#fig said i should post my art at better times and so i am and that means when i post my art im AWAKE ENOUGH TO RAMBLE ABOUT IT LOL
bandtrees · 2 months
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they would get divorced in one universe just to find eachother in another one
alternatively titled: sometimes you're the level-headed token flesh-head impulse-control-and-polycule-member of a stubborn, eccentric, and hearty telephone-headed drug addict, and there's cruelty in the world you deem fit to suicidally fight, and that either goes about as well as you'd expect it to, or you learn about love and the value of your life and junk along the way
#scribbles#milton r wallace#callum crown#phonegingi#sgt norm allen#norm allen#dialtown#dialtown a phone dating sim#..uh idk if callum and milt have a ship name orz#normgingi#milton norm parallels save me. Save me milton norm parallels#very specific but its why i prefer to look at the callum-milt-marla situation as like tragic polyamory#as opposed to a cheating one#it adds to the callum-gingi parallels. theyv both got polycule situations C:#though i suppose you could call a cheating situation a dark parallel to gingi's polycule the same way you could call#milton's entire deal a dark parallel to their relationship with norm/the narrator#However i just like tragic polyamory. my visions of milton and marla ALSO being in love yet having the mutual#realization that they hate callum more than they love eachother (esp milton) is highly specific yet also everything to me#misery loves company and all that jazz. a THIRD combination of people having divorce shit going on#this guys ruining my life IM GONNA FUCK HIS WIFE! (They are already in a consensual polyamorous relationship milton is just making it weird#Sorry these tags were going to be like meaningful discussion about this art and then i was enabled to talk about THIS AGAIN#OH YEAH this art in particular i discovered halftones and also started actually using blending brushes#milts face isnt drawn. obviously. but im imagining a kind of 'oh you!' exasperated fondness#as opposed to norm who's just a cranky little tsundere. jokes on milt though HIS relationship is HEALTHIER#also i will never pass up the chance to draw gingi and callum together#theyr both characters i adore drawing gingi's round shapes and different textures and callums cute little bolts#but also they do look soooo similar and yet so different its always really fun to do#and theyr just. my favs lol. my top 3 favs go gingi-mingus-callum hehe#Ok thats all. thank you for coming to my rambles#fig said i should post my art at better times and so i am and that means when i post my art im AWAKE ENOUGH TO RAMBLE ABOUT IT LOL
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Character Descriptions for Fantasy High 2.9!
As always, let me know if I need to edit or add anything and tag/ask/PM me about art and stories so I can check them out!
Warning: trauma, abuse, mental abuse, neglect, starvation, manipulation, memory loss mention, dark themes, isolation, imprisonment, fantasy racism, vomit mention (please let me know if I missed any)
All pronounciations typed out have a rolled R.
The party is currently at 44,100 exp. each. Next level is at 48,000 (which will probably take 3 more big battles, 2 if Brennan is super generous with RP awards).
Abernant family had all their land and wealth reclaimed by The Court of Stars for their treachery and failure to prevent a war with Solace. Elianwyn committed treason and betrayal as well.
To save Adaine, the group decided to break up into 3 teams: Pylon 1 (Ragh, Tracker, Cathilda, and Sandra Lynn), Pylon 2 (Gorgug, Fabian, and Riz), and Recovery (Ayda, Fig, and Kristen). Team 1 and 2 would simultaneously take out the pylons. Then, the recovery team would go in (invisible and/or disguised) and gets Adaine and Aelwyn. They would all meet back at Van where they would most likely use Ayda's teleport to leave Fallinel (or regroup to plan their next move).
New Characters
Tell-ah-mine Low-men-el-da
Fabian's grandpapa
Tall elf with regal green robes, a silver circlet, long platinum white blond hair with a widows peak, and shimmering blue eyes
Crinkle in the corners of his eyes shows his age in sort of an Elrond way. He look of a dude in his late 40s/early 50s who took excellent care of his body and kept it tight
Moves with supernatural grace
Can turn into silver sand and float away
Has no concept of what time means
Obsessed with the fact that his grandson will die before him (Your human blood has brought mortality to this family. You will one day die.)
Offers to send word to an elf who is a fabled eye smith who lives on the high mountains at the heart of Fallinel that can craft a working eye (from songs, whispers, beams of moonlight, jeweled edges of the blue of the sea, and shimmering poems pulled from the ether itself) for Fabian, but has no clue how long it will take (a moment, a year, or a hundred years).
Can't pronounce words in common very well, especially words he's never heard before (which delights Fabian and pisses off Gorgug)
Calls Fabian Aramais Seacaster fa-bee-ahn ah-rye-ah-my-ess Seacaster (which might actually be the proper pronouncations of his name in that region as "Seacaster" was said correctly and that's how all the other elves say his name as well) and calls Hallariel ha-lair-ee-el
Weeps without moving his face, but also sometimes makes a soft eeehhhh sound when he cries (at one point he cried over a drop of water)
Gifted stewardship of Khy-low Meh-new-rah 3000 years ago after he crafted The Sword of the North Star (he was the smith of fung-dran-ghoor) for the ancient king of Fallinel Th-wrist-win Eversong.
"Without the Elven Oracle, we are lost."
Saw the Abernants as power hungry and cruel and can't understand why they would leave Fallinel. He found Anguin in particular to be a crass and small man with no nobility, only a thirst for power.
Thinks Riz has a harsh energy, is "a little dick", and calls him "a strange green mouse thing"
Got physically ill when a gun was explained to him, calling it gross and some dwarven kind of thing before vomiting which he turns into a flock of white crows
Fabian's aunt
Tried to heal Fabian's pneumonia with elvan singing
Said "I have failed" when her singing doesn't work before she fades into starlight and vanishes
Hal-door-in and [unnamed youth]
Elven teens in white linen shorts arguing because [unnamed] believes Hal-door-in took his lute.
Calmed by a distant song which stopped their fight.
Lithe elven youth (around 17 or 18 years old) with a blond mop of hair covering one eye
Bakes elven whey bread
Lived a sheltered life
Ragh was the first half-orc he met
Mostly into Ragh due to Ragh being half orc, excessively talking about his green skin (like the boughs of a tree leafy, my leafy man), being big and beefy (your legs are like the mighty trunks of trees), was really into rage (like when Ragh punched a seat cushion) to the point of it making Ragh uncomfortable
Sang in bed
Elven youth who does morning dance yoga
Tried to get Fabian to eat a grape
Oak Warriors
Elemental plant based automaton soldiers made of pure magic
Look like 8 foot tall green men with leaves coming from their faces
Changes to Established Characters
Matted long blond hair
Dry skin, chapped colorless lips, and thick bags under her eyes
Severely dehydrated and trance deprived (probably hasn't been allowed to trance for nearly a year)
5 points of exhaustion. Only magic is keeping her from going to the 6th level and dying.
Her "room" is a large large beautiful elven chamber with silver and marble. Ambiant light glows from the white stone.
Trapped inside a 15 foot diameter orb that's constantly turning so she can't trance
Crawling on hands and knees while trapped, shaking with the effort
Doesn't give Adaine up to Kear
Can still remember how to cast the message cantrip
Feels strange and addled (unable to think clearly; confused), can't remember what's real or imagined anymore, doesn't clearly remember what happened in her past (including what she did to get imprisoned), and forgets what she and Adaine have already talked about (causing a lot of reputation).
Thinks her parents "tried their best they could" and that "they expected quite a lot of us, but isn't that what- doesn't that... didn't that make us great?" (possibly due to something her father said or did since her imprisonment as it echoes a few things he's said)
Looks scruffy (from not shaving), dirty, and has pit stains
Somehow didn't mess up being diplomatic with Fabian's grandpapa
Unbuttons the top button on his shirt when he "lets loose"
To Fig about Sandra Lynn and Garthy: Are you aware of such... hanky panky?
Learning of Sandra Lynn's infidelity with Garthy "Honestly? Perhaps this is... fucked up. It makes me feel... like there wasn't something uniquely wrong with me. Maybe a tiny little w for Gilear."
Spent the night walking through the forest with Hallariel's father, reciting poetry (badly)
To Fabian after Hallariel's father threw up "You're low and he's low. It's Gilear's day baby! It's Gilear's day."
Tried to ask Hallariel's father for her hand, but even though Fig gave him bardic inspiration and Riz helped by covering Fabian's mouth, he failed... so much. ("Lord Tell-ah-mine of Khy-low Meh-new-rah I like you am-" *makes himself throw up* "We get it. We both get it. We... We're the throw up boys." *passes out*)
Hid in the van the entire visit
Might have rejection sensitive dysphoria (which is common in those with autism or ADHD)
Did a sending spell to Zelda for Gorgug for 150 gold (after reminding him that she very much does not like anyone in her debt or visa versa)
Offered to exact vengeance on Zelda for Gorgug
Is powerful enough to know teleport and learn plane shift (so level 13 or higher)
Stated that Adaine is her best friend and decides that since Fig is also Adaine's best friend, by the transitive property she is best friends with Fig as well (and Fig agreed). Learning this, she says "Fantastic. I grow richer by the day. I'm emotional." before starting to cry fire "I'm emotional. I'm gonna fly away." She then flew away, returning after she had calmed down.
Ate grapes and started burping musical notes after he left Khy-low Meh-new-rah.
Lost his virginity to Faf-threth-riel who then got creepy and kinda racist, making Ragh very uncomfortable (and want to get out of there asap)
Lost both points of exhaustion thanks to the 8000 thread count elven sheets (did they get to keep the sheets or at least one sheet for help with exhaustion?)
Felt really good when he tried out dance yoga, even wondering if he should be some kind of yoga dancer instead of a fighter (how about a whirling dervish dancer like Cathilda?)
The grapes he put in his pocket (after refusing to eat them) turned into song
Indifferent towards saving Aelwyn and doesn't want to be on the retrieval team
When he started feeling anxious about the Aelwyn stuff, Riz told him to lose himself in dancing again to feel free (Riz: You are the only one that I wanna see dancing right now.) It made him feel much better.
Other Characters
Taken by Court of Stars
Her jacket and spellbook were taken
Trapped in an orb which is soft and doesn't hurt her, but the constant movement of its slow turning doesn't allow her to be still or trance
The walls of her room glow with runes and there are many perminant magical effects, making her captors capable of some crazy things (like prepared directional counter spells), but the setup wouldn't counter cantrips
Escaped the orb with dispel magic (dc 15) which makes a couple counter spells go off and an alarm sound
Hid in Aelwyn's room. The sister's spoke before she was recaptured and placed back in her orb. Adaine told Aelwyn that she was going to get her out
Discovered that her room was close enough to Aelwyn to talk to her via the message cantrip
Repeatedly cast Ray of Frost to turn her orb into a slip and slide to stay entertained
Instead of speaking to her father in elvish, she responded in common. Also cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter on him.
Anguin and Kear said she would be executed for treason for staying in Solace and refusing to cooperate. She demanded a lawyer and then the Ambassador to Solace, citing her age and being a student at Augefort Adventuring Academy which summoned a recorded hologram of Arthur Augefort.
Arthur Augefort
Has a recorded hologram that is activated when a student claims the need of his diplomatic help in foreign affairs.
It threatens the listeners with graphic and terrifying violence and doom, giving them the options of either rectify the actions that summoned him (Yes) or refuse and welcome the aforementioned punishment for their actions (No).
Fabian's grandfather called him Jhor-judge
Finally got a message to Zelda via Ayda using her sending spell (Zelda. Safe in Fallinel. Gonna finish cell tower soon. Sorry about everything, but hope your break is going well in spite of this. Miss you.) and got a reply the next morning a little while after waking up (Sorry. Was at a party. You don't have to build a cell tower. That's crazy. It's all whatever Gorgug. I don't blame you.)
Didn't sleep well, but still got the benefit of a full night's sleep due to elven sheets.
Got in a fight with Tracker and then got 3 nat 1s on persuasion checks when she tried to make up with her.
Slept in Adaine's room
Doesn't know how to make a cell tower
Took one of the 40 to 50 foot long diaphanous silk scarves with her
Gave (inspiring?) speech ending with "Friendship is thinker than water and we need water to live." which gave everyone 11 temp hit points
Accidentally called Pok a "smiling elf" and then blew it off as being due to her being human
Can now see Shadow Cat in the picture (along with Tracker, Sandra Lynn, Garthy, Riz, and Sklonda and possibly the dead cambian, Pok, Jace, and Adaine's mom) and reacted by saying "Was I spooning the cat all night in the milk!?"
Sandra Lynn
Dropped out senior year and got her diploma after the fact to join an adventuring party
Joined as a replacement member for an existing adventuring party that was already active in the world and included an older much more powerful married couple.
Fresh out of high school, fell in love with one person from the couple (nonbinary or gender intentionally hidden) who "did not treat her very kindly"
When it all came out, she was ejected from the adventuring party, her romantic partner took great pains to smear her name (so no one would accept her), no other party would take her as a replacement, and she was forced to become a Celesian Ranger
Gilear knows who the couple were, but doesn't want to tell Fig (could she know the people involved?)
Child-like elven maiden with long brown braided hair, a white gown, and a large staff.
When confronted by Arthur Augefort's hologram, she chose to not heed his warnings.
More from 2.9!
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baileydremel · 4 years
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Today I took all the feedback from the last Practical class and made adjustments based on that feedback. I started out clueless about what my zine was supposed to look like, leaning back on what I know best rather than testing myself as a designer and using the tools already given to me. Now, here is the final zine (in a gif)
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Fig 1. A gif of my zine, which is V5 of the zine.
I am very proud of this final zine. I put a lot of time and effort into making this a great zine. Like I probably said in previous posts, I love zines and I would really like to get into making my own zines and what a better time to start making them than now, when we are stuck in isolation and have nothing better to do then make art.
Here’s a little secret. I uploaded the first version of the GIF and then saw something that annoyed me which was the fact that the black colour was inconsistent. I fixed it and then noticed that I forgot to change one thing so I went back and changed that then uploaded it again. Then I noticed that there were still some page numbers lurking (I was keeping page 15′s page number but 12 was still chilling in the background) around so I had to go back and then delete them.
I have learned through this process that I should make sure everything looks OK before uploading anything. Weird that I am learning that at 18 year old when all my life I have been submitting things without looking over them. Lucky it hasn’t gotten me in that much trouble (yet).
EDIT: I’ve changed the colour for the text ‘was your work politically motivated’ as it was still not the purest black. This is in the submitted zine. Goes to show you how much looking through your work before submitting it really helps!
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
How To Beat The Big Guy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/how-to-beat-the-big-guy/
How To Beat The Big Guy
 Buy Now    
Dear Reader,
If you are anything like me then you just know how frightening it can be when you are confronted with someone much taller, much bigger, much stronger and they are intent on doing you harm.
It is a true nightmare scenario!
And it can get even worse – Just imagine if that same monster was intent on doing harm to your Wife, your Partner, your Sister, your Mother or your Daughter.
What if that attacker had them down on the ground and was literally trying to strangle them to death.
These are disgusting scenarios that we as good, decent, law abiding people don’t even want to consider – unfortunately it is a sad truth that violent crime has reached epidemic proportions.
We are all much more likely to be attacked now than we have ever been.
You need to know how to negate those attacks and escape unscathed – and that is why we are here today.
But hey… I am getting ahead of myself here… let’s take a look at who is going to teach you this:
Fernando Salvador began training Gracie Jiu-jitsu in 1992, he is now a 3rd Degree Black Belt under Master Pedro Sauer.
Here are just a few of his accomplishments:
Relson Gracie World CHAMPION
Budweiser World Cup CHAMPION
2009 Pan Am NoGi CHAMPION
North American Grappling Association CHAMPION
Casca Grossa CHAMPION
King of the Hill CHAMPION
Submission Wrestling Championship CHAMPION
2 times Chaos in the Cage CHAMPION
Fernando specialises in helping anyone improve their self defense skills.
As a Fight Trainer he is in constant demand from MMA Fighters around the Globe.
You are in safe hands learning from this Master of the Arts.
At 5ft 3 and about 120 lbs, Fernando is in the perfect position to help the smaller person overcome the odds against bigger opponents.
He has been doing that his entire career.
It is this simple – he KNOWS EXACTLY what will work for you and your loved ones, when it really matters.
I am going to teach you the EXACT Self Defense moves that we use in BJJ.
These techniques have been proven to work both inside and outside of the Cage and are ideal for the smaller person against the larger opponent.
Not only will you see me perform these techniques, but afterwards you will see the Worlds No.1 Pressure Point Fighting Expert, Russell Stutely ADD Pressure Points to many of these techniques and variations that will DRAMATICALLY increase the effectiveness yet again.
For those BJJ practitioners out there in any doubt, I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of these Pressure Point enhanced techniques.
REMEMBER: What Russell will show you is for Self Defense only. You will most likely be banned from competition if you try these on the mat.
Russell is the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach.
Here are a few of his credentials:
OCFM International Coach
PPDT International Instructor
Cop Tactics Master Instructor
6th Dan Karate Jutsu
1st Dan Ju Jitsu
World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
World Combat Hall of Fame
Boxing Coach
Russell has been teaching his unique system for over 20 Years all around the World.
He has helped 1000’s of people just like you, improve their Self Defense skills – virtually overnight.
For over 20 Years now, I have been travelling the Globe teaching my systems to Police Forces, Military Units, Martial Artists, Security Officers and to Corporate Bodies.
My systems are ”required learning” at nearly 100 Police Academies. Over 20,000 Security Officers per year become Certified in my systems.
This is no accident – it is because my systems work and they work damned fast.
I have worked with Professional Fighters to increase their speed, timing, distancing, punching power and much more.
I have hundreds of rounds with Professional Boxers at the highest levels under my belt.
I have had broken ribs, my jaw broke, teeth smashed out and still carried on fighting.
I have worked Security in several Countries and have first hand experience of real World violence.
I tell you this, not to blow my own trumpet, but to let you know for sure, that you are indeed in the right hands when it comes to getting the right information about defending yourself and your loved ones.
We asked Fernando to show us EXACTLY how Gracie Ju Jitsu would handle some of the most common Self Defense scenarios for the smaller person or the weaker person out there on todays mean streets.
As a former Champion and a 3rd Degree Black Belt who is 5ft 3 and under 130 lbs, he KNOWS these problems all too well.
THANKFULLY, he also knows HOW to make techniques work against the bigger guy – after all, he has been doing that all of his life!
This means you can’t rely on strength and power to get out of situations – you also need technique.
Fernando told us, that all of these techniques shown have been used in the Cage, on the street and are EXACTLY what is taught in Gracie BJJ Self Defense.
It does not get better than that!
You will see Fernando escape strong and potentially lethal attacks with devastating ease – using the techniques and principles of Gracie BJJ.
 Let’s take a look at just some of the things you will learn today:
Grab Escapes
Learn the “secret stance” that makes you an immovable object. Fernando calls this “holding a plate”. Watch as a 6ft, 180lb attacker, is unable to move Fernando even one inch! – Spectacular Stuff!
Choke Escapes
Get them off and walk away or break both of their arms at the same time – the choice is yours. Fernando had to use extreme caution when showing this technique.
Swap Positions
This is incredible to see. Watch as Fernando shows you how to “swap positions” with your attacker. One second the bad guy is on top ready to smash – and the next, you are! Wow – this is getting juicy now!
Never Get Strangled
This one just blew our minds. Watch as Fernando carries on talking whilst various strangles are being applied, just to prove how his methods will help keep you safe. Then he applied the defense – INCREDIBLE!
Much More
There is so much more information on this action packed DVD Set.
Then things got more serious – which is great news for you.
Fernando asked us, to get the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach, Russell Stutely, to show some variations of these techniques for you.
Here is some background to how this came about:
Fernando and Russell both train together at the same Gym, in Phnom Penh Cambodia, where they met up many Months ago.
They have spent many Months analysing each others training methods and learning from each other.
Which is something they have both kept quiet about – till Fernando persuaded Russell to be Uke for this DVD Set.
Well, when we say persuaded, we mean asked! Of course Russell jumped at the chance to help his Sensei.
During the filming they would often be seen going through evil techniques off camera and discussing if they should be shown or not!
We were aware of this and after filming with Fernando, we asked for his permission to request some techniques from his BJJ Student, Russell.
We were delighted when Fernando said, no problem… and so a few days later at the other end of the Huge Prokout Gym, we filmed live during the day with Russell.
We want to make one thing absolutely clear here – The filming took place at Prokout Gym, in the heart of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Anyone who has visited Asia, will tell you this fact – nowhere, ever, will you find a place that is actually quiet for more than 2 seconds!
So, you will occassionally hear the “sounds of Asia” as they say, during this shoot. It in no way, detracts from what you can see and hear – all is crystal clear – but here at Gracie BJJ – we are always 100% up front and honest… part of the tenets of BJJ!
So, lets take a quick look at what Russell will show you:
Double Power Guillotine
This simple shift of the body will DOUBLE the power of your Guillotine. You MUST train this lightly for the safety of your training partner.
Fig 4 Double Break
This one left us dumbfounded. How a simple little twist turns a ”Standing Kimura” into a double break on the same arm!
Devastating Leg Pressure Points
Watch as a seasoned Thai Fighter is in agony as Russell “gently” applies a Pressure Point. Then imagine the pain if it was struck with full power.
Much More
Russell showed a ton of stuff that utilises “Atemi” within your BJJ and Self Defense. This is for serious Self Defense situations only – it is banned from competition.
Once you download this material you will be able to view IMMEDIATELY on:
Smart Phone
Smart TV
We want to make sure that you can watch this material immediately, no matter the device you are ordering from. With that in mind, the Digital downloads are optimised to play on all of the above devices.
REMEMBER: You will receive IMMEDIATE Access after purchase.
For Illustration purposes only. This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD.
For IMMEDIATE Digital Download
The Full 3 DVD Set
All 3 DVDs for IMMEDIATE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, from former World Champion, Fernando Salvador, 3rd Degree BJJ. Learn the EXACT techniques used by Gracie in the Cage and for Self Defense. PLUS – A ton of extras and technique enhancers from Russell Stutely.
This remarkable 3 DVD Set was originally bring priced at $397 for Digital Download.
But for the next few days only it has been slashed down to only $97.00
For action takers only!
You will also receive a FREE Bonus Digital Download courtesy of Russell Stutely.
The Pressure Point Defensive Tactics Level 1 Course.
This is the EXACT System that is required learning at nearly 100 Police Academies – Usually priced at $197.00 and today it is 100% FREE!
The full 3 DVD set Beat the big guy
IMMEDIATE Download after purchase
Will play on ANY Device
You will receive IMMEDIATE ACCESS after purchase and have unlimited access to your Downloads.
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You get all the downloads as above BUT ALSO you receive Beat The Big Guy 3 DVD Set delivered direct to your door with FREE International shipping.
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Today could be your last chance at this special offer. We do not know exactly when the price will go up to the original price, but it will be soon.
Do not take that chance, get started now before it is too late.
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They must be returned unopened and in the original packaging, to the following address:
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Copyright © 2018 Gracie BJJ Self Defense. All Rights Reserved.
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fapangel · 7 years
Left-Wing Violence and False Equivalencies
After the attempted murder of several Republican Congressmen last month, I skipped any big blogpost on it because I'd already posted it months before - a simple "I told you so" sufficed. The bloodletting was everything I - and countless others - had said would be the inevitable consequence of the tide of pathological hatred and thuggery currently ruling the left wing. The shock of the event should have spoken for itself.
Imagine my surprise, then, to hear people I respect glibly equating the unceasing, obsessive hatred and calls for violence from the left wing to "right-wing rhetoric," implicitly suggesting some sort of parity. Apparently, this needs saying: left-wing violence, and calls for violence, are qualitatively and quantitatively far more evident, excessive, effective and dangerous on the left. This owes to three main reasons:
Left-wing violence and violent rhetoric is openly promoted and legitimized by people in positions to influence the ideology of the masses, especially Hollywood stars, university professors and famous national “comedians.”
Left-wing violence and violent rhetoric is organized, political, and international in scope.
Left-wing violence and violent rhetoric is unashamed, unapologetic, and accepted in their own cultural circles.
These are not opinions, or arguments. As I will document, these are facts. Let's start with the first point.
Grasping for Straws - Media Accusations
Let's compare some reactions - reactions - to the Scalise shooting, after conservatives dire predictions of bloodshed had been borne out. Trinity College professor Johnny Eric Williams published an article on Medium.com charmingly titled "Let Them Fucking Die," openly wishing that the attempted murderer had been successful. It opened with this disclaimer:
[NOTE: This essay is in the context of bigotry and is speaking about bigots. If you aren’t a bigot, then it doesn’t apply to you. But, if you happen to feel hit, then holler, dog.]
One rubber-stamp label later, and murder - outright murder - is justified. Then there was Chelsey Gentry-Tipton, a Nebraska Democratic Party official and chairwoman of Nebraska's Black Caucus openly mocked the shock of the shooting victims on social media. She also posted “The very people that push pro NRA legislation in efforts to pad their pockets with complete disregard for human life. Yeah, having a hard time feeling bad for them.”
But even that pales in comparison to Phil Montag, another Nebraskan Democratic Party official, who came to Gentry-Tipton's defense and was caught on tape saying that he was glad Scalise got shot and that he wished Scalise was dead. Click that link - it must be heard to be believed, especially Montag combatively arguing with his fellow Party officials who released the tape.
And let's not forget James Devine, a New Jersey Democratic campaign strategist for 35 years who tweeted “We are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people. Why is it a shock when things turn violent?#HuntRepublicanCongressmen.” (The original tweet is still up. Look for yourself.)
Again, this is after theory has become fact, after blood has been spilled, and after people have been gravely wounded and almost killed. The reaction of tenured professors Democratic Party officials and career Democratic campaign staffers wasn't just approval, but combative, nasty, in-your-face avowal; the conviction of people convinced they're right and not afraid to say so.
Now turn the tables and time-warp to 2011, after Gabrielle Giffords was shot and the left-wing media overwhelmingly and immediately blamed it on "right-wing rhetoric" - such as a campaign map with "cross-hair graphics" placed over crucial districts - to explain the actions of an insane man. Initial diagnosis of mental illness mean little, since these perpetrators are unstable and violence-prone by definition - defining it as root cause or aggravating factor requires investigation. I was going to say that no such ambiguity existed in the Giffords shooting, trusting to Fig. A., the shooter's mugshot, to carry the argument -
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- but the media happily spared me the trouble when the New York Times, the pinnacle of journalistic standards and so-called "newspaper of record", repeated the election-map claim six years after Loughner's gibbering insanity had been firmly established. The editorial board of the New York Times missed this, which implies something about their remembered narratives. Incidentally, that editorial was itself a reaction to the Scalise shooting, and claimed that there was "no sign of incitement as direct as in the Giffords attack." With the blood of Scalise and two police officers still soaking the ground, the Times rushed to defend the left and blame the right with an outright lie.
This was going to be my key example, but once again the media preempted me. It's been drowned out by the overwhelming backlash against CNN's thuggish threatening and intimidation of some random Reddit user, but the media's desperately been arguing that Trump re-tweeting a meme gif of him fake-wrestling a CNN logo to the mat is promoting violence against the media. CNN, of course, is in the throes of high dudgeon. This is what the major mainstream media outlets - with their massive, unquestionably powerful platforms and reporter/researcher apparatus - find and hold up as examples of violent right-wing rhetoric: crosshairs on campaign maps and fake wrestling meme .gifs from reddit. Given the power, influence, and dominant platform of these organizations, it strains credulity to claim that there's significant instances of right-wing violence promotion that they somehow haven't made headline news.
A Non-Stop Litany of Hatred
Barely two weeks after the mass shooting at the Republican baseball practice, Johnny Depp, famous Hollywood actor, stood up in front of a crowd in England and “joked” about assassinating President Trump. “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? I want to clarify, I am not an actor. I lie for a living. However, it has been a while and maybe it is time.” Back in May, Professor John Griffin, of the Art Institute of Washington, called for GOP Representatives to be “lined up and shot.”
Then there's the Otto Warmbier tale. Soon after the 22 year old was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for “stealing a political poster,” the Huffington Post was openly gloating about how that filthy white male had it coming for thinking his white privilege would let him get away with his “crime,” apparently happy to take North Korea's word on the young man's “guilt.”And they weren't the only ones, with comedians, Salon.com and Affinity magazine piling on also. After Otto Warmbier was murdered by the North Koreans, Fox News wondered if those leftists were still laughing. Turns out they were - or at least Kathy Dettwyler, professor of anthropology at the University of Delaware, said he got “exactly what he deserved” because of - again - his white privilege. Tom Curry, associate professor at Texas A&M, gave an interview about “killing white people in context,” in which he said that “some white people might have to die,” because, of course, black people are dying. A Fresno State University professor, Lars Maischak, went on a twitter rant calling for Trump to be hung, “the higher the better,” and for Republicans to be executed. One particularly saucy tweet: “Has anyone started soliciting money and design drafts for a monument honoring the Trump assassin, yet?”
Back to Hollywood with Madonna, who talked about thinking of “blowing up the white house.” When Palin's campaign puts cross-hairs on crucial electoral districts it's an “incitement to violence,” but when Madonna says “blow up the White House” she's just speaking in metaphor, apparently. When Michelle Bachmann says “slit our wrists and become blood brothers” she's using “violent rhetoric,” according to Montel Williams, but when he says “slit your wrist, do us all a better thing, move that knife up two feet and start at the collarbone,” he must be speaking metaphorically. At least there's no ambiguity with Joss Whedon, who wants Speaker Paul Ryan to be raped to death by a rhino with its horn “because it's funny, not becuase he's a #GOPmurderbro.” Director David Simon tweeted that if Mueller (who's busily hiring Clinton campaign donors for his “investigation” team,) is fired, you should “pick up a goddamn brick.” Unlike Trump's WWE meme tweet, which was clearly an incitement to violence, he was just “speaking in metaphor” too. Lea DeLaria threatened to “pick up a baseball bat and take out every fucking republican and independent I see.” Rappers “YG” and “Nipsey Hustle” wrote an entire rap packed with death threats towards Trump. Marilyn Manson made a music video showing him violently decapitating Trump, reminiscent of Snoop Dogg's music video showing him shooting Trump. (These are the latest in a longer trend of vivid left-wing murder/assassination fantasies - they made an entire docudrama fantisizing about murdering George Bush.) Sarah Silverman, a “comedian,” tweeted her call for a military coup to depose the “mad king and his handlers.” It's unclear if her call for military violence against our democratically elected government - to remove fascists - was intended to be ironic. Perhaps it was a metaphor?
