#even though i KNOW it’s how the internet is and can’t be helped etc etc etc
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napping-sapphic · 1 year ago
Just hit my third (3rd!!) shirtless man jumpscare on the same post so i get to use the mute post button for the first time ig
girl help they’re jump scaring me with shirtless men pictures on my posts about women
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cyncerely-bullshit · 1 month ago
when it comes to internet drama, there’s three things I look for:
1: How the accused defends themselves
2: How the accused’s friends defend them
3: How stan accounts defend them
In that order, btw.
If someone is cancelled and makes a genuine apology and very clearly explains that they either didn’t know better or feel genuine remorse, the drama usually ends there. If the internet decides the response was invalid, friends get involved if they truly believe their friend is innocent. After all, the internet doesn’t know them, but their friends? People they speak with everyday? They usually know well enough to speak on if the person deserved to be canceled. Lastly, if the apology was bad and the friends either didn’t step in or made things worse, check the stan accounts. They will almost always pull something up to defend their favorite parasocial relationship. Sometimes they find pretty damning pieces of evidence to support the accused, sometimes they throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks. They bring up points the average person would never even thing to bring up, and sometimes it works in their favor.
Let’s take a look at how these three rules apply to Dream and Tommy, shall we?
1: Crashes out live on stream for like 5 hours, brings up a bajillion other things to distract from the original issue, makes a reddit post where he doesn’t apologize for shit then promptly deletes it, calls Tubbo and never once concedes that he may be wrong, belittling what Tubbo says and changing the topic whenever he knows that Tubbo is right and he can’t argue it (also called Tubbo “Tommy” multiple times)
2: None of his friends stepped up. From what i’ve heard a few Spanish streamers spoke on his behalf, but no word from his housemates and closest friends. The way I see it, George can’t defend him because his career is already on the rocks with the Caiti situation (which, if I may remind you, Dream stuck up for George hard and Sapnap [though he wasn’t there] said that he knows George well enough to believe there wasn’t malicious intent [im paraphrasing]). Point is, when a member of the DTeam got cancelled, they banded together as friends, showing they weren’t afraid to defend each other. George likely doesn’t want to put his job in jeopardy by involving himself in more drama, but Sapnap has been silent despite being the least problematic member of the DTeam by a long shot. Even Badboyhalp (who didn’t speak on it directly) talked on stream about how much respect he had for everyone Dream had name dropped and villainized (Tommy, Tubbo, etc) while Dream was in chat.
3: DTeam stans, and Dream stans especially, can be brutal. I have seen what they can pull out to defend their youtubers, if you’re reading this you probably have too, and it’s crazy. So it speaks volumes that their only argument in this case that I’ve seen is the very same one Dream used initially: he’s neurodivergent, he can’t help it. He didn’t know it was wrong, he was genuinely trying to be a good role model to the kids of the server but his autism made him act like that, the essay he sent to Tommy wasn’t manipulative at all, etc. I should not have to explain why this is not an argument in the slightest and shouldn’t even be taken as one. Other than that, there isn’t an edited snapchat photo, message, or post to be argued (at least not on Dream’s side). Dream very clearly did everything and is still arguing that he’s in the right. There is no evidence against him because he’s still talking about not regretting doing anything, so the stans have to argue with what they can.
1: made a short and concise 5 minute video calmly explaining his side and why Dream wasn’t good to him, telling him that the r slur wasn’t a joke and he personally knew good and kind people who were discriminated against with that word and how it isn’t acceptable to be used ever, and telling Dream to take some time off the internet, go to therapy, and spend time with his family.
2: Shout out Tubbo and Jack, the absolute strongest of fighters in this whole thing. For as much as Dream complained about Tommy “manipulating people into hating him,” he didn’t speak on Jack enough. Jack Manifold has not been quiet about his distaste for Dream, and is the one who brought it up on his and Tommy’s podcast. Tommy is the one who was trying to talk about Dream neutrally and change the subject, meanwhile Jack just went off, but somehow according to Dream, Tommy was the one accusing him of things. And Tubbo, the strongest of them all, watching Dream’s whole breakdown with a neutral and (mostly) calm perspective, speaking with him (more like talking at him while he said “let’s move on” or “let’s agree to disagree”) and fighting for his best friend. I’m glad the divorce was amicable. Dream had accusations, Tubbo had logic. It was an easy fight. Also, let’s not forget Ranboo, Philza, Sneegsnag, Aimsey, AverageHarry, Jimmy, Joel, Molly Melinks, Sarah Simons, Rue (Tom’s old roommate), Jonaay, MaxGGs, Kwite, Pokimaine, and many more that sided at the very least against Dream, but mostly against Dream and with Tommy. Also the fact that Dream’s supposed friends like HannahxxRose, VelvetisCake, and Sapnap himself were in Tubbo’s chat during the argument.
3: Ah yes, the 15 million people that got called the r slur. Easiest defense of a celebrity ever, since Tommy did nothing wrong, just defended himself. Even when Dream tried to say he used child labor to make his videos and the editors were underpaid, it wasn’t the fans who defended Tommy, it was the editors themselves. Tommyinnit truly has exactly 1 enemy.
just wanted to get all this off my chest and explain how I deal with internet drama and why this is quite frankly the most non-divided drama i’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen someone so in the wrong be so confident about it, it’s truly baffling.
anyway, back to coding.
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muffinsin · 8 months ago
How do you think the sisters would react if their s/o has modern technology(Phone, Apple Watch, computer, etc.)? Like maybe their s/o moved to the village and had brought all of their modern tech with them to the village.
(the idea of them trying to figure out modern technology is funny as hell to me)
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Now, normally I’m not one for modern requests, but I very much like this one! Putting this together with a more recent one as they both go hand in hand!
Let’s get into it ;)!
When you return from your hometown with a suitcase full of electronics, she is visibly confused
And at first, she doesn’t pay much mind to it
She doesn’t like technology, deems it unnecessary
After all, she’s done perfectly well without it all these years
You don’t introduce her to electronics, but don’t need to, either
The first item she discovers- quite suddenly- is your phone
And oh dear, what a sight that is…
You’re in the bathroom, drying off after a bath when you hear your phone ringing, followed by a high pitched shriek and the loud buzzing of flies
The next thing you know, Bela swarms into the bathroom, stumbles, and lands chest first in the tub that is still not fully drained
Her eyes are wide, her expression one of shock
Her hair and clothing is dripping wet, her expression adorably cute
You’ve never seen her with a puppy eyed expression and can’t help but smile widely as you cup her wet cheeks
In her hand, she holds your phone, which she must’ve picked up right when it started ringing
You take it from her wet fingers, gently kiss the top of her head, then raise the phone
Confused, she stares at the device held by you
And when you swipe to the camera app and take a picture, and you forget to disable the flash, the poor thing jumps yet again
Too wet to dissolve into her swarm and get away, she squirms and slips in the wet tub instead, her facial expression becoming even more frustrated and pouty
Even as you nearly roll on the floor with laughter, you remember to turn the flash off for any future pictures you (partly sneakily) take of her
After this incident, it’s incredibly hard for you to get her close to your phone again
When it rings, she rolls her eyes, when you talk to it, she keeps looking around, as though finding who could be talking to you
She takes a surprising while understanding that your phone has no wire to it, too
Then, one day, you do manage to have her come around;
She hums quietly as you brush her hair for her, her eyes closed, the book in her hand shut. Her index finger slipped inside, serving as a bookmark
You glance at it; the tragic love in Romeo and Juliet. You smile a little. Didn’t Daniela ask her to engage a little more in her interests lately?
Using your free hand to fish for your phone, you quickly find bits and pieces to the topic
You press a gentle kiss to her exposed neck, then, as to not disturb the comfortable atmosphere set up between the two of you, whisper gently
“Did you consider Shakespeare explored love not only mainly at Romeo and Juliet’s first meeting and their deaths, but also by writing of Romeo’s friendship with Mercutio?”
She turns to you, her eyes wide
“No..I haven’t considered that”, she admits. “What do you know of Romeo and Juliet interpretations?”, she asks, then, her eyebrow raised a little
You nearly giggle
When you flash her the phone screen, her eyes widen
“It knows?!”, she wonders out loud, as though shocked
That day, dinner is delayed significantly
The next couple of hours are spent with Bela sat on top of your lap, her eyes wide as she takes in every word of your rant
You explain not only phones, but rather the internet to her as a whole
And really? She’s fascinated!
So she can truly learn all she wants, whenever she wants!
You try to explain she doesn’t necessarily have to learn everything to look it up, but in the end only smile fondly when she refuses this
Why would she pass up on such opportunities, after all!
