paruparuparuparu · 3 hours
Dig a grave - a cotl oneshot
Another chapter about the bishops life before everything.
This time around, Leshy is 5, Heket 11, Narinder 13, Kallamar 30 and Shamura 42. Heket and Leshy do not have the crowns.
Shamura wouldn't had called themself superstitious: to connect a number or a simble to some kind of misfortune was just illogical.
So, the fact that today marked the thirteenth year from when they got the crown and, consequentially, started a war against litterally every god who ever existed wasn't the reason of their uneasiness: visions were the true cause of their state of mind.
From when Narinder got his crown, they kept having vivid images filled with ichor, and most of the times Narinder was the one covered in it.
Obviously, they knew better than just jump straight to conclusions, and after all their visions usually get confused with nightmares and the other way around. So, worrying about what the newest god, aka their own brother, would have done in a distant future was just am useless waste of time.
But still, they kept feeling like something was about to happen. But obviously their crown wasn't going to just answer their questions.
It took a messanger running to them while they were talking to their generals to finally unravel what was the reason for all that anxiety.
A messanger, and a note written by a panicking Kallamar.
Shamura basically ran towards the portal, quickly returning to their home.
They really hoped it wasn't as bad as the letter suggested, but whem they reached their youngest brother room, and saw Narinder holding Leshy as the little kid kept puking out blood, there was no reason to keep denying the truth.
- You're here!- Kallamar was in the room, and Heket was there, too. She also had a bucket nearby and looked pale, but more from her fear for what was happening to her brother then from vomiting her own lunch.
Naridner only then lifted his gaze from Leshy, staring at the eldest with pure horror. Shamura realized only then that the red crown was active, and that Narinder wasn't just helping Leshy stay up: Death was trying his hardest to not let his soul slip. And he couldn't keep doing that much longer.
- Thank the stars, I... we have to talk.- Kallamar quickly turned back to Narinder - Do not let him go- and left the room, as the blue crown morphed into a snake like thing and wrapped itself around the worm's arm, staring at him with concern.
- What is happening?- Shamura kept a calm attitude. They had to, especially when btoh Death and Pestilence were panicking as they kept trying to help the little kid.
- I don't know who exactly, but someone tried to poison our food.-
Shamura was about to add something, but Kallamr was faster than them: - I already ordered to not let anyone who entered in contact with the food, Astaroth and Allocer have the orders of killing anyone who they think may be the culprit. But right now, we have to focus on not letting our brother die.-
Shamura nodded, and crossed their arms.
Kallamar looked on the verge of tears, and problably found the stoic behaviour of the spider frustating at best.
- He and Heket started puking, while neither I or Narinder had any reaction.- Pestilence started fidgeting with his own bracalets - An amateurish attempt at best, if their objective was to kill us. Heket had some minor pain and other attacks of nausea, while Leshy...- the squid started to sob - I tried my best, I swear. But he is reacting badly to any antidocte, and without knowing what exactly he ingested I am basically filling him with random shit just for him to puke it and get worse!-
Shamura could read the irony of the situation: a notorious poisoner like Kallamar was about to lose his brother in the same way he killed so many others.
So, insult added to the injury. If they ever got the chance to put their hands on the culprit, they would had assured them the most slow, and painful death they could think of.
- Heket didn't react strongly to the poison, right?-
- No, she is fine, afraid and all, but still fine. Maybe it was because she puked the poison before it started to work...? I don't know, nothing of this makes sense, I do not want to bury him, he is five, for god's sake...-
- Kallamar, focus. Heket puked as soon as she started eating?-
- No, she was already feeling unwell, after she tried to eat some of the... leftovers you left, and hoenstly this might have been the best horrible idea she ever had. She still has some ichor in her, though.-
Shamura would had usually got upset about discovering that Heket tried to eat some of the godly flesh they got from their last battle, mostly because ichor wasn't surely something any mortal was suppsoed to eat. But somehow, her desire to try absorbe divine essence before she had a crown saved her life.
Shamura was still thinking about the situation, as Kallamar basically snapped back from his spiral of defeatism.
- She still has ichor in her- he repeated, and Shamjra lifted an eyebrow.
As soon as he turned towards the trophy room, Shamura understood what their brother was thinking.
- We can't just feed him ichor! We have zero idea on how his body might react to it! He is still a mortal, do you habe any idea on how blasphemous and irresponsible it is to feed him divine blood?- they grabbed Kallamar's arm, and the squid quickly snapped back.
- Well then, you are the one to tell Narinder to just let him go.-
They stared at each other, but Shamura was the first to look away and let go.
