#epic fantasy romance
lauraroselam · 6 months
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In the UK, Dragonfall is 99p for the month of April! on Kindle. Grab it for less than half the price of a latte these days!
In Dragonfall, you can expect: - extremely slow-burn enemies to lovers epic fantasy romance between a dragon trapped in human form and a genderfluid thief - queernorm world (in fact, a queer celebratory world) where it's considered a bit rude to assume a stranger's gender, so you tend to default to they until told otherwise) - multi-POV, experimental narrative positions (4 POVs, first person, first person direct address, and third person in the same book) - lyrical, descriptive writing (?) - lots of lore and worldbuilding (I'd say it's epic fantasy first closely followed by romance rather than a more traditional romantasy approach to pacing) - a heist! - magic! (also if someone uses too much magic without fuelling themselves properly they transform into a cannibal vampire thing) - a reluctant assassin with good biceps and a pet wyvern - Deaf & hard of hearing representation - I'm really not joking when I say slow-burn--these two characters can't really physically touch for most of the book (they find some loopholes) and are very bad at expressing their feelings Content notes: available on Storygraph.
If you've read it, I'm always grateful for reviews on Amazon or other retailers to feed the algorithm (it is so very hungry). If you're in the US, it's not on sale but you can always take a gander at and perhaps pre-order the exclusive Barnes & Noble edition with red sprayed edges and gold foil.
Help spreading the word about the deal also always welcome to help this get out of my tiny corner of the internet and maybe convince someone to take a chance on my weird, queer dragon book.
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lumarisart · 2 years
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The plot’s under the sauce
Rowyn (long hair, dragon guy) and Caelin (big goof)
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obsob · 1 year
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happy and proud!!
✷(print shop)✷
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cxlandine · 8 months
historians will see a girl leave a note for her paramour to fossilise over billions of years just so she knows she misses her and say they were good friends
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jackbeloved · 3 months
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Dude is just gonna leave his hand there and see how long he can get away with it
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knights-of-beleriand · 2 months
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Celegorm and Aredhel
I hope you like this new shot of our Celegorm and Aredhel cosplays
The outfits are entire handmade by us
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hannahyeaman · 3 months
Looking for a slowburn epic fantasy with unique characters (harpies!), dual POV, no spice, a lush setting, anime inspiration, and more?!
✨ SOUL-BOUND is available now in paperback and ebook ✨
When a tsundere princess with forbidden magic loses her flight during her quest to heal corrupted crystal roots, she must depend on a charming vagabond's aid to help her before their avian world collapses.
Think TANGLED and ANASTASIA's royal x rogue dynamic with the traveling romance like DANCE OF THIEVES meeting the healing, atmospheric setting of FERNGULLY.
Avem, a continent inhabited by bird-like humans called Avians, consists of seven territories, each of which contains a crystal root: a treelike sanctuary preserving magic. Avians cannot wield the land’s magic themselves.
Except, Mika, the princess of Passíer. However, her father forbids her to use it out of concern for her safety.
Due to the expanding corruption from Cantio; a fallen territory under Passíer’s jurisdiction because of its damaged root, Zayn the militant king of Nyx, suggests Scorching Cantio. To avoid such a catastrophic outcome, Mika flees from home, determined to heal Cantio’s root herself.
In Cantio, she meets Roshan, a vagabond playing double agent to protect what’s left of his uncorrupted homelands. Upon noticing her pink feathers, unique for her specific species, he cautions her to leave before she’s captured and used as coin. She snubs his warning and is nearly taken captive.
During his efforts to help her, Roshan is wounded. Mika heals him with her magic, unintentionally and unknowingly bonding them together.
When the quest costs Mika’s wing and grounds her, she accepts Roshan’s offer to escort her across Avem to heal the damaged roots before corruption destroys their world.
✨ Links in bio! ✨
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pannamara · 6 months
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“𝑰 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝑹𝒂𝒆𝒗𝒆 …” — When the Moon Hatched, Sarah A. Parker
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of-sinners-and-seas · 1 month
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A story to be co-written by: @lady-grace-pens & @isabellebissonrouthier
STATUS: planning and outlining
GENRE: adult. high fantasy. dark fantasy. dark romance.
CW: some gore. strong language. sexual content.
VIBES: glaring eyes. statues. piracy. the vast expanse of the ocean. violence. sin. bloodshed. candles hungry for a midnight ritual. bruised knees. crystals. tarot cards. silent gods. gazing at your enemy through a pair of wine-stained eyes. bloody lips. hunger pangs and loneliness. black magic. cults. sacrifice. cannibalism. the bitter backwash of betrayal. music in the night being echoed by the wind. history aches while the future shrieks. casual affairs. being drunk and aimless and young.
THEMES: fate. prophecy. trust. purpose. cults. spirituality. identity.