Soon, you end up tending to hobbies while she is sat next to you, your phone in her hand, paper and pencil next to it as she copies notes
At other times, you introduce her to YouTube and help her learn a new skill
Within weeks only she has gathered an impressive amount of knowledge on various topics. Animals. Economy. History. Urban legends. Geography. Interpretations. Social studies. Psychology topics
And, with that come also a vast amount of skills she has picked up
Pottery, carving wood (and humans, her own addition to this skill), skinning properly, baking, playing the flute, moving along to songs and different type of dances
And to Bela’s greatest delight not only you, but also Alcina picks up on this and all but showers her eldest in praise regarding her newfound knowledge
As it comes to other technology, Bela shares different views. Despite her grown fondness of the Internet
She cares little for your Apple Watch and strongly advises you to flat out refuse Daniela and Cassandra’s requests of getting them one
After all, the two of you know it would be broken or smeared of blood within hours already
Bela is a big fan of your laptop
Within months, she convinces Alcina of its use and all ledgers and business-related information is digitalized
This makes your girlfriend’s work by far easier, so you can convince her to take breaks more often
Of course, with her laptop, Bela also is granted a phone by her mother, unlike her sisters (for a decent amount of time, at least)
You grin whenever you send texts and receive some in return
Despite her youthful appearance, Bela has not quite mastered the art of modern texting
You can’t help but giggle every so often when receiving one from her
As it comes to video games; Bela is not a fan. She doesn’t quite see the appeal of them, especially the more brutal they become
She merely rolls her eyes when she sees someone, you, or her sisters, playing them
Though; she likes herself smaller, calmer games
Animal crossing-style of games, mystery games, point and click, discover, build, farm
It grants her a nice alternative to her usually so brutal and bloody daytime
And lastly, a tv
She likes it, really, and finds it makes for interesting evenings. Especially when she gets the two of you to watch some documentaries
Though, she bans it from the bedroom
She still wants to remain technology-free in this aspect to ensure your attention is hers and hers only
When you go on a trip back to your homeland to retrieve some of your things, she jokingly tells you to bring you some of this “modern technology” you often speak so fondly about
Really, she isn’t quite sure it’s as exciting as you make it out to be
She certainly doesn’t feel like she’s missing out!
Ah, but she is painfully curious about the outside, the world that lies outside the castle grounds, outside the village, far beyond the forest
Then, though, you to return with a couple of large suitcases
Curiosity killed the cat fly, no?
She opens one of your suitcases the moment you drop it on the bed, head first, her hand reaching in
You watch from across the room, amused. She almost looks like a curious cat trying to reach it’s paw inside
The pulls out your phone charger, it turns out, and immediately it seems as though all hell breaks loose
Startled as though it was a snake, she jumps and snarls loudly, her hiss almost high pitched, her hand twitching with the effort of pushing the charger, which has wrapped itself around her, off and away
You laugh loudly as she swarms brokenly, bumping into the bed and chairs, tables and walls, her teeth bared at the charging cable, her arm attempting to yank itself away every few seconds
“Come here, baby!”, you plead with tears of laughter forming at your eyes
She sits relatively still for you as you unwrap the charger from her hand, a bright pink blush set on her cheeks, a growl passing her throat every couple of seconds
The moment it’s off, you already catch her sniffing and slapping at it. She sits with her head tilted, confused
What is this strange cable? Do you have need for it? What need could you have for it?
Then, she blinks, as though in understanding
You squeal when you feel her on you in an instant, then, the floor
She sits on top of you as she is done tackling you, your wrists pushed together as the cable is wrapped around them
Again, she only blushes when you laugh loudly. No, this certainly is no toy to tie someone up
She snarls, and you manage to pull away the white charger barely in time before her sharp, claw-like nails cut through it
With some effort, you explain to her what it is, and what it for
You show her your phone, and while the beginning is tough, she eventually understands
That’s not to say you don’t still catch her mid-fight with Siri, yelling, arguing, insulting the voice in your phone, so much so you must intervene when Siri suggests calling local authorities
At other times, you giggle to yourself when you hear her talk to the voice, asking questions such as how she was put inside your phone and where she goes when she stops talking
You don’t have the heart to explain Siri to Cassandra, or the patience
Something she is, of course, immediately fascinated by is the opportunity for her to explore the outside world
The first time you turn on the tv and show a mere documentary about the Amazon rainforest, you can see her eyes sparkle with adoration and tears of yearning
She watches for hours, taking in every view and occasionally even the words that come with it
She asks- begs- you to let her watch more, every day. She’s so very curious! If Mother only let her out, only let her see for herself, just once!
Surprisingly, with this new way of exploring the world, come nightmares she would never admit she has
Nightmares of cold lands, of being stuck under the ice at the north or South Pole, mauled by bears and birds when she has no way of defending herself against the harsh cold biting into her skin
Sometimes, you find her tucked especially close during those times, whimpering about being cold in her sleep until you shush her and calm her worried mind
At other times, she’s missing from bed entirely. You calm after the third time, having found out that it’s Bela’s bed she retreats to, her words of wisdom and light scolds surprisingly calming to her younger sister
With this newfound knowledge comes also a hunger for new prey. She learns a lot about different types of animals found all around the world
For example, she loves to brag she could beat a cheetah in a race. You only giggle and smile lovingly at her. She certainly has the spirit for it
At other times, she talks of how very curious she is of hunting and catching a lion. Then again, she speaks of wanting one as a pet
At the breakfast and dinner table, she loves to tell Alcina all she has seen and learned
Often, this comes with a plea to let her see the world, which is always shut down with a loving, but pitying smile and a genuine apology
Deep down she knows, she cannot travel. And still, she asks. Perhaps it will change, after all
She likes to receive praise from you and Alcina, and most of all, surprisingly; Bela, when sharing facts she picks up from the numerous movies and documentaries she watches on different biomes and regions of the world
As it comes to your Apple Watch..she’s undecided
She wears one herself to follow your lead, but doesn’t quite understand the purpose of it. To her, it’s pretty much a standard watch and a fashion accessory
Should you attempt to call her using you, you will find deep slashes alongside it and her arm from when she jumped in surprise and automatically- instinctively- slashed at it
When having her arm cupped in your hands and your fingers recently tending to the wounds left at her wrist, she only blushes and grumbles about it not being that bad and about wanting to keep the watch
Perhaps, she will learn to use it in time, though it’s unlikely
Unlike her older sister, Cassandra is quite fond of video games
While she still prefers hunting, gutting, chasing and hurting people, she likes to indulge in video games every once in a while
These usually are the combat type of games, such as mortal combat or even games like red dead redemption
Ironically, she would’ve liked resident evil games
She cares little for your laptop and finds it particularly annoying when she hears the clicking of the keys as you type
Often, she glares when you pick it up
At other times, she only snarls, but curls up next to you anyway
She does find it funny when you accidentally spill water over it once, though
Electronics?! Yes!
She’s very enthusiastic when she hears you’ll bring home some technology!
She doesn’t know much about it, really, only bits and pieces she didn’t fully understand from intruders taken prisoner by her just after they got lost in the village
And still, their shiny toys and fancy words- while they certainly stuck to her- barely make sense to her
She begs you to take as much as you can!
