#enjoy this kallamar posting
medys-space · 1 year
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nifaux · 20 days
Red flags!
I could not pass up the opportunity to do this with them! I hope you enjoy
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spiderin-space · 2 months
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Next chapter up!! And sketches down below!! :>
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jestersarts · 1 year
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tfw eternal statue torture prison
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thewitchoftheweed · 11 months
“We’ve gotta get out of here!” Kallamar says, voice quavering. “I told you this was a bad idea.” Narinder gestures toward the grand entrance with his dagger. The giant stone doors are sealed tight. The scratches near the bottom tell a story; they’re not the first ones to get trapped in Neftis’s temple.  “We’re seeing this through; we don’t have a choice.” He peers around the pillar. The goddess of death is waiting, her golden scepter resting in her coils. It radiates powerful magic, adding to her own. Get that away, and some of her magic is gone. It’ll give them half a chance, which is better than their current odds of no chance. “I’m going to get that scepter away from her, cover me.” “Narinder, WAIT-”
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wolsalwastaken · 1 month
My headcanons for the species of the bishops (+ bonus headcannons):
Leshy is an American dagger moth caterpillar, his little black spiky things and fluffy green appearance all match up with it. Since he’s clearly an adult, but is also stuck as a caterpillar, my headcanon is that his godhood prevented him from fully aging, as he was a caterpillar when being granted his power. He also can read in braille, however he is dyslexic, so he’s not very good at it.
Heket is a Cane Toad. Since Cane Toads are prevalent in Australia and are known for having an incredibly large appetite (and incredibly large size), I’d bet actual money that that’s what she was based off. Also yes, she canonically is a toad she isn’t a frog guys. It’s also incredibly painful for her to speak, even after her being healed, so she chooses to communicate through sign language most of the time.
Narinder is an Egyptian Mau, the first ever species of domestic cat (they also are often black in color). I also dreamt that he’s ambidextrous so that’s now a headcanon I have, idk my subconscious projected it onto him. Maybe it’s bc I myself am ambidextrous, or maybe I’m just weird.
Kallamar is a vampire squid, since vampires are blamed for the spread of disease, plus vampire squids have lil ears + a big ass forehead, it just makes sense to me. Since Kallamar is either partially or entirely deaf, he can communicate through speech but can only receive information through sign language. Him and Heket have the easiest time communing.
Shamura is a regal jumping spider, as seen with their bright coloration and big eyes. They use post-it notes to remind themself of things, however 90% of the time the notes are entirely unhelpful 1-word clues. Sometimes Leshy will intentionally mess with them by leaving fake notes.
Anyways just wanted to share my headcanons for them bc I want to, idk. Hope you’ve enjoyed them- if anyone’s wondering why I got oddly specific with species it’s bc I’m a biology major and animal nerd.
(Pictured below are the animals I hc them as, in order of mention)
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Can we possibly have platonic fluff scenario with the bishops and a kid reader
Like one of their followers have or found a kid and they helped look after them and realized they generally like being a parental/sibling figure It generally depends on who
bishops x kid!reader (platonic)
shorter post since my hands arent cooperating with typing right now RAAAAHRAAAAAH!!! notes: reader is gn and age isnt specified but its written with a younger kid in mind, can be seen as any animal cws: none
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more like a brother than a father to you- does not have the guidance or experience necessary to raise a kid, though he will still try to put you on the right path
plays light pranks on you- if this were a human au he would be the type to wake you up for school on a saturday
the type to feed you shredded cheese as a meal/hj, does not know what kids eat or like to eat
not reckless with you but its clear that his methods are a little... all over the place
mix of big sister and mom vibes, it really depends on whats going on in the moment
wont fight a kid who bullies you but boy is she going to give the parents the biggest stink eye
doesnt spoil you like kallamar, but shes not going to be strict with you
lets you go with her to her temple, for whatever duties she needs to get done... answers any questions you may have about what exactly she does as a bishop- dont let her short or gruff responses fool you! shes proud of her work and enjoys that you think shes cool!
