#enough with the rambling about life
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cloudbends · 29 days ago
something I feel like isn't nearly appreciated enough about mob's arc in mp100 is that his background is... Completely normal. I see a lot of people interpreting mob's parents as neglectful or distant based on the few scenes we've seen of them, which greatly baffles me because their few scenes aim to establish his family life as.. completely normative. They have the normal, average quips of a normal family. And I think it's very unique and refreshing because it means mob's troubles and internal hardship isn't a product of his upbringing, it's a byproduct of a traumatic experience and of his own personality and how it coalesces with his psychic powers. And I personally think more media should acknowledge that some people, even with perfectly normative and healthy familial dynamics and circumstances, will still develop very complex internal issues and personal psychology. and on the same note, some people with perfectly normal upbringing won't feel comfortable to confide in their parents and seek an external authority figure to look up to, which doesn't necessarily mean them and their parents are estranged. I dont think mob's (or ritsu's) life have to be unhappy to legitimize or explain the fact he has the personal struggles he does. Embracing normalcy is the main theme of this series.
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dolleriumfluffle · 10 months ago
I just desperately want more recognition of traumagenic experiences that lie outside of the usual "childhood abuse" assumption that everyone forces on that label. what about trauma from bullying? what about trauma from undiagnosed illnesses? what about trauma from queer experiences like transphobia? what about trauma from medical experiences like surgeries, hospitalizations, psych wards, and other areas where the medical field failed you? what about trauma from eating disorders? what about trauma from racism?
there are so many experiences that can fall under traumagenic, but are yet swept under a rug in favor of a strict, stereotypical narrative that's easier to comprehend. I think we as a community need to make an active effort to expand our understanding of traumagenic, especially where it may overlap with experiences traditionally considered endogenic, and understand that trauma can come in so many different forms. so often people are shunned for trying to create roles and labels that describe their specific traumagenic experiences, and I don't understand why. there can be no progress towards acceptance for all systems if we don't accept that traumagenic is an umbrella label too.
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chirrups · 1 month ago
I feel like I have nothing to ask, I simply would love to hear more about them fucked up mermaid and murderer
And I would absolutely love to tell you about them, Tin.
This AU takes place somewhere vaguely in the Pacific Northwest (circa. 1970s-80s) in an isolated fishing town along a storm-wracked coast.
Fisheries in and around the bay have collapsed due to extreme winter weather patterns + overfishing + an oil spill from a tanker run aground down the coast, leaving most of the bay's inhabitants to live pretty much hand-to-mouth off contaminated fish in recent years.
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get ready for LORE (and more drawings but mostly the LORE)
general warning: this is pretty long
The "story" as it were, kicks off when Gem finally gets fed up with another fisherman in the area, Grian, over continued conflict about ownership of fishing grounds in the mouth of the bay.
She orchestrates his death (with the eager assistance of Scott and Impulse) out at sea and passes off his death as a tragic accident in the winter swells with her being the unfortunate finder of his remains.
And it works.
See the thing is: Gem has a history of causing disappearances. It started with some accidents with out-of-town poachers. She would chase these people off and one or two would just slip overboard and happen to drown. It wasn’t her fault and besides they deserve it. But things start to escalate from there. Poachers become outsiders become fellow townspeople. Grian is someone Gem’s known for years, whose friends are tangentially her friends or acquaintances. His death is a cold-blooded murder driven by hatred and frustration. This time something is different about what she's done and Gem knows it.
But Gem is a reputable and well-known person. Her prices are fair, she drives poachers out of the bay and maintains order around the pragmatic fishing ground policy that undoubtedly helps everyone to survive.
She is the type of person to look to for guidance when things get hard because she can make those hard choices. So how on earth could it be her fault?
No one is wiser until Grian's funeral brings an old friend into town who is more than a little suspicious about the circumstances of his death.
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Scar was one of Grian's crewmates when they did trawling much further south. They split when Scar took up (illegal) whaling and Grian moved into the bay.
As an outsider, Scar isn't so swayed by the goodwill the town has around Gem's name. He's no detective but for the sake of an old friend, he might as well try.
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In this AU, mermaids are social mammals part of the Hominidae family that went back into the ocean similar to Cetaceans. They live in matrilineal family groups or in any other female-led organization of pods and have a very "survival-oriented" global culture (with regional variation).
Pearl is a lone mermaid whose pod lived in the bay until they were starved out by the collapsing fisheries. PNW mermaids are more territorial than other ecotypes and value strength over anything else. Pearl's inability (read: unwillingness) to oust other pods for better fishing grounds and the loss of one of her pod members summarily lead the other two to abandon her.
Without a pod to help her, hunting enough in her dwindling territory has been difficult and lonely, leading her to slowly starve just as the humans in the bay have begun to.