Once, she held a phone. Once, she was entertained by the buttons she was able to push and the noises that came from the little thing
Then, she wrestled with her sister, fought a lycan for fun during a hunt and rewarded herself with a blood bath, and there went “her” phone…
When you return, she is immensely confused, but enthralled by your smartphone
She takes it immediately, her eyes wide and her lips parted slightly in concentration when you remind her to be careful with the fragile little thing
And careful she is
She keeps it just above her pillows, her touches so light you’re surprised the screen even picks them up
Surprisingly, Daniela figures out the foreign phone relatively fast
Although, you have a good laugh at the beginning, when she somehow ends up in the calculator app and pushes buttons here and there, like in a game
After about half an hour she figures out it’s a calculator and eagerly runs off, excited to show Bela what useful tool she found her
Continuing on, you teach her how to use the phone properly
She discovers Siri in no time and…very well…it leads to long nights of pressing the pillow to your ear as she speaks to her “new best friend”
Usually, you end up grabbing your eager girlfriend and cuddling her to your chest, stroking her hair and scratching her scalp just right until she falls asleep at last
Some peace and quiet, at last
That is, until she awakens to tell Siri about her dream and, perhaps accidentally, ends up at a google search regarding dreams and their meanings
Though, you can’t be annoyed when she jumps and buzzes excitedly like a puppy wagging its tail as she elaborates on what her dream might’ve meant, eager to show off her newly acquired wisdom and insight
It’s such an adorable sight, you even forgive her rants to Siri in the middle of the night
Now, she is a very fast learner as it comes to electronics, especially your phone
She manages to understand and use it quickly, and after weeks of debating with Alcina that she will not immediately break hers, she receives one of her own
While she has many purposes for her phone, some of them include:
Using it as a camera. You treasure your little nightly ritual, when Daniela drags you to bed, jumps in and cuddles close to you. She opens her phone and shows you the many pictures she took that day
Often, these include flowers, prey, animals, trees, the sun, the moon, selfies, pictures with her family (in which Bela and Cassandra usually look particularly displeased with their younger sister), pictures of dresses and book quotes
She gets incredibly excited showing them to you and adds a little story to most of them
Another use she has for her phone is to text and make calls
She gets surprisingly good and up to date surprisingly fast, texting you back whenever you message her, calling you at times to check in on you when she’s out hunting
One time, you nearly fell out your chair being put in face time while she was down in the dungeons “playing” with one of the prisoners with Cassandra
And, lastly, Daniela loves having games on her phone
She plays them whenever she has spare time left or takes little breaks from reading, and likes to keep you updated on her scores of her favorite games
While she certainly thinks laptops are fun, she has little use for one
Again, she enjoys being able to play, or watch you play, games on it
Should it be an online game, you can bet you have your girlfriend right by your side, insulting all who cause you misfortune while you game
In turn, she likes to game herself, but prefers sticking to her books and photography. She isn’t one to get too absorbed in the electronic devices, despite having them figured out already
Daniela loves your Apple Watch!
She likes to wear it for “style”, as she calls it and usually allows you to cover it up before she goes hunting
Often, she brags about hers to her sisters and to the staff, sometimes even to the weeping prisoners, as you hear whenever she forgets to hang up and starts rambling to whatever unfortunate soul she finds
She uses it to make calls, read messages, and, her favorite use; checking the weather
She never knew this was a thing!
When you introduce her to it, she immediately runs off to find Bela and Cassandra
Just a day after the three stand in front of Alcina, Bela and Cassandra tucked behind their younger sister, holding onto her as Daniela pulls her famous puppy eyes on their mother
They plead to go out another day. Yes, winter is approaching. Yes, it’s getting colder. Oh! But the “magic app” knows they will be fine!
Since then, they always check the weather before heading out. Or rather, Alcina does, tugging them back and dressing them appropriately for the estimated temperatures before sending them off with a kiss to their foreheads
You grin when Daniela returns, the brightest smile on her lips
She’s eternally grateful to be able to spend another few days of the year outside, and shows you this in the form of a lot of praise and kisses pressed all over your face
As it comes to video games for herself, she is willing to try them out
Playing online games such as GTA, she likes to cuss out all others, throwing insults nearly every player’s way
And still, she likes single-player games, investigation ones, combat ones, farming ones
She’s the type to give nearly any game a shot
She loves the electronics, but is sure to stick to traditional ways and actions to show you how much you mean to her
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anemoiashifts · 8 months ago
a collective shifting reading.
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hi guys :) if you’re seeing this on tumblr that means you’re getting this three hours early but 7.10 is the anemoiashifts tiktok accounts first birthday 🎂🤍 !
i wanted to do something special & originally i wanted to talk about the first time — and only time — that i have shifted but i don’t think im ready to share something that personal to hundreds of strangers on the internet. then, i was going to do a q&a but i thought that would be a little lazy, then i thought about going live & doing live shifting readings on tiktok but im a pretty shy person so that idea went out the window as quickly as it came. so i hope this video will do :) !
this is a collective shifting reading for all of my followers or anyone who comes across this. this reading is going to be a little longer then my previous ones because i want to provide as much clarity as i can to try & help you guys ⊹ ₊ ⟡ ⋆
who this is for ₊˚ෆ
this reading is for everyone who has shown me support within the past year or decided to stick around for whatever reason; even if this video magically stumbles upon your path. but here are some specifics that ive picked up on:
star or heart shaped jewelry (rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.) specially, silver jewelry or silver in general. maybe you’re someone who doesn’t take well to criticism. if you have a connection to foxes, mice / rats or house cats. shiny & holographic clothing. soft makeup shades (baby pink, nudes, baby blue).
reading ₊˚ෆ
your biggest “blockade” is your over commitment to your desired reality & shifting as a whole. there needs to be balance or you are pouting yourself at risk for losing your sense of self & going into a downwards spiral. your relationship with shifting is filled with limerence instead of taking control of your life & looking at your life (here or in your dr) long term. you may have multiple dr’s which only fuel that fascination with shifting as a concept. you want to experience so many different things, but you can’t do everything all at once. you have made too many commitments at once. to provide that clarity to yourself, focus on one place at a time. the reason you are so disconnected to your dr is because you’re trying to simultaneously connect with the ten others that you have in that works.
you already understand what doesn’t serve you, doesn’t serve you. weather that be patterns or methods or mindset. you have already let go of them. you don’t need to rehash what you already know. while nostalgic, the era of 2020 / 2021 shiftok has ended & looking back on the past is pointless. because of this looking back to this era with such a yearning to re-spark that initial excitement that you had when the idea of shifting was shown to you, it can quickly become a distraction; reminiscing instead of reigniting.
if you feel stuck, it’s because you feel directionless in your shifting journey. you have so many ideas & so much you want to do but feel lost at sea. you are struggling yo see progress or success. without looking back on what no longer serves you, go back to what you want to get out of shifting. to get out of this never ending cycle, you need to take responsibility for yourself & journey. you also need to recognize the power you already hold. nothing separates a “successful” shifter from a non successful shifter other then how you personally choose to define it. this could be a reflection of your lack of self confidence & be a sign to honoring yourself. how your view yourself, dictates your relationships with other people & how you show up in the world. you could be repressing traumas & emotions & trying to put a band aid over them though shifting. if you feel shame or stupid for putting in energy to reality shift, don't. if it brings you joy then know anything that brings you happiness is worth it & never a waste.
thank you for reading & i hope this resonated with you & you were able to maybe see your journey in a new light or get some clarity. i love you so very much !! ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀ !!
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indieyuugure · 1 year ago
How do u draw your characters bc I want make a comic series just like you but my art teacher isn't teaching me shit so I was wondering
Should I do paper comic (doing it on paper)
Or digital (which might be a bit hard to step as I wouldn't have the stuff on hand)
Ps art style is fantastic 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Lol, I’ll try to help the best I can!
Okay, so, I’m not exactly sure what you’re having trouble with specifically, so I’ll just try to keep it general.
For starters, drawing a person at all, typically I start with a sketch that looks something like one of these:
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Notice the usage of circles as guides for the joints. I find that this helps me to understand where in 3D space the character’s elbow or knee or shoulder or wherever is and can also assist with proportions before the drawing is being finalized and would be a pain to fix/erase.
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Not sure how helpful this is, but here’s showing how the drawing evolves as a sketch. The circles help to predict where things’ll be so when you go to draw a rough outline, you have a guide to help you.
I draw chests as usually a trapezoid-esk shape and the hips as triangles(however I recommend drawing it more like a heart when doing girls). The head is kept a circle or oval depending on the character’s face shape and things like hands and feet are basically just a mix of squares and triangles.
Something to keep in mind, is the lack of detail on basically everything. I know from experience how tempting it is to do the detail as you go, and it’s not a good habit to have. Always try to sketch everything in as little detail as possible.
Once you’re done with your sketch, though, you can go crazy!
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Here’s the second picture I did with some details.
Unfortunately, I can’t really help you with detailing since this step starts incorporating your own art style, personal flourishes, clothing taste, even level of detailing, it’s really something you have to learn on your own.
But, GENERALLY, this is where you establish key characteristics like the face, anatomy, clothing, hair, etc. Aka make it pretty!
Again I’m not super sure where you’re struggling, so this is just a general how-to, though hopefully it was helpful!
As for what medium to do your comic on, I suggest doing it in whichever you’re the most comfortable in. If drawing on paper is better for you, sticking with it is perfectly fine. I will say though if you ever plan to post said comic on the internet, digital is a lot easier to upload on the internet. But as I said, which ever is most comfortable is probably best.
If you have anymore questions about this, feel free to message me, I’ll try my best to help you to the best of my ability!
Good questions! :]
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iamlostsomewhereinthegarden · 4 months ago
Obey me brothers order in which they got introduced to the internet and how good they are at using it
I did say I was working on some Obey Me stuff lololol
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* The first to use the internet
* He has to make sure it’s safe for his brothers to be on
* Or at least have an idea of what’s going on
* He canonically was the one who introduces it to Levi and Levi had been tech insane forever so he has to be amongst the first
How good are they at using it?
