#because he’s part of Tim’s family now and they forged documents
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DC x SPN prompt idea
Sam and Dean get a tip about a haunted mansion from Bobby and they go check it out. It’s Drake Manor in Gotham City, which wouldn’t be a problem since no one was supposed to be living there. Except there was.
Sam and Dean meet Tim as they break into his house. Tim at first thinks they’re burglars but notices they’re carrying strange occult stuff. Tim looks at their stuff for a sec and just goes oh, are you here for the ghost?
And the boys, who had thought the kid was a) not alive or b) some sort of creature, are a bit thrown that this tiny child was left alone for months dealing with this ghost haunting his house.
Tim explains that he thinks she’s the ghost of his previous nanny before his parents fired her, but says she doesn’t do anything harmful, just tries to keep him company or get him to eat more often. She only breaks stuff when his parents are around but she stopped after it got him in trouble.
While Tim is sad for his ghost friend to be gone, he absolutely questions the heck out of Sam and Dean about all sorts of supernatural creatures and ghosts. Sam shows him ways to stay safe and avoid places with signs, etc. Dean teaches him how to fight and shoot weapons.
Tim is like seven or eight and pretty much blackmails Sam and Dean into teaching him how to be a hunter, and Tim ends up finding missions for them because he turns out to be a better hacker than Sam and Bobby. He gets the hunters money, sets up a network of information where hunters work together, and makes gadgets and gizmos for the guys to use against creatures.
Dean and Sam are worried about this small child alone in the house but think he’s better off there than as a hunter out in the real world. They don’t expect Tim to force his way into helping them, and every so often when they need help or info they call Tim then remind him to do homework or eat something.
Their road-trips now have frequent stops by Gotham, and even Bobby’s been able to make the trip to meet the lil guy who hacks his computer every week.
Tim also still knows Bruce is batman, and eventually becomes Robin, right. So he’s off doing that and keeping the whole supernatural world secret from Batman. Sam and Dean however, know the kid too well and eventually find out Tim is Robin. They may or may not take that well.
But! Since Tim is already aware of the ways of browsing the news and internet for crazy interesting cases and crimes, he comes across some posts about a potential zombie. Lo and behold- it’s Jason! So Tim calls Bruce and gets them sorted out. Maybe Talia still finds a way to kidnap him though, or Tim fights her on his own to keep Jason and loses, etc.
Either way, Tim ends up on the outs with the family still because he thinks he’s just filling in for Jason. So when his parents die and Tim is in need of a fake uncle? Who else would he call but Bobby!!
Just imagining Bruce and Bobby in the same room oh man. No doubt Alfred and Bobby would get along or absolutely hate each-other and no in between. I think Bobby would win in a fight against Alfred though. Just sayin.
Que Tim taking a call from Dean while he’s patrolling, thinking he’s alone as he details how to graphically kill someone, only to hang up and turn to see Jason standing right there.
Just, many shenanigans for how Tim seems a bit more unhinged than they thought. Like yeah Robin doesn’t kill, can’t kill when you work for Bats, but Tim Drake the Hunter made no such promises. Tim’s like ‘my first kill-‘ and freaks out the bats until he saves it by saying he’s talking about a game.
Sam and Dean come for a visit and Dick is suspicious. Tim goes on hunter missions and comes back with unexplained wounds. One of the bats might see him kill something and the guy turns to dust. Tim’s like no one will ever believe you.
As Tim drifts away from the bats he goes on trips with sam and Dean or helps bobby upgrade his tech. He lets Dean keep a batarang.
Maybe when Bruce is stuck in the time stream the first person he calls is Dean and Sam and Bobby. They’re like oh hey meet Cas, who then is like “Batman should not be allowed to alter the timeline” and just brings him back. He starts maybe using Cas for emergencies, or Dean tells Cas to keep an eye on tim only for him to step in whenever Tim seems in danger, even when he isn’t. Que Tim trying to convince Cas to wear a disguise when rescuing him in the field, etc..
Or maybe Tim makes a deal with a demon! He brings back Bruce but is fantastic at loopholes and gets out of hell card. Maybe Crowley is angry and takes his spleen just cuz. Dean is not happy.
Supernatural occurrences in the field happen and Tim solves it easily. No explanation. Maybe Constantine comes to solve it only to take one look at Tim and go “fuckin’ hunters, geez”. Or alternatively Tim corrects Constantine, saying stuff like you mispronounced (insert Latin word) or something like that.
Just, overall Tim shenanigans because if one of the bats had knowledge of the supernatural it would totally be Tim.
#Jody mills might even try to adopt Tim#sheriff mills meets officer Dick grayson#he prolly gets a lecture#fake uncle Bobby#except he’s not fake at all#because he’s part of Tim’s family now and they forged documents#Tim as CEO basically funds the hunters#he sends them tech to combat the supernatural and all of a sudden hunts are so easy now#imagine Tim getting anti posession tattoo though#any of the bats see smol Tim with a tattoo will lose their minds#Tim says he did it himself (a lie) like a stick and poke#doesn’t reassure anyone#but Bobby thinks it’s funny#Tim calls damian an idjit#makes damian mad because he doesn’t even know#just#I love this concept
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This Little Angel Part 2
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24201565/chapters/59881333 Taglist: @chocolate1721 @tiny-goddess-of-chaos @amayakans @cutechip @more-or-less-human-i-guess
Ok, so here’s the much requested second chap!! I hope you guys enjoy it!!
Mari was excited as she looked around the private jet Bruce was taking them home on. She kept looking up and down at her sketchbook as she sketched a few things from the inspiration. Harley and Joker were on the plane too, Mari and the others had a moment of surprise when Joker had taken all his make-up and what not off leaving him looking very normal. Not that they couldn’t blame him. They can’t exactly petition Paris to give her custody back over to her criminal parent JOKER. So they had to look normal. Harley was going by her real name Harleen and Joker was going by Jack.
It may have been illegal to forge some documents but it was for the better. She was in all rights Harley and Joker’s daughter. But, no one outside of Gotham was going to accept that. So, they may have asked Babs and Tim to hack and make official paperwork saying that she was adopted at age 3 by Jack and Harleen Quinzel. Then have it known that at around age 10 she was kidnapped and trafficked resulting in their divorce.
Even Gordon agreed to it since he knew how much Harley and Joker cared for her. Their worried attack to search the city when she first disappeared was proof of that! And having her back, they were sure Joker would return back to normal, doing more innocent attacks, using the venom only on HUGE heists that happened less and less. Becoming more of a nuisance than a real big baddie.
And they could only do that if they had official US documentation of Mari’s adoption to them. So, they did a little illegal hacking to do it. But no one outside of their group had to know that. Mari reached down to pat her purse as they crossed into France, getting closer to Paris. It was the next day so no doubt her class was going to be in class. She did wonder tho if classes were easy today for everyone because of the trip.
She suggested it, but she wondered if Bustier would follow it.
They soon landed at the airport and both Chloe and Damian took one of her hands into theirs. She was so glad that Bruce had come with and let Damian join. They exited the plane and got their suitcases.
Chloe’s driver was there already and took them to the hotel where they were all staying. Mari was to stay in Chloe’s suit as a neutral place while that whole case went down. Gordon was sharing a room with Joker and Harley to keep them in check, which he doubted they needed but better to be safe. While Bruce and Damian had their own.
After dropping their bags off, Bruce, Gordon, Harley, and Joker went to the French Police and child services to deal with the case about Mari’s future. Meanwhile, Mari and Chloe went to the school to tell them due to a case they wouldn’t bee in class for some time. But they would keep up with their studies while the case went on.
