#heket x you
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months ago
You can give followers a lamb plush... buht...what if reader... gives the bishops plushies of them.. follower bishops.. please.. looks at you with my soggy eyes
Giving the bishops plushies of themselves
I tried. anew ice cream flavor and UEUEUE it's so yummy I hate being lactose sensitive
Notes: post game follower bishops, reader is GN, written on mobile
CWs: none
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feels it with his hands to figure out what it is, making sure not to cut the thing with his claws... oh... its him! ... do you take him for a little kid? why give him such a gift-
ignoring the fact that hes going to gnash and bare his teeth at anyone who dare tries to take it away from it or so much as touch the doll without his permission
will shut you down if you offer to take it back... this is his now! no take backs! sometimes carries it around in his room
lets the fact you sat down and made something for him go to his head... ohoho was he on your mind enough that you felt the need to make something in his image?
will not let it go, and will bring it up whenever- sometimes does it to his sibling.. annoying youngest child behavior. "haha look what i have you dont have it eheh loser"
dolls arent really her thing nowadays, but she does keep it... like shamura, she shifts it around in her hands as she looks at it. outright asks what you expect her to do with it
keeps it on her bed, but doesnt really cuddle with it... shes not much of a cuddler, in general...
will go on a small rampage if someone were to sneak into her room and steal it away, from nasty things being ripped out of her mouth to throwing anything she can get her hands on until she believes justice has been served and her gift returned
mixed feelings about it... shes so used to getting things from followers when she was a bishop, but it feels... different now
you made this out of love, not out of devotion. it leaves an odd taste in her mouth
loves it, and if you made it hes going to show off your work to everyone who will listen... and everyone who wont! he keeps it on his bed!
sometimes snuggles into it as he sleeps and will immediately bolt up to pick it up if it falls off the bed and onto the floor
if the clothes arent attached to the dolls body, expect him to ask you to make some outfits for mini him
genuinely holds the gift close to his heart... things have been so different since hes been made to join the lambs cult, so having someone dedicate so much time and effort into him feels nice and reminiscent of his time as a god
it... may go to his head a little bit... but hes not going to get overly obnoxious about it like some people
they simply... stare at it for a long moment as they hold it in their hands... you almost begin to think that they dont like it- before they shift it in their arms and thank you
did you make it? because if you did, they must commend you for your work... its well made
they dont snuggle with it in their sleep, but they do keep it in their home set on a shelf or a desk... they tend to look at it a lot, it reminds them of you
takes very good care of it- keeping dust off of it and overall not being rough with it
they may not cuddle it or pour out their feelings for you, but they do truly appreciate the gift
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sillybilly4 · 5 months ago
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Traumatized 😔
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panoffrying · 11 months ago
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The Choice
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whysoblue2 · 3 months ago
To those who follow for the writing, to those who follow for the art, to those who just want to see shitposting! To everyone...
THANK YOU!!! Please, have the sluttiest pic I could ever make:
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chickensoupdemon · 1 month ago
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I depend on you
Since when did I ship Narilamb? Since right now… and yes I have done this trend twice
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meaty-bones · 4 months ago
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gillanfryingpan · 1 year ago
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do u see the vision
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plus a little bit of Lamb lore, headcanons, design stuff, and shroomwool kiss <3
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mystilotls · 5 months ago
"Gazing lovingly at her gigantic angry wife,"
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Og under cut
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cconfusedkat · 10 months ago
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Okay i promise this was not why i made all four drawings of the bishops its reference for another thing im doing but. That aside my autism is too strong for me so of course i just have to always make my favs kiss and by that i mean all the bishops trying to get a way with lamb ,, save them from this hell /j id still have to make narinders so ill add that later BUT. I do also plan on making another one of these ship memes,, bear with me i am normal about them i swear
Made a new one since this is outdated :-3c
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leothetraveler · 1 year ago
so I had an idea for fanart and ignored college HW to do it. (cause the HW was draining my sanity)
the idea being "the lamb reunites Freddy with frog wife by dragging him to the cult grounds"
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it is garbage, but every drawing of mine is. I tried at least. never worked in black&white before. mostly did it to avoid messing with colors for too long. was a nice challenge.
Freddy belongs to my friend, creeperchild. ....so they turned out to be a bad person. I'll leave the art here but...the one who owns the oc here is no longer welcome on my blog.
(sorry to anyone viewing this in the dark)
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really-burnt-toast · 9 months ago
Do you ship forket? (Forneus x Heket)
Oh hell yeah
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It was love at first sight - at least for one of em. The other was just focused on ensuring her kits would be brought back safely.
Aka. Heket came to pick up the boys bc Narinder and Lamb were busy. She accidentally left her heart with Forneus.
(Heket can only make a few sounds unless it's for comedic purposes, I've decided.)
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mHHhhhHHHhHHHHhHHHhHhHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh I want to fully render a drawing with them but I have so much planned so it might have to wait.