he spoils you, cannot say no to you- youre also the best dressed kid in the cult, decked out with the newest robes and crystals
worries about you a lot though, treats every scraped knee like you need an amputation
keeps those feelings to himself though, because he doesnt want to freak you out, truly one of the last things he wants
has experience as a sibling but shamura did a lot of the support and upbringing with the other three, so kallamar is learning as he goes- sometimes asks shamura for some advice
god it brings back some memories and feelings from when their siblings were younger- already has the experience needed to take care of a child
so gentle with you, though theyre firm to make sure you dont get into any trouble
always save some time at the end of the day to check on you before you go to sleep
speaking of i can see them reading stories to you- sure they may not be all that interesting to someone your age but they like making sure youre learning at least something.. more than thrilled if you seem interested in the stories and info they tell
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aughtpunk · 6 months
On the subject of Disability and the "Forgiveness of the Lamb" series
It has been brought to my attention that there's a person (who will go unnamed) going around accusing my work of being ableist on the grounds that during the series The Bishops have their Narinder-inflicted injuries healed and therefore are no longer disabled. I wanted to take a moment to address this.
The Bishops are healed in the Forgiveness of the Lamb series not because being disabled is bad and they need to be "fixed". I am disabled myself and find that very concept horrible. The Bishops are healed because it's a literal manifestation of their and Narinder's relationships being fixed. He apologizes, they forgive him, and because of this the injury he inflicted on them is undone. The healing is symbolic, not a means to "fix" them.
(I even tagged the fic with 'The Literal Healing is also a Metaphor' to stress the point).
It's also worth nothing that The Bishops aren't fixed. While their relic body parts have been returned each of them are still disabled. Leshy's sight has been damaged causing him to be nearsighted and to have blurry vision. Heket has breathing problems making physical activity hard. Kallamar is still deaf in one ear. And Shamura now suffers from debilitating migraines. I have touched on all of these lightly so far but plan to go into them with each POV story.
I request that in the future if anyone has a problem with any of my stories you should contact me directly with them and, as long as you are respectful, I will gladly talk to you about it. Do not spam and bother other people on their own posts for enjoying my work.
To everyone who has been enjoying the Forgiveness of the Lamb series and leaving kudos, making art, or leaving comments: Thank you. It's been a long time since I've felt welcomed in a fandom like this. I hope all of you enjoy the rest of the series.
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cloudydreamingart · 4 months
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Kallamar wip cause I need to post something lol
Pls enjoy
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spiderin-space · 5 months
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Chapter three uploaded!!
Chapter sketches/doodles under the cut :>
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karmarox · 4 months
Chaos and the Lamb
Or: My Leshy X Lamb / Shrubwool headcanons (Sorry to the Kallamar fans that ate up my wet beast character study for doing Leshy first but a reply made me inspired)
First off, as a preface for pretty much any Bishop x Lamb ship in general to be healthy the Lamb has to be one that has either worked through their revenge/moved past it, obviously. Generally speaking in my interpretations of canon the Lamb would have gotten any closure/Justice they were seeking in the first go around and then by the time of entering the post game and freeing the Bishops from their eternal punishment they would have found another purpose in the Cult/as a God. So, aside from any lingering feelings over seeing them again, in their eyes, they got their revenge, sentence, and both the Lamb and the Bishops all got a second chance after death. Anything else is no longer personal (although more benevolent Lambs probably does have feelings for what a dangerous, stagnant state the Bishops left the lands in).
Leshy in particular I think the Lamb would have an easier time forgiving/accepting due to a combination of Leshy being the youngest and weakest and arguably having the least involvement/responsibility in everything that happened as well as by virtue of being the youngest/weakest being the one who spent the longest in Purgatory. So already the Lamb is a bit kinder to them than the other Bishops.
Leshy was the god of Chaos, so despite everything he does have a bit of a "Letting Nature Takes Its Course" mentality. While initially bitter about the whole getting killed and letting his family down and being put through Purgatory only to discover everything that happened after he was gone, he ends up having a surprisingly similar mentality to the Lamb in that there's nothing really "personal" left to feud over in his second life. He's pretty much neutral to the Cult, but warms up a lot more once he finds out the Lamb is freeing his siblings too.
As for how they bond... well, being young gods forced into a role without much teaching gives them both a lot to talk about. Leshy is actually surprisingly really competent in pretty much any task given to him despite his blindness and chaotic luck and tendency to get distracted. The latter can generally be solved by just changing up the things he's given so things don't get too monotonous. Leshy ends up finding that he enjoys being given tasks he thinks are "easy" and being rewarded with lots of free time and praise. In return Leshy ends up helping the Lamb learn a whole lot more about nature. Also tries to encourage them to have more fun and recreation time. Totally on a whim (and maybe to see what kind of trouble/shenanigans the Lamb would come up with for "fun").
