#especially if you have adhd too lol
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neurantics-theythem · 2 years ago
Having late-diagnosed adhd is weird.
(CW internalized ableism)
Realizing that what I always thought was a “normal” source for motivation was really just shame, guilt, fear, self-judgment and a whole lot of “shoulding” (apart from the rare hyperfocus where the motivation was actually my own)
What I thought was “self-discipline” was just constant self-berating and guilt for being so “bad” at it when other people seemed to pick it up so easily
I always felt so ashamed whenever someone credited their success to their parents raising them to have a great work ethic. How come *I* didn’t turn out the same way, when my dad spent most of his waking moments working to provide for us? How did that not teach me a great work ethic?
Even if no one said it to my face, I internalized deeply the notion preached in every corner of society that people who aren’t self-disciplined are lazy and don’t actually care
I never thought I had adhd because I didn’t fit the stereotypical symptom profile. And I believed so deeply that I just had to “work harder” even though I was mentally deteriorating from how hard I actually was working. But that’s normal for everyone, right?
And now that I’ve deconstructed a lot of this shame and guilt (after years and years of therapy that I’ve been lucky to have), I see it as it is and have stopped using these toxic things to motivate me. And I’m realizing just how little “natural” motivation I actually have. Any motivation I do get is sporadic, for super random things, never consistent and not usually for “productive” tasks.
I’ve finally come to the place where I don’t feel even slightly opposed to trying out adhd medication either. But it has come at the *very* opportune time when I’m unemployed, searching for a job (with the aforementioned lack of motivation in a shit job market), and uninsured.
BuT aT LEaSt it’S a gReAt pRaCtiCE iN seLf cOmpAsSiOn!!! 🥴
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crispycreambacon · 2 months ago
Hi y'all. I hope you all are well :)
Happy new year first of all. If you're still here with us, thank you. Thank you for getting through 2024, and thank you for being here. I hope 2025 will be kind to you 🫂
Second of all, I'm not sure if anyone is still here, but if there is someone: I'm sorry for disappearing so suddenly. Life really got in the way due to college, and I can't guarantee this next semester of college won't be very busy for me either. I've been trying to work on my personal life, and part of that was avoiding social media. I'd like to come back, but I'll be reducing the amount of time I spend on here.
If you'd like to know more about what else has happened to me, read on. If not, I wish you well, and I hope you'll still welcome me with open arms.
If I can be vulnerable for a minute: things have gotten really bad for me last December. I came out to my mom, and it went so badly that I ran away for a little bit. I came back for personal reasons, but now I live with parents who refuse to acknowledge my identity and continue to refer to me with my deadname and AGAB. Moreover, I got triggered really badly at some point during the holidays, and it has led to me realizing I can't keep living like this. I need help.
Thankfully, my college provides mental health services, and from what I heard from other students, they're pretty good. They also provide tests which I definitely need. I can't keep living the undiagnosed lifestyle, y'all, I need to know what's going on with my brain shsldhskshs... I have some clues though. Nothing definitive yet, but I am pretty confident in my suspicions, and whether I'm right or wrong, I just want to figure out what's going on and manage it, start to heal and move on from the trauma I've endured both as a child and now.
I hope this update will suffice. I'm eternally grateful for my friends. They have kept me from absolutely losing it, and they have stuck with me at my worst moments. I love them so dearly, and if they are reading this: thank you :)💞
And to everyone else, thank you for taking the time to read. I'd love to know how y'all have been, so please let me know. I love you all. Please stay safe, and may life bring you the happiness you deserve 🫂
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 4 months ago
Poll has to focus to not talk at mach speed
Tequilla has to focus to not talk super slowly
neither of them are bothered by the other's vocal quirks because they always compensate for the other
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reasonsforhope · 7 months ago
By the way, you can improve your executive function. You can literally build it like a muscle.
Yes, even if you're neurodivergent. I don't have ADHD, but it is allegedly a thing with ADHD as well. And I am autistic, and after a bunch of nerve damage (severe enough that I was basically housebound for 6 months), I had to completely rebuild my ability to get my brain to Do Things from what felt like nearly scratch.
This is specifically from ADDitude magazine, so written specifically for ADHD (and while focused in large part on kids, also definitely includes adults and adult activities):
Here's a link on this for autism (though as an editor wow did that title need an editor lol):
Resources on this aren't great because they're mainly aimed at neurotypical therapists or parents of neurdivergent children. There's worksheets you can do that help a lot too or thought work you can do to sort of build the neuro-infrastructure for tasks.
But a lot of the stuff is just like. fun. Pulling from both the first article and my own experience:
Play games or video games where you have to make a lot of decisions. Literally go make a ton of picrews or do online dress-up dolls if you like. It helped me.
Art, especially forms of art that require patience, planning ahead, or in contrast improvisation
Listening to longform storytelling without visuals, e.g. just listening regularly to audiobooks or narrative podcasts, etc.
Martial arts
Sports in general
Board games like chess or Catan (I actually found a big list of what board games are good for building what executive functioning skills here)
If you're bad at time management play games or video games with a bunch of timers
Things can be easier. You might always have a disability around this (I certainly always will), but it can be easier. You do not have to be this stuck forever.
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I think the reader's response to this post is probably going to either be "That's incredibly minor" or "Holy shit YES I'M ALSO PROUD", depending on people's personal experiences with academia, but:
Today I am incredibly proud of one of my students.
In the interests of disguising identities, let's call them Ceri. Ceri is one of my third year undergrads (meaning their final year, for anyone unfamiliar with UK uni systems.) They transferred to us last year, and within two weeks I was giving them the contact info to get to Student Services and get themself screened for ADHD; they have some mental health struggles, but I clocked pretty quickly that they STRUGGLE with procrastination, and punctuality, and attending 9am lectures in particular. Naturally, as is the way of my people, it took them a further four months to remember to go to the screening. Lol. Lmao. Rofl, in fact.
But, they did it eventually! Their screening lit up like a Christmas tree at the ADHD section, and they got a free laptop and optional one week extensions and a study support worker named Claire. This has helped tremendously, and although mental health + until-then-unsupported ADHD meant their academic profile had slid sideways somewhat, with the new tools available and a couple of resits they passed the year and hit this year running.
Until, that is, the last fortnight.
Now, I take them for a Habitat Management module that has two assessments: an academic poster presentation before Christmas, and a site-specific management plan in May. Naturally this means we are at that happy point in the year for the poster presentations. I give out the briefs at the start of the year, so they've had them since October; I've also been periodically checking in with them all for weeks, to make sure they don't have any major burning questions. The poster presentation was to pick a species reintroduction project, pull the habitat feasibility study out of it, and then critique that study; Ceri chose to look at the hen harrier reintroductions proposed for the southern UK. All good.
Which brings us nicely to today! Ceri's presentation is scheduled for 2.30. At 11am-1pm, I am lecturing the first years on Biodiversity, while Ceri is learning about environmental impact assessment with a colleague I shall call Aeron. This means we are separately occupied during those same hours.
Nevertheless, Aeron messages me at about 12.
"I think Ceri needs to see you after your lecture," he writes. "They're panicking, I genuinely think they might cry. I'm worried. Are you free at 1?"
I say I am. At 1, I get lunch and sit in the common area; Ceri comes to see me. To my personal shame, imagine all of the following takes place while I stuff my face with potato.
Now: this part is going to be uncomfortably familiar to anyone who has ever tried higher education with ADHD, especially unmedicated. It certainly was for me. All I can say is, I never had the courage to take the step here that Ceri did.
"I have to confess," they said quietly, and Aeron was right, they were fighting back tears. "My mental health has been so, so bad for the last fortnight. I've left it way, way too late. I don't have anything to present."
"Nothing at all?" I asked.
"I've been researching," they said helplessly. "I found loads on the decline of the hen harrier. But it wasn't until last night that I finally found a habitat feasibility study to critique. Generally... I've been burying my head about it, and it just got later and later. I thought I should come in for Aeron's lecture, and I should at least tell you."
This part is a minor thing, right? But honestly, I remember being in the grip of that particular shame spiral. I never did manage to tell my lecturers to their faces. I just avoided. I honestly can't imagine having the courage it took them to come in and tell me this, rather than just staying home and avoiding me.
"I think..." they said hesitantly, "I know I can submit up to a week late, for a capped mark. I think I need to do that, and apply for extenuating circumstances. But then I'll have both Aeron's assignment and yours due at the same time."
Which meant they would crumble under the pressure and likely struggle to pass both; so me, being as noble and heroic as I unarguably am, stopped eating potato and said, "Let's make that plan B."
(It was good potato. I am a hero.)
So, we made plan A: I moved their timeslot to 4.30, giving them three and a half hours. The shining piece of luck in this whole thing was that this was the crunch time assignment - if it had been Aeron's, they'd have had to try and write a 3000 report in that time. But for me, all they had to write was an academic poster, and those things are light on words by design. We found them a Canva template, and then we quickly sketched out a recommended structure based on the brief: if it's habitat feasibility, look at food availability, nesting site availability, and mortality risks in the target release site. Bullet point each. Bullet point how well the study assessed each. Write a quick intro and conclusion. Take notes as you go, and present the poster itself at 4.30.
"You think I should try?" they asked doubtfully, looking like I'd just asked them to go mano-a-mano with a feral badger.
"If you run out of time, so be it," I said. "But your brain is trying to protect you from a non-existent tiger. That's why you've procrastinated - it's been horrible, and you've been shame spiralling, and your brain is trying to shield you from the negative experience; but it's the wrong type of help for this situation! So while you're sitting there working on it, hating life, every time your brain goes 'This is hopeless, I can't do it', you think right back 'Yes I can, it just sucks.' And you carry on. Good?"
"Good," they said. "I'm going to mainline coffee and hole up in the library. Enjoy your potato."
And then, of course, I had to go and watch the other students' presentations, so that was the end of me being any help at all. I spent all afternoon wondering if they were going to manage it, or if I would be getting a message at 4.25 telling me they'd failed, and would have to submit late and hope for an EC.