* Just below average
* Much better than a Boomer parent using tech
* But still not as good as the younger generations
* I mean he can he just isn’t aware of the trends and major internet stuff
* Pretty sure he only knows a bunch of internet slang mostly because of Levi tho
* Does not understand them at all though
* “What is this Skibidi…. Toilet?”
* But he uses all tech stuff just prefers to use older things
(Tumblr is a bitch and took away yellow saying that it doesn’t look good on white, like bitch? There are other color bg not only white? Do ya’ll even know your own hellsite?)
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* Fourth person to get into it
* Didn’t care much for it as an Angel
* Outside of the basics didn’t use it much tbh
* Once he was in the Devildom and incorporated into his sin he was too busy trying to hustle people for money and gambling
* For the most part outside of my top 3 of those who accessed tech I believe most of the brothers didn’t care much for modern tech as they were either busy or it just wasn’t important for them to incorporate into their lives
* Continuing on, it’s not until he heard about online auctions, gambling, betting, etc. that has to do with his sin that he got into tech
How good are they at using it
* This is what he’s in the top 3 with
* He’s number 2 in how good he is with tech
* Can use it
* Can build it
* Can take apart any piece of tech and put it back together
* Can probably make your tech even better if he tries and wants to
* Also knows how to get a top model device for cheap and how much parts are worth
* If Levi is unavailable to help with tech stuff it’s Mammon there to the rescue
* Very good with all online stuff also
* Navigates and finds stuff pretty well and easily
* Knows internet slang and picks up on new trends and phrases easily
* “Ya know I got the rizz baby gurlll”
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* Originally you’d think he’d be first
* But he’s third just like his birth order
* Only because it took Lucifer forever to understand wtf was the internet and introduce Levi to anime so another brother skipped pass him for second
* Hooked onto anime really really fast
* Also was into anime in heaven so that’s why he’s in the top 3
How good are they at using it
* Best person
* This one’s a given
* Mods, creation, destruction, recreation
* Could probably make a bomb from a device just chooses not to and doubts his ability to do that
* When they first came down to the devildom everyone was clueless and Levi was onto his Ruri-chan shit from the get go like a true stan and internet user
* Internet slang? Trends? Words? Levi straight up knows it by the heart
* Despite not participating in trends and dancing, he can do them flawlessly just had no self confidence
* Speaking of, pretty sure he accidentally created a bunch of internet slang
* Also it’s canon he speaks in Internet slang irl
* “ROFL not Mammon thinking he can rizz his way out of that situation! He can’t even mew properly!”
* You want a good deal or anything that involves tech stuff game or just anything go to Levi
* Probably taught or helped Mammon know all he knows
* Also massive streamer type energy come to him once you have the basics for streaming set up and he’ll make you amazing
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* He has to be the last person to know and use tech
* He’s the last born so he has to interact and know about tech last
* And even then didn’t really care for tech
* Probably only cares about tech to read online books and movie adaptations (scandalous) and to contact others especially the Anti-Lucifer League
How good are they at using it
* Is not bad tbh
* Better than Lucifer out of spite
* As mentioned before only cares about tech to read online books, watch movies and contact
* Knows trends doesn’t participate unless it’s about books, cats or a prank on Lucifer
* Doesn’t understand or care much about them though
* Better than Belphie worse than Beel
* Only knows the basics of internet slang
* “Rizz? What is that?”
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* This is the brother who stole second place from Levi
* Because of his Asmo parties he eventually found social media and by extension the internet
* If it wasn’t for the Asmo parties and publicity he would’ve had no interest in tech and the internet
How good are they at using it
* Good enough
* Can use almost any app
* But doesn’t know much about the phone in general
* If you need help with a social media app he’s the person to go to
* A lot of social stuff online in the human realm is by his influence
* Does a lot of livestreams on the devildom’s version of instagram
* Does he know trends, slang and challenges?
* Do you even know who the heck you’re talking about?
* He created a lot of the bougie slang and phrases
* “Period Ah Period Uh-“
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* He’s the 5th to get into it and originally got into it only because his job as an angel when they went a bit tech and it was easier to get notifications on stuff
* Still didn’t use it as an Angel and still doesn’t use it much as a devil outside of ordering food and watching food videos or texting
How good are they at using it
* Average at it tbh
* As I said he uses the phone at the bare minimum outside of food stuff
* Knows all the best food apps
* And the best apps the help with workout routines
* Text him if you need food, just make sure that you get to it first and that he’s been saved some
* Also knows how to stream and does a lot of workout streams
* Come to him to help you work out how to start streaming tbh he’s good at that
* Back to him streaming tho a lot of people show up to his stream because he’s hot at tbh
* Sometimes ends up on Asmo’s streams for skin and makeup stuff or trends
* Is only into food eating and workout trends tbh and not much else
* Not that good at slang gets help from his brothers to understand (and by extension ig also helps Lucifer learn slang)
* “What is rizz? Is that some new food?”
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* Literally not the last just because Satan was created last
* Got into it in heaven because of Beelzebub and Lilith
* Actually into it because of the sleep asmrs and stuff to help you sleep and goofy shit he can learn like pranks
How good are they at using it
* Better than Satan due to spite for Lucifer and being involved in Beel’s streaming and stuff
* Also uses it often to search up stuff about where the stars are to adjust the planetarium and be a bit invested in what happens in the human world in Lilith’s honor
* Is great at slang for the sake of Beel who is a sweet oblivious oaf and being asleep or half asleep while being around Mammon, Levi or Asmo at any given time
* Knows trends, rarely participates unless he barley has to do anything in them
* Smug bastard tho
* “You know I got that sleep rizz”
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spacerockfloater · 2 months ago
holy fuck this is crazy okay so i’ve been thinking about studying at national and kapodistrian university of athens and i’ve been searching around the internet seeing people’s opinions on the school and i saw a post you made about studying there which is such a coincidence because we are moots! anyways i just want to ask how do you like it there? is there anything i should know before applying?
Okay SO, I have a bachelor’s in classical studies and linguistics, I think Americans call that a double major? That thing was EXCRUCIATING, it was 60 subjects in 4 years, plus an internship and a thesis. My master’s, which is in computational linguistics and data analytics, has been even harder. I have too much to say about this topic, so I’ll categorise all the shit I need to speak on and hopefully this will help you!
Academics: The education is top notch. There’s a reason it’s one of the top 100 universities in the world in many lists. There’s no department that has a bad reputation. You’ll have to do a lot of individual studying, though. We’ve got well equipped libraries. The professors are really good at what they do. I’m not sure whether you wish to pursue a bachelor’s or a master’s, so keep in mind that we have almost no Bscs where the lessons are delivered in the English language and only a few Master’s, which I believe are about Medicine, Law etc. Almost always, the lessons are conducted in Greek and you’ll need a Greek language certificate to get accepted to a greek university. UNLESS OF COURSE you’re only here for Erasmus or you’ve managed to find an english delivered programme, in which case you’ll be totally fine. Just make sure you check!
Finance: All bachelors’ are free. Almost all masters’ are 100% free and if they aren’t, they don’t cost more than 2k euros for the whole duration of your studies, and even then you can apply for an exemption. Now, since everything is free, there’s no such thing as financial aid or loans for students here, so you’ll have to find a way to cover your life expenses yourself. I’d say the average person needs about 800 euros - 1k per month in order to lead a somewhat decent life in Athens without a roommate. Your uni schedule will allow you to work (if your visa allows you to) since attendance is not mandatory here, except if you have any labs. Also, as a student you’ll have major discounts almost everywhere, so make sure you ask about it everywhere you are.
Premises: Please bear in mind that the actual university buildings in Greece suck MAJOR ass. They’re old, they’re brutalist, they’re bare, they’ve got no heating or air conditioning and so on. They are horrible. Generally, the more prestigious a faculty is, the worse the condition of its establishment. Picture soviet union buildings. There are very few dorms available in Athens, so make sure to check if you meet the criteria for one or if you’ll need to arrange for accommodation yourself. Mind you, finding an apartment to rent in Athens is gonna be very challenging. The house market is so bad that it is unusual for Greeks to leave their parents’ house before getting married, usually in their 30s, so roommates ain’t really a thing here. The university does offer free breakfast, lunch and dinner every day though (there are certain financial conditions that dictate whether one is entitled to free food or not but they’re so lenient that almost everyone meets them, like your family’s annual income not being more than 100k or smth).