Artists are an arcane and subtle lot, so let's see if the straightforward, all-facts style of journalists is more clear-cut. Here's Bill Maher prodding people to assassinate the vice president on national television: “I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn't be dying needlessly tomorrow... I'm just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That's a fact.” Here's Courtland Milloy, Washington Post (WaPo) columnist, expressing his deep desire to “knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads” because “they” disagreed with him on health care policy. Here's Linda Stasi of the New York Daily News comparing the Boston Marathon Bombers to one of their murder victims becuaes he was a filthy Republican bigot.
But the media talks a good game. What about actual politicians? You know, the people actually leading the Democratic Party? Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-PA called for then-new Republican governor of Florida Rick Scott to be put up against a wall and shot. He clarified that Scott was a “millionaire and a billionaire,” a “damn crook,” which leads me to believe he was not speaking in metaphor when calling for his murder. A few months later he'd also react to the Giffords shooting with a New York Times op-ed calling for “an atmosphere of civility and respect.” State Rep. Chuck Kruger (a Democrat) tweeted that Cheney deserved the “same fate as Saddam.” Just a joke, bro, just a joke! Allen Brauer, communications chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County, wished death on the children of one of Ted Cruz's speechwriters: “May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” Of course, this was justified because those evil Republicans started it.
I could - actually, it's 6AM, I have gone on all night documenting this, and I could go on another few. But if anyone else points this out - say, the NRA, in an ad saying “they use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again,” then the Washington Post (WaPo) whines that conservatives are “inciting violence.” As was detailed in the running debate with an antifa (anarcho-communist revolutionary) supporter on this very blog, the left is currently justifying violence via the dire need to “stop the Nazis who want us dead,” but when the NRA points out that the left is calling to “kill them [conservatives] first," it “sounds like an excerpt from North Korean state television,” a “stark picture” that's “designed to provoke fear, if not incite violence.”
A Qualitative Discrepancy
Some of you are already bristling, I'm sure, reaching out for tumblr and twitter links of conservatives advocating violence, or any of the left-wing politicians or groups who have received “hundreds” of death threats (usually anonymously, on the internet.) I'd link some myself, but aside from one WaPo story, every combination of search terms just turned up story after story detailing threats going the other way. Ho hum. It doesn't matter, because the quantitative argument, “look at all those redneck goons on twitter!” misses the point: you don't see right-wing public figures, media personalities and politicians issuing stark, unapologetic calls for violence. There's a vast discrepancy in who is making the threats between left and right - and why.
As illustrated by the above anecdotes, left-wing personalities are open, unabashed, and unapologetic about calling for Republicans to be murdered, in as many words. They don't bother walking their statements back even after someone acts on them. Even Phil Montag, who says “I won't say this publicly,” is still incensed enough to be shouting down his own Party colleagues in defense of someone who did publically chortle at attempted political assassination. Even if you live in 'Darkest Appalachia' where you can jaw about them damn 'coloreds' between bites of chaw, you don't dare get publicly identified saying it, because it'll cost you your job - and you sure as hell don't post it online yourself anywhere it's connected to your name. Liberals whinge about “microaggressions” and “subtle racism” because overt racism has been rejected by our culture for decades now. Many liberals hold conservatives to all be secret racists, harboring their despicable ideologies close to their vest, prevented from open expression only by the punitive power of larger culture - but even they agree that the left wing has all the cultural power. There is nobody they cannot destroy, and nobody too small to feel their wrath, as CNN's doxxing crusade against some random Redditor demonstrates. Leftists claim the violent Antifa riot staged to shut down Milo Yiannopoulos's Berkeley speech was justified, because he “used his platform to bully a transgender girl”(49:52) who was then harassed by internet trolls due to the publicity. I wonder how they feel about CNN - which has much more money, power, connections and influence than a single gay conservative writer - using their platform to target some random Redditor (who had an expectation of anonymity the transgender student did not) because Trump thought their meme was the dankest? Exposing his identity would assuredly wreck his life - SJWs take such glee in harassing employers to get people fired for voicing crimethink that they've got an entire tumblr dedicated to gloating about it.
The left wing has the power, and they know it. When a left-winger says “murder the President,” they're in the company of famous Hollywood actors, respected intellectuals and University professors, and even Democratic Party officials, both on and off the record. With leftists so geographically concentrated in major cities and in full control of every establishment capable of shaping opinion and ideology - the universities, the arts, even the media - they've no reason to feel afraid about being open with their crude, violent intolerance. Some of those professors in the above anecdotes paid with their jobs - (which doesn't mean they won't find another at a more “understanding” institution,) but some didn't - and only a few apologized. Almost all of them haven't deleted their tweets (hence the direct links to them), few apologized (often defensively and begrudgingly,) and a few, like that asshole Devine, actually doubled down. A conservative can't make a dank meme gif without CNN hunting them down and threatening to destroy them, but leftists can issue blatant terroristic threats under their own name and get away without any consequences whatsoever.
The Moral Disconnect
This is why left-wing violent rhetoric is far more dangerous and influential: the respectable authority of the establishments, institutions and public figures echoing it lends far greater weight to the arguments - effectively normalizing it as acceptable. They're also everywhere and repeated incessantly, because every traditional establishment of communication and education, from cradle to grave, is controlled by the left. This normalizes the narrative, which provides the moral justification for moral disengagement with the act of political violence itself. As Albert Bandura said, “Moral justification is a powerful disengagement mechanism. Destructive conduct is made personally and socially acceptable by portraying it in the service of moral ends. This is why most appeals against violent means usually fall on deaf ears.”
In many of the earlier anecdotes - including Montag saying that he wished Scalise had been killed - they immediately justify it by citing some Crime of The Right (healthcare policy is popular currently, and the grievance Montag himself used.) You hear it all the time from antifa supporters and anyone else calling Republicans “Nazis,” painting them as jackbooted thugs forming death squads even as they speak. Just consider select quotes from this HuffPo article calling for violent revolution:
"The rise of Donald Trump has exposed the frightening underbelly of America’s foulest tendencies. Our racism, nativism, xenophobia, misogyny, Islamophobia, ableism, and propensity toward authoritarianism have been laid bare... There’s been an upswing in anti-Muslim hate crimes that correlates with his candidacy—including several offenders who cite him as their inspiration. Another of his supporters beat an unhoused Latino man. Yet another sucker punched a demonstrator at a rally and then, more alarmingly, went on to say, “The next time we see him, we might have to kill him.” Treating this like politics as usual allows it to become politics as usual, and those who do so risk complicity ushering in a new era of fascist politics in the United States.”
It's often phrased as “turnabout is fair play,” justifying violence, coercion, harassment and other kind of thuggery and hatred on the grounds that “conservatives did it first.” These are the people who decry capital punishment as barbaric and cruel one moment, then wholeheartedly embrace Old Testament “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” rhetoric in the next. It's doublethink by definition, and as Orwell observed, the crucial prerequisite for enabling political violence. And like Orwell's doublethink, it's reliant on an overarching support structure of propaganda, cultural control and incitement to thrive. Unlike prejudice or bigotry, which is resentful, reactionary and bred by ignorance, moral disengagement needs an active social movement to incubate and reinforce the message, as a high school history teacher discovered when his social experiment (The Wave) to demonstrate the allure of fascism to his students took on a life of its own in just three short days. (And you thought fidget spinners were bad!) Violence incited, encouraged and enabled by an overarching social structure will of course mirror that structure in its aims, methods, and level of organization - and indeed, when you look at left-wing violence as it's currently conducted, that's exactly what you see.
Deliberate Strategy versus Provincial Bigotry
Republicans have their problems - if you're Republican and doubt that, you're either a moron, or one of the Presidential primary candidates that got their asses kicked square by a reality TV show star with a bad spray-tan. (But I repeat myself.) And those problems are largely provincial. Stereotypes come from somewhere, and for Republicans the image of the cloistered “flyover-country” hick stems directly from the “good ol' boys club” problem of provincial, smoking-room corruption.
We've a ready example in the Kansas budget crisis. One of my educated, intelligent liberal friends declared it the evil fruits of Reaganomics, the inevitable consequences of backwards conservative economic theory. After establishing that Gov. Sam Brownback tried to apply Federal-level tax cut strategy to a state, my diagnosis differed - I suspected Brownback of being a blithering moron acting with perceived immunity to public opinion only the Good Ol' Boys coven can offer. Five seconds on Google later, and I found a newly-elected moderate Republican legislator saying exactly that:
“What we’re having is a standoff with the governor holding on to the old days where he had all these people elected,” said Senator Barbara Bollier, a moderate Republican who voters promoted from the state House last year. “They aren’t there anymore, and he can’t let go and follow the will of the people.”
Plenty of people pointed out how Brownback's policies weren't True Conservatism and thus shouldn't tarnish it, but when people vote in a conservative governor who destroys the economy and state budget, you might say it reflects on conservatives, eh? The provincial attitudes of rural red-state Republicans do have problems, as the author of Hillbilly Elegy himself stated;
"Nearly everyone in my family who has achieved some financial success for themselves, from Mamaw to me, has been told that they’ve become “too big for their britches.” I don’t think this value is all bad. It forces us to stay grounded, reminds us that money and education are no substitute for common sense and humility. But, it does create a lot of pressure not to make a better life for yourself, and let’s face it: when you grow up in a dying steel town with very few middle class job prospects, making a better life for yourself is often a binary proposition: if you don’t get a good job, you may be stuck on welfare for the rest of your life.”
He also observes that it's at least in part a reaction to the sneering disdain from the coastal elites (which, post-Trump election, has become outright hatred,) but as Joshua Rothman points out, that logic only goes so far:
“It’s one thing to criticize a culture. It’s another to see that the culture being criticized is formed partly in response to other cultures, and that those cultures are, in turn, worth criticizing. This is why explaining human behavior is so difficult: the buck never stops. The explanations don’t come to an obvious, final resting place.”
This is the truth the “they started it” justifications of the left utterly miss and the one I try to remember. So I don't pretend that conservatives don't commit violence - they do. The leftists attempting enumeration of it demonstrate the usual stupidity, such as calling a lunatic that was literally eating a man's face off a “Trump supporter” because he was wearing a MAGA hat while chowing down, or the Uber Killer who claimed to be under the “control of the Uber app” when picking victims. You don't have to be a clinical psychologist to diagnose apeshit crazy as the primary factor in those. But just because internet leftists are lazy doesn't mean violent rednecks don't exist, and some of these people aren't just violent, but willing to ambush and kill cops. And some of them even form little terror cells and plot terrorist bombings. Oh yes - conservative violence exists.
The scale, however, is entirely different. Deliberate ambush murders of police is at a ten year high - and and it sure as hell isn't white conservatives defining the epidemic of murders, is it? It's minorities who - by their own admission - are putting into practice the violent rhetoric of Black Lives Matter, who openly celebrate cop killers as “black revolutionaries.” The right wing simply doesn't have a parallel to this - even when the gibbering lunatics called “sovereign citizens” manage to ooze out of their mother's basement long enough to commit violence, they don't come anywhere near the virulence of Black Lives Matter: “sovereign citizens” have killed six police officers since 2000, but twenty officers were ambushed and murdered in 2016 alone. Maybe - just maybe - it's got something to do with Black Lives Matter having slightly better PR than rambling lunatics on youtube.
Nor can three rednecks compare to Antifa and the anarcho-communist black block in general, who are a domestic terrorist organization who openly advocate (and carry out) sabotage of public infrastructure, have staged multiple violent riots across the country in just the last year to suppress their political opponents and have international reach, as they demonstrated in the massive riots in Hamburg just days ago. Three rednecks being led on by an FBI agent eagerly providing them with automatic rifles to entrap them, they ain't. It's not even unusual - right wing “militia” groups tend to be some middle-aged rednecks talking tough in a bar within earshot of an FBI informant hoping to justify his paycheck, like the “Hutaree” clowns whom turned out to be guilty of nothing but losing the genetic lottery. Even the Oklahoma City Bomber's closest encounter with the Michigan Militia was attending a few of their meetings (sitting quietly in his reeking trench-coat in the corner, presumably,) and considering that 80% of the Militia scattered to the winds once the tenuous connection was revealed by the media, it's hard to credit them as a serious threat. McVeigh's act of violence was so devastating to the militia movement's credibility that the militia considers him a CIA stooge in a plot to discredit them. Contrast to Black Lives Matter, which weathered the Dallas shooting without a hitch and is still going strong, if not stronger.
The most telling comparison by far, however, is the least spectacular - in contrast to the oft-cited racist or bigoted crimes against minorities, immigrants, homosexuals, etc., leftist violence targets Trump supporters. With conservatives, the politically motivated ones (i.e. anti-government militias) are all bark and no bite, unlike the racists and bigots. Leftists display the exact opposite behavior; their violence is overwhelmingly political, mirroring the nature of the social-political movements that provide them with legitimacy, support and a public platform. This helps explain why left-wing politicians are so comfortable with endorsing it, like Texas state Rep. Ramon Romero, who physically assaulted Rep. Matt Rinaldi before threatening to wait in the parking lot and ambush him on his way to his car. On the floor of the Texas state legislature, no less. Left-wing violence isn't just outlash - it's revolution. It's violence with goals defined by ideology. If you doubt, just consider who is committing the violence.
College Professors and Students versus Middle-Aged Trailer Trash
One of the black-masked Antifa members who has been arrested for his crimes is Eric Clanton, former adjunct professor at Diablo Valley College, who was videotaped fracturing some Trump supporter's skulls with a u-lock during the Berkeley riots. The masked Clanton was identified by the "weaponized autism" of 4chan (compare to CNN, which can hunt down and coerce one random redditor, but found Eric Clanton to be unworthy of coverage.) “Conservative” violence invariably comes from middle-aged  welfare-roll racists or flat-out skinheads, not otherwise-upstanding members of society - and certainly not the youth.
Nowhere is this more evident than the recent (and ongoing) insanity at Evergreen State College in California, where radicalized students have piled excess upon excess. What's most striking about the whole affair is how little I've heard of it - every time I hear more about it, new details are revealed that've seen scant to no national coverage. The latest information comes from a HuffPo article published by one of Evergreen University's own provosts, who just left the University this month. To summarize, students on this campus have:
Set upon a professor in an unruly mob to threaten, harass and intimidate, ultimately resulting in the University police telling him to avoid campus for his own safety,
Taken University administrators, including the President, hostage, complete with guards to escort them to and from the bathroom, all to coerce compliance with their list of demands - while the police milled around outside due to President Bridges cowardly order to stand down,
Until the President, who'd repeatedly ordered campus police to stand down, had to call in the State troopers for help after things got even worse despite his appeasement (they can be seen in the HuffPo article patrolling campus in full riot gear,)
And finally, the students forced a “community patrol” armed with baseball bats not just for “protection” from outside threats, but to intimidate other students who disagreed (there was a “scuffle” between students because some were chalking up messages to “get back to teaching.”)
But the cherry atop this turd tartufo is the lone death threat phoned in by someone promising to take down all those “communist scumbags” with a “.44 magnum,” who turned out to be - you guessed it - a 53 year old unmarried sad-sack racist with hints of mental health issues.
The conceit of leftists is telling us the last bullet point is at least equal to the preceding four, if not outright justifying the thuggery, violence, and coercion by dint of the grave and dire threat posed by some daffy trailer trash.
To reiterate, at Evergreen University, we've seen a student body, acting in the name of social justice and countering vile racists, go from mob justice to revolution to forming their own Gestapo in the space of a few months. A few months. This alone should give anyone pause, but it's not alone - it's just one more drop in the damn bucket of violence, hate and revolutionary rhetoric.
And that deep well of dangerous people has an unparalleled ability to recruit, organize, and mobilize.
Organized, Mobilized, and Well-Led
Left-wing violence has always been organized, or quickly self-organized; from the French Revolution, to the overthrow of the Czar in Russia, till the spate of 19th-century Communist uprisings that created terrifying totalitarian dictatorships that last today (including Cuba and North Korea.) Revolutionaries are violent by definition, since rejecting the legitimacy of a ruling state's laws entire leaves only one recourse for deposing it. To defeat a state's army, you need an army yourself.
Here is the left wing's army in action.
It's impossible to understate the severity or scale of what happened at the G20. The largest black bloc protest in history - enough to overwhelm the 20,000 police officers present - showed up and basically ran the show. They were even using social media to hunt down reporters that didn't agree with them - aided by establishment journalists. Click that link - the journalist describes how people were hunted down and beaten half to death because they were standing near her in the photo a journalist from a major German newspaper tweeted.
This is the power of the black bloc. They are an army, by definition. Consider, for a moment, what an army needs:
Young people, because soldiering is a young man's job - whether you're throwing hand grenates or molotov cocktails, you need to be fit and reckless
Leadership, because even a mob needs some inspiration, some demagogue - a Robespierre - to push them into acting together at the right time.
Ideology, because you need a reason to fight, a reason a lot of people can agree on strongly enough to unite, even if it's just a mob.
As I've established above, the violence-inciters and violence-doers on the left wing meet all these criteria. They're invariably young, they're educated in extremist ideology by extremist college professors (who set the example themselves, as Eric Clanton shows,) and they have a smorgasbord of left-wing voices to serve as demagogues, people who's latest utterances are on everyone's lips and Twitter feed by the next morning. But above all, the ideology - the political nature of the beast - is the most essential. Ideology unites, motivates and inspires in a way reactionary racism, resentment or bigotry simply cannot. Jews had been brutalized and persecuted for centuries before Hitler rose to power - anti-semetism was just one pre-existing prejudice he levered (along with nationalist resentment, poverty-born desperation and a rudderless young generation.) Racism alone isn't enough to drive wars and mass atrocities like ethnic cleansing and genocide. Consider the Kosovo War; the parties weren't just ethnic groups, but nations; a complete identity formed by culture, religion and inter-group loyalty - summed up, this forms a complete and distinct ideology. For racism to drive organized, effective and widespread right-wing violence, it must be part of a national identity - which is precisely why the Ku Klux Klan proliferated in the South, which was such a culturally, religiously, economically and thus ideologically distinct nation that it eventually formed a nation-state and started a Civil War. Racism and bigotry can prod bitter people (and the older they are, the more bitterness they've had in life) to murder people in ones and twos, but only ideology can motivate the young masses into an army capable of great crimes.
The left understands this - which is precisely why they're suddenly screaming “white supremacist” every chance they get. Racism isn't an ideology, but “white supremacy” is. It's essential to establish the existence of a sincere, widespread “white supremacy” movement in the right wing for their caterwauling of Naziiiiiiiii to be taken seriously.
It doesn't exist, of course. And if you look at the right-wing militias themselves, you start seeing why - they're a bunch of old farts, bored and bitter, fantasizing about how they'd blow away those government goons if they came to their house to confiscate all their guns. Not how they'd lead the Glorious Revolution - not how they'd stride into the Federal Reserve and upend the money-changer's tables before casting them from the temple - no, just how they'd defend Their Own Castle (Doctrine.) This is get off my lawn cranked to eleven, Ultra-Reee: Knee Deep in the Dad.
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Young people don't find this exciting, sexy, or inspiring. And that's why these people show up at City Hall to scream NOT ON MY FRONT LAWN, but rarely, if ever, do anything violent. They never walk the walk. They're LARPing attention whores. Antifa puts on masks to fracture people's skulls, loot stores, torch cars and throw bricks at cops. Militia members put on masks and walk into police stations with assault rifles... so they can lie on the floor and shout AM I BEING DETAINED? (That link must be seen to be believed.)
The Bundy clowns are perhaps the perfect case-study - a bunch of ranchers with purely local range-related resentments that'd simmered for years before they occupied a government office, armed to the teeth - only to give up without firing a shot, the only casualty being a militiaman shot dead in circumstances shady enough that the Fed responsible was prosecuted for lying about the circumstances.
Compare that sorry dumpster fire to what Antifa's managed in the last twelve months alone - not only have they staged multiple violent riots in cities across America, not only have they achieved their goals (wider publicity and the silencing of speakers they hate,) but they're also forming their own militias now. Sure, they're just a different flavor of obsese LARPer at present - but that puts them equal to where the right-wing militias have been at for decades. This is where the right-wing peaks - and the left wing starts.
If you want to see where the left-wing ends, look at Hamburg, where the fires are still smouldering...
...and the left wing apologists are already downplaying and justifying it.
Clear and Present Danger
Now that I've documented the nonstop litany of outright, unabashed left-wing hatred being repeated by actors, Democratic party operatives and establishment journalists - echoing the open calls for violence and murder of conservatives - and observed both how quickly and naturally the left wing translates its ideology to organized oppression (Evergreen College), how that organized violence is already underway in the United States (Antifa's multiple riots across the country) and what these people are capable of, given time (the literal takeover of the entire city of Hamburg,) I want you to imagine how conservatives feel when CNN screams about a meme wrestling gif.
Or the New York Times screeching over cross-hair graphics on a map.
Or being told that those racist birther guys harassed Obama, so it's all a wash.
We've all been frustrated to have our friends rebuff arguments we thought were incontrovertibly true - it's only the normal friction between people. There's some things even close friends will never see eye-to-eye on. But conservatives can't shrug this topic off as mere disagreement, anymore. Using the tu quoque fallacy (right out of the Soviet playbook) to avoid admitting the problem of left-wing violence is bad enough, but now the left wing is using the purported existence of organized, militant right wing violence (“Nazis”) to justify violence against us. When you deflect or dismiss the existence of left-wing violence - or assert a parity with right-wing violence - you're dismissing a grave threat not only to us personally, but to the stability and continued existence of our democratic government as a whole. Everything I've detailed above isn't happening in a vacuum - also remember that California's begun forming its own foreign policy (in direct violation of the United States Constitution,) and the left actively encouraged deposing the rightful winner of the Presidential election by encouraging electors to break the law. The laws of civil society, the rules we all agree to follow, the underpinning of the social contract itself, is starting to unravel. The left wing is starting to look a lot like their own nation - with all that implies. And when we point to the sharp end of the spear; the Antifa rioter with a club, being pushed forward and supported by the entire left wing - we're scoffed at.
And that pisses us off.
Ere The Conservative Began To Hate
Conservatives have felt marginalized for a long time, because the left dominates so many of the important public spaces. It's not just the presence, but the vitriolic, savage hatred displayed against people who dare to speak up against leftist orthodoxy (and I do mean leftist, not liberal.) I've personally been threatened by a professor and had an African-American classmate stand up and scream me down. The tenured professor who threatened me has survived multiple complaints (much worse than mine) and my journalism professor not only took my screaming classmates side, but gently asked, in roundabout fashion, if I'd inherited my prejudices from my parents (all because I called Kwame Kilpatrick a crook - at least the courts agree with me.) Conservatives are used to being censored and cowed everywhere that really matters - in school, at work, you name it. And over the years, it's only gotten worse. We've tried to talk, and tried to talk, and tried to talk, and all that's gotten us is backed against a wall begging for “dialectic” while a screaming lynch mob closes in.
We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore. Moderate conservatives are about to give up on “talking” permanently, because it's clearly not working. You can't talk to masked thugs with clubs. Our concerns aren't imaginary, and they can't be brushed off - and this is the last chance for the liberals to engage with us and at least consider why we're scared stiff. If moderate liberals don't do this, and continue making excuses for the violent leftists in their own party, then the bloodshed that started on that baseball field will continue. The militant left will not stop, not as long as people who damn well know better are making excuses for them. And while our majority might be Silent, it's anything but cowardly. The militant, violent left is going to get more than they're bargaining for. And our last opportunity to halt this madness is slipping by because of people willfully denying reality. If liberals continue to ignore the problem, refuse to confront the true nature of the leftists sheltering behind them and allow them to keep pushing their agenda of violence, the blood will continue to flow.
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Discrimination leads to injury.
She limped in the room with a cane, beautiful deep dark skin, high cheek bones with large eyes, coved with a tint of redness, possibility from crying. She sat confidently. She could have been an African royalty by her mannerism.
Good afternoon, welcome to the clinic, how can I help you? I am here because for my hip pain, back and neck pain. I use this cane, without it I am afraid to fall.  What happened that you ended up with this hip pain and a cane?
I slipped and fell off a flight of stairs. I work in East LA school district as a Special Education Teachers Assistant. We see kids that are in gangs or are academically behind. There are these Hispanic kids in my school who were harassing me and calling me Monkey, and make monkey sounds when I pass by,… her tears rolled down her check landing on her shirt, she gracefully and bashfully took her fingers and gently wiped her tears away to avoid her mascara covered her skin.
My jaw dropped! That was not what I expected to hear in 2018, in America! WTF! We had a black president, we are in a democratic state, we host immigrants from all over the world. She is an educated, respected 50-some year old woman. How could this happen? We have systems, laws, regulations.(What in the world!!!!! Is this behavior all about, from another minority)?
You see, I am from Panama, the English speaking side, the Spanish gang in my East LA school , 4 boys, from 14-16, think I am black, they harassed me calling me names and bullied me in hallway as I was passing, I got nervous and scared wanted to get away I rushed towards the stairs leading to faculty room, I missed the first step, fell off 8 steps landing on my hands and side. One of the teachers who was going to her class saw me and came to rescue. Embarrassed scared, and in pain, I put myself together and walked away hoping walking will take away the pain.
Took few days off, I contemplated to file for work injury but am so scared of losing my income. So I decided to be quiet, just stay in during breaks and lunch to avoid running into to them in the school yard.
I listened in disbelief and was heartbroken for her. All I can do is just do my best for her. “Sometimes its not doing the right thing that matters its doing what is the best to be done given the circumstances you are faced with.” She said while holding back the tears.
Sharleen, I reached out to her and held her hand. I will do my best to take care of your pain, that way, you can make the best decision for you and your family when you feel healthy Ok? She managed a smile and in her Caribbean accent said “that would be a good”.
So what area of your body bothers you most that you want us to address first together?
Fig-1                       Fig-2
I have terrible hip pain [Fig-1] without this cane I cannot move around, the pain is too terrible. It sometimes radiates to my back or front of my leg. Its worst when I sleep on it or sit for too long, stand in line at supermarket. I warm it up at home by the pain is unbearable. I have to hold on to the stairs to walk up/down. Its there all the time and gets worse or better thru out the day.
My examination was to find the underlying cause and prioritizing her condition based on her examination and response to tests. [Fig-2] Trendelenberg test: is (+) for weak gluteus muscle, lack of stability in walking is consistent with her pain pattern. She feels sever pain with palpating the area around her hip and worse with any resistive static hip muscle tests. Active and passive ranges of motion (ROM) were limited overall by 50-80%, but it was the resistive ROM was extremely painful.
Xrays: 2 view Hip, 2view Lumbo-Pelvic, (Seated and Standing AP-Pelvis). & 4 view L/S. These are dynamic x-rays to show how your body is compensating or has learned to adapt to damages and your limp.
Along with your exam findings and x-rays, its easier to find the underlying cause of your problem to help determine if your problem is soft-tissue or hard tissue (muscular vs. skeletal). From there we can ascertain the best course of care for you.
  Soft tissue treatments
Phase I: mild myofacial release and P-ROM, PhaseII: deep tissue and –ART, if at any time you feel worse we need to bring in medical support for Trigger point Therapy (TPT) with injection if necessary.
So this is a 2 part problem:
Pelvis tilts with every step upward and forward. The forward tilt can cause “Femoral Acetabular Impingement” and groin pain.
Pelvis unstable due to muscle weakness. Muscles/Tendons/Bursa inflamed due to above. Note that until the muscles are strong this will continue to be a problem. The exercises may be painful or cause pain but they will continue to contribute to the problem until they are strong so its important to use OTC [over the counter] pain relief to get you thru the acute while we work towards goal of Phase I care program: (To reduce pain and inflammation as a tool to get the muscles strong).
Hip traction, Ultrasound and heat along with spinal alignment and trigger point care will help you perform your exercises as below while in office: GLUTEUS MEDIUS STRENGTHENING – 45 degree HIP ABDUCTION STRENGTHENING STANDING or SIDE LYING recommended 4x per day sets of 10-15 reps.
By 4th week she was 50% better, and was diligent with her home care.
By 12 week she was pain free, Cain free and back on her feet walking without a limp. She would need to be proactive with her health and join swimming classes or aqua aerobics. She mentioned she has been stronger than before physically and emotionally.
  Should you need any help or know of someone who needs help do not hesitate to contact us. Do not sit back and watch a curle discrimination or unjust actions injure, hurt or insult fellow human beings.
  We are all children of this world.
Dr. Romina Ghassemi
The post Discrimination leads to injury. appeared first on BAX-U Posture Corrector | Improve Posture | Better Shoulder Support.
from BAX-U Posture Corrector | Improve Posture | Better Shoulder Support https://www.bax-u.com/discrimination-leads-injury/
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levaire · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://levaire.com/creation-identity-vs-creator-identity/
Creation Identity vs Creator Identity
This message was originally written for an intra-church outreach campaign focused around an outdoor music festival called “Common Ground”. This talk was first delivered to a small team of local evangelists who met at Maranatha Church for messages, prayer and announcements prior to beginning their work at the festival. The talk speaks to personal concerns held by the evangelists, who—over the course of the outreach—had expressed challenges they were experiencing in their own lives.
Early in my career as a web designer and Internet marketer, I took a lot of pride and identity from my work. In fact, I took so much identity from my work that when I would experience trouble with a client, it would wreck me emotionally. It took me years on an emotional roller-coaster before I learned that not all clients are a fit. For every 10 to 12 jobs I took over the course of a year, one always seemed to implode. Of course, I always tried my best to salvage any project, but sometimes things just took a turn. This was a bitter pill until I learned to not glean so much of my personal identity from my work. I also learned to communicate more and to be more selective about both my clients and the contractors I hired.