And Tumblrs
Let me FUCKING tell you
They turned up at 4.15, fifteen minutes early, wearing a mask of grim, harrowed determination and fuelled by spite and coffee, and they pulled up that poster and started presenting and yes, okay, I'll admit their actual delivery was dramatically unpolished and yes, they forgot to include the taxanomic name for the hen harrier on the poster and yes, fine, I admit that there were more than a few awkward moments where they lost their place in their hastily scribbled notebook but LET ME FUCKING TELL YOU -
They smashed it. It was well-critiqued, it had a map, it had full citations, it had a section on the hen harrier's specific ecology and role in the ecosystem, it had notes on their specific conservation measures. They described case studies they'd read about elsewhere. They answered the questions we threw at them with competence and depth. There was analysis. All that background research they'd done came right to the fore. They were even within the time limit by 15 seconds.
You would never have known they'd produced it in three hours, from a quivering and terrified mess fighting the bodily urge to dehydrate via tear ducts. After they left, the second marker and I looked at each other and went "So that was a 2:1, right?"
I caught up with Aeron downstairs and he was beaming. Apparently Ceri had seen him on their way out, and had gone over to talk to him. Aeron said the difference between the Ceri of this morning and the Ceri of then was like two different people; in four hours, they'd gone from their voice literally breaking as they admitted the problem, ashamed and broken, to being relaxed and happy and smiling.
"I reckon I've passed," they apparently told Aeron, pleased. "Maybe even a 2:2. There's things I wish I'd had the time to do better, but I'll be happy if I passed."
They won't know until late January what they got, because we're not allowed to release marks until 20 term days after hand-in, and the Christmas holidays are about to hit. But I'm really hoping I can be there when they're released.
But mostly, I'm just... insanely proud of them. I cannot tell you how happy I am. And I know, I know, obviously this is not a practice I would want to see them do regularly, or indeed ever again, and it only worked because they were fucking lucky with the assignment format, but like... when life is just punching you in the face, and you hit a breaking point... isn't it nice? That just this once, you pull off a miracle, and it's fixed? The disaster you thought was about to ruin you is gone? To get that relief?
Anyway. Super super proud today.
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thedivinetarot · 14 days ago
Summer is meant for lovin' and leavin'
Who wants to be your valentine?
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☆ How to chose your pile? Here🦪🦪
☆Check this month's offer... 🦪🦪🦪
This reading is suitable for someone on your mind or a future person.
Also, I'm so sorry I couldn't upload this on Valentines day.
Lots of love
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Pile 1 - Cupid
☆ Energy check:
Pls note that this is a general energy check and it doesn't have to resonate but take it as a confirmation. If the energy check didn't resonate you can either skip to the next portion or chose another pile, thank you.
Okay, right of the bat I felt very excited, someone here is up to something new, perhaps a new perosn, crush or business venture and if none applies then inner transformation. I see that this pile have worked so hard on their wounds and other are seeing the fruits of their efforts towards healing. Someone here is a witch and a wizard lol. Anyways, I see that in this pile your energy is being portrayed as something luxurious, maybe you are someone who is physically attractive or work on your overall aesthetic. Someone here is very committed and serious about relationships, you give no time for losers lol. I see that you have shifted something, perhaps a mindset, something inner here. I feel distracted a little bit. Pile 1 do you have ADHD? because I felt excited them I felt distracted. I see also that someone here finally found the joy within themselves without relying on others. You probably reading this out of boredom and not because you are interested in someone that's what I'm sensing. Someone here ended a period or self doubt and insecurity, it is like you put a full stop and started something new. I see also that you tend to get anxious and worried about the slightest things or still struggling with it. Someone here have cultivated self love and understood that real love comes from within yourself and not outside also shadow work, someonehere is doing shadow work regularly which helped them understand where the insecurity come from. I kept singing "now my life is sweet like cinnamon" something here is fresh, like you have shifted your focus inside and now you feel very happy and joyful, I felt happy all of sudden. Also, you understood that betraying yourself won't get you anywhere and when you prioritized self love you felt a huge shift and it made you feel at peace and more emotionally fulfilled. People in this pile are probably singles and reading this for a future person. You are abundant pile 1 and you are capable, I got emotional and proud all of sudden, you have absolutely all the right to be like that after all of this work. Love you pile 1, I'm proud of you too🤍.
Placements for you:
Taurus, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Aquarius, Cancer, Pisces, Virgo. Dominant planets: jupiter, moon, mercury. 2nd, 9th, 8th, 11th, 12th, 4th, 6t house sun or moon.
Ugh, this person is so emotionally desperate. And you know them, unfortunately you know this person. They probably study with you in an official organization like school, college or somewhere you are in either working or studying but studying is more accurate and relevant. I see that this person is emotional and practical at the same time. They are giving off ESFJ, ISFJ, ESFP vibe. Like they are empathetic and kind but practical and think money at the same time. This person is very calm and collected, you see them as a friend or a colleague. They look detached and have this uncertainty to them. They seem unfocused or clumsy at the same time especially around you. This person and you probably meet outside your home town or are far from you. You either work away from home (you travel from a city to another) or they travel for work. I see that this person is very obvious about their feelings to you and they don't even bother hiding them. This person is intuitively drawn to you. They spy on you or take quick glances or you feel that they look at you more than intended. They like you honestly and is very direct with their feelings lol.
☆How do they see you?
Okay, they see that you are very intimidating and you give off the vibe of lone wolf. They might be someone who is popular and recognized by people and unlike them you are a lone wolf, charismatic and confident. Your confidence intimidate them and you make them speechless. They probably stutter or feel anxious around you. I kept laughing, you probably enjoy this aren't you pile 1? That's hilarious, you enjoy making them nervous and they are literally a nerve ball when it comes to you lol. You don't look for validation from people like they do and it make them super confused. I mean they might be someone who is all about societal standards and you are not. You don't seek this validation from society and you make fun out of it. You don't care about last trends, you don't aim to look like a model. Because simply you think this is stupid and useless.
☆ Their intentions:
The bottom of the deck tell me that this person still yearns for you. Like they want something emotionally fulfilling with you. And don't worry they are very honest about their feelings, they don't play around. They want to come in and change the situation with you. They want to act diplomatically and come in and talk to you. They want to take care of you and have emotional bond with you. They want an committed emotional connection. They want to offer their heart and unlock a new chapter in their life with you. They want something nurturing and balanced, they want both of you to take care of one another. They want something drama free and simply equal. That's what I'm getting so good luck with your valentine pile 1. Enjoy💕.
☆ Placements for them:
Cancer, Aquarius, virgo, Pisces, Scorpio. Dominant planets in their chart: Uranus, Neptune, Venus, 4th, 11th, 6th, 12th, 8th house sun or moon.
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Pile 2 - Heart
☆Energy check:
The energy check doesn't have to resonates 100% with you, if you feel like none of what I'm writing resonated then skip to the next portion or chose another pile.
Hello pile 2, right of the bat I felt my front lower teeth started to hurt me, something here related to teeth. I feel like this pile are wearing orthodontics and the Dr have pulled them tightly in uncomfortable way. Also, you may be listening to music as a way to cope with pain in your life. I see that someone here invested in a relationship and was very committed the relationship was disturbed then and that bond broke down. I see that you are now in a stagnant contemplative energy. You are trying to isolate yourself from everyone to understand what went wrong. I see that a man or a masculine here will text you very soon. They have news for you. I see that people here have been doubting their intuition and feeling like their head or logic is the only thing that matter, the universe want me to tell you that your intuition is right, you are not gaslighting yourself and you need to listen to it. I see that this pile are actively manifesting abundance, I see someone here is manifesting money and a comfortable lifestyle while you are living your life freely and enjoying the process. My back got tensed all of sudden, pile 2 are you working or studying on a desk? Please consider a more comfortable position because your safety come first. I see that you are overwhelmed and above all disappointed. Someone here is going through a spiritual awakening, they are trying to make sense of things in their life, someone here is feeling confused and overwhelmed by the shift that is happening in their life. I see also that you are resisting change, someone here is going through spiritual awakening and resisting change, why? What make you afraid? Losing people who never cared about you? Or losing your personality (the old version) who was disrespected over and over again? Why? A shift in your mindset is required to maintain a healthy approach to your spiritual awakening.
Placements for you:
Taurus, Virgo, Gemini, Scorpio, Leo, Cancer, Sagittarius. Planets in your: 2nd, 6th, 3rd, 8th, 5th, 4th,9th in your chart. Dominant planet in sun, mercury, Venus. I'm sensing a very strong mercurial energy or mercury in a strong aspects in your chart.
Okay, this person wants to keep themselves hidden from you. They don't want you to know that they are in for you. They hide their feelings from you. I'm sensing a secret admirer here. Someone who is aware of you but you are not aware of them at all. This person has a very fiery and decisive energy. They set their eyes on something and they get it. I'm not getting anything about how do know them but what is most obvious to me is that they are within your social circle. Someone you don't usually pay a lot of attention to. This person is very committed and stable but they are not revealing themselves to me. This person have gone through a lot of back breaking labor. Maybe their job requires them to be active physically? Someone here work in a field of physical labor. Maybe an engineer? Or civil engineer? Someone here in a very good shape, they have muscles and a little bit on the taller side that is admiring you but they keep themselves hidden. I'm getting "you look at me but you don't see me" someone here is within your day to day life... who you look at but never SEE and they know you won't accept them. I see that they refuse making themselves seen to you because they are afraid of rejection. They hope that one day you'll see them and see how much they might be loyal or faithful to you. I'm picking up on enneagram 6,1,9. Someone here is very soft and sweet but appear to be stoic or tired. They don't know a lot of people, they are lonely. They barely have friends too. I'm also getting the mbti ISFP, INFP, ISFJ and ISTJ. This person have a very dynamic and youthful appearance. They might just got the job in your neighborhood or within your community.
☆How do they see you?
Well, that's heartbreaking... they think that you don't see them. They see that you won't even notice them. This person's self-esteem is very low. They don't think you'll ever look at them or want to get to know them. Probably your interactions with them are Far away, like they listen to you talking to your friends but they don't bother to come in or talk to you because they are afraid of rejection. They think you are very smart and fair and you hate seeing injustice. They think you are witty and funny too. And they think you can be imbalanced and stupid at times. They think you are beautiful and no not in a lusty way. They think you are imbalanced and anxious most of the time. They probably watch you over or talk to people around you and you appear anxious or tensed. But they think you'd make a great companion because you are very smart and loyal. Ugh this person is rooting for you and doesn't want you to know their feelings. They are definitely a sweetheart, if you are open to them. Their personality is fiery too, they have prominent mars or fire placements in their chart especially Aries or sagittarius.
