#esmp headcanon
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cydanite · 2 years ago
My head canon for crystal cliffs is that it is notorious for being the empire with the worst food 
It is a school and the closest thing they have to a government is the school board and gem
There food is close to what would be served in a school cafeteria because they focus on studying and teaching they like food that is easy to make and cheap to produce 
The students and teachers are forced to get creative and try to find ways to make it more palatable 
They use spell’s to artificially flavor the food or use spells on themselves to change the way their taste buds perceive the taste 
The food is not natural and the while edible the taste is off and noticeably different from what it is trying to emulate ( like how banana flavored candy tastes different from bananas)
One good thing that comes out of this situation is that they are also known for their food lasting years and being well preserved 
They have very manufactured products just like the grimland s which makes sense because most of the students are from the grimland
Ps how are you doing
I'm good, haha! I tend to always hit a bit of a slump come summer, but I'm bouncing back c:
I like this headcanon, the nation full of scholars living on broke college student diets. Why would you take the time to cook a complex meal while in the middle of solving the complex runic sigil pattern that's been tormenting you for weeks now? Instant noodles cook in three minutes, especially when you can magic the water to its boiling point and prestidigitation in any flavor you like.
Adding onto this though, the Crystal Cliffs must have some incredible street foods going on. Tons of people probably visit to either study or to request magical aid, and these visits would not be short lived. There is an incredible market here for quick, convenient, hot food as busy students bustle between classes or leave their dorms for the fifteen minutes of sunlight they'll see that day. On every CC street corner you'll find carts setting Mezalian samosas stuffed with colorful greens and tubers, Mythland smoked blood-mutton kebabs, and Pixandrian honey-coffees brewed in fine sand. The most common of these are the Gilded Helianthian food stands, which tend to sell anything and everything that can be made with in-season ingredients.
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kenolotl · 8 months ago
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snaky1ello · 2 months ago
 to celebrate the one year anniversary of me being on Tumblr
Tumblr, I would like to provide some head cannons for empires SMP 1 AND 2
Scott1:has so many god damn owls
Scott2: throws permanent glitter and dye at random people
Lizzie1: like real axolotl‘s they are cannibalistic so she eats her soldiers
Lizzie2: she also eats axolotl‘s, she’s a cat she can’t help it
Pix1: eats sand like it’s a regular meal 
Pix2: is basically the matpat of empires SMP lore
Joey1: is comically good at metal work, like he makes so much a jewelry it’s insane
Joey2: even for being a pirate he is really really really good at ballroom dancing
Shebly1: even though she may be short and look, kinda weak, she is more buff than most people in empires SMP (btw that includes Pearl)
Shebly2: is actually dog shit at dancing but it don’t matter to her
Katherine1: is borderline schizophrenic, and also is really bad at remembering where she plant flowers
Katherine2: buff but in a way where she only trains her upper body for the most part, so she runs really slow so instead of running she will beat the shit out of anything
Joel1: an atheist, and a self proclaimed God, very conflicting and the most obvious head cannon. He is very very short
Joel2: is NOT 11feet tall is more like 7ft and everyone know besides Jimmy
Jimmy1: SMELLS so BAD, and runs really really fast which is very surprising for a fish
Jimmy2: has abs but is comically weak
Pearl1: as good as she is for fighting, her main weapon is a scythe and she has no idea how to use it
Pearl2: when coming into empires from hermit craft, she kept on making jokes on how she could beat up any demon not knowing that’s what she actually used to do
Sausage1: can go from a really high to really deep voice really quickly 
Sausage2: has really bad memory loss
Fwhip1: fucks around with red stone not actually to sure on what it does so he gets way to much red stone on his clothing
Fwhip2: eats dirt and stone. (That’s it)
Xornoth1: is buff and really wimpy and skinny at the same time so it’s their like a boy toy and buff twink
Gem1: eats random potions because she is ginger