She took to trailing fishing boats to steal from their catch, which is how she met Gem who was mid-throwing some unfortunate soul overboard.
They have an interesting relationship.
Gem is enamored with Pearl at the halfway point between a person and a large apex predator. She loves the way Pearl needs her to live and the way Pearl, as a social creature with no pod, craves her attention. It's thrilling to have a predator at her beck and call like this and, in turn, to be so desperately needed. She also loves the way Pearl doesn't look at her like she's dangerous (the way Scott and Impulse have begun to when they think she doesn't see them). Her interest in Pearl seems to be leaching into something more than just wildlife admiration. She's begun to learn the mermaid language just to talk to her. For what? Who really knows. Meanwhile, Pearl is hungry enough to eat just about anything Gem throws her (including human bodies) and desperate enough that she lets Gem get much closer than many humans in this area have ever been to a mermaid. (They even touch, scandalous for mermaids.)
It's skewed for sure. From Gem's perspective, they've got something special going on. From Pearl's... not so much.
This being Secret-Life based, you can imagine how this story ends...
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Bonus piece: Pearl and her old pod.
IN GENERAL, Biological females are generally larger with a set of rotated tusks protruding from their lower jaw for dominance displays. Biological males are commonly smaller and more agile, with more dexterous hands due to decreased adipose tissue distribution over their bodies. (They actually have 3 biological sexes and tons of social gender variation but that's a talk for another time). Pre-cultural awakening, these pods would form around a biological female and their harem for reproductive purposes. That female would then protect the harem from other females looking to "steal them" or their territories (like horses but reverse-style). In modern times, these pods are often composed of groups of friends/related family members as sort of "platonic life partners" and stealing other pod members is seen as a very archaic sort of thing. Territory stealing, however, is still up for grabs.
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roxiusagi · 1 year ago
✨Cultivate: Slow Life on a Monster-Infested Mountain✨ by @neonghostcat - fan covers in the design style of seven seas danmei publishing ✿
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sooo.. I know it would be more appropriate to post these once the fic is fully finished BUT i got too excited and was waiting too long already to post these hdjfhk and today is cultivate anniversary so appropriate excuse to post lets go!!! anyway theres only one chapter left to go so ppl who have been waiting to read it until its done the time is NOW! hahha
anyway fun fact this was originally going to be just 3 parter. but. at this point cultivate has surpassed svsss in word count if i am not mistaken......so ive decided that adding one more volume would be appropriate lol
oh well and here are the pieces by themselves
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also... just to clarify im obviously in no way shape of form comparing myself to the quality of actual seven seas cover artist lmaoo hdjshf i hope thats obvious that this was just fun gimmick passion project
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myoonmii · 9 months ago
I keep thinking about Merlin’s love for Arthur and how it’s so clearly portrayed in the show to the point that it practically drives the plot of the show. However when it comes to Arthur’s love for Merlin it’s more subtle and sometimes difficult to even grasp, and I started thinking why that was, aside from the obvious fact that Arthur has a lot of trouble expressing his emotions affection or otherwise. I think it also lies in the fact that Merlin knows Arthur intrinsically throughout the show; he is one of the closest people to Arthur, and sees him for who he really is. Arthur admits as much.
Sure, Arthur knows Merlin but the main part of the plot is that he really doesn't know Merlin. Merlin wants him to desperately understand him and “see me for who I am” but he can't yet. And I think this subconsciously creates a barrier in the way in which Arthur can care for Merlin, and how Merlin can let himself be seen by Arthur.
Which is why I think he was also so hurt when the magic reveal happens because more than the betrayal of Merlin having magic, it was the betrayal of Merlin not letting Arthur see him for who he really is and for hiding a main part of himself. Arthur says it himself “why did you never tell me” that’s what hurt him the most.
I think the most damning piece of evidence for this is the fact that while we see snippets of Arthur’s feelings for Merlin thought the show, the biggest signs are in the last episode after the magic reveal; in which he finally gets to understand Merlin, and this time REALLY know Merlin, and as the barriers of what held them back from understanding each other truly fall away, Arthur evidently “falls in love with Merlin all over again”. We see him actually express himself to Merlin.
This is another reason why I think if anyone was ever to create another season of Merlin after Arthur’s return, it’s physically impossible not to make it about Merlin and Arthur acknowledging their feelings for each other. Because there is no way forward without them acknowledging how deeply they care for each other, obviously anyone is free to argue what kind of love that is, but its impossible not to see the deep love there either way.
They always knew they loved each other, just maybe never realising how much and what that means, because its almost second nature to everything that they do.