But for now - FEED, MY CHILDREN
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months ago
Calling the bishops pretty
Yoinking this from the pretty boy posts for the other fandoms I've written for but its just simplified to them being called pretty
Notes: reader is GN, bishops are still bishops here, might make a second post for other characters if theres a demand
CWs: none
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Very similar to kallamar in the fact that he already thinks hes attractive
"You're not too bad yourself," as the eye of the green crown hyper focuses on you
Will ask you for specifics though- only as a joke, really, to try to fluster you and get you to stumble over your words
It becomes clear hes teasing you as he let's his laughs escape his mouth as you try to articulate your thoughts into words
She pauses for a moment before agreeing with you
Affection isnt exactly her strong suit, both giving and receiving- though she does make an attempt to show that she heard you and appreciates your words
Huffs under her breath if you buckle under the words she sends your way in return, not an annoyed huff.. more like a barely contained chuckle
You can dish it but you cant take it, but it make you all the more endearing to her- pathetic, sure, but like in a wet soggy blanket kind of way/lh
Anxiety or not, hes a little full of himself- you telling him that you think hes pretty is like stating a fact, in his eyes
Though he still appreciates you for taking the time out of your day to tell him that
It lingers in his head for a few hours, keeping up with his iksfe to other followers is a bit of a challenge!
As an aside, he sometimes gifts you jewelry made from the crystals of anchordeep- he thinks you're pretty, too
They turn over the word in their head- no ones ever called them pretty before
Intimidating, scary, are the main ones- not that they minded those words all that much, it exercised a level of power to them- something not to be taken lightly
It's not like they dont believe you and your words, it's just so new to them! after a moment they offer you a smile
In return they tell you how pretty- or if you prefer, beautiful or handsome- in return, going into the smaller things they've noticed about you
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bamsara · 8 months ago
Thank you for keeping the cult alive, Mooma! 🐮
(Vicious Cat for Lamb? Vicious Worm for Cat? Surprise! Vicious Frog for Cow!)
my thought process reading this: Yippie! Mooma gets some appreciation for being the flock's doctor-did you just insinuate heket x mooma
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lambment · 1 year ago
This is a Heket stan page? I must be in the wrong place. I thought this was a Heket simp page! XD
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For context lol (X)
LOOL all jokes aside tho (and my own sake), it’s less of simping and more of a “I want to study you under a microscope, and write a thesis on your habits”
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whysoblue2 · 8 days ago
Chapter 29: Forward
With this chapter, we are closing one long journey. But don't worry, more will come and we'll travel together again soon! Thank you to everyone who commented, kudoed and supported me through my very first fanfic! Thank you with all my heart.💙
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the-artist-grimm · 29 days ago
out of curiosity, what else is on the "contraband list" in the cult? (presumably at least lilies, considering they're fatally toxic to cats)
The 'Contraband List' is mostly things Anthea's marked off as either A. potentially dangerous for heath reasons. Or B. potentially dangerous for order reasons. Usually after someone did a thing and Anthea realized 'ok not doing that one again'. At the moment:
Ambrosia (Can kill a mortal with one glass due to the potency, and can make gods/former gods very very DRUNK. The Bishops somehow found a bottle once and all 5 including Narinder managed to get drunk as HECK off it. Kallamar broke out into musical soliloquies and tried forcing people to join him. Leshy started at least three small fires. Heket started a brawl. Shamura completly forgot what century it was and thought they were in a battle from 2000 years ago. Narinder broke down gross sobbing while crying to what he thought was the Lamb (it was a scarecrow). The lamb leaves the compound for barely a day and returns to their husband and in-laws wrecking havoc, then has to deal with the headache of 5 godly hangovers)
Catnip (Too broad a range of side-effects and too wide a range of effect for Anthea's comfort. Exposure can happen even at a decent distance/side effects begin after only seconds, so it's a better be safe than sorry measure. Someone likely tried having some once and accidentally got all the cats in the compound high, effects ranging from mellow to aggressive to hallucinating)
Menticide Mushroom (They are in stock at the medial tent for extreme pain treatments ONLY, and are dosed out in very small amounts to avoid addiction/overdosing. Too high a dose can cause hallucinations, violent behavior as a result of said hallucinations, sickness, or death. Anthea has them locked in a cabinet only the head healer can open)
Follower Meat (Cannibalism is EXTREMELY prohibited, however in rare cases where new converts came from a faction heavily dependent on it Anthea will stock it on a case by case basis as they try to wean them off it. They usually will source it from heretics, though typically former disciples of Heket (as they were accustomed to it) are tasked with the hunt as Anthea can't stomach it. Goal is to ease them back into a normal diet.)
Fireworks/Sparklers (They are allowed on holidays to an extent but everyone can say thank you to the Chaos Disciples for deciding to pull a prank and nearly burn down the barn. Now Anthea has to lock them in their room just so people can still use them for holidays)
Unsealed Drink Barrels or Potion Vials from Smuggler's Sanctuary Nightmarket (namely due to the risk of poison or contaminants. Alcohol/Potions are permitted and typically purchased from there, but unless it's been stamped and sealed by Plimbo's personal sources it cannot be trusted, and if brought in Anthea will dump it out just to be safe. While most sellers in the market are honest stamp or not, some mix different unknown elements into their goods to either bulk up their amount or lower their production cost)
As for Lilies I'm not 100% sure, mostly because all animals have a handful of flowers/plants that can and will EASILY kill them, like ivy is toxic to a lot of animals, citrus, tomatoes, ect. Like really common plants, so outside of catnip I'm mostly just ignoring if X flower can kill X animal cause knowing me I WILL go on a research rabbit hole trip ^^;
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