Gem2: stares at the sun for hours on end so she has really really really really really really bad eyesight, but still tells people that it’s good to look into the sun
False2: spends hours doing her hair just to not go outside
Oli: sings really well, but as a bard, his poetry is actually so good and so bad at the same time it it sounds really good, but it has really stupid meenings
Aeor: smells like cold wood
Exor: hates when people flirt like AG ALL they are like diabolically disgusted by it
Hermes : fucks with both of his dads and aunt Lizzie is his fav relative
The hermits: they keep on making references to other SMP‘s, and the people on empire SMP are so so so confused  
I realize now that this is going to be an absolute nightmare to tag

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moldyrainbowbutter · 2 months ago
Empires SMP Headcanons
(most of these are season 1, I'm not caught up on season 2 lore)
S1 Gem and fWhip were both born human. They each chose different paths to gain power regardless: Gem chose wizardry and fWhip chose to be an artificer/alchemist. Part of the reason he moved to the Grimlands from the Crystal Cliffs is because of the corruption there (not the Xornoth corruption). It fascinated him. Eventually, prolonged exposure to it changed him. Like how in cannon, the corruption gave him real dragon wings to replace his mechanical wings, but I think it also turned him into a vampire.
This one is pretty vague but I think the floating islands of Stratos might have something to do with the floating islands in The Overgrown or the ones Wizard Gem fled to.
IDK if this is cannon but the lines from where water level changed that you can see at the Pix's archaeological dig are from when the ocean drained.
Sheriff Jimmy, Princess Katherine, and Princess Gem were childhood friends (I stole this from a YouTube comment)
Apollo (Gem's s2 bear) is a reincarnation of her X Life bear, Blue. This would fit with the cannon fact that she brought the season 1 dragons over from a previous world she'd lived in.
In season 1, Scott felt particularly protective of Shrub because he felt guilty for her home being destroyed (even though he literally did not cause it and could not have stopped it, he's just like that). That's why he didn't get too mad when she stole the Xornoth crystal. The reason he gave her those boots in the first episode was because he could sense that she had been near his brother, even though he didn't know that was what was happening.
In season 2, Pix, Gem, and Joel always knew about Lizzie being a cat. Pix and Gem because they know none of this is real, and Joel because he's her husband so of course he'd know
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concidineart · 2 years ago
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Count fWhip. The guy.
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your-local-crypt1d · 8 months ago
Here's a bunch of Wither Rose Alliance headcanons I've had rattling around in my brain
I love the idea that fWhip is still a vampire on Empires it's just either common knowledge and not brought up or it's never mentioned because no one knows.
More specifically, though, Gem and fWhip are dhampirs, which are the offspring of a vampire parent and a human parent.
Dhampirs are on a spectrum between human and Vampiric, fWhip sits on the very far end of the vampire side (the only thing distinguishing him from other Vampires being his tan skin and blue eyes), meanwhile Gem sits very close to the human side of the spectrum, the only hint that she's not human being pointed ears and little fangs.
fWhip is also allergic to sunlight like most other Vampires, the difference between them and him, though, is his sister is the headmistress at the Crystal Cliffs Academy. Gem enchanted a Redstone pendant (another kind of conduit for magic) with mild fire resistance, so when fWhip walks in the sun he won't automatically burst into flames.
To me, Sausage is their brother but adopted and Pearl is a family friend that's basically their older sister just not by blood either.
Sausage came from a formerly noble family that fWhip and Gems parents were close with, but they quickly adopted Sausage after it was found out his parents were abusive. That's where the formerly part comes in, the twins' parents stripped Sausages' parents of all their titles as part of their punishment.
As mentioned, Pearl was never adopted but fWhips mother was her godmother, as her and Pearls parents were close. Pearls mother was also a head guard stationed in mythland, so by nature of her job she knew there might be a day where she won't return home.
Pearls mother was named Opaline, Moon is their surname. That's who Pearl gets her fighting prowess from.