Administration: Now, when it comes to the administration of the university, it is quite decent. You’ll hear a lot of people complain about this, but honestly we Greeks do love to complain. The administration gets things done fast usually, as long as you make sure to have the right paperwork for your requests. We’ve also got a great career office, helped me land 2 different office jobs when I was younger.
Social life: Your peers are going to adore you. Young people here LOVE foreign students, everyone will want to be friends with you. We’ve got a bunch of different clubs you can join and nightlife in Athens is awesome. Winter kinda sucks ass, but spring and summer are totally amazing and you’ll be able to visit a shit ton of places. Greeks are generally insanely friendly and helpful. If you are a POC or obviously LGBT+ (meaning that people could clearly guess you belong in the community by glancing at you), I have to warn you that some old fucks or trashy people may glance strangely at you at the bus stop or the superkmarket, but the people you’ll actually have and want to socialise with here (fellow students, people your age etc.) will love you. The youth is very progressive here, and while old and middle aged folks can be a pain, they may scowl at you but nothing worse.
ALL IN ALL: EKPA or UOA is a great university, meaning that it is a very good place to acquire knowledge. Our facilities are kinda shit, though. You can only accept it for its inner beauty, lol. Our libraries and lessons are filled with material in the Greek language mostly. Education here is free. The university has a lot to offer and our teachers are extremely experienced and knowledgeable. You’ll almost never have homework, your grade in a lesson will usually depend 100% on your finals. You’ll have to study a lot. Athens and Greece in general are very beautiful. The people here are very loving and understanding and you’ll have an amazing time here. HOWEVER, if you’re looking for an aesthetically pleasing college life, I recommend you skip it. It’s nearly impossible to romanticise EKPA. Will you have a good and fun experience here and will you come out a very educated person? Yup. Will you have a DREAMY college life and reality you’ll long for in the years to come? Fuck no!
Please feel free to ask ANY questions, I’m more than happy to answer. And if you do decide to come here, ΚΑΛΗ ΑΡΧΗ! ❤️
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icycoldninja · 7 months ago
Can you write the DMC boys with a reader who’s extremely wary, if not, straight up paranoid around men?
Like on the surface, you can see that she’s seemingly chill around men, but internally, she’s shitting herself due to how uncomfortable she is around them
To sum up how badly paranoid she is around them, I can give you some examples:
- If she gets called by someone whom she knew is a man, she’ll most likely would not pick up because she can’t tell a difference between a kidnapping scenario and a normal phone call -> leads to her sometimes not picking up their phone calls ( intentionally) unless someone else whom she trusts is beside her to rescue her
- If a man ask her to accompany them to somewhere else, she would internally panic because she thinks to herself “Should I propose to going out in public so incase he did try to kill me, I can easily scream for help?!”; “Will he ask me out?! How would he react if I reject him?! Will he orchestrate a plan to kidnap me and rape me?!” ; etc when in reality, that man could be asking for her help, shining the flashlight so he could fix his car easily -> leads to her only hanging out with the boys in public or anywhere that has the presence of other people, which means, not a lot of privacy between both of them
- If the boys and the reader sleep together, she would lowkey be ecstatic but mainly paranoid as hell, to the point where she could imagine 100 kinds of scenarios in which the boys could be taking advantage of her when she sleeps so she secretly hides a dagger underneath her pillow and pretend to fall asleep so the boys do not grow suspicious of her. In reality, she’s very much awake and alert, staring at them eyes wide open, not dare blinking asleep with a dagger close to her heart, ready to fight back -> her having sleepless nights and grows extremely exhausted much to the boy’s confusion, wondering how tired she must be even though they do saw her falling asleep ( presumably )
-If she had to walk home alone, she would hold her precious Swiss knife close to her heart, ears and eyes always be on the lookout for even a faint sound or image, ready to strike and would stare down at a man across the street to back off and leave her alone, even when the man could be minding his own business -> leads to her being too independent sometimes and not wanting to accept their help taking her home because she thinks they would take advantage of her as well which honestly dishearten them
-She always carry around a pack of condom in case if she did unfortunately get 🍇’d, she can still prevent sex-related diseases and unwanted pregnancies
That affects their live life a lot because they felt that they’ve never been connected to the reader as she always seemingly repulse from them. It isn’t until they saw how comfortable she is around women and uncomfortable around (not only them) other men as well
That leads to them coerce her into answering them, not straight up being a pushover did she sobs and told them
P/S: That’s how I act around men and I can’t help myself….It’s exhausting because I can’t feel connected to anyone and have genuine friendships and relationships with someone of the opposite gender without coming up with multiple scenarios of how they would kidnap me, torture me, sa’d me
I'm so sorry to hear that. I know my words are meaningless since I'm just a stranger on the internet, but I hope you can heal from whatever is causing this, because as someone who has a father and brother, I can tell you not all men are like that, only the real trashy ones. Hope you enjoy.
Sparda boys + V x Paranoid!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante doesn't understand why you're so paranoid. He knows he might come off as intimidating to some, but he's not a bad guy, trust him!
-He won't push you to hang out with him because he's sure that if he gives you space, you might warm up to him.
-This only partially works, as you don't ever want to go anywhere with him unless other people will be around, which made it really hard to establish a relationship.
-Dante refuses to give up, though, and kept trying, mostly communicating with you over the phone, even though you rarely picked up. Most people would have just given up and left you to your devices, but he refuses to let that happen.
-When you guys eventually establish a relationship and sleep together for the first time, you're still paranoid as hell and keep your knife under your pillow. Of course, once Dante starts cuddling up to you, your fear starts to dissipate.
-Indeed, for while Dante could easily snap your neck in half, he would never do such a thing. He loves you with all his heart and does nothing but try to protect and soothe you, even when you resist.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil understands he is a very imposing man, so he does not question your fearfulness. He leaves you be, not wanting any drama, and just some quiet time so he can read his book.
-You got a lot of encouragement from the DMC girls to go up and talk to him, but you always refused. At some point, the whole DMC staff had to go on a giant mission, and since everyone would be there, you figured it would be safe to go too.
-It took Vergil saving your life from a particularly nasty creature for you to understand that he is looking out for you, even if he never shows it.
-You're still very on edge around him, especially at home, but after watching you take your knife with you to the bathroom, Vergil decided to put an end to all that and sit you down on the couch before explaining that he has never even thought about harming you in any way.
-It's unlikely you'll be getting over this fear anytime soon, but at least you can rest a little easy knowing Vergil isn't going to try anything without asking you first.
-And when he said he'd ask for permission, he meant about everything, he might as well ask if he can breathe the same air as you.
□ Nero □
-Nero was recommended to you by Nico, whom you trust. She gave him glowing reviews, and even dragged you over to say hi.
-Nero was informed beforehand about your paranoia and did his best to make you feel comfortable, though that was very difficult.
-You guys only hang out when Nico and Kyrie are around, but still, you managed to create a pretty strong friendship.
-You still refused to pick up the phone when he called or answer any of his texts, but you guys managed to make it work, somehow.
-When you guys finally get into a relationship, you're still pretty nervous, but Nero is so nice and protective of you, you can't help but wonder if your fears are no longer necessary.
-He really is the sweetest boy in the world, and may be the key to healing you.
● V ●
-V is not like other guys, literally. He has a talking bird that encourages you to say hi, always whispering things in your ear.
-Yes, you're terrified and uncomfortable beyond comprehension, but V just doesn't seem that bad. He actually looks harmless.
-Griffon is constantly assuring you V wouldn't do anything to hurt you, because he can't really fight without his familiars, and according to Griffon, all his familiars love you.
-You are still extremely wary and keep your knife about you at all times, even when you get into a relationship and all that.
-V is such a sweetheart, though, doing his best to make you feel loved and comfortable, not trying anything unless you want him to.
-When you need space, V will give you space, no hard feelings, no worries.
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kellysue · 8 months ago
On Interviews and Getting All Up In My Head
If you haven’t yet listened to Sam Fragoso’s interview with Annie Baker, please do. Baker is startlingly honest, and I mean that literally. I was folding clothes, hadn't even chosen the episode—it was just the next thing in my queue after whatever grisly murder podcast I had purposely selected. I was startled enough to stop folding, rewind, and listen again. I don’t want to say too much about it for fear of spoiling the experience for you, but there’s an authenticity there that’s rare. If anyone within the reach of this email knows Fragoso or Baker, please pass along my compliments. It was a hell of a thing.