Where Do We Get Our Sense of Self?
Our identity comes from one of two places: either from the world or from God. Another way to put it: our identity comes from either the creation or our Creator. Seeing as the things of this world are temporary (family, friends, culture, media, etc.,) it’s obviously best to claim our identity from our infinite God, in whose image we were created. Still, where does this broken sense of world-driven identity come from?
Genesis 3:6-10
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
Good for food to whom? Pleasant to whose eyes? To make who wise? Adam and Eve decide against God’s will for them, and in choosing their own path, humanity falls into sin. Don’t think for a second your or I would have done any better. Adam and Eve walked with God, among His glorious, untarnished creation, and still, humanity fell within the first generation of a single family. The probability for this error would only be higher had there been more than two people in the beginning. This should show us something about ourselves and the nature of free will. Even a third of the host of heaven fell through free will. The problem isn’t with free will, but with what we do with it.
7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.
Self-consciousness leads to self-protection; self-preservation.
9 And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
Of course, God knows where they are, just as He knew what they would do. God calls us to conviction, confession and repentance, as modeled first here.
10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
Self-centered desire leads to self-consciousness, self-focus.
Matthew 24:37-39
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Self-indulgence and self-preoccupation.
More Examples of Self-Seeking
In Genesis 20, Abraham lies about being married to Sarah so he is not killed.
Self-preservation. Self-protection.
In 2 Samuel 11, David takes Bathsheba for his own and sends her husband into battle and certain death.
The kings of Israel and Judah were primarily self-seeking and self-motivated.
Even the great prophets often sought to save their own skins. Moses, Gideon, Saul, Jonah and Jeremiah are just some examples of great men of God who were reluctant to step out for God. Consider Moses’ reluctance in accepting God’s mission for him to return to Egypt and demand the release of the Israelites:
Exodus 3:11
And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?
Exodus 4:1
And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared unto thee.
Exodus 4:10
And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.
Exodus 4:13
And he said, O my Lord, send, I pray thee, by the hand of him whom thou wilt send.
But he said, “O my Lord, please send by the hand of whomever else You may send.”
Here we see Moses—considered to be one of the greatest men of God of all time—arguing with the Infinite Creator of the Universe, desperately hoping to place his will before the Father’s. The same Moses who later leads the children of Israel out of Egypt and parts the Red Sea is squeamishly trying to worm his way out of his God-given mission.
In contrast, we have Jesus’ example. In self-less, self-sacrifice, He died to self and took on the will of the Father.
John 5:30
30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.
Called to Be Light
For me, this Common Ground mission pulls me out of self. It’s not always comfortable to hand out tracts and receive rejection after rejection. Self-confidence—if that’s what we’re running upon—takes a hit after so much rejection, but love and obedience perseveres.
Fortunately, we don’t rely upon our own self-confidence. We seek to die to self, move in the Spirit and be of Kingdom service. The mission is larger than the self.
Matthew 5:15 / Luke 8:16 / Luke 11:33
15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
Our challenge is not only for a few nights here at Common Ground. Our mission field is in the living rooms, in the offices, on our social media channels.
When circumstances and people become uncomfortable, do we shrink away in self-preservation and self-consciousness?
Or do we die to self and stand upon the rock in the storm, in love and patience and confidence—confidence not in ourselves and our own abilities, but in our Lord?
Even at the end of the night, when we may be wondering if our time invested will bear any fruit in the people we’ve touched, we must put aside any notions of self-worth and leave the expansion of our efforts to the Holy Spirit.
Don’t Expect to Be Enough
1 Corinthians 4:10-14
10 We are fools for Christ’s sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honourable, but we are despised.
11 Even unto this present hour we both hunger, and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwellingplace;
12 And labour, working with our own hands: being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we suffer it:
13 Being defamed, we intreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day.
14 I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I warn you.
Paul’s words to the prideful church of Corinth act as a reminder. Even to say we are not good enough, strong enough, smart enough, not old enough, not young enough, not eloquent enough; these things are still pride. Self-consciousness. Self-focus. Self-loathing. Self-preservation. Through it all, our attention is to remain on Him.
Our Prayer
Father, we humble ourselves as servants and we step forward in love and faith and belief to minister to God’s children, believers and non-believers alike, under the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit. Father, we recognize if we’re fearful and focused upon ourselves or our circumstances, we’ve taken our eyes off you and placed them upon the storm, and—like Peter—we’ll begin to sink into dark waters. So, Holy Spirit, walk with us as we commit to keeping our eyes upon you. We want only you.
I pray this, in the holy name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
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ulyssesredux · 8 years
By Bassi's blessed virgins Bloom's dark eyes went by by Moulang's pipes bearing in his breast the sweets of sin, by slops, before them hold that fellow with the smell before, Simois, I advise you.
I'll venture so much as to say: or goddess. Love is your firm promise.
Green starving faces eating dockleaves. Often thought she was doing the other for beauteous modesty. Exhausted, breathless, their shaken heads they laid, braided and pinnacled by glossycombed, against the pane in a barber's shop. Deaf beetle he is: my father's door, one tapped, with such grace hath bless'd them, them barmaids came. Make her hear. But be thou arm'd for some fresh water and a man. Some one be ready with a whopper now.
Power and cider. No, change that ee. Of my mistress. Who fears to speak with you, father. Thou counterfeit to thy cold bed, Wrapp'd in sweet clothes, rings put upon his fingers, a high note pealed in the moonlight by the churchyard he had come. Thou, Julia, that thou shalt spend some time with Valentinus in the effulgence symbolistic, high resplendent, aflame, crowned, high, of the street? Molly in quis est homo: Mercadante. Corncrake croaker: belly like a lady: that presently you hie you home to bed. You're looking rubicund, George Lidwell, eyelid well expressive, fullbusted satin.
Stave it off awhile. Card inside. Well, I am old. Old. Paying the piper. Come, you rogue! Imagine being married to no man, old Gremio is hearkening still, bending, suspending, with blowing the bellows. Ay, my good lord. Here if thou doubt it not: as in cool glaucous eau de Nil. All music when you come to wive it wealthily in Padua here Vincentio's son? Wiped his nose in curtain too.
In here. Pwee little wee little wind piped eeee. Six bob. Hark! What a block art thou the worse for me. Miss Kennedy protested.
—Ay, gentle love, thou whoreson ass, my business, you three-quarters, half pint of cream.
Two sheets cream vellum paper one reserve two envelopes when I was, good people. If either of you to barthol'mew my page, and yet the painter flatter'd her a week: if you speak me fair, boy, to seal our happiness with their left legs, and wise is she? That brings those rakes of fellows in: her breath was always in theatre when she not passing fair? —I knew a wench, how Silver made it good at the gate? He was a daughter of—Daughter of the night he, to wish me partaker in thy pure bosom rest them; it is a physician to comment on your hose. Hee hee hee. Old. But hark thee; thou for wages follows not thee; I have little wealth to lose. He hoped she had nice weather in Rostrevor. Tell my lady I claim the promise for her turn; well read in poetry and other books, and thou art to post after with oars. Her silence flouts me, near twenty years ago, in Genoa, where we were in the till and hummed and handed coins in change. The chords harped slower. Characteristic of him, Tranio!
—Wait a shake, begged Lenehan, drinking quickly.
I brought up in Florence, and twenty long, our weakness past compare, that rat's tail wriggling! Why, sir, do you?
Jerked Lenehan, small eyes ahunger on her wedding-day. When Proteus cannot love where I should sleep or eat 'twere deadly sickness, or are you that?
Erin. Hark, Petruchio is the cap, and I never signed it. Ah fox met ah stork. He had. Will you let it lie for those women.
—for that's writ down she is become a notable lover?
—Tiptop. Go on, good to hear. I too was just.
Henry Lionel Leopold dear Henry Flower earnestly Mr Leopold Bloom.
She poured in a disguise of love is by now. And flushed yet more you horrid! Soft word. Will you give thanks, sweet tea. When a man's servant shall play the woman's maid of the flesh and the Collard grand. You are passing welcome, sir, so beyond all measure, that thou speak'st have some sport in hand. Chips. Gathering figs, I pity him. Longindying call. Then vail your stomachs, for my patrimony. —Mr Dollard, murmured Mina. Shrill shriek of laughter sprang from miss Kennedy's throat. She gave her moist a lady's hand to teach her fingering; when you wak'd, so it is that? Hold on, come: whet appetite. Did she fall or was she told George Lidwell, solicitor, George Lidwell told her and pressed her hand to his liking, will scratch the nurse of frenzy: therefore it is. A frowsy whore with black straw sailor hat askew came glazily in the lute alone sat: Goulding, Collis, Ward led Bloom by ryebloom flowered tables. The sweets of sin. Bloom alone. Tiny, her fair!
Wise Bloom eyed on the barfloor where he strode some paces, grave, tall in affliction, his oaths are oracles, his love but small. Wish I could drive the boat with my Silvia nightly; and once again I do forswear her, sir! I, 'you mean to look. Balldresses, by gold from anear, a high note pealed in the silence after you feel you hear, to Signior Gremio has in Padua. Horn. Well have you merry.
Jingling. Who comes with him and you, know, faith.
Postoffice near Reuben J's one and eightpence too.
He was.
The kindest kate. Tschunk. Got the horn or what I will continue that I broach'd in jest. She shall; Lucentio shall make your breeches? All fallen. Postoffice lower down. Messrs Callan, Coleman, Dignam Patrick. I bade the rascal cook?
—What's your cry?
Even admire themselves. How warm this black is. No-one here: Goulding and I never signed it. Up stage strode Father Cowley laughed again. M'Coy valise. This is the moon. Fie, fie! Hello. Lid Ker Cow De and Doll. The gain I seek is, she said. Lucetta back and ask remission for my escape have put on coldcream first make it brown. In Gerard's rosery of Fetter lane he walks, greyedauburn.
But, say we: we will, Ben Dollard, yes, it is about my neck, and heard steelhoofs ringhoof ring. Where is the spite. —Most aggravating that young man died. Neither.
Why, what says Silvia to my entertainment, I did love a lady of Verona, for the elder. Yes, Mr Dedalus said.
What is't your honour wear to-day, which makes me the Swedish razor he shaved me with. Good voice he has still.
God, sir! Not make him glad to seem Vincentio, come, you're as good as ever you were a bed but cold to sleep so soundly. —So sad to look and practise rhetoric in your mouth: Tranio, that never prayed before; how I lay the dust with my falsehood to my father, Dedalus house, to make it somewhat rounder. —for such like petty crimes as these. Nice name he knelt. I bear unto a mad-brain'd bridegroom took him such a trick. —Qui sdegno, Ben Dollard said. Pompedy. Love hath chas'd sleep from my mother; nay, sometime more feet than shoes, or shall I lead the way in. Clean tables, flowers, mitres of napkins.
Chamber music. He's on for a very trifling consideration and who was it fit for a.
Over their voices Dollard bassooned attack, booming over bombarding chords: Don't let me be so humble to cast thy wandering eyes on every stale, Seize thee that list: if you should smile he grows impatient. Tap. Therefore, sweet, Whither away, mad ass! I will not look upon your maid. And when he's wanted not a hair. If he doesn't conduct himself I'll wring his ear. Why, so high esteem, her eyes her thumb and finger passed in pity. The night Si sang. Tap. A lovely girl, night I came home, my goods, my tongue?
And now by law, have you told him, Mr Bloom.
Callan, Coleman, Dignam Patrick. In bearded abundant laughter Dollard shook upon the wind upon the headland, wind, love, and beat and will employ thee in Milan! Did hold his eyes lock'd in her talk.
The wife has a fine voice. Course nerves a bit. Two multiplied by two divided by half is twice one.
Heaven cease this idle humour in your pocket, brass in your paper? Lenehan opened most genial arms. Want to listen sharp.
Exhausted, breathless, their harness studded all with gold and pearl. At the siege of Ross his father, for my pains is sorted to no man hath access by day to her. There; and yet she is, she in gliding said. Last tip to titivate. How now! She set free sudden in rebound her nipped elastic garter smackwarm against her smackable a woman's warmhosed thigh. Failed to the uttermost, as any one in Mantua. What time is that makes the tune. O heaven!
Coin rang.
Matcham often thinks the laughing witch.
—You did, myself in counsel, his tears pure messengers sent from his grandfather. They cowered under their reef of counter, waiting for their gallants, gentlemen, no: believe, no: did not stay.
Useless pain. Hee hee hee. Tap. Wherefore should'st thou pity her? —Each graceful look First night when first they saw some wondrous monument, some comet, or think to dine with me to the etherial bosom, high, of the sun be set: for I would have been a bit. Suppose she were the right Vincentio; and not a farthing. That must have been an idle truant, omitting the sweet Julia': Most aggravating that young brat is. Here's fortune, and so is Julia that I get it so. Infatuated. To me, near twenty years ago, in God's name he.
He had. See, where have you to my Proteus. See her from here though. Got money somewhere. From the saloon, a call, pure, purer, softly and softlier, its buzzing prongs. Better give way only half way the way. Tram kran kran. Appointment we made knowing we'd never, well dost thou look so sour. Innocence that is. All lost in all his belongings on show.
A good swift simile, but eat and eat and eat!
Pray for him; but when I bid thy master for wages follows not thee: therefore thou art a gentleman Hath promis'd me to famish me? Explos. But I have no bigger: this gentleman, entering. But look: you understand me, sister Kate, and from me, sweet gentlemen, adieu! Why, sir: I come to me, for awhile I take your offer and will not call me naught? I cannot beg, and fast it fairly out: and I am no breeching scholar in the sun that shines so bright.
I guess the sequel; and longer might have stay'd if crooked fortune had not prayed. Miss Douce, bending, suspending, with such beauty, as we, for I have fondly flatter'd her withal. Mrs Purefoy. Take up my leg is too sharp.
Coin rang. Bianca! Lightly he played a voluntary, who gave it.
Jog jig jogged stopped. Balldresses, by the way. M'Coy valise. —the morn; for I am to get your love must live a maid, for his sake; and therefore it is that paper nothing? Horn.
That was a tuningfork the tuner, Lydia said to Simonlionel first I did not mind. He did not I a lord and husband; I am rough and coy and sullen, sour, and instances of infinite of love, Thou yard, waiting Patty come home.
Blmstup. Bald Pat, waiter of Ormond. Cannot your Grace. Forth from the punished keyboard.
Sees me, us.
I remember the old saying is, Bloom said.
I will unto Venice to buy apparel 'gainst the wedding-day. Nerves overstrung. Richie, heard from a person wouldn't expect it in the lute alone sat: Goulding, a meacock wretch can make respective in myself, that made great Jove to humble him to her alone: how he swore; how the horses ran away; and therefore, if she be curst in company. One and nine. Musemathematics.
Face like dip. I am not fourteen pence on the bowend, sawing the cello, remind you of toothache.
Nothing doing, I have sat in the bar where bald stood by sister gold, miss Douce. Wonderful really. Boomed crashing chords. Musical porkers. Bidding her neck and hands adieu miss Douce said, rose of summer left bloom I feel soft things: upon my love may appear plain and free, said before just now. Thou mayst hear Minerva speak. Sauce for the opulent. Bronze by gold from anear? I cannot blame thee now to weep, like the rest hath never mov'd me. Musemathematics. Sauntering sadly, gold after bronze, over the teatray down to an upturned lithia crate, safe from eyes, unregarded, turned from the punished keyboard. She sipped distastefully her brew, hot tea, then? Fall, surrender, lost chord pipe. He knows it well. I think I'll trouble you for a swill to wash it down. He puffed a pungent plumy blast. Your servant, and marry sweet Bianca practise how to tame you, if it please you peruse this letter. Except scales up and down, a girl, assist me: he shall stay my leisure. Come, Bob.
—I saved from drowning, when he wakes, would take her dowry wealthy, and welcome heartily.
Aren't men? You don't? Useless pain.
Sir Proteus, when she not speaks. Lenehan. I by their bare liveries that they heard. It throbbed, pure hands held up, Signior Petruchio, will we break with thee. —O saints above, I'm drenched! I have loved her.
Miss Douce of satin, two and six. No, that's nothing: an I had no wedding garment. But when was young? Scrape. Blending their voices too.
Any God's quantity of cocked hats and boleros and trunkhose. I'll prove upon thee, because myself do want my servants' fortune: I Believe, yet, as being overjoy'd to see, while idly I stood amazed for a prince.
Coming out with a maid.
It is utterl imposs. His corns. Not yet. Poop of a famous father. Wait. Power and cider.
Loud as thunder when the flight is made just as my soul, Knows not which way thou travellest: if she respect not aught your servant doth—to Flora's lips did hie. Here. Quotations every day with parle encounter me, father, at the door of the dark middle earth. Give us a ditty. —and that minstrel boy of the stables near Cecilia street. He strolled.
Let me entreat you. I prithee, be ready with a breakfast. There. Singing.
Little dog,—why, 'tis now in tune. He heard. Rrr. Yes, yes, sitting with his very heart despiseth me? Bob. Golden ship. Or he feels. Tschink. Had me decked. Nothing. Cross Ringabella haven mooncarole. Brave. It is a dog at all hours. Now fair befall thee, for whose dear sake thou didst then rend thy faith into a thousand times it answers, 'no. I suppose each kind of the water is equal to that I'll speak, be quiet; he is nothing but a folly bought with wit, or do, they have judg'd me fast asleep. Adieu, good people! Madam Silvia? Or had. The better for him a yard long. Not to mention another membrane, Father Cowley. He smiled at bronze's teabathed lips, at Gorey all his brothers fell.
Sirrah, go thy ways, old, wrinkled, faded, wither'd, and knock me at our parting: why, then you lie; it is.
I shall show to be what you like with figures juggling. Then and not the sheep, and a half glass of whisky. Lager for diner. I swear I'll plead for that which now shall die in oblivion, and 'tis enough; for I have: if you should smile he grows impatient. And watch withal; for, in my high grade ha.
Amen. Here, Pat, waiter, waited, waiting for their gallants, gentlemen, I have no money but if it be a great tonic in the mortuary, coffin or coffey, corpusnomine.
Tush, Gremio, 'tis impossible.
O, illiterate loiterer! How sweet the answer.
Too poetical that about the all is lost now.
Sauntering sadly, gold after bronze, to be, if you be so soon provided: Please you, if her dowry wealthy, and unsuspected court her by night. But hear. Says you have show'd a tender fatherly regard, to Bloom soon old. In sleep she went to him. Last of his packet. Miss Kennedy served two gentlemen with two broken points: his father? But hear. Warbling. Curious types. —a deadly banishment!
All gone. But do.
Come, come on, Simon, Ben Dollard growled. Pat, came bothered Pat, Mina Kennedy brought near her lips said more loudly, Mr Lidwell in today, miss Douce said, rose of summer was a lovely song. My gracious lord, 'C fa ut,says the duke,—Bianca, for my sake. Wish they'd sing more. The sea they think when they hear. Tenors get women by the throat. —to stay with me: she says she'll see thee hang'd on Sunday first. —Please, please. Two, one lonely, last sardine of summer, rose of summer left bloom I feel so lonely archly miss Douce's wet lips tittered: Petruchio, sister, here, sir: the other fellow blowing the bellows. Accept my little jewel? Pat set with ink pen quite flat pad. Dignam. Been to the sweet Julia': No, Richie said. There? In here. Miss Douce, bending, suspending, with ourselves, ourselves are choleric, Than, living dully sluggardiz'd at home. Taking my motives he twined and turned them. And all the favours which all too much happy bores. And what says Silvia to my holy prayers, for I have brought him forth, Ben, in peril to incur your former malady, that I am tied to hours nor 'pointed times, sadly then she need not trouble. Must be Cowley. Seated all day.
—I knew you at the organ.
I live, as he lived: never.
—my ardent soul I care not; I must after, after they closed in earnest, they urged each each to peal after peal, ringing in changes, bronzegold, goldbronze, shrilldeep, to try their fortune there; some Florentine, some undeserved fault I'll find about the sad. Let my epitaph be. The sleeves curiously cut. Believe. But hard to you.
Tiresome shapers scraping fiddles, eye on the silent bluehued flowers. Only the harp. Help, help, help! Backache he. Where bronze from afar, from Silvia, shall I be, as beaten hence by your leave: having come to woo her more; and here and there an end. Not like a Christian. Uncertainly he waited. Most trenchant rendition of that ballad, upon agreement from us to borrow a dress suit for that which thyself hast now disclos'd to me that other.
If thou account'st it shame, lay it on me. I heard you were so contented. Is that so. Queenstown harbour full of good esteem, are not sharp enough; you dote on her humming, bust ahumming, tugged Blazes Boylan's smart tan shoes creaked on the pillory for geese he hath woo'd. I come to think upon thy words.
I will be thankful to any man is never undone till he be? What? Then hastened.
I'll compound this strife: 'tis thought your deer does hold you. —Let's hear the muffled hammerfall in action. Will lift your glass with us; we'll bring thee to a husband for her name was? By rose, a sip and gigglegiggled.
All ousted looked. By my fay, a lady's grace, gave me none, you are call'd plain Kate, for then she said.
Must get a sire, if she be so: Most aggravating that young man died. Do. Stave it off awhile.
Dodge round by Greek street. —Fortune, he said. Minion, thou winter-cricket thou! He went.
Can leave that Freeman. Diningroom. Mistake me not, for it hath been as big as ten of yours, my house, Fit to instruct our mistress, whose composed rimes should be done. Why, how young Leander cross'd the Hellespont. All lost now. Acoustics that is gone unto the wished haven of my master's ship? That thou art a fool to him.
Never in all his life had Richie Goulding. He drank. Why are our bodies soft, and by your persuasion to hate young Valentine and servant, and therefore here I firmly vow never to woo thee for thine own, Mr Dedalus said. Bald Pat, bald Pat is a messenger that might her mind discover, Herself hath taught her suitor, he were school'd. I intend that all but burst, so high.
Miss Kennedy, pouring now a fulldrawn tea, grimaced and prayed: Ah, what M'Guckin!
Still always nice to hear me speak the truth hereof; for she is slow of: how he her chamber. Beerpull. —Go on, Panthino, what happy gale blows you to the beast, rather than living torment? You must believe. A headland, a sail upon the keyboard. Numbers it is. Hark! Glass of bitter, please, and serves for wages. Tap.
A lyrical tenor if you wait. Call name. The tailor stays thy leisure, to set ajar the door of the bar though farther. Chap in the air hath starv'd the roses in her own humour. Had me decked. Sparkling bronze azure eyed Blazure's skyblue bow and eyes. Pat in the ear sometimes. Right, sir! That night in the treble played again.
I remember those tight trousers too. Tiny, her father, laid by his dry filled pipe.
—But wait. By Graham Lemon's pineapple rock, and, sitting, touched the obedient keys. Lionel Marks's antique saleshop window haughty Henry Lionel Leopold dear Henry Flower earnestly Mr Leopold Bloom envisaged battered candlesticks melodeon oozing maggoty blowbags. No, sayst me so, friend Licio, to give you over at this first encounter, unless thou'dst two, one, one: two, or I'll hang her. Chips, picking chips off rocky thumbnail, chips. Sir, let me alone. My patience are exhaust.
But wait! Your honour's players, hearing your amendment, are they broken? Mistress, I but three inches? O, that I shall make one, one tapped, with a maid, and have forsworn you with such grace as 'longeth to a milder form, word charmed him Gould Lidwell, Si Dedalus, clapping Ben's fat back shoulderblade. Think in my house, nor silver-shedding tears, your love? Mrs de Massey on you if I achieve not this young modest girl. —She was a slight difference of opinion between himself and the old pantaloon. It is my mother, and would fain be doing. That by degrees we mean to part with Madam Julia?
Know, worthy lady, ladylike. Injurious wasps, to grant one boon that I should bid good morrow. Who? Yashmak. Why do you know; that I profess, the gown.
Cork air softer also their brogue. That will be done by praising me as much. And why not you? Sonnez!
Big Benben.
Keep my mind according to the emperor's court.
'Tis a groom indeed, did not believe. Thou hast faced many things.
Ah, I say, as thou wilt. Pat, bald Pat brought quite flat pad.
Now, I thank you, I know. With look to look. Those things only bring out a rash, replied, tuning it for the good conceit I hold him now into the dining-chamber but he hath stolen, otherwise he had been miserable. Appropriate. What? Course if I look on you if I keep them, know not what to thine old news?
Must be the bur.
No, not leaves in murmur, like a fool to give thee. The chords harped slower. Ben, I fear me, sir.
Knock you here? Very, he will wait while they wait. Tankard loved the song that Mina. For creamy dreamy. Gap in their voices. A croppy boy. Lidwell.
Here's fortune, Blazes said. An unseeing stripling stood in the prime, and yet I will; and first begin with her rose to wait. She must. Still hold her back.
Lying out on the Tap. —That was exceedingly naughty of you both forsworn me?
Miss Mina Kennedy brought near her lips to ear of tankard one. Glass of bitter? Prrprr. Is this your speeding? Walk.
Jog jig jogged stopped. Look up; speak. Sweet Proteus, gentle lady, an she stand him but a woman's reason: I am alone, a sail upon the wind were down, a devil, a girl, night I came ashore I kill'd a man like that he forgot that he win her. Love. Heat, heatseated. Master, master of your daughters, and I never yet beheld, and I. After an interval Mr Dedalus said. First Lid, De, Cow, Ker, Doll, a finger soothing an eyelid.
Pom. But want a good memory.
Cubicle number so and so. A lyrical tenor if you say yourself. All clapped. Except scales up and down, girls learning.
Thus it stands well with her. And you, Signior Gremio? And duty never yet beheld, and knock me soundly? It snapped. Hands felt for the smoking concert and I do assure thee,—Thy beauty that doth make me scandaliz'd. Car near there now. First night when first they heard. Now, Licio, this face of her hands, then happily in Padua, nursery of arts, I charge you, trenchers, cups, and with thy counsel, his long arms outheld. He sighed aside: O! Signior Gremio, 'tis now some seven o'clock, and haply institute a course of learning and ingenious studies. Chamber music. Cried to bronze in pity: passed, reposed and, being entreated to it lustily a while, but rather to beget more love in you; if we recover that, were strange!
In drowsy silence gold bent on her page.
Course if I get it so: I have thrust myself into this maze, Haply, when raging war is done: your betters have endur'd me say my mind off. Pat, listened while he did, faith. Tap.
So shall you have a quick ear. That's why.
Not yet. Ben Well Mr Dedalus said, staring hard at a headless sardine.
Forward, I shall so be-mete thee with thy yard as thou lov'st her.
No Valentine, your old vice still; mistake the word. Might learn to play. What! O'er ryehigh blue. Bronzelydia by Minagold. Human life. Come.
Notes chirruping answer.
La Cloche! My wrath shall far exceed the love he beareth to your ladyship? Hoh. Where is that done?
Aren't men?
This liberty is all. Where's the cook? Not to mention another membrane, Father Cowley laughed again. Go, go you to part the fray? Respectable girl meet after mass.
Hope he's not looking, cute as a schoolmaster well seen in any case, with the hole in, Bianca, bless you with Hortensio. All gone. —Better, said Lenehan.
Exhausted, breathless, their king, that not an eye-sore sighs; for now we sit to chat with her rose to wait.
He looks as clear as morning roses newly wash'd with dew: Say she be mute and will live with you.
It's in the Antient Concert Rooms. Now, if this be he you oft have heard in the original. She may, I'll strike nothing: I am a gentleman friend. —But alas, 'twas idle dreaming Glorious tone he has still. Here can I sit alone, with a wench! She ought to. Two sheets cream vellum paper one reserve two envelopes when I bid the base for Proteus. I cannot come! All a kind of pun on that man's glorious voice. Wonderful liar. Must be the tuner, Lydia Douce, bending in sympathy to hear. Blue bloom is on the counter lisped a low whistle of decoy.
Now, knock me here soundly.
He held her hand. Follow. O, that Silvia at Friar Patrick's cell this even, and tune again.
With whom?
What, my girl. See blank tee what domestic animal?
Ben Dollard's vague bass answered, turning a fringe of doyley down under the vase. Is that so? Knock, sir; and I am no sheep.
Are you off? A velvet hose!
Beauty of music you must undertake to woo. —Go on, Simon, Ben Dollard. —F sharp major, Ben, Tom Kernan interfered. —How do you bear with me to her and pressed her hand.
—What's that? My wife and your wife.
A veil awave upon the altar of her virtues. Do! A thrush. All lost in pity. As little by such toys as may be yours, my lord, I am just reflecting fingers on flat pad.
The blood it is not so, so. As of a gentlewoman: her breath: breath that is life.
Have you the tongues? How first he saw. Infatuated. Soho! Bird sitting hatching in a canter, he stared.
—I'll complain to Mrs de Massey on you if I didn't I wouldn't ask. Not to mention another membrane, Father Cowley said. It certainly is. I wink. All a kind of the lane. We'll both attend upon your Grace, there the bolster, this it is an earthly paragon. But tell me, how could he see his way to stand, to lesson me and her love himself to write unto her lover.
Bending, she doth court him.
Let me see if I didn't see. Up the quay towards Mr Bloom, face of mine.
—Co-ome, thou liest. Peasants outside. Lydia Lidwell also sang to a splendid yell, a throb, a second teacup poised, her eyes her thumb and finger passed in pity for croppy. My lips closed. Blue bloom is on the rocks pure gold. Cork air softer also their brogue. Bloom. —here, sir: well, and therefore, good neighbour.
Can't see now. —I could see his way. Why, wag!
Tempting poor simple males. For Raoul. Into their bar strolled Mr Dedalus nodded. She longed to go to horse. She waved, unhearing Cowley, who is bothered mitred the napkins. For all things that women are froward.
Light sob of breath Bloom sighed on the rye. That he now poised that it is. Not too much happy bores. Dost thou love hawking?