For some political headcanons, Mythland, the Grimlands, Gilded Helanthia, and the Crystal Cliffs used to be one massive united empire known as the Wither Rose Dynasty. The Grimlands and Mythland were the two original kingdoms in the Dynasty, then the Grimlands set up a colony of sorts in the mountain range nearby as there was a high concentration of magic up in the Cliffs thanks to all the amethyst, making it much easier for people to learn magic, so the Academy was established.
It eventually grew to be a colony and then its own separate governed nation because the students who graduated from the academy would most often stay just below the academy in a lower part of the mountain, using magic to construct their own homes and harnessing the power from the amethyst geodes.
I liked the ideas in this post for Gilded Helanthia and I want to give credit where it's due on that, my only expansion would be that Gilded Helanthia in their first decades of independence were part of the Wither Rose Dynasty for protection against the Overgrown, and so technically the Emperor could step in on political issues if he so chose, but he was pretty hands-off and allowed them to govern as they wanted.
That Emperor was fWhip and Gems father, AltairMay. It's a tradition in high Grimland society to name your firstborn after a constellation, and while fWhip and Gem are twins, she's technically older by a few minutes. The name "FailWhip" is more or less a poor translation between Mythic and Common (aka English), in Mythic it's meant to mean someone who keeps getting back up after being knocked down, taking blows and always prevailing.
fWhip and Gems mother, MelodiaRose, passed away in childbirth. AltairMay was a vampire and he'd been Emperor of the Dynasty for hundreds of years, and watched his loved ones pass away, but the death of his wife left an irreparable hole in his heart. It's believed by historians that her death was the first domino that would lead to the fall (split) of the Wither Rose Dynasty.
20 years later, said event occurred. AltairMay was too exhausted to run four separate kingdoms and decided to split the empires up between his children, Pearl to be coronated as Queen (chosen by her people in a vote) a month after the split, Sausage to become king of Mythland, the headmaster of the Crystal Cliffs academy to also take over as head of state (again a voted thing), and for him to simply just be the "Count" of the Grimlands from then on. He Intended for Gem and fWhip to start taking on some of his responsibilities to lessen the work load, then for Gem to take over as countess when he died, but that's not how things worked out of course.
Gem ran away to study at the Crystal Cliffs academy, leaving fWhip behind to take over as count. I haven't really decided why Gem ran away yet so if any of y'all have any ideas please share.
I do like the idea of Gem meeting Scott through Xornoth during her time at the academy, the elven princes becoming her closest friends at the time when she basically had no one else.
One final headcanon to finish this post off, Bubbles is an eldritch horror who plays dog and you cannot change my mind
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saym0-0 · 2 months ago
ill need to rewatch lizzies s1 to see if im remembering right, but like empires hc/theory that lizzie and jimmy's mom in s1 was one of the titans from pix's s2 introduction, and so they were born/hatched kind of right at the beginning of the world's formation
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latteedrawz · 2 years ago
Reasons why I think Jimmy might be a fae:
When splashed with the lore revealing potion, Jimmy became tiny. It might be that the potion is false and just shrunk Jimmy's size, but it is can also be possible that Jimmy turned tiny due to being a fae in disguise.
When talking to the old sheriff [Martyn], the old sheriff calls Jimmy a Pixie. Something EXTREMELY close to a faerie/fae. Not to mention the old sheriff never gave Jimmy his name.
This might not be on purpose but Jimmy is TERRIBLE in PvP lately. He tried killing fWhip twice and failed both times. Faeries are harmed by iron, and Jimmy has a literal railroad made out of it. Maybe it weakened Jimmy but he doesn't even realise it.
Faes don't forgive easily and hold grudges against people who have acted horribly towards them. They sometimes go into the persons way to ruin stuff for them, breaking their stuff.. cursing them... attempting to kill them sometimes as well.