The Lamb is surprised at how competent Leshy is at pretty much any job or chore given to him. Farming, Cooking, Bartending, Logging. Basically as long as Leshy can keep his mind on the task he's one of the most efficient workers around. Discovering that Leshy is absolutely and totally weak to praise and positive reinforcement was an accident, but one that Lamb quickly learns from and totally begins exploiting.
Finding out that Leshy is also highly weak to physical contact was also an accident. Probably tried petting him as a joke like one of the Dog followers after a good job once they've gotten more friendly with each other. This got a bigger reaction out of the worm than the Lamb expected. So they ended up doing it more, and Leshy pretty much turned into a mushy bush in their hands... And then the Lamb also ends up realizing at the same time how starved for touch and physical affection they are.
It just progressed from there. Pretty much any time they talk to each other, at least a bit of touching will ensue. It grounds them both. A comforting presence despite everything. Petting, holding, brushing, a gentle touch amidst chaos. The Lamb feels relaxed in ways they forgot/never knew by being able to hold and lean on someone whenever they want and having that someone respond positively. Leshy highly enjoys feeling different parts of the Lamb (and also enjoys the Lamb's reactions and tries to imagine/remember what they look like).
They get pretty mushy even in public. It's fondness expressed not in words or kisses but in holding hands, caresses, touches, nuzzling even in the middle of conversation. Followers and onlookers are either jealous, d'awwing over how endearing it is, embarrassed over how much handholding is going on, or completely baffled if they're more familiar with the history.
As an aside: The Lamb's bell ends up becoming one of Leshy's favorite noises. It sounds nice, and nowadays means something good's probably going to happen to him in a moment. Mortality isn't so bad. He still wants to see if restoring his sight is still possible, though. He can get around without his eyes, but being able to see his loved ones again and remember what they look like would be nice...
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
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Sure! I accidentally posted this early 😔 My bad! Doing it now :) Ending a bit weird but I hope I made things work.
Yandere! The Lamb Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Blood, Murder, Cults, Religion, Marriage, Jealousy, Sacrifices, Manipulation
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Sacrifice was what ran this land. No matter your territory, there was sacrifice. Usually always chosen at random, always to a Bishop.
There was Leshy of the grassy Darkwood. Heket of the fungal plagued Anura. Kallamar of the underwater Anchordeep. Lastly, Shamura of the webbed Silk Cradle.
All of them required the lives of their followers. You never enjoyed their rule, but there was no choice. As you lay there in the sacrificial circle, cultist chanting the name of their Bishop, you close your eyes.
All life comes to an end.
You couldn't believe what you heard. Your eyes snap open to see a crowned lamb. In an instant, they slay your captors. With eyes both innocent and powered by the Red Crown, they approach you.
They're diligent with their hands, undoing your bonds and standing in front of you. They have a small smile on their face when you look at them bewildered.
"You... you saved me-"
The lamb bleats, presumably in agreeance. They looked proud of their work.
"I am... grateful for you."
Before you can continue and ask much needed questions, their eyes glow red and you're sent through another circle. Darkness consumes you and you wonder if what they did was better than sacrifice.
You awake on a stone circle and see many faces hard at work. On closer look they all wore red robes. A temple stands in your view along with a large statue. You see many pray before it and look closer.
A statue of a lamb...
Where was the lamb?
Everything stops once you hear the jingle of a bell, a figure walking onto the grounds of where you lay. This was a cult... but one like no other. This was no cult of any Bishop you knew-
You widen your eyes when you see the lamb.... The savior of you from sacrifice and from what it seems, the leader of this cult. The Cult of The Lamb....
Again, they stand before you. The Lamb's eyes softly stare at you, expecting an answer. You quickly find your words.
"Please, savior... let me join your cult. I wish to be safe here."
The Lamb stares more before finally bleating in reply. With a blinding light, you don red robes. Stepping off the circle, you look to The Lamb and know what you must do.
It's time for work.
This was your family. The Lamb, your savior. Anything they did was met with praise. They did well to heal your pain.
Unexpectedly, The Lamb had been sensitive around you. Your strong leader often came to speak, or, bleat... with you. You felt... honored.
You felt you were special. They gave you gifts, necklaces of all kinds. They made the best meals to gain your loyalty. You pushed yourself harder in response.