☆Their intentions:
First and as I mentioned above they know that their self-esteem is low so they took a promise to be more confident and fix themselves to be able to come and offer you something. This cutie here think that in order for them to get to a Goddess like you (that's what they said they are cheesy idc) they need to be better themselves. I'm sensing that this person is very dedicated to their job or career and they want to earn more money in order for them to have enough confidence and come to whisk you away. When they come they want to appear that confident, financially capable man who can provide for you. Their thoughts are quite interesting, they know the importance of money when it comes to relationships, they won't complain about money to you because they will have enough to spoil you and themselves. They are practical honestly, they know well that him (as a provider) need to be financially capable in order for them to come into your life. They want also to work on their anger, they might have a tendency to blow on people when tired. They also want to have a glow up before coming in and take care of you, offering your emotional fulfillment. Awww this person is a literal sweetheart, they want to have enough confident in themselves in order for them to make you satisfied emotionally. Thank you for reading pile 2, hope this reading resonated with you💕.
☆Placements for them:
Sagittarius, mars in Aries, Cancer, Aries, Mars, Pluto, Saturn dominant in their chart. Planets in their 1st, 4th, 9th and 10th house in their chart.
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Pile 3 - Tunnel of love
☆Energy check:
This is a general energy check, if you have read it and it did not resonates then skip to the next portion or chose another pile.
Hello pile 3, I hope you are doing well. I see someone here just got a job opportunity and they are waiting for the job interview or have already gone through it and waiting for their reply. I see that someone here have a very helpless and disappointed energy, someone's energy here is heavy and stagnant. Like you guys don't want to get out of your comfort zone, now I'm not saying that you should because I struggle with that too I'm just describing your energy. Someone here doesn't want to go out of do anything, why are you guys so frustrated... it feels like you expected something but it didn't turn out as you hoped. I see that for the people who expected to be asked out by their crush or someone in their mind is either got asked or will be asked. I see also that this person is very grounded, very smart and social. They like their friend group or it could be you sense the energy can go both ways. I'm picking up also that you are trying to act cool or confident but lately self doubt has consumed you to the point were you feel like the slightest comment could turn offensive to you. Someone here is feeling low and bored, your life is not lifing anymore lol. I see that you feel isolated or lonely, someone here is single for soo long and they feel very disappointed for being overlooked and skipped. It's like you are protecting your peace but get mad and jealous when no one give you attention (I'm sorry if that seemed rude). Someone here got a divorce too, and they are trying to take the child or win the child in court (it doesn't have to be you). But there will be a message that is concerning and whether you can afford raising the child or not, okay now I got it! Someone here is old and about to break their engagement or marriage and you are looking for a job to be able to help raise your child, is that so? (This portion is for someone specific). Anyways, Placements for you:
Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo, Cancer, strong solar energy especially leo and sun dominant or 5th house dominant in your chart.
Okay, you didn't saw this person coming because the way they arrived is quite sudden and surprise. I'm talking something like cheesy romantic series where someone bumps into the other and an electric current shock them both lol. I see that this person is your spouse, they are coming to you. This is either a soulmate or twin flame coming in your life. This person as traits is very similar to you. You both look very alike and have the same vibe and stuff. When you look at them it feels like you are looking at yourself which can be good or bad depending on your personality and overall vibe and frequency. Anyways, this person value communication, they are straight forward and doesn't like to avoid serious discussions. They are very mental... their personality and brain... I mean they are logical and indecisive... also I'm picking something unexpected or can't be tamed... this person is unpredictable and you don't know how to respond to some things they say or do. If you are quite emotional or sensitive it won't be so good to you but if you value logic over anything else then go ahead dear. This person lives away from you, possibly states or countries. This person have gone through a lot of difficulties and tensions in their life which made them more cold from the outside. They give off ENTP, INTP, and for a very few of you this person is an INTJ with soft enneagram like 9 or 6. Anyways, this person is very assertive and dedicated to their own things (could be a job, hobby, friend group, or anything). They are protective and practical, and above all I see financial stability. I see that they have money but NOT that money, something that is enough and a little more to spare on their loved ones. Anyways, also I'm getting that this person have XSTX mbti, especially (ISTJ and ESTJ) someone logical and practical. They are also (for a few of you) are extroverted.
☆How does they see you?
Okay, this person will sense that you are very anxious and defensive when it comes to your emotions. I mean you may click with him mentally but won't open up to him emotionally because you'll see that he is not the type to contain someone's vulnerability. I see that they'll see that you enjoy your solitude and doesn't mind staying alone and above all you don't give a damn about people's opinions. I see that they'll see that you are emotionally mature, assertive and you'll help them be at peace and open their heart to you. This person will open their heart to you but when it comes to you; you won't be as open to them emotionally which will make them feel uncomfortable. There's a lot of struggle here especially about opening up, I mean you might show this person empathy and kindness but you won't be open to receive anything like that from them you'll be like "no sir, save your love to yourself I'm not opening up to you". There's this sense that you are so closed off and ambiguous. You will try to be as secretive as possible and you won't talk too much about yourself which will make them even more curious to get to know you. I see also that you may be someone who have the tendency to avoid confrontation and don't like to be confronted too which will make them even more curious. Also they sense that you are super guarded and won't open up to them easily. And they hate it and love it at the same time. It is like (the reason why you won't open up) is that you have a specific version or standard in your head about love and relationships and this person doesn't fit any... which will make you feel super secretive and ambiguous about your private life in front of them, especially your own feelings and vulnerability.
☆Their intentions:
Hmmm, Okay... this person want to shift your views on love. I see that they'll have a crush on you for sooo long until they come in and say the three words because you are guarded. They want to take from from your responsibilities and help you with them. They want you to be more relaxed and open with them. And they want to be very clear with you. They might tend to be blunt with people but with your specifically they'll be extra blunt and straightforward with their thoughts so you don't doubt their intentions. They want to keep their intentions hidden from you (not in a bad way it is just they feel that you are not as open to talk about their feelings to you). They will be the typical lover in the relationship. But mainly a crush. I see that they'll tell you that they have a crush on you but when you start to loosen up a little. I see that they want to work as a team with you and divide responsibilities and burdens with you, this person want to show you that they are serious and won't deceive you. They are super straightforward and obvious, no games or manipulation and they freaking hate it. They want you to open up to them, they want to melt the ice on your heart and they want to see you clearly without masks. They want your mask to fall off, they want to see you deeply for who you are.
☆Placements for them:
Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Virgo, Libra, Dominant planets are mercury, Saturn, Uranus. Sun or moon in the 1st, 3rd, 11th, 6th, 7th house in their chart. They may be air and earth as the most dominant elements in their chart because they are super logical and practical.
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Pile 4 - Angelic ceiling
☆ Energy check:
Okay, this is a general energy check so if you felt like none of what you reading resonates then skip to the next portion or chose another pile. Thank you🤍....
I see someone here is finally out of a very bad period or phase in their life. I see that someone here was very overwhelmed and falling in despair. Someone here faced a lot of financial difficulties and setbacks. Someone here is healing using crystals and reiki or going to a professional therapist. I see also that someone here is getting out or moving on from a heartbreak, perhaps it was the reason why you felt super unfocused or like something here is ambiguous. But I do see that in this period you are healing and embracing self-love. Someone here started to recognize their own worth within their community and trying to move on from whatever that caused them disappointed and heartbreak especially within your group or community like your friends, family or colleagues. I see also that someone here is super tired, I started to feel sleepy or drowsy all of sudden. Perhaps your sleeping schedule is messy right now and you need a healthier approach for that. Anyways, I see that alot of you are breaking free and healing their attachment style. Perhaps, you have never had healthy relationships because you were anxious or avoidant but anyways. Someone here also have a close birthday, they want me to tell you "happy birthday, your name" and they wish you the best. Also, I kept have emphasis on new born, your brother had a baby? Someone here was just born. Anyways, I see also that you'll have a fresh start that will help you open up to life. It is like you are telling yourself that this is a new Era of me and I won't back off. Good luck pile 4 I hope you get what you aim for🤍.
☆Placements for you:
Libra, Aquarius, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, strong Uranus in big 3. Sun or moon in the 7th, 11th, 6th, 10th, 4th house in your chart. We have also Uranus, Saturn, Mars dominant in your chart.
Okay, I don't think you'll be open to that person much because they might not be your typical go to. Anyways, this person is someone who is boring and pessimistic. They don't have any idea what fun is like. They are very chill, very calm or they used to be like that but I don't think they have a very rich inner world. They give me nerd vibes, someone who knows a lot of stuff and have knowledge. They might surprise you with information that you had no idea about. This person have a problem opening up to people, because someone here rejected them or broke their heart. Also, I see that this person didn't have a lot of relationships and probably is a virgin too. Anyways, this person and despite what they went through they have this confidence to them that make them stand out. There might not be a flashy "look at me" type of confidence, no they display it calmly, they don't pose for the audience, they do that for themselves. I see also that they look very attractive or beautiful but not in the way you might go for. Like... if you usually go for blondes then they may have dark features that stand out and make them super attractive. Anyways, you'll meet this person by a messenge. Also, someone old here will be the reason for your interaction. So maybe someone old will set you up together or something like that. I see that this older person sees that you need a little spice in your life right now and want to help you get in with someone. That's what I'm seeing. Also, this person is very charismatic and cooperative, they like charming people. This person is straightforward and obvious about their intentions, they don't hide stuff because they see that there's no use of playing games. That's what I'm seeing. Also, this person have gone through a lot of problems to settle down by themselves, and they had a lot of money problems, but right now I see thr they are in a more stable phase than before
☆ How will they see you?