Fae like children a lot more than adults and in some stories are shown playing with them and causing mischief. Jimmy didn't like Hermes at first, but that was only because of Joel. When the law/lore alliance was made Jimmy IMMEDIATELY became nicer to Hermes, even calling him a kind kid at one point. Not to mention Tiny Tom! Jimmy tried so hard to get Tiny Tom back, but that might just be him being a mama bird. It's a cool thought though. [FUN FACT: FAES USUALLY STEAL CHILDREN AS WELL] // EDIT: JIMMY KEPT HIS GOBLIN CHILD BECAUSE HE'S LONELY AND WANTS SOMEONE AROUND, BUT WHEN FWHIP BECOME A NORMAL EMPOROR AGAIN HE THREW THE GOBLIN CHILD AWAY? This gave me many mixed signals.....
Jimmy has NEVER gave his actual name to people in empires, which is James. He uses nicknames for himself near others.
Fae love nature and Jimmy has shown interest in getting more plants and life in Tumbletown, he just doesn't know how to. He has asked Sausage for tips multiple times.
Jimmy might have been a fae at one point and lost his wings, or just ran away from the other faes. It's a cool theory but very unlikely. But then again, we have no idea what Jimmy was before being a sheriff.
Faeries are easily offended and might turn evil if they feel like you have betrayed/wronged them beyond forgiveness. Sounds familiar huh??? *looks at Jimmy and Fwhip aggressively*
Jimmy has done SO MANY THINGS THAT WOULD GET YOU KILLED BY A FAERIE UNLESS YOU WERE ALSO ONE.. He entered a fae ring, said his name near the fae multiple times, accepted a gift from the fae, said sorry AND thank you, went around telling others about his interaction with a faerie, and more... Either Jimmy is a faerie or he's just the faes favourite.
EDIT: MARTYN/OLD SHERIFF CALLED JIMMY ONE OF THE FAE AND JIMMY QUICKLY DENIED IT!!! Jimmy could be a runaway fae?? Maybe that's why he was so scared of the fae corruption! He might be thinking the faes want revenge.
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pickastitch · 2 years ago
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obsessedwithao3 · 11 months ago
Headcannon timeeeeeeeee
First of all,I headcannon that there are watchers,listeners and speakers
I also headcannon that there are 3 types of watchers.The normal watchers,the runaway watchers(same species)and a subset of watchers,the viewers.
As the name suggests,the viewers are us.The viewers (a.k.a everyone who I headcannon as a watchers chat)also appear as eyes.However unlike watchers the eyes are all different.Some are more square some circular,some have lashes some don't that kinda stuff.
There are the mouths(speaker equivalent of viewers)and the ears(listener equivalent of viewers)some mouths are red,some wear lipstick,some don't.Somd ears wear earrings,some dont
I headcannon a lot of ppl as something that's not in their original lore so I'm going to go server by server
Grian(runaway watcher)
Etho(spirit which made a body to posses)(I stole that from somewhere I think)(kitsunei spirit)
Scar(runaway speaker)
Joel(tanooki hybrid)(the propaganda)
Jimmy(runaway listener)
Scott(some kind of god being that the watchers hate)(starborn maybe I'm not sure)
Dream( watcher)
Eret(Herobrines child)(that might actually be cannon)
Ranboo(time traveler)
Bad(fallen angel)
Clown(eldritch horror being thing)
Branzy(phantom hybrid)
Rekrap(runaway listener)
Squido(deity that doesn't know she is a god)
Planet(alien species that body is made of light and works like the stars)(white light=young,orange=medium,red=old)
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snaky1ello · 2 months ago
Happy to say that my first art post of 2025 is jornoth 😌
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Also silly little xornoth⬇️
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moldyrainbowbutter · 22 hours ago
I've been thinking about little details about life in the Grimlands
Like, the open cave system beneath the forge and mansion turning into a muddy creek during the rainy season. Sandbags piled outside the mech garage to keep it from flooding. People getting rafts or kayaks and braving the whitewaters just for the thrill of it.