Seven pirates. Seven deadly sins. Seven acts.
All vie for dominance over their fantastical world, thinking themselves to be as close to immortal as could be. But the question of what exactly they are remains elusive.
Magic drips from their fingertips: control over the sins that rule each of their lives. With fates and visions spinning through their minds, each of the Sins grapple violently with the questions of their purpose.
How far will they go to search for the truth? Maiming and torturing, fucking and fighting, killing for a single word from a silent goddess.
And how can they expect to maintain allies when only one can live in the end?
What began as a simple roleplay has spiralled into a sprawling, character-driven tale...
Welcome to OSAS.
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writtenroses1813 · 6 months
Just putting this out here cause I had to explain it to my mom, but here are the types of fiction (sorry if I leave out any)
Urban fantasy aka “I live in a modern society but turns out the creatures of old live in the forest” Ex: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Paranormal (Romance) aka “My sexy neighbor is secretly a werewolf/vampire and I’m a human teenage girl” Ex: Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
Epic Fantasy aka “This is a crazy quest isn’t it my dear found family” Ex: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
High Fantasy aka “This is a crazy quest of prophecy isn’t it my dear found family oh look a dragon” Ex: The Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien
Dystopian aka “This future world is apocalyptic and quite obviously favors the rich” Ex: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Utopian aka “This future world seems peaceful on the outside but that just covers all the absolutely insane problems only this 16-year-old can fix” Ex: The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
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lauraroselam · 1 year
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So I wrote this weird book about queer dragons. It came out the same day as the other dragon book everyone talks about. It was a Sunday Times bestseller in the UK, though, which was incredible!
However, I'm not sure how to continue to promote this book--people either seem to really like it, or not quite get it. Or it just wasn't what they expected. Which is fine, no book can please everyone, and I knew I'd made some unusual craft choices that was going to make it more marmite. (Or, as my brain tells me at midnight, I'm just a bad writer). However, there's that librarian saying "every book its reader" and the people who love this book REALLY love it, and that makes me so happy. So I decided to write this post and explain its weirdness and lay out what you can expect if you do pick it up. Maybe you're my kind of odd, too. :-)
Short pitch: 800 years ago, dragons and humans were bonded, then humans were dicks, stole the dragons' magic, and banished them to a dying world. But humans have short memories, forgot, and now worship dragons as gods. The dragon "gods" remember, and they do not forgive.
Thief Arcady steals their grandsire's stone seal (which helps them funnel magic) from their tomb. Their grandsire supposedly released a magical plague that killed a proportion of society, and Arcady is locked out of society as a result. They perform a spell to rewrite the seal to have a new identity as they want to go to university at the Citadel and also clear their family's name. Problem? The spell also accidentally calls through Everen, the last male dragon, trapped in human form. Everen has been foretold to save his kind, and now he has a chance: he just has to convince one little human to trust him mind, body, and soul, and then kill them. Then he'll be able to steal the human's magic back, rip a hole in the Veil, and the dragons can return. Good news for dragons, less good news for humans. As you might expect: this does not go to plan. Because emotions.
Grab it now. (Note: there's still a contractual delay so it's not available in US audiobook yet, annoyingly. Hopefully soon). (If you are like "weird queer dragons?! Sign me up" but aren't interested in hearing why the author has made certain decisions and want to go into the text cold, stop here! Death of the author/birth of the reader, etc. Otherwise, carry on.)
You should pick up Dragonfall if:
You like experimental narrative positions! It's all collected by an unnamed archivist who has access to both first person narratives (Arcady, the genderfluid human thief, Everen the hot dragon) and can scry into the past and draw out third person narratives (Sorin, hot priest assassin. Cassia, Everen's sister, who is also hot. Spoiler: everyone in this book is hot). Then to make it even weirder, Everen's bits are technically in first person direct address, so he's writing it all to Arcady (the first chapter ends with: "For that human was, of course, you. And this is our story, Arcady.") I ended up writing it this way for a few reasons, even though it probably would have been simpler to just stick to straight up third throughout, like most epic fantasy does. The big one is that Arcady is genderfluid and uses any pronouns (I tend to default to they when I talk about them outside of the text), and constantly gendering them in the text felt wrong whether I used he, she, or they. This way bypasses that a lot in the first volume, so it's up to the reader to make up their own mind. I also just really love first person direct address as a narrative position. It can be a little confronting, and it makes Everen the dragon sound a bit more predatory at the start. But it's also quite intimate. Is he writing his sections as an apology, or a love letter? Both? You find out at the end. So if your green flag books are: The Fifth Season, The Raven Tower, or Harrow the Ninth, this might also be your jam.