Damian decided to go with them but would stay in the car-limo actually. Mari took a deep breath when they stopped in front of the school. She gave the two a small smile when they squeezed her hands. The two slowly slid out of the limo and made their way into the school and up to Principal Damocles’s office. It was a quick thing to inform him of what happened and about a case being opened.
So Damocles agreed and understood that they wouldn’t be in class and just said to either put their work into Bustier’s mailbox in the school or to give it to him. Now it was time to face Ms. Bustier and tell her. They reached her classroom and Mari raised a hand to knock. Bustier opened the door and glared at the two girls before pulling them into the classroom.
“Girls, I don’t know what has gotten into. First, you purposefully miss the flight home for attention, and now come to class late? What do you have to say for yourselves? It better be good otherwise I’ll be sending you to the principal’s office,” Bustier said annoyed and the two shared a dumbfounded look while the rest of the class laughed.
“Ya Marinette, I can’t believe you’d stoop so low like that!” Alya shouted before looking at Bustier once more. “Also, Ms. Bustier, Marinette sent Lila horrible texts this morning. They should be sent to the principal’s office for bullying!” she yelled and the class shouted their agreement. “Oh really? Girls?” Bustier was fully glaring at the two now.
“I can prove that Lila lied there. I haven’t touched my phone all morning since I turned it off when I got onto my flight home this morning and turned it on when we got off,” Mari said pulling out her phone to show a tweet she made from Gotham time of 2 am getting onto a private jet and then making a tweet at 11 am getting off the jet and into Chloe’s limo. “See? You’d see that for the time it took to fly, my phone was off, the exact time that I ‘supposedly’-” she put in air quotes “-sent horrible texts to Lila. even you know that you can’t do anything on a phone while flying,” she finished and Alya grumbled and glared at the girl, somehow thinking she was lying still.
“As for that flight thing and late,” Chloe said looking at her nails not even bothering to glare at Bustier, “you guys left us in Gotham even tho Mari’s reunion with her parents was very public. Not to mention you didn’t even headcount. So really, you’re too blame for that,” Chloe said and Bustier opened her mouth but Chloe cut her off with a raised hand. “And for the late, we just arrived an hour ago in Paris and had to drop our bags off. We just came here from Damocle’s office saying we won’t be in class for some time due to a case being opened up that we’ll be a part of. Now, we ought to be going,” she grabbed Mari’s hand and started walking out before glancing back in with a smirk. “You guys should be expecting some suits to show up later too~!” she called out smirking before leaving.
Bustier glared at the door, planning on talking to Damocle’s at lunch about their behavior.
They entered the limo and Mari leaned against Damian’s shoulder as they went to the hotel and stayed there.
The following week is hectic, to say the least. Mari is going between talking at family court and facing akumas and ignoring her ex-friends and parents. Tom and Sabine didn’t appreciate Mari saying that Lila indeed lied to them when they asked about where she was. They also didn’t appreciate being investigated along with their workers, friends, and customers. They thought they were star parents and didn’t deserve this.
Before court, they tried guilting Mari into not suing them or her friends. Chloe and Damian had to pull her away before she caved with her lawyer threatening them. As it was, they informed the judge of it, and the Judge was not amused at that. It was tough, so very tough, but in the end, the Judge decided that Mari was to stay with Harleen and Jack in joint custody. While they were separated, it was clear they loved and missed their daughter. Meanwhile, Tom and Sabine had to pay for it. They were banned from adopting kids until they took some classes and had proven they would take care of and love a child correctly and not work them.
After that, it was time to focus on suing her classmates for harassment and the school for negligence. Now that would take longer to deal with. The family court only took 4 days to deal with it. She could only sigh at the break she got between it after finishing the family case. They gave her the next day to rest before jumping into the next cases against students and the school.
Tho, that had her giving another sigh of relief as a few classmates agreed to the terms easily when they were told off by Jack and Harleen about how they should know her from the 6 years they’ve known each other. And then Bruce coming in to serve Lila papers for slander. That had the whole class shouting as then another lawyer came in with all the other celebrities she’s lied about suing her.
Ladybug sighed as she landed in an alley nearby after defeating the Akuma. She leaned against the wall and slid down as her transformation died. Her head fell back against the wall with her eyes closed. A gasp ringing thru the air had her eyes flinging open tho.
She looked around and her eyes landed on Joker and Harley standing at the entrance. “Mama? Papa?” she called and the two came to her and kneeled down in front of her. “What are-did you-?” she cut off, worry filling her veins.
“We know now sweetie. We followed Ladybug to see how long this has been happening and if you were in trouble at all,” Harley said cupping her daughter’s cheek and Mari leaned into the touch with a sigh.
“This has been going on since I was 13. I’ve tried figuring out who Hawkmoth is but I’ve been having trouble. My partner hasn’t been any help tho,” she said softly and watched as her parents got angry.
“And this whole time you’ve had to deal with those idiotic sheep called classmates the whole time?” Joker demanded and Mari bit her lip.
“Just for the last year or so when Lila appeared,” she explained watching as her parents got more upset.
“Please calm down tho!” Tikki called floating in front of them causing their anger to dissipate a bit as confusion went thru them.
“Who are ya?” Harley asked, sticking a finger out pocking the paw Tikki held out.
“I’m Tikki, Marinette’s Kwami! I’m what allows her to transform into Ladybug,” she explained and the two slowly nodded. So once that confusion was clear she elaborated on her first comment. “You two need to calm down tho. Hawkmoth can feel any negative emotions and feed off them! So far only two people have fought him off and I’m sure Mari wouldn’t want to fight her parents,” she explained and the girl nodded her agreement.
“I don’t wanna fight you, mama, papa,” she said as Harley then pulled her into a hug that Mari returned. Joker stiffened tho causing the two to pull back to look at him worried. Mari gasped when she saw the outline surrounding his eyes. “Papa!” she cried out.
“Oh, so your that punk-ass bitch terrorizing everyone. Well, listen here, mothy. You are an insult to villains everywhere. You hide away and make others do the work for you. You make children fight your battle, you punk-ass bitch. So let me say this, the reason I’m upset is because of you terrorizing my daughter while facing the stress of her classmate’s harassment. The moment I find you, Mothy, I’m going to make you regret everything you’ve ever done. And don’t you try saying that I can’t. Do you know who I am? I’m the Joker, Clown Prince of Gotham. Oh yes, you have heard of me. Then you know I don’t make light threats. I will make your life a living hell. Do I make myself clear?” he asked and cackled when a pure white butterfly flew away hastily. “Well, he won’t try bugging me anymore,” he said and a sudden laugh left Mari’s lips.
Her parents looked at her fondly as she laughed. “Why don’t we head home now, sweetie?” Harley suggested and Joker nodded agreement. The two help Mari up and make their way to the hotel they were staying at.
“Since you know now. I’m Ladybug, I’m also the guardian of the Miraculous. I....I need to defeat Hawkmoth before I can leave,” she said softly when they reached their room and the two nodded understanding.
“Of course, sweetie. We’ll stay here as long as it takes,” Harley said as Joker hummed as they sat down on a couch.
“What if Batsy could help?” he asked and Mari hummed in thought.
“It could get done quicker,” she admitted and Joker nodded.
“That’s what I thought. Let me go talk to someone,” Joker said standing up and leaving the room.
Ladybug stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower. She tilted her head slightly when she saw movement. Two people soon landed in front of her and she tilted her head. “Batman, Robin,” she greeted and the two nodded to her.
“So your Ladybug,” Batman said and she nodded. “What did you need help with? You seem to be doing everything very well,” he commented and Ladybug shrugged uncomfortably.
“Well, that may be. I’m not a detective. I don’t know how to figure out Hawkmoth’s identity. So I need your help to do that. I’m done with Paris. I want to leave,” she said and the two nodded slowly. They could only guess that she was done with Paris in her personal life seeing as everyone has the greatest respect for Ladybug.