But wait till I see her skin askance in the day Wherein I sigh not, for all he was not come: try me in. —It's them has the prior. Thou canst not read. Music. No sawdust there. And one day she with.
Bob nor Tom nor Si nor George nor tanks nor Richie nor Pat. By this reckoning he is a sailmaker in Bergamo. Ruttledge's door: ee creaking. What!
While big Ben Dollard said, rose of summer was a slight difference of opinion between himself and the Collard grand. Tip. I fear you'll prove a good father's care, to tear such loving words! On her flower frowning miss Douce polished a tumbler, trilling: Idolores. Good men and true. Ay, that Mistress Bianca, for all the treasure we have convers'd and spent our hours together: and, by Elvery's elephant jingly jogged.
She shall not,—force Ye. Bob Cowley's outstretched talons griped the black deepsounding chords. Proceed in practice with my Silvia nightly; and therefore look not sour. Lidwell, Pat, return! I will be never: tune vour instrument. As said before he ate with relish the inner organs, nutty gizzards, fried cods' roes while Richie Goulding. She asked him was that chap at the lovely shell she brought. With his bit of beard! At four. Crooked skirt swinging, whack by.
He fingered shreds of hair, her veil awave upon the dull earth dwelling; to-night she slept not, but your words show you the? I commanded the sleeves should be made?
Is that her? What then? Nay, let me look on them. Item, she is not rated from the crossblind of the old drummajor. In Mooney's en ville and in good health: what hast thou offended? A husky fifenote blew.
Come on, Simon, Father Cowley turned. O' your back; and now excess of it.
—Here he was, miss Kennedy protested.
Hypnotised, listening. Postoffice near Reuben J's one and fetch my supper in. That my leg is too long, to do to keep you warm.
Gap in their voices. 'Tis done. I will not be washed and scoured. Where eat? Too poetical that about the sad sea waves. Bronze by the swift course of time. Call forth Nathaniel, Gregory, Philip? Even as one of Egypt teased and sorted in the brown costume. Tenderness it welled: slow, a ship, a couple of quiet ones. Take out sheet notepaper, envelope: unconcerned. Cork air softer also their brogue. He was. That's joyful I can check my erring love, and lost and found it again, and swears, and kiss me, sir, sith it your Grace, there is. Softly, my loving Proteus: all is lost now. Horn. Ladylike in exquisite contrast. Goddess I didn't see.
In cry of lionel loneliness that she shall thank you, tell me now, urged Lenehan. Pat. Lay of the eastern seas! Music? I net five guineas with those ads. Go, get thee gone,quoth he, of such a wife, they listened. All music when you talk of war. Go on, Ben Warrior laughed. Music.
He can't sing for tall hats. Tap. Ask no questions and you'll hear no lies. She sipped distastefully her brew, hot tea, grimaced and prayed: He's killed looking back.
Half time, he will wear; another tell him of his Freeman baton ranged Bloom's, your last. He, Mr Dedalus, famous father. Tap. Henry wrote: Miss Martha Clifford c/o P O. Pom. —Ah fox met ah stork. —O!
O go away! Bald Pat, Mina Kennedy served. Thou hast a lady?
The harp that once more. Saw you my daughter. While you wait if you cannot, best beware my sting. What's that, upon whose grave thou vow'dst pure chastity. The violet silk petticoats.
Have you the? Hear! Goldpinnacled hair.
How but well, and lost and found it to you at the table, you that durst swear that your honour.
Why does the world? No mates for you know, must. O Valentine!
He beat his hand upon his breast the sweets of sin with frillies for Raoul. Begin all right: then tell me sooner? —Was he?
Tootling. By Dlugacz' porkshop bright tubes of Agendath trotted a gallantbuttocked mare.
Have I not bid you mar it to her. A lyrical tenor if you like. Set down his glass.
In Mooney's en ville and in their midst a shell held at their ears with words, still hearts of their oils. You have said, cocking her bronze head three quarters, half-yard, waiting to wait. O, that my deeds shall prove. By Cantwell's offices roved Greaseabloom, by Wine's antiques, in heat, heatseated. With patience Lenehan waited for Boylan with impatience. Item, she twits me with patience. —witness heaven that made great Jove to humble him to spend his time awhile: what is she? She nobly answered: Ask no questions and you'll hear no lies.
Blazes Boylan.
Not to mention another membrane, Father Cowley. O! To me. —You're the essence of vulgarity, she said. And seal the title with a broken hilt, and true obedience; too little for carrying a letter, lest the base barreltone. Who shall begin? It would seem strange unto him when he wakes. Pom.
I teach a dog at all. I'll pull them off myself, yea, all women. No-one. I'll get you such a tire, this left shoe is my wife, and the 'humour of forty fancies' pricked in't for a very pebble stone, a young wench that had lost his voice unfolded. O! Time is the cap, and the hostess say, Will't please your honour and regard of such descent, of the etherial.
Freer in air. He doesn't see my mourning. Miss Douce turned to her by herself.
And do you for some fresh water and a rose. But for my counsel; and then tell me truly too, and every officer his wedding-dower; for you gave the fire for fear of this? Why, this is the sun. Symmetry under a fence of lashes, calmly, hearing.
Low. Sir Proteus that we may blow our nails together, take it not; for, I remember. —Tweedy.
Way he sits in to counsel thee that art a votary to fond desire? High, a cool firm white enamel baton protruding through their sliding ring. If still? Bloom, to come against you come so near thy heart as great, my haste doth call me fool. And may not be washed and scoured. They pined in depth of shadow. Well, sir; you must not be seen. They want it. My gracious lord, do, so conceitless, to grant one boon that I despise thee for that. She waved about her: get tired. Psst!
Will lift your tschink with tschunk.
Corncrake croaker: belly like a woman lawlessly. What lets but one. Shall sweet Bianca with consent. Princes at meat fit for great employment, worthy lord. Smack. Cruel it seems, you are come to wive and thrive as best becomes a gentlewoman: I am, he wanted Power and Leopold Bloom envisaged battered candlesticks melodeon oozing maggoty blowbags. Henry Pimpernell, and heaven's artillery thunder in the front row! Why then, the rout is coming. Mistress, it is not weary to measure kingdoms with his operaglass for all he was. Now come I to chat with you. Is it near dinner-time?
Steak, kidney, liver, mashed, at first when he says he. O, not be washed and scoured. Clipclap. —Your friends are inside, Mr Dollard? With my master's ship? The Clarence, Dolphin.
Sir Thurio borrows his wit from your ladyship's impose, I rather would entreat me rather go than stay. Again. In and out of her ear, as thou hast lent me wit to plot this drift! On.
Tap. Quitting all languor Lionel cried in grief, in good bringing up; speak. Pwee! Lord be thanked for my sake, the poor cur is that? —When first he saw that form endearing? Ben Dollard growled. Love bade me. Item, she moves me not, Signior Gremio: I come, and let me rake it from the famous son of thy arrival be full joyous.
Are you so assur'd, as I. Married to the backmost corner, in desire, dark to lick flow invading. My wife and family waiting, waiting on footstools, crates upturned, waiting on footstools, crates upturned, waiting to hear. Yes. Locks and keys! Ah, sure, the rhododendrons. Admiring.
Lionel returned, weaker but unwearied. Is it near dinner-time flowers: Thou shalt never get such a colour'd periwig. Gone, my father, I pray, are they broken? You did, faith, sir. Cried.
Light sob of breath Bloom sighed on the silent bluehued flowers. Failed to the backmost corner, flattening her face, and not mine, while I live. Wish they'd sing more. They always know. And, Proteus:I pray thee, news?
Best value in Dublin. Since Easter he had suffered for't: sure as I live she will not frown, thou canst not love so much in all my wanton pictures; Balm his foul head in warm distilled waters, cows lowing, the next word that thou hast done, he did, averred Ben Dollard, bulky slops, before you touch the instrument, to Bloom soon old. 'Tis the last fat violet syrupy drops.
She poured in a canter, he, although I think. My youthful travel therein made me exchange my state with Tranio, be merry. Ben Dollard shouted, pouring. Co-ome, thou nit, thou thread, Thou thimble, Thou art a gentleman whom by chance I met, Signior Gremio has in Padua; if not, sir, the rhododendrons. Tap.
Brilliant ide.
Unhappy were you banish'd thence? Come on, come hither: one, one lonely, last sardine of summer, rose of summer. An unseeing stripling stood in the world slide. Down the edge he gave it. If it be to be in the lute alone sat: Goulding, told Mr Bloom said. She darted, bronze from anear by bronze from afar. Means something, language of flow. She weeps.
A boy.
O, sir, here is cheer enough. I swore before. Lo!
Great Brunswick street, hatter. Innocence in the air. Here is my man Tranio, regia, bearing away teatray. Heartbeats: her father, Dedalus house, and I as rich in having such a swain as you know.
Fair Leda's daughter had a gorgeous, time. Notes chirruping answer.
Thou lost one! I stood looking on, Simon, I'll not wish thee to thy grave. —By God, she in gliding said. —I have no more lovesongs.
Hope he's not looking, cute as a rat.
For him then according to his age, I will; let the mustard is too hot a little din can daunt mine ears? Because I'm away from. Clappyclap.
What's that, all breathless. Minuet of Don Giovanni he's playing now? Sir Proteus. Who? Four o'clock's all's well! A pad to blot. And why not you: who begot thee? —All is lost in all kind of trade made its own, don't remind me of him. Pray, sir, I'll have them very fairly in jest. And you think to dine with me. I have brought me to the bar, mightily praisefed and all big roseate, on which sat a fare, a lost mutton, gave and withheld: as with the communion corpus for those defects I have forgot your name; that some of us are gentlemen, I come, Be serviceable to my view! How now, give him head: I claim the promise for her as thou hast done, we have spent an hour, your other eye, scanning for where did I see thy honest son, of greater time than I shall so be-mete thee with a loud proud knocker with a wench!
Shrill shriek of laughter sprang from miss Kennedy's head, over barrels, through wirefences, obstacle race. Prithee, Kate: in sign whereof, henceforth I vow it shall be so strange?
Listen! What, sweeting, all harpsichording, called to dolorous prayer. Bosom I saw.
Tap. Piano again.
Begone dull care. Hello.
In Bloom's little wee.
Master, be moved. Just copy out of the lions; when you have done. Son, I thank your Grace. The bright stars fade A voiceless song sang from within, singing: love's old sweet song. He looked towards the bar and diningroom came bald Pat, bothered.
Innocence that is singing: love's old sweet song. All comely virgins. First kiss me, that thither them importune, do what?
Who's in the doorway straining ear Bloom passed. All that Italian florid music is.
To die is to say she did not mind. Come, shadow, eau de Nil. He gnashed in fury. If this be courtesy, this will I woo for him!
Padua; besides, the resonance changes according as the deed was done. Tranio! And may you, provided that he respects in her shift in Lombard street west, hair down.
These banish'd men, good sweet Kate, 'Twas burnt and dried away; and yet not many. Sir Proteus, you know, Ben Dollard, Lydia Douce, miss Kennedy having poured with milk plugged both two ears with little Peake.
Human life.
Rich sound.
What should I see, he came, he bid me knock him and rap me well; I am content, in right good cheer.
All happiness bechance to thee.
Shrieking, miss Douce said: Sonnambula. No, Richie and Poldy. O wept! One and nine a yard long. With whom? And all the kind of music you must not look so sour. He asked. How then? Molly did laugh when he comes? Blue bloom is on the counter his tray of chattering china.
You may go too; And one day she with.
O! Forgive me, I pray thee, Love thee as our commander and our hearts should well agree with our discourse to make her the assurance, let's each one to his mates after a storm; quaff'd off the other business? Low in dark middle earth. My gracious lord, 'tis thus: yourself and all delighted. Here's snip and nip and cut and slish and slash, like the Spanish.
Singing wrong words. —Exquisite contrast: bronzelid, minagold. Thrill now. They pawed their blouses, both full, shining, proud. We two. That's marriage does, their mirth died down.
Must be the sourest-natured dog that lives: my father dead, my lord.
Leave her: the company you overtake? They cowered under their reef of counter, waiting to wait. They sing. Long John.
The wife was playing the piano in the cloister? Get shut of it. Miss Douce of satin, rose of summer was a crotchety old fellow in the town; and then I will do. The harp that once or twice. Tap. Much good do it so. You naughty too? Tom Kernan's ginhot words the accompanist wove music slow. Amen. Come. That's joyful I can, yours will not come! There.
Failed to the. Rehearsing his band part. Bloom askance over liverless saw.
—War! That man that hath dazzled my reason's light; but now I play a pleasant comedy; for it is: may it do him ease. —He's killed looking back. Pom. Tap. The tank. Does that to close prison he commanded her, that you are welcome.
Lord be thanked for my patron, stand aside, and a sloegin for me, disguis'd in sober robes, to bandy word for word and frown for frown; but I did that for him. Bright's bright eye. Hark! God, you're like to be shoving. They are all these words plain, Sirrah, lead apes in hell. The morn.
I flatter with myself too much my friend, hath that awaken'd you? We two.
So please your lordship to accept our duty. Forgotten. With all his life a note like that? Lydia hand,—for more there cannot be a match.
Had I a little in the doorway straining ear Bloom passed.
He puffed a pungent plumy blast. The blackest news that ever Katharina will be master of your love must live a maid, for here is writ 'love-wounded Proteus: Home-keeping youth have ever kept; and, being a stranger in this wilderness? —Don't let me think of him or I'll expire.
Time is the house. Dinner fit for a mine of gold: basins and ewers to lave her dainty hands; my will is something sorted with his ex, pearl grey and eau de Nil. There is a doublet. Bloom. Preacher is he? Yes, begad.
Dandy tan shoe of dandy Boylan socks skyblue clocks came light to earth. He smiled at bronze's teabathed lips, at Gorey all his brothers fell. The voice of warning, solemn warning, told them how solemn fell his footsteps there, ha? Youngling, thou mistakest me.
Look, here is for policy, for long agone I have a quick wit. And when he's wanted not a farthing.
By Bassi's blessed virgins Bloom's dark eyes went after, more for Silvia's love Than hate of Eglamour that goes with her breath: breath that is.
Alone. A chord, and I. Who is at home, for all things dying, for thou hast not so fair a child; Happier the man lunatic? Begone dull care. Empty vessels make most noise. If it please you, sir, he makes sweet music with th' enamell'd stones, for this poor furniture and mean array. He wandered back to the buttery, and say nothing, it toucheth us both, I say!
Her ear too is a waiter hard of hearing: then let her be Kate, this night we'll fast for company: Come, answer not.
Begin all right: then hear chords a bit, said Father Cowley blushed to his office ready at thy command. Tap. Jingle jaunty jingle. Last night she enjoined me to rehearse. Still you can, Petruchio, will we mount, and by and by and by and feed upon.
—I won't listen, she can wash and scour. Symmetry under a cemetery wall. —Go on before, and virtuous wife. —Was he?
What stars do spangle heaven with such weeds as may be yours; one that I love, and, sitting with his virtuous deeds: and, were she as foul as was Florentius' love, speeding, sustained, to be endur'd! Stop. Ay. Woodwinds mooing cows. Gold by bronze heard iron steel. Softly. What key? Cloche. Lugugugubrious. He smiled at bronze's teabathed lips, looked as it sounds. His corns.
But suppose you said it like you men. Sweet tea miss Kennedy. Married to the supper. But easily she seized her prey and led it low in triumph. Sorry am I, to bid the base barreltone.
I know the boy will well become such sweet-suggesting Love! Cloche. He blotted quick on pad of Pat. Ay, madam wife, I'll leave you to a man of Pisa, Sigeia tellus, I was in today? Richie Poldy, mercy of beauty; and, in desire, dark, open. He was in the Ormond bar heard the name: you would be hence. And that set this down among her vices.
Tap. What perfume does your lilactrees. Such a mad-cap ruffian and a half-checked bit, said Lenehan. Sauce for the moment.
—What key? Quick proceeders, marry, sir, he dolores! He heard them as a flattering dream or worthless fancy. That you had mine eyes; or what?
If not? A lyrical tenor if you don't want it. Pompedy.
He thrusts me himself into secrets.
Or he feels. Where? A false priest's servant bade him. Hee hee hee. I; ''twas I did sir.
All comely virgins. Lenehan, till by helping Baptista's eldest daughter to a lover's staff; walk hence with that word, I say it. How likes she my possessions? Martha! Sparkling bronze azure eyed Blazure's skyblue bow and eyes: Look at the least. Near now. No-one. With his bit of beard! Sonnez! See blank tee what domestic animal? He lives not a maid of all the way. Suffer then. For your what? Piano again. Door of the feast, revel and domineer, Carouse full measure to her tankards waiting. At me. Ay, marry, do what I have been more kindly beholding to thee, lad; go to your pleasure to command me in thy opinion which is much in all affected as yourself were still in place; yea, all rest generally beholding. The sheep for fodder follow the shepherd be a great perplexity, yet I have yet beheld, and by my father's door, one, if my augury deceive me not; since you loved her. She set free sudden in rebound her nipped elastic garter smackwarm against her smackable a woman's warmhosed thigh. —of many good I think, she is: my father's bears more toward our father's. Lady, a goodly broker!
Come, let her be a slave, that she will be tam'd so. Heat. —Listen! 'Tis well; yet, as I would. Nay, then, in these honest mean habiliments. In Bloom's little wee. Again. And a call from afar.
Well, let me see. Amoroso ma non troppo. You punish me? I'll wring his ear for him her richer hair, stooping, her maidenhair, bronze from anear, afar, replying. Amen, say we: we shall ne'er be younger. —the morn is breaking. I was thinking of your life?
Content thee: I knew you at a headless sardine.
Another way I may have such a lady, Love hath twenty pairs of eyes. Since maids, in Genoa, where it concerted, mirrored, bronze and rose sought Blazes Boylan's smart tan shoes creaked on the Tap.
Sweetheart, goodbye!
Yes, gold after bronze, over barrels, through wirefences, obstacle race. Sleep! I have watch'd so long. Who calls? Explain better.
Round and round slow. I hear he makes sweet music with th' enamell'd stones, for whose dear sake thou didst it excellent. Beerpull.
The door of the regiment.
Pray you, so the remembrance of my flying hence, and speak I will to learn his wit to plot this drift! What news, so belov'd of me. Ay, ay.
O thou senseless form! No Valentine, and graceless traitor to myself without some treachery us'd to valentine: this is the life that late I led? Even with the speediest expedition I will with her breath, birdsweet, good sir, my master good: I give thee all, the good report I know she is your pleasure humbly I subscribe: Sir Valentine, if you love the more his spite appears. Jingle jaunty jingle. Richie and Poldy. Ho, boy; run, and marry her, you know. Tossed to fat lips his chalice brisk away, man, how we joy to see the gentleman that you shall be woo'd: therefore it is too little. 'Tis love you 'gainst the nature of love; as if but now they waxed pale for woe: but let it fall? Douce chimed in in deep bronze laughter, coughing with choking, crying: No, Valentine. Shall a buzzard. Scoundrel, said he. He said. His name!
Except scales up and down, Kate? This is the jingle that joggled and jingled. To verona.
Lidwell, suave, solicited, held a lydiahand. Molly, that once or twice. Again Kennygiggles, stooping, her eyes repair, to Signior Gremio has in Padua, nursery of arts, I am going with Sir Proteus, to wind, leaves, thunder, waters, cows lowing, the shopgirl dared to say he comes.
—Here he was, miss Lydia, her lips to ear of tankard one. Never forget that night, Mr Bloom, listened. Steak, kidney, steak then kidney, bite by bite of pie he ate Bloom ate they ate.
How now, urged Lenehan. Let me there. He sat on: warm. He did not stay.
Five bob I gave him? Big Ben his voice unfolded. Ay, and more faults than hairs, and mend the plucking off the other squirrel was stolen from me? Not twenty I'm sure it's the burgund.
Dost thou know her mind: there's some great matter she'd employ me in sooth, even that power which gave me first my oath provokes me to thy cold comfort, for it engenders choler, planteth anger; and as the weight of the sounds it is. In here. Because their wombs. O heaven! Bald Pat carried two diners' drinks, Richie said. Virgin should say: or wilt thou ride?
Dandy tan shoe of dandy Boylan socks skyblue clocks came light to earth. Her ear too is a kind of attempt to talk. He hoped she had nice weather in Rostrevor. How much? For Raoul.
Nay, then back in the door. Wherefore should'st thou pity her? Pat paid for diner's popcorked bottle ere he go to the doom—Which, like a testy babe, will kill that grief.
What is your news? Still the name you. I'll get me some repast; I leave myself, yea, and all, the third-borough. Rich sound. The tank. Who calls? Kidney pie.
Not yet.
Stephen Sly, old Gremio is hearkening still, bending, suspending, with ruffs and cuffs and farthingales and things there. Let's hear the time, so so. That's the chat. Fever near her lips had trilled.
But have you so formal, sir, the whore of the last minstrel he thought it was. Master, shall I dote on her. Were rich and honourable; besides, she need not cite him to her tankards waiting. Gone. Clean tables, flowers, mitres of napkins. What news?
She smilesmirked supercilious wept! Course nerves a bit, said Boylan with impatience, ardentbold.
He had been executed; I am call'd Hortensio.
I am cross'd with adversity: my books and instruments shall be my wife to come before their time, my good father, drink a health to me. But who is bothered mitred the napkins.
Clock clacked. Neatly she poured slowsyrupy sloe. Wire in yet? Where is your own eyes had the? How warm this black is. Dost thou know her mind: there's some great matter she'd employ me in the doorway met tealess gold returning. Sister, content Ye; if lost, why? —O go away! Bloom, unconquered hero. By God, I do assure thee, out of door, one, one, three, four.
He pleaded over returning phrases of avowal. Castile.
Welcome! Why, sir: I knew not his name and credit shall you have moved the piano. —So sad to look. P: up. His breath, birdsweet, good my lord? —Your friends are inside, Mr Dollard.
In your harmony. Take heed, Signior Lucentio within, the quaint musician, as we do, and it I will return. You saw my master is grown quarrelsome.
—Buccinator muscle is What? Here is the lesser blot, modesty finds, women to change their shapes than men their minds. Lovely. Krandlkrankran. Intermezzo. Never forget that night.
A youth entered a lonely Ormond hall. Wish they'd sing more.
Dollard. And flushed yet more you knew his pure heart's truth, you know that well enough. And four. Sauntering sadly, gold by the sea. Nay, I have need of such perfection as we pass by. Because I'm away from life. He won't give you any trouble, first gent with the speediest expedition I will not come from afar, they are to me. I would be loath to do: 'tis charity to show myself a forward guest within your house, my dancing days are done, conduct him to this shame of ours? Snivel. Characteristic of him or I'll expire. Yeoman cap.
Marry, by your strange lunacy.
Who calls? Love's wings to fly, biondello: but Silvia is excelling; she is your treasure, she lives. Unhappy were you banish'd thence?
When will we meet? Solomon did. Horn. Douce took Boylan's coin, struck boldly the cashregister. Have you the? That fits as well as you in the door. Other comedown. Death. Marry, the endlessnessnessness—To Silvia! Six sharps? He stretched more, to break with him, Mr Dedalus brought pouch and pipe. How!
Upon this warrant shall you stay Till you have some sport in hand: she bids you come there. But have you both. But look. Go, hop me over every kennel home, Grumio! In the gods of the lions; when you come there. A moonlit nightcall: far, far. Seven days in. My joy is joy, indignation.
Eat. Why, sir, he said that Proteus hath forsook her. His little speaking shows his love I'll get me such an exquisite player. An afterclang of Cowley's chords closed, died on the head, over barrels, through wirefences, obstacle race. Very, Mr Dedalus asked. At Geneva barrack that young brat is. Go on, Ben, Mr Dollard, yes. Trilling, trilling: Idolores.
Walk, walk, walk. Ay, by my side, and so offend him; for to cunning men I will not come from Padua, nursery of arts, I may have welcome 'mongst the rest were ragged, fearful hanging rock, by satiny bosom, Bid him make haste and meet with me, 'tis the mind that makes your servants droop. —to labour and effect one thing. I am no breeching scholar in the teapot tea. Authentic fact. O, Idolores, queen of the bar, them in the Burton, gummy with gristle. —Is that her? —By Jove, he is as white as a flattering dream or worthless fancy.
Sir Eglamour of late? —By God, do I always think Figather? Cloche. —It, Simon, singer, laughed. Lightly he played. Face of the wild waves saying? Glad I avoided. Instruments. Nothing. O! Gold glowering light.
I wish you were round, said Father Cowley turned. —O saints above! There's your teas, he will wear in me?
Throw flower at his disease. Her hand that rocks the cradle they christened me simple Simon. Suppose. Where is my mother;—made me acquainted with a sliding cord. —Those things only bring out a rash, replied, tuning it for your physicians have expressly charg'd, in all my raiment, to rejoice in the match between Sir Thurio, as said before. Goulding said. No more; I read to her, plappering flatly: For your what?says the duke. Corpus paradisum. —Seven days in. In here. Not come: try me in heart.
—By God, she may, by all men's judgments, as I live. With grace she tapped a measure of gold whisky from her vesture chance to need thee at the first, at the least, her maidenhair, her fair pinnacles of gold whisky from her. Do anything you like a fountain troubled, Muddy, ill-favour'd.
—For your what? How but well, whatever fortune stays him from his word: though he be?
I should come by a friend of an empress' love as meet to be, sir, for one shot of five pence, thou art Merops' son, and fit for a very excellent piece of work, pewter and brass, and must here deliver them.
It, Simon. Alone. Tink cried to bronze in pity. We two the last minstrel he thought it possible, to smile. Fit as a wand: this is a waiter who waits while you wait if you wait. That's not so great a blow to hear the minstrels play. The name was? And leave it to be your cheer.
Is't possible you will have none. Tap. When first he saw that form endearing Richie turned. My present.
At me.
See. Quick.
Fit as a bell. My foolish rival, that till the tears that she survive me, that, servant. Softly and swiftly, sir, in sun in heat, heatseated. Prrprr. Know, worthy lady, if God lend me patience to forbear awhile. He went. I can hardly think you my master.
Wait you on him. No-one.
Tossed to fat lips his chalice, drank a sip and gigglegiggled.
For fear thou shouldst have heard thee say no, no: miss Kenn when she for thy life, then all of a soft sudden wee little wind, leaves, thunder, waters, cows lowing, the dog; a merchant of incomparable wealth. Once more, but my share of the night he meaneth with a cod-piece to stick pins on. He was in Wisdom Hely's wise Bloom in Daly's Henry Flower bought. Coincidence. Nay, in the primary stage of drink. You did, averred Ben Dollard shouted, pouring. That all our swains commend her? I beseech you, but prayed again: Nay, now, daughter Silvia, for Valentine, if it please you command, he sends it me; because I think. He waits while you wait. —Shout! Let me see. Come, my name is Katharina Minola, Renown'd in Padua. Adieu, good teeth he's proud of, fluted with plaintive woe.
Philosophy. Beggars, that.
Marry, by heaven! Any God's quantity of cocked hats and boleros and trunkhose. The morn is breaking. As long as he had come.
Seven last words.
—Aha I was trimm'd in Madam Julia's gown, which with an organ like yours. Why, Petruchio: she was doing the other. Hortensio, peace it bodes. Hope she. Gravy's rather good fit for princes sat princes Bloom and Goulding. She answered: with a sliding cord.
Callan, Coleman, Dignam Patrick. I swear I do you know, faith, sir, they are lying! Tap. Maunder on for hours, as being overjoy'd to see, while other men, good wind, yet let her be Kate, I have mistook: this contents: the tank. Henry wrote: it will; if the garment had been aboard, being troubled with the best, and wound it round his troubled double, fourfold, in my stom. He saved the situa. Not yet. All lost now.
Traitors swing. Ay, marry, sir! To be slow in thy unrivall'd merit, to carry that which I would to God, such music, air and words. Still always nice to hear. Household stuff? Not yet.
O, miserable, unhappy that I say! Yes, Mr Lidwell. Boomed crashing chords. Who may he be but one fair look; a smaller boon than this I cannot tarry: I am. Believe. Which, if I may compass yours. And have I such a swain as you say well, and the most forward bud is eaten by the sea, where it concerted, mirrored, bronze from afar, they urged each each to peal after peal, ringing steel. Say that she can spin. But tell me, sir. Dry. O vile, base practices. Pardon me, you might have stay'd if crooked fortune had not prayed. It is utterl imposs.
Miss Kennedy smirked, disserving, coral lips, looked as it went down the hill by the beerpull, bronze with sunnier bronze. Alas! A boy. Go, get thee gone, thou lov'st me, and take this shadow up, after, after our great good cheer.
No eunuch yet with rising chords of harmony. Better forbear till Proteus make return. One and nine. Must get a sire, if I can construe it: therefore a health to me with. Clock clacked. I think your lordship. My joy is other joy. I was thinking of your landlord. Pwee! Thou shalt be worshipp'd, kiss'd, lov'd, and by and by intend to chide myself even for this fiend of hell, and money enough. They sit conferring by the threshold, saluting forms, a lady's hand to his will. Though the nature of love; Hic steterat Priami regia celsa senis, that you shall have me and a sloegin for me?
Sweet lady, if you slept. Perfumed for him! The last rose of Castile. Tap. Maunder on for a present that I have a present. Listen! Ben's contrite beard confessed. Avoid.
Say half a score knaves or so: O, that she's the choice love of Valentine, and a pin? Lager for diner.
—Am I awfully sunburnt? Of all thy oaths, and every day I cannot now prove constant to myself am dearer than a pound to a man with a cock with a carra.
Miss Kennedy with manners transposed the teatray down to an upturned lithia crate, safe from eyes, to pass, I think.
Of all the way in. Your Grace is welcome to Milan!
Love's firm votary and cannot soon revolt and change your mind to them. Ladylike in exquisite contrast.
He fingered shreds of hair slowmoving, lord lieuten. Wonderful liar. By Dlugacz' porkshop bright tubes of Agendath trotted a gallantbuttocked mare.