Interviews are on my mind as I gear up to do press for the new comic. I’m not a shy person, not an introvert in the least (as anyone who’s met me will attest) but I do get up in my head about this stuff. It’s a part of the job that elicits a stew of feelings. The sort of vulnerability required to write, to create anything really, is different from the vulnerability required to talk about the work, about the process, or about yourself in that mix. (My heart is beating a little bit faster all of a sudden—my body reacting to even the thought of it. No kidding: I just got a notification from the Apple Health app.) There’s a certain defensiveness in the experience, no matter how friendly the interlocutor, one I suspect is fueled by the spirit of this internet age. As a part of your brain is searching for an honest answer, another is running through all the ways your response could be deliberately misconstrued, and a third is asking, ‘Will this really help the sales of the book/film/show/etc.?’ Is this worth it?
Baker lays all that bare; she risks being considered “difficult” or annoying Fragoso. (To his great credit, he doesn’t just allow for it; he answers her vulnerability with his own.) She appreciates the thoroughness of his preparation but at the same time wonders aloud at the peculiarity of having something she once said parroted back to her as Truth. She doesn’t deny having said it, and likely it was true once, but memory and identity are fickle things, and the perspective of age alters how the light hits both. Of course, for the purpose of an interview, for the purpose of any conversation, there have to be some things we take as given, but her willingness to highlight the absurdity of the exercise, to own her discomfort, and then to light up when Fragoso is willing to ride along is refreshing, a buoy to me just now.
I love her willingness to push back, too. If you know me, you know I can be a lot, and I don’t exactly have a reputation for conflict-avoidance, but there have been moments/remarks in interviews past that I let slide unchallenged and they gnaw at me still. My hesitancy to hit the press circuit probably has something to do with that as well. Fear of signing up to either answer the well-meaning stranger back or grit my teeth and learn to live with another Lego in my shoe. And for what? In comics, anyway, no one seems to know what press, if any, will move the needle.
Oh goodness. Reading back, I’ve descended into something that looks rather unflatteringly like privileged moping. I am fortunate to make my living in the arts, I know. My challenges are hardly those of a coal miner or a policy-maker, I know, but here we are. Bucking up now, I promise.
I’ll say in closing this bit out, though, that I probably ought to own that my efforts to find new ways to market FML (starting with the acrostic in the last email) are not entirely about the current media landscape. They’re at least in part a reaction to the current me landscape. And I think it’s probably okay to acknowledge the absurdity of being so tired you can’t bring yourself to do things the usual way and then making up new approaches that require three times the work. Nothing if not on brand.
Kelly Sue
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mommyownsmee · 10 days ago
Hello over there, long time no see and I apologise!
First I want to say, not to sound creepy, but I do screenshot all of your responses because they truly do help me to even reflect on myself and not to see it all so dark and it’s such huge reassurance.
And I want to thank you so much for that.
I just wanted to thank you so much for everything you ever done for me and perhaps update you a little bit.
I went through a breakup, kind of messy one. And it’s still so hard for me because it’s been two months and I’m starting to realise how awful she was. Like literally yesterday I was sitting and just doing my makeup when I was like ‘Wait… what she said was kind of manipulative?’. For anyone nosey, the break up was supposed to end on good terms.
I talked to my friends, EVEN MY THERAPIST and I ran the whole chat through like 3 different ai servers to tell me if I did something wrong, and even my therapist said that no (which is important because the whole relationship was also supported by my therapist since I came to her and I was like ‘Hey I’m crazy, how am I supposed to be less crazy, what am I supposed to do and say?’).
The thing is that she discovered that she’s a pillow princess in the relationship with me. Good for her. We had few hard times since I’m switch but at the end of the day I said I don’t care that much. I assured her many many times, told her how much I love her no matter the situation and stuff. And she broke up with me because she felt she can’t fulfill me.
That’s okay, I understand. Sometimes mind is cruel.
BUT TELL ME WHERE SHE GETS THE AUDACITY TO GO ON THE INTERNET AND SAY “I’m never gonna date someone who isn’t supportive of my pillow princess side.”
Long story short- she’s kind of famous on nsfw tumblr. She has around 2K followers and when we broke up she said so many lies about me. So even though I blocked her everywhere, I been avoiding tumblr since.
Even as I’m typing this, I’m shaking because in that post she pained me as someone who wasn’t supporting her (I admit I wasn’t that much supportive when she was talking about femme x butches but I explained to her many times that since I don’t know my own label, it makes bit anxious and I just shut down and just listen, not that I add stuff to the topic and she said she’s okay with it) in any way and it’s making me sad because I loved her in every way. Not now, it’s pissing me off so much.
The thing is that I have horrible OCD (update! I been diagnosed with OCD) and I expressed to her many times that I fear I’m some abuser or something like that and she was like “No no no of course you’re not :(” and then in the post she pained me like I’m some kind of fucking freak who doesn’t love her girlfriend. Why would I date her if i didn’t love her?!
Also, the tumblr is a topic too because after a month we have been dating, she stopped posting. So I asked, she said it’s because of her depression etc. so I was like fine okay. But she also wasn’t so expressive of the love and I said I miss it and she said that again, it’s her depression… chat… after two weeks broke up she posted the most longest post I saw about her how much she wants to ride a butch’s strap… like… (the thing is that I don’t use any label and when we broke up I asked ‘Is it because I’m not butch?’ and she said no but since we broke up she been posting only about butches). And chat… the week after we broke up she wrote a post about how much she wants to love and how she would treat her girlfriend…
Anyway, I have more of the tea but let’s cut it here. But hey, at least I can feel it all through Taylor Swift music?
I been in such bad mental state since that but! I’m happy? I don’t know how to explain it. I’m not doing stuff I would normally do if I’m depressed or the s word. It’s more of like brain fog where I’m not able to concentrate and I get irritated easily. Then I also got sick. And I broke ligaments in my knee. So now I stopped swimming and exercising. I’m home for a month and I’ll be home for many other weeks. And I dyed my hair black with white streaks and cut micro bangs and I look good!
And I feel like I stepped back in my progress I made. OR, is my body just taking the rest it needs?
Either way, I feel like a failure now.
So, that would be the update, I’ll provide more when something interesting is gonna happen.
I love you, take care <3
Oh sweetheart, first of all—Happy (late) Birthday! Even if things feel messy, exhausting, and heavier than they should be right now, you deserve to be celebrated. Not just because it’s your birthday, but because you’re here, surviving, pushing forward even when it feels impossible.
And second—fuck that girl.
No, really. Fuck her audacity. Fuck her rewriting history. Fuck her playing the victim online while knowing full well what she’s doing.
I know that breakups—especially the messy, emotionally tangled kind—have a way of making you second-guess everything. You go back, you replay the conversations, you sift through every moment looking for some piece of proof that maybe, just maybe, you were the problem. But I need you to hear this: You did nothing wrong.
You loved her. You reassured her. You tried to make things work on her terms, even when that meant sacrificing your own comfort. And even after all of that, she still decided to twist the narrative into something that makes her feel better about herself. That’s not on you. That’s on her.
And the internet performance she’s putting on? The second she got online to talk about how much she wants a butch’s strap instead of processing the breakup like a normal human being? The second she took your private relationship and turned it into a public pity party for attention? Embarrassing.
It’s immature, selfish, and downright humiliating on her part. And the worst part? She knows exactly what she’s doing.
She wasn’t just your girlfriend—she knew you. She knew your fears, your struggles, the way your OCD made you terrified of hurting people, the way your mind spiraled at the thought of being the bad guy. And yet, she still went online and painted you as the villain.
She knew exactly what she was doing when she made those posts.
She didn’t say your name, but she didn’t have to. She left just enough room for plausible deniability, just enough space for people to jump to conclusions, take her side, validate her experience—all while avoiding any accountability for the fact that she had a partner who adored her.
And now? She gets to sit back and watch people comfort her, defend her, and reinforce the version of events that makes her feel better.
It’s manipulative as fuck.
So yeah—you have every right to be pissed.
But you also have the right to be free from this bullshit.
Block her. Mute her. Make Tumblr a safe place for you again. She doesn’t get to take that from you. She doesn’t get to sit on her little NSFW throne, spinning lies to a crowd of faceless followers, pretending to be the innocent one, while you’re left dealing with the emotional wreckage she caused.
She doesn’t deserve to take up another second of your energy.
And as for this feeling of “stepping back in progress”—I don’t think you have. Your body and mind are just processing everything.
Think about it. You’re healing from:
A breakup (already brutal on its own).
A betrayal (her running to post about it like a damn reality show confessional).
An OCD spiral (which I know can be relentless).
Getting sick.
A knee injury that threw off your whole routine.
Being stuck at home when all you probably want is to feel normal again.
That’s a lot.