“Ok, we can help with that,” Batman said with the smallest of nods.
“There’s something else,” she said, trailing off as she looked off into the distance.
“M’Lady! You didn’t tell me we would be having company~” Chat purred out leaning in close while glaring at everyone. Ladybug frowned as she pushed Chat away from her, earning a growl from him.
“That’s because we,” she pointed between him and herself, “never had anything planned. This was a planned meeting between myself and Batman and Robin,” she said glaring and Chat was angry at that.
“Oh really? Is that any way to treat your partner, m’lady?” he demanded and Ladybug scowled.
“You haven’t been my partner in a while, Chat,” she spat his name out. “You stopped being it when you decided flirting and whining was more important than defeated the Akuma’s,” she said and Chat scoffed.
“Please, your cure will bring everything back,” he said and Ladybug gnashed her teeth together as she stomped up to Chat and slapped him hard across the face.
“I don’t care that my cure can bring everything back. We shouldn’t rely on it. What if that battle is the one Hawkmoth wins? He does his wish. There’s no telling what will happen. Except that those people who are dead will most definitely stay dead. And because of your lazy ass, I now how to protect you as well which means that more people can get hurt or killed. Did you know that people remember dying? They remember that moment. They are traumatized by that moment. They cannot ever forget that moment. And that is all on you!” she shouted angrily.
“So what!?” he demanded and everyone was silent at that. How could they respond to that!? Ladybug was shaking in anger. She had a terrifying expression on her face that somehow was both ice cold and encompassed all seven levels of hell angry.
Chat didn’t even get to react.
Before he knew it, he was on the ground tied up and sore all over.
“Chat Noir, I hereby proclaim you unfit to wield a Miraculous. As Guardian of the Miraculous, I hereby reclaim you’re Miraculous of the Black Cat. You are unworthy and will never be able to wear or use a Miraculous ever again,” Ladybug said ripping the ring off of Chat to reveal Adrien Agreste underneath the mask. Ladybug snarled at him as he cried out. A red mark similar to the one of the box, formed on his chest and hand, burning.
“No! You can’t do that! He’s all I have left!” he shouted reaching out when Ladybug untied him.
She slapped his hand away. “No, I can do that. You’ve shown yourself to be incompetent in being a hero. You only have yourself to blame,” she said turning away. “Let’s go,” she said swinging off, not even seeing if the other two followed. She landed on the balcony leading to her parent’s room, leaving the two vigilantes confused. Mari stumbled into the room and collapsed onto the couch with a groan as she transformed.
“Mari?” Robin asked causing her to groan once more as she looked up at them blearily.
“You followed,” she mumbled before planting her face on the couch once more.
“Mari needs to rest now,” Tikki said flying up to look at both Batman and Robin. The two looked at her shocked.
“Who are you?” Robin asked.
“I am Tikki, Kwami of Creation. I’m what gives Mari her powers,” she explained and the two nodded. “But go, she needs to rest. What she did exhausted her, it’d no simple thing for a Guardian to ban someone from ever using a Miraculous again. We’ll talk in the morning,” Tikki said and the two nodded, heading to their room.
In the morning, they did talk.
In the morning, Mari learned that Robin and Batman were Damian and Bruce Wayne.
Within the week, they had taken down Hawkmoth and revealed to the world that Gabriel Agreste was a terrorist.
Adrien revealed himself as Chat Noir which brought about mixed responses. No one really respected Chat, at least not the people that he needed to. Especially when they learned he was stripped of the Miraculous. For all the harassment, endangering, and enabling he’s done, along with not feeling guilty about just outraged that he was being punished, he was going to a school for troubled kids and put on record as a harasser. He would be going to juvie for 6 months tho first before being sent out of Paris to the school. His father’s company tho, the courts would decide what to do with when he turns 18. But who knows how it’ll look like when Adrien is 18.
Mari felt a bit bad but knew it was for the best. Lila was the next worst off. Lila had piles of lawsuits. She was banned from France as a whole with everyone knowing what she’s done. She was going to a military school for troubled teens in the hopes she’d get better. She’d stay with her grandparents who were no-nonsense. She’d also have to pay for all the suits which would be hard considering not many people wanted to hire her.
The rest of the class had it off easiest. They only had to pay a fine and do a bit of community service. Damocles was demoted and sent to classes to see if he could possibly return to being a principal. Ms. Bustier, however, was fired. She didn’t handle the situation well at all, and only ever listened to one side of the argument and pressured students. So she isn’t allowed to teach kids anymore.
The class tho, they felt they lost the worst.
They realized just how amazing Mari was to them. And what they did to her in return for that kindness? They treated her horribly. Only Chloe was able to talk to her. But they all got to see how well she was settling into her new life in Gotham. It was hard to miss really.
She was dating Damian Wayne and got an internship with Bruce Wayne to help start up her business as MDC. She was called the Angel of Gotham. Chloe joined her there and lived with Mari and her parents.
And she looked so happy back home in Gotham.
They were never making it up to Mari, no matter how hard they tried.
Ok, so here’s the second part!! I hope you like it. Sorry if the ending seems a TAD rushed. I wanted to give you guys this and i was losing steam on it, mostly a headache comin in goin ‘HAHAHA U THOUGHT UD WRITE?! THINK AGAIN AHAHAHAHAH’. Ya, so that’s why. Anyways, until next time! -Love Willa <3<3<3
#fanfic#fanfic update#This Little Angel#TLA#Part 2#the MUCH awaited part 2#update#my writing#maribat#daminette#ml x dc#dad joker#uh#idk what else to tag
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The thing I will always love about Dick making Damian Robin is like, here was this bitter, cynical kid who didn’t yet accept him as family because he’d been raised viewing his own importance as being tied in to being the sole ‘true son’ and heir of the Batman...and he’d barely even started to get to know Bruce when he’s declared dead, and suddenly to Damian it of course seemed like there was nothing for him in Gotham anymore, and even Dick’s words about still looking after him seemed hollow, like he was at best just doing it out of obligation.
But then Dick makes Damian Robin, this thing that to him means family above all else, and the more Damian comes to understand that via acting as Robin to Dick’s Batman and learning what that role means to Dick, the more clear it becomes to Damian that in naming him Robin, this was essentially Dick saying “I’m not doing this out of obligation but by choice. I don’t owe you this, I didn’t ask for you as family and know you don’t view me that way so it would be easy not to be family, but I am choosing you as family anyway. You are a piece of Bruce and that makes you a piece of me, and here is a piece of my family that has nothing to do with Bruce, is nothing that you’re owed via your own inheritance from our shared father, but rather something that only exists as a sign that I am naming you my family by my own choice, outside of and beyond just the way we are connected by Bruce.”
And its also so important to remember at the same time that Damian might be the first and only Robin that Dick fully chose himself, unprompted, but like.....this choice, this decision to embrace him as family not because he had to because of Bruce, but because he chose to, because Dick Grayson is not someone who turns away an opportunity for more family....this is actually something Dick did with both of his other brothers pre-Reboot as well.
When Dick gave Jason his own Robin costume and phone number in Batman #416, that wasn’t some small gesture. That was Dick affirming a connection between them by choice. Dick was not on good terms with Bruce, before that night or after that night. What he did there with Jason did not affect that, smooth things over between him and Bruce, because it had nothing to do with Bruce. Dick didn’t owe Jason his blessing as Robin. He didn’t owe it to Bruce to embrace this kid as his family, this kid that Bruce had adopted while Dick still existed in Limbo as far as he was concerned, his wardship dissolved at eighteen, his partnership with Batman dissolved by Bruce’s own choice, and no adoptive claim declaring them still family despite and after the dissolution of his wardship.....like, none of that was changed by Dick giving Jason his blessing and taking the initiative and the first steps towards forging a relationship with him....and all of that was reason after reason why Dick could have very easily just said “I don’t owe this kid anything, there is no reason he has to be anything to me.” But he didn’t. Dick CHOSE Jason as his successor in the sense that it would have been far easier for him to just leave it as it was, let Jason’s tenure as Robin be something that had nothing to do with him and his own views of his mantle.