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bandtrees · 8 months ago
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they would get divorced in one universe just to find eachother in another one
alternatively titled: sometimes you're the level-headed token flesh-head impulse-control-and-polycule-member of a stubborn, eccentric, and hearty telephone-headed drug addict, and there's cruelty in the world you deem fit to suicidally fight, and that either goes about as well as you'd expect it to, or you learn about love and the value of your life and junk along the way
#scribbles#milton r wallace#callum crown#phonegingi#sgt norm allen#norm allen#dialtown#dialtown a phone dating sim#..uh idk if callum and milt have a ship name orz#normgingi#milton norm parallels save me. Save me milton norm parallels#very specific but its why i prefer to look at the callum-milt-marla situation as like tragic polyamory#as opposed to a cheating one#it adds to the callum-gingi parallels. theyv both got polycule situations C:#though i suppose you could call a cheating situation a dark parallel to gingi's polycule the same way you could call#milton's entire deal a dark parallel to their relationship with norm/the narrator#However i just like tragic polyamory. my visions of milton and marla ALSO being in love yet having the mutual#realization that they hate callum more than they love eachother (esp milton) is highly specific yet also everything to me#misery loves company and all that jazz. a THIRD combination of people having divorce shit going on#this guys ruining my life IM GONNA FUCK HIS WIFE! (They are already in a consensual polyamorous relationship milton is just making it weird#Sorry these tags were going to be like meaningful discussion about this art and then i was enabled to talk about THIS AGAIN#OH YEAH this art in particular i discovered halftones and also started actually using blending brushes#milts face isnt drawn. obviously. but im imagining a kind of 'oh you!' exasperated fondness#as opposed to norm who's just a cranky little tsundere. jokes on milt though HIS relationship is HEALTHIER#also i will never pass up the chance to draw gingi and callum together#theyr both characters i adore drawing gingi's round shapes and different textures and callums cute little bolts#but also they do look soooo similar and yet so different its always really fun to do#and theyr just. my favs lol. my top 3 favs go gingi-mingus-callum hehe#Ok thats all. thank you for coming to my rambles#fig said i should post my art at better times and so i am and that means when i post my art im AWAKE ENOUGH TO RAMBLE ABOUT IT LOL
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aingeal98 · 2 months ago
Batman Chronicles 18 Cass seeing Bruce and Leslie, seeing her as Bruce's mother. Bruce admitting she's probably the closest thing he's had for most of his life. The way the Leslie and Bruce's dynamic foils Bruce and Cass's. Three generations of a family trying to help the world and the people around them, all carrying a very different relationship with violence. So much unexplored potential in that one issue.
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kirby-the-gorb · 6 months ago
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tehcherrya · 29 days ago
It is 100% possible for them to create a movie out of the Scouring of the Shire.
I know most of the Hobbit actors are now too old to reprise their roles accurately, but you know a solution to that? Flashbacks! Have the pitch being the older Pippin, Merry and Sam telling the stories of the Scouring of the Shire to their children and or other companions-- Having younger, similar looking actors play them in the flashback sequence. Which makes sense, as it's just the form of a memory--
And this within itself brings up a myriad of different elements at play too. Different perspectives. Different hobbit family members being introduced. Fatty Bolger lovers! He'd be included too! His sister Estella too (she later became Merry's wife after all!)
What truly happens when lands so fair and peaceful, never having to see war in ages, are suddenly ravaged by brutal violence? How do Hobbits, who once lived very simple lives, then force themselves to become warriors and heroes? How do they then recover to semi-normalcy? And in present day... have they ever truly come to said normalcy?
All the fun-loving hobbit content combined with the very real level of a Hobbit who has seen war, describing its reality, and recovery, to his children. While yes, the actual "scouring" would have ended with the Battle of Bywater, that's not where the actual story ends, as the title has a double meaning. The physical Scouring of the Shire... as well as the scars left behind not only on our heros, but on the land. How does one, after seeing death, manage to make home feel like home again?
We need a Scouring of the Shire movie-- And it wouldn't be too impossible.
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agentark · 1 year ago
do you ever think about how in the literal very first scene with Rebecca, we learn that Unit Bravo had no idea she even had a kid
she chose UB and The Agency over the detective so consistently, so frequently, that her team didn't even consider that she had some kind of life outside of them, with someone waiting for her at home
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records-of-a-slacker · 2 days ago
I think the reason I like Cale so much and that he means just everything, is because his ideals are so close to mine and because he is proof of the kind of person I've always wanted to be.
I basically live by this saying I heard, something along the lines of be the person you wished was there that time no one was. Grow up to be that person who you would have needed that time you were suffering. It's kind of like my life motto. And Cale, he's like the physical manifestation of it.