The Lamb was even sensitive to your sadness. It was as if they could read your mind. The moment they sensed your distressed mind, a bleat is heard behind you.
They knew your pain. They knew, even in this sanctuary, you still feared the Bishop who hurt you. The Lamb... felt they knew what to do.
They comfort you with flower crowns and small gifts. They assure you that they'll protect you. When you're feeling better... they leave.
They come back days later...
The Bishop who hurt you's heart in their bloodied hands.
The sight stuns you at first, the cult wooing at the victory of their leader. You stare wide-eyed at the heart when your leader comes forward. They bleat, tilting their head. They await your approval.
"Thank you... my lamb-"
With an excited bleat, they gesture to the temple Another sermon for their victory.... A sacrifice of a heretic for the cult...
They want you to see it... all in your honor.
A marriage. Bells ring through out the holy wood building and cultists sit patiently. It was a day of comfort, a day of relaxation...
A day where your leader shows just how much they care for you.
Standing in the circle, you feel The Lamb hold your hands/paws. You can barely process the situation before they pull you into their wool, kissing you. A ring is placed on the both of you, the crowd cheers.
The Lamb was your savior... and your spouse.
Ever since they slaughtered your old Bishop, The Lamb has been dedicated. They had been giving you gifts up to this point to show you they care. What other way to say you're theirs than a marriage ceremony.
You thought they did it all for you. They did, but they also had other motives. They wanted to keep you to themselves.
All of your friends had been sacrificed by them. For the greater good, you assumed. You never suspected The Lamb to get rid of them out of jealousy.
They were brutal to the Bishop who hurt you. Not only for The One Who Waits, but for you. Their blade cut them down and they knew they could never hurt you anymore.
To The Lamb, marriage was the best thing for the both of you. You continued to work, the skull necklace around your neck being a promise of long life. Each time after a crusade, The Lamb kisses you softly.
The Lamb is more than your savior. They're your leader, your spouse... you love them. They love you, even sacrificing other followers to keep your attention to themselves.
You are indebted to them....
The One Who Waits laughs at his vessel's attraction. A slayer of Gods yet so vulnerable to this one follower. He wonders their motive.
"Lamb, what is so special about them? Why do you commit such vile acts in their name, not mine? I applaud you... even if your reasoning is so strange."
The chained one thinks The Lamb's experiences with love are funny. Even if when he brings it up, The Lamb pouts. He truly wonders just how far they'd go for you...
In return how far would you go for them?
At The Lamb's upset bleat, the chained Bishop of Death laughs.
"As long as they help our cause, vessel. I will be sure to keep them alive for as long as you wish in return for your obedience."
The One Who Waits watches as The Lamb bows and is sent away. The fallen Bishop hums to himself while he watches his vessel return to their beloved.
He thinks you'll prove useful...
You may be a good form of motivation for The Lamb, maybe you'll follow the chained Bishop too
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kallamars-spouse · 6 months
I do not understand these people who say Narinder is unfairly hated and that there’s like, a disproportionate amount of people who enjoy Kallamar. Are we in the same fandom? This is how y’all treat Narinder (pictured below for your viewing pleasure, friends) and you’re mad that some of us like the squid? Granted, I don’t water her down to uwu soft gay femboy because I enjoy the canon version of her that’s cunty and cowardly and I girled the squid but😭😭 I’m like, the only Nari Disliker that I know of. If there are other likeminded individuals, let’s fucking discuss because I’d love to chat about why this cat sucks. I don’t always hate him, but I do love to see a fictional man I don’t like lose.
I don’t care that others don’t enjoy my blorbo, but why pit them against each other? This idiot ruined his own life, tf should I hate on her for that? Good lord. Shoutout the three people who agree with me. It’s thankless work in a world full of Narinder woobifiers. I’ve grown up in several fandoms with abysmal taste. Nari is up there with worst men my peers want to fuck. We as a society have got to choose better.
This post doesn’t extend to those who don’t water down Narinder’s character and allow him to be the awful bastard that he was/is. That man feels no remorse. Let him cook, I guess? He gets on my nerves, a thousand years wasn’t enough and that’s why I locked him in the stocks for pride month last year. 🙏🙏🙏 I’ll post more memes and stuff later, right now I’m in my hater arc. If you act a fool on this post, you’re getting blocked. You can come defend him if y’all want though, but you got stiff competition with ME, his number one hater.
