#endo anti
tales-from-syscord · 4 months
Hello everyone.
We've had a large jump in followers and asks, which is amazing :)
However, I think some reminders are due:
- This is not a syscourse or discourse blog. This blog is for systems to have fun and laugh about horrible experiences together. Please don't bring discourse here.
[Educating us on things we've done wrong is different.]
- We respect privacy. Laughing about shitty experiences is fun, but please do not name people or servers. We do not want anyone to be sent harassment due to this blog.
- This blog is anti-endo. No, we are not changing our mind. To the anons who have been calling us sysmeds or telling us to 'kys,' shame on you. Shame on you twice for using transphobic terminology.
That being said, though, please do not harass any (pro)endos on our behalf, especially if you think you know who's sent us anon asks. You can try to educate them if you wish, but do not harass them or tell them to hurt themselves. Just block and move on; don't stoop down to that level.
Thanks for reading, and take care everyone.
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sage-nebula · 4 months
The current arc in the Spy x Family manga with Henry and Martha is literally the best Spy x Family has ever been, holy shit. I mean, it's always been excellent, but I'm living for each and every update and I kept having to scroll back up through the most recent chapter as revelation after revelation hit. Like, the fact that Henry doesn't wear the monocle because his sight in that eye degenerated due to age, but because of permanent vision loss due to police brutality as a result of him speaking out against war propaganda? Holy shit, dude. Holy fucking shit.
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thefruitybasket · 4 months
“You can’t be a system!! You and ___ both do this!!!”
We still share a brain.
“You and ____ LOVEEE this!!”
We still share a brain.
“You and ____ talk very similarly!!!”
We still share a brain.
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children-of-moss · 4 months
The future should not be plural.
The future should accommodate for those with dissociative disorders.
The future should have further more thorough research in dissociative disorders.
The future should be more accepting of dissociative disorders.
The future should not be plural.
That means children are getting repeatedly traumatised at an impressionable age.
That means children don't have healthy coping mechanisms.
That means children AREN'T SAFE.
The future should not be plural, but it should be respectful and accepting to those who are.
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autopsycollective · 6 months
a reminder that the host isn’t the only person in the system who should be respected and made to feel comfortable.
the host is not ‘the important part’, we are all completely conscious and capable of our own thoughts, feelings and our own boundaries. our brain created us because it decided that we are all important and needed.
the host is not the only member of a system you should care about.
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 5 months
”I want to know your headcount” “I want to know who’s fronting” so do I, get in line
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anti-endo-help · 2 months
you are not a system without trauma.
your system did not form for any reason other than trauma.
"non-traumagenic" isn't a thing.
"traumaendo" isn't a thing.
trauma survivors shouldn't have to clarify that they're "traumagenic" because people want to roleplay on the internet.
go fuck yourself if you think that "endos" are valid. my trauma isn't a label you can wear.
you can not be a system without trauma.
you can not be a system without trauma.
you can not be a system without trauma.
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[ID: STOP! this blog is a strictly anti-endo space! pro-endos and endo neutrals, shoo! shoo shoo!]
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zeros-sys · 2 months
it's killing me that systems think they are faking or lying because they haven't had other alters front in a while, headspace has been silent, your communication is down, and overall just "feeling like a singlet"
because number 1, cdds have more symptoms than just alters, number 2 it's a covert disorder, and number 3, you are an alter!
no one experiences the same level of their symptoms for any of their disorders every day.
if my avoidance to food due to arfid is more noticeable some days, why is it different for having alters in osddid?
cdds are covert disorders. they will try and hide your symptoms because it's the whole point of their existence. don't blame yourself for a survival mechanism your brain created to protect you!
and I see so many people forget this, especially hosts, but you're an alter! if someone else doesn't front, that doesn't suddenly make you a singlet because you are still part of a system
you can make mistakes or be wrong, but don't fakeclaim or feed yourself misinformation in order to realise that!