You love classic 90s fantasy. This is in many ways an homage to all the stuff I read growing up: Robin Hobb and the Realm of the Elderlings (the book is dedicated to Hobb in particular), the Dragonriders of Pern, Tad Williams, Lynn Flewelling, Robert Jordan, Mercedes Lackey, Tamora Pierce, etc. But I wanted to give it a more modern twist. I'm NB and growing up I didn't see a lot of queerness in fantasy, and I clung to the examples I did find (Vanyel, the Fool). Also, not 90s fantasy, but I also freaking loved Seraphina by Rachel Hartman and Priory of the Orange Tree, so those were influences too.
You're not put off by Worldbuilding(TM) and a slower pace. Probably because I grew up on the likes of Tad Williams, I honestly love slow-paced fantasy. I love to luxuriate in a world and take my time getting to know a made up world. In Assassin's Quest it takes over 100 pages for Fitz to leave the forest. Love it. I have a more lyrical writing style, I guess, and I'm pretty descriptive. My stuff always tends to start off slower, set the stage, and then ramps up the pace as we get further along. So yes, my book starts out with some infodumping, depending on your tolerance level of that sort of thing. I worked with a linguist and they made a conlang for the dragon language (hi @seumasofur). There's a map by Deven Rue (cartographer for Critical Role). I got nerdy.
You love queernorm fantasy! This is set in a world where it's considered rude to assume a stranger's gender and so you tend to default to they/them. If you consider someone much higher in status than you, you'd capitalise it to the honorific, such as They/Them. Once you get to know someone, you tend to flash your pronouns to them with a hand signal, since a sign language called Trade is also a lingua franca in the world. 99.95% of all the dragons are also lesbians, BTW. Everen is the last male dragon.
You like frankly silly levels of slow burn. Everen and Arcady can't physically touch without it causing Everen pain while they're half-bonded. They may or may not find creative loopholes. But it's not mega mega spicy, if you're expecting that. I expect the spice levels will gradually go up as the series progresses.
Alright, I think that's more than enough to give you a sense of what you'd find in Dragonfall. If you're open to sharing this post so it reaches more people outside of my little corner of the internet, I'd really appreciate it. Whenever I do any bit of self-promo, I'm always so anxious and worry it'll get like, 2 eyeballs on it anyway or that I'm just annoying people by mentioning that my art even exists. And if you end up liking it, please tell a friend.
I'm loving the recent dragon renaissance! Long live dragons.
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tryingtimi · 2 months
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Hi there everyone, I decided that now I finally made a WIP intro for my current project, I might as well make a long overdue re-intro too.
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About me.
I’m Timi, a late 20s central european adult who tries to finish a book for the hundredth time. You can find me sharing bits of my projects here, as well as spreading my friends’ and other creators’ art of every kind. Occasionally ranting a little bit about life, current media or music obsession.
My intrests are very much revolve around fantasy, sci-fi, litfic, horror, romance and everything inbetween. Can’t be too specific because I enjoy a variety of genres, depending on my mood lol. My all time favourite books are the whole of the Stormlight Archives, the whole of the Green Bone Saga, Interview with The Vampire and Memoirs of a Geisha. Hope that helps (I know it doesn’t, I’m sorry.)
Other intrests. painting ∘ animation ∘ languages ∘ knitting ∘ martial arts ∘ dance
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About my writing.
I tend to write what I enjoy comsuming, therefore every kind of fantasy with a pinch of romance and a handful of horror — be that any kind. Plus I sometimes tiptoe into sci-fi territory.
Current work.
PROJECT SASIN ⬑ urban fantasy. crime. romance.
wip intro ∘ wip tag ∘ 40k in 42 days challenge
Later sometimes I might expand the Sasin intro to something like the old ones I made, but I wanted to deliberately keep it lowkey for now. I also have three more projects shared on this blog, that I will not list because of space saving purposes. They are also in the backburner for now, as I try to concentrate solely on Sasin this year. However, there is a lot of content for them from last year if anyone's interested, so.
old wip intro | project Lonel | Metalsea series | project IQRUS
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Other blogs.