I see that at first they might take an impression about you that is not quite what you are but as they get to know you, they'll understand and see you. This person at first will see that you are super ambiguous and unclear. Like you are hiding something. They'll also think that you are very indecisive and cocky. But as they get to know you, they'll see you as someone who is confident and very intuitive. There's this fire and sensuality to you that will draw them in. I see that you might appear to rely on your intuition alot and also they'll see that you are a very cozy person. Someone who make them feel safe and emotionally fulfilled which will make them super happy. I see also that you'll wake up the desire in them. Because as I said that they might be a virgin and haven't had any intimate experiences, they'll see that you are something so sexy and confident in themselves. They see also that you are very content and happy on your own and you don't need people's validation to feel important. I see also that after getting to know you they'll be quite afraid of disappointing you or letting you down because you cut people easily out of your life. They'll think also that you are very idealistic in your approach to relationship and that nothing is always perfect. They'll feel like you in their life is a very fresh start for them to unlock something new. Especially in their romantic life. They'll see also that you are quite funny and extroverted or someone who is talkative. They might struggle to talk about themselves because of their personality but anyways.
☆ Their intentions:
I see that this person will get a tower moment when they get to know you and they'll know that you are the one they want something long term with. They might have been in their solitude or loneliness for a prolonged period of time and when they met you something felt right and clicked immediately. They also hope that you'll be open to be with them long-term because they don't play around at all. First, they'll want to get to know you. Perhaps, romance you up a lot and then they want to rush you into commitment. If you are okay with that then it's fine but if you feel like this is lovebombing then you can step aside and talk to them to slow down. Tell them that long-term relationship need time to develop and that they cannot rush things. Also, because they don't have experiences then they might think that this is love or deep emotional connection. I see that they might not know how to deal with that but they are open to guidance though. They don't want to play around and break hearts, no they want something stable and they hope they can find it with someone who is serious and stable.
☆Placements for them:
Taurus, Leo, Libra, Cancer, Sagittarius. Strong solar energy, sun, mars, Saturn, Venus, jupiter dominant in their chart. 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th house stallium in their chart.
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Post date: 17th Feb-2025 /Mon
*Feedback is appreciated
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cripplecharacters · 16 days ago
Is there any list of stuff you wanted to see more in autistic representation? I'm autistic and I'm quite "stereotype material": white savant male good at STEM and who's not aroace but don't want a partner, and it bugs me that it's always like that, so I wanted to know what other people would like to see when I try writing autistic people.
Honestly, I just want more autistic characters in general. There are hardly any!
Here are some things that I have never seen represented:
characters with mid-high support needs, both related and unrelated to autism
characters who use AAC [link to post about high/low/no tech aac] and who struggle to communicate
characters with cerebral palsy, tourette's, intellectual disability, or any other common comorbid condition that's not ADHD
characters who don't live with their parents
characters who don't infodump or know a lot of facts about their special interests, just that their interests are the things they engage with
characters whose special interests aren't "useful" to their life
characters with "unusual" sensory needs (for example i always see characters who hate loud noises and bright lights, but i know many autistic people in real life who are not bothered by those or actively seek them out)
characters misdiagnosed in childhood with ODD or another common misdiagnosis, or neglected as a "difficult kid" even if they have higher support needs
characters who use gait trainers, adaptive strollers, or manual tilt in space chairs
characters who have a supportive community or know multiple other autistic people
adult characters in day programs
queer characters, especially ones whose sexuality or gender is difficult to separate from their autism
characters who have harmful stims and not only when they're upset
characters who are not big. (this might seem weird but there are a surprising number of tall/large/imposing autistic characters, especially those with higher support needs; that's not what every autistic person looks like!)
So Many More!! If every autistic writer made a character who was just like them, each one would have at least one autistic trait that has not been represented before.
Mod Rock
To be honest, just characters that don't generalize autism. On one hand you have "representation" that's all "all autistics are boys, 12 or under, who like trains and barely speak" and on the other you have "hi, I'm a very low/no support needs autistic who is very socially acceptable and lol like imagine liking trains instead of having Real and Cool special interests like me" (sometimes it's overdone to the point the character quite literally doesn't have any autistic traits). Too much autistic representation made to combat a specific stereotype just ends up shitting on the people who do in fact exist. Some people say that "ahh all autistic rep is those damn boys with they trains!!" but I don't think anyone would say that this kind of representation is actually good or thoughtful - not because of the train or the boy, but because these characters are barely treated as humans most of the time.
We need more complex representation of all parts of the spectrum, from successful savants in STEM to "obviously disabled" autistics who are intellectually disabled, have huge mobility delays, and stim at all times, to "everyday" people who just have their special interest, don't get social cues, and are kinda awkward.
I'll take a "stereotypical" character that's actually explored and developed properly over a cardboard that's there to be a "subversion of autistic stereotypes" any day.
mod Sasza
I largely agree with the mods above. Mostly I want autistic characters treated like people and not plot devices.
But I wanted to say specifically: I want autistic characters of color. I am basically begging to see more autistic characters who are not just white people. We exist too, and really I barely see characters who have autism and aren't white.
Also, I want to see autistic characters with romantic and/or sexual partners. I feel like autistic characters are often desexualized or infantilized in a way that has them only rarely having a partner.
And I also want to see autistic characters whose special interest[s] isn't "useful" to their life, it's just there. Just part of their life. Like, it isn't their job. I feel like that's often a default.
Like Sasza said, we really need more complex and thoughtful representation of the spectrum. I don't need 'subversion' of autistic stereotypes, not particularly.
The subversion itself would be an autistic character being more than a plot device and portrayed with thought and care to the things that make their life difficult, the ways their autism affects the way they interact with others and the world, the things that make the person unique and themselves, and not just focusing on one of those aspects and ignoring everything else.
Hope this helps,
mod sparrow
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classfiedyapper · 14 days ago
Alright ladies its my first time making any post on my own on Tumblr, its 3 in the morning and I am on my leuteal phase so, yeah, the grammar in this sucks cuz if you haven't guessed it already, English isn't my first language, also this isn't proof read either. I just had my phone and messy ADHD brain filled with ideas. Anyways, THIS IS FOR MY DESI GIRLS AROUND THE WORLD. Seriously tho I made this because every time I read any headcanon it was hard to relate with most of the things, so I took matter into my own hand with encouragement from @syluskiwifeyyy so enjoy my Desi babies.(under the cut)
This boy is enthralled by you, its not just the golden tan of your skin that gets him, its those deep dark eye and luscious thick hair too.
Xavier is a foodie I can totally see him loving the Desi meal you both cook together (well you cook and he stands their holding your utensils for you, maybe pass the spices, will pout after handing the wrong one)
I see him as being a gol Gappay fan boy
Xavier will sit quietly and hear you talk about your people.
Also about the shenanigans of your relatives.
If you show him any nakhre, he will be confused at first but do his best to make you happy and fulfill your demands (and you will melt in an instant because...look at him!)
He strikes me as the guy to deeply appreciate the culture, and will actively try to learn more about it.
He will also be the kind that your parents will approve off, sweet kind caring, with government job and oh so innocent looking (but only we know the real deal hehe)
Xavier is also respecting of religion so if it comes down to it he will wait till marriage (tho I bet all boys will since they are respectful, and understanding and oh so very patient, So i won't be adding this point in the rest).
Xavier will partake in all your traditional festivities, and since your parents love him he will be there following you while holding your anchal (catch him glaring at the relatives who did you wrong lol).
Huge fan of saree's, will get you beautiful waist chains to wear over them with his initial on them (because of course he will).
Will give you nothing less then queen treatment because a that is what you deserve.
Will wakeup early just to see the the morning sun make your skin glow.
Xavier will sweep you of your feet so fast your own parents will push you towards the marriage, not to let a gem like him slip
Xavier loves when you put henna on your hand. He finds it so alluring.
I can see him holding your hand and lovingly trace the pretty patterns on it and then kiss the palm. And when he sees his name artistically hidden in the design, he.will.melt.
All blushy and giggly like the love sick fool he is.
"So does that mean we are now together forever my little star"
Now this man will love the way you will dress, the vibrant colors and intricate designs of your clothing that sets you apart from the others.
He love LOVES that you wear your culture with pride.
Will buy you the fanciest of Bengals and most expensive jhumkas.
Will paint you in them, especially in the golden hours.
Sharara is his favorite because it makes you look like a princess in his eyes.
May or may not use your duppata to wear as his own (he wants to match with you come on)
Like Xavier will also hear you ramble about your relatives, but will not be quiet about it nu huh.
He WILL have a thing or two to say to them if they meet him ( but one glare from you and he is sat)
You parents do like him, yes, but most of the time they are like ???? While interacting with him.
Oh and if you show him nakhre, he will show YOU nakhre. (But you will win the contest ofcourseeee)
Rafayel not only respect culture he cherishes it. I see him integrating few things into his daily lives.
Also he will draw the most beautiful henna design on your hand, not just on occasions but anytime he feel like it, or you ask for it. (might do it on your whole body you never know)
He will share some of his lemurian culture with you too
And you both will end creating a mix of the two and make personal family tradition that will be followed with ages to come.
I feel like once you get to the point of marriage, Rafayel will make it such a beautiful and soulful day. He will be pulling all stops to make the dreamiest wedding come true, after all you are his beloved bride *sigh*
Congratulations you are your parent's second favorite now.
And you will be marrying him.
If zayne is not every Desi parents dream son-in-law idk what he is. (Tall, handsome and DOCTOR)
Now for zayne he loves you, so much. Everything about you is enticing to him. But damn it girl why are you getting dizzy every time you stand up.
Best believe he is going to take Care of your anemic ass.
Will ask for kheer whenever you feel like spoiling him and ask him what he wants you to cook for him.
Zayne is a shalwar qameez enthusiast I don't make the rules.
Its elegant, its classy, its comfy, hell he wears the men one whenever he can.
Especially with floral print and/or embroidery.
Will handle your nakhre like a pro, the fire is extinguished before it could even burn.
And he does it like its an honor for him, his sweet gentle smile and those loving eyes.
Yep zayne loves that he is the one...maintaining you (ykwim)
Brings you gajray almost everyday after work. He loves to see you wear them.
Zayne is the kind of guy will encourage you to embrace your feminity.(is thats what you want of course)
Loves your long hair, no matter the type but he seems like wavy hair kinda guy.