He went hungry and starved a lot in his life, so now he always feeds the people around him and places a lot of importance on food and proper nutrition, as well as growing up well, and he even wishes the kids would be picky with their food. All his childhood, he was continuously betrayed and failed by the adults around him, who were supposed to take care of him but ended up hurting him so often. So now he's a reliable and caring guardian for all those kids who don't have someone to look out for them. He's never really had a home, and when he thought he did, he lost them one way or another, and he knows what's it like to not have a roof over your head and wander aimlessly without somewhere to go back to. So now he has tons of shelters everywhere, different villas like the one in Harris or the jungle, so that there's a home for him and his allies to return to wherever they go. And when he meets someone who doesn't have anywhere to go, he creates a place for them or takes back the place that was supposed to be meant for them.
When he first meets On and Hong, he feeds them, starting with bread, then meat, then cake, and then even medicinal herbs when he noticed On was hurt. When he met Choi Han, he brought him back so he had somewhere to sleep for the night, had a chance to clean himself up, eat well, and rest properly. When he freed Raon, he healed up his injuries and sent him off., and when he started following him, he always made sure Raon was eating well like with all of his allies. He gave the wolf kids and the tigers a whole neighborhood in Harris village.
He's had his world completely flipped upside down, time and time again, destroyed, decimated. So he saves everyone else's world.
Cale is so special to me, because despite everything he chooses not to be bring harm to people because of the way he had been treated, but to be kind and make it so that the people around him don't suffer like he did.
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only-lonely-www · 1 year ago
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So basically ATLA brain rot has hit me like a truck
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momentomori24 · 20 hours ago
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I may just be insane about this but does this feel like foreshadowing to anyone else. In this scene we see her trying to replicate the skill of someone else (her mother) and failing to achieve the same results that they would. That feels really specific and it's driving me insane.
Like, we see this come back again in the aftermath of the trial. Diana has repeatedly voiced her admiration for Wolfgang's ability to speak and inspire those around him in the darkest of times, saying she wished she could do the same. We see her pour her heart out and give her own speech to inspire the others-- except the reaction that she receives is cold and miserable, far from the newly kindled warmth and hope Wolfgang was able to create every time.
Diana is a chameleon. Her whole thing is to reflect, to replicate and to adapt. Do you think that this small scene where she tries to make a butterfly out of her hairclips-- a butterfly, an animal associated with transformation and change-- and the end result looking nothing like what she wanted it to be is a metaphor for her future character arc? She has declared that she wants to follow in Wolfgang's footsteps, wants to become something new, but do you think that by the end she ends up being the furthest thing from him? Do you think that by the end she will be left distorted, fundamentally wrong? Do you think that if she could see what she will become in the future, the only emotion that she can muster is horror as she gazes at a stranger that's supposed to be herself? That by the end, she won't be able to recognise herself, because there's no "her" left anymore?
#project eden's garden#p:eg#p:eg spoilers#diana venicia#wolfgang akire#it makes me think of her in the imitation artwork#the way she is more “normal” than everyone else. that she's smiley and friendly and colourful but her eyes are completely vacant. glassy#everyone else's ranges from horrifying to morbidly cryptic to depressing yet they all feel infinitely more “real” than she does#they say the eyes are the window to the soul yet hers are mirrors that only reflect the people in her sight#and in one you can see her face. expression hardened and determined with purple eyes similar to wolfgang.#and then the one where you see diana look at her imitation self covering her mouth in horror at what she sees when she looks into its eyes#and it's so unbelievably similar to when she watched wolfgang get electrocuted to death#and it feels to me like it's emphasising how his death will be her spiral into losing herself entirely failing to be like him#which makes sense. because she has an idealised image of who wolfgang was#wolfgang was someone who was also scared. who also struggled. who had his own insecurities and fears and secrets#wolfgang had parts about himself he hated and tried to be a better person than he thought he was presently#and he has an idealised image of his own mum. dedicated his life to be like HER#she chases after an idealised picture modelled after another idealised picture unaware that the standard she's pursuing never existed#diana corruption arc i can feel it#i can see her character going downhill mentally from here and honestly i'd love that but i would be upset cuz she deserves better#but i feel like her story will be one of transformation gone horribly wrong#which makes her such an interesting antagonist and contrast to how damon's development will likely go#anywho just rambling here in the tags don't mind me much#i just really like diana and i don't rant about her enough XD#momento rambles
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daily-odile · 1 year ago
Odile patting Molly Epithet Erased on the head, you know why
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have two bc i care them
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teapot-of-tyrahn · 6 months ago
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MARTYN'S EXPRESSION GETS ME. litlerally live slug reaction.
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weatheredcopper · 6 months ago
fighting against fandom misogyny and the lack of interest in female characters by going completely the opposite way. i will make anything and everything about women if it kills me
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