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missing-n-human · 6 months
Hi again! I really enjoyed what you did with the Heket x Male Reader one I asked you and was wondering if you could do the same with Kallamar? I would like for the reader to find pretty gems for Kallamar to make him feel loved or wanted. My silly squid man needs more love!
(I also headcanon Kallamar as transmasc but you don't have to follow that hc in this if you don't want to.)
Kallamar Scenario
𑁍 Featuring 𑁍 ♡ Romantic Relationship w/ Kallamar ✦ Male Follower Reader ✦ Sea Otter Follower Reader ⋆ Takes place post-game ⋆ CONTAINS POST-GAME SPOILERS ✦ I am still forming my own headcanons for characters- but I will use this headcanon for this work :> ✦✦ Warnings: Swears, Impiled self-harming behaviour ✦ Sorry if it's not what you wanted I wrote it in one go after i got motivated
|⌨|Stressful Price for Love|⌨|
Reader was pacing back and forth in his tent, stress and fear gnawing at his chest. Oh, he fucking hated feeling so exposed and nervous. He had asked the leader if he could go on a trip to Anchordeep recently and was waiting for them to return to grant him their blessing. He had been waiting for a week and his nerves had only gotten worse by the second. His fur had patches where he had overgroomed himself to the point there were claw marks on his arms and such. He forgot the last time he actually slept or left his tent without instantly getting aggressive. Kallamar had tried to interact with him a couple of times by now and would end up snapping at the ex-bishop every time. He hated his behavior towards Kallamar... he just hoped the leader got home soon.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When The Lamb returned, Reader instantly left after getting their blessing and a new necklace. He refused to spend another day in his tent, stressed out and panicking. He needed to get this over with before he ended up driving himself mad. He got bruised up a bit while in Anchordeep but he found a couple rocks and gemstones that he felt like Kallmar would like. He went through Anchordeep a couple times, encountering Forneus some time into his third trip for some more gems. The cat had stopped him, helping him patch up and leaving him some parting words before he left for the next room...
"You need listen only to your heart, for there lie your truest desires!"
He just forced a smile and nodded before he kept going farther through the biome. When he returned four days later, he had a large amount of gems and even some seaweed. He got to work on making his gift for Kallamar for his confession... he had spent almost months stressing over the event and now it was time to admit his feelings for the nervous squid. He made the crystals into a small bouquet using the seaweed and had gained permission from the leader to set up a small gem garden a bit off the set bounds of the cult grounds.
He could have planned it out better, Reader would admit later, since he did scare the living daylights out of Kallamar by suddenly dragging him into the forest. But he couldn't wait to get this whole thing over with so if he got rejected he would have a chance to deal with it.
"... Kallamar... I'll be blunt I guess... the reason I've been so odd was because... I've developed a crush on you- um..."
Kallamar had broken after hearing the confession and passed out. Not giving Reader a chance to even show him the gift. When he came through, he had admitted to sharing feelings and awkwardly grabbed Reader's hand. He also loved the gift and ended up hugging Reader tightly.
Headcanons for the relationship: ◊ You & Kallamar spend a lot of time in the garden you made away from everyone else ◊ Kallamar ends up telling you about him being Transmasc and you start to help him when his gender dysphoria gets bad ◊ He helps you fix your grooming habits so you stop overgrooming ◊ You guys cuddle every night to help him with his nightmares ◊ You go on trips to Anchordeep biweekly to fetch more gems for Kallamar which makes him light up every time. ◊ You become his safe person, with him often never leaving your side once you start dating ◊ He does worry a lot about you when you leave and if you come back with injuries he often frets over you while patching you up
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shamura post-narinder betrayal headcanons? a disability headcanon or two if you feel comfortable maybe. i may or may not have been projecting my own traumatic brain injury onto them oops
Oooh absolutely anon! I've had sooo many angsty thoughts about Shamura. If you have any thoughts of your own about them, I'd love to hear!!
- Their memory is very inconsistent. Some days they seem almost perfectly fine, the way they were before: clear headed and focused. Those days get more and more uncommon as time passes, and their condition varies wildly. Sometimes the brain fog gets so bad, they forget that Narinder was banished: imagine them wandering around aimlessly, calling his name, confused on why they can't find him. Going to each of their siblings, asking where in the world Nari has gotten off to
- At one point they let themselves into the underworld to search for him, thinking that perhaps Narinder had gotten himself wrapped up into another depthless research project and had simply lost track of time. It had happened before. So they went to see him and were horrified to find him in chains: rushing up to see him and asking, "Brother, what is this?! Who did this to you?! Are you alright?!" Already trying to break the chains but of course, they can't, as the chains are tied to the Bishops' life force.