Will put flowers in your braids, jasmine specifically.
Zayne will also be the kind to listen and only speaking when you specially ask him too, he is a rock. The most reliable guy to have with you.
During family events he will socialize to show he is willing to be the part of, not just the family but the whole damn village (cuz you know we Desi have bi as fuck families.)
Zayne will come home to see you doing your thing weather it be work or reading or cleaning he just comes behind you and hug. "It was long day with out you meri Jan" (siiwskjsoshs).
Also also also after you are married he is the type to call you "begum" (I am throwing myself off a cliff aisisisiwow)
Someone posted something along the lines that you will make this guy go back to his dragon roots the moment he sees you in a shiny lehnga and gold jewelry
Don't be surprised if you find yourself in a cave being hoarded away by him lol.
But no seriously he loves that you like gold or wear gold because now he has a reason to spoil you with the most expensive accessories money could buy
Now sylus is also a Saree guy but will also appreciate a lehnga too, specially when you do the twirl in them.
"Its for the culture darling" he says "the girls in Desi culture wear gold ear rings straight out of the womb" you have no idea who told him that, he just knows.
Loves it when you show him nakhre, cuz now he has a reason to spoil you rotten.
Your snobby relatives just don't exist any more lmao (jk jk...or am I?)
Sylus is also a foodie so whenever you make something for him he would be over the moon delighted, and will compliment with every bite.
This happens every single time no matter how long you two have been together.
Sylus will go above and beyond for traditional festivals. Will be doing the most honestly.
No you do not need that many pathakay, this isn't some kind turf war damn it sy.
Oh yeah your parents love him too he is so charming, suave and successful fruit seller. (They don't care where the money is coming from their daughter is now rich!)
Also out of all the guys I can only see him being a fan of cricket honestly so if you like that then you two will be having a blast watching it together.
Will stop you from throwing the TV when your team looses lol.
Sylus will always be there for not just you but your entire family, your Lil sibling got in trouble with the wrong crowd, Luke and Kieran are there to kick their ass.
Everyone's favorite damad jee.
And boy oh boy when you get to the wedding stage, yeah, this man is putting ambani to shame, mhm mhm.
Sylus will indulge in everything you ever wanted to do, will do everything your parents never let you do. He will heal that inner child of tours without even knowing.
Cooking dates, cooking dates COOKING DATES AAAAARGH.
doesn't matter if you hate cooking, you will be sitting their like the pretty girl you are as he works around the kitchen cooking up the most banging chicken Tika biryani and all you have to do is keep your pretty brown eyes on him.
Caleb is a pilot of course your parents Love him duh.
Caleb is very possessive man so yes you will be accompanied by him where ever you are going. He just might the your duppata with his watch on purpose.
Caleb is more on the side of indo-western. He Loves you in Kurti and jeans and outfits like that but damn it you look good in everything how is he suppose to choose.
"Now we are stuck together for good pips"
Teases you about your nakhre, but will be bending over backwards to keep you happy.
Oh and you are only allowed to show him those nakhre, do it in front of any other male specie and he will be huffing and puffing and all up and over you.
"Pips let me do it for you, tell me what is it that you want?"
You two are getting Desi street food all the time even if he complains his cooking is better he will do it for you.
Caleb will occasionally snitch on you to your parents behind your back tho, but not to get you in trouble but to make sure his parents will trust him more to take care of you (hey in this house we like our men a little crazy)
What can I say he is just looking out for you.
You and Caleb will always be fighting for your lives during ludo and you will flip the board cause why is winning again and again, its YOUR game for fucks sake.
But if you want to short circuit his brain just put those pretty tanned legs of your on display, even tiny bit. He is gone. Caleb exe has stopped working.
When he confesses to you he does it in the mist sharukh khan way possible (ifykyk)
Is pretty sappy and romantic. On your anniversary he will learn and okay the song "suraj huwa Madham" on his guitar (ajwhwusjs)
Every time you bicker he makes it up with gajray as well.
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aninipanin1 · 29 days ago
How about Young manager with ADHD (continuously gets lost within Blue Lock, interrupts Ego using the PA system (accidentally) about trivial things, misplaces objects, rather naive etc),,, lol
Notes: I personally do not have ADHD and my knowledge about it is quite small, so please forgive me if I misrepresent it here! I do not have any intentions of doing so, and if I do make some mistakes, please let me know! I am genuinely interested in being much more knowledgeable about this topic. Thank you!
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"Y/n-chan...? What are you doing there..?"
Hiori asked, blinking at the rather bizarre scene in front of him. The midfielder just finished his daily training routines when he stepped inside of the laundry room to place his laundry basket.
But when he did walk in, he found their precious manager crouched down, hugging your legs as your eyes focused intensely at the small window of the washing machine, eyes boring at the spinning clothes inside the contraption.
In fact, you were too focused to even notice or hear the music of the other machines that alerted the room about how the process was done. You were just sitting there, staring, eyes blinking rarely, as if the rotation of the washing machine was a rare circus show to your eyes.
Everyone in the facility knew of your...tendencies and are more than understanding and ready to help you return your attention to whatever you were currently doing. Hiori was no different as he approached your crouched figure and lightly held your shoulder to take your attention back, but he made sure to be gentle enough to not scare you.
"Y/n-chan, earth to Y/n-chan. Are you okay?" He said in the softest voice he can muster, his hands supporting your crouched figure that almost lost its balance. You looked a bit dazed still from your previous episode, blinking at the sudden interruption. Turning to the blue-haired player, you tilted your head.
"Hiori-kun? What are we doing here...? What's happening?"
"Everything is fine, Y/n-chan. You just got a bit distracted with the washing machine." He explained, raising one of his hands to your hair, softly patting it in a comforting manner. He guided you up from your position and helped with the laundry that had long been done.
"Oh, I didnt notice that the rest were done..." you said in realization, looking at the washing machine with wide eyes. Hiori, who could not help himself, pinched one of your cheeks.
"Its fine, let's just get the rest of the laundry and hang it up, yeah?"
'Geez, she's too cute to be even real...' he inwardly gushed.
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"What do you mean you can't find her?" Ego said, glaring at a worried Anri the moment he received the news. Apparently, you have been missing for more than an hour now, with no one from any stratum knowing where you were or even seeing you pass by.
"I'm a little worried. We all know how she gets when she's super distracted."
Ego sighed, rubbing his temple and not even adjusting his glasses that fell off the bridge of his nose. Out of everyone in there, he knew, especially how you can get. Being the one you always worked alongside with, there were times when you would be too focused on something trivial like a moving object or a rather miniscule detail that you would end up forgetting everything you were currently and supposed to be doing.
Now, most of the time, he encourages this. Ego cannot count how many times you ended up helping him and the players as a whole because your fixations on even the most minute of details always ended up being the root cause of a problem.
Hence, why, starting then, he always trusted your mini hyperfixations, no matter how dumb it may sound. You were naive, yes, but you are also a genius, something most people around you know of. So, early on, Ego trusted these said instincts and fixations and revolving them into something that would benefit everybody.
However, there are times like these where those hyperfixations end up disadvantageous. Somehow, you always get lost in the worst times in the worst places possible. Once, the whole facility literally had to work together in order to find you, only for Niko to find you crawling around the storage room near the cafeteria, chasing a ladybug that got your attention while you tried to find your way around the facility again.
There was no time for that kind of thing, however, seeing as to how the day after tomorrow was the last games for the Neo Egoist League, and the staff desperately needed to arrange everything and anything under the sun to make sure the games and livestream are all smooth sailing.
And, they definitely needed you, the overall manager of the teams, there.
"What do we do, Ego-san?"
"I'll look around in my cameras. Try to find her in the usual spot and rooms she crawls and runs on, or those rooms that have a lot of things she can fidget with." He sighed, feeling so done with everything that happened that day.
"Okay. I'll ask help from the rest of the staff."
Just as they were about to start looking for you though, the PA system was suspiciously turned on.
"Huh? It's not even 12 in the noon yet."
Anri said, confused, but all their questioning were answered when they heard the loud feedback of the mic before hearing small scratches and fidgeting noises in the mix. There were even times when they heard some buttons being pushed about. Ego sighed again, but it felt more like a breath of relief.
"That's her. Get that problem child and bring her here." Ego said, spinning his chair to face the cameras. And would you know it, when he went back through the CCTV cameras' previous footages, he saw you in the PA room, fidgeting with the buttons of the system. If he were to be honest, he felt a huge sigh of relief that you were not doing anything that may have harmed you of sort.
After a few minutes, Anri opened the door to his office but alongside her was Don Lorenzo who was smirking as he held you by the scruff of your jacket. Carrying you like a lost kitten, while you only blinked at the predicament you were in, constantly asking Anri about what you were supposed to do again and just babbling stories to Lorenzo and Anri.
"The lost sheep is here." He said, bringing you on the ground as carefully as he could, nodding along to whatever you said about how microphones actually worked and how you were just curious and wanted to experiment if your knowledge and hypothesis were actually real or whatever your mind was thinking about currently.
"Y/n." Ego said a bit sternly, making you stop talking as you looked at the man.
"Try to bring someone with you when you go on your little adventures sometimes." He said before turning his swivel chair once again to face the many monitors, turning his back to you.
"Okay, Ego-san!" You cheered happily, not even bothered about what had just transpired as you went back to your notebook to continue writing and working.
'This girl is going to be the death of me. This is why I don't want kids.' Ego thought, shaking his head.
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"Rin-kun. Have you seen Mr. Boba?"
Rin said, his usual frown in his face. But, this was more of a frown of confusion. He knew you had the habit of naming normal objects with names you found either fitting or adorable, by your standards of course. So, when you approached the striker about a supposed 'Mr. Boba,' he had no idea what the hell you were even looking for.
"Mr. Boba! He has tons of dots that's why he's Mr. Boba." You insisted, your face in a frown because you can't find what you were looking for at all and it was starting to thin your patience a bit.
"Look, I don't know what your Mr. Boba is. What even is it? Is it a hairpin of a boba, or a keychain?" Rin asked. He really did want to help you find Mr. Boba, but you were not exactly helping your case as you kept insisting Mr. Boba was Mr. Boba.