And this is a huge part of why it bugs me so much, the way fanon twists Dick and Jason’s relationship before his death, and hypes up the idea that Dick resented Jason rather than just resenting Bruce’s handling of the situation.....because Dick did the complete opposite of that. Just as he would much later do with Damian, Dick looked at this kid whose only connection to him was through a man that currently was not very connected to Dick himself, and Dick said....”That doesn’t matter though, because I’m choosing you of my own volition, to be family on my own terms as well. We’re not just connected via Bruce now, we’re connected via Robin, the one thing I have to give that I didn’t get from Bruce and has nothing to do with him.”
And then between Jason and Damian, Dick did this with Tim as well, which is also part of why the focus on what happened between Dick and Tim due to the Robin mantle later on is so frustrating.....because once again, Dick may not have fully chosen Tim to be Robin himself, more like just ratified a decision that seemed well underway and likely to happen with or without him at that point.....but once again, the point is Dick STILL CHOSE THIS. He didn’t have to come back to Gotham, he didn’t have to be part of Tim’s training, and he certainly didn’t have to embrace him as his little brother long before Tim’s own adoption, when Tim still had other family of his own and didn’t even live at Wayne Manor yet....and in fact, with it still being a year or two in universe before Bruce finally adopted Dick himself.
(And for the record, IMO the tendency to write Dick being so good with Tim in those early days as being due to guilt on his part for not being a better brother to Jason.....that’s also kinda a slight against Dick and Tim’s relationship....just as much as it is one to Dick and Jason’s relationship. It kinda devalues the bond Dick worked hard to forge with Tim, when its made to be all about this guilt Dick supposedly feels, instead of just like.....Dick just wanting to forge that bond, build that relationship, on its own merits, like, just because he’d quickly grown to like this kid regardless of every other context.)
But point is, again just like with Jason before him and Damian after him, Tim was calling Dick his brother even before Bruce was calling them both son and thus establishing a bond of brotherhood between them that way. They were brothers before that and outside of that, and for one reason only: Dick chose for it to be that way, wanted it to be that way, and made it that way.
The Batfamily is a family of choice, but its not just the result of choices Bruce made. Other choices were involved too, and ultimately, the brotherhood between Dick and each of his brothers had very little to do with Bruce at all. Jason, Tim and Damian were all Dick’s brothers not because of sharing the last name Wayne somewhere on some official court document at some point....but because before that ever mattered, Dick chose each of them to be his brothers when he didn’t have to, didn’t owe it to anyone, and didn’t do it for anyone other than himself and his brothers.....and then they chose him back.
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Jason Joins the Family fic recs
I got asked in a comment on my Jason joins the family fic if there were any good ones out there. So here are some of the ones I’ve read:
Precedent by cdelphiki
Technically I have read it. Like a bunch of times. :D It’s only missing one chapter, the epilogue, as of this moment.
In a world where Bruce raised Damian from infancy, Bruce finds Jason in the typical fashion: stealing the tires off his car. Bruce takes him for food and chats with him, and doesn’t like what he sees. He decides to bring Jason home, with the intention of helping him find a better living situation. Obviously, the best living situation for Jason is with Bruce, but it takes a little convincing for both of them to reach that conclusion. Fic is like a slow-burn found family, with look at how a homeless child with a history of abuse would react to having a kind and caring adult suddenly be in his life.
From the Alley by blueiben
Bruce stumbles upon Jason stealing his tires, and grows immediately concerned when Jason passes out while trying to run. As it turns out, Jason is dehydrated and famished. Bruce takes Jason home to help him recover, and the two of them end up growing close. This fic has a sequel and is super cute. Lots of adorable Bruce & Jason and even Jason & Alfred moments.
The Longer You Stay by emiv
Set in the Nolenverse, Bruce and Selina move to Europe after Bruce quits being Batman. They forge documents saying they’re married and everything, although Selina is adamant it’s totally just documents. They aren’t really married. Then they go to a circus and Bruce decides to take home a newly orphaned kid without consulting her. It only gets worse from there. And Bruce isn’t the only one guilty of picking up new kids. She was quite partial to the little thief they met in Paris.
We’re Not in Crime Alley Anymore by ChimaeraKitten
Instead of it being a 12-year old Jason Todd jacking Batman’s tires, it’s a 9-year-old. Bruce, being a genius, decides to drug Jason in order to take him home. Jason does not react well, predictably, because clearly people only drug little children to harvest their organs. But they somehow manage to become a family, anyway.
Through the Walls by Maychorian, WIP
TW: rape/non con. Read the tags on ao3. Jason is kidnapped by a freak who abuses him in terrible ways. Adorable 10-year-old Tim Drake was there, watching, as Jason was captured. In an attempt to save Jason, he ends up getting himself kidnapped, too. Months later, Jason escapes, and is able to draw the attention of Nightwing, who helps him to safety and saves Tim, too. It takes all of fourteen seconds for both of them to fall absolutely in love with both of the kids. Now Bruce and Dick have to figure out how to take care of two traumatized little children.
Gifts From the Sea by Raberba girl, WIP
This is a mermaid AU. Or, sea creature AU? There are superheroes, but Bruce isn’t Batman. He’s an intern at a park like Sea World, where he meets an 8-year-old mermaid named Dick. Basically the first part follows his journey with raising Dick and helping him gain his freedom from the park. Then, he finds a thieving little selkie (a person who can turn into a seal? That’s what it is in this story) named Jason and basically just claims him as his kid. It’s super cute. I don’t even like mythical AUs, or whatever, but this sucked me right in from chapter one and holy cow I love it so much. Very few stories have me daydreaming in the AU, and this one is one of them.
Common People by AmariT, WIP
Jason is the biological child of Bruce AU, where Jason’s mom punts him off on Bruce when he was 13. It takes adjusting to live in Wayne Manor, but he has Dick and Tim there to help him out. There’s an interesting twist on how Catherine ended up being his adoptive mom, like in canon. And some fun angst associated with the fact Bruce is keeping Batman secret. Great story.
Those are all the ones I can think of that are more than like 3k word one-shots. Please, if anyone knows of others, feel free to reblog and add! I’m always excited to read more baby-Jay.
#Jason Todd#Robin#Batman#Bruce Wayne#fic recs#batfam#batfamily#batdad#fanfiction#Do y'all want a tim version of this#i kinda want a tim version of this#i think im gonna pull together one of those soon
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Broken, not perfect, but together. - Chapter 5
Fandom: DC comics, Batman
Pairings: Jonathan Kent x Damian Wayne (JonDami) & Jason Todd x Timothy Drake (JayTim)
Rating: General, family feels, hurt/comfort, mental health issues, running away
Other(s) links: AO3
The Batfamily was broken.
It was six years ago, and they had barely stood together since then, trying to stand up despite guilt and regret.
Damian was sure there was nothing to save, not after losing something that he didn’t know he cared about. But when a new opportunity to get back what they had lost appeared, he cannot help to doubt as his past decisions haunt him again.
If you love somebody, set them free. But you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.
Chapter 5
The sound of the keys being pressed hard and quickly resounded in the room, as well as the light and continuous whisper of the machines on and running around her. The dim morning light leaked slightly into the room, reflecting on the many screens that had been hidden from the public in the watchtower.