Shamura was standing by the door. Heket was standing beisdes them, as Narinder and Kallamar were basically spoon feeding Leshy with ichor.
- Will he be okay?- Heket muttered, not daring to look away.
Shamura patted her head, not saying anything.
Naridner then let their brother go, causing panic in everyone as he let Leshy lay down.
- He won't die- he quickly stated, wiping off some bloody tears, and Shamura realized only then that they were holding their breath.
They stared at Narinder's bloody claws. And the uneasiness returned.
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paruparuparuparu · 12 hours
mmmm… undertale cotl…. *caresses my magic wizard beard in thought*
you may enter.
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please let me in cult of the lamb fandom
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paruparuparuparu · 13 hours
Happy birthday!!! 🩷🩷🩷
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Thank you!!! :D
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paruparuparuparu · 15 hours
tyyy!!!! :DDD
Birthday…? Erm, no way!!!
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paruparuparuparu · 16 hours
I just realized that I need to charge my 3ds, pokemon still has to wish me happy birthday.
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paruparuparuparu · 16 hours
Slots are full!! ^^
I need like… three or four people to sacrifice their cotl oc to me so they can be drawn as one of my au Kallamar’s spouses.
You can either go to my inbox and provide pictures of your oc, or you can repost and provide refs. It would also be good to learn what y’all’s oc is based off of!^^
I won’t accept written appearances because they don’t help me as much as an actual reference, so apologies. 😞
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paruparuparuparu · 16 hours
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This is them! Feel free to take any creative liberties ofc
I never gave them a proper name, so you can just use mine for funsies since they’re a lambsona anyway, which is Salem
Aww, Ty they’re adorable!!!^^
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paruparuparuparu · 16 hours
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Birthday…? Erm, no way!!!
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paruparuparuparu · 16 hours
Birthday…? Erm, no way!!!
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paruparuparuparu · 23 hours
One more slot left!!
I need like… three or four people to sacrifice their cotl oc to me so they can be drawn as one of my au Kallamar’s spouses.
You can either go to my inbox and provide pictures of your oc, or you can repost and provide refs. It would also be good to learn what y’all’s oc is based off of!^^
I won’t accept written appearances because they don’t help me as much as an actual reference, so apologies. 😞
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paruparuparuparu · 23 hours
I need like… three or four people to sacrifice their cotl oc to me so they can be drawn as one of my au Kallamar’s spouses.
You can either go to my inbox and provide pictures of your oc, or you can repost and provide refs. It would also be good to learn what y’all’s oc is based off of!^^
I won’t accept written appearances because they don’t help me as much as an actual reference, so apologies. 😞
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paruparuparuparu · 24 hours
I honestly love Cthulhu follower forms sm, they look so silly I love them!!<33
Also, is it ok if I make their clothes more Old Faith oriented? I forgot to mention in my post earlier that it would be Kally before the slaughter of the lambs.
Though, if you have a reference for that I wouldn’t mind either!!^^
I need like… three or four people to sacrifice their cotl oc to me so they can be drawn as one of my au Kallamar’s spouses.
You can either go to my inbox and provide pictures of your oc, or you can repost and provide refs. It would also be good to learn what y’all’s oc is based off of!^^
I won’t accept written appearances because they don’t help me as much as an actual reference, so apologies. 😞
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paruparuparuparu · 1 day
Two more slots to go!!
I need like… three or four people to sacrifice their cotl oc to me so they can be drawn as one of my au Kallamar’s spouses.
You can either go to my inbox and provide pictures of your oc, or you can repost and provide refs. It would also be good to learn what y’all’s oc is based off of!^^
I won’t accept written appearances because they don’t help me as much as an actual reference, so apologies. 😞
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paruparuparuparu · 1 day
Forgot to send her reference, I don't know if you've seen it lol sorry
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Ah, Ty!! She’s adorable!! :DD
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paruparuparuparu · 1 day
I need like… three or four people to sacrifice their cotl oc to me so they can be drawn as one of my au Kallamar’s spouses.
You can either go to my inbox and provide pictures of your oc, or you can repost and provide refs. It would also be good to learn what y’all’s oc is based off of!^^
I won’t accept written appearances because they don’t help me as much as an actual reference, so apologies. 😞
Also adding this on bc I forgot to mention it, this will be before the slaughter of the lambs!! Maybe even before the betrayal…
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paruparuparuparu · 3 days
I keep thinking about the Valentine’s Day short from cotl, and it would honestly be so cool and funny to have a small game all about courting the characters in cotl.
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paruparuparuparu · 3 days
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i just delivered your sibling's baby and raised sozo from the dead you prick
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