That was until Karasu and Shidou entered the field that helped him and you.
"Y/n-chan! Hi! Why are you sad?!" Shidou asked as he jumped to hug you, before frowning himself, not liking that you were clearly upset by the look at the frown on your face.
"What's wrong, Y/n-chan?" Karasu added, patting your hair.
"Did Rinrin over here make you sad? I'll beat him up for you if you want, Y/n-cha-"
"Shut the fuck up, lukewarm idiot. I didn't do crap." Rin intercepted Shidou, feeling the veins on his head pop.
"No, no, Shidou-san. I just can't find Mr. Boba. What do I do? I need him." The frown on your face deepened into a pout. Karasu was confused as hell who was this Mr. Boba you were talking about. He turned to Rin, who only glared at him.
"I dont know who the hell her Mr. Boba is."
But, Shidou seemed to understand who your Mr. Boba was as the grin on his face widened and he pulled your phone out from your jacket pocket and extended it to your hand.
"Mr. Boba!" You cheered happily at the phone.
"Silly Y/n-chan. It was in your pocket all along!" Shidou said as he pinched your cheeks and stretching it. Meanwhile, Karasu and Rin were just left confused to the side, wondering how the hell was a phone comparable to a boba.
"That's Mr. Boba? What the hell. I don't see it." Karasu commented, but Shidou only stuck his tongue out at both of them.
"You all are blind losers. Can't you see the phonecase design? It has black circles in the bottom and since its a clear case, you can see the (f/c) of the phone! So its like boba." Shidou explained, pointing out the small design of the phone that somehow made it look like a boba in both your and his eyes.
"Yeah! Like Shidou-san said!" You cheered as you hugged the male, thanking him sweetly for helping you find your Mr. Boba.
"I'm surrounded by idiots." Rin said, facepalming as Karasu just laughed.
"Shut the hell up, Rin-rin! You can't say that to Y/n-chan!!!"
"Who said I was also talking about her?"
Since everyone in the Blue Lock facility found out about your disorder, they became much more protective of you overall.
You are waiting in line for food? No, youre not. Everyone is letting you get your food first.
You have bad time management? They'd help with that. They'll be your personal alarm clock.
You are feeling so bored and want to fidget with something? They'd let you play with their hands while they listened to Ego's damn lectures.
It's all about maintaining your attention span yet enabling you to become a better person as a whole. To improve your mental health and also make you feel that you are more than your disorder.
But, of course, they can't help but spoil you every once in a while. No biggie!
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Blue Lock is WRITTEN by Kaneshiro Muneyuki and ILLUSTRATED by Nomura Yusuke. All credits to the both of them.
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nondelphic · 1 month ago
wow. i hit 4k followers. you guys are insane. thank you ??? for caring about my posts ????
like promised before, here's my official introduction post.
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welcome to nondelphic, *a blog about writing, overthinking writing, abandoning writing, and occasionally finishing writing. if you’re a fan of crying about writing, niche metaphors, and posts that spiral into existentialism, you’re in the right place.
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rebecka (she/her)
22, swedish
writer, journalism student, full-time cat enthusiast (send me pictures of your cats)
queer and aro/ace (still figuring out the specifics...)
i probably have adhd (waiting to be officially diagnosed lol)
most likely drinking tea and diving into a rabbit hole about space, mountains or stuff too complicated for me to understand right now
my 2nd, less active blog is @rebellenotes where i post longer, more serious ramblings and essays.
i started this blog because i’ve always loved talking about writing—especially the struggles and chaos we all face as aspiring authors. none of my friends on other platforms cared (lol), so this space became my little haven for all things writing. i hope it can be that for you too, a safe, encouraging place to talk about stories, creativity, and all the weird ups and downs of being a writer (。♥‿♥。)
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✏️ writing tips, memes, and struggles (mostly struggles)
📖 occasionally bookish content and recommendations
🌈 advocacy for lgbtq+ and disability rights !!
🍅 an unnecessary amount of love for cats and writing for fun
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#nondelphic asks : where i answer asks you sent me!
#nondelphic writing tips : actual useful advice (sometimes)
#nondelphic status : life updates and ramblings
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thanks for stopping by! feel free to send an ask, vibe in the tags, or just lurk it’s all love here <3 ✧٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ✧
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demonking-propaganda · 5 months ago
13 spoiler-free reasons why you should read Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
...if you haven't done so already 👀 (With "spoiler-free" I mean I'm not describing plot points or characters, but under the cut I'll discuss the overarching themes, so be warned if that's too much for you. The first 7 reasons may be enough lol)
It's both funny AND wholesome. I literally can't read it without laughing out loud, and there are a bunch of chapters that make me cry every time I read them.
It's clever! The Japanese version contains several puns based on the kanji "魔" (read "ma", = devil, demon), starting from the title, but it's a recurring pun. The English translation adapts them pretty well. Plus, there are some of the best plot twists in recorded history (IMO). And the names and characteristics of most characters are based on real-life demonology.
It's queer AF. Like, really gay. There are explicitly homoromantic relationships and several nonbinary and gender non-conforming characters. One of these is the best unashamedly nonbinary character ever written. Plus, the manga premise can be seen as an allegory of hiding in the closet. The only thing that made me uncomfortable because of cisnormativity (boys in drag as a joke) is completely fixed in later chapters, and very well so.
It's feminist, without being preachy or paternalistic. Simply put, the women/girls are three-dimensional, complex characters, as the norm should be. And there are lots of them, without it being a harem (...the harem trope is actually used as a joke).
It's spooky and adorable, imagine Halloween vibes all year round. Both main and background characters are super diverse, and if you like monsters there is stuff for you.
Most characters are neurodivergent-coded. It's basically the autistic/ADHD manga.
The art is phenomenal. It's especially good to see the improvement of the art style over the years (the first chapter was published in 2017 and the manga is ongoing). Some panels are really breathtaking.
8. The story is about personal growth - like most shounen manga, fair enough. But the protagonist, Iruma, is so far from toxic masculinity I dare say he's the antidote to it.
9. It's also about found family, the discovery of unconditional love, and trust, and healing from familial trauma.
10. It's about finding a group of friends you belong to, and transforming your weirdness into a strength, identifying and cultivating what you're good at instead of fitting into a mold.
11. It's about the beauty of learning in your own way, and the importance of education and the shaping of future generations.
12. And the reason why I opened this blog: it's about fascism and fighting against it. I mean real fascism, as in "a powerful individual/group wants society to be hierarchical and oppress certain minorities, elevating a specific subset of the population based on intrinsic characteristics which are being misleadingly treated as merits". Ethno-nationalistic stuff. More specifically, it's about being a somewhat politically illiterate person, who learns about systems of oppression beyond personal injustices. It's about questioning what is the best way to arrange society.
13. Most importantly, this manga gives you hope about the future, something I find harder and harder to have. Hopelessness is dangerous - as people without hope stop fighting. This manga makes me actively feel better. Since it's ongoing I can't ensure it will always remain that way, but I've come to trust the author enough that I expect it to.
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yaseraphine · 3 months ago
short-medium mercury observations bcuz I am feeling silly
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A little silly astro obs until I am finished with the capricorn rising one. This post is just leo mercury non sense please don't mind me
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I feel like a lot of water mercuries, especially scorpio mercuries, don’t talk much. They tend to observe, analyze and stay kind of out of the conversation. They only speak when it’s necessary. The opposite of a yapper basically
They also tend to have deep voices, both for men and women.
Capricorn mercuries can be a bit like this too. Really dry texters (as a leo mercury it gives me anxiety i feel like they hate me when they talk to me.. like if you hate me just tell me ☹️💔😭)
I genuinely don’t understand capricorns, and capricorn energy. Except when it’s in the ascendant or Venus, their energy is unreadable to me. Whenever I interact with a Capricorn, I feel like they hate me and don’t want to be there because they are not really expressive when they speak and are really direct and realists in their talking style. As a Leo mercury, I feel so judged 🫠😟Like if you hate me just say that💔😭😫
I am super expressive when I speak, kind of like a theater kid. Kind of like the voices in cartoons. Overtly excited when saying worldly stuff, like talking about the weather in the most dramatic way. When I speak, my tone goes up and down, it feels like you’re on a roller coaster when you interact with me. I have had people coming to me many times in the streets or the library telling me that I am too loud and that I should lower my voice to be respectful lol💀🤡💩 sorry😀
Aries and Leo mercuries, sometimes sag mercuries : we can’t shut the f up to save our lives lol the number of times i have been kicked out of class with my friends at school for being too loud, and laughing too much i can’t even count help-💀🤪🤠
Mercury in Sagittarius are so funny but at the same time so cringe my mom has it and she always makes corny dad jokes and she’s always the only one laughing at the diner table lmaoo
Mercuries in Gemini are so fucking smart, not in a genius way, but they can pick up on stuff so easily. Like understanding a text, or seeing the main points of a text without reading it in its entirety. They are really good at making connections between things, and connections that make sense. They are generally as logical as virgo mercuries, but they lack the meticulous side. They are pretty much to me a virgo mercury with ADHD on crack lol I'd say instead of being smart, they are more so perceptive, insightful or astute.
Some Mercury in Pisces sometimes speak so cryptically that it gets hard to understand, once they open their mouths, where they are going with what they’re trying to say. Their talking style is kind of surreal and romantic. They tend to create new words, and change up the grammar and verb conjugations. Their sensitivity and capacity to perceive things that cannot be seen by the naked eye is what makes them invent those words, because the already existing vocabulary isn’t enough to express this hyper specific thing or feeling they have.
Mercury in Pisces and Mercury in Virgo were placements that I found in the biggest readers I know. Both love reading and writing, and they have a thing for romance novels or fantasy books from what I've seen. Really delulu people in their own respective ways 🫡 but at the same time really talented 😁😍
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the type of fiction virgo and pisces mercuries be writing on AO3 and Quotev instead of being productive members of society :
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i just know a pisces mercury was behind this soul crushing poem 😞😔😿🫂
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tackykachowch · 2 months ago
*taps the mic* Uh, welcome to Chili's. So, I mustered up the courage to finally make a post about how I view Silco and Jinx's relationship and why I think it is actually a lot better than it's commonly perceived. Please please please do not assume that I do this to specifically whitewash Silco or make him less morally gray, this is my genuine read on them based on my own experience and views. I do not claim that I don't have any bias at all, but I think that it didn't influence my opinion that much.