reblogging other's snippets | reblogging writing help material
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wangxianficrecs · 10 months
💙 The Sun Will Rise by vespertineflora
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💙 The Sun Will Rise
by vespertineflora (@vespertineflora)
E, Series, WIP, 129k, Wangxian
Summary: For centuries, the villagers surrounding the Qianlian Forest have been beholden to a fearsome creature. A once loved Prince was long ago cursed into a monstrous form, and ever since has required the sacrifice of maidens to ensure the safety of the forest and the people living around it. This forlorn tradition might have continued for centuries longer... but when it comes time for Lotus Pier to send a maiden as tribute, Jiang Yanli is chosen, and Wei Wuxian won't stand for it. His plan is simple; he'll send Jiang Yanli off to live the long life she deserves with her fiancé, and offer himself as a sacrifice to the Prince instead. Kay's comments: Series is marked as incomplete, but feels complete! Part one is the main story and part two is an additional kinky scene added as an extra. This story is incredibly hot and not gonna lie started reading it for the smut, stayed for the plot, because not only are the explicit scenes perfect, but the story is also very compelling and I loved the slowly unravelling mystery aspect of it. I first read this story when it came out and could hardly wait for the next chapter, because I was just so hooked. Here we have Wei Wuxian being sacrified to a mysterious creature in place of Jiang Yanli, only turns out the mysterious creature is plant-tentacle-creature Lan Wangji, known as the Prince, who's not interested in killing Wei Wuxian, but will still make a meal out of him. Slowly but surely, the two of them become closer and Wei Wuxian can't help but want to figure out, what happened to Lan Wangji for him to have turned into this form. Excerpt: Wei Wuxian’s brow furrowed, finding that particularly strange, but just as he was about to kneel down and try to loosen the vine from around his foot, he felt something curl and tighten suddenly around his wrist, directly against the skin--his eyes darted down, just barely registering another vine that had grabbed onto him when-- A question seemed to spill into his his mind. He felt... strangely breathless at the unfamiliar sensation of impression, at the way he could almost feel the echo of words that hadn’t been spoken inside of his head, and at the inexplicable sense of familiarity he was left with. He didn’t actually hear anything, there weren't even really words, so much as just sensation... but he somehow knew what he was being asked all the same. It... this... whatever it was that reaching out to him... wanted to know who he was. “Wei Ying,” he gasped out, his words stumbling slightly as he tried to cope with the intimacy of having something pressing a thought directly into his head like this, before realizing what he’d said. “Ah... Wei Wuxian. I came from Lotus Pier. Are you... are you the Prince?” He... he had to be, didn’t he? Or if the legends were wrong, this was at least whatever entity that everyone called the Prince. It felt like a bit too much of a coincidence to expect one spiritual being at a certain location and run into a completely different one instead. There was a hesitation, something almost unsure, before Wei Wuxian felt the flicker of affirmation in his head. “Well, I... know you’re used to something a little different, but... I’m your offering this time,” Wei Wuxian continued explaining, because he knew this thing wanted him to. His heart was already racing again, the fears that had settled in the lull since his arrival immediately reviving, his thoughts spinning as he was immediately left confronting his mortality once more. “Is that... is that acceptable? Will I work for that?”
pov wei wuxian, canon era, alternate universe, fairy tale elements, human/monster romance, fantasy, tentacle monsters, monster lan wangji, tentacles, human wei wuxian, plants, vines, top lan wangji/bottom wei wuxian, eventual romance, slow burn, strangers to lovers, angst with a happy ending, mystery, bamf wei wuxian, homesickness, falling in love, bdsm, reincarnation
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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not-poignant · 8 months
Tradewinds excerpt (Fae Tales, Matan/Udir)
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Tradewinds excerpt:
Matan looked up when he smelt something charred and saw Udir approaching, a whole bird skewered on a stick. Please don’t let it be a shifter. Please. It was practically charcoal. Matan winced as Udir crunched his way through a wing, and Udir smiled, blackened bits of char on his teeth. ‘That’s disgusting,’ Matan said. ‘I’m a vulture,’ Udir laughed. ‘You’re lucky it’s not rotting. But I stay away from the worst of the carrion out of respect to you know…sensitive, delicate goshawks like you. Speaking of…’ Udir sat on one of the other chests and stretched his legs out. His jeans were torn in several places, his boots tailored but made from old leather. The gun by his narrow hip drew Matan’s eye, and he scowled at it. ‘You’re not like any goshawk I’ve seen before. The last grey goshawk I met didn’t have hair like yours.’ ‘We don’t all look the same in human-form, do we?’ Matan laughed. He hoped the sound was genuine enough to cover his nervousness, but from the look on Udir’s face, he couldn’t be certain. ‘There’s a purple sheen in that hair of yours. What’s that from?’ ‘I dye it,’ Matan said quickly. He felt his cheeks burn hot. In his hybrid and true-form, he had patches of iridescence over sections of his feathers, and it transferred over into his human-form. Gave his hair a glint of violet in certain lights. ‘You have your eyeliner. I think you can understand vanity.’ ‘This isn’t vanity,’ Udir said, pointing to the sharp red lines highlighting the murky blue of his eyes. ‘This is heritage.’ ‘And the gun? I’m sure your family is very proud of you, using human weapons like that,’ Matan said. ‘What weapons I use are my own business,’ Udir said, staring at him. ‘Maybe I need it.’ ‘Yeah? That makes it sound like you have some enemies,’ Matan said.
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jackbeloved · 2 years
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Actual food and it’s even on a PLATE wow!
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Celegorm & Aredhel
New pictures of our hunters
We really hope you like them
Costumes are entirely handmade by us
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