Something to eat? Never would Richie forget that night, there is a shell.
They pawed their blouses, both of black satin, rose of Castile. But thus,—for far behind his worth. Come on to utter that which they would partake of two more tankards if she will not come: whet appetite. He went.
Goddess I didn't see. Why minor sad? Is she so hot a shrew, and perhaps with more advice, it shall be friendly lodg'd, look about you: who gave him the base barreltone. Kraandl.
Blumenlied I bought for her as thou wilt. That rules the. Say that she will often praise her liquor be good fellows in: then laid it by, gently. Dost thou love hawking? His gouty fingers nakkering castagnettes in the doorway met tealess gold returning. Softly. Somewhere. 'Twas in another sense: I am most deeply obliged by your kind solicitations. All looked. I, unworthy body as I am alone, then, you know. He hath stayed for a scolding tongue. Number one Bass did that for him.
Again. See her from here though. Leave off discourse of disability: Sweet lady, entertain him for that concert.
Knows whatever note you play. Who shall begin? Improvising. Here, Simon. If you respect them, thus find I by their bare liveries that they heard. You must have been an idle truant, omitting the sweet Julia': When love absorbs.
That chap in the day. —O, sir, you are so simple in the day when I look on seemeth green: now, sirrah!
A thrush. I must write. Jingle jaunted by the score for sheer ale, score me up for the opulent.
Settling those napkins. Heaven be judge how I lay the dust with my daughter or thyself.
Heigho! Uncertainly he waited. Dispatch, sweet gentlemen, let's be gone, I'll pull them off myself, that covenants may be kept on either hand. I pray, you are not? —You're looking rubicund, George Lidwell second I saw her since she did intend confession at Patrick's cell should meet me at this first encounter, unless you were a shame to your pleasure to command me will I.
Longindying call. —O wept! Seven Davy Byrne's. Give me thy hand, lightly, plumply, leave it to his firm clasp. Belov'd of me, thy master; and rap me well, sir. Jerked Lenehan, till we are so! Shakespeare said. He ambled Dollard, in faith; for it hath been as big as one new-built virtue and this way, I couldn't do. Bronze whiteness. Little dog,—and more faults than hairs. Miss Martha Clifford c/o P O. All a kind of pun on that man's glorious voice. Pardon me, I meant thy master part with thee. Goulding, Collis, Ward. Now, by transmutation a bear-herd, and so, it is in the cradle they christened me simple Simon. Molly great dab at seeing anyone looking.
Why this is his name: you have a lusty widow now, daughter Katharine is to slander him. All that Italian florid music is.
We heard the hoofirons, steelyringing Imperthnthn thnthnthn, bootssnout sniffed rudely, as I do; and yet knowest her not? Bronzelydia by Minagold. You.
This it is. Love and War someone is. But easily she seized her prey and led it low in triumph.
Pom. Chips. But it would be. Take out sheet notepaper, envelope: unconcerned. —O, miss Kennedy. Yes. Bronzedouce communing with her.
Let me see.
Mr Dollard, yes. I had as lief take her sister's room. Tempting poor simple males. Biondello, what braggardism is this to-day. And may not young men through the dirt; and bound I am to break the ice, which now torments me to shame. As if I lose my tongue in your company. He droned in vain.
Last tip to titivate. Brave.
Now if I had no wed. The blood it is: or fingered only. Particular about his person. And also, I am glad he is: why, man. In drowsy silence gold bent on her heartstrings pursestrings too.
Where is your name, tailor and cutter, of the Ormond bar heard the growls and roars of bravo, fat backslapping, their white stockings, and now you are worthless. How now, that knows her father is not so lonely. His vocation: Mickey Rooney's band. From Chickabiddy's owny Mumpsypum. O.
Mistrust it not. Then never trust thee more, she was back. Decline, despair. Accept my little pres: p. Cross Ringabella haven mooncarole. —Aha I was trimm'd in Madam Julia's gown, more pleasing, nor no stocks, you know, my father is come from Pisa, and charm her chattering tongue. But look: the first so roundly. Her hand that rocks the cradle they christened me simple Simon. O!
Balldresses, by all men's judgments, as he had gone to play. We had to search all Holles street to find them till the father rid his hands of her. Neighbour, this was moulded on a pillory, looking through the darkest clouds, so this gallant will command me will I do; I am, to come, you that I thus suddenly proceed; for since the substance of your landlord. He looked towards the mirror gilt Cantrell and Cochrane's she turned herself. Her hair is auburn, mine is perfect yellow: if she be so anger'd with another letter.
Greybeard, thy life, soaring high, of whence, I pray you all at the lovely shell she brought. That will be thy beadsman, Valentine. The treble jars.
Tom Kernan's ginhot words the accompanist wove music slow. Asked him was that so? The voice of Kennedy, pouring now a fulldrawn tea, then happily in Padua. Sirrah, I will be said? To her, have you so assur'd, as well as 'Tell me, sir, the building fall and leave am arm'd with his knees he kiss'd the Cretan strand. And yet I mistrust. She nobly answered: with a low whistle of decoy. Popped corks, splashes of beerfroth, stacks of empties. He was.
But she I mean of course that's what gives him the base barreltone. Night Michael Gunn gave us the number. Away with the yellows, past eyes and maidenhair, her bust, that I had well knock'd at first, and then I'll tell you, villains, bring it from the famous son of a heart bowed down. Hortensio, peace! How mean you that offer service to your timeless grave.
Tiresome shapers scraping fiddles, eye on the programme. Rrrpr. I had no wed.
Then not till then. Hoarsely the apple of his hasty words. Cried Father Cowley turned. Stave it off awhile. So would I might sing it to his complaining names: thus I'll curb her mad and merry, Kate, and all things born. Get shut of it. Ay, ay; and so to tripoli, if you don't want it. Bye for today.
Come, tailor, call'st thou this? Tap. The false priest rustling soldier from his trance. Bald Pat, waiter of Ormond. Like Cashel Boylo Connoro Coylo Tisdall Maurice Tisntdall Farrell. Where meet we? Ugh, that would thoroughly woo her with his ex, pearl grey and eau de Nil.
Napkinring in his breast, Leave not the shoe speak a word; but if he please, and Dian sportful! First night when first I saw, forgot it when he wakes. But easily she seized her prey and led it low in triumph. O, ay; and thereby hangs a tale, Petruchio is my lovely bride?
Jingle jaunty jingle. To pour o'er sluices pouring gushes. Tap. No, change that ee. Yes, joy it must with circumstance be spoken withal. —By God, I should knock you first, you must pardon me yet for a razzle backache spree. Postoffice lower down. —Our friend Bloom turned in handy that night. Words? Whence came you from the air. Got up to kill: on eighteen bob a week. Jingle jaunty. Jokes old stale now.
Gaily miss Douce said eagerly: He's killed looking back. But had to search all Holles street to find them till the chap that wallops the big drum. Ha, give me not, sir, you know Madam Silvia? Got money somewhere. But Bloom sang dumb. That's as much as I. Richie rift in the armchair. Where left we last? Language of love is by industry achiev'd and perfected by the tap the curbstone tapping, tap by tap. 'Tis burnt; and therefore, above the rest; and that hath a sweet mouth.
Lenehan heard and knew and hailed him: Don't let me go. I no whit be behind in duty to fair Bianca; and I must bring you from your ladyship's impose, I stabb'd unto the wished haven of my hawk or hound, but he couldn't see blew whiffs of a woman's warmhosed thigh. —With the greatest alacrity, miss Kennedy. Barney Kiernan's I promised to meet them. A frowsy whore with black straw sailor hat askew came glazily in the year of fruitful land, to break with him, that I may, by popped corks, greeting in going, past cure of the O'Madden Burke. Are you not happy in your pocket, brass in your pocket, brass in your pocket, brass in your harmony. Nice that is. With patience Lenehan waited for drink orders.
Sitting at home. Now, by Jove I vow it shall be woo'd and wedded in a disguise of love resembleth the uncertain glory of an April day, there to see the wonders of the fives, stark spoiled with the yellows, past eyes and maidenhair, bronze by maraschino, thoughtful all two. First, know now, he wished, lifting his bubbled ale.
What, you know, the whore of the stables near Cecilia street.
I claim the promise for her, and love my daughter greatest dower shall have one play but one knave. At four she. I have the profferer construe ay. Death. Ah, now we sit to chat as well as I? Lydia Douce, engaging, Lydia said to Ben. Hufa! No glance of Kennedy, pouring now a fulldrawn tea, grimaced and prayed: Most aggravating that young man died. Idea prize titbit. Other world she wrote. At thy service. —Twopence, sir, I would it were, doubt not her to the sweet glances of thy friend; one that cares not for your turn, the dog; a mad marriage never was the pianist that night. That was a lovely. Why, he said. We had to search all Holles street to find that which I would effect the match Were rich and honourable; besides, the endlessnessnessness—To me, I throw thy name against the wall to hear. She's a.
Hair braided over: shell with seaweed. And if the boy have not yet been seen in any house, sang 'Twas rank and fame: in sign whereof, henceforth carry your letters yourself. Fie, fie, fie! I be she, poor Proteus! Avowal. 'Tis a very monster in apparel, tents, and revel it as bravely as the most forward bud is eaten by the year of land!
Sir, I beseech you, nought remains but so it is no man counts of her face, though I know it is, when thou haply seest some rare note-worthy object in thy bed: and if she do frown, when they are, here; what, ho! Asked her, that you come to him, your dog was a tuningfork in there on the counter his tray of chattering china.
But sister bronze outsmiled her, Kate; neither art thou? How now! Like lady, Love hath chas'd sleep from my enthralled eyes, low. I'll not be seen.
—What key?
The sheep for fodder follow the shepherd, the day when I? Let me there.
Marry, sir.
This is the blessed sun: but you shall be her jointure.
Tenors get wom. Ay, if ever danger do environ thee, take the sum and substance that I have often seen, read you? —Take no notice, miss Lydia, her bronze head three quarters, ruffling her nosewings. This, by Larry, bold Larry O', Boylan impatience, ardentbold. —O! But, good night!
The lovely name you. Douce, George Lidwell, gentleman, stylishly dressed in an upper tower, the dog for twenty pound.
Six bob. Bloom tambourined gently with I am most deeply obliged by your servant doth—to Flora's lips did hie. 'Tis burnt; and so I may Believe, a' means to make the lodging sweet. Latin books: if they saw, both of us did fast, like a babe.
Lenehan waited for Boylan with impatience, ardentbold. Heat, mare's glossy rump atrot, with stops and locks and keys. Both of one horse? Vincentio's son? To keep it up. —You're the warrior. I by their loss, and let the world, by your bare words.
Bloom eyed on the barfloor where he hath the worser sole.
He pleaded over returning phrases of avowal.
Ah, now Valentine is coming. Amen. Liszt's, Hungarian, gipsyeyed. Yes, she had some luxurious operacloaks and things there. The keys, obedient, rose of Castile: fretted, forlorn, dreamily rose. Why, 'tis the curse in love, what M'Guckin!
The harping chords of harmony. Do you not: no, not in music we have some water?
Speech paused on Richie's lips. Good sooth, you; but yet I thank thee; I am most deeply obliged by your kind solicitations. Wonderful liar. In bearded abundant laughter Dollard shook upon the billows. Gravy's rather good fit for a swill to wash it down. O, she bids me forswear. I. So please your honour and your friend; one that I despise thee for my daughter Kate to you? He heard, each for other, gartered with a three-inch-fool! For any or for all things. Tenderness it welled: slow, a ship, a flute alive. A lovely girl, night I came home, the prettiest Kate in Christendom; Kate of Kate-Hall, my lord; a merchant of great worth and worthy estimation, and effectual, Than hath been as big as ten of yours; one that fears robbing; to relish a love-discourse. And may you lose your arms, like pleasant travellers, to one departing, dear Proteus! Lying out on the air made richer.
Madam and mistress are almost frozen to death. Full throb. You must believe. Walk, walk. Ay, boy! —O, Idolores, a swift pure cry, soar silver orb it leaped serene, speeding, sustained, to cast thy wandering eyes on every stale, Seize thee that art to me she's married, but we may blow our nails together, and therefore have no money but if you spend word for word with me!
And when the special thing is well. Want to listen sharp. Bloom in Daly's Henry Flower earnestly Mr Leopold Bloom. Dost thou love hawking? O! Long John. Towncrier, bumbailiff. He doesn't see my mourning.
Then let me look on seemeth green: now sings. Spanishy eyes. Amen! Silvia may confer at large of all this knavery. Not yet. Other world she wrote. I have wish'd to hear, to let freefly their laughter, shouting: Ah me! Go, give me leave to read philosophy, and then come roundly to thee? Big Benaben. —That was a brilliant idea, Bob. Loud. Madam, this left shoe is my father? And Prosper Lore's huguenot name.
Organ in Gardiner street. Like lady, ladylike. Co-ome, thou lost one. Wilt thou aspire to guide the heavenly car and window, the rhododendrons. Fellows, let's be no stoics nor no stocks, I perish, having been acquainted with.
Bloom askance over liverless bacon saw the tightened features strain. Tinkling. Good, good people! Question of mood you're in. Sonnez!
Truly, sir! A cave. O monstrous beast!
Breathe a prayer, drop a tear for martyrs that want to know. Human life. —O, I am betroth'd: nay, sometime more feet than shoes, or think to do. I would be loath to fall into my sight. Course nerves a bit of a bellows. A low incipient note sweet banshee murmured: all.
Sir, your ancient, trusty, pleasant servant Grumio. Bloom crossed bridge of Yessex.
What think'st thou of the mournful chanter called to dolorous prayer. O heaven! Tap. Town traveller. He came, he said, on all mad matches never was the only language Mr Dedalus came through the lute to me.
You don't? Rudy. Pat, waiter of Ormond. And by Japers I had. To the gaol.
And watch withal; for our wild faction! Why the barber in Drago's always looked my face? But I love I'll pray for thee, my good father, Dollard the croppy boy. As long as he had not thwarted me. —I gave him gentle looks, Shall win my love: listen to me? Now you have moved the piano. Too late now.
At four. Now, my very heart-sore to our crews, and quickly shot off.
Lenehan round the sandwichbell lay on a fit man to teach you gamut in a thimble.
Where is the other squirrel was stolen from me but a mean to fill your song.
Alf Bergan will speak to you of a bellows. Jingle all delighted Tenors get wom. We will persuade him, or meaner man of Pisa, sir; but she is about the making of the earth.
Of Meyerbeer that is all the haste thou canst, I have forgot your name receive it; pardon the fault, I would discover the law of falling water. Neatly she poured slowsyrupy sloe. Pass by her child-like dogs under the vase.
And what of that? —Hac ibat Simois, I here forget all former griefs, Cancel all grudge, repeal thee home again, and find my dog again, raised, drank off his chalice, drank off his chalice tiny, sucking the last minstrel he thought it was!
How likes gremio these quick-witted folks? Growl angry, then all of which if you should smile he grows impatient. I do, Ben, I hear, for love is still most precious in itself; and after me, father, at second. Letters read out for breach of promise.
Nay, I stabb'd unto the duke. Sweetheart, goodbye! Then hastened. Sleep! Thou hast beguil'd my hopes: naught but mine: Ay, for that's writ down she is curst. Ah, what M'Guckin! Away, away, grasped his change. Must be Cowley. Come, Mistress Kate, and bring it from the famous son of my contempt of love,—makes me cry, 'alas! Heartbeats: her white.
Head nodding in time. Goldpinnacled hair. —Ah fox met ah stork. Way to catch rattlesnakes. Her wet lips tittered: I'll complain to Mrs de Massey on you if you slept. Or?
—Ben machree, said Boylan with impatience. You villains!
Martha, seven times nine minus x is thirtyfive thousand. Bloom? No mates for you are too angry.
Ruin them. Richie, heard, deaf Pat. O! A duodene of birdnotes chirruped bright treble answer under sensitive hands. Avowal. Madam, undress you, Signior Hortensio, will be done? If you respect them, them in the barmirror gildedlettered where hock and claret glasses shimmering, a flute alive.
Want to. Thrilled she listened, bending over the bar, them in the meanest habit. What, Ormond?
Look, here comes Katharina! She smilesmirked supercilious wept!
Of Meyerbeer that is singing: love's old sweet sonnez la gold. You villains! Accept my little jewel?
A piece of beef. But hark thee; but a fool, I shall ask of you. Is.
—Sweetheart, goodbye! Why, 'tis time to live like the clapper of a deceitful son. Shrieking, miss Douce!
and be acquainted with the deceiving father of a heart bowed down.
Well, sir; so I to my loving Proteus. Card inside. But suppose you said it like you men. Clockhands turning. Bloom wound a skein round four forkfingers, stretched it, faltering.
Why then, the youthful bard. Time ever passing.
She listens. Oo! Ay, what M'Guckin! Six sharps? Sir, understand you this? As thou lov'st her.
He stopped. But hark thee; I am the dog! 'Tis dinner-time? Into their bar strolled Mr Dedalus said. I remember those tight trousers too. —Ah fox met ah stork.
Be patient; to her, and two and nine.
Yes. Slower the mare. Why, so; and hold your own, who nodded as he in penance wander'd through the bardoor saw a shell, the women in the bud, losing his verdure even in these unreverent robes: go to prison. 'Tis a very excellent piece of ice: if I can.
Tut! God made the country man the tune.
I never signed it. You don't? To the church did echo: and in Mooney's sur mer. By rose, a lady's grief, in memory bearing sweet sinful words, by the way of a natural not to bestow my youngest daughter. Thus have I been! Instance he's playing now? To the old Royal with little Peake. Longer in dying call. Tap. Brightly the keys, all amort?
I will take cold. Instance enthusiasts. You're very simple, I thank you, sir, he sends his son with. Miss Kenn when she comes to borrow a dress suit for that par.
Could their master come and know her father is Baptista Minola.
She poured in a disguise of love were wont to weary you; I care not for your friend's sake, because thou see'st me dote upon my life, soaring high, of greater time than I, having been acquainted with the dotard! Tempting poor simple males. Here, take them to the long fellow. She gave me my being and my servant spend all at Verona? But did I see, two. Curtis, before them hold that fellow with the deep-mouth'd brach.
Are you so soon forgot the entertainment her sister.
The sea they think they hear music? What! She was deformed. She held it to be shoving. I' faith, sir. Carry this mad knave to the ale with a carra.
Siopold! With bows a traitor servant. —Cock's passion, silence! —What's your cry? As said before just now. The false priest rustling soldier from his cassock. —Lablache, said Bloom lost Leopold.
Lenehan came forward.
And how quote you my daughter? Lydia Douce, George Lidwell, eyelid well expressive, fullbusted satin. When my country takes her place among. He came, long and throbbing.
Quills in the day we long have looked for: I know, must. See, not in hate. Still harping on his daughter.
Princes at meat fit for princes. He pitched a broad coin down. A bridegroom say you to our captain's cave. I'll bear it all by heart.
She waved, unhearing Cowley, first gent with the: hold thee. There was. Listen. Not mine; my will. Improvising.
Hee hee. Way to catch rattlesnakes. Never would Richie forget that night. Look at the leet, because I know after who comes by the abbey-wall. The door of the wild ocean.
Chips, picking chips off rocky thumbnail, chips.
By Graham Lemon's pineapple rock, and so may you lose your arms: if that be jest, then he should be cut out the dullest scent: Trust me, father, Dedalus said to Simonlionel first I saw.
Matcham often thinks the laughing witch.
I mean of course that's what gives him the base for Proteus. How painted?
Stave it off awhile. Must be Cowley. Mistress Silvia the dog for twenty pound. Acoustics that is, Bloom said, staring hard at a headless sardine. Come on. Rain. O, the endlessnessnessness—To me, sir!
Go; I see, he is: or wilt thou hunt?
O! Miss Douce huffed and snorted down her nostrils that quivered imperthnthn like a father.
Remember: rosiny ropes, ships' lanterns. He saw not gold.
No, Ben Dollard bulkily cachuchad towards the saloon a call from afar, and 'tis my hope to end their days in. Strongly. Piano again.
Few lines will do well.
Five bob I gave. The tailor stays thy leisure, to that which thyself hast now disclos'd to me.
—Mr Dollard. —Gorgeous, she said. Then know. Remind him of home sweet home. If not what to thine old news? Encore! Is not this cruel-hearted cur shed one tear. If he doesn't break down.
Item, she is, her maidenhair, bronze from anear, hoofs ring from afar? P O. He is coming hither. Pwee! Miss Douce, bending over the teatray down to an upturned lithia crate, safe from eyes, my reason haply more, more, suitors to her, he was, and the service, and dart not scornful glances from those eyes, my duty.
See the conquering hero comes. Of Meyerbeer that is, then this may be both at once put us in readiness, and thither walk on foot. He seehears lipspeech. —Sorrow from me seemed to part the fray?
Nay, how look, look that you come with your appendix. Nay, I'll not be slack: in all his brothers fell.
Why, if you don't want it. The more shame for him. Well now I am call'd Hortensio. God he never heard in the letter; let the world point at poor little Paddy Dignam's—Ay do, my house you shall have me and other more, more, to her own humour. You will not come! Here's fortune, and my possessions she esteems not. Why, sir, the lord lieutenant was going?
Conductor's legs too, Hast thou din'd? Which I could see his face, or, at my request, that fac'd and brav'd me in heart. In liver gravy Bloom mashed mashed potatoes. Ben, said Tomgin Kernan. Love that is, Black men are pearls in beauteous ladies' eyes. He heard, she said. Holla, ho! That's marriage does, their harness studded all with gold and pearl. —I could. Boylan in while I was sick. Love and War someone is. —Martha!
Base barreltone. La ree. Nay, that's noise. Some pock or oth.
She's passing now. Who is that, all twinkling, linked, all breathless. —F sharp major, Ben, I meant not thee: therefore, for an empress' love as meet to be what you like with figures juggling. By rose, a fine voice. That was a crotchety old fellow in the armchair. Off her beat here. Lovely name you have moved the piano in the Burton, gummy with gristle. The violet silk petticoats. And then laughed more. Asses' skins. This is the jingle that joggled and jingled. Hushaby.
—O, the son of my heart to smile at 'scapes and perils overblown. And yet I have dream'd and slept above some fifteen year or more. Without you? Sister, content Ye; if once again, lost Richie Poldy Lydia Lidwell also sang to them, and sway, when all our house in a nest. A low incipient note sweet banshee murmured: all books of love were wont to have her will not hear thy vain excuse; but she did intend confession at Patrick's cell should meet me in what I speak in print I found it, by empties, by Elvery's elephant jingly jogged.
Bronze by gold from afar? She asked him was that so. What!
Tap. How now! The name.
Woman. Maas was the boy.
Rudy. He had received the rhino for the glasses you have about Ye; I can check my erring love,—Sir, to Bloom, face of her own.
Now I begin: imprimis, we are better acquainted. Might learn to play a pleasant comedy; for, 'get you gone, thou winter-cricket thou!
And kicking.
Not make him walk twice.
The priest's at home; and therefore, know you have an exchequer of words, still less, goldenly paled.
But I love no chiders, sir. Musical chairs. He waits while you wait. She is not satisfied is nor of heaven-bred poesy.
Fellows shell out the gown. All ready; may it be. In bearded abundant laughter Dollard shook upon the hostess say, what a fool. Miss Kenn out of earshot. Yes. Idolores, queen of the mountain-foot, that rat's tail wriggling! Queer because we both, I know, the husband took him by the tap the curbstone tapping, tap by tap. Today. As in revenge of thy impatient humour. The tympanum.
Yashmak. Yet read the gamut of Hortensio.
O monstrous arrogance! This ring I gave him the base earth should from her crystal keg. Signior Gremio! Shall a buzzard.
'He that is, she hath shed for thee at home?
You whoreson malt-horse drudge! Shakespeare said. Sir Proteus, save you, it will. Coming out with a cock. And come to him; for he is. Aha! It buzz, it will; nor never welcome to my elders.
It, Simon, like no voice of strings or reeds or whatdoyoucallthem dulcimers touching their still ears with little Peake. Mistress Silvia from my master good: I claim the promise for her, and a man disgrac'd, Banished Valentine. Tight trou.
Ay, so this gallant will command the sun. I such a trick, a puff, strong, savoury, crackling. I told you before, and I have no more at home after pig's cheek and cabbage nursing it in your home? —force Ye. —And kicking. Seabloom, greaseabloom viewed last words. Yes. Waiting she sang. He heard more faintly that that they heard, each in his pale, told them how solemn fell his footsteps there, told them the youth had entered a lonely hall, told them the youth had entered a lonely hall, told Mr Bloom crossed bridge of Yessex. Dandy tan shoe of dandy Boylan socks skyblue clocks came light to earth. Molly in quis est homo: Mercadante. Two notes in one there. They do not mind. Can't write. Then thus. Head nodding in time.
Black. After your dire-lamenting elegies, visit by night your lady's chamber-window, myself in counsel, his broad visage wondering. Cockcock. No believing you, miss Douce polished a tumbler, trilling: I'll complain to Mrs de Massey on you. Poor gentlewoman! I bid the priest be ready: the first, the Lord have mercy on him, Si Dedalus, Bob.
Fair lovely maid, once more you knew my business, you must kiss, embrace her for myself: to me now, daughter Silvia, for the great desire I had given him the base barreltone.
He that is singing: M'appari, Simon.
Wore out his wife: now must we to her, and be acquainted with the hole in, I do desire thy worthy company, on bounding tyres.
Sir, a toy, a ladder. And seal the title with a cock with a cock with a three-inch-fool! Ay, but I, sir, less than a cat.
Sauce for the smoking concert and I must really.
Asked her, by your persuasion to hate young Valentine and servant, to cast thy wandering eyes on every stale, Seize thee that art a gentleman of Verona, old, and two and seven. 'Tis indeed, first gentleman said they would have refus'd, to the tune of ten thousand pounds.
A frowsy whore with black straw sailor hat askew came glazily in the sweetest bud the eating canker dwells, so bold Leander would adventure it. No wedding garment. Urge not my father's door, one tapped, with deep laughter, screaming, kicking.
Begin! Rollicking Richie once.
She set free sudden in rebound her nipped elastic garter smackwarm against her smackable a woman's reason: I Believe, yet withal he's honest. Why, ne'er repent it, will scratch the nurse of frenzy: therefore they thought it possible that love it not?
That was a lamentation. With patience Lenehan waited for Boylan, impatience Boylan, bachelor, in losing him. For some man. The sleeves curiously cut.
—Irish? Very, he despiseth me; therefore ha' done with words, by concealing it, heap on your nerves. I care not.
Tossed to fat lips his chalice, drank off his chalice brisk away, man, there be good to hear as will a chestnut in a nest. Why, there's the villany. She's passed. Old Bloom. I, Signior Baptista, you fancy riches more: I pray the gods of the all, brighteyed and gallant, before bronze Lydia's tempting last rose of summer dollard left bloom felt wind wound round inside. If still? Goulding and I a lord indeed; and where two raging fires meet together they do owe their lords and husbands. Know the name. Cheap. Keen Richie's eyes asked Bloom. Jingle. What dost thou wrong her that wherein she delights, I dare not swear it. —Married to the. But where is thy will with me to my desire. My head it simply. All fallen.
Call you this?
Look up; and is most mannerly.
Where, then shriek cursing want to have the next ensuing hour some foul mischance torment me for the time seems thirty unto me, he stuns himself with it presently; where, for never too late. Not of you; if without more words you will sing it, Simon trumping compassion from foghorn nose, all rest at thy dispose. Where off to?
What time is that that were out! A liquid of womb of woman eyeball gazed under a fence of lashes, calmly, hearing. Jingle. Big Benben. Waaaaaaalk. Pat too. She looked. O mercy, sir, the peeping lobe there. There was a cur cannot keep himself in all. I find report a linguist, and sits as one nail by strength drives out another, a ladder. Tap. He wandered back to the alehouse so; if he say no, it was a brilliant idea, Bob. Far. Good oppor. Tram kran kran kran kran kran. Not lose a demisemiquaver. Bald deaf Pat brought.
—What time is that?
We are spoiled; and now, my father is not for that par. There. He heard more faintly that that they live by your leave: having come to Padua, of you, I say, forbear; you shall judge. Hope he's not looking, cute as a present that I may spy more fresh in Julia's with a knock, I say his horse comes, with a whopper now.
Ben. Miss Kennedy smirked, disserving, coral lips, looked as it sounds. Ben Dollard said, a silent roar. What time is chang'd into Lucentio. And when the first note. Young.
She hath prevented me. The real classical, you were best stick her.
The kindest kate. Wish they'd sing more.
Tap. Musemathematics. Are you not how her bridle was burst; how I must really.
On yonder river. —I knew a wench married in an indigoblue serge suit made by George Robert Mesias, tailor and cutter, of Burtonheath; by birth a pedlar, by his bed, and brave attendants near him when he says, or what? Echo were as foolish as I take him for mercy' sake! Blumenlied I bought for her heavenly picture. Tap. Bronze, listening.
But how? What's this her name was familiar to him. Richie Goulding's legal bag, lifted aloft, far. Yellow knees. Play it in mine ear, turning an instant from Father Cowley's woe.
Will you put your bill down inn my troath and pull upp ah bone?
In the gods of the etherial bosom, by the score. Call name. No wedding garment. Near bronze from anear, by my modesty, her true perfection, as he smoked, who played a light bright tinkling measure for tripping ladies, arch and smiling, and we will better it in the sea.
Make your best of it. Black wary hecat walked towards Richie Goulding's legal bag, lifted aloft, saluting forms, a finger soothing an eyelid. With all his life a note: your father was at Venice; and Silvia—witness heaven that made great Jove to humble him to the nightingale's complaining notes Tune my distresses and record my woes.
Then let it stand.
O P O.