- Kallamar had to cast a seal around the Temple of the Dead so Shamura couldn't get in anymore, after that. They essentially have to relive Narinder’s betrayal all over again as the younger ones told them the truth, and the sheer devastation wasn't something any of them wanted to go through again
- For awhile after their head injury, Shamura was mute. They used telepathy to communicate and preach their sermons. Speaking again took a good amount of practice, and they usually did so with Kallamar (because he's hard of hearing without his crown, it was the perfect set up to practice projection and volume)
- Shamura gets horrific splitting migraines, especially when it's time to change their bandages. Their eyes are sooo sensitive to light and the slightest sound causes awful tinnitus that they can't escape no matter how hard they try. The pain is so bad it's dizzying and disorienting, at which point they delegate the High Priest or Witness or someone else to conduct the daily sermons until they've recovered
- Their sense of taste is all messed up, and though they don't need to eat they used to really enjoy a nice hot cup of sweet camellia tea or sipping mortal blood from sacrifices, but now they just taste so wrong and different and gross. Leshy spent a few decades experimenting with growing new tea leaves to find one that tasted right to Shamura, and they're very grateful for it
- Shamura is a clairvoyant seer, but after their injury the visions slowed down, and became more fragmented. Or maybe they just can't recall all the details? It remains a mystery. They used to weave their prophecies into webs and tapestries, but now it all ends up recorded in broken riddles in blank books in their library
- They still love to read, but because of their issues with memory, they'll read the same book "for the first time" more than once, and if it's something they particularly enjoy, you can bet your ass that their siblings get to hear about it multiple times. They always nod along and ask questions and are very supportive--it's nice that, even as awful as things are now, Shamura can still find joy somewhere
- Switching gears for a second, a couple hcs that don't focus specifically on their struggles with health: the siblings don't see each other as much anymore, as with one member of their family missing nothing feels quite right. They don't get together as a group as much anymore, but Shamura makes it a point to visit their younger sibs. Their visits are usually quiet, peaceful: sometimes, they'll go sit in the gardens with Leshy or enjoy some hot stew with Heket, or help Kallamar sort through his medical library. They visit all of them at least once a year, which doesn't seem like a lot but to a god it's pretty frequently
- Narinder’s banishment really broke Shamura's heart. I hc that they had a vision of it on the day Nari was born, but refused to strike him down because they loved him so much. They still have a portrait of the two of them, hung up in their library: Leshy painted it, the two of them leaning against one another with a shared book abandoned in their laps, peacefully asleep. It's a perfect recreation of that moment, and the warmth and peace they get looking at it almost overshadows the grief of Narinder's loss
- Shamura makes offerings to an old shrine dedicated to their brother, every year on the anniversary of his banishment. Flowers, a sculpture, even the blood of a sacrifice: anything, so that Narinder knows he's still loved even if they can never be together again
- Y'know that old quote? "May these thousand winters swiftly pass I pray, I love you, I miss you, all these miles away."? That's literally Shamura and Narinder. They aren't angry with Nari, they don't hate him, they bear him no ill will: even after everything, all they feel toward their little brother is love, and a great, looming melancholy at his absence
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megsiepoo · 10 months
"That's not what I meant. I mean that Julie is still here."             "Yes, her body is still here, and as you can see, Astaroth is in the process of dealing with that. I'm not sure what you're-"             "YOU'RE NOT LISTENING," Narinder howled, panic creeping into his voice as he stumbled backwards. Kallamar's eyes widened in alarm.             "Narinder...," he began before noticing the feline's eyes were focused on an empty space between them. His face paled as he slowly began to register what his little brother was trying to tell him. "Narinder, are you saying you can see her spirit?"
I've been working on this for almost a month. It was meant to come out closer to Halloween. Whoops. The burnout is real y'all.
I just want to say thank you to @the-one-who-lambs. The post they made about daily writing last month was a big help with manhandling my burnout and getting this finished. Dunno why I didn't try it earlier honestly. But yeah, sorry for tagging you, just want you to know I appreciate your honest advice with people!
ANYWAY! Hope you guys enjoy! And feedback appreciated as always 😊
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