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shattered-system · 5 months
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I’ve seen some art with the line “the future is plural!”
I hope it isn’t.
More systems means more abused kids.
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tavgr0ss · 5 months
being a system is so funny like. oh something really shitty happened. well time to not know who i am for like a week lol!!!!!!
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cage-of-atonement · 2 months
Do things for your system offline.
Being a system affects life more than just online. (contrary to endo beliefs) While having some amazing resources online to help organize and track things, there are a million reasons to have your physical life have resources set up as well.
you'll never know if an alter might not even know what a phone is yet, and gods forbid if for some reason a new alter is alone without help. Trust me, we had a new alter try to just up and leave our fiance on a vacation. We have also had alters who definitely needed a picture guide on how to use the system discord lol.
Here are some ideas we do to help ensure our system is safe, but also helps alters feel more grounded and present with themselves!
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Fronting Kandii bracelets, it can really help when you can't use your phone for switches, but also good for systems with significant barriers between alters and memory, so you can see who was here last!
a physical notebook labeled in bold for "if confused/lost read this" and inside keep important information; (what is a system, what the body name is, what your job is, and how to open and use a phone just in case, and also what to do to contact a gatekeeper or what to do if they can't, such as how to call out of work or avoid the family/friends asking what's wrong.)
another notebook might be helpful for alters to have fun decorating an 'about page' but also having your system journal individually as alters is REALLY IMPORTANT TO HAVE IN CASE YOU WANT TO TALK TO A DOCTOR ABOUT GETTING DIAGNOSED. It can really help the doctor see a track of things. We started our first journal in 2017, even outside of doctors, it's good for a physical medium for alters to express in.
these next ones are focused on alters having their own space and grounding in the real world!
having a small box or basket or something like that to keep their favorite or 'personal' items. our system likes having our own individual space and items, and for us it helps not only keep the peace, but also help us ground when we have our own things like clothes, comforts, snacks on hand, personal notebooks, etc.
remember kids, if your system is affecting you irl, when no one is looking then you are not faking! no sys doubting here pookies <3
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veinsveinsveinsz · 8 days
bitch with DID said they didn’t quite feel like themselves and i said oh im sure
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sysboxes · 6 months
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[Text; This system stands for a free Palestine!]
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radical-boy-kisser · 12 days
Do people forget muscle memory exists
"Why do you and all your alters write basically the same way?"
Perchance because our hand has been writing that way since we learned how to write. Just a thought though
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monochrome-clown · 26 days
We are not a "good system". We are mentally ill, dissociative, traumatized, fragmented, angry and scared. We don't bow to singlets, we don't play their games and take their commands on what we should be. We're a bad system. We have problematic headmates, fictives, littles. We have sex in our system, we have abuse in our system. We're not "good" and docile. We will yell and scream and fight if you disrespect us, we won't dip our head down and let you tell us that we don't deserve to exist. We accept other systems, we don't gatekeep and harass endogenic systems or willogenic systems or "fake" systems. We accept ALL plurals. We will not let you sway us on this fact. We're not "good" to people who want to attack our siblings and cousins. Our persecutors and protectors will not make exceptions for YOU. Our littles are not YOUR kids. Our fictives are not YOUR blorbos. They are not going to be "good" for you. We're a "bad" system. We're not your study project, your fascination, your pets, your way to talk to your blorbos, your toys. We're alive and we deserve respect.
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zeros-sys · 2 months
as a system of colour, I just want to set stuff straight about alter race.
alters can have different skin colours to the body, but that does not make them a different race than the body. skin colour is just part of someone's appearance while race has multiple factors to it such as culture.
being a poc is an experience that only someone who is bodily a poc will understand, hence why "alter race" is just impossible.
it's like how an adult alter in a minor bodied system will not have the same mentality as an actual adult since the brain only has the experience of a minor to base that alter off of.
also I know that I've been focusing on poc, but this applies to any race
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