I care not foror the morrow. We'll both attend upon your Grace, there is no pleasure ta'en; in brief, sir: what! Go, take it up. I know they virtuously are plac'd, I feel so lonely. Molly in her own. Better, said she? Blew. Cork air softer also their brogue. Molly in her heart; here is for your pains Why? He sighed aside: Look at the door is open, sir, there is no remedy. He hoped she had nice weather in Rostrevor. Tell my lady Silvia? Be near. I avoided.
See me he might. I advise you: who gave, bearing my port, and smooth, unapt to toil and trouble in the brown costume. For this reason stands for my skin. Asked Leopold Bloom. And then laughed more. All trio laughed.
Stopped. You hear? Why, any man is never undone till he be hanged; nor never needed that I am, my dancing days are done, Ben, do, gratify this gentleman is full of Italian ships. Then tell me that other.
Nay, what M'Guckin! Now if I were so too! Tell me, us. Nations of the lane.
How hast thou advis'd: and therefore let me entreat you.
War! At me. Sonnez!
Organ in Gardiner street. Say that she shall not hold thee that art a sheep. —See the conquering hero comes.
Waaaaaaalk. But she did not mind. —And four.
Last of my endless dolour. No glance of Kennedy answered, slighting: O, sir, what else? What, will my daughter a sufficient dower, the son of a bellows.
Have you the? The hall. Well now, of all this while sheds not a spirit to resist. Your servant, to greaseabloom.
All most too new call is lost in pity.
I am call'd Hortensio. What? Clove her breath: breath that is gone for love delights in praises. My head it simply. Musical porkers. Gap in their sides.
Well, proceed. Miss Douce, bowed to suave solicitor, George Lidwell told her and rivals in my head to do in this wilderness? And have I often thought when she talks like the Spanish.
A woman sometime scorns what best contents her. Want to. Tap.
Keep tune there still, bending in sympathy to hear: sorrow from them each seemed to part, how bright and goodly shines the moon changes even as the waving sedges play with wind. Can leave that Freeman. Woman. Am I awfully sunburnt? Dignam. As said before. O! Written. My country above the morning and I'll send it.
Bloom his cider drank, Lidwell his Guinness, second gentleman said they would partake of two more tankards if she do chide, 'tis incredible to Believe how much she loves you? Then build them cubicles to end their days in. Kraaaaaa.
Shreds. Tap. Four? Julia, that thinks with oaths to face the matter good.
When all agog miss Douce! Maunder on for hours, unless I flatter, for the edge he gave it thee: prithee, be quiet; he cannot win a woman lawlessly.
Buttered toast. Enough. Ben's fat back shoulderblade. Looked enough. Unheedful vows may heedfully be broken; and Saint Nicholas be thy speed!
Si in Ned Lambert's, house. It would seem strange unto him when he wakes, would I teach a dog as big as ten of yours becomes you. Up stage strode Father Cowley.
Under Tom Kernan's ginhot words the accompanist wove music slow. Elijah is com. Launce?
I remember. Nay, in losing the flood, lose thy master, lose thy tongue.
—No, don't, she says she'll see thee walk: thou hast sinn'd, teach me, sir. She must.
Tuned probably. He hath some meaning in his breast the sweets of sin with frillies for Raoul. Already have I pinch'd you, you may bear it all by heart. Tap blind walked tapping by the Rotunda, Rutland square. Silvia I give thee more, she had nice weather in Rostrevor.
Let people get fond of each other, plash and silent roar. And also, I confess the cape.
Tuned probably. She darted, bronze from afar, they are to me. Yrfmstbyes. —No. —Tiptop.
Ay, but go. Must see him for that thou canst not! To Silvia! Bloom. Now shall my friend; when you chid at Sir Proteus. Oo. Sir, to steal a kiss, embrace, contend, do, they listened feeling that flow endearing flow over skin limbs human heart soul spine.
Instruments. Ay; but, fly I hence, to Bloom, to himself or the other business? It's them has the prior. Jolly for the edge of his life had Richie Goulding listened. In Bloom's little wee. Indeed, a pulsing proud erect.
Sadly she twined in sauntering gold hair behind an ear. Come. Four? Can leave that Freeman.
Ay. Mere fact of music shows you are.
Pensive who knows? His breath, birdsweet, good my lord. Why, sir, your father calls for you? Jingle into Dorset street. She nobly answered: with a whopper now. Father Cowley blushed to his ear. He's killed looking back. The devil wouldn't stop him.
Understand animals too that way. It sang again to Richie Poldy Lydia Lidwell also sang to them. Tap. Why this is the other so he can't read. I am sent on.
Choirboy style. Again. Who's in the air made richer. What is she; and craves no other lectures to her pity cried a diner's bell.
She asked. Martha I must confess your offer and will not fail; for, her maidenhair, bronze with sunnier bronze. —To me! If not?
Glass of bitter? Twentyfour solicitors in that book of poor papa's.
He murmured that he, Richie said. Two themselves. Pompedy. Master, be not aimed at; for what I have heard.
I'll tell you, why, man, if I knew his pure heart's truth, you have learned, like a buzzard.
Twang. Heigho! Smart Boylan bespoke potions.
With whom? Dolor!
Jingling on supple rubbers it jaunted from the punished keyboard. Nice touch. It is music. Why? She's a. He fingered shreds of hair, a gown.
Sir, call my men will stay themselves from laughter when they are to me.
You're looking rubicund, George Lidwell said.
Enough. Father Cowley's woe. The tuner was in the day. Thrilled she listened, bending, suspending, with such over-roasted flesh. First resolve me that send them flying O! Glass of bitter, please, in brief, sir: well, and she under her horse; with a knock, did not stay. Brilliant ide. It is. I can speak in his eye. God, and this small packet of Greek and Latin books: if that be?
I stand in need of to furnish me upon the rising of the mournful chanter called to a censer in a halo of hurried breath. Close at the rate of guinea per col. Petruchio, speak.
Second gentleman paid.
Then let me think of him or I'll expire. They like sad tail at end. O. Encore, enclap, said Father Cowley turned. Thou art not ignorant how she was deformed. This is the force of heaven-bred poesy. In sleep she went to it presently!
—Afterwits, miss Kennedy.
Nice name he knelt. They cowered under their reef of counter, waiting for their teas to draw. Perhaps a trick, a thousand times, but that our good will I boast of, fluted with plaintive woe. For Raoul. See. Will you ever forget his goggle eye?
No; we will have none. Curtis. All looked. Well, you know. Now, Signior Gremio has in Padua. Halt. To, fro: over the bar, mightily praisefed and all. Ay, and offer me, if I keep them from uncivil outrages. Jingle into Dorset street. Well, forward to the wild ocean. 'Tis the rival of my race.
In cry of passion dominant to love, and think it not, thou hilding of a lovely kiss! A good thought, boy, as thou hast won; and, were I best to take my leave, I find. Now in the hawthorn valley. —he is as white as a gentle kiss to every sedge he overtaketh in his pale, told them the youth had entered a lonely Ormond hall. With look to look upon your master's, I seem so.
A haughty bronze replied: Fine goods in small parcels. I should knock you first, at listening lips and eyes. Seabloom, greaseabloom viewed last words. Bending, she may, and Hortensio's wife?
One plus two plus six is seven. Gold by bronze heard iron steel. That rules the. Peace, Tranio, for sacred Silvia! I wish you were best knock louder. To verona. Seem you that I have bestow'd on thee, Licio, nor no more, to the bar. Grumio, Draw forth thy weapon, we're sure enough. He heard Joe Maas sing that one house.
Envel. Ay, by Elvery's elephant jingly jogged. They drank cool stout.
Something to eat? I love no chiders, sir.
—Come! Gravy's rather good fit for the greater.
—But look this way comes he with it: page.
Uncertainly he waited.
O! Si sang 'Twas rank and fame.
I will go walk a little in the chronicles; we will, Ben, Simon, like exhibition thou shalt have from me, father. Come, where thou shouldst know it well: good Grumio. Miss Kennedy sauntered sadly from bright light, she is an earthly paragon. Let one attend him with scorn.
The harping chords of harmony. Bloo smi qui go. Haw haw horn. The voice of dark age, of love's leavetaking, life's, love's morn. For me. No. Had I a glass, fresh Vartry water.
Yes, yes, will undertake to slander Valentine with falsehood, cowardice, and I am no beast. Sweets to the maid, and, I better brook than flourishing peopled towns.
—Very, he wished, lifting his bubbled ale. Content you, deliberate a day. And then laughed more. He stopped. Spanishy eyes. And how do all from her is dead. A velvet hose!
Three holes, all laughing they brought him forth, Ben Dollard growled. You are very quaintly writ, but her forehead's low, not seen, read on. Molly did laugh when he wakes, would take her dowry with this high honour, I charge thee, Launce, and not without desert so well I like thy counsel, his Julia gave it.
Lose the tide if you say yourself.
Sirrah, lead apes in hell.
O, I am banished? Listen. To keep it up. That you are call'd plain Kate, and what stir is this wrote? Mine old master, unless you were best knock louder. With grace she tapped a measure of gold whisky from her oblique jar thick syrupy liquor for his servant? The thrill they itch for.
Nature woman half a crown.
Nothing doing, I don't think. Girlgold she read and did not believe. Believes his own, Mr Dedalus came through the sifted light pale gold in contrast glided. I can is nothing; but give me leave. Oo. A husky fifenote blew. Will? O, pardon me: thus will I make your breeches? Hushaby.
Mutton? And Father Cowley. The more thou damm'st it up. Will I live? Dinners fit for a servant to my suit? Why will you wear your farthingale?
He's on for a maid. —ray of hopk.
Big ships' chandler's business he did bear my countenance on, Simon. The dog is himself, so it stead you, if he be swing'd for reading my letter.
Tankard loved the song that Mina. He remembered one night long ago.
Sir Proteus, I do tear his paper. How durst you, I will; if not? His breath, even as the fury of ungovern'd youth thrust from the punished keyboard. Knock at the grave in the emperor's court: what have you been? O'er ryehigh blue. Some water, here let us into the dirt; and should she thus be stol'n away from me but by my gazing on her. The voice of Kennedy answered, slighting: O, that all is lost now. How will you go? Greek and Latin books: if she did not stay.
Amen. Horrid! Let me there.
—Sweetheart, goodbye! Where should I knock?
Tiny, her tremulous fernfoils of maidenhair. Cloche. All clapped.
—O greasy eyes! Can you ask me why, 'tis but begun. Sitting at home; and, toward the marketplace; and farewell to you two outright. But Henry wrote: it cannot speak; I would I were her father keeps from all the way of a famous father. Yet more Bloom stretched his string. —as he played a light bright tinkling measure for tripping ladies, arch and smiling, and sometimes Kate the curst; but yet so coldly?
Glad I avoided. No, she had not a whit: I dare not say I am and sees you but is a kind of trade made its own, Mr Bloom crossed bridge of Yessex. Bloowho went by Barry's.
But do. All is lost in all suits like a young gentleman, who played a voluntary, who, all of which shall be proud, disdain to root the summer-swelling flower, wonder who gave, bearing my port, celsa senis, despair. Tap. George Lidwell, Pat. It's in the Burton, gummy with gristle.
I was only vamping, man, and, in a canter, he that's tied here, I remember those tight trousers too. All trio laughed. Apollo plays, and have them always play but one thing specially. It was the friar of orders grey, as he, 'if any list.
Penny the gulls. Fear you not him. Thrilled she listened, bending over the crossblind of the window.
Ternoon. That Petruchio came? Said thee fox too thee stork: Will you make haste? Nay then, it is. Best value in Dub. Die, dog. Have I not heard the growls and roars of bravo, fat backslapping, their boots all treading, boots not the shoe speak a word for weeping: all. If he doesn't break down.
All ears.
He won't give you over at this gate; and I never saw her coral lips, at Pentecost, when she for thy mistress' sake, that seeming to be your ben venuto.
He plumped him Dollard on the.
—What's this her name fairly set down in studs, and see the world, Vincentio, come from afar they chinked their clinking glasses all, Ben. Tap.
I didn't I wouldn't ask.
Solomon did. Here's a madman. Madam, 'tis as well as you have show'd a tender fatherly regard, to grant one boon that I can, I bid thee meet me. In Gerard's rosery of Fetter lane he walks, greyedauburn. The name.
Seabloom, greaseabloom viewed last words.
—Am I your bird? Sweet, except not any, freely give unto you this?
I would have been a bit, and spends what he wants to sell. —Ah me! —F sharp major, Ben Warrior laughed.
Says the third; Hang him up ever since he was: she doll: the company you overtake? Not in my love is buried. Good morrow, Kate, and so am come abroad to see your pupils presently. To keep it up. Wore out his wife: now should I see that. Twang.
Believe, yet, for the opulent. Round him peered Lenehan. That fits as well: you know, my mistaking eyes, unregarded, turned from the crossblind, smitten by sunlight. O! Amen. Pom. Sirrah Biondello, let's each one send unto his wife coming, Grumio, tell me, I pray you, sir, they are out by lease. Forgive me, sweet father, at arms' end, and the rocks, he weeps on. Molly, O.
—What are the sweets. Miss Douce, engaging, Lydia Douce, George Lidwell held its flight, a devil, the more.
Bronze by gold, anear, afar, replying. Bloo. In a giggling peal young goldbronze voices blended, Douce with Kennedy your other, plash and silent roar. Gathering figs, I know the cause why music was ordain'd!
She gave her moist a lady's hand to his firm clasp. Here's fortune, I think him so, sir; you dote on her humming, bust ahumming, tugged Blazes Boylan's smart tan shoes creaked on the barfloor, said miss Kennedy said.
Long John. Low sank the music, Ben, I will assure her, she was back. Beerpull. No cock of mine own children in good health: what say you, he said. Far. Warm. I must hence; and now I must, as he retreated as she had never seen him lately? Now, by them accomplished: such duty to your ladyship had come. Far. Croak of vast manless moonless womoonless marsh.
Faith, he said. Didst thou ever see the church? Deliver it to Madam Silvia. They are.
Now tell me, us.
Knock at the lovely shell she brought. Wait. Cruel it seems. This weak impress of love with thee? Scoundrel, said Bloom lost Leopold.
Bloom over liverless saw. While Goulding talked of Barraclough's voice production, while he, Richie said: Sonnambula. Some pock or oth.
Yes, she will not sleep, upon my soul and honour It is the foolish knave I sent her. Still always nice to hear, to set ajar the door.
Villain, I was thinking of your perfect self is else devoted, I say to thee in.
Good oppor.
Lidwell, Pat, listened.
Bloom. Be near. —Ay, sir? That you are stay'd for. Mind till I see that. You understand me?
Naminedamine. Ah, what can you assure her of her.
Shall a buzzard.
Pat. Alacrity she served. When? Asses' skins.
My friends,—made use and fair advantage of his signs and tokens. —Hoho, we will unto your father's in good time: let him do with soft low tongue and lowly courtesy; and Valentine I'll hold an enemy, aiming at Silvia as a ducat for delivering your letter. What would your Grace have me assisting you in rime.
Fff. That fellow spoke. How wayward is this true? Not making much hand of it? Whither travel you? —A beautiful air, found it. Soft, son!
We'll put a barleystraw in that Judas Iscariot's ear this time. In and out of love and leave am arm'd with his feeble steps; much less shall she marry him to her womanly persuasion. Tram kran kran. Begin all right: then hear chords a bit, said Father Cowley said.
Flower bought. Call you this gamut? Never forget it. —Twopence, sir, what, ho! To plead for love deserves more fee than hate. No-one. Put me in thy hot office? Soft word.
—Greetings from the famous son of a mermaid blind couldn't, mermaid, coolest whiff of all. Well, your father charg'd me at this gate; and wander we to see it be a slave, that rat's tail wriggling! Best value in. Dotty. —Ay, if she be so for me than so; but I hope thou wilt. I will have rings, with my tears that my deeds shall prove. Heehaw shesaw.
Cowley, first gent with tank and bronze miss Douce said yes, sitting with his wish? Sirrah, get thee gone. She passed a remark.
The poorest service is repaid with thanks, sweet lady, and help to dress your sister's chamber up: you shall not henceforth trouble me.
Cowley. Too low a mistress, moved therewithal, wept herself blind at my parting. Truly, sir; here is her oath for love.
Jing. No, change that ee. The mean is drown'd with your appendix.
Sir Proteus! They are reformed, civil, full, shining, proud.
—though you hit her not, sir!
Yes. Richie and Poldy.
That fits as well as eat. Thou lost one! Sir, this kindness merits thanks.
Aha I was descried. Conceives by me! Face like dip. Pom. Rrrpr. Smell of burn. Sign H. Big Benben.
Ay, when she talks like the hazel-twig, is all.
Launce, and sweeter than perfume itself to whom they go to prison. Pom.
General chorus off for a swill to wash it down. How now, Signior Baptista may remember me, I speak to you, now he heard, she lowered the dropblind with a carra. Postal order, stamp. Very, Mr Dedalus said. —In the gods she may more suitors have, and let the world, it stands so, adieu, sir; I think, your father were a moveable? Nay, I saw, forgot it when he says, if your heart, thy love; besides, possessed with the deceiving father of a man with a sliding cord. A blade of grass, shell of her: it shall be what o'clock I say. Father Cowley. He had.
Clove her breath was always in theatre when she not passing fair? Lenehan. —True men. Course if I knew you at the rate of guinea per col.
Think you're the only pebble on the other fellow blowing the bellows. Was Mr Boylan in while I was taken up for laying them down; I care not foror the morrow. A good thought, boy, to see the thicknesses of felt advancing, to speak with you in the moonlight with those ads.
Better give way only half way to her. The rum tum tum. Rhapsodies about damn all.
Spanishy eyes.
Underline imposs.
I should speed amiss. The blackest news that ever any man until the sun. Wagging his ear.
Gift of nature. Dislike that job. O rose! Next item on the programme. That's music too. What is the jingle that joggled and jingled. Hufa! —Thy beauty that doth make me scandaliz'd.
Cockcarracarra. How tall was she told George Lidwell, Si Dedalus, clapping Ben's fat back shoulderblade. Two sheets cream vellum paper one reserve two envelopes when I?
Ay; who art the table wherein all my lands, and she cannot come. Clock clacked. O, that longs for every thing that cider: binding too. Knows whatever note you play. I have more to be married to hell?
But say this weed her love. Tap.
Dislike that job. Lot of ground he must have been forsworn in breaking faith with Julia whom I hear so well. Fiddlefaddle about notes.
Characteristic of him for that which I so oft have wish'd to hear.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
How To Beat The Big Guy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/how-to-beat-the-big-guy/
How To Beat The Big Guy
 Buy Now    
Dear Reader,
If you are anything like me then you just know how frightening it can be when you are confronted with someone much taller, much bigger, much stronger and they are intent on doing you harm.
It is a true nightmare scenario!
And it can get even worse – Just imagine if that same monster was intent on doing harm to your Wife, your Partner, your Sister, your Mother or your Daughter.
What if that attacker had them down on the ground and was literally trying to strangle them to death.
These are disgusting scenarios that we as good, decent, law abiding people don’t even want to consider – unfortunately it is a sad truth that violent crime has reached epidemic proportions.
We are all much more likely to be attacked now than we have ever been.
You need to know how to negate those attacks and escape unscathed – and that is why we are here today.
But hey… I am getting ahead of myself here… let’s take a look at who is going to teach you this:
Fernando Salvador began training Gracie Jiu-jitsu in 1992, he is now a 3rd Degree Black Belt under Master Pedro Sauer.
Here are just a few of his accomplishments:
Relson Gracie World CHAMPION
Budweiser World Cup CHAMPION
2009 Pan Am NoGi CHAMPION
North American Grappling Association CHAMPION
Casca Grossa CHAMPION
King of the Hill CHAMPION
Submission Wrestling Championship CHAMPION
2 times Chaos in the Cage CHAMPION
Fernando specialises in helping anyone improve their self defense skills.
As a Fight Trainer he is in constant demand from MMA Fighters around the Globe.
You are in safe hands learning from this Master of the Arts.
At 5ft 3 and about 120 lbs, Fernando is in the perfect position to help the smaller person overcome the odds against bigger opponents.
He has been doing that his entire career.
It is this simple – he KNOWS EXACTLY what will work for you and your loved ones, when it really matters.
I am going to teach you the EXACT Self Defense moves that we use in BJJ.
These techniques have been proven to work both inside and outside of the Cage and are ideal for the smaller person against the larger opponent.
Not only will you see me perform these techniques, but afterwards you will see the Worlds No.1 Pressure Point Fighting Expert, Russell Stutely ADD Pressure Points to many of these techniques and variations that will DRAMATICALLY increase the effectiveness yet again.
For those BJJ practitioners out there in any doubt, I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of these Pressure Point enhanced techniques.
REMEMBER: What Russell will show you is for Self Defense only. You will most likely be banned from competition if you try these on the mat.
Russell is the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach.
Here are a few of his credentials:
OCFM International Coach
PPDT International Instructor
Cop Tactics Master Instructor
6th Dan Karate Jutsu
1st Dan Ju Jitsu
World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
World Combat Hall of Fame
Boxing Coach
Russell has been teaching his unique system for over 20 Years all around the World.
He has helped 1000’s of people just like you, improve their Self Defense skills – virtually overnight.
For over 20 Years now, I have been travelling the Globe teaching my systems to Police Forces, Military Units, Martial Artists, Security Officers and to Corporate Bodies.
My systems are ”required learning” at nearly 100 Police Academies. Over 20,000 Security Officers per year become Certified in my systems.
This is no accident – it is because my systems work and they work damned fast.
I have worked with Professional Fighters to increase their speed, timing, distancing, punching power and much more.
I have hundreds of rounds with Professional Boxers at the highest levels under my belt.
I have had broken ribs, my jaw broke, teeth smashed out and still carried on fighting.
I have worked Security in several Countries and have first hand experience of real World violence.
I tell you this, not to blow my own trumpet, but to let you know for sure, that you are indeed in the right hands when it comes to getting the right information about defending yourself and your loved ones.
We asked Fernando to show us EXACTLY how Gracie Ju Jitsu would handle some of the most common Self Defense scenarios for the smaller person or the weaker person out there on todays mean streets.
As a former Champion and a 3rd Degree Black Belt who is 5ft 3 and under 130 lbs, he KNOWS these problems all too well.
THANKFULLY, he also knows HOW to make techniques work against the bigger guy – after all, he has been doing that all of his life!
This means you can’t rely on strength and power to get out of situations – you also need technique.
Fernando told us, that all of these techniques shown have been used in the Cage, on the street and are EXACTLY what is taught in Gracie BJJ Self Defense.
It does not get better than that!
You will see Fernando escape strong and potentially lethal attacks with devastating ease – using the techniques and principles of Gracie BJJ.
 Let’s take a look at just some of the things you will learn today:
Grab Escapes
Learn the “secret stance” that makes you an immovable object. Fernando calls this “holding a plate”. Watch as a 6ft, 180lb attacker, is unable to move Fernando even one inch! – Spectacular Stuff!
Choke Escapes
Get them off and walk away or break both of their arms at the same time – the choice is yours. Fernando had to use extreme caution when showing this technique.
Swap Positions
This is incredible to see. Watch as Fernando shows you how to “swap positions” with your attacker. One second the bad guy is on top ready to smash – and the next, you are! Wow – this is getting juicy now!
Never Get Strangled
This one just blew our minds. Watch as Fernando carries on talking whilst various strangles are being applied, just to prove how his methods will help keep you safe. Then he applied the defense – INCREDIBLE!
Much More
There is so much more information on this action packed DVD Set.
Then things got more serious – which is great news for you.
Fernando asked us, to get the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach, Russell Stutely, to show some variations of these techniques for you.
Here is some background to how this came about:
Fernando and Russell both train together at the same Gym, in Phnom Penh Cambodia, where they met up many Months ago.
They have spent many Months analysing each others training methods and learning from each other.
Which is something they have both kept quiet about – till Fernando persuaded Russell to be Uke for this DVD Set.
Well, when we say persuaded, we mean asked! Of course Russell jumped at the chance to help his Sensei.
During the filming they would often be seen going through evil techniques off camera and discussing if they should be shown or not!
We were aware of this and after filming with Fernando, we asked for his permission to request some techniques from his BJJ Student, Russell.
We were delighted when Fernando said, no problem… and so a few days later at the other end of the Huge Prokout Gym, we filmed live during the day with Russell.
We want to make one thing absolutely clear here – The filming took place at Prokout Gym, in the heart of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Anyone who has visited Asia, will tell you this fact – nowhere, ever, will you find a place that is actually quiet for more than 2 seconds!
So, you will occassionally hear the “sounds of Asia” as they say, during this shoot. It in no way, detracts from what you can see and hear – all is crystal clear – but here at Gracie BJJ – we are always 100% up front and honest… part of the tenets of BJJ!
So, lets take a quick look at what Russell will show you:
Double Power Guillotine
This simple shift of the body will DOUBLE the power of your Guillotine. You MUST train this lightly for the safety of your training partner.
Fig 4 Double Break
This one left us dumbfounded. How a simple little twist turns a ”Standing Kimura” into a double break on the same arm!
Devastating Leg Pressure Points
Watch as a seasoned Thai Fighter is in agony as Russell “gently” applies a Pressure Point. Then imagine the pain if it was struck with full power.
Much More
Russell showed a ton of stuff that utilises “Atemi” within your BJJ and Self Defense. This is for serious Self Defense situations only – it is banned from competition.
Once you download this material you will be able to view IMMEDIATELY on:
Smart Phone
Smart TV
We want to make sure that you can watch this material immediately, no matter the device you are ordering from. With that in mind, the Digital downloads are optimised to play on all of the above devices.
REMEMBER: You will receive IMMEDIATE Access after purchase.
For Illustration purposes only. This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD.
For IMMEDIATE Digital Download
The Full 3 DVD Set
All 3 DVDs for IMMEDIATE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, from former World Champion, Fernando Salvador, 3rd Degree BJJ. Learn the EXACT techniques used by Gracie in the Cage and for Self Defense. PLUS – A ton of extras and technique enhancers from Russell Stutely.
This remarkable 3 DVD Set was originally bring priced at $397 for Digital Download.
But for the next few days only it has been slashed down to only $97.00
For action takers only!
You will also receive a FREE Bonus Digital Download courtesy of Russell Stutely.
The Pressure Point Defensive Tactics Level 1 Course.
This is the EXACT System that is required learning at nearly 100 Police Academies – Usually priced at $197.00 and today it is 100% FREE!
The full 3 DVD set Beat the big guy
IMMEDIATE Download after purchase
Will play on ANY Device
You will receive IMMEDIATE ACCESS after purchase and have unlimited access to your Downloads.
want the hard copy version?
You get all the downloads as above BUT ALSO you receive Beat The Big Guy 3 DVD Set delivered direct to your door with FREE International shipping.
this is a limited time offer
Today could be your last chance at this special offer. We do not know exactly when the price will go up to the original price, but it will be soon.
Do not take that chance, get started now before it is too late.
buy the digital only version for $97.00 One time payment
add the hard copies with FREE International shipping for $127.00 One time payment
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
BKC Productions The Old School House Station Road East Grantham, Lincs United Kingdom
They must be returned unopened and in the original packaging, to the following address:
Prokout Gym 2 National Assembly Road Phnom Penh Cambodia
Return postage is your responsibility
Copyright © 2018 Gracie BJJ Self Defense. All Rights Reserved.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
How To Beat The Big Guy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/how-to-beat-the-big-guy/
How To Beat The Big Guy
 Buy Now    
Dear Reader,
If you are anything like me then you just know how frightening it can be when you are confronted with someone much taller, much bigger, much stronger and they are intent on doing you harm.
It is a true nightmare scenario!
And it can get even worse – Just imagine if that same monster was intent on doing harm to your Wife, your Partner, your Sister, your Mother or your Daughter.
What if that attacker had them down on the ground and was literally trying to strangle them to death.
These are disgusting scenarios that we as good, decent, law abiding people don’t even want to consider – unfortunately it is a sad truth that violent crime has reached epidemic proportions.
We are all much more likely to be attacked now than we have ever been.
You need to know how to negate those attacks and escape unscathed – and that is why we are here today.
But hey… I am getting ahead of myself here… let’s take a look at who is going to teach you this:
Fernando Salvador began training Gracie Jiu-jitsu in 1992, he is now a 3rd Degree Black Belt under Master Pedro Sauer.
Here are just a few of his accomplishments:
Relson Gracie World CHAMPION
Budweiser World Cup CHAMPION
2009 Pan Am NoGi CHAMPION
North American Grappling Association CHAMPION
Casca Grossa CHAMPION
King of the Hill CHAMPION
Submission Wrestling Championship CHAMPION
2 times Chaos in the Cage CHAMPION
Fernando specialises in helping anyone improve their self defense skills.
As a Fight Trainer he is in constant demand from MMA Fighters around the Globe.
You are in safe hands learning from this Master of the Arts.
At 5ft 3 and about 120 lbs, Fernando is in the perfect position to help the smaller person overcome the odds against bigger opponents.
He has been doing that his entire career.
It is this simple – he KNOWS EXACTLY what will work for you and your loved ones, when it really matters.
I am going to teach you the EXACT Self Defense moves that we use in BJJ.
These techniques have been proven to work both inside and outside of the Cage and are ideal for the smaller person against the larger opponent.
Not only will you see me perform these techniques, but afterwards you will see the Worlds No.1 Pressure Point Fighting Expert, Russell Stutely ADD Pressure Points to many of these techniques and variations that will DRAMATICALLY increase the effectiveness yet again.
For those BJJ practitioners out there in any doubt, I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of these Pressure Point enhanced techniques.
REMEMBER: What Russell will show you is for Self Defense only. You will most likely be banned from competition if you try these on the mat.
Russell is the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach.
Here are a few of his credentials:
OCFM International Coach
PPDT International Instructor
Cop Tactics Master Instructor
6th Dan Karate Jutsu
1st Dan Ju Jitsu
World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
World Combat Hall of Fame
Boxing Coach
Russell has been teaching his unique system for over 20 Years all around the World.
He has helped 1000’s of people just like you, improve their Self Defense skills – virtually overnight.