Or everyone being able to tell when the king has been working on something in his lair because there are soot marks leaving the shape of his goggles on his face. Whole groups of people getting together to clean rubble from the latest exploded experiment. Delores or Archibald or another stonemason collecting some pieces to carve into sculptures.
Students from the wizard academy visiting Eastvale by zeppelin or balloon on the weekend, performing magic tricks at the tavern and pranking their friends with the gift shop photo booth. Taping the photos they get into their yearbooks. The villagers being wary of them at first, with their gray skin and magic wands (staffs are for more experienced wizards).
Little toy replicas of the big salmon mechs being sold at the gift shop along with snow globes of the salmon sanctuary and mystery potions where you never know what you're gonna get until you drink it.
Only outsiders would mind the perpetual smog. Everyone who lives in the Grimlands would have gotten used to it by now.
The excitement when new shipments of materials from other empires arrive. Blacksmiths heating up the forges for new iron from Mythland or copper from Pixandria (a big deal considering how far away it is). They would wait impatiently for slime shipments from the Cod Kingdom needed to re-up their sticky pistons. Jewelry makers trying to get rid of their remaining stock so they have room for the amethysts imported from the Crystal Cliffs.
Playful feuds between zeppelin pilots, balloon operators, and train conductors (who are, of course, all salmon. The human residents can't understand them, but they get the gist.)
It being commonplace to keep bits of corruption (redstone corruption, not Xornoth corruption) as good luck charms.
Koda and Nova hanging out around the town center hoping people give them extra food. Sometimes some of Shelby's dogs join them.
Kids grabbing carrots straight from the garden beds to munch on and being chased off by farmers yelling about the consequences of theft and eating dirt.
Little things.
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not-a-vegan3 · 1 year ago
I love that fanon wise all the empires pre-existed before the current rulers were born.
Because it means False just showed up, started building shit and fixing stuff, and they just put her in charge.
Like "yeah she's a recluse and she definitely kills people, but she doesn't make us pay taxes"
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your-local-crypt1d · 8 months ago
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So remember this wip I posted forever ago? Yea I was planning to post these finished the next day and forgot lmao.... anyway these are my most beloved sillies scfwhimmy or as I have called them; RGB Husbands 🔴🟢🔵
Drawings under the cut
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tinapaysmp · 3 months ago
I said I wanted to post more on my rewatch of Gem' esmp episodes, I haven't really been doing that.
So here's a start,
Episode 6 was the episode where they blew up a ravine in between Mythland and the Codlands. But other than that, it was also the episode where Gem and Katherine became allies :D
So, a very monumental episode if I say so myself.
Always loved Katherine's head obsession. Lore wise, I think it's funny to have headhunting be a normal part of fae tradition. It does make me debate on hc the whole permanence of their lives though. I always takes me out of it whenever respawn is added to fics.
On one hand, yes, they are playing a video game, but also what. It can be confusing at some points depending on what type of fic I'm reading and should deaths even be taken seriously. Like, Scott sacrificing himself or Pearl's death.
Like deaths and souls are an important part of other people's lore (and no I haven't watched Pix's pov yet) but the inconsistency can be a bit of a struggle.
But I'll get back on that some other time.
I kinda forgot how often fWhip stops by her place. Roseblings my beloved.
But other than that, it makes me want to further expound on the histories between the Crystal Cliffs and the Grimlands. Like how intertwined the relations of both nations rulers have always been. Cause I do have it that the Crystal Cliffs used to be a part of the Grimlands. But also watching the first episode made me think of the early populous might have been goat herders compared to the Grimlands who were formerly an agricultural society. So, much to debate on.
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actualori · 8 months ago
i recently learned that autism service dogs are a thing so i now headcanon that bubbles is also hermes’s service dog (i like to think that they are autistic and nonverbal)
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