · 5 years
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© THE KNOCK | Do not edit.
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