So yeah, your brain might feel foggy. Your emotions might be frayed, tangled, impossible to sort through. You might be irritated easily, frustrated that you’re not bouncing back faster. But that doesn’t mean you’re failing.
It means you’re recovering.
And honestly? You sound like you’re doing better than you think.
Because instead of spiraling, instead of falling into destructive habits, you’re here. Venting. Updating. Processing. Finding your way through it, even when it doesn’t feel like progress.
That’s huge.
And on top of all of that? You’re out there rocking black and white hair with micro bangs? ICONIC. I already know you look hot as hell!
That doesn’t sound like failure to me. That sounds like someone who’s growing, evolving, taking control of their own story—even if it’s messy, even if it’s hard, even if it takes time.
So take a deep breath.
Block her.
Blast Taylor Swift breakup anthems at full volume.
And remind yourself of this:
You are not a failure.
You are not a villain.
You are not responsible for the lies someone else tells.
You’re just you—brilliant, strong, and still standing. And that’s more than enough.
Sending all my love, and I hope your birthday was as incredible as you. 💖
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radkindoffeminist · 3 months ago
I’m really starting to lose sympathy for these people (especially men) who are in unhappy marriages (not abusive or toxic or relationships where they are financially tied to/dependant on their partner, just unhappy) who complain about them on the internet and are then like ‘but I could never divorce my spouse because divorce isn’t an option/we’ve been together so long/they’re actually a good person/etc’. Like, yeah, that’s a fucking shite place to be in and I’m sorry that your relationship isn’t happy and fulfilling anymore but why do you deserve so much sympathy for choosing to stay in an unhappy relationship without doing anything to try to remedy your problems (eg: couples counselling) or considering the idea of divorce because you just don’t believe in it? You’re choosing to not leave them because you’ve internalised this outdated notion that you have to stay married to someone regardless of your own happiness. And yeah, I get it, it’s socialised into us from a young age that divorce is a bad thing and you should stay with the person you marry (especially for women who are told to put others before themselves), but come on! It’s fucking 2024! Divorce happens and it’s better than staying in an unhappy relationship. So stop trying to defend your partner to the end of the earth when you have hundreds of people in your comments saying that you either need to start working towards fixing your relationship or just fucking divorce.
Like, Wife Strike, one of my favourite TikTokers. I loved her doing her strike and refusing to clean up after her partner and everything, but then she finished her strike. She recorded him playing his games when he was supposed to be helping or being with her; recorded him sleeping when they were supposed to have a date-night; showed that he had no respect for her time and she still decided to stay with him and defend him and it’s just… infuriating! What was the point in going through all of that, especially so publicly, if it didn’t change anything about their relationship dynamic? Like, she was literally going ‘yeah, he doesn’t make time for me, makes me do the vast majority of the chores, can’t even clean up after himself, but he’s really a good guy and we have two children together so it’s fine!’ (She eventually decided to leave him and I’m glad that she got out of that relationship. I was especially happy to hear that he offered to go to couples counselling after she asked for a divorce -she had previously asked to go but he refused- and she said no because it was too little too late!)
The stories of men on Reddit are worse though. They will literally post a whole thing about how they don’t like that their wife doesn’t have sex with them anymore (typically because she’s fucking exhausted after looking after their children) and will write a whole post complaining about her then go ‘but I don’t want a divorce because alimony’. No, you don’t want a divorce because it means that you’re really be faced with your financial obligation and because you know that she is doing most of the household labour which you don’t want to do and don’t want to pay someone else to do.
I know people are increasingly annoyed at people on Reddit and TikTok basically telling every couple to just divorce but sometimes people need to hear it because either issues are so insurmountable that there’s not other options or because your partner actively doesn’t want to change anything within the relationship and so nothing will ever change.
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adrianshifts · 3 months ago
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There are more misconceptions about shifting on the internet than there are facts (at least in my opinion). Some of these misconceptions are intentionally harmful, while others are just false information being passed around. In this multi-part post, I’ll talk about the most commonly seen misconceptions about shifting and debunk them.
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O1. “You can’t move while shifting.”
I think the thought process behind this one is that you’ll lose “connection” or “closeness” to your DR if you move. If you really think about it, though, what would happen if you moved while shifting? Well, it depends. Due to the fact that everything about shifting depends on how you manifest it to work, it’s different for everyone. As with everything else, if you convince yourself XYZ will happen if you do A or B, that’s how it’ll be. Therefore, if you tell yourself you won’t shift if you move, that’s how it’ll be. Simple as that. However, if you believe that you can and will shift even if you move while trying, that reality will be true. (See what I did there?)
In summary, you absolutely can move while shifting. It depends more on what you allow yourself to do rather than if your arm twitches while you’re attempting to shift.
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O2. “You have to use subliminals, lay in the starfish position, etc.”
This is so obviously untrue. All you need to shift is intention. While subliminals and certain positions might help you focus more on shifting, they aren’t going to do it for you. All you need to shift is yourself and an intent to do it. Since the ShiftTok days, this has become more and more talked about. Despite this, I figured it wouldn’t be a bad idea to stick it in here just in case.
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O3. “Outside stimuli disrupt shifting.”
Now, this one is a little bit more tricky. The way I see it, it will obviously be harder to focus on the task at hand if there are outside stimuli, regardless of if you’re shifting or doing something else. When applied to shifting, I feel this is especially true. So, if I feel this way, why is this a misconception? Well, it’s very simple. Similarly to what I mentioned before that it’s all up to how what you allow yourself to do, it’s also up to what you allow yourself to perceive and how you do it. Instead of getting frustrated that your younger sibling is making noise in their bedroom, why don’t you incorporate it into what you’re visualizing? Instead of it being them being annoying, it could be your DR sibling having fun. Chances are, there’s a way you can change what you’re hearing/experiences and turn it into a scenario that is of a similar quality of your DR’s.
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O4. “Shifting is easy!” / “Shifting takes lots of knowledge and experience!”
Shifting realities is not something that is learned; rather something that is realized. What I mean by this is that you have always had the ability to shift, ever since you were first conscious. I firmly believe that the only reason people don’t “just know” how to shift is because it is not widely known about or at all taught. If we were taught to shift realities the same as we are taught to speak, it wouldn’t be such a challenge to so many people. All of that goes to say that reality shifting is not necessarily something we learn to do. Sure, we learn what it is, but it’s something we do every second of every day. It’s like something that’s awoken inside of you, something that you realize you can do. It’s just something that we don’t realize we do. It’s not like you’re taught how to breathe or blink, right? None of that is questioned, so don’t question shifting.
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Okay,, this is definitely getting pretty rant-y and I’m getting off topic -_-; I’ll continue this post series if people like it enough (aka I get more than 1 like)
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twopoppies · 1 year ago
Hi Gina!!
I'm really proud of myself rn :D
So I've been searching the Internet for literally hours (it took this long bc I literally don't know how the internet works even though I'm 20) bc I saw your reread fic rec post and that you mentioned you wished you knew who the author of Hats Off To My Distant Hope was bc you'd like to read more from them and I got it in my head that I'm going to find it for you because you always help others find fics/authors and I thought you deserve help finding something too. And I think I found the author!!
So I did a google search with the summary of the fic and I found this fic rec post:
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It credited navigator as the author, but I know they still have an existing acc on ao3 so I checked who the tagged person was. I couldn't find anything on their tumblr that connected them to navigator, but I found reposts of pictures of Harry on their page so I didn't rule it out. I did a google search on their user and somehow ended up on tumbex. I'm not exactly sure how that's connected to tumblr, but it was the same account (same pfp, same bio, same reposts etc).
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After some stalking I found a tag of theirs: #fic stuff
I looked through their posts with this tag and I found a few posts that made it obvious that this person is the same person as navigator on ao3:
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So I was pretty disappointed bc I didn't think navigator could be the same person who wrote Hats Off To My Distant Hope as their account hasn't been orphaned. But then I found this post:
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Mentioning HOTMDH as well as works of navigator, and this person who I'm pretty sure is navigator speaks of all of them as their own work. Sooo it's not as satisfying a revelation as I hoped it would be as you already read navigator's works, but ta-daa! I'm pretty sure navigator is the author of Hats Off To My Distant Hope :,)
YOU ARE SO SWEET!!! I can’t believe you did that. Thank you so much. It’s actually really nice to know that it was their fic because I had a suspicion, just based on the style, but I didn’t know for sure. I’m so glad they only orphaned it because even though they didn’t love it, I really do.
Big kisses to you. Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️
For anyone who hasn’t read any of navigator’s fics, here’s their works page.