Adjusting her glasses better and placing a rebellious lock of hair behind her ear, Barbara read each line, phrase and code that passed on the screen in front of her carefully and methodically.
Although it was early, she had decided not to waste time and get to work immediately on the case that now worried her. After all, Oracle didn’t just guide Gotham vigilantes through the night, she did much more. Also had a few of cases to check out for the Birds of Prey, but she had run into something important the day before that couldn’t wait.
“Here.” Said a figure standing at her side, leaving a steaming and necessary cup of coffee on the counter. She hadn’t even heard him arrive. “Just how you like it.”
That “something” was also the reason his early visitor was there, showing up an hour ago with a promise of coffee and company.
“Thank you.” She said absentmindedly and returning to work as if nothing happened.
She didn’t have to bow her head and look at him to know that Dick was rolling his eyes and smiling at her fondly, she could feel his gaze on her, distilling tenderness and understanding as always did when she was absorbed around him by an important case.
And this certainly was, no matter how much Dick had appeared in the watchtower worried and waiting to talk about a totally different aspect of it.
“Damian knows?” She asked without taking her eyes off the screen, reading the news and recent events as grabbed the cup to take a sip.
As she delighted in the drink’s taste and caffeine starting to pump through her body, Dick pulled out his phone with a dejected aura and turned it on to watch the screen, his face showing nervousness and anticipation. However, that sad and decayed aura grew stronger after verifying he had no calls or messages, then shook his head.
“I’ll try to call him again.” He said, taking a few steps away to not disturb her and dialing Damian’s number, waiting for the younger to answer.
He wasn’t going to.
She knew it, he knew it, everyone knew it.
Contacting Damian these days was already very difficult itself, at least for something unrelated to the crusade. He always hung up unless it was an Oracle frequency, the comms was the only thing that connected him directly with them, and he used to turn off his phone when he knew they could bother him. Depending of the day, he could also read your texts or not, but that depended on his mood and other factors, such as Jonathan Kent intervening or his level od nostalgia.
But no matter how many times she tried to explain Dick that Damian is already 22, he’s not Robin anymore, lives with his boyfriend in Metropolis and doesn’t want to know anything about him. Because he always calls him, waiting for an answer as if nothing had changed. And she, as usual, allows it despite knowing the result.
Also, if Damian doesn’t want to see Dick on a normal daily basis, what makes him think today is going to be different? He had more reasons than ever to avoid him and everyone now, and surely, he would have turned off his phone and hidden it in the darkness corner of a drawer until next week or month.
It wasn’t just because Damian usually isolated himself completely from everything and everyone during the anniversary of Tim and Jason disappearance, without answer and hiding with his head down like a wounded, sad puppy to lick his wounds in the dark. But because this year he had starred a rather interesting and destructive episode resulting from what was surely an unhealthy coping mechanism and an ineffective emotion management.
It wasn’t the first year something like that happened, as time passed and the anniversary arrived, it was well known that it was coming a brief period of awkward silences, latent guilt, heated arguments, and an impending disaster. By whom? That was a surprise.
Two years ago, was Jonathan Kent with his spectacular drunkenness and tractor launch; Three years ago, it was his brother, Conner, who flew out of nowhere to the space, was missing for a whole month and when he returned the answer was “I went for a walk but I got hungry.”; Another was Stephanie and her call from the local police station for get into a bar fight and broke several bones of some men who seemed very afraid of her while they process the fine; Other, was the imminent and irremediable break up of Bruce and Selina after months of arguments and tension, whose consequent robberies to art galleries were disastrous; This year had been Damian getting fully involved in an explosion; And the previous -and the best, in her opinion- was Dick breaking into her living room drunk and stripping while screaming “Let’s do it for the old times” when her father was visiting.
Yes, something happened always, to a greater or lesser extent. Those involved always stayed away for a while before lifting their heads up and bearing the consequences, some more easily than others, of course. Kon promised to say someone if he was taking walks again, Jon paid the tractor, Stephanie the fine for aggression, Selina returned nothing, and now his father can’t look at Dick again. But the whole process took a while, after all the emotions had overflowed, they had stopped being rational so as not to deal with the pain of loss and they had to get back together. That was Damian needed, to recover and take responsibility for what happened.
The problem is that he didn’t know what had really happened, and what it could mean.
“No answer.” Dick sighed coming back to her side.
“Of course not.” She replied thoughtfully and drinking her coffee. “Give him some time.”
“I know, but Babs, he was hurt.” He complained, concern written on his face. “He should be in the cave, recovering…”
Barbara raised an eyebrow and looked at him behind the mug questioningly, causing Dick to snort nervously. If he really thought Damian was going to stay in the cave for a single second, with him there, after the disaster he formed part and injured, he hadn’t been paying attention to anything for the past six years.
“At least he won’t be alone, he’ll call us later.” He won’t. But Dick had to convince himself to don’t lose his temper. “How are you doing with that?”
He asked that pointing to the screen, and she still looked at him recapping her work from a few hours ago.
The explosion in Zodome center had been big, spread to several streets with subsequent serious fires and numerous wounded, deaths still to be determined. But as much as Superboy had appeared to help and the situation had gotten better, for the city was something common. Gamorra was an island where crime lived and reign, always had, no matter how hard they tried to cleanse or purify the place, crime always found another way to get in, adapt and live in the shadows.
That had been precisely the real cause of the explosion, even if they had deduced that it had been because the terrorist group Damian was chasing had become a little nervous with his presence.
Ironically, it was a trigger, but not the cause. One part of the group had entered the island because of the easy access to the black market, and the others for something more important and substantial in these times: information.
“Good.” She replied, setting the cup aside and typing on the keyboard again. “When the servers went down, I could get a lot of what was leaking on that supercomputer.”
Dick nodded, settling on the counter next to her and watching her working again, classifying with her programs the information they now had.
Gamorra was an ideal place for any villain or organization with questionable intentions to find a cozy place and establish a base. No one asked anything, your neighbors were other criminals who didn’t want to be disturbed too and privacy was highly valued.
Except when some annoying neighbors were more curious than usual and discovered a strategically hidden supercomputer in the city center that may contain very valuable information.
She still hadn’t determined who it belonged to and which was the exact function of such a processor, but based on what she had seen so far, the servers acted as a kind of filter between the common and the dark network that they drove privately. Apparently, they were pretty well established, shady deals, big money transactions, questionable contacts, handling and dominance of hacking programs, organ sales, forged documents, human trafficking, and in general everything that a dark net can bring.
Whoever it was, Barbara knew they were good, had resources and well organized, because not only had they managed to escape from their radar all this time, but the security was extreme and the network they had built was very large, it couldn’t have been done by a single individual. It was a group, one that didn’t mind destroying half a city as long as nobody gain access to them, because the moment the terrorists tried to enter, the extra security was activated, and everything was blown up.
All trace of the supercomputer and what had been around it had been reduced to ashes, causing a fatal and unexpected explosion that struck Damian and five blocks around. And everything could have stayed there, they would have succeeded and getting away with it, people would have died, and they would have continued with their network and control in the criminal world, but they didn’t count with one thing:
She was fucking Oracle.
And when everything exploded, the servers and programs that acted as a filter and security went off for a few seconds, then went back on immediately at the other part of the world, probably where the group had another computer which she was already trying to track down. But those few seconds were enough for her to steal information and certain operative programs, freeing them from theirs claws and using for her benefit.
It hadn’t been a lot, but enough. And since then, Barbara had been classifying each thing carefully, disabling viruses, sending the necessary information to entities that may need it and taking notes of every harmful business or name that went through her eyes.