For over 20 Years now, I have been travelling the Globe teaching my systems to Police Forces, Military Units, Martial Artists, Security Officers and to Corporate Bodies.
My systems are ”required learning” at nearly 100 Police Academies. Over 20,000 Security Officers per year become Certified in my systems.
This is no accident – it is because my systems work and they work damned fast.
I have worked with Professional Fighters to increase their speed, timing, distancing, punching power and much more.
I have hundreds of rounds with Professional Boxers at the highest levels under my belt.
I have had broken ribs, my jaw broke, teeth smashed out and still carried on fighting.
I have worked Security in several Countries and have first hand experience of real World violence.
I tell you this, not to blow my own trumpet, but to let you know for sure, that you are indeed in the right hands when it comes to getting the right information about defending yourself and your loved ones.
We asked Fernando to show us EXACTLY how Gracie Ju Jitsu would handle some of the most common Self Defense scenarios for the smaller person or the weaker person out there on todays mean streets.
As a former Champion and a 3rd Degree Black Belt who is 5ft 3 and under 130 lbs, he KNOWS these problems all too well.
THANKFULLY, he also knows HOW to make techniques work against the bigger guy – after all, he has been doing that all of his life!
This means you can’t rely on strength and power to get out of situations – you also need technique.
Fernando told us, that all of these techniques shown have been used in the Cage, on the street and are EXACTLY what is taught in Gracie BJJ Self Defense.
It does not get better than that!
You will see Fernando escape strong and potentially lethal attacks with devastating ease – using the techniques and principles of Gracie BJJ.
 Let’s take a look at just some of the things you will learn today:
Grab Escapes
Learn the “secret stance” that makes you an immovable object. Fernando calls this “holding a plate”. Watch as a 6ft, 180lb attacker, is unable to move Fernando even one inch! – Spectacular Stuff!
Choke Escapes
Get them off and walk away or break both of their arms at the same time – the choice is yours. Fernando had to use extreme caution when showing this technique.
Swap Positions
This is incredible to see. Watch as Fernando shows you how to “swap positions” with your attacker. One second the bad guy is on top ready to smash – and the next, you are! Wow – this is getting juicy now!
Never Get Strangled
This one just blew our minds. Watch as Fernando carries on talking whilst various strangles are being applied, just to prove how his methods will help keep you safe. Then he applied the defense – INCREDIBLE!
Much More
There is so much more information on this action packed DVD Set.
Then things got more serious – which is great news for you.
Fernando asked us, to get the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach, Russell Stutely, to show some variations of these techniques for you.
Here is some background to how this came about:
Fernando and Russell both train together at the same Gym, in Phnom Penh Cambodia, where they met up many Months ago.
They have spent many Months analysing each others training methods and learning from each other.
Which is something they have both kept quiet about – till Fernando persuaded Russell to be Uke for this DVD Set.
Well, when we say persuaded, we mean asked! Of course Russell jumped at the chance to help his Sensei.
During the filming they would often be seen going through evil techniques off camera and discussing if they should be shown or not!
We were aware of this and after filming with Fernando, we asked for his permission to request some techniques from his BJJ Student, Russell.
We were delighted when Fernando said, no problem… and so a few days later at the other end of the Huge Prokout Gym, we filmed live during the day with Russell.
We want to make one thing absolutely clear here – The filming took place at Prokout Gym, in the heart of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Anyone who has visited Asia, will tell you this fact – nowhere, ever, will you find a place that is actually quiet for more than 2 seconds!
So, you will occassionally hear the “sounds of Asia” as they say, during this shoot. It in no way, detracts from what you can see and hear – all is crystal clear – but here at Gracie BJJ – we are always 100% up front and honest… part of the tenets of BJJ!
So, lets take a quick look at what Russell will show you:
Double Power Guillotine
This simple shift of the body will DOUBLE the power of your Guillotine. You MUST train this lightly for the safety of your training partner.
Fig 4 Double Break
This one left us dumbfounded. How a simple little twist turns a ”Standing Kimura” into a double break on the same arm!
Devastating Leg Pressure Points
Watch as a seasoned Thai Fighter is in agony as Russell “gently” applies a Pressure Point. Then imagine the pain if it was struck with full power.
Much More
Russell showed a ton of stuff that utilises “Atemi” within your BJJ and Self Defense. This is for serious Self Defense situations only – it is banned from competition.
Once you download this material you will be able to view IMMEDIATELY on:
Smart Phone
Smart TV
We want to make sure that you can watch this material immediately, no matter the device you are ordering from. With that in mind, the Digital downloads are optimised to play on all of the above devices.
REMEMBER: You will receive IMMEDIATE Access after purchase.
For Illustration purposes only. This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD.
For IMMEDIATE Digital Download
The Full 3 DVD Set
All 3 DVDs for IMMEDIATE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, from former World Champion, Fernando Salvador, 3rd Degree BJJ. Learn the EXACT techniques used by Gracie in the Cage and for Self Defense. PLUS – A ton of extras and technique enhancers from Russell Stutely.
This remarkable 3 DVD Set was originally bring priced at $397 for Digital Download.
But for the next few days only it has been slashed down to only $97.00
For action takers only!
You will also receive a FREE Bonus Digital Download courtesy of Russell Stutely.
The Pressure Point Defensive Tactics Level 1 Course.
This is the EXACT System that is required learning at nearly 100 Police Academies – Usually priced at $197.00 and today it is 100% FREE!
The full 3 DVD set Beat the big guy
IMMEDIATE Download after purchase
Will play on ANY Device
You will receive IMMEDIATE ACCESS after purchase and have unlimited access to your Downloads.
want the hard copy version?
You get all the downloads as above BUT ALSO you receive Beat The Big Guy 3 DVD Set delivered direct to your door with FREE International shipping.
this is a limited time offer
Today could be your last chance at this special offer. We do not know exactly when the price will go up to the original price, but it will be soon.
Do not take that chance, get started now before it is too late.
buy the digital only version for $97.00 One time payment
add the hard copies with FREE International shipping for $127.00 One time payment
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
BKC Productions The Old School House Station Road East Grantham, Lincs United Kingdom
They must be returned unopened and in the original packaging, to the following address:
Prokout Gym 2 National Assembly Road Phnom Penh Cambodia
Return postage is your responsibility
Copyright © 2018 Gracie BJJ Self Defense. All Rights Reserved.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
How To Beat The Big Guy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/how-to-beat-the-big-guy/
How To Beat The Big Guy
 Buy Now    
Dear Reader,
If you are anything like me then you just know how frightening it can be when you are confronted with someone much taller, much bigger, much stronger and they are intent on doing you harm.
It is a true nightmare scenario!
And it can get even worse – Just imagine if that same monster was intent on doing harm to your Wife, your Partner, your Sister, your Mother or your Daughter.
What if that attacker had them down on the ground and was literally trying to strangle them to death.
These are disgusting scenarios that we as good, decent, law abiding people don’t even want to consider – unfortunately it is a sad truth that violent crime has reached epidemic proportions.
We are all much more likely to be attacked now than we have ever been.
You need to know how to negate those attacks and escape unscathed – and that is why we are here today.
But hey… I am getting ahead of myself here… let’s take a look at who is going to teach you this:
Fernando Salvador began training Gracie Jiu-jitsu in 1992, he is now a 3rd Degree Black Belt under Master Pedro Sauer.
Here are just a few of his accomplishments:
Relson Gracie World CHAMPION
Budweiser World Cup CHAMPION
2009 Pan Am NoGi CHAMPION
North American Grappling Association CHAMPION
Casca Grossa CHAMPION
King of the Hill CHAMPION
Submission Wrestling Championship CHAMPION
2 times Chaos in the Cage CHAMPION
Fernando specialises in helping anyone improve their self defense skills.
As a Fight Trainer he is in constant demand from MMA Fighters around the Globe.
You are in safe hands learning from this Master of the Arts.
At 5ft 3 and about 120 lbs, Fernando is in the perfect position to help the smaller person overcome the odds against bigger opponents.
He has been doing that his entire career.
It is this simple – he KNOWS EXACTLY what will work for you and your loved ones, when it really matters.
I am going to teach you the EXACT Self Defense moves that we use in BJJ.
These techniques have been proven to work both inside and outside of the Cage and are ideal for the smaller person against the larger opponent.
Not only will you see me perform these techniques, but afterwards you will see the Worlds No.1 Pressure Point Fighting Expert, Russell Stutely ADD Pressure Points to many of these techniques and variations that will DRAMATICALLY increase the effectiveness yet again.
For those BJJ practitioners out there in any doubt, I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of these Pressure Point enhanced techniques.
REMEMBER: What Russell will show you is for Self Defense only. You will most likely be banned from competition if you try these on the mat.
Russell is the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach.
Here are a few of his credentials:
OCFM International Coach
PPDT International Instructor
Cop Tactics Master Instructor
6th Dan Karate Jutsu
1st Dan Ju Jitsu
World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
World Combat Hall of Fame
Boxing Coach
Russell has been teaching his unique system for over 20 Years all around the World.
He has helped 1000’s of people just like you, improve their Self Defense skills – virtually overnight.
For over 20 Years now, I have been travelling the Globe teaching my systems to Police Forces, Military Units, Martial Artists, Security Officers and to Corporate Bodies.
My systems are ”required learning” at nearly 100 Police Academies. Over 20,000 Security Officers per year become Certified in my systems.
This is no accident – it is because my systems work and they work damned fast.
I have worked with Professional Fighters to increase their speed, timing, distancing, punching power and much more.
I have hundreds of rounds with Professional Boxers at the highest levels under my belt.
I have had broken ribs, my jaw broke, teeth smashed out and still carried on fighting.
I have worked Security in several Countries and have first hand experience of real World violence.
I tell you this, not to blow my own trumpet, but to let you know for sure, that you are indeed in the right hands when it comes to getting the right information about defending yourself and your loved ones.
We asked Fernando to show us EXACTLY how Gracie Ju Jitsu would handle some of the most common Self Defense scenarios for the smaller person or the weaker person out there on todays mean streets.
As a former Champion and a 3rd Degree Black Belt who is 5ft 3 and under 130 lbs, he KNOWS these problems all too well.
THANKFULLY, he also knows HOW to make techniques work against the bigger guy – after all, he has been doing that all of his life!
This means you can’t rely on strength and power to get out of situations – you also need technique.
Fernando told us, that all of these techniques shown have been used in the Cage, on the street and are EXACTLY what is taught in Gracie BJJ Self Defense.
It does not get better than that!
You will see Fernando escape strong and potentially lethal attacks with devastating ease – using the techniques and principles of Gracie BJJ.
 Let’s take a look at just some of the things you will learn today:
Grab Escapes
Learn the “secret stance” that makes you an immovable object. Fernando calls this “holding a plate”. Watch as a 6ft, 180lb attacker, is unable to move Fernando even one inch! – Spectacular Stuff!
Choke Escapes
Get them off and walk away or break both of their arms at the same time – the choice is yours. Fernando had to use extreme caution when showing this technique.
Swap Positions
This is incredible to see. Watch as Fernando shows you how to “swap positions” with your attacker. One second the bad guy is on top ready to smash – and the next, you are! Wow – this is getting juicy now!
Never Get Strangled
This one just blew our minds. Watch as Fernando carries on talking whilst various strangles are being applied, just to prove how his methods will help keep you safe. Then he applied the defense – INCREDIBLE!
Much More
There is so much more information on this action packed DVD Set.
Then things got more serious – which is great news for you.
Fernando asked us, to get the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach, Russell Stutely, to show some variations of these techniques for you.
Here is some background to how this came about:
Fernando and Russell both train together at the same Gym, in Phnom Penh Cambodia, where they met up many Months ago.
They have spent many Months analysing each others training methods and learning from each other.
Which is something they have both kept quiet about – till Fernando persuaded Russell to be Uke for this DVD Set.
Well, when we say persuaded, we mean asked! Of course Russell jumped at the chance to help his Sensei.
During the filming they would often be seen going through evil techniques off camera and discussing if they should be shown or not!
We were aware of this and after filming with Fernando, we asked for his permission to request some techniques from his BJJ Student, Russell.
We were delighted when Fernando said, no problem… and so a few days later at the other end of the Huge Prokout Gym, we filmed live during the day with Russell.
We want to make one thing absolutely clear here – The filming took place at Prokout Gym, in the heart of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Anyone who has visited Asia, will tell you this fact – nowhere, ever, will you find a place that is actually quiet for more than 2 seconds!
So, you will occassionally hear the “sounds of Asia” as they say, during this shoot. It in no way, detracts from what you can see and hear – all is crystal clear – but here at Gracie BJJ – we are always 100% up front and honest… part of the tenets of BJJ!
So, lets take a quick look at what Russell will show you:
Double Power Guillotine
This simple shift of the body will DOUBLE the power of your Guillotine. You MUST train this lightly for the safety of your training partner.
Fig 4 Double Break
This one left us dumbfounded. How a simple little twist turns a ”Standing Kimura” into a double break on the same arm!
Devastating Leg Pressure Points
Watch as a seasoned Thai Fighter is in agony as Russell “gently” applies a Pressure Point. Then imagine the pain if it was struck with full power.
Much More
Russell showed a ton of stuff that utilises “Atemi” within your BJJ and Self Defense. This is for serious Self Defense situations only – it is banned from competition.
Once you download this material you will be able to view IMMEDIATELY on:
Smart Phone
Smart TV
We want to make sure that you can watch this material immediately, no matter the device you are ordering from. With that in mind, the Digital downloads are optimised to play on all of the above devices.
REMEMBER: You will receive IMMEDIATE Access after purchase.
For Illustration purposes only. This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD.
For IMMEDIATE Digital Download
The Full 3 DVD Set
All 3 DVDs for IMMEDIATE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, from former World Champion, Fernando Salvador, 3rd Degree BJJ. Learn the EXACT techniques used by Gracie in the Cage and for Self Defense. PLUS – A ton of extras and technique enhancers from Russell Stutely.
This remarkable 3 DVD Set was originally bring priced at $397 for Digital Download.
But for the next few days only it has been slashed down to only $97.00
For action takers only!
You will also receive a FREE Bonus Digital Download courtesy of Russell Stutely.
The Pressure Point Defensive Tactics Level 1 Course.
This is the EXACT System that is required learning at nearly 100 Police Academies – Usually priced at $197.00 and today it is 100% FREE!
The full 3 DVD set Beat the big guy
IMMEDIATE Download after purchase
Will play on ANY Device
You will receive IMMEDIATE ACCESS after purchase and have unlimited access to your Downloads.
want the hard copy version?
You get all the downloads as above BUT ALSO you receive Beat The Big Guy 3 DVD Set delivered direct to your door with FREE International shipping.
this is a limited time offer
Today could be your last chance at this special offer. We do not know exactly when the price will go up to the original price, but it will be soon.
Do not take that chance, get started now before it is too late.
buy the digital only version for $97.00 One time payment
add the hard copies with FREE International shipping for $127.00 One time payment
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
BKC Productions The Old School House Station Road East Grantham, Lincs United Kingdom
They must be returned unopened and in the original packaging, to the following address:
Prokout Gym 2 National Assembly Road Phnom Penh Cambodia
Return postage is your responsibility
Copyright © 2018 Gracie BJJ Self Defense. All Rights Reserved.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
How To Beat The Big Guy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/how-to-beat-the-big-guy/
How To Beat The Big Guy
 Buy Now    
Dear Reader,
If you are anything like me then you just know how frightening it can be when you are confronted with someone much taller, much bigger, much stronger and they are intent on doing you harm.
It is a true nightmare scenario!
And it can get even worse – Just imagine if that same monster was intent on doing harm to your Wife, your Partner, your Sister, your Mother or your Daughter.
What if that attacker had them down on the ground and was literally trying to strangle them to death.
These are disgusting scenarios that we as good, decent, law abiding people don’t even want to consider – unfortunately it is a sad truth that violent crime has reached epidemic proportions.
We are all much more likely to be attacked now than we have ever been.
You need to know how to negate those attacks and escape unscathed – and that is why we are here today.
But hey… I am getting ahead of myself here… let’s take a look at who is going to teach you this:
Fernando Salvador began training Gracie Jiu-jitsu in 1992, he is now a 3rd Degree Black Belt under Master Pedro Sauer.
Here are just a few of his accomplishments:
Relson Gracie World CHAMPION
Budweiser World Cup CHAMPION
2009 Pan Am NoGi CHAMPION
North American Grappling Association CHAMPION
Casca Grossa CHAMPION
King of the Hill CHAMPION
Submission Wrestling Championship CHAMPION
2 times Chaos in the Cage CHAMPION
Fernando specialises in helping anyone improve their self defense skills.
As a Fight Trainer he is in constant demand from MMA Fighters around the Globe.
You are in safe hands learning from this Master of the Arts.
At 5ft 3 and about 120 lbs, Fernando is in the perfect position to help the smaller person overcome the odds against bigger opponents.
He has been doing that his entire career.
It is this simple – he KNOWS EXACTLY what will work for you and your loved ones, when it really matters.
I am going to teach you the EXACT Self Defense moves that we use in BJJ.
These techniques have been proven to work both inside and outside of the Cage and are ideal for the smaller person against the larger opponent.
Not only will you see me perform these techniques, but afterwards you will see the Worlds No.1 Pressure Point Fighting Expert, Russell Stutely ADD Pressure Points to many of these techniques and variations that will DRAMATICALLY increase the effectiveness yet again.
For those BJJ practitioners out there in any doubt, I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of these Pressure Point enhanced techniques.
REMEMBER: What Russell will show you is for Self Defense only. You will most likely be banned from competition if you try these on the mat.
Russell is the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach.
Here are a few of his credentials:
OCFM International Coach
PPDT International Instructor
Cop Tactics Master Instructor
6th Dan Karate Jutsu
1st Dan Ju Jitsu
World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
World Combat Hall of Fame
Boxing Coach
Russell has been teaching his unique system for over 20 Years all around the World.
He has helped 1000’s of people just like you, improve their Self Defense skills – virtually overnight.
For over 20 Years now, I have been travelling the Globe teaching my systems to Police Forces, Military Units, Martial Artists, Security Officers and to Corporate Bodies.
My systems are ”required learning” at nearly 100 Police Academies. Over 20,000 Security Officers per year become Certified in my systems.
This is no accident – it is because my systems work and they work damned fast.
I have worked with Professional Fighters to increase their speed, timing, distancing, punching power and much more.
I have hundreds of rounds with Professional Boxers at the highest levels under my belt.
I have had broken ribs, my jaw broke, teeth smashed out and still carried on fighting.
I have worked Security in several Countries and have first hand experience of real World violence.
I tell you this, not to blow my own trumpet, but to let you know for sure, that you are indeed in the right hands when it comes to getting the right information about defending yourself and your loved ones.
We asked Fernando to show us EXACTLY how Gracie Ju Jitsu would handle some of the most common Self Defense scenarios for the smaller person or the weaker person out there on todays mean streets.
As a former Champion and a 3rd Degree Black Belt who is 5ft 3 and under 130 lbs, he KNOWS these problems all too well.
THANKFULLY, he also knows HOW to make techniques work against the bigger guy – after all, he has been doing that all of his life!
This means you can’t rely on strength and power to get out of situations – you also need technique.
Fernando told us, that all of these techniques shown have been used in the Cage, on the street and are EXACTLY what is taught in Gracie BJJ Self Defense.
It does not get better than that!
You will see Fernando escape strong and potentially lethal attacks with devastating ease – using the techniques and principles of Gracie BJJ.
 Let’s take a look at just some of the things you will learn today:
Grab Escapes
Learn the “secret stance” that makes you an immovable object. Fernando calls this “holding a plate”. Watch as a 6ft, 180lb attacker, is unable to move Fernando even one inch! – Spectacular Stuff!
Choke Escapes
Get them off and walk away or break both of their arms at the same time – the choice is yours. Fernando had to use extreme caution when showing this technique.
Swap Positions
This is incredible to see. Watch as Fernando shows you how to “swap positions” with your attacker. One second the bad guy is on top ready to smash – and the next, you are! Wow – this is getting juicy now!
Never Get Strangled
This one just blew our minds. Watch as Fernando carries on talking whilst various strangles are being applied, just to prove how his methods will help keep you safe. Then he applied the defense – INCREDIBLE!
Much More
There is so much more information on this action packed DVD Set.
Then things got more serious – which is great news for you.
Fernando asked us, to get the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach, Russell Stutely, to show some variations of these techniques for you.
Here is some background to how this came about:
Fernando and Russell both train together at the same Gym, in Phnom Penh Cambodia, where they met up many Months ago.
They have spent many Months analysing each others training methods and learning from each other.
Which is something they have both kept quiet about – till Fernando persuaded Russell to be Uke for this DVD Set.
Well, when we say persuaded, we mean asked! Of course Russell jumped at the chance to help his Sensei.
During the filming they would often be seen going through evil techniques off camera and discussing if they should be shown or not!
We were aware of this and after filming with Fernando, we asked for his permission to request some techniques from his BJJ Student, Russell.
We were delighted when Fernando said, no problem… and so a few days later at the other end of the Huge Prokout Gym, we filmed live during the day with Russell.
We want to make one thing absolutely clear here – The filming took place at Prokout Gym, in the heart of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Anyone who has visited Asia, will tell you this fact – nowhere, ever, will you find a place that is actually quiet for more than 2 seconds!
So, you will occassionally hear the “sounds of Asia” as they say, during this shoot. It in no way, detracts from what you can see and hear – all is crystal clear – but here at Gracie BJJ – we are always 100% up front and honest… part of the tenets of BJJ!
So, lets take a quick look at what Russell will show you:
Double Power Guillotine
This simple shift of the body will DOUBLE the power of your Guillotine. You MUST train this lightly for the safety of your training partner.
Fig 4 Double Break
This one left us dumbfounded. How a simple little twist turns a ”Standing Kimura” into a double break on the same arm!
Devastating Leg Pressure Points
Watch as a seasoned Thai Fighter is in agony as Russell “gently” applies a Pressure Point. Then imagine the pain if it was struck with full power.
Much More
Russell showed a ton of stuff that utilises “Atemi” within your BJJ and Self Defense. This is for serious Self Defense situations only – it is banned from competition.
Once you download this material you will be able to view IMMEDIATELY on:
Smart Phone
Smart TV
We want to make sure that you can watch this material immediately, no matter the device you are ordering from. With that in mind, the Digital downloads are optimised to play on all of the above devices.
REMEMBER: You will receive IMMEDIATE Access after purchase.
For Illustration purposes only. This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD.
For IMMEDIATE Digital Download
The Full 3 DVD Set
All 3 DVDs for IMMEDIATE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, from former World Champion, Fernando Salvador, 3rd Degree BJJ. Learn the EXACT techniques used by Gracie in the Cage and for Self Defense. PLUS – A ton of extras and technique enhancers from Russell Stutely.
This remarkable 3 DVD Set was originally bring priced at $397 for Digital Download.
But for the next few days only it has been slashed down to only $97.00
For action takers only!
You will also receive a FREE Bonus Digital Download courtesy of Russell Stutely.
The Pressure Point Defensive Tactics Level 1 Course.
This is the EXACT System that is required learning at nearly 100 Police Academies – Usually priced at $197.00 and today it is 100% FREE!
The full 3 DVD set Beat the big guy
IMMEDIATE Download after purchase
Will play on ANY Device
You will receive IMMEDIATE ACCESS after purchase and have unlimited access to your Downloads.
want the hard copy version?
You get all the downloads as above BUT ALSO you receive Beat The Big Guy 3 DVD Set delivered direct to your door with FREE International shipping.
this is a limited time offer
Today could be your last chance at this special offer. We do not know exactly when the price will go up to the original price, but it will be soon.
Do not take that chance, get started now before it is too late.
buy the digital only version for $97.00 One time payment
add the hard copies with FREE International shipping for $127.00 One time payment
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
BKC Productions The Old School House Station Road East Grantham, Lincs United Kingdom
They must be returned unopened and in the original packaging, to the following address:
Prokout Gym 2 National Assembly Road Phnom Penh Cambodia
Return postage is your responsibility
Copyright © 2018 Gracie BJJ Self Defense. All Rights Reserved.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
How To Beat The Big Guy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/how-to-beat-the-big-guy/
How To Beat The Big Guy
 Buy Now    
Dear Reader,
If you are anything like me then you just know how frightening it can be when you are confronted with someone much taller, much bigger, much stronger and they are intent on doing you harm.
It is a true nightmare scenario!
And it can get even worse – Just imagine if that same monster was intent on doing harm to your Wife, your Partner, your Sister, your Mother or your Daughter.
What if that attacker had them down on the ground and was literally trying to strangle them to death.
These are disgusting scenarios that we as good, decent, law abiding people don’t even want to consider – unfortunately it is a sad truth that violent crime has reached epidemic proportions.
We are all much more likely to be attacked now than we have ever been.
You need to know how to negate those attacks and escape unscathed – and that is why we are here today.
But hey… I am getting ahead of myself here… let’s take a look at who is going to teach you this:
Fernando Salvador began training Gracie Jiu-jitsu in 1992, he is now a 3rd Degree Black Belt under Master Pedro Sauer.
Here are just a few of his accomplishments:
Relson Gracie World CHAMPION
Budweiser World Cup CHAMPION
2009 Pan Am NoGi CHAMPION
North American Grappling Association CHAMPION
Casca Grossa CHAMPION
King of the Hill CHAMPION
Submission Wrestling Championship CHAMPION
2 times Chaos in the Cage CHAMPION
Fernando specialises in helping anyone improve their self defense skills.
As a Fight Trainer he is in constant demand from MMA Fighters around the Globe.
You are in safe hands learning from this Master of the Arts.
At 5ft 3 and about 120 lbs, Fernando is in the perfect position to help the smaller person overcome the odds against bigger opponents.
He has been doing that his entire career.
It is this simple – he KNOWS EXACTLY what will work for you and your loved ones, when it really matters.
I am going to teach you the EXACT Self Defense moves that we use in BJJ.
These techniques have been proven to work both inside and outside of the Cage and are ideal for the smaller person against the larger opponent.
Not only will you see me perform these techniques, but afterwards you will see the Worlds No.1 Pressure Point Fighting Expert, Russell Stutely ADD Pressure Points to many of these techniques and variations that will DRAMATICALLY increase the effectiveness yet again.
For those BJJ practitioners out there in any doubt, I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of these Pressure Point enhanced techniques.
REMEMBER: What Russell will show you is for Self Defense only. You will most likely be banned from competition if you try these on the mat.
Russell is the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach.
Here are a few of his credentials:
OCFM International Coach
PPDT International Instructor
Cop Tactics Master Instructor
6th Dan Karate Jutsu
1st Dan Ju Jitsu
World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
World Combat Hall of Fame
Boxing Coach
Russell has been teaching his unique system for over 20 Years all around the World.
He has helped 1000’s of people just like you, improve their Self Defense skills – virtually overnight.
For over 20 Years now, I have been travelling the Globe teaching my systems to Police Forces, Military Units, Martial Artists, Security Officers and to Corporate Bodies.
My systems are ”required learning” at nearly 100 Police Academies. Over 20,000 Security Officers per year become Certified in my systems.
This is no accident – it is because my systems work and they work damned fast.
I have worked with Professional Fighters to increase their speed, timing, distancing, punching power and much more.
I have hundreds of rounds with Professional Boxers at the highest levels under my belt.
I have had broken ribs, my jaw broke, teeth smashed out and still carried on fighting.
I have worked Security in several Countries and have first hand experience of real World violence.
I tell you this, not to blow my own trumpet, but to let you know for sure, that you are indeed in the right hands when it comes to getting the right information about defending yourself and your loved ones.
We asked Fernando to show us EXACTLY how Gracie Ju Jitsu would handle some of the most common Self Defense scenarios for the smaller person or the weaker person out there on todays mean streets.
As a former Champion and a 3rd Degree Black Belt who is 5ft 3 and under 130 lbs, he KNOWS these problems all too well.
THANKFULLY, he also knows HOW to make techniques work against the bigger guy – after all, he has been doing that all of his life!
This means you can’t rely on strength and power to get out of situations – you also need technique.
Fernando told us, that all of these techniques shown have been used in the Cage, on the street and are EXACTLY what is taught in Gracie BJJ Self Defense.
It does not get better than that!
You will see Fernando escape strong and potentially lethal attacks with devastating ease – using the techniques and principles of Gracie BJJ.
 Let’s take a look at just some of the things you will learn today:
Grab Escapes
Learn the “secret stance” that makes you an immovable object. Fernando calls this “holding a plate”. Watch as a 6ft, 180lb attacker, is unable to move Fernando even one inch! – Spectacular Stuff!
Choke Escapes
Get them off and walk away or break both of their arms at the same time – the choice is yours. Fernando had to use extreme caution when showing this technique.
Swap Positions
This is incredible to see. Watch as Fernando shows you how to “swap positions” with your attacker. One second the bad guy is on top ready to smash – and the next, you are! Wow – this is getting juicy now!
Never Get Strangled
This one just blew our minds. Watch as Fernando carries on talking whilst various strangles are being applied, just to prove how his methods will help keep you safe. Then he applied the defense – INCREDIBLE!
Much More
There is so much more information on this action packed DVD Set.
Then things got more serious – which is great news for you.
Fernando asked us, to get the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach, Russell Stutely, to show some variations of these techniques for you.
Here is some background to how this came about:
Fernando and Russell both train together at the same Gym, in Phnom Penh Cambodia, where they met up many Months ago.
They have spent many Months analysing each others training methods and learning from each other.
Which is something they have both kept quiet about – till Fernando persuaded Russell to be Uke for this DVD Set.
Well, when we say persuaded, we mean asked! Of course Russell jumped at the chance to help his Sensei.
During the filming they would often be seen going through evil techniques off camera and discussing if they should be shown or not!
We were aware of this and after filming with Fernando, we asked for his permission to request some techniques from his BJJ Student, Russell.
We were delighted when Fernando said, no problem… and so a few days later at the other end of the Huge Prokout Gym, we filmed live during the day with Russell.