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defaruto · 8 months ago
Some hcs:
- tei uses wattpad
- defoko has all of teto’s merch
- ritsu and teto are cousins
- all the vsynths live in a world called “the intersect” because it’s located where the internet starts and where reality ends that sorta like if pure chaos was shaped and made orderly by humanity’s imagination, though it still has pretty vague and lax “rules” compared to the real world and might sometimes contradict itself. Vsynth aren’t the only ones that live here
- people who don’t know defoko well frequently mistake their name as “utaune utau”
-adachi rei being a robot in real world causes her intersect self to be more robotic than the other robots, like people like momo and defoko are more “humanised” interpretations of a robot (can eat, thinks similarly to humans with few exceptions, can cry(though the water sometimes hurts them),etc.) while rei, while not completely acting like how an actual machine would, is still significantly less humanised (can’t eat, thinks more similarly to a machine, can’t cry,etc.) the others genuinely see no difference between them and rei, but rei can’t help to feel a little alienated by what even other robots can do that she can’t
If the two defoko seem familiar, I posted a them before on my main blog
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piedpiperart · 2 years ago
DC x SPN prompt idea
Sam and Dean get a tip about a haunted mansion from Bobby and they go check it out. It’s Drake Manor in Gotham City, which wouldn’t be a problem since no one was supposed to be living there. Except there was.
Sam and Dean meet Tim as they break into his house. Tim at first thinks they’re burglars but notices they’re carrying strange occult stuff. Tim looks at their stuff for a sec and just goes oh, are you here for the ghost?
And the boys, who had thought the kid was a) not alive or b) some sort of creature, are a bit thrown that this tiny child was left alone for months dealing with this ghost haunting his house.
Tim explains that he thinks she’s the ghost of his previous nanny before his parents fired her, but says she doesn’t do anything harmful, just tries to keep him company or get him to eat more often. She only breaks stuff when his parents are around but she stopped after it got him in trouble.
While Tim is sad for his ghost friend to be gone, he absolutely questions the heck out of Sam and Dean about all sorts of supernatural creatures and ghosts. Sam shows him ways to stay safe and avoid places with signs, etc. Dean teaches him how to fight and shoot weapons.
Tim is like seven or eight and pretty much blackmails Sam and Dean into teaching him how to be a hunter, and Tim ends up finding missions for them because he turns out to be a better hacker than Sam and Bobby. He gets the hunters money, sets up a network of information where hunters work together, and makes gadgets and gizmos for the guys to use against creatures.
Dean and Sam are worried about this small child alone in the house but think he’s better off there than as a hunter out in the real world. They don’t expect Tim to force his way into helping them, and every so often when they need help or info they call Tim then remind him to do homework or eat something.
Their road-trips now have frequent stops by Gotham, and even Bobby’s been able to make the trip to meet the lil guy who hacks his computer every week.
Tim also still knows Bruce is batman, and eventually becomes Robin, right. So he’s off doing that and keeping the whole supernatural world secret from Batman. Sam and Dean however, know the kid too well and eventually find out Tim is Robin. They may or may not take that well.
But! Since Tim is already aware of the ways of browsing the news and internet for crazy interesting cases and crimes, he comes across some posts about a potential zombie. Lo and behold- it’s Jason! So Tim calls Bruce and gets them sorted out. Maybe Talia still finds a way to kidnap him though, or Tim fights her on his own to keep Jason and loses, etc.
Either way, Tim ends up on the outs with the family still because he thinks he’s just filling in for Jason. So when his parents die and Tim is in need of a fake uncle? Who else would he call but Bobby!!
Just imagining Bruce and Bobby in the same room oh man. No doubt Alfred and Bobby would get along or absolutely hate each-other and no in between. I think Bobby would win in a fight against Alfred though. Just sayin.
Que Tim taking a call from Dean while he’s patrolling, thinking he’s alone as he details how to graphically kill someone, only to hang up and turn to see Jason standing right there.
Just, many shenanigans for how Tim seems a bit more unhinged than they thought. Like yeah Robin doesn’t kill, can’t kill when you work for Bats, but Tim Drake the Hunter made no such promises. Tim’s like ‘my first kill-‘ and freaks out the bats until he saves it by saying he’s talking about a game.
Sam and Dean come for a visit and Dick is suspicious. Tim goes on hunter missions and comes back with unexplained wounds. One of the bats might see him kill something and the guy turns to dust. Tim’s like no one will ever believe you.
As Tim drifts away from the bats he goes on trips with sam and Dean or helps bobby upgrade his tech. He lets Dean keep a batarang.
Maybe when Bruce is stuck in the time stream the first person he calls is Dean and Sam and Bobby. They’re like oh hey meet Cas, who then is like “Batman should not be allowed to alter the timeline” and just brings him back. He starts maybe using Cas for emergencies, or Dean tells Cas to keep an eye on tim only for him to step in whenever Tim seems in danger, even when he isn’t. Que Tim trying to convince Cas to wear a disguise when rescuing him in the field, etc..
Or maybe Tim makes a deal with a demon! He brings back Bruce but is fantastic at loopholes and gets out of hell card. Maybe Crowley is angry and takes his spleen just cuz. Dean is not happy.
Supernatural occurrences in the field happen and Tim solves it easily. No explanation. Maybe Constantine comes to solve it only to take one look at Tim and go “fuckin’ hunters, geez”. Or alternatively Tim corrects Constantine, saying stuff like you mispronounced (insert Latin word) or something like that.
Just, overall Tim shenanigans because if one of the bats had knowledge of the supernatural it would totally be Tim.
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roboticonography · 1 year ago
it's getting really upsetting to see certain corners of the fandom demonize peggy. do you have any thoughts on the matter?
Oh, if only this were a new thing, anon!
I’ve been in the MCU fandom since before there was an MCU to speak of. Shitting on women characters and the actors who play them has been going on forever. People posted about how they hated Pepper Potts, saying she wasn’t a good partner to Tony because she didn’t constantly enable his erratic behaviour, or sacrifice her safety to accommodate his trauma. They posted about how Pepper should have died in Iron Man 2, for the good of Tony’s story, and when Iron Man 3 came out, they said the same thing. It was fucking exhausting.
People also posted about how they hated Natasha Romanoff, how they hated Jane Foster, how they hated Wanda Maximoff, how they hated Sharon Carter. 
And yes, there were Peggy-haters then too. They called her a “karate-kicking fucktoy” and a “vengeful feminazi” and those are the most polite terms I can recall. They complained that she was too powerful, they complained that she was too feminine, they complained that she was pointless without Steve, they complained that she talked about Steve too much. And so on, and so forth, ad infinitum.
Now, to be clear, I am not talking about some of the very valid criticisms people had about the Agent Carter series - its writing, its casting, etc. I am also not talking about the very valid criticisms people have about the larger MCU related to representation, or lack thereof, across multiple fronts. I believe it’s possible to enjoy a piece of media and still have issues with some (or even many) aspects of it, and I enjoy reading posts that grapple with those issues. I’m not even talking about venting about a popular character you can’t stand: that has its place, though I’d argue that the place is probably not in the tag for that character. (I guarantee you, your “unpopular opinion” is never as unpopular as you think.)
I’m talking about misogyny. The same tired, rehashed, played out bullshit woman-hating that has existed in fandoms, so many fandoms, for at least the 25+ years that I’ve been active in them.
And that’s still what’s happening.
Many of the posts I’ve seen that fall under this category are expressing anger that one character or relationship or storyline or interpretation of canon is getting airtime, while another one, one they like better, is not. I’m not going to argue with anyone about that. You like what you like, and you're entitled to be annoyed if you don't get it. But if your argument is sound, you should be able to make your point effectively without calling the character the grossest euphemism for vagina you can find, or speculating on the exact sex acts an actor had to do to keep her character popular.
Other posts I’ve seen are just absolute buckwild conspiracy theory nonsense. The only thing I have to say about that is, yikes. Get well soon.
Tumblr, like other social media platforms, recognizes that they get more engagement if people are forced to play in the same sandbox, which is why it probably feels like you're seeing a disproportionate number of hate posts. And anyone who writes for money on the internet knows that hate clicks are often the juiciest clicks, and so they will write articles and listicles and polls with titles and subjects designed to get your blood up. It’s become increasingly difficult to avoid seeing other people’s ridiculous opinions. But that’s still the strategy that I find best helps me enjoy fandom. 
So if “certain corners” of the fandom are not to your taste, anon, then my advice is this: block, blacklist, and just don’t engage. Don’t feed the trolls. Instead, put that energy into positive interactions. Make art. Comment on things you liked. Find your friends, and have conversations that inspire you and amuse you, instead of ones that make you angry and tired.
Thanks for the ask! Take care.
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