Thanks to this everyone will be busy for a while, they had found a criminal mine which it’s necessary to eradicate and investigate, as well as the group that had given them the network and sense of freedom. If they did it right, they would know soon who they were, and can erase them, but at least she would have liked to discover all of this in a way that didn’t involve a fatal explosion, she’s sure Damian too.
But Damian doesn’t know this, because blames himself for it, can’t stand failure, misses Jason and Tim, and has not been able to forgive anyone in the family since they deserted.
“Something interesting?” Dick ended up asking as she finished her coffee. “Apart from all the illegal acts we now know.”
Barbara leaned over her chair and looked at him, reflecting.
Dick shouldn’t be here. He didn’t even understand part of what was going on, not because he couldn’t, but because his head wasn’t in the right place right now to do it. That’s precisely why he was there, making coffee, smiling at her and watching her working without question, because it was better to be distracted with her than his own thoughts. It wasn’t annoying, nor irritating, just… Babs knew why he did it, and that caused a slight pinch of anguish through her chest and made her want to work without rest to neither think (talking about unhealthy coping mechanism, right?)
Dick didn’t want to be alone. At least not today. But Bruce wasn’t an option, because they would jump into each other’s throat just by being in the same room, and probably argued about who was more guilty of what; Damian had fled away into Jon’s arms, he preferred to spend time with anyone than Dick, and the affection he had for him had frozen at the moment he did that six years ago; Stephanie wasn’t going to receive him, probably would spit him in the face for the same reason; And Cass not only lived with the previous one, but would look at him that way, so… Cass. Former Titans or other friends weren’t a bad choice, but it was as if Dick was afraid to get out of Gotham, as if he were tied up here.
So, he was there with her, talking and trying to distract both of them from the emotional meltdown that the whole thing entailed.
“Actually…” She started to say. “All of this gave me an idea."
Dick tilted his head with a smile, looking at her expectantly and with great interest, just as he did when he was Robin and they were both young, so young and stupid. And the words Barbara wanted to say died in her throat, leaving her quiet.
She couldn’t say it. She couldn’t hurt him like that.
It was a brief idea, not even well formulated, but one that had been bothering her since she looked at the hacking programs she found within the dark network. Some of them were very smart and well programmed, but there was one in particular, expensive and sophisticated, that had caught her attention. It combined the typical control over cameras and security systems to turn them off or superimpose images, along with facial recognition systems. That reach an interesting effect, because according to what she had understood about it and how operated, if it hacks specific cameras and predetermine a face, a name or a person, the program prevent its detection, saving the images in the private servers of the network, avoiding them come to light and not only the acts of the person who use it were hidden, but also their presence, their existence. As if they had disappeared.
What if…?
With such kind of program, refined and using it correctly in specific points, a person could move around the world perfectly undetected, totally invisible to any media because his image was not registered commonly and it was derived to a closed and secure network. It was dangerous, and at the same time, perfect for wanted criminals, thieves and above all, people who want to disappear.
What if Tim and Jason had been using something similar?
Tim was brilliant and knew Barbara. They had worked together, was familiar with her methods, and he was aware that the moment they disappeared she would track them with all her power. But the tracking and recognition system she had created solely to find them had not find a single match in six years. She had thought it was because they knew how to avoid cameras and keep a low profile too well, but what if it was another thing? What if there was something else blocking her system? Like a sophisticated program like this?
It was a possibility.
And looking at Dick, curious, smiling and expectant, but with a deep sadness, guilt and tiredness shining behind his blue eyes, she realized she couldn’t tell him this. She couldn’t.
Because it was a possibility, it was a hope.
She couldn’t do that to Dick, not like that. If she told him about it and then she was wrong, it would break him. Everyone knew that Dick would jump into a burning building if anyone told him that Tim and Jason were inside. And if Barbara gave him something to hold on to and then take it away from him, she wasn’t sure how he will react. So, she just shook her head, grabbed his now empty cup of coffee and gave it to him carefully.
“Doesn’t matter. Don’t mind me.” She turned that down. “Can you get me another cup, please? I’ll finish this and then we can rest.”
“Of course.” He answered, still smiling and pretending not to have realized how she had hesitated, taking the cup and leaving.
She watched at him go, feeling a little bit more miserable than usual and holding back a sigh. Everything had been easier when they were young and stupid, hadn’t it? It was just them, jumping in the roofs, forming a good team and laughing as they flight. Now they have secrets, regrets, permanent injuries, brothers to miss and nobody to ask for forgiveness.
Would any of this have happened if she had put more effort at the time? What would have changed if she had decided to speak when everything happened instead of remaining neutral? Had anything would change?
She shook her head and decided she couldn’t begin to think about that topic beyond the possibility that now had, because it wouldn’t worth to sink in unanswered questions again. She knew the idea wasn’t defined either, that maybe it was more complicated than that, after all Tim was smarter and if he did something like this, he would do it with people he trusted.
But a little hunch mixed with a tiny hope leaded her to search that program, studying it for a few seconds. She couldn’t trace who used it and how, but now she’s the owner and main admin, she could disable it, undo it, digging up the original images. The probability that Jason and Tim were there was low, but if she were wrong at least would leak infinity of incriminating videos and photos that would serve to put other people in jail.
“It would be too lucky, right?” She thought with irony.
It was very difficult to be optimistic after so long. And after pressing the button, she saw how her systems started to work, analyzing and storing the images that were already beginning to appear in her screen quickly.
She heard Dick approaching her again, this time with two cups in his hands. Quiet, the ex-batgirl thought about how she could trace other programs like this, or their creator, or anything that could bring her a little closer to what had caused not to be able to find the missing Robins with her methods. And also, allowed herself to think with sadness how easy it would be if Tim were here, in another computer and helping her in the same disinterested way as ever, smiling shyly and insecurely as he told her about how Jason had invited him to his favorite chilli dogs truck the other night, or how Damian had been mad at him because Alfred the cat had learned if his owner put him on a diet, the solution was beg food to Tim.
She remembered how empty and useless she felt when she couldn’t track down or find the other two after Bruce called for help. As if all the work and development she had been through after being paralyzed were nothing, because at the end she couldn’t find her family.
Until one alarm started to ring.
An aloud and shrill alarm that had never sounded before, and she had been waiting -begging- for six years.
“Don’t screw with me.” She said straightening up in her chair and looking up surprised. “Don’t fucking screw with me.”
“What’s that sound?” Dick asked, standing at her side again.
“Oh shit.” She said, getting away from that computer to go to another one, rushing and starting to typing in a hurry, more surprised than ever. She didn’t think it would be true, nor if she were even right. “Oh shit!”
“Babs?” The other asked again, chasing after her and beginning to worry. It wasn’t like her to act like this unless she had a reason. “What happens?”
“Oh my god.”
She didn’t answer, because it was better to turn on the other screens around them so that Dick could see the same as her.
All the screens lighted up, showing images, many images from different places, different countries, a lot of places whose cameras had managed to record those whom they lost. The tall figure of Jason accompanied by the little of Tim, sometimes alone, almost always together, appearing in every corner of the screens without stopping, images where they were laughing, talking, walking, kissing, living, appearing one after another. Some from years ago, others from months, weeks, hours, the most recent from a few minutes.
Babs gasped, assimilating what she had just achieved. Dick dropped the cups on the floor, overwhelmed. “Match detected.” Shined on the screens, in large and showy letters, at last.
“Oh shit.”
They found them.
#myfic#tim drake#jason todd#jon kent#jonathan kent#damian wayne#jondami#jaytim#timjay#damijon#red hood#red robin#superboy#robin#dc#dc comics#supersons
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Exchanges and Compromises - Chapter 6
The fact that Tim Drake was only 16 when she first met him did not surprise Barbara much. Granted, her network of informants came from all ages, but most of them were those under the age of 18 who could come and go and be somewhat 'safe'. Yes, Gotham's idea of 'safe' might cause other cities' parents to throw a conniption. Or have a coronary, depending on how much they love their children. But in the case of Tim, Barbara understood that there was no parent that would have any kind of hissy fit at the fact that Tim was walking outside of his manor's gates in the dead of night.