I am going to say this from the start: I don't have much negative to say about them and I don't think of their relationship as toxic. If this point of view is unacceptable to you, please disregard this post. However, if you want to discuss this topic with me and challenge my points, please be civil about it and don't insult me. I don't have any ill intentions, nor am I trying to normalize unhealthy behavior.
Okay, from this preamble to another. This analysis is going to be based entirely on season 1 and nothing else. Some of my points will address common perceptions about them in the fandom, some I'll write as a regular analysis.
Now let's start shall we (yes, this is going to be a one long post because they're so so important to me). In the second paragraph I said that I don't view their relationship as toxic. Let me explain. I think this is a very complex topic and opinions will vary from person to person. Considering that both Silco and Jinx are mentally ill this adds another layer to our already complicated cake. So, for me toxic relationships are those where at least one person almost always behaves in the way they see is right, disregarding other person's wants or needs. It also must include unhealthy/toxic behaviors, i. e. manipulation, gaslighting, possessiveness, control over other person's decisions, physical and/or emotional abuse etc etc. These behaviors must be routinely occurrences and not happen only once or twice. You can say: "But a lot of things you listed exactly describe how Silco behaves towards Jinx!" well. No but I'll get to this later.
There's also an elephant in the room we need to deal with: codependency. Now, I don't claim to be an expert on the topic or even well-informed, but I have a feeling that this term is a Bit overused. Terms, especially medical ones, are very useful for describing one specific thing. But as of late a lot of terms are used on things that are not. Well. The thing the term is describing. You don't need to go far for examples: hyperfixation, depression, panic attack, etc. When knowledge becomes widespread, things like that are inevitable, unfortunately. But back to the topic. Are Jinx and Silco's relationship codependent? I personally don't think so. One of the key characteristics of a codependent relationship is losing a sense of self and disregarding your wants/needs, and Jinx and Silco never display that. They are very self-driven characters. And while Jinx did do some things to impress Silco, it's not necessarily a symptom of a codependent relationship specifically. Again, I'll compare it to medical symptoms. If your right side hurts it doesn't mean you have appendicitis, if you have a short attention span it doesn't mean you have ADHD. Mental health problems Jinx and Silco have can be just that: mental health problems. Trust issues, low self-esteem, fear of abandonment, etc. They don't need to be a part of a bigger problem, even if there are some similarities. (Also just a side note: I got misdiagnosed with OCD this year, so I take correct descriptions and understanding of conditions/words very personally).
Alright. So first of all, Jinx and Silco are VERY trusting of each other. They both allow each other to enter their personal spaces, and feel comfortable and free in each other's presence. Silco allows Jinx to do his eye injections, to show him physical affection, he also trusts her with missions for his job, even when everyone else is against it. When Jinx in ep4 tells him that "(her screw up) won't happen again", he simply answers "I know". Despite Jinx's own insecurities Silco fully trusts her (sometimes even to his own detriment). And she fully trusts him as well (until the whole Vi shenanigans anyway), what can be seen in a way she's not afraid of his emotions or even to hurt him, because she knows perfectly well that he'll never harm her in any way (physical, I mean). And although there is a clear miscommunication between them in ep4 I don't think it's a common thing between them, and this specific case was caused by Jinx's deeply rooted trauma and low self-esteem, which Silco is unfortunately unable to fix.
Now onto the probably most common criticism of Silco specifically: that he made Jinx his weapon and raised her to be this bloodthirsty on purpose. And to this I say - no way. Silco DOES love Jinx and DOES trust her, but he's not blind and not an idiot. He perfectly knows that Jinx can cause a huge mess and potential troubles on the missions, his subordinates hate her, her mental state is unstable and therefore she's not the most reliable asset in the slightest, nor a necessary one. At no point do we get actual proof that Silco needs Jinx specifically for his operations, he seems to allow her to participate in them out of her own volition. After all, she does like being needed and included in the family business. You could argue that he needs Jinx for her gadgets and weapons, but nobody besides her uses them, so this option doesn't fit. "But he did request her to build Fishbones!" yeah. After Jinx stole the gemstone, again, out of her own choice. Silco is a swift strategist, if he sees an opportunity somewhere he takes it immediately. So there's nothing actually wrong with him asking Jinx to build a weapon with the use of gemstone. She didn't steal it for it to just. Lie there, after all. As to her bloodthirsty-ness I think he only nurtured what was already there. If you remember, in the very first episode Jinx made a bomb with NAILS in it. I don't think I need to tell you that it's just a horrible idea for a bomb, and she was only 9 at the time. As to Silco's "become what they fear" line. I don't think it indicates that he specifically raised Jinx to be a weapon, because he applied the same phrase to himself and we don't see him running around throwing glitter bombs at everyone (although it would've been cool to see ngl).
Next - Silco is very supportive of Jinx. His office is filled with things she drew all over, her inventions are tied to the ceiling. When Jinx is overwhelmed and upset about the failed mission he tells her to "focus on her gadgetry" and to "take some time". He clearly knows what she likes and what would put her in a better mood. He also doesn't restrict her self-expression, which can be seen in the way Jinx looks. I mean, you'd think that Silco would probably want for her to wear something more...classy? But he doesn't mind even one bit.
Another point I see a lot - that Silco loves Jinx but not Powder. I actually kiiinda understand where this point of view comes from, because the show does frame Vi and Silco as representatives of her Powder and Jinx persona respectively, but I don't think the text itself supports this. Let's take the river scene because it is the cause of this discussion in the first place after all. Silco tells Jinx that she needs "to let Powder die" and that "Jinx is perfect", but I don't necessarily agree that he meant it in a "choose between two of your personas" kind of way, because this conflict never existed between them in the first place. Vi does want "Powder" to come back, but Silco didn't show anything that would indicate of him disliking young Jinx in any way. He did adopt her when she was still Powder, after all. And even if she changed her name on the same night, her personality didn't, because that's not how humans work. So, he NEEDED to love Powder to raise her. Back to the river scene, he tells Jinx that she needs to let Powder die so "the fear of pain would no longer control (her)". "Powder" is tightly connected to Jinx's trauma of killing her entire family and Vi leaving her, i. e. the fear of pain of being betrayed again and the fear of messing up. In terms of psychology she really does need to live through this moment and properly process it, but unfortunately there's no psychologists in neither Piltover or Zaun, and Silco being mentally ill and not knowing better himself can only help her this way. "Jinx is perfect" also doesn't mean that he prefers Jinx over Powder, but rather "Jinx, the person you are right now, is perfect and strong. You need to let that weak part of you (Powder) die, so you can move on and become something greater". Jinx might've interpreted his line in the wrong way herself, but again, there's no actual evidence of Silco liking "Powder" less and only ever wanting "Jinx". And if we hop further into the finale, he literally says "YOU are perfect". Whatever seat she chooses, she will always be perfect to him. Even if she turns against him and everything he fights for, even if she kills him, even if she hates him, she remains perfect in his eyes. He might differentiate "Powder" and "Jinx" and a weaker/stronger part of her, but despite all that she's still his daughter.
Also. He's dealing with her mental health SOOOO great chat it's not even funny. I mean obviously he can't take care of it perfectly because again, psychology is non-existent in this world, but everything he CAN do he does just sooo good. He never lets other people berate or insult her, if he scolds her he only ever does this in private, he always tries to be patient and gentle with her, and the only time we seem him lash out at her is after Jinx stole the gemstone. He also seems to know what causes her psychosis and how to stop it, because he yells "Don't listen to her!" to Jinx when Vi triggers her, and then proceeds to try and shoot in Vi's direction to shut her up. We now know that this wasn't the best decision at all, but he literally goes feral when Jinx is hurt, so can you really blame him? There is of course an issue of him enabling her violence and letting her do everything she wants, but to cut Silco some slack he deals with a very mentally ill child, and as we saw in ep3 cutting Jinx off of something can easily cause her to have a mental breakdown. So I think partly his enabling was caused by his want not to hurt her.
Phew. I think we only need to get through the minor points now.
Manipulation: we only ever see Silco manipulate Jinx once, when he lied to her about Cait and Vi's reason for being in the Underground. Nothing indicates that he regularly manipulated her before.
Possessivness: I think this claim also doesn't have substantial evidence to back it up. We only see Silco being possessive of Jinx because of Vi, and even then it's not pure possessiveness. He literally doesn't want Jinx to be betrayed and possibly even killed like him. I think if Jinx just wanted to leave him on her own he would be a-okay with that. Also he doesn't watch over what she does/where she goes, which again reinforces his trust in her and him respecting her privacy.
Silco isolated Jinx from others: uhhh. See the end of the previous paragraph. If Jinx wanted to befriend someone she could've easily done that, and Silco wouldn't even know. The only person she couldn't befriend because of him is Ekko, but even he says to Vi that Jinx chose to be on Silco's side herself, so *shrugs*
And with that, I think I covered everything I wanted about their relationship. It's not perfect, but it's not bad either. Personally, I don't want to label it as anything, because minus the drug mafia and murders aspects they're just a regular father and daughter. There are no perfect parents, there are no perfect children, but if they try their hardest to love each other in a way they're both happy with, they're great in my book.
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miupow · 1 year ago
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☆〜(ゝ。∂)txt x gn!reader ⋆ cw// drugs/marijuana mentions! sfw, tooth rotting fluff <𝟑 kissing, cuddling, implied established relationships
⤷ what i imagine it's like smoking with the boys . . .