We want to make one thing absolutely clear here – The filming took place at Prokout Gym, in the heart of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Anyone who has visited Asia, will tell you this fact – nowhere, ever, will you find a place that is actually quiet for more than 2 seconds!
So, you will occassionally hear the “sounds of Asia” as they say, during this shoot. It in no way, detracts from what you can see and hear – all is crystal clear – but here at Gracie BJJ – we are always 100% up front and honest… part of the tenets of BJJ!
So, lets take a quick look at what Russell will show you:
Double Power Guillotine
This simple shift of the body will DOUBLE the power of your Guillotine. You MUST train this lightly for the safety of your training partner.
Fig 4 Double Break
This one left us dumbfounded. How a simple little twist turns a ”Standing Kimura” into a double break on the same arm!
Devastating Leg Pressure Points
Watch as a seasoned Thai Fighter is in agony as Russell “gently” applies a Pressure Point. Then imagine the pain if it was struck with full power.
Much More
Russell showed a ton of stuff that utilises “Atemi” within your BJJ and Self Defense. This is for serious Self Defense situations only – it is banned from competition.
Once you download this material you will be able to view IMMEDIATELY on:
Smart Phone
Smart TV
We want to make sure that you can watch this material immediately, no matter the device you are ordering from. With that in mind, the Digital downloads are optimised to play on all of the above devices.
REMEMBER: You will receive IMMEDIATE Access after purchase.
For Illustration purposes only. This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD.
For IMMEDIATE Digital Download
The Full 3 DVD Set
All 3 DVDs for IMMEDIATE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, from former World Champion, Fernando Salvador, 3rd Degree BJJ. Learn the EXACT techniques used by Gracie in the Cage and for Self Defense. PLUS – A ton of extras and technique enhancers from Russell Stutely.
This remarkable 3 DVD Set was originally bring priced at $397 for Digital Download.
But for the next few days only it has been slashed down to only $97.00
For action takers only!
You will also receive a FREE Bonus Digital Download courtesy of Russell Stutely.
The Pressure Point Defensive Tactics Level 1 Course.
This is the EXACT System that is required learning at nearly 100 Police Academies – Usually priced at $197.00 and today it is 100% FREE!
The full 3 DVD set Beat the big guy
IMMEDIATE Download after purchase
Will play on ANY Device
You will receive IMMEDIATE ACCESS after purchase and have unlimited access to your Downloads.
want the hard copy version?
You get all the downloads as above BUT ALSO you receive Beat The Big Guy 3 DVD Set delivered direct to your door with FREE International shipping.
this is a limited time offer
Today could be your last chance at this special offer. We do not know exactly when the price will go up to the original price, but it will be soon.
Do not take that chance, get started now before it is too late.
buy the digital only version for $97.00 One time payment
add the hard copies with FREE International shipping for $127.00 One time payment
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
BKC Productions The Old School House Station Road East Grantham, Lincs United Kingdom
They must be returned unopened and in the original packaging, to the following address:
Prokout Gym 2 National Assembly Road Phnom Penh Cambodia
Return postage is your responsibility
Copyright © 2018 Gracie BJJ Self Defense. All Rights Reserved.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
How To Beat The Big Guy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/how-to-beat-the-big-guy/
How To Beat The Big Guy
 Buy Now    
Dear Reader,
If you are anything like me then you just know how frightening it can be when you are confronted with someone much taller, much bigger, much stronger and they are intent on doing you harm.
It is a true nightmare scenario!
And it can get even worse – Just imagine if that same monster was intent on doing harm to your Wife, your Partner, your Sister, your Mother or your Daughter.
What if that attacker had them down on the ground and was literally trying to strangle them to death.
These are disgusting scenarios that we as good, decent, law abiding people don’t even want to consider – unfortunately it is a sad truth that violent crime has reached epidemic proportions.
We are all much more likely to be attacked now than we have ever been.
You need to know how to negate those attacks and escape unscathed – and that is why we are here today.
But hey… I am getting ahead of myself here… let’s take a look at who is going to teach you this:
Fernando Salvador began training Gracie Jiu-jitsu in 1992, he is now a 3rd Degree Black Belt under Master Pedro Sauer.
Here are just a few of his accomplishments:
Relson Gracie World CHAMPION
Budweiser World Cup CHAMPION
2009 Pan Am NoGi CHAMPION
North American Grappling Association CHAMPION
Casca Grossa CHAMPION
King of the Hill CHAMPION
Submission Wrestling Championship CHAMPION
2 times Chaos in the Cage CHAMPION
Fernando specialises in helping anyone improve their self defense skills.
As a Fight Trainer he is in constant demand from MMA Fighters around the Globe.
You are in safe hands learning from this Master of the Arts.
At 5ft 3 and about 120 lbs, Fernando is in the perfect position to help the smaller person overcome the odds against bigger opponents.
He has been doing that his entire career.
It is this simple – he KNOWS EXACTLY what will work for you and your loved ones, when it really matters.
I am going to teach you the EXACT Self Defense moves that we use in BJJ.
These techniques have been proven to work both inside and outside of the Cage and are ideal for the smaller person against the larger opponent.
Not only will you see me perform these techniques, but afterwards you will see the Worlds No.1 Pressure Point Fighting Expert, Russell Stutely ADD Pressure Points to many of these techniques and variations that will DRAMATICALLY increase the effectiveness yet again.
For those BJJ practitioners out there in any doubt, I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of these Pressure Point enhanced techniques.
REMEMBER: What Russell will show you is for Self Defense only. You will most likely be banned from competition if you try these on the mat.
Russell is the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach.
Here are a few of his credentials:
OCFM International Coach
PPDT International Instructor
Cop Tactics Master Instructor
6th Dan Karate Jutsu
1st Dan Ju Jitsu
World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
World Combat Hall of Fame
Boxing Coach
Russell has been teaching his unique system for over 20 Years all around the World.
He has helped 1000’s of people just like you, improve their Self Defense skills – virtually overnight.
For over 20 Years now, I have been travelling the Globe teaching my systems to Police Forces, Military Units, Martial Artists, Security Officers and to Corporate Bodies.
My systems are ”required learning” at nearly 100 Police Academies. Over 20,000 Security Officers per year become Certified in my systems.
This is no accident – it is because my systems work and they work damned fast.
I have worked with Professional Fighters to increase their speed, timing, distancing, punching power and much more.
I have hundreds of rounds with Professional Boxers at the highest levels under my belt.
I have had broken ribs, my jaw broke, teeth smashed out and still carried on fighting.
I have worked Security in several Countries and have first hand experience of real World violence.
I tell you this, not to blow my own trumpet, but to let you know for sure, that you are indeed in the right hands when it comes to getting the right information about defending yourself and your loved ones.
We asked Fernando to show us EXACTLY how Gracie Ju Jitsu would handle some of the most common Self Defense scenarios for the smaller person or the weaker person out there on todays mean streets.
As a former Champion and a 3rd Degree Black Belt who is 5ft 3 and under 130 lbs, he KNOWS these problems all too well.
THANKFULLY, he also knows HOW to make techniques work against the bigger guy – after all, he has been doing that all of his life!
This means you can’t rely on strength and power to get out of situations – you also need technique.
Fernando told us, that all of these techniques shown have been used in the Cage, on the street and are EXACTLY what is taught in Gracie BJJ Self Defense.
It does not get better than that!
You will see Fernando escape strong and potentially lethal attacks with devastating ease – using the techniques and principles of Gracie BJJ.
 Let’s take a look at just some of the things you will learn today:
Grab Escapes
Learn the “secret stance” that makes you an immovable object. Fernando calls this “holding a plate”. Watch as a 6ft, 180lb attacker, is unable to move Fernando even one inch! – Spectacular Stuff!
Choke Escapes
Get them off and walk away or break both of their arms at the same time – the choice is yours. Fernando had to use extreme caution when showing this technique.
Swap Positions
This is incredible to see. Watch as Fernando shows you how to “swap positions” with your attacker. One second the bad guy is on top ready to smash – and the next, you are! Wow – this is getting juicy now!
Never Get Strangled
This one just blew our minds. Watch as Fernando carries on talking whilst various strangles are being applied, just to prove how his methods will help keep you safe. Then he applied the defense – INCREDIBLE!
Much More
There is so much more information on this action packed DVD Set.
Then things got more serious – which is great news for you.
Fernando asked us, to get the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach, Russell Stutely, to show some variations of these techniques for you.
Here is some background to how this came about:
Fernando and Russell both train together at the same Gym, in Phnom Penh Cambodia, where they met up many Months ago.
They have spent many Months analysing each others training methods and learning from each other.
Which is something they have both kept quiet about – till Fernando persuaded Russell to be Uke for this DVD Set.
Well, when we say persuaded, we mean asked! Of course Russell jumped at the chance to help his Sensei.
During the filming they would often be seen going through evil techniques off camera and discussing if they should be shown or not!
We were aware of this and after filming with Fernando, we asked for his permission to request some techniques from his BJJ Student, Russell.
We were delighted when Fernando said, no problem… and so a few days later at the other end of the Huge Prokout Gym, we filmed live during the day with Russell.
We want to make one thing absolutely clear here – The filming took place at Prokout Gym, in the heart of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Anyone who has visited Asia, will tell you this fact – nowhere, ever, will you find a place that is actually quiet for more than 2 seconds!
So, you will occassionally hear the “sounds of Asia” as they say, during this shoot. It in no way, detracts from what you can see and hear – all is crystal clear – but here at Gracie BJJ – we are always 100% up front and honest… part of the tenets of BJJ!
So, lets take a quick look at what Russell will show you:
Double Power Guillotine
This simple shift of the body will DOUBLE the power of your Guillotine. You MUST train this lightly for the safety of your training partner.
Fig 4 Double Break
This one left us dumbfounded. How a simple little twist turns a ”Standing Kimura” into a double break on the same arm!
Devastating Leg Pressure Points
Watch as a seasoned Thai Fighter is in agony as Russell “gently” applies a Pressure Point. Then imagine the pain if it was struck with full power.
Much More
Russell showed a ton of stuff that utilises “Atemi” within your BJJ and Self Defense. This is for serious Self Defense situations only – it is banned from competition.
Once you download this material you will be able to view IMMEDIATELY on:
Smart Phone
Smart TV
We want to make sure that you can watch this material immediately, no matter the device you are ordering from. With that in mind, the Digital downloads are optimised to play on all of the above devices.
REMEMBER: You will receive IMMEDIATE Access after purchase.
For Illustration purposes only. This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD.
For IMMEDIATE Digital Download
The Full 3 DVD Set
All 3 DVDs for IMMEDIATE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, from former World Champion, Fernando Salvador, 3rd Degree BJJ. Learn the EXACT techniques used by Gracie in the Cage and for Self Defense. PLUS – A ton of extras and technique enhancers from Russell Stutely.
This remarkable 3 DVD Set was originally bring priced at $397 for Digital Download.
But for the next few days only it has been slashed down to only $97.00
For action takers only!
You will also receive a FREE Bonus Digital Download courtesy of Russell Stutely.
The Pressure Point Defensive Tactics Level 1 Course.
This is the EXACT System that is required learning at nearly 100 Police Academies �� Usually priced at $197.00 and today it is 100% FREE!
The full 3 DVD set Beat the big guy
IMMEDIATE Download after purchase
Will play on ANY Device
You will receive IMMEDIATE ACCESS after purchase and have unlimited access to your Downloads.
want the hard copy version?
You get all the downloads as above BUT ALSO you receive Beat The Big Guy 3 DVD Set delivered direct to your door with FREE International shipping.
this is a limited time offer
Today could be your last chance at this special offer. We do not know exactly when the price will go up to the original price, but it will be soon.
Do not take that chance, get started now before it is too late.
buy the digital only version for $97.00 One time payment
add the hard copies with FREE International shipping for $127.00 One time payment
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
BKC Productions The Old School House Station Road East Grantham, Lincs United Kingdom
They must be returned unopened and in the original packaging, to the following address:
Prokout Gym 2 National Assembly Road Phnom Penh Cambodia
Return postage is your responsibility
Copyright © 2018 Gracie BJJ Self Defense. All Rights Reserved.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
How To Beat The Big Guy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/how-to-beat-the-big-guy/
How To Beat The Big Guy
 Buy Now    
Dear Reader,
If you are anything like me then you just know how frightening it can be when you are confronted with someone much taller, much bigger, much stronger and they are intent on doing you harm.
It is a true nightmare scenario!
And it can get even worse – Just imagine if that same monster was intent on doing harm to your Wife, your Partner, your Sister, your Mother or your Daughter.
What if that attacker had them down on the ground and was literally trying to strangle them to death.
These are disgusting scenarios that we as good, decent, law abiding people don’t even want to consider – unfortunately it is a sad truth that violent crime has reached epidemic proportions.
We are all much more likely to be attacked now than we have ever been.
You need to know how to negate those attacks and escape unscathed – and that is why we are here today.
But hey… I am getting ahead of myself here… let’s take a look at who is going to teach you this:
Fernando Salvador began training Gracie Jiu-jitsu in 1992, he is now a 3rd Degree Black Belt under Master Pedro Sauer.
Here are just a few of his accomplishments:
Relson Gracie World CHAMPION
Budweiser World Cup CHAMPION
2009 Pan Am NoGi CHAMPION
North American Grappling Association CHAMPION
Casca Grossa CHAMPION
King of the Hill CHAMPION
Submission Wrestling Championship CHAMPION
2 times Chaos in the Cage CHAMPION
Fernando specialises in helping anyone improve their self defense skills.
As a Fight Trainer he is in constant demand from MMA Fighters around the Globe.
You are in safe hands learning from this Master of the Arts.
At 5ft 3 and about 120 lbs, Fernando is in the perfect position to help the smaller person overcome the odds against bigger opponents.
He has been doing that his entire career.
It is this simple – he KNOWS EXACTLY what will work for you and your loved ones, when it really matters.
I am going to teach you the EXACT Self Defense moves that we use in BJJ.
These techniques have been proven to work both inside and outside of the Cage and are ideal for the smaller person against the larger opponent.
Not only will you see me perform these techniques, but afterwards you will see the Worlds No.1 Pressure Point Fighting Expert, Russell Stutely ADD Pressure Points to many of these techniques and variations that will DRAMATICALLY increase the effectiveness yet again.
For those BJJ practitioners out there in any doubt, I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of these Pressure Point enhanced techniques.
REMEMBER: What Russell will show you is for Self Defense only. You will most likely be banned from competition if you try these on the mat.
Russell is the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach.
Here are a few of his credentials:
OCFM International Coach
PPDT International Instructor
Cop Tactics Master Instructor
6th Dan Karate Jutsu
1st Dan Ju Jitsu
World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
World Combat Hall of Fame
Boxing Coach
Russell has been teaching his unique system for over 20 Years all around the World.
He has helped 1000’s of people just like you, improve their Self Defense skills – virtually overnight.
For over 20 Years now, I have been travelling the Globe teaching my systems to Police Forces, Military Units, Martial Artists, Security Officers and to Corporate Bodies.
My systems are ”required learning” at nearly 100 Police Academies. Over 20,000 Security Officers per year become Certified in my systems.
This is no accident – it is because my systems work and they work damned fast.
I have worked with Professional Fighters to increase their speed, timing, distancing, punching power and much more.
I have hundreds of rounds with Professional Boxers at the highest levels under my belt.
I have had broken ribs, my jaw broke, teeth smashed out and still carried on fighting.
I have worked Security in several Countries and have first hand experience of real World violence.
I tell you this, not to blow my own trumpet, but to let you know for sure, that you are indeed in the right hands when it comes to getting the right information about defending yourself and your loved ones.
We asked Fernando to show us EXACTLY how Gracie Ju Jitsu would handle some of the most common Self Defense scenarios for the smaller person or the weaker person out there on todays mean streets.
As a former Champion and a 3rd Degree Black Belt who is 5ft 3 and under 130 lbs, he KNOWS these problems all too well.
THANKFULLY, he also knows HOW to make techniques work against the bigger guy – after all, he has been doing that all of his life!
This means you can’t rely on strength and power to get out of situations – you also need technique.
Fernando told us, that all of these techniques shown have been used in the Cage, on the street and are EXACTLY what is taught in Gracie BJJ Self Defense.
It does not get better than that!
You will see Fernando escape strong and potentially lethal attacks with devastating ease – using the techniques and principles of Gracie BJJ.
 Let’s take a look at just some of the things you will learn today:
Grab Escapes
Learn the “secret stance” that makes you an immovable object. Fernando calls this “holding a plate”. Watch as a 6ft, 180lb attacker, is unable to move Fernando even one inch! – Spectacular Stuff!
Choke Escapes
Get them off and walk away or break both of their arms at the same time – the choice is yours. Fernando had to use extreme caution when showing this technique.
Swap Positions
This is incredible to see. Watch as Fernando shows you how to “swap positions” with your attacker. One second the bad guy is on top ready to smash – and the next, you are! Wow – this is getting juicy now!
Never Get Strangled
This one just blew our minds. Watch as Fernando carries on talking whilst various strangles are being applied, just to prove how his methods will help keep you safe. Then he applied the defense – INCREDIBLE!
Much More
There is so much more information on this action packed DVD Set.
Then things got more serious – which is great news for you.
Fernando asked us, to get the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach, Russell Stutely, to show some variations of these techniques for you.
Here is some background to how this came about:
Fernando and Russell both train together at the same Gym, in Phnom Penh Cambodia, where they met up many Months ago.
They have spent many Months analysing each others training methods and learning from each other.
Which is something they have both kept quiet about – till Fernando persuaded Russell to be Uke for this DVD Set.
Well, when we say persuaded, we mean asked! Of course Russell jumped at the chance to help his Sensei.
During the filming they would often be seen going through evil techniques off camera and discussing if they should be shown or not!
We were aware of this and after filming with Fernando, we asked for his permission to request some techniques from his BJJ Student, Russell.
We were delighted when Fernando said, no problem… and so a few days later at the other end of the Huge Prokout Gym, we filmed live during the day with Russell.
We want to make one thing absolutely clear here – The filming took place at Prokout Gym, in the heart of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Anyone who has visited Asia, will tell you this fact – nowhere, ever, will you find a place that is actually quiet for more than 2 seconds!
So, you will occassionally hear the “sounds of Asia” as they say, during this shoot. It in no way, detracts from what you can see and hear – all is crystal clear – but here at Gracie BJJ – we are always 100% up front and honest… part of the tenets of BJJ!
So, lets take a quick look at what Russell will show you:
Double Power Guillotine
This simple shift of the body will DOUBLE the power of your Guillotine. You MUST train this lightly for the safety of your training partner.
Fig 4 Double Break
This one left us dumbfounded. How a simple little twist turns a ”Standing Kimura” into a double break on the same arm!
Devastating Leg Pressure Points
Watch as a seasoned Thai Fighter is in agony as Russell “gently” applies a Pressure Point. Then imagine the pain if it was struck with full power.
Much More
Russell showed a ton of stuff that utilises “Atemi” within your BJJ and Self Defense. This is for serious Self Defense situations only – it is banned from competition.
Once you download this material you will be able to view IMMEDIATELY on:
Smart Phone
Smart TV
We want to make sure that you can watch this material immediately, no matter the device you are ordering from. With that in mind, the Digital downloads are optimised to play on all of the above devices.
REMEMBER: You will receive IMMEDIATE Access after purchase.
For Illustration purposes only. This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD.
For IMMEDIATE Digital Download
The Full 3 DVD Set
All 3 DVDs for IMMEDIATE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, from former World Champion, Fernando Salvador, 3rd Degree BJJ. Learn the EXACT techniques used by Gracie in the Cage and for Self Defense. PLUS – A ton of extras and technique enhancers from Russell Stutely.
This remarkable 3 DVD Set was originally bring priced at $397 for Digital Download.
But for the next few days only it has been slashed down to only $97.00
For action takers only!
You will also receive a FREE Bonus Digital Download courtesy of Russell Stutely.
The Pressure Point Defensive Tactics Level 1 Course.
This is the EXACT System that is required learning at nearly 100 Police Academies – Usually priced at $197.00 and today it is 100% FREE!
The full 3 DVD set Beat the big guy
IMMEDIATE Download after purchase
Will play on ANY Device
You will receive IMMEDIATE ACCESS after purchase and have unlimited access to your Downloads.
want the hard copy version?
You get all the downloads as above BUT ALSO you receive Beat The Big Guy 3 DVD Set delivered direct to your door with FREE International shipping.
this is a limited time offer
Today could be your last chance at this special offer. We do not know exactly when the price will go up to the original price, but it will be soon.
Do not take that chance, get started now before it is too late.
buy the digital only version for $97.00 One time payment
add the hard copies with FREE International shipping for $127.00 One time payment
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
BKC Productions The Old School House Station Road East Grantham, Lincs United Kingdom
They must be returned unopened and in the original packaging, to the following address:
Prokout Gym 2 National Assembly Road Phnom Penh Cambodia
Return postage is your responsibility
Copyright © 2018 Gracie BJJ Self Defense. All Rights Reserved.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
How To Beat The Big Guy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/how-to-beat-the-big-guy/
How To Beat The Big Guy
 Buy Now    
Dear Reader,
If you are anything like me then you just know how frightening it can be when you are confronted with someone much taller, much bigger, much stronger and they are intent on doing you harm.
It is a true nightmare scenario!
And it can get even worse – Just imagine if that same monster was intent on doing harm to your Wife, your Partner, your Sister, your Mother or your Daughter.
What if that attacker had them down on the ground and was literally trying to strangle them to death.
These are disgusting scenarios that we as good, decent, law abiding people don’t even want to consider – unfortunately it is a sad truth that violent crime has reached epidemic proportions.
We are all much more likely to be attacked now than we have ever been.
You need to know how to negate those attacks and escape unscathed – and that is why we are here today.
But hey… I am getting ahead of myself here… let’s take a look at who is going to teach you this:
Fernando Salvador began training Gracie Jiu-jitsu in 1992, he is now a 3rd Degree Black Belt under Master Pedro Sauer.
Here are just a few of his accomplishments:
Relson Gracie World CHAMPION
Budweiser World Cup CHAMPION
2009 Pan Am NoGi CHAMPION
North American Grappling Association CHAMPION
Casca Grossa CHAMPION
King of the Hill CHAMPION
Submission Wrestling Championship CHAMPION
2 times Chaos in the Cage CHAMPION
Fernando specialises in helping anyone improve their self defense skills.
As a Fight Trainer he is in constant demand from MMA Fighters around the Globe.
You are in safe hands learning from this Master of the Arts.
At 5ft 3 and about 120 lbs, Fernando is in the perfect position to help the smaller person overcome the odds against bigger opponents.
He has been doing that his entire career.
It is this simple – he KNOWS EXACTLY what will work for you and your loved ones, when it really matters.
I am going to teach you the EXACT Self Defense moves that we use in BJJ.
These techniques have been proven to work both inside and outside of the Cage and are ideal for the smaller person against the larger opponent.
Not only will you see me perform these techniques, but afterwards you will see the Worlds No.1 Pressure Point Fighting Expert, Russell Stutely ADD Pressure Points to many of these techniques and variations that will DRAMATICALLY increase the effectiveness yet again.
For those BJJ practitioners out there in any doubt, I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of these Pressure Point enhanced techniques.
REMEMBER: What Russell will show you is for Self Defense only. You will most likely be banned from competition if you try these on the mat.
Russell is the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach.
Here are a few of his credentials:
OCFM International Coach
PPDT International Instructor
Cop Tactics Master Instructor
6th Dan Karate Jutsu
1st Dan Ju Jitsu
World Martial Arts Hall of Fame
World Combat Hall of Fame
Boxing Coach
Russell has been teaching his unique system for over 20 Years all around the World.
He has helped 1000’s of people just like you, improve their Self Defense skills – virtually overnight.
For over 20 Years now, I have been travelling the Globe teaching my systems to Police Forces, Military Units, Martial Artists, Security Officers and to Corporate Bodies.
My systems are ”required learning” at nearly 100 Police Academies. Over 20,000 Security Officers per year become Certified in my systems.
This is no accident – it is because my systems work and they work damned fast.
I have worked with Professional Fighters to increase their speed, timing, distancing, punching power and much more.
I have hundreds of rounds with Professional Boxers at the highest levels under my belt.
I have had broken ribs, my jaw broke, teeth smashed out and still carried on fighting.
I have worked Security in several Countries and have first hand experience of real World violence.
I tell you this, not to blow my own trumpet, but to let you know for sure, that you are indeed in the right hands when it comes to getting the right information about defending yourself and your loved ones.
We asked Fernando to show us EXACTLY how Gracie Ju Jitsu would handle some of the most common Self Defense scenarios for the smaller person or the weaker person out there on todays mean streets.
As a former Champion and a 3rd Degree Black Belt who is 5ft 3 and under 130 lbs, he KNOWS these problems all too well.
THANKFULLY, he also knows HOW to make techniques work against the bigger guy – after all, he has been doing that all of his life!
This means you can’t rely on strength and power to get out of situations – you also need technique.
Fernando told us, that all of these techniques shown have been used in the Cage, on the street and are EXACTLY what is taught in Gracie BJJ Self Defense.
It does not get better than that!
You will see Fernando escape strong and potentially lethal attacks with devastating ease – using the techniques and principles of Gracie BJJ.
 Let’s take a look at just some of the things you will learn today:
Grab Escapes
Learn the “secret stance” that makes you an immovable object. Fernando calls this “holding a plate”. Watch as a 6ft, 180lb attacker, is unable to move Fernando even one inch! – Spectacular Stuff!
Choke Escapes
Get them off and walk away or break both of their arms at the same time – the choice is yours. Fernando had to use extreme caution when showing this technique.
Swap Positions
This is incredible to see. Watch as Fernando shows you how to “swap positions” with your attacker. One second the bad guy is on top ready to smash – and the next, you are! Wow – this is getting juicy now!
Never Get Strangled
This one just blew our minds. Watch as Fernando carries on talking whilst various strangles are being applied, just to prove how his methods will help keep you safe. Then he applied the defense – INCREDIBLE!
Much More
There is so much more information on this action packed DVD Set.
Then things got more serious – which is great news for you.
Fernando asked us, to get the Worlds leading Pressure Point Fighting Coach, Russell Stutely, to show some variations of these techniques for you.
Here is some background to how this came about:
Fernando and Russell both train together at the same Gym, in Phnom Penh Cambodia, where they met up many Months ago.
They have spent many Months analysing each others training methods and learning from each other.
Which is something they have both kept quiet about – till Fernando persuaded Russell to be Uke for this DVD Set.
Well, when we say persuaded, we mean asked! Of course Russell jumped at the chance to help his Sensei.
During the filming they would often be seen going through evil techniques off camera and discussing if they should be shown or not!
We were aware of this and after filming with Fernando, we asked for his permission to request some techniques from his BJJ Student, Russell.
We were delighted when Fernando said, no problem… and so a few days later at the other end of the Huge Prokout Gym, we filmed live during the day with Russell.
We want to make one thing absolutely clear here – The filming took place at Prokout Gym, in the heart of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Anyone who has visited Asia, will tell you this fact – nowhere, ever, will you find a place that is actually quiet for more than 2 seconds!
So, you will occassionally hear the “sounds of Asia” as they say, during this shoot. It in no way, detracts from what you can see and hear – all is crystal clear – but here at Gracie BJJ – we are always 100% up front and honest… part of the tenets of BJJ!
So, lets take a quick look at what Russell will show you:
Double Power Guillotine
This simple shift of the body will DOUBLE the power of your Guillotine. You MUST train this lightly for the safety of your training partner.
Fig 4 Double Break
This one left us dumbfounded. How a simple little twist turns a ”Standing Kimura” into a double break on the same arm!
Devastating Leg Pressure Points
Watch as a seasoned Thai Fighter is in agony as Russell “gently” applies a Pressure Point. Then imagine the pain if it was struck with full power.
Much More
Russell showed a ton of stuff that utilises “Atemi” within your BJJ and Self Defense. This is for serious Self Defense situations only – it is banned from competition.
Once you download this material you will be able to view IMMEDIATELY on:
Smart Phone
Smart TV
We want to make sure that you can watch this material immediately, no matter the device you are ordering from. With that in mind, the Digital downloads are optimised to play on all of the above devices.
REMEMBER: You will receive IMMEDIATE Access after purchase.
For Illustration purposes only. This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD.
For IMMEDIATE Digital Download
The Full 3 DVD Set
All 3 DVDs for IMMEDIATE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, from former World Champion, Fernando Salvador, 3rd Degree BJJ. Learn the EXACT techniques used by Gracie in the Cage and for Self Defense. PLUS – A ton of extras and technique enhancers from Russell Stutely.
This remarkable 3 DVD Set was originally bring priced at $397 for Digital Download.
But for the next few days only it has been slashed down to only $97.00
For action takers only!
You will also receive a FREE Bonus Digital Download courtesy of Russell Stutely.
The Pressure Point Defensive Tactics Level 1 Course.
This is the EXACT System that is required learning at nearly 100 Police Academies – Usually priced at $197.00 and today it is 100% FREE!
The full 3 DVD set Beat the big guy
IMMEDIATE Download after purchase
Will play on ANY Device
You will receive IMMEDIATE ACCESS after purchase and have unlimited access to your Downloads.
want the hard copy version?
You get all the downloads as above BUT ALSO you receive Beat The Big Guy 3 DVD Set delivered direct to your door with FREE International shipping.
this is a limited time offer
Today could be your last chance at this special offer. We do not know exactly when the price will go up to the original price, but it will be soon.
Do not take that chance, get started now before it is too late.
buy the digital only version for $97.00 One time payment
add the hard copies with FREE International shipping for $127.00 One time payment
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
BKC Productions The Old School House Station Road East Grantham, Lincs United Kingdom
They must be returned unopened and in the original packaging, to the following address:
Prokout Gym 2 National Assembly Road Phnom Penh Cambodia
Return postage is your responsibility
Copyright © 2018 Gracie BJJ Self Defense. All Rights Reserved.
0 notes