She learned quickly that he had run into Catwoman nearly 5 years ago - he was barely even 12 years old then and had just lost his parents. He was out and about at Gotham's 'better' neighborhoods where the rich people live; determined to find pieces of evidence that would nail his parents' murderer, when Catwoman was looting the home of the said murderer. He had made a deal with Catwoman that he would keep the evidentiary items - including his mother's earrings - and Catwoman can keep the rest.
In the next years, he would often ask for Catwoman's help to find evidence of other crimes; and by the time he met Barbara, he was loaded with information on at least a dozen corrupt politicians that Barbara could not have acquired otherwise.
Plus, Timothy Drake, the rich boy, has a unique insight into the mind of 'the nouveau riche'. "They liked their valuables to be in one place so that they could take them out from time to time to admire them." Tim had explained. "The old rich, however, prefer it the other way around. They prefer their new valuables near, old valuables - like family heirlooms - safely tucked away. They're superstitious like that. And they would usually keep secrets with the heirlooms out of superstition: they think their forefathers would guard the secret or something."
"I... actually don't know what to think of on that," Barbara admitted. "But it makes sense, considering." Considering the fact that her dad had often commented on how there seemed to be only a small amount of valuables in the homes of the 'old families' of Gotham. Tim had come bearing gifts, too, a piece of evidence to the murder of a union representative. The photos clearly depicted the representative as being murdered by a third party, who had accidentally exposed a significant tattoo on his arm. The name of the mastermind was printed on the envelope it was sealed in; Barbara would have had no problem in delivering the envelope to now-Captain Gordon's Homicide unit. Said mastermind had just reported his home broken into by Catwoman a few days ago.
"Shouldn't Catwoman worry that she could be linked to these?" Barbara wanted to know, pointing to the photos.
"Sure, if they can find Catwoman," Tim smirked. "She likes it, though. The mob people are freaking out and trying to dump their evidence out of their safety deposit boxes - but they'll get the bling stolen; save their bling - got the evidence stolen."
Barbara also learned that Catwoman had taught Tim martial arts and evasive techniques, as well as lockpicking because he was nearly caught once. "She didn't care who I was. I would give her one 'shiny' every other month, Tim Drake the executive boy is said to be hoarding pieces of jewelry for a future wife." Tim explained, grinning sweetly.
"Any lady you court would have been... impressed, I'd say," Barbara commented, and then realized something else. "The guys, however, might need something else to impress them."
"Like 2nd-century arrowheads, full set, not stolen?" Tim pointed out. "Or a classic Bhutan Royal Armor made to order?"
"Damn, boy," Barbara exclaimed and laughed. "You got them both figured out."
Tim shrugged. "Mother taught me to always be prepared for all and any scenario of life, business and force Majeure included. She had all these documents prepared for if she and dad were to be incapacitated or... well... dead. And hence my ability to escape the foster care stuff. They legally couldn't make me." he explained. There was something in his voice and reaction that tugged... something in Barbara's mind.
She had chalked it up to his nervousness of talking about his mother. It took nearly a year for Barbara to find the confirmation that Tim had lied to her then. His mother might have taught him to be always prepared for anything, but the documents he'd mentioned were forged by him. And if she hadn't recruited another adult for her crime-fighting team, she might not have found or got a confirmation out of Tim.
Dinah Drake, better known as Black Canary, was an orphan who had had her taste of Gotham City's foster care system. She had run away at age ten and saved by a former Navy SEALS who ended up being her teacher, sensei, big brother, father, everything. After his death, Dinah had a stint at the DEO - Department of Extranormal Operations, where she had gotten hurt and decided to go back to Gotham to restart her life.
Who was Barbara to know that Dinah Drake would be related to Timothy Drake? Dinah has never met Tim - the son of a cousin of hers, apparently. Tim has never heard of Dinah from his father. Both of them - albeit at different times - have lost contact with their extended families, as living in Gotham is wont to make happen.
The one thing that made Dinah realized who Tim was, was literally Tim's eye colors. "Those are definitely Jack's eyes. They have this little defect that makes it turn silver and nearly transparent in spite of them being dark blue colored." Dinah explained. "I remember meeting Jack and was very mesmerized. I was pretty young, too. I knew I'd asked my mom if I could have eyes like that, and she said I can't."
Tim glared at her, a little amused. "Well, cousin Dinah, you're not here to adopt me or lay claim to Drake Industries' wealth, are you?"
Dinah's open bark of laughter sounded nice, Barbara thought. Of all the times she has known Dinah, the only laughter she would hear is if Dinah was 'having fun' beating up bad guys.
But no, Dinah has never had intentions to adopt Tim, "while that part I can be persuaded, the 'wealth' part I can't care less." she said. As Barbara suspected, the two orphans got along like house on fire. Selina Kyle - Catwoman - still often eyed Dinah warily, as if fearing that the blonde would take away her kitten. But otherwise, her small band of misfits seemed to be growing up and growing strong, and Barbara was happy.
Cautiously happy - Gotham has a way to extinguish all and any kind of positivity, and Barbara was far too pragmatic to let serotonin and dopamine overrule her brain. Even as she watched the others bickering and snickering good-naturedly through the reflections on her monitors, Barbara was already creating contingency plans after contingency plans in her mind.
She caught Tim's wistful smile from the reflection, and there was no mistake that he was smiling at her. "Need something, Tim?" she half-demanded, her cheek burned a little even after her mind reminded her that Tim was not a mind-reader.
"Contingency plans," Tim replied, shrugging. Barbara managed not to blink or flinch. "I have a good lot of them, and none of them actually put me in this kind of situation: new actual family member, Birds of Prey, and so on. I don't know how to proceed from here."
"Keep up whatever you're doing, don't hurt anybody that don't deserve it, you're good to go," Dinah remarked from the other side of the room.
Barbara bit back a grin. "Nutshell version: as your cousin Dinah has said. Tl:dr version: while we're here to right the wrongs that the world has inflicted upon our townsfolk and keep crimes off the street, we cannot deny that we, too, are walking outside the perimeter of laws. We do try to keep within the perimeters, but there are times that we might need... assistance, I should say, from what you do." she turned toward Catwoman, including her in the conversation. So..."
"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," Dinah quipped.
"Plausible deniability, I get it," Tim smirked. "As far as you're concerned, you don't know us,"
"I can work with that," Catwoman snorted haughtily. "I have my street-cred to maintain, you know."
"I think your street-cred is kind of wonky now that you have a kitten," Dinah retorted.
"He's a protegé!" Catwoman snapped back. "A protegé adds to my street-cred!"
"Ladies!" Barbara barked. "This is not high school. Stop behaving like you're in it. Now, plans. We keep going, we'll cross-check necessities with the two of you, we shall keep all of our cases in the open and you can contribute when or if you have knowledge thereof. We have briefings every other week, location and time to be informed later. We don't want to know how you get things done or where or when, and will provide necessary back up - e.g. alibi or support, if necessary. You two will provide us with methods to contact you at any time-- or else the deal is off." she promptly concluded before Catwoman could protest.
"I still don't see how this benefits us," Catwoman argued. "We've been doing-- whatever it is we're doing that you don't need to know - for years. We don't need your help."
"Times are a-changin', ma," Tim said softly. "There are new people nowadays who brought in strange and dangerous people. We'll need help, one of these days, and I would rather the help came from Oracle and her team." He then turned to Barbara. "I'll be keeping in touch with you since mamaCat won't want you to know where she is at all times. I have nothing to hide."