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i imagine him high is a lot like him drunk lol
soft, sleepy, cuddly and just the biggest baby whining that he wants kisses now
likes using your lap as a pillow for his head, the type to nuzzle his face in your belly and wrap his arms tight around you-- won't you play with his hair? tell him what an amazingwonderfulhandsome boyfriend he is?
tries very hard not to fall asleep on you but fails every time
pls take care of him :(
finds the other boys annoying when they're high lol but still does it with them because they're his baby brothers and he loves them no matter how much they piss him off <33
cannot smoke without you because he'd spend the entire sesh going "where's my baby?? i wanna see my baby, i miss them so much :(("
수빈 SOOBIN ⭑𓂃
the kind to just stare blankly at the wall for hours
"bin, you okay?" "uh huh..."
probably gets sensory overload easily, don’t have too much going on at once or he’ll get a headache :<
soogyu is my dream blunt rotation im gonna be honest they're so fucking funny they just be sayin shit
high bin says the some of funniest things you've ever heard in your life but he has no idea he's even being funny
"why are you laughing at me??? :(("
gasps when you tell him you love him even though you tell him every day
will get into the dumbest arguments, especially with gyu?? “what do you think would happen if you put a werewolf on the moon…” “what the hell is wrong with you??”
“no, dumbass, that’s not even how ufos work. look it up.”
true delulu headcanon time here but hear me out okay
he's so crazy adhd brain high energy when he's sober but i feel like when he's stoned he's so. chill?
put a movie on or something and he'll be quiet for hours he's just so transfixed by the moving colors and lights
just wants to cuddle with you in silence or like. talk about deep shit
you honestly kind of love it because you'll have conversations about your future and your relationship that gyu wouldn't take seriously sober
he's very upfront and straightforward with his feelings when he's stoned, which is so unlike him
says some corny shit with stars in his eyes like "i wanna spend forever with you" and then regrets it later because he sounded like a dweeb
he's so whipped for you and he can't hide it :<
let him lay on your chest, playing with his long pretty hair, calling him beomie while he looks up at you with hazy, unfocused but so in love eyes
again soogyu = dream blunt rotation gyu is so funny
“do crabs think fish are flying??” type mf i love him very much
this might be an unpopular opinion but tyun is absolutely the biggest stoner out of the five of them
i feel like he would smoke to relax, not necessarily to get high-- he's on stress overdrive 24/7, especially during comeback season,, he smokes to finally make his brain go quiet for at least a night
big social smoker but also enjoys smoking alone or just with you
i see him the most like his sober self, quiet and content and not really paying much attention to anything
normally you have to fight him to get his picture taken but when he's stoned he'll just let you shove a camera in his face and you love it sm,, "tyunnie!! baby! smile!"
very content with letting you sit on his lap while he zones out, nuzzling his neck-- he loves feeling needed, loves taking care of you
thinks everyone else is very entertaining, just enjoys watching his brothers act like idiots
he's such a bottled up guy, doesn't like to show or talk about how he's feeling ;; but he'll open up easily once you get him loosened up
i want to smoke with this boy so bad. it's not even funny.
he's so cuddly and sweet and giggly,,, i lob him,,
he gets too out of it to kiss you so he makes your plushies kiss eachother instead hehe
kiss his freckles :< just give him so many smooches all over his face while he laughs that it tickles
spooning is a need not a want. he'd rest his chin on the top of your head and hold you soso close while you lay on his bed watching a movie ;;
like soobin he probably gets overstimulated easily,, he needs the lights off and he likes when you wear soft/fuzzy clothes,, ur his plushie now :<
will not let you get up for anything at all. will literally follow you to the bathroom and wait outside of the door like a puppy
SOOO much skinship he needs to touch and be touched so badly
goes totally nonverbal when he's stoned. will not say a word for hours
TUMMY RUBS also lays his head on your belly ;;
thinks literally everything is funny. show him a picture of like. a horse and he'd laugh at it
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lubrumalis · 8 months ago
konig headcanons! (realistic)
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tw: nsfw
all of these are realistic hc! dont expect a normal konig
hes NOT a shy awkward pushover, just because he has social anxiety??? we can see through his voice lines hes a very cocky person and speaks rather agressively
“lets be honest, its better off in my hands.”
i hc that just because konig has social anxiety, he doesn’t express this through bring soft and shy, he expresses it through his bluntness
konig wanted to be a sniper but did not because he couldn’t stand still, has social anxiety, i hc he has some form of adhd
his very cocky and blunt shouting isn’t because hes mean, but he just doesnt wanna be seen as that bullied kid he once was
hes doesnt have horrible EQ, but the kind of guy to be incredibly unfiltered
also, this guy was literally assigned as a human battering ram, you think hes all soft and sweet???😅😅😅
no he won’t get angry or cry if his mask is taken off. just annoyed.
its not actually canon that konig is a colonel (correct me if im wrong, i couldnt find anything on the official wiki) but lets assume hes one anyway
even if he isnt, gets paid well. really well.
private military companies that deploy soldiers in areas of active conflict can pay up to hundreds of thousands for one soldier
considering konigs age (late 30s at least) and skills, probably 400-500k a year.
chose to join the military because he had an obsession with tanks and guns as a kid
a lot of hc’s say hes 6’10. i disagree, simply based off of chances and the fact thats wayyyy too tall for the military
but he was described as a mountain, so id say his height is around 6’5-6’8
very very intimidating. hes tall big and has the mask of an executioner in the 15th century. who wouldn’t be scared?
definitely will say some random german word in a situation where no one else there knows german. he doesn’t give a damn lol
hates americans (thinks theyre all obese, mannerless, and bad at geography)
brings up the most random topics. again i really think konig has adhd.
konig was not good at school and hated it, mainly due to the anxiety and how he couldn’t pay attention
also why he chose the path of a soldier
drinks lots of beer, high alcohol tolerance, this guys a true european.
loves austrian or german food. loves schnitzel and pies.
konigs breakfast is literally sausages, toast, eggs, and sometimes beer
BIG APPETITE. he could eat for 3 people.
a little insecure about his appearance, not confident in his looks :( also why he hid his face
but as he grew older he uses the mask for actual purposes of concealing his identity, he is a special ops soldier after all
kind of a cheapskate. he chose to hide his face with what, polyester? chose a piece of cloth over everything else.
has very conservative beliefs. not to the point where he hates abortion and votes far right, konig is just a little confused about some things certain liberals believe in
pretty political person lmao
not enough info to conclude whether or not konig was abused as a kid tbh
he was definitely miserable for a period in his life. hes in the military living a monotone life, barely any contact with others, and constantly living in fear he’d die
i dont think hes as traumatized as ghost tho🙂🙂
konig appreciates his dna and how it makes him big and tall, but sometimes gets incredibly annoyed at it
mainly because well, he got bullied for itas a kid
because he specializes in hostage rescue a lot of hostages (especially kids) are scared of him and refuse to leave the area with him
takes a lot of convincing 🥲🥲
has a lot of intrusive thoughts
cannot use social media properly
also texts like an old grandpa. uses 😂 and 🤣 unironically.
“Can we have burgers 🍔 tonight🌃?”
probably uses a blackberry or reallyyyyy old iphone
relationship hcs:
konigs voice actor (jim boeven) stated in a livestream that konigs wife would ideally be a mix between maria pedraza (actress) and rachael from blade runner (character from movie).
both are 170cm ish and brunettes
i can actually see that—konig is massive and he probably prefers someone on the tall side
first thing you did that led to your relationship with him? you tolerated him that is. listened to him ranting😃
i can see him with a civilian or someone whos in the military tbh
finds you pretty at first
enjoys bickering, he needs someone to simulate his mind
you know those stories where his s/o is 5’2, clingy, soft af, and neeeeeeeds konig? haha you won’t be getting that from me.
unlike ghost, who really takes his time to get to know someone and opens up slowly, scared to have his trust broken again
konig charges in like the human battering ram he is😁
if he has a feeling you’re trustworthy you are trustworthy.
horrible at flirting. he doesn’t know how to talk to women smoothly
needs someone equally as weird and funny
s/o needs to be someone with very firm boundaries and can stand their ground, i think konigs a really stubborn person, so for a healthy relationship to work, s/o can’t be the generic bimbo
konig wears the pants in the relationship
doesn’t let you pay. he has a enough money and believes men should always pay
(im sorry to break your delusions) konig does not strike to me as someone who likes a docile homebody. thats ghost (if you remove the word docile).
he doesn’t like extremely dominant partners either
imagine someone who is a listener, accepting yet blunt, shares his quirks, and has a very elegant feel to them
also someone very independent
also gonna get killed for this but konig would realistically not go for a girl in her early twenties. he prefers elegance and sophistication over being cute and jumpy
hates one night stands.
values relationships more than you think. he can come off as strong at first, but hes trying his best
ecstatic when you tell him you wanna learn german (hes not a good teacher)
doesn’t like play fighting, he thinks he’s gonna accidentally hurt you
admires you a lot. he knows hes not the best looking person and doesn’t understand the makeup skincare dress up thing.
isn’t paranoid, but definitely doesn’t say he has an s/o
if you ever get mad at him, konig will tighten all jars in the kitchen so you have to ask him for help :)
extremely unfiltered. he hates your cooking? he will say it. that dress looks better than the other? he will say it.
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wolfwarrior142 · 1 year ago
God thats so true lol. He was the combo of that pic and this meme. Except it should say "I am not looking."
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And then after they got the mirror and left the castle, I bet Soren and Callum had a convo like this-
Soren: Sooo, Rayla is back. That's good! And crazy. Are you doing okay, though? The way you were leaning over and staring at her when Ez was offering her to co-
You don't need to worry about it.
Buddy over here was staring at her so intensely like Soren wasn't inches behind him and the whole damn city wasn't Right There. He was clearly still rightfully hurting but couldn't stop himself from getting a little crazy with it.
The whole scene in s4e4 where Callum is Very Subtle and Casual about staring at Rayla to see if she'll come is even funnier in real time holy shit. Like one second he's just kinda looking, next second he's leaning as far forward as he can without falling off Pyrrha, eyes glued to Rayla and ramrod straight arms the only thing propping him up as he leans over. Good job Callum you did a great job of not showing how hard you're pinning despite the hurt.
Also I'll forever so very much love how arc2 ramps up the little things characters do in the backgrounds of scenes. Like different characters doing different things that don't really like, add much to the story of the scene but they do make the scenes feel more alive/real and, in cases like this, funny as hell. There's so many little things like this that happen in s4 and 5 and I love catching them. Arc1 had em too, but they're much more prominent and numerous in arc2.
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