"Right," Barbara sighed. "As long as we keep off from each other's throat, we good."
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Original Characters (Part One)

Ademina ‘Mina’ Santini (older sister to Nicco Santini) is the pride and joy of the Santini family.
“ A child blind from birth doesn’t even know he’s blind until someone tells him. Even then he has only the most academic idea of what blindness is; only the formerly sighted have a real grip on the thing. Mina had no sense of being lonely because she has never been anything but. If the condition had been new, or more localized, she might have understood, but loneliness both encompassed her life and overreached it. ”
She is and always will be, the product of her environment. The daughter of a Jewish woman who survived Nazi Germany and a man of unknown ethnicity who was orphaned during the war and adopted by a Sicilian mafia don from New York.
She grew up quickly. Her family’s keeper. Raised with classic Italian ideals and conventions.
A parent’s wet dream – hardworking, responsible, and so damn loyal that it’s simultaneously her biggest strength and greatest weakness.
She’s sort of cold, sort of reserved. Nothing can touch her, nothing can hurt her.
With a sharp tongue and a gaze like daggers.
Owner of a faulty moral compass. An expert at cooking books, forging documents, and money laundering.
Has worked at a diner since she was 14 and picks up shifts at her family’s restaurant.
Graduated top 5% of her high school class with honors and was part of the NHS.
Speaks fluent Italian and German, and conversational Hebrew.
Smokes like a chimney and can hold her liquor.
Angela Shepard was her closest companion in her early teens. Knew Tim Shepard before he was a big, tough gang leader.
So intuitive, she’s like one-way glass. Calculating and deathly logically.
She has a mafia soldier’s mentality and would end up in charge of the family business if it weren’t for her gender and her culture’s inherent misogyny.
Perpetually seems to be on the brink of something. No one knows what, but it radiates from her features. There’s a suggestion of flightiness to her that she inherited from her mother. It comes off as anxiety sometimes but it’s simply the manifestation of her instincts: to be prepared and be open to whatever is expected of her.
Dallas Winston haunted her when he walked the streets and his ghost still haunts her now.
The OG Ride or Die. She’d die for her family and friends. She’d kill for them. The epitome of Stay In Your Lane UNLESS it’s someone she cares for.
Tim Shepard is the only person to ever truly know her. And he’s the first man she ever loved outside of her family. The only being who could ever quiet the growing symphony of her mind.
And it’s a damn shame because they belong to different gangs.
Maybe that’s why she’s so bitter.
#( mina santini )#( about ‘growing pains’ )#( original characters )#( mine )#( character profiles )#( river kings )
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DC x SPN prompt idea
Sam and Dean get a tip about a haunted mansion from Bobby and they go check it out. It’s Drake Manor in Gotham City, which wouldn’t be a problem since no one was supposed to be living there. Except there was.
Sam and Dean meet Tim as they break into his house. Tim at first thinks they’re burglars but notices they’re carrying strange occult stuff. Tim looks at their stuff for a sec and just goes oh, are you here for the ghost?
And the boys, who had thought the kid was a) not alive or b) some sort of creature, are a bit thrown that this tiny child was left alone for months dealing with this ghost haunting his house.
Tim explains that he thinks she’s the ghost of his previous nanny before his parents fired her, but says she doesn’t do anything harmful, just tries to keep him company or get him to eat more often. She only breaks stuff when his parents are around but she stopped after it got him in trouble.
While Tim is sad for his ghost friend to be gone, he absolutely questions the heck out of Sam and Dean about all sorts of supernatural creatures and ghosts. Sam shows him ways to stay safe and avoid places with signs, etc. Dean teaches him how to fight and shoot weapons.
Tim is like seven or eight and pretty much blackmails Sam and Dean into teaching him how to be a hunter, and Tim ends up finding missions for them because he turns out to be a better hacker than Sam and Bobby. He gets the hunters money, sets up a network of information where hunters work together, and makes gadgets and gizmos for the guys to use against creatures.
Dean and Sam are worried about this small child alone in the house but think he’s better off there than as a hunter out in the real world. They don’t expect Tim to force his way into helping them, and every so often when they need help or info they call Tim then remind him to do homework or eat something.
Their road-trips now have frequent stops by Gotham, and even Bobby’s been able to make the trip to meet the lil guy who hacks his computer every week.
Tim also still knows Bruce is batman, and eventually becomes Robin, right. So he’s off doing that and keeping the whole supernatural world secret from Batman. Sam and Dean however, know the kid too well and eventually find out Tim is Robin. They may or may not take that well.
But! Since Tim is already aware of the ways of browsing the news and internet for crazy interesting cases and crimes, he comes across some posts about a potential zombie. Lo and behold- it’s Jason! So Tim calls Bruce and gets them sorted out. Maybe Talia still finds a way to kidnap him though, or Tim fights her on his own to keep Jason and loses, etc.
Either way, Tim ends up on the outs with the family still because he thinks he’s just filling in for Jason. So when his parents die and Tim is in need of a fake uncle? Who else would he call but Bobby!!
Just imagining Bruce and Bobby in the same room oh man. No doubt Alfred and Bobby would get along or absolutely hate each-other and no in between. I think Bobby would win in a fight against Alfred though. Just sayin.
Que Tim taking a call from Dean while he’s patrolling, thinking he’s alone as he details how to graphically kill someone, only to hang up and turn to see Jason standing right there.
Just, many shenanigans for how Tim seems a bit more unhinged than they thought. Like yeah Robin doesn’t kill, can’t kill when you work for Bats, but Tim Drake the Hunter made no such promises. Tim’s like ‘my first kill-‘ and freaks out the bats until he saves it by saying he’s talking about a game.
Sam and Dean come for a visit and Dick is suspicious. Tim goes on hunter missions and comes back with unexplained wounds. One of the bats might see him kill something and the guy turns to dust. Tim’s like no one will ever believe you.
As Tim drifts away from the bats he goes on trips with sam and Dean or helps bobby upgrade his tech. He lets Dean keep a batarang.
Maybe when Bruce is stuck in the time stream the first person he calls is Dean and Sam and Bobby. They’re like oh hey meet Cas, who then is like “Batman should not be allowed to alter the timeline” and just brings him back. He starts maybe using Cas for emergencies, or Dean tells Cas to keep an eye on tim only for him to step in whenever Tim seems in danger, even when he isn’t. Que Tim trying to convince Cas to wear a disguise when rescuing him in the field, etc..
Or maybe Tim makes a deal with a demon! He brings back Bruce but is fantastic at loopholes and gets out of hell card. Maybe Crowley is angry and takes his spleen just cuz. Dean is not happy.
Supernatural occurrences in the field happen and Tim solves it easily. No explanation. Maybe Constantine comes to solve it only to take one look at Tim and go “fuckin’ hunters, geez”. Or alternatively Tim corrects Constantine, saying stuff like you mispronounced (insert Latin word) or something like that.
Just, overall Tim shenanigans because if one of the bats had knowledge of the supernatural it would totally be Tim.
#Jody mills might even try to adopt Tim#sheriff mills meets officer Dick grayson#he prolly gets a lecture#fake uncle Bobby#except he’s not fake at all#because he’s part of Tim’s family now and they forged documents#Tim as CEO basically funds the hunters#he sends them tech to combat the supernatural and all of a sudden hunts are so easy now#imagine Tim getting anti posession tattoo though#any of the bats see smol Tim with a tattoo will lose their minds#Tim says he did it himself (a lie) like a stick and poke#doesn’t reassure anyone#but Bobby thinks it’s funny#Tim calls damian an idjit#makes damian mad because he doesn’t even know#just#I love this concept
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